Line charts documentation

Note: With the Line chart, there isn't an option to have a scale on the X axis. For this you'll need a Scatter chart with chart.line set to true. You either use labels across the X axis or an X scale.



    window.onload = function ()
        // The data for the Line chart. Multiple lines are specified as seperate arrays.
        var data = [10,4,17,50,25,19,20,25,30,29,30,29];
        // Create the Line chart object. The arguments are the canvas ID and the data array.
        var line = new OfficeExcel.Line("myLine", data);
        // The way to specify multiple lines is by giving multiple arrays, like this:
        // var line = new OfficeExcel.Line("myLine", [4,6,8], [8,4,6], [4,5,3]);
        // Configure the chart to appear as you wish.
        line.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'white');
        line.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'white');
        line.Set('chart.background.grid.color', 'rgba(238,238,238,1)');
        line.Set('chart.colors', ['red']);
        line.Set('chart.linewidth', 2);
        line.Set('chart.filled', true);
        line.Set('chart.hmargin', 5);
        line.Set('chart.labels', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']);
        line.Set('chart.gutter.left', 40);
        // Now call the .Draw() method to draw the chart.

The example file is here.



You can use these properties to control how the Line chart apears. You can set them by using the Set() method. Eg:

myLine.Set('name', 'value');


The color of the background bars (1 of 2).
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)

The color of the background bars (2 of 2).
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)

Whether to show the background grid or not.
Default: true

The color of the background grid.
Default: #eee

An array of information stipulating horizontal colored bars. You can use these to indicate limits. Eg: myLine.Set('hbars', [[75, 10, 'yellow'], [85, 15, 'red']]); This would give you two bars, one red and a lower yellow bar. The units correspond to your scale, and are the starting point and the height.
Default: null

The horizontal size of the grid.
Default: 25

The vertical size of the grid.
Default: 25

The width of the background grid.
Default: 1

Determines whether a border line is drawn around the grid.
Default: true

Determines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines.
Default: true

Determines whether to draw the vertical grid lines.
Default: true

Instead of specifying a pixel width/height for the background grid, you can use autofit and specify how many horizontal and vertical lines you want.
Default: true

When using autofit this allows you to specify how many horizontal grid lines you want.
Default: 5

When using autofit this allows you to specify how many vertical grid lines you want.
Default: 20

If you want to have your grid lines line up with the labels (both X and Y axes), you can set this to true and OfficeExcel will attempt to make the grid lines line up. If you have a chart.hmargin set then the alignment will be thrown out.
Default: false

If you want to specify a background image to use on your chart, specify it with this property.
Default: null

By default your background image is stretched (if necessary) to cover the whole chart area (gutters not included). If this is not what you want then set this property to false.
Default: true

The X position of the image. The coordinates are the top left corner of the image.
Default: null

The Y position of the image. The coordinates are the top left corner of the image.
Default: null

Instead of specifying the coordinates of the image, you can instead simply align it top, bottom, left or right. Examples are:
Default: null

When enabled this specifies that the line(s) will have a backdrop effect. You can control the transparency with the other backdrop settings).
Default: false

This controls the size/extent of the backdrop effect.
Default: 30

This controls how much transparency the backdrop effect has. It can go from 0 - 1.
Default: 0.2

Labels and text

Whether the values are shown in labels drawn above the line.
Default: false

The size of the labels which are drawn above the line.
Default: 8

An array of the X labels for the chart.
Default: [] (An empty array)

An array of labels for the chart which are drawn "inside" the chart. If you have 5 data points then this should have a corresponding number of elements, though there is a shorthand available.
Default: null

Can be true or false and determines whether the chart has Y axis labels.
Default: true

Reverses the Y axis so that 0 is at the top, instead of the bottom.
Default: false

A value (1, 3, 5 or 10) that controls how many Y labels there are.
Default: 5

This controls whether the Y labels are drawn inside the Y axis or not. If your labels are large, this may help.
Default: false

If the Y labels are to be drawn inside the Y axis, this is used as the background color.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)

You can use this option to give your own Y labels (eg ['Low', 'Medium', 'High'].
Default: null

This controls whether the X labels are drawn inside the X axis or not. By using this you can significantly reduce the size of the gutter needed.
Default: false

If the X labels are to be drawn inside the X axis, this is used as the background color.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)

The size of the text (in points).
Default: 10

The angle of the horizontal text labels (at the bottom of the chart). Previously this could be 0, 45 or 90, but now (31st July 2010) this can be any angle.
Default: 0 (Horizontal)

The font used to render the text.
Default: Verdana

The color of the labels.
Default: black


The left gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are)).
Default: 25

The right gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).
Default: 25
The top gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).
Default: 25

The bottom gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).
Default: 25

The size of the horizontal margin. This is on the inside of the axes.
Default: 0


An array of line colors.
Default: ['#f00', '#0f0', '', '#00f', '#f0f', '#ff0', '#0ff'] 9

Set this to true if you want your line color(s) to be alternated. See note
Default: false

A single color or an array of colors that filled line charts will use.

