/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ function CDocumentReaderMode() { this.DefaultFontSize = 12; this.CorrectDefaultFontSize = function (size) { if (size < 6) { return; } this.DefaultFontSize = size; }; this.CorrectFontSize = function (size) { var dRes = size / this.DefaultFontSize; dRes = (1 + dRes) / 2; dRes = (100 * dRes) >> 0; dRes /= 100; return "" + dRes + "em"; }; } window.USER_AGENT_MACOS = AscBrowser.isMacOs; window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS = AscBrowser.isSafariMacOs; window.USER_AGENT_IE = AscBrowser.isIE || AscBrowser.isOpera; window.USER_AGENT_WEBKIT = AscBrowser.isWebkit; window.GlobalPasteFlagCounter = 0; window.GlobalPasteFlag = false; window.PasteEndTimerId = -1; var COPY_ELEMENT_ID = "SelectId"; var PASTE_ELEMENT_ID = "wrd_pastebin"; var ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE = "none"; var copyPasteUseBinery = true; if (window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS) { var PASTE_ELEMENT_ID = "SelectId"; var ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE = "block"; } var PASTE_EMPTY_COUNTER_MAX = 10; 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++i) { var elem = Item.Selection.Data[i]; var rowElem = oRowElems[elem.Row]; if (null == rowElem) { rowElem = { row: elem.Row, gridStart: null, gridEnd: null, indexStart: null, indexEnd: null, after: null, before: null, cells: {} }; oRowElems[elem.Row] = rowElem; aSelectedRows.push(rowElem); } if (null == rowElem.indexEnd || elem.Cell > rowElem.indexEnd) { rowElem.indexEnd = elem.Cell; } if (null == rowElem.indexStart || elem.Cell < rowElem.indexStart) { rowElem.indexStart = elem.Cell; } rowElem.cells[elem.Cell] = 1; } } aSelectedRows.sort(function (a, b) { return a.row - b.row; }); var nMinGrid = null; var nMaxGrid = null; var nPrevStartGrid = null; var nPrevEndGrid = null; var nPrevRowIndex = null; for (var i = 0, length = aSelectedRows.length; i < length; ++i) { var elem = aSelectedRows[i]; var nRowIndex = elem.row; if (null != nPrevRowIndex) { if (nPrevRowIndex + 1 != nRowIndex) { nMinGrid = null; nMaxGrid = null; break; } } nPrevRowIndex = nRowIndex; var row = Item.Content[nRowIndex]; 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this.oRecalcDocument = oDocument; } } if (docpostype_FlowObjects == oDocument.CurPos.Type) { var oData = oDocument.Selection.Data.FlowObject; switch (oData.Get_Type()) { case flowobject_Table: if (null != oData.Table && null != oData.Table.CurCell && null != oData.Table.CurCell.Content) { oDocument = this._GetTargetDocument(oData.Table.CurCell.Content); this.oRecalcDocument = oDocument; this.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(oData.Table.CurCell); } break; } } if (oDocument.CurPos.Type === docpostype_DrawingObjects) { switch (oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.id) { case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD: var text_object = oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.textObject; if (text_object != null && text_object.GraphicObj != null && text_object.GraphicObj.textBoxContent != null) { oDocument = text_object.GraphicObj.textBoxContent; } break; case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD_IN_GROUP: text_object = oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.textObject; if (text_object != null && text_object.textBoxContent != null) { oDocument = text_object.textBoxContent; } break; case STATES_ID_CHART_TITLE_TEXT: case STATES_ID_CHART_TITLE_TEXT_GROUP: text_object = oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.title; if (text_object != null && text_object.txBody != null && text_object.txBody.content != null) { oDocument = text_object.txBody.content; } break; } } var Item = oDocument.Content[oDocument.CurPos.ContentPos]; if (type_Table == Item.GetType() && null != Item.CurCell) { this.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(Item.CurCell); oDocument = this._GetTargetDocument(Item.CurCell.Content); } } else {} return oDocument; }, _CalcMaxWidthByCell: function (cell) { var row = cell.Row; var table = row.Table; var grid = table.TableGrid; var nGridBefore = 0; if (null != row.Pr && null != row.Pr.GridBefore) { nGridBefore = row.Pr.GridBefore; } var nCellIndex = cell.Index; var nCellGrid = 1; if (null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan) { nCellGrid = cell.Pr.GridSpan; } var nMarginLeft = 0; if (null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left && tblwidth_Mm == cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.Type && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W) { nMarginLeft = cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; } else { if (null != table.Pr && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left && tblwidth_Mm == table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.Type && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W) { nMarginLeft = table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; } } var nMarginRight = 0; if (null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right && tblwidth_Mm == cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.Type && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W) { nMarginRight = cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; } else { if (null != table.Pr && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right && tblwidth_Mm == table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.Type && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W) { nMarginRight = table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; } } var nPrevSumGrid = nGridBefore; for (var i = 0; i < nCellIndex; ++i) { var oTmpCell = row.Content[i]; var nGridSpan = 1; if (null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan) { nGridSpan = cell.Pr.GridSpan; } nPrevSumGrid += nGridSpan; } var dCellWidth = 0; for (var i = nPrevSumGrid, length = grid.length; i < nPrevSumGrid + nCellGrid && i < length; ++i) { dCellWidth += grid[i]; } if (dCellWidth - nMarginLeft - nMarginRight <= 0) { dCellWidth = 4; } else { dCellWidth -= nMarginLeft + nMarginRight; } return dCellWidth; }, InsertInDocument: function () { var oDocument = this.oDocument; if (false == this.bNested) { this.oRecalcDocument.Remove(1, true, true); } var nInsertLength = this.aContent.length; if (nInsertLength > 0) { this.InsertInPlace(oDocument, this.aContent); if (false == g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { oDocument.Recalculate(); if (oDocument.Parent != null && oDocument.Parent.txBody != null) { oDocument.Parent.txBody.recalculate(); } } } if (false == this.bNested && nInsertLength > 0) { this.oRecalcDocument.Recalculate(); this.oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } window.GlobalPasteFlagCounter = 0; }, InsertInPlace: function (oDoc, aNewContent) { if (!g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { return; } var nNewContentLength = aNewContent.length; var Item = oDoc.Content[oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos]; if (type_Paragraph == Item.GetType()) { if (true != this.bInBlock && 1 == nNewContentLength && type_Paragraph == aNewContent[0].GetType()) { var oInsertPar = aNewContent[0]; var nContentLength = oInsertPar.Content.length; if (nContentLength > 2) { var oFindObj = Item.Internal_FindBackward(Item.CurPos.ContentPos, [para_TextPr]); var TextPr = null; var nContentPos = Item.CurPos.ContentPos; if (true === oFindObj.Found && para_TextPr === oFindObj.Type) { TextPr = Item.Content[oFindObj.LetterPos].Copy(); if (nContentLength > 0 && para_TextPr != oInsertPar.Content[0].Type) { Item.Internal_Content_Add(nContentPos, new ParaTextPr()); nContentPos++; } } else { TextPr = new ParaTextPr(); } for (var i = 0; i < nContentLength - 2; ++i) { var oCurInsItem = oInsertPar.Content[i]; if (para_Numbering != oCurInsItem.Type) { Item.Internal_Content_Add(nContentPos, oCurInsItem); nContentPos++; } } Item.Internal_Content_Add(nContentPos, TextPr); } Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0_Spell(pararecalc_0_Spell_All); this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; } else { var LastPos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; var LastPosCurDoc = oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos; var oSourceFirstPar = Item; var oSourceLastPar = new Paragraph(oDoc.DrawingDocument, oDoc, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field); if (true !== oSourceFirstPar.Cursor_IsEnd()) { oSourceFirstPar.Split(oSourceLastPar); } var oInsFirstPar = aNewContent[0]; var oInsLastPar = null; if (nNewContentLength > 1) { oInsLastPar = aNewContent[nNewContentLength - 1]; } var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = nNewContentLength - 1; if (type_Paragraph == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { oInsFirstPar.CopyPr_Open(oSourceFirstPar); if (oInsFirstPar.Content.length > 0 && para_TextPr != oInsFirstPar.Content[0].Type) { var oFindObj = oSourceFirstPar.Internal_FindForward(0, [para_TextPr]); if (true === oFindObj.Found && para_TextPr === oFindObj.Type) { oInsFirstPar.Internal_Content_Add(0, new ParaTextPr()); } } oSourceFirstPar.Concat(oInsFirstPar); nStartIndex++; } else { if (type_Table == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { if (oSourceFirstPar.IsEmpty()) { oSourceFirstPar = null; } } } if (null != oInsLastPar && type_Paragraph == oInsLastPar.GetType() && true != this.bInBlock) { var nNewContentPos = oInsLastPar.Content.length - 2; if (null != oInsLastPar) { oSourceLastPar.CopyPr(oInsLastPar); } if (oSourceLastPar.Content.length > 0 && para_TextPr != oSourceLastPar.Content[0].Type) { var oFindObj = oInsLastPar.Internal_FindForward(0, [para_TextPr]); if (true === oFindObj.Found && para_TextPr === oFindObj.Type) { oSourceLastPar.Internal_Content_Add(0, new ParaTextPr()); } } oInsLastPar.Concat(oSourceLastPar); oInsLastPar.CurPos.ContentPos = nNewContentPos; oSourceLastPar = oInsLastPar; nEndIndex--; } for (var i = nStartIndex; i <= nEndIndex; ++i) { var oElemToAdd = aNewContent[i]; LastPosCurDoc++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(LastPosCurDoc, oElemToAdd); } if (null != oSourceLastPar) { LastPosCurDoc++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(LastPosCurDoc, oSourceLastPar); } if (null == oSourceFirstPar) { oDoc.Internal_Content_Remove(LastPosCurDoc, 1); LastPosCurDoc--; } this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = LastPos; Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0_Spell(pararecalc_0_Spell_All); oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos = LastPosCurDoc; } } }, insertInPlace2: function (oDoc, aNewContent) { var nNewContentLength = aNewContent.length; for (var i = 0; i < aNewContent.length; ++i) { aNewContent[i].Clear_TextFormatting(); aNewContent[i].Clear_Formatting(true); } oDoc.Remove(1, true, true); var Item = oDoc.Content[oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos]; if (type_Paragraph == Item.GetType()) { if (1 == nNewContentLength && type_Paragraph == aNewContent[0].GetType() && Item.CurPos.ContentPos != 1) { var oInsertPar = aNewContent[0]; var nContentLength = oInsertPar.Content.length; if (nContentLength > 2) { var oFindObj = Item.Internal_FindBackward(Item.CurPos.ContentPos, [para_TextPr]); var TextPr = null; if (true === oFindObj.Found && para_TextPr === oFindObj.Type) { TextPr = Item.Content[oFindObj.LetterPos].Copy(); } else { TextPr = new ParaTextPr(); } var nContentPos = Item.CurPos.ContentPos; for (var i = 0; i < nContentLength - 2; ++i) { var oCurInsItem = oInsertPar.Content[i]; if (para_Numbering != oCurInsItem.Type) { Item.Internal_Content_Add(nContentPos, oCurInsItem); nContentPos++; } } Item.Internal_Content_Add(nContentPos, TextPr); } Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0_Spell(pararecalc_0_Spell_All); this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; } else { var LastPos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; var LastPosCurDoc = oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos; var oSourceFirstPar = Item; var oSourceLastPar = new Paragraph(oDoc.DrawingDocument, oDoc, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field); if (true !== oSourceFirstPar.Cursor_IsEnd() || oSourceFirstPar.IsEmpty()) { oSourceFirstPar.Split(oSourceLastPar); } var oInsFirstPar = aNewContent[0]; var oInsLastPar = null; if (nNewContentLength > 1) { oInsLastPar = aNewContent[nNewContentLength - 1]; } var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = nNewContentLength - 1; if (type_Paragraph == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { oInsFirstPar.CopyPr_Open(oSourceFirstPar); oSourceFirstPar.Concat(oInsFirstPar); if (isRealObject(oInsFirstPar.bullet)) { oSourceFirstPar.setPresentationBullet(oInsFirstPar.bullet.createDuplicate()); } nStartIndex++; } else { if (type_Table == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { if (oSourceFirstPar.IsEmpty()) { oSourceFirstPar = null; } } } if (null != oInsLastPar && type_Paragraph == oInsLastPar.GetType() && true != this.bInBlock) { var nNewContentPos = oInsLastPar.Content.length - 2; var ind = oInsLastPar.Pr.Ind; if (null != oInsLastPar) { oSourceLastPar.CopyPr(oInsLastPar); } if (oInsLastPar.bullet) { oInsLastPar.Set_Ind(ind); } oInsLastPar.Concat(oSourceLastPar); oInsLastPar.CurPos.ContentPos = nNewContentPos; oSourceLastPar = oInsLastPar; nEndIndex--; } for (var i = nStartIndex; i <= nEndIndex; ++i) { var oElemToAdd = aNewContent[i]; LastPosCurDoc++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(LastPosCurDoc, oElemToAdd); } if (null != oSourceLastPar) { LastPosCurDoc++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(LastPosCurDoc, oSourceLastPar); } if (null == oSourceFirstPar) { oDoc.Internal_Content_Remove(LastPosCurDoc, 1); LastPosCurDoc--; } this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = LastPos; Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0_Spell(pararecalc_0_Spell_All); oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos = LastPosCurDoc; } } var content = oDoc.Content; for (var i = 0; i < content.length; ++i) { content[i].Recalc_CompiledPr(); content[i].RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); } }, ReadFromBinary: function (sBase64) { window.global_pptx_content_loader.Clear(); window.global_pptx_content_loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); var openParams = { checkFileSize: false, charCount: 0, parCount: 0 }; var oBinaryFileReader = new BinaryFileReader(this.oDocument, openParams); oBinaryFileReader.stream = oBinaryFileReader.getbase64DecodedData(sBase64); oBinaryFileReader.ReadMainTable(); var oReadResult = oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult; for (var i in oReadResult.numToNumClass) { var oNumClass = oReadResult.numToNumClass[i]; var documentANum = this.oDocument.Numbering.AbstractNum; var