/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var Default_Tab_Stop = 12.5; var Default_Heading_Font = "Arial"; var align_Right = 0; var align_Left = 1; var align_Center = 2; var align_Justify = 3; var vertalign_Baseline = 0; var vertalign_SuperScript = 1; var vertalign_SubScript = 2; var highlight_None = -1; var shd_Clear = 0; var shd_Nil = 1; var vertalign_Koef_Size = 0.65; var vertalign_Koef_Super = 0.35; var vertalign_Koef_Sub = -0.141; var smallcaps_Koef = 0.8; var g_dKoef_pt_to_mm = 25.4 / 72; var g_dKoef_pc_to_mm = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm / 12; var g_dKoef_in_to_mm = 25.4; var g_dKoef_twips_to_mm = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm / 20; var g_dKoef_mm_to_pt = 1 / g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; var g_dKoef_mm_to_twips = 1 / g_dKoef_twips_to_mm; var tblwidth_Auto = 0; var tblwidth_Mm = 1; var tblwidth_Nil = 2; var tblwidth_Pct = 3; var tbllayout_Fixed = 0; var tbllayout_AutoFit = 1; var border_None = 0; var border_Single = 1; var heightrule_AtLeast = 0; var heightrule_Auto = 1; var heightrule_Exact = 2; var vertalignjc_Top = 0; var vertalignjc_Center = 1; var vertalignjc_Bottom = 2; var vmerge_Restart = 1; var vmerge_Continue = 2; var spacing_Auto = -1; var styletype_Paragraph = 1; var styletype_Numbering = 2; var styletype_Table = 3; var styletype_Character = 4; function CTableStylePr() { this.TextPr = new CTextPr(); this.ParaPr = new CParaPr(); this.TablePr = new CTablePr(); this.TableRowPr = new CTableRowPr(); this.TableCellPr = new CTableCellPr(); } CTableStylePr.prototype = { Merge: function (TableStylePr) { this.TextPr.Merge(TableStylePr.TextPr); this.ParaPr.Merge(TableStylePr.ParaPr); this.TablePr.Merge(TableStylePr.TablePr); this.TableRowPr.Merge(TableStylePr.TableRowPr); this.TableCellPr.Merge(TableStylePr.TableCellPr); }, Copy: function () { var TableStylePr = new CTableStylePr(); TableStylePr.TextPr = this.TextPr.Copy(); TableStylePr.ParaPr = this.ParaPr.Copy(); TableStylePr.TablePr = this.TablePr.Copy(); TableStylePr.TableRowPr = this.TableRowPr.Copy(); TableStylePr.TableCellPr = this.TableCellPr.Copy(); return TableStylePr; }, Set_FromObject: function (Obj) { if (undefined != Obj.TextPr) { this.TextPr.Set_FromObject(Obj.TextPr); } if (undefined != Obj.ParaPr) { this.ParaPr.Set_FromObject(Obj.ParaPr); } if (undefined != Obj.TablePr) { this.TablePr.Set_FromObject(Obj.TablePr); } if (undefined != Obj.TableRowPr) { this.TableRowPr.Set_FromObject(Obj.TableRowPr); } if (undefined != Obj.TableCellPr) { this.TableCellPr.Set_FromObject(Obj.TableCellPr); } }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { this.TextPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.ParaPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TablePr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableRowPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableCellPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.TextPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.ParaPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TablePr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableRowPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableCellPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } }; function CStyle(Name, BasedOnId, NextId, type) { this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); this.Name = Name; this.BasedOn = BasedOnId; this.Next = NextId; if (null != type) { this.Type = type; } else { this.Type = styletype_Paragraph; } this.qFormat = null; this.uiPriority = null; this.hidden = null; this.semiHidden = null; this.unhideWhenUsed = null; this.TextPr = new CTextPr(); this.ParaPr = new CParaPr(); this.TablePr = new CTablePr(); this.TableRowPr = new CTableRowPr(); this.TableCellPr = new CTableCellPr(); this.TableBand1Horz = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand1Vert = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand2Horz = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand2Vert = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableFirstCol = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableFirstRow = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableLastCol = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableLastRow = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableTLCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableTRCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBLCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBRCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableWholeTable = new CTableStylePr(); g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); } CStyle.prototype = { GetId: function () { return this.Id; }, SetId: function (newId) { g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id); this.Id = newId; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.GetId(); }, Set_Id: function (newId) { return this.SetId(newId); }, Set_TextPr: function (Value) { var Old = this.TextPr; var New = new CTextPr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TextPr = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TextPr, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_ParaPr: function (Value) { var Old = this.ParaPr; var New = new CParaPr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.ParaPr = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_ParaPr, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TablePr: function (Value) { var Old = this.TablePr; var New = new CTablePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TablePr = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TablePr, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableRowPr: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableRowPr; var New = new CTableRowPr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableRowPr = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableRowPr, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableCellPr: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableCellPr; var New = new CTableCellPr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableCellPr = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableCellPr, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBand1Horz: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBand1Horz; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBand1Horz = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBand1Vert: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBand1Vert; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBand1Vert = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBand2Horz: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBand2Horz; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBand2Horz = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBand2Vert: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBand2Vert; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBand2Vert = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableFirstCol: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableFirstCol; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableFirstCol = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableFirstRow: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableFirstRow; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableFirstRow = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableLastCol: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableLastCol; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableLastCol = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableLastCol, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableLastRow: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableLastRow; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableLastRow = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableLastRow, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableTLCell: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableTLCell; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableTLCell = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableTLCell, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableTRCell: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableTRCell; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableTRCell = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableTRCell, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBLCell: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBLCell; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBLCell = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBLCell, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableBRCell: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableBRCell; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableBRCell = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableBRCell, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_TableWholeTable: function (Value) { var Old = this.TableWholeTable; var New = new CTableStylePr(); New.Set_FromObject(Value); this.TableWholeTable = New; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable, Old: Old, New: New }); }, Set_Name: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_Name, Old: this.Name, New: Value }); this.Name = Value; }, Set_BasedOn: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_BasedOn, Old: this.BasedOn, New: Value }); this.BasedOn = Value; }, Set_Next: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_Next, Old: this.Next, New: Value }); this.Next = Value; }, Set_Type: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_Type, Old: this.Type, New: Value }); this.Type = Value; }, Set_QFormat: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_QFormat, Old: this.qFormat, New: Value }); this.qFormat = Value; }, Set_UiPriority: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_UiPriority, Old: this.uiPriority, New: Value }); this.uiPriority = Value; }, Set_Hidden: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_Hidden, Old: this.hidden, New: Value }); this.hidden = Value; }, Set_SemiHidden: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_SemiHidden, Old: this.semiHidden, New: Value }); this.semiHidden = Value; }, Set_UnhideWhenUsed: function (Value) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed, Old: this.unhideWhenUsed, New: Value }); this.unhideWhenUsed = Value; }, Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) { if (undefined != this.TextPr) { this.TextPr.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); } }, Create_Default_Paragraph: function () { var TextPr = { FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); }, Create_Default_Character: function () { this.Set_UiPriority(1); this.Set_SemiHidden(true); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); }, Create_Default_Numbering: function () { this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_SemiHidden(true); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); }, Create_Heading1: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 24 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 0 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 24, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); }, Create_Heading2: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 1 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 20, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading3: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 2 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 18, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Italic: true, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading4: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 3 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 16, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 35, g: 35, b: 35 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading5: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 4 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 14, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Color: { r: 68, g: 68, b: 68 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading6: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 5 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 14, Italic: true, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 35, g: 35, b: 35 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading7: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 6 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 12, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Color: { r: 96, g: 96, b: 96 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading8: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 7 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 12, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 68, g: 68, b: 68 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Heading9: function () { var ParaPr = { KeepNext: true, KeepLines: true, Spacing: { Before: 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 0 }, OutlineLvl: 8 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 11.5, FontFamily: { Name: Default_Heading_Font, Index: -1 }, Italic: true, Color: { r: 68, g: 68, b: 68 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(9); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_ListParagraph: function () { var ParaPr = { Ind: { Left: 36 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm }, ContextualSpacing: true }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(34); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_NoSpacing: function () { this.uiPriority = 1; this.qFormat = true; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto, After: 0 } }; var TextPr = { FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(1); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Header: function () { var RPos = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin; var CPos = RPos / 2; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto }, Tabs: { Tabs: [{ Value: tab_Center, Pos: CPos }, { Value: tab_Right, Pos: RPos }] } }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 11, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Footer: function () { var RPos = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin; var CPos = RPos / 2; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto }, Tabs: { Tabs: [{ Value: tab_Center, Pos: CPos }, { Value: tab_Right, Pos: RPos }] } }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 11, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_NormalTable: function () { var TablePr = { TableInd: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, TableCellMar: { Top: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Left: { W: 1.9, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Bottom: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Right: { W: 1.9, Type: tblwidth_Mm } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_SemiHidden(true); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); }, Create_TableGrid: function () { var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TablePr = { TableInd: 0, TableBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Right: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, InsideH: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, InsideV: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, TableCellMar: { Top: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Left: { W: 1.9, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Bottom: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Right: { W: 1.9, Type: tblwidth_Mm } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(59); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Quote: function () { var ParaPr = { Ind: { Left: 60 }, Brd: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 166, g: 166, b: 166 }, Space: 1, Size: 1.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Color: { r: 166, g: 166, b: 166 }, Space: 4, Size: 1.