Important: This used to be a string, and still can be, but can now also be an array.
Default: null

Whether the area under the line is filled or not. This looks best when there is no horizontal margin.

Note: When showing multiple lines the values are additive by default. This means that if you have two lines they will be "stacked" on top of each other. If this is not the desired behaviour then you can set the option below to false.
Default: false

When showing multiple filled lines the values are by default accumulative (ie added to each other). If this is not the desired behaviour, then you can set this property to false to have them drawn "non-accumulatively".

Note: If you use fully opaque colors in conjunction with this option set to false it's feasible that you might not see one or more of the lines, or parts of the line. If you want to see all of the lines you should leave this option set to its default true setting. You can see an example of this setting here.

Default: true

This is useful for indicating a range. Exactly two datasets are required, with the space between them filled. This is useful for indicating a range.The line chart examples page demonstrates this in action.
Default: false


If true a shadow will be applied to the line.
Default: false

The color of the shadow. As well as a single color definition, this can also be an array of colors. This means that if you have multiple lines on your chart, each can have a different shadow color.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)

The X offset in pixels for the shadow.
Default: 3

The Y offset in pixels for the shadow.
Default: 3

The severity of the shadow blurring effect.
Default: 3

Interactive features

These are tooltips for the line(s). It should be an array of tooltips. If you have multiple lines, simply pass multiple arrays to the Set() method.
Default: [] (An empty array)

The animated effect used for showing tooltips. Can be either fade or expand.
Default: fade

This is the name of the CSS class the chart uses.
Default: OfficeExcel_tooltip

If you wish to handle showing tooltips yourself, this should be a function object which does just that. There's more information on the tooltips documentation page
Default: null

If you don't want/need the chart to be highlighted and thus avoid redrawing, (eg When combining charts), then set this to false.
Default: true

Set this to true if you want the tooltips to be triggered by the mouse X position only.
Default: false

If true, you will get a crosshair centering on the current mouse position.
Default: false

This controls the linewidth of the crosshairs.
Default: 1

The color of the crosshairs.
Default: #333

This determines whether the horizontal crosshair is shown.
Default: true

This determines whether the vertical crosshair is shown.
Default: true

An array of context menu items. Unlike the bar chart, you CAN have context menus at the same time as tooltips. More information on context menus is here.
Default: [] (An empty array)

Whether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively.
Default: false

If you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only color allowed for annotations.
Default: black

Defaulting to false, this determines whether your chart will be resizable. Because of the numerous event handlers this has to install code on, This feature is unlikely to work with other dynamic features (the context menu is fine however).
Default: false

With this you can specify the background color for the resize handle. If you're adjusting the position of the handle then you may need this to make the handle stand out more.
Default: null

Defaulting to false, this determines whether your chart will be adjustable (click a point and drag it).
Default: false


The title of the chart.
Default: none

The font that the title is rendered in. If not specified the chart.text.font setting is used (usually Verdana)
Default: null

The size of the title. If not specified the size is usually 2pt bigger than the chart.text.size setting.
Default: null

Whather the title is bold or not.
Default: true

The background color (if any) for the title.
Default: null

This allows you to completely override the vertical positioning of the title. It should be a number between 0 and 1, and is multiplied with the gutter and then used as the vertical position. It can be useful if you need to have a large gutter.
Default: null

The color of the title.
Default: black

This allows to specify a title for the X axis.
Default: none

This allows you to specify a size for the X axis title.
Default: null

This allows to specify a font for the X axis title.
Default: null

This controls whether the X axis title is bold or not.
Default: true

This allows to specify a title for the Y axis.
Default: none

This allows you to specify a size for the Y axis title.
Default: null

This allows to specify a font for the Y axis title.
Default: null

This controls whether the Y axis title is bold or not.
Default: true

This is multiplied with the gutter to give the position of the X axis title.
Default: 0.25

This is multiplied with the gutter to give the position of the Y axis title.
Default: 0.25

Instead of using the option above you can instead use this option, specifying left or right.
Default: left


An array of key information.
Default: [] (An empty array)

The color of the key background. Typically white, you could set this to something like rgba(255,255,255,0.7) to allow people to see things behind it.
Default: white

Instead of specifying the exact x/y coordinates, you can use this property to simply specify whether the key hould be aligned left or right. By default the key is positioned on the opposite side to the Y axis.
Default: null

Determines the position of the key.Either graph (default), or gutter.
Default: graph

This allows you to specify a specific X coordinate for the key.
Default: null

This allows you to specify a specific Y coordinate for the key.
Default: null

If you have the key in gutter mode (ie horizontal), this allows you to give a background color.
Default: true

