/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var bar; var chartCanvas = null; var g_bChartPreview = false; function ChartRender(options) { this.options = options; this.insertChart = function (chart, activeWorkSheet, width, height, isNewChart, bChartPreview) { var chartBase64 = null; if (bChartPreview) { g_bChartPreview = true; } else { g_bChartPreview = false; } var api_doc = window["editor"]; var api_sheet = window["Asc"]["editor"]; if (api_sheet && !OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts) { OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts = api_sheet.wb.drawingCtxCharts; } else { if (api_doc && !OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts) { OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts = new CDrawingContextWord(); } } chartCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); $(chartCanvas).css("width", width); $(chartCanvas).css("height", height); $(chartCanvas)[0].height = height; $(chartCanvas)[0].width = width; insertChart(chart, activeWorkSheet, width, height, isNewChart, this.options); var ret = chartCanvas; chartCanvas = null; return ret; }; } var arrBaseColors = []; function ChartStyleManager() { var _this = this; var bReady = false; _this.colorMap = []; _this.baseColors = []; _this.init = function (options) {}; _this.isReady = function () { return bReady; }; _this.getBaseColors = function (styleId) { if (styleId && (typeof(styleId) == "number")) { if (styleId % 8 === 0) { return _this.colorMap[8]; } else { return _this.colorMap[styleId % 8]; } } else { return _this.colorMap[2]; } }; } function ChartPreviewManager() { var _this = this; var bReady = false; var previewGroups = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.line] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.line][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.line][c_oAscChartSubType.stacked] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.line][c_oAscChartSubType.stackedPer] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.bar] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.bar][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.bar][c_oAscChartSubType.stacked] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.bar][c_oAscChartSubType.stackedPer] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.hbar] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.hbar][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.hbar][c_oAscChartSubType.stacked] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.hbar][c_oAscChartSubType.stackedPer] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.area] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.area][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.area][c_oAscChartSubType.stacked] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.area][c_oAscChartSubType.stackedPer] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.pie] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.pie][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.scatter] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.scatter][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.stock] = []; previewGroups[c_oAscChartType.stock][c_oAscChartSubType.normal] = []; _this.init = function (options) {}; _this.isReady = function () { return bReady; }; _this.getChartPreviews = function (chartType, chartSubType) { if (chartType && chartSubType && bReady) { var group = previewGroups[chartType][chartSubType]; var objectGroup = []; for (var style in group) { var chartStyle = new asc_CChartStyle(); chartStyle.asc_setStyle(style); chartStyle.asc_setImageUrl(group[style]); objectGroup.push(chartStyle); } return objectGroup; } else { null; } }; } function OnFormatText(command) { frames.message.document.designMode = "On"; frames.message.focus(); frames.message.document.execCommand(command, 0, 0); alert(frames.message.document.body.innerHTML); } function calcGutter(axis, min, max, ymin, ymax, isSkip, isFormatCell) { var scale = bar.scale; if (undefined == scale) { scale = [max, min]; } if ("scatter" == bar.type) { bar.scale = OfficeExcel.getScale(false, bar, min, max, ymin, ymax); bar.xScale = OfficeExcel.getScale(true, bar, min, max, ymin, ymax); } } function calcWidthGraph() { if (!chartCanvas) { return; } var trueWidth = parseInt(chartCanvas.width) - bar._chartGutter._left - bar._chartGutter._right; var trueHeight = parseInt(chartCanvas.height) - bar._chartGutter._top - bar._chartGutter._bottom; if ("bar" == bar.type || "hbar" == bar.type) { var mainKoff = 0.43; var data = bar.data[0]; var lengthOfData = bar.data.length; if (bar._otherProps._type == "accumulative" && "bar" == bar.type || bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer" || bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked") { data = bar.data; mainKoff = 0.597; } else { if (1 == data.length) { mainKoff = 0.597; } else { if (2 == data.length) { mainKoff = 0.43; } else { var tempKoff = 0.188; for (var j = 2; j < data.length; j++) { mainKoff = mainKoff - tempKoff / (j); if (mainKoff < 0.05) { break; } if (mainKoff - tempKoff / (j + 1) < 0) { tempKoff = tempKoff / 10; } } } } } var pointKoff = 1 - Math.abs(mainKoff); if ("hbar" == bar.type) { bar._otherProps._vmargin = ((trueHeight - trueHeight * pointKoff) / 2) / (lengthOfData); } else { bar._otherProps._hmargin = ((trueWidth - trueWidth * pointKoff) / 2) / lengthOfData; } } else { if ("line" == bar.type) { var lengthOfData = bar.data[0].length; var widthChart = (trueWidth / lengthOfData) * (lengthOfData - 1) + 5; bar._otherProps._hmargin = (trueWidth - widthChart) / 2; } else { var pointKoff = 1 - 1 / (bar.data[0].length); bar._otherProps._hmargin = (trueWidth - trueWidth * pointKoff) / 2; } } if (bar._otherProps._filled == true) { bar._otherProps._hmargin = 0; } } function calcAllMargin(isFormatCell, isformatCellScOy, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, chart) { var scale = 1; if (OfficeExcel && OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts) { scale = OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts.scaleFactor; } var context = OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts; if (typeof(bar.data[0]) == "object") { var arrMin = []; var arrMax = []; for (var j = 0; j < bar.data.length; j++) { min = Math.min.apply(null, bar.data[j]); max = Math.max.apply(null, bar.data[j]); arrMin[j] = min; arrMax[j] = max; } var min = Math.min.apply(null, arrMin); var max = Math.max.apply(null, arrMax); } else { var min = Math.min.apply(null, bar.data); var max = Math.max.apply(null, bar.data); } if (isNaN(max)) { max = bar._otherProps._ymax; } if (isNaN(min)) { min = bar._otherProps._ymin; } var left = 0; var standartMargin = 14; bar.context.font = "13px Arial"; var tempScale; if (!bar.scale && bar.type != "pie") { if (bar.type == "hbar" && bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { for (var i = 0; i < bar.data.length; ++i) { if (typeof(bar.data[i]) == "object") { var value = Number(OfficeExcel.array_max(bar.data[i], true)); } else { var value = Number(Math.abs(bar.data[i])); } bar.max = Math.max(Math.abs(bar.max), Math.abs(value)); } tempScale = OfficeExcel.getScale(bar.max); } else { tempScale = OfficeExcel.getScale(Math.abs(parseFloat(chart.max)), bar, chart.min, chart.max); } if (bar.type == "bar") { bar.min = bar._otherProps._ymin; } else { if (bar.type == "hbar") { bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = tempScale.length; bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numhlines = bar.data.length; } } } else { tempScale = bar.scale; } if (bar.type == "hbar" && bar._otherProps._labels && bar._otherProps._labels.length) { tempScale = bar._otherProps._labels; } var hBarTempLeft = 0; if (tempScale != undefined && tempScale[tempScale.length - 1] != undefined && bar._otherProps._ylabels != false) { var tempArr = []; for (var j = 0; j < tempScale.length; j++) { if (bar.type == "hbar") { tempArr[j] = bar.context.measureText(tempScale[j]).width; } else { if (bar.type == "scatter") { tempArr[j] = bar.context.measureText(OfficeExcel.numToFormatText(tempScale[j], isformatCellScOy)).width; } else { tempArr[j] = bar.context.measureText(OfficeExcel.numToFormatText(tempScale[j], isFormatCell)).width; } } } if ((bar.type == "hbar" && min < 0) || (bar.type == "scatter" && bar._otherProps._type != "burse2" && minX < 0)) { left = 0; } else { left = Math.max.apply(null, tempArr) + 5; hBarTempLeft = Math.max.apply(null, tempArr) + 5; if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { left += 12; } } } if (chart.margins) { if (bar.type == "pie") { var left = 0; var bottom = 0; var right = 0; var top = 0; } else { left += chart.margins.yAxisTitle.w; var right = 0; var