/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ Ext.define("PE.model.ModelBorders", { extend: "Ext.data.Model", fields: [{ type: "string", name: "borderstyle" }, { type: "string", name: "text" }, { type: "string", name: "url" }, { type: "float", name: "value" }, { type: "int", name: "imagewidth" }, { type: "int", name: "imageheight" }] }); Ext.define("PE.view.ShapeSettings", { extend: "Common.view.AbstractSettingsPanel", alias: "widget.peshapesettings", height: 316, requires: ["Ext.button.Button", "Ext.form.Label", "Ext.form.field.ComboBox", "Ext.container.Container", "Ext.toolbar.Spacer", "Ext.Array", "Ext.menu.Menu", "Ext.menu.Manager", "Ext.data.Model", "Ext.data.Store", "Ext.XTemplate", "Ext.Img", "Ext.slider.Single", "Common.component.DataViewPicker", "Common.component.MetricSpinner", "Common.view.ImageFromUrlDialog", "Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", "PE.view.ShapeSettingsAdvanced", "Common.plugin.MenuExpand", "Common.component.ComboDataView", "Common.component.MultiSliderGradient", "Common.plugin.ComboBoxScrollPane"], constructor: function (config) { this.callParent(arguments); this.initConfig(config); return this; }, initComponent: function () { this.title = this.txtTitle; this._initSettings = true; var me = this; this._originalProps = null; this._noApply = true; this._sendUndoPoint = true; this._state = { Transparency: null, FillType: c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID, ShapeColor: "ffffff", BlipFillType: c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH, StrokeType: c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR, StrokeWidth: this._pt2mm(1), StrokeColor: "000000", FGColor: "000000", BGColor: "ffffff", GradColor: "000000", GradFillType: c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR, DisabledFillPanels: false }; this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID; this.ShapeColor = { Value: 1, Color: "ffffff" }; this.BlipFillType = c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH; this.GradFillType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR; this.GradColor = { values: [0, 100], colors: ["000000", "ffffff"], currentIdx: 0 }; this.GradLinearDirectionIdx = 3; this.GradRadialDirectionIdx = 0; this.PatternFillType = 0; this.FGColor = { Value: 1, Color: "000000" }; this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: "ffffff" }; this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; this.BorderSize = 0; this.textureNames = [this.txtCanvas, this.txtCarton, this.txtDarkFabric, this.txtGrain, this.txtGranite, this.txtGreyPaper, this.txtKnit, this.txtLeather, this.txtBrownPaper, this.txtPapyrus, this.txtWood]; this.ThemeValues = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var dataBorders = [{ borderstyle: "", text: this.txtNoBorders, value: 0, offsety: -1 }, { text: "0.5 pt", value: 0.5, offsety: 0 }, { text: "1 pt", value: 1, offsety: 20 }, { text: "1.5 pt", value: 1.5, offsety: 40 }, { text: "2.25 pt", value: 2.25, offsety: 60 }, { text: "3 pt", value: 3, offsety: 80 }, { text: "4.5 pt", value: 4.5, offsety: 100 }, { text: "6 pt", value: 6, offsety: 120 }]; for (var i = 1; i < dataBorders.length; i++) { dataBorders[i].borderstyle = Ext.String.format("background:url({0}) 0 {1}px; width:69px; height:20px; margin-right:5px;", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -dataBorders[i].offsety); } var fieldStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", { model: "PE.model.ModelBorders", data: dataBorders }); var item_tpl = Ext.create("Ext.XTemplate", '' + '{text}' + '' + ""); this.cmbBorderSize = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { width: 92, height: 21, editable: false, queryMode: "local", matchFieldWidth: false, displayField: "text", store: fieldStore, style: "margin-right: 8px;", listConfig: { mode: "local", width: 145, itemTpl: item_tpl }, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { this.BorderSize = records[0].data.value; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var stroke = new CAscStroke(); if (this.BorderSize < 0.01) { stroke.put_type(c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE); } else { stroke.put_type(c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR); if (this.BorderColor.Color == "transparent" || this.BorderColor.Color.color == "transparent") { stroke.put_color(this.getRgbColor({ color: "000000", effectId: 0 })); } else { if (this._state.StrokeType == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE) { stroke.put_color(this.getRgbColor(this.colorValue2EffectId(this.BorderColor.Color))); } } stroke.put_width(this._pt2mm(this.BorderSize)); } props.put_stroke(stroke); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } if (combo.inputEl) { if (records[0].data.offsety < 0) { var style = Ext.String.format("background: url({0}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(combo.inputEl, style); combo.inputEl.set({ type: "text" }); combo.inputEl.set({ value: me.txtNoBorders }); combo.onItemClick(combo.picker, records[0]); } else { combo.inputEl.set({ type: "image" }); combo.inputEl.set({ src: "" }); var style = Ext.String.format("background:url({0}) no-repeat scroll 0 {1}px, url({2}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -records[0].data.offsety, "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(combo.inputEl, style); } } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this), afterRender: function () { if (this.inputEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.inputEl, "padding-left:7px"); this.inputEl.set({ type: "image" }); this.inputEl.set({ src: "" }); var style = Ext.String.format("background:url({0}) repeat scroll 0 {1}px, url({2}) repeat scroll 0 0 white", "resources/img/right-panels/BorderSize.png", -20, "resources/img/controls/text-bg.gif"); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.inputEl, style); } } }, plugins: [{ ptype: "comboboxscrollpane", pluginId: "scrollpane", settings: { enableKeyboardNavigation: true } }] }); var rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().getAt(2); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec); this.BorderSize = rec.data.value; this._btnBorderColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-border-color", arrowCls: "", width: 45, height: 22, color: "000000", style: "margin-bottom:5px;", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsBorder = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "000000", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "3D55FE", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "3D55FE", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, color, eOpts) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); this._btnBorderColor.color = color; if (this._btnBorderColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this._btnBorderColor.btnEl, { "background-color": Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color) }); } this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: color }; if (this.api && this.BorderSize > 0 && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var stroke = new CAscStroke(); if (this.BorderSize < 0.01) { stroke.put_type(c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE); } else { stroke.put_type(c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR); stroke.put_color(this.getRgbColor(this.BorderColor.Color)); stroke.put_width(this._pt2mm(this.BorderSize)); } props.put_stroke(stroke); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsBorder.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var colorStyle = Ext.String.format("background-color:#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, colorStyle); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent" || newcolor.