/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var cElementType = { number: 0, string: 1, bool: 2, error: 3, empty: 4, cellsRange: 5, cell: 6, date: 7, func: 8, operator: 9, name: 10, array: 11 }; var cErrorType = { division_by_zero: 0, not_available: 1, wrong_name: 2, null_value: 3, not_numeric: 4, bad_reference: 5, wrong_value_type: 6, unsupported_function: 7, getting_data: 8 }; var cExcelSignificantDigits = 15; var cExcelMaxExponent = 308, cExcelMinExponent = -308; var cExcelDateTimeDigits = 8; var c_Date1904Const = 24107; var c_Date1900Const = 25568; var c_DateCorrectConst = c_Date1900Const; var c_sPerDay = 86400; var c_msPerDay = c_sPerDay * 1000; function extend(Child, Parent) { var F = function () {}; F.prototype = Parent.prototype; Child.prototype = new F(); Child.prototype.constructor = Child; Child.superclass = Parent.prototype; } Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function () { var y = this.getFullYear(); return y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0; }; Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function () { return this.isLeapYear() ? this.getDaysInMonth.L[this.getMonth()] : this.getDaysInMonth.R[this.getMonth()]; }; Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth.R = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth.L = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; Date.prototype.getExcelDate = function () { return Math.floor((this.getTime() / 1000 - this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60) / c_sPerDay + (c_DateCorrectConst + (g_bDate1904 ? 0 : 1))); }; Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel = function (val) { if (!g_bDate1904) { if (val < 60) { return new Date((val - c_DateCorrectConst) * c_msPerDay); } else { if (val == 60) { return new Date((val - c_DateCorrectConst - 1) * c_msPerDay); } else { return new Date((val - c_DateCorrectConst - 1) * c_msPerDay); } } } else { return new Date((val - c_DateCorrectConst) * c_msPerDay); } }; Date.prototype.addYears = function (counts) { this.setYear(this.getFullYear() + counts); }; Date.prototype.addMonths = function (counts) { this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + counts); }; Date.prototype.addDays = function (counts) { this.setDate(this.getDate() + counts); }; Math.sinh = function (arg) { return (this.pow(this.E, arg) - this.pow(this.E, -arg)) / 2; }; Math.cosh = function (arg) { return (this.pow(this.E, arg) + this.pow(this.E, -arg)) / 2; }; Math.tanh = function (arg) { return this.sinh(arg) / this.cosh(arg); }; Math.asinh = function (arg) { return this.log(arg + this.sqrt(arg * arg + 1)); }; Math.acosh = function (arg) { return this.log(arg + this.sqrt(arg + 1) * this.sqrt(arg - 1)); }; Math.atanh = function (arg) { return 0.5 * this.log((1 + arg) / (1 - arg)); }; Math.fact = function (n) { var res = 1; n = Math.floor(n); if (n < 0) { return Number.NaN; } else { if (n > 170) { return Number.Infinity; } } while (n != 0) { res *= n--; } return res; }; Math.ln = function (x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.log(Math.E); }; Math.binomCoeff = function (n, k) { return this.fact(n) / (this.fact(k) * this.fact(n - k)); }; Math.permut = function (n, k) { return Math.floor(this.fact(n) / this.fact(n - k) + 0.5); }; var _func = []; _func[cElementType.number] = []; _func[cElementType.string] = []; _func[cElementType.bool] = []; _func[cElementType.error] = []; _func[cElementType.cellsRange] = []; _func[cElementType.empty] = []; _func[cElementType.array] = []; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.number] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() > arg1.getValue()); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() >= arg1.getValue()); case "<": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() < arg1.getValue()); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() <= arg1.getValue()); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() == arg1.getValue()); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() != arg1.getValue()); case "-": return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() - arg1.getValue()); case "+": return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() + arg1.getValue()); case "/": if (arg1.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() / arg1.getValue()); } else { return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); } case "*": return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() * arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.string] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(false); case "<": case "<=": return new cBool(true); case "=": return new cBool(false); case "<>": return new cBool(true); case "-": case "+": case "/": case "*": return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.bool] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(false); case "<": case "<=": return new cBool(true); case "=": return new cBool(false); case "<>": return new cBool(true); case "-": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() - _arg.getValue()); case "+": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() + _arg.getValue()); case "/": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } if (_arg.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() / _arg.getValue()); } else { return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); } case "*": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() * _arg.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.error] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { return arg1; }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() > 0); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() >= 0); case "<": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() < 0); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() <= 0); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() == 0); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() != 0); case "-": return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() - 0); case "+": return new cNumber(arg0.getValue() + 0); case "/": return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); case "*": return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.number] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(true); case "<": case "<=": case "=": return new cBool(false); case "<>": return new cBool(true); case "-": case "+": case "/": case "*": return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.string] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() > arg1.getValue()); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() >= arg1.getValue()); case "<": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() < arg1.getValue()); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() <= arg1.getValue()); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() === arg1.getValue()); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.getValue() !== arg1.getValue()); case "-": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() - _arg1.getValue()); case "+": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() + _arg1.getValue()); case "/": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } if (_arg1.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() / _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); case "*": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() * _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.bool] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(false); case "<": case "<=": return new cBool(true); case "=": return new cBool(false); case "<>": return new cBool(false); case "-": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() - _arg1.getValue()); case "+": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() + _arg1.getValue()); case "/": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } if (_arg1.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() / _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); case "*": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg0 instanceof cError) { return _arg0; } if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() * _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.error] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { return arg1; }; _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.getValue().length != 0); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue().length >= 0); case "<": return new cBool(false); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue().length <= 0); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.getValue().length === 0); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.getValue().length != 0); case "-": case "+": case "/": case "*": return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.number] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(true); case "<": case "<=": return new cBool(false); case "=": return new cBool(true); case "<>": return new cBool(false); case "-": var _arg = arg0.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(_arg.getValue() - arg1.getValue()); case "+": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(_arg.getValue() + arg1.getValue()); case "/": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } if (arg1.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(_arg.getValue() / arg1.getValue()); } else { return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); } case "*": var _arg = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg instanceof cError) { return _arg; } return new cNumber(_arg.getValue() * arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.string] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case ">=": return new cBool(true); case "<": case "<=": return new cBool(false); case "=": return new cBool(true); case "<>": return new cBool(true); case "-": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() - _arg1.getValue()); case "+": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() + _arg1.getValue()); case "/": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } if (_arg1.getValue() != 0) { return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() / _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); case "*": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (_arg1 instanceof cError) { return _arg1; } return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() * _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.bool] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.value > arg1.value); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.value >= arg1.value); case "<": return new cBool(arg0.value < arg1.value); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.value <= arg1.value); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.value === arg1.value); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.value !