/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var hdrftr_Header = 1; var hdrftr_Footer = 2; var hdrftr_Default = 1; var hdrftr_Even = 2; var hdrftr_First = 3; function CHeaderFooter(Parent, LogicDocument, DrawingDocument, Type, BoundY2) { this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); this.Parent = Parent; this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument; this.LogicDocument = LogicDocument; if ("undefined" != typeof(LogicDocument) && null != LogicDocument) { if (Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content = new CDocumentContent(this, DrawingDocument, X_Left_Field, BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2, false, true); this.Content.Content[0].Style_Add(this.Get_Styles().Get_Default_Header()); } else { this.Content = new CDocumentContent(this, DrawingDocument, X_Left_Field, Y_Bottom_Field + 15, X_Right_Field, Page_Height, false, true); this.Content.Content[0].Style_Add(this.Get_Styles().Get_Default_Footer()); } } this.Type = Type; this.BoundY = -1; this.BoundY2 = BoundY2; this.DocumentRecalc = true; this.RecalcInfo = { NeedRecalc: true, OldBounds: null, OldFlowPos: null }; g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); } CHeaderFooter.prototype = { Set_Id: function (newId) { g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id); this.Id = newId; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.Id; }, Recalculate: function () { var bChanges = false; var OldBounds = null; var OldFlowPos = new Array(); var OldSumH = 0; if (true === this.RecalcInfo.NeedRecalc) { this.RecalcInfo.NeedRecalc = false; bChanges = true; } else { OldSumH = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); OldBounds = this.Content.Get_PageBounds(0); var AllDrawingObjects = this.Content.Get_AllDrawingObjects(); var Count = AllDrawingObjects.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var Obj = AllDrawingObjects[Index]; if (drawing_Anchor === Obj.Get_DrawingType() && true === Obj.Use_TextWrap()) { var FlowPos = { X: Obj.X - Obj.Distance.L, Y: Obj.Y - Obj.Distance.T, W: Obj.W + Obj.Distance.R, H: Obj.H + Obj.Distance.B }; OldFlowPos.push(FlowPos); } } } var CurPage = 0; var RecalcResult = recalcresult2_NextPage; while (recalcresult2_End != RecalcResult) { RecalcResult = this.Content.Recalculate_Page(CurPage++, true); } if (false === bChanges) { var NewBounds = this.Content.Get_PageBounds(0); if (Math.abs(NewBounds.Bottom - OldBounds.Bottom) > 0.001) { bChanges = true; } } if (false === bChanges) { var NewFlowPos = new Array(); var AllDrawingObjects = this.Content.Get_AllDrawingObjects(); var Count = AllDrawingObjects.length; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var Obj = AllDrawingObjects[Index]; if (drawing_Anchor === Obj.Get_DrawingType() && true === Obj.Use_TextWrap()) { var FlowPos = { X: Obj.X - Obj.Distance.L, Y: Obj.Y - Obj.Distance.T, W: Obj.W + Obj.Distance.R, H: Obj.H + Obj.Distance.B }; NewFlowPos.push(FlowPos); } } Count = NewFlowPos.length; if (Count != OldFlowPos.length) { bChanges = true; } else { for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var OldObj = OldFlowPos[Index]; var NewObj = NewFlowPos[Index]; if (Math.abs(OldObj.X - NewObj.X) > 0.001 || Math.abs(OldObj.Y - NewObj.Y) > 0.001 || Math.abs(OldObj.H - NewObj.H) > 0.001 || Math.abs(OldObj.W - NewObj.W) > 0.001) { bChanges = true; break; } } } } if (false === bChanges) { var NewSumH = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); if (Math.abs(OldSumH - NewSumH) > 0.001) { bChanges = true; } } if (true === bChanges) { this.Internal_RecalculateBounds(); } return bChanges; }, Reset_RecalculateCache: function () { this.Content.Reset_RecalculateCache(); }, Internal_RecalculateBounds: function () { if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { var Bottom = this.Get_Bounds().Bottom; var BoundY = Y_Top_Field; if (Bottom >= 0 && Bottom > Y_Top_Field) { BoundY = Bottom; } if (this.BoundY < 0 || (Math.abs(BoundY - this.BoundY) > 0.01)) { this.BoundY = BoundY; } } else { var Bounds = this.Get_Bounds(); var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); var Top = Bounds.Top; var Bottom = Top + SummaryHeight; if (Math.abs(Bottom - this.BoundY2) > 0.001) { if (Bottom - Top < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - (Bottom - Top), X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { if (Top - 2 / 3 * Page_Height > 0.001) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } this.Recalculate(); return; } var BoundY = Y_Bottom_Field; if (Top >= 0 && Top < Y_Bottom_Field) { BoundY = Top; } if (this.BoundY < 0 || (Math.abs(BoundY - this.BoundY) > 0.01)) { this.BoundY = BoundY; } } if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(true, this.BoundY2, Math.max(this.BoundY, Y_Top_Field)); } else { var Top = this.Get_Bounds().Top; this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(false, Top, Page_Height); } }, Get_Styles: function () { return this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles(); }, Get_TableStyleForPara: function () { return null; }, Get_PageContentStartPos: function () { return { X: X_Left_Field, Y: 0, XLimit: X_Right_Field, YLimit: 0 }; }, Set_CurrentElement: function () { this.Parent.CurHdrFtr = this; this.LogicDocument.CurPos.Type = docpostype_HdrFtr; this.LogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.LogicDocument.Document_UpdateRulersState(); this.LogicDocument.Document_UpdateSelectionState(); }, Is_ThisElementCurrent: function () { if (this === this.Parent.CurHdrFtr && docpostype_HdrFtr === this.LogicDocument.CurPos.Type) { return true; } return false; }, Reset: function (X, Y, XLimit, YLimit) { this.Content.Reset(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit); }, Draw: function (nPageIndex, pGraphics) { var OldStartPage = this.