Custom events allow you to easily interact with and extend OfficeExcel for your own purposes. The list of available events is below, as is an example of how to make use of them with the OfficeExcel.AddCustomEventListener() function. Event handler functions (ie your functions) are passed a single parameter - the chart object. With this you can get references to the canvas and context. There's an example of this below.
<script> window.onload = function () { var line = new OfficeExcel.Line('myLine', [45,12,16,18,44,54,23,21,56]); line.Set('chart.tooltips', ['Fred', 'Barney', 'Jay', 'Pete', 'Frank', 'Bob', 'Ted', 'Lou', 'Kev']); line.Set('chart.labels', ['Fred', 'Barney', 'Jay', 'Pete', 'Frank', 'Bob', 'Ted', 'Lou', 'Kev']); line.Set('chart.hmargin', 5); line.Set('chart.tickmarks', 'dot'); line.Draw(); /** * This is the call to the OfficeExcel function that registers the event listener * * line: The chart object * ontooltip: The name of the event * myFunc: The function that handles the event */ OfficeExcel.AddCustomEventListener(line, 'ontooltip', myFunc); } /** * The function that is called when the ontooltip event fires. It is passed a single parameter - the chart object. * With this you can get the ID and references to the canvas and context: * o * o obj.canvas * o obj.context */ function myFunc(obj) { var id =; var canvas = obj.canvas; var context = obj.context; alert('This alert was triggered by the custom ontooltip event'); } </script>
This event fires immediately after a tooltip has been created. This event allows you to easily show charts in your tooltips (tooltip
effects that involve moving the tooltip, eg. contract, expand & snap, will not function). You
can find the tooltip object in the OfficeExcel registry - OfficeExcel.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip'). Note that if you're testing and
using a function that pauses execution (eg alert()), this will also pause any timers (for animation effects etc). If you want to
avoid this you should use a function that doesn't block execution, eg the Firebug/WebKit function, console.log() (you can use the
cl() shortcut in OfficeExcel).
The onbeforecontextmenu event fires before the context menu is shown.
This event fires immediately after the OfficeExcel context menu is shown. If you want it, you can get at the context menu in the
OfficeExcel registry: OfficeExcel.Registry.Get('chart.contextmenu')
Important: Like the ontooltip event, using alert() can
pause the fade in timers, so you might consider using the Firebug/Webkit console.log functions instead.
The onzoom event fires whenever the canvas is zoomed. When the zoom is in area and canvas modes this fires once,
but when in thumbnail mode this event is like the onmousemove event in that it fires whenever the mouse is moved.
The onmodaldialog event fires when the ModalDialog is shown. This event is easily replicated yourself, though using this event
may help you to keep your code tidy. This event is utilised slightly differently to the other events:
ModalDialog.AddCustomEventListener('onmodaldialog', function () {alert('Hello world!');});
The onresizebeforedraw event was added when translating was necessary to reclaim wasted space, before the introduction
of independent gutters. This event is now no longer necessary to reposition the resize handle. It will still have an
effect though, so if you choose to upgrade then you should remove this from your configuration. The event isn't
planned to be removed, so if you wish to use it, you can.
Note: The annotation events send notifications to the console because using alert() would cause them to lock the window.
The onresizebegin event fires when a canvas is starting to be resized. It also fires when the canvas is reset to the original
The onresize event fires when a canvas is resized. It also fires when the canvas is reset to the original size.
The onresizeend event fires when a canvas is ended resizing. It also fires when the canvas is reset to the original size.
Note: The adjusting events send notifications to the console because using alert() would cause them to lock the window.
The onadjustbegin event fires once at the start of an adjusting process. It can be thought of as similar to
the onmousedown event as that's when it usually fires.
The onadjust event fires whenever one of the supported chart types is adjusted. It usually fires in conjunction with the
onmousemove event, and can be blocked by alert(). You therefore may need to use a different function (eg console.log())
whilst debugging.
The onadjustend event fires once at the end of an adjusting process. It can be thought of as similar to
the onmouseup event as that's when it usually fires.
Note: The annotation events send notifications to the console because using alert() would cause them to lock the window.
The onannotatebegin event fires at the beginning of the annotating procedure (ie in a similar vein to the onmousedown event).
The onannotate event fires when the chart has been annotated. It fires during the annotate procedure.
The onannotateend event fires at the end of the annotating procedure (ie in a similar vein to the onmouseup event).
The onannotatecolor event fires when the annotation color has been changed using the OfficeExcel palette.
The onannotateclear event fires when the OfficeExcel annotation data has been cleared using the OfficeExcel.ClearAnnotations() API
The onclear event fires when the function OfficeExcel.Clear() is called. If you use the .Clear()function inside the onclear event
handler, it will create a loop. Instead, you could use this function:
/** * This function clears the canvas * * @param object obj The chart object */ function myClear(obj) { obj.context.beginPath(); obj.context.fillStyle = 'white'; obj.context.fillRect(-10,-10,obj.canvas.width + 20, obj.canvas.height + 20); obj.context.fill(); }
The oncrosshairs event fires when the crosshairs are moved. This event is very similar to the onmousemove event, but you can
guarantee that this event fires after the crosshairs have been repainted.
In the case that you need to remove OfficeExcel event listeners, there are a few ways that you can do it. The API function OfficeExcel.RemoveCustomEventListener(obj, id) can be used to remove a single event listener. This function takes the chart object and the numerical ID (returned by OfficeExcel.AddCustomEventListener()) as its arguments.
There's also the OfficeExcel.RemoveAllCustomEventListeners(), for easily removing all of the pertinent event listeners. This function can either take no arguments at all, in which case ALL event listeners for ALL objects are removed. Or it can also take an objects ID (the same id that you pass to the constructor), in which case the removal will be limited to that object.