/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ define(["common/main/lib/view/DocumentAccessDialog"], function () { ! SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels && (SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels = {}); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ViewSaveAs = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({ el: "#panel-saveas", menu: undefined, formats: [[{ name: "XLSX", imgCls: "xlsx", type: c_oAscFileType.XLSX }, { name: "ODS", imgCls: "ods", type: c_oAscFileType.ODS }], [{ name: "CSV", imgCls: "csv", type: c_oAscFileType.CSV }, { name: "HTML", imgCls: "html", type: c_oAscFileType.HTML }]], template: _.template(["", "<% _.each(rows, function(row) { %>", "", "<% _.each(row, function(item) { %>", '', "<% }) %>", "", "<% }) %>", "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template({ rows: this.formats })); $(".btn-doc-format", this.el).on("click", _.bind(this.onFormatClick, this)); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } this.flatFormats = _.flatten(this.formats); return this; }, onFormatClick: function (e) { var format = /\s(\w+)/.exec(e.currentTarget.className); if (format) { format = format[1]; var item = _.findWhere(this.flatFormats, { imgCls: format }); if (item && this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("saveas:format", [this.menu, item.type]); } } } }); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: "#panel-settings", menu: undefined, template: _.template(['
', '
', '
', '
', '
', "
", "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template()); this.generalSettings = new SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.MainSettingsGeneral({ menu: this.menu }); this.generalSettings.options = { alias: "MainSettingsGeneral" }; this.generalSettings.render(); this.printSettings = SSE.getController("Print").getView("MainSettingsPrint"); this.printSettings.menu = this.menu; this.printSettings.render($("#panel-settings-print")); this.viewSettingsPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({ el: $("#id-settings-menu"), store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([{ name: this.txtGeneral, panel: this.generalSettings, iconCls: "mnu-settings-general", selected: true }, { name: this.txtPrint, panel: this.printSettings, iconCls: "mnu-print" }]), itemTemplate: _.template(['
', '
<%= name %>
', "
"].join("")) }); this.viewSettingsPicker.on("item:select", _.bind(function (dataview, itemview, record) { var panel = record.get("panel"); $("#id-settings-content > div").removeClass("active"); panel.$el.addClass("active"); panel.show(); }, this)); return this; }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this, arguments); var item = this.viewSettingsPicker.getSelectedRec(); if (item[0]) { item[0].get("panel").show(); } }, setMode: function (mode) { this.mode = mode; this.generalSettings && this.generalSettings.setMode(this.mode); }, txtGeneral: "General", txtPrint: "Print" }, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings || {})); SSE.Views.MainSettingsPrint = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ menu: undefined, template: _.template(['', "", '', '', "", '', '', "", '', '', "", '', "", '', '', "", '', "", '', '", "", '', "", '', '", "", '', '', "", '', '', "", "
', '', "", "", "", "", "", '', '', "", "", "", "", "", "", '', '', "", "
", "
', '
', '
', "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; this.spinners = []; this._initSettings = true; }, render: function (parentEl) { if (parentEl) { this.setElement(parentEl, false); } $(this.el).html(this.template({ scope: this })); this.cmbSheet = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#advsettings-print-combo-sheets"), style: "width: 260px;", menuStyle: "min-width: 260px;max-height: 280px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: -255, displayValue: this.strAllSheets }] }); this.cmbPaperSize = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#advsettings-print-combo-pages"), style: "width: 260px;", menuStyle: "max-height: 280px; min-width: 260px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: "215.9|279.4", displayValue: "US Letter (21,59cm x 27,94cm)" }, { value: "215.9|355.6", displayValue: "US Legal (21,59cm x 35,56cm)" }, { value: "210|297", displayValue: "A4 (21cm x 29,7cm)" }, { value: "148.1|209.9", displayValue: "A5 (14,81cm x 20,99cm)" }, { value: "176|250.1", displayValue: "B5 (17,6cm x 25,01cm)" }, { value: "104.8|241.3", displayValue: "Envelope #10 (10,48cm x 24,13cm)" }, { value: "110.1|220.1", displayValue: "Envelope DL (11,01cm x 22,01cm)" }, { value: "279.4|431.7", displayValue: "Tabloid (27,94cm x 43,17cm)" }, { value: "297|420.1", displayValue: "A3 (29,7cm x 