/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var moveTo = 0, lineTo = 1, arcTo = 2, bezier3 = 3, bezier4 = 4, close = 5; var PATH_COMMAND_START = 257; var PATH_COMMAND_END = 258; var cToRad = Math.PI / 10800000; var cToDeg = 1 / cToRad; function Path(extrusionOk, fill, stroke, w, h) { this.ArrPathCommandInfo = new Array(); this.ArrPathCommand = new Array(); this.createDuplicate = function () { var duplicate = new Path(this.extrusionOk, this.fill, this.stroke, this.pathW, this.pathH); for (var i = 0; i < this.ArrPathCommandInfo.length; ++i) { duplicate.ArrPathCommandInfo[i] = clonePrototype(this.ArrPathCommandInfo[i]); } return duplicate; }; this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); var stroke2; if (stroke != undefined) { stroke2 = stroke; } else { stroke2 = true; } this.setStroke(stroke2); this.extrusionOk = extrusionOk || false; this.setFill(fill || "norm"); this.setWH(w, h); } Path.prototype = { getObjectType: function () { return CLASS_TYPE_PATH; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.Id; }, Write_ToBinary2: function (writer) { writer.WriteBool(this.stroke); writer.WriteBool(this.extrusionOk); writer.WriteString2(this.fill); var flag = this.pathW != undefined; writer.WriteBool(flag); if (flag) { writer.WriteLong(this.pathW); } flag = this.pathH != undefined; writer.WriteBool(flag); if (flag) { writer.WriteLong(this.pathH); } flag = this.divPW != undefined; writer.WriteBool(flag); if (flag) { writer.WriteDouble(this.divPW); } flag = this.divPH != undefined; writer.WriteBool(flag); if (flag) { writer.WriteDouble(this.divPH); } var path_command_count = this.ArrPathCommandInfo.length; writer.WriteLong(path_command_count); var write_function = writer.WriteString2; for (var index = 0; index < path_command_count; ++index) { var c = this.ArrPathCommandInfo[index]; switch (c.id) { case moveTo: case lineTo: writer.WriteLong(c.id); write_function.call(writer, c.X); write_function.call(writer, c.Y); break; case bezier3: writer.WriteLong(c.id); write_function.call(writer, c.X0); write_function.call(writer, c.Y0); write_function.call(writer, c.X1); write_function.call(writer, c.Y1); break; case bezier4: writer.WriteLong(c.id); write_function.call(writer, c.X0); write_function.call(writer, c.Y0); write_function.call(writer, c.X1); write_function.call(writer, c.Y1); write_function.call(writer, c.X2); write_function.call(writer, c.Y2); break; case arcTo: writer.WriteLong(c.id); write_function.call(writer, c.hR); write_function.call(writer, c.wR); write_function.call(writer, c.stAng); write_function.call(writer, c.swAng); break; case close: writer.WriteLong(c.id); break; } } for (index = 0; index < path_command_count; ++index) { WriteObjectLong(writer, this.ArrPathCommand[index]); } }, Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) { this.setStroke(Reader.GetBool()); this.extrusionOk = Reader.GetBool(); this.setFill(Reader.GetString2()); var flag = Reader.GetBool(); if (flag) { this.pathW = Reader.GetLong(); } flag = Reader.GetBool(); if (flag) { this.pathH = Reader.GetLong(); } if (isRealNumber(this.pathH && this.pathW)) { this.setWH(this.pathW, this.pathH); } flag = Reader.GetBool(); if (flag) { this.divPW = Reader.GetDouble(); } flag = Reader.GetBool(); if (flag) { this.divPH = Reader.GetDouble(); } if (typeof this.pathW === "number") { this.divPW = 1 / this.pathW; } if (typeof this.pathH === "number") { this.divPH = 1 / this.pathH; } var path_command_count = Reader.GetLong(); var read_function = Reader.GetString2; for (var index = 0; index < path_command_count; ++index) { var c = {}; var id = Reader.GetLong(); c.id = id; switch (id) { case moveTo: case lineTo: c.X = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y = read_function.call(Reader); for (var key in c) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(c[key], 10))) { c[key] = parseInt(c[key], 10); } } if (id === moveTo) { this.moveTo(c.X, c.Y); } else { this.lnTo(c.X, c.Y); } break; case bezier3: c.X0 = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y0 = read_function.call(Reader); c.X1 = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y1 = read_function.call(Reader); for (var key in c) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(c[key], 10))) { c[key] = parseInt(c[key], 10); } } this.quadBezTo(c.X0, c.Y0, c.X1, c.Y1); break; case bezier4: c.X0 = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y0 = read_function.call(Reader); c.X1 = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y1 = read_function.call(Reader); c.X2 = read_function.call(Reader); c.Y2 = read_function.call(Reader); for (var key in c) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(c[key], 10))) { c[key] = parseInt(c[key], 10); } } this.cubicBezTo(c.X0, c.Y0, c.X1, c.Y1, c.X2, c.Y2); break; case arcTo: c.hR = read_function.call(Reader); c.wR = read_function.call(Reader); c.stAng = read_function.call(Reader); c.swAng = read_function.call(Reader); for (var key in c) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(c[key], 10))) { c[key] = parseInt(c[key], 10); } } this.arcTo(c.wR, c.hR, c.stAng, c.swAng); break; case close: this.close(); break; } } for (index = 0; index < path_command_count; ++index) { this.ArrPathCommand[index] = ReadObjectLong(Reader); } }, setStroke: function (stroke) { var oldValue = this.stroke; var newValue = stroke; this.stroke = stroke; History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathStroke, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(oldValue, newValue))); }, setFill: function (fill) { var oldValue = this.fill; var newValue = fill; this.fill = fill; History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathFill, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(oldValue, newValue))); }, setWH: function (w, h) { var oldValue1 = this.pathW; var oldValue2 = this.pathH; var newValue1 = w; var newValue2 = h; this.pathW = w; this.pathH = h; if (this.pathW != undefined) { this.divPW = 1 / w; this.divPH = 1 / h; } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathWH, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOPairProps(oldValue1, oldValue2, newValue1, newValue2))); }, moveTo: function (x, y) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(x, 10))) { x = parseInt(x, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y, 10))) { y = parseInt(y, 10); } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathMoveTo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataMoveToLineTo(x, y, true)), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: moveTo, X: x, Y: y }); }, lnTo: function (x, y) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(x, 10))) { x = parseInt(x, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y, 10))) { y = parseInt(y, 10); } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathLineTo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataMoveToLineTo(x, y, false)), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: lineTo, X: x, Y: y }); }, arcTo: function (wR, hR, stAng, swAng) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(wR, 10))) { wR = parseInt(wR, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(hR, 10))) { hR = parseInt(hR, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(stAng, 