/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var flowobject_Image = 1; var flowobject_Table = 2; var flowobject_Shape = 3; var flowobject_Text_Rect = 4; function Sort_Ranges_X0(A, B) { if (!A.X0 || !B.X0) { return 0; } if (A.X0 < B.X0) { return -1; } else { if (A.X0 > B.X0) { return 1; } } return 0; } function FlowObjects_CheckInjection(Range1, Range2) { for (var Index = 0; Index < Range1.length; Index++) { var R1 = Range1[Index]; var bInject = false; for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Range2.length; Index2++) { var R2 = Range2[Index2]; if (R1.X0 >= R2.X0 && R1.X0 <= R2.X1 && R1.X1 >= R2.X0 && R1.X1 <= R2.X1) { bInject = true; } } if (!bInject) { return false; } } return true; } function FlowObjects_CompareRanges(Range1, Range2) { if (Range1.length < Range2.length) { return -1; } else { if (Range1.length > Range2.length) { return -1; } } for (var Index = 0; Index < Range1.length; Index++) { if (Math.abs(Range1[Index].X0 - Range2[Index].X0) > 0.001 || Math.abs(Range1[Index].X1 - Range2[Index].X1)) { return -1; } } return 0; } function FlowObjects(Parent, PageNum) { this.Objects = new Array(); this.Parent = Parent; this.PageNum = PageNum; } FlowObjects.prototype = { Merge: function (FlowObjects) {}, Add: function (Item) { if (flowobject_Table != Item.Get_Type() || 0 === Item.PageController) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowObjects_AddItem, Pos: this.Internal_Get_ClearPos(this.Objects.length), Item: Item }); } this.Objects.push(Item); return this.Objects.length - 1; }, Remove_ByPos: function (Pos) { var Object = this.Objects[Pos]; if (flowobject_Table != Object.Get_Type() || 0 === Object.PageController) { var ClearPos = this.Internal_Get_ClearPos(Pos); History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowObjects_RemoveItem, Pos: ClearPos, EndPos: ClearPos, Items: [this.Objects[Pos]] }); } this.Objects.splice(Pos, 1); }, IsPointIn: function (X, Y) { for (var Index = this.Objects.length - 1; Index > -1; Index--) { if (true === this.Objects[Index].IsPointIn(X, Y)) { return Index; } } return -1; }, CheckRange: function (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, StartArray) { var Ranges = new Array(); if ("undefined" != typeof(StartArray) && null != StartArray) { Ranges = StartArray; } for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { var Object = this.Objects[Index]; var ObjX = Object.X; var ObjY = Object.Y; var Paddings = Object.Paddings; if (flowobject_Table === Object.Get_Type() && false === Object.CheckRange_OnFirstPage()) { continue; } if (ObjY - Paddings.Top <= Y1 && ObjY + Object.H + Paddings.Bottom >= Y0 && ObjX - Paddings.Left <= X1 && ObjX + Object.W + Paddings.Right >= X0) { Ranges.push({ X0: ObjX - Paddings.Left, X1: ObjX + Object.W + Paddings.Right }); } } Ranges.sort(Sort_Ranges_X0); var Pos = 1; while (Pos < Ranges.length) { if (Ranges[Pos].X0 <= Ranges[Pos - 1].X1) { var TempX0 = Ranges[Pos - 1].X0; var TempX1 = Math.max(Ranges[Pos].X1, Ranges[Pos - 1].X1); Ranges.splice(Pos - 1, 2, { X0: TempX0, X1: TempX1 }); } else { Pos++; } } while (Ranges.length > 0) { if (Ranges[0].X1 < X0) { Ranges.splice(0, 1); continue; } else { if (Ranges[0].X0 < X0) { Ranges[0].X0 = X0; } } break; } while (Ranges.length > 0) { if (Ranges[Ranges.length - 1].X0 > X1) { Ranges.splice(Ranges.length - 1, 1); continue; } else { if (Ranges[Ranges.length - 1].X1 > X1) { Ranges[Ranges.length - 1].X1 = X1; } } break; } return Ranges; }, Hide: function () { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (this.Objects[Index].Hide) { this.Objects[Index].Hide(); } } }, Show: function (Context) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (this.Objects[Index].Draw) { this.Objects[Index].Draw(Context); } } }, Find: function (Id, Remove) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (Id === this.Objects[Index].Get_Id()) { var FlowObj = this.Objects[Index]; if (true === Remove) { this.Remove_ByPos(Index); } return FlowObj; } } }, Get_ByIndex: function (Index) { if (Index < 0 || Index >= this.Objects.length) { return null; } return this.Objects[Index]; }, Get_Index_ById: function (Id) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (Id === this.Objects[Index].Get_Id()) { return Index; } } return -1; }, Remove_ById: function (Id) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (Id === this.Objects[Index].Get_Id()) { this.Remove_ByPos(Index); } } }, Remove_All: function () { if (this.Objects.length > 0) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowObjects_RemoveItem, Pos: this.Internal_Get_ClearPos(0), EndPos: this.Internal_Get_ClearPos(this.Objects.length - 1), Items: [this.Objects] }); this.Objects = new Array(); } }, DocumentSearch: function (Str) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (flowobject_Table === this.Objects[Index].Get_Type()) { this.Objects[Index].DocumentSearch(Str); } } }, DocumentStatistics: function (Stats) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (flowobject_Table === this.Objects[Index].Get_Type()) { this.Objects[Index].Table.DocumentStatistics(Stats); } } }, Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) { for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Objects.length; Index++) { if (flowobject_Table === this.Objects[Index].Get_Type()) { this.Objects[Index].Document_CreateFontMap(FontMap); } } }, Internal_Get_ClearPos: function (Pos) { var Counter = 0; for (var Index = 0; Index <= Math.min(Pos, this.Objects.length - 1); Index++) { var Object = this.Objects[Index]; if (flowobject_Table === Object.Get_Type() && 0 != Object.PageController) { Counter++; } } return Pos - Counter; }, Internal_Get_RealPos: function (Pos) { var Counter = Pos; for (var Index = 0; Index <= Math.min(Counter, this.Objects.length - 1); Index++) { var Object = this.Objects[Index]; if (flowobject_Table === Object.Get_Type() && 0 != Object.PageController) { Counter++; } } return Counter; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_FlowObjects_AddItem: var Pos = this.Internal_Get_RealPos(Data.Pos); this.Objects.splice(Pos, 1); break; case historyitem_FlowObjects_RemoveItem: var Pos = this.Internal_Get_RealPos(Data.Pos); var Array_start = this.Objects.slice(0, Pos); var Array_end = this.Objects.slice(Pos); this.Objects = Array_start.concat(Data.Items, Array_end); break; } History.RecalcData_Add(this.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos()); }, Redo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_FlowObjects_AddItem: var Pos = this.Internal_Get_RealPos(Data.Pos); this.Objects.splice(Pos, 0, Data.Item); break; case historyitem_FlowObjects_RemoveItem: var StartPos = this.Internal_Get_RealPos(Data.Pos); var EndPos = this.Internal_Get_RealPos(Data.EndPos); this.Objects.splice(StartPos, EndPos - StartPos + 1); break; } History.RecalcData_Add(this.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos()); }, Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () { var Pos = 0; if (this.Parent != null && this.PageNum != null) { Pos = this.Parent.Pages[this.PageNum].Pos; } return { Type: historyrecalctype_Inline, Data: Pos }; } }; function FlowImage(Id, X, Y, W, H, Img, DrawingDocument, PageNum, Parent) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.H = H; this.W = W; this.Paddings = { Left: 0, Right: 0, Top: 0, Bottom: 0 }; this.Id = Id; this.PageNum = PageNum; this.Img = Img; this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument; this.Parent = Parent; this.Bounds = { Top: null, Bottom: null, Left: null, Right: null }; this.ImageTrackType = 0; } FlowImage.prototype = { Get_Type: function () { return flowobject_Image; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.Id; }, Get_PageNum: function () { return this.PageNum; }, IsPointIn: function (X, Y) { if (this.Y <= Y && this.Y + this.H >= Y && this.X <= X && this.X + this.W >= X) { return true; } return false; }, Draw: function (Context) { Context.drawImage(this.Img, this.X, this.Y, this.W, this.H); }, Focus: function () { this.DrawingDocument.StartTrackImage(this, this.X, this.Y, this.W, this.H, this.ImageTrackType, this.PageNum); }, Blur: function () { this.DrawingDocument.EndTrack(); }, Move_Start: function (X, Y) {}, Move: function (X, Y) {}, Move_End: function (X, Y) {}, Update: function () { this.DrawingDocument.StartTrackImage(this, this.X, this.Y, this.W, this.H, this.ImageTrackType, this.PageNum); }, Track_Draw: function (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) { this.DrawingDocument.m_oTrackObject.DrawImageInTrack(this.Img, Left, Top, Right, Bottom); }, Track_End: function (PageNum, X, Y, W, H) { this.Set_Position(X, Y); this.Set_Size(W, H); this.DrawingDocument.SetCurrentPage(PageNum); this.DrawingDocument.StartTrackImage(this, this.X, this.Y, this.W, this.H, this.ImageTrackType, PageNum); this.Parent.FlowImage_Move(this.Id, this.PageNum, this.PageNum); this.Set_PageNum(PageNum); }, Select_This: function () { var Padding = this.DrawingDocument.GetMMPerDot(6); this.DrawingDocument.AddPageSelection(this.PageNum, this.X - Padding, this.Y - Padding, this.W + 2 * Padding, this.H + 2 * Padding); }, Set_Position: function (X, Y) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_Position, New: { X: X, Y: Y }, Old: { X: this.X, Y: this.Y } }); this.X = X; this.Y = Y; }, Set_Size: function (W, H) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_Size, New: { W: W, H: H }, Old: { W: this.W, H: this.H } }); this.W = W; this.H = H; }, Set_Paddings: function (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_Paddings, New: { Left: null != Left ? Left : this.Paddings.Left, Right: null != Right ? Right : this.Paddings.Right, Top: null != Top ? Top : this.Paddings.Top, Bottom: null != Bottom ? Bottom : this.Paddings.Bottom }, Old: { Left: this.Paddings.Left, Right: this.Paddings.Right, Top: this.Paddings.Top, Bottom: this.Paddings.Bottom } }); this.Paddings.Left = Left; this.Paddings.Right = Right; this.Paddings.Top = Top; this.Paddings.Bottom = Bottom; }, Set_PageNum: function (PageNum) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_PageNum, New: PageNum, Old: this.PageNum }); this.PageNum = PageNum; }, Set_Url: function (Img) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_Url, New: Img, Old: this.Img }); this.Img = Img; }, Set_Parent: function (Parent) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_FlowImage_Parent, New: Parent, Old: Parent }); this.Parent = Parent; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_FlowImage_Position: this.X = Data.Old.X; this.Y = Data.Old.Y; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Size: this.W = Data.Old.W; this.H = Data.Old.H; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Paddings: this.Paddings.Left = Data.Old.Left; this.Paddings.Right = Data.Old.Right; this.Paddings.Top = Data.Old.Top; this.Paddings.Bottom = Data.Old.Bottom; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_PageNum: this.PageNum = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Url: this.Img = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Parent: this.Parent = Data.Old; break; } History.RecalcData_Add(this.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos()); }, Redo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_FlowImage_Position: this.X = Data.New.X; this.Y = Data.New.Y; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Size: this.W = Data.New.W; this.H = Data.New.H; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Paddings: this.Paddings.Left = Data.New.Left; this.Paddings.Right = Data.New.Right; this.Paddings.Top = Data.New.Top; this.Paddings.Bottom = Data.New.Bottom; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_PageNum: this.PageNum = Data.New; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Url: this.Img = Data.New; break; case historyitem_FlowImage_Parent: this.Parent = Data.New; break; } History.RecalcData_Add(this.