/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ (function (document) { function CEmbeddedCutFontsLoader() { this.Api = null; this.font_infos = []; this.font_files = []; this.map_name_cutindex = null; this.CurrentFindFileParse = -1; this.Url = ""; this.bIsCutFontsUse = false; var oThis = this; this.load_cut_fonts = function () { var scriptElem = document.createElement("script"); if (scriptElem.readyState && false) { scriptElem.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == "complete" || this.readyState == "loaded") { scriptElem.onreadystatechange = null; setTimeout(oThis._callback_script_load, 0); } }; } scriptElem.onload = scriptElem.onerror = oThis._callback_font_load; scriptElem.setAttribute("src", this.Url); scriptElem.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptElem); this.Api.asyncFontsDocumentStartLoaded(); }; this._callback_font_load = function () { if (undefined === embedded_fonts) { return; } oThis.CurrentFindFileParse = 0; setTimeout(oThis.parse_font, 10); }, this.parse_font = function () { var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length; g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = CreateFontData2(embedded_fonts[oThis.CurrentFindFileParse], undefined); embedded_fonts[oThis.CurrentFindFileParse] = ""; oThis.font_files[oThis.CurrentFindFileParse].SetStreamIndex(__font_data_idx); oThis.font_files[oThis.CurrentFindFileParse].Status = 0; oThis.CurrentFindFileParse++; if (oThis.CurrentFindFileParse >= oThis.font_files.length) { oThis.Api.asyncFontsDocumentEndLoaded(); return; } setTimeout(oThis.parse_font, 10); }; this.init_cut_fonts = function (_fonts) { this.map_name_cutindex = {}; var _len = _fonts.length; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { var _font = _fonts[i]; var _info = this.map_name_cutindex[_font.Name]; if (_info === undefined) { _info = new CFontInfo(_font.Name, "", FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL_CUT, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); this.map_name_cutindex[_font.Name] = _info; } switch (_font.Style) { case 0: _info.indexR = _font.IndexCut; _info.faceIndexR = 0; break; case 1: _info.indexB = _font.IndexCut; _info.faceIndexB = 0; break; case 2: _info.indexI = _font.IndexCut; _info.faceIndexI = 0; break; case 3: _info.indexBI = _font.IndexCut; _info.faceIndexBI = 0; break; default: break; } this.font_files[i] = new CFontFileLoader("embedded_cut" + i); } }; } function CGlobalFontLoader() { this.fonts_streams = new Array(); this.fontFilesPath = ""; this.fontFiles = window.g_font_files; this.fontInfos = window.g_font_infos; this.map_font_index = window.g_map_font_index; this.embeddedFilesPath = ""; this.embeddedFontFiles = new Array(); this.embeddedFontInfos = new Array(); this.ThemeLoader = null; this.Api = null; this.fonts_loading = new Array(); this.fonts_loading_after_style = new Array(); this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst = false; this.currentInfoLoaded = null; this.loadFontCallBack = null; this.loadFontCallBackArgs = null; this.embedded_cut_manager = new CEmbeddedCutFontsLoader(); this.put_Api = function (_api) { this.Api = _api; this.embedded_cut_manager.Api = _api; }; this.LoadEmbeddedFonts = function (url, _fonts) { this.embeddedFilesPath = url; var _count = _fonts.length; if (0 == _count) { return; } this.embeddedFontInfos = new Array(_count); var map_files = {}; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { map_files[_fonts[i].id] = _fonts[i].id; } var index = 0; for (var i in map_files) { this.embeddedFontFiles[index] = new CFontFileLoader(map_files[i]); this.embeddedFontFiles[index].CanUseOriginalFormat = false; this.embeddedFontFiles[index].IsNeedAddJSToFontPath = false; map_files[i] = index++; } for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { var lStyle = 0; if (0 == lStyle) { this.embeddedFontInfos[i] = new CFontInfo(_fonts[i].name, "", FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED, map_files[_fonts[i].id], 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); } else { if (2 == lStyle) { this.embeddedFontInfos[i] = new