== arg1.value); case "-": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() - _arg1.getValue()); case "+": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() + _arg1.getValue()); case "/": if (!arg1.value) { return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); } var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() / _arg1.getValue()); case "*": var _arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(), _arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); return new cNumber(_arg0.getValue() * _arg1.getValue()); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.error] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { return arg1; }; _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(arg0.value > false); case ">=": return new cBool(arg0.value >= false); case "<": return new cBool(arg0.value < false); case "<=": return new cBool(arg0.value <= false); case "=": return new cBool(arg0.value === false); case "<>": return new cBool(arg0.value !== false); case "-": return new cNumber(arg0.value ? 1 : 0 - 0); case "+": return new cNumber(arg0.value ? 1 : 0 + 0); case "/": return new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); case "*": return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.number] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.string] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.bool] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.error] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { return arg0; }; _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.number] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(0 > arg1.getValue()); case ">=": return new cBool(0 >= arg1.getValue()); case "<": return new cBool(0 < arg1.getValue()); case "<=": return new cBool(0 <= arg1.getValue()); case "=": return new cBool(0 == arg1.getValue()); case "<>": return new cBool(0 != arg1.getValue()); case "-": return new cNumber(0 - arg1.getValue()); case "+": return new cNumber(0 + arg1.getValue()); case "/": if (arg1.getValue() == 0) { return new cError(cErrorType.not_numeric); } return new cNumber(0); case "*": return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.string] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(0 > arg1.getValue().length); case ">=": return new cBool(0 >= arg1.getValue().length); case "<": return new cBool(0 < arg1.getValue().length); case "<=": return new cBool(0 <= arg1.getValue().length); case "=": return new cBool(0 === arg1.getValue().length); case "<>": return new cBool(0 != arg1.getValue().length); case "-": case "+": case "/": case "*": return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.bool] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": return new cBool(false > arg1.value); case ">=": return new cBool(false >= arg1.value); case "<": return new cBool(false < arg1.value); case "<=": return new cBool(false <= arg1.value); case "=": return new cBool(arg1.value === false); case "<>": return new cBool(arg1.value !== false); case "-": return new cNumber(0 - arg1.value ? 1 : 0); case "+": return new cNumber(arg1.value ? 1 : 0); case "/": if (arg1.value) { return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.not_numeric); case "*": return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.error] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { return arg1; }; _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what) { switch (what) { case ">": case "<": case "<>": return new cBool(false); case ">=": case "<=": case "=": return new cBool(true); case "-": case "+": return new cNumber(0); case "/": return new cError(cErrorType.not_numeric); case "*": return new cNumber(0); } return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); }; _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.number] = _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.string] = _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.bool] = _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.error] = _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.array] = _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { var cross = arg0.cross(cellAddress); return _func[cross.type][arg1.type](cross, arg1, what); }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.cellsRange] = _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.cellsRange] = _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.cellsRange] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.cellsRange] = _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.cellsRange] = _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.cellsRange] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { var cross = arg1.cross(cellAddress); return _func[arg0.type][cross.type](arg0, cross, what); }; _func[cElementType.cellsRange][cElementType.cellsRange] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { var cross1 = arg0.cross(cellAddress), cross2 = arg1.cross(cellAddress); return _func[cross1.type][cross2.type](cross1, cross2, what); }; _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.array] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { if (arg0.getRowCount() != arg1.getRowCount() || arg0.getCountElementInRow() != arg1.getCountElementInRow()) { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } var retArr = new cArray(), _arg0, _arg1; for (var iRow = 0; iRow < arg0.getRowCount(); iRow++, iRow < arg0.getRowCount() ? retArr.addRow() : true) { for (var iCol = 0; iCol < arg0.getCountElementInRow(); iCol++) { _arg0 = arg0.getElementRowCol(iRow, iCol); _arg1 = arg1.getElementRowCol(iRow, iCol); retArr.addElement(_func[_arg0.type][_arg1.type](_arg0, _arg1, what)); } } return retArr; }; _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.number] = _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.string] = _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.bool] = _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.error] = _func[cElementType.array][cElementType.empty] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { var res = new cArray(); arg0.foreach(function (elem, r, c) { if (!res.array[r]) { res.addRow(); } res.addElement(_func[elem.type][arg1.type](elem, arg1, what)); }); return res; }; _func[cElementType.number][cElementType.array] = _func[cElementType.string][cElementType.array] = _func[cElementType.bool][cElementType.array] = _func[cElementType.error][cElementType.array] = _func[cElementType.empty][cElementType.array] = function (arg0, arg1, what, cellAddress) { var res = new cArray(); arg1.foreach(function (elem, r, c) { if (!res.array[r]) { res.addRow(); } res.addElement(_func[arg0.type][elem.type](arg0, elem, what)); }); return res; }; _func.binarySearch = function (sElem, arrTagert, regExp) { var first = 0, last = arrTagert.length - 1, mid, x; var arrTagertOneType = [], isString = false; for (var i = 0; i < arrTagert.length; i++) { if ((arrTagert[i] instanceof cString || sElem instanceof cString) && !isString) { i = 0; isString = true; sElem = new cString(sElem.value.toLowerCase()); } if (isString) { arrTagertOneType[i] = new cString(arrTagert[i].getValue().toLowerCase()); } else { arrTagertOneType[i] = arrTagert[i].tocNumber(); } } if (arrTagert.length == 0) { return -1; } else { if (arrTagert[0].value > sElem.value) { return -2; } else { if (arrTagert[arrTagert.length - 1].value < sElem.value) { return arrTagert.length - 1; } } } while (first < last) { mid = Math.floor(first + (last - first) / 2); if (sElem.value <= arrTagert[mid].value || (regExp && regExp.test(arrTagert[mid].value))) { last = mid; } else { first = mid + 1; } } if (arrTagert[last].value == sElem.value) { return last; } else { return last - 1; } }; function checkTypeCell(val) { if (val == "") { return new cEmpty(); } else { if (parseNum(val)) { return new cNumber(val - 0); } else { if (parserHelp.isString(val, 0)) { return new cString(parserHelp.operand_str); } else { if (parserHelp.isBoolean(val, 0)) { return new cBool(parserHelp.operand_str); } else { if (parserHelp.isError(val, 0)) { return new cError(parserHelp.operand_str); } else { return new cString(val); } } } } } } function cBaseOperator(name, priority, argumentCount) { this.name = name ? name : ""; this.priority = priority !== undefined ? priority : 10; this.type = cElementType.operator; this.isRightAssociative = false; this.argumentsCurrent = argumentCount !== undefined ? argumentCount : 2; this.value = null; this.formatType = { def: -1, noneFormat: -2 }; this.numFormat = this.formatType.def; } cBaseOperator.prototype = { constructor: cBaseOperator, getArguments: function () { return this.argumentsCurrent; }, toString: function () { return this.name; }, Calculate: function () { return null; }, Assemble: function (arg) { var str = ""; if (this.argumentsCurrent == 2) { str = arg[0] + "" + this.name + "" + arg[1]; } else { str = this.name + "" + arg[0]; } return new cString(str); } }; function cBaseFunction(name) { this.name = name; this.type = cElementType.func; this.value = null; this.argumentsMin = 0; this.argumentsCurrent = 0; this.argumentsMax = 255; this.formatType = { def: -1, noneFormat: -2 }; this.numFormat = this.formatType.def; } cBaseFunction.prototype = { constructor: cBaseFunction, Calculate: function () { return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.wrong_name); }, setArgumentsMin: function (count) { this.argumentsMin = count; }, setArgumentsMax: function (count) { this.argumentsMax = count; }, DecrementArguments: function () { --this.argumentsCurrent; }, IncrementArguments: function () { ++this.argumentsCurrent; }, setName: function (name) { this.name = name; }, setArgumentsCount: function (count) { this.argumentsCurrent = count; }, getArguments: function () { return this.argumentsCurrent; }, getMaxArguments: function () { return this.argumentsMax; }, getMinArguments: function () { return this.argumentsMin; }, Assemble: function (arg) { var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { str += arg[i].toString(); if (i != arg.length - 1) { str += ","; } } return new cString(this.name + "(" + str + ")"); }, toString: function () { return this.name; }, setCA: function (arg, ca, numFormat) { this.value = arg; if (ca) { this.value.ca = true; } if (numFormat !== null && numFormat !