isAlreadyContains = false; for (var n in documentANum) { var isEqual = documentANum[n].isEqual(oNumClass); if (isEqual == true) { isAlreadyContains = true; break; } } if (!isAlreadyContains) { this.oDocument.Numbering.Add_AbstractNum(oNumClass); } else { oReadResult.numToNumClass[i] = documentANum[n]; } } for (var i = 0, length = oReadResult.paraNumPrs.length; i < length; ++i) { var numPr = oReadResult.paraNumPrs[i]; var oNumClass = oReadResult.numToNumClass[numPr.NumId]; if (null != oNumClass) { numPr.NumId = oNumClass.Get_Id(); } else { numPr.NumId = 0; } } var isAlreadyContainsStyle; var api = this.api; var oStyleTypes = { par: 1, table: 2, lvl: 3 }; var addNewStyles = false; var fParseStyle = function (aStyles, oDocumentStyles, oReadResult, nStyleType) { if (aStyles == undefined) { return; } for (var i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; ++i) { var elem = aStyles[i]; var stylePaste = oReadResult.styles[elem.style]; var isEqualName = null; if (null != stylePaste && null != stylePaste.style) { for (var j in oDocumentStyles.Style) { var styleDoc = oDocumentStyles.Style[j]; isAlreadyContainsStyle = styleDoc.isEqual(stylePaste.style); if (styleDoc.Name == stylePaste.style.Name) { isEqualName = j; } if (isAlreadyContainsStyle) { if (oStyleTypes.par == nStyleType) { elem.pPr.PStyle = j; } else { if (oStyleTypes.table == nStyleType) { elem.pPr.Set_TableStyle2(j); } else { elem.pPr.PStyle = j; } } break; } } if (!isAlreadyContainsStyle && isEqualName != null) { if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.par || nStyleType == oStyleTypes.lvl) { elem.pPr.PStyle = isEqualName; } else { if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.table) { elem.pPr.Set_TableStyle2(isEqualName); } } } else { if (!isAlreadyContainsStyle && isEqualName == null) { var nStyleId = oDocumentStyles.Add(stylePaste.style); if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.par || nStyleType == oStyleTypes.lvl) { elem.pPr.PStyle = nStyleId; } else { if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.table) { elem.pPr.Set_TableStyle2(nStyleId); } } addNewStyles = true; } } } } }; fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.paraStyles, this.oDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.par); fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.tableStyles, this.oDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.table); fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.lvlStyles, this.oDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.lvl); var aContent = oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.DocumentContent; for (var i = 0, length = oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.aPostOpenStyleNumCallbacks.length; i < length; ++i) { oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.aPostOpenStyleNumCallbacks[i].call(); } if (oReadResult.bLastRun) { this.bInBlock = false; } else { this.bInBlock = true; } var AllFonts = new Object(); this.oDocument.Numbering.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); this.oDocument.Styles.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); for (var Index = 0, Count = aContent.length; Index < Count; Index++) { aContent[Index].Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); } var aPrepeareFonts = []; for (var i in AllFonts) { aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont(i, 0, "", 0)); } var oPastedImagesUnique = {}; var aPastedImages = window.global_pptx_content_loader.End_UseFullUrl(); for (var i = 0, length = aPastedImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var elem = aPastedImages[i]; oPastedImagesUnique[elem.Url] = 1; } var aPrepeareImages = []; for (var i in oPastedImagesUnique) { aPrepeareImages.push(i); } return { content: aContent, fonts: aPrepeareFonts, images: aPrepeareImages, bAddNewStyles: addNewStyles, aPastedImages: aPastedImages }; }, Start: function (node, nodeDisplay, bDuplicate) { if (null == nodeDisplay) { nodeDisplay = node; } if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { var oThis = this; this.oDocument = this._GetTargetDocument(this.oDocument); if (copyPasteUseBinery) { var base64 = null; var classNode; if (node.children[0] && node.children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1) { classNode = node.children[0].getAttribute("class"); } else { if (node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1) { classNode = node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class"); } else { if (node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1) { classNode = node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class"); } } } if (classNode != null) { cL = classNode.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < cL.length; i++) { if (cL[i].indexOf("docData;") > -1) { base64 = cL[i].split("docData;")[1]; } } } var aContent; if (this.oDocument.Parent && this.oDocument.Parent instanceof WordShape) { base64 = null; } if (base64 != null) { aContent = this.ReadFromBinary(base64); } if (aContent) { var fPrepasteCallback = function () { if (false == oThis.bNested) { editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawingObjects.calculateAfterOpen(true); oThis.InsertInDocument(); nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; if (aContent.bAddNewStyles) { oThis.api.GenerateStyles(); } } }; this.aContent = aContent.content; var oImagesToDownload = {}; if (aContent.aPastedImages.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, length = aContent.aPastedImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = aContent.aPastedImages[i]; var src = imageElem.Url; if (false == (0 == src.indexOf("data:") || 0 == src.indexOf(documentOrigin + this.api.DocumentUrl) || 0 == src.indexOf(this.api.DocumentUrl))) { oImagesToDownload[src] = 1; } } } var aImagesToDownload = []; for (var i in oImagesToDownload) { aImagesToDownload.push(i); } if (aImagesToDownload.length > 0) { var rData = { "id": documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": documentVKey, "data": JSON.stringify(aImagesToDownload) }; sendCommand(this.api, function (incomeObject) { if (incomeObject && "imgurls" == incomeObject.type) { var oFromTo = JSON.parse(incomeObject.data); for (var i = 0, length = aContent.images.length; i < length; ++i) { var sFrom = aContent.images[i]; var sTo = oFromTo[sFrom]; if (sTo) { aContent.images[i] = sTo; } } for (var i = 0, length = aContent.aPastedImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = aContent.aPastedImages[i]; if (null != imageElem) { var sNewSrc = oFromTo[imageElem.Url]; if (null != sNewSrc) { imageElem.SetUrl(sNewSrc); } } } } oThis.api.pre_Paste(aContent.fonts, aContent.images, fPrepasteCallback); }, rData); } else { oThis.api.pre_Paste(aContent.fonts, aContent.images, fPrepasteCallback); } return; } } var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; this.oRootNode = node; this._Prepeare(node, function () { oThis.aContent = new Array(); oThis._Execute(node, {}, true, true, false); oThis._AddNextPrevToContent(oThis.oDocument); if (false == oThis.bNested) { oThis.InsertInDocument(); nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } }); } else { var oThis = this; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; if (copyPasteUseBinery) { var base64 = null; var classNode; if (node.children[0] && node.children[0].getAttribute("class") != null) { classNode = node.children[0].getAttribute("class"); } else { if (node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null) { classNode = node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class"); } } if (classNode != null) { cL = classNode.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < cL.length; i++) { if (cL[i].indexOf("pptData;") > -1) { base64 = cL[i].split("pptData;")[1]; } } } if (typeof base64 === "string") { var _stream = CreateBinaryReader(base64, 0, base64.length); var stream = new FileStream(_stream.data, _stream.size); var first_string = stream.GetString2(); var p_url = stream.GetString2(); var p_width = stream.GetULong() / 100000; var p_height = stream.GetULong() / 100000; var kw = presentation.Width / p_width; var kh = presentation.Height / p_height; var fonts = []; switch (first_string) { case "TeamLab1": var shape = this.ReadPresentationText(stream); var font_map = {}; var images = []; shape.getAllFonts(font_map); if (shape.getAllImages) { shape.getAllImages(images); } var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; oThis = this; var paste_callback = function () { if (false == oThis.bNested) { var b_add_slide = false; if (presentation.Slides.length === 0) { presentation.addNextSlide(); b_add_slide = true; } var slide = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]; switch (slide.graphicObjects.State.id) { case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD: case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD_IN_GROUP: case STATES_ID_CHART_TEXT_ADD: if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_Drawing_Props) === false) { var content = (slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject instanceof CShape || slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject instanceof CChartTitle) ? slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.txBody.content : slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.graphicObject.CurCell.Content; oThis.insertInPlace2(content, shape.txBody.content.Content); shape.txBody.content = new CDocumentContent(shape.txBody, editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false); shape.txBody.setDocContent(shape.txBody.content); if (slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject instanceof CShape) { slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.txBody.bRecalculateNumbering = true; } else { slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.recalcInfo.recalculateNumbering = true; } var content2 = content.Content; for (var j = 0; j < content2.length; ++j) { content2[j].RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); content2[j].Set_Parent(content); } slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.recalcInfo.recalculateContent = true; slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.recalcInfo.recalculateTransformText = true; var recalc_object = !(slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject instanceof CChartTitle) ? slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject : slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject.chartGroup; editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.recalcMap[recalc_object.Id] = recalc_object; } break; default: if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_AddShape, shape) === false) { if (b_add_slide) { shape.setParent(presentation.Slides[0]); slide = presentation.Slides[0]; } slide.graphicObjects.resetSelectionState(); shape.select(slide.graphicObjects); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, shape); var w = shape.txBody.getRectWidth(presentation.Width * 2 / 3); var h = shape.txBody.getRectHeight(2000, w); shape.setXfrm((presentation.Width - w) / 2, (presentation.Height - h) / 2, w, h, null, null, null); shape.getAllFonts(font_map); for (var i in font_map) { fonts.push(new CFont(i, 0, "", 0)); } editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.recalcMap[shape.Id] = shape; } break; } presentation.Recalculate(); presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } }; var oPrepeareImages = new Object(); this.api.pre_Paste(fonts, oPrepeareImages, paste_callback); return; case "TeamLab2": var objects = this.ReadPresentationShapes(stream); var arr_shapes = objects.arrShapes; var arrTransforms = objects.arrTransforms; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; oThis = this; var font_map = {}; var images = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr_shapes.length; ++i) { if (arr_shapes[i].getAllFonts) { arr_shapes[i].getAllFonts(font_map); } if (arr_shapes[i].getAllImages) { arr_shapes[i].getAllImages(images); } } var paste_callback = function () { if (false == oThis.bNested) { var b_add_slide = false; if (presentation.Slides.length === 0) { presentation.addNextSlide(); b_add_slide = true; } var slide = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]; if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_AddShapes, arr_shapes) === false) { slide.graphicObjects.resetSelectionState(); for (var i = 0; i < arr_shapes.length; ++i) { if (b_add_slide) { arr_shapes[i].setParent(presentation.Slides[0]); } arr_shapes[i].changeSize(kw, kh); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, arr_shapes[i]); arr_shapes[i].select(slide.graphicObjects); var current_shape = arr_shapes[i]; if (!current_shape.checkNotNullTransform() && arrTransforms[i]) { var t = arrTransforms[i]; current_shape.setOffset(t.x, t.y); current_shape.setExtents(t.extX, t.extY); if (current_shape instanceof CGroupShape) { current_shape.setChildOffset(0, 0); current_shape.setChildExtents(t.extX, t.extY); } } } } presentation.Recalculate(); presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } }; var oImagesToDownload = {}; if (objects.arrImages.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = objects.arrImages[i]; var src = imageElem.Url; if (false == (0 == src.indexOf("data:") || 0 == src.indexOf(documentOrigin + this.api.DocumentUrl) || 0 == src.indexOf(this.api.DocumentUrl))) { oImagesToDownload[src] = 1; } } } for (var i in font_map) { fonts.push(new CFont(i, 0, "", 0)); } var aImagesToDownload = []; for (var i in oImagesToDownload) { aImagesToDownload.push(i); } if (aImagesToDownload.length > 0) { var rData = { "id": documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": documentVKey, "data": JSON.stringify(aImagesToDownload) }; sendCommand(this.api, function (incomeObject) { if (incomeObject && "imgurls" == incomeObject.type) { var oFromTo = JSON.parse(incomeObject.data); var arr_images = []; var image_map = {}; for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var sFrom = objects.arrImages[i].Url; var sTo = oFromTo[sFrom]; if (sTo) { arr_images.push(sTo); } } for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = objects.arrImages[i]; if (null != imageElem) { var sNewSrc = oFromTo[imageElem.Url]; if (null != sNewSrc) { image_map[sNewSrc] = sNewSrc; imageElem.SetUrl(sNewSrc); } else { image_map[imageElem.Url] = imageElem.Url; } } } } oThis.api.pre_Paste(fonts, image_map, paste_callback); }, rData); } else { var im_arr = []; for (var key in images) { im_arr.push(key); } this.api.pre_Paste(fonts, im_arr, paste_callback); } return; case "TeamLab3": var arr_layouts_id = []; var arr_slides = []; var loader = new BinaryPPTYLoader(); if (! (bDuplicate === true)) { loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); } loader.stream = stream; loader.presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var slide_count = stream.GetULong(); var arr_arrTransforms = []; for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { arr_layouts_id[i] = stream.GetString2(); var table_style_ids_len = stream.GetULong(); var table_style_ids = []; for (var j = 0; j < table_style_ids_len; ++j) { if (stream.GetBool()) { table_style_ids.push(stream.GetULong()); } else { table_style_ids.push(-1); } } arr_slides[i] = loader.ReadSlide(0); var sp_tree = arr_slides[i].cSld.spTree; var t = 0; for (var s = 0; s < sp_tree.length; ++s) { if (sp_tree[s] instanceof CGraphicFrame) { sp_tree[s].graphicObject.setStyleIndex(table_style_ids[t]); ++t; } } var arrTransforms = []; var sp_tree_length = stream.GetULong(); for (s = 0; s < sp_tree_length; ++s) { var transform_object = {}; transform_object.x = stream.GetULong() / 100000; transform_object.y = stream.GetULong() / 100000; transform_object.extX = stream.GetULong() / 100000; transform_object.extY = stream.GetULong() / 100000; arrTransforms.push(transform_object); } arr_arrTransforms.push(arrTransforms); } var arr_layouts = []; var master; if (presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]) { master = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage].Layout.Master; } else { master = presentation.slideMasters[0]; } if (editor.DocumentUrl !