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative(); this.Content.Set_StartPage(nPageIndex); this.Content.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); this.Content.Set_StartPage(OldStartPage); }, OnContentRecalculate: function (bChange, bForceRecalc) { this.LogicDocument.NeedUpdateTarget = true; var bNeedDocRecalc = false; if (true === bChange) { if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { var Bottom = this.Get_Bounds().Bottom; var BoundY = Y_Top_Field; if (Bottom >= 0 && Bottom > Y_Top_Field) { BoundY = Bottom; } if (this.BoundY < 0 || (Math.abs(BoundY - this.BoundY) > 0.01)) { this.BoundY = BoundY; bNeedDocRecalc = true; } } else { var Bounds = this.Get_Bounds(); var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); var Top = Bounds.Top; var Bottom = Top + SummaryHeight; if (Math.abs(Bottom - this.BoundY2) > 0.001) { if (Bottom - Top < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - (Bottom - Top), X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { if (Top - 2 / 3 * Page_Height > 0.001) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } this.Content.Recalculate(); return; } var BoundY = Y_Bottom_Field; if (Top >= 0 && Top < Y_Bottom_Field) { BoundY = Top; } if (this.BoundY < 0 || (Math.abs(BoundY - this.BoundY) > 0.01)) { this.BoundY = BoundY; bNeedDocRecalc = true; } } if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(true, this.BoundY2, Math.max(this.BoundY, Y_Top_Field)); } else { var Top = this.Get_Bounds().Top; this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(false, Top, Page_Height); } } if (false === this.DocumentRecalc) { this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return; } if (true === bNeedDocRecalc || true === bForceRecalc) { this.LogicDocument.ContentLastChangePos = 0; this.LogicDocument.Recalculate(); } else { this.DrawingDocument.ClearCachePages(); this.DrawingDocument.FirePaint(); } this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); }, OnContentReDraw: function (StartPage, EndPage) { this.DrawingDocument.ClearCachePages(); this.DrawingDocument.FirePaint(); }, RecalculateCurPos: function () { this.Content.RecalculateCurPos(); }, Get_NearestPos: function (X, Y, bAnchor, Drawing) { return this.Content.Get_NearestPos(this.Content.StartPage, X, Y, bAnchor, Drawing); }, Get_Numbering: function () { return this.LogicDocument.Get_Numbering(); }, Get_Styles: function () { return this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles(); }, Get_Bounds: function () { return this.Content.Get_PageBounds(0); }, UpdateMargins: function (bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory) { this.Content.X = X_Left_Field; this.Content.XLimit = X_Right_Field; if (hdrftr_Footer === this.Type) { if (true !== bNoSaveHistory) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2, Old: this.BoundY2, New: Page_Height - Y_Default_Footer }); } this.BoundY2 = Page_Height - Y_Default_Footer; } if (true != bNoRecalc) { this.DocumentRecalc = false; this.Recalculate(); if (hdrftr_Footer === this.Type) { var Bounds = this.Get_Bounds(); var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); var Top = Bounds.Top; var Bottom = Top + SummaryHeight; if (Math.abs(Bottom - this.BoundY2) > 0.001) { if (Bottom - Top < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - (Bottom - Top), X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { if (Top - 2 / 3 * Page_Height > 0.001) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } this.Content.Recalculate(); } } this.DocumentRecalc = true; } }, Is_PointInDrawingObjects: function (X, Y) { return this.Content.Is_PointInDrawingObjects(X, Y, this.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute()); }, CheckRange: function (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, _Y0, _Y1, X_lf, X_rf) { return this.Content.CheckRange(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, _Y0, _Y1, X_lf, X_rf, 0, false); }, AddPageNum: function (Align) { var StyleId = null; if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { StyleId = this.Get_Styles().Get_Default_Header(); } else { StyleId = this.Get_Styles().Get_Default_Footer(); } this.Content.HdrFtr_AddPageNum(Align, StyleId); }, Is_Cell: function () { return false; }, Is_HdrFtr: function (bReturnHdrFtr) { if (true === bReturnHdrFtr) { return this; } return true; }, Is_DrawingShape: function () { return false; }, Is_TopDocument: function (bReturnTopDocument) { if (true === bReturnTopDocument) { return this.Content; } return true; }, Is_InTable: function (bReturnTopTable) { if (true === bReturnTopTable) { return null; } return false; }, Is_SelectionUse: function () { return this.Content.Is_SelectionUse(); }, Is_TextSelectionUse: function () { return this.Content.Is_TextSelectionUse(); }, Is_UseInDocument: function (Id) { if (null != this.Parent) { return this.Parent.Is_UseInDocument(this.Get_Id()); } return false; }, Check_Page: function (PageIndex) { return this.Parent.Check_Page(this, PageIndex); }, Get_CurPosXY: function () { return this.Content.Get_CurPosXY(); }, Get_SelectedText: function (bClearText) { return this.Content.Get_SelectedText(bClearText); }, Get_SelectedElementsInfo: function (Info) { this.Content.Get_SelectedElementsInfo(Info); }, Set_BoundY2: function (Value, bRecalculate) { History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2, Old: this.BoundY2, New: Value }); this.BoundY2 = Value; if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2); if (false != bRecalculate) { this.Content.Recalculate(); } } else { var Bounds = this.Get_Bounds(); var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); var Top = Bounds.Top; var Bottom = Top + SummaryHeight; if (Bottom - Top < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - (Bottom - Top), X_Right_Field, Page_Height); if (false != bRecalculate) { this.Content.Recalculate(); } } else {} } if (true === bRecalculate) { this.Internal_RecalculateBounds(); } }, Update_CursorType: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { if (PageNum_Abs != this.