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } } }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 9, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Italic: true, Color: { r: 55, g: 55, b: 55 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(29); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Subtitle: function () { this.uiPriority = 11; this.qFormat = true; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto }, OutlineLvl: 0 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 26, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Italic: true, Color: { r: 68, g: 68, b: 68 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(11); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_IntenseQuote: function () { var ParaPr = { Ind: { Left: 10, Right: 10 }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 217, g: 217, b: 217 } }, Brd: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, Space: 1, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Color: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, Space: 4, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Right: { Color: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, Space: 4, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Top: { Color: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, Space: 1, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } } }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 9.5, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Italic: true, Color: { r: 96, g: 96, b: 96 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(30); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Title: function () { this.uiPriority = 10; this.qFormat = true; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto, Before: 15 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, After: 4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm }, Brd: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 3 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, OutlineLvl: 0 }; var TextPr = { FontSize: 36, FontFamily: { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }, Bold: true, Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; this.Set_QFormat(true); this.Set_UiPriority(10); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); }, Create_Table_LightShading: function () { this.uiPriority = 60; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TablePr = { TableStyleColBandSize: 1, TableStyleRowBandSize: 1, TableInd: 0, TableBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, TableCellMar: { Top: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Left: { W: 5.75 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Bottom: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Right: { W: 5.75 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Type: tblwidth_Mm } } }; var TableFirstRow = { TextPr: { Bold: true, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } }, ParaPr: { Spacing: { After: 0, Before: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 79, g: 129, b: 189 } } } }; var TableLastRow = { TextPr: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 12 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } } } }; var TableFirstCol = { TextPr: { Bold: true, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } }, ParaPr: { Spacing: { After: 0, Before: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorder: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, Top: { Value: border_None } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 79, g: 129, b: 189 } } } }; var TableLastCol = { TextPr: { Bold: true, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 79, g: 129, b: 189 } } } }; var TableBand1Vert = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 216, g: 216, b: 216 } } } }; var TableBand1Horz = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 216, g: 216, b: 216 } } } }; var TableTRCell = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0 } } } }; var TableTLCell = { TextPr: { Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 18 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 } } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(60); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_TableFirstRow(TableFirstRow); this.Set_TableLastRow(TableLastRow); this.Set_TableFirstCol(TableFirstCol); this.Set_TableLastCol(TableLastCol); this.Set_TableBand1Horz(TableBand1Horz); this.Set_TableBand1Vert(TableBand1Vert); this.Set_TableTRCell(TableTRCell); this.Set_TableTLCell(TableTLCell); }, Create_Table_ColorfulListAccent6: function () { this.uiPriority = 72; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TextPr = { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } }; var TablePr = { TableStyleColBandSize: 1, TableStyleRowBandSize: 1, TableInd: 0, TableCellMar: { TableCellMar: { Top: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Left: { W: 5.75 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Bottom: { W: 0, Type: tblwidth_Mm }, Right: { W: 5.75 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Type: tblwidth_Mm } } } }; var TableCellPr = { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 254, g: 244, b: 236 } } }; var TableFirstRow = { TextPr: { Bold: true, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, Space: 0, Size: 12 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 52, g: 141, b: 165 } } } }; var TableLastRow = { TextPr: { Bold: true, Color: { r: 52, g: 141, b: 165 } }, TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Space: 0, Size: 12 / 8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Value: border_Single } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } } } }; var TableFirstCol = { TextPr: { Bold: true } }; var TableLastCol = { TextPr: { Bold: true } }; var TableBand1Vert = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Top: { Value: border_None }, Left: { Value: border_None }, Bottom: { Value: border_None }, Right: { Value: border_None }, InsideH: { Value: border_None }, InsideV: { Value: border_None } }, Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 253, g: 228, b: 208 } } } }; var TableBand1Horz = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: 253, g: 233, b: 217 } } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(72); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_TableCellPr(TableCellPr); this.Set_TableFirstRow(TableFirstRow); this.Set_TableLastRow(TableLastRow); this.Set_TableFirstCol(TableFirstCol); this.Set_TableLastCol(TableLastCol); this.Set_TableBand1Horz(TableBand1Horz); this.Set_TableBand1Vert(TableBand1Vert); }, Create_Table_Lined: function (Color1, Color2) { this.uiPriority = 99; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TablePr = { TableStyleColBandSize: 1, TableStyleRowBandSize: 1, TableInd: 0, TableCellMar: { Top: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Left: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm), Bottom: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Right: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm) } }; var TableFirstRow = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b } } } }; var TableLastRow = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b } } } }; var TableFirstCol = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b } } } }; var TableLastCol = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b } } } }; var TableBand2Vert = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; var TableBand2Horz = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_TableFirstRow(TableFirstRow); this.Set_TableLastRow(TableLastRow); this.Set_TableFirstCol(TableFirstCol); this.Set_TableLastCol(TableLastCol); this.Set_TableBand2Horz(TableBand2Horz); this.Set_TableBand2Vert(TableBand2Vert); }, Create_Table_Bordered: function (Color1, Color2) { var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TablePr = { TableInd: 0, TableBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Left: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Bottom: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Right: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, InsideH: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, InsideV: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } }, TableCellMar: { Top: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Left: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm), Bottom: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Right: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm) } }; var TableFirstRow = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Bottom: { Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 2.25 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } } } }; var TableLastRow = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 2.25 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } } } }; var TableFirstCol = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Right: { Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 2.25 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } } } }; var TableLastCol = { TableCellPr: { TableCellBorders: { Left: { Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 2.25 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_TableFirstRow(TableFirstRow); this.Set_TableLastRow(TableLastRow); this.Set_TableFirstCol(TableFirstCol); this.Set_TableLastCol(TableLastCol); }, Create_Table_BorderedAndLined: function (Color1, Color2, Color3) { this.uiPriority = 99; var ParaPr = { Spacing: { After: 0, Line: 1, LineRule: linerule_Auto } }; var TablePr = { TableStyleColBandSize: 1, TableStyleRowBandSize: 1, TableInd: 0, TableCellMar: { Top: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Left: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm), Bottom: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0), Right: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 5.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm) }, TableBorders: { Top: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Left: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Bottom: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, Right: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, InsideH: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 }, InsideV: { Color: { r: Color1.r, g: Color1.g, b: Color1.b }, Value: border_Single, Size: 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm, Space: 0 } } }; var TableFirstRow = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; var TableLastRow = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; var TableFirstCol = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; var TableLastCol = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color2.r, g: Color2.g, b: Color2.b } } } }; var TableBand2Vert = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color3.r, g: Color3.g, b: Color3.b } } } }; var TableBand2Horz = { TableCellPr: { Shd: { Value: shd_Clear, Color: { r: Color3.r, g: Color3.g, b: Color3.b } } } }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_ParaPr(ParaPr); this.Set_TablePr(TablePr); this.Set_TableFirstRow(TableFirstRow); this.Set_TableLastRow(TableLastRow); this.Set_TableFirstCol(TableFirstCol); this.Set_TableLastCol(TableLastCol); this.Set_TableBand2Horz(TableBand2Horz); this.Set_TableBand2Vert(TableBand2Vert); }, Create_Character_Hyperlink: function () { var TextPr = { Color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, Underline: true }; this.Set_UiPriority(99); this.Set_UnhideWhenUsed(true); this.Set_TextPr(TextPr); }, isEqual: function (cStyles) { var result = false; if (this.BasedOn == cStyles.BasedOn && this.Name == cStyles.Name && this.Next == cStyles.Next && this.Type == cStyles.Type && this.hidden == cStyles.hidden) { if (this.qFormat == cStyles.qFormat && this.semiHidden == cStyles.semiHidden && this.uiPriority == cStyles.uiPriority && this.unhideWhenUsed == cStyles.unhideWhenUsed) { var isEqualParaPr = this.ParaPr.isEqual(this.ParaPr, cStyles.ParaPr); var isEqualTextPr = this.TextPr.isEqual(this.TextPr, cStyles.TextPr); if (isEqualParaPr && isEqualTextPr) { result = true; } } } return result; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: this.TextPr = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: this.ParaPr = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TablePr: this.TablePr = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: this.TableRowPr = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: this.TableCellPr = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: this.TableBand1Horz = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: this.TableBand1Vert = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: this.TableBand2Horz = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: this.TableBand2Vert = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: this.TableFirstCol = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: this.TableFirstRow = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: this.TableLastCol = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: this.TableLastRow = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: this.TableTLCell = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: this.TableTRCell = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: this.TableBLCell = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: this.TableBRCell = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: this.TableWholeTable = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_Name: this.Name = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: this.BasedOn = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_Next: this.Next = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_Type: this.Type = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_QFormat: this.qFormat = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: this.uiPriority = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_Hidden: this.hidden = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: this.semiHidden = Data.Old; break; case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: this.unhideWhenUsed = Data.Old; break; } }, Redo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: this.TextPr = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: this.ParaPr = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TablePr: this.TablePr = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: this.TableRowPr = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: this.TableCellPr = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: this.TableBand1Horz = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: this.TableBand1Vert = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: this.TableBand2Horz = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: this.TableBand2Vert = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: this.TableFirstCol = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: this.TableFirstRow = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: this.TableLastCol = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: this.TableLastRow = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: this.TableTLCell = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: this.TableTRCell = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: this.TableBLCell = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: this.TableBRCell = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: this.TableWholeTable = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_Name: this.Name = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: this.BasedOn = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_Next: this.Next = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_Type: this.Type = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_QFormat: this.qFormat = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: this.uiPriority = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_Hidden: this.hidden = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: this.semiHidden = Data.New; break; case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: this.unhideWhenUsed = Data.New; break; } }, Get_SelectionState: function () {}, Set_SelectionState: function (State, StateIndex) {}, Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () { return { Type: historyrecalctype_Inline, Data: 0 }; }, Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; var bNeedRecalc = false; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: case historyitem_Style_TablePr: case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: case historyitem_Style_Name: case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: case historyitem_Style_Next: case historyitem_Style_Type: case historyitem_Style_QFormat: case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: case historyitem_Style_Hidden: case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: break; } if (true === bNeedRecalc) { return this.Refresh_RecalcData2(); } }, Refresh_RecalcData2: function () {}, Document_Is_SelectionLocked: function (CheckType) { switch (CheckType) { case changestype_Paragraph_Content: case changestype_Paragraph_Properties: case changestype_Document_Content: case changestype_Document_Content_Add: case changestype_Image_Properties: case changestype_Remove: case changestype_Delete: case changestype_Document_SectPr: case changestype_Table_Properties: case changestype_Table_RemoveCells: case changestype_HdrFtr: CollaborativeEditing.Add_CheckLock(true); break; } }, Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_Style); var Type = Data.Type; Writer.WriteLong(Type); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: case historyitem_Style_TablePr: case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: Data.New.Write_ToBinary(Writer); break; case historyitem_Style_Name: case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: case historyitem_Style_Next: if (undefined === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteString2(Data.New); } } break; case historyitem_Style_Type: Writer.WriteLong(Data.New); break; case historyitem_Style_QFormat: case historyitem_Style_Hidden: case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: if (undefined === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteBool(Data.New); } } break; case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: if (undefined === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === Data.New) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteLong(Data.New); } } break; } return Writer; }, Load_Changes: function (Reader) { var ClassType = Reader.GetLong(); if (historyitem_type_Style != ClassType) { return; } var Type = Reader.GetLong(); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: this.TextPr = new CTextPr(); this.TextPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: this.ParaPr = new CParaPr(); this.ParaPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TablePr: this.TablePr = new CTablePr(); this.TablePr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: this.TableRowPr = new CTableRowPr(); this.TableRowPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: this.TableCellPr = new CTableCellPr(); this.TableCellPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: this.TableBand1Horz = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand1Horz.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: this.TableBand1Vert = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand1Vert.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: this.TableBand2Horz = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand2Horz.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: this.TableBand2Vert = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBand2Vert.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: this.TableFirstCol = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableFirstCol.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: this.TableFirstRow = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableFirstRow.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: this.TableLastCol = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableLastCol.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: this.TableLastRow = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableLastRow.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: this.TableTLCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableTLCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: this.TableTRCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableTRCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: this.TableBLCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBLCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: this.TableBRCell = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableBRCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: this.TableWholeTable = new CTableStylePr(); this.TableWholeTable.Read_FromBinary(Reader); break; case historyitem_Style_Name: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Name = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Name = null; } else { this.Name = Reader.GetString2(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.BasedOn = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.BasedOn = null; } else { this.BasedOn = Reader.GetString2(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_Next: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Next = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Next = null; } else { this.Next = Reader.GetString2(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_Type: this.Type = Reader.GetLong(); break; case historyitem_Style_QFormat: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.qFormat = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.qFormat = null; } else { this.qFormat = Reader.GetBool(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_Hidden: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.hidden = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.hidden = null; } else { this.hidden = Reader.GetBool(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.semiHidden = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.semiHidden = null; } else { this.semiHidden = Reader.GetBool(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.unhideWhenUsed = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.unhideWhenUsed = null; } else { this.unhideWhenUsed = Reader.GetBool(); } } break; case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.uiPriority = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.uiPriority = null; } else { this.uiPriority = Reader.GetLong(); } } break; } }, Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_Style); Writer.WriteString2(this.Id); if (undefined === this.Name) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.Name) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteString2(this.Name); } } if (undefined === this.BasedOn) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.BasedOn) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteString2(this.BasedOn); } } if (undefined === this.Next) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.Next) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteString2(this.Next); } } Writer.WriteLong(this.Type); if (undefined === this.uiPriority) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.uiPriority) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteLong(this.uiPriority); } } if (undefined === this.qFormat) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.qFormat) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(this.qFormat); } } if (undefined === this.hidden) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.hidden) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(this.hidden); } } if (undefined === this.semiHidden) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.semiHidden) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(this.semiHidden); } } if (undefined === this.unhideWhenUsed) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); if (null === this.unhideWhenUsed) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(this.unhideWhenUsed); } } this.TextPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.ParaPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TablePr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableRowPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableCellPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBand1Horz.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBand1Vert.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBand2Horz.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBand2Vert.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableFirstCol.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableFirstRow.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableLastCol.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableLastRow.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableTLCell.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableTRCell.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBLCell.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableBRCell.Write_ToBinary(Writer); this.TableWholeTable.Write_ToBinary(Writer); }, Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) { this.Id = Reader.GetString2(); if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Name = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Name = null; } else { this.Name = Reader.GetString2(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.BasedOn = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.BasedOn = null; } else { this.BasedOn = Reader.GetString2(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Next = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Next = null; } else { this.Next = Reader.GetString2(); } } this.Type = Reader.GetLong(); if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.uiPriority = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.uiPriority = null; } else { this.uiPriority = Reader.GetLong(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.qFormat = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.qFormat = null; } else { this.qFormat = Reader.GetBool(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.hidden = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.hidden = null; } else { this.hidden = Reader.GetBool(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.semiHidden = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.semiHidden = null; } else { this.semiHidden = Reader.GetBool(); } } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.unhideWhenUsed = undefined; } else { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.unhideWhenUsed = null; } else { this.unhideWhenUsed = Reader.GetBool(); } } this.TextPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.ParaPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TablePr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableRowPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableCellPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBand1Horz.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBand1Vert.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBand2Horz.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBand2Vert.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableFirstCol.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableFirstRow.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableLastCol.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableLastRow.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableTLCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableTRCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBLCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableBRCell.Read_FromBinary(Reader); this.TableWholeTable.Read_FromBinary(Reader); }, Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {} }; function CStyles() { this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); this.Default = { ParaPr: new CParaPr(), TextPr: new CTextPr(), TablePr: new CTablePr(), TableRowPr: new CTableRowPr(), TableCellPr: new CTableCellPr(), Paragraph: null, Character: null, Numbering: null, Table: null, TableGrid: null, Headings: [], ParaList: null, Header: null, Footer: null, Hyperlink: null }; this.Default.ParaPr.Init_Default(); this.Default.TextPr.Init_Default(); this.Default.TablePr.Init_Default(); this.Default.TableRowPr.Init_Default(); this.Default.TableCellPr.Init_Default(); this.Style = new Array(); var Style_Para_Def = new CStyle("Normal", null, null, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Para_Def.Create_Default_Paragraph(); this.Default.Paragraph = this.Add(Style_Para_Def); var Style_Char_Def = new CStyle("Default Paragraph Font", null, null, styletype_Character); Style_Char_Def.Create_Default_Character(); this.Default.Character = this.Add(Style_Char_Def); var Style_Num_Def = new CStyle("No List", null, null, styletype_Numbering); Style_Num_Def.Create_Default_Numbering(); this.Default.Numbering = this.Add(Style_Num_Def); var Style_H1 = new CStyle("Heading 1", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H1.Create_Heading1(); this.Default.Headings[0] = this.Add(Style_H1); var Style_H2 = new CStyle("Heading 2", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H2.Create_Heading2(); this.Default.Headings[1] = this.Add(Style_H2); var Style_H3 = new CStyle("Heading 3", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H3.Create_Heading3(); this.Default.Headings[2] = this.Add(Style_H3); var Style_H4 = new CStyle("Heading 4", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H4.Create_Heading4(); this.Default.Headings[3] = this.Add(Style_H4); var Style_H5 = new CStyle("Heading 5", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H5.Create_Heading5(); this.Default.Headings[4] = this.Add(Style_H5); var Style_H6 = new CStyle("Heading 6", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H6.Create_Heading6(); this.Default.Headings[5] = this.Add(Style_H6); var Style_H7 = new CStyle("Heading 7", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H7.Create_Heading7(); this.Default.Headings[6] = this.Add(Style_H7); var Style_H8 = new CStyle("Heading 8", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H8.Create_Heading8(); this.Default.Headings[7] = this.Add(Style_H8); var Style_H9 = new CStyle("Heading 9", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_H9.Create_Heading9(); this.Default.Headings[8] = this.Add(Style_H9); var Style_Para_List = new CStyle("List Paragraph", this.Default.Paragraph, null, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Para_List.Create_ListParagraph(); this.Default.ParaList = this.Add(Style_Para_List); var Style_Table = new CStyle("Normal Table", null, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table.Create_NormalTable(); this.Default.Table = this.Add(Style_Table); var Style_NoSpacing = new CStyle("No Spacing", null, null, styletype_Paragraph); Style_NoSpacing.Create_NoSpacing(); this.Add(Style_NoSpacing); var Style_Title = new CStyle("Title", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Title.Create_Title(); this.Add(Style_Title); var Style_Subtitle = new CStyle("Subtitle", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Subtitle.Create_Subtitle(); this.Add(Style_Subtitle); var Style_Quote = new CStyle("Quote", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Quote.Create_Quote(); this.Add(Style_Quote); var Style_IntenseQuote = new CStyle("Intense Quote", this.Default.Paragraph, this.Default.Paragraph, styletype_Paragraph); Style_IntenseQuote.Create_IntenseQuote(); this.Add(Style_IntenseQuote); var Style_Header = new CStyle("Header", this.Default.Paragraph, null, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Header.Create_Header(); this.Default.Header = this.Add(Style_Header); var Style_Footer = new CStyle("Footer", this.Default.Paragraph, null, styletype_Paragraph); Style_Footer.Create_Footer(); this.Default.Footer = this.Add(Style_Footer); var Style_TableGrid = new CStyle("Table Grid", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_TableGrid.Create_TableGrid(); this.Default.TableGrid = this.Add(Style_TableGrid); var Style_Table_Lined = new CStyle("Lined", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(166, 166, 166), new CDocumentColor(217, 217, 217)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent1 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 1", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent1.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(149, 179, 215), new CDocumentColor(219, 229, 241)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent1); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent2 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 2", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent2.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(217, 149, 148), new CDocumentColor(242, 219, 219)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent2); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent3 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 3", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent3.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(194, 214, 155), new CDocumentColor(234, 241, 221)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent3); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent4 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 4", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent4.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(178, 161, 199), new CDocumentColor(229, 223, 236)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent4); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent5 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 5", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent5.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(146, 205, 220), new CDocumentColor(218, 238, 243)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent5); var Style_Table_Lined_Accent6 = new CStyle("Lined - Accent 6", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Lined_Accent6.Create_Table_Lined(new CDocumentColor(250, 191, 143), new CDocumentColor(253, 233, 233)); this.Add(Style_Table_Lined_Accent6); var Style_Table_Bordered = new CStyle("Bordered", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(191, 191, 191), new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_1 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 1", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_1.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(184, 204, 228), new CDocumentColor(54, 95, 145)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_1); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_2 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 2", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_2.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(229, 184, 183), new CDocumentColor(148, 54, 52)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_2); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_3 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 3", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_3.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(214, 227, 188), new CDocumentColor(118, 146, 60)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_3); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_4 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 4", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_4.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(204, 192, 217), new CDocumentColor(95, 73, 122)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_4); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_5 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 5", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_5.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(182, 221, 232), new CDocumentColor(49, 132, 155)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_5); var Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_6 = new CStyle("Bordered - Accent 6", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_6.Create_Table_Bordered(new CDocumentColor(251, 212, 180), new CDocumentColor(227, 108, 10)); this.Add(Style_Table_Bordered_Accent_6); var Style_Table_BorderedLined = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0), new CDocumentColor(166, 166, 166), new CDocumentColor(217, 217, 217)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent1 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 1", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent1.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(23, 54, 93), new CDocumentColor(141, 179, 226), new CDocumentColor(219, 229, 241)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent1); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent2 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 2", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent2.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(148, 54, 52), new CDocumentColor(217, 149, 148), new CDocumentColor(242, 219, 219)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent2); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent3 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 3", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent3.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(118, 146, 60), new CDocumentColor(194, 214, 155), new CDocumentColor(234, 241, 221)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent3); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent4 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 4", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent4.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(95, 73, 122), new CDocumentColor(178, 161, 199), new CDocumentColor(229, 223, 236)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent4); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent5 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 5", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent5.