/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ function CPageMeta() { this.width_mm = 0; this.height_mm = 0; this.start = 0; this.end = 0; } function CStream(data, size) { this.obj = null; this.data = data; this.size = size; this.pos = 0; this.cur = 0; this.Seek = function (_pos) { if (_pos > this.size) { return 1; } this.pos = _pos; return 0; }; this.Skip = function (_skip) { if (_skip < 0) { return 1; } return this.Seek(this.pos + _skip); }; this.GetUChar = function () { if (this.pos >= this.size) { return 0; } return this.data[this.pos++]; }; this.GetChar = function () { if (this.pos >= this.size) { return 0; } var m = this.data[this.pos++]; if (m > 127) { m -= 256; } return m; }; this.GetString = function (len) { len *= 2; if (this.pos + len > this.size) { return ""; } var t = ""; for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { var _c = this.data[this.pos + i + 1] << 8 | this.data[this.pos + i]; if (_c == 0) { break; } t += String.fromCharCode(_c); } this.pos += len; return t; }; this.GetStringA = function (len) { if (this.pos + len > this.size) { return ""; } var t = ""; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var _c = this.data[this.pos + i]; if (_c == 0) { break; } t += String.fromCharCode(_c); } this.pos += len; return t; }; this.GetUShort = function () { if (this.pos + 1 >= this.size) { return 0; } return (this.data[this.pos++] | this.data[this.pos++] << 8); }; this.GetShort = function () { if (this.pos + 1 >= this.size) { return 0; } var _c = (this.data[this.pos++] | this.data[this.pos++] << 8); if (_c > 32767) { return _c - 65536; } return _c; }; this.GetULong = function () { if (this.pos + 3 >= this.size) { return 0; } var s = (this.data[this.pos++] | this.data[this.pos++] << 8 | this.data[this.pos++] << 16 | this.data[this.pos++] << 24); if (s < 0) { s += (4294967295 + 1); } return s; }; this.GetLong = function () { return (this.data[this.pos++] | this.data[this.pos++] << 8 | this.data[this.pos++] << 16 | this.data[this.pos++] << 24); }; this.GetDouble = function () { return this.GetLong() / 10000; }; this.GetDouble2 = function () { return this.GetShort() / 100; }; this.SkipImage = function () { var _type = this.GetUChar(); switch (_type) { case 2: this.Skip(4); break; case 3: var _lenA = this.GetULong(); this.Skip(_lenA); break; case 10: case 11: this.Skip(44); break; default: this.Skip(20); break; } }; } function CreateDocumentData(szSrc) { var srcLen = szSrc.length; var nWritten = 0; var index = 0; var dst_len = ""; while (true) { var _c = szSrc.charCodeAt(index); if (_c == ";".charCodeAt(0)) { break; } dst_len += String.fromCharCode(_c); index++; } index++; var dstLen = parseInt(dst_len); var pointer = g_memory.Alloc(dstLen); var stream = new CStream(pointer.data, dstLen); stream.obj = pointer.obj; var dstPx = stream.data; if (window.chrome) { while (index < srcLen) { var dwCurr = 0; var i; var nBits = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (index >= srcLen) { break; } var nCh = DecodeBase64Char(szSrc.charCodeAt(index++)); if (nCh == -1) { i--; continue; } dwCurr <<= 6; dwCurr |= nCh; nBits += 6; } dwCurr <<= 24 - nBits; for (i = 0; i < nBits / 8; i++) { dstPx[nWritten++] = ((dwCurr & 16711680) >>> 16); dwCurr <<= 8; } } } else { var p = b64_decode; while (index < srcLen) { var dwCurr = 0; var i; var nBits = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (index >= srcLen) { break; } var nCh = p[szSrc.charCodeAt(index++)]; if (nCh == undefined) { i--; continue; } dwCurr <<= 6; dwCurr |= nCh; nBits += 6; } dwCurr <<= 24 - nBits; for (i = 0; i < nBits / 8; i++) { dstPx[nWritten++] = ((dwCurr & 16711680) >>> 16); dwCurr <<= 8; } } } return stream; } function CDrawingObject() { this.Page = -1; this.StreamPos = -1; this.BreakDrawing = 0; this.Graphics = null; this.fontId = -1; this.fontSize = -1; this.tm_sx = 0; this.tm_sy = 0; this.tm_shx = 0; this.tm_shy = 0; this.LastTimeDrawing = -1; } CDrawingObject.prototype = { CheckOnScroll: function () { if (-1 == this.LastTimeDrawing) { this.LastTimeDrawing = new Date().getTime(); return false; } var newTime = new Date().getTime(); if (newTime - this.LastTimeDrawing > 3000) { this.LastTimeDrawing = newTime; return true; } } }; function CDocMetaSelection() { this.Page1 = 0; this.Line1 = 0; this.Glyph1 = 0; this.Page2 = 0; this.Line2 = 0; this.Glyph2 = 0; this.IsSelection = false; } function CSpan() { this.fontName = 0; this.fontSize = 0; this.colorR = 0; this.colorG = 0; this.colorB = 0; this.inner = ""; this.CreateDublicate = function () { var