/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ function DrawLineEnd(xEnd, yEnd, xPrev, yPrev, type, w, len, drawer, trans) { switch (type) { case LineEndType.None: break; case LineEndType.Arrow: var _ex = xPrev - xEnd; var _ey = yPrev - yEnd; var _elen = Math.sqrt(_ex * _ex + _ey * _ey); _ex /= _elen; _ey /= _elen; var _vx = _ey; var _vy = -_ex; var tmpx = xEnd + len * _ex; var tmpy = yEnd + len * _ey; var x1 = tmpx + _vx * w / 2; var y1 = tmpy + _vy * w / 2; var x3 = tmpx - _vx * w / 2; var y3 = tmpy - _vy * w / 2; drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(xEnd, yEnd), trans.TransformPointY(xEnd, yEnd)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer.ds(); drawer._e(); break; case LineEndType.Diamond: var _ex = xPrev - xEnd; var _ey = yPrev - yEnd; var _elen = Math.sqrt(_ex * _ex + _ey * _ey); _ex /= _elen; _ey /= _elen; var _vx = _ey; var _vy = -_ex; var tmpx = xEnd + len / 2 * _ex; var tmpy = yEnd + len / 2 * _ey; var x1 = xEnd + _vx * w / 2; var y1 = yEnd + _vy * w / 2; var x3 = xEnd - _vx * w / 2; var y3 = yEnd - _vy * w / 2; var tmpx2 = xEnd - len / 2 * _ex; var tmpy2 = yEnd - len / 2 * _ey; drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx2, tmpy2), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx2, tmpy2)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._z(); drawer.drawStrokeFillStyle(); drawer._e(); drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx2, tmpy2), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx2, tmpy2)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._z(); drawer.ds(); drawer._e(); break; case LineEndType.Oval: var _ex = xPrev - xEnd; var _ey = yPrev - yEnd; var _elen = Math.sqrt(_ex * _ex + _ey * _ey); _ex /= _elen; _ey /= _elen; var _vx = _ey; var _vy = -_ex; var tmpx = xEnd + len / 2 * _ex; var tmpy = yEnd + len / 2 * _ey; var tmpx2 = xEnd - len / 2 * _ex; var tmpy2 = yEnd - len / 2 * _ey; var cx1 = tmpx + _vx * 3 * w / 4; var cy1 = tmpy + _vy * 3 * w / 4; var cx2 = tmpx2 + _vx * 3 * w / 4; var cy2 = tmpy2 + _vy * 3 * w / 4; var cx3 = tmpx - _vx * 3 * w / 4; var cy3 = tmpy - _vy * 3 * w / 4; var cx4 = tmpx2 - _vx * 3 * w / 4; var cy4 = tmpy2 - _vy * 3 * w / 4; drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer._c(trans.TransformPointX(cx1, cy1), trans.TransformPointY(cx1, cy1), trans.TransformPointX(cx2, cy2), trans.TransformPointY(cx2, cy2), trans.TransformPointX(tmpx2, tmpy2), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx2, tmpy2)); drawer._c(trans.TransformPointX(cx4, cy4), trans.TransformPointY(cx4, cy4), trans.TransformPointX(cx3, cy3), trans.TransformPointY(cx3, cy3), trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer.drawStrokeFillStyle(); drawer._e(); drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer._c(trans.TransformPointX(cx1, cy1), trans.TransformPointY(cx1, cy1), trans.TransformPointX(cx2, cy2), trans.TransformPointY(cx2, cy2), trans.TransformPointX(tmpx2, tmpy2), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx2, tmpy2)); drawer._c(trans.TransformPointX(cx4, cy4), trans.TransformPointY(cx4, cy4), trans.TransformPointX(cx3, cy3), trans.TransformPointY(cx3, cy3), trans.TransformPointX(tmpx, tmpy), trans.TransformPointY(tmpx, tmpy)); drawer.ds(); drawer._e(); break; case LineEndType.Stealth: var _ex = xPrev - xEnd; var _ey = yPrev - yEnd; var _elen = Math.sqrt(_ex * _ex + _ey * _ey); _ex /= _elen; _ey /= _elen; var _vx = _ey; var _vy = -_ex; var tmpx = xEnd + len * _ex; var tmpy = yEnd + len * _ey; var x1 = tmpx + _vx * w / 2; var y1 = tmpy + _vy * w / 2; var x3 = tmpx - _vx * w / 2; var y3 = tmpy - _vy * w / 2; var x4 = xEnd + (len - w / 2) * _ex; var y4 = yEnd + (len - w / 2) * _ey; drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(xEnd, yEnd), trans.TransformPointY(xEnd, yEnd)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x4, y4), trans.TransformPointY(x4, y4)); drawer._z(); drawer.drawStrokeFillStyle(); drawer._e(); drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(xEnd, yEnd), trans.TransformPointY(xEnd, yEnd)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x4, y4), trans.TransformPointY(x4, y4)); drawer._z(); drawer.ds(); drawer._e(); break; case LineEndType.Triangle: var _ex = xPrev - xEnd; var _ey = yPrev - yEnd; var _elen = Math.sqrt(_ex * _ex + _ey * _ey); _ex /= _elen; _ey /= _elen; var _vx = _ey; var _vy = -_ex; var tmpx = xEnd + len * _ex; var tmpy = yEnd + len * _ey; var x1 = tmpx + _vx * w / 2; var y1 = tmpy + _vy * w / 2; var x3 = tmpx - _vx * w / 2; var y3 = tmpy - _vy * w / 2; drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(xEnd, yEnd), trans.TransformPointY(xEnd, yEnd)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._z(); drawer.drawStrokeFillStyle(); drawer._e(); drawer._s(); drawer._m(trans.TransformPointX(x1, y1), trans.TransformPointY(x1, y1)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(xEnd, yEnd), trans.TransformPointY(xEnd, yEnd)); drawer._l(trans.TransformPointX(x3, y3), trans.TransformPointY(x3, y3)); drawer._z(); drawer.ds(); drawer._e(); break; } } function