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(49, 132, 155), new CDocumentColor(146, 205, 220), new CDocumentColor(218, 238, 243)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent5); var Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent6 = new CStyle("Bordered & Lined - Accent 6", this.Default.Table, null, styletype_Table); Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent6.Create_Table_BorderedAndLined(new CDocumentColor(227, 108, 10), new CDocumentColor(250, 191, 143), new CDocumentColor(253, 233, 217)); this.Add(Style_Table_BorderedLined_Accent6); var Style_Hyperlink = new CStyle("Hyperlink", null, null, styletype_Character); Style_Hyperlink.Create_Character_Hyperlink(); this.Default.Hyperlink = this.Add(Style_Hyperlink); g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); } CStyles.prototype = { GetId: function () { return this.Id; }, SetId: function (newId) { g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id); this.Id = newId; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.GetId(); }, Set_Id: function (newId) { return this.SetId(newId); }, Add: function (Style) { var Id = Style.Get_Id(); History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Styles_Add, Id: Id, Style: Style }); this.Style[Id] = Style; return Id; }, Remove: function (Id) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Styles_Remove, Id: Id, Style: this.Style[Id] }); delete this.Style[Id]; }, Get_Pr: function (StyleId, Type, TableStyle) { var Pr = {}; switch (Type) { case styletype_Paragraph: if (null != TableStyle) { Pr.TextPr = TableStyle.TextPr.Copy(); Pr.ParaPr = TableStyle.ParaPr.Copy(); } else { Pr.TextPr = this.Default.TextPr.Copy(); Pr.ParaPr = this.Default.ParaPr.Copy(); } break; case styletype_Table: Pr.TextPr = this.Default.TextPr.Copy(); Pr.ParaPr = this.Default.ParaPr.Copy(); var DefId = this.Default.Paragraph; if (undefined != DefId && null != DefId) { Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); } Pr.TablePr = this.Default.TablePr.Copy(); Pr.TableRowPr = this.Default.TableRowPr.Copy(); Pr.TableCellPr = this.Default.TableCellPr.Copy(); Pr.TableFirstCol = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableFirstRow = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableLastCol = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableLastRow = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBand1Horz = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBand1Vert = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBand2Horz = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBand2Vert = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableTLCell = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableTRCell = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBLCell = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableBRCell = new CTableStylePr(); Pr.TableWholeTable = new CTableStylePr(); break; case styletype_Character: Pr.TextPr = new CTextPr(); break; } this.Internal_Get_Pr(Pr, StyleId, Type, (null === TableStyle ? true : false)); if (styletype_Table === Type) { var DefParaId = this.Default.Paragraph; Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefParaId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefParaId].TextPr); Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Pr.TableWholeTable.ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(Pr.TableWholeTable.TextPr); Pr.TablePr.Merge(Pr.TableWholeTable.TablePr); Pr.TableRowPr.Merge(Pr.TableWholeTable.TableRowPr); Pr.TableCellPr.Merge(Pr.TableWholeTable.TableCellPr); delete Pr.TableWholeTable; } return Pr; }, Get_Next: function (StyleId) { return this.Style[StyleId].Next; }, Get_Name: function (StyleId) { if (undefined != this.Style[StyleId]) { return this.Style[StyleId].Name; } return ""; }, Get_Default_Paragraph: function () { return this.Default.Paragraph; }, Get_Default_Character: function () { return this.Default.Character; }, Get_Default_Numbering: function () { return this.Default.Numbering; }, Get_Default_Table: function () { return this.Default.Table; }, Get_Default_TableGrid: function () { return this.Default.TableGrid; }, Get_Default_Heading: function (Lvl) { Lvl = Math.max(Math.min(Lvl, 8), 0); return this.Default.Headings[Lvl]; }, Get_Default_ParaList: function () { return this.Default.ParaList; }, Get_Default_Header: function () { return this.Default.Header; }, Get_Default_Footer: function () { return this.Default.Footer; }, Get_Default_Hyperlink: function () { return this.Default.Hyperlink; }, Get_StyleIdByName: function (Name) { for (var Id in this.Style) { var Style = this.Style[Id]; if (Style.Name === Name) { return Id; } } return this.Default.Paragraph; }, Internal_Get_Pr: function (Pr, StyleId, Type, bUseDefault) { var Style = this.Style[StyleId]; if (undefined == StyleId || undefined === Style) { if (true === bUseDefault) { switch (Type) { case styletype_Paragraph: var DefId = this.Default.Paragraph; Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); break; case styletype_Numbering: var DefId = this.Default.Numbering; break; case styletype_Table: var DefId = this.Default.Table; Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); Pr.TablePr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TablePr); Pr.TableRowPr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TableRowPr); Pr.TableCellPr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TableCellPr); break; case styletype_Character: var DefId = this.Default.Character; Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); break; } } return; } if (null === Style.BasedOn) { if (true === bUseDefault) { switch (Type) { case styletype_Paragraph: var DefId = this.Default.Paragraph; Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); break; case styletype_Numbering: var DefId = this.Default.Numbering; break; case styletype_Table: var DefId = this.Default.Table; Pr.ParaPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); Pr.TablePr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TablePr); Pr.TableRowPr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TableRowPr); Pr.TableCellPr.Merge(this.Styles[DefId].TableCellPr); break; case styletype_Character: var DefId = this.Default.Character; Pr.TextPr.Merge(this.Style[DefId].TextPr); break; } } switch (Type) { case styletype_Paragraph: Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Style.ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); break; case styletype_Numbering: break; case styletype_Table: Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Style.ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); if (undefined != Style.TablePr) { Pr.TablePr.Merge(Style.TablePr); Pr.TableRowPr.Merge(Style.TableRowPr); Pr.TableCellPr.Merge(Style.TableCellPr); Pr.TableBand1Horz.Merge(Style.TableBand1Horz); Pr.TableBand1Vert.Merge(Style.TableBand1Vert); Pr.TableBand2Horz.Merge(Style.TableBand2Horz); Pr.TableBand2Vert.Merge(Style.TableBand2Vert); Pr.TableFirstCol.Merge(Style.TableFirstCol); Pr.TableFirstRow.Merge(Style.TableFirstRow); Pr.TableLastCol.Merge(Style.TableLastCol); Pr.TableLastRow.Merge(Style.TableLastRow); Pr.TableTLCell.Merge(Style.TableTLCell); Pr.TableTRCell.Merge(Style.TableTRCell); Pr.TableBLCell.Merge(Style.TableBLCell); Pr.TableBRCell.Merge(Style.TableBRCell); Pr.TableWholeTable.Merge(Style.TableWholeTable); } break; case styletype_Character: Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); break; } } else { this.Internal_Get_Pr(Pr, Style.BasedOn, Type); if ((styletype_Paragraph === Type || styletype_Table === Type) && (undefined != Style.ParaPr.NumPr)) { var Numbering = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_Numbering(); if (undefined != Style.ParaPr.NumPr.NumId && 0 != Style.ParaPr.NumPr.NumId) { var AbstractNum = Numbering.Get_AbstractNum(Style.ParaPr.NumPr.NumId); var Lvl = AbstractNum.Get_LvlByStyle(StyleId); if (-1 != Lvl) { Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Numbering.Get_ParaPr(Style.ParaPr.NumPr.NumId, Lvl)); } else { Pr.ParaPr.NumPr = undefined; } } } switch (Type) { case styletype_Paragraph: Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Style.ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); break; case styletype_Numbering: break; case styletype_Table: Pr.ParaPr.Merge(Style.ParaPr); Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); if (undefined != Style.TablePr) { Pr.TablePr.Merge(Style.TablePr); Pr.TableRowPr.Merge(Style.TableRowPr); Pr.TableCellPr.Merge(Style.TableCellPr); Pr.TableBand1Horz.Merge(Style.TableBand1Horz); Pr.TableBand1Vert.Merge(Style.TableBand1Vert); Pr.TableBand2Horz.Merge(Style.TableBand2Horz); Pr.TableBand2Vert.Merge(Style.TableBand2Vert); Pr.TableFirstCol.Merge(Style.TableFirstCol); Pr.TableFirstRow.Merge(Style.TableFirstRow); Pr.TableLastCol.Merge(Style.TableLastCol); Pr.TableLastRow.Merge(Style.TableLastRow); Pr.TableTLCell.Merge(Style.TableTLCell); Pr.TableTRCell.Merge(Style.TableTRCell); Pr.TableBLCell.Merge(Style.TableBLCell); Pr.TableBRCell.Merge(Style.TableBRCell); Pr.TableWholeTable.Merge(Style.TableWholeTable); } break; case styletype_Character: Pr.TextPr.Merge(Style.TextPr); break; } } }, Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) { for (var Id in this.Style) { var Style = this.Style[Id]; Style.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); } this.Default.TextPr.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); }, Get_AllTableStyles: function () { var TableStyles = new Array(); for (var Id in this.Style) { var Style = this.Style[Id]; if (styletype_Table === Style.Type) { TableStyles.push(Id); } } return TableStyles; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Styles_Add: delete this.Style[Data.Id]; break; case historyitem_Styles_Remove: this.Style[Data.Id] = Data.Style; break; } }, Redo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Styles_Add: this.Style[Data.Id] = Data.Style; break; case historyitem_Styles_Remove: delete this.Style[Data.Id]; break; } }, Get_SelectionState: function () {}, Set_SelectionState: function (State, StateIndex) {}, Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () { return { Type: historyrecalctype_Inline, Data: 0 }; }, Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; var bNeedRecalc = false; switch (Type) { case historyitem_Style_TextPr: case historyitem_Style_ParaPr: case historyitem_Style_TablePr: case historyitem_Style_TableRowPr: case historyitem_Style_TableCellPr: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz: case historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol: case historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow: case historyitem_Style_TableLastCol: case historyitem_Style_TableLastRow: case historyitem_Style_TableTLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableTRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBLCell: case historyitem_Style_TableBRCell: case historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable: case historyitem_Style_Name: case historyitem_Style_BasedOn: case historyitem_Style_Next: case historyitem_Style_Type: case historyitem_Style_QFormat: case historyitem_Style_UiPriority: case historyitem_Style_Hidden: case historyitem_Style_SemiHidden: case historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed: break; } if (true === bNeedRecalc) { return this.Refresh_RecalcData2(); } }, Refresh_RecalcData2: function () {}, Document_Is_SelectionLocked: function (CheckType) { switch (CheckType) { case changestype_Paragraph_Content: case changestype_Paragraph_Properties: case changestype_Document_Content: case changestype_Document_Content_Add: case changestype_Image_Properties: case changestype_Remove: case changestype_Delete: case changestype_Document_SectPr: case changestype_Table_Properties: case changestype_Table_RemoveCells: case changestype_HdrFtr: CollaborativeEditing.Add_CheckLock(true); break; } }, Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_Styles); var Type = Data.Type; Writer.WriteLong(Type); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Styles_Add: case historyitem_Styles_Remove: Writer.WriteString2(Data.Id); break; } return Writer; }, Load_Changes: function (Reader) { var ClassType = Reader.GetLong(); if (historyitem_type_Styles != ClassType) { return; } var Type = Reader.GetLong(); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Styles_Add: var Id = Reader.GetString2(); this.Style[Id] = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Id); break; case historyitem_Styles_Remove: var Id = Reader.GetString2(); delete this.Style[Id]; break; } } }; function CDocumentColor(r, g, b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } CDocumentColor.prototype = { Copy: function () { return new CDocumentColor(this.r, this.g, this.b); }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteByte(this.r); Writer.WriteByte(this.g); Writer.WriteByte(this.b); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.r = Reader.GetByte(); this.g = Reader.GetByte(); this.b = Reader.GetByte(); }, Set: function (r, g, b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; }, Compare: function (Color) { if (this.r === Color.r && this.g === Color.g && this.b === Color.b) { return true; } return false; } }; function CDocumentShd() { this.Value = shd_Nil; this.Color = new CDocumentColor(255, 255, 255); } CDocumentShd.prototype = { Copy: function () { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = this.Value; Shd.Color.Set(this.Color.r, this.Color.g, this.Color.b); return Shd; }, Compare: function (Shd) { if (this.Value === Shd.Value) { switch (this.Value) { case shd_Nil: return true; case shd_Clear: return this.Color.Compare(Shd.Color); } } return false; }, Set_FromObject: function (Shd) { this.Value = Shd.Value; if (shd_Nil != Shd.Value && undefined != Shd.Color) { this.Color.Set(Shd.Color.r, Shd.Color.g, Shd.Color.b); } else { if (undefined === Shd.Color) { this.Color = undefined; } } }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteByte(this.Value); if (shd_Clear === this.Value) { this.Color.Write_ToBinary(Writer); } }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.Value = Reader.GetByte(); if (shd_Clear === this.Value) { this.Color.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } else { this.Color.Set(0, 0, 0); } } }; function CDocumentBorder() { this.Color = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); this.Space = 0; this.Size = 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; this.Value = border_None; } CDocumentBorder.prototype = { Copy: function () { var Border = new CDocumentBorder(); if (undefined === this.Color) { Border.Color = undefined; } else { Border.Color.Set(this.Color.r, this.Color.g, this.Color.b); } if (undefined === this.Space) { Border.Space = undefined; } else { Border.Space = this.Space; } if (undefined === this.Size) { Border.Size = undefined; } else { Border.Size = this.Size; } if (undefined === this.Value) { Border.Value = undefined; } else { Border.Value = this.Value; } return Border; }, Compare: function (Border) { if (false === this.Color.Compare(Border.Color)) { return false; } if (Math.abs(this.Size - Border.Size) > 0.001) { return false; } if (Math.abs(this.Space - Border.Space) > 0.001) { return false; } if (this.Value != Border.Value) { return false; } return true; }, Set_FromObject: function (Border) { this.Space = Border.Space; this.Size = Border.Size; this.Value = Border.Value; if (undefined != Border.Color) { this.Color = new CDocumentColor(Border.Color.r, Border.Color.g, Border.Color.b); } else { this.Color = undefined; } }, Check_Null: function () { if (undefined === this.Space || undefined === this.Size || undefined === this.Value || undefined === this.Color) { return false; } return true; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Size); Writer.WriteLong(this.Space); Writer.WriteByte(this.Value); this.Color.Write_ToBinary(Writer); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.Size = Reader.GetDouble(); this.Space = Reader.GetLong(); this.Value = Reader.GetByte(); this.Color.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } }; function CTableMeasurement(Type, W) { this.Type = Type; this.W = W; } CTableMeasurement.prototype = { Copy: function () { return new CTableMeasurement(this.Type, this.W); }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.W); Writer.WriteLong(this.Type); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.W = Reader.GetDouble(); this.Type = Reader.GetLong(); }, Set_FromObject: function (Obj) { this.W = Obj.W; this.Type = Obj.Type; } }; function CTablePr() { this.TableStyleColBandSize = undefined; this.TableStyleRowBandSize = undefined; this.Jc = undefined; this.Shd = undefined; this.TableBorders = { Bottom: undefined, Left: undefined, Right: undefined, Top: undefined, InsideH: undefined, InsideV: undefined }; this.TableCellMar = { Bottom: undefined, Left: undefined, Right: undefined, Top: undefined }; this.TableCellSpacing = undefined; this.TableInd = undefined; this.TableW = undefined; this.TableLayout = undefined; } CTablePr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var TablePr = new CTablePr(); TablePr.TableStyleColBandSize = this.TableStyleColBandSize; TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize = this.TableStyleRowBandSize; TablePr.Jc = this.Jc; if (undefined != this.Shd) { TablePr.Shd = this.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Bottom) { TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom = this.TableBorders.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Left) { TablePr.TableBorders.Left = this.TableBorders.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Right) { TablePr.TableBorders.Right = this.TableBorders.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Top) { TablePr.TableBorders.Top = this.TableBorders.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.InsideH) { TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH = this.TableBorders.InsideH.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.InsideV) { TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV = this.TableBorders.InsideV.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Bottom) { TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom = this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Left) { TablePr.TableCellMar.Left = this.TableCellMar.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Right) { TablePr.TableCellMar.Right = this.TableCellMar.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Top) { TablePr.TableCellMar.Top = this.TableCellMar.Top.Copy(); } TablePr.TableCellSpacing = this.TableCellSpacing; TablePr.TableInd = this.TableInd; if (undefined != this.TableW) { TablePr.TableW = this.TableW.Copy(); } TablePr.TableLayout = this.TableLayout; return TablePr; }, Merge: function (TablePr) { if (undefined != TablePr.TableStyleColBandSize) { this.TableStyleColBandSize = TablePr.TableStyleColBandSize; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize) { this.TableStyleRowBandSize = TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize; } if (undefined != TablePr.Jc) { this.Jc = TablePr.Jc; } if (undefined != TablePr.Shd) { this.Shd = TablePr.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom) { this.TableBorders.Bottom = TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Left) { this.TableBorders.Left = TablePr.TableBorders.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Right) { this.TableBorders.Right = TablePr.TableBorders.