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute()) { this.DrawingDocument.SetCursorType("default", new CMouseMoveData()); } else { return this.Content.Update_CursorType(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); } }, Is_TableBorder: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageNum_Abs); return this.Content.Is_TableBorder(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); }, Is_InText: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageNum_Abs); return this.Content.Is_InText(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); }, Is_InDrawing: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageNum_Abs); return this.Content.Is_InDrawing(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); }, Document_UpdateInterfaceState: function () { this.Content.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); }, Document_UpdateRulersState: function () { if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(true, this.BoundY2, Math.max(this.BoundY, Y_Top_Field)); } else { var Top = this.Get_Bounds().Top; this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(false, Top, Page_Height); } this.Content.Document_UpdateRulersState(this.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute()); }, Document_UpdateSelectionState: function () { if (docpostype_DrawingObjects == this.Content.CurPos.Type) { return this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.documentUpdateSelectionState(); } else { if (true === this.Content.Is_SelectionUse()) { if (selectionflag_Numbering == this.Content.Selection.Flag) { this.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(true); this.DrawingDocument.SelectClear(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectShow(); } else { if (null != this.Content.Selection.Data && true === this.Content.Selection.Data.TableBorder && type_Table == this.Content.Content[this.Content.Selection.Data.Pos].GetType()) { this.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); } else { if (false === this.Content.Selection_IsEmpty()) { this.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(true); this.DrawingDocument.SelectClear(); this.DrawingDocument.SelectShow(); } else { this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(false); this.RecalculateCurPos(); this.DrawingDocument.TargetStart(); this.DrawingDocument.TargetShow(); } } } } else { this.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(false); this.RecalculateCurPos(); this.DrawingDocument.TargetStart(); this.DrawingDocument.TargetShow(); } } }, Add_NewParagraph: function () { this.Content.Add_NewParagraph(); }, Add_FlowImage: function (W, H, Img) { this.Content.Add_FlowImage(W, H, Img); }, Add_InlineImage: function (W, H, Img, Chart, bFlow) { this.Content.Add_InlineImage(W, H, Img, Chart, bFlow); }, Edit_Chart: function (Chart) { this.Content.Edit_Chart(Chart); }, Add_InlineTable: function (Cols, Rows) { this.Content.Add_InlineTable(Cols, Rows); }, Paragraph_Add: function (ParaItem, bRecalculate) { this.Content.Paragraph_Add(ParaItem, bRecalculate); }, Paragraph_ClearFormatting: function () { this.Content.Paragraph_ClearFormatting(); }, Paragraph_Format_Paste: function (TextPr, ParaPr, ApplyPara) { this.Content.Paragraph_Format_Paste(TextPr, ParaPr, ApplyPara); }, Remove: function (Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, bOnTextAdd) { this.Content.Remove(Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, bOnTextAdd); }, Cursor_GetPos: function () { return this.Content.Cursor_GetPos(); }, Cursor_MoveLeft: function (AddToSelect, Word) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveLeft(AddToSelect, Word); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveRight: function (AddToSelect, Word) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveRight(AddToSelect, Word); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveUp: function (AddToSelect) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveUp(AddToSelect); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveDown: function (AddToSelect) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveDown(AddToSelect); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveEndOfLine: function (AddToSelect) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveEndOfLine(AddToSelect); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveStartOfLine: function (AddToSelect) { var bRetValue = this.Content.Cursor_MoveStartOfLine(AddToSelect); this.