CFontInfo(_fonts[i].name, "", FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED, -1, -1, map_files[_fonts[i].id], _fonts[i].faceindex, -1, -1, -1, -1); } else { if (1 == lStyle) { this.embeddedFontInfos[i] = new CFontInfo(_fonts[i].name, "", FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED, -1, -1, -1, -1, map_files[_fonts[i].id], _fonts[i].faceindex, -1, -1); } else { this.embeddedFontInfos[i] = new CFontInfo(_fonts[i].name, "", FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, map_files[_fonts[i].id], _fonts[i].faceindex); } } } } var _count_infos_ = this.fontInfos.length; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { this.map_font_index[_fonts[i].name] = i + _count_infos_; this.fontInfos[i + _count_infos_] = this.embeddedFontInfos[i]; } }; this.SetStandartFonts = function () { var standarts = window.standarts; if (undefined == standarts) { standarts = []; for (var i = 0; i < window.g_font_infos.length; i++) { standarts.push(window.g_font_infos[i].Name); } } var _count = standarts.length; var _infos = this.fontInfos; var _map = this.map_font_index; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { _infos[_map[standarts[i]]].Type = FONT_TYPE_STANDART; } }; this.AddLoadFonts = function (info, need_styles) { this.fonts_loading[this.fonts_loading.length] = info; this.fonts_loading[this.fonts_loading.length - 1].NeedStyles = (need_styles == undefined) ? 15 : need_styles; }; this.LoadDocumentFonts = function (_fonts, is_default) { if (this.embedded_cut_manager.bIsCutFontsUse) { return this.embedded_cut_manager.load_cut_fonts(); } var gui_fonts = new Array(); var gui_count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.fontInfos.length; i++) { var info = this.fontInfos[i]; if (FONT_TYPE_STANDART == info.Type) { var __font = new CFont(info.Name, "", info.Type, info.Thumbnail); gui_fonts[gui_count++] = __font; } } for (var i in _fonts) { if (_fonts[i].Type != FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED) { var info = this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index[_fonts[i].name]]; this.AddLoadFonts(info, _fonts[i].NeedStyles); if (info.Type == FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL) { var __font = new CFont(info.Name, "", info.Type, info.Thumbnail); gui_fonts[gui_count++] = __font; } } else { var ind = -1; for (var j = 0; j < this.embeddedFontInfos.length; j++) { if (this.embeddedFontInfos[j].Name == _fonts[i].name) { this.AddLoadFonts(this.embeddedFontInfos[j], 0); break; } } } } this.Api.sync_InitEditorFonts(gui_fonts); if (this.Api.IsNeedDefaultFonts()) { this.AddLoadFonts(this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index["Arial"]], 15); this.AddLoadFonts(this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index["Symbol"]], 15); this.AddLoadFonts(this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index["Wingdings"]], 15); this.AddLoadFonts(this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index["Courier New"]], 15); this.AddLoadFonts(this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index["Times New Roman"]], 15); } this.Api.asyncFontsDocumentStartLoaded(); this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst = true; this.CheckFontsNeedLoadingLoad(); this._LoadFonts(); }; this.CheckFontsNeedLoadingLoad = function () { var _fonts = this.fonts_loading; var _fonts_len = _fonts.length; var _need = false; for (var i = 0; i < _fonts_len; i++) { if (true == _fonts[i].CheckFontLoadStyles(this)) { _need = true; } } return _need; }; this.CheckFontsNeedLoading = function (_fonts) { for (var i in _fonts) { var info = this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index[_fonts[i].name]]; var _isNeed = info.CheckFontLoadStylesNoLoad(this); if (_isNeed === true) { return true; } } return false; }; this.LoadDocumentFonts2 = function (_fonts) { for (var i in _fonts) { var info = this.fontInfos[this.map_font_index[_fonts[i].name]]; this.AddLoadFonts(info, 15); } if (null == this.ThemeLoader) { this.Api.asyncFontsDocumentStartLoaded(); } else { this.ThemeLoader.asyncFontsStartLoaded(); } this.CheckFontsNeedLoadingLoad(); this._LoadFonts(); }; var