top = 0; var bottom = 0; bottom += chart.margins.xAxisTitle.h; } if (!chart.margins.key || (chart.margins.key && (!chart.margins.key.h && !chart.margins.key.w))) { var widthText; var widthLine = 28; if (bar.type == "bar" || bar.type == "hbar" || bar.type == "hbar" || (bar.type == "line" && bar._otherProps_filled) || bar.type == "pie") { widthLine = 8; } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top" || bar._otherProps._key_halign == "bottom") { var font = getFontProperties("key"); var props = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); for (var i = 0; i < bar._otherProps._key.length; i++) { bar._otherProps._key[i] = cutLabels((0.9 * chartCanvas.width - widthLine), bar._otherProps._key[i]); } bar._otherProps._key_levels = getLevelsKey(chartCanvas, context, font, scale, props.width); var level = 1; if (bar._otherProps._key_levels && bar._otherProps._key_levels.length) { level = bar._otherProps._key_levels.length; } bar._otherProps._key_max_width = props.width; var heigthTextKey = context.getHeightText(); var kF = 1; if (bar.type == "pie") { kF = 2; } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top") { top += (heigthTextKey * kF) * (level) + 7; } else { bottom += (heigthTextKey * kF) * (level) + 7; } } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left" || bar._otherProps._key_halign == "right") { var font = getFontProperties("key"); widthText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var widthKey = widthText.width / scale + 2 + widthLine; var maxWidthLegendLeftOrRight = chartCanvas.width / 3; if (widthKey > maxWidthLegendLeftOrRight) { chart.legend.bOverlay = true; } else { if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left") { left += widthKey + 7; } else { right += widthKey + 7; } } } if (!chart.margins.key) { chart.margins.key = {}; } chart.margins.key.h = heigthTextKey; chart.margins.key.w = widthKey; } top += chart.margins.title.h; if (chart.margins.title.h) { top += 7; } var positionKey = chart.margins.key.position; if (positionKey == "top" || positionKey == "bottom") { var kF = 1; if (bar.type == "pie") { kF = 2; } if (positionKey == "top") { top += (chart.margins.key.h) * kF; } else { bottom += (chart.margins.key.h) * kF; } } if (positionKey == "left" || positionKey == "right") { if (positionKey == "left") { left += chart.margins.key.w; } else { right += chart.margins.key.w; } } if ((min >= 0 || bar.type == "hbar") && bar._otherProps._xlabels) { bottom += 25; } } else { if (bar.type == "pie") { var left = 0; var bottom = 0; var right = 0; var top = 0; } else { if (bar._yAxisTitle._align == "rev") { var font = getFontProperties("yTitle"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._yAxisTitle._text); var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75); left += heigthText + 12; } else { if (bar._yAxisTitle._align == "hor") { left += 95; } else { if (bar._yAxisTitle._align == "ver") { left += 0; } } } var right = 0; var top = 0; var bottom = 0; if (bar._xAxisTitle._text != "") { var font = getFontProperties("xTitle"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._xAxisTitle._text); var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75); bottom += heigthText + 14; } if ((min >= 0 || bar.type == "hbar") && bar._otherProps._xlabels) { bottom += 20; } if (bar._xAxisTitle._text == "" && (min >= 0 || bar.type == "hbar") && bar._otherProps._xlabels) { bottom += 7; } } if (bar._chartTitle._text != null && bar._chartTitle._text != "") { var font = getFontProperties("title"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._chartTitle._text); var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75); top += heigthText + 7; } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top" || bar._otherProps._key_halign == "bottom") { var font = getFontProperties("key"); var props = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var heigthTextKey = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75); var kF = 1; if (bar.type == "pie") { kF = 2; } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top") { top += (heigthTextKey + 7) * kF; } else { bottom += (heigthTextKey + 7) * kF; } } if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left" || bar._otherProps._key_halign == "right") { var widthLine = 28; var font = getFontProperties("key"); var widthText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var widthKey = widthText.width / scale + 2 + widthLine; if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left") { left += widthKey + 7; } else { right += widthKey + 7; } } } if (bottom == 0) { bottom = standartMargin; } var standartMarginTop = standartMargin; if (bar.type == "pie" && (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top" || (positionKey && positionKey == "top"))) { standartMarginTop = 0; } bar._chartGutter._left = (left) * scale + standartMargin; bar._chartGutter._right = (standartMargin + right) * scale; bar._chartGutter._top = (standartMarginTop + top) * scale; bar._chartGutter._bottom = (bottom) * scale; if (bar._otherProps._xlabels && bar.type != "hbar" && bar.type != "pie" && bar.type != "scatter") { var angleText = calculateAngleText(bar._otherProps._labels); } if (angleText && (min >= 0) && bar.type != "hbar" && bar.type != "pie" && bar.type != "scatter") { bar._chartGutter._bottom += (angleText.bottom - 25) * scale; bar._otherProps._axisOxAngleOptions = angleText; } else { if (angleText) { bar._otherProps._axisOxAngleOptions = angleText; } } if (angleText && bar._otherProps._labels.length && angleText[0] && bar.type != "hbar" && bar.type != "pie" && bar.type != "scatter") { var x = chartCanvas.width - (((bar._chartGutter._left + bar._chartGutter._right)) / (2 * bar._otherProps._labels.length)) + bar._chartGutter._left; var diff = x - bar._chartGutter._left; var widthDiff = angleText[0] * Math.sin(angleText.angle * Math.PI / 180); if (bar._chartGutter._left < widthDiff * scale) { bar._chartGutter._left = widthDiff; } } if (bar.type == "hbar" && bar._otherProps._labels && bar._otherProps._labels.length && bar._otherProps._xlabels) { var maxWidth = chartCanvas.width - ((bar._chartGutter._left + bar._chartGutter._right)); for (var i = 0; i < bar._otherProps._labels.length; i++) { bar._otherProps._labels[i] = cutLabels(maxWidth, bar._otherProps._labels[i]); } var font = getFontProperties("yLabels"); if (OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts) { var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts, font, bar._otherProps._labels); bar._chartGutter._left += axisTitleProp.width - (hBarTempLeft * scale); } tempScale = bar._otherProps._labels; } if ((bar._chartGutter._left + bar._chartGutter._right) >= (chartCanvas.width - 1)) { bar._chartGutter._right += (chartCanvas.width - 1) - (bar._chartGutter._left + bar._chartGutter._right); } } function checkDataRange(type, subType, dataRange, isRows, worksheet) { var columns = false; var rows = false; if (isRows) { rows = true; } else { columns = true; } var maxSeries = 255; var minStockVal = 4; var bbox = { c1: dataRange.first.col, c2: dataRange.last.col, r1: dataRange.first.row, r2: dataRange.last.row }; if (((type == "Area" || type == "Line" || type == "Bar" || type == "HBar") && ((columns && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1) > maxSeries || (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1) > gc_nMaxRow)) || (rows && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1) > gc_nMaxRow || (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1) > maxSeries))))) { worksheet.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.DataRangeError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical); return false; } else { if ((type == "Pie") && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1) > maxSeries || (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1) > maxSeries)) { worksheet.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.DataRangeError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical); return false; } else { if (((type == "Scatter" || type == "Stock") && ((columns && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1) > maxSeries || (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1) > gc_nMaxRow)) || (rows && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1) > gc_nMaxRow || (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1) > maxSeries))))) { worksheet.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.DataRangeError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical); return false; } else { if (type == "Stock") { if (((columns && ((bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1) == minStockVal && (bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1) >= minStockVal)) || (rows && ((bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1) == minStockVal && (bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1) >= minStockVal)))) { return true; } else { worksheet.