/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var g_fontManager = new CFontManager(); g_fontManager.Initialize(true); var TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 5; var TRACK_RECT_SIZE2 = 4; var TRACK_RECT_SIZE = 8; var TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE = 25; var TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE = 10; var FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS = 0; var FOCUS_OBJECT_MAIN = 1; var FOCUS_OBJECT_NOTES = 2; var COMMENT_WIDTH = 18; var COMMENT_HEIGHT = 16; function CTableMarkup(Table) { this.Internal = { RowIndex: 0, CellIndex: 0, PageNum: 0 }; this.Table = Table; this.X = 0; this.Cols = new Array(); this.Margins = new Array(); this.Rows = new Array(); this.CurCol = 0; this.CurRow = 0; this.TransformX = 0; this.TransformY = 0; } CTableMarkup.prototype = { CreateDublicate: function () { var obj = new CTableMarkup(this.Table); obj.Internal = { RowIndex: this.Internal.RowIndex, CellIndex: this.Internal.CellIndex, PageNum: this.Internal.PageNum }; obj.X = this.X; var len = this.Cols.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj.Cols[i] = this.Cols[i]; } len = this.Margins.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj.Margins[i] = { Left: this.Margins[i].Left, Right: this.Margins[i].Right }; } len = this.Rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj.Rows[i] = { Y: this.Rows[i].Y, H: this.Rows[i].H }; } obj.CurRow = this.CurRow; obj.CurCol = this.CurCol; return obj; }, CorrectFrom: function () { this.X += this.TransformX; var _len = this.Rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { this.Rows[i].Y += this.TransformY; } }, CorrectTo: function () { this.X -= this.TransformX; var _len = this.Rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { this.Rows[i].Y -= this.TransformY; } } }; function CTableOutline(Table, PageNum, X, Y, W, H) { this.Table = Table; this.PageNum = PageNum; this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.W = W; this.H = H; } function CTextMeasurer() { this.m_oManager = new CFontManager(); this.m_oFont = null; this.m_oTextPr = null; this.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup(); this.Init = function () { this.m_oManager.Initialize(); }; this.SetFont = function (font) { if (!font) { return; } this.m_oFont = font; if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index || undefined === font.FontFamily.Index || null == font.FontFamily.Index) { font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name]; } if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1) { return; } var bItalic = true === font.Italic; var bBold = true === font.Bold; var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular; if (!bItalic && bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold; } else { if (bItalic && !bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic; } else { if (bItalic && bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic; } } } var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont; if (_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex != font.FontFamily.Index || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != font.FontSize || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != oFontStyle) { _lastSetUp.SetUpIndex = font.FontFamily.Index; _lastSetUp.SetUpSize = font.FontSize; _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = oFontStyle; window.g_font_infos[_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle, 72, 72); } }; this.SetTextPr = function (textPr) { this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy(); }; this.SetFontSlot = function (slot, fontSizeKoef) { var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts; var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont; switch (slot) { case fontslot_ASCII: _lastFont.Name = _rfonts.Ascii.Name; _lastFont.Index = _rfonts.Ascii.Index; if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined) { _lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name]; } _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize; _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold; _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic; break; case fontslot_CS: _lastFont.Name = _rfonts.CS.Name; _lastFont.Index = _rfonts.CS.Index; if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined) { _lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name]; } _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS; _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS; _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS; break; case fontslot_EastAsia: _lastFont.Name = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name; _lastFont.Index = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index; if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined) { _lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name]; } _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize; _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold; _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic; break; case fontslot_HAnsi: default: _lastFont.Name = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name; _lastFont.Index = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index; if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined) { _lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name]; } _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize; _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold; _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic; break; } if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef) { _lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef; } var _style = 0; if (_lastFont.Italic) { _style += 2; } if (_lastFont.Bold) { _style += 1; } if (_lastFont.Index != _lastFont.SetUpIndex || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle) { _lastFont.SetUpIndex = _lastFont.Index; _lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size; _lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style; window.g_font_infos[_lastFont.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastFont.SetUpSize, _lastFont.SetUpStyle, 72, 72); } }; this.GetTextPr = function () { return this.m_oTextPr; }; this.GetFont = function () { return this.m_oFont; }; this.Measure = function (text) { var Width = 0; var Height = 0; var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar(text.charCodeAt(0)); Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72; Height = 0; return { Width: Width, Height: Height }; }; this.Measure2 = function (text) { var Width = 0; var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar(text.charCodeAt(0)); Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72; return { Width: Width, Ascent: (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72), WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72) }; }; this.MeasureCode = function (lUnicode) { var Width = 0; var Height = 0; var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar(lUnicode); Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72; Height = 0; return { Width: Width, Height: Height }; }; this.Measure2Code = function (lUnicode) { var Width = 0; var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar(lUnicode); Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72; return { Width: Width, Ascent: (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72), WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72) }; }; this.GetAscender = function () { var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em; var Ascender = (0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em * this.m_oManager.m_lAscender / this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight : this.m_oManager.m_lAscender; return Ascender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; }; this.GetDescender = function () { var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em; var Descender = (0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em * this.m_oManager.m_lDescender / this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight : this.m_oManager.m_lDescender; return Descender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; }; this.GetHeight = function () { var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em; var Height = (0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em : this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight; return Height * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; }; } var g_oTextMeasurer = new CTextMeasurer(); g_oTextMeasurer.Init(); function CTableOutlineDr() { var image_64 = "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"; this.image = document.createElement("canvas"); this.image.width = 13; this.image.height = 13; var ctx = this.image.getContext("2d"); var _data = ctx.createImageData(13, 13); DecodeBase64(_data, image_64); ctx.putImageData(_data, 0, 0); _data = null; image_64 = null; this.TableOutline = null; this.Counter = 0; this.bIsNoTable = true; this.bIsTracked = false; this.CurPos = null; this.TrackTablePos = 0; this.TrackOffsetX = 0; this.TrackOffsetY = 0; this.InlinePos = null; this.IsChangeSmall = true; this.ChangeSmallPoint = null; this.checkMouseDown = function (pos, word_control) { if (null == this.TableOutline) { return false; } var _table_track = this.TableOutline; var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue; this.IsChangeSmall = true; this.ChangeSmallPoint = pos; switch (this.TrackTablePos) { case 1: var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W; var _b = _table_track.Y; var _y = _b - _d; var _r = _x + _d; if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b)) { this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x; this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b; return true; } return false; case 2: var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W; var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H; var _r = _x + _d; var _b = _y + _d; if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b)) { this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x; this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y; return true; } return false; case 3: var _r = _table_track.X; var _x = _r - _d; var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H; var _b = _y + _d; if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b)) { this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r; this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y; return true; } return false; case 0: default: var _r = _table_track.X; var _b = _table_track.Y; var _x = _r - _d; var _y = _b - _d; if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b)) { this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r; this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b; return true; } return false; } return false; }; this.checkMouseUp = function (X, Y, word_control) { this.bIsTracked = false; if (null == this.TableOutline || (true === this.IsChangeSmall) || word_control.m_oApi.isViewMode) { return false; } var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue; var _outline = this.TableOutline; var _table = _outline.Table; if (!_table.Is_Inline()) { word_control.m_oLogicDocument.Create_NewHistoryPoint(); switch (this.TrackTablePos) { case 1: var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y); _table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page); _outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX; _outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY; _outline.PageNum = pos.Page; break; case 2: var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix); _table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page); _outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX; _outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY; _outline.PageNum = pos.Page; break; case 3: var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix); _table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page); _outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX; _outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY; _outline.PageNum = pos.Page; break; case 0: default: var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y); _table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page); _outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX; _outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY; _outline.PageNum = pos.Page; break; } } else { if (null != this.InlinePos) { word_control.m_oLogicDocument.Create_NewHistoryPoint(); _table.Move(this.InlinePos.X, this.InlinePos.Y, this.InlinePos.Page); } } _table.