/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; var TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP = []; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[0] = 0; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[1] = 1; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[2] = 2; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[3] = 3; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[4] = 4; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[5] = 5; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[6] = 6; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_NO_FLIP[7] = 7; var TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H = []; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[0] = 2; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[1] = 1; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[2] = 0; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[3] = 7; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[4] = 6; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[5] = 5; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[6] = 4; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[7] = 3; var TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V = []; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[0] = 6; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[1] = 5; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[2] = 4; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[3] = 3; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[4] = 2; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[5] = 1; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[6] = 0; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[7] = 7; var TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V = []; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[0] = 4; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[1] = 5; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[2] = 6; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[3] = 7; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[4] = 0; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[5] = 1; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[6] = 2; TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[7] = 3; var SHAPE_ASPECTS = {}; SHAPE_ASPECTS["can"] = 3616635 / 4810125; SHAPE_ASPECTS["moon"] = 0.5; SHAPE_ASPECTS["leftBracket"] = 0.08; SHAPE_ASPECTS["rightBracket"] = 0.08; SHAPE_ASPECTS["leftBrace"] = 0.17; SHAPE_ASPECTS["rightBrace"] = 0.17; var MIN_SHAPE_SIZE = 1.27; var MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2 = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE / 2; var MIN_ANGLE = 0.07000000000000001; function CreatePenBrushForChartTrack() { return ExecuteNoHistory(function () { var brush = new CUniFill(); brush.setFill(new CSolidFill()); brush.fill.setColor(new CUniColor()); brush.fill.color.RGBA = { R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 }; brush.fill.color.setColor(new CRGBColor()); brush.fill.color.color.RGBA = { R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 }; var pen = new CLn(); pen.setFill(new CUniFill()); pen.Fill.setFill(new CSolidFill()); pen.Fill.fill.setColor(new CUniColor()); pen.Fill.fill.color.setColor(new CRGBColor()); return { brush: brush, pen: pen }; }, this, []); } function ResizeTrackShapeImage(originalObject, cardDirection) { ExecuteNoHistory(function () { this.originalObject = originalObject; this.numberHandle = originalObject.getNumByCardDirection(cardDirection); this.pageIndex = null; var numberHandle = this.numberHandle; this.flipH = originalObject.flipH; this.flipV = originalObject.flipV; var _flip_h = originalObject.flipH; var _flip_v = originalObject.flipV; var _half_height = originalObject.extY * 0.5; var _half_width = originalObject.extX * 0.5; var _sin = Math.sin(originalObject.rot); var _cos = Math.cos(originalObject.rot); var _translated_num_handle; if (!_flip_h && !_flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = numberHandle; } else { if (_flip_h && !_flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[numberHandle]; } else { if (!_flip_h && _flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[numberHandle]; } else { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[numberHandle]; } } } this.bAspect = numberHandle % 2 === 0; this.aspect = this.bAspect === true ? this.originalObject.getAspect(_translated_num_handle) : 0; this.sin = _sin; this.cos = _cos; this.translatetNumberHandle = _translated_num_handle; switch (_translated_num_handle) { case 0: case 1: this.fixedPointX = (_half_width * _cos - _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + originalObject.x; this.fixedPointY = (_half_width * _sin + _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + originalObject.y; break; case 2: case 3: this.fixedPointX = (-_half_width * _cos - _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + originalObject.x; this.fixedPointY = (-_half_width * _sin + _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + originalObject.y; break; case 4: case 5: this.fixedPointX = (-_half_width * _cos + _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + originalObject.x; this.fixedPointY = (-_half_width * _sin - _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + originalObject.y; break; case 6: case 7: this.fixedPointX = (_half_width * _cos + _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + originalObject.x; this.fixedPointY = (_half_width * _sin - _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + originalObject.y; break; } this.mod = this.translatetNumberHandle % 4; this.centerPointX = originalObject.x + _half_width; this.centerPointY = originalObject.y + _half_height; this.originalExtX = originalObject.extX; this.originalExtY = originalObject.extY; this.originalFlipH = _flip_h; this.originalFlipV = _flip_v; this.usedExtX = this.originalExtX === 0 ? (0.01) : this.originalExtX; this.usedExtY = this.originalExtY === 0 ? (0.01) : this.originalExtY; this.resizedExtX = this.originalExtX; this.resizedExtY = this.originalExtY; this.resizedflipH = _flip_h; this.resizedflipV = _flip_v; this.resizedPosX = originalObject.x; this.resizedPosY = originalObject.y; this.resizedRot = originalObject.rot; this.transform = originalObject.transform.CreateDublicate(); this.geometry = !(originalObject.getObjectType() === historyitem_type_ChartSpace) && originalObject.spPr && originalObject.spPr.geometry ? originalObject.spPr.geometry.createDuplicate() : (function () { var geometry = CreateGeometry("rect"); geometry.Recalculate(5, 5); return geometry; })(); if (!originalObject.isChart()) { this.brush = originalObject.brush; this.pen = originalObject.pen; } else { var pen_brush = CreatePenBrushForChartTrack(); this.brush = pen_brush.brush; this.pen = pen_brush.pen; } this.isLine = originalObject.spPr && originalObject.spPr.geometry && originalObject.spPr.geometry.preset === "line"; this.bChangeCoef = this.translatetNumberHandle % 2 === 0 && this.originalFlipH !== this.originalFlipV; this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(this.geometry, this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY, this.brush, this.pen, this.transform); this.track = function (kd1, kd2, e) { if (!e.CtrlKey) { this.resize(kd1, kd2, e.ShiftKey); } else { this.resizeRelativeCenter(kd1, kd2, e.ShiftKey); } }; this.resize = function (kd1, kd2, ShiftKey) { var _cos = this.cos; var _sin = this.sin; var _real_height, _real_width; var _abs_height, _abs_width; var _new_resize_half_width; var _new_resize_half_height; var _new_used_half_width; var _new_used_half_height; var _temp; if ((ShiftKey === true || window.AscAlwaysSaveAspectOnResizeTrack === true) && this.bAspect === true) { var _new_aspect = this.aspect * (Math.abs(kd1 / kd2)); if (_new_aspect >= this.aspect) { kd2 = Math.abs(kd1) * (kd2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } else { kd1 = Math.abs(kd2) * (kd1 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } } if (this.bChangeCoef) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } switch (this.translatetNumberHandle) { case 0: case 1: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 0) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); if (!this.isLine) { this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; } else { this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : 0; } if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } } if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 1) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); if (!this.isLine) { this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; } else { this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : 0; } this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (-_new_used_half_width * _cos + _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (-_new_used_half_width * _sin - _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 2: case 3: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 2) { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (_new_used_half_width * _cos + _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (_new_used_half_width * _sin - _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 4: case 5: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 4) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } } else { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (_new_used_half_width * _cos - _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (_new_used_half_width * _sin + _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 6: case 7: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 6) { _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd1; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_height : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } } else { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd2; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? _abs_width : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; if (this.isLine && ShiftKey && this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (-_new_used_half_width * _cos - _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (-_new_used_half_width * _sin + _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; } this.geometry.Recalculate(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY); this.overlayObject.updateExtents(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY); var _transform = this.transform; _transform.Reset(); var _horizontal_center = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; var _vertical_center = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, -_horizontal_center, -_vertical_center); if (this.resizedflipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, -1, 1); } if (this.resizedflipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(_transform, -this.resizedRot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, this.resizedPosX, this.resizedPosY); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, _horizontal_center, _vertical_center); if (this.originalObject.group) { global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(_transform, this.originalObject.group.transform); } if (this.originalObject.parent) { var parent_shape = this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild && this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild(true); if (parent_shape) { global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(_transform, parent_shape.transformText); } } }; this.resizeRelativeCenter = function (kd1, kd2, ShiftKey) { if (this.isLine) { this.resize(kd1, kd2, ShiftKey); return; } kd1 = 2 * kd1 - 1; kd2 = 2 * kd2 - 1; var _real_height, _real_width; var _abs_height, _abs_width; if ((ShiftKey === true || window.AscAlwaysSaveAspectOnResizeTrack === true) && this.bAspect === true) { var _new_aspect = this.aspect * (Math.abs(kd1 / kd2)); if (_new_aspect >= this.aspect) { kd2 = Math.abs(kd1) * (kd2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } else { kd1 = Math.abs(kd2) * (kd1 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } } var _temp; if (this.bChangeCoef) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } if (this.mod === 0 || this.mod === 1) { if (this.mod === 0) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipH = _real_width < 0 ? !this.originalFlipH : this.originalFlipH; } else { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipV = _real_height < 0 ? !this.originalFlipV : this.originalFlipV; } else { if (this.mod === 2) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipV = _real_height < 0 ? !this.originalFlipV : this.originalFlipV; } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.isLine ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipH = _real_width < 0 ? !this.originalFlipH : this.originalFlipH; } this.resizedPosX = this.centerPointX - this.resizedExtX * 0.5; this.resizedPosY = this.centerPointY - this.resizedExtY * 0.5; this.geometry.Recalculate(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY); this.overlayObject.updateExtents(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY); var _transform = this.transform; _transform.Reset(); var _horizontal_center = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; var _vertical_center = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, -_horizontal_center, -_vertical_center); if (this.resizedflipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, -1, 1); } if (this.resizedflipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(_transform, -this.resizedRot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, this.resizedPosX, this.resizedPosY); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, _horizontal_center, _vertical_center); if (this.originalObject.group) { global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(_transform, this.originalObject.group.transform); } if (this.originalObject.parent) { var parent_shape = this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild && this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild(true); if (parent_shape) { global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(_transform, parent_shape.transformText); } } }; this.draw = function (overlay, transform) { if (isRealNumber(this.originalObject.selectStartPage) && overlay.SetCurrentPage) { overlay.SetCurrentPage(this.originalObject.selectStartPage); } this.overlayObject.draw(overlay, transform); }; this.getBounds = function () { var boundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker(); var tr = this.transform; var parent_shape = this.originalObject && this.originalObject.parent && this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild && this.originalObject.parent.isShapeChild(true); if (parent_shape) { tr = tr.CreateDublicate(); global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(tr, parent_shape.invertTransformText); } this.draw(boundsChecker, parent_shape ? tr : null); var arr_p_x = []; var arr_p_y = []; arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(0, 0)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(0, 0)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(this.resizedExtX, 0)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(this.resizedExtX, 0)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(0, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(0, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_x.