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); this.Document_UpdateRulersState(); return bRetValue; }, Cursor_MoveAt: function (X, Y, PageIndex, AddToSelect, bRemoveOldSelection) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageIndex); return this.Content.Cursor_MoveAt(X, Y, AddToSelect, bRemoveOldSelection); }, Cursor_MoveToCell: function (bNext) { this.Content.Cursor_MoveToCell(bNext); }, Set_ParagraphAlign: function (Align) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphAlign(Align); }, Set_ParagraphSpacing: function (Spacing) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphSpacing(Spacing); }, Set_ParagraphIndent: function (Ind) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphIndent(Ind); }, Set_ParagraphNumbering: function (NumInfo) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphNumbering(NumInfo); }, Set_ParagraphShd: function (Shd) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphShd(Shd); }, Set_ParagraphStyle: function (Name) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphStyle(Name); }, Set_ParagraphTabs: function (Tabs) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphTabs(Tabs); }, Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing(Value); }, Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore(Value); }, Set_ParagraphKeepLines: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphKeepLines(Value); }, Set_ParagraphKeepNext: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphKeepNext(Value); }, Set_ParagraphWidowControl: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphWidowControl(Value); }, Set_ParagraphBorders: function (Value) { return this.Content.Set_ParagraphBorders(Value); }, Paragraph_IncDecFontSize: function (bIncrease) { return this.Content.Paragraph_IncDecFontSize(bIncrease); }, Paragraph_IncDecIndent: function (bIncrease) { return this.Content.Paragraph_IncDecIndent(bIncrease); }, Set_ImageProps: function (Props) { return this.Content.Set_ImageProps(Props); }, Set_TableProps: function (Props) { return this.Content.Set_TableProps(Props); }, Get_Paragraph_ParaPr: function () { return this.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr(); }, Get_Paragraph_TextPr: function () { return this.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr(); }, Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy: function () { return this.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy(); }, Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy: function () { return this.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy(); }, Get_AllParagraphs_ByNumbering: function (NumPr, ParaArray) { return this.Content.Get_AllParagraphs_ByNumbering(NumPr, ParaArray); }, Selection_Remove: function () { return this.Content.Selection_Remove(); }, Selection_Draw_Page: function (Page_abs) { return this.Content.Selection_Draw_Page(Page_abs, true, true); }, Selection_Clear: function () { return this.Content.Selection_Clear(); }, Selection_SetStart: function (X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageIndex); if (true === editor.isStartAddShape) { this.Content.CurPos.Type = docpostype_DrawingObjects; this.Content.Selection.Use = true; this.Content.Selection.Start = true; if (true != this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.isPolylineAddition()) { this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.startAddShape(editor.addShapePreset); } this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent, X, Y, PageIndex); } else { return this.Content.Selection_SetStart(X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent); } }, Selection_SetEnd: function (X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent) { this.Content.Set_StartPage(PageIndex); return this.Content.Selection_SetEnd(X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent); }, Selection_Is_TableBorderMove: function () { return this.Content.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove(); }, Selection_Check: function (X, Y, Page_Abs) { var HdrFtrPage = this.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute(); if (HdrFtrPage === Page_Abs) { return this.Content.Selection_Check(X, Y, Page_Abs); } return false; }, Select_All: function () { return this.Content.Select_All(); }, Get_CurrentParagraph: function () { return this.Content.Get_CurrentParagraph(); }, Get_StartPage_Absolute: function () { return 0; }, Get_StartPage_Relative: function () { return 0; }, Table_AddRow: function (bBefore) { this.Content.Table_AddRow(bBefore); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_AddCol: function (bBefore) { this.Content.Table_AddCol(bBefore); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_RemoveRow: function () { this.Content.Table_RemoveRow(); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_RemoveCol: function () { this.Content.Table_RemoveCol(); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_MergeCells: function () { this.Content.Table_MergeCells(); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_SplitCell: function (Cols, Rows) { this.Content.Table_SplitCell(Cols, Rows); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_RemoveTable: function () { this.Content.Table_RemoveTable(); this.Recalculate(); }, Table_Select: function (Type) { this.Content.Table_Select(Type); }, Table_CheckMerge: function () { return this.Content.Table_CheckMerge(); }, Table_CheckSplit: function () { return this.Content.Table_CheckSplit(); }, Check_TableCoincidence: function (Table) { return false; }, Undo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2: this.BoundY2 = Data.Old; if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2); } else { var Bounds = this.Get_Bounds(); var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); var Top = Bounds.Top; var Bottom = Top + SummaryHeight; if (Bottom - Top < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - (Bottom - Top), X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } break; } }, Redo: function (Data) { var Type = Data.Type; switch (Type) { case historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2: this.BoundY2 = Data.New; if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2); } else { var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); if (SummaryHeight < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - SummaryHeight, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } break; } }, Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () { return { Type: historyrecalctype_HdrFtr, Data: this }; }, Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) { this.Refresh_RecalcData2(); }, Refresh_RecalcData2: function () { History.RecalcData_Add({ Type: historyrecalctype_HdrFtr, Data: this }); }, DocumentSearch: function (SearchString, Type) { this.Content.DocumentSearch(SearchString, Type); }, Hyperlink_Add: function (HyperProps) { this.Content.Hyperlink_Add(HyperProps); }, Hyperlink_Modify: function (HyperProps) { this.Content.Hyperlink_Modify(HyperProps); }, Hyperlink_Remove: function () { this.Content.Hyperlink_Remove(); }, Hyperlink_CanAdd: function (bCheckInHyperlink) { return this.Content.Hyperlink_CanAdd(bCheckInHyperlink); }, Hyperlink_Check: function (bCheckEnd) { return this.Content.Hyperlink_Check(bCheckEnd); }, Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) { this.Content.Document_CreateFontMap(FontMap); }, Document_CrateFontCharMap: function (FontCharMap) { this.Content.Document_CreateFontCharMap(FontCharMap); }, Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) { this.Content.Document_Get_AllFontNames(AllFonts); }, Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_HdrFtrController); var Type = Data.Type; Writer.WriteLong(Type); switch (Type) { case historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2: Writer.WriteDouble(Data.New); break; } return Writer; }, Save_Changes2: function (Data, Writer) { return false; }, Load_Changes: function (Reader, Reader2) { var ClassType = Reader.GetLong(); if (historyitem_type_HdrFtrController != ClassType) { return; } var Type = Reader.GetLong(); switch (Type) { case historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2: this.BoundY2 = Reader.GetDouble(); if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2); } else { var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); if (SummaryHeight < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - SummaryHeight, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } break; } }, Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) { Writer.WriteLong(historyitem_type_HdrFtr); Writer.WriteString2(this.Id); Writer.WriteLong(this.Type); Writer.WriteDouble(this.BoundY); Writer.WriteDouble(this.BoundY2); Writer.WriteString2(this.Content.Get_Id()); }, Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) { var LogicDocument = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; this.Parent = LogicDocument.HdrFtr; this.DrawingDocument = LogicDocument.DrawingDocument; this.LogicDocument = LogicDocument; this.Id = Reader.GetString2(); this.Type = Reader.GetLong(); this.BoundY = Reader.GetDouble(); this.BoundY2 = Reader.GetDouble(); this.Content = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2()); if (this.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2, X_Right_Field, Page_Height / 2); } else { var SummaryHeight = this.Content.Get_SummaryHeight(); if (SummaryHeight < Page_Height / 3) { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, this.BoundY2 - SummaryHeight, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } else { this.Content.Reset(X_Left_Field, 2 / 3 * Page_Height, X_Right_Field, Page_Height); } } }, Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {}, Add_Comment: function (Comment) { this.Content.Add_Comment(Comment, true, true); }, CanAdd_Comment: function () { return this.Content.CanAdd_Comment(); } }; function CHeaderFooterController(LogicDocument, DrawingDocument) { this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId(); this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument; this.LogicDocument = LogicDocument; this.Content = new Array(); this.Content[0] = { Header: { First: null, Even: null, Odd: null }, Footer: { First: null, Even: null, Odd: null } }; this.CurHdrFtr = null; this.Pages = new Array(); this.CurPage = 0; this.ChangeCurPageOnEnd = true; this.WaitMouseDown = true; this.Lock = new CLock(); g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id); } CHeaderFooterController.prototype = { Set_Id: function (newId) { g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id); this.Id = newId; }, Get_Id: function () { return this.Id; }, AddHeaderOrFooter: function (Type, PageType) { this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.AddHeaderOrFooter(Type, PageType); var BoundY2 = Y_Default_Header; if (Type === hdrftr_Footer) { BoundY2 = Page_Height - Y_Default_Footer; } var Content_old = { Header: { First: this.Content[0].Header.First, Even: this.Content[0].Header.Even, Odd: this.Content[0].Header.Odd }, Footer: { First: this.Content[0].Footer.First, Even: this.Content[0].Footer.Even, Odd: this.Content[0].Footer.Odd } }; var HdrFtr = new CHeaderFooter(this, this.LogicDocument, this.DrawingDocument, Type, BoundY2); switch (Type) { case hdrftr_Footer: switch (PageType) { case hdrftr_Default: if (null === this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First = HdrFtr; } if (null === this.Content[0].Footer.Even) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even = HdrFtr; } this.Content[0].Footer.Odd = HdrFtr; break; case hdrftr_Even: this.Content[0].Footer.Even = HdrFtr; break; case hdrftr_First: this.Content[0].Footer.First = HdrFtr; break; } break; case hdrftr_Header: switch (PageType) { case hdrftr_Default: if (null === this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First = HdrFtr; } if (null === this.Content[0].Header.Even) { this.Content[0].Header.Even = HdrFtr; } this.Content[0].Header.Odd = HdrFtr; break; case hdrftr_Even: this.Content[0].Header.Even = HdrFtr; break; case hdrftr_First: this.Content[0].Header.First = HdrFtr; break; } break; } History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_HdrFtrController_AddItem, Old: Content_old, New: this.Content[0] }); this.LogicDocument.Recalculate(); this.CurHdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(0, 0, this.CurPage); this.CurHdrFtr.Cursor_MoveAt(0, 0, this.CurPage, false, false); return HdrFtr; }, RemoveHeaderOrFooter: function (Type, PageType) { this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.RemoveHeaderOrFooter(Type, PageType); var Content_old = { Header: { First: this.Content[0].Header.First, Even: this.Content[0].Header.Even, Odd: this.Content[0].Header.Odd }, Footer: { First: this.Content[0].Footer.First, Even: this.Content[0].Footer.Even, Odd: this.Content[0].Footer.Odd } }; switch (Type) { case hdrftr_Footer: switch (PageType) { case hdrftr_Default: var HdrFtr = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; if (HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First = null; } if (HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.Even) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even = null; } this.Content[0].Footer.Odd = null; break; case hdrftr_Even: if (this.Content[0].Footer.Odd != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; } break; case hdrftr_First: if (this.Content[0].Footer.Odd != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; } break; } break; case hdrftr_Header: switch (PageType) { case hdrftr_Default: var HdrFtr = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; if (HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First = null; } if (HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.Even) { this.Content[0].Header.Even = null; } this.Content[0].Header.Odd = null; break; case hdrftr_Even: if (this.Content[0].Header.Odd != this.Content[0].Header.Even) { if (this.Content[0].Header.Even === this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; } this.Content[0].Header.Even = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; } break; case hdrftr_First: if (this.Content[0].Header.Odd != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; } break; } break; } History.Add(this, { Type: historyitem_HdrFtrController_AddItem, Old: Content_old, New: this.Content[0] }); this.CurHdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(0, 0, this.CurPage); this.CurHdrFtr.Cursor_MoveAt(0, 0, this.CurPage, false, false); this.LogicDocument.ContentLastChangePos = 0; this.LogicDocument.Recalculate(); }, AddPageNum: function (PageIndex, AlignV, AlignH) { var bFirst = (0 === PageIndex ? true : false); var bEven = (PageIndex % 2 === 1 ? true : false); var Header = null; var Footer = null; if (true === bFirst) { Header = this.Content[0].Header.First; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.First; } else { if (true === bEven) { Header = this.Content[0].Header.Even; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.Even; } else { Header = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; } } switch (AlignV) { case hdrftr_Header: if (null === Header) { Header = this.AddHeaderOrFooter(hdrftr_Header, hdrftr_Default); } Header.AddPageNum(AlignH); break; case hdrftr_Footer: if (null === Footer) { Footer = this.AddHeaderOrFooter(hdrftr_Footer, hdrftr_Default); } Footer.AddPageNum(AlignH); break; } }, Get_CurPage: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute(); } return 0; }, Set_Distance: function (Value, PageHeight) { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { if (this.CurHdrFtr.Type === hdrftr_Header) { this.CurHdrFtr.Set_BoundY2(Value, true); } else { this.CurHdrFtr.Set_BoundY2(PageHeight - Value, true); } } }, Set_Bounds: function (Y0, Y1) { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { if (hdrftr_Header === this.CurHdrFtr.Type) { if (Y_Top_Field != Y1) { this.CurHdrFtr.DocumentRecalc = false; History.Add(this.LogicDocument, { Type: historyitem_Document_Margin, Fields_old: { Left: X_Left_Field, Right: X_Right_Field, Top: Y_Top_Field, Bottom: Y_Bottom_Field }, Fields_new: { Left: X_Left_Field, Right: X_Right_Field, Top: Y1, Bottom: Y_Bottom_Field }, Recalc_Margins: false }); Y_Top_Field = Y1; this.CurHdrFtr.Set_BoundY2(Y0, true); this.LogicDocument.ContentLastChangePos = 0; this.LogicDocument.Recalculate(); this.CurHdrFtr.DocumentRecalc = true; } else { this.CurHdrFtr.Set_BoundY2(Y0, true); } this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(true, this.CurHdrFtr.BoundY2, Math.max(this.CurHdrFtr.BoundY, Y_Top_Field)); } else { var Bounds = this.CurHdrFtr.Get_Bounds(); var BoundY2 = Y0 + (Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top); this.CurHdrFtr.Set_BoundY2(BoundY2, true); Bounds = this.CurHdrFtr.Get_Bounds(); this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr(false, Bounds.Top, Page_Height); } } }, Get_Props: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { var Pr = new Object(); Pr.Type = this.CurHdrFtr.Type; if (hdrftr_Footer === Pr.Type) { Pr.Position = Page_Height - this.CurHdrFtr.BoundY2; } else { Pr.Position = this.CurHdrFtr.BoundY2; } if (this.Content[0].Footer.First != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) { Pr.DifferentFirst = true; } else { Pr.DifferentFirst = false; } if (this.Content[0].Footer.Odd != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) { Pr.DifferentEvenOdd = true; } else { Pr.DifferentEvenOdd = false; } Pr.Locked = this.Lock.Is_Locked(); return Pr; } else { return null; } }, Set_CurHdrFtr_ById: function (Id) { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First && Id === this.Content[0].Header.First.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Header.First; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && Id === this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even && Id === this.Content[0].Header.Even.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Header.Even; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.First.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Footer.First; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Get_Id()) { this.CurHdrFtr = this.Content[0].Footer.Even; this.CurHdrFtr.Content.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); return true; } } } } } } return false; }, RecalculateCurPos: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.RecalculateCurPos(); } }, Recalculate: function () { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First.Recalculate(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.Odd !== this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Recalculate(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even && this.Content[0].Header.Even !== this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.Even != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.Even.Recalculate(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First.Recalculate(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.Odd !== this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Recalculate(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even && this.Content[0].Footer.Even !== this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.Even != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Recalculate(); } }, Reset_RecalculateCache: function () { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.Odd !== this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even && this.Content[0].Header.Even !== this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.Even != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.Even.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.Odd !== this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even && this.Content[0].Footer.Even !== this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.Even != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Reset_RecalculateCache(); } }, Draw: function (nPageIndex, pGraphics) { var bHeader = true; var bFirst = (0 === nPageIndex ? true : false); var bEven = (nPageIndex % 2 === 1 ? true : false); var Ptr = null; if (true === bHeader) { Ptr = this.Content[0].Header; } else { Ptr = this.Content[0].Footer; } if (true === bFirst) { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) { this.Content[0].Header.First.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) { this.Content[0].Footer.First.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } } else { if (true === bEven) { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even) { this.Content[0].Header.Even.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) { this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } } else { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) { this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) { this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Draw(nPageIndex, pGraphics); } } } }, CheckRange: function (X0, Y0, X1, Y1, _Y0, _Y1, X_lf, X_rf, PageIndex) { var bFirst = (0 === PageIndex ? true : false); var bEven = (PageIndex % 2 === 1 ? true : false); var Header = null; var Footer = null; if (true === bFirst) { Header = this.Content[0].Header.First; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.First; } else { if (true === bEven) { Header = this.Content[0].Header.Even; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.Even; } else { Header = this.Content[0].Header.Odd; Footer = this.Content[0].Footer.Odd; } } var HeaderRange = []; var FooterRange = []; if (null != Header) { HeaderRange = Header.CheckRange(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, _Y0, _Y1, X_lf, X_rf); } if (null != Footer) { FooterRange = Footer.CheckRange(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, _Y0, _Y1, X_lf, X_rf); } return HeaderRange.concat(FooterRange); }, Get_HeaderBottomPos: function (PageIndex) { var HdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(0, 0, PageIndex); if (null != HdrFtr && hdrftr_Header === HdrFtr.Type) { return HdrFtr.Get_Bounds().Bottom; } return -1; }, Get_FooterTopPos: function (PageIndex) { var HdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(0, Page_Height, PageIndex); if (null != HdrFtr && hdrftr_Footer === HdrFtr.Type) { return HdrFtr.Get_Bounds().Top; } return -1; }, UpdateMargins: function (Index, bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory) { var SectHdrFtr = this.Content[Index]; var Headers = SectHdrFtr.Header; var Footers = SectHdrFtr.Footer; if (Headers.First != Headers.Odd && Headers.First != Headers.Even && null != Headers.First) { Headers.First.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } if (Headers.Even != Headers.Odd && null != Headers.Even) { Headers.Even.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } if (null != Headers.Odd) { Headers.Odd.