DrawTailEnd(type, length, width, x, y, angle, graphics, array_points) { var sin, cos; sin = Math.sin(angle); cos = Math.cos(angle); switch (type) { case ar_arrow: var xb, yb, xc, yc; xb = -length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = xb; yc = yb + width; graphics._s(); graphics._m(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(x, y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics.ds(); break; case ar_diamond: var xd, yd; xb = -length * 0.5; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = -length; yc = 0; xd = xb; yd = yb + width; graphics._s(); graphics._m(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(x, y); graphics._l(xd * cos - yd * sin + x, xd * sin + yd * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; case ar_none: break; case ar_oval: EllipseN(graphics, x, y, length * 0.5, width * 0.5, angle); break; case ar_stealth: xb = -length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = -length * 0.5; yc = 0; xd = xb; yd = -yb; graphics._s(); graphics._m(x, y); graphics._l(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._l(xd * cos - yd * sin + x, xd * sin + yd * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; case ar_triangle: xb = -length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = xb; yc = -yb; graphics._s(); graphics._m(x, y); graphics._l(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; } } function DrawHeadEnd(type, length, width, x, y, angle, graphics) { var sin, cos; sin = Math.sin(angle); cos = Math.cos(angle); switch (type) { case ar_arrow: var xb, yb, xc, yc; xb = length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = xb; yc = yb + width; graphics._s(); graphics._m(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(x, y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics.ds(); break; case ar_diamond: var xd, yd; xb = length * 0.5; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = length; yc = 0; xd = xb; yd = yb + width; graphics._s(); graphics._m(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(x, y); graphics._l(xd * cos - yd * sin + x, xd * sin + yd * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; case ar_none: break; case ar_oval: Ellipse2(graphics, x, y, length * 0.5, width * 0.5, angle); break; case ar_stealth: xb = length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = length * 0.5; yc = 0; xd = xb; yd = -yb; graphics._s(); graphics._m(x, y); graphics._l(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._l(xd * cos - yd * sin + x, xd * sin + yd * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; case ar_triangle: xb = length; yb = -width * 0.5; xc = xb; yc = -yb; graphics._s(); graphics._m(x, y); graphics._l(xb * cos - yb * sin + x, xb * sin + yb * cos + y); graphics._l(xc * cos - yc * sin + x, xc * sin + yc * cos + y); graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); graphics.df(); break; } } function CShapeDrawer() { this.Shape = null; this.Graphics = null; this.UniFill = null; this.Ln = null; this.Transform = null; this.bIsTexture = false; this.bIsNoFillAttack = false; this.bIsNoStrokeAttack = false; this.FillUniColor = null; this.StrokeUniColor = null; this.StrokeWidth = 0; this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; this.OldLineJoin = null; this.IsArrowsDrawing = false; this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows = true; this.bIsCheckBounds = false; this.IsRectShape = false; } CShapeDrawer.prototype = { CheckPoint: function (_x, _y) { var x = _x; var y = _y; if (false && this.Graphics.MaxEpsLine !== undefined) { x = this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(_x, _y); y = this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(_x, _y); } if (x < this.min_x) { this.min_x = x; } if (y < this.min_y) { this.min_y = y; } if (x > this.max_x) { this.max_x = x; } if (y > this.max_y) { this.max_y = y; } }, fromShape2: function (shape, graphics, geom) { this.fromShape(shape, graphics); if (!geom) { this.IsRectShape = true; } else { if (geom.preset == "rect") { this.IsRectShape = true; } } }, fromShape: function (shape, graphics) { this.IsRectShape = false; this.Shape = shape; this.Graphics = graphics; this.UniFill = shape.brush; this.Ln = shape.pen; this.Transform = shape.TransformMatrix; this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; var bIsCheckBounds = false; if (this.UniFill == null || this.UniFill.fill == null) { this.bIsNoFillAttack = true; } else { var _fill = this.UniFill.fill; switch (_fill.type) { case FILL_TYPE_BLIP: this.bIsTexture = true; break; case FILL_TYPE_SOLID: this.FillUniColor = _fill.color.RGBA; break; case FILL_TYPE_GRAD: var _c = _fill.colors; if (_c.length == 0) { this.FillUniColor = new CUniColor().RGBA; } else { this.FillUniColor = _fill.colors[0].color.RGBA; } bIsCheckBounds = true; break; case FILL_TYPE_PATT: bIsCheckBounds = true; break; case FILL_TYPE_NOFILL: this.bIsNoFillAttack = true; break; default: this.bIsNoFillAttack = true; break; } } if (this.Ln == null || this.Ln.Fill == null || this.Ln.Fill.fill == null) { this.bIsNoStrokeAttack = true; } else { var _fill = this.Ln.Fill.fill; switch (_fill.type) { case FILL_TYPE_BLIP: this.StrokeUniColor = new CUniColor().RGBA; break; case FILL_TYPE_SOLID: this.StrokeUniColor = _fill.color.RGBA; break; case FILL_TYPE_GRAD: var _c = _fill.colors; if (_c == 0) { this.StrokeUniColor = new CUniColor().RGBA; } else { this.StrokeUniColor = _fill.colors[0].color.RGBA; } break; case FILL_TYPE_PATT: this.StrokeUniColor = _fill.fgClr.RGBA; break; case FILL_TYPE_NOFILL: this.bIsNoStrokeAttack = true; break; default: this.bIsNoStrokeAttack = true; break; } this.StrokeWidth = (this.Ln.w == null) ? 12700 : parseInt(this.Ln.w); this.StrokeWidth /= 36000; this.p_width(1000 * this.StrokeWidth); if (graphics.IsSlideBoundsCheckerType && !this.bIsNoStrokeAttack) { graphics.LineWidth = this.StrokeWidth; } if ((this.Ln.headEnd != null && this.Ln.headEnd.type != null) || (this.Ln.tailEnd != null && this.Ln.tailEnd.type != null)) { if (true === graphics.IsTrack) { graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints = new Array(); } else { graphics.ArrayPoints = new Array(); } } if (this.Graphics.m_oContext != null && this.Ln.Join != null && this.Ln.Join.type != null) { this.OldLineJoin = this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin; } } if (this.bIsTexture || bIsCheckBounds) { this.bIsCheckBounds = true; this.check_bounds(); this.bIsCheckBounds = false; } }, draw: function (geom) { if (this.bIsNoStrokeAttack && this.bIsNoFillAttack) { return; } var bIsPatt = false; if (this.UniFill != null && this.UniFill.fill != null && ((this.UniFill.fill.type == FILL_TYPE_PATT) || (this.UniFill.fill.type == FILL_TYPE_GRAD))) { bIsPatt = true; } if (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG && (this.bIsTexture || bIsPatt)) { this.Graphics.put_TextureBoundsEnabled(true); this.Graphics.put_TextureBounds(this.min_x, this.min_y, this.max_x - this.min_x, this.max_y - this.min_y); } var _old_composite = null; if (this.Graphics.ClearMode === true) { _old_composite = this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalCompositeOperation; this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; } if (geom) { geom.draw(this); } else { this._s(); this._m(0, 0); this._l(this.Shape.extX, 0); this._l(this.Shape.extX, this.Shape.extY); this._l(0, this.Shape.extY); this._z(); this.drawFillStroke(true, "norm", true && !this.bIsNoStrokeAttack); this._e(); } this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; if (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG && (this.bIsTexture || bIsPatt)) { this.Graphics.put_TextureBoundsEnabled(false); } if (this.Graphics.IsSlideBoundsCheckerType && this.Graphics.AutoCheckLineWidth) { this.Graphics.CorrectBounds2(); } if (this.Graphics.ClearMode === true) { this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalCompositeOperation = _old_composite; } }, p_width: function (w) { this.Graphics.p_width(w); }, _m: function (x, y) { if (this.bIsCheckBounds) { this.CheckPoint(x, y); return; } this.Graphics._m(x, y); }, _l: function (x, y) { if (this.bIsCheckBounds) { this.CheckPoint(x, y); return; } this.Graphics._l(x, y); }, _c: function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { if (this.bIsCheckBounds) { this.CheckPoint(x1, y1); this.CheckPoint(x2, y2); this.CheckPoint(x3, y3); return; } this.Graphics._c(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); }, _c2: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (this.bIsCheckBounds) { this.CheckPoint(x1, y1); this.CheckPoint(x2, y2); return; } this.Graphics._c2(x1, y1, x2, y2); }, _z: function () { this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows = false; if (this.bIsCheckBounds) { return; } this.Graphics._z(); }, _s: function () { this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows = true; this.Graphics._s(); if (this.Graphics.ArrayPoints != null) { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = new Array(); } }, _e: function () { this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows = true; this.Graphics._e(); if (this.Graphics.ArrayPoints != null) { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = new Array(); } }, df: function (mode) { if (mode == "none" || this.bIsNoFillAttack) { return; } if (this.Graphics.IsSlideBoundsCheckerType === true) { return; } if (this.bIsTexture) { if (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG) { if (null == this.UniFill.fill.tile || this.Graphics.m_oContext === undefined) { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), 0); } else { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), 1); } return; } if (null == this.UniFill.fill.tile || this.Graphics.m_oContext === undefined) { if (this.IsRectShape) { this.Graphics._s(); if ((null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, this.UniFill.fill.srcRect, this.UniFill.fill.canvas); } else { var _old_global_alpha = this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha; this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, this.UniFill.fill.srcRect, this.UniFill.fill.canvas); this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } } else { this.Graphics.save(); this.Graphics.clip(); if (this.Graphics.IsNoSupportTextDraw == true || true == this.Graphics.IsTrack || (null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, this.UniFill.fill.srcRect, this.UniFill.fill.canvas); } else { var _old_global_alpha = this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha; this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, this.UniFill.fill.srcRect, this.UniFill.fill.canvas); this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } this.Graphics.restore(); } } else { var editor = window["Asc"]["editor"]; var _img = editor.ImageLoader.map_image_index[getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId)]; var _img_native = this.UniFill.fill.canvas; if ((!_img_native) && (_img == undefined || _img.Image == null || _img.Status == ImageLoadStatus.Loading)) { this.Graphics.save(); this.Graphics.clip(); if (this.Graphics.IsNoSupportTextDraw === true || true == this.Graphics.IsTrack || (null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y)); } else { var _old_global_alpha = this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha; this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y)); this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } this.Graphics.restore(); } else { var _is_ctx = false; if (this.Graphics.IsNoSupportTextDraw === true || undefined === this.Graphics.m_oContext || (null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { _is_ctx = false; } else { _is_ctx = true; } var _ctx = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oContext : this.Graphics.m_oContext; var patt = !_img_native ? _ctx.createPattern(_img.Image, "repeat") : _ctx.createPattern(_img_native, "repeat"); _ctx.save(); var koefX = editor.asc_getZoom(); var koefY = editor.asc_getZoom(); _ctx.translate(this.min_x, this.min_y); if (this.Graphics.MaxEpsLine === undefined) { _ctx.scale(koefX * this.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleX, koefY * this.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleY); } else { _ctx.scale(koefX * this.Graphics.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleX, koefY * this.Graphics.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleY); } if (_is_ctx === true) { var _old_global_alpha = _ctx.globalAlpha; _ctx.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; _ctx.fillStyle = patt; _ctx.fill(); _ctx.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } else { _ctx.fillStyle = patt; _ctx.fill(); } _ctx.restore(); } } return; } if (this.UniFill != null && this.UniFill.fill != null) { var _fill = this.UniFill.fill; if (_fill.type == FILL_TYPE_PATT) { var _is_ctx = false; if (this.Graphics.IsNoSupportTextDraw === true || undefined === this.Graphics.m_oContext || (null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { _is_ctx = false; } else { _is_ctx = true; } var _ctx = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oContext : this.Graphics.m_oContext; var _patt_name = global_hatch_names[_fill.ftype]; if (undefined == _patt_name) { _patt_name = "cross"; } var _fc = _fill.fgClr.RGBA; var _bc = _fill.bgClr.RGBA; var __fa = (null === this.UniFill.transparent) ? _fc.A : 255; var __ba = (null === this.UniFill.transparent) ? _bc.A : 255; var _test_pattern = GetHatchBrush(_patt_name, _fc.R, _fc.G, _fc.B, __fa, _bc.R, _bc.G, _bc.B, __ba); var patt = _ctx.createPattern(_test_pattern.Canvas, "repeat"); _ctx.save(); var editor = window["Asc"]["editor"]; var koefX = editor.asc_getZoom(); var koefY = editor.asc_getZoom(); _ctx.translate(this.min_x, this.min_y); if (this.Graphics.MaxEpsLine === undefined) { _ctx.scale(koefX * this.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleX, koefY * this.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleY); } else { _ctx.scale(koefX * this.Graphics.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleX, koefY * this.Graphics.Graphics.TextureFillTransformScaleY); } if (_is_ctx === true) { var _old_global_alpha = _ctx.globalAlpha; if (null != this.UniFill.transparent) { _ctx.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; } _ctx.fillStyle = patt; _ctx.fill(); _ctx.