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Top) { this.TableBorders.Top = TablePr.TableBorders.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH) { this.TableBorders.InsideH = TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV) { this.TableBorders.InsideV = TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Left) { this.TableCellMar.Left = TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Right) { this.TableCellMar.Right = TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Top) { this.TableCellMar.Top = TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar) { this.TableCellSpacing = TablePr.TableCellSpacing; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableInd) { this.TableInd = TablePr.TableInd; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableW) { this.TableW = TablePr.TableW.Copy(); } if (undefined != TablePr.TableLayout) { this.TableLayout = TablePr.TableLayout; } }, Init_Default: function () { this.TableStyleColBandSize = 1; this.TableStyleRowBandSize = 1; this.Jc = align_Left; this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.TableBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideH = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideV = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0); this.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 1.9); this.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 1.9); this.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0); this.TableCellSpacing = null; this.TableInd = 0; this.TableW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableLayout = tbllayout_AutoFit; }, Set_FromObject: function (TablePr) { this.TableStyleColBandSize = TablePr.TableStyleColBandSize; this.TableStyleRowBandSize = TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize; this.Jc = TablePr.Jc; if (undefined != TablePr.Shd) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Set_FromObject(TablePr.Shd); } else { this.Shd = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders) { if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom) { this.TableBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Bottom.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom); } else { this.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Left) { this.TableBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Left.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.Left); } else { this.TableBorders.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Right) { this.TableBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Right.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.Right); } else { this.TableBorders.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.Top) { this.TableBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Top.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.Top); } else { this.TableBorders.Top = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH) { this.TableBorders.InsideH = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideH.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH); } else { this.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV) { this.TableBorders.InsideV = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideV.Set_FromObject(TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV); } else { this.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined; } } else { this.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined; this.TableBorders.Left = undefined; this.TableBorders.Right = undefined; this.TableBorders.Top = undefined; this.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined; this.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar) { if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.Type, TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Left) { this.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.Type, TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Right) { this.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.Type, TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != TablePr.TableCellMar.Top) { this.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.Type, TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Top = undefined; } } else { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined; this.TableCellMar.Left = undefined; this.TableCellMar.Right = undefined; this.TableCellMar.Top = undefined; } this.TableCellSpacing = TablePr.TableCellSpacing; this.TableInd = TablePr.TableInd; if (undefined != TablePr.TableW) { this.TableW = new CTableMeasurement(TablePr.TableW.Type, TablePr.TableW.W); } else { this.TableW = undefined; } this.TableLayout = TablePr.TableLayout; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.TableStyleColBandSize) { Writer.WriteLong(this.TableStyleColBandSize); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.TableStyleRowBandSize) { Writer.WriteLong(this.TableStyleRowBandSize); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.Jc) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Jc); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.Shd) { this.Shd.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Bottom) { this.TableBorders.Bottom.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Left) { this.TableBorders.Left.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Right) { this.TableBorders.Right.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 64; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.Top) { this.TableBorders.Top.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 128; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.InsideH) { this.TableBorders.InsideH.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 256; } if (undefined != this.TableBorders.InsideV) { this.TableBorders.InsideV.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 512; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Bottom) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 1024; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Left) { this.TableCellMar.Left.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2048; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Right) { this.TableCellMar.Right.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 4096; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Top) { this.TableCellMar.Top.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 8192; } if (undefined != this.TableCellSpacing) { if (null === this.TableCellSpacing) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteDouble(this.TableCellSpacing); } Flags |= 16384; } if (undefined != this.TableInd) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.TableInd); Flags |= 32768; } if (undefined != this.TableW) { this.TableW.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 65536; } if (undefined != this.TableLayout) { Writer.WriteLong(this.TableLayout); Flags |= 131072; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (1 & Flags) { this.TableStyleColBandSize = Reader.GetLong(); } if (2 & Flags) { this.TableStyleRowBandSize = Reader.GetLong(); } if (4 & Flags) { this.Jc = Reader.GetLong(); } if (8 & Flags) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (16 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Bottom.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (32 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Left.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (64 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Right.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (128 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.Top.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (256 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.InsideH = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideH.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (512 & Flags) { this.TableBorders.InsideV = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableBorders.InsideV.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (1024 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (2048 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Left.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (4096 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Right.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (8192 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Top.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (16384 & Flags) { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.TableCellSpacing = null; } else { this.TableCellSpacing = Reader.GetDouble(); } } if (32768 & Flags) { this.TableInd = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (65536 & Flags) { this.TableW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableW.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (131072 & Flags) { this.TableLayout = Reader.GetLong(); } } }; function CTableRowHeight(Value, HRule) { this.Value = Value; this.HRule = HRule; } CTableRowHeight.prototype = { Copy: function () { return new CTableRowHeight(this.Value, this.HRule); }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Value); Writer.WriteLong(this.HRule); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { this.Value = Reader.GetDouble(); this.HRule = Reader.GetLong(); } }; function CTableRowPr() { this.CantSplit = undefined; this.GridAfter = undefined; this.GridBefore = undefined; this.Jc = undefined; this.TableCellSpacing = undefined; this.Height = undefined; this.WAfter = undefined; this.WBefore = undefined; this.TableHeader = undefined; } CTableRowPr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var RowPr = new CTableRowPr(); RowPr.CantSplit = this.CantSplit; RowPr.GridAfter = this.GridAfter; RowPr.GridBefore = this.GridBefore; RowPr.Jc = this.Jc; RowPr.TableCellSpacing = this.TableCellSpacing; if (undefined != this.Height) { RowPr.Height = this.Height.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.WAfter) { RowPr.WAfter = this.WAfter.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.WBefore) { RowPr.WBefore = this.WBefore.Copy(); } RowPr.TableHeader = this.TableHeader; return RowPr; }, Merge: function (RowPr) { if (undefined != RowPr.CantSplit) { this.CantSplit = RowPr.CantSplit; } if (undefined != RowPr.GridAfter) { this.GridAfter = RowPr.GridAfter; } if (undefined != RowPr.GridBefore) { this.GridBefore = RowPr.GridBefore; } if (undefined != RowPr.Jc) { this.Jc = RowPr.Jc; } if (undefined != RowPr.TableCellSpacing) { this.TableCellSpacing = RowPr.TableCellSpacing; } if (undefined != RowPr.Height) { this.Height = RowPr.Height.Copy(); } if (undefined != RowPr.WAfter) { this.WAfter = RowPr.WAfter.Copy(); } if (undefined != RowPr.WBefore) { this.WBefore = RowPr.WBefore.Copy(); } if (undefined != RowPr.TableHeader) { this.TableHeader = RowPr.TableHeader; } }, Init_Default: function () { this.CantSplit = false; this.GridAfter = 0; this.GridBefore = 0; this.Jc = align_Left; this.TableCellSpacing = null; this.Height = new CTableRowHeight(0, heightrule_Auto); this.WAfter = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.WBefore = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableHeader = false; }, Set_FromObject: function (RowPr) { this.CantSplit = RowPr.CantSplit; this.GridAfter = RowPr.GridAfter; this.GridBefore = RowPr.GridBefore; this.Jc = RowPr.Jc; this.TableCellSpacing = RowPr.TableCellSpacing; if (undefined != RowPr.Height) { this.Height = new CTableRowHeight(RowPr.Height.Value, RowPr.Height.HRule); } else { this.Height = undefined; } if (undefined != RowPr.WAfter) { this.WAfter = new CTableMeasurement(RowPr.WAfter.Type, RowPr.WAfter.W); } else { this.WAfter = undefined; } if (undefined != RowPr.WBefore) { this.WBefore = new CTableMeasurement(RowPr.WBefore.Type, RowPr.WBefore.W); } else { this.WBefore = undefined; } this.TableHeader = RowPr.TableHeader; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.CantSplit) { Writer.WriteBool(this.CantSplit); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.GridAfter) { Writer.WriteLong(this.GridAfter); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.GridBefore) { Writer.WriteLong(this.GridBefore); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.Jc) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Jc); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.TableCellSpacing) { if (null === this.TableCellSpacing) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteDouble(this.TableCellSpacing); } Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.Height) { this.Height.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.WAfter) { this.WAfter.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 64; } if (undefined != this.WBefore) { this.WBefore.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 128; } if (undefined != this.TableHeader) { Writer.WriteBool(this.TableHeader); Flags |= 256; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (1 & Flags) { this.CantSplit = Reader.GetBool(); } if (2 & Flags) { this.GridAfter = Reader.GetLong(); } if (4 & Flags) { this.GridBefore = Reader.GetLong(); } if (8 & Flags) { this.Jc = Reader.GetLong(); } if (16 & Flags) { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.TableCellSpacing = Reader.GetLong(); } else { this.TableCellSpacing = Reader.GetDouble(); } } if (32 & Flags) { this.Height = new CTableRowHeight(0, heightrule_Auto); this.Height.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (64 & Flags) { this.WAfter = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.WAfter.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (128 & Flags) { this.WBefore = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.WBefore.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (256 & Flags) { this.TableHeader = Reader.GetBool(); } } }; function CTableCellPr() { this.GridSpan = undefined; this.Shd = undefined; this.TableCellMar = undefined; this.TableCellBorders = { Bottom: undefined, Left: undefined, Right: undefined, Top: undefined }; this.TableCellW = undefined; this.VAlign = undefined; this.VMerge = undefined; } CTableCellPr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var CellPr = new CTableCellPr(); CellPr.GridSpan = this.GridSpan; if (undefined != this.Shd) { CellPr.Shd = this.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined === this.TableCellMar) { CellPr.TableCellMar = undefined; } else { if (null === this.TableCellMar) { CellPr.TableCellMar = null; } else { CellPr.TableCellMar = new Object(); CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined != this.TableCellMar.Bottom ? this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Copy() : undefined; CellPr.TableCellMar.Left = undefined != this.TableCellMar.Left ? this.TableCellMar.Left.Copy() : undefined; CellPr.TableCellMar.Right = undefined != this.TableCellMar.Right ? this.TableCellMar.Right.Copy() : undefined; CellPr.TableCellMar.Top = undefined != this.TableCellMar.Top ? this.TableCellMar.Top.Copy() : undefined; } } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Bottom) { CellPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = this.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Left) { CellPr.TableCellBorders.Left = this.TableCellBorders.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Right) { CellPr.TableCellBorders.Right = this.TableCellBorders.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Top) { CellPr.TableCellBorders.Top = this.TableCellBorders.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.TableCellW) { CellPr.TableCellW = this.TableCellW.Copy(); } CellPr.VAlign = this.VAlign; CellPr.VMerge = this.VMerge; return CellPr; }, Merge: function (CellPr) { if (undefined != CellPr.GridSpan) { this.GridSpan = CellPr.GridSpan; } if (undefined != CellPr.Shd) { this.Shd = CellPr.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined === CellPr.TableCellMar) {} else { if (null === CellPr.TableCellMar) { this.TableCellMar = null; } else { this.TableCellMar = new Object(); this.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom ? CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom.Copy() : undefined; this.TableCellMar.Left = undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Left ? CellPr.TableCellMar.Left.Copy() : undefined; this.TableCellMar.Right = undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Right ? CellPr.TableCellMar.Right.Copy() : undefined; this.TableCellMar.Top = undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Top ? CellPr.TableCellMar.Top.Copy() : undefined; } } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom) { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = CellPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Left) { this.TableCellBorders.Left = CellPr.TableCellBorders.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Right) { this.TableCellBorders.Right = CellPr.TableCellBorders.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Top) { this.TableCellBorders.Top = CellPr.TableCellBorders.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellW) { this.TableCellW = CellPr.TableCellW.Copy(); } if (undefined != CellPr.VAlign) { this.VAlign = CellPr.VAlign; } if (undefined != CellPr.VMerge) { this.VMerge = CellPr.VMerge; } }, Init_Default: function () { this.GridSpan = 1; this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.TableCellMar = null; this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined; this.TableCellW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.VAlign = vertalignjc_Top; this.VMerge = vmerge_Restart; }, Set_FromObject: function (CellPr) { this.GridSpan = CellPr.GridSpan; if (undefined != CellPr.Shd) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Set_FromObject(CellPr.Shd); } else { this.Shd = undefined; } if (undefined === CellPr.TableCellMar) { this.TableCellMar = undefined; } else { if (null === CellPr.TableCellMar) { this.TableCellMar = null; } else { this.TableCellMar = new Object(); if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom.Type, CellPr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Left) { this.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(CellPr.TableCellMar.Left.Type, CellPr.TableCellMar.Left.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Right) { this.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(CellPr.TableCellMar.Right.Type, CellPr.TableCellMar.Right.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellMar.Top) { this.