/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ define(["text!spreadsheeteditor/main/app/template/ImageSettings.template", "jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "common/main/lib/component/Button", "common/main/lib/component/MetricSpinner", "common/main/lib/view/ImageFromUrlDialog"], function (menuTemplate, $, _, Backbone) { SSE.Views.ImageSettings = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({ el: "#id-image-settings", template: _.template(menuTemplate), events: {}, options: { alias: "ImageSettings" }, initialize: function () { var me = this; this._initSettings = true; this._nRatio = 1; this._state = { Width: 0, Height: 0, DisabledControls: false }; this.spinners = []; this.lockedControls = []; this._locked = false; this._noApply = false; this.render(); this.spnWidth = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#image-spin-width"), step: 0.1, width: 78, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "3 cm", maxValue: 55.88, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnWidth); this.lockedControls.push(this.spnWidth); this.spnHeight = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({ el: $("#image-spin-height"), step: 0.1, width: 78, defaultUnit: "cm", value: "3 cm", maxValue: 55.88, minValue: 0 }); this.spinners.push(this.spnHeight); this.lockedControls.push(this.spnHeight); this.btnRatio = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: "btn-toolbar btn-toolbar-default", iconCls: "advanced-btn-ratio", style: "margin-bottom: 1px;", enableToggle: true, hint: this.textKeepRatio }); this.btnRatio.render($("#image-button-ratio")); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnRatio); var value = window.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-imageratio"); if (value === null || parseInt(value) == 1) { this.btnRatio.toggle(true); } this.btnRatio.on("click", _.bind(function (btn, e) { if (btn.pressed && this.spnHeight.getNumberValue() > 0) { this._nRatio = this.spnWidth.getNumberValue() / this.spnHeight.getNumberValue(); } window.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-imageratio", (btn.pressed) ? 1 : 0); }, this)); this.btnOriginalSize = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $("#image-button-original-size") }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnOriginalSize); this.btnInsertFromFile = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $("#image-button-from-file") }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnInsertFromFile); this.btnInsertFromUrl = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $("#image-button-from-url") }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnInsertFromUrl); this.spnWidth.on("change", _.bind(this.onWidthChange, this)); this.spnHeight.on("change", _.bind(this.onHeightChange, this)); this.btnOriginalSize.on("click", _.bind(this.setOriginalSize, this)); this.btnInsertFromFile.on("click", _.bind(function (btn) { if (this.api) { this.api.asc_changeImageFromFile(); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("edit:complete", this); }, this)); this.btnInsertFromUrl.on("click", _.bind(this.insertFromUrl, this)); }, render: function () { var el = $(this.el); el.html(this.template({ scope: this })); }, setApi: function (api) { if (api == undefined) { return; } this.api = api; return this; }, updateMetricUnit: function () { if (this.spinners) { for (var i = 0; i < this.spinners.length; i++) { var spinner = this.spinners[i]; spinner.setDefaultUnit(Common.Utils.Metric.metricName[Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetric()]); spinner.setStep(Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetric() == Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits.cm ? 0.1 : 1); } } }, createDelayedElements: function () { this.updateMetricUnit(); }, ChangeSettings: function (props) { if (this._initSettings) { this.createDelayedElements(); this._initSettings = false; } this.disableControls(this._locked); if (props) { var value = props.asc_getWidth(); if (Math.abs(this._state.Width - value) > 0.001 || (this._state.Width === null || value === null) && (this._state.Width !== value)) { this.spnWidth.setValue((value !== null) ? Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value) : "", true); this._state.Width = value; } value = props.asc_getHeight(); if (Math.abs(this._state.Height - value) > 0.001 || (this._state.Height === null || value === null) && (this._state.Height !== value)) { this.spnHeight.setValue((value !== null) ? Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value) : "", true); this._state.Height = value; } if (props.asc_getHeight() > 0) { this._nRatio = props.asc_getWidth() / props.asc_getHeight(); } this.btnOriginalSize.setDisabled(props.asc_getImageUrl() === null || props.asc_getImageUrl() === undefined || this._locked); } }, onWidthChange: function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { var w = field.getNumberValue(); var h = this.spnHeight.getNumberValue(); if (this.btnRatio.pressed) { h = w / this._nRatio; if (h > this.spnHeight.options.maxValue) { h = this.spnHeight.options.maxValue; w = h * this._nRatio; this.spnWidth.setValue(w, true); } this.spnHeight.setValue(h, true); } if (this.api) { var props = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); props.asc_putWidth(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcToMM(w)); props.asc_putHeight(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcToMM(h)); this.api.asc_setGraphicObjectProps(props); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("edit:complete", this); }, onHeightChange: function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { var h = field.getNumberValue(), w = this.spnWidth.getNumberValue(); if (this.btnRatio.pressed) { w = h * this._nRatio; if (w > this.spnWidth.options.maxValue) { w = this.spnWidth.options.maxValue; h = w / this._nRatio; this.spnHeight.setValue(h, true); } this.spnWidth.setValue(w, true); } if (this.api) { var props = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); props.asc_putWidth(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcToMM(w)); props.asc_putHeight(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcToMM(h)); this.api.asc_setGraphicObjectProps(props); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("edit:complete", this); }, setOriginalSize: function () { if (this.api) { var imgsize = this.api.asc_getOriginalImageSize(); var w = imgsize.asc_getImageWidth(); var h = imgsize.asc_getImageHeight(); var properties = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); properties.asc_putWidth(w); properties.asc_putHeight(h); this.api.asc_setGraphicObjectProps(properties); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("edit:complete", this); } }, insertFromUrl: function () { var me = this; (new Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog({ handler: function (result, value) { if (result == "ok") { if (me.api) { var checkUrl = value.replace(/ /g, ""); if (!_.isEmpty(checkUrl)) { var props = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); props.asc_putImageUrl(checkUrl); me.api.asc_setGraphicObjectProps(props); } } } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger("edit:complete", me); } })).show(); }, setLocked: function (locked) { this._locked = locked; }, disableControls: function (disable) { if (this._state.DisabledControls !== disable) { this._state.DisabledControls = disable; _.each(this.lockedControls, function (item) { item.setDisabled(disable); }); } }, textKeepRatio: "Constant Proportions", textSize: "Size", textWidth: "Width", textHeight: "Height", textOriginalSize: "Default Size", textInsert: "Insert Image", textFromUrl: "From URL", textFromFile: "From File" }, SSE.Views.ImageSettings || {})); });