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos()); }, Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () { return { Type: historyrecalctype_Flow, Data: this }; } }; function FlowTable(PageController, Table, DrawingDocument, LogicDocument, X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, PageNum, Rows, Cols, TableGrid, Id, bRecalculate) { this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument; this.LogicDocument = LogicDocument; this.Parent = LogicDocument; this.PageNum = PageNum; this.Id = Id; this.Paddings = { Left: 0, Right: 0, Top: 0, Bottom: 0 }; if ("undefined" === typeof(Table) || null === Table) { this.Table = new CTable(DrawingDocument, this, false, PageNum, X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, Rows, Cols, TableGrid, Id); } else { this.Table = Table; } this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.XLimit = XLimit; this.YLimit = YLimit; this.H = this.YLimit - this.Y; this.W = this.XLimit - this.X; this.TopObject = this; this.PageController = PageController; this.TurnOffRecalc = false; if (0 === PageController) { this.Pages = new Array(); this.Pages[0] = this.Id; this.TurnOffRecalc = true; if (true === bRecalculate) { this.Table.Recalculate(); } this.TurnOffRecalc = false; this.Internal_UpdatePages(0); } } FlowTable.prototype = { Get_Type: function () { return flowobject_Table; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.Id; }, Get_PageNum: function () { return this.PageNum; }, Get_Styles: function () { return this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles(); }, Get_Numbering: function () { return this.LogicDocument.Get_Numbering(); }, Set_CurrentElement: function (Index) { if (0 != this.PageController) { this.TopObject.Set_CurrentElement(Index); } var Doc = this.LogicDocument; var FlowPos = Doc.Pages[this.PageNum].FlowObjects.Get_Index_ById(this.Id); if (-1 === FlowPos) { return; } if (Doc.CurPos.Type == docpostype_FlowObjects) { Doc.Selection.Data.FlowObject.Blur(); } Doc.Selection_Remove(); Doc.CurPos.Type = docpostype_FlowObjects; Doc.CurPos.ContentPos = FlowPos; Doc.CurPage = this.PageNum; Doc.Selection.Start = false; Doc.Selection.Use = true; Doc.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common; Doc.Selection.Data = { PageNum: Doc.CurPage, FlowObject: this, Pos: FlowPos }; Doc.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); Doc.Document_UpdateRulersState(); Doc.Document_UpdateSelectionState(); }, DeleteThis: function () { if (0 != this.PageController) { return this.TopObject.DeleteThis(); } for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Pages.length; Index++) { var PageFlowObjects = this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].FlowObjects; PageFlowObjects.Remove_ById(this.Pages[Index]); } return this.PageNum; }, Recalculate: function (bFromUndoRedo) { this.Table.Recalculate(); if (true != bFromUndoRedo) { this.Internal_UpdatePages(0); } }, OnContentRecalculate: function (bNeedDocumentRecalc, PageNum, DocumentIndex) { if (true === this.TurnOffRecalc) { return; } if (0 != this.PageController) { return this.TopObject.OnContentRecalculate(bNeedDocumentRecalc, PageNum); } this.Internal_UpdatePages(PageNum); this.LogicDocument.NeedUpdateTarget = true; if (bNeedDocumentRecalc) { this.LogicDocument.ContentLastChangePos = this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + PageNum].Pos; this.LogicDocument.Recalculate(); } else { for (var Index = PageNum; Index < this.Pages.length; Index++) { this.DrawingDocument.OnRecalculatePage(this.PageNum + Index, this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index]); } this.DrawingDocument.OnEndRecalculate(false, true); } }, RecalculateCurPos: function () { this.Table.RecalculateCurPos(); }, Get_NearestPos: function (PageNum, X, Y) { return this.Table.Get_NearestPos(PageNum, X, Y); }, Get_PageContentStartPos: function (PageNum) { return this.LogicDocument.Get_PageContentStartPos(this.PageNum + PageNum); }, Update_Position: function (X, Y) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; }, Update_Position2: function (X, Y, PageNum) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.LogicDocument.DrawingDocument.OnRecalculatePage(this.PageNum, this.LogicDocument.Slides[this.PageNum]); this.LogicDocument.DrawingDocument.OnEndRecalculate(false, false); }, Update_CursorType: function (X, Y, PageNum) { return this.Table.Update_CursorType(X, Y, PageNum); }, DocumentSearch: function (Str) { this.Table.DocumentSearch(Str); }, Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) { this.Table.Document_CreateFontMap(FontMap); }, Document_UpdateInterfaceState: function () { this.Table.