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.controls.push(this.colorsBorder); this._btnBackColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-back-color", arrowCls: "", width: 45, height: 22, color: "ffffff", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsBack = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "ffffff", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "3366FF", effectId: 1 }, { color: "0000FF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000090", effectId: 3 }, { color: "660066", effectId: 4 }, { color: "800000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "FF0000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FF6600", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFF00", effectId: 2 }, { color: "CCFFCC", effectId: 3 }, { color: "008000", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "transparent", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, color, eOpts) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); var clr, border; if (color == "transparent") { this._btnBackColor.color = "transparent"; clr = "transparent"; border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; } else { this._btnBackColor.color = color; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color); border = "none"; } if (this._btnBackColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this._btnBackColor.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } this.ShapeColor = { Value: 1, Color: this._btnBackColor.color }; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); if (this.ShapeColor.Color == "transparent") { fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL); fill.put_fill(null); } else { fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillSolid()); fill.get_fill().put_color(this.getRgbColor(this.ShapeColor.Color)); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsBack.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var border, clr; if (c.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = c.color; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.controls.push(this.colorsBack); this._arrFillSrc = [this.textColor, this.textGradientFill, this.textImageTexture, this.textPatternFill, this.textNoFill]; this.cmbFillSrc = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "shape-combo-fill-src", width: 190, editable: false, store: this._arrFillSrc, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { this._ShowHideElem([records[0].index == 0, records[0].index == 2, records[0].index == 3, records[0].index == 1, records[0].index >= 0 && records[0].index < 4], [this._FillColorContainer, this._FillImageContainer, this._PatternContainer, this._GradientContainer, this._TransparencyContainer], [this._FillColorContainerHeight, this._FillImageContainerHeight, this._PatternContainerHeight, this._GradientContainerHeight, this._TransparencyContainerHeight]); switch (records[0].index) { case 0: this._state.FillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID; if (!this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); if (this.ShapeColor.Color == "transparent") { fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL); fill.put_fill(null); } else { fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillSolid()); fill.get_fill().put_color(this.getRgbColor(this.ShapeColor.Color)); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } break; case 1: this._state.FillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD; if (!this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillGrad()); fill.get_fill().put_grad_type(this.GradFillType); if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { fill.get_fill().put_linear_angle(viewDataLinear[this.GradLinearDirectionIdx].data.type * 60000); fill.get_fill().put_linear_scale(true); } if (this.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { fill.get_fill().put_positions([this.GradColor.values[0] * 1000, this.GradColor.values[1] * 1000]); fill.get_fill().put_colors([this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[0]), this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[1])]); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } break; case 2: this._state.FillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP; break; case 3: this._state.FillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT; if (!this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillHatch()); fill.get_fill().put_pattern_type(this.PatternFillType); fill.get_fill().put_color_fg(this.getRgbColor(this.FGColor.Color)); fill.get_fill().put_color_bg(this.getRgbColor(this.BGColor.Color)); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } break; case 4: this._state.FillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL; if (!this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL); fill.put_fill(null); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } break; } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }); this.cmbFillSrc.setValue(this._arrFillSrc[0]); this._FillColorContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 25, width: 190, items: [this._btnBackColor] }); this._FillColorContainerHeight = this._FillColorContainer.height; this._btnInsertFromFile = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "shape-button-fill-from-file", text: this.textFromFile, width: 90, listeners: { click: function (btn) { if (this.api) { this.api.ChangeShapeImageFromFile(); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, scope: this } }); this._btnInsertFromUrl = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "shape-button-fill-from-url", text: this.textFromUrl, width: 90, listeners: { click: function (btn) { var w = Ext.create("Common.view.ImageFromUrlDialog"); w.addListener("onmodalresult", Ext.bind(this._onOpenImageFromURL, [this, w]), false); w.addListener("close", Ext.bind(function (cnt, eOpts) { this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this)); w.show(); }, scope: this } }); this._arrFillType = [this.textStretch, this.textTile]; this.cmbFillType = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "shape-combo-fill-type", width: 90, editable: false, store: this._arrFillType, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (records[0].index == 0) { this.BlipFillType = c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH; } else { if (records[0].index == 1) { this.BlipFillType = c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE; } } if (this.api && this._fromTextureCmb !== true && this.OriginalFillType == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillBlip()); fill.get_fill().put_type(this.BlipFillType); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }); this.cmbFillType.setValue(this._arrFillType[0]); this.controls.push(this.cmbFillType); this._btnTexture = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { text: this.textSelectTexture, width: 90, cls: "btn-combo-style", pressedCls: "", textAlign: "left", menu: this.textureMenu = Ext.create("Common.component.MenuDataViewPicker", { width: 242, height: 182, cls: "texture-view", viewData: [], contentWidth: 222, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, record) { this._fromTextureCmb = true; this.cmbFillType.setValue(this._arrFillType[1]); this._fromTextureCmb = false; if (this.api) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillBlip()); fill.get_fill().put_type(c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE); fill.get_fill().put_texture_id(record.data.data.type); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this._btnTexture.setText(record.data.name); this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this), hide: function () { me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); }, show: function (cmp) { cmp.picker.selectByIndex(-1, false); } } }) }); this.controls.push(this._btnTexture); this.textureImage = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { id: "shape-texture-img", width: 50, height: 50 }); var patternDataTpl = Ext.create("Ext.XTemplate", '', '