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } if (Footers.First != Footers.Odd && Footers.First != Footers.Even && null != Footers.First) { Footers.First.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } if (Footers.Even != Footers.Odd && null != Footers.Even) { Footers.Even.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } if (null != Footers.Odd) { Footers.Odd.UpdateMargins(bNoRecalc, bNoSaveHistory); } }, Update_CursorType: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { if (true === this.Lock.Is_Locked()) { var PageLimits = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageContentStartPos(PageNum_Abs); var MMData_header = new CMouseMoveData(); var Coords = this.DrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR(PageLimits.X, PageLimits.Y, PageNum_Abs); MMData_header.X_abs = Coords.X; MMData_header.Y_abs = Coords.Y + 2; MMData_header.Type = c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.LockedObject; MMData_header.UserId = this.Lock.Get_UserId(); MMData_header.HaveChanges = this.Lock.Have_Changes(); MMData_header.LockedObjectType = c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.Header; editor.sync_MouseMoveCallback(MMData_header); var MMData_footer = new CMouseMoveData(); Coords = this.DrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR(PageLimits.X, PageLimits.YLimit, PageNum_Abs); MMData_footer.X_abs = Coords.X; MMData_footer.Y_abs = Coords.Y - 2; MMData_footer.Type = c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.LockedObject; MMData_footer.UserId = this.Lock.Get_UserId(); MMData_footer.HaveChanges = this.Lock.Have_Changes(); MMData_footer.LockedObjectType = c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.Footer; editor.sync_MouseMoveCallback(MMData_footer); } if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { if (true === this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects.pointInSelectedObject(X, Y, PageNum_Abs)) { var NewPos = this.DrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToAnotherPage(X, Y, PageNum_Abs, this.CurPage); var _X = NewPos.X; var _Y = NewPos.Y; return this.CurHdrFtr.Update_CursorType(_X, _Y, this.CurPage); } else { return this.CurHdrFtr.Update_CursorType(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); } } }, Is_TableBorder: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { var HdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); if (null != HdrFtr) { return HdrFtr.Is_TableBorder(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); } return null; }, Is_InText: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { var HdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); if (null != HdrFtr) { return HdrFtr.Is_InText(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); } return null; }, Is_InDrawing: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) { var HdrFtr = this.Internal_GetContentByXY(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); if (null != HdrFtr) { return HdrFtr.Is_InDrawing(X, Y, PageNum_Abs); } return null; }, Document_UpdateInterfaceState: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { this.CurHdrFtr.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } }, Document_UpdateRulersState: function (CurPage) { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { this.CurHdrFtr.Document_UpdateRulersState(CurPage); } }, Document_UpdateSelectionState: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { this.CurHdrFtr.Document_UpdateSelectionState(); } }, Is_SelectionUse: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.Is_SelectionUse(); } return false; }, Is_TextSelectionUse: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.Is_TextSelectionUse(); } return false; }, Is_UseInDocument: function (Id) { if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First && Id === this.Content[0].Header.First.Get_Id()) { return true; } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even && Id === this.Content[0].Header.Even.Get_Id()) { return true; } if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && Id === this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Get_Id()) { return true; } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.First.Get_Id()) { return true; } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Get_Id()) { return true; } if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && Id === this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Get_Id()) { return true; } return false; }, Check_Page: function (HdrFtr, PageIndex) { var bHeader = (HdrFtr.Type === hdrftr_Header ? true : false); var bFirst = (0 === PageIndex ? true : false); var bEven = (PageIndex % 2 === 1 ? true : false); if (true === bFirst) { if ((true === bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.First) || (true != bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.First)) { return true; } } else { if (true === bEven) { if ((true === bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.Even) || (true != bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.Even)) { return true; } } else { if ((true === bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.Odd) || (true != bHeader && HdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.Odd)) { return true; } } } return false; }, Get_CurPosXY: function () { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.Get_CurPosXY(); } return { X: 0, Y: 0 }; }, Get_SelectedText: function (bClearText) { if (null != this.CurHdrFtr) { return this.CurHdrFtr.Get_SelectedText(bClearText); } return null; 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