/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var g_dDpiX = 96; var g_dDpiY = 96; var g_dKoef_mm_to_pix = g_dDpiX / 25.4; var g_dKoef_pix_to_mm = 25.4 / g_dDpiX; var g_bIsMobile = AscBrowser.isMobile; var g_bIsMouseUpLockedSend = false; var Page_Width = 210; var Page_Height = 297; var X_Left_Margin = 30; var X_Right_Margin = 15; var Y_Bottom_Margin = 20; var Y_Top_Margin = 20; var Y_Default_Header = 12.5; var Y_Default_Footer = 12.5; var X_Left_Field = X_Left_Margin; var X_Right_Field = Page_Width - X_Right_Margin; var Y_Bottom_Field = Page_Height - Y_Bottom_Margin; var Y_Top_Field = Y_Top_Margin; var docpostype_Content = 0; var docpostype_FlowObjects = 1; var docpostype_HdrFtr = 2; var selectionflag_Common = 0; var selectionflag_Numbering = 1; var selectionflag_DrawingObject = 2; var orientation_Portrait = 0; var orientation_Landscape = 1; var tableSpacingMinValue = 0.02; if (AscBrowser.isIE || window.opera) { document.onselectstart = function () { return false; 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oThis.EndUpdateOverlay(); return ret; }; this.TextBoxBackground.HtmlElement["ontouchmove"] = function (e) { oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = true; oThis.StartUpdateOverlay(); var ret = oThis.MobileTouchManager.onTouchMove(e); oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = false; oThis.EndUpdateOverlay(); return ret; }; this.TextBoxBackground.HtmlElement["ontouchend"] = function (e) { oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = true; oThis.StartUpdateOverlay(); var ret = oThis.MobileTouchManager.onTouchEnd(e); oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = false; oThis.EndUpdateOverlay(); return ret; }; } else { this.TextBoxBackground.HtmlElement["onmousedown"] = function (e) { oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = true; oThis.StartUpdateOverlay(); var ret = oThis.MobileTouchManager.onTouchStart(e); oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = false; oThis.EndUpdateOverlay(); return ret; }; this.TextBoxBackground.HtmlElement["onmousemove"] = function (e) { oThis.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn = true; oThis.StartUpdateOverlay(); 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} e.returnValue = false; }; } } }; this.onButtonRulersClick = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control || true === oThis.m_oApi.isViewMode) { return; } oThis.m_bIsRuler = !oThis.m_bIsRuler; oThis.checkNeedRules(); oThis.OnResize(true); }; this.HideRulers = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (oThis.m_bIsRuler === false) { return; } oThis.m_bIsRuler = !oThis.m_bIsRuler; oThis.checkNeedRules(); oThis.OnResize(true); }; this.zoom_FitToWidth = function () { var w = this.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.R - this.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L; var Zoom = 100; if (0 != this.m_dDocumentPageWidth) { Zoom = 100 * (w - 10) / this.m_dDocumentPageWidth; if (Zoom < 5) { Zoom = 5; } if (this.m_oApi.isMobileVersion) { var _w = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width; if (this.bIsRetinaSupport) { _w >>= 1; } Zoom = 100 * _w * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_dDocumentPageWidth; } } var _new_value = parseInt(Zoom - 0.5); this.m_nZoomType = 1; if (_new_value != this.m_nZoomValue) { var _old_val = this.m_nZoomValue; this.m_nZoomValue = _new_value; this.zoom_Fire(1, _old_val); if (this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.CheckZoomCriticalValues(this.m_nZoomValue); } return true; } else { this.m_oApi.sync_zoomChangeCallback(this.m_nZoomValue, 1); } return false; }; this.zoom_FitToPage = function () { var w = parseInt(this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; var h = parseInt(this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; if (this.bIsRetinaSupport) { w >>= 1; h >>= 1; } var _hor_Zoom = 100; if (0 != this.m_dDocumentPageWidth) { _hor_Zoom = (100 * (w - 10)) / this.m_dDocumentPageWidth; } var _ver_Zoom = 100; if (0 != this.m_dDocumentPageHeight) { _ver_Zoom = (100 * (h - 10)) / this.m_dDocumentPageHeight; } var _new_value = parseInt(Math.min(_hor_Zoom, _ver_Zoom) - 0.5); if (_new_value < 5) { _new_value = 5; } this.m_nZoomType = 2; if (_new_value != this.m_nZoomValue) { var _old_val = this.m_nZoomValue; this.m_nZoomValue = _new_value; this.zoom_Fire(2, _old_val); return true; } else { this.m_oApi.sync_zoomChangeCallback(this.m_nZoomValue, 2); } return false; }; this.zoom_Fire = function (type, old_zoom) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } g_fontManager.ClearRasterMemory(); if (window.g_fontManager2 !== undefined && window.g_fontManager2 !== null) { window.g_fontManager2.ClearRasterMemory(); } var oWordControl = oThis; oWordControl.m_bIsRePaintOnScroll = false; var xScreen1 = oWordControl.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.R - oWordControl.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L; var yScreen1 = oWordControl.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.B - oWordControl.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.T; xScreen1 *= g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; yScreen1 *= g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; xScreen1 >>= 1; yScreen1 >>= 1; var posDoc = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(xScreen1, yScreen1, true, undefined, old_zoom); oWordControl.CheckZoom(); oWordControl.CalculateDocumentSize(); var lCurPage = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (-1 != lCurPage) { oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.CreateBackground(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[lCurPage]); oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateHorRuler = true; oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.CreateBackground(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[lCurPage]); oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateVerRuler = true; } oWordControl.OnCalculatePagesPlace(); var