10))) { stAng = parseInt(stAng, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(swAng, 10))) { swAng = parseInt(swAng, 10); } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathArcTo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataArcTo(wR, hR, stAng, swAng)), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: arcTo, wR: wR, hR: hR, stAng: stAng, swAng: swAng }); }, quadBezTo: function (x0, y0, x1, y1) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(x0, 10))) { x0 = parseInt(x0, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y0, 10))) { y0 = parseInt(y0, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(x1, 10))) { x1 = parseInt(x1, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y1, 10))) { y1 = parseInt(y1, 10); } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathQuadBezTo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataQuadBezTo(x0, y0, x1, y1)), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: bezier3, X0: x0, Y0: y0, X1: x1, Y1: y1 }); }, cubicBezTo: function (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(x0, 10))) { x0 = parseInt(x0, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y0, 10))) { y0 = parseInt(y0, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(x1, 10))) { x1 = parseInt(x1, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y1, 10))) { y1 = parseInt(y1, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(x2, 10))) { x2 = parseInt(x2, 10); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(y2, 10))) { y2 = parseInt(y2, 10); } History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathCubicBezTo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataCubicBezTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: bezier4, X0: x0, Y0: y0, X1: x1, Y1: y1, X2: x2, Y2: y2 }); }, close: function () { History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathClose, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Id, new UndoRedoDataClosePath()), null); this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: close }); }, init: function (gdLst) { if (this.ArrPathCommandInfo.length === this.ArrPathCommand.length) { this.ArrPathCommand.length = 0; } var ch, cw; if (this.pathW != undefined) { ch = (gdLst["h"] / this.pathH); cw = (gdLst["w"] / this.pathW); } else { ch = 1; cw = 1; } var APCI = this.ArrPathCommandInfo, n = APCI.length, cmd; var x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, wR, hR, stAng, swAng, lastX, lastY; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { cmd = APCI[i]; switch (cmd.id) { case moveTo: case lineTo: x0 = parseInt(cmd.X); if (isNaN(x0)) { x0 = gdLst[cmd.X]; } y0 = parseInt(cmd.Y); if (isNaN(y0)) { y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y]; } this.ArrPathCommand.push({ id: cmd.id, X: x0 * cw, Y: y0 * ch }); lastX = x0 * cw; lastY = y0 * ch; break; case bezier3: x0 = parseInt(cmd.X0); if (isNaN(x0)) { x0 = gdLst[cmd.X0]; } y0 = parseInt(cmd.Y0); if (isNaN(y0)) { y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y0]; } x1 = parseInt(cmd.X1); if (isNaN(x1)) { x1 = gdLst[cmd.X1]; } y1 = parseInt(cmd.Y1); if (isNaN(y1)) { y1 = gdLst[cmd.Y1]; } this.ArrPathCommand.push({ id: bezier3, X0: x0 * cw, Y0: y0 * ch, X1: x1 * cw, Y1: y1 * ch }); lastX = x1 * cw; lastY = y1 * ch; break; case bezier4: x0 = parseInt(cmd.X0); if (isNaN(x0)) { x0 = gdLst[cmd.X0]; } y0 = parseInt(cmd.Y0); if (isNaN(y0)) { y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y0]; } x1 = parseInt(cmd.X1); if (isNaN(x1)) { x1 = gdLst[cmd.X1]; } y1 = parseInt(cmd.Y1); if (isNaN(y1)) { y1 = gdLst[cmd.Y1]; } x2 = parseInt(cmd.X2); if (isNaN(x2)) { x2 = gdLst[cmd.X2]; } y2 = parseInt(cmd.Y2); if (isNaN(y2)) { y2 = gdLst[cmd.Y2]; } this.ArrPathCommand.push({ id: bezier4, X0: x0 * cw, Y0: y0 * ch, X1: x1 * cw, Y1: y1 * ch, X2: x2 * cw, Y2: y2 * ch }); lastX = x2 * cw; lastY = y2 * ch; break; case arcTo: hR = parseInt(cmd.hR); if (isNaN(hR)) { hR = gdLst[cmd.hR]; } wR = parseInt(cmd.wR); if (isNaN(wR)) { wR = gdLst[cmd.wR]; } stAng = parseInt(cmd.stAng); if (isNaN(stAng)) { stAng = gdLst[cmd.stAng]; } swAng = parseInt(cmd.swAng); if (isNaN(swAng)) { swAng = gdLst[cmd.swAng]; } var a1 = stAng; var a2 = stAng + swAng; var a3 = swAng; stAng = Math.atan2(ch * Math.sin(a1 * cToRad), cw * Math.cos(a1 * cToRad)) / cToRad; swAng = Math.atan2(ch * Math.sin(a2 * cToRad), cw * Math.cos(a2 * cToRad)) / cToRad - stAng; if ((swAng > 0) && (a3 < 0)) { swAng -= 21600000; } if ((swAng < 0) && (a3 > 0)) { swAng += 21600000; } if (swAng == 0) { swAng = 21600000; } var a = wR * cw; var b = hR * ch; var sin2 = Math.sin(stAng * cToRad); var cos2 = Math.cos(stAng * cToRad); var _xrad = cos2 / a; var _yrad = sin2 / b; var l = 1 / Math.sqrt(_xrad * _xrad + _yrad * _yrad); var xc = lastX - l * cos2; var yc = lastY - l * sin2; var sin1 = Math.sin((stAng + swAng) * cToRad); var cos1 = Math.cos((stAng + swAng) * cToRad); var _xrad1 = cos1 / a; var _yrad1 = sin1 / b; var l1 = 1 / Math.sqrt(_xrad1 * _xrad1 + _yrad1 * _yrad1); this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: arcTo, stX: lastX, stY: lastY, wR: wR * cw, hR: hR * ch, stAng: stAng * cToRad, swAng: swAng * cToRad }; lastX = xc + l1 * cos1; lastY = yc + l1 * sin1; break; case close: this.ArrPathCommand.push({ id: close }); break; default: break; } } }, recalculate: function (gdLst) { var ch, cw; if (this.pathW != undefined) { ch = (gdLst["h"] / this.pathH); cw = (gdLst["w"] / this.pathW); } else { ch = 1; cw = 1; } var APCI = this.ArrPathCommandInfo, n = APCI.length, cmd; var x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, wR, hR, stAng, swAng, lastX, lastY; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cmd = APCI[i]; switch (cmd.id) { case moveTo: case lineTo: x0 = gdLst[cmd.X]; if (x0 === undefined) { x0 = cmd.X; } y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y]; if (y0 === undefined) { y0 = cmd.Y; } this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: cmd.id, X: x0 * cw, Y: y0 * ch }; lastX = x0 * cw; lastY = y0 * ch; break; case bezier3: x0 = gdLst[cmd.X0]; if (x0 === undefined) { x0 = cmd.X0; } y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y0]; if (y0 === undefined) { y0 = cmd.Y0; } x1 = gdLst[cmd.X1]; if (x1 === undefined) { x1 = cmd.X1; } y1 = gdLst[cmd.Y1]; if (y1 === undefined) { y1 = cmd.Y1; } this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: bezier3, X0: x0 * cw, Y0: y0 * ch, X1: x1 * cw, Y1: y1 * ch }; lastX = x1 * cw; lastY = y1 * ch; break; case bezier4: x0 = gdLst[cmd.X0]; if (x0 === undefined) { x0 = cmd.X0; } y0 = gdLst[cmd.Y0]; if (y0 === undefined) { y0 = cmd.Y0; } x1 = gdLst[cmd.X1]; if (x1 === undefined) { x1 = cmd.X1; } y1 = gdLst[cmd.Y1]; if (y1 === undefined) { y1 = cmd.Y1; } x2 = gdLst[cmd.X2]; if (x2 === undefined) { x2 = cmd.X2; } y2 = gdLst[cmd.Y2]; if (y2 === undefined) { y2 = cmd.Y2; } this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: bezier4, X0: x0 * cw, Y0: y0 * ch, X1: x1 * cw, Y1: y1 * ch, X2: x2 * cw, Y2: y2 * ch }; lastX = x2 * cw; lastY = y2 * ch; break; case arcTo: hR = gdLst[cmd.hR]; if (hR === undefined) { hR = cmd.hR; } wR = gdLst[cmd.wR]; if (wR === undefined) { wR = cmd.wR; } stAng = gdLst[cmd.stAng]; if (stAng === undefined) { stAng = cmd.stAng; } swAng = gdLst[cmd.swAng]; if (swAng === undefined) { swAng = cmd.swAng; } var a1 = stAng; var a2 = stAng + swAng; var a3 = swAng; stAng = Math.atan2(ch * Math.sin(a1 * cToRad), cw * Math.cos(a1 * cToRad)) / cToRad; swAng = Math.atan2(ch * Math.sin(a2 * cToRad), cw * Math.cos(a2 * cToRad)) / cToRad - stAng; if ((swAng > 0) && (a3 < 0)) { swAng -= 21600000; } if ((swAng < 0) && (a3 > 0)) { swAng += 21600000; } if (swAng == 0) { swAng = 21600000; } var a = wR * cw; var b = hR * ch; var sin2 = Math.sin(stAng * cToRad); var cos2 = Math.cos(stAng * cToRad); var _xrad = cos2 / a; var _yrad = sin2 / b; var l = 1 / Math.sqrt(_xrad * _xrad + _yrad * _yrad); var xc = lastX - l * cos2; var yc = lastY - l * sin2; var sin1 = Math.sin((stAng + swAng) * cToRad); var cos1 = Math.cos((stAng + swAng) * cToRad); var _xrad1 = cos1 / a; var _yrad1 = sin1 / b; var l1 = 1 / Math.sqrt(_xrad1 * _xrad1 + _yrad1 * _yrad1); this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: arcTo, stX: lastX, stY: lastY, wR: wR * cw, hR: hR * ch, stAng: stAng * cToRad, swAng: swAng * cToRad }; lastX = xc + l1 * cos1; lastY = yc + l1 * sin1; break; case close: this.ArrPathCommand[i] = { id: close }; break; default: break; } } }, draw: function (shape_drawer) { if (shape_drawer.bIsCheckBounds === true && this.fill == "none") { return; } var bIsDrawLast = false; var path = this.ArrPathCommand; shape_drawer._s(); for (var j = 0, l = path.length; j < l; ++j) { var cmd = path[j]; switch (cmd.id) { case moveTo: bIsDrawLast = true; shape_drawer._m(cmd.X, cmd.Y); break; case lineTo: bIsDrawLast = true; shape_drawer._l(cmd.X, cmd.Y); break; case bezier3: bIsDrawLast = true; shape_drawer._c2(cmd.X0, cmd.Y0, cmd.X1, cmd.Y1); break; case bezier4: bIsDrawLast = true; shape_drawer._c(cmd.X0, cmd.Y0, cmd.X1, cmd.Y1, cmd.X2, cmd.Y2); break; case arcTo: bIsDrawLast = true; ArcToCurvers(shape_drawer, cmd.stX, cmd.stY, cmd.wR, cmd.hR, cmd.stAng, cmd.swAng); break; case close: shape_drawer._z(); break; } } if (bIsDrawLast) { shape_drawer.drawFillStroke(true, this.fill, this.stroke && !shape_drawer.bIsNoStrokeAttack); } shape_drawer._e(); }, check_bounds: function (checker) { var path = this.ArrPathCommand; for (var j = 0, l = path.length; j < l; ++j) { var cmd = path[j]; switch (cmd.id) { case moveTo: checker._m(cmd.X, cmd.Y); break; case lineTo: checker._l(cmd.X, cmd.Y); break; case bezier3: checker._c2(cmd.X0, cmd.Y0, cmd.X1, cmd.Y1); break; case bezier4: checker._c(cmd.X0, cmd.Y0, cmd.X1, cmd.Y1, cmd.X2, cmd.Y2); break; case arcTo: ArcToCurvers(checker, cmd.stX, cmd.stY, cmd.wR, cmd.hR, cmd.stAng, cmd.swAng); break; case close: checker._z(); break; } } }, hitInInnerArea: function (canvasContext, x, y) { if (this.fill === "none") { return false; } var _arr_commands = this.ArrPathCommand; var _commands_count = _arr_commands.length; var _command_index; var _command; canvasContext.beginPath(); for (_command_index = 0; _command_index < _commands_count; ++_command_index) { _command = _arr_commands[_command_index]; switch (_command.id) { case moveTo: canvasContext.moveTo(_command.X, _command.Y); break; case lineTo: canvasContext.lineTo(_command.X, _command.Y); break; case arcTo: ArcToOnCanvas(canvasContext, _command.stX, _command.stY, _command.wR, _command.hR, _command.stAng, _command.swAng); break; case bezier3: canvasContext.quadraticCurveTo(_command.X0, _command.Y0, _command.X1, _command.Y1); break; case bezier4: canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(_command.X0, _command.Y0, _command.X1, _command.Y1, _command.X2, _command.Y2); break; case close: canvasContext.closePath(); if (canvasContext.isPointInPath(x, y)) { return true; } } } return false; }, hitInPath: function (canvasContext, x, y) { var _arr_commands = this.ArrPathCommand; var _commands_count = _arr_commands.length; var _command_index; var _command; var _last_x, _last_y; var _begin_x, _begin_y; for (_command_index = 0; _command_index < _commands_count; ++_command_index) { _command = _arr_commands[_command_index]; switch (_command.id) { case moveTo: _last_x = _command.X; _last_y = _command.Y; _begin_x = _command.X; _begin_y = _command.Y; break; case lineTo: if (HitInLine(canvasContext, x, y, _last_x, _last_y, _command.X, _command.Y)) { return true; } _last_x = _command.X; _last_y = _command.Y; break; case arcTo: if (HitToArc(canvasContext, x, y, _command.stX, _command.stY, _command.wR, _command.hR, _command.stAng, _command.swAng)) { return true; } _last_x = (_command.stX - _command.wR * Math.cos(_command.stAng) + _command.wR * Math.cos(_command.swAng)); _last_y = (_command.stY - _command.hR * Math.sin(_command.stAng) + _command.hR * Math.sin(_command.swAng)); break; case bezier3: if (HitInBezier3(canvasContext, x, y, _last_x, _last_y, _command.X0, _command.Y0, _command.X1, _command.Y1)) { return true; } _last_x = _command.X1; _last_y = _command.Y1; break; case bezier4: if (HitInBezier4(canvasContext, x, y, _last_x, _last_y, _command.X0, _command.Y0, _command.X1, _command.Y1, _command.X2, _command.Y2)) { return true; } _last_x = _command.X2; _last_y = _command.Y2; break; case close: if (HitInLine(canvasContext, x, y, _last_x, _last_y, _begin_x, _begin_y)) { return true; } } } return false; }, calculateWrapPolygon: function (epsilon, graphics) { var arr_polygons = []; var cur_polygon = []; var path_commands = this.ArrPathCommand; var path_commands_count = path_commands.length; var last_x, last_y; for (var index = 0; index < path_commands_count; ++index) { var cur_command = path_commands[index]; switch (cur_command.id) { case moveTo: case lineTo: cur_polygon.push({ x: cur_command.X, y: cur_command.Y }); last_x = cur_command.X; last_y = cur_command.Y; break; case bezier3: cur_polygon = cur_polygon.concat(partition_bezier3(last_x, last_y, cur_command.X0, cur_command.Y0, cur_command.X1, cur_command.Y1, epsilon)); last_x = cur_command.X1; last_y = cur_command.Y1; break; case bezier4: cur_polygon = cur_polygon.concat(partition_bezier4(last_x, last_y, cur_command.X0, cur_command.Y0, cur_command.X1, cur_command.Y1, cur_command.X2, cur_command.Y2, epsilon)); last_x = cur_command.X2; last_y = cur_command.Y2; break; case arcTo: var arr_curve_bezier = getArrayPointsCurveBezierAtArcTo(last_x, last_y, cur_command.stX, cur_command.stY, cur_command.wR, cur_command.hR, cur_command.stAng, cur_command.swAng); if (arr_curve_bezier.length > 0) { last_x = arr_curve_bezier[arr_curve_bezier.length - 1].x4; last_y = arr_curve_bezier[arr_curve_bezier.length - 1].y4; for (var i = 0; i < arr_curve_bezier.length; ++i) { var cur_curve_bezier = arr_curve_bezier[i]; cur_polygon = cur_polygon.concat(partition_bezier4(cur_curve_bezier.x0, cur_curve_bezier.y0, cur_curve_bezier.x1, cur_curve_bezier.y1, cur_curve_bezier.x2, cur_curve_bezier.y2, cur_curve_bezier.x3, cur_curve_bezier.y3, epsilon)); } } break; case close: arr_polygons.push(cur_polygon); cur_polygon = []; } } for (i = 0; i < arr_polygons.length; ++i) { var cur_polygon = arr_polygons[i]; graphics._m(cur_polygon[0].x, cur_polygon[0].y); for (var j = 0; j < cur_polygon.length; ++j) { graphics._l(cur_polygon[j].x, cur_polygon[j].y); } graphics._z(); graphics.ds(); } }, Undo: function (type, data) { switch (type) { case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathMoveTo: case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathLineTo: case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathArcTo: case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathQuadBezTo: case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathCubicBezTo: case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathClose: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.splice(this.ArrPathCommandInfo.length - 1, 1); break; } }, Redo: function (type, data) { switch (type) { case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathMoveTo: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: moveTo, X: data.x, Y: data.y }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathLineTo: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: lineTo, X: data.x, Y: data.y }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathQuadBezTo: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: bezier3, X0: data.x0, Y0: data.y0, X1: data.x1, Y1: data.y1 }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathCubicBezTo: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: bezier4, X0: data.x0, Y0: data.y0, X1: data.x1, Y1: data.y1, X2: data.x2, Y2: data.y2 }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathArcTo: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: arcTo, wR: data.wR, hR: data.hR, stAng: data.stAng, swAng: data.swAng }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Add_PathClose: this.ArrPathCommandInfo.push({ id: close }); break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathStroke: this.stroke = data.newValue; break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathFill: this.fill = data.newValue; break; case historyitem_AutoShapes_Set_PathWH: this.pathW = data.newValue1; this.pathH = data.newValue2; if (this.pathW != undefined) { this.divPW = 1 / this.pathW; this.divPH = 1 / this.pathH; } break; } } }; function partition_bezier3(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, epsilon) { var dx01 = x1 - x0; var dy01 = y1 - y0; var dx12 = x2 - x1; var dy12 = y2 - y1; var r01 = Math.sqrt(dx01 * dx01 + dy01 * dy01); var r12 = Math.sqrt(dx12 * dx12 + dy12 * dy12); if (Math.max(r01, r12) < epsilon) { return [{ x: x0, y: y0 }, { x: x1, y: y1 }, { x: x2, y: y2 }]; } var x01 = (x0 + x1) * 0.5; var y01 = (y0 + y1) * 0.5; var x12 = (x1 + x2) * 0.5; var y12 = (y1 + y2) * 0.5; var x012 = (x01 + x12) * 0.5; var y012 = (y01 + y12) * 0.5; return partition_bezier3(x0, y0, x01, y01, x012, y012, epsilon).concat(partition_bezier3(x012, y012, x12, y12, x2, y2, epsilon)); } function partition_bezier4(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, epsilon) { var dx01 = x1 - x0; var dy01 = y1 - y0; var dx12 = x2 - x1; var dy12 = y2 - y1; var dx23 = x3 - x2; var dy23 = y3 - y2; var r01 = Math.sqrt(dx01 * dx01 + dy01 * dy01); var r12 = Math.sqrt(dx12 * dx12 + dy12 * dy12); var r23 = Math.sqrt(dx23 * dx23 + dy23 * dy23); if (Math.max(r01, r12, r23) < epsilon) { return [{ x: x0, y: y0 }, { x: x1, y: y1 }, { x: x2, y: y2 }, { x: x3, y: y3 }]; } var x01 = (x0 + x1) * 0.5; var y01 = (y0 + y1) * 0.5; var x12 = (x1 + x2) * 0.5; var y12 = (y1 + y2) * 0.5; var x23 = (x2 + x3) * 0.5; var y23 = (y2 + y3) * 0.5; var x012 = (x01 + x12) * 0.5; var y012 = (y01 + y12) * 0.5; var x123 = (x12 + x23) * 0.5; var y123 = (y12 + y23) * 0.5; var x0123 = (x012 + x123) * 0.5; var y0123 = (y012 + y123) * 0.5; return partition_bezier4(x0, y0, x01, y01, x012, y012, x0123, y0123, epsilon).concat(partition_bezier4(x0123, y0123, x123, y123, x23, y23, x3, y3, epsilon)); }