oThis = this; this._LoadFonts = function () { if (0 == this.fonts_loading.length) { if (null == this.ThemeLoader) { this.Api.asyncFontsDocumentEndLoaded(); } else { this.ThemeLoader.asyncFontsEndLoaded(); } if (this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst === true) { var _count = this.fonts_loading_after_style.length; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { var _info = this.fonts_loading_after_style[i]; _info.NeedStyles = 15; _info.CheckFontLoadStyles(this); } this.fonts_loading_after_style.splice(0, this.fonts_loading_after_style.length); this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst = false; } return; } var fontinfo = this.fonts_loading[0]; var IsNeed = fontinfo.CheckFontLoadStyles(this); if (IsNeed) { setTimeout(oThis._check_loaded, 50); } else { if (this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst === true) { this.Api.OpenDocumentProgress.CurrentFont++; this.Api.SendOpenProgress(); } this.fonts_loading_after_style[this.fonts_loading_after_style.length] = this.fonts_loading[0]; this.fonts_loading.shift(); this._LoadFonts(); } }; this._check_loaded = function () { var IsNeed = false; if (0 == oThis.fonts_loading.length) { oThis._LoadFonts(); return; } var current = oThis.fonts_loading[0]; var IsNeed = current.CheckFontLoadStyles(oThis); if (true === IsNeed) { setTimeout(oThis._check_loaded, 50); } else { if (oThis.bIsLoadDocumentFirst === true) { oThis.Api.OpenDocumentProgress.CurrentFont++; oThis.Api.SendOpenProgress(); } oThis.fonts_loading_after_style[oThis.fonts_loading_after_style.length] = oThis.fonts_loading[0]; oThis.fonts_loading.shift(); oThis._LoadFonts(); } }; this.LoadFont = function (fontinfo, loadFontCallBack, loadFontCallBackArgs) { this.currentInfoLoaded = fontinfo; this.currentInfoLoaded = fontinfo; this.currentInfoLoaded.NeedStyles = 15; var IsNeed = this.currentInfoLoaded.CheckFontLoadStyles(this); if (undefined === loadFontCallBack) { this.loadFontCallBack = this.Api.asyncFontEndLoaded; this.loadFontCallBackArgs = this.currentInfoLoaded; } else { this.loadFontCallBack = loadFontCallBack; this.loadFontCallBackArgs = loadFontCallBackArgs; } if (IsNeed) { this.Api.asyncFontStartLoaded(); setTimeout(this.check_loaded, 20); return true; } else { this.currentInfoLoaded = null; return false; } }; this.check_loaded = function () { var current = oThis.currentInfoLoaded; if (null == current) { return; } var IsNeed = current.CheckFontLoadStyles(oThis); if (IsNeed) { setTimeout(oThis.check_loaded, 50); } else { oThis.loadFontCallBack.call(oThis.Api, oThis.loadFontCallBackArgs); oThis.currentInfoLoaded = null; } }; this.LoadFontsFromServer = function (_fonts) { var _count = _fonts.length; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { var _info_ind = this.map_font_index[_fonts[i]]; if (undefined !== _info_ind) { var _info = this.fontInfos[_info_ind]; _info.LoadFontsFromServer(this); } } }; } CGlobalFontLoader.prototype.SetStreamIndexEmb = function (font_index, stream_index) { this.embeddedFontFiles[font_index].SetStreamIndex(stream_index); }; function CGlobalImageLoader() { this.map_image_index = {}; this.imagesPath = ""; this.Api = null; this.ThemeLoader = null; this.images_loading = null; this.bIsLoadDocumentFirst = false; this.bIsAsyncLoadDocumentImages = false; this.put_Api = function (_api) { this.Api = _api; if (this.Api.IsAsyncOpenDocumentImages !== undefined) { this.bIsAsyncLoadDocumentImages = this.Api.IsAsyncOpenDocumentImages(); if (this.bIsAsyncLoadDocumentImages) { if (undefined === this.Api.asyncImageEndLoadedBackground) { this.bIsAsyncLoadDocumentImages = false; } } } }; this.LoadDocumentImages = function (_images, isUrl) { if (this.ThemeLoader == null) { this.Api.asyncImagesDocumentStartLoaded(); } else { this.ThemeLoader.asyncImagesStartLoaded(); } this.images_loading = []; for (var id in _images) { this.images_loading[this.images_loading.length] = _getFullImageSrc(_images[id]); } if (!this.bIsAsyncLoadDocumentImages) { this._LoadImages(); } else { var _len = this.images_loading.length; for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { this.LoadImageAsync(i); } this.images_loading.splice(0, _len); if (this.ThemeLoader == null) { this.Api.asyncImagesDocumentEndLoaded(); } else { this.ThemeLoader.asyncImagesEndLoaded(); } } }; var oThis = this; this._LoadImages = function () { if (0 == this.images_loading.length) { if (this.ThemeLoader == null) { this.Api.asyncImagesDocumentEndLoaded(); } else { this.ThemeLoader.asyncImagesEndLoaded(); } return; } var _id = this.images_loading[0]; var oImage = new CImage(_id); oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Loading; oImage.Image = new Image(); oThis.map_image_index[oImage.src] = oImage; oImage.Image.onload = function () { oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; if (oThis.bIsLoadDocumentFirst === true) { oThis.Api.OpenDocumentProgress.CurrentImage++; oThis.Api.SendOpenProgress(); } oThis.images_loading.shift(); oThis._LoadImages(); }; oImage.Image.onerror = function () { oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; oImage.Image = null; if (oThis.bIsLoadDocumentFirst === true) { oThis.Api.OpenDocumentProgress.CurrentImage++; oThis.Api.SendOpenProgress(); } oThis.images_loading.shift(); oThis._LoadImages(); }; oImage.Image.src = oImage.src; }; this.LoadImage = function (src, Type) { var _image = this.map_image_index[src]; if (undefined != _image) { return _image; } this.Api.asyncImageStartLoaded(); var oImage = new CImage(src); oImage.Type = Type; oImage.Image = new Image(); oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Loading; oThis.map_image_index[oImage.src] = oImage; oImage.Image.onload = function () { oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; oThis.Api.asyncImageEndLoaded(oImage); }; oImage.Image.onerror = function () { oImage.Image = null; oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; oThis.Api.asyncImageEndLoaded(oImage); }; oImage.Image.src = oImage.src; return null; }; this.LoadImageAsync = function (i) { var _id = oThis.images_loading[i]; var oImage = new CImage(_id); oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Loading; oImage.Image = new Image(); oThis.map_image_index[oImage.src] = oImage; oImage.Image.onload = function () { oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; oThis.Api.asyncImageEndLoadedBackground(oImage); }; oImage.Image.onerror = function () { oImage.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete; oImage.Image = null; oThis.Api.asyncImageEndLoadedBackground(oImage); }; oImage.Image.src = oImage.src; }; } function CGlobalScriptLoader() { this.Status = -1; this.callback = null; this.oCallBackThis = null; var oThis = this; this.CheckLoaded = function () { return (0 == oThis.Status || 1 == oThis.Status); }; this.LoadScriptAsync = function (url, _callback, _callback_this) { this.callback = _callback; this.oCallBackThis = _callback_this; if (-1 != this.Status) { return true; } this.Status = 2; var scriptElem = document.createElement("script"); if (scriptElem.readyState && false) { scriptElem.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == "complete" || this.readyState == "loaded") { scriptElem.onreadystatechange = null; setTimeout(oThis._callback_script_load, 0); } }; } scriptElem.onload = scriptElem.onerror = oThis._callback_script_load; scriptElem.setAttribute("src", url); scriptElem.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptElem); return false; }; this._callback_script_load = function () { if (oThis.Status != 3) { oThis.Status = 1; } if (null != oThis.callback) { oThis.callback(oThis.oCallBackThis); oThis.callback = null; } }; } window.g_font_loader = new CGlobalFontLoader(); window.g_image_loader = new CGlobalImageLoader(); window.g_script_loader = new CGlobalScriptLoader(); window.g_script_loader2 = new CGlobalScriptLoader(); window.g_flow_anchor = new Image(); window.g_flow_anchor.asc_complete = false; window.g_flow_anchor.onload = function () { window.g_flow_anchor.asc_complete = true; }; window.g_flow_anchor.src = ""; window["CGlobalFontLoader"] = CGlobalFontLoader; CGlobalFontLoader.prototype["SetStreamIndexEmb"] = CGlobalFontLoader.prototype.SetStreamIndexEmb; })(window.document);