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); _table.Document_SetThisElementCurrent(); }; this.checkMouseMove = function (X, Y, word_control) { if (null == this.TableOutline) { return false; } if (true === this.IsChangeSmall) { var _pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y); var _dist = 15 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue; if ((Math.abs(_pos.X - this.ChangeSmallPoint.X) < _dist) && (Math.abs(_pos.Y - this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y) < _dist) && (_pos.Page == this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page)) { this.CurPos = { X: this.ChangeSmallPoint.X, Y: this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y, Page: this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page }; switch (this.TrackTablePos) { case 1: this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W; break; case 2: this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W; this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H; break; case 3: this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H; break; case 0: default: break; } this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX; this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY; return; } this.IsChangeSmall = false; this.TableOutline.Table.Selection_Remove(); editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateSelectionState(); } var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue; switch (this.TrackTablePos) { case 1: var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y); break; case 2: var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix); break; case 3: var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100; this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix); break; case 0: default: this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y); break; } this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX; this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY; }; this.CheckStartTrack = function (word_control) { var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.TableOutline.X, this.TableOutline.Y, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true); var _x0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L; var _y0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.T; if (pos.X < _x0 && pos.Y < _y0) { this.TrackTablePos = 2; } else { if (pos.X < _x0) { this.TrackTablePos = 1; } else { if (pos.Y < _y0) { this.TrackTablePos = 3; } else { this.TrackTablePos = 0; } } } }; } function CCacheImage() { this.image = null; this.image_locked = 0; this.image_unusedCount = 0; } function CCacheManager() { this.arrayImages = new Array(); this.arrayCount = 0; this.countValidImage = 1; this.CheckImagesForNeed = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayCount; ++i) { if ((this.arrayImages[i].image_locked == 0) && (this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount >= this.countValidImage)) { delete this.arrayImages[i].image; this.arrayImages.splice(i, 1); --i; --this.arrayCount; } } }; this.UnLock = function (_cache_image) { if (null == _cache_image) { return; } _cache_image.image_locked = 0; _cache_image.image_unusedCount = 0; }; this.Lock = function (_w, _h) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayCount; ++i) { if (this.arrayImages[i].image_locked) { continue; } var _wI = this.arrayImages[i].image.width; var _hI = this.arrayImages[i].image.height; if ((_wI == _w) && (_hI == _h)) { this.arrayImages[i].image_locked = 1; this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount = 0; this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.globalAlpha = 1; this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.fillStyle = "#B0B0B0"; this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _w, _h); return this.arrayImages[i]; } this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount++; } this.CheckImagesForNeed(); var index = this.arrayCount; this.arrayCount++; this.arrayImages[index] = new CCacheImage(); this.arrayImages[index].image = document.createElement("canvas"); this.arrayImages[index].image.width = _w; this.arrayImages[index].image.height = _h; this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx = this.arrayImages[index].image.getContext("2d"); this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.globalAlpha = 1; this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.fillStyle = "#B0B0B0"; this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _w, _h); this.arrayImages[index].image_locked = 1; this.arrayImages[index].image_unusedCount = 0; return this.arrayImages[index]; 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var _y2 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.w, r.y); var _x3 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.w, r.h); var _y3 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.w, r.h); var _x4 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.x, r.h); var _y4 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.x, r.h); var x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _x1; var y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _y1; var x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _x2; var y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _y2; var x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _x3; var y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _y3; var x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _x4; var y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _y4; overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1); overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2); overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3); overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.closePath(); } } }; this.DrawSearch = function (overlay) { var xDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.left; var yDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.top; var wDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.right - this.SlideCurrectRect.left; var hDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.bottom - this.SlideCurrectRect.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.m_oLogicDocument.Width; var dKoefY = hDst / this.m_oLogicDocument.Height; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var searchingArray = this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[this.SlideCurrent].searchingArray; for (var i = 0; i < searchingArray.length; i++) { var place = searchingArray[i]; if (undefined === place.Ex) { var _x = ((xDst + dKoefX * place.X) >> 0) - 0.5; var _y = ((yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) >> 0) - 0.5; var _w = ((dKoefX * place.W) >> 0) + 1; var _h = ((dKoefY * place.H) >> 0) + 1; if (_x < overlay.min_x) { overlay.min_x = _x; } if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x) { overlay.max_x = _x + _w; } if (_y < overlay.min_y) { overlay.min_y = _y; } if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y) { overlay.max_y = _y + _h; } ctx.rect(_x, _y, _w, _h); } else { var _x1 = (xDst + dKoefX * place.X) >> 0; var _y1 = (yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) >> 0; var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex; var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey; var _x2 = (xDst + dKoefX * x2) >> 0; var _y2 = (yDst + dKoefY * y2) >> 0; var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey; var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex; var _x3 = (xDst + dKoefX * x3) >> 0; var _y3 = (yDst + dKoefY * y3) >> 0; var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey; var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex; var _x4 = (xDst + dKoefX * x4) >> 0; var _y4 = (yDst + dKoefY * y4) >> 0; overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1); ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2); ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3); ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4); ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1); } } }; this.DrawSearchCur = function (overlay, place) { var xDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.left; var yDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.top; var wDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.right - this.SlideCurrectRect.left; var hDst = this.SlideCurrectRect.bottom - this.SlideCurrectRect.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.m_oLogicDocument.Width; var dKoefY = hDst / this.m_oLogicDocument.Height; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; if (undefined === place.Ex) { var _x = ((xDst + dKoefX * place.X) >> 0) - 0.5; var _y = ((yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) >> 0) - 0.5; var _w = ((dKoefX * place.W) >> 0) + 1; var _h = ((dKoefY * place.H) >> 0) + 1; if (_x < overlay.min_x) { overlay.min_x = _x; } if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x) { overlay.max_x = _x + _w; } if (_y < overlay.min_y) { overlay.min_y = _y; } if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y) { overlay.max_y = _y + _h; } ctx.rect(_x, _y, _w, _h); } else { var _x1 = (xDst + dKoefX * place.X) >> 0; var _y1 = (yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) >> 0; var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex; var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey; var _x2 = (xDst + dKoefX * x2) >> 0; var _y2 = (yDst + dKoefY * y2) >> 0; var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey; var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex; var _x3 = (xDst + dKoefX * x3) >> 0; var _y3 = (yDst + dKoefY * y3) >> 0; var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey; var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex; var _x4 = (xDst + dKoefX * x4) >> 0; var _y4 = (yDst + dKoefY * y4) >> 0; overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1); ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2); ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3); ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4); ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1); } }; this.StopRenderingPage = function (pageIndex) { return; }; this.ClearCachePages = function () { if (this.m_oWordControl.bInit_word_control && 0 <= this.SlideCurrent) { this.m_oWordControl.SlideDrawer.CheckSlide(this.SlideCurrent); } }; this.FirePaint = function () { this.m_oWordControl.Thumbnails.LockMainObjType = true; this.m_oWordControl.SlideDrawer.IsRecalculateSlide = true; this.m_oWordControl.CalculateDocumentSize(false); this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll(); this.m_oWordControl.Thumbnails.LockMainObjType = false; }; this.StartTrackAutoshape = function () { this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); }; this.EndTrackAutoShape = function () { this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2 = function (x, y) { var _word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var _x = x - _word_control.X - (_word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.L + _word_control.m_oMainView.AbsolutePosition.L) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; var _y = y - _word_control.Y - (_word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T + _word_control.m_oMainView.AbsolutePosition.T) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; var dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue); var Pos = { X: 0, Y: 0, Page: this.SlideCurrent }; if (this.SlideCurrent != -1) { var rect = this.SlideCurrectRect; var x_mm = (_x - rect.left) * dKoef; var y_mm = (_y - rect.top) * dKoef; Pos.X = x_mm; Pos.Y = y_mm; } return Pos; }; this.IsCursorInTableCur = function (x, y, page) { var _table = this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline; if (_table == null) { return false; } if (page != _table.PageNum) { return false; } var _dist = this.TableOutlineDr.image.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; _dist *= (100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue); var _x = _table.X; var _y = _table.Y; var _r = _x + _table.W; var _b = _y + _table.H; if ((x > (_x - _dist)) && (x < _r) && (y > (_y - _dist)) && (y < _b)) { if ((x < _x) || (y < _y)) { return true; } } return false; }; this.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR = function (x, y) { var _word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var x_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.left + x * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.L * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; var y_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.top + y * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; return { X: x_pix, Y: y_pix, Error: false }; }; this.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR_2 = function (x, y) { var _word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var x_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.left + x * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.L * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; var y_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.top + y * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; x_pix += _word_control.X; y_pix += _word_control.Y; return { X: x_pix, Y: y_pix, Error: false }; }; this.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR_Comment = function (x, y) { var _word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var x_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.left + x * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.L * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; var y_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.top + y * dKoef + _word_control.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix) >> 0; x_pix += COMMENT_WIDTH; y_pix += ((COMMENT_HEIGHT / 3) >> 0); return { X: x_pix, Y: y_pix, Error: false }; }; this.ConvertCoordsToCursor = function (x, y) { var _word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var x_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.left + x * dKoef) >> 0; var y_pix = (this.SlideCurrectRect.top + y * dKoef) >> 0; return { X: x_pix, Y: y_pix, Error: false }; }; this.TargetStart = function () { if (this.m_lTimerTargetId != -1) { clearInterval(this.m_lTimerTargetId); } this.m_lTimerTargetId = setInterval(oThis.DrawTarget, 500); }; this.TargetEnd = function () { if (!this.TargetShowFlag) { return; } this.TargetShowFlag = false; this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false; clearInterval(this.m_lTimerTargetId); this.m_lTimerTargetId = -1; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.display = "none"; this.m_oWordControl.DisableTextEATextboxAttack(); }; this.UpdateTargetNoAttack = function () { if (null == this.m_oWordControl) { return; } this.CheckTargetDraw(this.m_dTargetX, this.m_dTargetY); }; this.CheckTargetDraw = function (x, y) { var _oldW = this.TargetHtmlElement.width; var _oldH = this.TargetHtmlElement.height; var _newW = 2; var _newH = (this.m_dTargetSize * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100) >> 0; if (null != this.TextMatrix && !global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity2(this.TextMatrix)) { var _x1 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(x, y + this.m_dTargetSize); var _y2 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(x, y + this.m_dTargetSize); var pos1 = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_x1, _y1); var pos2 = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_x2, _y2); _newW = (Math.abs(pos1.X - pos2.X) >> 0) + 1; _newH = (Math.abs(pos1.Y - pos2.Y) >> 0) + 1; if (2 > _newW) { _newW = 2; } if (2 > _newH) { _newH = 2; } if (_oldW == _newW && _oldH == _newH) { this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW; } else { this.TargetHtmlElement.style.width = _newW + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.height = _newH + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW; this.TargetHtmlElement.height = _newH; } var ctx = this.TargetHtmlElement.getContext("2d"); if (_newW == 2 || _newH == 2) { ctx.fillStyle = this.GetTargetStyle(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _newW, _newH); } else { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = this.GetTargetStyle(); ctx.lineWidth = 2; if (((pos1.X - pos2.X) * (pos1.Y - pos2.Y)) >= 0) { ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(_newW, _newH); } else { ctx.moveTo(0, _newH); ctx.lineTo(_newW, 0); } ctx.stroke(); } this.TargetHtmlElementLeft = Math.min(pos1.X, pos2.X) >> 0; this.TargetHtmlElementTop = Math.min(pos1.Y, pos2.Y) >> 0; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.left = this.TargetHtmlElementLeft + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.top = this.TargetHtmlElementTop + "px"; } else { if (_oldW == _newW && _oldH == _newH) { this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW; } else { this.TargetHtmlElement.style.width = _newW + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.height = _newH + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW; this.TargetHtmlElement.height = _newH; } var ctx = this.TargetHtmlElement.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = this.GetTargetStyle(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _newW, _newH); if (null != this.TextMatrix) { x += this.TextMatrix.tx; y += this.TextMatrix.ty; } var pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x, y); this.TargetHtmlElementLeft = pos.X >> 0; this.TargetHtmlElementTop = pos.Y >> 0; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.left = this.TargetHtmlElementLeft + "px"; this.TargetHtmlElement.style.top = this.TargetHtmlElementTop + "px"; this.m_oWordControl.CheckTextBoxInputPos(); } }; this.UpdateTarget = function (x, y, pageIndex) { if (pageIndex != this.SlideCurrent) { this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(pageIndex); } if (this.UpdateTargetFromPaint === false) { this.UpdateTargetCheck = true; return; } var targetSize = Number(this.m_dTargetSize * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var pos = null; var __x = x; var __y = y; if (!this.TextMatrix) { pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x, y); } else { __x = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(x, y); __y = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(x, y); pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(__x, __y); } var _ww = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width; var _hh = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { _ww >>= 1; _hh >>= 1; } var boxX = 0; var boxY = 0; var boxR = _ww - 2; var boxB = _hh - targetSize; var nValueScrollHor = 0; if (pos.X < boxX) { nValueScrollHor = (this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollX + pos.X - boxX) >> 0; } if (pos.X > boxR) { nValueScrollHor = (this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollX + pos.X - boxR) >> 0; } var nValueScrollVer = 0; if (pos.Y < boxY) { nValueScrollVer = (this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollY + pos.Y - boxY) >> 0; } if (pos.Y > boxB) { nValueScrollVer = (this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollY + pos.Y - boxB) >> 0; } this.m_dTargetX = x; this.m_dTargetY = y; var isNeedScroll = false; if (0 != nValueScrollHor) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; if (nValueScrollHor > this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollX_max) { nValueScrollHor = this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollX_max; } if (0 > nValueScrollHor) { nValueScrollHor = 0; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollToX(nValueScrollHor, false); } if (0 != nValueScrollVer) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; if (nValueScrollVer > this.m_oWordControl.SlideScrollMAX) { nValueScrollVer = this.m_oWordControl.SlideScrollMAX - 1; } if (this.m_oWordControl.SlideScrollMIN > nValueScrollVer) { nValueScrollVer = this.m_oWordControl.SlideScrollMIN; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollToY(nValueScrollVer, false); } if (true == isNeedScroll) { this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll(); return; } this.CheckTargetDraw(x, y); }; this.SetTargetSize = function (size) { this.m_dTargetSize = size; }; this.DrawTarget = function () { if ("block" != oThis.TargetHtmlElement.style.display && oThis.NeedTarget) { oThis.TargetHtmlElement.style.display = "block"; } else { oThis.TargetHtmlElement.style.display = "none"; } }; this.TargetShow = function () { this.TargetShowNeedFlag = true; }; this.CheckTargetShow = function () { if (this.TargetShowFlag && this.TargetShowNeedFlag) { this.TargetHtmlElement.style.display = "block"; this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false; return; } if (!this.TargetShowNeedFlag) { return; } this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false; if (-1 == this.m_lTimerTargetId) { this.TargetStart(); } if (oThis.NeedTarget) { this.TargetHtmlElement.style.display = "block"; } this.TargetShowFlag = true; }; this.SetCurrentPage = function (PageIndex) { if (PageIndex >= this.SlidesCount) { return; } if (this.SlideCurrent == PageIndex) { return; } this.SlideCurrent = PageIndex; this.m_oWordControl.SetCurrentPage(); }; this.SelectEnabled = function (bIsEnabled) { this.m_bIsSelection = bIsEnabled; if (false === this.m_bIsSelection) { this.SelectClear(); this.m_oWordControl.CheckUnShowOverlay(); this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1; } }; this.SelectClear = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides.length; i++) { this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[i].selectionArray.splice(0, this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[i].selectionArray.length); } this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.SearchClear = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.SlidesCount; i++) { this.Slide.searchingArray.splice(0, this.Slide.searchingArray.length); } this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.Clear(); this.m_bIsSearching = false; this.CurrentSearchNavi = null; }; this.AddPageSearch = function (findText, rects) { var _len = rects.length; if (_len == 0) { return; } if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display == "none") { this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2; } var navigator = { Page: rects[0].PageNum, Place: rects.slice(0, _len) }; var _find = { text: findText, navigator: navigator }; this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SearchFoundCallback(_find); var is_update = false; var _pages = this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { var r = rects[i]; _pages[r.PageNum].searchingArray[_pages[r.PageNum].searchingArray.length] = r; if (r.PageNum >= this.m_lDrawingFirst && r.PageNum <= this.m_lDrawingEnd) { is_update = true; } } if (is_update) { this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); } }; this.StartSearch = function () { this.SearchClear(); if (this.m_bIsSelection) { this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); } this.m_bIsSearching = true; this.CurrentSearchNavi = null; }; this.EndSearch = function (bIsChange) { if (bIsChange) { this.SearchClear(); this.m_bIsSearching = false; this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); } else { this.m_bIsSearching = true; this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); } this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SearchEndCallback(); }; this.AddPageSelection = function (pageIndex, x, y, width, height) { if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.SlidesCount || Math.abs(width) < 0.001 || Math.abs(height) < 0.001) { return; } if (this.m_bIsSelection && (this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display == "none")) { this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2; } var r = new _rect(); r.x = x; r.y = y; r.w = x + width; r.h = y + height; this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[pageIndex].selectionArray[this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[pageIndex].selectionArray.length] = r; }; this.SelectShow = function () { this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.Set_RulerState_Table = function (markup) { var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler; var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler; hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE; hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = markup; hor_ruler.CalculateMargins(); ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE; ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = markup.CreateDublicate(); if (0 <= this.SlideCurrent && this.SlideCurrent < this.SlidesCount) { this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundHorRuler(); this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundVerRuler(); } if (!this.m_oWordControl.IsEnabledRulerMarkers) { this.m_oWordControl.EnableRulerMarkers(); } else { this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler(); } this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler(); }; this.Set_RulerState_Paragraph = function (obj, margins) { if (!this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler) { return; } var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler; var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler; hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH; hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null; ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH; ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null; if (-1 != this.SlideCurrent) { this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundHorRuler(margins); this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundVerRuler(margins); } if (!this.m_oWordControl.IsEnabledRulerMarkers && margins !