/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ Ext.define("DE.view.TableSettingsAdvanced", { extend: "Ext.window.Window", alias: "widget.detablesettingsadvanced", requires: ["Ext.Array", "Ext.Button", "Ext.container.Container", "Ext.form.field.ComboBox", "Ext.window.Window", "Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", "Common.component.MetricSpinner", "DE.component.TableStyler", "Common.component.IndeterminateCheckBox", "Common.plugin.ComboBoxScrollPane"], cls: "asc-advanced-settings-window", modal: true, resizable: false, plain: true, constrain: true, height: 466, width: 516, layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, initComponent: function () { var me = this; this.addEvents("onmodalresult"); this.controls = []; this._originalProps = null; this._changedProps = null; this._cellBackground = null; this._state = { HAlignTypeIdx: 0, HAlignFromIdx: 0, HPositionFromIdx: 0, VAlignTypeIdx: 0, VAlignFromIdx: 0, VPositionFromIdx: 0, spnXChanged: false, spnYChanged: false, fromWrapInline: false, verticalPropChanged: false, horizontalPropChanged: false, alignChanged: false }; this._allTable = false; this.TableMargins = { Left: 0.19, Right: 0.19, Top: 0, Bottom: 0 }; this.CellMargins = { Left: 0.19, Right: 0.19, Top: null, Bottom: null, Flag: 0 }; this.TableBorders = {}; this.CellBorders = {}; this.ChangedTableBorders = undefined; this.ChangedCellBorders = undefined; this.BorderSize = { ptValue: 0, pxValue: 0 }; this.TableColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; this.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; this.IndeterminateColor = "#C8C8C8"; this.IndeterminateSize = 4.5; this.ThemeValues = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; this._marginsChange = function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, source, property) { if (source == "table") { this.TableMargins[property] = field.getNumberValue(); } else { this.CellMargins[property] = field.getNumberValue(); } }; this._chWidth = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-width", boxLabel: this.textWidth, checked: true, width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._nfWidth.setDisabled(!newValue); if (this._changedProps) { if (newValue && this._nfWidth.getNumberValue() > 0) { this._changedProps.put_Width(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._nfWidth.getNumberValue())); } else { this._changedProps.put_Width(null); } } }, this) } }); this._nfWidth = Ext.widget("commonmetricspinner", { id: "tableadv-number-width", readOnly: false, step: 0.1, width: 85, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "10 cm", maxValue: 55.88, minValue: 0, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { this._changedProps.put_Width(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._chAllowSpacing = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-spacing", boxLabel: this.textAllowSpacing, checked: true, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._nfSpacing.setDisabled(!newValue); this._tableBackContainer.setVisible(newValue || this._allTable); this._cellBackContainer.setVisible(newValue || !this._allTable); this._tablePresetsContainer.setVisible(newValue); this._cellPresetsContainer.setVisible(!newValue); if (newValue) { this.bordersImagePanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this._tableBordersImageSpacing); this._UpdateBordersSpacing_(); } else { this.bordersImagePanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this._tableBordersImage); this._UpdateBordersNoSpacing_(); } if (this._changedProps) { if (newValue && this._nfSpacing.getNumberValue() > 0) { this._changedProps.put_Spacing(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._nfSpacing.getNumberValue())); } else { this._changedProps.put_Spacing(null); } } }, this) } }); this._nfSpacing = Ext.widget("commonmetricspinner", { id: "tableadv-number-spacing", readOnly: false, step: 0.1, width: 85, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.5 cm", maxValue: 2.14, minValue: 0, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { this._changedProps.put_Spacing(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._chAutofit = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-autofit", boxLabel: this.textAutofit, checked: true, colspan: 3, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { this._changedProps.put_TableLayout((field.getValue()) ? c_oAscTableLayout.AutoFit : c_oAscTableLayout.Fixed); } }, this) } }); this._chCellMargins = Ext.create("Common.component.IndeterminateCheckBox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-margins", boxLabel: this.textCheckMargins, checked: true, style: "margin-left:10px;", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (oldValue == "checked" && this._originalProps && this._originalProps.get_CellMargins().get_Flag() == 1) { field.suspendEvents(false); field.setValue("indeterminate"); field.resumeEvents(); } this.fillMargins.call(this, field.getValue()); this.CellMargins.Flag = field.getValue(); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_CellMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellMargins(new CMargins()); } this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Left((this.CellMargins.Left !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Left) : null); this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Top((this.CellMargins.Top !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Top) : null); this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Bottom((this.CellMargins.Bottom !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Bottom) : null); this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Right((this.CellMargins.Right !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Right) : null); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "indeterminate") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(1); } else { if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(0); } else { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(2); } } } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._chCellMargins); this._spnMarginTop = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-top", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "cell", "Top"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_CellMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellMargins(new CMargins()); } this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Top((this.CellMargins.Top !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Top) : null); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "indeterminate") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(1); } else { if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(0); } else { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(2); } } } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnMarginTop); this._spnMarginBottom = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-bottom", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "cell", "Bottom"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_CellMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellMargins(new CMargins()); } this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Bottom((this.CellMargins.Bottom !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Bottom) : null); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "indeterminate") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(1); } else { if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(0); } else { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(2); } } } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnMarginBottom); this._spnMarginLeft = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-left", readOnly: false, maxValue: 9.34, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "cell", "Left"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_CellMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellMargins(new CMargins()); } this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Left((this.CellMargins.Left !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Left) : null); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "indeterminate") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(1); } else { if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(0); } else { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(2); } } } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnMarginLeft); this._spnMarginRight = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-right", readOnly: false, maxValue: 9.34, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "cell", "Right"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_CellMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellMargins(new CMargins()); } this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Right((this.CellMargins.Right !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.CellMargins.Right) : null); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "indeterminate") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(1); } else { if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked") { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(0); } else { this._changedProps.get_CellMargins().put_Flag(2); } } } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnMarginRight); this._spnTableMarginTop = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-table-top", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "table", "Top"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_DefaultMargins(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins().put_Top((this.TableMargins.Top !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.TableMargins.Top) : null); this.TableMargins.isChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnTableMarginTop); this._spnTableMarginBottom = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-table-bottom", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "table", "Bottom"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_DefaultMargins(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins().put_Bottom((this.TableMargins.Bottom !