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(CellPr.TableCellMar.Top.Type, CellPr.TableCellMar.Top.W); } else { this.TableCellMar.Top = undefined; } } } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders) { if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom) { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Set_FromObject(CellPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom); } else { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Left) { this.TableCellBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Left.Set_FromObject(CellPr.TableCellBorders.Left); } else { this.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Right) { this.TableCellBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Right.Set_FromObject(CellPr.TableCellBorders.Right); } else { this.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != CellPr.TableCellBorders.Top) { this.TableCellBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Top.Set_FromObject(CellPr.TableCellBorders.Top); } else { this.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined; } } else { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined; this.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined; } if (undefined != this.TableCellW) { this.TableCellW = new CTableMeasurement(CellPr.TableCellW.Type, CellPr.TableCellW.W); } else { this.TableCellW = undefined; } this.VAlign = CellPr.VAlign; this.VMerge = CellPr.VMerge; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.GridSpan) { Writer.WriteLong(this.GridSpan); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.Shd) { this.Shd.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar) { if (null === this.TableCellMar) { Flags |= 4; } else { if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Bottom) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Left) { this.TableCellMar.Left.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Right) { this.TableCellMar.Right.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.TableCellMar.Top) { this.TableCellMar.Top.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 64; } Flags |= 128; } } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Bottom) { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 256; } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Left) { this.TableCellBorders.Left.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 512; } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Right) { this.TableCellBorders.Right.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 1024; } if (undefined != this.TableCellBorders.Top) { this.TableCellBorders.Top.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2048; } if (undefined != this.TableCellW) { this.TableCellW.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 4096; } if (undefined != this.VAlign) { Writer.WriteLong(this.VAlign); Flags |= 8192; } if (undefined != this.VMerge) { Writer.WriteLong(this.VMerge); Flags |= 16384; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (1 & Flags) { this.GridSpan = Reader.GetLong(); } if (2 & Flags) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (4 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar = null; } else { if (128 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar = new Object(); if (8 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Bottom.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (16 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Left.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (32 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Right.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (64 & Flags) { this.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellMar.Top.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } } } if (256 & Flags) { this.TableCellBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (512 & Flags) { this.TableCellBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Left.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (1024 & Flags) { this.TableCellBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Right.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (2048 & Flags) { this.TableCellBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.TableCellBorders.Top.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (4096 & Flags) { this.TableCellW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0); this.TableCellW.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (8192 & Flags) { this.VAlign = Reader.GetLong(); } if (16384 & Flags) { this.VMerge = Reader.GetLong(); } } }; function CRFonts() { this.Ascii = undefined; this.EastAsia = undefined; this.HAnsi = undefined; this.CS = undefined; this.Hint = undefined; } CRFonts.prototype = { Set_All: function (FontName, FontIndex) { this.Ascii = { Name: FontName, Index: FontIndex }; this.EastAsia = { Name: FontName, Index: FontIndex }; this.HAnsi = { Name: FontName, Index: FontIndex }; this.CS = { Name: FontName, Index: FontIndex }; this.Hint = fonthint_Default; }, Copy: function () { var RFonts = new CRFonts(); RFonts.Ascii = this.Ascii; RFonts.EastAsia = this.EastAsia; RFonts.HAnsi = this.HAnsi; RFonts.CS = this.CS; RFonts.Hint = this.Hint; return RFonts; }, Merge: function (RFonts) { if (undefined !== RFonts.Ascii) { this.Ascii = RFonts.Ascii; } if (undefined != RFonts.EastAsia) { this.EastAsia = RFonts.EastAsia; } if (undefined != RFonts.HAnsi) { this.HAnsi = RFonts.HAnsi; } if (undefined != RFonts.CS) { this.CS = RFonts.CS; } if (undefined != RFonts.Hint) { this.Hint = RFonts.Hint; } }, Init_Default: function () { this.Ascii = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; this.EastAsia = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; this.HAnsi = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; this.CS = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; this.Hint = fonthint_Default; }, Set_FromObject: function (RFonts) { if (undefined != RFonts.Ascii) { this.Ascii = { Name: RFonts.Ascii.Name, Index: RFonts.Ascii.Index }; } else { this.Ascii = undefined; } if (undefined != RFonts.EastAsia) { this.EastAsia = { Name: RFonts.EastAsia.Name, Index: RFonts.EastAsia.Index }; } else { this.EastAsia = undefined; } if (undefined != RFonts.HAnsi) { this.HAnsi = { Name: RFonts.HAnsi.Name, Index: RFonts.HAnsi.Index }; } else { this.HAnsi = undefined; } if (undefined != RFonts.CS) { this.CS = { Name: RFonts.CS.Name, Index: RFonts.CS.Index }; } else { this.CS = undefined; } this.Hint = RFonts.Hint; }, Compare: function (RFonts) { var Result_RFonts = new CRFonts(); if (undefined != this.Ascii && undefined != RFonts.Ascii && this.Ascii.Name === RFonts.Ascii.Name) { Result_RFonts.Ascii = {}; Result_RFonts.Ascii.Name = RFonts.Ascii.Name; Result_RFonts.Ascii.Index = -1; } if (undefined != this.EastAsia && undefined != RFonts.EastAsia && this.EastAsia.Name === RFonts.EastAsia.Name) { Result_RFonts.EastAsia = {}; Result_RFonts.EastAsia.Name = RFonts.EastAsia.Name; Result_RFonts.EastAsia.Index = -1; } if (undefined != this.HAnsi && undefined != RFonts.HAnsi && this.HAnsi.Name === RFonts.HAnsi.Name) { Result_RFonts.HAnsi = {}; Result_RFonts.HAnsi.Name = RFonts.HAnsi.Name; Result_RFonts.HAnsi.Index = -1; } if (undefined != this.CS && undefined != RFonts.CS && this.CS.Name === RFonts.CS.Name) { Result_RFonts.CS = {}; Result_RFonts.CS.Name = RFonts.CS.Name; Result_RFonts.CS.Index = -1; } if (this.Hint === RFonts.Hint) { Result_RFonts.Hint = RFonts.Hint; } return Result_RFonts; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.Ascii) { Writer.WriteString2(this.Ascii.Name); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.EastAsia) { Writer.WriteString2(this.EastAsia.Name); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.HAnsi) { Writer.WriteString2(this.HAnsi.Name); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.CS) { Writer.WriteString2(this.CS.Name); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.Hint) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Hint); Flags |= 16; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.Ascii = { Name: Reader.GetString2(), Index: -1 }; } if (Flags & 2) { this.EastAsia = { Name: Reader.GetString2(), Index: -1 }; } if (Flags & 4) { this.HAnsi = { Name: Reader.GetString2(), Index: -1 }; } if (Flags & 8) { this.CS = { Name: Reader.GetString2(), Index: -1 }; } if (Flags & 16) { this.Hint = Reader.GetLong(); } } }; function CLang() { this.Bidi = undefined; this.EastAsia = undefined; this.Val = undefined; } CLang.prototype = { Copy: function () { var Lang = new CLang(); Lang.Bidi = this.Bidi; Lang.EastAsia = this.EastAsia; Lang.Val = this.Val; return Lang; }, Merge: function (Lang) { if (undefined !== Lang.Bidi) { this.Bidi = Lang.Bidi; } if (undefined !== Lang.EastAsia) { this.EastAsia = Lang.EastAsia; } if (undefined !== Lang.Val) { this.Val = Lang.Val; } }, Init_Default: function () { this.Bidi = lcid_enUS; this.EastAsia = lcid_enUS; this.Val = lcid_enUS; }, Set_FromObject: function (Lang) { this.Bidi = Lang.Bidi; this.EastAsia = Lang.EastAsia; this.Val = Lang.Val; }, Compare: function (Lang) { var Result_Lang = new CLang(); if (this.Bidi === Lang.Bidi) { Result_Lang.Bidi = Lang.Bidi; } if (this.EastAsia === Lang.EastAsia) { Result_Lang.EastAsia = Lang.EastAsia; } if (this.Val === Lang.Val) { Result_Lang.Val = Lang.Val; } return Result_Lang; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.Bidi) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Bidi); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.EastAsia) { Writer.WriteLong(this.EastAsia); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.Val) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Val); Flags |= 4; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.Bidi = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.EastAsia = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 4) { this.Val = Reader.GetLong(); } } }; function CTextPr() { this.Bold = undefined; this.Italic = undefined; this.Strikeout = undefined; this.Underline = undefined; this.FontFamily = undefined; this.FontSize = undefined; this.Color = undefined; this.VertAlign = undefined; this.HighLight = undefined; this.RStyle = undefined; this.Spacing = undefined; this.DStrikeout = undefined; this.Caps = undefined; this.SmallCaps = undefined; this.Position = undefined; this.RFonts = new CRFonts(); this.BoldCS = undefined; this.ItalicCS = undefined; this.FontSizeCS = undefined; this.CS = undefined; this.RTL = undefined; this.Lang = new CLang(); } CTextPr.prototype = { Clear: function () { this.Bold = undefined; this.Italic = undefined; this.Strikeout = undefined; this.Underline = undefined; this.FontFamily = undefined; this.FontSize = undefined; this.Color = undefined; this.VertAlign = undefined; this.HighLight = undefined; this.RStyle = undefined; this.Spacing = undefined; this.DStrikeout = undefined; this.Caps = undefined; this.SmallCaps = undefined; this.Position = undefined; this.RFonts = new CRFonts(); this.BoldCS = undefined; this.ItalicCS = undefined; this.FontSizeCS = undefined; this.CS = undefined; this.RTL = undefined; this.Lang = new CLang(); }, Copy: function () { var TextPr = new CTextPr(); TextPr.Bold = this.Bold; TextPr.Italic = this.Italic; TextPr.Strikeout = this.Strikeout; TextPr.Underline = this.Underline; if (undefined != this.FontFamily) { TextPr.FontFamily = new Object(); TextPr.FontFamily.Name = this.FontFamily.Name; TextPr.FontFamily.Index = this.FontFamily.Index; } TextPr.FontSize = this.FontSize; if (undefined != this.Color) { TextPr.Color = new CDocumentColor(this.Color.r, this.Color.g, this.Color.b); } TextPr.VertAlign = this.VertAlign; if (undefined === this.HighLight) { TextPr.HighLight = undefined; } else { if (highlight_None === this.HighLight) { TextPr.HighLight = highlight_None; } else { TextPr.HighLight = this.HighLight.Copy(); } } TextPr.RStyle = this.RStyle; TextPr.Spacing = this.Spacing; TextPr.DStrikeout = this.DStrikeout; TextPr.Caps = this.Caps; TextPr.SmallCaps = this.SmallCaps; TextPr.Position = this.Position; TextPr.RFonts = this.RFonts.Copy(); TextPr.BoldCS = this.BoldCS; TextPr.ItalicCS = this.ItalicCS; TextPr.FontSizeCS = this.FontSizeCS; TextPr.CS = this.CS; TextPr.RTL = this.RTL; TextPr.Lang = this.Lang.Copy(); return TextPr; }, Merge: function (TextPr) { if (undefined != TextPr.Bold) { this.Bold = TextPr.Bold; } if (undefined != TextPr.Italic) { this.Italic = TextPr.Italic; } if (undefined != TextPr.Strikeout) { this.Strikeout = TextPr.Strikeout; } if (undefined != TextPr.Underline) { this.Underline = TextPr.Underline; } if (undefined != TextPr.FontFamily) { this.FontFamily = new Object(); this.FontFamily.Name = TextPr.FontFamily.Name; this.FontFamily.Index = TextPr.FontFamily.Index; } if (undefined != TextPr.FontSize) { this.FontSize = TextPr.FontSize; } if (undefined != TextPr.Color) { this.Color = TextPr.Color.Copy(); } if (undefined != TextPr.VertAlign) { this.VertAlign = TextPr.VertAlign; } if (undefined === TextPr.HighLight) {} else { if (highlight_None === TextPr.HighLight) { this.HighLight = highlight_None; } else { this.HighLight = TextPr.HighLight.Copy(); } } if (undefined != TextPr.RStyle) { this.RStyle = TextPr.RStyle; } if (undefined != TextPr.Spacing) { this.Spacing = TextPr.Spacing; } if (undefined != TextPr.DStrikeout) { this.DStrikeout = TextPr.DStrikeout; } if (undefined != TextPr.SmallCaps) { this.SmallCaps = TextPr.SmallCaps; } if (undefined != TextPr.Caps) { this.Caps = TextPr.Caps; } if (undefined != TextPr.Position) { this.Position = TextPr.Position; } this.RFonts.Merge(TextPr.RFonts); if (undefined != TextPr.BoldCS) { this.BoldCS = TextPr.BoldCS; } if (undefined != TextPr.ItalicCS) { this.ItalicCS = TextPr.ItalicCS; } if (undefined != TextPr.FontSizeCS) { this.FontSizeCS = TextPr.FontSizeCS; } if (undefined != TextPr.CS) { this.CS = TextPr.CS; } if (undefined != TextPr.RTL) { this.RTL = TextPr.RTL; } this.Lang.Merge(TextPr.Lang); }, Init_Default: function () { this.Bold = false; this.Italic = false; this.Underline = false; this.Strikeout = false; this.FontFamily = { Name: "Arial", Index: -1 }; this.FontSize = 11; this.Color = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); this.VertAlign = vertalign_Baseline; this.HighLight = highlight_None; this.RStyle = undefined; this.Spacing = 0; this.DStrikeout = false; this.SmallCaps = false; this.Caps = false; this.Position = 0; this.RFonts.Init_Default(); this.BoldCS = false; this.ItalicCS = false; this.FontSizeCS = 11; this.CS = false; this.RTL = false; this.Lang.Init_Default(); }, Set_FromObject: function (TextPr) { this.Bold = TextPr.Bold; this.Italic = TextPr.Italic; this.Strikeout = TextPr.Strikeout; this.Underline = TextPr.Underline; if (undefined != TextPr.FontFamily) { this.FontFamily = new Object(); this.FontFamily.Name = TextPr.FontFamily.Name; this.FontFamily.Index = TextPr.FontFamily.Index; } else { this.FontFamily = undefined; } this.FontSize = TextPr.FontSize; if (undefined != TextPr.Color) { this.Color = new CDocumentColor(TextPr.Color.r, TextPr.Color.g, TextPr.Color.b); } else { this.Color = undefined; } this.VertAlign = TextPr.VertAlign; if (undefined === TextPr.HighLight) { this.HighLight = undefined; } else { if (highlight_None === TextPr.HighLight) { this.HighLight = highlight_None; } else { this.HighLight = new CDocumentColor(TextPr.HighLight.r, TextPr.HighLight.g, TextPr.HighLight.b); } } if (undefined != TextPr.RStyle) { this.RStyle = TextPr.RStyle; } this.Spacing = TextPr.Spacing; this.DStrikeout = TextPr.DStrikeout; this.Caps = TextPr.Caps; this.SmallCaps = TextPr.SmallCaps; this.Position = TextPr.Position; if (undefined != TextPr.RFonts) { this.RFonts.Set_FromObject(TextPr.RFonts); } this.BoldCS = TextPr.BoldCS; this.ItalicCS = TextPr.ItalicCS; this.FontSizeCS = TextPr.FontSizeCS; this.CS = TextPr.CS; this.RTL = TextPr.RTL; if (undefined != TextPr.Lang) { this.Lang.Set_FromObject(TextPr.Lang); } }, Compare: function (TextPr) { var Result_TextPr = new CTextPr(); if (this.Bold === TextPr.Bold) { Result_TextPr.Bold = TextPr.Bold; } if (this.Italic === TextPr.Italic) { Result_TextPr.Italic = TextPr.Italic; } if (this.Strikeout === TextPr.Strikeout) { Result_TextPr.Strikeout = TextPr.Strikeout; } if (this.Underline === TextPr.Underline) { Result_TextPr.Underline = TextPr.Underline; } if (undefined != this.FontFamily && undefined != TextPr.FontFamily && this.FontFamily.Name === TextPr.FontFamily.Name) { Result_TextPr.FontFamily = {}; Result_TextPr.FontFamily.Name = TextPr.FontFamily.Name; Result_TextPr.FontFamily.Index = -1; } if (undefined != this.FontSize && undefined != TextPr.FontSize && Math.abs(this.FontSize - TextPr.FontSize) < 0.001) { Result_TextPr.FontSize = TextPr.FontSize; } if (undefined != this.Color && undefined != TextPr.Color && true === this.Color.Compare(TextPr.Color)) { Result_TextPr.Color = new CDocumentColor(TextPr.Color.r, TextPr.Color.g, TextPr.Color.b); } if (this.VertAlign === TextPr.VertAlign) { Result_TextPr.VertAlign = TextPr.VertAlign; } if (undefined != this.HighLight && undefined != TextPr.HighLight) { if (highlight_None === this.HighLight && highlight_None === TextPr.HighLight) { Result_TextPr.HighLight = highlight_None; } else { if (highlight_None != this.HighLight && highlight_None != TextPr.HighLight && this.HighLight.Compare(TextPr.HighLight)) { Result_TextPr.HighLight = new CDocumentColor(TextPr.HighLight.r, TextPr.HighLight.g, TextPr.HighLight.b); } } } if (undefined != this.RStyle && undefined != TextPr.RStyle && this.RStyle === TextPr.RStyle) { Result_TextPr.RStyle = TextPr.RStyle; } if (undefined != this.Spacing && undefined != TextPr.Spacing && Math.abs(this.Spacing - TextPr.Spacing) < 0.001) { Result_TextPr.Spacing = TextPr.Spacing; } if (undefined != this.DStrikeout && undefined != TextPr.DStrikeout && this.DStrikeout === TextPr.DStrikeout) { Result_TextPr.DStrikeout = TextPr.DStrikeout; } if (undefined != this.Caps && undefined != TextPr.Caps && this.Caps === TextPr.Caps) { Result_TextPr.Caps = TextPr.Caps; } if (undefined != this.SmallCaps && undefined != TextPr.SmallCaps && this.SmallCaps === TextPr.SmallCaps) { Result_TextPr.SmallCaps = TextPr.SmallCaps; } if (undefined != this.Position && undefined != TextPr.Position && Math.abs(this.Position - TextPr.Position) < 0.001) { Result_TextPr.Position = TextPr.Position; } Result_TextPr.RFonts = this.RFonts.Compare(TextPr.RFonts); if (this.BoldCS === TextPr.BoldCS) { Result_TextPr.BoldCS = TextPr.BoldCS; } if (this.ItalicCS === TextPr.ItalicCS) { Result_TextPr.ItalicCS = TextPr.ItalicCS; } if (undefined != this.FontSizeCS && undefined != TextPr.FontSizeCS && Math.abs(this.FontSizeCS - TextPr.FontSizeCS) < 0.001) { Result_TextPr.FontSizeCS = TextPr.FontSizeCS; } if (this.CS === TextPr.CS) { Result_TextPr.CS = TextPr.CS; } if (this.RTL === TextPr.RTL) { Result_TextPr.RTL = TextPr.RTL; } Result_TextPr.Lang = this.Lang.Compare(TextPr.Lang); return Result_TextPr; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.Bold) { Writer.WriteBool(this.Bold); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.Italic) { Writer.WriteBool(this.Italic); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.Underline) { Writer.WriteBool(this.Underline); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.Strikeout) { Writer.WriteBool(this.Strikeout); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.FontFamily) { Writer.WriteString2(this.FontFamily.Name); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.FontSize) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.FontSize); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.Color) { this.Color.