ret = new CSpan(); ret.fontName = this.fontName; ret.fontSize = this.fontSize; ret.colorR = this.colorR; ret.colorG = this.colorG; ret.colorB = this.colorB; ret.inner = this.inner; return ret; }; } function CLineInfo() { this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; this.W = 0; this.H = 0; this.Ex = 1; this.Ey = 0; this.text = ""; } function CDocMeta() { this.Fonts = new Array(); this.ImageMap = {}; this.Pages = null; this.PagesCount = 0; this.LockObject = null; this.stream = null; this.DocumentUrl = ""; this.CountParagraphs = 0; this.CountWords = 0; this.CountSymbols = 0; this.CountSpaces = 0; this.Drawings = new Array(); this.Selection = new CDocMetaSelection(); this.TextMatrix = new CMatrix(); this.SearchInfo = { Id: null, Page: 0, Text: null }; this.SearchResults = { IsSearch: false, Text: "", MachingCase: false, Pages: [], CurrentPage: -1, Current: -1, Show: false, Count: 0 }; var oThisDoc = this; this.Load = function (url, doc_bin_base64) { this.DocumentUrl = url; var stream = CreateDocumentData(doc_bin_base64); this.PagesCount = stream.GetLong(); this.Pages = new Array(this.PagesCount); this.CountParagraphs = stream.GetLong(); this.CountWords = stream.GetLong(); this.CountSymbols = stream.GetLong(); this.CountSpaces = stream.GetLong(); var fontsCount = stream.GetLong(); for (var i = 0; i < fontsCount; i++) { this.Fonts[i] = new CFont("font" + i, "embedded" + i, FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED, "", null); } for (var i = 0; i < this.PagesCount; i++) { var pageInfo = new CPageMeta(); pageInfo.width_mm = stream.GetDouble(); pageInfo.height_mm = stream.GetDouble(); pageInfo.start = stream.GetLong(); pageInfo.end = stream.GetLong(); this.Pages[i] = pageInfo; } if (0 == this.PagesCount) { this.PagesCount = 1; this.Pages = new Array(this.PagesCount); var pageInfo = new CPageMeta(); pageInfo.width_mm = 210; pageInfo.height_mm = 297; pageInfo.start = 0; pageInfo.end = 0; this.Pages[0] = pageInfo; } this.stream = stream; if (0 != this.Drawings.length) { this.Drawings.splice(0, this.Drawings.length); } window.g_font_loader.LoadEmbeddedFonts(this.DocumentUrl + "fonts/", this.Fonts); }; this.InitDocument = function (drDoc) { for (var i = 0; i < this.PagesCount; i++) { var _page = new CPage(); _page.width_mm = this.Pages[i].width_mm; _page.height_mm = this.Pages[i].height_mm; _page.pageIndex = i; drDoc.m_arrPages[i] = _page; } drDoc.m_arrPages.splice(0, drDoc.m_lPagesCount); drDoc.m_lCurrentPage = 0; drDoc.m_lPagesCount = this.PagesCount; drDoc.m_lCountCalculatePages = this.PagesCount; this.SearchResults.Pages = new Array(this.PagesCount); for (var i = 0; i < this.PagesCount; i++) { this.SearchResults.Pages[i] = []; } editor.sync_countPagesCallback(this.PagesCount); editor.sync_currentPageCallback(0); }; this.drawPage = function (pageIndex, g) { var drObject = new CDrawingObject(); drObject.Page = pageIndex; drObject.StreamPos = this.Pages[pageIndex].start; drObject.Graphics = g; this.Drawings[this.Drawings.length] = drObject; this.OnImageLoad(drObject); }; this.stopRenderingPage = function (pageIndex) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Drawings.length; i++) { if (pageIndex == this.Drawings[i].Page) { oThisDoc.Drawings[i].BreakDrawing = 1; if (oThisDoc.Drawings[i].Graphics.IsClipContext) { oThisDoc.Drawings[i].Graphics.m_oContext.restore(); oThisDoc.Drawings[i].Graphics.IsClipContext = false; } oThisDoc.Drawings.splice(i, 1); i--; } } }; this.OnImageLoad = function (obj) { if (obj.BreakDrawing == 1) { return; } var page = oThisDoc.Pages[obj.Page]; var s = oThisDoc.stream; s.Seek(obj.StreamPos); var g = obj.Graphics; g.SetIntegerGrid(false); var _lineX = 0; var _lineY = 0; var _lineEx = 0; var _lineEy = 0; var _lineAscent = 0; var _lineDescent = 0; var _lineWidth = 0; var _lineGidExist = false; var _linePrevCharX = 0; var _lineCharCount = 0; if (obj.fontId != -1) { g.font("font" + obj.fontId, obj.fontSize); } var bIsFromPaint = (oThisDoc.Pages[obj.Page].start == obj.StreamPos) ? 1 : 0; if (obj.CheckOnScroll() && 0 == bIsFromPaint) { editor.WordControl.OnScroll(); } while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: var fontId = s.GetLong(); var font = "font" + fontId; var style = s.GetLong(); var size = s.GetDouble(); var m = g.m_oTransform; g.font(font, size); obj.fontId = fontId; obj.fontSize = size; obj.tm_sx = m.sx; obj.tm_sy = m.sy; obj.tm_shx = m.shx; obj.tm_shy = m.shy; break; case 22: g.b_color1(s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar()); break; case 1: g.p_color(s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar(), s.GetUChar()); break; case 3: g.p_width(s.GetDouble() * 1000); break; case 131: g.