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); }, Document_UpdateSelectionState: function () { if (true === this.Table.Is_SelectionUse()) { if (table_Selection_Border === this.Table.Selection.Type2 || table_Selection_Border_InnerTable === this.Table.Selection.Type2) { this.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); } else { this.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(true); this.DrawingDocument.SelectClear(); this.Table.Selection_Draw(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectShow(); } } else { this.Table.RecalculateCurPos(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(false); this.DrawingDocument.TargetStart(); this.DrawingDocument.TargetShow(); } }, Add_InlineObjectXY: function (Drawing, X, Y, PageNum) { return this.LogicDocument.Add_InlineObjectXY(Drawing, X, Y, PageNum); }, Add_InlineTableXY: function (Table, X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { return this.LogicDocument.Add_InlineTableXY(Table, X, Y, PageNum_Abs); }, Is_TopDocument: function () { return true; }, Get_StartPage_Absolute: function () { return this.Parent.Get_StartPage_Absolute(); }, CheckRange_OnFirstPage: function () { if (0 != this.PageController || 1 === this.Table.Pages.length || (this.Table.Pages.length > 1 && (0 != this.Table.Pages[1].FirstRow || true === this.Table.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage))) { return true; } return false; }, IsPointIn: function (X, Y) { if (true === this.CheckRange_OnFirstPage()) { if (this.Y <= Y && this.Y + this.H >= Y && this.X <= X && this.X + this.W >= X) { return true; } } return false; }, Draw: function (pGraphics) { this.Table.Draw(this.PageNum + this.PageController, pGraphics); }, Focus: function (X, Y) {}, Blur: function () { this.Table.Selection_Remove(); }, Move_Start: function (X, Y, MouseEvent) { this.Table.Selection_SetStart(X, Y, this.PageController + this.PageNum, MouseEvent); }, Selection_SetStart: function (X, Y, MouseEvent) { this.Table.Selection_SetStart(X, Y, this.PageController + this.PageNum, MouseEvent); }, Move: function (X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent) { this.Table.Selection_SetEnd(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent); }, Move_End: function (X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent) { this.Table.Selection_SetEnd(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent); this.Table.Selection_Stop(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent); }, Selection_Draw: function () { this.Table.Selection_Draw(); }, Selection_Remove: function () { this.Table.Selection_Remove(); }, Selection_Is_OneElement: function () { return true; }, Internal_Update: function () { this.Table.Recalculate(); this.Internal_UpdateBounds(); }, Internal_UpdateBounds: function () { var Bounds = this.Table.Get_PageBounds(this.PageController); this.W = Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left; this.H = Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top; if (0 === this.PageController) { for (var Index = 1; Index < this.Pages.length; Index++) { var PageFlowObjects = this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].FlowObjects; var FlowObject = PageFlowObjects.Get_ById(this.Pages[Index]); FlowObject.Internal_UpdateBounds(); } } }, Internal_UpdatePages: function (PageNum) { for (var Index = (PageNum > 0 ? PageNum : 1); Index < this.Pages.length; Index++) { var PageFlowObjects = this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].FlowObjects; PageFlowObjects.Remove_ById(this.Pages[Index]); } this.Pages.length = (PageNum > 0 ? PageNum : 1); var PagesCount = this.Table.Get_PagesCount(); for (var Index = PageNum; Index < PagesCount; Index++) { var Bounds = this.Table.Get_PageBounds(Index); if (0 === Index) { this.W = Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left; this.H = Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top; } else { var NewId = ++this.LogicDocument.IdCounter; var NewFlowTable = new FlowTable(Index, this.Table, this.DrawingDocument, this.LogicDocument, Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right, Bounds.Bottom, this.PageNum, 0, 0, null, NewId, true); NewFlowTable.TopObject = this; if ("undefined" === typeof(this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index])) { this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index] = new Object(); this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].FlowObjects = new FlowObjects(this.LogicDocument, this.PageNum + Index); this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].Width = Page_Width; this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].Height = Page_Height; this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].Margins = { Left: X_Left_Field, Right: X_Right_Field, Top: Y_Top_Field, Bottom: Y_Bottom_Field }; this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].Pos = 0; } this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.PageNum + Index].FlowObjects.Add(NewFlowTable); this.Pages[Index] = NewId; } } }, Add_NewParagraph: function () { this.Table.Add_NewParagraph(); }, Add_FlowImage: function (W, H, Img) { this.Table.Add_FlowImage(W, H, Img); }, Add_InlineImage: function (W, H, Img) { this.Table.Add_InlineImage(W, H, Img); }, Add_InlineObject: function (Obj) { this.Table.Add_InlineObject(Obj); }, Add_InlineTable2: function (Table) { this.Table.Add_InlineTable2(Table); }, Paragraph_Add: function (ParaItem, bRecalculate) { if (para_NewLine === ParaItem.Type && break_Page === ParaItem.BreakType) { return; } this.Table.Paragraph_Add(ParaItem, bRecalculate); }, Remove: function (Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection) { this.Table.Remove(Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection); }, Cursor_MoveAt: function (X, Y, PageNum) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveAt(X, Y, false, false, PageNum); }, Cursor_MoveLeft: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveLeft(1, AddToSelect); }, Cursor_MoveRight: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveRight(1, AddToSelect); }, Cursor_MoveUp: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveUp(1, AddToSelect); }, Cursor_MoveDown: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveDown(1, AddToSelect); }, Cursor_MoveEndOfLine: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveEndOfLine(AddToSelect); }, Cursor_MoveStartOfLine: function (AddToSelect) { return this.Table.Cursor_MoveStartOfLine(AddToSelect); }, Set_ParagraphAlign: function (Align) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphAlign(Align); }, Set_ParagraphSpacing: function (Spacing) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphSpacing(Spacing); }, Set_ParagraphIndent: function (Ind) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphIndent(Ind); }, Set_ParagraphNumbering: function (NumInfo) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphNumbering(NumInfo); }, Set_ParagraphShd: function (Shd) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphShd(Shd); }, Set_ParagraphStyle: function (Name) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphStyle(Name); }, Set_ParagraphTabs: function (Tabs) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphTabs(Tabs); }, Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing: function (Value) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing(Value); }, Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore: function (Value) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore(Value); }, Set_ParagraphKeepLines: function (Value) { return this.Table.Set_ParagraphKeepLines(Value); }, Get_ParagraphIndent: function () { return this.Table.Get_ParagraphIndent(); }, Get_CurrentParagraph: function () { return this.Table.Get_CurrentParagraph(); }, Set_Position: function (X, Y) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; }, Set_Paddings: function (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) { this.Paddings.Left = Left; this.Paddings.Right = Right; this.Paddings.Top = Top; this.Paddings.Bottom = Bottom; }, Set_PageNum: function (PageNum) { this.PageNum = PageNum; }, Set_Parent: function (Parent) { this.Parent = Parent; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_FlowTable_Position: this.X = Data.Old.X; 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