', '', "
", "
"); this.patternViewData = []; var patternStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", { storeId: Ext.id(), model: "PE.model.PatternDataModel", data: this.patternViewData }); this._cmbPattern = Ext.create("Common.component.ComboDataView", { id: "shape-combo-pattern", width: 190, height: 42, itemWidth: 28, itemHeight: 28, menuMaxHeight: 300, repeatedselect: true, store: patternStore, dataTpl: patternDataTpl, viewData: [], emptyComboText: this.textEmptyPattern, listeners: { select: function (combo, record) { if (me.api && !me._noApply) { me.PatternFillType = record.data.data.type; var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillHatch()); fill.get_fill().put_pattern_type(record.data.data.type); if (me.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT) { fill.get_fill().put_color_fg(me.getRgbColor(me.FGColor.Color)); fill.get_fill().put_color_bg(me.getRgbColor(me.BGColor.Color)); } props.put_fill(fill); me.api.ShapeApply(props); } me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); }, menuhide: function () { me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); }, releasecapture: function (cnt) { me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); } } }); this.controls.push(this._cmbPattern); this._cmbPattern.addCls("shape-pattern"); this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.contentWidth = 170; this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.needArrangeSlideItems = true; this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.arrangeItems = this._arrangeSlideItems; this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.resizeSlideItems = this._resizeSlideItems; this._btnFGColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-foreground-color", arrowCls: "", width: 45, height: 22, color: "000000", style: "margin-bottom:5px;", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsFG = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "000000", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "3D55FE", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "3D55FE", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, color, eOpts) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); this._btnFGColor.color = color; if (this._btnFGColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this._btnFGColor.btnEl, { "background-color": Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color) }); } this.FGColor = { Value: 1, Color: color }; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillHatch()); fill.get_fill().put_color_fg(this.getRgbColor(this.FGColor.Color)); if (this.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT) { fill.get_fill().put_pattern_type(this.PatternFillType); fill.get_fill().put_color_bg(this.getRgbColor(this.BGColor.Color)); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsFG.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var colorStyle = Ext.String.format("background-color:#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, colorStyle); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent" || newcolor.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.controls.push(this.colorsFG); this._btnBGColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-background-color", arrowCls: "", width: 45, height: 22, color: "ffffff", style: "margin-bottom:5px;", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsBG = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "ffffff", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "3D55FE", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "3D55FE", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, color, eOpts) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); this._btnBGColor.color = color; if (this._btnBGColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this._btnBGColor.btnEl, { "background-color": Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color) }); } this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: color }; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillHatch()); if (this.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT) { fill.get_fill().put_pattern_type(this.PatternFillType); fill.get_fill().put_color_fg(this.getRgbColor(this.FGColor.Color)); } fill.get_fill().put_color_bg(this.getRgbColor(this.BGColor.Color)); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsBG.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var colorStyle = Ext.String.format("background-color:#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, colorStyle); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent" || newcolor.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.controls.push(this.colorsBG); this._PatternContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 141, width: 190, hidden: true, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.strPattern }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._cmbPattern, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, width: 190, height: 27, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.strForeground, flex: 1 }, this._btnFGColor] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, width: 190, height: 27, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.strBackground, flex: 1 }, this._btnBGColor] }] }); this._PatternContainerHeight = this._PatternContainer.height; var onShowPattern = Ext.bind(function (cmp) { if (this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.store.getCount() > 0) { this._cmbPattern.fillComboView(this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.store.getAt(0), true); this.PatternFillType = this.patternViewData[0].data.type; this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.updateScrollPane(); this._PatternContainer.un("show", onShowPattern); } }, this); this._PatternContainer.on("show", onShowPattern); this._arrGradType = [this.textLinear, this.textRadial]; this.cmbGradType = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "shape-combo-grad-type", width: 90, editable: false, store: this._arrGradType, queryMode: "local", triggerAction: "all", listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (combo, records, eOpts) { if (records[0].index == 0) { this.GradFillType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR; this.btnDirection.menu.picker.store.loadData(viewDataLinear); this.btnDirection.menu.picker.selectByIndex(this.GradLinearDirectionIdx); if (this.GradLinearDirectionIdx >= 0) { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(viewDataLinear[this.GradLinearDirectionIdx].iconcls); } else { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(""); } } else { if (records[0].index == 1) { this.GradFillType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH; this.btnDirection.menu.picker.store.loadData(viewDataRadial); this.btnDirection.menu.picker.selectByIndex(this.GradRadialDirectionIdx); if (this.GradRadialDirectionIdx >= 0) { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(viewDataRadial[this.GradRadialDirectionIdx].iconcls); } else { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(""); } } } if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillGrad()); fill.get_fill().put_grad_type(this.GradFillType); if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { fill.get_fill().put_linear_angle(viewDataLinear[this.GradLinearDirectionIdx].data.type * 60000); fill.get_fill().put_linear_scale(true); } fill.get_fill().put_positions([this.GradColor.values[0] * 1000, this.GradColor.values[1] * 1000]); fill.get_fill().put_colors([this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[0]), this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[1])]); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }); this.cmbGradType.setValue(this._arrGradType[0]); var dataTpl = Ext.create("Ext.XTemplate", '', '