posScreenNew = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(posDoc.X, posDoc.Y, posDoc.Page); var _x_pos = oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.getCurScrolledX() + posScreenNew.X - xScreen1; var _y_pos = oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.getCurScrolledY() + posScreenNew.Y - yScreen1; _x_pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(_x_pos, oWordControl.m_dScrollX_max)); _y_pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(_y_pos, oWordControl.m_dScrollY_max)); if (oWordControl.m_dScrollY == 0) { _y_pos = 0; } oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollToY(_y_pos); oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollToX(_x_pos); if (this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.Resize(); } oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_zoomChangeCallback(this.m_nZoomValue, type); oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; oWordControl.m_bIsRePaintOnScroll = true; if (oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument) { oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawingObjects.redrawCharts(); } oWordControl.OnScroll(); }; this.zoom_Out = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } oThis.m_nZoomType = 0; var _zooms = oThis.zoom_values; var _count = _zooms.length; var _Zoom = _zooms[0]; for (var i = (_count - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (this.m_nZoomValue > _zooms[i]) { _Zoom = _zooms[i]; break; } } var _old_val = oThis.m_nZoomValue; oThis.m_nZoomValue = _Zoom; oThis.zoom_Fire(0, _old_val); }; this.zoom_In = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } oThis.m_nZoomType = 0; var _zooms = oThis.zoom_values; var _count = _zooms.length; var _Zoom = _zooms[_count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { if (this.m_nZoomValue < _zooms[i]) { _Zoom = _zooms[i]; break; } } var _old_val = oThis.m_nZoomValue; oThis.m_nZoomValue = _Zoom; oThis.zoom_Fire(0, _old_val); }; this.ToSearchResult = function () { var naviG = this.m_oDrawingDocument.CurrentSearchNavi; var navi = naviG[0]; var x = navi.X; var y = navi.Y; var type = (naviG.Type & 255); var PageNum = navi.PageNum; if (navi.Transform) { var xx = navi.Transform.TransformPointX(x, y); var yy = navi.Transform.TransformPointY(x, y); x = xx; y = yy; } var rectSize = (navi.H * this.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var pos = this.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor2(x, y, PageNum); if (true === pos.Error) { return; } var boxX = 0; var boxY = 0; var boxR = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width - 2; var boxB = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height - rectSize; var nValueScrollHor = 0; if (pos.X < boxX) { nValueScrollHor = this.GetHorizontalScrollTo(x, PageNum); } if (pos.X > boxR) { var _mem = x - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width * 100 / this.m_nZoomValue; nValueScrollHor = this.GetHorizontalScrollTo(_mem, PageNum); } var nValueScrollVer = 0; if (pos.Y < boxY) { nValueScrollVer = this.GetVerticalScrollTo(y, PageNum); } if (pos.Y > boxB) { var _mem = y + navi.H + 10 - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height * 100 / this.m_nZoomValue; nValueScrollVer = this.GetVerticalScrollTo(_mem, PageNum); } var isNeedScroll = false; if (0 != nValueScrollHor) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; var temp = nValueScrollHor * this.m_dScrollX_max / (this.m_dDocumentWidth - this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width); this.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollToX(parseInt(temp), false); } if (0 != nValueScrollVer) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; var temp = nValueScrollVer * this.m_dScrollY_max / (this.m_dDocumentHeight - this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height); this.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollToY(parseInt(temp), false); } if (true === isNeedScroll) { this.OnScroll(); return; } this.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.ScrollToPosition = function (x, y, PageNum) { if (PageNum < 0 || PageNum >= this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCountCalculatePages) { return; } var _h = 5; var rectSize = (_h * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); var pos = this.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor2(x, y, PageNum); if (true === pos.Error) { return; } var boxX = 0; var boxY = 0; var boxR = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width - 2; var boxB = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height - rectSize; var nValueScrollHor = 0; if (pos.X < boxX) { nValueScrollHor = this.GetHorizontalScrollTo(x, PageNum); } if (pos.X > boxR) { var _mem = x - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width * 100 / this.m_nZoomValue; nValueScrollHor = this.GetHorizontalScrollTo(_mem, PageNum); } var nValueScrollVer = 0; if (pos.Y < boxY) { nValueScrollVer = this.GetVerticalScrollTo(y, PageNum); } if (pos.Y > boxB) { var _mem = y + _h + 10 - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height * 100 / this.m_nZoomValue; nValueScrollVer = this.GetVerticalScrollTo(_mem, PageNum); } var isNeedScroll = false; if (0 != nValueScrollHor) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; var temp = nValueScrollHor * this.m_dScrollX_max / (this.m_dDocumentWidth - this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width); this.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollToX(parseInt(temp), false); } if (0 != nValueScrollVer) { isNeedScroll = true; this.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; var temp = nValueScrollVer * this.m_dScrollY_max / (this.m_dDocumentHeight - this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height); this.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollToY(parseInt(temp), false); } if (true === isNeedScroll) { this.OnScroll(); return; } }; this.onButtonTabsClick = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if (oWordControl.m_nTabsType == g_tabtype_left) { oWordControl.m_nTabsType = g_tabtype_center; oWordControl.m_oLeftRuler_buttonsTabs.HtmlElement.