== undefined) { this.value.numFormat = numFormat; } return this.value; }, setFormat: function (f) { this.numFormat = f; } }; function cBaseType(val) { this.needRecalc = false; this.numFormat = null; this.type = null; this.value = val; this.ca = false; this.node = undefined; } cBaseType.prototype = { constructor: cBaseType, tryConvert: function () { return this; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; }, toString: function () { return this.value.toString(); }, setNode: function (node) { this.node = node; } }; var cFormulaOperators = { "(": function () { var r = {}; r.name = "("; r.type = cElementType.operator; r.argumentsCurrent = 1; r.DecrementArguments = function () { --this.argumentsCurrent; }; r.IncrementArguments = function () { ++this.argumentsCurrent; }; r.toString = function () { return this.name; }; r.getArguments = function () { return this.argumentsCurrent; }; r.Assemble = function (arg) { return new cString("(" + arg + ")"); }; return r; }, ")": function () { var r = {}; r.name = ")"; r.type = cElementType.operator; r.toString = function () { return ")"; }; return r; }, "{": function () { var r = {}; r.name = "{"; r.toString = function () { return this.name; }; return r; }, "}": function () { var r = {}; r.name = "}"; r.toString = function () { return this.name; }; return r; }, "un_minus": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("un_minus", 50, 1); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0]; if (arg0 instanceof cArea) { arg0 = arg0.cross(arguments[1].first); } else { if (arg0 instanceof cArray) { arg0.foreach(function (arrElem, r, c) { arrElem = arrElem.tocNumber(); arg0.array[r][c] = arrElem instanceof cError ? arrElem : new cNumber(-arrElem.getValue()); }); return this.value = arg0; } } arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(); return this.value = arg0 instanceof cError ? arg0 : new cNumber(-arg0.getValue()); }, r.toString = function () { return "-"; }; r.Assemble = function (arg) { return new cString("-" + arg[0]); }; r.isRightAssociative = true; return r; }, "un_plus": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("un_plus", 50, 1); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0]; if (arg0 instanceof cArea) { arg0 = arg0.cross(arguments[1].first); } arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(); return this.value = arg0; }; r.toString = function () { return "+"; }; r.isRightAssociative = true; r.Assemble = function (arg) { return new cString("+" + arg[0]); }; return r; }, "%": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("%", 45, 1); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0]; if (arg0 instanceof cArea) { arg0 = arg0.cross(arguments[1].first); } else { if (arg0 instanceof cArray) { arg0.foreach(function (arrElem, r, c) { arrElem = arrElem.tocNumber(); arg0.array[r][c] = arrElem instanceof cError ? arrElem : new cNumber(arrElem.getValue() / 100); }); return this.value = arg0; } } arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(); this.value = arg0 instanceof cError ? arg0 : new cNumber(arg0.getValue() / 100); this.value.numFormat = 9; return this.value; }; r.isRightAssociative = true; r.Assemble = function (arg) { return new cString(arg[0] + this.name); }; return r; }, "^": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("^", 40); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1]; if (arg0 instanceof cArea) { arg0 = arg0.cross(arguments[1].first); } arg0 = arg0.tocNumber(); if (arg1 instanceof cArea) { arg1 = arg1.cross(arguments[1].first); } arg1 = arg1.tocNumber(); if (arg0 instanceof cError) { return this.value = arg0; } if (arg1 instanceof cError) { return this.value = arg1; } var _v = Math.pow(arg0.getValue(), arg1.getValue()); if (isNaN(_v)) { return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.not_numeric); } else { if (_v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.division_by_zero); } } return this.value = new cNumber(_v); }; return r; }, "*": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("*", 30); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "*", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "/": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("/", 30); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "/", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "+": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("+", 20); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "+", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "-": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("-", 20); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "-", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "&": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("&", 15); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0], arg1 = arg[1]; if (arg0 instanceof cArea) { arg0 = arg0.cross(arguments[1].first); } arg0 = arg0.tocString(); if (arg1 instanceof cArea) { arg1 = arg1.cross(arguments[1].first); } arg1 = arg1.tocString(); return this.value = arg0 instanceof cError ? arg0 : arg1 instanceof cError ? arg1 : new cString(arg0.toString().concat(arg1.toString())); }; return r; }, "=": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("=", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "=", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "<>": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("<>", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "<>", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "<": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("<", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "<", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, "<=": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator("<=", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, "<=", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, ">": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator(">", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, ">", arguments[1].first); }; return r; }, ">=": function () { var r = new cBaseOperator(">=", 10); r.Calculate = function (arg) { var arg0 = arg[0].tryConvert(), arg1 = arg[1].tryConvert(); return this.value = _func[arg0.type][arg1.type](arg0, arg1, ">=", arguments[1].first); }; return r; } }; var cFormulaFunction = {}; function getFormulasInfo() { var list = [], a, b; for (var type in cFormulaFunction) { b = new Asc.asc_CFormulaGroup(cFormulaFunction[type]["groupName"]); for (var f in cFormulaFunction[type]) { if (f != "groupName") { a = cFormulaFunction[type][f](); if (a.getInfo) { b.asc_addFormulaElement(new Asc.asc_CFormula(a.getInfo())); } delete a; } } list.push(b); } return list; } function cNumber(val) { cNumber.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.type = cElementType.number; this.value = parseFloat(val); if (!isNaN(this.value) && Math.abs(this.value) != Infinity) { return this; } else { return new cError(cErrorType.not_numeric); } } extend(cNumber, cBaseType); cNumber.prototype.getValue = function () { return this.value; }; cNumber.prototype.tocString = function () { return new cString("" + this.value); }; cNumber.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return this; }; cNumber.prototype.tocBool = function () { return new cBool(this.value != 0); }; function cString(val) { cString.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.type = cElementType.string; } extend(cString, cBaseType); cString.prototype.tocNumber = function () { if (this.value == "") { return new cEmpty(); } var m = this.value; if (this.value[0] == '"' && this.value[this.value.length - 1] == '"') { m = this.value.substring(1, this.value.length - 1); } if (!parseNum(m)) { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } else { var _numberValue = parseFloat(m); if (!isNaN(_numberValue)) { return new cNumber(_numberValue); } } }; cString.prototype.tocBool = function () { if (parserHelp.isBoolean(this.value, 0)) { if (parserHelp.operand_str == "TRUE") { return new cBool(true); } else { return new cBool(false); } } else { return this; } }; cString.prototype.tocString = function () { return this; }; cString.prototype.tryConvert = function () { var res = checkTypeCell("" + this.value); if (res instanceof cEmpty) { return this; } else { return res; } }; function cBool(val) { cBool.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.type = cElementType.bool; var that = this; switch (val.toString().toUpperCase()) { case "TRUE": this.value = true; break; case "FALSE": this.value = false; break; } } extend(cBool, cBaseType); cBool.prototype.toString = function () { return this.value.toString().toUpperCase(); }; cBool.prototype.getValue = function () { return this.toString(); }; cBool.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return new cNumber(this.value ? 1 : 0); }; cBool.prototype.tocString = function () { return new cString(this.value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); }; cBool.prototype.tocBool = function () { return this; }; cBool.prototype.toBool = function () { return this.value; }; function cError(val) { cError.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.type = cElementType.error; this.errorType = -1; if (isNaN(parseInt(val))) { switch (val) { case "#VALUE!": this.errorType = cErrorType.wrong_value_type; break; case "#NULL!": this.errorType = cErrorType.null_value; break; case "#DIV/0!": this.errorType = cErrorType.division_by_zero; break; case "#REF!": this.errorType = cErrorType.bad_reference; break; case "#NAME?": this.errorType = cErrorType.wrong_name; break; case "#NUM!": this.errorType = cErrorType.not_numeric; break; case "#N/A": this.errorType = cErrorType.not_available; break; case "#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!": this.errorType = cErrorType.unsupported_function; break; case "#GETTING_DATA": this.errorType = cErrorType.getting_data; break; } return this; } switch (val) { case cErrorType.null_value: this.value = "#NULL!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.null_value; break; case cErrorType.division_by_zero: this.value = "#DIV/0!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.division_by_zero; break; case cErrorType.wrong_value_type: this.value = "#VALUE!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.wrong_value_type; break; case cErrorType.bad_reference: this.value = "#REF!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.bad_reference; break; case cErrorType.wrong_name: this.value = "#NAME?"; this.errorType = cErrorType.wrong_name; break; case cErrorType.not_numeric: this.value = "#NUM!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.not_numeric; break; case cErrorType.not_available: this.value = "#N/A"; this.errorType = cErrorType.not_available; break; case cErrorType.unsupported_function: this.value = "#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!"; this.errorType = cErrorType.unsupported_function; break; case cErrorType.getting_data: this.value = "#GETTING_DATA"; this.errorType = cErrorType.getting_data; break; } } extend(cError, cBaseType); cError.prototype.tocNumber = cError.prototype.tocString = cError.prototype.tocBool = cError.prototype.tocEmpty = function () { return this; }; function cArea(val, _ws) { cArea.