== undefined) { this.m_oWordControl.EnableRulerMarkers(); } else { if (this.m_oWordControl.IsEnabledRulerMarkers && margins === undefined) { this.m_oWordControl.DisableRulerMarkers(); } else { this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler(); this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler(); } } }; this.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr = function (bHeader, Y0, Y1) { var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler; var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler; hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH; hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null; ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = (true === bHeader) ? RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_HEADER : RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_FOOTER; ver_ruler.header_top = Y0; ver_ruler.header_bottom = Y1; ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null; if (-1 != this.m_lCurrentPage) { this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundHorRuler(); this.m_oWordControl.CreateBackgroundVerRuler(); } this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler(); this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler(); }; this.Update_ParaTab = function (Default_Tab, ParaTabs) { var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler; var __tabs = ParaTabs.Tabs; if (undefined === __tabs) { __tabs = ParaTabs; } var _len = __tabs.length; if ((Default_Tab == hor_ruler.m_dDefaultTab) && (hor_ruler.m_arrTabs.length == _len) && (_len == 0)) { return; } hor_ruler.m_dDefaultTab = Default_Tab; hor_ruler.m_arrTabs = []; var _ar = hor_ruler.m_arrTabs; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Left) { _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_left); } else { if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Center) { _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_center); } else { if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Right) { _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_right); } else { _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_left); } } } } hor_ruler.CorrectTabs(); this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler(); }; this.UpdateTableRuler = function (isCols, index, position) { var dKoef_mm_to_pix = g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue / 100; if (false === isCols) { var markup = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.m_oTableMarkup; if (0 == index) { var delta = position - markup.Rows[0].Y; markup.Rows[0].Y = position; markup.Rows[0].H -= delta; } else { var delta = (markup.Rows[index - 1].Y + markup.Rows[index - 1].H) - position; markup.Rows[index - 1].H -= delta; if (index != markup.Rows.length) { markup.Rows[index].Y -= delta; markup.Rows[index].H += delta; } } if ("none" == this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display) { this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); } this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRulerBack(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.HorLine(this.SlideCurrectRect.top + position * dKoef_mm_to_pix); } else { var markup = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.m_oTableMarkup; if (0 == index) { markup.X = position; } else { var _start = markup.X; for (var i = 0; i < (index - 1); i++) { _start += markup.Cols[i]; } var _old = markup.Cols[index - 1]; markup.Cols[index - 1] = position - _start; if (index != markup.Cols.length) { markup.Cols[index] += (_old - markup.Cols[index - 1]); } } if ("none" == this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display) { this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); } this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRulerBack(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.VertLine(this.SlideCurrectRect.left + position * dKoef_mm_to_pix); } }; this.GetDotsPerMM = function (value) { return value * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100; }; this.GetMMPerDot = function (value) { return value / this.GetDotsPerMM(1); }; this.GetVisibleMMHeight = function () { var pixHeigth = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { pixHeigth >>= 1; } var pixBetweenPages = 20 * (this.m_lDrawingEnd - this.m_lDrawingFirst); return (pixHeigth - pixBetweenPages) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue; }; this.CheckFontCache = function () { var map_used = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_CreateFontMap(); var _measure_map = g_oTextMeasurer.m_oManager.m_oFontsCache.Fonts; var _drawing_map = g_fontManager.m_oFontsCache.Fonts; var map_keys = {}; var api = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi; for (var i in map_used) { var key = GenerateMapId(api, map_used[i].Name, map_used[i].Style, map_used[i].Size); map_keys[key] = true; } for (var i in _measure_map) { if (map_keys[i] == undefined) { delete _measure_map[i]; } } for (var i in _drawing_map) { if (map_keys[i] == undefined) { if (null != _drawing_map[i]) { _drawing_map[i].Destroy(); } delete _drawing_map[i]; } } }; this.CheckFontNeeds = function () { var map_keys = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_Get_AllFontNames(); var dstfonts = new Array(); for (var i in map_keys) { dstfonts[dstfonts.length] = new CFont(i, 0, "", 0, null); } this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Fonts = dstfonts; return; }; this.DrawTrack = function (type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate) { this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawTrack(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate); }; this.LockSlide = function (slideNum) { var _th_manager = this.m_oWordControl.Thumbnails; if (slideNum >= 0 && slideNum < _th_manager.m_arrPages.length) { _th_manager.m_arrPages[slideNum].IsLocked = true; } _th_manager.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.UnLockSlide = function (slideNum) { var _th_manager = this.m_oWordControl.Thumbnails; if (slideNum >= 0 && slideNum < _th_manager.m_arrPages.length) { _th_manager.m_arrPages[slideNum].IsLocked = false; } _th_manager.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.DrawTrackSelectShapes = function (x, y, w, h) { this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawTrackSelectShapes(x, y, w, h); }; this.DrawAdjustment = function (matrix, x, y) { this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawAdjustment(matrix, x, y); }; this.UpdateTargetTransform = function (matrix) { this.TextMatrix = matrix; }; this.UpdateThumbnailsAttack = function () { this.m_oWordControl.Thumbnails.RecalculateAll(); }; this.CheckGuiControlColors = function (bIsAttack) { if (-1 == this.SlideCurrent) { return; } var arr_colors = new Array(10); var _slide = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Slides[this.SlideCurrent]; var _layout = _slide.Layout; var _master = _layout.Master; var _theme = _master.Theme; var rgba = { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }; var array_colors_types = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var _count = array_colors_types.length; var color = new CUniColor(); color.color = new CSchemeColor(); for (var i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { color.color.id = array_colors_types[i]; color.Calculate(_theme, _slide, _layout, _master, rgba); var _rgba = color.RGBA; arr_colors[i] = new CColor(_rgba.R, _rgba.G, _rgba.B); } var bIsSend = false; if (this.GuiControlColorsMap != null) { for (var i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { var _color1 = this.GuiControlColorsMap[i]; var _color2 = arr_colors[i]; if ((_color1.r != _color2.r) || (_color1.g != _color2.g) || (_color1.b != _color2.b)) { bIsSend = true; break; } } } else { this.GuiControlColorsMap = new Array(_count); bIsSend = true; } if (bIsSend || (bIsAttack === true)) { for (var i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { this.GuiControlColorsMap[i] = arr_colors[i]; } this.SendControlColors(bIsAttack); } }; this.SendControlColors = function (bIsAttack) { var standart_colors = null; if (!this.IsSendStandartColors || (bIsAttack === true)) { var _c_s = g_oStandartColors.length; standart_colors = new Array(_c_s); for (var i = 0; i < _c_s; ++i) { standart_colors[i] = new CColor(g_oStandartColors[i]["R"], g_oStandartColors[i]["G"], g_oStandartColors[i]["B"]); } this.IsSendStandartColors = true; } var _count = this.GuiControlColorsMap.length; var _ret_array = new Array(_count * 6); var _cur_index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { var _color_src = this.GuiControlColorsMap[i]; _ret_array[_cur_index] = new CColor(_color_src.r, _color_src.g, _color_src.b); _cur_index++; var _count_mods = g_oThemeColorsDefaultMods.length; for (var j = 0; j < _count_mods; ++j) { var _mods = g_oThemeColorsDefaultMods[j]; var dst_mods = new CColorModifiers(); var _ind = 0; for (var k in _mods) { dst_mods.Mods[_ind] = new CColorMod(); dst_mods.Mods[_ind].name = k; dst_mods.Mods[_ind].val = _mods[k]; _ind++; } var _rgba = { R: _color_src.r, G: _color_src.g, B: _color_src.b, A: 255 }; dst_mods.Apply(_rgba); _ret_array[_cur_index] = new CColor(_rgba.R, _rgba.G, _rgba.B); _cur_index++; } } this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SendThemeColors(_ret_array, standart_colors); }; this.SendThemeColorScheme = function () { var infos = new Array(); var _index = 0; var _c = null; var _count_defaults = g_oUserColorScheme.length; for (var i = 0; i < _count_defaults; ++i) { var _obj = g_oUserColorScheme[i]; infos[_index] = new CAscColorScheme(); infos[_index].Name = _obj["name"]; _c = _obj["dk1"]; infos[_index].Colors[0] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["lt1"]; infos[_index].Colors[1] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["dk2"]; infos[_index].Colors[2] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["lt2"]; infos[_index].Colors[3] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent1"]; infos[_index].Colors[4] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent2"]; infos[_index].Colors[5] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent3"]; infos[_index].Colors[6] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent4"]; infos[_index].Colors[7] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent5"]; infos[_index].Colors[8] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["accent6"]; infos[_index].Colors[9] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["hlink"]; infos[_index].Colors[10] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); _c = _obj["folHlink"]; infos[_index].Colors[11] = new CColor(_c["R"], _c["G"], _c["B"]); ++_index; } var _theme = this.m_oWordControl.MasterLayouts.Theme; var _extra = _theme.extraClrSchemeLst; var _count = _extra.length; var _rgba = { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }; for (var i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { var _scheme = _extra[i].clrScheme; infos[_index] = new CAscColorScheme(); infos[_index].Name = _scheme.name; _scheme.colors[8].