/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ Ext.define("PE.view.Toolbar", { extend: "Ext.toolbar.Toolbar", alias: "widget.petoolbar", cls: "pe-toolbar", height: 68, minWidth: 1080, requires: ["Ext.data.Store", "Ext.Array", "Common.component.MenuDataViewPicker", "Common.component.SplitColorButton", "Common.plugin.ComboBoxScrollPane", "Common.view.ComboFonts", "Common.component.ThemeColorPalette", "PE.component.DimensionPicker", "Common.component.ComboDataView", "Common.plugin.MenuExpand", "Ext.util.Cookies", "Common.component.SynchronizeTip"], constructor: function (config) { this.initConfig(config); this.callParent(arguments); return this; }, initComponent: function () { var me = this; this.addEvents("editcomplete"); this.addEvents("inserttable", "insertimage", "insertshape"); this._state = { clrtext: undefined }; this.paragraphControls = []; this.shapeControls = []; this.slideOnlyControls = []; this.synchTooltip = undefined; this.ThemeValues = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var hidetip = window.localStorage.getItem("pe-hide-synch"); this.showSynchTip = !(hidetip && parseInt(hidetip) == 1); this.needShowSynchTip = false; this.cmbFont = Ext.create("Common.view.ComboFonts", { id: "toolbar-combo-fonts", margin: "0 4 0 0", width: 128, cls: "asc-toolbar-combo", editable: true, selectOnFocus: true, tooltip: this.tipFontName, showlastused: true, enableKeyEvents: true, preventMark: true, validateOnBlur: false, validateOnChange: false, plugins: [{ ptype: "comboboxscrollpane", pluginId: "scrollpane", settings: { enableKeyboardNavigation: true } }] }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.cmbFont); Ext.define("PE.view.FontSize", { extend: "Ext.data.Model", fields: [{ type: "int", name: "sizevalue" }, { type: "string", name: "sizestring" }] }); var storesize = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", { model: "PE.view.FontSize", data: [] }); this.cmbFontSize = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", { id: "toolbar-combo-font-size", store: storesize, displayField: "sizestring", queryMode: "local", typeAhead: false, selectOnFocus: true, margin: "0 0 0 0", width: 60, listConfig: { maxHeight: 400 }, preventMark: true, validateOnBlur: false, validateOnChange: false, listeners: { render: { fn: function (cmp) { cmp.el.set({ "data-qtip": me.tipFontSize }); cmp.validate(); } } } }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.cmbFontSize); this.btnBold = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-bold", tooltip: this.textBold + " (Ctrl+B)", margin: "0 2 0 0", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-bold", enableToggle: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnBold); this.btnItalic = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-italic", tooltip: this.textItalic + " (Ctrl+I)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-italic", enableToggle: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnItalic); this.btnUnderline = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-underline", tooltip: this.textUnderline + " (Ctrl+U)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-underline", enableToggle: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnUnderline); this.btnStrikeout = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-strikeout", tooltip: this.textStrikeout, iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-strike", enableToggle: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnStrikeout); this.btnSuperscript = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-superscript", tooltip: this.textSuperscript, iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-superscript", enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "subscriptGroup" }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnSuperscript); this.btnSubscript = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-subscript", tooltip: this.textSubscript, iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-subscript", enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "subscriptGroup" }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnSubscript); this.btnPrint = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-print", tooltip: this.tipPrint + " (Ctrl+P)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-print" }); this.btnSave = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-save", tooltip: this.tipSave + " (Ctrl+S)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-save" }); this.btnCopy = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-copy", tooltip: this.tipCopy + " (Ctrl+C)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-copy" }); this.slideOnlyControls.push(this.btnCopy); this.btnPaste = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-paste", tooltip: this.tipPaste + " (Ctrl+V)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-paste" }); this.slideOnlyControls.push(this.btnPaste); this.btnUndo = Ext.create("Ext.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-undo", tooltip: this.tipUndo + " (Ctrl+Z)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-undo", disabled: true }); 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} }, iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-fontcolor" }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnFontColor); this.btnMarkers = Ext.create("Ext.button.Split", { id: "toolbar-btn-markers", tooltip: this.tipMarkers, enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "markersGroup", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-setmarkers", split: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnMarkers); this.btnNumbers = Ext.create("Ext.button.Split", { id: "toolbar-btn-numbering", tooltip: this.tipNumbers, enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "markersGroup", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-numbering", split: true }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnNumbers); this.btnDecLeftOffset = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-dec-left-offset", tooltip: this.tipDecPrLeft + " (Ctrl+Shift+M)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-decoffset" }); this.paragraphControls.push(this.btnDecLeftOffset); this.btnIncLeftOffset = Ext.create("Ext.button.Button", { id: "toolbar-button-inc-left-offset", tooltip: this.tipIncPrLeft + " (Ctrl+M)", iconCls: "asc-toolbar-btn btn-incoffset" }); 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", "
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cnt.picker.store.getAt(0) : null; if (rec) { var w = rec.data.itemWidth * 3 + 64; if (w_old !== (w - 20)) { cnt.picker.itemHeight = rec.data.itemHeight; cnt.picker.contentWidth = w - 20; cnt.setWidth(w); } } } }, me) } }); btns_arr.push(this.btnChangeSlide); var value = window.localStorage.getItem("pe-compact-toolbar"); var valueCompact = (value !== null && parseInt(value) == 1); value = window.localStorage.getItem("pe-hidden-title"); var valueTitle = (value !== null && parseInt(value) == 1); value = window.localStorage.getItem("pe-hidden-status"); var valueStatus = (value !== null && parseInt(value) == 1); this.btnHide.menu = Ext.create("Ext.menu.Menu", { id: "menu-hide-bars", showSeparator: false, defaults: { checked: false, targetbar: undefined, hideOnClick: true }, items: [{ id: "mnu-hide-bars-toolbar", text: this.textCompactView, checked: valueCompact }, { text: this.textHideTitleBar, checked: valueTitle, checkHandler: function (item, checked) { if (item.targetbar === undefined) { item.targetbar = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("commonheader")[0]; } if (item.targetbar) { (checked) ? item.targetbar.hide() : item.targetbar.show(); } window.localStorage.setItem("pe-hidden-title", checked ? 1 : 0); me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); } }, { text: this.textHideStatusBar, checked: valueStatus, checkHandler: function (item, checked) { if (item.targetbar === undefined) { item.targetbar = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("documentstatusinfo")[0]; } if (item.targetbar) { (checked) ? item.targetbar.hide() : item.targetbar.show(); } window.localStorage.setItem("pe-hidden-status", checked ? 