/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; function CRPI() { this.NeedResize = true; this.bDecreasedComp = false; this.bInline = false; this.bChangeInline = false; this.bNaryInline = false; this.bEqqArray = false; this.bMathFunc = false; this.bRecalcCtrPrp = false; this.PRS = null; } CRPI.prototype.Copy = function () { var RPI = new CRPI(); RPI.NeedResize = this.NeedResize; RPI.bInline = this.bInline; RPI.bDecreasedComp = this.bDecreasedComp; RPI.bChangeInline = this.bChangeInline; RPI.bNaryInline = this.bNaryInline; RPI.bEqqArray = this.bEqqArray; RPI.bMathFunc = this.bMathFunc; RPI.bRecalcCtrPrp = this.bRecalcCtrPrp; RPI.PRS = this.PRS; return RPI; }; CRPI.prototype.MergeMathInfo = function (MathInfo) { this.bInline = MathInfo.bInline; this.NeedResize = MathInfo.NeedResize; this.bRecalcCtrPrp = MathInfo.bRecalcCtrPrp; this.bChangeInline = MathInfo.bChangeInline; }; function CMathPointInfo() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.bEven = true; this.CurrPoint = 0; this.InfoPoints = {}; } CMathPointInfo.prototype.SetInfoPoints = function (InfoPoints) { this.InfoPoints.GWidths = InfoPoints.GWidths; this.InfoPoints.GPoints = InfoPoints.GPoints; this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints = InfoPoints.ContentPoints.Widths; this.InfoPoints.GMaxDimWidths = InfoPoints.GMaxDimWidths; }; CMathPointInfo.prototype.NextAlignRange = function () { if (this.bEven) { this.bEven = false; } else { this.CurrPoint++; this.bEven = true; } }; CMathPointInfo.prototype.GetAlign = function () { var align = 0; if (this.bEven) { var alignEven, alignGeneral, alignOdd; var Len = this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints.length, Point = this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints[this.CurrPoint]; var GWidth = this.InfoPoints.GWidths[this.CurrPoint], GPoint = this.InfoPoints.GPoints[this.CurrPoint]; if (this.CurrPoint == Len - 1 && Point.odd == -1) { var GMaxDimWidth = this.InfoPoints.GMaxDimWidths[this.CurrPoint]; alignGeneral = (GMaxDimWidth - Point.even) / 2; alignEven = 0; } else { alignGeneral = (GWidth - GPoint.even - GPoint.odd) / 2; alignEven = GPoint.even - Point.even; } if (this.CurrPoint > 0) { var PrevGenPoint = this.InfoPoints.GPoints[this.CurrPoint - 1], PrevGenWidth = this.InfoPoints.GWidths[this.CurrPoint - 1], PrevPoint = this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints[this.CurrPoint - 1]; var alignPrevGen = (PrevGenWidth - PrevGenPoint.even - PrevGenPoint.odd) / 2; alignOdd = alignPrevGen + PrevGenPoint.odd - PrevPoint.odd; } else { alignOdd = 0; } align = alignGeneral + alignEven + alignOdd; } return align; }; function CInfoPoints() { this.GWidths = null; this.GPoints = null; this.GMaxDimWidths = null; this.ContentPoints = new AmperWidths(); } CInfoPoints.prototype.SetDefault = function () { this.GWidths = null; this.GPoints = null; this.GMaxDimWidths = null; this.ContentPoints.SetDefault(); }; function CMathPosition() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } function AmperWidths() { this.bEven = true; this.Widths = []; } AmperWidths.prototype.UpdatePoint = function (value) { var len = this.Widths.length; if (len == 0) { var NewPoint = new CMathPoint(); NewPoint.even = value; this.Widths.push(NewPoint); this.bEven = true; } else { if (this.bEven) { this.Widths[len - 1].even += value; } else { this.Widths[len - 1].odd += value; } } }; AmperWidths.prototype.AddNewAlignRange = function () { var len = this.Widths.length; if (!this.bEven || len == 0) { var NewPoint = new CMathPoint(); NewPoint.even = 0; this.Widths.push(NewPoint); } if (this.bEven) { len = this.Widths.length; this.Widths[len - 1].odd = 0; } this.bEven = !this.bEven; }; AmperWidths.prototype.SetDefault = function () { this.bEven = true; this.Widths.length = 0; }; function CGaps(oSign, oEqual, oZeroOper, oLett) { this.sign = oSign; this.equal = oEqual; this.zeroOper = oZeroOper; this.letters = oLett; } function CCoeffGaps() { this.Sign = { left: new CGaps(0.52, 0.26, 0, 0.52), right: new CGaps(0.49, 0, 0, 0.49) }; this.Mult = { left: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0.46), right: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0.49) }; this.Equal = { left: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0.7), right: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0.5) }; this.Default = { left: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0), right: new CGaps(0, 0, 0, 0) }; } CCoeffGaps.prototype = { getCoeff: function (codeCurr, codeLR, direct) { var operator = null; if (this.checkEqualSign(codeCurr)) { operator = this.Equal; } else { if (this.checkOperSign(codeCurr)) { operator = this.Sign; } else { if (codeCurr == 42) { operator = this.Mult; } else { operator = this.Default; } } } var part = direct == -1 ? operator.left : operator.right; var coeff = 0; if (codeLR == -1) { coeff = part.letters; } else { if (this.checkOperSign(codeLR)) { coeff = part.sign; } else { if (this.checkEqualSign(codeLR)) { coeff = part.equal; } else { if (this.checkZeroSign(codeLR, direct)) { coeff = part.zeroOper; } else { coeff = part.letters; } } } } return coeff; }, checkOperSign: function (code) { var PLUS = 43, MINUS = 45, PLUS_MINUS = 177, MINUS_PLUS = 8723; return code == PLUS || code == MINUS || code == PLUS_MINUS || code == MINUS_PLUS; }, checkEqualSign: function (code) { var COMPARE = code == 60 || code == 62; var ARROWS = (code >= 8592 && code <= 8627) || (code == 8630) || (code == 8631) || (code >= 8634 && code <= 8681) || (code >= 8692 && code <= 8703); var INTERSECTION = code >= 8739 && code <= 8746; var EQUALS = code == 61 || (code >= 8756 && code <= 8893) || (code >= 8900 && code <= 8959); var ARR_FISHES = (code >= 10202 && code <= 10213) || (code >= 10220 && code <= 10623); var TRIANGLE_SYMB = code >= 10702 && code <= 10711; var OTH_SYMB = code == 10719 || (code >= 10721 && code <= 10727) || (code >= 10740 && code <= 10744) || (code >= 10786 && code <= 10992) || (code >= 10994 && code <= 11003) || code == 11005 || code == 11006; return COMPARE || ARROWS || INTERSECTION || EQUALS || ARR_FISHES || TRIANGLE_SYMB || OTH_SYMB; }, checkZeroSign: function (code, direct) { var MULT = 42, DIVISION = 47, B_SLASH = 92; var bOper = code == MULT || code == DIVISION || code == B_SLASH; var bLeftBracket = direct == -1 && (code == 40 || code == 91 || code == 123); var bRightBracket = direct == 1 && (code == 41 || code == 93 || code == 125); return bOper || bLeftBracket || bRightBracket; } }; var COEFF_GAPS = new CCoeffGaps(); function CMathArgSize() { this.value = undefined; } CMathArgSize.prototype = { decrease: function () { if (this.value == undefined) { this.value = 0; } if (this.value > -2) { this.value--; } }, increase: function () { if (this.value == undefined) { this.value = 0; } if (this.value < 2) { this.value++; } }, Set: function (ArgSize) { this.value = ArgSize.value; }, SetValue: function (val) { if (val < -2) { this.value = -2; } else { if (val > 2) { this.value = 2; } else { this.value = val; } } }, Copy: function () { var ArgSize = new CMathArgSize(); ArgSize.value = this.value; return ArgSize; }, Merge: function (ArgSize) { if (this.value == undefined) { this.value = 0; } if (ArgSize.value == undefined) { ArgSize.value = 0; } this.SetValue(this.value + ArgSize.value); } }; function CMathGapsInfo(argSize) { this.argSize = argSize; this.Left = null; this.Current = null; this.LeftFontSize = null; this.CurrentFontSize = null; } CMathGapsInfo.prototype = { setGaps: function (Current, CurrentFontSize) { this.Left = this.Current; this.LeftFontSize = this.CurrentFontSize; this.Current = Current; this.CurrentFontSize = CurrentFontSize; if (this.argSize < 0) { this.Current.GapLeft = 0; if (this.Left !== null) { this.Left.GapRight = 0; } } else { var leftCoeff = 0, rightCoeff = 0; var leftCode; if (this.Current.IsText()) { var currCode = this.Current.getCodeChr(); if (this.Left !== null) { if (this.Left.Type == para_Math_Composition) { rightCoeff = this.getGapsMComp(this.Left, 1); leftCoeff = COEFF_GAPS.getCoeff(currCode, -1, -1); if (leftCoeff > rightCoeff) { leftCoeff -= rightCoeff; } } else { if (this.Left.IsText()) { leftCode = this.Left.getCodeChr(); leftCoeff = COEFF_GAPS.getCoeff(currCode, leftCode, -1); rightCoeff = COEFF_GAPS.getCoeff(leftCode, currCode, 1); } } } else { this.Current.GapLeft = 0; } } else { if (this.Current.Type == para_Math_Composition) { leftCoeff = this.getGapsMComp(this.Current, -1); if (this.Left != null) { if (this.Left.Type == para_Math_Composition) { rightCoeff = this.getGapsMComp(this.Left, 1); if (rightCoeff / 2 > leftCoeff) { rightCoeff -= leftCoeff; } else { rightCoeff /= 2; } if (leftCoeff < rightCoeff / 2) { leftCoeff = rightCoeff / 2; } else { leftCoeff -= rightCoeff / 2; } } else { if (this.Left.IsText()) { leftCode = this.Left.getCodeChr(); rightCoeff = COEFF_GAPS.getCoeff(leftCode, -1, 1); if (rightCoeff > leftCoeff) { rightCoeff -= leftCoeff; } } } } else { leftCoeff = 0; } } } leftCoeff = Math.ceil(leftCoeff * 10) / 10; rightCoeff = Math.ceil(rightCoeff * 10) / 10; var LGapSign = 0.1513 * this.CurrentFontSize; this.Current.GapLeft = Math.ceil(leftCoeff * LGapSign * 10) / 10; if (this.Left != null) { var RGapSign = 0.1513 * this.LeftFontSize; this.Left.GapRight = Math.ceil(rightCoeff * RGapSign * 10) / 10; } } }, getGapsMComp: function (MComp, direct) { var kind = MComp.kind; var checkGap = this.checkGapKind(kind); var bNeedGap = !checkGap.bEmptyGaps && !checkGap.bChildGaps; var coeffLeft = 0.001, coeffRight = 0; var bDegree = kind == MATH_DEGREE; if (checkGap.bChildGaps) { if (bDegree) { coeffLeft = 0.03; if (MComp.IsPlhIterator()) { coeffRight = 0.12; } else { coeffRight = 0.16; } } var gapsChild = MComp.getGapsInside(this); coeffLeft = coeffLeft < gapsChild.left ? gapsChild.left : coeffLeft; coeffRight = coeffRight < gapsChild.right ? gapsChild.right : coeffRight; } else { if (bNeedGap) { coeffLeft = 0.4; coeffRight = 0.3; } } return direct == -1 ? coeffLeft : coeffRight; }, checkGapKind: function (kind) { var bEmptyGaps = kind == MATH_DELIMITER || kind == MATH_MATRIX, bChildGaps = kind == MATH_DEGREE || kind == MATH_DEGREESubSup || kind == MATH_ACCENT || kind == MATH_RADICAL || kind == MATH_BOX || kind == MATH_BORDER_BOX || (kind == MATH_DELIMITER); return { bEmptyGaps: bEmptyGaps, bChildGaps: bChildGaps }; } }; function CMPrp() { this.sty = undefined; this.scr = undefined; this.nor = undefined; this.aln = undefined; this.brk = undefined; this.lit = undefined; } CMPrp.prototype = { getPropsForWrite: function () { var props = { aln: this.aln, brk: this.brk, lit: this.lit, nor: this.nor, sty: this.sty, scr: this.scr }; return props; }, GetTxtPrp: function () { var textPrp = new CTextPr(); if (this.sty == undefined) { textPrp.Italic = true; textPrp.Bold = false; } else { textPrp.Italic = this.sty == STY_BI || this.sty == STY_ITALIC; textPrp.Bold = this.sty == STY_BI || this.sty == STY_BOLD; } return textPrp; }, Copy: function () { var NewMPrp = new CMPrp(); NewMPrp.aln = this.aln; NewMPrp.lit = this.lit; NewMPrp.nor = this.nor; NewMPrp.sty = this.sty; NewMPrp.scr = this.scr; if (this.brk !== undefined) { NewMPrp.brk = this.brk.Copy(); } return NewMPrp; }, GetCompiled_ScrStyles: function () { var nor = this.nor == undefined ? false : this.nor; var scr = this.scr == undefined ? TXT_ROMAN : this.scr; var sty = this.sty == undefined ? STY_ITALIC : this.sty; return { nor: nor, scr: scr, sty: sty }; }, SetStyle: function (Bold, Italic) { if (Bold == true && Italic == true) { this.sty = STY_BI; } else { if (Italic == true) { this.sty = STY_ITALIC; } else { if (Bold == true) { this.sty = STY_BOLD; } else { if (Bold == false && Italic == false) { this.sty = STY_PLAIN; } else { this.sty = undefined; } } } } }, GetBoldItalic: function () { var Object = { Italic: undefined, Bold: undefined }; if (this.sty == STY_BI) { Object.Bold = true; } else { if (this.sty == STY_BOLD) { Object.Bold = true; Object.Italic = false; } } return Object; } }; function CMathContent() { this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); this.Content = []; this.CurPos = 0; this.WidthToElement = []; this.pos = new CMathPosition(); this.ParaMath = null; this.ArgSize = new CMathArgSize(); this.Compiled_ArgSz = new CMathArgSize(); this.InfoPoints = new CInfoPoints(); this.plhHide = false; this.bRoot = false; this.Selection = { Start: 0, End: 0, Use: false }; this.RecalcInfo = { TextPr: true, bEqqArray: false, bChangeInfoPoints: false }; this.NearPosArray = []; this.ParentElement = null; this.size = new CMathSize(); g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); } CMathContent.prototype = { constructor: CMathContent, init: function () {}, addElementToContent: function (obj) { this.Internal_Content_Add(this.Content.length, obj, false); this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; }, fillPlaceholders: function () { this.Content.length = 0; var oMRun = new ParaRun(null, true); oMRun.fillPlaceholders(); this.addElementToContent(oMRun); }, PreRecalc: function (Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI) { if (ArgSize !== null && ArgSize !== undefined) { this.Compiled_ArgSz.value = this.ArgSize.value; this.Compiled_ArgSz.Merge(ArgSize); } this.ParaMath = ParaMath; if (Parent !== null) { this.bRoot = false; this.Parent = Parent; } if (ArgSize !== null && ArgSize !== undefined) { this.Compiled_ArgSz.value = this.ArgSize.value; this.Compiled_ArgSz.Merge(ArgSize); } var lng = this.Content.length; var GapsInfo = new CMathGapsInfo(this.Compiled_ArgSz.value); for (var pos = 0; pos < lng; pos++) { if (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Composition) { this.Content[pos].PreRecalc(this, ParaMath, this.Compiled_ArgSz, RPI, GapsInfo); } else { if (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run) { this.Content[pos].Math_PreRecalc(this, ParaMath, this.Compiled_ArgSz, RPI, GapsInfo); } } } if (GapsInfo.Current !