Whether a small drop shadow is applied to the key.
Default: false

The color of the shadow.
Default: #666

The extent of the blurring effect used on the shadow.
Default: 3

The X offset of the shadow.
Default: 2

The Y offset of the shadow.
Default: 2

This controls whether the corners of the key (in graph mode) are curved. If the key is gutter mode, this has no effect.
Default: false

This can be square, circle or line and controls how the color indicators in the key appear.
Default: square

The line width of the surrounding border on the key.
Default: 1

The Line chart supports interactive keys - so you can click on a key element and OfficeExcel will highlight the appropriate line, whilst fading the rest of the chart.
Default: false


To allow thoroughly custom formats of numbers in the scale, you can use this option to specify a function that is used by OfficeExcel to format numbers. This function should handle ALL of the formatting. Eg:

function myFormatter(obj, num)
    return num + 'F'; // An example of formatting
myGraph.Set('chart.scale.formatter', myFormatter);

Default: null
The units (if any) that the Y axis is measured in (gets appended to the number)
Default: none

The units (if any) that the Y axis is measured in (gets preppended to the number)
Default: none

Determines the precision of the numbers used as the scale.
Default: 0

The character used as the decimal point.
Default: .

The character used as the thousand separator
Default: ,

Whether to round the maximum scale value up or not. This will produce slightly better scales in some instances.
Default: null

The optional minimum Y scale value. If not specified then it will be zero.
Default: null

The optional maximum Y scale value. If not specified then it will be calculated.
Default: null (It's calculated)

Normally, out-of-bounds values are not drawn. By setting this to true you can change this behaviour.
Default: false

Axis properties

The number of X tickmarks.
Default: null (linked to number of datapoints)

The size of the tick marks. This only affects certain styles of tickmarks.
Default: 3

Whether the ticks are above or below the axis.
Default: -1 (-1 is below, 1 is above)

The color of the axes.
Default: black

The position of the X axis. It can be either bottom or center.
Default: bottom

Specifies the Y axis position. Can be left or right.
Default: left

Whether the axes are drawn
Default: false (the axes ARE drawn)

A minor option, this sets the axes to be redrawn after the chart has been drawn. This is only useful in a certain set of circumstances - the chart is filled and the line width is small.
Default: false

When you're combining the Bar and Line charts, you may want to use this property to stop the end X tick from being drawn.
Default: false (the end tick IS drawn)


Can be used to control whether the zoom is in thumbnail or canvas mode. Possible values are: thumbnail and canvas.
Default: canvas

This is the factor that the chart will be zoomed by (bigger values means more zoom)
Default: 1.5
Whether the zoomed canvas fades in or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true

Whether the zoomed canvas fades out or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true

The horizontal direction of the zoom. Possible values are: left, center, right
Default: right

The vertical direction of the zoom. Possible values are: up, center, down
Default: down

The delay (in milliseconds) between frames.
Default: 50

The number of frames in the zoom animation.
Default: 10

Whether or not the zoomed canvas has a shadow or not.
Default: true

When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the width (in pixels) of the thumbnail.
Default: 75

When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the height (in pixels) of the thumbnail.
Default: 75

When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, you can use this property to fix the zoom in the top left corner instead of it following the cursor around.
Default: false

Defaulting to true, this determines whether the zoom has a dark, semi-opaque background that covers the entire web page.
Default: true

If you want to add your own onclick function you can do so by assigning it to this property. See here for details.
Default: null
If you want to add your own onmousemove function you can do so by assigning it to this property. See here for details.
Default: null


What kind of tickmarks to use on the chart. This can be:

Note that "arrow" and "filledarrow" look better with a thinner (1 or 2) linewidth setting. Also note that now (10th August 2010) as well as a string, this can be an array of different tickmark styles.
Default: null
This is the color of the BORDER around the dot/borderedcircle style tickmarks.
Default: #fff

This is the width of the line used when drawing the tickmarks. By default this is the same as the chart.linewidth setting.
Default: null

Draws the line as stepped. Useful for showing stock performance for example.
Default: false

The width of the line (ie the actual line on the chart). Note: If your line is stepped and filled, and you don't want a trailing line indicating the last value, you can set this to zero.
Default: 1

At present this can only be 3d, and gives a small 3D effect.
Default: null

This is used by the Unfold Line chart animation and dictates whether the X value is unfolded.
Default: false

This is used by the Unfold Line chart animation and dictates whether the Y value is unfolded.
Default: true

This property can be used to set the initial factor for the Unfold animation. Setting this to a value less than one will cause the line to expand outwards, whilst a value greater than one will cause the line to contract towards the correct values.
Default: 2

