language: generic dist: trusty env: # community edition - config: standalone.yml # integration edition - config: standalone.yml PRODUCT_NAME: documentserver-ie # certificates (default tls if onlyoffice not exists) - config: certs.yml ssl: true # certificates (default onlyoffice if exists) - config: certs.yml ssl: true private_key: onlyoffice.key certificate_request: onlyoffice.csr certificate: onlyoffice.crt # custom certificates - config: certs-customized.yml ssl: true private_key: mycert.key certificate_request: mycert.csr certificate: mycert.crt SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH: /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/mycert.crt SSL_KEY_PATH: /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/mycert.key # postgresql 12 - config: postgres.yml POSTGRES_VERSION: 12 # postgresql 11 - config: postgres.yml POSTGRES_VERSION: 11 # postgresql 10 - config: postgres.yml POSTGRES_VERSION: 10 # postgresql 9 - config: postgres.yml POSTGRES_VERSION: 9 # postgresql 9.5 - config: postgres.yml # postgresql custom values - config: postgres.yml DB_NAME: mydb DB_USER: myuser DB_PWD: password POSTGRES_DB: mydb POSTGRES_USER: myuser # postgresql deprecated variables - config: postgres-old.yml # mysql 8 - config: mysql.yml MYSQL_VERSION: 8 # mysql 5 - config: mysql.yml MYSQL_VERSION: 5 # mysql 5.7 - config: mysql.yml # mariadb 10 - config: mariadb.yml MARIADB_VERSION: 10 # mariadb 10.5 - config: mariadb.yml - config: activemq.yml ACTIVEMQ_VERSION: latest # activemq 5.14.3 - config: activemq.yml # rabbitmq latest - config: rabbitmq.yml # rabbitmq 3 - config: rabbitmq.yml RABBITMQ_VERSION: 3 # rabbitmq old variables - config: rabbitmq-old.yml # redis latest with community edition - config: redis.yml # redis latest with integraion edition - config: redis.yml PRODUCT_NAME: documentserver-ie # redis 6 - config: redis.yml REDIS_VERSION: 6 # redis 5 - config: redis.yml REDIS_VERSION: 5 # graphite - config: graphite.yml services: - docker script: # Go to tests dir - cd ${PWD}/tests # Run test. - ./