== null) { GapsInfo.Current.GapRight = 0; } }, Resize: function (oMeasure, RPI) { this.WidthToElement.length = 0; this.RecalcInfo.bEqqArray = RPI.bEqqArray; var lng = this.Content.length; this.size.SetZero(); this.InfoPoints.SetDefault(); for (var pos = 0; pos < lng; pos++) { if (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Composition) { var NewRPI = RPI.Copy(); NewRPI.bEqqArray = false; this.Content[pos].Resize(oMeasure, NewRPI); if (RPI.bEqqArray) { this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints.UpdatePoint(this.Content[pos].size.width); } } else { if (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run) { this.Content[pos].Math_Recalculate(oMeasure, RPI, this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints); } } this.WidthToElement[pos] = this.size.width; var oSize = this.Content[pos].size; this.size.width += oSize.width; var oDescent = oSize.height - oSize.ascent, SizeDescent = this.size.height - this.size.ascent; this.size.ascent = this.size.ascent > oSize.ascent ? this.size.ascent : oSize.ascent; this.size.height = SizeDescent < oDescent ? oDescent + this.size.ascent : SizeDescent + this.size.ascent; } }, Resize_2: function (oMeasure, Parent, ParaMath, RPI, ArgSize) { var lng = this.Content.length; for (var i = 0; i < lng; i++) { if (this.Content[i].Type == para_Math_Composition) { this.Content[i].Resize_2(oMeasure, this, ParaMath, RPI, ArgSize); } else { this.Content[i].Math_Recalculate(oMeasure, RPI, null); } } }, getWidthsPoints: function () { return this.InfoPoints.ContentPoints.Widths; }, IsEqqArray: function () { return this.Parent.IsEqqArray(); }, Get_CompiledArgSize: function () { return this.Compiled_ArgSz; }, getGapsInside: function (GapsInfo) { var gaps = { left: 0, right: 0 }; var bFirstComp = false, bLastComp = false; var len = this.Content.length; if (len > 1) { var bFRunEmpty = this.Content[0].Is_Empty(); bFirstComp = bFRunEmpty && this.Content[1].Type == para_Math_Composition; var bLastRunEmpty = this.Content[len - 1].Is_Empty(); bLastComp = bLastRunEmpty && this.Content[len - 2].Type == para_Math_Composition; } var checkGap; if (bFirstComp) { checkGap = GapsInfo.checkGapKind(this.Content[1].kind); if (!checkGap.bChildGaps) { gaps.left = GapsInfo.getGapsMComp(this.Content[1], -1); } } if (bLastComp) { checkGap = GapsInfo.checkGapKind(this.Content[len - 1].kind); if (!checkGap.bChildGaps) { gaps.right = GapsInfo.getGapsMComp(this.Content[len - 1], 1); } } return gaps; }, IsOneLineText: function () { var bOneLineText = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++) { if (this.Content[i].Type == para_Math_Composition) { bOneLineText = false; } } return bOneLineText; }, draw: function (x, y, pGraphics, PDSE) { var bHidePlh = this.plhHide && this.IsPlaceholder(); if (!bHidePlh) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++) { if (this.Content[i].Type == para_Math_Composition) { this.Content[i].draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE); } else { this.Content[i].Draw_Elements(PDSE); } } } }, setCtrPrp: function () {}, getInfoLetter: function (Info) { if (this.Content.length == 1) { this.Content[0].Math_GetInfoLetter(Info); } else { Info.Result = false; } }, IsPlaceholder: function () { var flag = false; if (!this.bRoot && this.Content.length == 1) { flag = this.Content[0].IsPlaceholder(); } return flag; }, IsJustDraw: function () { return false; }, ApplyPoints: function (WidthsPoints, Points, MaxDimWidths) { this.InfoPoints.GWidths = WidthsPoints; this.InfoPoints.GPoints = Points; this.InfoPoints.GMaxDimWidths = MaxDimWidths; var PosInfo = new CMathPointInfo(); PosInfo.SetInfoPoints(this.InfoPoints); this.size.width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++) { if (this.Content[i].Type === para_Math_Run) { this.Content[i].ApplyPoints(PosInfo); } this.size.width += this.Content[i].size.width; } }, setPosition: function (pos) { this.pos.x = pos.x; this.pos.y = pos.y; var w = 0; if (this.RecalcInfo.bEqqArray) { var PosInfo = new CMathPointInfo(); PosInfo.SetInfoPoints(this.InfoPoints); this.pos.x += PosInfo.GetAlign(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++) { var NewPos = new CMathPosition(); NewPos.x = this.pos.x + w; NewPos.y = this.pos.y + this.size.ascent; if (this.Content[i].Type == para_Math_Run) { this.Content[i].Math_SetPosition(NewPos); } else { this.Content[i].setPosition(NewPos); } w += this.Content[i].size.width; } }, SetParent: function (Parent, ParaMath) { this.Parent = Parent; this.ParaMath = ParaMath; }, hidePlaceholder: function (flag) { this.plhHide = flag; }, getFirstRPrp: function (ParaMath) { return this.Content[0].Get_CompiledPr(true); }, GetCtrPrp: function () { var ctrPrp = new CTextPr(); if (!this.bRoot) { ctrPrp.Merge(this.Parent.Get_CompiledCtrPrp_2()); } return ctrPrp; }, IsAccent: function () { var result = false; if (!this.bRoot) { result = this.Parent.IsAccent(); } return result; }, GetParent: function () { return this.Parent.GetParent(); }, SetArgSize: function (val) { this.ArgSize.SetValue(val); }, GetArgSize: function () { return this.ArgSize.value; }, Is_SelectedAll: function (Props) { var bFirst = false, bEnd = false; if (this.Selection.Start == 0 && this.Selection.End == this.Content.length - 1) { if (this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Type == para_Math_Run) { bFirst = this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Is_SelectedAll(Props); } else { bFirst = true; } if (this.Content[this.Selection.End].Type == para_Math_Run) { bEnd = this.Content[this.Selection.End].Is_SelectedAll(Props); } else { bEnd = true; } } return bFirst && bEnd; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.GetId(); }, GetId: function () { return this.Id; }, private_CorrectContent: function () { var len = this.Content.length; var current = null; var emptyRun; var currPos = 0; while (currPos < len) { current = this.Content[currPos]; if (currPos < len && para_Math_Run === current.Type) { current.Math_Correct_Content(); } var bLeftRun = currPos > 0 ? this.Content[currPos - 1].Type == para_Math_Run : false, bRightRun = currPos < len - 1 ? this.Content[currPos + 1].Type === para_Math_Run : false; var bLeftEmptyRun = bLeftRun ? this.Content[currPos - 1].Is_Empty() : false; var bCurrComp = current.Type == para_Math_Composition, bCurrEmptyRun = current.Type == para_Math_Run && current.Is_Empty(); var bDeleteEmptyRun = bCurrEmptyRun && (bLeftRun || bRightRun); if (bCurrComp && !bLeftRun) { emptyRun = new ParaRun(null, true); emptyRun.Set_RFont_ForMathRun(); this.Apply_TextPrForRunEmpty(emptyRun, current); this.Internal_Content_Add(currPos, emptyRun); currPos += 2; } else { if (bCurrComp && bLeftEmptyRun) { emptyRun = this.Content[currPos - 1]; this.Apply_TextPrForRunEmpty(emptyRun, current); currPos++; } else { if (bDeleteEmptyRun) { this.Remove_FromContent(currPos, 1); if (this.CurPos === currPos) { if (bLeftRun) { this.CurPos = currPos - 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(false); } else { this.CurPos = currPos; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); } } } else { currPos++; } } } len = this.Content.length; } if (len > 1) { var bLastComp = this.Content[len - 1].Type == para_Math_Composition, bLastRunEmpty = this.Content[len - 2].Type == para_Math_Composition && this.Content[len - 1].Type == para_Math_Run && this.Content[len - 1].Is_Empty(); if (bLastComp) { emptyRun = new ParaRun(null, true); emptyRun.Set_RFont_ForMathRun(); this.Apply_TextPrForRunEmpty(emptyRun, this.Content[len - 1]); this.Internal_Content_Add(currPos, emptyRun); } else { if (bLastRunEmpty) { emptyRun = this.Content[len - 1]; this.Apply_TextPrForRunEmpty(emptyRun, this.Content[len - 2]); } } } }, Apply_TextPrForRunEmpty: function (emptyRun, Composition) { var ctrPrp = Composition.Get_CtrPrp(); var mathPrp = new CMPrp(); mathPrp.SetStyle(ctrPrp.Bold, ctrPrp.Italic); emptyRun.Set_MathPr(mathPrp); ctrPrp.Bold = undefined; ctrPrp.Italic = undefined; emptyRun.Set_Pr(ctrPrp); }, Correct_Content: function (bInnerCorrection) { if (true === bInnerCorrection) { for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { if (para_Math_Composition === this.Content[nPos].Type) { this.Content[nPos].Correct_Content(true); } } } this.private_CorrectContent(); if (this.Content.length < 1) { var NewMathRun = new ParaRun(null, true); NewMathRun.Set_RFont_ForMathRun(); this.Add_ToContent(0, NewMathRun); } for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[nPos].Type) { this.Content[nPos].Math_Correct_Content(); } } if (this.Content.length == 1) { if (this.Content[0].Is_Empty()) { this.Content[0].fillPlaceholders(); } } }, Correct_ContentPos: function (nDirection) { var nCurPos = this.CurPos; if (nCurPos < 0) { this.CurPos = 0; this.Content[0].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); } else { if (nCurPos > this.Content.length - 1) { this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(); } else { if (para_Math_Run !== this.Content[nCurPos].Type) { if (nDirection > 0) { this.CurPos = nCurPos + 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); } else { this.CurPos = nCurPos - 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(); } } } } }, Cursor_Is_Start: function () { var result = false; if (!this.Is_Empty()) { if (this.CurPos == 0) { result = this.Content[0].Cursor_Is_Start(); } } return result; }, Cursor_Is_End: function () { var result = false; if (!this.Is_Empty()) { var len = this.Content.length - 1; if (this.CurPos == len) { result = this.Content[len].Cursor_Is_End(); } } return result; }, Get_TextPr: function (ContentPos, Depth) { var pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); var TextPr; if (this.IsPlaceholder()) { TextPr = this.Parent.Get_CtrPrp(); } else { TextPr = this.Content[pos].Get_TextPr(ContentPos, Depth + 1); } return TextPr; }, Get_CompiledTextPr: function (Copy, bAll) { var TextPr = null; if (this.IsPlaceholder()) { TextPr = this.Parent.Get_CompiledCtrPrp_2(); } else { if (this.Selection.Use || bAll == true) { var StartPos, EndPos; if (bAll == true) { StartPos = 0; EndPos = this.Content.length - 1; } else { StartPos = this.Selection.Start; EndPos = this.Selection.End; if (StartPos > EndPos) { StartPos = this.Selection.End; EndPos = this.Selection.Start; } } while (null === TextPr && StartPos <= EndPos) { var bComp = this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Composition, bEmptyRun = this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Run && true === this.Content[StartPos].Selection_IsEmpty(); if (bComp || !bEmptyRun || bAll) { TextPr = this.Content[StartPos].Get_CompiledTextPr(true); } StartPos++; } while (this.Content[EndPos].Type == para_Math_Run && true === this.Content[EndPos].Selection_IsEmpty() && StartPos < EndPos + 1 && bAll == false) { EndPos--; } for (var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos < EndPos + 1; CurPos++) { var CurTextPr = this.Content[CurPos].Get_CompiledTextPr(false); if (null !== CurTextPr) { TextPr = TextPr.Compare(CurTextPr); } } } else { var CurPos = this.CurPos; if (CurPos >= 0 && CurPos < this.Content.length) { TextPr = this.Content[CurPos].Get_CompiledTextPr(Copy); } } } return TextPr; }, GetMathTextPrForMenu: function (ContentPos, Depth) { var pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); return this.Content[pos].GetMathTextPrForMenu(ContentPos, Depth + 1); }, Apply_TextPr: function (TextPr, IncFontSize, ApplyToAll, PosForMenu) { if (true === ApplyToAll) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Content.length; i++) { this.Content[i].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, true); } } else { var StartPos, EndPos, bMenu = false; if (PosForMenu !== undefined) { StartPos = PosForMenu.StartPos; EndPos = PosForMenu.EndPos; bMenu = true; } else { StartPos = this.Selection.Start; EndPos = this.Selection.End; } var NewRuns; var LRun, CRun, RRun; var bSelectOneElement = this.Selection.Use && StartPos == EndPos; var FirstPos = this.Selection.Use ? Math.min(StartPos, EndPos) : this.CurPos; if (FirstPos == 0 && this.bRoot) { this.ParaMath.SetRecalcCtrPrp(this.Content[0]); } if ((!this.Selection.Use && !bMenu) || (bSelectOneElement && this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Run)) { var Pos = !this.Selection.Use ? this.CurPos : StartPos; NewRuns = this.Content[Pos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, false); LRun = NewRuns[0]; CRun = NewRuns[1]; RRun = NewRuns[2]; var CRunPos = Pos; if (LRun !== null) { this.Internal_Content_Add(Pos + 1, CRun); CRunPos = Pos + 1; } if (RRun !== null) { this.Internal_Content_Add(CRunPos + 1, RRun); } this.CurPos = CRunPos; this.Selection.Start = CRunPos; this.Selection.End = CRunPos; } else { if (bSelectOneElement && this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Composition) { this.Content[StartPos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, true); } else { if (StartPos > EndPos) { var temp = StartPos; StartPos = EndPos; EndPos = temp; } for (var i = StartPos + 1; i < EndPos; i++) { this.Content[i].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, true); } if (this.Content[EndPos].Type == para_Math_Run) { NewRuns = this.Content[EndPos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, false); CRun = NewRuns[1]; RRun = NewRuns[2]; if (RRun !== null) { this.Internal_Content_Add(EndPos + 1, RRun); } } else { this.Content[EndPos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, true); } if (this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Run) { NewRuns = this.Content[StartPos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, false); LRun = NewRuns[0]; CRun = NewRuns[1]; if (LRun !== null) { this.Internal_Content_Add(StartPos + 1, CRun); } } else { this.Content[StartPos].Apply_TextPr(TextPr, IncFontSize, true); } var bStartComposition = this.Content[StartPos].Type == para_Math_Composition || (this.Content[StartPos].Is_Empty() && this.Content[StartPos + 1].Type == para_Math_Composition); var bEndCompostion = this.Content[EndPos].Type == para_Math_Composition || (this.Content[EndPos].Is_Empty() && this.Content[EndPos - 1].Type == para_Math_Composition); if (!bStartComposition) { if (this.Selection.Start < this.Selection.End && true === this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Selection_IsEmpty(true)) { this.Selection.Start++; } else { if (this.Selection.End < this.Selection.Start && true === this.Content[this.Selection.End].Selection_IsEmpty(true)) { this.Selection.End++; } } } if (!bEndCompostion) { if (this.Selection.Start < this.Selection.End && true === this.Content[this.Selection.End].Selection_IsEmpty(true)) { this.Selection.End--; } else { if (this.Selection.End < this.Selection.Start && true === this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Selection_IsEmpty(true)) { this.Selection.Start--; } } } } } } }, Set_MathTextPr2: function (TextPr, MathPr, bAll, StartPos, Count) { if (bAll) { StartPos = 0; Count = this.Content.length - 1; } if (Count < 0 || StartPos + Count > this.Content.length - 1) { return; } for (var pos = StartPos; pos <= StartPos + Count; pos++) { this.Content[pos].Set_MathTextPr2(TextPr, MathPr, true); } }, IsNormalTextInRuns: function () { var flag = true; if (this.Selection.Use) { var StartPos = this.Selection.Start, EndPos = this.Selection.End; if (StartPos > EndPos) { StartPos = this.Selection.End; EndPos = this.Selection.Start; } for (var i = StartPos; i < EndPos + 1; i++) { var curr = this.Content[i], currType = curr.Type; if (currType == para_Math_Composition || (currType == para_Math_Run && false == curr.IsNormalText())) { flag = false; break; } } } else { flag = false; } return flag; }, Internal_Content_Add: function (Pos, Item, bUpdatePosition) { Item.Set_ParaMath(this.ParaMath); Item.Parent = this; History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Math_AddItem, Pos: Pos, EndPos: Pos, Items: [Item] }); this.Content.splice(Pos, 0, Item); this.private_UpdatePosOnAdd(Pos, bUpdatePosition); }, private_UpdatePosOnAdd: function (Pos, bUpdatePosition) { if (bUpdatePosition !== false) { if (this.CurPos >= Pos) { this.CurPos++; } if (this.Selection.Start >= Pos) { this.Selection.Start++; } if (this.Selection.End >= Pos) { this.Selection.End++; } this.private_CorrectSelectionPos(); this.private_CorrectCurPos(); } var NearPosLen = this.NearPosArray.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < NearPosLen; Index++) { var HyperNearPos = this.NearPosArray[Index]; var ContentPos = HyperNearPos.NearPos.ContentPos; var Depth = HyperNearPos.Depth; if (ContentPos.Data[Depth] >= Pos) { ContentPos.Data[Depth]++; } } }, private_CorrectSelectionPos: function () { this.Selection.Start = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, this.Selection.Start)); this.Selection.End = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, this.Selection.End)); }, private_CorrectCurPos: function () { if (this.CurPos > this.Content.length - 1) { this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[this.CurPos].Type) { this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(false); } } if (this.CurPos < 0) { this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[this.CurPos].Type) { this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); } } }, SplitContent: function (NewContent, ContentPos, Depth) { var Pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[Pos].Type) { var NewRun = this.Content[Pos].Split(ContentPos, Depth + 1); NewContent.Add_ToContent(0, NewRun); var len = this.Content.length; if (Pos < len - 1) { NewContent.Concat_ToContent(this.Content.slice(Pos + 1)); this.Remove_FromContent(Pos + 1, len - Pos - 1); } } this.private_SetNeedResize(); }, Add_ToContent: function (Pos, Item) { this.Internal_Content_Add(Pos, Item); }, Concat_ToContent: function (NewItems) { var StartPos = this.Content.length; this.Content = this.Content.concat(NewItems); History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Math_AddItem, Pos: StartPos, EndPos: this.Content.length - 1, Items: NewItems }); }, Remove_FromContent: function (Pos, Count) { var DeletedItems = this.Content.splice(Pos, Count); History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_Math_RemoveItem, Pos: Pos, EndPos: Pos + Count - 1, Items: DeletedItems }); if (this.CurPos > Pos + Count) { this.CurPos -= Count; } else { if (this.CurPos > Pos) { this.CurPos = Pos; } } this.private_CorrectCurPos(); this.private_UpdatePosOnRemove(Pos, Count); }, private_UpdatePosOnRemove: function (Pos, Count) { if (true === this.Selection.Use) { if (this.Selection.Start <= this.Selection.End) { if (this.Selection.Start > Pos + Count) { this.Selection.Start -= Count; } else { if (this.Selection.Start > Pos) { this.Selection.Start = Pos; } } if (this.Selection.End >= Pos + Count) { this.Selection.End -= Count; } else { if (this.Selection.End >= Pos) { this.Selection.End = Math.max(0, Pos - 1); } } } else { if (this.Selection.Start >= Pos + Count) { this.Selection.Start -= Count; } else { if (this.Selection.Start >= Pos) { this.Selection.Start = Math.max(0, Pos - 1); } } if (this.Selection.End > Pos + Count) { this.Selection.End -= Count; } else { if (this.Selection.End > Pos) { this.Selection.End = Pos; } } } } var NearPosLen = this.NearPosArray.