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.StockChartError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical); return false; } } else { return true; } } } } } function formulaToRange(formula, worksheet) { var range = null; if (formula && worksheet) { var ref3D = parserHelp.is3DRef(formula, 0); if (!ref3D[0]) { range = worksheet.getRange2(formula.toUpperCase()); } else { var resultRef = parserHelp.parse3DRef(formula); if (null !== resultRef) { var ws = worksheet.workbook.getWorksheetByName(resultRef.sheet); if (ws) { range = ws.getRange2(resultRef.range); } } } } return range; } function insertChart(chart, activeWorkSheet, width, height, isNewChart, options) { var isSeries = false; var formatCell = "General"; var formatCellScOy = "General"; var defaultFormat = "General"; var isDateTimeFormat; var catNameFormat; var api_doc = window["editor"]; var api_sheet = window["Asc"]["editor"]; var styleManager = api_doc ? api_doc.chartStyleManager : api_sheet.chartStyleManager; if (!styleManager.isReady()) { styleManager.init(options); } arrBaseColors = styleManager.getBaseColors(parseInt(chart.styleId)); var arrFormatAdobeLabels = []; var catNameLabels = []; if (!chart.bShowValue) { for (var n = 0; n < chart.series.length; n++) { if (chart.series[n].bShowValue) { chart.bShowValue = true; break; } } } if (chart.bShowCatName) { chart.bShowValue = true; } if (chart.series && chart.series.length != 0) { isSeries = true; var series = chart.series; chart.reSeries = chart.series; if (chart.type == "Pie") { series = chart.getReverseSeries(true); chart.reSeries = series; } var arrValues = []; var max = 0; var min = 0; var minY = 0; var maxY = 0; var isSkip = []; var skipSeries = []; var isEn = false; var isEnY = false; var numSeries = 0; var curSeria; var isNumberVal = true; if (series[0] && series[0].xVal && series[0].xVal.Formula != null && chart.type == "Scatter") { var cash = series[0].xVal.NumCache; for (var i = 0; i < cash.length; i++) { if (!isNumber(cash.val)) { isNumberVal = false; } } } for (var l = 0; l < series.length; ++l) { var firstCol = 0; var firstRow = 0; if (series[0].xVal.Formula != null && numSeries == 0 && chart.type == "Scatter" && series[0].xVal.NumCache.length) { curSeria = series[numSeries].xVal.NumCache; } else { curSeria = series[l].Val.NumCache; } var lastCol = curSeria.length; skipSeries[l] = true; var isRow = false; if (firstCol == lastCol) { isRow = true; } if (series[l].isHidden == true) { continue; } if (!curSeria.length) { continue; } if (series[0].xVal.Formula != null && numSeries == 0 && chart.type == "Scatter") { l--; } skipSeries[l] = false; arrValues[numSeries] = []; arrFormatAdobeLabels[numSeries] = []; catNameLabels[numSeries] = []; isSkip[numSeries] = true; var row = firstRow; var n = 0; for (var col = firstCol; col < lastCol; ++col) { if (!curSeria[col]) { curSeria[col] = { val: 0 }; } else { if (curSeria[col].isHidden == true) { continue; } } var cell = curSeria[col]; if (numSeries == 0 && col == firstCol && chart.subType != "stackedPer" && chart.type != "Stock") { formatCell = cell.numFormatStr ? cell.numFormatStr : defaultFormat; isDateTimeFormat = cell.isDateTimeFormat; } else { if (chart.type == "Stock" && numSeries == 0 && col == firstCol) { formatCellScOy = cell.numFormatStr ? cell.numFormatStr : defaultFormat; isDateTimeFormat = cell.isDateTimeFormat; } } if (chart.type == "Scatter") { if (numSeries == 1 && col == firstCol && chart.subType != "stackedPer" && chart.type != "Stock") { formatCellScOy = cell.numFormatStr ? cell.numFormatStr : defaultFormat; } } formatAdobeLabel = cell.numFormatStr ? cell.numFormatStr : defaultFormat; var orValue = cell.val; if (series[0].xVal.Formula != null && numSeries == 0 && !isNumberVal && chart.type == "Scatter") { orValue = col - firstCol + 1; } if ("" != orValue) { isSkip[numSeries] = false; } var value = parseFloat(orValue); if (!isEn && !isNaN(value)) { min = value; max = value; isEn = true; } if (!isNaN(value) && value > max) { max = value; } if (!isNaN(value) && value < min) { min = value; } if (isNaN(value) && orValue == "" && (((chart.type == "Line") && chart.subType == "normal") || (chart.type == "Scatter"))) { value = ""; } else { if (isNaN(value)) { if (chart.type == "Bar" || chart.type == "HBar") { formatAdobeLabel = null; } value = 0; } } if (chart.type == "Pie") { arrValues[numSeries][n] = Math.abs(value); } else { arrValues[numSeries][n] = value; } arrFormatAdobeLabels[numSeries][n] = formatAdobeLabel; if (chart.bShowCatName && chart.type != "Scatter") { if (series[numSeries] && series[numSeries].Cat && series[numSeries].Cat.NumCache[col] && chart.type != "Pie") { catNameLabels[numSeries][n] = series[numSeries].Cat.NumCache[col].val; } else { if (chart.type != "Pie" && series[numSeries] && series[numSeries].TxCache) { catNameLabels[numSeries][n] = series[numSeries].TxCache.Tx; } else { if (series[numSeries] && series[numSeries] && series[numSeries].TxCache) { catNameLabels[numSeries][n] = series[numSeries].TxCache.Tx; } } } } n++; } numSeries++; } } if (isSeries) { var arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev = arrFormatAdobeLabels; var arrValuesRev = arrValues; } isEn = false; if (chart.type == "Scatter" && !newArr) { min = 0; max = 0; minY = 0; maxY = 0; var isEnY = false; var scatterArr = arrValuesRev; var scatterArrLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev; if (!scatterArr) { scatterArr = arrReverse(arrValues); scatterArrLabels = arrReverse(arrFormatAdobeLabels); } if (chart.range.rows) { scatterArr = arrValues; scatterArrLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabels; } var newArr = []; var newAdobeLabels = []; if (isDateTimeFormat) { formatCellScOy = formatCell; formatCell = "General"; for (var i = 0; i < scatterArr.length; ++i) { newArr[i] = []; newAdobeLabels[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < scatterArr[i].length; ++j) { newArr[i][j] = []; newAdobeLabels[i][j] = []; newArr[i][j][0] = j + 1; newArr[i][j][1] = scatterArr[i][j]; newAdobeLabels[i][j][1] = scatterArrLabels[i][j]; if (!isEn) { min = newArr[i][j][0]; max = newArr[i][j][0]; minY = newArr[i][j][1]; minY = newArr[i][j][1]; isEn = true; } if (min > newArr[i][j][0] && newArr[i][j][0] != "") { min = newArr[i][j][0]; } if (max < newArr[i][j][0] && newArr[i][j][0] != "") { max = newArr[i][j][0]; } if (minY > newArr[i][j][1] && newArr[i][j][1] != "") { minY = newArr[i][j][1]; } if (maxY < newArr[i][j][1] && newArr[i][j][1] != "") { maxY = newArr[i][j][1]; } } } } else { if (scatterArr.length == 1) { newArr[0] = []; newAdobeLabels[0] = []; for (var j = 0; j < scatterArr[0].length; ++j) { newArr[0][j] = []; newAdobeLabels[0][j] = []; newArr[0][j][0] = j + 1; newArr[0][j][1] = scatterArr[0][j]; newAdobeLabels[0][j][1] = scatterArrLabels[0][j]; if (!isEn) { min = newArr[0][j][0]; max = newArr[0][j][0]; minY = newArr[0][j][1]; minY = newArr[0][j][1]; isEn = true; } if (min > newArr[0][j][0] && newArr[0][j][0] != "") { min = newArr[0][j][0]; } if (max < newArr[0][j][0] && newArr[0][j][0] != "") { max = newArr[0][j][0]; } if (minY > newArr[0][j][1] && newArr[0][j][1] != "") { minY = newArr[0][j][1]; } if (maxY < newArr[0][j][1] && newArr[0][j][1] != "") { maxY = newArr[0][j][1]; } } if (scatterArr[0] && scatterArr[0].length == 1) { formatCellScOy = formatCell; } formatCell = "General"; } else { for (var i = 1; i < scatterArr.length; ++i) { newArr[i - 1] = []; newAdobeLabels[i - 1] = []; for (var j = 0; j < scatterArr[i].length; ++j) { newArr[i - 1][j] = []; newAdobeLabels[i - 1][j] = []; newArr[i - 1][j][0] = scatterArr[0][j]; newArr[i - 1][j][1] = scatterArr[i][j]; newAdobeLabels[i - 1][j][0] = scatterArrLabels[0][j]; newAdobeLabels[i - 1][j][1] = scatterArrLabels[i][j]; if (newArr[i - 1][j][0].toString() != "" && !isEn) { min = newArr[i - 1][j][0]; max = newArr[i - 1][j][0]; isEn = true; } if (newArr[i - 1][j][1].toString() != "" && !isEnY) { minY = newArr[i - 1][j][1]; maxY = newArr[i - 1][j][1]; isEnY = true; } if (min > newArr[i - 1][j][0] && newArr[i - 1][j][0] != "") { min = newArr[i - 1][j][0]; } if (max < newArr[i - 1][j][0] && newArr[i - 1][j][0] != "") { max = newArr[i - 1][j][0]; } if (minY > newArr[i - 1][j][1] && newArr[i - 1][j][1] != "") { minY = newArr[i - 1][j][1]; } if (maxY < newArr[i - 1][j][1] && newArr[i - 1][j][1] != "") { maxY = newArr[i - 1][j][1]; } } } if (scatterArr[0] && scatterArr[0].length == 1) { formatCellScOy = formatCell; formatCell = "General"; } } } chart.ymin = minY; chart.ymax = maxY; } if (!arrValuesRev) { arrValuesRev = arrReverse(arrValues); } if (!arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev) { arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev = arrReverse(arrFormatAdobeLabels); } chart.isFormatCell = formatCell; chart.isformatCellScOy = formatCellScOy; chart.min = min; chart.max = max; if (skipSeries) { chart.skipSeries = skipSeries; } chart.catNameLabels = null; if (newArr != undefined) { chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = newAdobeLabels; drawChart(chart, newArr, width, height, options); } else { if (isSeries) { if (chart.type == "HBar" || chart.type == "Bar" || chart.type == "Stock" || chart.type == "Pie") { chart.isSkip = arrReverse(isSkip); arrValuesRev = arrReverse(arrValues); chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrReverse(arrFormatAdobeLabels); if (catNameLabels && catNameLabels.length) { chart.catNameLabels = arrReverse(catNameLabels); } drawChart(chart, arrValuesRev, width, height, options); } else { chart.isSkip = isSkip; chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabels; if (catNameLabels && catNameLabels.length) { chart.catNameLabels = catNameLabels; } drawChart(chart, arrValues, width, height, options); } } else { if (chart.range.rows) { if (chart.type == "HBar" || chart.type == "Bar" || chart.type == "Stock") { chart.isSkip = isSkip; chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev; drawChart(chart, arrValuesRev, width, height); } else { chart.isSkip = isSkip; chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabels; drawChart(chart, arrValues, width, height, options); } } else { if (chart.type == "HBar" || chart.type == "Bar" || chart.type == "Stock") { chart.isSkip = isSkip; chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabels; drawChart(chart, arrValues, width, height, options); } else { chart.isSkip = isSkip; chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = arrFormatAdobeLabelsRev; drawChart(chart, arrValuesRev, width, height, options); } } } } return true; } function arrReverse(arr) { if (!arr || !arr.length) { return; } var newarr = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr[0].length; ++i) { newarr[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; ++j) { newarr[i][j] = arr[j][i]; } } return newarr; } function drawChart(chart, arrValues, width, height, options) { var data = arrValues; var api_doc = window["editor"]; var api_sheet = window["Asc"]["editor"]; var defaultXTitle = api_sheet ? api_sheet.chartTranslate.xAxis : api_doc.chartTranslate.xAxis; var defaultYTitle = api_sheet ? api_sheet.chartTranslate.yAxis : api_doc.chartTranslate.yAxis; var defaultTitle = api_sheet ? api_sheet.chartTranslate.title : api_doc.chartTranslate.title; var opacityColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"; var defaultColor = "white"; if (OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts) { OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts.setCanvas(chartCanvas); } switch (chart.type) { case c_oAscChartType.line: DrawLineChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, false, data, chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.bar: DrawBarChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, data, chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.hbar: DrawHBarChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, data, chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.area: DrawLineChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, chart.type, data, chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.pie: DrawPieChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, data[0], chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.scatter: DrawScatterChart(chartCanvas, chart.subType, data, chart); break; case c_oAscChartType.stock: DrawScatterChart(chartCanvas, chart.type, data, chart); break; } if (!chart.yAxis.bShow) { bar._otherProps._ylabels = false; bar._otherProps._noyaxis = true; } if (!chart.xAxis.bShow) { bar._otherProps._xlabels = false; bar._otherProps._noxaxis = true; } bar._otherProps._axis_color = "grey"; bar._otherProps._background_grid_color = "graytext"; var lengthOfSeries; if (chart.reSeries && chart.reSeries.length != 0 && window["Asc"]["editor"]) { lengthOfSeries = chart.reSeries.length; } else { if ("Line" == chart.type || "Area" == chart.type) { lengthOfSeries = data.length; } else { if (chart.type == "HBar") { lengthOfSeries = data[0].length; } else { lengthOfSeries = data[0].length; } } } if ((!chart.yAxis.title || chart.yAxis.title == null || chart.yAxis.title == undefined || chart.yAxis.title == "") && chart.yAxis.bDefaultTitle) { chart.yAxis.title = defaultYTitle; } if ((!chart.xAxis.title || chart.xAxis.title == null || chart.xAxis.title == undefined || chart.xAxis.title == "") && chart.xAxis.bDefaultTitle) { chart.xAxis.title = defaultXTitle; } if ((!chart.header.title || chart.header.title == null || chart.header.title == undefined || chart.header.title == "") && chart.header.bDefaultTitle) { chart.header.title = defaultTitle; } bar._otherProps._key_position = "graph"; bar._otherProps._key = []; bar._otherProps._key_halign = chart.legend.position; var legendCnt = (chart.type == "Scatter") ? data.length : data.length; var curColor; var rgba; if (chart.type == "Pie" || chart.type == "Bar" || chart.type == "HBar") { legendCnt = data[0].length; } if (chart.type == "Stock") { legendCnt = 4; } var theme; var colorMap; var RGBA; var slide; var layout; var masterSlide; if (options) { theme = options.theme; slide = options.slide; layout = options.layout; masterSlide = options.masterSlide; RGBA = { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }; } else { if (api_sheet) { var wb = api_sheet.wbModel; theme = wb.theme; colorMap = GenerateDefaultColorMap().color_map; RGBA = { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }; } else { if (api_doc) { theme = api_doc.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.theme; colorMap = api_doc.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.clrSchemeMap.color_map; RGBA = { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }; if (colorMap == null) { colorMap = GenerateDefaultColorMap().color_map; } } } } if (chart.reSeries && chart.reSeries.length != 0 && (chart.reSeries[0].TxCache.Tx || chart.reSeries[0].OutlineColor) && theme) { var uniColors; bar._otherProps._colors = []; for (var j = 0; j < chart.reSeries.length; j++) { if (chart.reSeries[j].TxCache.Tx) { bar._otherProps._key[j] = chart.reSeries[j].TxCache.Tx; } if (chart.reSeries[j].OutlineColor) { if (options) { chart.reSeries[j].OutlineColor.Calculate(theme, slide, layout, masterSlide, RGBA); } else { chart.reSeries[j].OutlineColor.Calculate(theme, colorMap, RGBA); } rgba = chart.reSeries[j].OutlineColor.RGBA; curColor = getHexColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); bar._otherProps._colors[j] = curColor; } else { uniColors = !uniColors ? chart.generateUniColors(chart.reSeries.length) : uniColors; rgba = uniColors[j].color.RGBA; curColor = getHexColor(rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B); bar._otherProps._colors[j] = curColor; } } } if ((chart.reSeries && chart.reSeries[0]) && (chart.reSeries[0].TxCache.Tx || chart.reSeries[0].OutlineColor)) { if (!chart.reSeries[0].TxCache.Tx) { for (var j = 0; j < legendCnt; j++) { bar._otherProps._key[j] = "Series" + (j + 1); } } if (!chart.reSeries[0].OutlineColor) { bar._otherProps._colors = generateColors(lengthOfSeries, arrBaseColors, true); if (chart.type == "HBar") { bar._otherProps._colors = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(bar._otherProps._colors); } } } bar._otherProps._key_rounded = null; if (bar._otherProps._filled != true && bar.type != "bar" && bar.type != "hbar" && bar.type != "pie") { bar._otherProps._key_color_shape = "line"; } if (chart.type == "HBar" && chart.subType != "stacked" && chart.subType != "stackedPer") { bar._otherProps._key = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(bar._otherProps._key); } if ((chart.legend.position == "left" || chart.legend.position == "right")) { var heightKey = bar._otherProps._key.length * 23.5; if (heightKey > bar.canvas.height - 50) { var lengthKey = Math.round((bar.canvas.height - 50) / 23.5); bar._otherProps._key = bar._otherProps._key.slice(0, lengthKey); } } if (!chart.legend.bShow || chart.legend.position == "") { bar._otherProps._key = []; bar._otherProps._key_halign = "none"; } if (chart.skipSeries) { var skipSeries = chart.skipSeries; if (chart.type == "Scatter" && chart.reSeries && chart.reSeries[0].xVal.Formula == null && chart.reSeries.length != 1) { bar._otherProps._key.splice(bar._otherProps._key.length - 1, 