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); break; case 130: g.transform(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble()); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _lineCharCount++; var _char = s.GetUShort(); var _gid = (_lineGidExist === true) ? s.GetUShort() : 65535; if (_char == 65535) { s.Skip(2); break; } var __x = 0; var __y = 0; var m1 = g.m_oTransform.sx; var m2 = g.m_oTransform.shx; var m3 = g.m_oTransform.shy; var m4 = g.m_oTransform.sy; var det1 = m1 * m4 - m2 * m3; if (det1 == 0) { det1 = 0.01; } var xDst = _lineX + _linePrevCharX * _lineEx; var yDst = _lineY + _linePrevCharX * _lineEy; __x = (m4 * xDst - m2 * yDst) / det1; __y = (m1 * yDst - m3 * xDst) / det1; if (65535 == _gid) { g.FillText(__x, __y, String.fromCharCode(_char)); } else { g.tg(_gid, __x, __y); } s.Skip(2); break; case 98: case 100: g._s(); break; case 91: g._m(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble()); break; case 92: g._l(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble()); break; case 94: g._c(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble()); break; case 97: g._z(); break; case 99: var type = s.GetLong(); if (type > 255) { g.df(); } if ((type & 255) != 0) { g.ds(); } break; case 110: var _type = s.GetUChar(); if (2 == _type) { var _src = this.DocumentUrl + "media/image" + s.GetLong() + ".svg"; obj.StreamPos = s.pos; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { if (1 != obj.BreakDrawing) { g.drawImage2(img, 0, 0, page.width_mm, page.height_mm); } oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.onerror = function () { oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.src = _src; return; } else { if (3 == _type) { var _lenA = s.GetULong(); var _src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + s.GetStringA(_lenA); obj.StreamPos = s.pos; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { if (1 != obj.BreakDrawing) { g.drawImage2(img, 0, 0, page.width_mm, page.height_mm); } oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.onerror = function () { oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.src = _src; return; } } var _src = (0 == _type || 10 == _type) ? (this.DocumentUrl + "media/image" + s.GetLong() + ".jpg") : (this.DocumentUrl + "media/image" + s.GetLong() + ".png"); var __x = s.GetDouble(); var __y = s.GetDouble(); var __w = s.GetDouble(); var __h = s.GetDouble(); var _tr = null; if (10 == _type || 11 == _type) { _tr = new CMatrix(); _tr.sx = s.GetDouble(); _tr.shy = s.GetDouble(); _tr.shx = s.GetDouble(); _tr.sy = s.GetDouble(); _tr.tx = s.GetDouble(); _tr.ty = s.GetDouble(); } obj.StreamPos = s.pos; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { if (1 != obj.BreakDrawing) { var _ctx = g.m_oContext; if (_tr) { var _dX = g.m_oCoordTransform.sx; var _dY = g.m_oCoordTransform.sy; _ctx.save(); _ctx.setTransform(_tr.sx * _dX, _tr.shy * _dY, _tr.shx * _dX, _tr.sy * _dY, _tr.tx * _dX, _tr.ty * _dY); } g.drawImage2(img, __x, __y, __w, __h); if (_tr) { _ctx.restore(); } } oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.onerror = function () { oThisDoc.OnImageLoad(obj); }; img.src = _src; return; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; var mask = s.GetUChar(); _lineX = s.GetDouble(); _lineY = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 1) != 0) { _lineEx = 1; _lineEy = 0; } else { _lineEx = s.GetDouble(); _lineEy = s.GetDouble(); } _lineAscent = s.GetDouble(); _lineDescent = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { _lineWidth = s.GetDouble(); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: break; case 161: g.transform(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), 0, 0); break; case 163: g.TextClipRect = null; break; case 164: g.SetTextClipRect(s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble(), s.GetDouble()); break; case 121: var _command_type = s.GetLong(); if (32 == _command_type) { if (!g.IsClipContext) { g.m_oContext.save(); } g.IsClipContext = true; } else { if (64 == _command_type && g.IsClipContext) { g.m_oContext.restore(); g.IsClipContext = false; } } break; case 122: var _command_type = s.GetLong(); if (32 == _command_type) { g.m_oContext.clip(); } break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } oThisDoc.stopRenderingPage(obj.Page); if (bIsFromPaint == 0) { editor.WordControl.OnScroll(); } }; this.GetNearestPos = function (pageNum, x, y) { var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var _line = -1; var _glyph = -1; var _minDist = 16777215; var _lineX = 0; var _lineY = 0; var _lineEx = 0; var _lineEy = 0; var _lineAscent = 0; var _lineDescent = 0; var _lineWidth = 0; var _lineGidExist = false; var _linePrevCharX = 0; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _lineLastGlyphWidth = 0; var _arrayGlyphOffsets = new Array(); var _numLine = -1; var _lenGls = 0; var tmp = 0; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _arrayGlyphOffsets[_lineCharCount] = _linePrevCharX; _lineCharCount++; if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(4); } else { s.Skip(2); } if (0 == _lineWidth) { _lineLastGlyphWidth = s.GetDouble2(); } else { s.Skip(2); } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; _lineWidth = 0; _arrayGlyphOffsets.splice(0, _arrayGlyphOffsets.length); ++_numLine; var mask = s.GetUChar(); _lineX = s.GetDouble(); _lineY = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 1) != 0) { _lineEx = 1; _lineEy = 0; } else { _lineEx = s.GetDouble(); _lineEy = s.GetDouble(); } _lineAscent = s.GetDouble(); _lineDescent = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { _lineWidth = s.GetDouble(); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: if (0 == _lineWidth) { _lineWidth = _linePrevCharX + _lineLastGlyphWidth; } if (_lineEx == 1 && _lineEy == 0) { var _distX = x - _lineX; if (y >= (_lineY - _lineAscent) && y <= (_lineY + _lineDescent) && _distX >= 0 && _distX <= _lineWidth) { _line = _numLine; _lenGls = _arrayGlyphOffsets.length; for (_glyph = 0; _glyph < _lenGls; _glyph++) { if (_arrayGlyphOffsets[_glyph] > _distX) { break; } } if (_glyph > 0) { --_glyph; } return { Line: _line, Glyph: _glyph }; } if (_distX >= 0 && _distX <= _lineWidth) { tmp = Math.abs(y - _lineY); } else { if (_distX < 0) { tmp = Math.sqrt((x - _lineX) * (x - _lineX) + (y - _lineY) * (y - _lineY)); } else { var _xx1 = _lineX + _lineWidth; tmp = Math.sqrt((x - _xx1) * (x - _xx1) + (y - _lineY) * (y - _lineY)); } } if (tmp < _minDist) { _minDist = tmp; _line = _numLine; if (_distX < 0) { _glyph = -2; } else { if (_distX > _lineWidth) { _glyph = -1; } else { _lenGls = _arrayGlyphOffsets.length; for (_glyph = 0; _glyph < _lenGls; _glyph++) { if (_arrayGlyphOffsets[_glyph] > _distX) { break; } } if (_glyph > 0) { _glyph--; } } } } } else { var ortX = -_lineEy; var ortY = _lineEx; var _dx = _lineX + ortX * _lineDescent; var _dy = _lineY + ortY * _lineDescent; var h = -((x - _dx) * ortX + (y - _dy) * ortY); var w = (x - _dx) * _lineEx + (y - _dy) * _lineEy; if (w >= 0 && w <= _lineWidth && h >= 0 && h <= (_lineDescent + _lineAscent)) { _line = _numLine; _lenGls = _arrayGlyphOffsets.length; for (_glyph = 0; _glyph < _lenGls; _glyph++) { if (_arrayGlyphOffsets[_glyph] > w) { break; } } if (_glyph > 0) { _glyph--; } return { Line: _line, Glyph: _glyph }; } if (w >= 0 && w <= _lineWidth) { tmp = Math.abs(h - _lineDescent); } else { if (w < 0) { tmp = Math.sqrt((x - _lineX) * (x - _lineX) + (y - _lineY) * (y - _lineY)); } else { var _tmpX = _lineX + _lineWidth * _lineEx; var _tmpY = _lineY + _lineWidth * _lineEy; tmp = Math.sqrt((x - _tmpX) * (x - _tmpX) + (y - _tmpY) * (y - _tmpY)); } } if (tmp < _minDist) { _minDist = tmp; _line = _numLine; if (w < 0) { _glyph = -2; } else { if (w > _lineWidth) { _glyph = -1; } else { _lenGls = _arrayGlyphOffsets.length; for (_glyph = 0; _glyph < _lenGls; _glyph++) { if (_arrayGlyphOffsets[_glyph] > w) { break; } } if (_glyph > 0) { _glyph--; } } } } } break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } return { Line: _line, Glyph: _glyph }; }; this.GetCountLines = function (pageNum) { var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var _lineGidExist = false; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _numLine = -1; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { s.Skip(2); } _lineCharCount++; if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(4); } else { s.Skip(2); } s.Skip(2); break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _lineCharCount = 0; ++_numLine; var mask = s.GetUChar(); s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 1) == 0) { s.Skip(8); } s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { s.Skip(4); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } return _numLine; }; this.DrawSelection = function (pageNum, overlay, xDst, yDst, width, height) { var sel = this.Selection; var Page1 = 0; var Page2 = 0; var Line1 = 0; var Line2 = 