== p_url) { var layouts_count = stream.GetULong(); for (var i = 0; i < layouts_count; ++i) { arr_layouts[i] = loader.ReadSlideLayout(); } var arr_indexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { arr_indexes.push(stream.GetULong()); } for (var i = 0; i < layouts_count; ++i) { arr_layouts[i].setMaster(master); arr_layouts[i].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_layouts[i].Width = presentation.Width; arr_layouts[i].Height = presentation.Height; master.addLayout(arr_layouts[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { arr_slides[i].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_slides[i].setLayout(arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]]); arr_slides[i].setSlideSize(presentation.Width, presentation.Height); } } else { var arr_matched_layout = []; var b_read_layouts = false; for (var i = 0; i < arr_layouts_id.length; ++i) { if (!isRealObject(g_oTableId.Get_ById(arr_layouts_id[i]))) { b_read_layouts = true; break; } } if (b_read_layouts) { var layouts_count = stream.GetULong(); for (var i = 0; i < layouts_count; ++i) { arr_layouts[i] = loader.ReadSlideLayout(); } var arr_indexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { arr_indexes.push(stream.GetULong()); } var addedLayouts = []; for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { if (isRealObject(g_oTableId.Get_ById(arr_layouts_id[i]))) { arr_slides[i].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_slides[i].setSlideSize(presentation.Width, presentation.Height); arr_slides[i].setLayout(g_oTableId.Get_ById(arr_layouts_id[i])); } else { arr_slides[i].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_slides[i].setSlideSize(presentation.Width, presentation.Height); arr_slides[i].setLayout(arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]]); for (var j = 0; j < addedLayouts.length; ++j) { if (addedLayouts[j] === arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]]) { break; } } if (j === addedLayouts.length) { addedLayouts.push(arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]]); arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]].setMaster(master); arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]].Width = presentation.Width; arr_layouts[arr_indexes[i]].Height = presentation.Height; } } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < slide_count; ++i) { arr_slides[i].changeSize(kw, kh); arr_slides[i].setSlideSize(presentation.Width, presentation.Height); arr_slides[i].setLayout(g_oTableId.Get_ById(arr_layouts_id[i])); arr_slides[i].Width = presentation.Width; arr_slides[i].Height = presentation.Height; } } } var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; oThis = this; var font_map = {}; var images = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr_slides.length; ++i) { if (arr_slides[i].getAllFonts) { arr_slides[i].getAllFonts(font_map); } if (arr_slides[i].getAllImages) { arr_slides[i].getAllImages(images); } } for (var i = 0; i < arr_layouts.length; ++i) { if (arr_layouts[i].getAllFonts) { arr_layouts[i].getAllFonts(font_map); } if (arr_layouts[i].getAllImages) { arr_layouts[i].getAllImages(images); } } for (var i in font_map) { fonts.push(new CFont(i, 0, "", 0)); } var paste_callback = function () { if (false == oThis.bNested) { for (var i = 0; i < arr_slides.length; ++i) { var cur_arr_transform = arr_arrTransforms[i]; var cur_slide = arr_slides[i]; var sp_tree = cur_slide.cSld.spTree; for (var j = 0; j < sp_tree.length; ++j) { var sp = sp_tree[j]; if (!sp.checkNotNullTransform() && cur_arr_transform && cur_arr_transform[j]) { var t_object = cur_arr_transform[j]; sp.setOffset(t_object.x, t_object.y); sp.setExtents(t_object.extX, t_object.extY); if (sp instanceof CGroupShape) { sp.setChildOffset(0, 0); sp.setChildExtents(t_object.extX, t_object.extY); } } } presentation.insertSlide(presentation.CurPage + i + 1, cur_slide); } presentation.Recalculate(); nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } }; var image_objects = loader.End_UseFullUrl(); var objects = { arrImages: image_objects }; var oImagesToDownload = {}; if (objects.arrImages.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = objects.arrImages[i]; var src = imageElem.Url; if (false == (0 == src.indexOf("data:") || 0 == src.indexOf(documentOrigin + this.api.DocumentUrl) || 0 == src.indexOf(this.api.DocumentUrl))) { oImagesToDownload[src] = 1; } } } var aImagesToDownload = []; for (var i in oImagesToDownload) { aImagesToDownload.push(i); } if (aImagesToDownload.length > 0) { var rData = { "id": documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": documentVKey, "data": JSON.stringify(aImagesToDownload) }; sendCommand(this.api, function (incomeObject) { if (incomeObject && "imgurls" == incomeObject.type) { var oFromTo = JSON.parse(incomeObject.data); var image_map = {}; for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var sFrom = objects.arrImages[i].Url; var sTo = oFromTo[sFrom]; } for (var i = 0, length = objects.arrImages.length; i < length; ++i) { var imageElem = objects.arrImages[i]; if (null != imageElem) { var sNewSrc = oFromTo[imageElem.Url]; if (null != sNewSrc) { image_map[sNewSrc] = sNewSrc; imageElem.SetUrl(sNewSrc); } else { image_map[imageElem.Url] = imageElem.Url; } } } } oThis.api.pre_Paste(fonts, image_map, paste_callback); }, rData); } else { var im_arr = []; for (var key in images) { im_arr.push(key); } this.api.pre_Paste(fonts, im_arr, paste_callback); } return; case "TeamLab4": var objects = this.ReadPresentationShapes(stream); var arr_shapes = objects.arrShapes; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; oThis = this; var fonts = []; var images = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr_shapes.length; ++i) { if (arr_shapes[i].getAllFonts) { arr_shapes[i].getAllFonts(fonts); } if (arr_shapes[i].getAllImages) { arr_shapes[i].getAllImages(images); } } var paste_callback = function () { if (false == oThis.bNested) { var b_add_slide = false; if (presentation.Slides.length === 0) { presentation.addNextSlide(); b_add_slide = true; } if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_AddShapes, arr_shapes) === false) { var slide = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]; if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_Drawing_Props) === false) { slide.graphicObjects.resetSelectionState(); for (var i = 0; i < arr_shapes.length; ++i) { if (b_add_slide) { arr_shapes[i].setParent(presentation.Slides[0]); } arr_shapes[i].changeSize(kw, kh); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, arr_shapes[i]); arr_shapes[i].select(slide.graphicObjects); } } presentation.Recalculate(); } nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } }; var aImagesToDownload = []; for (var i in images) { aImagesToDownload.push(i); } var oPrepeareImages = new Object(); if (aImagesToDownload.length > 0) { var rData = { "id": documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": documentVKey, "data": JSON.stringify(aImagesToDownload) }; sendCommand(this.api, function (incomeObject) { if (incomeObject && "imgurls" == incomeObject.type) { var oFromTo = JSON.parse(incomeObject.data); for (var i = 0, length = aImagesToDownload.length; i < length; ++i) { var sFrom = aImagesToDownload[i]; var sTo = oFromTo[sFrom]; if (sTo) { oThis.oImages[sFrom] = sTo; oPrepeareImages[i] = sTo; } } } oThis.api.pre_Paste(fonts, oPrepeareImages, paste_callback); }, rData); } else { this.api.pre_Paste(fonts, [], paste_callback); } return; } } } this.oRootNode = node; this._Prepeare(node, function () { oThis.aContent = new Array(); var arrShapes = [], arrImages = [], arrTables = []; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var b_add_slide = false; if (presentation.Slides.length === 0) { presentation.addNextSlide(); b_add_slide = true; } var shape = new CShape(presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]); shape.setTextBody(new CTextBody(shape)); var dd = presentation.DrawingDocument; arrShapes.push(shape); shape.setXfrm(dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetLeft"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetTop"]), null, null, null, null, null); var ret = oThis._ExecutePresentation(node, {}, true, true, false, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); for (var i = 0; i < arrShapes.length; ++i) { shape = arrShapes[i]; if (shape.txBody.content.Content.length > 1) { shape.txBody.content.Internal_Content_Remove(0, 1); } var w = shape.txBody.getRectWidth(presentation.Width * 2 / 3); var h = shape.txBody.getRectHeight(2000, w); shape.setXfrm(null, null, w, h, null, null, null); } if (false == oThis.bNested) { var slide = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]; if ((slide.graphicObjects.State.id === STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD || slide.graphicObjects.State.id === STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD_IN_GROUP) && arrShapes.length === 1 && arrImages.length === 0 && arrTables.length === 0) { if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_Drawing_Props) === false) { var content; var textObject = slide.graphicObjects.State.textObject; if (textObject instanceof CShape) { content = textObject.txBody.content; } else { content = textObject.graphicObject.CurCell.Content; } presentation.recalcMap[textObject.Get_Id()] = textObject; oThis.insertInPlace2(content, arrShapes[0].txBody.content.Content); arrShapes[0].txBody.content = new CDocumentContent(arrShapes[0].txBody, editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false); arrShapes[0].txBody.setDocContent(shape.txBody.content); presentation.Recalculate(); presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } } else { var check_objectcs = arrShapes.concat(arrImages).concat(arrTables); if (presentation.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_AddShapes, check_objectcs) === false) { slide.graphicObjects.resetSelectionState(); if (arrShapes.length === 1 && arrShapes[0].txBody.content.Is_Empty()) { arrShapes.length = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < arrShapes.length; ++i) { var new_pos_x = (presentation.Width - arrShapes[i].spPr.xfrm.extX) / 2; var new_pos_y = (presentation.Height - arrShapes[i].spPr.xfrm.extY) / 2; arrShapes[i].setOffset(new_pos_x, new_pos_y); arrShapes[i].select(slide.graphicObjects); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, arrShapes[i]); presentation.recalcMap[arrShapes[i].Get_Id()] = arrShapes[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < arrImages.length; ++i) { arrImages[i].select(slide.graphicObjects); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, arrImages[i]); presentation.recalcMap[arrImages[i].Get_Id()] = arrImages[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < arrTables.length; ++i) { arrTables[i].select(slide.graphicObjects); slide.addToSpTreeToPos(slide.cSld.spTree.length, arrTables[i]); arrTables[i].recalcAll(); presentation.recalcMap[arrTables[i].Get_Id()] = arrTables[i]; } presentation.Recalculate(); presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } } } nodeDisplay.blur(); nodeDisplay.style.display = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; }); } }, ReadPresentationText: function (stream) { var loader = new BinaryPPTYLoader(); loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); loader.stream = stream; loader.presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var shape = new CShape(presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]); shape.setTextBody(new CTextBody(shape)); var count = stream.GetULong(); shape.txBody.content.Internal_Content_RemoveAll(); for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { loader.stream.Skip2(1); var _paragraph = loader.ReadParagraph(shape.txBody.content); shape.txBody.content.Internal_Content_Add(shape.txBody.content.Content.length, _paragraph); } return shape; }, ReadPresentationShapes: function (stream) { var loader = new BinaryPPTYLoader(); loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); loader.stream = stream; loader.presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var count = stream.GetULong(); var arr_shapes = []; var arr_transforms = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { loader.TempMainObject = presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]; var style_index = null; if (!loader.stream.GetBool()) { if (loader.stream.GetBool()) { style_index = stream.GetULong(); } } arr_shapes.push(loader.ReadGraphicObject()); if (isRealNumber(style_index)) { if (arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1] instanceof CGraphicFrame) { if (loader.presentation.globalTableStyles[style_index]) { arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1].graphicObject.setStyleIndex(style_index); } } } if (arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1] instanceof CGraphicFrame) { arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1].setGraphicObject(arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1].graphicObject.Copy(arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1])); } if (typeof CChartAsGroup != "undefined" && arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1] instanceof CChartAsGroup) { var chart = arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1]; var copy = chart.copy(chart.parent); arr_shapes[arr_shapes.length - 1] = copy; } } for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var x = stream.GetULong() / 100000; var y = stream.GetULong() / 100000; var extX = stream.GetULong() / 