1); bar._otherProps._colors.splice(bar._otherProps._colors.length - 1, 1); skipSeries.splice(0, 1); } for (var i = 0; i < skipSeries.length; i++) { if (skipSeries[i]) { bar._otherProps._key.splice(i, 1); bar._otherProps._colors.splice(i, 1); skipSeries.splice(i, 1); i--; } } } if (chart.type != "Stock") { if (chart.bShowValue && bar.type == "pie") { bar._otherProps._labels = data[0]; } else { if (chart.bShowValue) { bar._otherProps._labels_above = true; } else { bar._otherProps._labels_above = false; } } } if (chart.header.title && !chart.margins) { bar._chartTitle._text = chart.header.title; bar._chartTitle._vpos = 32; bar._chartTitle._hpos = 0.5; } if (chart.header.title != "") { bar._chartTitle._visibleTitle = chart.header.title; if (chart.margins.title.h) { bar._chartTitle._marginTopTitle = chart.margins.title.h; } } if (chart.xAxis.title && !chart.margins) { var legendTop = 0; var widthXtitle = bar.context.measureText(chart.xAxis.title).width; if (chart.legend.position == "bottom") { legendTop = 30; } bar._xAxisTitle._text = chart.xAxis.title; } if (chart.yAxis.title && !chart.margins) { var widthYtitle = bar.context.measureText(chart.yAxis.title).width; bar._yAxisTitle._text = chart.yAxis.title; bar._yAxisTitle._align = "rev"; var keyLeft = 0; if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left") { keyLeft = 70; } bar._yAxisTitle._angle = "null"; } bar._otherProps._background_grid_hlines = chart.xAxis.bGrid; bar._otherProps._background_grid_vlines = chart.yAxis.bGrid; var axis; calcGutter(axis, chart.min, chart.max, chart.ymin, chart.ymax, chart.isSkip, chart.isFormatCell); if (chart.xAxis.title && !chart.margins) { bar._xAxisTitle._vpos = bar.canvas.height - 23 - legendTop; bar._xAxisTitle._hpos = bar._chartGutter._left + (bar.canvas.width - bar._chartGutter._left - bar._chartGutter._right) / 2; } if (chart.yAxis.title && !chart.margins) { bar._yAxisTitle._vpos = bar._chartGutter._top + (bar.canvas.height - bar._chartGutter._top - bar._chartGutter._bottom) / 2; bar._yAxisTitle._hpos = 23 + keyLeft; } bar.arrFormatAdobeLabels = chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels; if (bar._otherProps._labels.length && typeof bar._otherProps._labels[0] == "object") { var labels = []; var NumCache = bar._otherProps._labels; for (var i = 0; i < NumCache.length; i++) { labels[i] = NumCache[i].val; } if (chart.type == "HBar") { labels = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(labels); } bar._otherProps._labels = labels; } setFontChart(chart); calcAllMargin(chart.isFormatCell, chart.isformatCellScOy, chart.min, chart.max, chart.ymin, chart.ymax, chart); calcWidthGraph(); if (options) { bar._otherProps._background_barcolor1 = opacityColor; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor2 = opacityColor; bar._otherProps._background_image_color = opacityColor; } else { bar._otherProps._background_image_color = defaultColor; } bar.margins = chart.margins; if (chart.catNameLabels && chart.catNameLabels.length) { bar.catNameLabels = chart.catNameLabels; } else { bar.catNameLabels = null; } bar.Draw(chart.min, chart.max, chart.ymin, chart.ymax, chart.isSkip, chart.isFormatCell, chart.isformatCellScOy); } function DrawScatterChart(chartCanvas, chartSubType, data, chart) { var colors = generateColors(data.length * data[0].length, arrBaseColors); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (typeof(data[i][0]) == "object") { for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { data[i][j].push(colors[i]); } } else { data[i].push(colors[i]); } } var original_data = undefined; if (chartSubType == "Stock") { var newData = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { newData[i] = []; newData[i][0] = 0.5 + i * 1; newData[i][1] = []; if (data[i].length < 4) { newData[i][1][0] = 0; newData[i][1][1] = 0; newData[i][1][2] = 0; newData[i][1][3] = 0; newData[i][1][4] = 0; } else { if (data[i][1] == undefined || isNaN(parseFloat(data[i][1]))) { newData[i][1][0] = 0; } else { newData[i][1][0] = data[i][1]; } if (data[i][0] == undefined || isNaN(parseFloat(data[i][0]))) { newData[i][1][1] = 0; } else { newData[i][1][1] = data[i][0]; } if (data[i][3] == undefined || isNaN(parseFloat(data[i][3]))) { newData[i][1][2] = 0; } else { newData[i][1][2] = data[i][3]; } if (data[i][3] == undefined || isNaN(parseFloat(data[i][3]))) { newData[i][1][3] = 0; } else { newData[i][1][3] = data[i][3]; } if (data[i][2] == undefined || isNaN(parseFloat(data[i][2]))) { newData[i][1][4] = 0; } else { newData[i][1][4] = data[i][2]; } } newData[i][1][5] = colors[0]; newData[i][1][6] = colors[1]; newData[i][2] = "black"; } data = newData; } bar = new OfficeExcel.Scatter(chartCanvas, data); if (chartSubType == "Stock") { bar._otherProps._type = "burse2"; var countGraph = []; var keyColors = []; for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { countGraph[j] = (j + 1); keyColors[j] = "white"; } bar._otherProps._xscale = countGraph; bar._otherProps._labels = countGraph; bar._otherProps._boxplot_width = 0.4; bar._otherProps._boxplot_capped = false; bar._otherProps._xmax = countGraph.length; bar._otherProps._key_colors = keyColors; } bar._chartGutter._left = 45; bar._chartGutter._right = 90; bar._chartGutter._top = 13; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 30; bar._otherProps._area_border = chart.bShowBorder; bar._otherProps._line = true; bar._otherProps._linewidth = 2; bar._otherProps._background_grid_color = "graytext"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor1 = "white"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor2 = "white"; bar._otherProps._colors = colors; bar._otherProps._line_colors = colors; bar._otherProps._linewidth = 3; bar._otherProps._ylabels_count = "auto"; bar._otherProps._scale_decimals = 1; bar._otherProps._xscale_decimals = 0; bar._otherProps._tickmarks = "diamond"; bar._otherProps._ticksize = 10; bar._otherProps._tickmarks_dot_color = "steelblue"; bar._otherProps._xscale = "true"; bar._otherProps._gutter_left = 50; bar._otherProps._axis_color = "grey"; if (original_data != undefined) { bar._otherProps._type = "burse2"; var countGraph = []; var keyColors = []; for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { countGraph[j] = (j + 1); keyColors[j] = "white"; } bar._otherProps._xscale = countGraph; bar._otherProps._labels = countGraph; bar._otherProps._boxplot_width = 0.4; bar._otherProps._boxplot_capped = false; bar._otherProps._xmax = countGraph.length; bar._otherProps._key_colors = keyColors; } bar._otherProps._key_rounded = null; if (bar._otherProps._filled != true) { bar._otherProps._key_color_shape = "line"; } } function DrawPieChart(chartCanvas, chartSubType, data, chart) { bar = new OfficeExcel.Pie(chartCanvas, data); bar._otherProps._area_border = chart.bShowBorder; bar._otherProps._ylabels_count = "auto"; bar._otherProps._colors = ["steelblue", "IndianRed", "Silver"]; bar._chartGutter._left = 45; bar._chartGutter._right = 90; bar._chartGutter._top = 13; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 30; bar._otherProps._key_rounded = null; } function DrawLineChart(chartCanvas, chartType, chartSubType, data, chart) { var copyData = $.extend(true, [], data); bar = new OfficeExcel.Line(chartCanvas, data); bar._otherProps._autoGrouping = chartType; if (chartSubType == c_oAscChartType.area) { bar._otherProps._filled = true; } if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked") { for (var j = 0; j < (data.length - 1); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < data[j].length; i++) { data[j + 1][i] = data[j + 1][i] + data[j][i]; } } chart.max = getMaxValueArray(data); chart.min = getMinValueArray(data); bar.original_data = data; } else { if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { for (var j = 0; j < (data.length - 1); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < data[j].length; i++) { data[j + 1][i] = data[j + 1][i] + data[j][i]; } } var tempData = data; var firstData = copyData; var summValue = []; for (var j = 0; j < (firstData[0].length); j++) { summValue[j] = 0; for (var i = 0; i < firstData.length; i++) { summValue[j] += Math.abs(firstData[i][j]); } } for (var j = 0; j < (tempData[0].length); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { if (summValue[j] == 0) { tempData[i][j] = 0; } else { tempData[i][j] = (100 * tempData[i][j]) / (summValue[j]); } } } chart.max = getMaxValueArray(tempData); chart.min = getMinValueArray(tempData); bar.data = tempData; bar.original_data = tempData; } } if ((bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked" || bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") && bar._otherProps._filled) { copyData = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(copyData); chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels); } bar.newData = data; bar.firstData = copyData; bar._otherProps._ylabels_count = "auto"; bar._otherProps._filled_accumulative = false; if (bar._otherProps._filled != true) { bar._chartGutter._left = 35; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 35; } bar._otherProps._area_border = chart.bShowBorder; bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = data.length; bar._otherProps._background_grid_color = "graytext"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor1 = "white"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor2 = "white"; bar._otherProps._linewidth = 3; var tempMas = []; if ("object" == typeof data[0]) { var testMas = []; for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { testMas[j] = data[j].length; } var maxNumOx = Math.max.apply({}, testMas); for (var i = 0; i < maxNumOx; i++) { tempMas[i] = i + 1; } if (bar._otherProps._filled != true) { bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = tempMas.length; } else { bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = tempMas.length - 1; } } else { for (var i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) { tempMas[i] = i; } } if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].xVal && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache && chart.series[0].xVal.Formula != null && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache; } else { if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].Cat && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache && chart.series[0].Cat.Formula != null && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache; } else { bar._otherProps._labels = tempMas; } } if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { bar._otherProps._units_post = "%"; } if (bar._otherProps._filled != true) { bar._otherProps._hmargin = bar._otherProps._background_grid_vsize / 2; } else { bar._otherProps._hmargin = 0; } } function DrawBarChart(chartCanvas, chartSubType, data, chart) { bar = new OfficeExcel.Bar(chartCanvas, data); var copyData = $.extend(true, [], data); bar.firstData = copyData; bar._otherProps._autoGrouping = chartSubType; if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked") { bar._otherProps._type = "accumulative"; } if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { var maxVal = 0; var minVal = 0; var summ = 0; for (var i = 0; i < data[j].length; i++) { summ += Math.abs(data[j][i]); } for (var i = 0; i < data[j].length; i++) { data[j][i] = (data[j][i] * 100) / summ; if (isNaN(data[j][i])) { data[j][i] = 0; } } } } bar._otherProps._area_border = chart.bShowBorder; bar._otherProps._ylabels_count = "auto"; bar._otherProps._variant = "bar"; bar._chartGutter._left = 35; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 35; bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = data.length; bar._otherProps._background_grid_color = "graytext"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor1 = "white"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor2 = "white"; var tempMas = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { tempMas[i] = i + 1; } if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].xVal && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache && chart.series[0].xVal.Formula != null && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache; } else { if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].Cat && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache && chart.series[0].Cat.Formula != null && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache; } else { bar._otherProps._labels = tempMas; } } if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked" || bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { bar._otherProps._units_post = "%"; } bar._otherProps._hmargin = (((bar.canvas.width - (bar._chartGutter._right + bar._chartGutter._left)) * 0.3) / bar.data.length); } else { bar._otherProps._hmargin = (((bar.canvas.width - (bar._chartGutter._right + bar._chartGutter._left)) * 0.3) / bar.data.length) / bar.data[0].length; } } function DrawHBarChart(chartCanvas, chartSubType, data, chart) { if (chartSubType != "stacked" && chartSubType != "stackedPer") { for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { data[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(data[j]); } } data = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(data); var copyData = $.extend(true, [], data); bar = new OfficeExcel.HBar(chartCanvas, data); bar._otherProps._autoGrouping = chartSubType; var originalData = $.extend(true, [], data); chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels); if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked") { for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < (data[j].length); i++) { data[j][i] = findPrevValue(originalData, j, i); } data[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(data[j]); copyData[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(copyData[j]); chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j]); } bar.original_data = data; } else { if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { var sumMax = []; for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { sumMax[j] = 0; for (var i = 0; i < data[j].length; i++) { sumMax[j] += Math.abs(data[j][i]); } } for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < (data[j].length); i++) { data[j][i] = findPrevValue(originalData, j, i); } } var tempData = data; var firstData = data; for (var j = 0; j < (data.length); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < (data[j].length); i++) { tempData[j][i] = (100 * tempData[j][i]) / (sumMax[j]); if (isNaN(tempData[j][i])) { tempData[j][i] = 0; } } tempData[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(tempData[j]); copyData[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(copyData[j]); chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j]); } bar.data = tempData; bar.original_data = tempData; } else { for (var j = 0; j < (copyData.length); j++) { chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j] = OfficeExcel.array_reverse(chart.arrFormatAdobeLabels[j]); } } } bar.firstData = copyData; bar._otherProps._area_border = chart.bShowBorder; bar._otherProps._ylabels_count = "auto"; bar._chartGutter._left = 35; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 35; bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numvlines = data.length; bar._otherProps._background_grid_color = "graytext"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor1 = "white"; bar._otherProps._background_barcolor2 = "white"; bar._otherProps._colors = ["steelblue", "IndianRed", "green"]; var tempMas = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { tempMas[data.length - i - 1] = i + 1; } if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].xVal && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache && chart.series[0].xVal.Formula != null && chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].xVal.NumCache; } else { if (chart && chart.series && chart.series[0] && chart.series[0].Cat && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache && chart.series[0].Cat.Formula != null && chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache.length != 0) { bar._otherProps._labels = chart.series[0].Cat.NumCache; } else { bar._otherProps._labels = tempMas; } } bar._otherProps._background_grid_autofit_numhlines = data.length; bar._otherProps._numyticks = data.length; bar._chartGutter._left = 45; bar._chartGutter._right = 90; bar._chartGutter._top = 13; bar._chartGutter._bottom = 30; if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stacked" || bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { if (bar._otherProps._autoGrouping == "stackedPer") { bar._otherProps._units_post = "%"; } bar._otherProps._vmargin = (((bar.canvas.height - (bar._chartGutter._top + bar._chartGutter._bottom)) * 0.3) / bar.data.length) / 2; } else { bar._otherProps._vmargin = (((bar.canvas.height - (bar._chartGutter._top + bar._chartGutter._bottom)) * 0.3) / bar.data.length) / bar.data[0].length; } bar._otherProps._key_rounded = null; } function findPrevValue(originalData, num, max) { var summ = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= max; i++) { if (originalData[num][max] >= 0) { if (originalData[num][i] >= 0) { summ += originalData[num][i]; } } else { if (originalData[num][i] < 0) { summ += originalData[num][i]; } } } return summ; } function setFontChart(chart) { var defaultColor = "#000000"; var defaultFont = "Arial"; var defaultSize = "10"; if (chart.header.font) { bar._chartTitle._bold = chart.header.font.bold ? chart.header.font.bold : true; bar._chartTitle._color = chart.header.font.color ? chart.header.font.color : defaultColor; bar._chartTitle._font = chart.header.font.name ? chart.header.font.name : defaultFont; bar._chartTitle._size = chart.header.font.size ? chart.header.font.size : defaultSize; bar._chartTitle._italic = chart.header.font.italic ? chart.header.font.italic : false; bar._chartTitle._underline = chart.header.font.underline ? chart.header.font.underline : false; } else { bar._chartTitle._bold = true; bar._chartTitle._color = defaultColor; bar._chartTitle._font = defaultFont; bar._chartTitle._size = defaultSize; bar._chartTitle._italic = false; bar._chartTitle._underline = false; } if (chart.xAxis.titleFont) { bar._xAxisTitle._bold = chart.xAxis.titleFont.bold ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.bold : true; bar._xAxisTitle._color = chart.xAxis.titleFont.color ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.color : defaultColor; bar._xAxisTitle._font = chart.xAxis.titleFont.name ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.name : defaultFont; bar._xAxisTitle._size = chart.xAxis.titleFont.size ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.size : defaultSize; bar._xAxisTitle._italic = chart.xAxis.titleFont.italic ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.italic : false; bar._xAxisTitle._underline = chart.xAxis.titleFont.underline ? chart.xAxis.titleFont.underline : false; } else { bar._xAxisTitle._bold = true; bar._xAxisTitle._color = defaultColor; bar._xAxisTitle._font = defaultFont; bar._xAxisTitle._size = defaultSize; bar._xAxisTitle._italic = false; bar._xAxisTitle._underline = false; } if (chart.yAxis.titleFont) { bar._yAxisTitle._bold = chart.yAxis.titleFont.bold ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.bold : true; bar._yAxisTitle._color = chart.yAxis.titleFont.color ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.color : defaultColor; bar._yAxisTitle._font = chart.yAxis.titleFont.name ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.name : defaultFont; bar._yAxisTitle._size = chart.yAxis.titleFont.size ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.size : defaultSize; bar._yAxisTitle._italic = chart.yAxis.titleFont.italic ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.italic : false; bar._yAxisTitle._underline = chart.yAxis.titleFont.underline ? chart.yAxis.titleFont.underline : false; } else { bar._yAxisTitle._bold = true; bar._yAxisTitle._color = defaultColor; bar._yAxisTitle._font = defaultFont; bar._yAxisTitle._size = defaultSize; bar._yAxisTitle._italic = false; bar._yAxisTitle._underline = false; } if (chart.legend.font) { bar._otherProps._key_text_bold = chart.legend.font.bold ? chart.legend.font.bold : false; bar._otherProps._key_text_color = chart.legend.font.color ? chart.legend.font.color : defaultColor; bar._otherProps._key_text_font = chart.legend.font.name ? chart.legend.font.name : defaultFont; bar._otherProps._key_text_size = chart.legend.font.size ? chart.legend.font.size : defaultSize; bar._otherProps._key_text_italic = chart.legend.font.italic ? chart.legend.font.italic : false; bar._otherProps._key_text_underline = chart.legend.font.underline ? chart.legend.font.underline : false; } else { bar._otherProps._key_text_bold = false; bar._otherProps._key_text_color = defaultColor; bar._otherProps._key_text_font = defaultFont; bar._otherProps._key_text_size = defaultSize; bar._otherProps._key_text_italic = false; bar._otherProps._key_text_underline = false; } if (chart.xAxis.labelFont) { bar._otherProps._xlabels_bold = chart.xAxis.labelFont.bold ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.bold : false; bar._otherProps._xlabels_color = chart.xAxis.labelFont.color ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.color : defaultColor; bar._otherProps._xlabels_font = chart.xAxis.labelFont.name ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.name : defaultFont; bar._otherProps._xlabels_size = chart.xAxis.labelFont.size ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.size : defaultSize; bar._otherProps._xlabels_italic = chart.xAxis.labelFont.italic ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.italic : false; bar._otherProps._xlabels_underline = chart.xAxis.labelFont.underline ? chart.xAxis.labelFont.underline : false; } else { bar._otherProps._xlabels_bold = false; bar._otherProps._xlabels_color = defaultColor; bar._otherProps._xlabels_font = defaultFont; bar._otherProps._xlabels_size = defaultSize; bar._otherProps._xlabels_italic = false; bar._otherProps._xlabels_underline = false; } if (chart.yAxis.labelFont) { bar._otherProps._ylabels_bold = chart.yAxis.labelFont.bold ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.bold : false; bar._otherProps._ylabels_color = chart.yAxis.labelFont.color ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.color : defaultColor; bar._otherProps._ylabels_font = chart.yAxis.labelFont.name ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.name : defaultFont; bar._otherProps._ylabels_size = chart.yAxis.labelFont.size ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.size : defaultSize; bar._otherProps._ylabels_italic = chart.yAxis.labelFont.italic ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.italic : false; bar._otherProps._ylabels_underline = chart.yAxis.labelFont.underline ? chart.yAxis.labelFont.underline : false; } else { bar._otherProps._ylabels_bold = false; bar._otherProps._ylabels_color = defaultColor; bar._otherProps._ylabels_font = defaultFont; bar._otherProps._ylabels_size = defaultSize; bar._otherProps._ylabels_italic = false; bar._otherProps._ylabels_underline = false; } if (chart.legend.font) { bar._otherProps._labels_above_bold = chart.legend.font.bold ? chart.legend.font.bold : false; bar._otherProps._labels_above_color = chart.legend.font.color ? chart.legend.font.color : defaultColor; bar._otherProps._labels_above_font = chart.legend.font.name ? chart.legend.font.name : defaultFont; bar._otherProps._labels_above_size = chart.legend.font.size ? chart.legend.font.size : defaultSize; bar._otherProps._labels_above_italic = chart.legend.font.italic ? chart.legend.font.italic : false; bar._otherProps._labels_above_underline = chart.legend.font.underline ? chart.legend.font.underline : false; } else { bar._otherProps._labels_above_bold = false; bar._otherProps._labels_above_color = defaultColor; bar._otherProps._labels_above_font = defaultFont; bar._otherProps._labels_above_size = defaultSize; bar._otherProps._labels_above_italic = false; bar._otherProps._labels_above_underline = false; } bar._otherProps._text_color = defaultColor; bar._otherProps._text_bold = false; bar._otherProps._text_italic = false; bar._otherProps._text_underline = false; bar._otherProps._text_font = defaultFont; bar._otherProps._text_size = defaultSize; } function getFontProperties(type) { var props = bar._otherProps; var xAxisTitle = bar._xAxisTitle; var yAxisTitle = bar._yAxisTitle; var chartTitle = bar._chartTitle; var fontProp = window["Asc"].FontProperties; if (!fontProp) { fontProp = FontProperties; } switch (type) { case "xLabels": return new fontProp(props._xlabels_font, props._xlabels_size, props._xlabels_bold, props._xlabels_italic, props._xlabels_underline); case "yLabels": return new fontProp(props._ylabels_font, props._ylabels_size, props._ylabels_bold, props._ylabels_italic, props._ylabels_underline); case "xTitle": return new fontProp(xAxisTitle._font, xAxisTitle._size, xAxisTitle._bold, xAxisTitle._italic, xAxisTitle._underline); case "yTitle": return new fontProp(yAxisTitle._font, yAxisTitle._size, yAxisTitle._bold, yAxisTitle._italic, yAxisTitle._underline); case "key": return new fontProp(props._key_text_font, props._key_text_size, props._key_text_bold, props._key_text_italic, props._key_text_underline); case "title": return new fontProp(chartTitle._font, chartTitle._size, chartTitle._bold, chartTitle._italic, chartTitle._underline); case "labelsAbove": return new fontProp(props._ylabels_labels_above_labels_above_font, props._labels_above_size, props._labels_above_bold, props._labels_above_italic, props._labels_above_underline); } } function calculatePosiitionObjects(type) { var context = OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts; if (!context || !context.scaleFactor) { return false; } var scale = context.scaleFactor; switch (type) { case "xLabels": var marginBottom = bar._chartGutter._bottom; var ascFontXLabels = getFontProperties("xLabels"); context.setFont(ascFontXLabels); var heigthTextLabelsOx = context.measureText((bar._otherProps._labels[0]).toString(), 1); var heigthTextNameAxisOx = 0; if (bar._xAxisTitle._vpos) { var ascFontXTitle = getFontProperties("xTitle"); context.setFont(ascFontXTitle); var