Since version 6, Chrome has had a shadow bug, which becomes apparent when you use shadow blurring. This value defaults to true and means that OfficeExcel will skirt the bug with a small fix.
Default: true

If you use tooltips, this controls the colour of the highlight stroke.
Default: black

If you use tooltips, this controls the colour of the highlight fill.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)

If you prefer - this draws a more cuvy chart. Because of the curves these charts are not exact, and the inaccuracy increases with a greater curve factor (controlled by the next property). Being new, this property may not work with all the line chart features and should be used with caution.
Default: false

This controls the severity of the curves when the above property is used. It can be a decimal from 0 (not curvy at all) to 0.5 (quite curvy).
Default: 0.25




This method makes it easier to get hold of which point on the Line chart has been hovered over. It returns an array of: An example usage is:
<canvas id="cvs" width="600" height="300">[No canvas support]</canvas>

<script src="OfficeExcel.common.core.js"></script>
<script src="OfficeExcel.line.js"></script>

    myGraph = new OfficeExcel.Line('cvs', [10,4,2,4,1]);
    myGraph.Set('chart.hmargin', 10);
    myGraph.Set('chart.tickmarks', 'endcircle');
    myGraph.Set('chart.labels', ['Fred','John','Kev','Lou','Pete']);

    myGraph.canvas.onmousemove = function (e)

        var canvas  =;
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        var obj     =;
        // This is the method which simplifies getting coordinates
        var point = obj.getPoint(e);
        if (point) {
   = 'pointer';
            // Is this the same tooltip as the one (if any) that's already being shown
            if (OfficeExcel.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip') && OfficeExcel.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__index__ == point[3]) {

            // Start afresh

            // Show the tooltip
            OfficeExcel.Tooltip(canvas, obj.Get('chart.labels')[point[3]], e.pageX, e.pageY, point[3]);

            // Highlight the point
            context.strokeStyle = 'gray';
            context.fillStyle = 'white';
            context.moveTo(point[1], point[2]);
            context.arc(point[1], point[2], 2, 0, 6.26, 0);
        = 'default';
    window.onclick = function ()

This method is an alternate name for the above method but has a generic name that is the same acoss the various libraries.


This method can be used to get the value at a particular point or at the mouse coordinates, based on the scale that is in use. Not simply the coordinates of the mouse. The argument can either be an event object (for use in event listener functions) OR a two element array consisting of the X and Y coordinates (ie when you're not necessarily in an event listener). It returns null if the mouse or coordinates are in the gutter areas. An example:

myChart.canvas.onclick = function (e)
    var obj   =;
    var value = obj.getValue(e);
    // ...


Combining the Line and Bar charts

You can combine the Bar and Line charts with a bit of magic. It's actually quite easy to do. Find out more here. In the same vein, you can have Y axes on both the left and right.


Alternative colors

Instead of a string stipulating the color, each element of the colors array can itself be a two element array, stipulating the up color, and the down color. To use alternating colors you must also stipulate the alternate property:

myLine.Set('chart.colors.alternate', true);
myLine.Set('chart.colors', ['red', ['blue', 'yellow'], 'green]);


Accumulative filled Line charts

The default behaviour of filled Line charts is to "stack" the lines on top of each other. This allows them all to be totally visible, no matter what (unless a line has a zero value of course). If this is not desired, then there is an option (chart.filled.accumulative - true/false) to change this behaviour so the lines are plotted "as-is". Keep in mind that if you set this option to false (ie the Lines are plotted as-is) it may be wiser to use semi-transparent colors or some parts of data sets (or even entire data sets) may be hidden by others. There's a comparison of the different modes here.


Custom tickmarks

If none of the available tickmark styles are suitable, you can instead specify a function object that draws the tickmark, enabling you to draw the tickmark yourself. For example:

    line.Set('chart.tickmarks', myTick);

    * The function that is called once per tickmark, to draw it
    * @param object obj   The chart object
    * @param array  data  The entire line data
    * @param number value The individual points value
    * @param number index The current index, in the data array
    * @param number x     The X coordinate
    * @param number y     The Y coordinate
    * @param string color The color of the line
    * @param number prevX The previous X coordinate
    * @param number prevY The previous Y coordinate
    function myTick (obj, data, value, index, x, y, color, prevX, prevY)
        // Draw your custom tick here


The coords2 array

An alternative method of indexing the chart coordinates is available in obj.coords2. With this array, all of the first lines coordinates are available in obj.coords2[0], the second lines coordinates in obj.coords2[1] and so on.

The __index2__ property on tooltips

When showing tooltips, one property of the tooltip is .__index2__. This is the index that pertains to the individual dataset. In a function called from the ontooltip event you can access it like this:

function myFunc (obj)
    var idx = OfficeExcel.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__index2__;
OfficeExcel.AddCustomEventListener(myObject, 'ontooltip', myFunc  );