100000; var extY = stream.GetULong() / 100000; arr_transforms.push({ x: x, y: y, extX: extX, extY: extY }); } return { arrShapes: arr_shapes, arrImages: loader.End_UseFullUrl(), arrTransforms: arr_transforms }; }, ReadPresentationSlides: function (stream) { var loader = new BinaryPPTYLoader(); loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); loader.stream = stream; loader.presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var count = stream.GetULong(); var arr_slides = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { arr_slides.push(loader.ReadSlide(0)); } return arr_slides; }, ReadSlide: function (stream) { var loader = new BinaryPPTYLoader(); loader.Start_UseFullUrl(); loader.stream = stream; loader.presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; return loader.ReadSlide(0); }, _Prepeare: function (node, fCallback) { var oThis = this; if (true == this.bUploadImage || true == this.bUploadFonts) { this._Prepeare_recursive(node, true); var aPrepeareFonts = new Array(); for (font_family in this.oFonts) { var oFontItem = this.oFonts[font_family]; var index = this.map_font_index[oFontItem.Name]; if (null != index) { this.oFonts[font_family].Index = index; aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont(oFontItem.Name, 0, "", 0)); } else { this.oFonts[font_family] = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont("Arial", 0, "", 0)); } } var aImagesToDownload = new Array(); for (image in this.oImages) { var src = this.oImages[image]; if (0 == src.indexOf("file:")) { this.oImages[image] = "local"; } else { if (false == (0 == src.indexOf("data:") || 0 == src.indexOf(documentOrigin + this.api.DocumentUrl) || 0 == src.indexOf(this.api.DocumentUrl))) { aImagesToDownload.push(src); } } } var oPrepeareImages = new Object(); if (aImagesToDownload.length > 0) { var rData = { "id": documentId, "c": "imgurls", "vkey": documentVKey, "data": JSON.stringify(aImagesToDownload) }; sendCommand(this.api, function (incomeObject) { if (incomeObject && "imgurls" == incomeObject.type) { var oFromTo = JSON.parse(incomeObject.data); for (var i = 0, length = aImagesToDownload.length; i < length; ++i) { var sFrom = aImagesToDownload[i]; var sTo = oFromTo[sFrom]; if (sTo) { oThis.oImages[sFrom] = sTo; oPrepeareImages[i] = sTo; } } } oThis.api.pre_Paste(aPrepeareFonts, oPrepeareImages, fCallback); }, rData); } else { this.api.pre_Paste(aPrepeareFonts, this.oImages, fCallback); } } else { fCallback(); } }, _Prepeare_recursive: function (node, bIgnoreStyle) { var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var nodeType = node.nodeType; if (!bIgnoreStyle) { if (Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType) { var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node.parentNode); if (computedStyle) { var fontFamily = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("font-family"); var sNewFF; var nIndex = fontFamily.indexOf(","); if (-1 != nIndex) { sNewFF = fontFamily.substring(0, nIndex); } else { sNewFF = fontFamily; } var nLength = sNewFF.length; if (nLength >= 2) { var nStart = 0; var nStop = nLength; var cFirstChar = sNewFF[0]; var cLastChar = sNewFF[nLength - 1]; var bTrim = false; if ("'" == cFirstChar || '"' == cFirstChar) { bTrim = true; nStart = 1; } if ("'" == cLastChar || '"' == cLastChar) { bTrim = true; nStop = nLength - 1; } if (bTrim) { sNewFF = sNewFF.substring(nStart, nStop); } } this.oFonts[fontFamily] = { Name: sNewFF, Index: -1 }; } } else { var src = node.getAttribute("src"); if (src) { this.oImages[src] = src; } var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); if (binary_shape) { var b_history_is_on = History.Is_On(); if (b_history_is_on) { History.TurnOff(); } var sub; var checkSheetsData; if (typeof binary_shape === "string") { sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); checkSheetsData = binary_shape.substring(12, 18); } if (typeof binary_shape === "string" && (sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup") && checkSheetsData != "Sheets" && g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); var first_string = null; if (reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; var src_string; switch (first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader, true); if (isRealObject(Drawing) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill) && typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill.RasterImageId; if (typeof src_string === "string") { this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } break; case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader, true); if (isRealObject(Drawing) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj)) { if (typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.isShape === "function" && Drawing.GraphicObj.isShape() === true) { if (isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill) && typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId; if (typeof src_string === "string") { this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } } if (typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.isGroup === "function" && Drawing.GraphicObj.isGroup() === true) { var sp_tree = Drawing.GraphicObj.getSpTree2(); if (Array.isArray(sp_tree)) { for (var index = 0; index < sp_tree.length; ++index) { var sp = sp_tree[index]; if (isRealObject(sp)) { if (typeof sp.isImage === "function" && sp.isImage()) { if (isRealObject(sp.blipFill) && typeof sp.blipFill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = sp.blipFill.RasterImageId; if (typeof src_string === "string") { this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } } if (typeof sp.isShape === "function" && sp.isShape()) { if (isRealObject(sp.spPr) && isRealObject(sp.spPr.Fill) && isRealObject(sp.spPr.Fill.fill) && typeof sp.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = sp.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId; if (typeof src_string === "string") { this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } } } } } } } break; } } if (b_history_is_on) { History.TurnOn(); } } } } for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var child_nodeType = child.nodeType; if (! (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == child_nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == child_nodeType)) { continue; } if (Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if (!value) { continue; } value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ""); if ("" == value) { continue; } } this._Prepeare_recursive(child, false); } }, _IsBlockElem: function (name) { if ("p" == name || "div" == name || "ul" == name || "ol" == name || "li" == name || "table" == name || "tbody" == name || "tr" == name || "td" == name || "th" == name || "h1" == name || "h2" == name || "h3" == name || "h4" == name || "h5" == name || "h6" == name || "center" == name) { return true; } return false; }, _getComputedStyle: function (node) { var computedStyle = null; if (null != node && Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.nodeType) { var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null); } return computedStyle; }, _ValueToMm: function (value) { var obj = this._ValueToMmType(value); if (obj && "%" != obj.type && "none" != obj.type) { return obj.val; } return null; }, _ValueToMmType: function (value) { var oVal = parseFloat(value); var oType; if (!isNaN(oVal)) { if (-1 != value.indexOf("%")) { oType = "%"; oVal /= 100; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("px")) { oType = "px"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("in")) { oType = "in"; oVal *= g_dKoef_in_to_mm; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("cm")) { oType = "cm"; oVal *= 10; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("mm")) { oType = "mm"; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("pt")) { oType = "pt"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; } else { if (-1 != value.indexOf("pc")) { oType = "pc"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pc_to_mm; } else { oType = "none"; } } } } } } } return { val: oVal, type: oType }; } return null; }, _ParseColor: function (color) { if (!color || color.length == 0) { return null; } if ("transparent" == color) { return null; } if ("aqua" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 255, 255); } else { if ("black" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); } else { if ("blue" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 255); } else { if ("fuchsia" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(255, 0, 255); } else { if ("gray" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(128, 128, 128); } else { if ("green" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 128, 0); } else { if ("lime" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 255, 0); } else { if ("maroon" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(128, 0, 0); } else { if ("navy" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 128); } else { if ("olive" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(128, 128, 0); } else { if ("purple" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(128, 0, 128); } else { if ("red" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(255, 0, 0); } else { if ("silver" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(192, 192, 192); } else { if ("teal" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(0, 128, 128); } else { if ("white" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(255, 255, 255); } else { if ("yellow" == color) { return new CDocumentColor(255, 255, 0); } else { if (0 == color.indexOf("#")) { var hex = color.substring(1); if (hex.length == 3) { hex = hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(2) + hex.charAt(2); } if (hex.length == 6) { var r = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(0, 2)); var g = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(2, 4)); var b = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(4, 6)); return new CDocumentColor(r, g, b); } } if (0 == color.indexOf("rgb")) { var nStart = color.indexOf("("); var nEnd = color.indexOf(")"); if (-1 != nStart && -1 != nEnd && nStart < nEnd) { var temp = color.substring(nStart + 1, nEnd); var aParems = temp.split(","); if (aParems.length >= 3) { if (aParems.length >= 4) { var oA = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[3]); if (0 == oA.val) { return null; } } var oR = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[0]); var oG = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[1]); var oB = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[2]); var r, g, b; if (oR && "%" == oR.type) { r = parseInt(255 * oR.val / 100); } else { r = oR.val; } if (oG && "%" == oG.type) { g = parseInt(255 * oG.val / 100); } else { g = oG.val; } if (oB && "%" == oB.type) { b = parseInt(255 * oB.val / 100); } else { b = oB.val; } return new CDocumentColor(r, g, b); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return null; }, _isEmptyProperty: function (prop) { var bIsEmpty = true; for (var i in prop) { if (null != prop[i]) { bIsEmpty = false; break; } } return bIsEmpty; }, _set_pPr: function (node, Para, pNoHtmlPr) { var sNodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (node != this.oRootNode) { while (false == this._IsBlockElem(sNodeName)) { if (this.oRootNode != node.parentNode) { node = node.parentNode; sNodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } else { break; } } } if ("td" == sNodeName || "th" == sNodeName) { var oNewSpacing = new CParaSpacing(); oNewSpacing.Set_FromObject({ After: 0, Before: 0, Line: linerule_Auto }); Para.Set_Spacing(oNewSpacing); return; } var oDocument = this.oDocument; if (null != pNoHtmlPr.hLevel) { Para.Style_Add(oDocument.Styles.Get_Default_Heading(pNoHtmlPr.hLevel)); } var pPr = Para.Pr; var oNewBorder = { Left: null, Top: null, Right: null, Bottom: null, Between: null }; var sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-alt"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Left = oNewBrd; oNewBorder.Top = oNewBrd.Copy(); oNewBorder.Right = oNewBrd.Copy(); oNewBorder.Bottom = oNewBrd.Copy(); } else { sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-left-alt"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Left = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-top-alt"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Top = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-right-alt"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Right = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-bottom-alt"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Bottom = oNewBrd; } } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-between"]; if (null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Between = oNewBrd; } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (computedStyle) { var Ind = new CParaInd(); var margin_left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left"); if (margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left))) { Ind.Left = margin_left; } var margin_right = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-right"); if (margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right))) { Ind.Right = margin_right; } if (null != Ind.Left && null != Ind.Right) { var dif = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin - Ind.Left - Ind.Right; if (dif < 30) { Ind.Right = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin - Ind.Left - 30; } } var text_indent = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("text-indent"); if (text_indent && null != (text_indent = this._ValueToMm(text_indent))) { Ind.FirstLine = text_indent; } if (false == this._isEmptyProperty(Ind)) { Para.Set_Ind(Ind); } var text_align = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("text-align"); if (text_align) { var Jc = null; if (-1 != text_align.indexOf("center")) { Jc = align_Center; } else { if (-1 != text_align.indexOf("right")) { Jc = align_Right; } else { if (-1 != text_align.indexOf("justify")) { Jc = align_Justify; } } } if (null != Jc) { Para.Set_Align(Jc, false); } } var Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); var margin_top = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-top"); if (margin_top && null != (margin_top = this._ValueToMm(margin_top))) { Spacing.Before = margin_top; } var margin_bottom = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"); if (margin_bottom && null != (margin_bottom = this._ValueToMm(margin_bottom))) { Spacing.After = margin_bottom; } if (false == this._isEmptyProperty(Spacing)) { Para.Set_Spacing(Spacing); } var background_color = null; var oTempNode = node; while (true) { var tempComputedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(oTempNode); if (null == tempComputedStyle) { break; } background_color = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { break; } oTempNode = oTempNode.parentNode; if (this.oRootNode == oTempNode || "body" == oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() || true == this._IsBlockElem(oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { break; } } if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if (background_color) { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = shd_Clear; Shd.Color = background_color; Para.Set_Shd(Shd); } } if (null == oNewBorder.Left) { oNewBorder.Left = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", false); } if (null == oNewBorder.Top) { oNewBorder.Top = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "top", "Top", false); } if (null == oNewBorder.Right) { oNewBorder.Right = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", false); } if (null == oNewBorder.Bottom) { oNewBorder.Bottom = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "bottom", "Bottom", false); } } if (false == this._isEmptyProperty(oNewBorder)) { Para.Set_Borders(oNewBorder); } var pagination = pNoHtmlPr["mso-pagination"]; if (pagination) { if ("none" == pagination) {} else { if (-1 != pagination.indexOf("widow-orphan") && -1 != pagination.indexOf("lines-together")) { Para.Set_KeepLines(true); } else { if (-1 != pagination.indexOf("none") && -1 != pagination.indexOf("lines-together")) { Para.Set_KeepLines(true); } } } } if ("avoid" == pNoHtmlPr["page-break-after"]) {} if ("always" == pNoHtmlPr["page-break-before"]) { Para.Set_PageBreakBefore(true); } var tab_stops = pNoHtmlPr["tab-stops"]; if (tab_stops && "" != pNoHtmlPr["tab-stops"]) { var aTabs = tab_stops.split(" "); var nTabLen = aTabs.length; if (nTabLen > 0) { var Tabs = new CParaTabs(); for (var i = 0; i < nTabLen; i++) { var val = this._ValueToMm(aTabs[i]); if (val) { Tabs.Add(new CParaTab(tab_Left, val)); } } Para.Set_Tabs(Tabs); } } if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if (true == pNoHtmlPr.bNum) { var num = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; if (null != pNoHtmlPr.numType) { num = pNoHtmlPr.numType; } var type = pNoHtmlPr["list-style-type"]; if (type) { switch (type) { case "disc": num = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; break; case "decimal": num = numbering_numfmt_Decimal; break; case "lower-roman": num = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman; break; case "upper-roman": num = numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman; break; case "lower-alpha": num = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter; break; case "upper-alpha": num = numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter; break; } } var NumId = null; if (this.aContent.length > 1) { var prevElem = this.aContent[this.aContent.length - 2]; if (null != prevElem && type_Paragraph === prevElem.GetType()) { var PrevNumPr = prevElem.Numbering_Get(); if (null != PrevNumPr && true === this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Check_Format(PrevNumPr.NumId, PrevNumPr.Lvl, num)) { NumId = PrevNumPr.NumId; } } } if (null == NumId) { NumId = this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Create_AbstractNum(); NumLvl = 0; var AbstractNum = this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Get_AbstractNum(NumId); AbstractNum.Create_Default_Bullet(); switch (num) { case numbering_numfmt_Decimal: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_2(0); break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_5(0); break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_9(0); break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_8(0); break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_6(0); break; } var oFirstTextChild = node; while (true) { var bContinue = false; for (var i = 0, length = oFirstTextChild.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = oFirstTextChild.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; if (! (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType)) { continue; } if (Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if (!value) { continue; } value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ""); if ("" == value) { continue; } } if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType) { oFirstTextChild = child; bContinue = true; break; } } if (false == bContinue) { break; } } if (node != oFirstTextChild) { var oLvl = AbstractNum.Lvl[0]; var oTextPr = this._read_rPr(oFirstTextChild); if (numbering_numfmt_Bullet == num) { oTextPr.RFonts = oLvl.TextPr.RFonts.Copy(); } AbstractNum.Apply_TextPr(0, oTextPr); } } Para.Numbering_Add(NumId, 0); } else { var numPr = Para.Numbering_Get(); if (numPr) { Para.Numbering_Remove(); } } } else { if (true == pNoHtmlPr.bNum) { var num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; if (null != pNoHtmlPr.numType) { num = pNoHtmlPr.numType; } var type = pNoHtmlPr["list-style-type"]; if (type) { switch (type) { case "disc": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; break; case "decimal": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod; break; case "lower-roman": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanLcPeriod; break; case "upper-roman": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanUcPeriod; break; case "lower-alpha": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcPeriod; break; case "upper-alpha": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcPeriod; break; default: num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; } } var _bullet = new CPresentationBullet(); _bullet.m_nType = num; if (num == numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char) { _bullet.m_sChar = "�"; } _bullet.m_nStartAt = 1; Para.Add_PresentationNumbering2(_bullet); } else { Para.Remove_PresentationNumbering(); } } Para.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true; }, _commit_rPr: function (node) { var rPr = this._read_rPr(node); if (false == Common_CmpObj2(this.oCur_rPr, rPr)) { this._Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr(rPr)); this.oCur_rPr = rPr; } }, _read_rPr: function (node) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var rPr = new CTextPr(); if (false == g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { rPr.Set_FromObject({ Bold: false, Italic: false, Underline: false, Strikeout: false, RFonts: { Ascii: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, EastAsia: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, HAnsi: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, CS: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 } }, FontSize: 11, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, VertAlign: vertalign_Baseline, HighLight: highlight_None }); } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (computedStyle) { var font_family = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("font-family"); if (font_family && "" != font_family) { var oFontItem = this.oFonts[font_family]; if (null != oFontItem && null != oFontItem.Name) { rPr.RFonts.Ascii = { Name: oFontItem.Name, Index: oFontItem.Index }; rPr.RFonts.HAnsi = { Name: oFontItem.Name, Index: oFontItem.Index }; rPr.RFonts.CS = { Name: oFontItem.Name, Index: oFontItem.Index }; rPr.RFonts.EastAsia = { Name: oFontItem.Name, Index: oFontItem.Index }; } } var font_size = node.style.fontSize; if (!font_size) { font_size = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("font-size"); } if (font_size) { var obj = this._ValueToMmType(font_size); if (obj && "%" != obj.type && "none" != obj.type) { font_size = obj.val; if ("px" == obj.type && false == this.bIsDoublePx) { font_size = Math.round(font_size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt); } else { font_size = Math.round(2 * font_size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt) / 2; } rPr.FontSize = font_size; } } var font_weight = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("font-weight"); if (font_weight) { if ("bold" == font_weight || "bolder" == font_weight || 400 < font_weight) { rPr.Bold = true; } } var font_style = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("font-style"); if ("italic" == font_style) { rPr.Italic = true; } var color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("color"); if (color && (color = this._ParseColor(color))) { rPr.Color = color; } var background_color = null; var underline = null; var Strikeout = null; var vertical_align = null; var oTempNode = node; while (true) { var tempComputedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(oTempNode); if (null == tempComputedStyle) { break; } if (null == underline || null == Strikeout) { text_decoration = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue("text-decoration"); if (text_decoration) { if (-1 != text_decoration.indexOf("underline")) { underline = true; } if (-1 != text_decoration.indexOf("line-through")) { Strikeout = true; } } } if (null == background_color) { background_color = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (background_color) { background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color); } else { background_color = null; } } if (null == vertical_align || "baseline" == vertical_align) { vertical_align = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue("vertical-align"); if (!vertical_align) { vertical_align = null; } } if (vertical_align && background_color && Strikeout && underline) { break; } oTempNode = oTempNode.parentNode; if (this.oRootNode == oTempNode || "body" == oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() || true == this._IsBlockElem(oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { break; } } if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if (background_color) { rPr.HighLight = background_color; } } else { delete rPr.HighLight; } if (null != underline) { rPr.Underline = underline; } if (null != Strikeout) { rPr.Strikeout = Strikeout; } switch (vertical_align) { case "sub": rPr.VertAlign = vertalign_SubScript; break; case "super": rPr.VertAlign = vertalign_SuperScript; break; } } return rPr; }, _parseCss: function (sStyles, pPr) { var aStyles = sStyles.split(";"); if (aStyles) { for (var i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; i++) { var style = aStyles[i]; var aPair = style.split(":"); if (aPair && aPair.length > 1) { var prop_name = trimString(aPair[0]); var prop_value = trimString(aPair[1]); if (null != this.MsoStyles[prop_name]) { pPr[prop_name] = prop_value; } } } } }, _PrepareContent: function () { if (this.aContent.length > 0) { var last = this.aContent[this.aContent.length - 1]; if (type_Table == last.GetType()) { this._Add_NewParagraph(); } } }, _AddNextPrevToContent: function (oDoc) { var prev = null; for (var i = 0, length = this.aContent.length; i < length; ++i) { var cur = this.aContent[i]; cur.Set_DocumentPrev(prev); cur.Parent = oDoc; if (prev) { prev.Set_DocumentNext(cur); } prev = cur; } }, _Paragraph_Add: function (elem) { if (null != this.oCurPar) { this.oCurPar.Internal_Content_Add(this.oCurParContentPos, elem); this.oCurParContentPos++; } }, _Add_NewParagraph: function () { this.oCurPar = new Paragraph(this.oDocument.DrawingDocument, this.oDocument, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field); this.oCurParContentPos = this.oCurPar.CurPos.ContentPos; this.aContent.push(this.oCurPar); this.oCur_rPr = new CTextPr(); }, _Execute_AddParagraph: function (node, pPr) { this._Add_NewParagraph(); this._set_pPr(node, this.oCurPar, pPr); }, _Decide_AddParagraph: function (node, pPr, bParagraphAdded, bCommitBr) { if (true == bParagraphAdded) { if (false != bCommitBr) { this._Commit_Br(2, node, pPr); } this._Execute_AddParagraph(node, pPr); } else { if (false != bCommitBr) { this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); } } return false; }, _Commit_Br: function (nIgnore, node, pPr) { for (var i = 0, length = this.nBrCount - nIgnore; i < length; i++) { if (this.bInBlock) { this._Paragraph_Add(new ParaNewLine(break_Line)); } else { this._Execute_AddParagraph(node, pPr); } } this.nBrCount = 0; }, _StartExecuteTable: function (node, pPr) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var tableNode = node; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { if ("tbody" == node.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { node = node.childNodes[i]; break; } } var nRowCount = 0; var nMinColCount = 0; var nMaxColCount = 0; var aColsCountByRow = new Array(); var oRowSums = new Object(); oRowSums[0] = 0; var dMaxSum = 0; var nCurColWidth = 0; var nCurSum = 0; var oRowSpans = new Object(); var fParseSpans = function () { var spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; while (null != spans && spans.row > 0) { spans.row--; nCurColWidth += spans.col; nCurSum += spans.width; spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; } }; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if ("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { nCurSum = 0; nCurColWidth = 0; var nMinRowSpanCount = null; for (var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { fParseSpans(); var dWidth = null; var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(tc); if (computedStyle) { var computedWidth = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("width"); if (null != computedWidth && null != (computedWidth = this._ValueToMm(computedWidth))) { dWidth = computedWidth; } } if (null == dWidth) { dWidth = tc.clientWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if (null != nColSpan) { nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; } else { nColSpan = 1; } var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nCurRowSpan) { nCurRowSpan = nCurRowSpan - 0; if (null == nMinRowSpanCount) { nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; } else { if (nMinRowSpanCount > nCurRowSpan) { nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; } } if (nCurRowSpan > 1) { oRowSpans[nCurColWidth] = { row: nCurRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan, width: dWidth }; } } else { nMinRowSpanCount = 0; } nCurSum += dWidth; if (null == oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan]) { oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan] = nCurSum; } nCurColWidth += nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); if (nMinRowSpanCount > 1) { for (var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nCurRowSpan) { tc.setAttribute("rowspan", nCurRowSpan - nMinRowSpanCount); } } } } if (dMaxSum < nCurSum) { dMaxSum = nCurSum; } if (0 == nCurColWidth) { node.removeChild(tr); length--; i--; } else { if (0 == nMinColCount || nMinColCount > nCurColWidth) { nMinColCount = nCurColWidth; } if (nMaxColCount < nCurColWidth) { nMaxColCount = nCurColWidth; } nRowCount++; aColsCountByRow.push(nCurColWidth); } } } if (nMaxColCount != nMinColCount) { for (var i = 0, length = aColsCountByRow.length; i < length; ++i) { aColsCountByRow[i] = nMaxColCount - aColsCountByRow[i]; } } if (nRowCount > 0 && nMaxColCount > 0) { var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if (dMaxSum * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / dMaxSum; bUseScaleKoef = true; } var aGrid = new Array(); var nPrevIndex = null; var nPrevVal = 0; for (var i in oRowSums) { var nCurIndex = i - 0; var nCurVal = oRowSums[i]; var nCurWidth = nCurVal - nPrevVal; if (bUseScaleKoef) { nCurWidth *= dScaleKoef; } if (null != nPrevIndex) { var nDif = nCurIndex - nPrevIndex; if (1 == nDif) { aGrid.push(nCurWidth); } else { var nPartVal = nCurWidth / nDif; for (var i = 0; i < nDif; ++i) { aGrid.push(nPartVal); } } } nPrevVal = nCurVal; nPrevIndex = nCurIndex; } var CurPage = 0; var table = new CTable(oDocument.DrawingDocument, oDocument, true, 0, 0, 0, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field, 0, 0, aGrid); var aSumGrid = new Array(); aSumGrid[-1] = 0; var nSum = 0; for (var i = 0, length = aGrid.length; i < length; ++i) { nSum += aGrid[i]; aSumGrid[i] = nSum; } this._ExecuteTable(tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, nMaxColCount != nMinColCount ? aColsCountByRow : null, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef); table.