', '', "
", '', '
', "
", "
"); var viewDataLinear = [{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 0, data: { type: 45, subtype: -1 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-left-top" }, { offsetx: 50, offsety: 0, data: { type: 90, subtype: 4 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-top" }, { offsetx: 100, offsety: 0, data: { type: 135, subtype: 5 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-right-top" }, { offsetx: 0, offsety: 50, data: { type: 0, subtype: 6 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-left", separator: true }, { offsetx: 100, offsety: 50, data: { type: 180, subtype: 1 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-right" }, { offsetx: 0, offsety: 100, data: { type: 315, subtype: 2 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-left-bottom" }, { offsetx: 50, offsety: 100, data: { type: 270, subtype: 3 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-bottom" }, { offsetx: 100, offsety: 100, data: { type: 225, subtype: 7 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-right-bottom" }]; for (var i = 0; i < viewDataLinear.length; i++) { viewDataLinear[i].imgstyle = Ext.String.format("background-position: {0}px {1}px;", -viewDataLinear[i].offsetx, -viewDataLinear[i].offsety); } var viewDataRadial = [{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 150, data: { type: 2, subtype: 5 }, iconcls: "gradient-subtype gradient-radial-center" }]; for (var i = 0; i < viewDataRadial.length; i++) { viewDataRadial[i].imgstyle = Ext.String.format("background-position: {0}px {1}px;", -viewDataRadial[i].offsetx, -viewDataRadial[i].offsety); } this.btnDirection = Ext.widget("button", { id: "shape-button-direction", width: 72, height: 58, cls: "btn-wrap-types", iconCls: "gradient-subtype gradient-left", pressedCls: "disablepressed", menuAlign: "tl-bl?", menu : Ext.create("Common.component.MenuDataViewPicker", { width: 195, height: 190, minWidth: 50, cls: "gradient-view", dataTpl: dataTpl, viewData: viewDataLinear, contentWidth: 175, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, record, htmlItem, index) { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(record.data.iconcls); (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) ? this.GradLinearDirectionIdx = index : this.GradRadialDirectionIdx = index; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillGrad()); fill.get_fill().put_grad_type(this.GradFillType); fill.get_fill().put_linear_angle(record.data.data.type * 60000); fill.get_fill().put_linear_scale(true); if (this.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { fill.get_fill().put_positions([this.GradColor.values[0] * 1000, this.GradColor.values[1] * 1000]); fill.get_fill().put_colors([this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[0]), this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[1])]); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this), hide: Ext.bind(function () { this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this), beforeshow: Ext.bind(function (cnt) { if (cnt.rendered) { var h = cnt.getHeight(); if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR && Math.abs(h - 190) > 0) { cnt.picker.contentWidth = 175; cnt.setSize(195, 190); } if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH && Math.abs(h - 70) > 0) { cnt.picker.contentWidth = 50; cnt.setSize(70, 70); } } }, this) } }) }); this.btnDirection.menu.picker.selectByIndex(this.GradLinearDirectionIdx); this.controls.push(this.btnDirection); this._btnGradColor = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-gradient-color", arrowCls: "", width: 45, height: 22, color: "000000", style: "margin-bottom:5px;", menu: { showSeparator: false, items: [this.colorsGrad = Ext.create("Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", { value: "000000", width: 165, height: 214, dynamiccolors: true, dyncolorscount: 10, colors: [this.textThemeColors, "-", { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, "-", { color: "3D55FE", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 3 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 4 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 5 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, { color: "FFFFFF", effectId: 2 }, { color: "000000", effectId: 1 }, "-", "--", "-", this.textStandartColors, "-", "3D55FE", "5301B3", "980ABD", "B2275F", "F83D26", "F86A1D", "F7AC16", "F7CA12", "FAFF44", "D6EF39", "-", "--"], listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, color, eOpts) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); this._btnGradColor.color = color; if (this._btnGradColor.btnEl) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this._btnGradColor.btnEl, { "background-color": Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color) }); } this.GradColor.colors[this.GradColor.currentIdx] = color; this.sldrGradient.setColorValue(Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(color) == "object") ? color.color : color)); if (this.api && !this._noApply) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillGrad()); fill.get_fill().put_grad_type(this.GradFillType); fill.get_fill().put_colors([this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[0]), this.getRgbColor(this.GradColor.colors[1])]); if (this.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { fill.get_fill().put_linear_angle(viewDataLinear[this.GradLinearDirectionIdx].data.type * 60000); fill.get_fill().put_linear_scale(true); } fill.get_fill().put_positions([this.GradColor.values[0] * 1000, this.GradColor.values[1] * 1000]); } props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }), { cls: "menu-item-noicon menu-item-color-palette-theme", text: this.textNewColor, listeners: { click: function (item, event) { me.colorsGrad.addNewColor(); } } }] }, listeners: { render: function (c) { var colorStyle = Ext.String.format("background-color:#{0}", (typeof(c.color) == "object") ? c.color.color : c.color); Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(c.btnEl, colorStyle); } }, setColor: function (newcolor) { var border, clr; this.color = newcolor; if (newcolor == "transparent" || newcolor.color == "transparent") { border = "1px solid #BEBEBE"; clr = newcolor; } else { border = "none"; clr = Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(newcolor) == "object") ? newcolor.color : newcolor); } if (this.btnEl !== undefined) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.btnEl, { "background-color": clr, "border": border }); } } }); this.controls.push(this.colorsGrad); var _sliderChanged = false; var updateslider; var _gradientApplyFunc = function () { if (_sliderChanged) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillGrad()); fill.get_fill().put_grad_type(me.GradFillType); fill.get_fill().put_positions([me.GradColor.values[0] * 1000, me.GradColor.values[1] * 1000]); if (me.OriginalFillType !== c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { if (me.