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.min_x); arr_p_x.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.max_x); arr_p_y.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.min_y); arr_p_y.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.max_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.min_x = Math.min.apply(Math, arr_p_x); boundsChecker.Bounds.max_x = Math.max.apply(Math, arr_p_x); boundsChecker.Bounds.min_y = Math.min.apply(Math, arr_p_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.max_y = Math.max.apply(Math, arr_p_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.posX = this.resizedPosX; boundsChecker.Bounds.posY = this.resizedPosY; boundsChecker.Bounds.extX = this.resizedExtX; boundsChecker.Bounds.extY = this.resizedExtY; return boundsChecker.Bounds; }; this.trackEnd = function (bWord) { var scale_coefficients, ch_off_x, ch_off_y; if (this.originalObject.group) { scale_coefficients = this.originalObject.group.getResultScaleCoefficients(); ch_off_x = this.originalObject.group.spPr.xfrm.chOffX; ch_off_y = this.originalObject.group.spPr.xfrm.chOffY; } else { scale_coefficients = { cx: 1, cy: 1 }; ch_off_x = 0; ch_off_y = 0; if (bWord) { this.resizedPosX = 0; this.resizedPosY = 0; } } CheckSpPrXfrm(this.originalObject); var xfrm = this.originalObject.spPr.xfrm; xfrm.setOffX(this.resizedPosX / scale_coefficients.cx + ch_off_x); xfrm.setOffY(this.resizedPosY / scale_coefficients.cy + ch_off_y); xfrm.setExtX(this.resizedExtX / scale_coefficients.cx); xfrm.setExtY(this.resizedExtY / scale_coefficients.cy); if (this.originalObject.getObjectType() !== historyitem_type_ChartSpace) { xfrm.setFlipH(this.resizedflipH); xfrm.setFlipV(this.resizedflipV); } this.originalObject.checkDrawingBaseCoords(); }; }, this, []); } function ResizeTrackGroup(originalObject, cardDirection, parentTrack) { ExecuteNoHistory(function () { this.original = originalObject; this.originalObject = originalObject; this.parentTrack = parentTrack; var numberHandle; if (isRealNumber(cardDirection)) { this.numberHandle = originalObject.getNumByCardDirection(cardDirection); numberHandle = this.numberHandle; } this.x = originalObject.x; this.y = originalObject.y; this.extX = originalObject.extX; this.extY = originalObject.extY; this.rot = originalObject.rot; this.flipH = originalObject.flipH; this.flipV = originalObject.flipV; this.transform = originalObject.transform.CreateDublicate(); this.bSwapCoef = !(checkNormalRotate(this.rot)); this.childs = []; var a = originalObject.spTree; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i].isGroup()) { this.childs[i] = new ResizeTrackGroup(a[i], null, this); } else { this.childs[i] = new ShapeForResizeInGroup(a[i], this); } } if (typeof numberHandle === "number") { var _translated_num_handle; var _flip_h = this.flipH; var _flip_v = this.flipV; var _sin = Math.sin(this.rot); var _cos = Math.cos(this.rot); var _half_width = this.extX * 0.5; var _half_height = this.extY * 0.5; if (!_flip_h && !_flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = numberHandle; } else { if (_flip_h && !_flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H[numberHandle]; } else { if (!_flip_h && _flip_v) { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_V[numberHandle]; } else { _translated_num_handle = TRANSLATE_HANDLE_FLIP_H_AND_FLIP_V[numberHandle]; } } } this.bAspect = numberHandle % 2 === 0; this.aspect = this.bAspect === true ? this.original.getAspect(_translated_num_handle) : 0; this.sin = _sin; this.cos = _cos; this.translatetNumberHandle = _translated_num_handle; switch (_translated_num_handle) { case 0: case 1: this.fixedPointX = (_half_width * _cos - _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + this.x; this.fixedPointY = (_half_width * _sin + _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + this.y; break; case 2: case 3: this.fixedPointX = (-_half_width * _cos - _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + this.x; this.fixedPointY = (-_half_width * _sin + _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + this.y; break; case 4: case 5: this.fixedPointX = (-_half_width * _cos + _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + this.x; this.fixedPointY = (-_half_width * _sin - _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + this.y; break; case 6: case 7: this.fixedPointX = (_half_width * _cos + _half_height * _sin) + _half_width + this.x; this.fixedPointY = (_half_width * _sin - _half_height * _cos) + _half_height + this.y; break; } this.mod = this.translatetNumberHandle % 4; this.centerPointX = this.x + _half_width; this.centerPointY = this.y + _half_height; this.lineFlag = false; this.originalExtX = this.extX; this.originalExtY = this.extY; this.originalFlipH = _flip_h; this.originalFlipV = _flip_v; this.usedExtX = this.originalExtX === 0 ? (0.01) : this.originalExtX; this.usedExtY = this.originalExtY === 0 ? (0.01) : this.originalExtY; this.resizedExtX = this.originalExtX; this.resizedExtY = this.originalExtY; this.resizedflipH = _flip_h; this.resizedflipV = _flip_v; this.resizedPosX = this.x; this.resizedPosY = this.y; this.resizedRot = this.rot; this.bChangeCoef = this.translatetNumberHandle % 2 === 0 && this.originalFlipH !