/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; (function (window, undefined) { var asc = window["Asc"] ? window["Asc"] : (window["Asc"] = {}); var prot; function asc_CAscEditorPermissions(settings) { if (! (this instanceof asc_CAscEditorPermissions)) { return new asc_CAscEditorPermissions(); } if (settings) { this.canEdit = settings["canEdit"]; this.canDownload = settings["canDownload"]; this.canCoAuthoring = settings["canCoAuthoring"]; this.canReaderMode = settings["canReaderMode"]; this.canBranding = settings["canBranding"]; this.isAutosaveEnable = settings["isAutosaveEnable"]; this.AutosaveMinInterval = settings["AutosaveMinInterval"]; this.isAnalyticsEnable = settings["isAnalyticsEnable"]; } else { this.canEdit = true; this.canDownload = true; this.canCoAuthoring = true; this.canReaderMode = true; this.canBranding = true; this.isAutosaveEnable = true; this.AutosaveMinInterval = 300; this.isAnalyticsEnable = false; } return this; } asc_CAscEditorPermissions.prototype = { constructor: asc_CAscEditorPermissions, asc_getCanEdit: function () { return this.canEdit; }, asc_getCanDownload: function () { return this.canDownload; }, asc_getCanCoAuthoring: function () { return this.canCoAuthoring; }, asc_getCanReaderMode: function () { return this.canReaderMode; }, asc_getCanBranding: function (v) { return this.canBranding; }, asc_getIsAutosaveEnable: function () { return this.isAutosaveEnable; }, asc_getAutosaveMinInterval: function () { return this.AutosaveMinInterval; }, asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable: function () { return this.isAnalyticsEnable; }, asc_setCanEdit: function (v) { this.canEdit = v; }, asc_setCanDownload: function (v) { this.canDownload = v; }, asc_setCanCoAuthoring: function (v) { this.canCoAuthoring = v; }, asc_setCanReaderMode: function (v) { this.canReaderMode = v; }, asc_setCanBranding: function (v) { this.canBranding = v; }, asc_setIsAutosaveEnable: function (v) { this.isAutosaveEnable = v; }, asc_setAutosaveMinInterval: function (v) { this.AutosaveMinInterval = v; }, asc_setIsAnalyticsEnable: function (v) { this.isAnalyticsEnable = v; } }; window["Asc"]["asc_CAscEditorPermissions"] = window["Asc"].asc_CAscEditorPermissions = asc_CAscEditorPermissions; prot = asc_CAscEditorPermissions.prototype; prot["asc_getCanEdit"] = prot.asc_getCanEdit; prot["asc_getCanDownload"] = prot.asc_getCanDownload; prot["asc_getCanCoAuthoring"] = prot.asc_getCanCoAuthoring; prot["asc_getCanReaderMode"] = prot.asc_getCanReaderMode; prot["asc_getCanBranding"] = prot.asc_getCanBranding; prot["asc_getIsAutosaveEnable"] = prot.asc_getIsAutosaveEnable; prot["asc_getAutosaveMinInterval"] = prot.asc_getAutosaveMinInterval; prot["asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable"] = prot.asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable; function asc_CAscLicense(settings) { if (! (this instanceof asc_CAscLicense)) { return new asc_CAscLicense(); } if (settings) { this.customer = settings["customer"]; this.customerAddr = settings["customer_addr"]; this.customerWww = settings["customer_www"]; this.customerMail = settings["customer_mail"]; this.customerInfo = settings["customer_info"]; this.customerLogo = settings["customer_logo"]; } else { this.customer = null; this.customerAddr = null; this.customerWww = null; this.customerMail = null; this.customerInfo = null; this.customerLogo = null; } return this; } asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomer = function () { return this.customer; }; asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomerAddr = function () { return this.customerAddr; }; asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomerWww = function () { return this.customerWww; }; asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomerMail = function () { return this.customerMail; }; asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomerInfo = function () { return this.customerInfo; }; asc_CAscLicense.prototype.asc_getCustomerLogo = function () { return this.customerLogo; }; window["Asc"]["asc_CAscLicense"] = window["Asc"].asc_CAscLicense = asc_CAscLicense; prot = asc_CAscLicense.prototype; prot["asc_getCustomer"] = prot.asc_getCustomer; prot["asc_getCustomerAddr"] = prot.asc_getCustomerAddr; prot["asc_getCustomerWww"] = prot.asc_getCustomerWww; prot["asc_getCustomerMail"] = prot.asc_getCustomerMail; prot["asc_getCustomerInfo"] = prot.asc_getCustomerInfo; prot["asc_getCustomerLogo"] = prot.asc_getCustomerLogo; function CColor(r, g, b, a) { this.r = (undefined == r) ? 