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { fill.get_fill().put_linear_angle(viewDataLinear[me.GradLinearDirectionIdx].data.type * 60000); fill.get_fill().put_linear_scale(true); } fill.get_fill().put_colors([me.getRgbColor(me.GradColor.colors[0]), me.getRgbColor(me.GradColor.colors[1])]); } props.put_fill(fill); me.api.ShapeApply(props); _sliderChanged = false; } }; this.sldrGradient = Ext.create("Common.component.MultiSliderGradient", { animate: false, width: 140, values: [0, 100], increment: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, useTips: false, hideLabel: true, cls: "asc-multi-slider-gradient", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (slider, newvalue, thumb) { this.GradColor.values = slider.getValues(); _sliderChanged = true; if (this.api && !this._noApply) { if (this._sendUndoPoint) { this.api.setStartPointHistory(); this._sendUndoPoint = false; updateslider = setInterval(_gradientApplyFunc, 100); } } }, this), changecomplete: Ext.bind(function (slider, newvalue, thumb) { clearInterval(updateslider); _gradientApplyFunc(); this.api.setEndPointHistory(); this._sendUndoPoint = true; Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); }, this), thumbclick: Ext.bind(function (cmp, index) { this.GradColor.currentIdx = index; var color = this.GradColor.colors[this.GradColor.currentIdx]; this._btnGradColor.setColor(color); this.colorsGrad.select(color, false); }, this), thumbdblclick: Ext.bind(function (cmp) { this._btnGradColor.showMenu(); }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this.sldrGradient); this._GradientContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 150, width: 190, hidden: true, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "container", layout: "hbox", width: 190, items: [{ xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", width: 100, height: 80, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textStyle }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbGradType, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, { xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", height: 80, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.textDirection }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.btnDirection] }] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 3 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textGradient, style: "margin-top: 1px;font-weight: bold;" }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 7 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "top" }, width: 190, height: 35, items: [this.sldrGradient, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, this._btnGradColor] }] }); this._GradientContainerHeight = this._GradientContainer.height; var _transparencyApplyFunc = function () { if (_sliderChanged !== undefined) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_transparent(_sliderChanged * 2.55); props.put_fill(fill); me.api.ShapeApply(props); _sliderChanged = undefined; } }; this.numTransparency = Ext.create("Common.component.MetricSpinner", { id: "shape-spin-transparency", readOnly: false, step: 1, width: 65, defaultUnit: "%", value: "100 %", maxValue: 100, minValue: 0, listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.sldrTransparency.suspendEvents(false); this.sldrTransparency.setValue(field.getNumberValue()); this.sldrTransparency.resumeEvents(); if (this.api) { var num = field.getNumberValue(); var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_transparent(num * 2.55); props.put_fill(fill); this.api.ShapeApply(props); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this.numTransparency); this.sldrTransparency = Ext.create("Ext.slider.Single", { animate: false, width: 80, value: 100, increment: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, useTips: false, hideLabel: true, cls: "asc-slider", listeners: { change: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { _sliderChanged = newValue; this.numTransparency.suspendEvents(false); this.numTransparency.setValue(newValue); this.numTransparency.resumeEvents(); if (this._sendUndoPoint) { this.api.setStartPointHistory(); this._sendUndoPoint = false; updateslider = setInterval(_transparencyApplyFunc, 100); } }, this), changecomplete: Ext.bind(function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { clearInterval(updateslider); _transparencyApplyFunc(); this.api.setEndPointHistory(); this._sendUndoPoint = true; }, this) } }); this.controls.push(this.sldrTransparency); this._TransparencyContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 55, width: 190, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 10 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.strTransparency, style: "margin-top: 1px;font-weight: bold;" }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, width: 190, height: 27, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: "0", style: "margin: 2px 3px 0 0" }, this.sldrTransparency, { xtype: "label", text: "100", style: "margin: 2px 0 0 3px" }, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, this.numTransparency] }] }); this._TransparencyContainerHeight = this._TransparencyContainer.height; this._FillImageContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 120, width: 190, hidden: true, items: [{ xtype: "container", layout: "hbox", width: 190, items: [this._btnInsertFromFile, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, this._btnInsertFromUrl] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 11 }, { xtype: "container", layout: "hbox", width: 190, items: [{ xtype: "container", layout: "vbox", width: 90, height: 80, items: [this.cmbFillType, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.textTexture }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this._btnTexture] }, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, { xtype: "container", cls: "texture-img-container", layout: "vbox", width: 90, height: 80, items: [this.textureImage] }] }] }); this._FillImageContainerHeight = this._FillImageContainer.height; this._FillPanel = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 45, width: 190, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.strFill, style: "margin-top: 1px;font-weight: bold;" }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 7 }, this.cmbFillSrc] }); this._btnChangeShape = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "shape-button-change", width: 45, iconCls: "btn-icon-change-shape", cls: "asc-right-panel-edit-btn", tooltip: this.tipShapeArrange, menu: { showSeparator: false, bodyCls: "no-icons", items: [], listeners: { hide: { fn: function () { me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); } } }, plugins: [{ ptype: "menuexpand" }] } }); this._StrokePanel = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 51, width: 190, items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 8 }, { xtype: "container", height: 41, layout: { type: "table", columns: 2, tdAttrs: { style: "vertical-align: middle;" } }, items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.strSize, style: "display: block;", width: 80 }, { xtype: "label", text: this.strColor, style: "display: block;", width: 80 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 2 }, this.cmbBorderSize, this._btnBorderColor] }] }); this._ChangeContainer = Ext.create("Ext.container.Container", { layout: "vbox", layoutConfig: { align: "stretch" }, height: 36, width: "100%", items: [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 3 }, { xtype: "container", height: 30, width: 190, layout: "hbox", items: [{ xtype: "label", text: this.strChange, margin: "2px 0 0 0", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px;", flex: 1 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 7 }, this._btnChangeShape, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 5 }] }] }); this.items = [{ xtype: "tbspacer", height: 7 }, this._FillPanel, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 7 }, this._FillColorContainer, this._FillImageContainer, this._PatternContainer, this._GradientContainer, this._TransparencyContainer, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: "100%", height: 10, style: "padding-right: 10px;", html: '
' }, { xtype: "label", style: "font-weight: bold;margin-top: 1px;", text: this.strStroke }, this._StrokePanel, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 5 }, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: "100%", height: 10, style: "padding-right: 10px;", html: '
' }, this._ChangeContainer, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: "100%", height: 10, style: "padding-right: 10px;", html: '