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < NearPosLen; Index++) { var HyperNearPos = this.NearPosArray[Index]; var ContentPos = HyperNearPos.NearPos.ContentPos; var Depth = HyperNearPos.Depth; if (ContentPos.Data[Depth] > Pos + Count) { ContentPos.Data[Depth] -= Count; } else { if (ContentPos.Data[Depth] > Pos) { ContentPos.Data[Depth] = Math.max(0, Pos); } } } }, Get_Default_TPrp: function () { return this.ParaMath.Get_Default_TPrp(); }, Is_Empty: function () { return this.Content.length == 0; }, Copy: function (Selected) { var NewContent = new CMathContent(); this.CopyTo(NewContent, Selected); return NewContent; }, CopyTo: function (OtherContent, Selected) { var nStartPos, nEndPos; if (true === Selected) { if (this.Selection.Start < this.Selection.End) { nStartPos = this.Selection.Start; nEndPos = this.Selection.End; } else { nStartPos = this.Selection.End; nEndPos = this.Selection.Start; } } else { nStartPos = 0; nEndPos = this.Content.length - 1; } OtherContent.plHid = this.plhHide; for (var nPos = nStartPos; nPos <= nEndPos; nPos++) { var oElement; if (this.Content[nPos].Type == para_Math_Run) { oElement = this.Content[nPos].Copy(Selected); } else { oElement = this.Content[nPos].Copy(false); } OtherContent.Internal_Content_Add(OtherContent.Content.length, oElement); } }, getElem: function (nNum) { return this.Content[nNum]; }, Is_FirstComposition: function () { var result = false; if (this.Content.length > 1) { var bEmptyRun = this.Content[0].Is_Empty(), bMathComp = this.Content[1].Type == para_Math_Composition; if (bEmptyRun && bMathComp) { result = true; } } return result; }, GetLastElement: function () { var pos = this.Content.length - 1; while (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run && this.Content[pos].Is_Empty() && pos > 0) { pos--; } var last = this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run ? this.Content[pos] : this.Content[pos].GetLastElement(); return last; }, GetFirstElement: function () { var pos = 0; while (this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run && this.Content[pos].Is_Empty() && pos < this.Content.length - 1) { pos++; } var first = this.Content[pos].Type == para_Math_Run ? this.Content[pos] : this.Content[pos].GetFirstElement(); return first; }, Undo: function (Data) { var type = Data.Type; switch (type) { case historyitem_Math_AddItem: this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, Data.EndPos - Data.Pos + 1); if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } break; case historyitem_Math_RemoveItem: var Pos = Data.Pos; var Array_start = this.Content.slice(0, Pos); var Array_end = this.Content.slice(Pos); this.Content = Array_start.concat(Data.Items, Array_end); if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } break; } }, Redo: function (Data) { var type = Data.Type; switch (type) { case historyitem_Math_AddItem: var Pos = Data.Pos; var Array_start = this.Content.slice(0, Pos); var Array_end = this.Content.slice(Pos); this.Content = Array_start.concat(Data.Items, Array_end); if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } break; case historyitem_Math_RemoveItem: this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, Data.EndPos - Data.Pos + 1); if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } break; } }, Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_MathContent); var Type = Data.Type; Writer.WriteLong(Type); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Math_AddItem: var Count = Data.Items.length; Writer.WriteLong(Count); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Writer.WriteLong(Data.Pos + Index); Writer.WriteString2(Data.Items[Index].Get_Id()); } break; case historyitem_Math_RemoveItem: var Count = Data.Items.length; Writer.WriteLong(Count); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Writer.WriteLong(Data.Pos); } break; } }, Load_Changes: function (Reader) { var ClassType = Reader.GetLong(); if (historyitem_type_MathContent != ClassType) { return; } var Type = Reader.GetLong(); switch (Type) { case historyitem_Math_AddItem: var Count = Reader.GetLong(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var Pos = Reader.GetLong(); var Element = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2()); if (null != Element) { this.Content.splice(Pos, 0, Element); } } this.private_SetNeedResize(); break; case historyitem_Math_RemoveItem: var Count = Reader.GetLong(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var ChangesPos = Reader.GetLong(); this.Content.splice(ChangesPos, 1); } this.private_SetNeedResize(); break; } }, Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_MathContent); Writer.WriteString2(this.Id); }, Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) { this.Id = Reader.GetString2(); }, Refresh_RecalcData: function () { if (this.ParaMath !== null) { this.ParaMath.Refresh_RecalcData(); } }, Insert_MathContent: function (oMathContent, Pos, bSelect) { if (null === this.ParaMath || null === this.ParaMath.Paragraph) { bSelect = false; } if (undefined === Pos) { Pos = this.CurPos; } var nCount = oMathContent.Content.length; for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { this.Internal_Content_Add(Pos + nIndex, oMathContent.Content[nIndex], false); if (true === bSelect) { oMathContent.Content[nIndex].Select_All(); } } if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } this.CurPos = Pos + nCount; if (true === bSelect) { this.Selection.Use = true; this.Selection.Start = Pos; this.Selection.End = Pos + nCount - 1; if (!this.bRoot) { this.ParentElement.Select_MathContent(this); } else { this.ParaMath.bSelectionUse = true; } this.ParaMath.Paragraph.Select_Math(this.ParaMath); } this.Correct_Content(true); this.Correct_ContentPos(-1); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Set_Paragraph = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Set_Paragraph; CMathContent.prototype.Get_ElementByPos = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Get_ElementByPos; CMathContent.prototype.Set_ParaMath = function (ParaMath, Parent) { this.Parent = Parent; this.ParaMath = ParaMath; for (var Index = 0, Count = this.Content.length; Index < Count; Index++) { this.Content[Index].Set_ParaMath(ParaMath, this); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Load_FromMenu = function (Type, Paragraph) { this.Paragraph = Paragraph; var Pr = { ctrPrp: new CTextPr() }; var MainType = Type >> 24; if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Symbol) { this.private_LoadFromMenuSymbol(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Fraction) { this.private_LoadFromMenuFraction(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Script) { this.private_LoadFromMenuScript(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Radical) { this.private_LoadFromMenuRadical(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Integral) { this.private_LoadFromMenuIntegral(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.LargeOperator) { this.private_LoadFromMenuLargeOperator(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Bracket) { this.private_LoadFromMenuBracket(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Function) { this.private_LoadFromMenuFunction(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Accent) { this.private_LoadFromMenuAccent(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.LimitLog) { this.private_LoadFromMenuLimitLog(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Operator) { this.private_LoadFromMenuOperator(Type, Pr); } else { if (MainType === c_oAscMathMainType.Matrix) { this.private_LoadFromMenuMatrix(Type, Pr); } } } } } } } } } } } } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuSymbol = function (Type, Pr) { var Code = -1; switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_pm: Code = 177; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_infinity: Code = 8734; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_equals: Code = 61; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_neq: Code = 8800; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_about: Code = 126; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_times: Code = 215; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_div: Code = 247; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_factorial: Code = 33; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_propto: Code = 8733; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_less: Code = 60; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_ll: Code = 8810; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_greater: Code = 62; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_gg: Code = 8811; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_leq: Code = 8804; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_geq: Code = 8805; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_mp: Code = 8723; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_cong: Code = 8773; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_approx: Code = 8776; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_equiv: Code = 8801; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_forall: Code = 8704; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_additional: Code = 8705; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_partial: Code = 120597; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_sqrt: this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_cbrt: this.Add_Radical({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_RADICAL }, null, "3"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_qdrt: this.Add_Radical({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_RADICAL }, null, "4"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_cup: Code = 8746; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_cap: Code = 8745; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_emptyset: Code = 8709; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_percent: Code = 37; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_degree: Code = 176; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_fahrenheit: Code = 8457; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_celsius: Code = 8451; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_inc: Code = 8710; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_nabla: Code = 8711; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_exists: Code = 8707; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_notexists: Code = 8708; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_in: Code = 8712; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_ni: Code = 8715; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_leftarrow: Code = 8592; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_uparrow: Code = 8593; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_rightarrow: Code = 8594; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_downarrow: Code = 8595; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_leftrightarrow: Code = 8596; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_therefore: Code = 8756; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_plus: Code = 43; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_minus: Code = 8722; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_not: Code = 172; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_ast: Code = 8727; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_bullet: Code = 8729; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_vdots: Code = 8942; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_cdots: Code = 8943; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_rddots: Code = 8944; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_ddots: Code = 8945; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_aleph: Code = 8501; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_beth: Code = 8502; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_QED: Code = 8718; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_alpha: Code = 120572; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_beta: Code = 120573; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_gamma: Code = 120574; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_delta: Code = 120575; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_varepsilon: Code = 120576; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_epsilon: Code = 120598; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_zeta: Code = 120577; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_eta: Code = 120578; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_theta: Code = 120579; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_vartheta: Code = 120599; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_iota: Code = 120580; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_kappa: Code = 120581; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_lambda: Code = 120582; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_mu: Code = 120583; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_nu: Code = 120584; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_xsi: Code = 120585; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_o: Code = 120586; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_pi: Code = 120587; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_varpi: Code = 120603; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_rho: Code = 120588; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_varrho: Code = 120602; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_sigma: Code = 120590; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_varsigma: Code = 120589; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_tau: Code = 120591; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_upsilon: Code = 120592; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_varphi: Code = 120593; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_phi: Code = 120601; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_chi: Code = 120594; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_psi: Code = 120595; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_omega: Code = 120596; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Alpha: Code = 913; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Beta: Code = 914; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Gamma: Code = 915; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Delta: Code = 916; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Epsilon: Code = 917; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Zeta: Code = 918; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Eta: Code = 919; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Theta: Code = 920; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Iota: Code = 921; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Kappa: Code = 922; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Lambda: Code = 923; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Mu: Code = 924; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Nu: Code = 925; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Xsi: Code = 926; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_O: Code = 927; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Pi: Code = 928; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Rho: Code = 929; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Sigma: Code = 931; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Tau: Code = 932; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Upsilon: Code = 933; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Phi: Code = 934; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Chi: Code = 935; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Psi: Code = 936; break; case c_oAscMathType.Symbol_Omega: Code = 937; break; } if (-1 !