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); this.aContent.push(table); } }, _ExecuteBorder: function (computedStyle, node, type, type2, bAddIfNull) { var res = null; var style = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-" + type + "-style"); if (null != style) { res = new CDocumentBorder(); if ("none" == style) { res.Value = border_None; } else { res.Value = border_Single; var width = node.style["border" + type2 + "Width"]; if (!width) { computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-" + type + "-width"); } if (null != width && null != (width = this._ValueToMm(width))) { res.Size = width; } var color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("border-" + type + "-color"); if (null != color && (color = this._ParseColor(color))) { res.Color = color; } } } if (bAddIfNull && null == res) { res = new CDocumentBorder(); } return res; }, _ExecuteParagraphBorder: function (border) { var res = this.oBorderCache[border]; if (null != res) { return res.Copy(); } else { res = new CDocumentBorder(); var oTestDiv = document.createElement("div"); oTestDiv.setAttribute("style", "border-left:" + border); document.body.appendChild(oTestDiv); var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(oTestDiv); if (null != computedStyle) { res = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, oTestDiv, "left", "Left", true); } document.body.removeChild(oTestDiv); this.oBorderCache[border] = res; return res; } }, _ExecuteTable: function (tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, aColsCountByRow, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef) { table.Set_TableLayout(tbllayout_Fixed); var Pr = table.Pr; var sTableAlign = null; if (null != tableNode.align) { sTableAlign = tableNode.align; } else { if (null != tableNode.parentNode && this.oRootNode != tableNode.parentNode) { computedStyleParent = this._getComputedStyle(tableNode.parentNode); if (null != computedStyleParent) { sTableAlign = computedStyleParent.getPropertyValue("text-align"); } } } if (null != sTableAlign) { if (-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf("center")) { table.Set_TableAlign(align_Center); } else { if (-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf("right")) { table.Set_TableAlign(align_Right); } } } var spacing = null; table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(new CDocumentBorder()); table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(new CDocumentBorder()); var style = tableNode.getAttribute("style"); if (style) { var tblPrMso = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tblPrMso); var spacing = tblPrMso["mso-cellspacing"]; if (null != spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) {} var padding = tblPrMso["mso-padding-alt"]; if (null != padding) { padding = trimString(padding); var aMargins = padding.split(" "); if (4 == aMargins.length) { var top = aMargins[0]; if (null != top && null != (top = this._ValueToMm(top))) {} else { top = Pr.TableCellMar.Top.W; } var right = aMargins[1]; if (null != right && null != (right = this._ValueToMm(right))) {} else { right = Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; } var bottom = aMargins[2]; if (null != bottom && null != (bottom = this._ValueToMm(bottom))) {} else { bottom = Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W; } var left = aMargins[3]; if (null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) {} else { left = Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; } table.Set_TableCellMar(left, top, right, bottom); } } var insideh = tblPrMso["mso-border-insideh"]; if (null != insideh) { table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insideh)); } var insidev = tblPrMso["mso-border-insidev"]; if (null != insidev) { table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insidev)); } } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(tableNode); if (computedStyle) { if (align_Left == table.Get_TableAlign()) { var margin_left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left"); if (margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left)) && margin_left < Page_Width - X_Left_Margin) { table.Set_TableInd(margin_left); } } background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { table.Set_TableShd(shd_Clear, background_color.r, background_color.g, background_color.b); } var oLeftBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "left", "Left", false); if (null != oLeftBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Left(oLeftBorder); } var oTopBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "top", "Top", false); if (null != oTopBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Top(oTopBorder); } var oRightBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "right", "Right", false); if (null != oRightBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Right(oRightBorder); } var oBottomBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "bottom", "Bottom", false); if (null != oBottomBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Bottom(oBottomBorder); } if (null == spacing) { spacing = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding"); if (!spacing) { spacing = tableNode.style.padding; } if (!spacing) { spacing = null; } if (spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) {} } } var oRowSpans = new Object(); for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if ("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { var row = table.Internal_Add_Row(table.Content.length, 0); this._ExecuteTableRow(tr, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef); } } }, _ExecuteTableRow: function (node, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef) { var oThis = this; var table = row.Table; if (null != spacing && spacing >= tableSpacingMinValue) { row.Set_CellSpacing(spacing); } if (node.style.height) { var height = node.style.height; if (! ("auto" == height || "inherit" == height || -1 != height.indexOf("%")) && null != (height = this._ValueToMm(height))) { row.Set_Height(height, heightrule_AtLeast); } } var bBefore = false; var bAfter = false; var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if (null != style) { var tcPr = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tcPr); var margin_left = tcPr["mso-row-margin-left"]; if (margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left))) { bBefore = true; } var margin_right = tcPr["mso-row-margin-right"]; if (margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right))) { bAfter = true; } } var nCellIndex = 0; var nCellIndexSpan = 0; var fParseSpans = function () { var spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; while (null != spans) { var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false); oCurCell.Set_VMerge(vmerge_Continue); if (spans.col > 1) { oCurCell.Set_GridSpan(spans.col); } spans.row--; if (spans.row <= 0) { delete oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; } nCellIndexSpan += spans.col; spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; } }; var oBeforeCell = null; var oAfterCell = null; if (bBefore || bAfter) { for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tc = node.childNodes[i]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { if (bBefore && null != oBeforeCell) { oBeforeCell = tc; } else { if (bAfter) { oAfterCell = tc; } } } } } for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { fParseSpans(); var tc = node.childNodes[i]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if (null != nColSpan) { nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; } else { nColSpan = 1; } if (tc == oBeforeCell) { row.Set_Before(nColSpan); } else { if (tc == oAfterCell) { row.Set_After(nColSpan); } else { var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false); if (nColSpan > 1) { oCurCell.Set_GridSpan(nColSpan); } var width = aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan + nColSpan - 1] - aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan - 1]; oCurCell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, width)); var nRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nRowSpan) { nRowSpan = nRowSpan - 0; } else { nRowSpan = 1; } if (nRowSpan > 1) { oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan] = { row: nRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan }; } this._ExecuteTableCell(tc, oCurCell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing); } } nCellIndexSpan += nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); }, _ExecuteTableCell: function (node, cell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing) { var Pr = cell.Pr; var bAddIfNull = false; if (null != spacing) { bAddIfNull = true; } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (null != computedStyle) { background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = shd_Clear; Shd.Color = background_color; cell.Set_Shd(Shd); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", bAddIfNull); if (null != border) { cell.Set_Border(border, 3); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "top", "Top", bAddIfNull); if (null != border) { cell.Set_Border(border, 0); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "right", "Right", bAddIfNull); if (null != border) { cell.Set_Border(border, 1); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "bottom", "Bottom", bAddIfNull); if (null != border) { cell.Set_Border(border, 2); } var top = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-top"); if (null != top && null != (top = this._ValueToMm(top))) { cell.Set_Margins({ W: top, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, 0); } var right = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-right"); if (null != right && null != (right = this._ValueToMm(right))) { cell.Set_Margins({ W: right, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, 1); } var bottom = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"); if (null != bottom && null != (bottom = this._ValueToMm(bottom))) { cell.Set_Margins({ W: bottom, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, 2); } var left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-left"); if (null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) { cell.Set_Margins({ W: left, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, 3); } } var oPasteProcessor = new PasteProcessor(this.api, false, false, true); oPasteProcessor.oFonts = this.oFonts; oPasteProcessor.oImages = this.oImages; oPasteProcessor.oDocument = cell.Content; oPasteProcessor.bIgnoreNoBlockText = true; oPasteProcessor.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(cell); if (true == bUseScaleKoef) { oPasteProcessor.bUseScaleKoef = bUseScaleKoef; oPasteProcessor.dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef; } oPasteProcessor._Execute(node, {}, true, true, false); oPasteProcessor._PrepareContent(); oPasteProcessor._AddNextPrevToContent(cell.Content); if (0 == oPasteProcessor.aContent.length) { var oDocContent = cell.Content; var oNewPar = new Paragraph(oDocContent.DrawingDocument, oDocContent, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field); var oNewSpacing = new CParaSpacing(); oNewSpacing.Set_FromObject({ After: 0, Before: 0, Line: linerule_Auto }); oNewPar.Set_Spacing(oNewSpacing); oPasteProcessor.aContent.push(oNewPar); } for (var i = 0, length = oPasteProcessor.aContent.length; i < length; ++i) { cell.Content.Internal_Content_Add(i + 1, oPasteProcessor.aContent[i]); } cell.Content.Internal_Content_Remove(0, 1); }, _Execute: function (node, pPr, bRoot, bAddParagraph, bInBlock) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var bRootHasBlock = false; if (true == bRoot) { var bExist = false; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(child.nodeName.toLowerCase()); if (true == bIsBlockChild) { bRootHasBlock = true; bExist = true; break; } } if (false == bExist && true == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText) { this.bIgnoreNoBlockText = false; } } else { if (Node.TEXT_NODE == node.nodeType) { if (false == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText || true == bInBlock) { var value = node.nodeValue; if (!value) { value = ""; } value = value.replace(/^(\r|\t|\n)+|(\r|\t|\n)+$/g, ""); value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, " "); if (value.length > 0) { var oTargetNode = node; if (null != node.parentNode && false == this._IsBlockElem(node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { oTargetNode = node.parentNode; } bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(oTargetNode, pPr, bAddParagraph); this._commit_rPr(oTargetNode); for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) { var Char = value.charAt(i); var Code = value.charCodeAt(i); var Item; if (32 == Code || 160 == Code) { Item = new ParaSpace(); } else { Item = new ParaText(value[i]); } this._Paragraph_Add(Item); } } } return bAddParagraph; } var sNodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("table" == sNodeName) { if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { this._StartExecuteTable(node, pPr); return bAddParagraph; } else { return false; } } var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if (style) { this._parseCss(style, pPr); } if ("h1" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 0; } else { if ("h2" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 1; } else { if ("h3" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 2; } else { if ("h4" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 3; } else { if ("h5" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 4; } else { if ("h6" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 5; } } } } } } if ("ul" == sNodeName || "ol" == sNodeName || "li" == sNodeName) { pPr.bNum = true; if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if ("ul" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; } else { if ("ol" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Decimal; } } } else { if ("ul" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; } else { if ("ol" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod; } } } } if ("img" == sNodeName) { if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node, pPr, bAddParagraph); var nWidth = parseInt(node.getAttribute("width")); var nHeight = parseInt(node.getAttribute("height")); if (!nWidth || !nHeight) { var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (computedStyle) { nWidth = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("width")); nHeight = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("height")); } } var sSrc = node.getAttribute("src"); if (isNaN(nWidth) || isNaN(nHeight) || !