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.TableMargins.Bottom) : null); this.TableMargins.isChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnTableMarginBottom); this._spnTableMarginLeft = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-table-left", readOnly: false, maxValue: 9.34, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "table", "Left"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_DefaultMargins(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins().put_Left((this.TableMargins.Left !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.TableMargins.Left) : null); this.TableMargins.isChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnTableMarginLeft); this._spnTableMarginRight = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-margin-table-right", readOnly: false, maxValue: 9.34, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0.19 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this._marginsChange(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts, "table", "Right"); if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_DefaultMargins(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_DefaultMargins().put_Right((this.TableMargins.Right !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this.TableMargins.Right) : null); this.TableMargins.isChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this._spnTableMarginRight); this._spnIndentLeft = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-indent", readOnly: false, maxValue: 38.09, minValue: -38.09, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "0 cm", width: 85, style: "margin-bottom: 0;", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._btnAlignLeft = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-align-left", cls: "asc-right-panel-btn btn-table-align-left", posId: c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT, margin: "2px 2px 2px 0", text: "", tooltip: this.textLeftTooltip, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablealignGroup", pressed: true, toggleHandler: Ext.bind(function (btn) { if (this._changedProps && btn.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(btn.posId); this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnIndentLeft.getNumberValue())); this._spnIndentLeft.setDisabled(!btn.pressed); this._state.alignChanged = true; } }, this) }); this._btnAlignCenter = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-align-center", cls: "asc-right-panel-btn btn-table-align-center", posId: c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER, margin: "2px", text: "", tooltip: this.textCenterTooltip, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablealignGroup", toggleHandler: Ext.bind(function (btn) { if (this._changedProps && btn.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(btn.posId); this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(0); this._spnIndentLeft.setDisabled(btn.pressed); this._state.alignChanged = true; } }, this) }); this._btnAlignRight = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-align-right", cls: "asc-right-panel-btn btn-table-align-right", posId: c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_RIGHT, margin: "2px", text: "", tooltip: this.textRightTooltip, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablealignGroup", toggleHandler: Ext.bind(function (btn) { if (this._changedProps && btn.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(btn.posId); this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(0); this._spnIndentLeft.setDisabled(btn.pressed); this._state.alignChanged = true; } }, this) }); this._btnWrapNone = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-wrap-none", cls: "asc-right-panel-btn btn-wrap-none", posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE, margin: "2px 2px 2px 0", text: "", tooltip: this.textWrapNoneTooltip, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablewrapGroup", pressed: true, toggleHandler: Ext.bind(function (btn) { this._ShowHideElem(!btn.pressed); if (this._changedProps && btn.pressed) { if (this._state.alignChanged) { if (this._state.HAlignTypeIdx === 0) { this._btnAlignLeft.toggle(true, false); } else { if (this._state.HAlignTypeIdx == 1) { this._btnAlignCenter.toggle(true, false); } else { if (this._state.HAlignTypeIdx == 2) { this._btnAlignRight.toggle(true, false); } } } this._state.alignChanged = false; } this._changedProps.put_TableWrap((!btn.pressed) ? c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_PARALLEL : c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE); if (this._btnAlignLeft.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT); } else { if (this._btnAlignCenter.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER); } else { this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_RIGHT); } } this._spnIndentLeft.setDisabled(!this._btnAlignLeft.pressed); this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnIndentLeft.getNumberValue())); } }, this) }); this._btnWrapParallel = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-wrap-parallel", cls: "asc-right-panel-btn btn-wrap-parallel", posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_PARALLEL, margin: "2px", text: "", tooltip: this.textWrapParallelTooltip, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablewrapGroup", toggleHandler: Ext.bind(function (btn) { this._ShowHideElem(btn.pressed); if (this._changedProps && btn.pressed) { this._changedProps.put_TableWrap((btn.pressed) ? c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_PARALLEL : c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE); this._changedProps.put_TableAlignment(null); this._changedProps.put_TableIndent(null); if (this._state.fromWrapInline && !this._state.verticalPropChanged) { this.radioVPosition.setValue(true); } if (this._state.alignChanged) { if (this._btnAlignLeft.pressed) { this._state.HAlignTypeIdx = 0; } else { if (this._btnAlignCenter.pressed) { this._state.HAlignTypeIdx = 1; } else { this._state.HAlignTypeIdx = 2; } } this.cmbHAlign.setValue(this._arrHAlign[this._state.HAlignTypeIdx][1]); this.radioHAlign.setValue(true); if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(true); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Align(this._arrHAlign[this._state.HAlignTypeIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HAlignFromIdx][0]); this._state.alignChanged = false; this._state.horizontalPropChanged = true; } else { if (this._state.fromWrapInline && !this._state.horizontalPropChanged) { this.radioHPosition.setValue(true); } } } }, this) }); this._spnDistanceTop = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-distance-top", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_TablePaddings(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings().put_Top(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._spnDistanceBottom = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-distance-bottom", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_TablePaddings(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings().put_Bottom(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._spnDistanceLeft = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-distance-left", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_TablePaddings(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings().put_Left(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._spnDistanceRight = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-number-distance-right", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: 0, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_TablePaddings(new CPaddings()); } this._changedProps.get_TablePaddings().put_Right(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this._spnX = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-span-x", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: -55.87, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, disabled: true, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(false); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HPositionFromIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); this._state.spnXChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this._spnY = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "tableadv-span-y", readOnly: false, maxValue: 55.87, minValue: -55.87, step: 0.1, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "1 cm", width: 85, disabled: true, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(false); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VPositionFromIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue())); this._state.spnYChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this._arrHAlign = [[c_oAscXAlign.Left, this.textLeft], [c_oAscXAlign.Center, this.textCenter], [c_oAscXAlign.Right, this.textRight]]; this.cmbHAlign = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-halign", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrHAlign, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(true); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HAlignFromIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Align(this._arrHAlign[records[0].index][0]); this._state.HAlignTypeIdx = records[0].index; this._state.alignChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.cmbHAlign.setValue(this._arrHAlign[0][0]); this._arrHRelative = [[c_oAscHAnchor.Margin, this.textMargin], [c_oAscHAnchor.Page, this.textPage], [c_oAscHAnchor.Text, this.textAnchorText]]; this.cmbHRelative = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-hrelative", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrHRelative, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(true); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Align(this._arrHAlign[this._state.HAlignTypeIdx][0]); this._state.HAlignFromIdx = records[0].index; } }, this) } }); this.cmbHRelative.setValue(this._arrHRelative[0][0]); this.cmbHPosition = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-hposition", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrHRelative, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", disabled: true, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(false); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._state.HPositionFromIdx = records[0].index; if (!this._state.spnXChanged) { var val = this._originalProps.get_Value_X(this._arrHRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._spnX.suspendEvents(false); this._spnX.