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[8].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[0] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[12].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[12].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[1] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[9].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[9].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[2] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[13].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[13].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[3] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[0].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[0].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[4] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[1].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[1].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[5] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[2].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[2].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[6] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[3].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[3].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[7] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[4].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[4].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[8] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[5].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[5].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[9] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[11].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[11].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[10] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _scheme.colors[10].Calculate(_theme, null, null, null, _rgba); _c = _scheme.colors[10].RGBA; infos[_index].Colors[11] = new CColor(_c.R, _c.G, _c.B); _index++; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SendThemeColorSchemes(infos); }; this.DrawImageTextureFillShape = function (url) { if (this.GuiCanvasFillTexture == null) { this.InitGuiCanvasShape(this.GuiCanvasFillTextureParentId); 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bIsChanged = true; } if (this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstRow != tableLook.m_bFirst_Row) { this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstRow = tableLook.m_bFirst_Row; bIsChanged = true; } if (this.TableStylesLastLook.LastCol != tableLook.m_bLast_Col) { this.TableStylesLastLook.LastCol = tableLook.m_bLast_Col; bIsChanged = true; } if (this.TableStylesLastLook.LastRow != tableLook.m_bLast_Row) { this.TableStylesLastLook.LastRow = tableLook.m_bLast_Row; bIsChanged = true; } if (this.TableStylesLastLook.BandHor != tableLook.m_bBand_Hor) { this.TableStylesLastLook.BandHor = tableLook.m_bBand_Hor; bIsChanged = true; } if (this.TableStylesLastLook.BandVer != tableLook.m_bBand_Ver) { this.TableStylesLastLook.BandVer = tableLook.m_bBand_Ver; bIsChanged = true; } } if (!bIsChanged) { return; } var logicDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var _dst_styles = []; var _styles = logicDoc.getAllTableStyles(); var _styles_len = _styles.length; if (_styles_len == 0) { return _dst_styles; } var _x_mar = 10; var _y_mar = 10; 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for (var j = 0; j < Rows; j++) { table.Content[j].Set_Height(H / Rows, heightrule_AtLeast); } table.Set_Props({ TableLook: table_look }); ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height); var graphics = new CGraphics(); graphics.init(ctx, _canvas.width, _canvas.height, _pageW, _pageH); graphics.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager; graphics.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); table.Recalculate_Page(0); table.Draw(0, graphics); var _styleD = new CAscTableStyle(); _styleD.Type = 0; _styleD.Image = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); _styleD.Id = _style.stylesId; _dst_styles.push(_styleD); } if (history_is_on) { History.TurnOn(); } this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_InitEditorTableStyles(_dst_styles); }; this.OnSelectEnd = function () {}; this.GetCommentWidth = function (type) { var _index = 0; if ((type & 2) == 2) { _index = 2; } if ((type & 1) == 1) { _index += 1; } return g_comment_image_offsets[_index][2] * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue; }; this.GetCommentHeight = function (type) { var _index = 0; if ((type & 2) == 2) { _index = 2; } if ((type & 1) == 1) { _index += 1; } return g_comment_image_offsets[_index][3] * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue; }; this.DrawVerAnchor = function (xPos, bIsFromDrawings) { if (undefined === bIsFromDrawings) { this.HorVerAnchors.push({ Type: 0, Pos: xPos }); return; } var _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(xPos, 0); if (_pos.Error === false) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.DashLineColor = "#FF0000"; this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.VertLine2(_pos.X); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.DashLineColor = "#000000"; } }; this.DrawHorAnchor = function (yPos, bIsFromDrawings) { if (undefined === bIsFromDrawings) { this.HorVerAnchors.push({ Type: 1, Pos: yPos }); return; } var _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(0, yPos); if (_pos.Error === false) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.DashLineColor = "#FF0000"; this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.HorLine2(_pos.Y); this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.DashLineColor = "#000000"; } }; this.DrawHorVerAnchor = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.HorVerAnchors.length; i++) { var _anchor = this.HorVerAnchors[i]; if (_anchor.Type == 0) { this.DrawVerAnchor(_anchor.Pos, true); } else { this.DrawHorAnchor(_anchor.Pos, true); } } this.HorVerAnchors.splice(0, this.HorVerAnchors.length); }; } function CThPage() { this.PageIndex = -1; this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.IsRecalc = false; this.cachedImage = null; this.IsSelected = false; this.IsFocused = false; this.IsLocked = false; this.Draw = function (context, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, contextW, contextH) { if (wDst <= 0 || hDst <= 0) { return; } if (null != this.cachedImage) { context.strokeStyle = "#81878F"; context.strokeRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst); context.drawImage(this.cachedImage.image, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst); } else { context.fillStyle = "#B0B0B0"; context.strokeStyle = "#81878F"; context.strokeRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst); context.fillRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst); } }; } function CThumbnailsManager() { this.m_oFontManager = new CFontManager(); this.m_bIsScrollVisible = true; this.DigitWidths = new Array(); this.backgroundColor = "#B0B0B0"; this.overColor = "#D3D3D3"; this.selectColor = "#FFD86B"; this.selectoverColor = "#FFE065"; this.SlideWidth = 297; this.SlideHeight = 210; this.SlidesCount = 0; this.m_dScrollY = 0; this.m_dScrollY_max = 0; this.m_bIsVisible = false; this.m_nCurrentPage = -1; this.m_bIsUpdate = false; this.m_arrPages = new Array(); this.m_lDrawingFirst = -1; this.m_lDrawingEnd = -1; this.const_offsetX = 0; this.const_border_w = 4; this.bIsEmptyDrawed = false; this.m_oCacheManager = new CCacheManager(); this.FocusObjType = FOCUS_OBJECT_MAIN; this.LockMainObjType = false; this.SelectPageEnabled = true; this.IsMouseDownTrack = false; this.IsMouseDownTrackSimple = true; this.MouseDownTrackPage = -1; this.MouseDownTrackX = -1; this.MouseDownTrackY = -1; this.MouseDownTrackPosition = 0; this.m_oWordControl = null; var oThis = this; this.initEvents = function () { var control = this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; control.onmousedown = this.onMouseDown; control.onmousemove = this.onMouseMove; control.onmouseup = this.onMouseUp; control.onmouseout = this.onMouseLeave; control.onmousewheel = this.onMouseWhell; if (control.addEventListener) { control.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this.onMouseWhell, false); } this.initEvents2MobileAdvances(); }; this.initEvents2MobileAdvances = function () { var control = this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; control["ontouchstart"] = function (e) { oThis.onMouseDown(e.touches[0]); return false; }; control["ontouchmove"] = function (e) { oThis.onMouseMove(e.touches[0]); return false; }; control["ontouchend"] = function (e) { oThis.onMouseUp(e.changedTouches[0]); return false; }; }; this.ConvertCoords = function (x, y, isPage, isFixed) { var Pos = { X: x, Y: y }; Pos.X -= this.m_oWordControl.X; Pos.Y -= this.m_oWordControl.Y; if (isFixed && isPage) { Pos.Page = -1; var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { var drawRect = this.m_arrPages[i]; if (Pos.Y >= drawRect.top && Pos.Y <= drawRect.bottom) { Pos.Page = i; break; } } } else { if (isPage) { Pos.Page = 0; var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { var drawRect = this.m_arrPages[i]; if (Pos.Y >= drawRect.top && Pos.Y <= drawRect.bottom) { Pos.Page = i; break; } if (i == (pages_count - 1) && Pos.Y > drawRect.bottom) { Pos.Page = i; } } if (Pos.Page >= pages_count) { Pos.Page = -1; } } } return Pos; }; this.ConvertCoords2 = function (x, y) { var Pos = { X: x, Y: y }; Pos.X -= this.m_oWordControl.X; Pos.Y -= this.m_oWordControl.Y; var _abs_pos = this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition; var _controlW = (_abs_pos.R - _abs_pos.L) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; var _controlH = (_abs_pos.B - _abs_pos.T) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; if (Pos.X < 0 || Pos.X > _controlW || Pos.Y < 0 || Pos.Y > _controlH) { return -1; } var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; if (0 == pages_count) { return -1; } var _min = Math.abs(Pos.Y - this.m_arrPages[0].top); var _MinPositionPage = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { var _min1 = Math.abs(Pos.Y - this.m_arrPages[i].top); var _min2 = Math.abs(Pos.Y - this.m_arrPages[i].bottom); if (_min1 < _min) { _min = _min1; _MinPositionPage = i; } if (_min2 < _min) { _min = _min2; _MinPositionPage = i + 1; } } return _MinPositionPage; }; this.onMouseDown = function (e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var control = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (global_mouseEvent.IsLocked == true && global_mouseEvent.Sender != control) { return false; } check_MouseDownEvent(e); if (global_mouseEvent.Sender != control) { return false; } if (global_mouseEvent.Button == undefined) { global_mouseEvent.Button = 0; } oThis.SetFocusElement(FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS); var pos = oThis.ConvertCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, true, true); if (pos.Page == -1) { if (global_mouseEvent.Button == 2) { var _data = new CContextMenuData(); _data.Type = c_oAscContextMenuTypes.Thumbnails; _data.X_abs = global_mouseEvent.X; _data.Y_abs = global_mouseEvent.Y; _data.IsSlideSelect = false; oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_ContextMenuCallback(_data); } return false; } if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected === true) { oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected = false; var arr = oThis.GetSelectedArray(); if (0 == arr.length) { oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected = true; oThis.ShowPage(pos.Page); } else { oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = false; oThis.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(arr[0]); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = true; oThis.ShowPage(arr[0]); } } else { oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected = true; oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = false; oThis.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(pos.Page); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = true; oThis.ShowPage(pos.Page); } } else { if (global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { var pages_count = oThis.