/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ function NewShapeTrack(drawingObjects, presetGeom, startX, startY) { this.drawingObjects = drawingObjects; this.presetGeom = presetGeom; this.startX = startX; this.startY = startY; this.x = null; this.y = null; this.extX = null; this.extY = null; this.arrowsCount = 0; this.transform = new CMatrix(); var theme = drawingObjects.Layout.Master.Theme; var style; if (presetGeom !== "textRect") { style = CreateDefaultShapeStyle(); } else { style = CreateDefaultTextRectStyle(); } var brush = theme.getFillStyle(style.fillRef.idx); style.fillRef.Color.Calculate(theme, drawingObjects, drawingObjects.Layout, drawingObjects.Layout.Master, { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }); var RGBA = style.fillRef.Color.RGBA; if (style.fillRef.Color.color != null) { if (brush.fill != null && (brush.fill.type == FILL_TYPE_SOLID)) { brush.fill.color = style.fillRef.Color.createDuplicate(); } } var pen = theme.getLnStyle(style.lnRef.idx); style.lnRef.Color.Calculate(theme, drawingObjects, drawingObjects.Layout, drawingObjects.Layout.Master); RGBA = style.lnRef.Color.RGBA; if (presetGeom === "textRect") { var ln, fill; ln = new CLn(); ln.w = 6350; ln.Fill = new CUniFill(); ln.Fill.fill = new CSolidFill(); ln.Fill.fill.color = new CUniColor(); ln.Fill.fill.color.color = new CPrstColor(); ln.Fill.fill.color.color.id = "black"; fill = new CUniFill(); fill.fill = new CSolidFill(); fill.fill.color = new CUniColor(); fill.fill.color.color = new CSchemeColor(); fill.fill.color.color.id = 12; pen.merge(ln); brush.merge(fill); } if (presetGeom.indexOf("WithArrow") > -1) { presetGeom = presetGeom.substr(0, presetGeom.length - 9); this.presetGeom = presetGeom; this.arrowsCount = 1; } if (presetGeom.indexOf("WithTwoArrows") > -1) { presetGeom = presetGeom.substr(0, presetGeom.length - 13); this.presetGeom = presetGeom; this.arrowsCount = 2; } var geometry = CreateGeometry(presetGeom !== "textRect" ? presetGeom : "rect"); geometry.Init(5, 5); pen.Fill.calculate(theme, drawingObjects, drawingObjects.Layout, drawingObjects.Layout.Master, RGBA); brush.calculate(theme, drawingObjects, drawingObjects.Layout, drawingObjects.Layout.Master, RGBA); this.isLine = this.presetGeom === "line"; this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(geometry, 5, 5, brush, pen, this.transform); this.shape = null; this.track = function (e, x, y) { var real_dist_x = x - this.startX; var abs_dist_x = Math.abs(real_dist_x); var real_dist_y = y - this.startY; var abs_dist_y = Math.abs(real_dist_y); this.flipH = false; this.flipV = false; if (this.isLine) { if (x < this.startX) { this.flipH = true; } if (y < this.startY) { this.flipV = true; } } if (! (e.CtrlKey || e.ShiftKey) || (e.CtrlKey && !e.ShiftKey && this.isLine)) { this.extX = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_x : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); this.extY = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_y : (this.isLine ? 0 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE); if (real_dist_x >= 0) { this.x = this.startX; } else { this.x = abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? x : this.startX - this.extX; } if (real_dist_y >= 0) { this.y = this.startY; } else { this.y = abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? y : this.startY - this.extY; } } else { if (e.CtrlKey && !e.ShiftKey) { if (abs_dist_x >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2) { this.x = this.startX - abs_dist_x; this.extX = 2 * abs_dist_x; } else { this.x = this.startX - MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2; this.extX = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; } if (abs_dist_y >= MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2) { this.y = this.startY - abs_dist_y; this.extY = 2 * abs_dist_y; } else { this.y = this.startY - MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2; this.extY = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; } } else { if (!e.CtrlKey && e.ShiftKey) { var new_width, new_height; var prop_coefficient = (typeof SHAPE_ASPECTS[this.presetGeom] === "number" ? SHAPE_ASPECTS[this.presetGeom] : 1); if (abs_dist_y === 0) { new_width = abs_dist_x > MIN_SHAPE_SIZE ? abs_dist_x : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = abs_dist_x / prop_coefficient; } else { var new_aspect = abs_dist_x / abs_dist_y; if (new_aspect >= prop_coefficient) { new_width = abs_dist_x; new_height = abs_dist_x / prop_coefficient; } else { new_height = abs_dist_y; new_width = abs_dist_y * prop_coefficient; } } if (new_width < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { var k_wh = new_width / new_height; if (new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE && new_width < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { if (new_height < new_width) { new_height = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_width = new_height * k_wh; } else { new_width = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = new_width / k_wh; } } else { if (new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { new_height = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_width = new_height * k_wh; } else { new_width = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = new_width / k_wh; } } } this.extX = new_width; this.extY = new_height; if (real_dist_x >= 0) { this.x = this.startX; } else { this.x = this.startX - this.extX; } if (real_dist_y >= 0) { this.y = this.startY; } else { this.y = this.startY - this.extY; } if (this.isLine) { var angle = Math.atan2(real_dist_y, real_dist_x); if (angle >= 0 && angle <= Math.PI / 8 || angle <= 0 && angle >= -Math.PI / 8 || angle >= 7 * Math.PI / 8 && angle <= Math.PI) { this.extY = 0; this.y = this.startY; } else { if (angle >= 3 * Math.PI / 8 && angle <= 5 * Math.PI / 8 || angle <= -3 * Math.PI / 8 && angle >= -5 * Math.PI / 8) { this.extX = 0; this.x = this.startX; } } } } else { var new_width, new_height; var prop_coefficient = (typeof SHAPE_ASPECTS[this.presetGeom] === "number" ? SHAPE_ASPECTS[this.presetGeom] : 1); if (abs_dist_y === 0) { new_width = abs_dist_x > MIN_SHAPE_SIZE_DIV2 ? abs_dist_x * 2 : MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = new_width / prop_coefficient; } else { var new_aspect = abs_dist_x / abs_dist_y; if (new_aspect >= prop_coefficient) { new_width = abs_dist_x * 2; new_height = new_width / prop_coefficient; } else { new_height = abs_dist_y * 2; new_width = new_height * prop_coefficient; } } if (new_width < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE || new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { var k_wh = new_width / new_height; if (new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE && new_width < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { if (new_height < new_width) { new_height = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_width = new_height * k_wh; } else { new_width = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = new_width / k_wh; } } else { if (new_height < MIN_SHAPE_SIZE) { new_height = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_width = new_height * k_wh; } else { new_width = MIN_SHAPE_SIZE; new_height = new_width / k_wh; } } } this.extX = new_width; this.extY = new_height; this.x = this.startX - this.extX * 0.5; this.y = this.startY - this.extY * 0.5; } } } this.overlayObject.updateExtents(this.extX, this.extY); this.transform.Reset(); var hc = this.extX * 0.5; var vc = this.extY * 0.5; global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(this.transform, -hc, -vc); if (this.flipH) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(this.transform, -1, 1); } if (this.flipV) { global_MatrixTransformer.ScaleAppend(this.transform, 1, -1); } global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(this.transform, this.x + hc, this.y + vc); }; this.ctrlDown = function () {}; this.shiftDown = function () {}; this.draw = function (overlay) { this.overlayObject.draw(overlay); }; this.trackEnd = function () { var shape = new CShape(null, this.drawingObjects); shape.setParent(drawingObjects); if (this.presetGeom !== "textRect") { shape.initDefault(this.x, this.y, this.extX, this.extY, this.flipH === true, this.flipV === true, this.presetGeom, this.arrowsCount); } else { shape.initDefaultTextRect(this.x, this.y, this.extX, this.extY, false, false); } return shape; shape.select(this.drawingObjects.graphicObjects); drawingObjects.shapeAdd(drawingObjects.cSld.spTree.length, shape); this.drawingObjects.graphicObjects.State.resultObject = shape; }; }