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(val)); this._spnX.resumeEvents(); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnX.getNumberValue())); } }, this) } }); this.cmbHPosition.setValue(this._arrHRelative[0][0]); this._arrVAlign = [[c_oAscYAlign.Top, this.textTop], [c_oAscYAlign.Center, this.textCenter], [c_oAscYAlign.Bottom, this.textBottom]]; this.cmbVAlign = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-valign", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrVAlign, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(true); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VAlignFromIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Align(this._arrVAlign[records[0].index][0]); this._state.VAlignTypeIdx = records[0].index; } }, this) } }); this.cmbVAlign.setValue(this._arrVAlign[0][0]); this._arrVRelative = [[c_oAscVAnchor.Margin, this.textMargin], [c_oAscVAnchor.Page, this.textPage], [c_oAscVAnchor.Text, this.textAnchorText]]; this.cmbVRelative = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-vrelative", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrVRelative, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(true); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Align(this._arrVAlign[this._state.VAlignTypeIdx][0]); this._state.VAlignFromIdx = records[0].index; this.chMove.suspendEvents(false); this.chMove.setValue(this._arrVRelative[records[0].index][0] == c_oAscVAnchor.Text); this.chMove.resumeEvents(); } }, this) } }); this.cmbVRelative.setValue(this._arrVRelative[0][0]); this.cmbVPosition = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "tableadv-combo-vposition", width: 115, editable: false, store: this._arrVRelative, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", disabled: true, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(false); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._state.VPositionFromIdx = records[0].index; if (!this._state.spnYChanged) { var val = this._originalProps.get_Value_Y(this._arrVRelative[records[0].index][0]); this._spnY.suspendEvents(false); this._spnY.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(val)); this._spnY.resumeEvents(); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnY.getNumberValue())); this.chMove.suspendEvents(false); this.chMove.setValue(this._arrVRelative[records[0].index][0] == c_oAscVAnchor.Text); this.chMove.resumeEvents(); } }, this) } }); this.cmbVPosition.setValue(this._arrVRelative[0][0]); this.radioHAlign = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Radio", { boxLabel: "", name: "asc-radio-horizontal", checked: true, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (radio, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(radio.getValue()); if (radio.getValue()) { this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Align(this._arrHAlign[this._state.HAlignTypeIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HAlignFromIdx][0]); } } if (radio.getValue()) { this.cmbHAlign.setDisabled(false); this.cmbHRelative.setDisabled(false); this._spnX.setDisabled(true); this.cmbHPosition.setDisabled(true); this._state.horizontalPropChanged = true; this._state.alignChanged = true; } }, this) } }); this.radioHPosition = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Radio", { boxLabel: "", name: "asc-radio-horizontal", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (radio, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionH() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionH(new CTablePositionH()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_UseAlign(!radio.getValue()); if (radio.getValue()) { if (!this._state.spnXChanged) { var val = this._originalProps.get_Value_X(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnX.suspendEvents(false); this._spnX.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(val)); this._spnX.resumeEvents(); } this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnX.getNumberValue())); this._changedProps.get_PositionH().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HPositionFromIdx][0]); } } if (radio.getValue()) { this.cmbHAlign.setDisabled(true); this.cmbHRelative.setDisabled(true); this._spnX.setDisabled(false); this.cmbHPosition.setDisabled(false); this._state.alignChanged = false; } }, this) } }); this.radioVAlign = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Radio", { boxLabel: "", name: "asc-radio-vertical", checked: true, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (radio, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(radio.getValue()); if (radio.getValue()) { this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Align(this._arrVAlign[this._state.VAlignTypeIdx][0]); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VAlignFromIdx][0]); this._state.verticalPropChanged = true; } } if (radio.getValue()) { this.cmbVAlign.setDisabled(false); this.cmbVRelative.setDisabled(false); this._spnY.setDisabled(true); this.cmbVPosition.setDisabled(true); } }, this) } }); this.radioVPosition = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Radio", { boxLabel: "", name: "asc-radio-vertical", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (radio, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { if (this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === null || this._changedProps.get_PositionV() === undefined) { this._changedProps.put_PositionV(new CTablePositionV()); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_UseAlign(!radio.getValue()); if (radio.getValue()) { if (!this._state.spnYChanged) { var val = this._originalProps.get_Value_Y(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnY.suspendEvents(false); this._spnY.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(val)); this._spnY.resumeEvents(); } this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_Value(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcToMM(this._spnY.getNumberValue())); this._changedProps.get_PositionV().put_RelativeFrom(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VPositionFromIdx][0]); } } if (radio.getValue()) { this.cmbVAlign.setDisabled(true); this.cmbVRelative.setDisabled(true); this._spnY.setDisabled(false); this.cmbVPosition.setDisabled(false); } }, this) } }); this.chMove = Ext.create("Common.component.IndeterminateCheckBox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-move", boxLabel: this.textMove, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { var rec = this.cmbVPosition.getStore().getAt((field.getValue() == "checked") ? 2 : 1); if (this.cmbVRelative.isDisabled()) { this.cmbVPosition.select(rec); this.cmbVPosition.fireEvent("select", this.cmbVPosition, [rec]); } else { this.cmbVRelative.select(rec); this.cmbVRelative.fireEvent("select", this.cmbVRelative, [rec]); } } }, this) } }); this.chOverlap = Ext.create("Common.component.IndeterminateCheckBox", { id: "tableadv-checkbox-overlap", boxLabel: this.textOverlap, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (this._changedProps) { this._changedProps.put_AllowOverlap(field.getValue() == "checked"); } }, this) } }); this._spacer = Ext.create("Ext.toolbar.Spacer", { width: "100%", height: 10, html: '
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width:69px; height:20px; margin-right:5px;", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -dataBorders[i].offsety); } var fieldStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", { model: "DE.model.ModelBorders", data: dataBorders }); var item_tpl = Ext.create("Ext.XTemplate", '' + '{text}' + '' + ""); this.cmbBorderSize = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { width: 93, height: 21, editable: false, queryMode: "local", matchFieldWidth: false, displayField: "text", store: fieldStore, listConfig: { mode: "local", width: 145, itemTpl: item_tpl }, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { this.BorderSize = { ptValue: records[0].data.value, pxValue: records[0].data.pxValue }; this._tableBordersImage.setVirtualBorderSize(this.BorderSize.pxValue); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setVirtualBorderSize(this.BorderSize.pxValue); if (combo.inputEl) { if (records[0].data.value > 0) { combo.inputEl.set({ type: "image" }); combo.inputEl.set({ src: "" }); var style = Ext.String.format("background:url({0}) no-repeat scroll 0 {1}px, url({2}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -records[0].data.offsety, "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(combo.inputEl, style); } else { var style = Ext.String.format("background: url({0}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(combo.inputEl, style); combo.inputEl.set({ type: "text" }); combo.inputEl.set({ value: me.txtNoBorders }); combo.onItemClick(combo.picker, records[0]); } } }, this), afterRender: function () { if (this.inputEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.inputEl, "padding-left:7px"); this.inputEl.set({ type: "image" }); this.inputEl.set({ src: "" }); var style = Ext.String.format("background:url({0}) repeat scroll 0 {1}px, url({2}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -20, "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.inputEl, style); } } }, plugins: [{ ptype: "comboboxscrollpane", pluginId: "scrollpane", settings: { enableKeyboardNavigation: true } }] }); var rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().getAt(2); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec); this.BorderSize = { ptValue: rec.data.value, pxValue: rec.data.pxValue }; 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var colorstr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color); me._btnBorderColor.color = color; me._tableBordersImage.