(typeof nWidth === "number") || !(typeof nHeight === "number") || nWidth === 0 || nHeight === 0) { var img_prop = new CImgProperty(); img_prop.put_ImageUrl(sSrc); var or_sz = img_prop.get_OriginSize(editor); nWidth = or_sz.Width / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = or_sz.Height / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } if (nWidth && nHeight && sSrc) { var sSrc = this.oImages[sSrc]; if (sSrc) { nWidth = nWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = nHeight * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if (nWidth * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / nWidth; bUseScaleKoef = true; } if (bUseScaleKoef) { var dTemp = nWidth; nWidth *= dScaleKoef; nHeight *= dScaleKoef; } var oTargetDocument = this.oDocument; var oDrawingDocument = this.oDocument.DrawingDocument; if (oTargetDocument && oDrawingDocument) { var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); var sub; var checkSheetsData; if (typeof binary_shape === "string") { sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); checkSheetsData = binary_shape.substring(12, 18); } if (typeof binary_shape === "string" && (sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup") && checkSheetsData != "Sheets") { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); if (isRealObject(reader)) { reader.oImages = this.oImages; } var first_string = null; if (reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; switch (first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); break; case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": if (this.oDocument.Is_TopDocument()) { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } else { var cur_parent = this.oDocument; if (cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { while (isRealObject(cur_parent) && cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { cur_parent = cur_parent.Parent.Row.Table.Parent; } } if (cur_parent.Parent instanceof WordShape) { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); } else { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } } break; default: Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); break; } } else { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc, nWidth, nHeight); } this._Paragraph_Add(Drawing); } } } else { if (nWidth && nHeight && AscBrowser.isIE) { var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); if (typeof binary_shape === "string") { nWidth = nWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = nHeight * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if (nWidth * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / nWidth; bUseScaleKoef = true; } if (bUseScaleKoef) { var dTemp = nWidth; nWidth *= dScaleKoef; nHeight *= dScaleKoef; } var oTargetDocument = this.oDocument; var oDrawingDocument = this.oDocument.DrawingDocument; if (oTargetDocument && oDrawingDocument) { var sub; var checkSheetsData; if (typeof binary_shape === "string") { sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); checkSheetsData = binary_shape.substring(12, 18); } if (typeof binary_shape === "string" && (sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup") && checkSheetsData != "Sheets") { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); if (isRealObject(reader)) { reader.oImages = this.oImages; } var first_string = null; if (reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; switch (first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); this._Paragraph_Add(Drawing); break; case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": if (this.oDocument.Is_TopDocument()) { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } else { var cur_parent = this.oDocument; if (cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { while (isRealObject(cur_parent) && cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { cur_parent = cur_parent.Parent.Row.Table.Parent; } } if (cur_parent.Parent instanceof WordShape) { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); var bounds = Drawing.getBounds(); Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary2(Drawing.GraphicObj.getBase64Img(), bounds.r - bounds.l, bounds.b - bounds.t); } else { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } } this._Paragraph_Add(Drawing); break; } } } } } } return bAddParagraph; } else { return false; } } if ("br" == sNodeName || "always" == node.style.pageBreakBefore) { if ("always" == node.style.pageBreakBefore) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node.parentNode, pPr, bAddParagraph); bAddParagraph = true; this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); this._Paragraph_Add(new ParaNewLine(break_Page)); } else { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node.parentNode, pPr, bAddParagraph, false); this.nBrCount++; if ("line-break" == pPr["mso-special-character"]) { this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); } return bAddParagraph; } } if ("span" == sNodeName) { var nTabCount = parseInt(pPr["mso-tab-count"] || 0); if (nTabCount > 0) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node, pPr, bAddParagraph); this._commit_rPr(node); for (var i = 0; i < nTabCount; i++) { this._Paragraph_Add(new ParaTab()); } return bAddParagraph; } } } for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; if (Node.COMMENT_NODE == nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; var bSkip = false; if (value) { if (-1 != value.indexOf("supportLists")) { pPr.bNum = true; bSkip = true; } if (-1 != value.indexOf("supportLineBreakNewLine")) { bSkip = true; } } if (true == bSkip) { var j = i + 1; for (; j < length; j++) { var tempNode = node.childNodes[j]; var tempNodeType = tempNode.nodeType; if (Node.COMMENT_NODE == tempNodeType) { var tempvalue = tempNode.nodeValue; if (tempvalue && -1 != tempvalue.indexOf("endif")) { break; } } } i = j; continue; } } if (! (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType)) { continue; } if (Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if (!value) { continue; } value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ""); if ("" == value) { continue; } } var sChildNodeName = child.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(sChildNodeName); if (bRoot) { this.bInBlock = false; } if (bIsBlockChild) { bAddParagraph = true; this.bInBlock = true; } var bHyperlink = false; if ("a" == sChildNodeName) { var href = child.href; if (null != href) { var sDecoded; try { sDecoded = decodeURI(href); } catch(e) { sDecoded = href; } href = sDecoded; bHyperlink = true; var title = child.getAttribute("title"); bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(child, pPr, bAddParagraph); var oHyperlink = new ParaHyperlinkStart(); oHyperlink.Set_Value(href); if (null != title) { oHyperlink.Set_ToolTip(title); } this._Paragraph_Add(oHyperlink); } } bAddParagraph = this._Execute(child, Common_CopyObj(pPr), false, bAddParagraph, bIsBlockChild || bInBlock); if (bIsBlockChild) { bAddParagraph = true; } if ("a" == sChildNodeName && true == bHyperlink) { this._Paragraph_Add(new ParaHyperlinkEnd()); } } if (bRoot) { this._Commit_Br(2, node, pPr); } return bAddParagraph; }, _ExecutePresentation: function (node, pPr, bRoot, bAddParagraph, bInBlock, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables) { var arr_shapes = []; var arr_images = []; var arr_tables = []; var oDocument = this.oDocument; var bRootHasBlock = false; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var shape = arrShapes[arrShapes.length - 1]; this.aContent = shape.txBody.content.Content; if (true == bRoot) { var bExist = false; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(child.nodeName.toLowerCase()); if (true == bIsBlockChild) { bRootHasBlock = true; bExist = true; break; } } if (false == bExist && true == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText) { this.bIgnoreNoBlockText = false; } } else { if (Node.TEXT_NODE == node.nodeType) { if (false == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText || true == bInBlock) { var value = node.nodeValue; if (!value) { value = ""; } value = value.replace(/^(\r|\t|\n)+|(\r|\t|\n)+$/g, ""); value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, " "); if (value.length > 0) { this.oDocument = shape.txBody.content; shape.txBody.content.Add_NewParagraph(); var rPr = this._read_rPr(node.parentNode); var Item = new ParaTextPr(rPr); shape.paragraphAdd(Item); for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) { var Char = value.charAt(i); var Code = value.charCodeAt(i); var Item; if (32 == Code || 160 == Code) { Item = new ParaSpace(); } else { Item = new ParaText(value[i]); } shape.paragraphAdd(Item); } } } return; } var sNodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("table" == sNodeName) { this._StartExecuteTablePresentation(node, pPr, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); return; } var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if (style) { this._parseCss(style, pPr); } if ("h1" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 0; } else { if ("h2" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 1; } else { if ("h3" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 2; } else { if ("h4" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 3; } else { if ("h5" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 4; } else { if ("h6" == sNodeName) { pPr.hLevel = 5; } } } } } } if ("ul" == sNodeName || "ol" == sNodeName || "li" == sNodeName) { pPr.bNum = true; if (g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if ("ul" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; } else { if ("ol" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Decimal; } } } else { if ("ul" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; } else { if ("ol" == sNodeName) { pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod; } } } } if ("img" == sNodeName) { var nWidth = parseInt(node.getAttribute("width")); var nHeight = parseInt(node.getAttribute("height")); if (!nWidth || !nHeight) { var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (computedStyle) { nWidth = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("width")); nHeight = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("height")); } } var sSrc = node.getAttribute("src"); if (isNaN(nWidth) || isNaN(nHeight) || !(typeof nWidth === "number") || !(typeof nHeight === "number") || nWidth === 0 || nHeight === 0) { var img_prop = new CImgProperty(); img_prop.put_ImageUrl(sSrc); var or_sz = img_prop.get_OriginSize(editor); nWidth = or_sz.Width / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = or_sz.Height / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } else { nWidth *= g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight *= g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } if (nWidth && nHeight && sSrc) { var sSrc = this.oImages[sSrc]; if (sSrc) { var image = new CImageShape(presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]); var blipFill = new CUniFill(); blipFill.fill = new CBlipFill(); blipFill.fill.RasterImageId = sSrc; image.setBlipFill(blipFill); image.setGeometry(CreateGeometry("rect")); image.spPr.geometry.Init(5, 5); image.setXfrm(node["offsetLeft"], node["offsetTop"], nWidth, nHeight, null, null, null); arrImages.push(image); } } return bAddParagraph; } if ("br" == sNodeName || "always" == node.style.pageBreakBefore) { if ("always" == node.style.pageBreakBefore) { shape.paragraphAdd(new ParaNewLine(break_Line)); } else { shape.paragraphAdd(new ParaNewLine(break_Line)); } } if ("span" == sNodeName) { var nTabCount = parseInt(pPr["mso-tab-count"] || 0); if (nTabCount > 0) { var rPr = this._read_rPr(node); var Item = new ParaText(rPr); shape.paragraphAdd(Item); for (var i = 0; i < nTabCount; i++) { shape.paragraphAdd(new ParaTab()); } return; } } } for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; if (Node.COMMENT_NODE == nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; var bSkip = false; if (value) { if (-1 != value.indexOf("supportLists")) { pPr.bNum = true; bSkip = true; } if (-1 != value.indexOf("supportLineBreakNewLine")) { bSkip = true; } } if (true == bSkip) { var j = i + 1; for (; j < length; j++) { var tempNode = node.childNodes[j]; var tempNodeType = tempNode.nodeType; if (Node.COMMENT_NODE == tempNodeType) { var tempvalue = tempNode.nodeValue; if (tempvalue && -1 != tempvalue.indexOf("endif")) { break; } } } i = j; continue; } } if (! (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType)) { continue; } if (Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if (!value) { continue; } value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ""); if ("" == value) { continue; } } var sChildNodeName = child.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(sChildNodeName); if (bRoot) { this.bInBlock = false; } if (bIsBlockChild) { bAddParagraph = true; this.bInBlock = true; } var bHyperlink = false; if ("a" == sChildNodeName) { var href = child.href; if (null != href) { var sDecoded; try { sDecoded = decodeURI(href); } catch(e) { sDecoded = href; } href = sDecoded; bHyperlink = true; var title = child.getAttribute("title"); this.oDocument = shape.txBody.content; var oHyperlink = new ParaHyperlinkStart(); oHyperlink.Set_Value(href); if (null != title) { oHyperlink.Set_ToolTip(title); } shape.paragraphAdd(oHyperlink); } } bAddParagraph = this._ExecutePresentation(child, Common_CopyObj(pPr), false, bAddParagraph, bIsBlockChild || bInBlock, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); if (bIsBlockChild) { bAddParagraph = true; } if ("a" == sChildNodeName && true == bHyperlink) { shape.paragraphAdd(new ParaHyperlinkEnd()); } } if (bRoot) {} return; }, _StartExecuteTablePresentation: function (node, pPr, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var tableNode = node; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { if ("tbody" == node.