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.ws = _ws; this.wb = _ws.workbook; this._cells = val; this.isAbsolute = false; this.type = cElementType.cellsRange; } extend(cArea, cBaseType); cArea.prototype.getWsId = function () { return this.ws.Id; }; cArea.prototype.getValue = function () { var _val = [], r = this.getRange(); if (!r) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); } else { r._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? _val.push(new cEmpty()) : _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Bool: _val.push(new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Error: _val.push(new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.String: _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } else { _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } } }); } return _val; }; cArea.prototype.getValue2 = function (cell) { var _val = [], r = this.getRange(); if (!r) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); } else { r._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { if (cell.getID() == _cell.getName()) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? _val.push(new cEmpty()) : _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Bool: _val.push(new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Error: _val.push(new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.String: _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } else { _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } } } }); } if (_val[0] == undefined || _val[0] == null) { return new cEmpty(); } else { return _val[0]; } }; cArea.prototype.getRange = function () { return this.ws.getRange2(this._cells); }; cArea.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocNumber(); }; cArea.prototype.tocString = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocString(); }; cArea.prototype.tocBool = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocBool(); }; cArea.prototype.toString = function () { return this._cells; }; cArea.prototype.setRange = function (cell) { this._cells = this.value = cell; this.range = this.ws.getRange2(cell); this._valid = this.range ? true : false; }; cArea.prototype.getWS = function () { return this.ws; }; cArea.prototype.getBBox = function () { return this.getRange().getBBox(); }; cArea.prototype.cross = function (arg) { var r = this.getRange(); if (!r) { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_name); } var cross = r.cross(arg); if (cross) { if (cross.r != undefined) { return this.getValue2(new CellAddress(cross.r, this.getBBox().c1)); } else { if (cross.c != undefined) { return this.getValue2(new CellAddress(this.getBBox().r1, cross.c)); } else { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } } } else { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } }; cArea.prototype.isValid = function () { var r = this.getRange(); if (!r) { return false; } return true; }; cArea.prototype.countCells = function () { var r = this.getRange(), bbox = r.bbox, count = (Math.abs(bbox.c1 - bbox.c2) + 1) * (Math.abs(bbox.r1 - bbox.r2) + 1); r._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { count--; }); return new cNumber(count); }; cArea.prototype.foreach = function (action) { var r = this.getRange(); if (r) { r._foreach2(action); } }; cArea.prototype.foreach2 = function (action) { var r = this.getRange(); if (r) { r._foreach2(function (_cell) { var val; if (_cell) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? val = new cEmpty() : val = new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Bool: val = new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Error: val = new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.String: val = new cString(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { val = new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } else { val = checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } } } else { val = new cEmpty(); } action(val); }); } }; cArea.prototype.getMatrix = function () { var arr = [], r = this.getRange(); r._foreach2(function (cell, i, j, r1, c1) { if (!arr[i - r1]) { arr[i - r1] = []; } if (cell) { switch (cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: arr[i - r1][j - c1] = cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? new cEmpty() : new cNumber(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Bool: arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cBool(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Error: arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cError(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.String: arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cString(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; default: if (cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cNumber(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } else { arr[i - r1][j - c1] = checkTypeCell("" + cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } } } else { arr[i - r1][j - c1] = new cEmpty(); } }); return arr; }; function cRef(val, _ws) { cRef.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this._cells = val; this.ws = _ws; this.wb = _ws.workbook; this.isAbsolute = false; this.type = cElementType.cell; this.range = _ws.getRange2(val); this._valid = new CellAddress(val.replace(/\$/g, "")).isValid(); } extend(cRef, cBaseType); cRef.prototype.getWsId = function () { return this.ws.Id; }; cRef.prototype.getValue = function () { if (!this._valid) { return new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference); } switch (this.range.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: var v = this.range.getValueWithoutFormat(); if (v == "") { return new cEmpty(); } else { return new cNumber("" + v); } case CellValueType.Bool: return new cBool("" + this.range.getValueWithoutFormat()); case CellValueType.Error: return new cError("" + this.range.getValueWithoutFormat()); default: return checkTypeCell("" + this.range.getValueWithoutFormat()); } }; cRef.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return this.getValue().tocNumber(); }; cRef.prototype.tocString = function () { return this.getValue().tocString(); }; cRef.prototype.tocBool = function () { return this.getValue().tocBool(); }; cRef.prototype.tryConvert = function () { return this.getValue(); }; cRef.prototype.toString = function () { return this._cells; }; cRef.prototype.getRange = function () { return this.range; }; cRef.prototype.getWS = function () { return this.ws; }; cRef.prototype.isValid = function () { return this._valid; }; function cArea3D(val, _wsFrom, _wsTo, wb) { cArea3D.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this._wb = wb; this._cells = val; this.isAbsolute = false; this.type = cElementType.cellsRange; this.wsFrom = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsFrom).getId(); this.wsTo = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsTo).getId(); } extend(cArea3D, cBaseType); cArea3D.prototype.wsRange = function () { var r = []; if (!this.wsTo) { this.wsTo = this.wsFrom; } var wsF = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsFrom).getIndex(), wsL = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsTo).getIndex(), r = []; for (var i = wsF; i <= wsL; i++) { r.push(this._wb.getWorksheet(i)); } return r; }; cArea3D.prototype.range = function (wsRange) { if (!wsRange) { return [null]; } var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < wsRange.length; i++) { if (!wsRange[i]) { r.push(null); } else { r.push(wsRange[i].getRange2(this._cells)); } } return r; }; cArea3D.prototype.getRange = function () { return this.range(this.wsRange()); }; cArea3D.prototype.getValue = function () { var _wsA = this.wsRange(); var _val = []; if (_wsA.length < 1) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } for (var i = 0; i < _wsA.length; i++) { if (!_wsA[i]) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } } var _r = this.range(_wsA); for (var i = 0; i < _r.length; i++) { if (!_r[i]) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } _r[i]._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? _val.push(new cEmpty()) : _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Bool: _val.push(new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Error: _val.push(new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.String: _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } else { _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } } }); } return _val; }; cArea3D.prototype.getValue2 = function (cell) { var _wsA = this.wsRange(); var _val = []; if (_wsA.length < 1) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } for (var i = 0; i < _wsA.length; i++) { if (!_wsA[i]) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } } var _r = this.range(_wsA); if (!_r[0]) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } _r[0]._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { if (cell.getID() == _cell.getName()) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? _val.push(new cEmpty()) : _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Bool: _val.push(new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.Error: _val.push(new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; case CellValueType.String: _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { _val.push(new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } else { _val.push(checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat())); } } } }); if (_val[0] == undefined || _val[0] == null) { return new cEmpty(); } else { return _val[0]; } }; cArea3D.prototype.changeSheet = function (lastName, newName) { if (this.wsFrom == this._wb.getWorksheetByName(lastName).getId() && this.wsTo == this._wb.getWorksheetByName(lastName).getId()) { this.wsFrom = this.wsTo = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(newName).getId(); } else { if (this.wsFrom == this._wb.getWorksheetByName(lastName).getId()) { this.wsFrom = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(newName).getId(); } else { if (this.wsTo == this._wb.getWorksheetByName(lastName).getId()) { this.wsTo = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(newName).getId(); } } } }; cArea3D.prototype.moveSheet = function (tempW) { if (this.wsFrom == this.wsTo) { return; } else { if (this.wsFrom == tempW.wFId) { var newWsFromIndex = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsFrom).getIndex(), wsToIndex = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsTo).getIndex(); if (newWsFromIndex > wsToIndex) { this.wsFrom = this._wb.getWorksheet(tempW.wFI).getId(); } } else { if (this.wsTo == tempW.wFId) { var newWsToIndex = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsTo).getIndex(), wsFromIndex = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsFrom).getIndex(); if (newWsToIndex < wsFromIndex) { this.wsTo = this._wb.getWorksheet(tempW.wFI).getId(); } } } } }; cArea3D.prototype.toString = function () { var wsFrom = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsFrom).getName(); var wsTo = this._wb.getWorksheetById(this.wsTo).getName(); if (!rx_test_ws_name.test(wsFrom) || !rx_test_ws_name.test(wsTo)) { wsFrom = wsFrom.replace(/'/g, "''"); wsTo = wsTo.replace(/'/g, "''"); return "'" + (wsFrom != wsTo ? wsFrom + ":" + wsTo: wsFrom) + "'!" + this._cells; } return (wsFrom != wsTo ? wsFrom + ":" + wsTo: wsFrom) + "!" + this._cells; }; cArea3D.