== this.originalFlipV; } if (this.parentTrack) { this.centerDistX = this.x + this.extX * 0.5 - this.parentTrack.extX * 0.5; this.centerDistY = this.y + this.extY * 0.5 - this.parentTrack.extY * 0.5; } this.track = function (kd1, kd2, e) { if (!e.CtrlKey) { this.resize(kd1, kd2, e.ShiftKey); } else { this.resizeRelativeCenter(kd1, kd2, e.ShiftKey); } }; this.resize = function (kd1, kd2, ShiftKey) { var _cos = this.cos; var _sin = this.sin; var _real_height, _real_width; var _abs_height, _abs_width; var _new_resize_half_width; var _new_resize_half_height; var _new_used_half_width; var _new_used_half_height; var _temp; if ((ShiftKey === true || window.AscAlwaysSaveAspectOnResizeTrack === true) && this.bAspect === true) { var _new_aspect = this.aspect * (Math.abs(kd1 / kd2)); if (_new_aspect >= this.aspect) { kd2 = Math.abs(kd1) * (kd2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } else { kd1 = Math.abs(kd2) * (kd1 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } } if (this.bChangeCoef) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } switch (this.translatetNumberHandle) { case 0: case 1: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 0) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } } if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 1) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (-_new_used_half_width * _cos + _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (-_new_used_half_width * _sin - _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 2: case 3: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 2) { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (_new_used_half_width * _cos + _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (_new_used_half_width * _sin - _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 4: case 5: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 4) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } } else { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (_new_used_half_width * _cos - _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (_new_used_half_width * _sin + _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; case 6: case 7: if (this.translatetNumberHandle === 6) { _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd1; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_height < 0) { this.resizedflipV = !this.originalFlipV; } else { this.resizedflipV = this.originalFlipV; } } else { _temp = kd2; kd2 = kd1; kd1 = _temp; } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd2; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; if (_real_width < 0) { this.resizedflipH = !this.originalFlipH; } else { this.resizedflipH = this.originalFlipH; } _new_resize_half_width = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; _new_resize_half_height = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; if (this.resizedflipH !== this.originalFlipH) { _new_used_half_width = -_new_resize_half_width; } else { _new_used_half_width = _new_resize_half_width; } if (this.resizedflipV !== this.originalFlipV) { _new_used_half_height = -_new_resize_half_height; } else { _new_used_half_height = _new_resize_half_height; } this.resizedPosX = this.fixedPointX + (-_new_used_half_width * _cos - _new_used_half_height * _sin) - _new_resize_half_width; this.resizedPosY = this.fixedPointY + (-_new_used_half_width * _sin + _new_used_half_height * _cos) - _new_resize_half_height; break; } this.x = this.resizedPosX; this.y = this.resizedPosY; this.extX = this.resizedExtX; this.extY = this.resizedExtY; this.flipH = this.resizedflipH; this.flipV = this.resizedflipV; var _transform = this.transform; _transform.Reset(); var _horizontal_center = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; var _vertical_center = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, -_horizontal_center, -_vertical_center); if (this.resizedflipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, -1, 1); } if (this.resizedflipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(_transform, -this.resizedRot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, this.resizedPosX, this.resizedPosY); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, _horizontal_center, _vertical_center); var xfrm = this.original.spPr.xfrm; var kw = this.resizedExtX / xfrm.extX; var kh = this.resizedExtY / xfrm.extY; for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { var cur_child = this.childs[i]; cur_child.updateSize(kw, kh); } }; this.resizeRelativeCenter = function (kd1, kd2, ShiftKey) { kd1 = 2 * kd1 - 1; kd2 = 2 * kd2 - 1; var _real_height, _real_width; var _abs_height, _abs_width; if ((ShiftKey === true || window.AscAlwaysSaveAspectOnResizeTrack === true) && this.bAspect === true) { var _new_aspect = this.aspect * (Math.abs(kd1 / kd2)); if (_new_aspect >= this.aspect) { kd2 = Math.abs(kd1) * (kd2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } else { kd1 = Math.abs(kd2) * (kd1 >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } } var _temp; if (this.bChangeCoef) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } if (this.mod === 0 || this.mod === 1) { if (this.mod === 0) { _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipH = _real_width < 0 ? !this.originalFlipH : this.originalFlipH; } else { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; } _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipV = _real_height < 0 ? !this.originalFlipV : this.originalFlipV; } else { if (this.mod === 2) { _temp = kd1; kd1 = kd2; kd2 = _temp; _real_height = this.usedExtY * kd2; _abs_height = Math.abs(_real_height); this.resizedExtY = _abs_height >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_height : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipV = _real_height < 0 ? !this.originalFlipV : this.originalFlipV; } _real_width = this.usedExtX * kd1; _abs_width = Math.abs(_real_width); this.resizedExtX = _abs_width >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || this.lineFlag ? _abs_width : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; this.resizedflipH = _real_width < 0 ? !this.originalFlipH : this.originalFlipH; } this.resizedPosX = this.centerPointX - this.resizedExtX * 0.5; this.resizedPosY = this.centerPointY - this.resizedExtY * 0.5; this.x = this.resizedPosX; this.y = this.resizedPosY; this.extX = this.resizedExtX; this.extY = this.resizedExtY; this.flipH = this.resizedflipH; this.flipV = this.resizedflipV; var _transform = this.transform; _transform.Reset(); var _horizontal_center = this.resizedExtX * 0.5; var _vertical_center = this.resizedExtY * 0.5; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, -_horizontal_center, -_vertical_center); if (this.resizedflipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, -1, 1); } if (this.resizedflipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(_transform, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(_transform, -this.resizedRot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, this.resizedPosX, this.resizedPosY); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(_transform, _horizontal_center, _vertical_center); var xfrm = this.original.spPr.xfrm; var kw = this.resizedExtX / xfrm.extX; var kh = this.resizedExtY / xfrm.extY; for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { this.childs[i].updateSize(kw, kh); } }; this.updateSize = function (kw, kh) { var _kw, _kh; if (this.bSwapCoef) { _kw = kh; _kh = kw; } else { _kw = kw; _kh = kh; } var xfrm = this.original.spPr.xfrm; this.extX = xfrm.extX * _kw; this.extY = xfrm.extY * _kh; this.x = this.centerDistX * kw + this.parentTrack.extX * 0.5 - this.extX * 0.5; this.y = this.centerDistY * kh + this.parentTrack.extY * 0.5 - this.extY * 0.5; this.transform.Reset(); var t = this.transform; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, -this.extX * 0.5, -this.extY * 0.5); if (xfrm.flipH == null ? false : xfrm.flipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, -1, 1); } if (xfrm.flipV == null ? false : xfrm.flipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(t, xfrm.rot == null ? 0 : -xfrm.rot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, this.x + this.extX * 0.5, this.y + this.extY * 0.5); global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(t, this.parentTrack.transform); for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { this.childs[i].updateSize(_kw, _kh); } }; this.draw = function (graphics) { if (isRealNumber(this.originalObject.selectStartPage) && graphics.SetCurrentPage) { graphics.SetCurrentPage(this.originalObject.selectStartPage); } for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { this.childs[i].draw(graphics); } }; this.getBounds = function () { var boundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker(); this.draw(boundsChecker); var tr = this.transform; var arr_p_x = []; var arr_p_y = []; arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(0, 0)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(0, 0)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(this.resizedExtX, 0)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(this.resizedExtX, 0)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(this.resizedExtX, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_x.push(tr.TransformPointX(0, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_y.push(tr.TransformPointY(0, this.resizedExtY)); arr_p_x.