1 : 0); me.fireEvent("editcomplete", me); } }, { xtype: "menuseparator" }, this.btnFitPage, this.btnFitWidth, { xtype: "container", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, width: 165, style: "font-size:11px; padding:6px 2px 3px 32px;", items: [{ xtype: "label", text: me.textZoom }, { xtype: "tbspacer", flex: 1 }, this.btnZoomOut, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 1 }, this.txtZoom, this.btnZoomIn, { xtype: "tbspacer", width: 5 }] }] }); btns_arr.push(this.btnHide); for (i = 0; i < btns_arr.length; i++) { var btn = btns_arr[i]; btn.menu.ownerCt = btn; btn.mon(btns_arr[i].menu, { scope: btn, show: btn.onMenuShow, hide: btn.onMenuHide }); if (btn.rendered) { btn.initAria(); } } var fontSize = [{ "sizevalue": 8, "sizestring": "8" }, { "sizevalue": 9, "sizestring": "9" }, { "sizevalue": 10, "sizestring": "10" }, { "sizevalue": 11, "sizestring": "11" }, { "sizevalue": 12, "sizestring": "12" }, { "sizevalue": 14, "sizestring": "14" }, { "sizevalue": 16, "sizestring": "16" }, { "sizevalue": 18, "sizestring": "18" }, { "sizevalue": 20, "sizestring": "20" }, { "sizevalue": 22, "sizestring": "22" }, { "sizevalue": 24, "sizestring": "24" }, { "sizevalue": 26, "sizestring": "26" }, { "sizevalue": 28, "sizestring": "28" }, { "sizevalue": 36, "sizestring": "36" }, { "sizevalue": 48, "sizestring": "48" }, { "sizevalue": 72, "sizestring": "72" }]; this.cmbFontSize.store.loadData(fontSize); if (this.api) { this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onTextColor", Ext.bind(this._onTextColor, this)); } if (this.needShowSynchTip) { this.needShowSynchTip = false; this._onCollaborativeChanges(); } }, textBold: "Bold", textItalic: "Italic", textUnderline: "Underline", textStrikeout: "Strikeout", textSuperscript: "Superscript", textSubscript: "Subscript", tipFontName: "Font Name", tipFontSize: "Font Size", tipCopy: "Copy", tipPaste: "Paste", tipUndo: "Undo", tipRedo: "Redo", tipPrint: "Print", tipSave: "Save", tipFontColor: "Font color", tipMarkers: "Bullets", tipNumbers: "Numbering", tipBack: "Back", tipClearStyle: "Clear Style", tipCopyStyle: "Copy Style", textTitleError: "Error", tipHAligh: "Horizontal Align", tipVAligh: "Vertical Align", textAlignTop: "Align text to the top", textAlignMiddle: "Align text to the middle", textAlignBottom: "Align text to the bottom", textAlignLeft: "Left align text", textAlignRight: "Right align text", textAlignCenter: "Center text", textAlignJust: "Justify", tipDecPrLeft: "Decrease Indent", tipIncPrLeft: "Increase Indent", tipLineSpace: "Line Spacing", tipInsertTable: "Insert Table", tipInsertImage: "Insert Picture", mniImageFromFile: "Picture from file", mniImageFromUrl: "Picture from url", mniCustomTable: "Insert Custom Table", tipInsertHyperlink: "Add Hyperlink", tipInsertText: "Insert Text", tipInsertShape: "Insert Autoshape", tipPreview: "Start Preview", tipAddSlide: "Add Slide", tipNewDocument: "New Document", tipOpenDocument: "Open Document", tipShapeAlign: "Align Shape", tipShapeArrange: "Arrange Shape", textShapeAlignLeft: "Align Left", textShapeAlignRight: "Align Right", textShapeAlignCenter: "Align Center", textShapeAlignTop: "Align Top", textShapeAlignBottom: "Align Bottom", textShapeAlignMiddle: "Align Middle", textArrangeFront: "Bring To Front", textArrangeBack: "Send To Back", textArrangeForward: "Bring Forward", textArrangeBackward: "Send Backward", txtGroup: "Group", txtUngroup: "Ungroup", txtDistribHor: "Distribute Horizontally", txtDistribVert: "Distribute Vertically", tipChangeSlide: "Change Slide Layout", textOK: "OK", textCancel: "Cancel", tipColorSchemas: "Change Color Scheme", textNewColor: "Add New Custom Color", textThemeColors: "Theme Colors", textStandartColors: "Standart Colors", mniSlideStandard: "Standard (4:3)", mniSlideWide: "Widescreen (16:9)", mniSlideAdvanced: "Advanced Settings", tipSlideSize: "Select Slide Size", tipViewSettings: "View Settings", tipAdvSettings: "Advanced Settings", textCompactView: "View Compact Toolbar", textHideTitleBar: "Hide Title Bar", textHideStatusBar: "Hide Status Bar", textFitPage: "Fit Slide", textFitWidth: "Fit Width", textZoom: "Zoom", tipInsertChart: "Insert Chart", textLine: "Line Chart", textColumn: "Column Chart", textBar: "Bar Chart", textArea: "Area Chart", textPie: "Pie Chart", textPoint: "Point Chart", textStock: "Stock Chart", tipSynchronize: "The document has been changed by another user. Please click to save your changes and reload the updates." });