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } var _max = pos.Page; var _min = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrent; if (_min > _max) { var _temp = _max; _max = _min; _min = _temp; } for (var i = _min; i <= _max; i++) { oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = true; } oThis.ShowPage(pos.Page); } else { if (0 == global_mouseEvent.Button || 2 == global_mouseEvent.Button) { if (0 == global_mouseEvent.Button) { oThis.IsMouseDownTrack = true; oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple = true; oThis.MouseDownTrackPage = pos.Page; oThis.MouseDownTrackX = global_mouseEvent.X; oThis.MouseDownTrackY = global_mouseEvent.Y; } if (oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected) { oThis.SelectPageEnabled = false; oThis.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(pos.Page); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = true; if (global_mouseEvent.Button == 2 && !global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { var _data = new CContextMenuData(); _data.Type = c_oAscContextMenuTypes.Thumbnails; _data.X_abs = global_mouseEvent.X; _data.Y_abs = global_mouseEvent.Y; oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_ContextMenuCallback(_data); } return false; } var pages_count = oThis.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsSelected = true; oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = false; oThis.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(pos.Page); oThis.SelectPageEnabled = true; oThis.ShowPage(pos.Page); } } } if (global_mouseEvent.Button == 2 && !global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { var _data = new CContextMenuData(); _data.Type = c_oAscContextMenuTypes.Thumbnails; _data.X_abs = global_mouseEvent.X; _data.Y_abs = global_mouseEvent.Y; oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_ContextMenuCallback(_data); } return false; }; this.ShowPage = function (pageNum) { var y1 = this.m_arrPages[pageNum].top - this.const_border_w; var y2 = this.m_arrPages[pageNum].bottom + this.const_border_w; if (y1 < 0) { var _sizeH = y2 - y1; this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollToY(pageNum * _sizeH + (pageNum + 1) * this.const_border_w); } else { if (y2 > this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollByY(y2 - this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height); } } }; this.SelectPage = function (pageNum) { if (!this.SelectPageEnabled) { return; } var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; if (pageNum >= 0 && pageNum < pages_count) { var bIsUpdate = false; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { if (this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected === true && i != pageNum) { bIsUpdate = true; } this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } if (this.m_arrPages[pageNum].IsSelected === false) { bIsUpdate = true; } this.m_arrPages[pageNum].IsSelected = true; this.m_bIsUpdate = bIsUpdate; if (bIsUpdate) { var y1 = this.m_arrPages[pageNum].top - this.const_border_w; var y2 = this.m_arrPages[pageNum].bottom + this.const_border_w; if (y1 < 0) { var _sizeH = y2 - y1; this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollToY(pageNum * _sizeH + (pageNum + 1) * this.const_border_w); } else { if (y2 > this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollByY(y2 - this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height); } } } } }; this.ClearCacheAttack = function () { var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { this.m_arrPages[i].IsRecalc = true; } this.m_bIsUpdate = true; }; this.RecalculateAll = function () { this.SlideWidth = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Width; this.SlideHeight = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Height; this.SlidesCount = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlidesCount; this.CheckSizes(); this.ClearCacheAttack(); }; this.onMouseMove = function (e) { var control = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (global_mouseEvent.IsLocked == true && global_mouseEvent.Sender != control) { return; } check_MouseMoveEvent(e); if (global_mouseEvent.Sender != control) { return; } if (oThis.IsMouseDownTrack) { if (oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple) { if (Math.abs(oThis.MouseDownTrackX - global_mouseEvent.X) > 10 || Math.abs(oThis.MouseDownTrackY - global_mouseEvent.Y) > 10) { oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple = false; } } if (!oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple) { oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition = oThis.ConvertCoords2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); if (oThis.m_bIsScrollVisible) { var _Y = global_mouseEvent.Y - oThis.m_oWordControl.Y; var _abs_pos = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition; var _YMax = (_abs_pos.B - _abs_pos.T) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; if (oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition != -1 && _Y >= 0 && _Y < 30) { setTimeout(oThis.OnScrollTrackTop, 10); } else { if (oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition != -1 && _Y >= (_YMax - 30) && _Y < _YMax) { setTimeout(oThis.OnScrollTrackBottom, 10); } } } return; } var pos = oThis.ConvertCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, true, true); var _is_old_focused = false; var pages_count = oThis.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { if (oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsFocused) { _is_old_focused = true; oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsFocused = false; } } if (pos.Page != -1) { oThis.m_arrPages[pos.Page].IsFocused = true; oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); } else { if (_is_old_focused) { oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); } } }; this.OnScrollTrackTop = function () { oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollByY(-45); }; this.OnScrollTrackBottom = function () { oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollByY(45); }; this.onMouseUp = function (e) { check_MouseUpEvent(e); var control = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (global_mouseEvent.Sender != control) { return; } if (!oThis.IsMouseDownTrack) { return; } if (oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple) { if (Math.abs(oThis.MouseDownTrackX - global_mouseEvent.X) > 10 || Math.abs(oThis.MouseDownTrackY - global_mouseEvent.Y) > 10) { oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple = false; } } if (oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple) { var pages_count = oThis.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } oThis.m_arrPages[oThis.MouseDownTrackPage].IsSelected = true; oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); } else { oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition = oThis.ConvertCoords2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); if (-1 != oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition) { var _array = oThis.GetSelectedArray(); oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.shiftSlides(oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition, _array); oThis.ClearCacheAttack(); } oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); } oThis.IsMouseDownTrack = false; oThis.IsMouseDownTrackSimple = true; oThis.MouseDownTrackPage = -1; oThis.MouseDownTrackX = -1; oThis.MouseDownTrackY = -1; oThis.MouseDownTrackPosition = -1; }; this.onMouseLeave = function (e) { var pages_count = oThis.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { oThis.m_arrPages[i].IsFocused = false; } oThis.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseWhell = function (e) { if (false === this.m_bIsScrollVisible || !oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi) { return; } var delta = 0; if (undefined != e.wheelDelta && e.wheelDelta != 0) { delta = -45 * e.wheelDelta / 120; } else { if (undefined != e.detail && e.detail != 0) { delta = 45 * e.detail / 3; } } delta >>= 0; oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollBy(0, delta, false); if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } return false; }; this.SetFont = function (font) { if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index) { font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name]; } if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1) { return; } var bItalic = true === font.Italic; var bBold = true === font.Bold; var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular; if (!bItalic && bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold; } else { if (bItalic && !bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic; } else { if (bItalic && bBold) { oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic; } } } window.g_font_infos[font.FontFamily.Index].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oFontManager, font.FontSize, oFontStyle, 96, 96); }; this.Init = function () { this.m_oFontManager.Initialize(true); var font = { FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Italic: false, Bold: false, FontSize: 10 }; this.SetFont(font); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var _meas = this.m_oFontManager.MeasureChar(("" + i).charCodeAt(0)); if (_meas) { this.DigitWidths[i] = _meas.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 96; } else { this.DigitWidths[i] = 10; } } }; this.CheckSizes = function () { var word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var __w = word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.AbsolutePosition.R - word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.AbsolutePosition.L; var __h = word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.AbsolutePosition.B - word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.AbsolutePosition.T; var nWidthSlide = __w * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; if (__w < 1 || __h < 0) { this.m_bIsVisible = false; return; } this.m_bIsVisible = true; nWidthSlide -= (2 * this.const_border_w); var _tmpDig = 0; if (this.DigitWidths.length > 5) { _tmpDig = this.DigitWidths[5]; } this.const_offsetX = (_tmpDig * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * (("") + (this.SlidesCount + 1)).length) >> 0; nWidthSlide -= this.const_offsetX; var nHeightSlide = nWidthSlide * this.SlideHeight / this.SlideWidth; var nHeightPix = (nHeightSlide + 2 * this.const_border_w) * this.SlidesCount; nWidthSlide = parseInt(nWidthSlide); nHeightSlide = parseInt(nHeightSlide); var dPosition = 0; if (this.m_dScrollY_max != 0) { dPosition = this.m_dScrollY / this.m_dScrollY_max; } var heightThumbs = __h * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; if (nHeightPix < heightThumbs) { if (this.m_bIsScrollVisible) { word_control.m_oThumbnails.Bounds.R = 0; word_control.m_oThumbnailsBack.Bounds.R = 0; word_control.m_oThumbnails_scroll.Bounds.AbsW = 0; word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.Resize(__w, __h); } this.m_bIsScrollVisible = false; this.m_dScrollY = 0; } else { if (!this.m_bIsScrollVisible) { word_control.m_oThumbnailsBack.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; word_control.m_oThumbnails.