0 : r; this.g = (undefined == g) ? 0 : g; this.b = (undefined == b) ? 0 : b; this.a = (undefined == a) ? 1 : a; } CColor.prototype = { constructor: CColor, getR: function () { return this.r; }, get_r: function () { return this.r; }, put_r: function (v) { this.r = v; this.hex = undefined; }, getG: function () { return this.g; }, get_g: function () { return this.g; }, put_g: function (v) { this.g = v; this.hex = undefined; }, getB: function () { return this.b; }, get_b: function () { return this.b; }, put_b: function (v) { this.b = v; this.hex = undefined; }, getA: function () { return this.a; }, get_hex: function () { if (!this.hex) { var r = this.r.toString(16); var g = this.g.toString(16); var b = this.b.toString(16); this.hex = (r.length == 1 ? "0" + r : r) + (g.length == 1 ? "0" + g : g) + (b.length == 1 ? "0" + b : b); } return this.hex; } }; window["CColor"] = window.CColor = CColor; prot = CColor.prototype; prot["getR"] = prot.getR; prot["get_r"] = prot.get_r; prot["put_r"] = prot.put_r; prot["getG"] = prot.getG; prot["get_g"] = prot.get_g; prot["put_g"] = prot.put_g; prot["getB"] = prot.getB; prot["get_b"] = prot.get_b; prot["put_b"] = prot.put_b; prot["getA"] = prot.getA; prot["get_hex"] = prot.get_hex; function asc_ChartSettings() { this.style = null; this.title = null; this.rowCols = null; this.horAxisLabel = null; this.vertAxisLabel = null; this.legendPos = null; this.dataLabelsPos = null; this.vertAx = null; this.horAx = null; this.horGridLines = null; this.vertGridLines = null; this.type = null; this.showSerName = null; this.showCatName = null; this.showVal = null; this.separator = null; this.horAxisProps = null; this.vertAxisProps = null; this.range = null; this.inColumns = null; this.showMarker = null; this.bLine = null; this.smooth = null; } asc_ChartSettings.prototype = { putShowMarker: function (v) { this.showMarker = v; }, getShowMarker: function () { return this.showMarker; }, putLine: function (v) { this.bLine = v; }, getLine: function () { return this.bLine; }, putSmooth: function (v) { this.smooth = v; }, getSmooth: function () { return this.smooth; }, putStyle: function (index) { this.style = parseInt(index, 10); }, getStyle: function () { return this.style; }, putRange: function (range) { this.range = range; }, getRange: function () { return this.range; }, putInColumns: function (inColumns) { this.inColumns = inColumns; }, getInColumns: function () { return this.inColumns; }, putTitle: function (v) { this.title = v; }, getTitle: function () { return this.title; }, putRowCols: function (v) { this.rowCols = v; }, getRowCols: function () { return this.rowCols; }, putHorAxisLabel: function (v) { this.horAxisLabel = v; }, putVertAxisLabel: function (v) { this.vertAxisLabel = v; }, putLegendPos: function (v) { this.legendPos = v; }, putDataLabelsPos: function (v) { this.dataLabelsPos = v; }, putCatAx: function (v) { this.vertAx = v; }, putValAx: function (v) { this.horAx = v; }, getHorAxisLabel: function (v) { return this.horAxisLabel; }, getVertAxisLabel: function (v) { return this.vertAxisLabel; }, getLegendPos: function (v) { return this.legendPos; }, getDataLabelsPos: function (v) { return this.dataLabelsPos; }, getVertAx: function (v) { return this.vertAx; }, getHorAx: function (v) { return this.horAx; }, putHorGridLines: function (v) { this.horGridLines = v; }, getHorGridLines: function (v) { return this.horGridLines; }, putVertGridLines: function (v) { this.vertGridLines = v; }, getVertGridLines: function () { return this.vertGridLines; }, getType: function () { return this.type; }, putType: function (v) { return this.type = v; }, putShowSerName: function (v) { return this.showSerName = v; }, putShowCatName: function (v) { return this.showCatName = v; }, putShowVal: function (v) { return this.showVal = v; }, getShowSerName: function () { return this.showSerName; }, getShowCatName: function () { return this.showCatName; }, getShowVal: function () { return this.showVal; }, putSeparator: function (v) { this.separator = v; }, getSeparator: function () { return this.separator; }, putHorAxisProps: function (v) { this.horAxisProps = v; }, getHorAxisProps: function () { return this.horAxisProps; }, putVertAxisProps: function (v) { this.vertAxisProps = v; }, getVertAxisProps: function () { return this.vertAxisProps; }, changeType: function (type) { if (this.type === type) { return; } this.putType(type); var hor_axis_settings = this.getHorAxisProps(); var vert_axis_settings = this.getVertAxisProps(); var new_hor_axis_settings, new_vert_axis_settings; switch (type) { case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut: this.putHorAxisProps(null); this.putVertAxisProps(null); this.putHorAxisLabel(null); this.putVertAxisLabel(null); break; case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock: if (!