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -37px"; } else { if (oWordControl.m_nTabsType == g_tabtype_center) { oWordControl.m_nTabsType = g_tabtype_right; oWordControl.m_oLeftRuler_buttonsTabs.HtmlElement.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -18px"; } else { oWordControl.m_nTabsType = g_tabtype_left; oWordControl.m_oLeftRuler_buttonsTabs.HtmlElement.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } } }; this.onPrevPage = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if (0 < oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage) { oWordControl.GoToPage(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage - 1); } else { oWordControl.GoToPage(0); } }; this.onNextPage = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if ((oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount - 1) > oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage) { oWordControl.GoToPage(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage + 1); } else { if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount > 0) { oWordControl.GoToPage(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount - 1); } } }; this.horRulerMouseDown = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.OnMouseDown(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.left, 0, e); }; this.horRulerMouseUp = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.OnMouseUp(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.left, 0, e); }; this.horRulerMouseMove = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.OnMouseMove(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.left, 0, e); }; this.verRulerMouseDown = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.OnMouseDown(0, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.top, e); }; this.verRulerMouseUp = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.OnMouseUp(0, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.top, e); }; this.verRulerMouseMove = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; var _cur_page = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (_cur_page < 0 || _cur_page >= oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { return; } oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.OnMouseMove(0, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[_cur_page].drawingPage.top, e); }; this.SelectWheel = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; var positionMinY = oWordControl.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix + oWordControl.Y; if (oWordControl.m_bIsRuler) { positionMinY = (oWordControl.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.T + oWordControl.m_oTopRuler_horRuler.AbsolutePosition.B) * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix + oWordControl.Y; } var positionMaxY = oWordControl.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.B * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix + oWordControl.Y; var scrollYVal = 0; if (global_mouseEvent.Y < positionMinY) { var delta = 30; if (20 > (positionMinY - global_mouseEvent.Y)) { delta = 10; } scrollYVal = -delta; } else { if (global_mouseEvent.Y > positionMaxY) { var delta = 30; if (20 > (global_mouseEvent.Y - positionMaxY)) { delta = 10; } scrollYVal = delta; } } var scrollXVal = 0; if (oWordControl.m_bIsHorScrollVisible) { var positionMinX = oWordControl.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.L * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix + oWordControl.X; if (oWordControl.m_bIsRuler) { positionMinX += oWordControl.m_oLeftRuler.AbsolutePosition.R * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix; } var positionMaxX = oWordControl.m_oMainContent.AbsolutePosition.R * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix + oWordControl.X; if (global_mouseEvent.X < positionMinX) { var delta = 30; if (20 > (positionMinX - global_mouseEvent.X)) { delta = 10; } scrollXVal = -delta; } else { if (global_mouseEvent.X > positionMaxX) { var delta = 30; if (20 > (global_mouseEvent.X - positionMaxX)) { delta = 10; } scrollXVal = delta; } } } if (0 != scrollYVal) { oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollByY(scrollYVal, false); } if (0 != scrollXVal) { oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollByX(scrollXVal, false); } if (scrollXVal != 0 || scrollYVal != 0) { oWordControl.onMouseMove2(); } }; this.onMouseDown = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (!oThis.m_bIsIE) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } } var oWordControl = oThis; if (this.id == "id_viewer" && oThis.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display == "block") { return; } var _xOffset = oWordControl.X; var _yOffset = oWordControl.Y; if (true === oWordControl.m_bIsRuler) { _xOffset += (5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix); _yOffset += (7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix); } if (window.closeDialogs != undefined) { closeDialogs(); } check_MouseDownEvent(e, true); global_mouseEvent.LockMouse(); if ((0 == global_mouseEvent.Button) || (undefined == global_mouseEvent.Button)) { oWordControl.m_bIsMouseLock = true; } oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); if ((0 == global_mouseEvent.Button) || (undefined == global_mouseEvent.Button)) { var pos = null; if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum == -1) { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } else { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvetToPageCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum); } if (pos.Page == -1) { oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(pos.Page)) { oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); return; } if (null == oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer) { var ret = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.checkMouseDown_Drawing(pos); if (ret === true) { return; } oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = true; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnMouseDown(global_mouseEvent, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = false; oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter++; } else { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnMouseDown(pos.Page, pos.X, pos.Y); oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter++; } } else { if (global_mouseEvent.Button == 2) { oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter++; } } if (-1 == oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect) { oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect = setInterval(oWordControl.SelectWheel, 20); } oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseMove = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var oWordControl = oThis; check_MouseMoveEvent(e); var pos = null; if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum == -1) { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } else { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvetToPageCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum); } if (pos.Page == -1) { return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(pos.Page)) { return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_sLockedCursorType != "") { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.SetCursorType("default"); } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer != null) { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnMouseMove(pos.Page, pos.X, pos.Y); return; } oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); var is_drawing = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.checkMouseMove_Drawing(pos); if (is_drawing === true) { return; } oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.TableOutlineDr.bIsNoTable = true; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnMouseMove(global_mouseEvent, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page); if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.TableOutlineDr.bIsNoTable === false) { oWordControl.ShowOverlay(); oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); } oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseMove2 = function () { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; var pos = null; if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum == -1) { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } else { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvetToPageCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum); } if (pos.Page == -1) { return; } if (null != oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer) { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnMouseMove(pos.Page, pos.X, pos.Y); return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(pos.Page)) { return; } oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); var is_drawing = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.checkMouseMove_Drawing(pos); if (is_drawing === true) { return; } oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnMouseMove(global_mouseEvent, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page); oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseUp = function (e, bIsWindow) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if (!global_mouseEvent.IsLocked && 0 == oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter) { return; } if (this.id == "id_viewer" && oThis.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement.style.display == "block" && undefined == bIsWindow) { return; } if ((global_mouseEvent.Sender != oThis.m_oEditor.HtmlElement && global_mouseEvent.Sender != oThis.m_oOverlay.HtmlElement && global_mouseEvent.Sender != oThis.m_oDrawingDocument.TargetHtmlElement) && (oThis.TextBoxBackground && oThis.TextBoxBackground.HtmlElement != global_mouseEvent.Sender)) { return; } check_MouseUpEvent(e); var pos = null; if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum == -1) { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } else { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvetToPageCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum); } if (pos.Page == -1) { return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(pos.Page)) { return; } oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.UnlockCursorType(); oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); oWordControl.m_bIsMouseLock = false; var is_drawing = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.checkMouseUp_Drawing(pos); if (is_drawing === true) { return; } if (-1 != oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect) { clearInterval(oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect); oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect = -1; } if (null != oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer) { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnMouseUp(); oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter--; if (oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter < 0) { oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter = 0; } oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); return; } oWordControl.m_bIsMouseUpSend = true; if (2 == global_mouseEvent.Button) {} oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = true; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnMouseUp(global_mouseEvent, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = false; oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter--; if (oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter < 0) { oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter = 0; } oWordControl.m_bIsMouseUpSend = false; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateRulersState(); oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseUpExternal = function (x, y) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; global_mouseEvent.X = x; global_mouseEvent.Y = y; global_mouseEvent.Type = g_mouse_event_type_up; g_bIsMouseUpLockedSend = true; if (oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.m_bIsMouseDown) { oWordControl.m_oHorRuler.OnMouseUpExternal(); } if (oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.DragType != 0) { oWordControl.m_oVerRuler.OnMouseUpExternal(); } global_mouseEvent.Sender = null; global_mouseEvent.UnLockMouse(); global_mouseEvent.IsPressed = false; var pos = null; if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum == -1) { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); } else { pos = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvetToPageCoords(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y, oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum); } if (pos.Page == -1) { return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(pos.Page)) { return; } oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.UnlockCursorType(); oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); oWordControl.m_bIsMouseLock = false; var is_drawing = oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.checkMouseUp_Drawing(pos); if (is_drawing === true) { return; } if (-1 != oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect) { clearInterval(oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect); oWordControl.m_oTimerScrollSelect = -1; } if (null != oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer) { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnMouseUp(); oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter--; if (oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter < 0) { oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter = 0; } oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); return; } oWordControl.m_bIsMouseUpSend = true; if (2 == global_mouseEvent.Button) {} oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnMouseUp(global_mouseEvent, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page); oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter--; if (oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter < 0) { oWordControl.MouseDownDocumentCounter = 0; } oWordControl.m_bIsMouseUpSend = false; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateRulersState(); oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); }; this.onMouseWhell = function (e) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var delta = 0; var deltaX = 0; var deltaY = 0; if (undefined != e.wheelDelta && e.wheelDelta != 0) { delta = -45 * e.wheelDelta / 120; } else { if (undefined != e.detail && e.detail != 0) { delta = 45 * e.detail / 3; } } deltaY = delta; if (oThis.m_bIsHorScrollVisible) { if (e.axis !== undefined && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { deltaY = 0; deltaX = delta; } if (e.wheelDeltaY !== undefined) { if (e.wheelDelta != 0) { deltaY = -45 * e.wheelDeltaY / 120; } } if (e.wheelDeltaX !== undefined) { if (e.wheelDeltaX != 0) { deltaX = -45 * e.wheelDeltaX / 120; } } } deltaX >>= 0; deltaY >>= 0; if (0 != deltaX) { oThis.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollBy(deltaX, 0, false); } else { if (0 != deltaY) { oThis.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollBy(0, deltaY, false); } } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } return false; }; this.checkViewerModeKeys = function (e) { var isSendEditor = false; if (e.KeyCode == 33) {} else { if (e.KeyCode == 34) {} else { if (e.KeyCode == 35) { if (true === e.CtrlKey) { oThis.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollTo(0, oThis.m_dScrollY_max); } } else { if (e.KeyCode == 36) { if (true === e.CtrlKey) { oThis.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollTo(0, 0); } } else { if (e.KeyCode == 37) { if (oThis.m_bIsHorScrollVisible) { oThis.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollBy(-30, 0, false); } } else { if (e.KeyCode == 38) { oThis.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollBy(0, -30, false); } else { if (e.KeyCode == 39) { if (oThis.m_bIsHorScrollVisible) { oThis.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollBy(30, 0, false); } } else { if (e.KeyCode == 40) { oThis.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollBy(0, 30, false); } else { if (e.KeyCode == 65 && true === e.CtrlKey) { isSendEditor = true; } else { if (e.KeyCode == 67 && true === e.CtrlKey) { if (false === e.ShiftKey) { Editor_Copy(oThis.m_oApi); } } } } } } } } } } } return isSendEditor; }; this.ChangeReaderMode = function () { if (this.ReaderModeCurrent) { this.DisableReaderMode(); } else { this.EnableReaderMode(); } }; this.IncreaseReaderFontSize = function () { if (null == this.ReaderModeDiv) { return; } if (this.ReaderFontSizeCur >= (this.ReaderFontSizes.length - 1)) { this.ReaderFontSizeCur = this.ReaderFontSizes.length - 1; return; } this.ReaderFontSizeCur++; this.ReaderModeDiv.style.fontSize = this.ReaderFontSizes[this.ReaderFontSizeCur] + "pt"; this.ReaderTouchManager.ChangeFontSize(); }; this.DecreaseReaderFontSize = function () { if (null == this.ReaderModeDiv) { return; } if (this.ReaderFontSizeCur <= 0) { this.ReaderFontSizeCur = 0; return; } this.ReaderFontSizeCur--; this.ReaderModeDiv.style.fontSize = this.ReaderFontSizes[this.ReaderFontSizeCur] + "pt"; this.ReaderTouchManager.ChangeFontSize(); }; this.EnableReaderMode = function () { this.ReaderModeCurrent = 1; if (this.ReaderTouchManager) { this.TransformDivUseAnimation(this.ReaderModeDivWrapper, 0); return; } this.ReaderModeDivWrapper = document.createElement("div"); this.ReaderModeDivWrapper.setAttribute("style", "z-index:8;font-family:arial;font-size:12pt;position:absolute; resize:none;padding:0px;display:block; margin:0px;left:0px;top:0px;background-color:#FFFFFF"); var _c_h = parseInt(oThis.m_oMainView.HtmlElement.style.height); this.ReaderModeDivWrapper.style.top = _c_h + "px"; 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} oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); oWordControl.IsKeyDownButNoPress = true; oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress = (oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnKeyDown(global_keyboardEvent) === true) ? false : true; oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); if (false === oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress || true === global_keyboardEvent.AltKey) { e.preventDefault(); } }; this.onKeyDownNoActiveControl = function (e) { var bSendToEditor = false; if (e.CtrlKey && !e.ShiftKey) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case 80: case 83: bSendToEditor = true; break; default: break; } } return bSendToEditor; }; this.onKeyDownTBIM = function (e) { if (oThis.m_oApi.IsLongActionCurrent) { e.preventDefault(); return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if (false === oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control || oWordControl.IsFocus === false || oWordControl.m_bIsMouseLock === true) { if (true == oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control && oWordControl.IsFocus === true) { e.preventDefault(); } return; } if (null == oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument) { check_KeyboardEvent(e); var bIsPrev = (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oDocumentRenderer.OnKeyDown(global_keyboardEvent) === true) ? false : true; if (false === bIsPrev) { e.preventDefault(); } return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage)) { return; } check_KeyboardEvent(e); oWordControl.IsKeyDownButNoPress = true; if (oWordControl.TextBoxInputFocus) { if (global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode == 13) { oWordControl.TextBoxInputFocus = false; oWordControl.onChangeTB(); oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress = false; e.preventDefault(); return false; } else { if (global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode == 27) { oWordControl.TextBoxInputFocus = false; CollaborativeEditing.m_bGlobalLock = false; this.TextBoxInput.style.zIndex = -1; this.TextBoxInput.style.top = "-1000px"; this.TextBoxInputFocus = false; this.ReinitTB(); oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress = false; e.preventDefault(); return false; } } return; } oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress = (oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnKeyDown(global_keyboardEvent) === true) ? false : true; oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); if (false === oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress || true === global_keyboardEvent.AltKey) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } if (global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey == true && (global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode == 86 || global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode == 67)) { oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress = false; } }; this.DisableTextEATextboxAttack = function () { var oWordControl = oThis; if (false === oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } if (oWordControl.TextBoxInputFocus) { oWordControl.TextBoxInputFocus = false; CollaborativeEditing.m_bGlobalLock = false; this.TextBoxInput.style.zIndex = -1; this.TextBoxInput.style.top = "-1000px"; this.TextBoxInputFocus = false; this.ReinitTB(); } }; this.onKeyUp = function (e) { global_keyboardEvent.AltKey = false; global_keyboardEvent.CtrlKey = false; global_keyboardEvent.ShiftKey = false; }; this.onKeyPress = function (e) { if (oThis.m_oApi.IsLongActionCurrent) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (oThis.TextBoxInputMode) { if (oThis.bIsUseKeyPress === false) { return; } check_KeyboardEvent(e); var Code; if (null != global_keyboardEvent.Which) { Code = global_keyboardEvent.Which; } else { if (global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode) { Code = global_keyboardEvent.KeyCode; } else { Code = 0; } } var bRetValue = false; if (Code <= 32) { return; } oThis.TextBoxFocus(); return; } var oWordControl = oThis; if (false === oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control || oWordControl.IsFocus === false || oWordControl.m_bIsMouseLock === true) { return; } if (window.opera && !oWordControl.IsKeyDownButNoPress) { oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); oWordControl.onKeyDown(e); oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); } oWordControl.IsKeyDownButNoPress = false; if (false === oWordControl.bIsUseKeyPress) { return; } if (null == oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument) { return; } if (oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.IsFreezePage(oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage)) { return; } check_KeyboardEvent(e); oWordControl.StartUpdateOverlay(); var retValue = oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.OnKeyPress(global_keyboardEvent); oWordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); if (true === retValue) { e.preventDefault(); } }; this.verticalScroll = function (sender, scrollPositionY, maxY, isAtTop, isAtBottom) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; oWordControl.m_dScrollY = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollPositionY, maxY)); oWordControl.m_dScrollY_max = maxY; oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateVerRuler = true; oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; if (oWordControl.m_bIsRePaintOnScroll === true) { oWordControl.OnScroll(); } if (oWordControl.MobileTouchManager && oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.iScroll) { oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.iScroll.y = -oWordControl.m_dScrollY; } }; this.CorrectSpeedVerticalScroll = function (newScrollPos) { var res = { isChange: false, Pos: newScrollPos }; if (newScrollPos <= 0 || newScrollPos >= this.m_dScrollY_max) { return res; } var del = parseInt(20 + g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * Page_Height * this.m_nZoomValue / 100); var delta = Math.abs(newScrollPos - this.m_dScrollY); if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount <= 10) { return res; } else { if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount <= 100 && (delta < del * 0.3)) { return res; } else { if (delta < del * 0.2) { return res; } } } var canvas = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement; if (null == canvas) { return; } var _height = canvas.height; var documentMaxY = this.m_dDocumentHeight - _height; if (documentMaxY <= 0) { return res; } var lCurrentTopInDoc = parseInt(newScrollPos * documentMaxY / this.m_dScrollY_max); var lCount = parseInt(lCurrentTopInDoc / del); res.isChange = true; res.Pos = parseInt((lCount * del) * this.m_dScrollY_max / documentMaxY); if (res.Pos < 0) { res.Pos = 0; } if (res.Pos > this.m_dScrollY_max) { res.Pos = this.m_dScrollY_max; } return res; }; this.horizontalScroll = function (sender, scrollPositionX, maxX, isAtLeft, isAtRight) { if (false === oThis.