OfficeExcel is free to use for non-commercial entities and there is a non-free commercial license available for commercial entities who wish to use OfficeExcel. The commercial license is described below.
A simple and straight-forward overview of the licensing is that for commercial use there is a single licensing fee of £79 (GBP) (which is approximately $120 USD) whilst for non-commercial use (eg personal, government, charity, educational etc) it's free to use assuming that you link to on your website.
Commercial usage covers commercial entities for their websites (either internal or external) or in software that they produce. If your organisation generates profit then a commercial license is most appropriate. There are some legal terms and FAQs below that should help to answer any questions that you may have, but if they don't then you can email your question to:
After completion of either Google Checkout or Paypal payment you are granted an OfficeExcel commercial license. You will be sent the license details via email.
Example uses are:
Do I need to buy a commercial license?
For commercial/business use, then yes - you need a license to use OfficeExcel.
How many licenses do I need?
Regardless of how much you use OfficeExcel in your organisation or in the software you make, you are only required to
buy one OfficeExcel license.
How much is a license?
An OfficeExcel license costs £79 (UK pounds). That's a little over $120 (US dollars) at
the time of writing.
What if I need something that's not part of OfficeExcel?
If there's a feature that you need that's not part of OfficeExcel then you can usually be accommodated assuming that
you're a license holder. Please contact support first to discuss your needs. If it's not too specific
to you then it can be added to the main OfficeExcel software. If it is then it can be added to your specific copy of OfficeExcel. You can
contact support with
What does the license cover?
The OfficeExcel license covers OfficeExcel as a whole. Excepting ExCanvas, all code that you find in the OfficeExcel archive is
covered by the OfficeExcel license.
What if I'm a web designer?
In this situation each client would need a separate license for themselves. They can then use OfficeExcel as much as they wish.
If you prefer to buy in bulk - discounts are available.
Can I include OfficeExcel in an Open Source project?
You're not prohibited from using OfficeExcel in Open source projects, however you need to be aware of two things:
OfficeExcel can be used free-of-charge by non-commercial entities who wish to use it either on an internal or external website or in software that they make assuming that you link back to the OfficeExcel website. Examples of non-commercial entities include:
<a href="" target="_blank"> Charts made with OfficeExcel: HTML5 Javascript charts library </a>
If you would prefer not to link to the OfficeExcel website, then you can buy an OfficeExcel commercial license and you won't need to. You may alter the OfficeExcel code to suit your particular needs.
If you're covered by the free license but want to make a donation to help keep OfficeExcel going then they're all gratefully received. You can use PayPal button on the left to send it. Thanks!
This license applies to any software originating from the website. Such software is herein referred to as the Software. The license covers modification and distribution of the Software, use of third-party application programs based on the Software, and development of software which uses the Software. Note that ExCanvas is covered by the Apache license.
<a href="" target="_blank"> Charts made with OfficeExcel: HTML5 Javascript charts library </a>>Alternatively, if you don't wish to link to the OfficeExcel website, you can buy an OfficeExcel license and you won't need to.
The ownership of the Licensed material is not transferred to you in this agreement.
In no event shall the initial developers or copyright holders be liable for any damages whatsoever, including - but not restricted to - lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages, except to the extent invariable law, if any, provides otherwise.
This license is governed by the Laws of England. Disputes shall be settled by Chelmsford town court.
Any questions or queries about this license or its extent should be directed to