0; var Glyph1 = 0; var Glyph2 = 0; if (sel.Page2 > sel.Page1) { Page1 = sel.Page1; Page2 = sel.Page2; Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { if (sel.Page2 < sel.Page1) { Page1 = sel.Page2; Page2 = sel.Page1; Line1 = sel.Line2; Line2 = sel.Line1; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } else { if (sel.Page1 == sel.Page2) { Page1 = sel.Page1; Page2 = sel.Page2; if (sel.Line1 < sel.Line2) { Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { if (sel.Line2 < sel.Line1) { Line1 = sel.Line2; Line2 = sel.Line1; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } else { Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; if (-1 == sel.Glyph1) { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } else { if (-1 == sel.Glyph2) { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { if (sel.Glyph1 < sel.Glyph2) { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } } } } } } } } if (Page1 > pageNum || Page2 < pageNum) { return; } if (Page1 < pageNum) { Page1 = pageNum; Line1 = 0; Glyph1 = -2; } var bIsFillToEnd = false; if (Page2 > pageNum) { bIsFillToEnd = true; } var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var _lineX = 0; var _lineY = 0; var _lineEx = 0; var _lineEy = 0; var _lineAscent = 0; var _lineDescent = 0; var _lineWidth = 0; var _lineGidExist = false; var _linePrevCharX = 0; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _lineLastGlyphWidth = 0; var _arrayGlyphOffsets = new Array(); var _numLine = -1; var dKoefX = width / page.width_mm; var dKoefY = height / page.height_mm; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _arrayGlyphOffsets[_lineCharCount] = _linePrevCharX; _lineCharCount++; if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(4); } else { s.Skip(2); } if (0 == _lineWidth) { _lineLastGlyphWidth = s.GetDouble2(); } else { s.Skip(2); } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; _lineWidth = 0; _arrayGlyphOffsets.splice(0, _arrayGlyphOffsets.length); ++_numLine; var mask = s.GetUChar(); _lineX = s.GetDouble(); _lineY = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 1) != 0) { _lineEx = 1; _lineEy = 0; } else { _lineEx = s.GetDouble(); _lineEy = s.GetDouble(); } _lineAscent = s.GetDouble(); _lineDescent = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { _lineWidth = s.GetDouble(); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: var off1 = 0; var off2 = 0; if (_numLine < Line1) { break; } if (_numLine > Line2 && !bIsFillToEnd) { return; } if (0 == _lineWidth) { _lineWidth = _linePrevCharX + _lineLastGlyphWidth; } if (Line1 == _numLine) { if (-2 == Glyph1) { off1 = 0; } else { if (-1 == Glyph1) { off1 = _lineWidth; } else { off1 = _arrayGlyphOffsets[Glyph1]; } } } if (bIsFillToEnd || Line2 != _numLine) { off2 = _lineWidth; } else { if (Glyph2 == -2) { off2 = 0; } else { if (Glyph2 == -1) { off2 = _lineWidth; } else { off2 = _arrayGlyphOffsets[Glyph2]; } } } if (off2 <= off1) { break; } if (_lineEx == 1 && _lineEy == 0) { var _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * (_lineX + off1)) - 0.5; var _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * (_lineY - _lineAscent)) - 0.5; var _w = parseInt(dKoefX * (off2 - off1)) + 1; var _h = parseInt(dKoefY * (_lineAscent + _lineDescent)) + 1; if (_x < overlay.min_x) { overlay.min_x = _x; } if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x) { overlay.max_x = _x + _w; } if (_y < overlay.min_y) { overlay.min_y = _y; } if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y) { overlay.max_y = _y + _h; } overlay.m_oContext.rect(_x, _y, _w, _h); } else { var ortX = -_lineEy; var ortY = _lineEx; var _dx = _lineX + ortX * _lineDescent; var _dy = _lineY + ortY * _lineDescent; var _x1 = _dx + off1 * _lineEx; var _y1 = _dy + off1 * _lineEy; var _x2 = _x1 - ortX * (_lineAscent + _lineDescent); var _y2 = _y1 - ortY * (_lineAscent + _lineDescent); var _x3 = _x2 + (off2 - off1) * _lineEx; var _y3 = _y2 + (off2 - off1) * _lineEy; var _x4 = _x3 + ortX * (_lineAscent + _lineDescent); var _y4 = _y3 + ortY * (_lineAscent + _lineDescent); _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _x1; _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _x2; _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _x3; _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _x4; _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _y1; _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _y2; _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _y3; _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _y4; overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1); ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2); ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3); ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4); ctx.closePath(); } break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } }; this.CopySelection = function (pageNum) { var ret = ""; var sel = this.Selection; var Page1 = 0; var Page2 = 0; var Line1 = 0; var Line2 = 0; var Glyph1 = 0; var Glyph2 = 0; if (sel.Page2 > sel.Page1) { Page1 = sel.Page1; Page2 = sel.Page2; Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { if (sel.Page2 < sel.Page1) { Page1 = sel.Page2; Page2 = sel.Page1; Line1 = sel.Line2; Line2 = sel.Line1; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } else { if (sel.Page1 == sel.Page2) { Page1 = sel.Page1; Page2 = sel.Page2; if (sel.Line1 < sel.Line2) { Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { if (sel.Line2 < sel.Line1) { Line1 = sel.Line2; Line2 = sel.Line1; Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } else { Line1 = sel.Line1; Line2 = sel.Line2; if (sel.Glyph1 < sel.Glyph2 || -1 == sel.Glyph2) { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph1; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph2; } else { Glyph1 = sel.Glyph2; Glyph2 = sel.Glyph1; } } } } } } if (Page1 > pageNum || Page2 < pageNum) { return; } if (Page1 < pageNum) { Page1 = pageNum; Line1 = 0; Glyph1 = -2; } var bIsFillToEnd = false; if (Page2 > pageNum) { bIsFillToEnd = true; } var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var lineSpans = new Array(); var curSpan = new CSpan(); var isChangeSpan = false; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _lineGidExist = false; var _numLine = -1; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: curSpan.fontName = s.GetULong(); s.Skip(4); curSpan.fontSize = s.GetDouble(); isChangeSpan = true; break; case 22: curSpan.colorR = s.GetUChar(); curSpan.colorG = s.GetUChar(); curSpan.colorB = s.GetUChar(); s.Skip(1); isChangeSpan = true; break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { s.Skip(2); } _lineCharCount++; if (isChangeSpan) { lineSpans[lineSpans.length] = curSpan.CreateDublicate(); } var sp = lineSpans[lineSpans.length - 1]; var _char = s.GetUShort(); if (65535 == _char) { sp.inner += " "; } else { sp.inner += String.fromCharCode(_char); } if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(2); } s.Skip(2); isChangeSpan = false; break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: isChangeSpan = true; lineSpans.splice(0, lineSpans.length); _lineCharCount = 0; ++_numLine; var mask = s.GetUChar(); s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 1) == 0) { s.Skip(8); } s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { s.Skip(4); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: if (Line1 <= _numLine && ((!bIsFillToEnd && Line2 >= _numLine) || bIsFillToEnd)) { var _g1 = -2; var _g2 = -1; if (Line1 == _numLine) { _g1 = Glyph1; } if (bIsFillToEnd || Line2 != _numLine) { _g2 = -1; } else { _g2 = Glyph2; } if (_g1 != -1 && _g2 != -2) { var textLine = "

"; if (-2 == _g1 && -1 == _g2) { var countSpans = lineSpans.length; for (var i = 0; i < countSpans; i++) { textLine += ""; textLine += lineSpans[i].inner; textLine += ""; } } else { var curIndex = 0; var countSpans = lineSpans.length; for (var i = 0; i < countSpans; i++) { var old = curIndex; var start = curIndex; var end = start + lineSpans[i].inner.length; curIndex = end + 1; if (_g1 > start) { start = _g1; } if (_g2 != -1 && _g2 < end) { end = _g2; } if (start > end) { continue; } start -= old; end -= old; textLine += ""; textLine += lineSpans[i].inner.substring(start, end); textLine += ""; } } textLine += "

"; ret += textLine; } } break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } return ret; }; this.SearchPage = function (pageNum, text) { var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var glyphsEqualFound = 0; var glyphsFindCount = text.length; if (0 == glyphsFindCount) { return; } var _numLine = -1; var _lineGidExist = false; var _linePrevCharX = 0; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _lineLastGlyphWidth = 0; var _findLine = 0; var _findLineOffsetX = 0; var _findLineOffsetR = 0; var _findGlyphIndex = 0; var _SeekToNextPoint = 0; var _SeekLinePrevCharX = 0; var arrayLines = new Array(); var curLine = null; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _lineCharCount++; var _char = s.GetUShort(); if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(2); } if (65535 == _char) { curLine.text += " "; } else { curLine.text += String.fromCharCode(_char); } if (curLine.W != 0) { s.Skip(2); } else { curLine.W = s.GetDouble2(); } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; arrayLines[arrayLines.length] = new CLineInfo(); curLine = arrayLines[arrayLines.length - 1]; var mask = s.GetUChar(); curLine.X = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Y = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 1) == 1) { var dAscent = s.GetDouble(); var dDescent = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Y -= dAscent; curLine.H = dAscent + dDescent; } else { curLine.Ex = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Ey = s.GetDouble(); var dAscent = s.GetDouble(); var dDescent = s.GetDouble(); curLine.X = curLine.X + dAscent * curLine.Ey; curLine.Y = curLine.Y - dAscent * curLine.Ex; curLine.H = dAscent + dDescent; } if ((mask & 4) != 0) { curLine.W = s.GetDouble(); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; _numLine = 0; s.Seek(page.start); while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _lineCharCount++; var _char = s.GetUShort(); if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(2); } if (65535 == _char) { _char = " ".charCodeAt(0); } _lineLastGlyphWidth = s.GetDouble2(); if (_char == text.charCodeAt(glyphsEqualFound)) { if (0 == glyphsEqualFound) { _findLine = _numLine; _findLineOffsetX = _linePrevCharX; _findGlyphIndex = _lineCharCount; _SeekToNextPoint = s.pos; _SeekLinePrevCharX = _linePrevCharX; } glyphsEqualFound++; _findLineOffsetR = _linePrevCharX + _lineLastGlyphWidth; if (glyphsFindCount == glyphsEqualFound) { var _text = ""; var _rects = new Array(); for (var i = _findLine; i <= _numLine; i++) { var ps = 0; if (_findLine == i) { ps = _findLineOffsetX; } var pe = arrayLines[i].W; if (i == _numLine) { pe = _findLineOffsetR; } var _l = arrayLines[i]; if (i == _findLine && i == _numLine) { _text = _l.text.substring(0, _findGlyphIndex - 1); _text += ""; _text += _l.text.substring(_findGlyphIndex - 1, _lineCharCount); _text += ""; _text += _l.text.substring(_lineCharCount); } else { if (i == _findLine) { _text = _l.text.substring(0, _findGlyphIndex - 1); _text += ""; _text += _l.text.substring(_findGlyphIndex - 1); } else { if (i == _numLine) { _text += _l.text.substring(0, _lineCharCount); _text += ""; _text += _l.text.substring(_lineCharCount); } else { _text += _l.text; } } } if (_l.Ex == 1 && _l.Ey == 0) { _rects[_rects.length] = { PageNum: pageNum, X: _l.X + ps, Y: _l.Y, W: pe - ps, H: _l.H }; } else { _rects[_rects.length] = { PageNum: pageNum, X: _l.X + ps * _l.Ex, Y: _l.Y + ps * _l.Ey, W: pe - ps, H: _l.H, Ex: _l.Ex, Ey: _l.Ey }; } } editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.AddPageSearch(_text, _rects, search_Common); glyphsEqualFound = 0; s.pos = _SeekToNextPoint; _linePrevCharX = _SeekLinePrevCharX; _lineCharCount = _findGlyphIndex; _numLine = _findLine; } } else { if (0 != glyphsEqualFound) { glyphsEqualFound = 0; s.pos = _SeekToNextPoint; _linePrevCharX = _SeekLinePrevCharX; _lineCharCount = _findGlyphIndex; _numLine = _findLine; } } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; var mask = s.GetUChar(); s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 1) == 0) { s.Skip(8); } s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { s.Skip(4); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: ++_numLine; break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } }; this.SearchPage2 = function (pageNum) { var page = this.Pages[pageNum]; var s = this.stream; s.Seek(page.start); var _searchResults = this.SearchResults; var _navRects = _searchResults.Pages[pageNum]; var glyphsEqualFound = 0; var text = _searchResults.Text; var glyphsFindCount = text.length; if (!_searchResults.MachingCase) { text = text.toLowerCase(); } if (0 == glyphsFindCount) { return; } var _numLine = -1; var _lineGidExist = false; var _linePrevCharX = 0; var _lineCharCount = 0; var _lineLastGlyphWidth = 0; var _findLine = 0; var _findLineOffsetX = 0; var _findLineOffsetR = 0; var _findGlyphIndex = 0; var _SeekToNextPoint = 0; var _SeekLinePrevCharX = 0; var arrayLines = new Array(); var curLine = null; while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _lineCharCount++; var _char = s.GetUShort(); if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(2); } if (65535 == _char) { curLine.text += " "; } else { curLine.text += String.fromCharCode(_char); } if (curLine.W != 0) { s.Skip(2); } else { curLine.W = s.GetDouble2(); } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; arrayLines[arrayLines.length] = new CLineInfo(); curLine = arrayLines[arrayLines.length - 1]; var mask = s.GetUChar(); curLine.X = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Y = s.GetDouble(); if ((mask & 1) == 1) { var dAscent = s.GetDouble(); var dDescent = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Y -= dAscent; curLine.H = dAscent + dDescent; } else { curLine.Ex = s.GetDouble(); curLine.Ey = s.GetDouble(); var dAscent = s.GetDouble(); var dDescent = s.GetDouble(); curLine.X = curLine.X + dAscent * curLine.Ey; curLine.Y = curLine.Y - dAscent * curLine.Ex; curLine.H = dAscent + dDescent; } if ((mask & 4) != 0) { curLine.W = s.GetDouble(); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; _numLine = 0; s.Seek(page.start); while (s.pos < page.end) { var command = s.GetUChar(); switch (command) { case 41: s.Skip(12); break; case 22: s.Skip(4); break; case 1: s.Skip(4); break; case 3: s.Skip(4); break; case 131: break; case 130: s.Skip(24); break; case 80: if (0 != _lineCharCount) { _linePrevCharX += s.GetDouble2(); } _lineCharCount++; var _char = s.GetUShort(); if (_lineGidExist) { s.Skip(2); } if (65535 == _char) { _char = " ".charCodeAt(0); } _lineLastGlyphWidth = s.GetDouble2(); var _isFound = false; if (_searchResults.MachingCase) { if (_char == text.charCodeAt(glyphsEqualFound)) { _isFound = true; } } else { var _strMem = String.fromCharCode(_char); _strMem = _strMem.toLowerCase(); if (_strMem.charCodeAt(0) == text.charCodeAt(glyphsEqualFound)) { _isFound = true; } } if (_isFound) { if (0 == glyphsEqualFound) { _findLine = _numLine; _findLineOffsetX = _linePrevCharX; _findGlyphIndex = _lineCharCount; _SeekToNextPoint = s.pos; _SeekLinePrevCharX = _linePrevCharX; } glyphsEqualFound++; _findLineOffsetR = _linePrevCharX + _lineLastGlyphWidth; if (glyphsFindCount == glyphsEqualFound) { var _rects = new Array(); for (var i = _findLine; i <= _numLine; i++) { var ps = 0; if (_findLine == i) { ps = _findLineOffsetX; } var pe = arrayLines[i].W; if (i == _numLine) { pe = _findLineOffsetR; } var _l = arrayLines[i]; if (_l.Ex == 1 && _l.Ey == 0) { _rects[_rects.length] = { PageNum: pageNum, X: _l.X + ps, Y: _l.Y, W: pe - ps, H: _l.H }; } else { _rects[_rects.length] = { PageNum: pageNum, X: _l.X + ps * _l.Ex, Y: _l.Y + ps * _l.Ey, W: pe - ps, H: _l.H, Ex: _l.Ex, Ey: _l.Ey }; } } _navRects[_navRects.length] = _rects; glyphsEqualFound = 0; s.pos = _SeekToNextPoint; _linePrevCharX = _SeekLinePrevCharX; _lineCharCount = _findGlyphIndex; _numLine = _findLine; } } else { if (0 != glyphsEqualFound) { glyphsEqualFound = 0; s.pos = _SeekToNextPoint; _linePrevCharX = _SeekLinePrevCharX; _lineCharCount = _findGlyphIndex; _numLine = _findLine; } } break; case 98: case 100: break; case 91: s.Skip(8); break; case 92: s.Skip(8); break; case 94: s.Skip(24); break; case 97: break; case 99: s.Skip(4); break; case 110: s.SkipImage(); break; case 160: _linePrevCharX = 0; _lineCharCount = 0; var mask = s.GetUChar(); s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 1) == 0) { s.Skip(8); } s.Skip(8); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { s.Skip(4); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { _lineGidExist = true; } else { _lineGidExist = false; } break; case 162: ++_numLine; break; case 161: s.Skip(16); break; case 163: break; case 164: s.Skip(16); break; case 121: case 122: s.Skip(4); break; default: s.pos = page.end; } } }; this.OnMouseDown = function (page, x, y) { var ret = this.GetNearestPos(page, x, y); var sel = this.Selection; sel.Page1 = page; sel.Line1 = ret.Line; sel.Glyph1 = ret.Glyph; sel.Page2 = page; sel.Line2 = ret.Line; sel.Glyph2 = ret.Glyph; sel.IsSelection = true; this.OnUpdateSelection(); }; this.OnMouseMove = function (page, x, y) { if (false === this.Selection.IsSelection) { return; } var ret = this.GetNearestPos(page, x, y); var sel = this.Selection; sel.Page2 = page; sel.Line2 = ret.Line; sel.Glyph2 = ret.Glyph; this.OnUpdateSelection(); }; this.OnMouseUp = function () { this.Selection.IsSelection = false; }; this.OnUpdateSelection = function () { editor.WordControl.m_oOverlayApi.Show(); editor.WordControl.OnUpdateOverlay(); }; this.Copy = function () { var sel = this.Selection; var page1 = sel.Page1; var page2 = sel.Page2; if (page2 < page1) { page1 = page2; page2 = sel.Page1; } var ret = "
"; for (var i = page1; i <= page2; i++) { ret += this.CopySelection(i); } ret += "
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