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.cat) { new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_CatAxisSettings(); new_hor_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putHorAxisProps(new_hor_axis_settings); } if (!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val) { new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings(); new_vert_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putVertAxisProps(new_vert_axis_settings); } this.putHorGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.major); this.putVertGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.none); if (type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker) { this.putShowMarker(false); this.putSmooth(null); this.putLine(true); } break; case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer: if (!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val) { new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings(); new_hor_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putHorAxisProps(new_hor_axis_settings); } if (!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.cat) { new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_CatAxisSettings(); new_vert_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putVertAxisProps(new_vert_axis_settings); } this.putHorGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.none); this.putVertGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.major); break; case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLine: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLineMarker: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterMarker: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterNone: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmooth: case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmoothMarker: if (!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val) { new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings(); new_hor_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putHorAxisProps(new_hor_axis_settings); } if (!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val) { new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings(); new_vert_axis_settings.setDefault(); this.putVertAxisProps(new_vert_axis_settings); } this.putHorGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.major); this.putVertGridLines(c_oAscGridLinesSettings.major); this.putShowMarker(true); this.putSmooth(null); this.putLine(false); break; } } }; prot = asc_ChartSettings.prototype; prot["putStyle"] = prot.putStyle; prot["putTitle"] = prot.putTitle; prot["putRowCols"] = prot.putRowCols; prot["putHorAxisLabel"] = prot.putHorAxisLabel; prot["putVertAxisLabel"] = prot.putVertAxisLabel; prot["putLegendPos"] = prot.putLegendPos; prot["putDataLabelsPos"] = prot.putDataLabelsPos; prot["putCatAx"] = prot.putCatAx; prot["putValAx"] = prot.putValAx; prot["getStyle"] = prot.getStyle; prot["getTitle"] = prot.getTitle; prot["getRowCols"] = prot.getRowCols; prot["getHorAxisLabel"] = prot.getHorAxisLabel; prot["getVertAxisLabel"] = prot.getVertAxisLabel; prot["getLegendPos"] = prot.getLegendPos; prot["getDataLabelsPos"] = prot.getDataLabelsPos; prot["getHorAx"] = prot.getHorAx; prot["getVertAx"] = prot.getVertAx; prot["getHorGridLines"] = prot.getHorGridLines; prot["putHorGridLines"] = prot.putHorGridLines; prot["getVertGridLines"] = prot.getVertGridLines; prot["putVertGridLines"] = prot.putVertGridLines; prot["getType"] = prot.getType; prot["putType"] = prot.putType; prot["putShowSerName"] = prot.putShowSerName; prot["getShowSerName"] = prot.getShowSerName; prot["putShowCatName"] = prot.putShowCatName; prot["getShowCatName"] = prot.getShowCatName; prot["putShowVal"] = prot.putShowVal; prot["getShowVal"] = prot.getShowVal; prot["putSeparator"] = prot.putSeparator; prot["getSeparator"] = prot.getSeparator; prot["putHorAxisProps"] = prot.putHorAxisProps; prot["getHorAxisProps"] = prot.getHorAxisProps; prot["putVertAxisProps"] = prot.putVertAxisProps; prot["getVertAxisProps"] = prot.getVertAxisProps; prot["putRange"] = prot.putRange; prot["getRange"] = prot.getRange; prot["putInColumns"] = prot.putInColumns; prot["getInColumns"] = prot.getInColumns; prot["putShowMarker"] = prot.putShowMarker; prot["getShowMarker"] = prot.getShowMarker; prot["putLine"] = prot.putLine; prot["getLine"] = prot.getLine; prot["putSmooth"] = prot.putSmooth; prot["getSmooth"] = prot.getSmooth; prot["changeType"] = prot.changeType; window["asc_ChartSettings"] = asc_ChartSettings; function asc_ValAxisSettings() { this.minValRule = null; this.minVal = null; this.maxValRule = null; this.maxVal = null; this.invertValOrder = null; this.logScale = null; this.logBase = null; this.dispUnitsRule = null; this.units = null; this.showUnitsOnChart = null; this.majorTickMark = null; this.minorTickMark = null; this.tickLabelsPos = null; this.crossesRule = null; this.crosses = null; this.axisType = c_oAscAxisType.val; } asc_ValAxisSettings.prototype = { putAxisType: function (v) { this.axisType = v; }, putMinValRule: function (v) { this.minValRule = v; }, putMinVal: function (v) { this.minVal = v; }, putMaxValRule: function (v) { this.maxValRule = v; }, putMaxVal: function (v) { this.maxVal = v; }, putInvertValOrder: function (v) { this.invertValOrder = v; }, putLogScale: function (v) { this.logScale = v; }, putLogBase: function (v) { this.logBase = v; }, putUnits: function (v) { this.units = v; }, putShowUnitsOnChart: function (v) { this.showUnitsOnChart = v; }, putMajorTickMark: function (v) { this.majorTickMark = v; }, putMinorTickMark: function (v) { this.minorTickMark = v; }, putTickLabelsPos: function (v) { this.tickLabelsPos = v; }, putCrossesRule: function (v) { this.crossesRule = v; }, putCrosses: function (v) { this.crosses = v; }, putDispUnitsRule: function (v) { this.dispUnitsRule = v; }, getAxisType: function () { return this.axisType; }, getDispUnitsRule: function () { return this.dispUnitsRule; }, getMinValRule: function () { return this.minValRule; }, getMinVal: function () { return this.minVal; }, getMaxValRule: function () { return this.maxValRule; }, getMaxVal: function () { return this.maxVal; }, getInvertValOrder: function () { return this.invertValOrder; }, getLogScale: function () { return this.logScale; }, getLogBase: function () { return this.logBase; }, getUnits: function () { return this.units; }, getShowUnitsOnChart: function () { return this.showUnitsOnChart; }, getMajorTickMark: function () { return this.majorTickMark; }, getMinorTickMark: function () { return this.minorTickMark; }, getTickLabelsPos: function () { return this.tickLabelsPos; }, getCrossesRule: function () { return this.crossesRule; }, getCrosses: function () { return this.crosses; }, setDefault: function () { this.putMinValRule(c_oAscValAxisRule.auto); this.putMaxValRule(c_oAscValAxisRule.auto); this.putTickLabelsPos(c_oAscTickLabelsPos.TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO); this.putInvertValOrder(false); this.putDispUnitsRule(c_oAscValAxUnits.none); this.putMajorTickMark(c_oAscTickMark.TICK_MARK_OUT); this.putMinorTickMark(c_oAscTickMark.TICK_MARK_NONE); this.putCrossesRule(c_oAscCrossesRule.auto); } }; prot = asc_ValAxisSettings.prototype; prot["putMinValRule"] = prot.putMinValRule; prot["putMinVal"] = prot.putMinVal; prot["putMaxValRule"] = prot.putMaxValRule; prot["putMaxVal"] = prot.putMaxVal; prot["putInvertValOrder"] = prot.putInvertValOrder; prot["putLogScale"] = prot.putLogScale; prot["putLogBase"] = prot.putLogBase; prot["putUnits"] = prot.putUnits; prot["putShowUnitsOnChart"] = prot.putShowUnitsOnChart; prot["putMajorTickMark"] = prot.putMajorTickMark; prot["putMinorTickMark"] = prot.putMinorTickMark; prot["putTickLabelsPos"] = prot.putTickLabelsPos; prot["putCrossesRule"] = prot.putCrossesRule; prot["putCrosses"] = prot.putCrosses; prot["putDispUnitsRule"] = prot.putDispUnitsRule; prot["getDispUnitsRule"] = prot.getDispUnitsRule; prot["putAxisType"] = prot.putAxisType; prot["getAxisType"] = prot.getAxisType; prot["getMinValRule"] = prot.getMinValRule; prot["getMinVal"] = prot.getMinVal; prot["getMaxValRule"] = prot.getMaxValRule; prot["getMaxVal"] = prot.getMaxVal; prot["getInvertValOrder"] = prot.getInvertValOrder; prot["getLogScale"] = prot.getLogScale; prot["getLogBase"] = prot.getLogBase; prot["getUnits"] = prot.getUnits; prot["getShowUnitsOnChart"] = prot.getShowUnitsOnChart; prot["getMajorTickMark"] = prot.getMajorTickMark; prot["getMinorTickMark"] = prot.getMinorTickMark; prot["getTickLabelsPos"] = prot.getTickLabelsPos; prot["getCrossesRule"] = prot.getCrossesRule; prot["getCrosses"] = prot.getCrosses; prot["setDefault"] = prot.setDefault; window["asc_ValAxisSettings"] = asc_ValAxisSettings; function