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 64; } if (undefined != this.VertAlign) { Writer.WriteLong(this.VertAlign); Flags |= 128; } if (undefined != this.HighLight) { if (highlight_None === this.HighLight) { Writer.WriteLong(highlight_None); } else { Writer.WriteLong(0); this.HighLight.Write_ToBinary(Writer); } Flags |= 256; } if (undefined != this.RStyle) { Writer.WriteString2(this.RStyle); Flags |= 512; } if (undefined != this.Spacing) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Spacing); Flags |= 1024; } if (undefined != this.DStrikeout) { Writer.WriteBool(this.DStrikeout); Flags |= 2048; } if (undefined != this.Caps) { Writer.WriteBool(this.Caps); Flags |= 4096; } if (undefined != this.SmallCaps) { Writer.WriteBool(this.SmallCaps); Flags |= 8192; } if (undefined != this.Position) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Position); Flags |= 16384; } if (undefined != this.RFonts) { this.RFonts.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 32768; } if (undefined != this.BoldCS) { Writer.WriteBool(this.BoldCS); Flags |= 65536; } if (undefined != this.ItalicCS) { Writer.WriteBool(this.ItalicCS); Flags |= 131072; } if (undefined != this.FontSizeCS) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.FontSizeCS); Flags |= 262144; } if (undefined != this.CS) { Writer.WriteBool(this.CS); Flags |= 524288; } if (undefined != this.RTL) { Writer.WriteBool(this.RTL); Flags |= 1048576; } if (undefined != this.Lang) { this.Lang.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2097152; } Writer.WriteBool(false); var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.Bold = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.Italic = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 4) { this.Underline = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 8) { this.Strikeout = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 16) { this.FontFamily = { Name: Reader.GetString2(), Index: -1 }; } if (Flags & 32) { this.FontSize = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 64) { this.Color = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); this.Color.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 128) { this.VertAlign = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 256) { var HL_type = Reader.GetLong(); if (highlight_None == HL_type) { this.HighLight = highlight_None; } else { this.HighLight = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); this.HighLight.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } } if (Flags & 512) { this.RStyle = Reader.GetString2(); } if (Flags & 1024) { this.Spacing = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 2048) { this.DStrikeout = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 4096) { this.Caps = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 8192) { this.SmallCaps = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 16384) { this.Position = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 32768) { this.RFonts.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 65536) { this.BoldCS = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 131072) { this.ItalicCS = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 262144) { this.FontSizeCS = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 524288) { this.CS = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 1048576) { this.RTL = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 2097152) { this.Lang.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } Reader.GetBool(); }, Check_NeedRecalc: function () { return true; if (undefined != this.Bold) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Italic) { return true; } if (undefined != this.FontFamily) { return true; } if (undefined != this.FontSize) { return true; } if (undefined != this.VertAlign) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Spacing) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Caps) { return true; } if (undefined != this.SmallCaps) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Position) { return true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.Ascii) { return true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.EastAsia) { return true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.HAnsi) { return true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.CS) { return true; } if (undefined != this.RTL || undefined != this.CS || undefined != this.BoldCS || undefined != this.ItalicCS || undefined != this.FontSizeCS) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Lang.Val) { return true; } if (undefined != this.Color) { return true; } if (undefined != this.HighLight) { return true; } return false; }, Get_FontKoef: function () { var dFontKoef = 1; switch (this.VertAlign) { case vertalign_Baseline: dFontKoef = 1; break; case vertalign_SubScript: case vertalign_SuperScript: dFontKoef = vertalign_Koef_Size; break; } return dFontKoef; }, Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) { if (undefined != this.RFonts.Ascii) { AllFonts[this.RFonts.Ascii.Name] = true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.HAnsi) { AllFonts[this.RFonts.HAnsi.Name] = true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.EastAsia) { AllFonts[this.RFonts.EastAsia.Name] = true; } if (undefined != this.RFonts.CS) { AllFonts[this.RFonts.CS.Name] = true; } }, Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) { var Style = (true === this.Bold ? 1 : 0) + (true === this.Italic ? 2 : 0); var StyleCS = (true === this.BoldCS ? 1 : 0) + (true === this.ItalicCS ? 2 : 0); var Size = this.FontSize; var SizeCS = this.FontSizeCS; var RFonts = this.RFonts; if (undefined != RFonts.Ascii) { var Key = "" + RFonts.Ascii.Name + "_" + Style + "_" + Size; FontMap[Key] = { Name: RFonts.Ascii.Name, Style: Style, Size: Size }; } if (undefined != RFonts.EastAsia) { var Key = "" + RFonts.EastAsia.Name + "_" + Style + "_" + Size; FontMap[Key] = { Name: RFonts.EastAsia.Name, Style: Style, Size: Size }; } if (undefined != RFonts.HAnsi) { var Key = "" + RFonts.HAnsi.Name + "_" + Style + "_" + Size; FontMap[Key] = { Name: RFonts.HAnsi.Name, Style: Style, Size: Size }; } if (undefined != RFonts.CS) { var Key = "" + RFonts.CS.Name + "_" + StyleCS + "_" + SizeCS; FontMap[Key] = { Name: RFonts.CS.Name, Style: StyleCS, Size: SizeCS }; } }, isEqual: function (TextPrOld, TextPrNew) { if (TextPrOld == undefined || TextPrNew == undefined) { return false; } for (var TextPr in TextPrOld) { if (typeof TextPrOld[TextPr] == "object") { this.isEqual(TextPrOld[TextPr], TextPrNew[TextPr]); } else { if (typeof TextPrOld[TextPr] == "number" && typeof TextPrNew[TextPr] == "number") { if (Math.abs(TextPrOld[TextPr] - TextPrNew[TextPr]) > 0.001) { return false; } } else { if (TextPrOld[TextPr] != TextPrNew[TextPr]) { return false; } } } } return true; } }; function CParaTab(Value, Pos) { this.Value = Value; this.Pos = Pos; } CParaTab.prototype = { Copy: function () { return new CParaTab(this.Value, this.Pos); } }; function CParaTabs() { this.Tabs = new Array(); } CParaTabs.prototype = { Add: function (_Tab) { var Index = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < this.Tabs.length; Index++) { var Tab = this.Tabs[Index]; if (Math.abs(Tab.Pos - _Tab.Pos) < 0.001) { this.Tabs.splice(Index, 1, _Tab); break; } if (Tab.Pos > _Tab.Pos) { break; } } if (-1 != Index) { this.Tabs.splice(Index, 0, _Tab); } }, Merge: function (Tabs) { var _Tabs = Tabs.Tabs; for (var Index = 0; Index < _Tabs.length; Index++) { var _Tab = _Tabs[Index]; var Index2 = 0; var Flag = 0; for (Index2 = 0; Index2 < this.Tabs.length; Index2++) { var Tab = this.Tabs[Index2]; if (Math.abs(Tab.Pos - _Tab.Pos) < 0.001) { if (tab_Clear === _Tab.Value) { Flag = -2; } else { Flag = -1; } break; } if (Tab.Pos > _Tab.Pos) { break; } } if (-2 === Flag) { this.Tabs.splice(Index2, 1); } else { if (-1 != Flag) { this.Tabs.splice(Index2, 0, _Tab); } } } }, Copy: function () { var Tabs = new CParaTabs(); var Count = this.Tabs.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Tabs.Add(this.Tabs[Index].Copy()); } return Tabs; }, Set_FromObject: function (Tabs) { if (Tabs instanceof Array) { var Count = Tabs.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { this.Add(new CParaTab(Tabs[Index].Value, Tabs[Index].Pos)); } } }, Get_Count: function () { return this.Tabs.length; }, Get: function (Index) { return this.Tabs[Index]; }, Get_Value: function (Pos) { var Count = this.Tabs.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var Tab = this.Tabs[Index]; if (Math.abs(Tab.Pos - Pos) < 0.001) { return Tab.Value; } } return -1; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var Count = this.Tabs.length; Writer.WriteLong(Count); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Writer.WriteByte(this.Tabs[Index].Value); Writer.WriteDouble(this.Tabs[Index].Pos); } }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Count = Reader.GetLong(); this.Tabs = new Array(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var Value = Reader.GetByte(); var Pos = Reader.GetDouble(); this.Add(new CParaTab(Value, Pos)); } } }; function CParaInd() { this.Left = undefined; this.Right = undefined; this.FirstLine = undefined; } CParaInd.prototype = { Copy: function () { var Ind = new CParaInd(); Ind.Left = this.Left; Ind.Right = this.Right; Ind.FirstLine = this.FirstLine; return Ind; }, Merge: function (Ind) { if (undefined != Ind.Left) { this.Left = Ind.Left; } if (undefined != Ind.Right) { this.Right = Ind.Right; } if (undefined != Ind.FirstLine) { this.FirstLine = Ind.FirstLine; } }, Set_FromObject: function (Ind) { if (undefined != Ind.Left) { this.Left = Ind.Left; } else { this.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != Ind.Right) { this.Right = Ind.Right; } else { this.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != Ind.FirstLine) { this.FirstLine = Ind.FirstLine; } else { this.FirstLine = undefined; } }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.Left) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Left); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.Right) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Right); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.FirstLine) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.FirstLine); Flags |= 4; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.Left = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.Right = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 4) { this.FirstLine = Reader.GetDouble(); } } }; function CParaSpacing() { this.Line = undefined; this.LineRule = undefined; this.Before = undefined; this.BeforeAutoSpacing = undefined; this.After = undefined; this.AfterAutoSpacing = undefined; } CParaSpacing.prototype = { Copy: function () { var Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); Spacing.Line = this.Line; Spacing.LineRule = this.LineRule; Spacing.Before = this.Before; Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing = this.BeforeAutoSpacing; Spacing.After = this.After; Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing = this.AfterAutoSpacing; return Spacing; }, Merge: function (Spacing) { if (undefined != Spacing.Line) { this.Line = Spacing.Line; } if (undefined != Spacing.LineRule) { this.LineRule = Spacing.LineRule; } if (undefined != Spacing.Before) { this.Before = Spacing.Before; } if (undefined != Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing) { this.BeforeAutoSpacing = Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing; } if (undefined != Spacing.After) { this.After = Spacing.After; } if (undefined != Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing) { this.AfterAutoSpacing = Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing; } }, Set_FromObject: function (Spacing) { this.Line = Spacing.Line; this.LineRule = Spacing.LineRule; this.Before = Spacing.Before; this.BeforeAutoSpacing = Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing; this.After = Spacing.After; this.AfterAutoSpacing = Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.Line) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Line); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.LineRule) { Writer.WriteByte(this.LineRule); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.Before) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Before); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.After) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.After); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.AfterAutoSpacing) { Writer.WriteBool(this.AfterAutoSpacing); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.BeforeAutoSpacing) { Writer.WriteBool(this.BeforeAutoSpacing); Flags |= 32; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.Line = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.LineRule = Reader.GetByte(); } if (Flags & 4) { this.Before = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 8) { this.After = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 16) { this.AfterAutoSpacing = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 32) { this.BeforeAutoSpacing = Reader.GetBool(); } } }; function CNumPr() { this.NumId = "-1"; this.Lvl = 0; } CNumPr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var NumPr = new CNumPr(); NumPr.NumId = this.NumId; NumPr.Lvl = this.Lvl; return NumPr; }, Merge: function (NumPr) { if (undefined != NumPr.NumId) { this.NumId = NumPr.NumId; } if (undefined != NumPr.Lvl) { this.Lvl = NumPr.Lvl; } }, Set: function (NumId, Lvl) { this.NumId = NumId; this.Lvl = Lvl; }, Set_FromObject: function (NumPr) { this.NumId = NumPr.NumId; this.Lvl = NumPr.Lvl; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { if (undefined === this.NumId) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteString2(this.NumId); } if (undefined === this.Lvl) { Writer.WriteBool(true); } else { Writer.WriteBool(false); Writer.WriteByte(this.Lvl); } }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.NumId = undefined; } else { this.NumId = Reader.GetString2(); } if (true === Reader.GetBool()) { this.Lvl = undefined; } else { this.Lvl = Reader.GetByte(); } } }; var dropcap_None = 0; var dropcap_Drop = 1; var dropcap_Margin = 2; var wrap_Around = 1; var wrap_Auto = 2; var wrap_None = 3; var wrap_NotBeside = 4; var wrap_Through = 5; var wrap_Tight = 6; function CFramePr() { this.DropCap = undefined; this.H = undefined; this.HAnchor = undefined; this.HRule = undefined; this.HSpace = undefined; this.Lines = undefined; this.VAnchor = undefined; this.VSpace = undefined; this.W = undefined; this.Wrap = undefined; this.X = undefined; this.XAlign = undefined; this.Y = undefined; this.YAlign = undefined; } CFramePr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var FramePr = new CFramePr(); FramePr.DropCap = this.DropCap; FramePr.H = this.H; FramePr.HAnchor = this.HAnchor; FramePr.HRule = this.HRule; FramePr.HSpace = this.HSpace; FramePr.Lines = this.Lines; FramePr.VAnchor = this.VAnchor; FramePr.VSpace = this.VSpace; FramePr.W = this.W; FramePr.Wrap = this.Wrap; FramePr.X = this.X; FramePr.XAlign = this.XAlign; FramePr.Y = this.Y; FramePr.YAlign = this.YAlign; return FramePr; }, Compare: function (FramePr) { if (this.DropCap != FramePr.DropCap || Math.abs(this.H - FramePr.H) > 0.001 || this.HAnchor != FramePr.HAnchor || this.HRule != FramePr.HRule || this.HSpace != FramePr.HSpace || this.Lines != FramePr.Lines || this.VAnchor != FramePr.VAnchor || this.VSpace != FramePr.VSpace || Math.abs(this.W - FramePr.W) > 0.001 || this.Wrap != FramePr.Wrap || Math.abs(this.X - FramePr.X) > 0.001 || this.XAlign != FramePr.XAlign || Math.abs(this.Y - FramePr.Y) > 0.001 || this.YAlign != FramePr.YAlign) { return false; } return true; }, Set_FromObject: function (FramePr) { this.DropCap = FramePr.DropCap; this.H = FramePr.H; this.HAnchor = FramePr.HAnchor; this.HRule = FramePr.HRule; this.HSpace = FramePr.HSpace; this.Lines = FramePr.Lines; this.VAnchor = FramePr.VAnchor; this.VSpace = FramePr.VSpace; this.W = FramePr.W; this.Wrap = FramePr.Wrap; this.X = FramePr.X; this.XAlign = FramePr.XAlign; this.Y = FramePr.Y; this.YAlign = FramePr.YAlign; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.DropCap) { Writer.WriteLong(this.DropCap); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.H) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.H); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.HAnchor) { Writer.WriteLong(this.HAnchor); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.HRule) { Writer.WriteLong(this.HRule); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.HSpace) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.HSpace); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.Lines) { Writer.WriteLong(this.Lines); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.VAnchor) { Writer.WriteLong(this.VAnchor); Flags |= 64; } if (undefined != this.VSpace) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.VSpace); Flags |= 128; } if (undefined != this.W) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.W); Flags |= 256; } if (undefined != this.X) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.X); Flags |= 512; } if (undefined != this.XAlign) { Writer.WriteLong(this.XAlign); Flags |= 1024; } if (undefined != this.Y) { Writer.WriteDouble(this.Y); Flags |= 2048; } if (undefined != this.YAlign) { Writer.WriteLong(this.YAlign); Flags |= 4096; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.DropCap = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.H = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 4) { this.HAnchor = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 8) { this.HRule = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 16) { this.HSpace = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 32) { this.Lines = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 64) { this.VAnchor = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 128) { this.VSpace = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 256) { this.W = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 512) { this.X = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 1024) { this.XAlign = Reader.GetLong(); } if (Flags & 2048) { this.Y = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (Flags & 4096) { this.YAlign = Reader.GetLong(); } }, Init_Default_DropCap: function (bInside) { this.DropCap = (true === bInside ? dropcap_Drop : dropcap_Margin); this.Lines = 3; this.Wrap = wrap_Around; this.VAnchor = c_oAscVAnchor.Text; this.HAnchor = (true === bInside ? c_oAscHAnchor.Text : c_oAscHAnchor.Page); this.X = undefined; this.XAlign = undefined; this.Y = undefined; this.YAlign = undefined; this.H = undefined; this.W = undefined; this.HRule = undefined; }, Get_W: function () { return this.W; }, Get_H: function () { return this.H; }, Is_DropCap: function () { if (dropcap_Margin === this.DropCap || dropcap_Drop === this.DropCap) { return true; } return false; } }; function CParaPr() { this.ContextualSpacing = undefined; this.Ind = new CParaInd(); this.Jc = undefined; this.KeepLines = undefined; this.KeepNext = undefined; this.PageBreakBefore = undefined; this.Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); this.Shd = undefined; this.Brd = { First: undefined, Last: undefined, Between: undefined, Bottom: undefined, Left: undefined, Right: undefined, Top: undefined }; this.WidowControl = undefined; this.Tabs = undefined; this.NumPr = undefined; this.PStyle = undefined; this.FramePr = undefined; } CParaPr.prototype = { Copy: function () { var ParaPr = new CParaPr(); ParaPr.ContextualSpacing = this.ContextualSpacing; if (undefined != this.Ind) { ParaPr.Ind = this.Ind.Copy(); } ParaPr.Jc = this.Jc; ParaPr.KeepLines = this.KeepLines; ParaPr.KeepNext = this.KeepNext; ParaPr.PageBreakBefore = this.PageBreakBefore; if (undefined != this.Spacing) { ParaPr.Spacing = this.Spacing.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Shd) { ParaPr.Shd = this.Shd.Copy(); } ParaPr.Brd.First = this.Brd.First; ParaPr.Brd.Last = this.Brd.Last; if (undefined != this.Brd.Between) { ParaPr.Brd.Between = this.Brd.Between.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Bottom) { ParaPr.Brd.Bottom = this.Brd.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Left) { ParaPr.Brd.Left = this.Brd.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Right) { ParaPr.Brd.Right = this.Brd.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Top) { ParaPr.Brd.Top = this.Brd.Top.Copy(); } ParaPr.WidowControl = this.WidowControl; if (undefined != this.Tabs) { ParaPr.Tabs = this.Tabs.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.NumPr) { ParaPr.NumPr = this.NumPr.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.PStyle) { ParaPr.PStyle = this.PStyle; } if (undefined != this.FramePr) { ParaPr.FramePr = this.FramePr.Copy(); } else { ParaPr.FramePr = undefined; } return ParaPr; }, Merge: function (ParaPr) { if (undefined != ParaPr.ContextualSpacing) { this.ContextualSpacing = ParaPr.ContextualSpacing; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind) { this.Ind.Merge(ParaPr.Ind); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Jc) { this.Jc = ParaPr.Jc; } if (undefined != ParaPr.KeepLines) { this.KeepLines = ParaPr.KeepLines; } if (undefined != ParaPr.KeepNext) { this.KeepNext = ParaPr.KeepNext; } if (undefined != ParaPr.PageBreakBefore) { this.PageBreakBefore = ParaPr.PageBreakBefore; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Spacing) { this.Spacing.Merge(ParaPr.Spacing); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Shd) { this.Shd = ParaPr.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.First) { this.Brd.First = ParaPr.Brd.First; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Last) { this.Brd.Last = ParaPr.Brd.Last; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Between) { this.Brd.Between = ParaPr.Brd.Between.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Bottom) { this.Brd.Bottom = ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Left) { this.Brd.Left = ParaPr.Brd.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Right) { this.Brd.Right = ParaPr.Brd.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Top) { this.Brd.Top = ParaPr.Brd.Top.Copy(); } if (undefined != ParaPr.WidowControl) { this.WidowControl = ParaPr.WidowControl; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Tabs) { if (undefined === this.Tabs) { this.Tabs = ParaPr.Tabs.Copy(); } else { this.Tabs.Merge(ParaPr.Tabs); } } if (undefined != ParaPr.NumPr) { if (undefined === this.NumPr) { this.NumPr = ParaPr.NumPr.Copy(); } else { this.NumPr.Merge(ParaPr.NumPr); } if (undefined != this.NumPr && this.NumPr.Lvl > 8) { this.NumPr = undefined; } } if (undefined != ParaPr.PStyle) { this.PStyle = ParaPr.PStyle; } this.FramePr = undefined; }, Init_Default: function () { this.ContextualSpacing = false; this.Ind = new CParaInd(); this.Ind.Left = 0; this.Ind.Right = 0; this.Ind.FirstLine = 0; this.Jc = align_Left; this.KeepLines = false; this.KeepNext = false; this.PageBreakBefore = false; this.Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); this.Spacing.Line = 1.15; this.Spacing.LineRule = linerule_Auto; this.Spacing.Before = 0; this.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing = false; this.Spacing.After = 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; this.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing = false; this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Brd.First = true; this.Brd.Last = true; this.Brd.Between = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.WidowControl = true; this.Tabs = new CParaTabs(); this.NumPr = undefined; this.PStyle = undefined; this.FramePr = undefined; }, Set_FromObject: function (ParaPr) { this.ContextualSpacing = ParaPr.ContextualSpacing; if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind) { this.Ind = new CParaInd(); this.Ind.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Ind); } else { this.Ind = undefined; } this.Jc = ParaPr.Jc; this.KeepLines = ParaPr.KeepLines; this.KeepNext = ParaPr.KeepNext; this.PageBreakBefore = ParaPr.PageBreakBefore; if (undefined != ParaPr.Spacing) { this.Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); this.Spacing.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Spacing); } else { this.Spacing = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Shd) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Shd); } else { this.Shd = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd) { if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Between) { this.Brd.Between = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Between.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Brd.Between); } else { this.Brd.Between = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Bottom) { this.Brd.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Bottom.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Brd.Bottom); } else { this.Brd.Bottom = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Left) { this.Brd.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Left.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Brd.Left); } else { this.Brd.Left = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Right) { this.Brd.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Right.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Brd.Right); } else { this.Brd.Right = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Top) { this.Brd.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Top.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Brd.Top); } else { this.Brd.Top = undefined; } } else { this.Brd.Between = undefined; this.Brd.Bottom = undefined; this.Brd.Left = undefined; this.Brd.Right = undefined; this.Brd.Top = undefined; } this.WidowControl = ParaPr.WidowControl; if (undefined != ParaPr.Tabs) { this.Tabs = new CParaTabs(); this.Tabs.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.Tabs.Tabs); } else { this.Tabs = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.NumPr) { this.NumPr = new CNumPr(); this.NumPr.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.NumPr); } else { this.NumPr = undefined; } if (undefined != ParaPr.FramePr) { this.FramePr = new CFramePr(); this.FramePr.Set_FromObject(ParaPr.FramePr); } else { this.FramePr = undefined; } }, Compare: function (ParaPr) { var Result_ParaPr = new CParaPr(); Result_ParaPr.Locked = false; if (ParaPr.ContextualSpacing === this.ContextualSpacing) { Result_ParaPr.ContextualSpacing = ParaPr.ContextualSpacing; } Result_ParaPr.Ind = new CParaInd(); if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind && undefined != this.Ind) { if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind.Left && undefined != this.Ind.Left && Math.abs(ParaPr.Ind.Left - this.Ind.Left) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Ind.Left = ParaPr.Ind.Left; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind.Right && undefined != this.Ind.Right && Math.abs(ParaPr.Ind.Right - this.Ind.Right) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Ind.Right = ParaPr.Ind.Right; } if (undefined != ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine && undefined != this.Ind.FirstLine && Math.abs(ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine - this.Ind.FirstLine) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine; } } if (ParaPr.Jc === this.Jc) { Result_ParaPr.Jc = ParaPr.Jc; } if (ParaPr.KeepLines === this.KeepLines) { Result_ParaPr.KeepLines = ParaPr.KeepLines; } if (ParaPr.KeepNext === this.KeepNext) { Result_ParaPr.KeepNext = ParaPr.KeepNext; } if (ParaPr.PageBreakBefore === this.PageBreakBefore) { Result_ParaPr.PageBreakBefore = ParaPr.PageBreakBefore; } Result_ParaPr.Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); if (undefined != this.Spacing && undefined != ParaPr.Spacing) { if (undefined != this.Spacing.After && undefined != ParaPr.Spacing.After && Math.abs(this.Spacing.After - ParaPr.Spacing.After) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.After = ParaPr.Spacing.After; } if (this.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing === ParaPr.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing = ParaPr.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing; } if (undefined != this.Spacing.Before && undefined != ParaPr.Spacing.Before && Math.abs(this.Spacing.Before - ParaPr.Spacing.Before) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.Before = ParaPr.Spacing.Before; } if (this.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing === ParaPr.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing = ParaPr.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing; } if (undefined != this.Spacing.Line && undefined != ParaPr.Spacing.Line && Math.abs(this.Spacing.Line - ParaPr.Spacing.Line) < 0.001) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.Line = ParaPr.Spacing.Line; } if (this.Spacing.LineRule === ParaPr.Spacing.LineRule) { Result_ParaPr.Spacing.LineRule = ParaPr.Spacing.LineRule; } } if (undefined != this.Shd && undefined != ParaPr.Shd && true === this.Shd.Compare(ParaPr.Shd)) { Result_ParaPr.Shd = ParaPr.Shd.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Between && undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Between && true === this.Brd.Between.Compare(ParaPr.Brd.Between)) { Result_ParaPr.Brd.Between = ParaPr.Brd.Between.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Bottom && undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Bottom && true === this.Brd.Bottom.Compare(ParaPr.Brd.Bottom)) { Result_ParaPr.Brd.Bottom = ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Left && undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Left && true === this.Brd.Left.Compare(ParaPr.Brd.Left)) { Result_ParaPr.Brd.Left = ParaPr.Brd.Left.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Right && undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Right && true === this.Brd.Right.Compare(ParaPr.Brd.Right)) { Result_ParaPr.Brd.Right = ParaPr.Brd.Right.Copy(); } if (undefined != this.Brd.Top && undefined != ParaPr.Brd.Top && true === this.Brd.Top.Compare(ParaPr.Brd.Top)) { Result_ParaPr.Brd.Top = ParaPr.Brd.Top.Copy(); } if (ParaPr.WidowControl === this.WidowControl) { Result_ParaPr.WidowControl = ParaPr.WidowControl; } if (undefined != this.PStyle && undefined != ParaPr.PStyle && this.PStyle === ParaPr.PStyle) { Result_ParaPr.PStyle = ParaPr.PStyle; } if (undefined != this.NumPr && undefined != ParaPr.NumPr && this.NumPr.NumId === ParaPr.NumPr.NumId) { Result_ParaPr.NumPr = new CParaPr(); Result_ParaPr.NumPr.NumId = ParaPr.NumPr.NumId; Result_ParaPr.NumPr.Lvl = Math.max(this.NumPr.Lvl, ParaPr.NumPr.Lvl); } if (undefined != this.Locked && undefined != ParaPr.Locked) { if (this.Locked != ParaPr.Locked) { Result_ParaPr.Locked = true; } else { Result_ParaPr.Locked = ParaPr.Locked; } } if (undefined != this.FramePr && undefined != ParaPr.FramePr && true === this.FramePr.Compare(ParaPr.FramePr)) { Result_ParaPr.FramePr = this.FramePr; } return Result_ParaPr; }, Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) { var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Skip(4); var Flags = 0; if (undefined != this.ContextualSpacing) { Writer.WriteBool(this.ContextualSpacing); Flags |= 1; } if (undefined != this.Ind) { this.Ind.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2; } if (undefined != this.Jc) { Writer.WriteByte(this.Jc); Flags |= 4; } if (undefined != this.KeepLines) { Writer.WriteBool(this.KeepLines); Flags |= 8; } if (undefined != this.KeepNext) { Writer.WriteBool(this.KeepNext); Flags |= 16; } if (undefined != this.PageBreakBefore) { Writer.WriteBool(this.PageBreakBefore); Flags |= 32; } if (undefined != this.Spacing) { this.Spacing.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 64; } if (undefined != this.Shd) { this.Shd.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 128; } if (undefined != this.Brd.Between) { this.Brd.Between.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 256; } if (undefined != this.Brd.Bottom) { this.Brd.Bottom.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 512; } if (undefined != this.Brd.Left) { this.Brd.Left.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 1024; } if (undefined != this.Brd.Right) { this.Brd.Right.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 2048; } if (undefined != this.Brd.Top) { this.Brd.Top.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 4096; } if (undefined != this.WidowControl) { Writer.WriteBool(this.WidowControl); Flags |= 8192; } if (undefined != this.Tabs) { this.Tabs.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 16384; } if (undefined != this.NumPr) { this.NumPr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 32768; } if (undefined != this.PStyle) { Writer.WriteString2(this.PStyle); Flags |= 65536; } if (undefined != this.FramePr) { this.FramePr.Write_ToBinary(Writer); Flags |= 131072; } var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition(); Writer.Seek(StartPos); Writer.WriteLong(Flags); Writer.Seek(EndPos); }, Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) { var Flags = Reader.GetLong(); if (Flags & 1) { this.ContextualSpacing = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 2) { this.Ind = new CParaInd(); this.Ind.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 4) { this.Jc = Reader.GetByte(); } if (Flags & 8) { this.KeepLines = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 16) { this.KeepNext = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 32) { this.PageBreakBefore = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 64) { this.Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); this.Spacing.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 128) { this.Shd = new CDocumentShd(); this.Shd.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 256) { this.Brd.Between = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Between.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 512) { this.Brd.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Bottom.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 1024) { this.Brd.Left = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Left.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 2048) { this.Brd.Right = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Right.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 4096) { this.Brd.Top = new CDocumentBorder(); this.Brd.Top.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 8192) { this.WidowControl = Reader.GetBool(); } if (Flags & 16384) { this.Tabs = new CParaTabs(); this.Tabs.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 32768) { this.NumPr = new CNumPr(); this.NumPr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } if (Flags & 65536) { this.PStyle = Reader.GetString2(); } if (Flags & 131072) { this.FramePr = new CFramePr(); this.FramePr.Read_FromBinary(Reader); } }, isEqual: function (ParaPrUOld, ParaPrNew) { if (ParaPrUOld == undefined || ParaPrNew == undefined) { return false; } for (var pPr in ParaPrUOld) { if (typeof ParaPrUOld[pPr] == "object") { if (!this.isEqual(ParaPrUOld[pPr], ParaPrNew[pPr])) { return false; } } else { if (typeof ParaPrUOld[pPr] == "number" && typeof ParaPrNew[pPr] == "number") { if (Math.abs(ParaPrUOld[pPr] - ParaPrNew[pPr]) > 0.001) { return false; } } else { if (ParaPrUOld[pPr] != ParaPrNew[pPr]) { return false; } } } } return true; } }; function Copy_Bounds(Bounds) { if (undefined === Bounds) { return {}; } var Bounds_new = {}; Bounds_new.Bottom = Bounds.Bottom; Bounds_new.Left = Bounds.Left; Bounds_new.Right = Bounds.Right; Bounds_new.Top = Bounds.Top; return Bounds_new; }