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; word_control.m_oThumbnails_scroll.Bounds.AbsW = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.Resize(__w, __h); } this.m_bIsScrollVisible = true; __w = word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.R - word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.L; __h = word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.B - word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.T; nWidthSlide = __w * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; nWidthSlide -= (2 * this.const_border_w); this.const_offsetX = parseInt(this.DigitWidths[5] * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * (("") + (this.SlidesCount + 1)).length + 6); nWidthSlide -= this.const_offsetX; nHeightSlide = nWidthSlide * this.SlideHeight / this.SlideWidth; nHeightPix = (nHeightSlide + 2 * this.const_border_w) * this.SlidesCount + this.const_border_w * (this.SlidesCount + 1); var settings = { showArrows: true, animateScroll: false, scrollBackgroundColor: "#FCFCFC", screenW: word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.width, screenH: word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height }; document.getElementById("panel_right_scroll_thmbnl").style.height = parseInt(nHeightPix) + "px"; if (word_control.m_oScrollThumb_) { word_control.m_oScrollThumb_.Repos(settings); word_control.m_oScrollThumb_.isHorizontalScroll = false; } else { word_control.m_oScrollThumb_ = new ScrollObject("id_vertical_scroll_thmbnl", settings); word_control.m_oScrollThumb_.bind("scrollvertical", function (evt) { oThis.verticalScroll(this, evt.scrollD, evt.maxScrollY); }); word_control.m_oScrollThumbApi = word_control.m_oScrollThumb_; word_control.m_oScrollThumb_.isHorizontalScroll = false; } } if (this.m_bIsScrollVisible) { var lPosition = parseInt(dPosition * word_control.m_oScrollThumbApi.getMaxScrolledY()); word_control.m_oScrollThumbApi.scrollToY(lPosition); } this.CalculatePlaces(); this.m_bIsUpdate = true; }; this.verticalScroll = function (sender, scrollPositionY, maxY, isAtTop, isAtBottom) { if (false === this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control || false === this.m_bIsScrollVisible) { return; } this.m_dScrollY = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollPositionY, maxY)); this.m_dScrollY_max = maxY; this.CalculatePlaces(); this.m_bIsUpdate = true; this.SetFocusElement(FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS); }; this.CalculatePlaces = function () { if (!this.m_bIsVisible) { return; } var word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var canvas = word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (null == canvas) { return; } var _width = canvas.width; var _height = canvas.height; var bIsFoundFirst = false; var bIsFoundEnd = false; var lCurrentTopInDoc = parseInt(this.m_dScrollY); var __w = word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.R - word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.L; var __h = word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.B - word_control.m_oThumbnails.AbsolutePosition.T; var nWidthSlide = __w * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; nWidthSlide -= (2 * this.const_border_w); this.const_offsetX = parseInt(this.DigitWidths[5] * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * (("") + (this.SlidesCount + 1)).length + 6); nWidthSlide -= this.const_offsetX; var nHeightSlide = nWidthSlide * this.SlideHeight / this.SlideWidth; nWidthSlide = parseInt(nWidthSlide); nHeightSlide = parseInt(nHeightSlide); var lStart = 2 * this.const_border_w; for (var i = 0; i < this.SlidesCount; i++) { if (i >= this.m_arrPages.length) { this.m_arrPages[i] = new CThPage(); } if (false === bIsFoundFirst) { if ((lStart + nHeightSlide) > lCurrentTopInDoc) { this.m_lDrawingFirst = i; bIsFoundFirst = true; } } var drawRect = this.m_arrPages[i]; drawRect.left = this.const_offsetX + this.const_border_w; drawRect.top = lStart - lCurrentTopInDoc; drawRect.right = drawRect.left + nWidthSlide; drawRect.bottom = drawRect.top + nHeightSlide; drawRect.pageIndex = i; if (false === bIsFoundEnd) { if (drawRect.top > _height) { this.m_lDrawingEnd = i - 1; bIsFoundEnd = true; } } lStart += (nHeightSlide + 3 * this.const_border_w); } if (this.m_arrPages.length > this.SlidesCount) { this.m_arrPages.splice(this.SlidesCount, this.m_arrPages.length - this.SlidesCount); } if (false === bIsFoundEnd) { this.m_lDrawingEnd = this.SlidesCount - 1; } }; this.OnPaint = function () { if (!this.m_bIsVisible) { return; } var word_control = this.m_oWordControl; var canvas = word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (null == canvas) { return; } var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var _width = canvas.width; var _height = canvas.height; context.clearRect(0, 0, _width, _height); var _digit_distance = (this.const_offsetX + this.const_border_w) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; var d_offStart = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.SlidesCount; i++) { var page = this.m_arrPages[i]; if (i < this.m_lDrawingFirst || i > this.m_lDrawingEnd) { this.m_oCacheManager.UnLock(page.cachedImage); page.cachedImage = null; continue; } var g = new CGraphics(); g.init(context, _width, _height, _width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm, _height * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm); g.m_oFontManager = this.m_oFontManager; g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); var font = { FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Italic: false, Bold: false, FontSize: 10 }; g.SetFont(font); var DrawNumSlide = i + 1; var num_slide_text_width = 0; while (DrawNumSlide != 0) { var _last_dig = DrawNumSlide % 10; num_slide_text_width += this.DigitWidths[_last_dig]; DrawNumSlide = (DrawNumSlide / 10) >> 0; } page.Draw(context, page.left, page.top, page.right - page.left, page.bottom - page.top); if (!page.IsSelected) { g.b_color1(0, 0, 0, 255); } g.t("" + (i + 1), (_digit_distance - num_slide_text_width + d_offStart) / 2, (page.top * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm + 5)); } this.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.OnUpdateOverlay = function () { if (!this.m_bIsVisible) { return; } var canvas = this.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnailsBack.HtmlElement; if (null == canvas) { return; } var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var _width = canvas.width; var _height = canvas.height; context.fillStyle = "#EBEBEB"; context.fillRect(0, 0, _width, _height); var _style_select = "#E98859"; var _style_focus = "#B0B0B0"; var _style_select_focus = "#ED9870"; context.fillStyle = _style_select; var _border = this.const_border_w; for (var i = 0; i < this.SlidesCount; i++) { var page = this.m_arrPages[i]; if (page.IsLocked) { if (page.IsSelected && page.IsFocused) { context.fillStyle = "#CA2B1F"; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } else { if (page.IsSelected) { context.fillStyle = "#9F1F15"; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } else { if (page.IsFocused) { context.fillStyle = "#FF5E52"; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } else { context.fillStyle = "#EE3525"; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } } } continue; } if (page.IsSelected && page.IsFocused) { context.fillStyle = _style_select_focus; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } else { if (page.IsSelected) { this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); } else { if (page.IsFocused) { context.fillStyle = _style_focus; this.FocusRectDraw(context, _border, page.top - _border, page.right + _border, page.bottom + _border); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = _style_select; } } } } if (this.IsMouseDownTrack && !this.IsMouseDownTrackSimple && -1 != this.MouseDownTrackPosition) { context.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; var y = (0.5 * this.const_border_w) >> 0; if (this.MouseDownTrackPosition != 0) { y = (this.m_arrPages[this.MouseDownTrackPosition - 1].bottom + 1.5 * this.const_border_w) >> 0; } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, y + 0.5); context.lineTo(_width, y + 0.5); context.stroke(); } }; this.FocusRectDraw = function (ctx, x, y, r, b) { ctx.rect(x - this.const_border_w, y, r - x + this.const_border_w, b - y); return; var rad = 2; ctx.moveTo(x, y + rad); ctx.lineTo(x + rad, y); ctx.lineTo(r - rad, y); ctx.lineTo(r, y + rad); ctx.lineTo(r, b - rad); ctx.lineTo(r - rad, b); ctx.lineTo(x + rad, b); ctx.lineTo(x, b - rad); ctx.closePath(); }; this.onCheckUpdate = function () { if (!this.m_bIsVisible) { return; } if (this.m_lDrawingFirst == -1 || this.m_lDrawingEnd == -1) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsEmptyPresentation) { if (!this.bIsEmptyDrawed) { this.bIsEmptyDrawed = true; this.OnPaint(); } return; } this.bIsEmptyDrawed = false; return; } this.bIsEmptyDrawed = false; if (!this.m_bIsUpdate) { for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++) { var page = this.m_arrPages[i]; if (null == page.cachedImage || page.IsRecalc) { this.m_bIsUpdate = true; break; } if ((page.cachedImage.image.width != (page.right - page.left)) || (page.cachedImage.image.height != (page.bottom - page.top))) { this.m_bIsUpdate = true; break; } } } if (!this.m_bIsUpdate) { return; } for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++) { var page = this.m_arrPages[i]; var w = page.right - page.left; var h = page.bottom - page.top; if (null != page.cachedImage) { if ((page.cachedImage.image.width != w) || (page.cachedImage.image.height != h) || page.IsRecalc) { this.m_oCacheManager.UnLock(page.cachedImage); page.cachedImage = null; } } if (null == page.cachedImage) { page.cachedImage = this.m_oCacheManager.Lock(w, h); var g = new CGraphics(); g.IsNoDrawingEmptyPlaceholder = true; g.IsThumbnail = true; g.init(page.cachedImage.image.ctx, w, h, this.SlideWidth, this.SlideHeight); g.m_oFontManager = this.m_oFontManager; g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); var bIsShowPars = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks; this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = false; this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(i, g); this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = bIsShowPars; page.IsRecalc = false; this.m_bIsUpdate = true; break; } } this.OnPaint(); this.m_bIsUpdate = false; }; this.SetFocusElement = function (type) { switch (type) { case FOCUS_OBJECT_MAIN: this.FocusObjType = FOCUS_OBJECT_MAIN; break; case FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS: if (this.LockMainObjType) { return; } this.FocusObjType = FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS; this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.resetStateCurSlide(true); break; case FOCUS_OBJECT_NOTES: break; default: break; } }; this.GetSelectedSlidesRange = function () { var _min = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrent; var _max = _min; var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { if (this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected) { if (i < _min) { _min = i; } if (i > _max) { _max = i; } } } return { Min: _min, Max: _max }; }; this.GetSelectedArray = function () { var _array = new Array(); var pages_count = this.m_arrPages.length; for (var i = 0; i < pages_count; i++) { if (this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected) { _array[_array.length] = i; } } return _array; }; this.CorrectShiftSelect = function (isTop, isEnd) { var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; var slidesCount = drDoc.SlidesCount; var min_max = this.GetSelectedSlidesRange(); var _page = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrent; if (isEnd) { _page = isTop ? 0 : slidesCount - 1; } else { if (isTop) { if (min_max.Min != _page) { _page = min_max.Min - 1; if (_page < 0) { _page = 0; } } else { _page = min_max.Max - 1; if (_page < 0) { _page = 0; } } } else { if (min_max.Min != _page) { _page = min_max.Min + 1; if (_page >= slidesCount) { _page = slidesCount - 1; } } else { _page = min_max.Max + 1; if (_page >= slidesCount) { _page = slidesCount - 1; } } } } var _max = _page; var _min = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrent; if (_min > _max) { var _temp = _max; _max = _min; _min = _temp; } for (var i = 0; i < _min; i++) { this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } for (var i = _min; i <= _max; i++) { this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = true; } for (var i = _max + 1; i < slidesCount; i++) { this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = false; } this.OnUpdateOverlay(); this.ShowPage(_page); }; this.onKeyDown = function (e) { var control = oThis.m_oWordControl.