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); me._tableBordersImageSpacing.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); if (me._btnBorderColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(me._btnBorderColor.btnEl, { "background-color": colorstr }); } } } } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsBorder.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var colorStyle = Ext.String.format("background-color:#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, colorStyle); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent" || newcolor.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); 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var clr, border; if (color == "transparent") { me._btnBackColor.color = "transparent"; clr = "transparent"; border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; } else { me._btnBackColor.color = color; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color); border = "none"; } if (me._btnBackColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(me._btnBackColor.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } me.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: me._btnBackColor.color }; if (me._cellBackground === null) { me._cellBackground = new CBackground(); } if (me.CellColor.Color == "transparent") { me._cellBackground.put_Value(1); me._cellBackground.put_Color(new CAscColor(0, 0, 0)); } else { me._cellBackground.put_Value(0); me._cellBackground.put_Color(me.getRgbColor(me.CellColor.Color)); } } } } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: me.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsBack.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var border, clr; if (c.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = c.color; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this._btnTableBackColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "tableadv-button-table-back-color", arrowCls: "", width: 50, height: 22, color: "transparent", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsTableBack = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "000000", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "3366FF", effectId: 1 }, { color: "0000FF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000090", effectId: 3 }, { color: "660066", effectId: 4 }, { color: "800000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "FF0000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FF6600", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFF00", effectId: 2 }, { color: "CCFFCC", effectId: 3 }, { color: "008000", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "transparent", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: { fn: function (picker, color, eOpts, id) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); var clr, border; if (color == "transparent") { me._btnTableBackColor.color = "transparent"; clr = "transparent"; border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; } else { me._btnTableBackColor.color = color; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color); border = "none"; } if (me._btnTableBackColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(me._btnTableBackColor.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } me.TableColor.Color = me._btnTableBackColor.color; if (me._changedProps) { var background = me._changedProps.get_TableBackground(); if (background === undefined) { background = new CBackground(); me._changedProps.put_TableBackground(background); } if (me.TableColor.Color == "transparent") { background.put_Value(1); background.put_Color(new CAscColor(0, 0, 0)); } else { background.put_Value(0); background.put_Color(me.getRgbColor(me.TableColor.Color)); } } } } } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: me.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsTableBack.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var border, clr; if (c.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = c.color; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.btnWidthSpaces = Ext.widget("button", { width: 160, height: 27, cls: "asc-dialogmenu-btn", text: this.textWidthSpaces, textAlign: "right", enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablecardGroup", pressed: true, listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (btn.pressed) { this.mainCard.getLayout().setActiveItem("card-width"); } }, scope: this } }); this.btnCellProps = Ext.widget("button", { width: 160, height: 27, cls: "asc-dialogmenu-btn", text: this.textCellProps, textAlign: "right", enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablecardGroup", listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (btn.pressed) { this.mainCard.getLayout().setActiveItem("card-cell"); if (this.CellMargins.Flag == "checked" && this.TableMargins.isChanged) { this.CellMargins.Left = this.TableMargins.Left; this.CellMargins.Top = this.TableMargins.Top; this.CellMargins.Right = this.TableMargins.Right; this.CellMargins.Bottom = this.TableMargins.Bottom; this.SuspendEvents(); this._spnMarginRight.setValue(this.CellMargins.Right); this._spnMarginLeft.setValue(this.CellMargins.Left); this._spnMarginBottom.setValue(this.CellMargins.Bottom); this._spnMarginTop.setValue(this.CellMargins.Top); this.ResumeEvents(); } this.TableMargins.isChanged = false; } }, scope: this } }); this.btnTextWrap = Ext.widget("button", { width: 160, height: 27, cls: "asc-dialogmenu-btn", text: this.textWrap, textAlign: "right", enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablecardGroup", listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (btn.pressed) { this.mainCard.getLayout().setActiveItem("card-wrap"); } }, scope: this } }); this.btnBorders = Ext.widget("button", { width: 160, height: 27, cls: "asc-dialogmenu-btn", textAlign: "right", text: this.textBordersBackgroung, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablecardGroup", listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (btn.pressed) { this.mainCard.getLayout().setActiveItem("card-borders"); } }, scope: this } }); this.btnPosition = Ext.widget("button", { width: 160, height: 27, cls: "asc-dialogmenu-btn", text: this.textPosition, textAlign: "right", enableToggle: true, allowDepress: false, toggleGroup: "advtablecardGroup", card: "card-position", disabled: true, listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (btn.pressed) { this.mainCard.getLayout().setActiveItem("card-position"); } }, scope: this } }); this._WidthSpacingContainer = { xtype: "container", itemId: "card-width", layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, items: [{ xtype: "container", height: 86, padding: "0 10", layout: { type: "table", columns: 3, tdAttrs: { style: "vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [this._chWidth, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 40, height: 1 }, this._chAllowSpacing, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 6 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 6 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 6 }, this._nfWidth, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 40, height: 1 }, this._nfSpacing, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, this._chAutofit] }, this._spacer.cloneConfig({ style: "margin: 15px 0 10px 0;" }), { xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px; padding-left:10px;height:13px;", text: this.textDefaultMargins }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "container", height: 84, padding: "0 10", layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 40px;vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textTop, width: 85 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textLeft, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnTableMarginTop, this._spnTableMarginLeft, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textBottom, width: 85 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textRight, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnTableMarginBottom, this._spnTableMarginRight] }] }; this._CellPropsContainer = { xtype: "container", itemId: "card-cell", layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, items: [{ xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px; padding-left:10px;height:13px;", text: this.textMargins }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, this._chCellMargins, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "container", height: 86, padding: "0 10", layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 40px;vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textTop, width: 85 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textLeft, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnMarginTop, this._spnMarginLeft, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textBottom, width: 85 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textRight, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnMarginBottom, this._spnMarginRight] }] }; 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padding-left:10px;height:13px;", text: this.textAlign }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 7 }, { xtype: "container", height: 45, layout: "hbox", align: "middle", padding: "0 10", items: [this._btnAlignLeft, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 3 }, this._btnAlignCenter, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 3 }, this._btnAlignRight] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "container", height: 22, padding: "0 10", layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 8px;vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textIndLeft, style: "display: block;" }, this._spnIndentLeft] }] }] }; this._BordersContainer = { xtype: "container", itemId: "card-borders", layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, items: [{ xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, height: 28, padding: "2px 5px 0 10px", style: "vertical-align: middle;", items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textBorderWidth }, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 6 }, this.cmbBorderSize, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textBorderColor }, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 6 }, this._btnBorderColor] }, this._spacer.cloneConfig({ style: "margin: 15px 0 10px 0;" }), { xtype: "label", text: this.textBorderDesc, style: "padding-left:10px;height:13px;" }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 20 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "top" }, height: 210, width: 200, padding: "0 10", style: "vertical-align: top;", items: [this.bordersImagePanel = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "card", activeItem: 0, width: 200, height: 210, style: "padding-bottom:10px;", items: [this._tableBordersImage, this._tableBordersImageSpacing] }), { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 25 }, { xtype: "container", layout: "hbox", height: 210, width: 100, items: [this._cellPresetsContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { height: 210, width: 100, layout: { type: "table", columns: 1, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-bottom: 4px; vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, this._btnsBorderPosition[2], this._btnsBorderPosition[3], this._btnsBorderPosition[0], this._btnsBorderPosition[1]] }), this._tablePresetsContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { height: 210, width: 100, layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 4px; vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, this._btnsTableBorderPosition[2], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[4], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[3], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[5], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[0], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[6], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[1], this._btnsTableBorderPosition[7]] })] }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "container", height: 23, width: 344, padding: "0 0 0 10", layout: "hbox", items: [this._cellBackContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { height: 23, width: 154, layout: "hbox", items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textBackColor, margin: "2px 2px 0 0" }, this._btnBackColor] }), this._tableBackContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { height: 23, width: 154, margin: "0 0 0 1px", layout: { type: "hbox" }, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textTableBackColor, margin: "2px 2px 0 0" }, this._btnTableBackColor] }), { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }] }] }; this._contPosition = Ext.create("Ext.Container", { cls: "tableadv-advanced-container", padding: "0 10", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 238, width: 200, items: [{ xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px; height:13px;", text: this.textHorizontal }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 12 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "table", columns: 3, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 8px;" } }, defaults: { xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 40, style: "float:left;" }, items: [{ width: 15, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 15 }, this.radioHAlign] }, { width: 130, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textAlignment, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbHAlign] }, { items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textRelative, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbHRelative] }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "table", columns: 3, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 8px;" } }, defaults: { xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 40, style: "float:left;" }, items: [{ width: 15, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 15 }, this.radioHPosition] }, { width: 130, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textPosition, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnX] }, { items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textRightOf, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbHPosition] }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px; height:13px;", text: this.textVertical }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 12 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "table", columns: 3, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 8px;" } }, defaults: { xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 40, style: "float:left;" }, items: [{ width: 15, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 15 }, this.radioVAlign] }, { width: 130, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textAlignment, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbVAlign] }, { items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textRelative, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbVRelative] }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "table", columns: 3, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 8px;" } }, defaults: { xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 40, style: "float:left;" }, items: [{ width: 15, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 15 }, this.radioVPosition] }, { width: 130, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textPosition, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._spnY] }, { items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textBelow, width: 85 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbVPosition] }] }] }); this._contOptions = Ext.create("Ext.Container", { cls: "tableadv-advanced-container", padding: "0 10", layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 45, width: 200, items: [{ xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px; height:13px;", text: this.textOptions }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "container", height: 30, layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "padding-right: 25px;vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [this.chMove, this.chOverlap] }] }); var cntrPosition = { xtype: "container", itemId: "card-position", width: 330, layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, items: [this._contPosition, this._spacer.cloneConfig({ style: "margin: 16px 0 11px 0;", height: 6 }), this._contOptions] }; this.items = [{ xtype: "container", height: 370, layout: { type: "hbox", align: "stretch" }, items: [{ xtype: "container", width: 160, padding: "5px 0 0 0", layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, defaults: { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle", pack: "end" } }, items: [{ height: 30, items: [this.btnWidthSpaces] }, { height: 30, items: [this.btnTextWrap] }, { height: 30, items: [this.btnBorders] }, { height: 30, items: [this.btnPosition] }, { height: 30, items: [this.btnCellProps] }] }, { xtype: "box", cls: "advanced-settings-separator", height: "100%", width: 8 }, this.mainCard = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { height: 370, flex: 1, padding: "12px 18px 0 10px", layout: "card", items: [this._WidthSpacingContainer, this._WrapContainer, this._BordersContainer, cntrPosition, this._CellPropsContainer] })] }, this._spacer.cloneConfig({ style: "margin: 0 18px" }), { xtype: "container", height: 40, layout: { type: "vbox", align: "center", pack: "center" }, items: [{ xtype: "container", width: 182, height: 24, layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, items: [this.btnOk = Ext.widget("button", { cls: "asc-blue-button", width: 86, height: 22, margin: "0 5px 0 0", text: this.okButtonText, listeners: { click: function (btn) { this.fireEvent("onmodalresult", this, 1); this.close(); }, scope: this } }), this.btnCancel = Ext.widget("button", { cls: "asc-darkgray-button", width: 86, height: 22, text: this.cancelButtonText, listeners: { click: function (btn) { this.fireEvent("onmodalresult", this, 0); this.close(); }, scope: this } })] }] }]; this.callParent(arguments); }, afterRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this._setDefaults(this._originalProps); if (this.borderProps !== undefined) { this._btnBorderColor.setColor(this.borderProps.borderColor); var colorstr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(this.borderProps.borderColor) == "object") ? this.borderProps.borderColor.color : this.borderProps.borderColor); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); this._tableBordersImage.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); var rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().findRecord("value", this.borderProps.borderSize.ptValue); if (rec) { this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec); this.cmbBorderSize.fireEvent("select", this.cmbBorderSize, [rec]); } this.colorsBorder.select(this.borderProps.borderColor); } this.setTitle(this.textTitle); if (this.colorProps !