== Code) { this.Add_Symbol(Code); } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuFraction = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.FractionVertical: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionDiagonal: this.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: SKEWED_FRACTION }, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionHorizontal: this.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: LINEAR_FRACTION }, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionSmall: var oBox = new CBox(Pr); this.Add_Element(oBox); var BoxMathContent = oBox.getBase(); BoxMathContent.Add_Fraction(Pr, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionDifferential_1: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, "dx", "dy"); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionDifferential_2: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, String.fromCharCode(916) + "y", String.fromCharCode(916) + "x"); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionDifferential_3: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, String.fromCharCode(8706) + "y", String.fromCharCode(8706) + "x"); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionDifferential_4: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, String.fromCharCode(948) + "y", String.fromCharCode(948) + "x"); break; case c_oAscMathType.FractionPi_2: this.Add_Fraction(Pr, String.fromCharCode(960), "2"); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuScript = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.ScriptSup: this.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptSub: this.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT }, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptSubSup: this.Add_Script(true, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SubSup }, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptSubSupLeft: this.Add_Script(true, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_PreSubSup }, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptCustom_1: Pr.type = DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT; var Script = this.Add_Script(false, Pr, "x", null, null); var SubMathContent = Script.getLowerIterator(); Pr.type = DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT; SubMathContent.Add_Script(false, Pr, "y", "2", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptCustom_2: this.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "e", "-i" + String.fromCharCode(969) + "t", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptCustom_3: this.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "x", "2", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.ScriptCustom_4: this.Add_Script(true, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_PreSubSup }, "Y", "n", "1"); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuRadical = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.RadicalSqrt: Pr.type = SQUARE_RADICAL; Pr.degHide = true; this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.RadicalRoot_n: Pr.type = DEGREE_RADICAL; this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.RadicalRoot_2: Pr.type = DEGREE_RADICAL; this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, "2"); break; case c_oAscMathType.RadicalRoot_3: Pr.type = DEGREE_RADICAL; this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, "3"); break; case c_oAscMathType.RadicalCustom_1: var Fraction = this.Add_Fraction(Pr, null, null); var NumMathContent = Fraction.getNumeratorMathContent(); var DenMathContent = Fraction.getDenominatorMathContent(); NumMathContent.Add_Text("-b" + String.fromCharCode(177)); Pr.type = SQUARE_RADICAL; Pr.degHide = true; var Radical = NumMathContent.Add_Radical(Pr, null, null); var RadicalBaseMathContent = Radical.getBase(); RadicalBaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "b", "2", null); RadicalBaseMathContent.Add_Text("-4ac"); DenMathContent.Add_Text("2a"); break; case c_oAscMathType.RadicalCustom_2: Pr.type = SQUARE_RADICAL; Pr.degHide = true; var Radical = this.Add_Radical(Pr, null, null); var BaseMathContent = Radical.getBase(); var ScriptPr = { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }; BaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, ScriptPr, "a", "2", null); BaseMathContent.Add_Text("+"); BaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, ScriptPr, "b", "2", null); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuIntegral = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Integral: this.Add_Integral(1, false, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralSubSup: this.Add_Integral(1, false, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(1, false, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralDouble: this.Add_Integral(2, false, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralDoubleSubSup: this.Add_Integral(2, false, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralDoubleCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(2, false, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralTriple: this.Add_Integral(3, false, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralTripleSubSup: this.Add_Integral(3, false, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralTripleCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(3, false, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOriented: this.Add_Integral(1, true, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedSubSup: this.Add_Integral(1, true, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(1, true, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedDouble: this.Add_Integral(2, true, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedDoubleSubSup: this.Add_Integral(2, true, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedDoubleCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(2, true, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedTriple: this.Add_Integral(3, true, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedTripleSubSup: this.Add_Integral(3, true, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.IntegralOrientedTripleCenterSubSup: this.Add_Integral(3, true, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Integral_dx: Pr.diff = 1; this.Add_Box(Pr, "dx"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Integral_dy: Pr.diff = 1; this.Add_Box(Pr, "dy"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Integral_dtheta: Pr.diff = 1; this.Add_Box(Pr, "d" + String.fromCharCode(952)); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuLargeOperator = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Sum: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Sum_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Sum_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Sum_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Sum_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Prod: this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Prod_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Prod_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Prod_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Prod_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_CoProd: this.Add_LargeOperator(3, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_CoProd_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(3, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_CoProd_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(3, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_CoProd_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(3, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_CoProd_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(3, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Union: this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Union_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Union_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Union_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Union_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Intersection: this.Add_LargeOperator(5, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Intersection_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(5, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Intersection_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(5, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Intersection_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(5, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Intersection_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(5, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Disjunction: this.Add_LargeOperator(6, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Disjunction_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(6, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Disjunction_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(6, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Disjunction_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(6, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Disjunction_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(6, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Conjunction: this.Add_LargeOperator(7, NARY_UndOvr, true, true, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Conjunction_CenterSubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(7, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Conjunction_SubSup: this.Add_LargeOperator(7, NARY_SubSup, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Conjunction_CenterSub: this.Add_LargeOperator(7, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Conjunction_Sub: this.Add_LargeOperator(7, NARY_SubSup, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Custom_1: var Sum = this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, "k"); var BaseMathContent = Sum.getBaseMathContent(); var Delimiter = BaseMathContent.Add_Delimiter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, column: 1 }, 1, [null]); var DelimiterMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); DelimiterMathContent.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: NO_BAR_FRACTION }, "n", "k"); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Custom_2: this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, "n", "i=0"); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Custom_3: var Sum = this.Add_LargeOperator(1, NARY_UndOvr, true, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, null, null); var SubMathContent = Sum.getSubMathContent(); SubMathContent.Add_EqArray({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, row: 2 }, 2, ["0≤ i ≤ m", "0< j < n"]); var BaseMathContent = Sum.getBaseMathContent(); BaseMathContent.Add_Text("P"); BaseMathContent.Add_Delimiter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, column: 1 }, 1, ["i, j"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Custom_4: var Prod = this.Add_LargeOperator(2, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, "n", "k=1"); var BaseMathContent = Prod.getBaseMathContent(); BaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT }, "A", null, "k"); break; case c_oAscMathType.LargeOperator_Custom_5: var Union = this.Add_LargeOperator(4, NARY_UndOvr, false, false, Pr.ctrPrp, null, "m", "n=1"); var BaseMathContent = Union.getBaseMathContent(); var Delimiter = BaseMathContent.Add_Delimiter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, column: 1 }, 1, [null]); BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT }, "X", null, "n"); BaseMathContent.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(8898)); BaseMathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT }, "Y", null, "n"); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuBracket = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Round: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 91, 93); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Curve: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 123, 125); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Angle: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 10216, 10217); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LowLim: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8970, 8971); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_UppLim: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8968, 8969); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Line: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 124, 124); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LineDouble: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8214, 8214); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square_OpenOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 91, 91); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square_CloseClose: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 93, 93); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square_CloseOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 93, 91); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_SquareDouble: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 10214, 10215); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Round_Delimiter_2: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, [null, null], null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Curve_Delimiter_2: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, [null, null], 123, 125); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Angle_Delimiter_2: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, [null, null], 10216, 10217); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Angle_Delimiter_3: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, [null, null, null], 10216, 10217); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Round_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], null, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Round_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 91, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Square_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 93); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Curve_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 123, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Curve_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 125); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Angle_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 10216, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Angle_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 10217); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LowLim_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8970, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LowLim_NoneNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 8971); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_UppLim_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8968, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_UppLim_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 8969); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Line_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 124, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Line_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 124); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LineDouble_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 8214, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_LineDouble_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 8214); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_SquareDouble_OpenNone: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 10214, -1); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_SquareDouble_NoneOpen: this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], -1, 10215); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_1: var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 123, -1); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_EqArray({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, row: 2 }, 2, [null, null]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_2: var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 123, -1); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_EqArray({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, row: 3 }, 3, [null, null, null]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_3: this.