' }, { xtype: "tbspacer", height: 3 }, { xtype: "container", height: 20, width: 195, items: [{ xtype: "box", html: '
", listeners: { afterrender: function (cmp) { document.getElementById("shape-advanced-link").onclick = Ext.bind(this._openAdvancedSettings, this); }, scope: this } }] }]; this.addEvents("editcomplete"); this.callParent(arguments); }, setApi: function (o) { this.api = o; if (this.api) { this.api.SetInterfaceDrawImagePlaceShape("shape-texture-img"); var textures = this.api.get_PropertyStandartTextures(); if (textures) { this._onInitStandartTextures(textures); } } }, getRgbColor: function (clr) { var color = (typeof(clr) == "object") ? clr.color : clr; color = color.replace(/#/, ""); if (color.length == 3) { color = color.replace(/(.)/g, "$1$1"); } color = parseInt(color, 16); var c = new CAscColor(); c.put_type((typeof(clr) == "object") ? c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME : c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB); c.put_r(color >> 16); c.put_g((color & 65280) >> 8); c.put_b(color & 255); c.put_a(255); if (clr.effectId !== undefined) { c.put_value(clr.effectId); } return c; }, getHexColor: function (r, g, b) { r = r.toString(16); g = g.toString(16); b = b.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) { r = "0" + r; } if (g.length == 1) { g = "0" + g; } if (b.length == 1) { b = "0" + b; } return r + g + b; }, colorValue2EffectId: function (clr) { if (typeof(clr) == "object" && clr.effectValue !== undefined && this.effectcolors) { var effectval = clr.effectValue; for (var i = 0; i < this.effectcolors.length; i++) { if (this.effectcolors[i].effectValue === clr.effectValue && clr.color.toUpperCase() === this.effectcolors[i].color.toUpperCase()) { clr.effectId = this.effectcolors[i].effectId; break; } } } return clr; }, _pt2mm: function (value) { return (value * 25.4 / 72); }, _mm2pt: function (value) { return (value * 72 / 25.4); }, FillAutoShapes: function () { var shapesStore = Ext.getStore("ShapeGroups"); var me = this; var count = shapesStore.getCount(); me._btnChangeShape.menu.removeAll(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == count - 2) { continue; } var shapeGroup = shapesStore.getAt(i); var mnu = Ext.widget("menuitem", { text: shapeGroup.data.groupName, hideOnClick: false, cls: "menu-item-noicon", menuAlign: "tl-tl?", menu : Ext.create("Common.component.MenuDataViewPicker", { width: shapeGroup.data.groupWidth, height: shapeGroup.data.groupHeight, store: shapeGroup.data.groupStore, viewData: [], contentWidth: shapeGroup.data.groupWidth - 20, listeners: { select: Ext.bind(function (picker, record) { if (me.api) { me.api.ChangeShapeType(record.data.data.shapeType); } }, this), hide: function () { me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); }, show: function (cmp) { cmp.picker.selectByIndex(-1, false); } }, plugins: [{ ptype: "menuexpand" }] }), deferExpandMenu: function () { if (!this.menu.rendered || !this.menu.isVisible()) { this.parentMenu.activeChild = this.menu; this.menu.parentItem = this; this.menu.parentMenu = this.menu.ownerCt = this.parentMenu; this.menu.showBy(this, this.menuAlign, [-this.menu.width, 0]); } } }); me._btnChangeShape.menu.add(mnu); } }, _onOpenImageFromURL: function (mr) { var self = this[0]; var url = this[1].txtUrl; if (mr == 1 && self.api) { var checkurl = url.value.replace(/ /g, ""); if (checkurl != "") { if (self.BlipFillType !== null) { var props = new CAscShapeProp(); var fill = new CAscFill(); fill.put_type(c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP); fill.put_fill(new CAscFillBlip()); fill.get_fill().put_type(self.BlipFillType); fill.get_fill().put_url(url.value); props.put_fill(fill); self.api.ShapeApply(props); } } } }, _ShowHideElem: function (visible, components, heights) { var height = this.getHeight(); var diff = 0; for (var i = 0; i < visible.length; i++) { if (visible[i] && !components[i].isVisible()) { components[i].show(); diff += heights[i]; } if (!visible[i] && components[i].isVisible()) { diff -= heights[i]; components[i].hide(); } } this.setHeight(height + diff); this.initialHeight = height + diff; this.ownerCt.setHeight(this.initialHeight); }, ChangeSettings: function (props) { if (this._initSettings) { this.createDelayedElements(); } this._initSettings = false; if (props) { this._originalProps = props; this.SuspendEvents(); this._noApply = true; this.disableFillPanels(!props.get_CanFill()); var rec = null; var fill = props.get_fill(); var fill_type = fill.get_type(); var color = null; var transparency = fill.get_transparent(); if (Math.abs(this._state.Transparency - transparency) > 0.001 || Math.abs(this.numTransparency.getNumberValue() - transparency) > 0.001 || (this._state.Transparency === null || transparency === null) && (this._state.Transparency !== transparency || this.numTransparency.getNumberValue() !== transparency)) { if (transparency !== undefined) { this.sldrTransparency.setValue((transparency === null) ? 100 : transparency / 255 * 100); this.numTransparency.setValue(this.sldrTransparency.getValue()); } this._state.Transparency = transparency; } if (fill === null || fill_type === null || fill_type == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL) { this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL; } else { if (fill_type == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID) { fill = fill.get_fill(); color = fill.get_color(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.ShapeColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.ShapeColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.ShapeColor = { Value: 0, Color: "transparent" }; } this.FGColor = (this.ShapeColor.Color !== "transparent") ? { Value: 1, Color: this.colorValue2EffectId(this.ShapeColor.Color) } : { Value: 1, Color: "000000" }; this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: "ffffff" }; this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID; } else { if (fill_type == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP) { fill = fill.get_fill(); this.BlipFillType = fill.get_type(); if (this._state.BlipFillType !== this.BlipFillType) { if (this.BlipFillType == c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH) { this.cmbFillType.setValue(this._arrFillType[0]); } else { if (this.BlipFillType == c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE) { this.cmbFillType.setValue(this._arrFillType[1]); } else { this.cmbFillType.setValue(""); } } this._state.BlipFillType = this.BlipFillType; } this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP; } else { if (fill_type == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT) { fill = fill.get_fill(); this.PatternFillType = fill.get_pattern_type(); if (this._state.PatternFillType !== this.PatternFillType) { var styleIndex = this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.store.findBy(function (record, id) { return (record.data.data.type === this.PatternFillType); }, this); this._cmbPattern.selectByIndex(styleIndex); this._state.PatternFillType = this.PatternFillType; } color = fill.get_color_fg(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.FGColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.FGColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.FGColor = { Value: 1, Color: "000000" }; } color = fill.get_color_bg(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.BGColor = { Value: 1, Color: "ffffff" }; } this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT; this.ShapeColor = (this.FGColor.Color !== "transparent") ? { Value: 1, Color: this.colorValue2EffectId(this.FGColor.Color) } : { Value: 1, Color: "ffffff" }; } else { if (fill_type == c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD) { fill = fill.get_fill(); var gradfilltype = fill.get_grad_type(); if (this._state.GradFillType !== gradfilltype || this.GradFillType !