koff = 12 * scale; heigthTextNameAxisOx = 10 + context.measureText((bar._xAxisTitle._text).toString(), 1).height + koff; } marginOx = (marginBottom - (heigthTextLabelsOx.height + heigthTextNameAxisOx)) / 2; return marginOx; case "yLabels": var marginLeft = bar._chartGutter._left; var ascFontXLabels = getFontProperties("xLabels"); context.setFont(ascFontXLabels); var propsTextLabelsOy = getMaxPropertiesText(context, ascFontXLabels, bar._otherProps._labels); var marginOy = bar._chartGutter._left - (12 * scale); return marginOy; case "key_hpos": if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "right") { if (bar._otherProps._key_color_shape == "line") { var widthLine = 28; var font = getFontProperties("key"); var widthText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var widthKey = widthText.width + 2 * scale + widthLine * scale; var marginRightFromKey = 12 * scale; var hpos = bar.canvas.width - widthKey - marginRightFromKey; return hpos; } else { var widthLine = 8; var font = getFontProperties("key"); var widthText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var widthKey = widthText.width + 5 + widthLine; var marginRightFromKey = 12 * scale; var hpos = bar.canvas.width - widthKey - marginRightFromKey; return hpos; } } else { if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left") { return 12 * scale; } else { if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "bottom") { return bar.canvas.height - 7 * scale; } else { if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "top") { var font = getFontProperties("key"); var props = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var heigthTextKey = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; if (bar._chartTitle._marginTopTitle) { return 7 * scale + heigthTextKey + bar._chartTitle._marginTopTitle; } else { if (typeof(bar._chartTitle._text) == "string" && ((bar._chartTitle._text != "" && (bar._chartTitle._text != undefined)) || (bar._chartTitle._visibleTitle != "" && bar._chartTitle._visibleTitle != undefined) || (bar.margins && bar.margins.title))) { if (bar.margins && bar.margins.title) { var heigthText = bar.margins.title.h; return 7 * scale + heigthTextKey + 7 * scale + heigthText; } else { var font = getFontProperties("title"); var text = bar._chartTitle._text; if (bar._chartTitle._visibleTitle != "") { text = bar._chartTitle._visibleTitle; } var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, text); var hpos = (bar.canvas.width) / 2 - axisTitleProp.width / 2; var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; return 7 * scale + heigthTextKey + 7 * scale + heigthText; } } else { return 7 * scale + heigthTextKey; } } } } } } case "yAxisTitle": var hpos; var font = getFontProperties("yTitle"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._yAxisTitle._text); var vpos = (bar.canvas.height - bar._chartGutter._bottom - bar._chartGutter._top) / 2 + axisTitleProp.width / 2 + bar._chartGutter._top; var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "left") { var widthLine = 8; var diff = 5; if (bar._otherProps._key_color_shape == "line") { widthLine = 28; diff = 2; } var font = getFontProperties("key"); var widthText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var widthKey = widthText.width + diff * scale + widthLine * scale; hpos = heigthText + widthKey + 6 * scale + 12 * scale; return { x: hpos, y: vpos }; } else { hpos = heigthText + 12 * scale; return { x: hpos, y: vpos }; } case "xAxisTitle": var hpos; var font = getFontProperties("xTitle"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._xAxisTitle._text); var hpos = (bar.canvas.width - bar._chartGutter._left - bar._chartGutter._right) / 2 - axisTitleProp.width / 2 + bar._chartGutter._left; var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; if (bar._otherProps._key_halign == "bottom") { var font = getFontProperties("key"); var heightText = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._otherProps._key); var heightKey = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; vpos = bar.canvas.height - 14 * scale - 7 * scale - heightKey; return { x: hpos, y: vpos }; } else { vpos = bar.canvas.height - 14 * scale; return { x: hpos, y: vpos }; } case "title": var hpos; var font = getFontProperties("title"); var axisTitleProp = getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, bar._chartTitle._text); var hpos = (bar.canvas.width) / 2 - axisTitleProp.width / 2; var heigthText = (context.getHeightText() / 0.75) * scale; vpos = 7 * scale + heigthText; return { x: hpos, y: vpos }; } } function getMaxPropertiesText(context, font, text) { context.setFont(font); var result = 0; if (typeof text == "object" && text.length != 0) { var maxWord = 0; var objOptions; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if ((text[i]).toString() == "") { continue; } var lengthText = context.measureText((text[i]).toString(), 0); if (lengthText.width > maxWord) { objOptions = lengthText; maxWord = lengthText.width; } } result = objOptions; } else { if (text.toString() != "") { result = context.measureText((text).toString(), 0); } } return result; } function getMaxValueArray(array) { var max = 0; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { max = array[i][j]; } if (array[i][j] > max) { max = array[i][j]; } } } return max; } function getMinValueArray(array) { var min = 0; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { min = array[i][j]; } if (array[i][j] < min) { min = array[i][j]; } } } return min; } function getHexColor(r, g, b) { var r = r.toString(16); var g = g.toString(16); var b = b.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) { r = "0" + r; } if (g.length == 1) { g = "0" + g; } if (b.length == 1) { b = "0" + b; } return "#" + r + g + b; } function calculateAngleText(labels) { var result = false; var context = OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts; if (context && labels && labels.length) { var widthChart = bar.canvas.width - bar._chartGutter._left - bar._chartGutter._right; var maxWidthOneTitle = widthChart / labels.length; var ascFontXLabels = getFontProperties("xLabels"); context.setFont(ascFontXLabels); var propsTextLabelsOy = getMaxPropertiesText(context, ascFontXLabels, labels); var maxWidthAxisLabels = (bar.canvas.height - bar._chartGutter._bottom - bar._chartGutter._top) / 2; if (maxWidthOneTitle <= propsTextLabelsOy.width) { result = []; var optionText; for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (labels[i] == "") { result[i] = 0; } else { labels[i] = cutLabels(maxWidthAxisLabels, labels[i]); optionText = context.measureText(labels[i], 0); result[i] = optionText.width; } } result.angle = 45; if (maxWidthAxisLabels < propsTextLabelsOy.width) { result.bottom = maxWidthAxisLabels; } else { result.bottom = propsTextLabelsOy.width; } } } return result; } function cutLabels(maxWidthAxisLabels, label) { var context = OfficeExcel.drawingCtxCharts; var widthPoins = context.measureText("...", 0).width; label = label.toString(); if (maxWidthAxisLabels && label != "" && context.measureText(label, 0).width > maxWidthAxisLabels) { var newLabel = label; while ((context.measureText(newLabel, 0).width + widthPoins) >= maxWidthAxisLabels && newLabel.length > 1) { newLabel = newLabel.substr(0, newLabel.length - 1); } newLabel = newLabel + "..."; label = newLabel; } return label; } function getLevelsKey(chartCanvas, context, font, scale, widthMaxKey) { var widthLine = 28; if (bar.type == "bar" || bar.type == "hbar" || bar.type == "hbar" || (bar.type == "line" && bar._otherProps_filled) || bar.type == "pie") { widthLine = 8; } var maxWidthOneLineKey = 0.9 * chartCanvas.width * scale; var widthRow = 0; var level = 0; var levelKey = []; var n = 0; var allWidthKeys = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bar._otherProps._key.length; i++) { allWidthKeys += (widthMaxKey + 2 + widthLine) * scale; } if (allWidthKeys > maxWidthOneLineKey) { var tempLevel = Math.ceil(allWidthKeys / maxWidthOneLineKey); var realMaxLine = allWidthKeys / tempLevel; if (tempLevel >= bar._otherProps._key.length) { for (var i = 0; i < bar._otherProps._key.length; i++) { if (!levelKey[i]) { levelKey[i] = []; } levelKey[i][0] = bar._otherProps._key[i]; } } else { var keyOnOneLevel = Math.floor(bar._otherProps._key.length / tempLevel); for (var i = 0; i < bar._otherProps._key.length; i++) { widthText = widthMaxKey; widthRow += (widthText + 2 + widthLine) * scale; if (!levelKey[level]) { levelKey[level] = []; } if (level > tempLevel) { break; } if (widthRow > maxWidthOneLineKey || n > keyOnOneLevel) { level++; widthRow = 0; n = 0; i--; } else { levelKey[level][n] = bar._otherProps._key[i]; n++; } } } } return levelKey; }