== undefined) { this.sendThemeColors(this.colorProps[0], this.colorProps[1]); } for (var i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.columns; j++) { this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(j, i).addListener("borderclick", function (ct, border, size, color) { if (this.ChangedCellBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedCellBorders = new CBorders(); } this._UpdateCellBordersStyle(ct, border, size, color, this.CellBorders, this.ChangedCellBorders); }, this); } } this._tableBordersImageSpacing.addListener("borderclick", function (ct, border, size, color) { if (this.ChangedTableBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedTableBorders = new CBorders(); } this._UpdateTableBordersStyle(ct, border, size, color, this.TableBorders, this.ChangedTableBorders); }, this); for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImage.rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this._tableBordersImage.columns; j++) { this._tableBordersImage.getCell(j, i).addListener("borderclick", function (ct, border, size, color) { if (this._allTable) { if (this.ChangedTableBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedTableBorders = new CBorders(); } } else { if (this.ChangedCellBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedCellBorders = new CBorders(); } } this._UpdateCellBordersStyle(ct, border, size, color, (this._allTable) ? this.TableBorders : this.CellBorders, (this._allTable) ? this.ChangedTableBorders : this.ChangedCellBorders); }, this); } } this._tableBordersImage.addListener("borderclick", function (ct, border, size, color) { if (this._allTable) { if (this.ChangedTableBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedTableBorders = new CBorders(); } } else { if (this.ChangedCellBorders === undefined) { this.ChangedCellBorders = new CBorders(); } } this._UpdateTableBordersStyle(ct, border, size, color, (this._allTable) ? this.TableBorders : this.CellBorders, (this._allTable) ? this.ChangedTableBorders : this.ChangedCellBorders); }, this); }, setSettings: function (props) { this._originalProps = new CTableProp(props.tableProps); this.borderProps = props.borderProps; this.colorProps = props.colorProps; this._changedProps = null; }, _setDefaults: function (props) { if (props) { this._allTable = !props.get_CellSelect(); var value; var TableWidth = props.get_Width(); if (TableWidth !== null) { this._nfWidth.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(TableWidth)); } this._chWidth.setValue(TableWidth !== null); this._nfWidth.setDisabled(!this._chWidth.getValue()); var TableSpacing = props.get_Spacing(); if (TableSpacing !== null) { this._nfSpacing.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(TableSpacing)); } this._chAllowSpacing.suspendEvents(false); this._chAllowSpacing.setValue(TableSpacing !== null); this._nfSpacing.setDisabled(!this._chAllowSpacing.getValue()); this._chAllowSpacing.resumeEvents(); var autoFit = props.get_TableLayout(); this._chAutofit.setDisabled(autoFit === undefined); this._chAutofit.setValue(autoFit === c_oAscTableLayout.AutoFit); this._TblWrapStyleChanged(props.get_TableWrap()); this._btnWrapParallel.setDisabled(!props.get_CanBeFlow()); var tableAlign = props.get_TableAlignment(); if (tableAlign !== null) { this._TblAlignChanged(tableAlign); this._spnIndentLeft.setValue(tableAlign !== c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT ? 0 : Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(props.get_TableIndent())); this._spnIndentLeft.setDisabled(tableAlign !== c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT); } this._state.alignChanged = false; var paddings = props.get_TablePaddings(); if (paddings) { this._spnDistanceTop.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(paddings.get_Top())); this._spnDistanceLeft.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(paddings.get_Left())); this._spnDistanceBottom.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(paddings.get_Bottom())); this._spnDistanceRight.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(paddings.get_Right())); } var Position = props.get_PositionH(); if (Position) { value = Position.get_RelativeFrom(); for (var i = 0; i < this._arrHRelative.length; i++) { if (value == this._arrHRelative[i][0]) { this.cmbHRelative.setValue(this._arrHRelative[i][1]); this.cmbHPosition.setValue(this._arrHRelative[i][1]); this._state.HPositionFromIdx = i; this._state.HAlignFromIdx = i; break; } } if (Position.get_UseAlign()) { value = Position.get_Align(); for (var i = 0; i < this._arrHAlign.length; i++) { if (value == this._arrHAlign[i][0]) { this.cmbHAlign.setValue(this._arrHAlign[i][1]); this._state.HAlignTypeIdx = i; break; } } value = this._originalProps.get_Value_X(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnX.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } else { this.radioHPosition.setValue(true); value = Position.get_Value(); this._spnX.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } } else { value = this._originalProps.get_Value_X(this._arrHRelative[this._state.HPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnX.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } Position = props.get_PositionV(); if (Position) { value = Position.get_RelativeFrom(); for (i = 0; i < this._arrVRelative.length; i++) { if (value == this._arrVRelative[i][0]) { this.cmbVRelative.setValue(this._arrVRelative[i][1]); this.cmbVPosition.setValue(this._arrVRelative[i][1]); this._state.VAlignFromIdx = i; this._state.VPositionFromIdx = i; break; } } if (value == c_oAscVAnchor.Text) { this.chMove.setValue(true); } if (Position.get_UseAlign()) { value = Position.get_Align(); for (i = 0; i < this._arrVAlign.length; i++) { if (value == this._arrVAlign[i][0]) { this.cmbVAlign.setValue(this._arrVAlign[i][1]); this._state.VAlignTypeIdx = i; break; } } value = props.get_Value_Y(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnY.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } else { this.radioVPosition.setValue(true); value = Position.get_Value(); this._spnY.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } } else { value = props.get_Value_Y(this._arrVRelative[this._state.VPositionFromIdx][0]); this._spnY.setValue(Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(value)); } this.chOverlap.setValue((props.get_AllowOverlap() !== null) ? props.get_AllowOverlap() : "indeterminate"); this._state.verticalPropChanged = false; this._state.horizontalPropChanged = false; var margins = props.get_DefaultMargins(); if (margins) { this.TableMargins = { Left: (margins.get_Left() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Left()) : null, Right: (margins.get_Right() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Right()) : null, Top: (margins.get_Top() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Top()) : null, Bottom: (margins.get_Bottom() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Bottom()) : null }; } margins = props.get_CellMargins(); var flag = undefined; if (margins) { this.CellMargins = { Left: (margins.get_Left() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Left()) : null, Right: (margins.get_Right() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Right()) : null, Top: (margins.get_Top() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Top()) : null, Bottom: (margins.get_Bottom() !== null) ? Common.MetricSettings.fnRecalcFromMM(margins.get_Bottom()) : null }; flag = margins.get_Flag(); if (flag == 1) { this.CellMargins.Flag = "indeterminate"; this._chCellMargins.setValue(this.CellMargins.Flag); } else { if (flag == 0) { this.CellMargins.Flag = "checked"; this._chCellMargins.setValue(1); } else { this.CellMargins.Flag = "unchecked"; this._chCellMargins.setValue(0); } } } if (flag === 0) { if (this.CellMargins.Left === null) { this.CellMargins.Left = this.TableMargins.Left; } if (this.CellMargins.Top === null) { this.CellMargins.Top = this.TableMargins.Top; } if (this.CellMargins.Right === null) { this.CellMargins.Right = this.TableMargins.Right; } if (this.CellMargins.Bottom === null) { this.CellMargins.Bottom = this.TableMargins.Bottom; } } this.fillMargins(this.CellMargins.Flag); this.TableBorders = new CBorders(props.get_TableBorders()); this.CellBorders = new CBorders(props.get_CellBorders()); this._UpdateBordersNoSpacing_(); this._UpdateBordersSpacing_(); var disable_inner = (this.CellBorders.get_InsideV() === null && this.CellBorders.get_InsideH() === null); this._btnsBorderPosition[0].setDisabled(disable_inner && !this._allTable); this._btnsTableBorderPosition[0].setDisabled(disable_inner && !this._allTable); this._btnsTableBorderPosition[6].setDisabled(disable_inner && !this._allTable); var background = props.get_TableBackground(); if (background && background.get_Value() == 0) { var color = background.get_Color(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.TableColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.TableColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.TableColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; } } else { this.TableColor = { Value: 0, Color: "transparent" }; } background = props.get_CellsBackground(); if (background) { if (background.get_Value() == 0) { var color = background.get_Color(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; } } else { this.CellColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; } } else { this.CellColor = { Value: 0, Color: "transparent" }; } this._btnBackColor.setColor(this.CellColor.Color); if (typeof(this.CellColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.CellColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsBack.select(this.CellColor.Color, true); break; } } } else { this.colorsBack.select(this.CellColor.Color, true); } this._btnTableBackColor.setColor(this.TableColor.Color); if (typeof(this.TableColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.TableColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsTableBack.select(this.TableColor.Color, true); break; } } } else { this.colorsTableBack.select(this.TableColor.Color, true); } this._tableBackContainer.setVisible(this._chAllowSpacing.getValue() || this._allTable); this._cellBackContainer.setVisible(this._chAllowSpacing.getValue() || !this._allTable); this._tablePresetsContainer.setVisible(this._chAllowSpacing.getValue()); this._cellPresetsContainer.setVisible(!this._chAllowSpacing.getValue()); if (this._chAllowSpacing.getValue()) { this.bordersImagePanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this._tableBordersImageSpacing); this._UpdateBordersSpacing_(); } else { this.bordersImagePanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this._tableBordersImage); this._UpdateBordersNoSpacing_(); } } this._changedProps = new CTableProp(); this._cellBackground = null; this.ChangedTableBorders = undefined; this.ChangedCellBorders = undefined; }, getSettings: function () { if (this._cellBackground) { if (this._allTable) { if (this._changedProps.get_Spacing() === null || (this._changedProps.get_Spacing() === undefined && this._originalProps.get_Spacing() === null)) { this._changedProps.put_CellsBackground(null); } else { this._changedProps.put_CellsBackground(this._cellBackground); } } else { this._changedProps.put_CellsBackground(this._cellBackground); } } if (this.ChangedTableBorders === null) { this._changedProps.put_TableBorders(this.TableBorders); } else { if (this.ChangedTableBorders !