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { return; } var oWordControl = oThis; oWordControl.m_dScrollX = scrollPositionX; oWordControl.m_dScrollX_max = maxX; oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateHorRuler = true; oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; if (oWordControl.m_bIsRePaintOnScroll === true) { oWordControl.OnScroll(); } if (oWordControl.MobileTouchManager && oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.iScroll) { oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.iScroll.x = -oWordControl.m_dScrollX; } }; this.UpdateScrolls = function () { var settings = { showArrows: true, animateScroll: false, scrollBackgroundColor: "#D3D3D3", scrollerColor: "#EDEDED", screenW: this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width, screenH: this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height, vscrollStep: 45, hscrollStep: 45 }; if (this.bIsRetinaSupport) { settings.screenW /= 2; settings.screenH /= 2; } if (this.m_oScrollHor_) { this.m_oScrollHor_.Repos(settings, this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible); } else { this.m_oScrollHor_ = new ScrollObject("id_horizontal_scroll", settings); this.m_oScrollHor_.onLockMouse = function (evt) { check_MouseDownEvent(evt, true); global_mouseEvent.LockMouse(); }; this.m_oScrollHor_.offLockMouse = function (evt) { check_MouseUpEvent(evt); }; this.m_oScrollHor_.bind("scrollhorizontal", function (evt) { oThis.horizontalScroll(this, evt.scrollD, evt.maxScrollX); }); this.m_oScrollHorApi = this.m_oScrollHor_; } if (this.m_oScrollVer_) { this.m_oScrollVer_.Repos(settings, undefined, true); } else { this.m_oScrollVer_ = new ScrollObject("id_vertical_scroll", settings); this.m_oScrollVer_.onLockMouse = function (evt) { check_MouseDownEvent(evt, true); global_mouseEvent.LockMouse(); }; this.m_oScrollVer_.offLockMouse = function (evt) { check_MouseUpEvent(evt); }; this.m_oScrollVer_.bind("scrollvertical", function (evt) { oThis.verticalScroll(this, evt.scrollD, evt.maxScrollY); }); this.m_oScrollVer_.bind("correctVerticalScroll", function (yPos) { return oThis.CorrectSpeedVerticalScroll(yPos); }); this.m_oScrollVerApi = this.m_oScrollVer_; } this.m_oApi.asc_fireCallback("asc_onUpdateScrolls", this.m_dDocumentWidth, this.m_dDocumentHeight); this.m_dScrollX_max = this.m_oScrollHorApi.getMaxScrolledX(); this.m_dScrollY_max = this.m_oScrollVerApi.getMaxScrolledY(); 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this.m_oHorRuler.RepaintChecker.BlitAttack = true; this.m_oVerRuler.RepaintChecker.BlitAttack = true; this.UpdateScrolls(); if (this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.Resize(); } if (this.ReaderTouchManager) { this.ReaderTouchManager.Resize(); } this.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true; this.m_bIsRePaintOnScroll = true; this.m_oBoundsController.ClearNoAttack(); if (0 == this.m_nZoomType && this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.CheckZoomCriticalValues(); } this.OnScroll(); this.onTimerScroll2_sync(); }; this.checkNeedRules = function () { if (this.m_bIsRuler) { this.m_oLeftRuler.HtmlElement.style.display = "block"; this.m_oTopRuler.HtmlElement.style.display = "block"; this.m_oMainView.Bounds.L = 5; this.m_oMainView.Bounds.T = 7; } else { this.m_oLeftRuler.HtmlElement.style.display = "none"; this.m_oTopRuler.HtmlElement.style.display = "none"; this.m_oMainView.Bounds.L = 0; this.m_oMainView.Bounds.T = 0; } }; this.checkNeedHorScroll = function () { if (this.m_oApi.isMobileVersion) { this.m_oPanelRight.Bounds.B = 0; this.m_oMainContent.Bounds.B = 0; this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible = false; var hor_scroll = document.getElementById("panel_hor_scroll"); hor_scroll.style.width = this.m_dDocumentWidth + "px"; return false; } var _editor_width = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width; if (this.bIsRetinaSupport) { _editor_width /= 2; } var oldVisible = this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible; if (this.m_dDocumentWidth <= _editor_width) { this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible = false; } else { this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible = true; } var hor_scroll = document.getElementById("panel_hor_scroll"); hor_scroll.style.width = this.m_dDocumentWidth + "px"; if (this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible) { this.m_oScrollHor.HtmlElement.style.display = "block"; this.m_oPanelRight.Bounds.B = this.ScrollsWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; this.m_oMainContent.Bounds.B = this.ScrollsWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } else { this.m_oPanelRight.Bounds.B = 0; this.m_oMainContent.Bounds.B = 0; this.m_oScrollHor.HtmlElement.style.display = "none"; } if (this.m_bIsHorScrollVisible != oldVisible) { this.m_dScrollX = 0; this.OnResize(true); return true; } return false; }; this.getScrollMaxX = function (size) { if (size >= this.m_dDocumentWidth) { return 1; } return this.m_dDocumentWidth - size; }; this.getScrollMaxY = function (size) { if (size >= this.m_dDocumentHeight) { return 1; } return this.m_dDocumentHeight - size; }; this.StartUpdateOverlay = function () { this.