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: NO_BAR_FRACTION }, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_4: var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], null, null); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: NO_BAR_FRACTION }, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_5: this.Add_Text("f"); this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, ["x"], null, null); this.Add_Text("="); var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 123, -1); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_EqArray({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, row: 2 }, 2, ["-x, &x<0", "x, &x" + String.fromCharCode(8805) + "0"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_6: var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], null, null); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: NO_BAR_FRACTION }, "n", "k"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Bracket_Custom_7: var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, [null], 10216, 10217); var BaseMathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); BaseMathContent.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: NO_BAR_FRACTION }, "n", "k"); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuFunction = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Function_Sin: this.Add_Function(Pr, "sin", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Cos: this.Add_Function(Pr, "cos", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Tan: this.Add_Function(Pr, "tan", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Csc: this.Add_Function(Pr, "csc", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Sec: this.Add_Function(Pr, "sec", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Cot: this.Add_Function(Pr, "cot", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Sin: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "sin", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Cos: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "cos", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Tan: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "tan", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Csc: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "csc", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Sec: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "sec", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Cot: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "cot", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Sinh: this.Add_Function(Pr, "sinh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Cosh: this.Add_Function(Pr, "cosh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Tanh: this.Add_Function(Pr, "tanh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Csch: this.Add_Function(Pr, "csch", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Sech: this.Add_Function(Pr, "sech", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Coth: this.Add_Function(Pr, "coth", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Sinh: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "sinh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Cosh: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "cosh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Tanh: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "tanh", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Csch: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "csch", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Sech: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "sech", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_1_Coth: this.Add_Function_1(Pr, "coth", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Custom_1: this.Add_Function(Pr, "sin", String.fromCharCode(952)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Custom_2: this.Add_Function(Pr, "cos", "2x"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Function_Custom_3: var Theta = String.fromCharCode(952); this.Add_Function(Pr, "tan", Theta); this.Add_Text("="); var Fraction = this.Add_Fraction(Pr, null, null); var NumMathContent = Fraction.getNumeratorMathContent(); var DenMathContent = Fraction.getDenominatorMathContent(); NumMathContent.Add_Function(Pr, "sin", Theta); DenMathContent.Add_Function(Pr, "cos", Theta); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuAccent = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Dot: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 775, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_DDot: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 776, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_DDDot: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8411, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Hat: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Check: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 780, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Accent: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 769, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Grave: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 768, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Smile: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 774, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Tilde: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 771, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Bar: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 773, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_DoubleBar: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 831, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_CurveBracketTop: this.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, chr: 9182, pos: VJUST_TOP, vertJc: VJUST_BOT }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_CurveBracketBot: this.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_GroupTop: var Limit = this.Add_Limit({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: LIMIT_UP }, null, null); var MathContent = Limit.getFName(); MathContent.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, chr: 9182, pos: VJUST_TOP, vertJc: VJUST_BOT }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_GroupBot: var Limit = this.Add_Limit({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: LIMIT_LOW }, null, null); var MathContent = Limit.getFName(); MathContent.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_ArrowL: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8406, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_ArrowR: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8407, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_ArrowD: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8417, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_HarpoonL: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8400, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_HarpoonR: this.Add_Accent(Pr.ctrPrp, 8401, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_BorderBox: this.Add_BorderBox(Pr, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_BorderBoxCustom: var BorderBox = this.Add_BorderBox(Pr, null); var MathContent = BorderBox.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "a", "2", null); MathContent.Add_Text("="); MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "b", "2", null); MathContent.Add_Text("+"); MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "c", "2", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_BarTop: this.Add_Bar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, pos: LOCATION_TOP }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_BarBot: this.Add_Bar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, pos: LOCATION_BOT }, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Custom_1: this.Add_Bar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, pos: LOCATION_TOP }, "A"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Custom_2: this.Add_Bar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, pos: LOCATION_TOP }, "ABC"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Accent_Custom_3: this.Add_Bar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, pos: LOCATION_TOP }, "x" + String.fromCharCode(8853) + "y"); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuLimitLog = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_LogBase: var Function = this.Add_Function(Pr, null, null); var MathContent = Function.getFName(); var Script = MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT }, null, null, null); MathContent = Script.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text("log", STY_PLAIN); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Log: this.Add_Function(Pr, "log", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Lim: this.Add_FunctionWithLimit(Pr, "lim", null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Min: this.Add_FunctionWithLimit(Pr, "min", null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Max: this.Add_FunctionWithLimit(Pr, "max", null, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Ln: this.Add_Function(Pr, "ln", null); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Custom_1: var Function = this.Add_FunctionWithLimit(Pr, "lim", "n" + String.fromCharCode(8594, 8734), null); var MathContent = Function.getArgument(); var Script = MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, null, "n", null); MathContent = Script.getBase(); var Delimiter = MathContent.Add_Delimiter({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, column: 1 }, 1, [null]); MathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); MathContent.Add_Text("1+"); MathContent.Add_Fraction({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp }, "1", "n"); break; case c_oAscMathType.LimitLog_Custom_2: var Function = this.Add_FunctionWithLimit(Pr, "max", "0" + String.fromCharCode(8804) + "x" + String.fromCharCode(8804) + "1", null); var MathContent = Function.getArgument(); MathContent.Add_Text("x"); var Script = MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "e", null, null); MathContent = Script.getUpperIterator(); MathContent.Add_Text("-"); MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, "x", "2", null); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuOperator = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ColonEquals: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, String.fromCharCode(8788)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_EqualsEquals: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, "=="); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_PlusEquals: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, "+="); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_MinusEquals: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, "-="); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_Definition: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, String.fromCharCode(8797)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_UnitOfMeasure: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, String.fromCharCode(8798)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DeltaEquals: this.Add_Box({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, String.fromCharCode(8796)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowL_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8592, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowR_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8594, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowL_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8592, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowR_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8594, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowL_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8656, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowR_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8658, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowL_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8656, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowR_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8658, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowD_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8596, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_ArrowD_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8596, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowD_Top: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_TOP, 8660, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_DoubleArrowD_Bot: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8660, null); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_Custom_1: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8594, "yields"); break; case c_oAscMathType.Operator_Custom_2: this.Add_BoxWithGroupChar({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, opEmu: 1 }, VJUST_BOT, 8594, String.fromCharCode(8710)); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_LoadFromMenuMatrix = function (Type, Pr) { switch (Type) { case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_1_2: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_1: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 1, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_1_3: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 1, 3, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_3_1: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 1, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_2: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_3: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 3, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_3_2: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_3_3: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 3, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Dots_Center: this.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(8943)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Dots_Baseline: this.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(8230)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Dots_Vertical: this.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(8942)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Dots_Diagonal: this.