42,01cm)" }, { value: "304.8|457.1", displayValue: "Tabloid Oversize (30,48cm x 45,71cm)" }, { value: "196.8|273", displayValue: "ROC 16K (19,68cm x 27,3cm)" }, { value: "119.9|234.9", displayValue: "Envelope Choukei 3 (11,99cm x 23,49cm)" }, { value: "330.2|482.5", displayValue: "Super B/A3 (33,02cm x 48,25cm)" }] }); this.cmbPaperOrientation = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#advsettings-print-combo-orient"), style: "width: 200px;", menuStyle: "min-width: 200px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: c_oAscPageOrientation.PagePortrait, displayValue: this.strPortrait }, { value: c_oAscPageOrientation.PageLandscape, displayValue: this.strLandscape }] }); this.chPrintGrid = new Common.UI.CheckBox({ el: $("#advsettings-print-chb-grid"), labelText: this.textPrintGrid }); this.chPrintRows = new Common.UI.CheckBox({ el: $("#advsettings-print-chb-rows"), labelText: this.textPrintHeadings }); this.spnMarginTop = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#advsettings-spin-margin-top"), step: 0.1, width: 90, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", maxValue: 48.25, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnMarginTop); this.spnMarginBottom = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#advsettings-spin-margin-bottom"), step: 0.1, width: 90, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", maxValue: 48.25, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnMarginBottom); this.spnMarginLeft = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#advsettings-spin-margin-left"), step: 0.1, width: 90, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", maxValue: 48.25, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnMarginLeft); this.spnMarginRight = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#advsettings-spin-margin-right"), step: 0.1, width: 90, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", maxValue: 48.25, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnMarginRight); this.btnOk = new Common.UI.Button({ el: "#advsettings-print-button-save" }); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } this.fireEvent("render:after", this); return this; }, updateMetricUnit: function () { if (this.spinners) { for (var i = 0; i < this.spinners.length; i++) { var spinner = this.spinners[i]; spinner.setDefaultUnit(Common.Utils.Metric.metricName[Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetric()]); spinner.setStep(Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetric() == Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits.cm ? 0.1 : 1); } } }, applySettings: function () { if (this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("settings:apply", [this.menu]); } }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this, arguments); if (this._initSettings) { this.updateMetricUnit(); this._initSettings = false; } this.fireEvent("show", this); }, okButtonText: "Save", strPortrait: "Portrait", strLandscape: "Landscape", textPrintGrid: "Print Gridlines", textPrintHeadings: "Print Rows and Columns Headings", strLeft: "Left", strRight: "Right", strTop: "Top", strBottom: "Bottom", strMargins: "Margins", textPageSize: "Page Size", textPageOrientation: "Page Orientation", strPrint: "Print", textSettings: "Settings for" }, SSE.Views.MainSettingsPrint || {})); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.MainSettingsGeneral = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: "#panel-settings-general", menu: undefined, template: _.template(['', '', '', '', "", '', '', '', '', "", '', "", '', '', "", '', "", '', '', "", '', '', '', '', "", '', "", '', '', "", "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template({ scope: this })); this.chLiveComment = new Common.UI.CheckBox({ el: $("#fms-chb-live-comment"), labelText: this.strLiveComment }); this.cmbZoom = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#fms-cmb-zoom"), style: "width: 160px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: 50, displayValue: "50%" }, { value: 60, displayValue: "60%" }, { value: 70, displayValue: "70%" }, { value: 80, displayValue: "80%" }, { value: 90, displayValue: "90%" }, { value: 100, displayValue: "100%" }, { value: 110, displayValue: "110%" }, { value: 120, displayValue: "120%" }, { value: 150, displayValue: "150%" }, { value: 175, displayValue: "175%" }, { value: 200, displayValue: "200%" }] }); this.cmbFontRender = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#fms-cmb-font-render"), style: "width: 160px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hintingAndSubpixeling, displayValue: this.txtWin }, { value: c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.noHinting, displayValue: this.txtMac }, { value: c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hinting, displayValue: this.txtNative }] }); this.chAutosave = new Common.UI.CheckBox({ el: $("#fms-chb-autosave"), labelText: this.strAutosave }); this.cmbUnit = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ el: $("#fms-cmb-unit"), style: "width: 160px;", editable: false, cls: "input-group-nr", data: [{ value: Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits["cm"], displayValue: this.txtCm }, { value: Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits["pt"], displayValue: this.txtPt }] }); this.btnApply = new Common.UI.Button({ el: "#fms-btn-apply" }); this.btnApply.on("click", _.bind(this.applySettings, this)); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } return this; }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this, arguments); this.updateSettings(); }, setMode: function (mode) { $("tr.autosave", this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canAutosave ? "show" : "hide"](); $("tr.coauth", this.el)[mode.canCoAuthoring && mode.isEdit ? "show" : "hide"](); }, updateSettings: function () { var value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-zoom"); var item = this.cmbZoom.store.findWhere({ value: parseInt(value) }); this.cmbZoom.setValue(item ? parseInt(item.get("value")) : 100); value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-livecomment"); this.chLiveComment.setValue(!(value !== null && parseInt(value) == 0)); value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-fontrender"); item = this.cmbFontRender.store.findWhere({ value: parseInt(value) }); this.cmbFontRender.setValue(item ? item.get("value") : (window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.noHinting : c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hintingAndSubpixeling)); value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-unit"); item = this.cmbUnit.store.findWhere({ value: parseInt(value) }); this.cmbUnit.setValue(item ? parseInt(item.get("value")) : 0); this._oldUnits = this.cmbUnit.getValue(); value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-autosave"); this.chAutosave.setValue(value === null || parseInt(value) == 1); }, applySettings: function () { window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-zoom", this.cmbZoom.getValue()); window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-livecomment", this.chLiveComment.isChecked() ? 1 : 0); window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-fontrender", this.cmbFontRender.getValue()); window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-unit", this.cmbUnit.getValue()); window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-autosave", this.chAutosave.isChecked() ? 1 : 0); if (this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("settings:apply", [this.menu]); if (this._oldUnits !== this.cmbUnit.getValue()) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("settings:unitschanged", this); } } }, strLiveComment: "Turn on option", strZoom: "Default Zoom Value", okButtonText: "Apply", txtLiveComment: "Live Commenting", txtWin: "as Windows", txtMac: "as OS X", txtNative: "Native", strFontRender: "Font Hinting", strUnit: "Unit of Measurement", txtCm: "Centimeter", txtPt: "Point", strAutosave: "Turn on autosave", textAutoSave: "Autosave" }, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.MainSettingsGeneral || {})); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.RecentFiles = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({ el: "#panel-recentfiles", menu: undefined, template: _.template(['
'].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; this.recent = options.recent; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template()); this.viewRecentPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({ el: $("#id-recent-view"), store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(this.recent), itemTemplate: _.template(['
', '
', '
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(title) %>
', '
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(folder) %>
', "
"].join("")) }); this.viewRecentPicker.on("item:click", _.bind(this.onRecentFileClick, this)); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } return this; }, onRecentFileClick: function (view, itemview, record) { if (this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("recent:open", [this.menu, record.get("url")]); } } }); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: "#panel-createnew", menu: undefined, events: function () { return { "click .blank-document-btn": _.bind(this._onBlankDocument, this), "click .thumb-list .thumb-wrap": _.bind(this._onDocumentTemplate, this) }; }, template: _.template(['