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEnd = true; }; this.EndUpdateOverlay = function () { if (this.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEndReturn) { return; } this.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEnd = false; if (this.IsUpdateOverlayOnEndCheck) { this.OnUpdateOverlay(); } this.IsUpdateOverlayOnEndCheck = false; }; this.OnUpdateOverlay = function () { if (this.IsUpdateOverlayOnlyEnd) { this.IsUpdateOverlayOnEndCheck = true; return false; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlayApi; overlay.Clear(); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var drDoc = this.m_oDrawingDocument; if (drDoc.m_bIsSearching) { ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,200,0,1)"; ctx.beginPath(); var drDoc = this.m_oDrawingDocument; for (var i = drDoc.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= drDoc.m_lDrawingEnd; i++) { var drawPage = drDoc.m_arrPages[i].drawingPage; drDoc.m_arrPages[i].pageIndex = i; drDoc.m_arrPages[i].DrawSearch(overlay, drawPage.left, drawPage.top, drawPage.right - drawPage.left, drawPage.bottom - drawPage.top, drDoc); } ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } if (null == drDoc.m_oDocumentRenderer) { if (drDoc.m_bIsSelection) { this.CheckShowOverlay(); drDoc.private_StartDrawSelection(overlay); if (!this.MobileTouchManager) { for (var i = drDoc.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= drDoc.m_lDrawingEnd; i++) { if (!drDoc.IsFreezePage(i)) { this.m_oLogicDocument.Selection_Draw_Page(i); } } } else { for (var i = 0; i <= drDoc.m_lPagesCount; i++) { if (!drDoc.IsFreezePage(i)) { this.m_oLogicDocument.Selection_Draw_Page(i); } } } drDoc.private_EndDrawSelection(); if (this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.CheckSelect2(overlay); } } if (this.MobileTouchManager) { this.MobileTouchManager.CheckTableRules2(overlay); } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; 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if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_bIsSelection) { this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[i].DrawSelection(this.m_oOverlayApi, drawPage.left, drawPage.top, drawPage.right - drawPage.left, drawPage.bottom - drawPage.top); } } if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_bIsSelection) { this.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2; this.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.fill(); this.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1; this.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.beginPath(); } }; this.OnCalculatePagesPlace = function () { var canvas = this.m_oEditor.HtmlElement; if (null == canvas) { return; } var _width = canvas.width; var _height = canvas.height; if (this.bIsRetinaSupport) { _width >>= 1; _height >>= 1; } var bIsFoundFirst = false; var bIsFoundEnd = false; var hor_pos_median = parseInt(_width / 2); if (0 != this.m_dScrollX || (this.m_dDocumentWidth > _width)) { hor_pos_median = parseInt(this.m_dDocumentWidth / 2 - this.m_dScrollX); } var lCurrentTopInDoc = parseInt(this.m_dScrollY); var dKoef = (this.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100); 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oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.CheckTargetUpdate(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.CheckTargetShow(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.UpdateTargetFromPaint = false; oWordControl.CheckFontCache(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.CheckTrackTable(); } this.m_nPaintTimerId = setTimeout(oWordControl.onTimerScroll2, oWordControl.m_nTimerScrollInterval); }; this.onTimerScroll2_sync = function () { var oWordControl = oThis; if (!oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control || oWordControl.m_oApi.isOnlyReaderMode) { return; } oWordControl.m_nTimeDrawingLast = new Date().getTime(); if (oWordControl.m_bIsScroll) { oWordControl.m_bIsScroll = false; oWordControl.OnPaint(); if (null != oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument && oWordControl.m_oApi.bInit_word_control) { oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Viewer_OnChangePosition(); } } if (null != oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument) { oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.UpdateTargetFromPaint = true; oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.CheckTargetUpdate(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.CheckTargetShow(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.UpdateTargetFromPaint = false; oWordControl.CheckFontCache(); oWordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.CheckTrackTable(); } }; this.UpdateHorRuler = function () { if (!this.m_bIsRuler) { return; } var _left = 0; var lPage = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (0 <= lPage && lPage < this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { _left = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[lPage].drawingPage.left; } else { if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount != 0) { _left = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount - 1].drawingPage.left; } } this.m_oHorRuler.BlitToMain(_left, 0, this.m_oTopRuler_horRuler.HtmlElement); }; this.UpdateVerRuler = function () { if (!this.m_bIsRuler) { return; } var _top = 0; var lPage = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lCurrentPage; if (0 <= lPage && lPage < this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount) { _top = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[lPage].drawingPage.top; } else { if (this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount != 0) { _top = this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_arrPages[this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_lPagesCount - 1].drawingPage.top; 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