asc_CatAxisSettings() { this.intervalBetweenTick = null; this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule = null; this.intervalBetweenLabels = null; this.invertCatOrder = null; this.labelsAxisDistance = null; this.majorTickMark = null; this.minorTickMark = null; this.tickLabelsPos = null; this.crossesRule = null; this.crosses = null; this.labelsPosition = null; this.axisType = c_oAscAxisType.cat; } asc_CatAxisSettings.prototype = { putIntervalBetweenTick: function (v) { this.intervalBetweenTick = v; }, putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule: function (v) { this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule = v; }, putIntervalBetweenLabels: function (v) { this.intervalBetweenLabels = v; }, putInvertCatOrder: function (v) { this.invertCatOrder = v; }, putLabelsAxisDistance: function (v) { this.labelsAxisDistance = v; }, putMajorTickMark: function (v) { this.majorTickMark = v; }, putMinorTickMark: function (v) { this.minorTickMark = v; }, putTickLabelsPos: function (v) { this.tickLabelsPos = v; }, putCrossesRule: function (v) { this.crossesRule = v; }, putCrosses: function (v) { this.crosses = v; }, putAxisType: function (v) { this.axisType = v; }, putLabelsPosition: function (v) { this.labelsPosition = v; }, getIntervalBetweenTick: function (v) { return this.intervalBetweenTick; }, getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule: function () { return this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule; }, getIntervalBetweenLabels: function () { return this.intervalBetweenLabels; }, getInvertCatOrder: function () { return this.invertCatOrder; }, getLabelsAxisDistance: function () { return this.labelsAxisDistance; }, getMajorTickMark: function () { return this.majorTickMark; }, getMinorTickMark: function () { return this.minorTickMark; }, getTickLabelsPos: function () { return this.tickLabelsPos; }, getCrossesRule: function () { return this.crossesRule; }, getCrosses: function () { return this.crosses; }, getAxisType: function () { return this.axisType; }, getLabelsPosition: function () { return this.labelsPosition; }, setDefault: function () { this.putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule(c_oAscBetweenLabelsRule.auto); this.putLabelsPosition(c_oAscLabelsPosition.betweenDivisions); this.putTickLabelsPos(c_oAscTickLabelsPos.TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO); this.putLabelsAxisDistance(100); this.putMajorTickMark(c_oAscTickMark.TICK_MARK_OUT); this.putMinorTickMark(c_oAscTickMark.TICK_MARK_NONE); this.putIntervalBetweenTick(1); this.putCrossesRule(c_oAscCrossesRule.auto); } }; prot = asc_CatAxisSettings.prototype; prot["putIntervalBetweenTick"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenTick; prot["putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule; prot["putIntervalBetweenLabels"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenLabels; prot["putInvertCatOrder"] = prot.putInvertCatOrder; prot["putLabelsAxisDistance"] = prot.putLabelsAxisDistance; prot["putMajorTickMark"] = prot.putMajorTickMark; prot["putMinorTickMark"] = prot.putMinorTickMark; prot["putTickLabelsPos"] = prot.putTickLabelsPos; prot["putCrossesRule"] = prot.putCrossesRule; prot["putCrosses"] = prot.putCrosses; prot["putAxisType"] = prot.putAxisType; prot["putLabelsPosition"] = prot.putLabelsPosition; prot["getIntervalBetweenTick"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenTick; prot["getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule; prot["getIntervalBetweenLabels"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenLabels; prot["getInvertCatOrder"] = prot.getInvertCatOrder; prot["getLabelsAxisDistance"] = prot.getLabelsAxisDistance; prot["getMajorTickMark"] = prot.getMajorTickMark; prot["getMinorTickMark"] = prot.getMinorTickMark; prot["getTickLabelsPos"] = prot.getTickLabelsPos; prot["getCrossesRule"] = prot.getCrossesRule; prot["getCrosses"] = prot.getCrosses; prot["getAxisType"] = prot.getAxisType; prot["getLabelsPosition"] = prot.getLabelsPosition; prot["setDefault"] = prot.setDefault; window["asc_CatAxisSettings"] = asc_CatAxisSettings; function