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.min_x); arr_p_x.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.max_x); arr_p_y.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.min_y); arr_p_y.push(boundsChecker.Bounds.max_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.min_x = Math.min.apply(Math, arr_p_x); boundsChecker.Bounds.max_x = Math.max.apply(Math, arr_p_x); boundsChecker.Bounds.min_y = Math.min.apply(Math, arr_p_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.max_y = Math.max.apply(Math, arr_p_y); boundsChecker.Bounds.posX = this.resizedPosX; boundsChecker.Bounds.posY = this.resizedPosY; boundsChecker.Bounds.extX = this.resizedExtX; boundsChecker.Bounds.extY = this.resizedExtY; return boundsChecker.Bounds; }; this.trackEnd = function (bWord) { if (!isRealObject(this.original.group)) { this.original.normalize(); } if (!this.original.spPr) { this.original.setSpPr(new CSpPr()); } if (!this.original.spPr.xfrm) { this.original.spPr.setXfrm(new CXfrm()); this.original.spPr.xfrm.setParent(this.original.spPr); } var xfrm = this.original.spPr.xfrm; if (bWord) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } xfrm.setOffX(this.x); xfrm.setOffY(this.y); xfrm.setExtX(this.extX); xfrm.setExtY(this.extY); xfrm.setChExtX(this.extX); xfrm.setChExtY(this.extY); xfrm.setFlipH(this.flipH); xfrm.setFlipV(this.flipV); for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i) { this.childs[i].trackEnd(); } this.original.checkDrawingBaseCoords(); }; }, this, []); } function ShapeForResizeInGroup(originalObject, parentTrack) { ExecuteNoHistory(function () { this.originalObject = originalObject; this.parentTrack = parentTrack; this.x = originalObject.x; this.y = originalObject.y; this.extX = originalObject.extX; this.extY = originalObject.extY; this.rot = originalObject.rot; this.flipH = originalObject.flipH; this.flipV = originalObject.flipV; this.transform = originalObject.transform.CreateDublicate(); this.bSwapCoef = !(checkNormalRotate(this.rot)); this.centerDistX = this.x + this.extX * 0.5 - this.parentTrack.extX * 0.5; this.centerDistY = this.y + this.extY * 0.5 - this.parentTrack.extY * 0.5; this.geometry = !(originalObject.getObjectType() === historyitem_type_ChartSpace) && originalObject.spPr.geometry !== null ? originalObject.spPr.geometry.createDuplicate() : null; if (this.geometry) { this.geometry.Recalculate(this.extX, this.extY); } this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(this.geometry, this.extX, this.extY, originalObject.brush, originalObject.pen, this.transform); this.updateSize = function (kw, kh) { var _kw, _kh; if (this.bSwapCoef) { _kw = kh; _kh = kw; } else { _kw = kw; _kh = kh; } this.extX = this.originalObject.extX * _kw; this.extY = this.originalObject.extY * _kh; this.x = this.centerDistX * kw + this.parentTrack.extX * 0.5 - this.extX * 0.5; this.y = this.centerDistY * kh + this.parentTrack.extY * 0.5 - this.extY * 0.5; this.overlayObject.updateExtents(this.extX, this.extY); this.transform.Reset(); var t = this.transform; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, -this.extX * 0.5, -this.extY * 0.5); if (this.flipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, -1, 1); } if (this.flipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(t, -this.rot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, this.x + this.extX * 0.5, this.y + this.extY * 0.5); global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(t, this.parentTrack.transform); }; this.draw = function (overlay) { this.overlayObject.draw(overlay); }; this.getBounds = function () { var bounds_checker = new CSlideBoundsChecker(); bounds_checker.init(Page_Width, Page_Height, Page_Width, Page_Height); this.draw(bounds_checker); return { l: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_x, t: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_y, r: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_x, b: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_y }; }; this.trackEnd = function () { if (!this.originalObject.spPr.xfrm) { this.originalObject.spPr.setXfrm(new CXfrm()); this.originalObject.spPr.xfrm.setParent(this.originalObject.spPr); } var xfrm = this.originalObject.spPr.xfrm; xfrm.setOffX(this.x); xfrm.setOffY(this.y); xfrm.setExtX(this.extX); xfrm.setExtY(this.extY); }; this.updateTransform = function () { this.transform.Reset(); var t = this.transform; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, -this.extX * 0.5, -this.extY * 0.5); if (this.flipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, -1, 1); } if (this.flipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(t, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.RotateRadAppend(t, -this.rot); global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(t, this.x + this.extX * 0.5, this.y + this.extY * 0.5); if (this.parentTrack) { global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(t, this.parentTrack.transform); } }; }, this, []); }