<%= scope.fromBlankText %>

', '
', '
', '
', "

<%= scope.newDocumentText %>

", "<%= scope.newDescriptionText %>", "
", "
", "

<%= scope.fromTemplateText %>

", '
', "<% _.each(docs, function(item) { %>", '
', '
style="background-image: url(<%= item.icon %>);" <% } %> />', '
<%= item.name %>
', "
", "<% }) %>", "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template({ scope: this, docs: this.options[0].docs })); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } return this; }, _onBlankDocument: function () { if (this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("create:new", [this.menu, "blank"]); } }, _onDocumentTemplate: function (e) { if (this.menu) { this.menu.fireEvent("create:new", [this.menu, e.currentTarget.attributes["template"].value]); } }, fromBlankText: "From Blank", newDocumentText: "New Spreadsheet", newDescriptionText: "Create a new blank text document which you will be able to style and format after it is created during the editing. Or choose one of the templates to start a document of a certain type or purpose where some styles have already been pre-applied.", fromTemplateText: "From Template" }, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew || {})); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: "#panel-info", menu: undefined, initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.rendered = false; this.template = _.template(['', "", '", '', "", '', '", '', "", '', '", '', "", '', '", '', "", '', '', '", '', "", '', '", "", "
"].join("")); this.templateRights = _.template(["", "<% _.each(users, function(item) { %>", "", '', "", "", "<% }); %>", "
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.user) %><%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.permissions) %>
"].join("")); this.menu = options.menu; }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template()); this.lblTitle = $("#id-info-title"); this.lblPlacement = $("#id-info-placement"); this.lblDate = $("#id-info-date"); this.lblAuthor = $("#id-info-author"); this.cntRights = $("#id-info-rights"); this.btnEditRights = new Common.UI.Button({ el: "#id-info-btn-edit" }); this.btnEditRights.on("click", _.bind(this.changeAccessRights, this)); this.rendered = true; this.updateInfo(this.doc); if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $(this.el), suppressScrollX: true }); } return this; }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this, arguments); }, hide: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.hide.call(this, arguments); }, updateInfo: function (doc) { this.doc = doc; if (!this.rendered) { return; } doc = doc || {}; this.lblTitle.text((doc.title) ? doc.title : "-"); if (doc.info) { if (doc.info.author) { this.lblAuthor.text(doc.info.author); } this._ShowHideInfoItem("author", doc.info.author !== undefined && doc.info.author !== null); if (doc.info.created) { this.lblDate.text(doc.info.created); } this._ShowHideInfoItem("date", doc.info.created !== undefined && doc.info.created !== null); if (doc.info.folder) { this.lblPlacement.text(doc.info.folder); } this._ShowHideInfoItem("placement", doc.info.folder !== undefined && doc.info.folder !== null); if (doc.info.sharingSettings) { this.cntRights.html(this.templateRights({ users: doc.info.sharingSettings })); } this._ShowHideInfoItem("rights", doc.info.sharingSettings !== undefined && doc.info.sharingSettings !== null && this._readonlyRights !== true); this._ShowHideInfoItem("edit-rights", !!this.sharingSettingsUrl && this.sharingSettingsUrl.length && this._readonlyRights !== true); } else { this._ShowHideDocInfo(false); } }, _ShowHideInfoItem: function (cls, visible) { $("tr." + cls, this.el)[visible ? "show" : "hide"](); }, _ShowHideDocInfo: function (visible) { this._ShowHideInfoItem("date", visible); this._ShowHideInfoItem("placement", visible); this._ShowHideInfoItem("author", visible); this._ShowHideInfoItem("rights", visible); this._ShowHideInfoItem("edit-rights", visible); }, setMode: function (mode) { this.sharingSettingsUrl = mode.sharingSettingsUrl; return this; }, changeAccessRights: function (btn, event, opts) { var me = this; var win = new Common.Views.DocumentAccessDialog({ settingsurl: this.sharingSettingsUrl }); win.on("accessrights", function (obj, rights) { me.doc.info.sharingSettings = rights; me.cntRights.html(me.templateRights({ users: me.doc.info.sharingSettings })); }); win.show(); }, onLostEditRights: function () { this._readonlyRights = true; if (!this.rendered) { return; } this._ShowHideInfoItem("rights", false); this._ShowHideInfoItem("edit-rights", false); }, txtTitle: "Document Title", txtAuthor: "Author", txtPlacement: "Placement", txtDate: "Creation Date", txtRights: "Persons who have rights", txtBtnAccessRights: "Change access rights" }, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo || {})); SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Help = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({ el: "#panel-help", menu: undefined, template: _.template(['