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(8945)); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Identity_2: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, ["1", "0", "0", "1"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Identity_2_NoZeros: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, true, ["1", null, null, "1"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Identity_3: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 3, false, ["1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Identity_3_NoZeros: this.Add_Matrix(Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 3, true, ["1", null, null, null, "1", null, null, null, "1"]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_2_RoundBracket: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(null, null, Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_2_SquareBracket: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(91, 93, Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_2_LineBracket: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(124, 124, Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_2_2_DLineBracket: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(8214, 8214, Pr.ctrPrp, 2, 2, false, []); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Flat_Round: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(null, null, Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 3, false, [null, String.fromCharCode(8943), null, String.fromCharCode(8942), String.fromCharCode(8945), String.fromCharCode(8942), null, String.fromCharCode(8943), null]); break; case c_oAscMathType.Matrix_Flat_Square: this.Add_MatrixWithBrackets(91, 93, Pr.ctrPrp, 3, 3, false, [null, String.fromCharCode(8943), null, String.fromCharCode(8942), String.fromCharCode(8945), String.fromCharCode(8942), null, String.fromCharCode(8943), null]); break; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Element = function (Element) { this.Internal_Content_Add(this.CurPos, Element, false); this.CurPos++; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Text = function (sText, MathStyle) { if (sText) { var MathRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, true); for (var nCharPos = 0, nTextLen = sText.length; nCharPos < nTextLen; nCharPos++) { var oText = null; if (38 == sText.charCodeAt(nCharPos)) { oText = new CMathAmp(); } else { oText = new CMathText(false); oText.addTxt(sText[nCharPos]); } MathRun.Add(oText, true); } MathRun.Set_RFont_ForMathRun(); if (undefined !== MathStyle && null !== MathStyle) { MathRun.Math_Apply_Style(MathStyle); } this.Internal_Content_Add(this.CurPos, MathRun, false); this.CurPos++; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Symbol = function (Code) { var MathRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, true); var Symbol = new CMathText(false); Symbol.add(Code); MathRun.Add(Symbol, true); this.Internal_Content_Add(this.CurPos, MathRun, false); this.CurPos++; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Fraction = function (Pr, NumText, DenText) { var Fraction = new CFraction(Pr); this.Add_Element(Fraction); var DenMathContent = Fraction.getDenominatorMathContent(); DenMathContent.Add_Text(DenText); var NumMathContent = Fraction.getNumeratorMathContent(); NumMathContent.Add_Text(NumText); return Fraction; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Script = function (bSubSup, Pr, BaseText, SupText, SubText) { var Script = null; if (bSubSup) { Script = new CDegreeSubSup(Pr); } else { Script = new CDegree(Pr); } this.Add_Element(Script); var MathContent = Script.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); MathContent = Script.getUpperIterator(); MathContent.Add_Text(SupText); MathContent = Script.getLowerIterator(); MathContent.Add_Text(SubText); return Script; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Radical = function (Pr, BaseText, DegreeText) { var Radical = new CRadical(Pr); this.Add_Element(Radical); var MathContent = Radical.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); MathContent = Radical.getDegree(); MathContent.Add_Text(DegreeText); return Radical; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_NAry = function (Pr, BaseText, SupText, SubText) { var NAry = new CNary(Pr); this.Add_Element(NAry); var MathContent = NAry.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); MathContent = NAry.getSubMathContent(); MathContent.Add_Text(SubText); MathContent = NAry.getSupMathContent(); MathContent.Add_Text(SupText); return NAry; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Integral = function (Dim, bOriented, limLoc, supHide, subHide, ctrPr, BaseText, SupText, SubText) { var Pr = { ctrPrp: ctrPr }; if (null !== limLoc) { Pr.limLoc = limLoc; } if (null !== supHide) { Pr.supHide = supHide; } if (null !== subHide) { Pr.subHide = subHide; } var chr = null; switch (Dim) { case 3: chr = (bOriented ? 8752 : 8749); break; case 2: chr = (bOriented ? 8751 : 8748); break; default: case 1: chr = (bOriented ? 8750 : null); break; } if (null !== chr) { Pr.chr = chr; } return this.Add_NAry(Pr, BaseText, SupText, SubText); }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_LargeOperator = function (Type, limLoc, supHide, subHide, ctrPr, BaseText, SupText, SubText) { var Pr = { ctrPrp: ctrPr }; if (null !== limLoc) { Pr.limLoc = limLoc; } if (null !== supHide) { Pr.supHide = supHide; } if (null !== subHide) { Pr.subHide = subHide; } var chr = null; switch (Type) { default: case 1: chr = 8721; break; case 2: chr = 8719; break; case 3: chr = 8720; break; case 4: chr = 8899; break; case 5: chr = 8898; break; case 6: chr = 8897; break; case 7: chr = 8896; break; } if (null !== chr) { Pr.chr = chr; } return this.Add_NAry(Pr, BaseText, SupText, SubText); }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Delimiter = function (Pr, Count, aText) { var Del = new CDelimiter(Pr); this.Add_Element(Del); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var MathContent = Del.getElementMathContent(Index); MathContent.Add_Text(aText[Index]); } return Del; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_DelimiterEx = function (ctrPr, Count, aText, begChr, endChr) { var Pr = { ctrPrp: ctrPr, column: Count, begChr: begChr, endChr: endChr }; return this.Add_Delimiter(Pr, Count, aText); }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_EqArray = function (Pr, Count, aText) { var EqArray = new CEqArray(Pr); this.Add_Element(EqArray); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var MathContent = EqArray.getElementMathContent(Index); MathContent.Add_Text(aText[Index]); } return EqArray; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Box = function (Pr, BaseText) { var Box = new CBox(Pr); this.Add_Element(Box); var MathContent = Box.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return Box; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_BoxWithGroupChar = function (BoxPr, GroupPos, GroupChr, BaseText) { var Box = this.Add_Box(BoxPr, null); var MathContent = Box.getBase(); if (GroupPos === VJUST_TOP) { MathContent.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: BoxPr.ctrPrp, pos: GroupPos, chr: GroupChr }, BaseText); } else { MathContent.Add_GroupCharacter({ ctrPrp: BoxPr.ctrPrp, vertJc: GroupPos, chr: GroupChr }, BaseText); } return Box; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_BorderBox = function (Pr, BaseText) { var Box = new CBorderBox(Pr); this.Add_Element(Box); var MathContent = Box.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return Box; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Bar = function (Pr, BaseText) { var Bar = new CBar(Pr); this.Add_Element(Bar); var MathContent = Bar.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return Bar; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Function = function (Pr, FName, BaseText) { var MathFunc = new CMathFunc(Pr); this.Add_Element(MathFunc); var MathContent = MathFunc.getFName(); MathContent.Add_Text(FName, STY_PLAIN); MathContent = MathFunc.getArgument(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return MathFunc; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Function_1 = function (Pr, FName, BaseText) { var MathFunc = new CMathFunc(Pr); this.Add_Element(MathFunc); var MathContent = MathFunc.getFName(); var Script = MathContent.Add_Script(false, { ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT }, null, "-1", null); MathContent = Script.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(FName, STY_PLAIN); MathContent = MathFunc.getArgument(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return MathFunc; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_FunctionWithLimit = function (Pr, FName, LimitText, BaseText) { var MathFunc = new CMathFunc(Pr); this.Add_Element(MathFunc); var MathContent = MathFunc.getFName(); var Limit = MathContent.Add_Limit({ ctrPrp: Pr.ctrPrp, type: LIMIT_LOW }, null, LimitText); MathContent = Limit.getFName(); MathContent.Add_Text(FName, STY_PLAIN); MathContent = MathFunc.getArgument(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return MathFunc; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Accent = function (ctrPr, chr, BaseText) { var Pr = { ctrPrp: ctrPr, chr: chr }; var Accent = new CAccent(Pr); this.Add_Element(Accent); var MathContent = Accent.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return Accent; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_GroupCharacter = function (Pr, BaseText) { var Group = new CGroupCharacter(Pr); this.Add_Element(Group); var MathContent = Group.getBase(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); return Group; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Limit = function (Pr, BaseText, LimitText) { var Limit = new CLimit(Pr); this.Add_Element(Limit); var MathContent = Limit.getFName(); MathContent.Add_Text(BaseText); MathContent = Limit.getIterator(); MathContent.Add_Text(LimitText); return Limit; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_Matrix = function (ctrPr, RowsCount, ColsCount, plcHide, aText) { var Pr = { ctrPrp: ctrPr, row: RowsCount, mcs: [{ count: ColsCount, mcJc: MCJC_CENTER }], plcHide: plcHide }; var Matrix = new CMathMatrix(Pr); this.Add_Element(Matrix); for (var RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < RowsCount; RowIndex++) { for (var ColIndex = 0; ColIndex < ColsCount; ColIndex++) { var MathContent = Matrix.getContentElement(RowIndex, ColIndex); MathContent.Add_Text(aText[RowIndex * ColsCount + ColIndex]); } } return Matrix; }; CMathContent.prototype.Add_MatrixWithBrackets = function (begChr, endChr, ctrPr, RowsCount, ColsCount, plcHide, aText) { var Delimiter = this.Add_DelimiterEx(ctrPr, 1, [null], begChr, endChr); var MathContent = Delimiter.getElementMathContent(0); return MathContent.Add_Matrix(ctrPr, RowsCount, ColsCount, plcHide, aText); }; CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Reset = function (StartRange, StartLine) { for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { this.Content[nPos].Recalculate_Reset(StartRange, StartLine); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_Bounds = function () { var X = 0, Y = 0, W = 0, H = 0; if (null !== this.ParaMath) { X = this.ParaMath.X + this.pos.x; Y = this.ParaMath.Y + this.pos.y; W = this.size.width; H = this.size.height; } return { X: X, Y: Y, W: W, H: H }; }; CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_CurPos = function (_X, _Y, CurrentRun, _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget) { var X = this.pos.x + this.ParaMath.X; var Y = this.pos.y + this.ParaMath.Y + this.size.ascent; if (this.RecalcInfo.bEqqArray) { for (var nPos = 0; nPos < this.CurPos; nPos++) { if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[nPos].Type) { X = this.Content[nPos].Recalculate_CurPos(X, Y, false, _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget).X; } else { X += this.Content[nPos].size.width; } } } else { X += this.WidthToElement[this.CurPos]; } return this.Content[this.CurPos].Recalculate_CurPos(X, Y, CurrentRun, _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget); }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_ParaContentPosByXY = function (SearchPos, Depth, _CurLine, _CurRange, StepEnd) { var nLength = this.Content.length; if (nLength <= 0) { return false; } var bResult = false; for (var nPos = 0; nPos < nLength; nPos++) { var CurX = SearchPos.CurX; if (true === this.Content[nPos].Get_ParaContentPosByXY(SearchPos, Depth + 1, _CurLine, _CurRange, StepEnd)) { SearchPos.Pos.Update2(nPos, Depth); bResult = true; } SearchPos.CurX = CurX + this.Content[nPos].size.width; } return bResult; }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_ParaContentPos = function (bSelection, bStart, ContentPos) { var nPos = (true !== bSelection ? this.CurPos : (false !== bStart ? this.Selection.Start : this.Selection.End)); ContentPos.Add(nPos); if (undefined !== this.Content[nPos]) { this.Content[nPos].Get_ParaContentPos(bSelection, bStart, ContentPos); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Set_ParaContentPos = function (ContentPos, Depth) { var CurPos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); if (undefined === CurPos || CurPos < 0) { this.CurPos = 0; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); } else { if (CurPos > this.Content.length - 1) { this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(false); } else { this.CurPos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); this.Content[this.CurPos].Set_ParaContentPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1); } } }; CMathContent.prototype.Set_SelectionContentPos = function (StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth, StartFlag, EndFlag) { var OldStartPos = this.Selection.Start; var OldEndPos = this.Selection.End; if (OldStartPos > OldEndPos) { OldStartPos = this.Selection.End; OldEndPos = this.Selection.Start; } OldStartPos = Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, Math.max(0, OldStartPos)); OldEndPos = Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, Math.max(0, OldEndPos)); var StartPos = 0; switch (StartFlag) { case 1: StartPos = 0; break; case -1: StartPos = this.Content.length - 1; break; case 0: StartPos = StartContentPos.Get(Depth); break; } var EndPos = 0; switch (EndFlag) { case 1: EndPos = 0; break; case -1: EndPos = this.Content.length - 1; break; case 0: EndPos = EndContentPos.Get(Depth); break; } if (OldStartPos < StartPos && OldStartPos < EndPos) { var TempLimit = Math.min(StartPos, EndPos); for (var CurPos = OldStartPos; CurPos < TempLimit; CurPos++) { this.Content[CurPos].Selection_Remove(); } } if (OldEndPos > StartPos && OldEndPos > EndPos) { var TempLimit = Math.max(StartPos, EndPos); for (var CurPos = TempLimit + 1; CurPos <= OldEndPos; CurPos++) { this.Content[CurPos].Selection_Remove(); } } this.Selection.Use = true; this.Selection.Start = StartPos; this.Selection.End = EndPos; if (StartPos !== EndPos) { this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos(StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, StartFlag, StartPos > EndPos ? 1 : -1); this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos(null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, StartPos > EndPos ? -1 : 1, EndFlag); var _StartPos = StartPos; var _EndPos = EndPos; var Direction = 1; if (_StartPos > _EndPos) { _StartPos = EndPos; _EndPos = StartPos; Direction = -1; } for (var CurPos = _StartPos + 1; CurPos < _EndPos; CurPos++) { this.Content[CurPos].Select_All(Direction); } } else { this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos(StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, StartFlag, EndFlag); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Selection_IsEmpty = function () { if (true !