== undefined) { this._changedProps.put_TableBorders(this.ChangedTableBorders); } } if (this.ChangedCellBorders === null) { this._changedProps.put_CellBorders(this.CellBorders); } else { if (this.ChangedCellBorders !== undefined) { this._changedProps.put_CellBorders(this.ChangedCellBorders); } } return { tableProps: this._changedProps, borderProps: { borderSize: this.BorderSize, borderColor: this._btnBorderColor.color } }; }, _ShowHideElem: function (visible) { var components = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[hideId="element-parallel"]', this); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (visible) { components[i].show(); } else { components[i].hide(); } } this.btnPosition.setDisabled(!visible); components = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[hideId="element-none"]', this); for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (!visible) { components[i].show(); } else { components[i].hide(); } } }, _TblWrapStyleChanged: function (style) { if (style == c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE) { this._btnWrapNone.toggle(true, false); } else { this._btnWrapParallel.toggle(true, false); } this._state.fromWrapInline = (style == c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE); }, _TblAlignChanged: function (style) { if (style == c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT) { this._btnAlignLeft.toggle(true, false); } else { if (style == c_tableAlign.TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER) { this._btnAlignCenter.toggle(true, false); } else { this._btnAlignRight.toggle(true, false); } } }, SuspendEvents: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.controls.length; i++) { this.controls[i].suspendEvents(false); } }, ResumeEvents: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.controls.length; i++) { this.controls[i].resumeEvents(); } }, fillMargins: function (checkMarginsState) { this.SuspendEvents(); this._spnMarginLeft.setValue((this.CellMargins.Left !== null) ? this.CellMargins.Left : ""); this._spnMarginTop.setValue((this.CellMargins.Top !== null) ? this.CellMargins.Top : ""); this._spnMarginRight.setValue((this.CellMargins.Right !== null) ? this.CellMargins.Right : ""); this._spnMarginBottom.setValue((this.CellMargins.Bottom !== null) ? this.CellMargins.Bottom : ""); var disabled = (checkMarginsState == "checked"); this._spnMarginTop.setDisabled(disabled); this._spnMarginBottom.setDisabled(disabled); this._spnMarginLeft.setDisabled(disabled); this._spnMarginRight.setDisabled(disabled); this._spnTableMarginLeft.setValue((this.TableMargins.Left !== null) ? this.TableMargins.Left : ""); this._spnTableMarginTop.setValue((this.TableMargins.Top !== null) ? this.TableMargins.Top : ""); this._spnTableMarginRight.setValue((this.TableMargins.Right !== null) ? this.TableMargins.Right : ""); this._spnTableMarginBottom.setValue((this.TableMargins.Bottom !== null) ? this.TableMargins.Bottom : ""); this.ResumeEvents(); }, _UpdateBordersSpacing_: function () { this.SuspendEvents(); var source = this.TableBorders; var oldSize = this.BorderSize; var oldColor = this._btnBorderColor.color; this._UpdateTableBorderSpacing_(source.get_Left(), "l"); this._UpdateTableBorderSpacing_(source.get_Top(), "t"); this._UpdateTableBorderSpacing_(source.get_Right(), "r"); this._UpdateTableBorderSpacing_(source.get_Bottom(), "b"); source = this.CellBorders; for (var i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.rows; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_Left(), "l", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(0, i)); } for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.rows; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_Right(), "r", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(this._tableBordersImageSpacing.columns - 1, i)); } for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.columns; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_Top(), "t", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(i, 0)); } for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.columns; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_Bottom(), "b", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(i, this._tableBordersImageSpacing.rows - 1)); } if (this._allTable && source.get_InsideV() === null) { source.put_InsideV(new CBorder()); } if (source.get_InsideV() !== null) { for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.rows; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_InsideV(), "r", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(0, i)); this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_InsideV(), "l", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(1, i)); } } if (this._allTable && source.get_InsideH() === null) { source.put_InsideH(new CBorder()); } if (source.get_InsideH() !== null) { for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImageSpacing.columns; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_InsideH(), "b", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(i, 0)); this._UpdateCellBorderSpacing_(source.get_InsideH(), "t", this._tableBordersImageSpacing.getCell(i, 1)); } } this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setVirtualBorderSize(oldSize.pxValue); var colorstr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(oldColor) == "object") ? oldColor.color : oldColor); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); this.ResumeEvents(); }, _UpdateCellBorderSpacing_: function (BorderParam, borderName, cell) { if (null !== BorderParam && undefined !== BorderParam) { if (null !== BorderParam.get_Value() && null !== BorderParam.get_Size() && null !== BorderParam.get_Color()) { if (1 == BorderParam.get_Value()) { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this._BorderPt2Px(BorderParam.get_Size() * 72 / 25.4)); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, "rgb(" + BorderParam.get_Color().get_r() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_g() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_b() + ")"); } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, 0); } } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } }, _UpdateTableBorderSpacing_: function (BorderParam, borderName) { if (null !== BorderParam && undefined !== BorderParam) { if (null !== BorderParam.get_Value() && null !== BorderParam.get_Size() && null !== BorderParam.get_Color()) { if (1 == BorderParam.get_Value()) { this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersSize(borderName, this._BorderPt2Px(BorderParam.get_Size() * 72 / 25.4)); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersColor(borderName, "rgb(" + BorderParam.get_Color().get_r() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_g() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_b() + ")"); } else { this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersSize(borderName, 0); } } else { this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } } else { this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); this._tableBordersImageSpacing.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } }, _UpdateBordersNoSpacing_: function () { this.SuspendEvents(); var source = (this._allTable) ? this.TableBorders : this.CellBorders; var oldSize = this.BorderSize; var oldColor = this._btnBorderColor.color; this._UpdateTableBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_Left(), "l"); this._UpdateTableBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_Top(), "t"); this._UpdateTableBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_Right(), "r"); this._UpdateTableBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_Bottom(), "b"); if (this._allTable && source.get_InsideV() == null) { source.put_InsideV(new CBorder()); } if (source.get_InsideV() !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImage.rows; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_InsideV(), "r", this._tableBordersImage.getCell(0, i)); this._UpdateCellBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_InsideV(), "l", this._tableBordersImage.getCell(1, i)); } } if (this._allTable && source.get_InsideH() == null) { source.put_InsideH(new CBorder()); } if (source.get_InsideH() !== null) { for (i = 0; i < this._tableBordersImage.columns; i++) { this._UpdateCellBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_InsideH(), "b", this._tableBordersImage.getCell(i, 0)); this._UpdateCellBorderNoSpacing_(source.get_InsideH(), "t", this._tableBordersImage.getCell(i, 1)); } } this._tableBordersImage.setVirtualBorderSize(oldSize.pxValue); var colorstr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(oldColor) == "object") ? oldColor.color : oldColor); this._tableBordersImage.setVirtualBorderColor(colorstr); this.ResumeEvents(); }, _UpdateCellBorderNoSpacing_: function (BorderParam, borderName, cell) { if (null !== BorderParam && undefined !== BorderParam) { if (null !== BorderParam.get_Value() && null !== BorderParam.get_Size() && null !== BorderParam.get_Color()) { if (1 == BorderParam.get_Value()) { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this._BorderPt2Px(BorderParam.get_Size() * 72 / 25.4)); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, "rgb(" + BorderParam.get_Color().get_r() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_g() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_b() + ")"); } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, 0); } } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } } else { cell.