== gradfilltype) { this.GradFillType = gradfilltype; rec = undefined; if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { rec = this.cmbGradType.getStore().getAt(0); } else { if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH) { rec = this.cmbGradType.getStore().getAt(1); } else { this.cmbGradType.setValue(""); this.btnDirection.setIconCls(""); } } if (rec) { this.cmbGradType.select(rec); this.cmbGradType.fireEvent("select", this.cmbGradType, [rec]); } this._state.GradFillType = this.GradFillType; } if (this.GradFillType == c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR) { var value = Math.floor(fill.get_linear_angle() / 60000); var icon; var idx = this.btnDirection.menu.picker.store.findBy(function (record, id) { icon = record.data.iconcls; return (record.data.data.type === value); }, this); if (idx !== this.GradLinearDirectionIdx) { this.GradLinearDirectionIdx = idx; this.btnDirection.menu.picker.selectByIndex(this.GradLinearDirectionIdx, false); if (this.GradLinearDirectionIdx >= 0) { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(icon); } else { this.btnDirection.setIconCls(""); } } } var colors = fill.get_colors(); if (colors && colors.length > 0) { color = colors[0]; if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.GradColor.colors[0] = { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() }; this.colorValue2EffectId(this.GradColor.colors[0]); } else { this.GradColor.colors[0] = this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()); } } else { this.GradColor.colors[0] = "000000"; } color = colors[1]; if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.GradColor.colors[1] = { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() }; this.colorValue2EffectId(this.GradColor.colors[1]); } else { this.GradColor.colors[1] = this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()); } } else { this.GradColor.colors[1] = "ffffff"; } } var positions = fill.get_positions(); if (positions && positions.length > 0) { var position = positions[0]; if (position !== null) { position = position / 1000; this.GradColor.values[0] = position; } position = positions[1]; if (position !== null) { position = position / 1000; this.GradColor.values[1] = position; } } this.sldrGradient.setColorValue(Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(this.GradColor.colors[0]) == "object") ? this.GradColor.colors[0].color : this.GradColor.colors[0]), 0); this.sldrGradient.setColorValue(Ext.String.format("#{0}", (typeof(this.GradColor.colors[1]) == "object") ? this.GradColor.colors[1].color : this.GradColor.colors[1]), 1); this.sldrGradient.setValue(0, this.GradColor.values[0]); this.sldrGradient.setValue(1, this.GradColor.values[1]); this.OriginalFillType = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD; } } } } } if (this._state.FillType !== this.OriginalFillType) { switch (this.OriginalFillType) { case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID: rec = this.cmbFillSrc.getStore().getAt(0); break; case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD: rec = this.cmbFillSrc.getStore().getAt(1); break; case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP: rec = this.cmbFillSrc.getStore().getAt(2); break; case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT: rec = this.cmbFillSrc.getStore().getAt(3); break; case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL: rec = this.cmbFillSrc.getStore().getAt(4); break; } if (rec) { this.cmbFillSrc.select(rec); this.cmbFillSrc.fireEvent("select", this.cmbFillSrc, [rec]); } this._state.FillType = this.OriginalFillType; } this._btnTexture.setText(this.textSelectTexture); var type1 = typeof(this.ShapeColor.Color), type2 = typeof(this._state.ShapeColor); if ((type1 !== type2) || (type1 == "object" && (this.ShapeColor.Color.effectValue !== this._state.ShapeColor.effectValue || this._state.ShapeColor.color.indexOf(this.ShapeColor.Color.color) < 0)) || (type1 != "object" && this._state.ShapeColor.indexOf(this.ShapeColor.Color) < 0)) { this._btnBackColor.setColor(this.ShapeColor.Color); if (typeof(this.ShapeColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.ShapeColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsBack.select(this.ShapeColor.Color, false); break; } } } else { this.colorsBack.select(this.ShapeColor.Color, false); } this._state.ShapeColor = this.ShapeColor.Color; } var stroke = props.get_stroke(); var strokeType = stroke.get_type(); if (stroke) { if (strokeType == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR) { color = stroke.get_color(); if (color) { if (color.get_type() == c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) { this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: { color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value() } }; } else { this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: this.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()) }; } } else { this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; } } else { this.BorderColor = { Value: 1, Color: "transparent" }; } } else { strokeType = null; this.BorderColor = { Value: 0, Color: "transparent" }; } type1 = typeof(this.BorderColor.Color); type2 = typeof(this._state.StrokeColor); if ((type1 !== type2) || (type1 == "object" && (this.BorderColor.Color.effectValue !== this._state.StrokeColor.effectValue || this._state.StrokeColor.color.indexOf(this.BorderColor.Color.color) < 0)) || (type1 != "object" && (this._state.StrokeColor.indexOf(this.BorderColor.Color) < 0 || typeof(this._btnBorderColor.color) == "object"))) { this._btnBorderColor.setColor(this.BorderColor.Color); if (typeof(this.BorderColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.BorderColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsBorder.select(this.BorderColor.Color, false); break; } } } else { this.colorsBorder.select(this.BorderColor.Color, false); } this._state.StrokeColor = this.BorderColor.Color; } if (this._state.StrokeType !== strokeType || strokeType == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR) { if (strokeType == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR) { var w = stroke.get_width(); if (Math.abs(this._state.StrokeWidth - w) > 0.001 || (this._state.StrokeWidth === null || w === null) && (this._state.StrokeWidth !== w)) { this._state.StrokeWidth = w; var idx = -1; if (w !== null) { w = this._mm2pt(w); Ext.each(this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().data.items, function (item, index) { if (w < item.data.value + 0.01 && w > item.data.value - 0.01) { idx = index; return false; } }); } if (idx > -1) { rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().getAt(idx); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec); this.cmbBorderSize.fireEvent("select", this.cmbBorderSize, [rec]); } else { rec = { borderstyle: "", text: "", value: w, offsety: -1 }; rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().add(rec); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec[0]); this.cmbBorderSize.fireEvent("select", this.cmbBorderSize, [rec[0]]); this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().remove(rec[0]); } } } else { if (strokeType == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE) { this._state.StrokeWidth = 0; rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().getAt(0); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec); this.cmbBorderSize.fireEvent("select", this.cmbBorderSize, [rec]); } else { this._state.StrokeWidth = null; rec = { borderstyle: "", text: "", value: -1, offsety: -1 }; rec = this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().add(rec); this.cmbBorderSize.select(rec[0]); this.cmbBorderSize.fireEvent("select", this.cmbBorderSize, [rec[0]]); this.cmbBorderSize.getStore().remove(rec[0]); } } this._state.StrokeType = strokeType; } type1 = typeof(this.FGColor.Color); type2 = typeof(this._state.FGColor); if ((type1 !