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocNumber(); }; cArea3D.prototype.tocString = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocString(); }; cArea3D.prototype.tocBool = function () { return this.getValue()[0].tocBool(); }; cArea3D.prototype.getWS = function () { return this.wsRange()[0]; }; cArea3D.prototype.cross = function (arg) { if (this.wsFrom != this.wsTo) { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } var r = this.getRange(); if (!r) { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_name); } var cross = r[0].cross(arg); if (cross) { if (cross.r != undefined) { return this.getValue2(new CellAddress(cross.r, this.getBBox().c1)); } else { if (cross.c != undefined) { return this.getValue2(new CellAddress(this.getBBox().r1, cross.c)); } else { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } } } else { return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type); } }; cArea3D.prototype.getBBox = function () { return this.getRange()[0].getBBox(); }; cArea3D.prototype.isValid = function () { var r = this.getRange(); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { if (!r[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; cArea3D.prototype.countCells = function () { var _wsA = this.wsRange(); var _val = []; if (_wsA.length < 1) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } for (var i = 0; i < _wsA.length; i++) { if (!_wsA[i]) { _val.push(new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference)); return _val; } } var _r = this.range(_wsA), bbox = _r[0].bbox, count = (Math.abs(bbox.c1 - bbox.c2) + 1) * (Math.abs(bbox.r1 - bbox.r2) + 1); count = _r.length * count; for (var i = 0; i < _r.length; i++) { _r[i]._foreachNoEmpty(function (_cell) { if (_cell.getType() == CellValueType.Number && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "") { return null; } count--; }); } return new cNumber(count); }; cArea3D.prototype.getMatrix = function () { var arr = [], r = this.getRange(); for (var k = 0; k < r.length; k++) { arr[k] = []; r[k]._foreach2(function (cell, i, j, r1, c1) { if (!arr[k][i - r1]) { arr[k][i - r1] = []; } if (cell) { switch (cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? new cEmpty() : new cNumber(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Bool: arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = new cBool(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Error: arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = new cError(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.String: arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = new cString(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; default: if (cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = new cNumber(cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } else { arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = checkTypeCell("" + cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } } } else { arr[k][i - r1][j - c1] = new cEmpty(); } }); } return arr; }; cArea3D.prototype.foreach2 = function (action) { var _wsA = this.wsRange(); if (_wsA.length >= 1) { var _r = this.range(_wsA); for (var i = 0; i < _r.length; i++) { if (_r[i]) { _r[i]._foreach2(function (_cell) { var val; if (_cell) { switch (_cell.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() == "" ? val = new cEmpty() : val = new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Bool: val = new cBool(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.Error: val = new cError(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; case CellValueType.String: val = new cString(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); break; default: if (_cell.getValueWithoutFormat() && _cell.getValueWithoutFormat() != "") { val = new cNumber(_cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } else { val = checkTypeCell("" + _cell.getValueWithoutFormat()); } } } else { val = new cEmpty(); } action(val); }); } } } }; function cRef3D(val, _wsFrom, wb) { cRef3D.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this._wb = wb; this._cells = val; this.isAbsolute = false; this.type = cElementType.cell; this.ws = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsFrom); } extend(cRef3D, cBaseType); cRef3D.prototype.getWsId = function () { return this.ws.Id; }; cRef3D.prototype.getRange = function () { if (this.ws) { return this.ws.getRange2(this._cells); } else { return null; } }; cRef3D.prototype.isValid = function () { if (this.getRange()) { return true; } else { return false; } }; cRef3D.prototype.getValue = function () { var _r = this.getRange(); if (!_r) { return new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference); } switch (_r.getType()) { case CellValueType.Number: var v = _r.getValueWithoutFormat(); if (v == "") { return new cEmpty("" + v); } else { return new cNumber("" + v); } case CellValueType.String: return new cString("" + _r.getValueWithoutFormat()); case CellValueType.Bool: return new cBool("" + _r.getValueWithoutFormat()); case CellValueType.Error: return new cError("" + _r.getValueWithoutFormat()); default: return checkTypeCell("" + _r.getValueWithoutFormat()); } }; cRef3D.prototype.tocBool = function () { return this.getValue().tocBool(); }; cRef3D.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return this.getValue().tocNumber(); }; cRef3D.prototype.tocString = function () { return this.getValue().tocString(); }; cRef3D.prototype.tryConvert = function () { return this.getValue(); }; cRef3D.prototype.changeSheet = function (lastName, newName) { if (this.ws.getName() == lastName) { this.ws = this._wb.getWorksheetByName(newName); } }; cRef3D.prototype.toString = function () { var wsName = this.ws.getName(); if (!rx_test_ws_name.test(wsName)) { return "'" + wsName.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'" + "!" + this._cells; } else { return wsName + "!" + this._cells; } }; cRef3D.prototype.getWS = function () { return this.ws; }; function cEmpty() { cEmpty.superclass.constructor.call(this, ""); this.type = cElementType.empty; } extend(cEmpty, cBaseType); cEmpty.prototype.tocNumber = function () { return new cNumber(0); }; cEmpty.prototype.tocBool = function () { return new cBool(false); }; cEmpty.prototype.tocString = function () { return new cString(""); }; cEmpty.prototype.toString = function () { return ""; }; function cName(val, wb) { cName.superclass.constructor.call(this, val); this.wb = wb; this.type = cElementType.name; } extend(cName, cBaseType); cName.prototype.toRef = function (wsID) { var _3DRefTmp, ref = this.wb.getDefinesNames(this.value, wsID).Ref; if ((_3DRefTmp = parserHelp.is3DRef(ref, 0))[0]) { var _wsFrom, _wsTo; _wsFrom = _3DRefTmp[1]; _wsTo = ((_3DRefTmp[2] !== null) && (_3DRefTmp[2] !== undefined)) ? _3DRefTmp[2] : _wsFrom; if (parserHelp.isArea(ref, ref.indexOf("!") + 1)) { if (_wsFrom == _wsTo) { return new cArea(parserHelp.operand_str, this.wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsFrom)); } else { return new cArea3D(parserHelp.operand_str, _wsFrom, _wsTo, this.wb); } } else { if (parserHelp.isRef(ref, ref.indexOf("!") + 1)) { return new cRef3D(parserHelp.operand_str, _wsFrom, this.wb); } } } return new cError("#REF!"); }; function cArray() { cArray.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.array = []; this.rowCount = 0; this.countElementInRow = []; this.countElement = 0; this.type = cElementType.array; } extend(cArray, cBaseType); cArray.prototype.addRow = function () { this.array[this.array.length] = []; this.countElementInRow[this.rowCount++] = 0; }; cArray.prototype.addElement = function (element) { if (this.array.length == 0) { this.addRow(); } var arr = this.array, subArr = arr[this.rowCount - 1]; subArr[subArr.length] = element; this.countElementInRow[this.rowCount - 1]++; this.countElement++; }; cArray.prototype.getRow = function (rowIndex) { if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex > this.array.length - 1) { return null; } return this.array[rowIndex]; }; cArray.prototype.getCol = function (colIndex) { var col = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { col.push(this.array[i][colIndex]); } return col; }; cArray.prototype.getElementRowCol = function (row, col) { if (row > this.rowCount || col > this.getCountElementInRow()) { return new cError(cErrorType.not_available); } return this.array[row][col]; }; cArray.prototype.getElement = function (index) { for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { if (index > this.countElementInRow[i].length) { index -= this.countElementInRow[i].length; } else { return this.array[i][index]; } } return null; }; cArray.prototype.foreach = function (action) { if (typeof(action) != "function") { return true; } for (var ir = 0; ir < this.rowCount; ir++) { for (var ic = 0; ic < this.countElementInRow[ir]; ic++) { if (action.call(this, this.array[ir][ic], ir, ic)) { return true; } } } return undefined; }; cArray.prototype.getCountElement = function () { return this.countElement; }; cArray.prototype.getCountElementInRow = function () { return this.countElementInRow[0]; }; cArray.prototype.getRowCount = function () { return this.rowCount; }; cArray.prototype.tocNumber = function () { var retArr = new cArray(); for (var ir = 0; ir < this.rowCount; ir++, retArr.addRow()) { for (var ic = 0; ic < this.countElementInRow[ir]; ic++) { retArr.addElement(this.array[ir][ic].tocNumber()); } if (ir == this.rowCount - 1) { break; } } return retArr; }; cArray.prototype.tocString = function () { var retArr = new cArray(); for (var ir = 0; ir < this.rowCount; ir++, retArr.addRow()) { for (var ic = 0; ic < this.countElementInRow[ir]; ic++) { retArr.addElement(this.array[ir][ic].tocString()); } if (ir == this.rowCount - 1) { break; } } return retArr; }; cArray.prototype.tocBool = function () { var retArr = new cArray(); for (var ir = 0; ir < this.rowCount; ir++, retArr.addRow()) { for (var ic = 0; ic < this.countElementInRow[ir]; ic++) { retArr.addElement(this.array[ir][ic].tocBool()); } if (ir == this.rowCount - 1) { break; } } return retArr; }; cArray.prototype.toString = function () { var ret = ""; for (var ir = 0; ir < this.rowCount; ir++, ret += ";") { for (var ic = 0; ic < this.countElementInRow[ir]; ic++, ret += ",") { if (this.array[ir][ic] instanceof cString) { ret += '"' + this.array[ir][ic].toString() + '"'; } else { ret += this.array[ir][ic].toString() + ""; } } if (ret[ret.length - 1] == ",") { ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length - 1); } } if (ret[ret.length - 1] == ";") { ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length - 1); } return "{" + ret + "}"; }; cArray.prototype.isValidArray = function () { if (this.countElement < 1) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount - 1; i++) { if (this.countElementInRow[i] - this.countElementInRow[i + 1] == 0) { continue; } else { return false; } } return true; }; cArray.prototype.getMatrix = function () { return this.array; }; cArray.prototype.fillFromArray = function (arr) { this.array = arr; this.rowCount = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { this.countElementInRow[i] = arr[i].length; this.countElement += arr[i].length; } }; function parserFormula(formula, _cellId, _ws) { var that = this; this.is3D = false; this.cellId = _cellId; this.cellAddress = new CellAddress(this.cellId); this.ws = _ws; this.wb = this.ws.workbook; this.value = null; this.pCurrPos = 0; this.elemArr = []; this.outStack = []; this.operand_str = null; this.error = []; this.Formula = formula; this.undoParser = { formula: null, outStack: [] }; } parserFormula.prototype = { constructor: parserFormula, setFormula: function (formula) { this.Formula = formula; this.value = null; this.pCurrPos = 0; this.elemArr = []; this.outStack = []; this.operand_str = null; }, setCellId: function (cellId) { this.cellId = cellId; this.cellAddress = new CellAddress(cellId); }, parse: function () { if (this.isParsed) { return this.isParsed; } var operand_expected = true, wasLeftParentheses = false; while (this.pCurrPos < this.Formula.length) { if (parserHelp.isOperator.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { wasLeftParentheses = false; var found_operator = null; if (operand_expected) { if (this.operand_str == "-") { operand_expected = true; found_operator = cFormulaOperators["un_minus"](); } else { if (this.operand_str == "+") { operand_expected = true; found_operator = cFormulaOperators["un_plus"](); } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongOperator); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } } } else { if (!operand_expected) { if (this.operand_str == "-") { operand_expected = true; found_operator = cFormulaOperators["-"](); } else { if (this.operand_str == "+") { operand_expected = true; found_operator = cFormulaOperators["+"](); } else { if (this.operand_str == "%") { operand_expected = false; found_operator = cFormulaOperators["%"](); } else { if (this.operand_str in cFormulaOperators) { found_operator = cFormulaOperators[this.operand_str](); operand_expected = true; } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongOperator); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } } } } } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongOperator); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } } while (this.elemArr.length != 0 && (found_operator.isRightAssociative ? (found_operator.priority < this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1].priority) : (found_operator.priority <= this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1].priority))) { this.outStack.push(this.elemArr.pop()); } this.elemArr.push(found_operator); } else { if (parserHelp.isLeftParentheses.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { operand_expected = true; wasLeftParentheses = true; this.elemArr.push(cFormulaOperators[this.operand_str]()); } else { if (parserHelp.isRightParentheses.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { var top_elem = null; if (this.elemArr.length != 0 && ((top_elem = this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1]).name == "(") && operand_expected) { if (top_elem.getArguments() > 1) { this.outStack.push(new cEmpty()); } else { top_elem.DecrementArguments(); } } else { while (this.elemArr.length != 0 && !((top_elem = this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1]).name == "(")) { if (top_elem.name in cFormulaOperators && operand_expected) { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlOperandExpected); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } this.outStack.push(this.elemArr.pop()); } } if (this.elemArr.length == 0 || top_elem == null) { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongCountParentheses); return false; } var p = top_elem, func; this.elemArr.pop(); if (this.elemArr.length != 0 && (func = this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1]).type == cElementType.func) { p = this.elemArr.pop(); if (top_elem.getArguments() > func.getMaxArguments()) { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongMaxArgument); return false; } else { if (top_elem.getArguments() >= func.getMinArguments()) { func.setArgumentsCount(top_elem.getArguments()); } else { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongCountArgument); return false; } } } else { if (wasLeftParentheses && (!this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1] || this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1].name == "(")) { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlAnotherParsingError); return false; } } this.outStack.push(p); operand_expected = false; wasLeftParentheses = false; } else { if (parserHelp.isComma.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { wasLeftParentheses = false; var wasLeftParentheses = false; var stackLength = this.elemArr.length; var top_elem = null; if (this.elemArr.length != 0 && this.elemArr[stackLength - 1].name == "(" && operand_expected) { this.outStack.push(new cEmpty()); top_elem = this.elemArr[stackLength - 1]; wasLeftParentheses = true; } else { while (stackLength != 0) { top_elem = this.elemArr[stackLength - 1]; if (top_elem.name == "(") { wasLeftParentheses = true; break; } else { this.outStack.push(this.elemArr.pop()); stackLength = this.elemArr.length; } } } if (!wasLeftParentheses) { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongCountParentheses); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } top_elem.IncrementArguments(); operand_expected = true; } else { if (parserHelp.isArray.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { wasLeftParentheses = false; var pH = new parserHelper(), tO = { pCurrPos: 0, Formula: this.operand_str }; var pos = 0, arr = new cArray(); while (tO.pCurrPos < tO.Formula.length) { if (pH.isComma.call(tO, tO.Formula, tO.pCurrPos)) { if (tO.operand_str == ";") { arr.addRow(); } } else { if (pH.isBoolean.call(tO, tO.Formula, tO.pCurrPos)) { arr.addElement(new cBool(tO.operand_str)); } else { if (pH.isString.call(tO, tO.Formula, tO.pCurrPos)) { arr.addElement(new cString(tO.operand_str)); } else { if (pH.isError.call(tO, tO.Formula, tO.pCurrPos)) { arr.addElement(new cError(tO.operand_str)); } else { if (pH.isNumber.call(tO, tO.Formula, tO.pCurrPos)) { arr.addElement(new cNumber(parseFloat(tO.operand_str))); } } } } } } if (!arr.isValidArray()) { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlAnotherParsingError); return false; } this.outStack.push(arr); operand_expected = false; } else { var found_operand = null, _3DRefTmp = null; if (!operand_expected) { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongOperator); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } if (parserHelp.isBoolean.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { found_operand = new cBool(this.operand_str); } else { if (parserHelp.isString.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { found_operand = new cString(this.operand_str); } else { if (parserHelp.isError.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { found_operand = new cError(this.operand_str); } else { if ((_3DRefTmp = parserHelp.is3DRef.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos))[0]) { this.is3D = true; var _wsFrom = _3DRefTmp[1], _wsTo = ((_3DRefTmp[2] !== null) && (_3DRefTmp[2] !== undefined)) ? _3DRefTmp[2] : _wsFrom; if (! (this.wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsFrom) && this.wb.getWorksheetByName(_wsTo))) { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlAnotherParsingError); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } if (parserHelp.isArea.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { found_operand = new cArea3D(this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), _wsFrom, _wsTo, this.wb); if (this.operand_str.indexOf("$") > -1) { found_operand.isAbsolute = true; } } else { if (parserHelp.isRef.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { if (_wsTo != _wsFrom) { found_operand = new cArea3D(this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), _wsFrom, _wsTo, this.wb); } else { found_operand = new cRef3D(this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), _wsFrom, this.wb); } if (this.operand_str.indexOf("$") > -1) { found_operand.isAbsolute = true; } } } } else { if (parserHelp.isName.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos, this.wb)[0]) { found_operand = new cName(this.operand_str, this.wb); } else { if (parserHelp.isArea.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { found_operand = new cArea(this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), this.ws); if (this.operand_str.indexOf("$") > -1) { found_operand.isAbsolute = true; } } else { if (parserHelp.isRef.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos, true)) { found_operand = new cRef(this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), this.ws); if (this.operand_str.indexOf("$") > -1) { found_operand.isAbsolute = true; } } else { if (parserHelp.isNumber.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { if (this.operand_str != ".") { found_operand = new cNumber(parseFloat(this.operand_str)); } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlAnotherParsingError); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } } else { if (parserHelp.isFunc.