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); cell.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } }, _UpdateTableBorderNoSpacing_: function (BorderParam, borderName) { if (null !== BorderParam && undefined !== BorderParam) { if (null !== BorderParam.get_Value() && null !== BorderParam.get_Size() && null !== BorderParam.get_Color()) { if (1 == BorderParam.get_Value()) { this._tableBordersImage.setBordersSize(borderName, this._BorderPt2Px(BorderParam.get_Size() * 72 / 25.4)); this._tableBordersImage.setBordersColor(borderName, "rgb(" + BorderParam.get_Color().get_r() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_g() + "," + BorderParam.get_Color().get_b() + ")"); } else { this._tableBordersImage.setBordersSize(borderName, 0); } } else { this._tableBordersImage.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); this._tableBordersImage.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } } else { this._tableBordersImage.setBordersSize(borderName, this.IndeterminateSize); this._tableBordersImage.setBordersColor(borderName, this.IndeterminateColor); } }, _BorderPt2Px: function (value) { if (value == 0) { return 0; } if (value < 0.6) { return 0.5; } if (value <= 1) { return 1; } if (value <= 1.5) { return 2; } if (value <= 2.25) { return 3; } if (value <= 3) { return 4; } if (value <= 4.5) { return 5; } return 6; }, _ApplyBorderPreset: function (cellborder, tableborder) { var updateBorders; if (this._allTable && tableborder === undefined) { updateBorders = this.TableBorders; this.ChangedTableBorders = null; } else { updateBorders = this.CellBorders; this.ChangedCellBorders = null; } this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Left(), (cellborder.indexOf("l") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Top(), (cellborder.indexOf("t") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Right(), (cellborder.indexOf("r") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Bottom(), (cellborder.indexOf("b") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideV(), (cellborder.indexOf("c") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideH(), (cellborder.indexOf("m") > -1)); if (tableborder === undefined) { this._UpdateBordersNoSpacing_(); if (this._allTable) { updateBorders = this.CellBorders; this.ChangedCellBorders = null; this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Left(), (cellborder.indexOf("l") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Top(), (cellborder.indexOf("t") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Right(), (cellborder.indexOf("r") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Bottom(), (cellborder.indexOf("b") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideV(), (cellborder.indexOf("c") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideH(), (cellborder.indexOf("m") > -1)); } return; } updateBorders = this.TableBorders; this.ChangedTableBorders = null; this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Left(), (tableborder.indexOf("l") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Top(), (tableborder.indexOf("t") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Right(), (tableborder.indexOf("r") > -1)); this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Bottom(), (tableborder.indexOf("b") > -1)); this._UpdateBordersSpacing_(); }, _UpdateCellBordersStyle: function (ct, border, size, color, destination, changed_destination) { var updateBorders = destination; if (ct.col == 0 && border.indexOf("l") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Left(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Left(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Left())); } } if (ct.col == this.tableStylerColumns - 1 && border.indexOf("r") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Right(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Right(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Right())); } } if (ct.row == 0 && border.indexOf("t") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Top(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Top(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Top())); } } if (ct.row == this.tableStylerRows - 1 && border.indexOf("b") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Bottom(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Bottom(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Bottom())); } } if (ct.col == 0 && border.indexOf("r") > -1 || ct.col == this.tableStylerColumns - 1 && border.indexOf("l") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideV(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_InsideV(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_InsideV())); } } if (ct.row == 0 && border.indexOf("b") > -1 || ct.row == this.tableStylerRows - 1 && border.indexOf("t") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_InsideH(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_InsideH(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_InsideH())); } } }, _UpdateTableBordersStyle: function (ct, border, size, color, destination, changed_destination) { var updateBorders = destination; if (border.indexOf("l") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Left(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Left(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Left())); } } if (border.indexOf("t") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Top(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Top(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Top())); } } if (border.indexOf("r") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Right(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Right(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Right())); } } if (border.indexOf("b") > -1) { this._UpdateBorderStyle(updateBorders.get_Bottom(), (size > 0)); if (changed_destination) { changed_destination.put_Bottom(new CBorder(updateBorders.get_Bottom())); } } }, _UpdateBorderStyle: function (border, visible) { if (null == border) { return 0; } if (visible && this.BorderSize.ptValue > 0) { var size = parseFloat(this.BorderSize.ptValue); border.put_Value(1); border.put_Size(size * 25.4 / 72); var color = this.getRgbColor(this._btnBorderColor.color); border.put_Color(color); } else { border.put_Color(new CAscColor()); border.put_Value(0); } return border.get_Value(); }, getRgbColor: function (clr) { var color = (typeof(clr) == "object") ? clr.color : clr; color = color.replace(/#/, ""); if (color.length == 3) { color = color.replace(/(.)/g, "$1$1"); } color = parseInt(color, 16); var c = new CAscColor(); c.put_type((typeof(clr) == "object") ? c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME : c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB); c.put_r(color >> 16); c.put_g((color & 65280) >> 8); c.put_b(color & 255); c.put_a(255); if (clr.effectId !== undefined) { c.put_value(clr.effectId); } return c; }, getHexColor: function (r, g, b) { r = r.toString(16); g = g.toString(16); b = b.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) { r = "0" + r; } if (g.length == 1) { g = "0" + g; } if (b.length == 1) { b = "0" + b; } return r + g + b; }, sendThemeColors: function (effectcolors, standartcolors) { this.colorsBorder.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsBack.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsTableBack.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); }, updateMetricUnit: function () { var spinners = this.query("commonmetricspinner"); if (spinners) { for (var i = 0; i < spinners.length; i++) { var spinner = spinners[i]; spinner.setDefaultUnit(Common.MetricSettings.metricName[Common.MetricSettings.getCurrentMetric()]); spinner.setStep(Common.MetricSettings.getCurrentMetric() == Common.MetricSettings.c_MetricUnits.cm ? 0.1 : 1); } } }, textWidth: "Width", textAllowSpacing: "Allow spacing between cells", textAlign: "Alignment", textIndLeft: "Indent from Left", textWidthSpaces: "Width & Spaces", textWrap: "Text Wrapping", textMargins: "Cell Margins", textTop: "Top", textLeft: "Left", textBottom: "Bottom", textRight: "Right", textDistance: "Distance From Text", textPosition: "Position", textWrapParallelTooltip: "Flow table", textWrapNoneTooltip: "Inline table", textLeftTooltip: "Left", textRightTooltip: "Right", textCenterTooltip: "Center", textTitle: "Table - Advanced Settings", textDefaultMargins: "Default Margins", textCheckMargins: "Use default margins", textBordersBackgroung: "Borders & Background", textOnlyCells: "For selected cells only", textBorderWidth: "Border Size", textBorderColor: "Border Color", textBackColor: "Cell Background", textPreview: "Preview", textBorderDesc: "Click on diagramm or use buttons to select borders", textTableBackColor: "Table Background", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", okButtonText: "Ok", txtNoBorders: "No borders", textNewColor: "Add New Custom Color", textThemeColors: "Theme Colors", textStandartColors: "Standart Colors", textCenter: "Center", textMargin: "Margin", textPage: "Page", textHorizontal: "Horizontal", textVertical: "Vertical", textAlignment: "Alignment", textRelative: "relative to", textRightOf: "to the right Of", textBelow: "below", textOverlap: "Allow overlap", textMove: "Move object with text", textOptions: "Options", textAnchorText: "Text", textAutofit: "Automatically resize to fit contents", textCellProps: "Cell Properties", tipAll: "Set Outer Border and All Inner Lines", tipNone: "Set No Borders", tipInner: "Set Inner Lines Only", tipOuter: "Set Outer Border Only", tipCellAll: "Set Borders for Inner Cells Only", tipTableOuterCellAll: "Set Outer Border and Borders for All Inner Cells", tipCellInner: "Set Vertical and Horizontal Lines for Inner Cells Only", tipTableOuterCellInner: "Set Outer Border and Vertical and Horizontal Lines for Inner Cells", tipCellOuter: "Set Outer Borders for Inner Cells Only", tipTableOuterCellOuter: "Set Table Outer Border and Outer Borders for Inner Cells" });