== type2) || (type1 == "object" && (this.FGColor.Color.effectValue !== this._state.FGColor.effectValue || this._state.FGColor.color.indexOf(this.FGColor.Color.color) < 0)) || (type1 != "object" && this._state.FGColor.indexOf(this.FGColor.Color) < 0)) { this._btnFGColor.setColor(this.FGColor.Color); if (typeof(this.FGColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.FGColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsFG.select(this.FGColor.Color, false); break; } } } else { this.colorsFG.select(this.FGColor.Color, false); } this._state.FGColor = this.FGColor.Color; } type1 = typeof(this.BGColor.Color); type2 = typeof(this._state.BGColor); if ((type1 !== type2) || (type1 == "object" && (this.BGColor.Color.effectValue !== this._state.BGColor.effectValue || this._state.BGColor.color.indexOf(this.BGColor.Color.color) < 0)) || (type1 != "object" && this._state.BGColor.indexOf(this.BGColor.Color) < 0)) { this._btnBGColor.setColor(this.BGColor.Color); if (typeof(this.BGColor.Color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == this.BGColor.Color.effectValue) { this.colorsBG.select(this.BGColor.Color, false); break; } } } else { this.colorsBG.select(this.BGColor.Color, false); } this._state.BGColor = this.BGColor.Color; } color = this.GradColor.colors[this.GradColor.currentIdx]; type1 = typeof(color); type2 = typeof(this._state.GradColor); if ((type1 !== type2) || (type1 == "object" && (color.effectValue !== this._state.GradColor.effectValue || this._state.GradColor.color.indexOf(color.color) < 0)) || (type1 != "object" && this._state.GradColor.indexOf(color) < 0)) { this._btnGradColor.setColor(color); if (typeof(color) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.ThemeValues[i] == color.effectValue) { this.colorsGrad.select(color, false); break; } } } else { this.colorsGrad.select(color, false); } this._state.GradColor = color; } this._noApply = false; this.ResumeEvents(); } }, SendThemeColors: function (effectcolors, standartcolors) { this.effectcolors = effectcolors; if (standartcolors && standartcolors.length > 0) { this.standartcolors = standartcolors; } if (!this._initSettings) { this.colorsBorder.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsBack.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsFG.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsBG.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); this.colorsGrad.updateColors(effectcolors, standartcolors); } }, _openAdvancedSettings: function (e) { var me = this; var win; if (me.api) { var selectedElements = me.api.getSelectedElements(); if (selectedElements && Ext.isArray(selectedElements)) { var elType, elValue; for (var i = selectedElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { elType = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectType(); elValue = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectValue(); if (c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Shape == elType) { win = Ext.create("PE.view.ShapeSettingsAdvanced", {}); win.updateMetricUnit(); win.setSettings(elValue); break; } } } } if (win) { win.addListener("onmodalresult", Ext.bind(function (o, mr, s) { if (mr == 1 && s) { this.api.ShapeApply(s); } this.fireEvent("editcomplete", this); }, this), false); win.show(); } }, _onInitStandartTextures: function (texture) { var me = this; if (!Ext.isEmpty(texture)) { var textureStore = this.textureMenu.picker.store; if (textureStore) { if (textureStore.count() > 0) { return; } var texturearray = []; Ext.each(texture, function (item) { texturearray.push({ imageUrl: item.get_image(), name: me.textureNames[item.get_id()], data: { type: item.get_id() } }); }); textureStore.add(texturearray); } } }, _arrangeSlideItems: function () { if (!this.needArrangeSlideItems) { return; } var me = this; if (this.getEl()) { var jspElem = this.getEl().down(".jspPane"); if (jspElem && jspElem.getHeight() > 0 && this.getEl().getHeight() > 0) { var i = 0; var updatescroll = setInterval(function () { if (me.needArrangeSlideItems) { me.resizeSlideItems(); } if (!me.needArrangeSlideItems) { clearInterval(updatescroll); me.doLayout(); return; } if (i++>5) { clearInterval(updatescroll); } }, 100); } } }, _resizeSlideItems: function () { var cols = 5; var selector = "div.thumb-wrap"; var el = this.getEl(); var thumbs = el.query(selector); var i = 0; while (i < thumbs.length) { var height = 0; for (var j = i; j < i + cols; j++) { if (j >= thumbs.length) { break; } var thEl = Ext.get(thumbs[j]); var h = thEl.getHeight(); if (h < 28) { return; } if (h < height) { thEl.setHeight(height); } else { height = h; } } i += cols; } if (thumbs.length > 0) { this.needArrangeSlideItems = false; } }, hideMenus: function () { this._btnBorderColor.hideMenu(); this._btnBackColor.hideMenu(); this._btnTexture.hideMenu(); this._btnChangeShape.hideMenu(); this._btnBGColor.hideMenu(); this._btnFGColor.hideMenu(); this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.hide(); this.btnDirection.hideMenu(); this._btnGradColor.hideMenu(); }, createDelayedElements: function () { var global_hatch_menu_map = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 53, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52]; this.patternViewData = []; for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var num = i * 4 + j; this.patternViewData[num] = { offsetx: j * 28, offsety: i * 28, data: { type: global_hatch_menu_map[num] } }; } } this.patternViewData.splice(this.patternViewData.length - 2, 2); for (var i = 0; i < this.patternViewData.length; i++) { this.patternViewData[i].imageCls = "item-combo-pattern"; this.patternViewData[i].imageStyle = Ext.String.format("background-position: {0}px {1}px;", -this.patternViewData[i].offsetx, -this.patternViewData[i].offsety); this.patternViewData[i].uid = Ext.id(); } this._cmbPattern.dataMenu.picker.store.loadData(this.patternViewData); this.FillAutoShapes(); if (this.effectcolors && this.standartcolors) { this.colorsBorder.updateColors(this.effectcolors, this.standartcolors); this.colorsBack.updateColors(this.effectcolors, this.standartcolors); this.colorsFG.updateColors(this.effectcolors, this.standartcolors); this.colorsBG.updateColors(this.effectcolors, this.standartcolors); this.colorsGrad.updateColors(this.effectcolors, this.standartcolors); } }, disableFillPanels: function (disable) { if (this._state.DisabledFillPanels !== disable) { this._state.DisabledFillPanels = disable; this._FillPanel.setDisabled(disable); this._FillColorContainer.setDisabled(disable); this._FillImageContainer.setDisabled(disable); this._PatternContainer.setDisabled(disable); this._GradientContainer.setDisabled(disable); this._TransparencyContainer.setDisabled(disable); } }, txtTitle: "Autoshape", txtNoBorders: "No Line", strStroke: "Stroke", strColor: "Color", strSize: "Size", strChange: "Change Autoshape", strFill: "Fill", textColor: "Color Fill", textImageTexture: "Picture or Texture", textTexture: "From Texture", textFromUrl: "From URL", textFromFile: "From File", textStretch: "Stretch", textTile: "Tile", txtCanvas: "Canvas", txtCarton: "Carton", txtDarkFabric: "Dark Fabric", txtGrain: "Grain", txtGranite: "Granite", txtGreyPaper: "Grey Paper", txtKnit: "Knit", txtLeather: "Leather", txtBrownPaper: "Brown Paper", txtPapyrus: "Papyrus", txtWood: "Wood", textNewColor: "Add New Custom Color", textThemeColors: "Theme Colors", textStandartColors: "Standart Colors", textAdvanced: "Show advanced settings", strTransparency: "Opacity", textNoFill: "No Fill", textSelectTexture: "Select", textGradientFill: "Gradient Fill", textPatternFill: "Pattern", strBackground: "Background color", strForeground: "Foreground color", strPattern: "Pattern", textEmptyPattern: "No Pattern", textLinear: "Linear", textRadial: "Radial", textDirection: "Direction", textStyle: "Style", textGradient: "Gradient" });