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } else { _ctx.fillStyle = patt; _ctx.fill(); } _ctx.restore(); return; } else { if (_fill.type == FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { var _is_ctx = false; if (this.Graphics.IsNoSupportTextDraw === true || undefined === this.Graphics.m_oContext || (null == this.UniFill.transparent) || (this.UniFill.transparent == 255)) { _is_ctx = false; } else { _is_ctx = true; } var _ctx = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oContext : this.Graphics.m_oContext; var gradObj = null; if (_fill.lin) { var points = this.getGradientPoints(this.min_x, this.min_y, this.max_x, this.max_y, _fill.lin.angle, _fill.lin.scale); gradObj = _ctx.createLinearGradient(points.x0, points.y0, points.x1, points.y1); } else { if (_fill.path) { var _cx = (this.min_x + this.max_x) / 2; var _cy = (this.min_y + this.max_y) / 2; var _r = Math.max(this.max_x - this.min_x, this.max_y - this.min_y) / 2; gradObj = _ctx.createRadialGradient(_cx, _cy, 1, _cx, _cy, _r); } else { var points = this.getGradientPoints(this.min_x, this.min_y, this.max_x, this.max_y, 90 * 60000, false); gradObj = _ctx.createLinearGradient(points.x0, points.y0, points.x1, points.y1); } } for (var i = 0; i < _fill.colors.length; i++) { gradObj.addColorStop(_fill.colors[i].pos / 100000, _fill.colors[i].color.getCSSColor(this.UniFill.transparent)); } _ctx.fillStyle = gradObj; if (null !== this.UniFill.transparent && undefined !== this.UniFill.transparent) { var _old_global_alpha = this.Graphics.m_oContext.globalAlpha; _ctx.globalAlpha = this.UniFill.transparent / 255; _ctx.fill(); _ctx.globalAlpha = _old_global_alpha; } else { _ctx.fill(); } return; } } } var rgba = this.FillUniColor; if (mode == "darken") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.darken(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (mode == "darkenLess") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.darkenLess(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (mode == "lighten") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.lighten(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (mode == "lightenLess") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.lightenLess(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } } } } if (rgba) { if (this.UniFill != null && this.UniFill.transparent != null && this.Graphics.ClearMode !== true) { rgba.A = this.UniFill.transparent; } this.Graphics.b_color1(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B, rgba.A); } this.Graphics.df(); }, ds: function () { if (this.bIsNoStrokeAttack) { return; } if (null != this.OldLineJoin && !this.IsArrowsDrawing) { switch (this.Ln.Join.type) { case LineJoinType.Round: this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin = "round"; break; case LineJoinType.Bevel: this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin = "bevel"; break; case LineJoinType.Empty: this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin = "miter"; break; case LineJoinType.Miter: this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin = "miter"; break; } } var rgba = this.StrokeUniColor; this.Graphics.p_color(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B, rgba.A); if (this.IsRectShape && this.Graphics.AddSmartRect !== undefined) { if (undefined !== this.Shape.absExtX) { this.Graphics.AddSmartRect(0, 0, this.Shape.absExtX, this.Shape.absExtY, this.StrokeWidth); } else { if (undefined !== this.Shape.extX) { this.Graphics.AddSmartRect(0, 0, this.Shape.extX, this.Shape.extY, this.StrokeWidth); } else { this.Graphics.ds(); } } } else { this.Graphics.ds(); } if (null != this.OldLineJoin && !this.IsArrowsDrawing) { this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineJoin = this.OldLineJoin; } var arr = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints : this.Graphics.ArrayPoints; if (arr != null && arr.length > 1 && this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows === true) { this.IsArrowsDrawing = true; var trans = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oFullTransform : this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform; var trans1 = global_MatrixTransformer.Invert(trans); var x1 = trans.TransformPointX(0, 0); var y1 = trans.TransformPointY(0, 0); var x2 = trans.TransformPointX(1, 1); var y2 = trans.TransformPointY(1, 1); var dKoef = Math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) / 2); var _pen_w = (this.Graphics.IsTrack === true) ? (this.Graphics.Graphics.m_oContext.lineWidth * dKoef) : (this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineWidth * dKoef); if (this.Ln.headEnd != null) { var _x1 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[0].x, arr[0].y); var _y1 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[0].x, arr[0].y); var _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[1].x, arr[1].y); var _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[1].x, arr[1].y); var _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); var cur_point = 2; while (_max_delta < 0.001 && cur_point < arr.length) { _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); cur_point++; } if (_max_delta > 0.001) { if (this.Graphics.IsTrack) { this.Graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.headEnd.type, this.Ln.headEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.headEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } else { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.headEnd.type, this.Ln.headEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.headEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } } } if (this.Ln.tailEnd != null) { var _1 = arr.length - 1; var _2 = arr.length - 2; var _x1 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[_1].x, arr[_1].y); var _y1 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[_1].x, arr[_1].y); var _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[_2].x, arr[_2].y); var _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[_2].x, arr[_2].y); var _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); var cur_point = _2 - 1; while (_max_delta < 0.001 && cur_point >= 0) { _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); cur_point--; } if (_max_delta > 0.001) { if (this.Graphics.IsTrack) { this.Graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.tailEnd.type, this.Ln.tailEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.tailEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } else { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.tailEnd.type, this.Ln.tailEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.tailEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } } } this.IsArrowsDrawing = false; } }, drawFillStroke: function (bIsFill, fill_mode, bIsStroke) { if (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG === undefined) { if (bIsFill) { this.df(fill_mode); } if (bIsStroke) { this.ds(); } } else { if (this.bIsNoStrokeAttack) { bIsStroke = false; } if (bIsStroke) { if (null != this.OldLineJoin && !this.IsArrowsDrawing) { this.Graphics.put_PenLineJoin(ConvertJoinAggType(this.Ln.Join.type)); } var rgba = this.StrokeUniColor; this.Graphics.p_color(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B, rgba.A); } if (fill_mode == "none" || this.bIsNoFillAttack) { bIsFill = false; } var bIsPattern = false; if (bIsFill) { if (this.bIsTexture) { if (null == this.UniFill.fill.tile) { if (null == this.UniFill.fill.srcRect) { if (this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId && this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId.indexOf(".svg") != 0) { this.Graphics.SaveGrState(); this.Graphics.StartClipPath(); this.Graphics.EndClipPath(); this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, undefined); bIsFill = false; var _histClip = new CHist_Clip(); this.Graphics.GrState.Clips.push(_histClip); this.Graphics.RestoreGrState(); } else { if (this.UniFill.fill.canvas) { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(this.UniFill.fill.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"), 0); } else { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), 0); } } } else { this.Graphics.SaveGrState(); this.Graphics.StartClipPath(); this.Graphics.EndClipPath(); this.Graphics.drawImage(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), this.min_x, this.min_y, (this.max_x - this.min_x), (this.max_y - this.min_y), undefined, this.UniFill.fill.srcRect); bIsFill = false; var _histClip = new CHist_Clip(); this.Graphics.GrState.Clips.push(_histClip); this.Graphics.RestoreGrState(); } } else { if (this.UniFill.fill.canvas) { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(this.UniFill.fill.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"), 1); } else { this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(getFullImageSrc(this.UniFill.fill.RasterImageId), 1); } } this.Graphics.put_BrushTextureAlpha(this.UniFill.transparent); } else { var _fill = this.UniFill.fill; if (_fill.type == FILL_TYPE_PATT) { var _patt_name = global_hatch_names[_fill.ftype]; if (undefined == _patt_name) { _patt_name = "cross"; } var _fc = _fill.fgClr.RGBA; var _bc = _fill.bgClr.RGBA; var __fa = (null === this.UniFill.transparent) ? _fc.A : 255; var __ba = (null === this.UniFill.transparent) ? _bc.A : 255; var _pattern = GetHatchBrush(_patt_name, _fc.R, _fc.G, _fc.B, __fa, _bc.R, _bc.G, _bc.B, __ba); var _url64 = ""; try { _url64 = _pattern.Canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); } catch(err) { _url64 = ""; } this.Graphics.put_brushTexture(_url64, 1); if (null != this.UniFill.transparent) { this.Graphics.put_BrushTextureAlpha(this.UniFill.transparent); } else { this.Graphics.put_BrushTextureAlpha(255); } bIsPattern = true; } else { if (_fill.type == FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { var points = null; if (_fill.lin) { points = this.getGradientPoints(this.min_x, this.min_y, this.max_x, this.max_y, _fill.lin.angle, _fill.lin.scale); } else { if (_fill.path) { var _cx = (this.min_x + this.max_x) / 2; var _cy = (this.min_y + this.max_y) / 