Starting from January 2012 adding events to your charts has become much easier. There are two new properties for this:
These properties make adding interactivity to you charts very easy. Here's a step-by-step example of using them.
Here's the basic chart without any event listeners defined:
<script> var bar1 = new OfficeExcel.Bar('cvs1', [4,6,5,3,8,9]); bar1.Set('chart.labels',['Kev','Louise','Pete','Gary','Fliss']); bar1.Draw(); </script>
The first step would be to add the click event listener. This function is run when a bar is clicked. The function that you specify is passed two arguments - the (standard) event object, and a second array of coordinates that describe the shape. This array can (but doesn't always) contain the OfficeExcel chart object and the index of the shape. The index begins at zero - so the first bar would have an index of zero, the second bar would have an index of one and so on.
<script> function myClick (e, bar) { var index = bar[5]; switch (index) { case 0: alert('The first bar was clicked'); break; case 1: alert('The second bar was clicked'); break; case 2: alert('The third bar was clicked'); break; case 3: alert('The fourth bar was clicked'); break; case 4: alert('The fifth bar was clicked'); break; case 5: alert('The sixth bar was clicked'); break; } } var bar2 = new OfficeExcel.Bar('cvs2', [4,6,5,3,8,9]); bar2.Set('chart.labels',['Kev','Louise','Pete','Gary','Fliss']); bar2.Set('', myClick); bar2.Draw(); </script>
The second step is to add the mousemove event listener. This allows us to change the cursor to pointer when the mouse is moved over a bar. Because this is a common operation the pointer is automatically changed back to the previous state when it is moved away from the bar.
<script> function myMousemove (e, bar) { // It's automatically changed back to the previous state for you = 'pointer'; } function myClick (e, bar) { var index = bar[5]; switch (index) { case 0: alert('The first bar was clicked'); break; case 1: alert('The second bar was clicked'); break; case 2: alert('The third bar was clicked'); break; case 3: alert('The fourth bar was clicked'); break; case 4: alert('The fifth bar was clicked'); break; case 5: alert('The sixth bar was clicked'); break; } } var bar3 = new OfficeExcel.Bar('cvs2', [4,6,5,3,8,9]); bar3.Set('chart.labels',['Kev','Louise','Pete','Gary','Fliss']); bar3.Set('', myClick); bar3.Set('', myMousemove); bar3.Draw(); </script>