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { var found_operator = null; if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Mathematic) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Mathematic[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Logical) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Logical[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Information) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Information[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Statistical) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Statistical[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.TextAndData) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.TextAndData[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Cube) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Cube[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Database) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Database[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.DateAndTime) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.DateAndTime[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Engineering) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Engineering[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.Financial) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.Financial[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } else { if (this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.LookupAndReference) { found_operator = cFormulaFunction.LookupAndReference[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()](); } } } } } } } } } } } if (found_operator != null && found_operator != undefined) { this.elemArr.push(found_operator); } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongFunctionName); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } operand_expected = false; continue; } } } } } } } } } if (found_operand != null && found_operand != undefined) { this.outStack.push(found_operand); operand_expected = false; } else { this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlAnotherParsingError); this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; return false; } wasLeftParentheses = false; } } } } } } if (operand_expected) { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlOperandExpected); return false; } var parentCount = 0, operand; while (this.elemArr.length != 0) { operand = this.elemArr.pop(); if (operand.name == "(" || operand.name == ")") { this.outStack = []; this.elemArr = []; this.error.push(c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongCountParentheses); return false; } else { this.outStack.push(operand); } } if (this.outStack.length != 0) { return this.isParsed = true; } else { return this.isParsed = false; } }, calculate: function () { if (this.outStack.length < 1) { return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.wrong_name); } var elemArr = [], stack = [], _tmp, numFormat = -1; for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { _tmp = this.outStack[i]; if (_tmp instanceof cName) { _tmp = _tmp.toRef(this.ws.getId()); } stack[i] = _tmp; } var currentElement = null; while (stack.length != 0) { currentElement = stack.shift(); if (currentElement.name == "(") { continue; } if (currentElement.type == cElementType.operator || currentElement.type == cElementType.func) { if (elemArr.length < currentElement.getArguments()) { elemArr = []; return this.value = new cError(cErrorType.unsupported_function); } else { var arg = []; for (var ind = 0; ind < currentElement.getArguments(); ind++) { arg.unshift(elemArr.pop()); } _tmp = currentElement.Calculate(arg, this.ws.getCell(this.cellAddress)); if (_tmp.numFormat !== undefined && _tmp.numFormat !== null) { numFormat = _tmp.numFormat; } else { if (numFormat < 0 || currentElement.numFormat < currentElement.formatType.def) { numFormat = currentElement.numFormat; } } elemArr.push(_tmp); } } else { elemArr.push(currentElement); } } this.value = elemArr.pop(); this.value.numFormat = numFormat; return this.value; }, getRef: function () { var aOutRef = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { var ref = this.outStack[i]; if (ref instanceof cName) { ref = ref.toRef(this.ws.getId()); if (ref instanceof cError) { continue; } } if (ref instanceof cRef || ref instanceof cRef3D || ref instanceof cArea) { aOutRef.push({ wsId: ref.ws.getWsId(), cell: ref._cells }); continue; } else { if (ref instanceof cArea3D) { var wsR = ref.wsRange(); for (var j = 0; j < wsR.length; j++) { aOutRef.push({ wsId: wsR[a].Id, cell: ref._cells }); } } } } return aOutRef; }, changeOffset: function (offset) { for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cRef || this.outStack[i] instanceof cRef3D || this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea) { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); if (!r) { break; } if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var a, b; if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea && (r.isColumn() && offset.offsetRow != 0 || r.isRow() && offset.offsetCol != 0)) { continue; } r.setOffset(offset); if (r.isColumn()) { a = r.first.getColLetter(); b = r.last.getColLetter(); } else { if (r.isRow()) { a = r.first.getRow(); b = r.last.getRow(); } else { a = r.first.getID(), b = r.last.getID(); } } if (a != b || this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea) { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a + ":" + b; } else { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a; } } continue; } if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea3D) { var r = this.outStack[i]._cells.indexOf(":") > -1 ? (new cArea(this.outStack[i]._cells, this.ws)) : (new cRef(this.outStack[i]._cells, this.ws)); var _r = r.getRange(); if (!_r) { break; } if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(r, offset); } else { _r.setOffset(offset); var a = _r.first.getID(), b = _r.last.getID(); if (a != b) { r.value = r._cells = a + ":" + b; } else { r.value = r._cells = a; } } this.outStack[i]._cells = r._cells; } } return this; }, shiftCells: function (offset, oBBox, node, wsId, toDelete) { this.undoParser.formula = this.Formula; for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { this.undoParser.outStack[i] = this.outStack[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cRef) { if (this.ws.Id != wsId) { continue; } if (toDelete) { this.outStack[i] = new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference); continue; } if (node.cellId == this.outStack[i].node.cellId) { if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); r.setOffset(offset); var a = r.first.getID(), b = r.last.getID(); if (a != b) { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a + ":" + b; } else { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a; } node.newCellId = this.outStack[i].value; } } } else { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cRef3D) { if (node.nodeId == this.outStack[i].node.nodeId) { if (toDelete) { this.outStack[i] = new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference); continue; } if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); r.setOffset(offset); var a = r.first.getID(), b = r.last.getID(); if (a != b) { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a + ":" + b; } else { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a; } node.newCellId = this.outStack[i].value; } } } else { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea3D) { if (this.outStack[i].wsFrom.Id == this.outStack[i].wsTo.Id == node.sheetId && node.cellId == this.outStack[i]._cells.replace(/\$/ig, "")) { if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); r[0].setOffset(offset); this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = r[0].getName(); node.newCellId = this.outStack[i].value; } } } else { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea) { if (this.ws.Id != wsId) { continue; } if (toDelete) { this.outStack[i] = new cError(cErrorType.bad_reference); continue; } if (node.cellId == this.outStack[i].node.cellId) { if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); r.setOffset(offset); this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = r.getName(); } node.newCellId = this.outStack[i].value; } } } } } } }, stretchArea: function (offset, oBBox, node, wsId) { for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea) { if (this.outStack[i]._cells.replace(/\$/ig, "") == node.cellId || this.outStack[i]._cells.replace(/\$/ig, "") == node.newCellId) { if (this.outStack[i].isAbsolute) { this._changeOffsetHelper(this.outStack[i], offset); } else { var r = this.outStack[i].getRange(); r.setOffsetLast(offset); var a = r.first.getID(), b = r.last.getID(); if (a != b) { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a + ":" + b; } else { this.outStack[i].value = this.outStack[i]._cells = a; } node.newCellId = this.outStack[i].value; } } } } }, changeSheet: function (lastName, newName) { if (this.is3D) { for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cRef3D && this.outStack[i].ws.getName() == lastName) { this.outStack[i].changeSheet(lastName, newName); } if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea3D) { this.outStack[i].changeSheet(lastName, newName); } } } return this; }, assemble: function () { var str = ""; var elemArr = []; var stack = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { stack[i] = this.outStack[i]; } var currentElement = null; while (stack.length != 0) { currentElement = stack.shift(); if (currentElement.type == cElementType.operator || currentElement.type == cElementType.func) { var arg = []; for (var ind = 0; ind < currentElement.getArguments(); ind++) { arg.unshift(elemArr.pop()); } elemArr.push(currentElement.Assemble(arg)); } else { if (currentElement instanceof cString) { currentElement = new cString('"' + currentElement.toString() + '"'); } elemArr.push(currentElement); } } var res = elemArr.pop(); if (res != undefined && res != null) { return res.toString(); } else { return this.Formula; } }, _changeOffsetHelper: function (ref, offset) { var m = ref._cells.match(/\$/g); if (m.length == 1) { if (! (ref instanceof cArea)) { if (ref._cells.indexOf("$") == 0) { r = ref.getRange(); r.setOffset({ offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: offset.offsetRow }); ref.value = ref._cells = "$" + r.first.getID(); } else { r = ref.getRange(); r.setOffset({ offsetCol: offset.offsetCol, offsetRow: 0 }); ref.value = ref._cells = r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow(); } } else { var r = ref.getRange(); var c = ref._cells.split(":"); if (c[0].indexOf("$") > -1) { if (c[0].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } } else { if (c[1].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } } } } else { if (m.length == 2) { if (ref instanceof cArea) { var r = ref.getRange(); var c = ref._cells.split(":"); if (c[1].indexOf("$") < 0) { r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[0].indexOf("$") < 0) { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[0].indexOf("$") == 0 && c[1].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[0].indexOf("$") == 0 && c[1].indexOf("$") > 0) { r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[0].indexOf("$") > 0 && c[1].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } } } } } } } else { if (m.length == 3) { if (ref instanceof cArea) { var r = ref.getRange(); var c = ref._cells.split(":"); if (c[0].match(/\$/g).length == 2 && c[1].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.last.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[0].match(/\$/g).length == 2 && c[1].indexOf("$") > 0) { r.last.