2; var _r = Math.max(this.max_x - this.min_x, this.max_y - this.min_y) / 2; points = { x0: _cx, y0: _cy, x1: _cx, y1: _cy, r0: 1, r1: _r }; } else { points = this.getGradientPoints(this.min_x, this.min_y, this.max_x, this.max_y, 90 * 60000, false); } } this.Graphics.put_BrushGradient(_fill, points, this.UniFill.transparent); } else { var rgba = this.FillUniColor; if (fill_mode == "darken") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.darken(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (fill_mode == "darkenLess") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.darkenLess(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (fill_mode == "lighten") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.lighten(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } else { if (fill_mode == "lightenLess") { var _color1 = new CShapeColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); var rgb = _color1.lightenLess(); rgba = { R: rgb.r, G: rgb.g, B: rgb.b, A: rgba.A }; } } } } if (rgba) { if (this.UniFill != null && this.UniFill.transparent != null && this.Graphics.ClearMode !== true) { rgba.A = this.UniFill.transparent; } this.Graphics.b_color1(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B, rgba.A); } } } } } if (bIsFill && bIsStroke) { if (this.bIsTexture || bIsPattern) { this.Graphics.drawpath(256); this.Graphics.drawpath(1); } else { this.Graphics.drawpath(256 + 1); } } else { if (bIsFill) { this.Graphics.drawpath(256); } else { if (bIsStroke) { this.Graphics.drawpath(1); } else { this.Graphics.b_color1(0, 0, 0, 0); this.Graphics.drawpath(256); } } } var arr = this.Graphics.ArrayPoints; if (arr != null && arr.length > 1 && this.IsCurrentPathCanArrows === true) { this.IsArrowsDrawing = true; var trans = (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG === undefined) ? this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform : this.Graphics.GetTransform(); var trans1 = global_MatrixTransformer.Invert(trans); var lineSize = (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG === undefined) ? this.Graphics.m_oContext.lineWidth : this.Graphics.GetLineWidth(); var x1 = trans.TransformPointX(0, 0); var y1 = trans.TransformPointY(0, 0); var x2 = trans.TransformPointX(1, 1); var y2 = trans.TransformPointY(1, 1); var dKoef = Math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) / 2); var _pen_w = lineSize * dKoef; if (this.Ln.headEnd != null) { var _x1 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[0].x, arr[0].y); var _y1 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[0].x, arr[0].y); var _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[1].x, arr[1].y); var _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[1].x, arr[1].y); var _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); var cur_point = 2; while (_max_delta < 0.001 && cur_point < arr.length) { _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); cur_point++; } if (_max_delta > 0.001) { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.headEnd.type, this.Ln.headEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.headEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } } if (this.Ln.tailEnd != null) { var _1 = arr.length - 1; var _2 = arr.length - 2; var _x1 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[_1].x, arr[_1].y); var _y1 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[_1].x, arr[_1].y); var _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[_2].x, arr[_2].y); var _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[_2].x, arr[_2].y); var _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); var cur_point = _2 - 1; while (_max_delta < 0.001 && cur_point >= 0) { _x2 = trans.TransformPointX(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _y2 = trans.TransformPointY(arr[cur_point].x, arr[cur_point].y); _max_delta = Math.max(Math.abs(_x1 - _x2), Math.abs(_y1 - _y2)); cur_point--; } if (_max_delta > 0.001) { this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = null; DrawLineEnd(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, this.Ln.tailEnd.type, this.Ln.tailEnd.GetWidth(_pen_w), this.Ln.tailEnd.GetLen(_pen_w), this, trans1); this.Graphics.ArrayPoints = arr; } } this.IsArrowsDrawing = false; } } }, drawStrokeFillStyle: function () { if (this.Graphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG === undefined) { var gr = (this.Graphics.IsTrack == true) ? this.Graphics.Graphics : this.Graphics; var tmp = gr.m_oBrush.Color1; var p_c = gr.m_oPen.Color; gr.b_color1(p_c.R, p_c.G, p_c.B, p_c.A); gr.df(); gr.b_color1(tmp.R, tmp.G, tmp.B, tmp.A); } else { var tmp = this.Graphics.GetBrush().Color1; var p_c = this.Graphics.GetPen().Color; this.Graphics.b_color1(p_c.R, p_c.G, p_c.B, p_c.A); this.Graphics.df(); this.Graphics.b_color1(tmp.R, tmp.G, tmp.B, tmp.A); } }, check_bounds: function () { this.Shape.check_bounds(this); }, getNormalPoint: function (x0, y0, angle, x1, y1) { var ex1 = Math.cos(angle); var ey1 = Math.sin(angle); var ex2 = -ey1; var ey2 = ex1; var a = ex1 / ey1; var b = ex2 / ey2; var x = ((a * b * y1 - a * b * y0) - (a * x1 - b * x0)) / (b - a); var y = (x - x0) / a + y0; return { X: x, Y: y }; }, getGradientPoints: function (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, _angle, scale) { var points = { x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 0, y1: 0 }; var angle = _angle / 60000; while (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } while (angle >= 360) { angle -= 360; } if (Math.abs(angle) < 1) { points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = max_x; points.y1 = min_y; return points; } else { if (Math.abs(angle - 90) < 1) { points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = min_x; points.y1 = max_y; return points; } else { if (Math.abs(angle - 180) < 1) { points.x0 = max_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = min_x; points.y1 = min_y; return points; } else { if (Math.abs(angle - 270) < 1) { points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = max_y; points.x1 = min_x; points.y1 = min_y; return points; } } } } var grad_a = deg2rad(angle); if (!scale) { if (angle > 0 && angle < 90) { var p = this.getNormalPoint(min_x, min_y, grad_a, max_x, max_y); points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 90 && angle < 180) { var p = this.getNormalPoint(max_x, min_y, grad_a, min_x, max_y); points.x0 = max_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 180 && angle < 270) { var p = this.getNormalPoint(max_x, max_y, grad_a, min_x, min_y); points.x0 = max_x; points.y0 = max_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 270 && angle < 360) { var p = this.getNormalPoint(min_x, max_y, grad_a, max_x, min_y); points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = max_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } return points; } var _grad_45 = (Math.PI / 2) - Math.atan2(max_y - min_y, max_x - min_x); var _grad_90_45 = (Math.PI / 2) - _grad_45; if (angle > 0 && angle < 90) { if (angle <= 45) { grad_a = (_grad_45 * angle / 45); } else { grad_a = _grad_45 + _grad_90_45 * (angle - 45) / 45; } var p = this.getNormalPoint(min_x, min_y, grad_a, max_x, max_y); points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 90 && angle < 180) { if (angle <= 135) { grad_a = Math.PI / 2 + _grad_90_45 * (angle - 90) / 45; } else { grad_a = Math.PI - _grad_45 * (angle - 135) / 45; } var p = this.getNormalPoint(max_x, min_y, grad_a, min_x, max_y); points.x0 = max_x; points.y0 = min_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 180 && angle < 270) { if (angle <= 225) { grad_a = Math.PI + _grad_45 * (angle - 180) / 45; } else { grad_a = 3 * Math.PI / 2 - _grad_90_45 * (angle - 225) / 45; } var p = this.getNormalPoint(max_x, max_y, grad_a, min_x, min_y); points.x0 = max_x; points.y0 = max_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } if (angle > 270 && angle < 360) { if (angle <= 315) { grad_a = 3 * Math.PI / 2 + _grad_90_45 * (angle - 270) / 45; } else { grad_a = 2 * Math.PI - _grad_45 * (angle - 315) / 45; } var p = this.getNormalPoint(min_x, max_y, grad_a, max_x, min_y); points.x0 = min_x; points.y0 = max_y; points.x1 = p.X; points.y1 = p.Y; return points; } return points; }, DrawPresentationComment: function (type, x, y, w, h) {} }; function ShapeToImageConverter(shape, pageIndex) { var _bounds_cheker = new CSlideBoundsChecker(); var dKoef = g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; var w_mm = 210; var h_mm = 297; var w_px = (w_mm * dKoef) >> 0; var h_px = (h_mm * dKoef) >> 0; _bounds_cheker.init(w_px, h_px, w_mm, h_mm); _bounds_cheker.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); _bounds_cheker.AutoCheckLineWidth = true; shape.draw(_bounds_cheker, pageIndex); var _need_pix_width = _bounds_cheker.Bounds.max_x - _bounds_cheker.Bounds.min_x + 1; var _need_pix_height = _bounds_cheker.Bounds.max_y - _bounds_cheker.Bounds.min_y + 1; if (_need_pix_width <= 0 || _need_pix_height <= 0) { return null; } var _canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); _canvas.width = _need_pix_width; _canvas.height = _need_pix_height; var _ctx = _canvas.getContext("2d"); var g = new CGraphics(); g.init(_ctx, w_px, h_px, w_mm, h_mm); g.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager; g.m_oCoordTransform.tx = -_bounds_cheker.Bounds.min_x; g.m_oCoordTransform.ty = -_bounds_cheker.Bounds.min_y; g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); shape.draw(g, pageIndex); var _ret = { ImageNative: _canvas, ImageUrl: "" }; try { _ret.ImageUrl = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); } catch(err) { if (shape.brush != null && shape.brush.fill && shape.brush.fill.RasterImageId) { _ret.ImageUrl = getFullImageSrc(shape.brush.fill.RasterImageId); } else { _ret.ImageUrl = ""; } } return _ret; }