', '
', '
', "
"].join("")), initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments); this.menu = options.menu; this.urlPref = "resources/help/en/"; this.itemclicked = false; this.en_data = [{ src: "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", name: "Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one", headername: "Usage Instructions", selected: true }, { src: "UsageInstructions/ManageSheets.htm", name: "Manage sheets" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/InsertDeleteCells.htm", name: "Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteData.htm", name: "Copy and paste data" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeStyle.htm", name: "Set font type, size, style, and colors" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", name: "Align data in cells" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", name: "Add borders" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/MergeCells.htm", name: "Merge cells" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/ClearFormatting.htm", name: "Clear text, format in a cell" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/SortData.htm", name: "Sort data" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/InsertFunction.htm", name: "Insert function" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/ChangeNumberFormat.htm", name: "Change number format" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/UndoRedo.htm", name: "Undo/redo your actions" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", name: "View file information" }, { src: "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", name: "Save/print/download your spreadsheet" }, { src: "HelpfulHints/About.htm", name: "About ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor", headername: "Helpful Hints" }, { src: "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", name: "Supported Formats of Spreadsheets" }, { src: "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", name: "Navigation through Your Spreadsheet" }, { src: "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", name: "Search Function" }, { src: "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", name: "Keyboard Shortcuts" }]; if (Common.Utils.isIE) { window.onhelp = function () { return false; }; } }, render: function () { $(this.el).html(this.template()); this.viewHelpPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({ el: $("#id-help-contents"), store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([]), keyMoveDirection: "vertical", itemTemplate: _.template(['
', '
<%= name %>
', "
"].join("")) }); this.viewHelpPicker.on("item:add", _.bind(function (dataview, itemview, record) { if (record.has("headername")) { $(itemview.el).before('
' + record.get("headername") + "
"); } }, this)); this.viewHelpPicker.on("item:select", _.bind(function (dataview, itemview, record) { this.itemclicked = true; this.iFrame.src = this.urlPref + record.get("src"); }, this)); this.iFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); this.iFrame.src = ""; this.iFrame.align = "top"; this.iFrame.frameBorder = "0"; this.iFrame.width = "100%"; this.iFrame.height = "100%"; this.iFrame.onload = _.bind(function () { if (!this.itemclicked) { var src = arguments[0].currentTarget.contentDocument.URL; var rec = this.viewHelpPicker.store.find(function (record) { return (src.indexOf(record.get("src")) > 0); }); if (rec) { this.viewHelpPicker.selectRecord(rec, true); this.viewHelpPicker.scrollToRecord(rec); } } this.itemclicked = false; }, this); $("#id-help-frame").append(this.iFrame); return this; }, setLangConfig: function (lang) { var me = this; var store = this.viewHelpPicker.store; if (lang) { lang = lang.split("-")[0]; var config = { dataType: "json", error: function () { if (me.urlPref.indexOf("resources/help/en/") < 0) { me.urlPref = "resources/help/en/"; store.url = "resources/help/en/Contents.json"; store.fetch(config); } else { me.urlPref = "resources/help/en/"; store.reset(me.en_data); } }, success: function () { var rec = store.at(0); me.viewHelpPicker.selectRecord(rec); me.iFrame.src = me.urlPref + rec.get("src"); } }; store.url = "resources/help/" + lang + "/Contents.json"; store.fetch(config); this.urlPref = "resources/help/" + lang + "/"; } }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this); if (!this._scrollerInited) { this.viewHelpPicker.scroller.update(); this._scrollerInited = true; } } }); });