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement; if (global_mouseEvent.IsLocked == true && global_mouseEvent.Sender == control) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } check_KeyboardEvent(e); switch (global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode) { case 13: if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { var _selected_thumbnails = this.GetSelectedArray(); if (_selected_thumbnails.length > 0) { var _last_selected_slide_num = _selected_thumbnails[_selected_thumbnails.length - 1]; this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(_last_selected_slide_num); this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.addNextSlide(); return false; } } break; case 46: case 8: if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { var _delete_array = this.GetSelectedArray(); if (!this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.IsSupportEmptyPresentation) { if (_delete_array.length == this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlidesCount) { _delete_array.splice(0, 1); } } if (_delete_array.length != 0) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.deleteSlides(_delete_array); } if (0 == this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Slides.length) { this.m_bIsUpdate = true; } } break; case 34: case 40: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey && global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { var _presentation = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; History.Create_NewPoint(); var _selection_array = this.GetSelectedArray(); _presentation.moveSlides(_selection_array, _presentation.Slides.length); _presentation.Recalculate(); _presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } return false; } else { if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { _presentation = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var _selected_array = this.GetSelectedArray(); var can_move = false, first_index; for (var i = _selected_array.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (i === _selected_array.length - 1) { if (_selected_array[i] < _presentation.Slides.length - 1) { can_move = true; first_index = i; break; } } else { if (Math.abs(_selected_array[i] - _selected_array[i + 1]) > 1) { can_move = true; first_index = i; break; } } } if (can_move) { History.Create_NewPoint(); for (var i = first_index; i > -1; --i) { _presentation.moveSlides([_selected_array[i]], _selected_array[i] + 2); } _presentation.Recalculate(); _presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } return false; } } } var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; var slidesCount = drDoc.SlidesCount; if (!global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (drDoc.SlideCurrent < (slidesCount - 1)) { this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(drDoc.SlideCurrent + 1); } } else { this.CorrectShiftSelect(false, false); } break; case 36: var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; if (!global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (drDoc.SlideCurrent > 0) { this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(0); } } else { this.CorrectShiftSelect(true, true); } break; case 35: var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; var slidesCount = drDoc.SlidesCount; if (!global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (drDoc.SlideCurrent != (slidesCount - 1)) { this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(slidesCount - 1); } } else { this.CorrectShiftSelect(false, true); } break; case 65: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; var slidesCount = drDoc.SlidesCount; for (var i = 0; i < slidesCount; i++) { this.m_arrPages[i].IsSelected = true; } this.OnUpdateOverlay(); } break; case 89: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { return true; } break; case 90: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { return true; } break; case 88: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { var doc = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === true || doc.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_RemoveSlide) === false) { Editor_Copy(editor, this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false); return undefined; } } break; case 86: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (!window.GlobalPasteFlag) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { if (!window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Create_NewHistoryPoint(); window.GlobalPasteFlag = true; Editor_Paste(this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi, true); return undefined; } else { if (0 === window.GlobalPasteFlagCounter) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Create_NewHistoryPoint(); SafariIntervalFocus(); window.GlobalPasteFlag = true; Editor_Paste(this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi, true); return undefined; } } } } else { if (window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS) { return undefined; } } } break; case 67: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { Editor_Copy(editor); return undefined; } break; case 77: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { var _selected_thumbnails = this.GetSelectedArray(); if (_selected_thumbnails.length > 0) { var _last_selected_slide_num = _selected_thumbnails[_selected_thumbnails.length - 1]; this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(_last_selected_slide_num); this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.addNextSlide(); return false; } } } break; case 68: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { editor.DublicateSlide(); return false; } } break; case 33: case 38: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey && global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { var _presentation = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; History.Create_NewPoint(); var _selection_array = this.GetSelectedArray(); _presentation.moveSlides(_selection_array, 0); _presentation.Recalculate(); _presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } return false; } else { if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.viewMode === false) { _presentation = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var _selected_array = this.GetSelectedArray(); var can_move = false, first_index; for (var i = 0; i < _selected_array.length; ++i) { if (i === 0) { if (_selected_array[i] > 0) { can_move = true; first_index = i; break; } } else { if (Math.abs(_selected_array[i] - _selected_array[i - 1]) > 1) { can_move = true; first_index = i; break; } } } if (can_move) { History.Create_NewPoint(); for (var i = first_index; i > -1; --i) { _presentation.moveSlides([_selected_array[i]], _selected_array[i] - 1); } _presentation.Recalculate(); _presentation.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } return false; } } } var drDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument; var slidesCount = drDoc.SlidesCount; if (!global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey) { if (drDoc.SlideCurrent > 0) { this.m_oWordControl.GoToPage(drDoc.SlideCurrent - 1); } } else { this.CorrectShiftSelect(true, false); } break; case 80: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.asc_Print(); } break; case 83: if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey) { this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.asc_Save(); } break; default: break; } e.preventDefault(); return false; }; } function DrawBackground(graphics, unifill, w, h) { if (true) { graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false); var _l = 0; var _t = 0; var _r = (0 + w); var _b = (0 + h); graphics._s(); graphics._m(_l, _t); graphics._l(_r, _t); graphics._l(_r, _b); graphics._l(_l, _b); graphics._z(); graphics.b_color1(255, 255, 255, 255); graphics.df(); graphics._e(); } if (unifill == null || unifill.fill == null) { return; } graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false); var _shape = new Object(); _shape.brush = unifill; _shape.pen = null; _shape.TransformMatrix = new CMatrix(); _shape.extX = w; _shape.extY = h; _shape.check_bounds = function (checker) { checker._s(); checker._m(0, 0); checker._l(this.extX, 0); checker._l(this.extX, this.extY); checker._l(0, this.extY); checker._z(); checker._e(); }; var shape_drawer = new CShapeDrawer(); shape_drawer.fromShape2(_shape, graphics, null); shape_drawer.draw(null); } function CSlideDrawer() { this.m_oWordControl = null; this.CONST_MAX_SLIDE_CACHE_SIZE = 104857600; this.CONST_BORDER = 10; this.IsCached = false; this.CachedCanvas = null; this.CachedCanvasCtx = null; this.BoundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker(); this.bIsEmptyPresentation = false; this.IsRecalculateSlide = false; this.CheckSlide = function (slideNum) { this.bIsEmptyPresentation = false; if (-1 == slideNum) { this.bIsEmptyPresentation = true; } var dKoef = this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { dKoef *= 2; } var w_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Width; var h_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Height; var w_px = (w_mm * dKoef) >> 0; var h_px = (h_mm * dKoef) >> 0; this.BoundsChecker.init(w_px, h_px, w_mm, h_mm); this.BoundsChecker.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (this.bIsEmptyPresentation) { this.BoundsChecker._s(); this.BoundsChecker._m(0, 0); this.BoundsChecker._l(w_mm, 0); this.BoundsChecker._l(w_mm, h_mm); this.BoundsChecker._l(0, h_mm); this.BoundsChecker._z(); return; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(slideNum, this.BoundsChecker); this.m_oWordControl.CheckCalculateDocumentSize(this.BoundsChecker.Bounds); var _need_pix_width = this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x - this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x + 1; var _need_pix_height = this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.max_y - this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.min_y + 1; this.IsCached = false; if (4 * _need_pix_width * _need_pix_height < this.CONST_MAX_SLIDE_CACHE_SIZE) { this.IsCached = true; } if (this.IsCached) { var _need_reinit_image = false; if (null == this.CachedCanvas) { _need_reinit_image = true; } else { if (this.CachedCanvas.width < _need_pix_width || this.CachedCanvas.height < _need_pix_height) { _need_reinit_image = true; } } if (_need_reinit_image) { this.CachedCanvas = null; this.CachedCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.CachedCanvas.width = _need_pix_width + 100; this.CachedCanvas.height = _need_pix_height + 100; this.CachedCanvasCtx = this.CachedCanvas.getContext("2d"); } else { this.CachedCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, _need_pix_width, _need_pix_height); } var g = new CGraphics(); g.init(this.CachedCanvasCtx, w_px, h_px, w_mm, h_mm); g.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { g.IsRetina = true; } g.m_oCoordTransform.tx = -this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x; g.m_oCoordTransform.ty = -this.BoundsChecker.Bounds.min_y; g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.isViewMode) { g.IsNoDrawingEmptyPlaceholderText = true; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(slideNum, g); } else { if (null != this.CachedCanvas) { this.CachedCanvas = null; this.CachedCanvasCtx = null; } } }; this.DrawSlide = function (outputCtx, scrollX, scrollX_max, scrollY, scrollY_max, slideNum) { var _rect = this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SlideCurrectRect; var _bounds = this.BoundsChecker.Bounds; var _x = _rect.left + _bounds.min_x; var _y = _rect.top + _bounds.min_y; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { _x = (_rect.left << 1) + _bounds.min_x; _y = (_rect.top << 1) + _bounds.min_y; } if (this.bIsEmptyPresentation) { var w_px = _bounds.max_x - _bounds.min_x + 1; var h_px = _bounds.max_y - _bounds.min_y + 1; outputCtx.lineWidth = 1; outputCtx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; outputCtx.beginPath(); this.m_oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrack.AddRectDashClever(outputCtx, _x >> 0, _y >> 0, (_x + w_px) >> 0, (_y + h_px) >> 0, 2, 2); outputCtx.stroke(); outputCtx.beginPath(); return; } if (this.IsCached) { var w_px = _bounds.max_x - _bounds.min_x + 1; var h_px = _bounds.max_y - _bounds.min_y + 1; outputCtx.drawImage(this.CachedCanvas, 0, 0, w_px >> 0, h_px >> 0, _x >> 0, _y >> 0, w_px >> 0, h_px >> 0); } else { var dKoef = this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { dKoef *= 2; } var w_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Width; var h_mm = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Height; var w_px = (w_mm * dKoef) >> 0; var h_px = (h_mm * dKoef) >> 0; var g = new CGraphics(); g.init(outputCtx, w_px, h_px, w_mm, h_mm); g.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager; if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) { g.IsRetina = 2; } g.m_oCoordTransform.tx = _x; g.m_oCoordTransform.ty = _y; g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.isViewMode) { g.IsNoDrawingEmptyPlaceholderText = true; } this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(slideNum, g); } }; } window.g_comment_image = new Image(); 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