asc_CRect(x, y, width, height) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = width; this._height = height; } asc_CRect.prototype = { asc_getX: function () { return this._x; }, asc_getY: function () { return this._y; }, asc_getWidth: function () { return this._width; }, asc_getHeight: function () { return this._height; } }; window["asc_CRect"] = asc_CRect; prot = asc_CRect.prototype; prot["asc_getX"] = prot.asc_getX; prot["asc_getY"] = prot.asc_getY; prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth; prot["asc_getHeight"] = prot.asc_getHeight; function generateColor() { var h = (Math.random() * 361) >> 0; var s = 25 + ((Math.random() * 26) >> 0); return asc.hsvToRgb(h, s, 100); } function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) { var r, g, b; var i; var f, p, q, t; s /= 100; v /= 100; if (0 === s) { r = g = b = ((v * 255) >> 0) & 255; return (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b; } h /= 60; i = h >> 0; f = h - i; p = v * (1 - s); q = v * (1 - s * f); t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f)); switch (i) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; default: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } r = ((r * 255) >> 0) & 255; g = ((g * 255) >> 0) & 255; b = ((b * 255) >> 0) & 255; return (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b; } window["Asc"].generateColor = generateColor; window["Asc"].hsvToRgb = hsvToRgb; })(window); var CColor = window["CColor"]; var asc_ChartSettings = window["asc_ChartSettings"]; var asc_ValAxisSettings = window["asc_ValAxisSettings"]; var asc_CatAxisSettings = window["asc_CatAxisSettings"]; var g_oArrUserColors = [15064320, 58807, 16724950, 1759488, 9981439, 56805, 15050496, 15224319, 10154496, 16731553, 62146, 47077, 1828096, 15859712, 15427327, 15919360, 15905024, 59890, 12733951, 13496832, 62072, 49906, 16734720, 10682112, 7890687, 16731610, 65406, 38655, 16747008, 14221056, 16737966, 1896960, 65484, 10970879, 16759296, 16711680, 63231, 16774656, 2031360, 52479, 13330175, 16743219, 3386367, 11927347, 16752947, 9404671, 4980531, 16744678, 3407830, 11960575, 16724787, 10878873, 14745395, 16762931, 15696127, 3397375, 16744636, 3407768, 3406079, 13926655, 15269734, 16751083, 6742271, 16766566, 13107046, 16775219, 16751718, 10852863, 6750176, 16737894, 14457343, 16759142, 6750130, 6865407, 15650047, 16769945, 7929702, 16751049, 6748927, 16751001, 12884479, 16775782, 16765081, 10087423, 10878873, 16757744, 10081791, 14352281, 15053823, 10092523, 16760217, 15728537, 13815039, 16776652, 16757719, 13432319, 16773580, 13828044, 15650047, 15893248, 16724883, 58737, 15007744, 36594, 12772608, 12137471, 6442495, 9561344, 15021055, 34789, 15039488, 44761, 16718470, 14274816, 11606783, 9099520, 53721, 16718545, 1625088, 15881472, 13419776, 50636, 14752511, 55659, 14261760, 32985, 11389952, 16711800, 8571904, 1490688, 16711884, 8991743, 13407488, 41932, 11010303, 7978752, 15028480, 52387, 15007927, 52325, 47295, 14549247, 12552960, 12564480, 39359, 15007852, 12114176, 1421824, 55726, 13041893, 10665728, 30924, 49049, 14251264, 48990, 14241024, 36530, 11709440, 13369507, 44210, 11698688, 7451136, 13397504, 45710, 34214]; function CAscMathType() { this.Id = 0; this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; } CAscMathType.prototype["get_Id"] = function () { return this.Id; }; CAscMathType.prototype["get_X"] = function () { return this.X; }; CAscMathType.prototype["get_Y"] = function () { return this.Y; }; function CAscMathCategory() { this.Id = 0; this.Data = []; this.W = 0; this.H = 0; } CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Id"] = function () { return this.Id; }; CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Data"] = function () { return this.Data; }; CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_W"] = function () { return this.W; }; CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_H"] = function () { return this.H; }; CAscMathCategory.prototype.private_Sort = function () { this.Data.sort(function (a, b) { return a.Id - b.Id; }); };