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { node = node.childNodes[i]; break; } } var nRowCount = 0; var nMinColCount = 0; var nMaxColCount = 0; var aColsCountByRow = new Array(); var oRowSums = new Object(); oRowSums[0] = 0; var dMaxSum = 0; var nCurColWidth = 0; var nCurSum = 0; var oRowSpans = new Object(); var fParseSpans = function () { var spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; while (null != spans && spans.row > 0) { spans.row--; nCurColWidth += spans.col; nCurSum += spans.width; spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; } }; for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if ("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { nCurSum = 0; nCurColWidth = 0; var nMinRowSpanCount = null; for (var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { fParseSpans(); var dWidth = null; var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(tc); if (computedStyle) { var computedWidth = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("width"); if (null != computedWidth && null != (computedWidth = this._ValueToMm(computedWidth))) { dWidth = computedWidth; } } if (null == dWidth) { dWidth = tc.clientWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if (null != nColSpan) { nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; } else { nColSpan = 1; } var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nCurRowSpan) { nCurRowSpan = nCurRowSpan - 0; if (null == nMinRowSpanCount) { nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; } else { if (nMinRowSpanCount > nCurRowSpan) { nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; } } if (nCurRowSpan > 1) { oRowSpans[nCurColWidth] = { row: nCurRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan, width: dWidth }; } } else { nMinRowSpanCount = 0; } nCurSum += dWidth; if (null == oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan]) { oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan] = nCurSum; } nCurColWidth += nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); if (nMinRowSpanCount > 1) { for (var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nCurRowSpan) { tc.setAttribute("rowspan", nCurRowSpan - nMinRowSpanCount); } } } } if (dMaxSum < nCurSum) { dMaxSum = nCurSum; } if (0 == nCurColWidth) { node.removeChild(tr); length--; i--; } else { if (0 == nMinColCount || nMinColCount > nCurColWidth) { nMinColCount = nCurColWidth; } if (nMaxColCount < nCurColWidth) { nMaxColCount = nCurColWidth; } nRowCount++; aColsCountByRow.push(nCurColWidth); } } } if (nMaxColCount != nMinColCount) { for (var i = 0, length = aColsCountByRow.length; i < length; ++i) { aColsCountByRow[i] = nMaxColCount - aColsCountByRow[i]; } } if (nRowCount > 0 && nMaxColCount > 0) { var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if (dMaxSum * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / dMaxSum; bUseScaleKoef = true; } var aGrid = new Array(); var nPrevIndex = null; var nPrevVal = 0; for (var i in oRowSums) { var nCurIndex = i - 0; var nCurVal = oRowSums[i]; var nCurWidth = nCurVal - nPrevVal; if (bUseScaleKoef) { nCurWidth *= dScaleKoef; } if (null != nPrevIndex) { var nDif = nCurIndex - nPrevIndex; if (1 == nDif) { aGrid.push(nCurWidth); } else { var nPartVal = nCurWidth / nDif; for (var i = 0; i < nDif; ++i) { aGrid.push(nPartVal); } } } nPrevVal = nCurVal; nPrevIndex = nCurIndex; } var CurPage = 0; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var graphicFrame = new CGraphicFrame(presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]); var table = new CTable(presentation.DrawingDocument, graphicFrame, true, 0, 0, 0, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field, 0, 0, aGrid); table.Set_TableStyle(0); var dd = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; graphicFrame.setGraphicObject(table); arrTables.push(graphicFrame); graphicFrame.setXfrm(dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetLeft"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetTop"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetWidth"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetHeight"]), null, null, null); var aSumGrid = new Array(); aSumGrid[-1] = 0; var nSum = 0; for (var i = 0, length = aGrid.length; i < length; ++i) { nSum += aGrid[i]; aSumGrid[i] = nSum; } this._ExecuteTablePresentation(tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, nMaxColCount != nMinColCount ? aColsCountByRow : null, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); table.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return; } }, _ExecuteTablePresentation: function (tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, aColsCountByRow, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables) { table.Set_TableLayout(tbllayout_Fixed); var Pr = table.Pr; var sTableAlign = null; if (null != tableNode.align) { sTableAlign = tableNode.align; } else { if (null != tableNode.parentNode && this.oRootNode != tableNode.parentNode) { computedStyleParent = this._getComputedStyle(tableNode.parentNode); if (null != computedStyleParent) { sTableAlign = computedStyleParent.getPropertyValue("text-align"); } } } if (null != sTableAlign) { if (-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf("center")) { table.Set_TableAlign(align_Center); } else { if (-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf("right")) { table.Set_TableAlign(align_Right); } } } var spacing = null; table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(new CDocumentBorder()); table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(new CDocumentBorder()); var style = tableNode.getAttribute("style"); if (style) { var tblPrMso = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tblPrMso); var spacing = tblPrMso["mso-cellspacing"]; if (null != spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) {} var padding = tblPrMso["mso-padding-alt"]; if (null != padding) { padding = trimString(padding); var aMargins = padding.split(" "); if (4 == aMargins.length) { var top = aMargins[0]; if (null != top && null != (top = this._ValueToMm(top))) {} else { top = Pr.TableCellMar.Top.W; } var right = aMargins[1]; if (null != right && null != (right = this._ValueToMm(right))) {} else { right = Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; } var bottom = aMargins[2]; if (null != bottom && null != (bottom = this._ValueToMm(bottom))) {} else { bottom = Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W; } var left = aMargins[3]; if (null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) {} else { left = Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; } table.Set_TableCellMar(left, top, right, bottom); } } var insideh = tblPrMso["mso-border-insideh"]; if (null != insideh) { table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insideh)); } var insidev = tblPrMso["mso-border-insidev"]; if (null != insidev) { table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insidev)); } } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(tableNode); if (computedStyle) { if (align_Left == table.Get_TableAlign()) { var margin_left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left"); if (margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left)) && margin_left < Page_Width - X_Left_Margin) { table.Set_TableInd(margin_left); } } background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { table.Set_TableShd(shd_Clear, background_color.r, background_color.g, background_color.b); } var oLeftBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "left", "Left", false); if (null != oLeftBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Left(oLeftBorder); } var oTopBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "top", "Top", false); if (null != oTopBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Top(oTopBorder); } var oRightBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "right", "Right", false); if (null != oRightBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Right(oRightBorder); } var oBottomBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "bottom", "Bottom", false); if (null != oBottomBorder) { table.Set_TableBorder_Bottom(oBottomBorder); } if (null == spacing) { spacing = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding"); if (!spacing) { spacing = tableNode.style.padding; } if (!spacing) { spacing = null; } if (spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) {} } } var oRowSpans = new Object(); for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if ("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { var row = table.Internal_Add_Row(table.Content.length, 0); this._ExecuteTableRowPresentation(tr, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); } } }, _ExecuteTableRowPresentation: function (node, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables) { var oThis = this; var table = row.Table; if (null != spacing && spacing >= tableSpacingMinValue) { row.Set_CellSpacing(spacing); } if (node.style.height) { var height = node.style.height; if (! ("auto" == height || "inherit" == height || -1 != height.indexOf("%")) && null != (height = this._ValueToMm(height))) { row.Set_Height(height, heightrule_AtLeast); } } var bBefore = false; var bAfter = false; var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if (null != style) { var tcPr = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tcPr); var margin_left = tcPr["mso-row-margin-left"]; if (margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left))) { bBefore = true; } var margin_right = tcPr["mso-row-margin-right"]; if (margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right))) { bAfter = true; } } var nCellIndex = 0; var nCellIndexSpan = 0; var fParseSpans = function () { var spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; while (null != spans) { var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false); oCurCell.Set_VMerge(vmerge_Continue); if (spans.col > 1) { oCurCell.Set_GridSpan(spans.col); } spans.row--; if (spans.row <= 0) { delete oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; } nCellIndexSpan += spans.col; spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; } }; var oBeforeCell = null; var oAfterCell = null; if (bBefore || bAfter) { for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tc = node.childNodes[i]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { if (bBefore && null != oBeforeCell) { oBeforeCell = tc; } else { if (bAfter) { oAfterCell = tc; } } } } } for (var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { fParseSpans(); var tc = node.childNodes[i]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if (null != nColSpan) { nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; } else { nColSpan = 1; } if (tc == oBeforeCell) { row.Set_Before(nColSpan); } else { if (tc == oAfterCell) { row.Set_After(nColSpan); } else { var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false); if (nColSpan > 1) { oCurCell.Set_GridSpan(nColSpan); } var width = aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan + nColSpan - 1] - aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan - 1]; oCurCell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, width)); var nRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (null != nRowSpan) { nRowSpan = nRowSpan - 0; } else { nRowSpan = 1; } if (nRowSpan > 1) { oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan] = { row: nRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan }; } this._ExecuteTableCellPresentation(tc, oCurCell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables); } } nCellIndexSpan += nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); }, _ExecuteTableCellPresentation: function (node, cell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing, arrShapes, arrImages, arrTables) { var Pr = cell.Pr; var bAddIfNull = false; if (null != spacing) { bAddIfNull = true; } var computedStyle = this._getComputedStyle(node); if (null != computedStyle) { background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = shd_Clear; Shd.Color = background_color; cell.Set_Shd(Shd); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", bAddIfNull); 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if (null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) { cell.Set_Margins({ W: left, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, 3); } } var arrShapes2 = [], arrImages2 = [], arrTables2 = []; var presentation = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var shape = new CShape(presentation.Slides[presentation.CurPage]); var dd = presentation.DrawingDocument; shape.setTextBody(new CTextBody(shape)); shape.setXfrm(dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetLeft"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetTop"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetWidth"]), dd.GetMMPerDot(node["offsetHeight"]), null, null, null); arrShapes2.push(shape); this._ExecutePresentation(node, {}, true, true, false, arrShapes2, arrImages2, arrTables); if (arrShapes2.length > 0) { var first_shape = arrShapes2[0]; var content = first_shape.txBody.content; for (var i = 0, length = content.Content.length; i < length; ++i) { cell.Content.Internal_Content_Add(i + 1, content.Content[i]); } cell.Content.Internal_Content_Remove(0, 1); arrShapes2.splice(0, 1); } for (var i = 0; i < arrShapes2.length; ++i) { arrShapes.push(arrShapes2[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < arrImages2.length; ++i) { arrImages.push(arrImages2[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < arrTables2.length; ++i) { arrTables.push(arrTables2[i]); } } }; function SafariIntervalFocus() { if (window.editor && window.editor.WordControl && window.editor.WordControl.IsFocus && (!window.editor.WordControl.TextBoxInputFocus)) { var pastebin = document.getElementById(COPY_ELEMENT_ID); if (pastebin) { pastebin.focus(); } else { Editor_CopyPaste_Create(window.editor); } } } function Editor_CopyPaste_Create(api) { var ElemToSelect = document.createElement("div"); ElemToSelect.id = COPY_ELEMENT_ID; ElemToSelect.className = "sdk-element"; ElemToSelect.style.position = "absolute"; ElemToSelect.style.left = "0px"; ElemToSelect.style.top = "-100px"; ElemToSelect.style.width = "10000px"; ElemToSelect.style.height = "100px"; ElemToSelect.style.overflow = "hidden"; ElemToSelect.style.zIndex = -1000; ElemToSelect.style.MozUserSelect = "text"; ElemToSelect.style["-khtml-user-select"] = "text"; 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