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[1].match(/\$/g).length == 2 && c[0].indexOf("$") == 0) { r.first.moveRow(offset.offsetRow); ref.setRange("$" + r.first.getColLetter() + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } else { if (c[1].match(/\$/g).length == 2 && c[0].indexOf("$") > 0) { r.first.moveCol(offset.offsetCol); ref.setRange(r.first.getColLetter() + "$" + r.first.getRow() + ":" + "$" + r.last.getColLetter() + "$" + r.last.getRow()); } } } } } } } } }, moveSheet: function (tempW) { for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { if (this.outStack[i] instanceof cArea3D) { this.outStack[i].moveSheet(tempW); } } return this; }, buildDependencies: function () { var node = new Vertex(this.ws.Id, this.cellId.replace(/\$/g, ""), this.wb); this.wb.dependencyFormulas.addNode2(node); this.wb.dependencyFormulas.addN(this.ws.Id, this.cellId); for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) { var ref = this.outStack[i]; if (ref instanceof cName) { ref = ref.toRef(this.ws.getId()); if (ref instanceof cError) { continue; } } if ((ref instanceof cRef || ref instanceof cRef3D || ref instanceof cArea || ref instanceof cArea3D) && ref.isValid() && this.outStack[i + 1] && this.outStack[i + 1] instanceof cBaseFunction && (this.outStack[i + 1].name == "ROWS" || this.outStack[i + 1].name == "COLUMNS")) { continue; } if ((ref instanceof cRef || ref instanceof cRef3D || ref instanceof cArea) && ref.isValid()) { var nFrom = new Vertex(this.ws.Id, this.cellId.replace(/\$/g, ""), this.wb), nTo = new Vertex(ref.getWsId(), ref._cells.replace(/\$/g, ""), this.wb); ref.setNode(nTo); this.wb.dependencyFormulas.addEdge2(nFrom, nTo); } else { if (ref instanceof cArea3D && ref.isValid()) { var wsR = ref.wsRange(); for (var j = 0; j < wsR.length; j++) { this.wb.dependencyFormulas.addEdge(this.ws.Id, this.cellId.replace(/\$/g, ""), wsR[j].Id, ref._cells.replace(/\$/g, "")); } } } } }, parseDiagramRef: function () { var res = [[]]; while (this.pCurrPos < this.Formula.length) { if (parserHelp.isComma.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { if (this.operand_str == ";") { res.push([]); } } else { var _3DRefTmp = null; if ((_3DRefTmp = parserHelp.is3DRef.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos))[0]) { this.is3D = true; var _wsFrom = _3DRefTmp[1], _wsTo = ((_3DRefTmp[2] !== null) && (_3DRefTmp[2] !== undefined)) ? _3DRefTmp[2] : _wsFrom; if (parserHelp.isArea.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { res[res.length - 1].push({ sheetNameFrom: _wsFrom, sheetNameTo: _wsTo, ref: this.operand_str.toUpperCase() }); } else { if (parserHelp.isRef.call(this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos)) { res[res.length - 1].push({ sheetNameFrom: _wsFrom, sheetNameTo: _wsTo, ref: this.operand_str.toUpperCase() }); } } } } } return res; } }; function parseNum(str) { if (str.indexOf("x") > -1 || str == "") { return false; } return !isNaN(str); } function searchRegExp(str, flags) { var vFS = str.replace(/(\\)/g, "\\").replace(/(\^)/g, "\\^").replace(/(\()/g, "\\(").replace(/(\))/g, "\\)").replace(/(\+)/g, "\\+").replace(/(\[)/g, "\\[").replace(/(\])/g, "\\]").replace(/(\{)/g, "\\{").replace(/(\})/g, "\\}").replace(/(\$)/g, "\\$").replace(/(~)?\*/g, function ($0, $1) { return $1 ? $0 : "(.*)"; }).replace(/(~)?\?/g, function ($0, $1) { return $1 ? $0 : "."; }).replace(/(~\*)/g, "\\*").replace(/(~\?)/g, "\\?"); return new RegExp(vFS + "$", flags ? flags : "i"); } var maxGammaArgument = 171.624376956302; function lcl_Erf0065(x) { var pn = [1.128379167095513, 0.1358948876272779, 0.04032594885317953, 0.001203393808630795, 6.492545564819044e-05], qn = [1, 0.4537670417800025, 0.08699362226153859, 0.008497173711686934, 0.0003649152806293511]; var fPSum = 0, fQSum = 0, fXPow = 1, fVal; for (var i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { fPSum += pn[i] * fXPow; fQSum += qn[i] * fXPow; fXPow *= x * x; } return fVal = x * fPSum / fQSum; } function lcl_Erfc0600(x) { var fPSum = 0, fQSum = 0, fXPow = 1, pn, qn, fVal; if (x < 2.2) { var pn22 = [0.9999999920497991, 1.331541639367653, 0.8781158041558818, 0.3318995595782132, 0.07141938325067761, 0.007069408437632531], qn22 = [1, 2.459920701442455, 2.653839728697757, 1.618766555438714, 0.5946513112864815, 0.126579413030178, 0.01253049365494134]; pn = pn22; qn = qn22; } else { var pn60 = [0.9999211400097144, 1.623565844893667, 1.267399014558732, 0.5815285741777412, 0.1572896207428387, 0.02257169829192176], qn60 = [1, 2.751438706763762, 3.373673346572845, 2.385741947853444, 1.050740046148272, 0.278788439273629, 0.04000729645268614]; pn = pn60; qn = qn60; } for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { fPSum += pn[i] * fXPow; fQSum += qn[i] * fXPow; fXPow *= x; } fQSum += qn[6] * fXPow; return fVal = Math.exp(-1 * x * x) * fPSum / fQSum; } function lcl_Erfc2654(x) { var pn = [0.5641895835477561, 8.802537461055257, 38.46831037161173, 47.72099658744364, 8.080407290523016], qn = [1, 16.1020914205869, 75.48435056659548, 112.123870801026, 37.39975701450408]; var fPSum = 0, fQSum = 0, fXPow = 1, fVal; for (var i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { fPSum += pn[i] * fXPow; fQSum += qn[i] * fXPow; fXPow /= x * x; } return fVal = Math.exp(-1 * x * x) * fPSum / (x * fQSum); } function rtl_math_erf(x) { if (x == 0) { return 0; } var bNegative = false; if (x < 0) { x = Math.abs(x); bNegative = true; } var fErf = 1; if (x < 1e-10) { fErf = parceFloat(x * 1.128379167095513); } else { if (x < 0.65) { fErf = lcl_Erf0065(x); } else { fErf = 1 - rtl_math_erfc(x); } } if (bNegative) { fErf *= -1; } return fErf; } function rtl_math_erfc(x) { if (x == 0) { return 1; } var bNegative = false; if (x < 0) { x = Math.abs(x); bNegative = true; } var fErfc = 0; if (x >= 0.65) { if (x < 6) { fErfc = lcl_Erfc0600(x); } else { fErfc = lcl_Erfc2654(x); } } else { fErfc = 1 - rtl_math_erf(x); } if (bNegative) { fErfc = 2 - fErfc; } return fErfc; } function integralPhi(x) { return 0.5 * rtl_math_erfc(-x * 0.7071067811865475); } function phi(x) { return 0.3989422804014327 * Math.exp(-(x * x) / 2); } function taylor(pPolynom, nMax, x) { var nVal = pPolynom[nMax]; for (var i = nMax - 1; i >= 0; i--) { nVal = pPolynom[i] + (nVal * x); } return nVal; } function gauss(x) { var t0 = [0.3989422804014327, -0.06649038006690546, 0.00997355701003582, -0.00118732821548045, 0.00011543468761616, -9.4446562595e-06, 6.6596935163e-07, -4.122667415e-08, 2.27352982e-09, 1.1301172e-10, 5.11243e-12, -2.1218e-13], t2 = [0.4772498680518208, 0.05399096651318805, -0.05399096651318805, 0.02699548325659403, -0.00449924720943234, -0.00224962360471617, 0.0013497741628297, -0.0001178374269137, -0.00011515930357476, 3.704737285544e-05, 2.82690796889e-06, -3.54513195524e-06, 3.7669563126e-07, 1.9202407921e-07, -5.22690859e-08, -4.91799345e-09, 3.66377919e-09, -1.5981997e-10, -1.7381238e-10, 2.624031e-11, 5.60919e-12, -1.72127e-12, -8.634e-14, 7.894e-14], t4 = [0.4999683287581669, 0.00013383022576489, -0.00026766045152977, 0.00033457556441221, -0.00028996548915725, 0.00018178605666397, -8.252863922168e-05, 2.551802519049e-05, -3.91665839292e-06, -7.4018205222e-07, 6.4422023359e-07, -1.737015534e-07, 9.095954650000001e-09, 9.44943118e-09, -3.29957075e-09, 2.9492075e-10, 1.1874477e-10, -4.420396e-11, 3.61422e-12, 1.43638e-12, -4.5848e-13]; var asympt = [-1, 1, -3, 15, -105], xabs = Math.abs(x), xshort = Math.floor(xabs), nval = 0; if (xshort == 0) { nval = taylor(t0, 11, (xabs * xabs)) * xabs; } else { if ((xshort >= 1) && (xshort <= 2)) { nval = taylor(t2, 23, (xabs - 2)); } else { if ((xshort >= 3) && (xshort <= 4)) { nval = taylor(t4, 20, (xabs - 4)); } else { nval = 0.5 + phi(xabs) * taylor(asympt, 4, 1 / (xabs * xabs)) / xabs; } } } if (x < 0) { return -nval; } else { return nval; } } function gaussinv(x) { var q, t, z; q = x - 0.5; if (Math.abs(q) <= 0.425) { t = 0.180625 - q * q; z = q * (((((((t * 2509.080928730123 + 33430.57558358813) * t + 67265.77092700871) * t + 45921.95393154987) * t + 13731.69376550946) * t + 1971.590950306551) * t + 133.1416678917844) * t + 3.387132872796367) / (((((((t * 5226.495278852854 + 28729.08573572194) * t + 39307.89580009271) * t + 21213.7943015866) * t + 5394.196021424751) * t + 687.1870074920579) * t + 42.31333070160091) * t + 1); } else { if (q > 0) { t = 1 - x; } else { t = x; } t = Math.sqrt(-Math.log(t)); if (t <= 5) { t += -1.6; z = (((((((t * 0.0007745450142783414 + 0.02272384498926918) * t + 0.2417807251774506) * t + 1.270458252452368) * t + 3.647848324763205) * t + 5.769497221460691) * t + 4.630337846156546) * t + 1.423437110749684) / (((((((t * 1.050750071644417e-09 + 0.0005475938084995346) * t + 0.01519866656361646) * t + 0.1481039764274801) * t + 0.6897673349851) * t + 1.676384830183804) * t + 2.053191626637759) * t + 1); } else { t += -5; z = (((((((t * 2.010334399292288e-07 + 2.711555568743488e-05) * t + 0.001242660947388078) * t + 0.02653218952657612) * t + 0.2965605718285049) * t + 1.784826539917291) * t + 5.463784911164114) * t + 6.657904643501103) / (((((((t * 2.04426310338994e-15 + 1.421511758316446e-07) * t + 1.846318317510055e-05) * t + 0.0007868691311456133) * t + 0.01487536129085062) * t + 0.1369298809227358) * t + 0.599832206555888) * t + 1); } if (q < 0) { z = -z; } } return z; } function lcl_getLanczosSum(fZ) { var num = [23531376880.41076, 42919803642.6491, 35711959237.35567, 17921034426.03721, 6039542586.352028, 1439720407.311722, 248874557.8620542, 31426415.58540019, 2876370.628935373, 186056.2653952235, 8071.672002365816, 210.8242777515794, 2.506628274631], denom = [0, 39916800, 120543840, 150917976, 105258076, 45995730, 13339535, 2637558, 357423, 32670, 1925, 66, 1]; var sumNum, sumDenom, i, zInv; if (fZ <= 1) { sumNum = num[12]; sumDenom = denom[12]; for (i = 11; i >= 0; --i) { sumNum *= fZ; sumNum += num[i]; sumDenom *= fZ; sumDenom += denom[i]; } } else { zInv = 1 / fZ; sumNum = num[0]; sumDenom = denom[0]; for (i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) { sumNum *= zInv; sumNum += num[i]; sumDenom *= zInv; sumDenom += denom[i]; } } return sumNum / sumDenom; } function lcl_GetGammaHelper(fZ) { var gamma = lcl_getLanczosSum(fZ), fg = 6.02468004077673, zgHelp = fZ + fg - 0.5; var halfpower = Math.pow(zgHelp, fZ / 2 - 0.25); gamma *= halfpower; gamma /= Math.exp(zgHelp); gamma *= halfpower; if (fZ <= 20 && fZ == Math.floor(fZ)) { gamma = Math.round(gamma); } return gamma; } function lcl_GetLogGammaHelper(fZ) { var _fg = 6.02468004077673, zgHelp = fZ + _fg - 0.5; return Math.log(lcl_getLanczosSum(fZ)) + (fZ - 0.5) * Math.log(zgHelp) - zgHelp; } function getLogGamma(fZ) { if (fZ >= maxGammaArgument) { return lcl_GetLogGammaHelper(fZ); } if (fZ >= 0) { return Math.log(lcl_GetGammaHelper(fZ)); } if (fZ >= 0.5) { return Math.log(lcl_GetGammaHelper(fZ + 1) / fZ); } return lcl_GetLogGammaHelper(fZ + 2) - Math.log(fZ + 1) - Math.log(fZ); }