== this.Selection.Use) { return true; } if (this.Selection.Start === this.Selection.End) { return this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Selection_IsEmpty(); } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.GetSelectContent = function () { if (false === this.Selection.Use) { if (para_Math_Composition === this.Content[this.CurPos].Type) { return this.Content[this.CurPos].GetSelectContent(); } else { return { Content: this, Start: this.CurPos, End: this.CurPos }; } } else { var StartPos = this.Selection.Start; var EndPos = this.Selection.End; if (StartPos > EndPos) { StartPos = this.Selection.End; EndPos = this.Selection.Start; } if (StartPos === EndPos && para_Math_Composition === this.Content[StartPos].Type && true === this.Content[StartPos].Is_InnerSelection()) { return this.Content[StartPos].GetSelectContent(); } return { Content: this, Start: StartPos, End: EndPos }; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_LeftPos = function (SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos) { if (true !== this.ParentElement.Is_ContentUse(this)) { return false; } if (false === UseContentPos && para_Math_Run === this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Type) { var CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; this.Content[CurPos].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } var CurPos = UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : this.Content.length - 1; var bStepStart = false; if (CurPos > 0 || !this.Content[0].Cursor_Is_Start()) { bStepStart = true; } this.Content[CurPos].Get_LeftPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return true; } CurPos--; if (true === UseContentPos && para_Math_Composition === this.Content[CurPos + 1].Type) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } while (CurPos >= 0) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_LeftPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return true; } CurPos--; } if (true === bStepStart) { this.Content[0].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(0, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_RightPos = function (SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos, StepEnd) { if (true !== this.ParentElement.Is_ContentUse(this)) { return false; } if (false === UseContentPos && para_Math_Run === this.Content[0].Type) { this.Content[0].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(0, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } var CurPos = true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : 0; var Count = this.Content.length; var bStepEnd = false; if (CurPos < Count - 1 || !this.Content[Count - 1].Cursor_Is_End()) { bStepEnd = true; } this.Content[CurPos].Get_RightPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos, StepEnd); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return true; } CurPos++; if (true === UseContentPos && para_Math_Composition === this.Content[CurPos - 1].Type) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } while (CurPos < Count) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_RightPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false, StepEnd); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return true; } CurPos++; } if (true === bStepEnd) { this.Content[Count - 1].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(Count - 1, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; return true; } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = function (SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos) { if (true !== this.ParentElement.Is_ContentUse(this)) { return false; } if (false === UseContentPos && para_Math_Run === this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Type) { var CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; this.Content[CurPos].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } var CurPos = true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : this.Content.length - 1; var bStepStart = false; if (CurPos > 0 || !this.Content[0].Cursor_Is_Start()) { bStepStart = true; } this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordStartPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos); if (true === SearchPos.UpdatePos) { SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); } if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return; } CurPos--; var bStepStartRun = false; if (true === UseContentPos && para_Math_Composition === this.Content[CurPos + 1].Type) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } else { if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[CurPos + 1].Type && true === SearchPos.Shift) { bStepStartRun = true; } } while (CurPos >= 0) { if (true !== bStepStartRun || para_Math_Run === this.Content[CurPos].Type) { var OldUpdatePos = SearchPos.UpdatePos; this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordStartPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false); if (true === SearchPos.UpdatePos) { SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); } else { SearchPos.UpdatePos = OldUpdatePos; } if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return; } if (true === SearchPos.Shift) { bStepStartRun = true; } } else { this.Content[CurPos + 1].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos + 1, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } CurPos--; } if (true === bStepStart) { this.Content[0].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(0, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = function (SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos, StepEnd) { if (true !== this.ParentElement.Is_ContentUse(this)) { return false; } if (false === UseContentPos && para_Math_Run === this.Content[0].Type) { this.Content[0].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(0, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } var CurPos = true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : 0; var Count = this.Content.length; var bStepEnd = false; if (CurPos < Count - 1 || !this.Content[Count - 1].Cursor_Is_End()) { bStepEnd = true; } this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordEndPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos, StepEnd); if (true === SearchPos.UpdatePos) { SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); } if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return; } CurPos++; var bStepEndRun = false; if (true === UseContentPos && para_Math_Composition === this.Content[CurPos - 1].Type) { this.Content[CurPos].Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } else { if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[CurPos - 1].Type && true === SearchPos.Shift) { bStepEndRun = true; } } while (CurPos < Count) { if (true !== bStepEndRun || para_Math_Run === this.Content[CurPos].Type) { var OldUpdatePos = SearchPos.UpdatePos; this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordEndPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false, StepEnd); if (true === SearchPos.UpdatePos) { SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos, Depth); } else { SearchPos.UpdatePos = OldUpdatePos; } if (true === SearchPos.Found) { return; } if (true === SearchPos.Shift) { bStepEndRun = true; } } else { this.Content[CurPos - 1].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(CurPos - 1, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } CurPos++; } if (true === bStepEnd) { this.Content[Count - 1].Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth + 1); SearchPos.Pos.Update(Count - 1, Depth); SearchPos.Found = true; SearchPos.UpdatePos = true; return true; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_StartPos = function (ContentPos, Depth) { ContentPos.Update(0, Depth); this.Content[0].Get_StartPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1); }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_EndPos = function (BehindEnd, ContentPos, Depth) { var nLastPos = this.Content.length - 1; ContentPos.Update(nLastPos, Depth); if (undefined !== this.Content[nLastPos]) { this.Content[nLastPos].Get_EndPos(BehindEnd, ContentPos, Depth + 1); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Draw_HighLights = function (PDSH, bAll) { PDSH.X = this.ParaMath.X + this.pos.x; var len = this.Content.length; var H = 0; var Y0 = PDSH.Y0, Y1 = PDSH.Y1; var FirstRootRunNotShd = this.bRoot && this.Content.length > 0 && !this.Content[0].IsShade(); if (FirstRootRunNotShd || !this.bRoot) { Y0 = this.ParaMath.Y + this.pos.y; Y1 = this.ParaMath.Y + this.pos.y + this.size.height; } for (var CurPos = 0; CurPos < len; CurPos++) { PDSH.Y0 = Y0; PDSH.Y1 = Y1; if (bAll && this.Content[CurPos].Type == para_Math_Run) { this.Content[CurPos].Select_All(); } this.Content[CurPos].Draw_HighLights(PDSH, bAll); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Draw_Lines = function (PDSL) { var lng = this.Content.length; var X = PDSL.X = this.pos.x + this.ParaMath.X, Y = PDSL.Baseline = this.pos.y + this.ParaMath.Y + this.size.ascent; for (var CurPos = 0; CurPos < lng; CurPos++) { this.Content[CurPos].Draw_Lines(PDSL); PDSL.Baseline = Y; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Selection_Remove = function () { var StartPos = this.Selection.Start; var EndPos = this.Selection.End; if (StartPos > EndPos) { StartPos = this.Selection.End; EndPos = this.Selection.Start; } StartPos = Math.max(0, StartPos); EndPos = Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, EndPos); for (var nPos = StartPos; nPos <= EndPos; nPos++) { this.Content[nPos].Selection_Remove(); } this.Selection.Use = false; this.Selection.Start = 0; this.Selection.End = 0; }; CMathContent.prototype.Select_All = function (Direction) { this.Selection.Use = true; this.Selection.Start = 0; this.Selection.End = this.Content.length - 1; for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { this.Content[nPos].Select_All(Direction); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Selection_DrawRange = function (_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw) { var Start = this.Selection.Start; var End = this.Selection.End; if (Start > End) { Start = this.Selection.End; End = this.Selection.Start; } SelectionDraw.StartX += this.pos.x; var PointsInfo = new CMathPointInfo(); PointsInfo.SetInfoPoints(this.InfoPoints); var bDrawSelection = false; for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { bDrawSelection = nPos >= Start && nPos <= End ? true : false; if (para_Math_Run === this.Content[nPos].Type) { this.Content[nPos].Selection_DrawRange(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw, PointsInfo); } else { if (true === bDrawSelection) { SelectionDraw.W += this.Content[nPos].size.width; SelectionDraw.FindStart = false; } else { if (true === SelectionDraw.FindStart) { SelectionDraw.StartX += this.Content[nPos].size.width; } } } } if (true !== this.bRoot) { SelectionDraw.StartY = this.ParaMath.Y + this.pos.y; SelectionDraw.H = this.size.height; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Select_ElementByPos = function (nPos, bWhole) { this.Selection.Use = true; this.Selection.Start = nPos; this.Selection.End = nPos; this.Content[nPos].Select_All(); if (bWhole) { this.Correct_Selection(); } if (!this.bRoot) { this.ParentElement.Select_MathContent(this); } else { this.ParaMath.bSelectionUse = true; } }; CMathContent.prototype.Select_Element = function (Element, bWhole) { var nPos = -1; for (var nCurPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nCurPos < nCount; nCurPos++) { if (this.Content[nCurPos] === Element) { nPos = nCurPos; break; } } if (-1 !== nPos) { this.Selection.Use = true; this.Selection.Start = nPos; this.Selection.End = nPos; if (bWhole) { this.Correct_Selection(); } if (!this.bRoot) { this.ParentElement.Select_MathContent(this); } else { this.ParaMath.bSelectionUse = true; } } }; CMathContent.prototype.Correct_Selection = function () { if (true !== this.Selection.Use) { return; } var nContentLen = this.Content.length; var nStartPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.Selection.Start, nContentLen - 1)); var nEndPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.Selection.End, nContentLen - 1)); if (nStartPos > nEndPos) { var nTemp = nStartPos; nStartPos = nEndPos; nEndPos = nTemp; } var oStartElement = this.Content[nStartPos]; if (para_Math_Run !== oStartElement.Type) { this.Selection.Start = nStartPos - 1; this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Set_SelectionAtEndPos(); } var oEndElement = this.Content[nEndPos]; if (para_Math_Run !== oEndElement.Type) { this.Selection.End = nEndPos + 1; this.Content[this.Selection.End].Set_SelectionAtStartPos(); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Create_FontMap = function (Map) { for (var nIndex = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { this.Content[nIndex].Create_FontMap(Map, this.Compiled_ArgSz); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Get_AllFontNames = function (AllFonts) { for (var nIndex = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { this.Content[nIndex].Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Selection_CheckParaContentPos = function (ContentPos, Depth, bStart, bEnd) { var CurPos = ContentPos.Get(Depth); if (this.Selection.Start <= CurPos && CurPos <= this.Selection.End) { return this.Content[CurPos].Selection_CheckParaContentPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1, bStart && this.Selection.Start === CurPos, bEnd && CurPos === this.Selection.End); } else { if (this.Selection.End <= CurPos && CurPos <= this.Selection.Start) { return this.Content[CurPos].Selection_CheckParaContentPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1, bStart && this.Selection.End === CurPos, bEnd && CurPos === this.Selection.Start); } } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.Check_NearestPos = function (ParaNearPos, Depth) { var HyperNearPos = new CParagraphElementNearPos(); HyperNearPos.NearPos = ParaNearPos.NearPos; HyperNearPos.Depth = Depth; this.NearPosArray.push(HyperNearPos); ParaNearPos.Classes.push(this); var CurPos = ParaNearPos.NearPos.ContentPos.Get(Depth); this.Content[CurPos].Check_NearestPos(ParaNearPos, Depth + 1); }; CMathContent.prototype.private_SetNeedResize = function () { if (null !== this.ParaMath) { this.ParaMath.SetNeedResize(); } }; CMathContent.prototype.Is_CheckingNearestPos = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Is_CheckingNearestPos; CMathContent.prototype.Search = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Search; CMathContent.prototype.Add_SearchResult = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Add_SearchResult; CMathContent.prototype.Clear_SearchResults = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Clear_SearchResults; CMathContent.prototype.Remove_SearchResult = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Remove_SearchResult; CMathContent.prototype.Search_GetId = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Search_GetId; CMathContent.prototype.Recalc_RunsCompiledPr = ParaHyperlink.prototype.Recalc_RunsCompiledPr; CMathContent.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection = function () { if (true !== this.Selection.Use) { return 0; } if (this.Selection.Start < this.Selection.End) { return 1; } else { if (this.Selection.Start > this.Selection.End) { return -1; } } return this.Content[this.Selection.Start].Get_SelectionDirection(); }; CMathContent.prototype.Cursor_MoveToStartPos = function () { this.CurPos = 0; this.Content[0].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); }; CMathContent.prototype.Cursor_MoveToEndPos = function (SelectFromEnd) { this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToEndPos(SelectFromEnd); }; CMathContent.prototype.Process_AutoCorrect = function (ActionElement) { if (false === this.private_NeedAutoCorrect(ActionElement)) { return; } var AutoCorrectEngine = new CMathAutoCorrectEngine(ActionElement); var nCount = this.Content.length; for (var nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { var Element = this.Content[nPos]; if (para_Math_Run === Element.Type) { Element.Get_TextForAutoCorrect(AutoCorrectEngine, nPos); } else { AutoCorrectEngine.Add_Element(Element, nPos); } if (false === AutoCorrectEngine.CollectText) { break; } } if (null == AutoCorrectEngine.TextPr) { AutoCorrectEngine.TextPr = new CTextPr(); } if (null == AutoCorrectEngine.MathPr) { AutoCorrectEngine.MathPr = new CMPrp(); } History.Create_NewPoint(historydescription_Document_MathAutoCorrect); var bCursorStepRight = false; var CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrectText(AutoCorrectEngine, false); if (false === CanMakeAutoCorrect) { if (32 === ActionElement.value) { CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrectText(AutoCorrectEngine, true); } else { AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.splice(AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.length - 1, 1); CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrectText(AutoCorrectEngine, false); bCursorStepRight = true; } } if (false === CanMakeAutoCorrect) { CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrectEquation(AutoCorrectEngine); } if (true === CanMakeAutoCorrect) { var ElementsCount = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.length; var LastElement = null; var FirstElement = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - 1]; var FirstElementPos = FirstElement.ElementPos; FirstElement.Pos++; for (var nPos = 0, nCount = AutoCorrectEngine.RemoveCount; nPos < nCount; nPos++) { LastElement = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - nPos - 1]; if (undefined !== LastElement.Run) { if (FirstElement.Run === LastElement.Run) { FirstElement.Pos--; } LastElement.Run.Remove_FromContent(LastElement.Pos, 1); } else { this.Remove_FromContent(LastElement.ElementPos, 1); FirstElementPos--; } } var NewRun = FirstElement.Run.Split2(FirstElement.Pos); this.Internal_Content_Add(FirstElementPos + 1, NewRun, false); var NewElementsCount = AutoCorrectEngine.ReplaceContent.length; for (var nPos = 0; nPos < NewElementsCount; nPos++) { this.Internal_Content_Add(nPos + FirstElementPos + 1, AutoCorrectEngine.ReplaceContent[nPos], false); } this.CurPos = FirstElementPos + NewElementsCount + 1; this.Content[this.CurPos].Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); if (true === bCursorStepRight) { if (this.Content[this.CurPos].Content.length >= 1) { this.Content[this.CurPos].State.ContentPos = 1; } } } else { History.Remove_LastPoint(); } }; CMathContent.prototype.private_NeedAutoCorrect = function (ActionElement) { var CharCode = ActionElement.value; if (1 === g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes[CharCode]) { return true; } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.private_CanAutoCorrectText = function (AutoCorrectionEngine, bSkipLast) { var IndexAdd = (true === bSkipLast ? 1 : 0); var ElementsCount = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements.length; if (ElementsCount < 2 + IndexAdd) { return false; } var Result = false; var RemoveCount = 0; var ReplaceChars = [32]; var AutoCorrectCount = g_aAutoCorrectMathSymbols.length; for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < AutoCorrectCount; nIndex++) { var AutoCorrectElement = g_aAutoCorrectMathSymbols[nIndex]; var CheckString = AutoCorrectElement[0]; var CheckStringLen = CheckString.length; if (ElementsCount < CheckStringLen) { continue; } var Found = true; for (var nStringPos = 0; nStringPos < CheckStringLen; nStringPos++) { var LastElement = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - nStringPos - 1 - IndexAdd]; if (undefined === LastElement.Text || LastElement.Text !== CheckString.charAt(CheckStringLen - nStringPos - 1)) { Found = false; break; } } if (true === Found) { RemoveCount = CheckStringLen + IndexAdd; if (undefined === AutoCorrectElement[1].length) { ReplaceChars[0] = AutoCorrectElement[1]; } else { for (var Index = 0, Len = AutoCorrectElement[1].length; Index < Len; Index++) { ReplaceChars[Index] = AutoCorrectElement[1][Index]; } } } } if (RemoveCount > 0) { var MathRun = new ParaRun(this.ParaMath.Paragraph, true); MathRun.Set_Pr(AutoCorrectionEngine.TextPr.Copy()); MathRun.Set_MathPr(AutoCorrectionEngine.MathPr.Copy()); for (var Index = 0, Count = ReplaceChars.length; Index < Count; Index++) { var ReplaceText = new CMathText(); ReplaceText.add(ReplaceChars[Index]); MathRun.Add(ReplaceText, true); } AutoCorrectionEngine.RemoveCount = RemoveCount; AutoCorrectionEngine.ReplaceContent.push(MathRun); Result = true; } return Result; }; CMathContent.prototype.private_CanAutoCorrectEquation = function (AutoCorrectionEngine) { var ElementsCount = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements.length; if (ElementsCount < 2) { return false; } var TempElements = []; var CurPos = ElementsCount - 1; var Element = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[CurPos]; if (" " === Element.Text) { CurPos--; } while (CurPos >= 0) { var Element = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[CurPos]; if (undefined === Element.Text) { TempElements.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if ("(" === Element.Text) { TempElements.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if (")" === Element.Text) { TempElements.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if ("/" === Element.Text) { AutoCorrectionEngine.Type = MATH_FRACTION; CurPos--; break; } else { if ("^" === Element.Text) { TempElements.Type = DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind = DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Type = MATH_DEGREE; CurPos--; break; } else { if ("_" === Element.Text) { TempElements.Type = DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind = DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Type = MATH_DEGREE; CurPos--; break; } else { if (g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes[Element.Text.charCodeAt(0)]) { return false; } else { TempElements.splice(0, 0, Element); } } } } } } } CurPos--; } var TempElements2 = []; while (CurPos >= 0) { var Element = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[CurPos]; if (undefined === Element.Text) { TempElements2.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if ("(" === Element.Text) { TempElements2.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if (")" === Element.Text) { TempElements2.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if ("_" === Element.Text) { if (TempElements2.length == 0) { break; } TempElements2.Type = DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind = DEGREE_SubSup; AutoCorrectionEngine.Type = MATH_DEGREESubSup; CurPos--; break; } else { if ("^" === Element.Text) { if (TempElements2.length == 0) { break; } TempElements2.Type = DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT; AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind = DEGREE_SubSup; AutoCorrectionEngine.Type = MATH_DEGREESubSup; CurPos--; break; } else { if (g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes[Element.Text.charCodeAt(0)]) { break; } else { TempElements2.splice(0, 0, Element); } } } } } } CurPos--; } var TempElements3 = []; if (AutoCorrectionEngine.Type == MATH_DEGREESubSup) { while (CurPos >= 0) { var Element = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[CurPos]; if (undefined === Element.Text) { TempElements3.splice(0, 0, Element); } else { if (g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes[Element.Text.charCodeAt(0)]) { break; } else { TempElements3.splice(0, 0, Element); } } CurPos--; } } if (AutoCorrectionEngine.Type == MATH_FRACTION) { if (TempElements2.length > 0) { var props = new CMathFractionPr(); props.ctrPrp = AutoCorrectionEngine.TextPr.Copy(); var Fraction = new CFraction(props); var DenMathContent = Fraction.Content[0]; var NumMathContent = Fraction.Content[1]; this.PackTextToContent(DenMathContent, TempElements2, AutoCorrectionEngine); this.PackTextToContent(NumMathContent, TempElements, AutoCorrectionEngine); AutoCorrectionEngine.RemoveCount = ElementsCount - CurPos - 1; AutoCorrectionEngine.ReplaceContent.push(Fraction); return true; } } else { if (AutoCorrectionEngine.Type == MATH_DEGREE) { var props = new CMathDegreePr(); props.ctrPrp = AutoCorrectionEngine.TextPr.Copy(); props.type = AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind; var oDegree = new CDegree(props); var BaseContent = oDegree.Content[0]; var IterContent = oDegree.Content[1]; this.PackTextToContent(BaseContent, TempElements2, AutoCorrectionEngine); this.PackTextToContent(IterContent, TempElements, AutoCorrectionEngine); AutoCorrectionEngine.RemoveCount = ElementsCount - CurPos - 1; AutoCorrectionEngine.ReplaceContent.push(oDegree); return true; } else { if (AutoCorrectionEngine.Type == MATH_DEGREESubSup) { if (TempElements2.length > 0 || TempElements3.length > 0) { var props = new CMathDegreePr(); props.ctrPrp = AutoCorrectionEngine.TextPr.Copy(); props.type = AutoCorrectionEngine.Kind; var oDegree = new CDegreeSubSup(props); var BaseContent = oDegree.Content[0]; var IterUpContent = oDegree.Content[1]; var IterDnContent = oDegree.Content[2]; if (TempElements.Type == DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT) { this.PackTextToContent(IterUpContent, TempElements2, AutoCorrectionEngine); this.PackTextToContent(IterDnContent, TempElements, AutoCorrectionEngine); } else { if (TempElements.Type == DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT) { this.PackTextToContent(IterUpContent, TempElements, AutoCorrectionEngine); this.PackTextToContent(IterDnContent, TempElements2, AutoCorrectionEngine); } } this.PackTextToContent(BaseContent, TempElements3, AutoCorrectionEngine); AutoCorrectionEngine.RemoveCount = ElementsCount - CurPos - 1; AutoCorrectionEngine.ReplaceContent.push(oDegree); return true; } } } } return false; }; CMathContent.prototype.PackTextToContent = function (Element, TempElements, AutoCorrectionEngine) { var len = TempElements.length; if (len > 1) { if (TempElements[0].Text === "(" && TempElements[len - 1].Text === ")") { TempElements.splice(len - 1, 1); TempElements.splice(0, 1); len -= 2; } } for (var nPos = 0; nPos < len; nPos++) { if (undefined === TempElements[nPos].Text) { Element.Internal_Content_Add(nPos, TempElements[nPos].Element); } else { var MathRun = new ParaRun(this.ParaMath.Paragraph, true); MathRun.Set_Pr(AutoCorrectionEngine.TextPr.Copy()); MathRun.Set_MathPr(AutoCorrectionEngine.MathPr.Copy()); var MathText = new CMathText(); MathText.add(TempElements[nPos].Text.charCodeAt(0)); MathRun.Add_ToContent(nPos, MathText); Element.Internal_Content_Add(nPos, MathRun); } } }; function CMathAutoCorrectEngine(Element) { this.ActionElement = Element; this.Elements = []; this.CollectText = true; this.Type = null; this.Kind = null; this.RemoveCount = 0; this.ReplaceContent = []; this.TextPr = null; this.MathPr = null; } CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Add_Element = function (Element, ElementPos) { this.Elements.push({ Element: Element, ElementPos: ElementPos }); }; CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Add_Text = function (Text, Run, Pos, ElementPos) { this.Elements.push({ Text: Text, Run: Run, Pos: Pos, ElementPos: ElementPos }); }; CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Get_ActionElement = function () { return this.ActionElement; }; 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967], ["\\Chi", 935], ["\\circ", 8728], ["\\close", 9508], ["\\clubsuit", 9827], ["\\coint", 8754], ["\\cong", 8773], ["\\coprod", 8720], ["\\cup", 8746], ["\\dalet", 8504], ["\\daleth", 8504], ["\\dashv", 8867], ["\\dd", 8518], ["\\Dd", 8517], ["\\ddddot", 8412], ["\\dddot", 8411], ["\\ddot", 776], ["\\ddots", 8945], ["\\degree", 176], ["\\delta", 948], ["\\Delta", 916], ["\\diamond", 8900], ["\\diamondsuit", 9826], ["\\div", 247], ["\\dot", 775], ["\\doteq", 8784], ["\\dots", 8230], ["\\doublea", 120146], ["\\doubleA", 120120], ["\\doubleb", 120147], ["\\doubleB", 120121], ["\\doublec", 120148], ["\\doubleC", 8450], ["\\doubled", 120149], ["\\doubleD", 120123], ["\\doublee", 120150], ["\\doubleE", 120124], ["\\doublef", 120151], ["\\doubleF", 120125], ["\\doubleg", 120152], ["\\doubleG", 120126], ["\\doubleh", 120153], ["\\doubleH", 8461], ["\\doublei", 120154], ["\\doubleI", 120128], ["\\doublej", 120155], ["\\doubleJ", 120129], ["\\doublek", 120156], ["\\doubleK", 120130], ["\\doublel", 120157], ["\\doubleL", 120131], ["\\doublem", 120158], ["\\doubleM", 120132], ["\\doublen", 120159], ["\\doubleN", 8469], ["\\doubleo", 120160], ["\\doubleO", 120134], ["\\doublep", 120161], ["\\doubleP", 8473], ["\\doubleq", 120162], ["\\doubleQ", 8474], ["\\doubler", 120163], ["\\doubleR", 8477], ["\\doubles", 120164], ["\\doubleS", 120138], ["\\doublet", 120165], ["\\doubleT", 120139], ["\\doubleu", 120166], ["\\doubleU", 120140], ["\\doublev", 120167], ["\\doubleV", 120141], ["\\doublew", 120168], ["\\doubleW", 120142], ["\\doublex", 120169], ["\\doubleX", 120143], ["\\doubley", 120170], ["\\doubleY", 120144], ["\\doublez", 120171], ["\\doubleZ", 8484], ["\\downarrow", 8595], ["\\Downarrow", 8659], ["\\dsmash", 11015], ["\\ee", 8519], ["\\ell", 8467], ["\\emptyset", 8709], ["\\end", 12311], ["\\ensp", 8194], ["\\epsilon", 1013], ["\\Epsilon", 917], ["\\eqarray", 9608], ["\\equiv", 8801], ["\\eta", 951], ["\\Eta", 919], ["\\exists", 8707], ["\\forall", 8704], ["\\fraktura", 120094], ["\\frakturA", 120068], ["\\frakturb", 120095], ["\\frakturB", 120069], ["\\frakturc", 120096], ["\\frakturC", 8493], ["\\frakturd", 120097], ["\\frakturD", 120071], ["\\frakture", 120098], ["\\frakturE", 120072], ["\\frakturf", 120099], ["\\frakturF", 120073], ["\\frakturg", 120100], ["\\frakturG", 120074], ["\\frakturh", 120101], ["\\frakturH", 8460], ["\\frakturi", 120102], ["\\frakturI", 8465], ["\\frakturj", 120103], ["\\frakturJ", 120077], ["\\frakturk", 120104], ["\\frakturK", 120078], ["\\frakturl", 120105], ["\\frakturL", 120079], ["\\frakturm", 120106], ["\\frakturM", 120080], ["\\frakturn", 120107], ["\\frakturN", 120081], ["\\frakturo", 120108], ["\\frakturO", 120082], ["\\frakturp", 120109], ["\\frakturP", 120083], ["\\frakturq", 120110], ["\\frakturQ", 120084], ["\\frakturr", 120111], ["\\frakturR", 8476], ["\\frakturs", 120112], ["\\frakturS", 120086], ["\\frakturt", 120113], ["\\frakturT", 120087], ["\\frakturu", 120114], ["\\frakturU", 120088], ["\\frakturv", 120115], ["\\frakturV", 120089], ["\\frakturw", 120116], ["\\frakturW", 120090], ["\\frakturx", 120117], ["\\frakturX", 120091], ["\\fraktury", 120118], ["\\frakturY", 120092], ["\\frakturz", 120119], ["\\frakturZ", 8488], ["\\funcapply", 8289], ["\\gamma", 947], ["\\Gamma", 915], ["\\ge", 8805], ["\\geq", 8805], ["\\gets", 8592], ["\\gg", 8811], ["\\gimel", 8503], ["\\grave", 768], ["\\hairsp", 8202], ["\\hat", 770], ["\\hbar", 8463], ["\\heartsuit", 9825], ["\\hookleftarrow", 8617], ["\\hookrightarrow", 8618], ["\\hphantom", 11012], ["\\hvec", 8401], ["\\ii", 8520], ["\\iiint", 8749], ["\\iint", 8748], ["\\Im", 8465], ["\\in", 8712], ["\\inc", 8710], ["\\infty", 8734], ["\\int", 8747], ["\\iota", 953], ["\\Iota", 921], ["\\jj", 8521], ["\\kappa", 954], ["\\Kappa", 922], ["\\ket", 10217], ["\\lambda", 955], ["\\Lambda", 923], ["\\langle", 9001], ["\\lbrace", 123], ["\\lbrack", 91], ["\\lceil", 8968], ["\\ldiv", 8725], ["\\ldivide", 8725], ["\\ldots", 8230], ["\\le", 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["\\phi", 981], ["\\Phi", 934], ["\\pi", 960], ["\\Pi", 928], ["\\pm", 177], ["\\pppprime", 8279], ["\\ppprime", 8244], ["\\pprime", 8243], ["\\prec", 8826], ["\\preceq", 8828], ["\\prime", 8242], ["\\prod", 8719], ["\\propto", 8733], ["\\psi", 968], ["\\Psi", 936], ["\\qdrt", 8732], ["\\quadratic", [120, 61, 40, 45, 98, 177, 8730, 32, 40, 98, 94, 50, 45, 52, 97, 99, 41, 41, 47, 50, 97]], ["\\rangle", 9002], ["\\ratio", 8758], ["\\rbrace", 125], ["\\rbrack", 93], ["\\rceil", 8969], ["\\rddots", 8944], ["\\Re", 8476], ["\\rect", 9645], ["\\rfloor", 8971], ["\\rho", 961], ["\\Rho", 929], ["\\right", 9508], ["\\rightarrow", 8594], ["\\Rightarrow", 8658], ["\\rightharpoondown", 8641], ["\\rightharpoonup", 8640], ["\\scripta", 119990], ["\\scriptA", 119964], ["\\scriptb", 119991], ["\\scriptB", 8492], ["\\scriptc", 119992], ["\\scriptC", 119966], ["\\scriptd", 119993], ["\\scriptD", 119967], ["\\scripte", 8495], ["\\scriptE", 8496], ["\\scriptf", 119995], ["\\scriptF", 8497], ["\\scriptg", 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