/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ var historyitem_Unknown = 0; var historyitem_Document_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_Document_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_Document_Margin = 3; var historyitem_Document_PageSize = 4; var historyitem_Document_Orientation = 5; var historyitem_Document_DefaultTab = 6; var historyitem_Paragraph_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_Paragraph_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_Paragraph_Numbering = 3; var historyitem_Paragraph_Align = 4; var historyitem_Paragraph_Ind_First = 5; var historyitem_Paragraph_Ind_Right = 6; var historyitem_Paragraph_Ind_Left = 7; var historyitem_Paragraph_ContextualSpacing = 8; var historyitem_Paragraph_KeepLines = 9; var historyitem_Paragraph_KeepNext = 10; var historyitem_Paragraph_PageBreakBefore = 11; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_Line = 12; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_LineRule = 13; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_Before = 14; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_After = 15; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_AfterAutoSpacing = 16; var historyitem_Paragraph_Spacing_BeforeAutoSpacing = 17; var historyitem_Paragraph_Shd_Value = 18; var historyitem_Paragraph_Shd_Color = 19; var historyitem_Paragraph_WidowControl = 20; var historyitem_Paragraph_Tabs = 21; var historyitem_Paragraph_PStyle = 22; var historyitem_Paragraph_DocNext = 23; var historyitem_Paragraph_DocPrev = 24; var historyitem_Paragraph_Parent = 25; var historyitem_Paragraph_Borders_Between = 26; var historyitem_Paragraph_Borders_Bottom = 27; var historyitem_Paragraph_Borders_Left = 28; var historyitem_Paragraph_Borders_Right = 29; var historyitem_Paragraph_Borders_Top = 30; var historyitem_Paragraph_Pr = 31; var historyitem_Paragraph_PresentationPr_Bullet = 32; var historyitem_Paragraph_PresentationPr_Level = 33; var historyitem_Paragraph_FramePr = 34; var historyitem_Paragraph_Shd = 35; var historyitem_TextPr_Change = 1; var historyitem_TextPr_Bold = 2; var historyitem_TextPr_Italic = 3; var historyitem_TextPr_Strikeout = 4; var historyitem_TextPr_Underline = 5; var historyitem_TextPr_FontFamily = 6; var historyitem_TextPr_FontSize = 7; var historyitem_TextPr_Color = 8; var historyitem_TextPr_VertAlign = 9; var historyitem_TextPr_HighLight = 10; var historyitem_TextPr_RStyle = 11; var historyitem_TextPr_Spacing = 12; var historyitem_TextPr_DStrikeout = 13; var historyitem_TextPr_Caps = 14; var historyitem_TextPr_SmallCaps = 15; var historyitem_TextPr_Position = 16; var historyitem_TextPr_Value = 17; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts = 18; var historyitem_TextPr_Lang = 19; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts_Ascii = 20; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts_HAnsi = 21; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts_CS = 22; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts_EastAsia = 23; var historyitem_TextPr_RFonts_Hint = 24; var historyitem_TextPr_Lang_Bidi = 25; var historyitem_TextPr_Lang_EastAsia = 26; var historyitem_TextPr_Lang_Val = 27; var historyitem_Drawing_Size = 1; var historyitem_Drawing_Url = 2; var historyitem_Drawing_DrawingType = 3; var historyitem_Drawing_WrappingType = 4; var historyitem_Drawing_Distance = 5; var historyitem_Drawing_AllowOverlap = 6; var historyitem_Drawing_PositionH = 7; var historyitem_Drawing_PositionV = 8; var historyitem_Drawing_AbsoluteTransform = 9; var historyitem_Drawing_BehindDoc = 10; var historyitem_Drawing_SetZIndex = 11; var historyitem_Drawing_SetGraphicObject = 12; var historyitem_CalculateAfterPaste = 13; var historyitem_SetSimplePos = 14; var historyitem_SetExtent = 15; var historyitem_SetWrapPolygon = 16; var historyitem_DrawingObjects_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_DrawingObjects_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_FlowObjects_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_FlowObjects_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_FlowImage_Position = 1; var historyitem_FlowImage_Size = 2; var historyitem_FlowImage_Paddings = 3; var historyitem_FlowImage_PageNum = 4; var historyitem_FlowImage_Url = 5; var historyitem_FlowImage_Parent = 6; var historyitem_Table_DocNext = 1; var historyitem_Table_DocPrev = 2; var historyitem_Table_Parent = 3; var historyitem_Table_TableW = 4; var historyitem_Table_TableCellMar = 5; var historyitem_Table_TableAlign = 6; var historyitem_Table_TableInd = 7; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left = 8; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top = 9; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right = 10; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom = 11; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH = 12; var historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV = 13; var historyitem_Table_TableShd = 14; var historyitem_Table_Inline = 15; var historyitem_Table_AddRow = 16; var historyitem_Table_RemoveRow = 17; var historyitem_Table_TableGrid = 18; var historyitem_Table_TableLook = 19; var historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize = 20; var historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize = 21; var historyitem_Table_TableStyle = 22; var historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap = 23; var historyitem_Table_PositionH = 24; var historyitem_Table_PositionV = 25; var historyitem_Table_Distance = 26; var historyitem_Table_Pr = 27; var historyitem_Table_TableLayout = 28; var historyitem_TableRow_Before = 1; var historyitem_TableRow_After = 2; var historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing = 3; var historyitem_TableRow_Height = 4; var historyitem_TableRow_AddCell = 5; var historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell = 6; var historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader = 7; var historyitem_TableRow_Pr = 8; var historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan = 1; var historyitem_TableCell_Margins = 2; var historyitem_TableCell_Shd = 3; var historyitem_TableCell_VMerge = 4; var historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left = 5; var historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right = 6; var historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top = 7; var historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom = 8; var historyitem_TableCell_VAlign = 9; var historyitem_TableCell_W = 10; var historyitem_TableCell_Pr = 11; var historyitem_DocumentContent_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_DocumentContent_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_FlowTable_Position = 1; var historyitem_FlowTable_Paddings = 2; var historyitem_FlowTable_PageNum = 3; var historyitem_FlowTable_Parent = 4; var historyitem_HdrFtrController_AddItem = 1; var historyitem_HdrFtrController_RemoveItem = 2; var historyitem_HdrFtr_BoundY2 = 1; var historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange = 1; var historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange = 2; var historyitem_TableId_Add = 1; var historyitem_TableId_Reset = 2; var historyitem_Comments_Add = 1; var historyitem_Comments_Remove = 2; var historyitem_Comment_Change = 1; var historyitem_Comment_TypeInfo = 2; var historyitem_Hyperlink_Value = 1; var historyitem_Hyperlink_ToolTip = 2; var historyitem_AddNewGraphicObject = 0; var historyitem_RemoveGraphicObject = 1; var historyitem_SetGuideValue = 0; var historyitem_SetAdjustmentValue = 1; var historyitem_SetAbsoluteTransform = 0; var historyitem_SetXfrmShape = 1; var historyitem_SetRotate = 2; var historyitem_SetSizes = 3; var historyitem_SetSizesInGroup = 4; var historyitem_SetAdjValue = 5; var historyitem_SetMainGroup = 7; var historyitem_SetGroup = 8; var historyitem_InitShape = 9; var historyitem_AddGraphicObject = 10; var historyitem_AddToSpTree = 11; var historyitem_ChangeDiagram = 12; var historyitem_Init2Shape = 13; var historyitem_ChangeFill = 14; var historyitem_ChangeLine = 15; var historyitem_ChangePresetGeom = 16; var historyitem_CreatePolyine = 17; var historyitem_AddDocContent = 18; var historyitem_SetSizes2 = 19; var historyitem_RemoveFromSpTree = 20; var historyitem_RemoveFromArrGraphicObj = 21; var historyitem_RemoveFromArrGraphicObj2 = 22; var historyitem_MoveShapeInArray = 23; var historyitem_UpadteSpTreeBefore = 24; var historyitem_UpadteSpTreeAfter = 25; var historyitem_ChangeDiagram2 = 26; var historyitem_SwapGrObject = 27; var historyitem_SetSpPr = 28; var historyitem_SetStyle = 29; var historyitem_SetBodyPr = 30; var historyitem_SetTextBoxContent = 31; var historyitem_SetRasterImage2 = 32; var historyitem_CalculateAfterCopyInGroup = 33; var historyitem_SetVerticalShapeAlign = 34; var historyitem_SetParent = 35; var historyitem_SetBlipFill = 36; var historyitem_AutoShapes_AddXAxis = 37; var historyitem_AutoShapes_AddYAxis = 38; var historyitem_AutoShapes_AddTitle = 39; var historyitem_AutoShapes_AddChart = 40; var historyitem_SetShapeBodyPr = 41; var historyitem_AutoShapes_SetChartTitleOverlay = 42; var historyitem_SetCahrtLayout = 43; var historyitem_AutoShapes_SetChartGroup = 44; var historyitem_AutoShapes_SetChartTitleType = 45; var historyitem_SetSetSpPr = 46; var historyitem_AutoShapes_SetChartTitleTxBody = 47; var historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterResize = 48; var historyitem_AutoShapes_SetTextPaddings = 49; var historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateChartUndo = 50; var historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateChartRedo = 51; var historyitem_AutoShapes_UpdateParentWidthHeight = 52; var historyitem_AddHdrFtrGrObjects = 0; var historyitem_ChangeColorScheme = 1; var historyitem_AddHdr = 0; var historyitem_AddFtr = 1; var historyitem_RemoveHdr = 2; var historyitem_RemoveFtr = 3; var historyitem_InternalChanges = 6; var historyitem_GroupRecalculate = 32; var historyitem_AddNewPoint = 0; var historyitem_RemovePoint = 1; var historyitem_MovePoint = 2; var historyitem_UpdateWrapSizes = 3; var historyitem_ChangePolygon = 4; var historyitem_Style_TextPr = 1; var historyitem_Style_ParaPr = 2; var historyitem_Style_TablePr = 3; var historyitem_Style_TableRowPr = 4; var historyitem_Style_TableCellPr = 5; var historyitem_Style_TableBand1Horz = 6; var historyitem_Style_TableBand1Vert = 7; var historyitem_Style_TableBand2Horz = 8; var historyitem_Style_TableBand2Vert = 9; var historyitem_Style_TableFirstCol = 10; var historyitem_Style_TableFirstRow = 11; var historyitem_Style_TableLastCol = 12; var historyitem_Style_TableLastRow = 13; var historyitem_Style_TableTLCell = 14; var historyitem_Style_TableTRCell = 15; var historyitem_Style_TableBLCell = 16; var historyitem_Style_TableBRCell = 17; var historyitem_Style_TableWholeTable = 18; var historyitem_Style_Name = 101; var historyitem_Style_BasedOn = 102; var historyitem_Style_Next = 103; var historyitem_Style_Type = 104; var historyitem_Style_QFormat = 105; var historyitem_Style_UiPriority = 106; var historyitem_Style_Hidden = 107; var historyitem_Style_SemiHidden = 108; var historyitem_Style_UnhideWhenUsed = 109; var historyitem_Styles_Add = 1; var historyitem_Styles_Remove = 2; var historyitem_State_Unknown = 0; var historyitem_State_Document = 1; var historyitem_State_DocumentContent = 2; var historyitem_State_Paragraph = 3; var historyitem_State_Table = 4; var historyrecalctype_Inline = 0; var historyrecalctype_Flow = 1; var historyrecalctype_HdrFtr = 2; var historyitem_type_Unknown = 0; var historyitem_type_TableId = 1; var historyitem_type_Document = 2; var historyitem_type_Paragraph = 3; var historyitem_type_TextPr = 4; var historyitem_type_Drawing = 5; var historyitem_type_DrawingObjects = 6; var historyitem_type_FlowObjects = 7; var historyitem_type_FlowImage = 8; var historyitem_type_Table = 9; var historyitem_type_TableRow = 10; var historyitem_type_TableCell = 11; var historyitem_type_DocumentContent = 12; var historyitem_type_FlowTable = 13; var historyitem_type_HdrFtrController = 14; var historyitem_type_HdrFtr = 15; var historyitem_type_AbstractNum = 16; var historyitem_type_Comment = 17; var historyitem_type_Comments = 18; var historyitem_type_Shape = 19; var historyitem_type_Image = 20; var historyitem_type_GroupShapes = 21; var historyitem_type_Geometry = 22; var historyitem_type_WrapPolygon = 23; var historyitem_type_Chart = 24; var historyitem_type_HdrFtrGrObjects = 25; var historyitem_type_GrObjects = 26; var historyitem_type_Hyperlink = 27; var historyitem_type_ChartGroup = 28; var historyitem_type_Style = 29; var historyitem_type_Styles = 30; var historyitem_type_TextBody = 31; var historyitem_type_ChartTitle = 32; var historyitem_SetCahrtLayout = 1000; var historyitem_SetShape = 0; var historyitem_SetDocContent = 1; var historyitem_SetLstStyle = 2; function CHistory(Document) { this.Index = -1; this.SavedIndex = -1; this.Points = new Array(); this.Document = Document; this.RecalculateData = { Inline: { Pos: -1, PageNum: 0 }, Flow: new Array(), HdrFtr: new Array() }; this.TurnOffHistory = false; this.BinaryWriter = new CMemory(); } CHistory.prototype = { Is_Clear: function () { if (this.Points.length <= 0) { return true; } return false; }, Clear: function () { this.Index = -1; this.SavedIndex = -1; this.Points.length = 0; this.Internal_RecalcData_Clear(); }, Can_Undo: function () { if (this.Index >= 0) { return true; } return false; }, Can_Redo: function () { if (this.Points.length > 0 && this.Index < this.Points.length - 1) { return true; } return false; }, Undo: function () { this.Check_UninonLastPoints(); if (true != this.Can_Undo()) { return null; } if (this.Index === this.Points.length - 1) { this.LastState = this.Document.Get_SelectionState(); } var Point = this.Points[this.Index--]; this.Internal_RecalcData_Clear(); for (var Index = Point.Items.length - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) { var Item = Point.Items[Index]; Item.Class.Undo(Item.Data); Item.Class.Refresh_RecalcData(Item.Data); } this.Document.Set_SelectionState(Point.State); return this.RecalculateData; }, Redo: function () { if (true != this.Can_Redo()) { return null; } var Point = this.Points[++this.Index]; this.Internal_RecalcData_Clear(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Point.Items.length; Index++) { var Item = Point.Items[Index]; Item.Class.Redo(Item.Data); Item.Class.Refresh_RecalcData(Item.Data); } var State = null; if (this.Index === this.Points.length - 1) { State = this.LastState; } else { State = this.Points[this.Index + 1].State; } this.Document.Set_SelectionState(State); return this.RecalculateData; }, Create_NewPoint: function () { this.Clear_Additional(); this.Check_UninonLastPoints(); var State = this.Document.Get_SelectionState(); var Items = new Array(); var Time = new Date().getTime(); this.Points[++this.Index] = { State: State, Items: Items, Time: Time, Additional: {} }; this.Points.length = this.Index + 1; }, Clear_Redo: function () { this.Points.length = this.Index + 1; }, Add: function (Class, Data) { if (true === this.TurnOffHistory) { return; } if (this.Index < 0) { return; } var Binary_Pos = this.BinaryWriter.GetCurPosition(); Class.Save_Changes(Data, this.BinaryWriter); var Binary_Len = this.BinaryWriter.GetCurPosition() - Binary_Pos; var Item = { Class: Class, Data: Data, Binary: { Pos: Binary_Pos, Len: Binary_Len } }; this.Points[this.Index].Items.push(Item); if ((Class instanceof CDocument && (historyitem_Document_AddItem === Data.Type || historyitem_Document_RemoveItem === Data.Type)) || (Class instanceof CDocumentContent && (historyitem_DocumentContent_AddItem === Data.Type || historyitem_DocumentContent_RemoveItem === Data.Type)) || (Class instanceof CTable && (historyitem_Table_AddRow === Data.Type || historyitem_Table_RemoveRow === Data.Type)) || (Class instanceof CTableRow && (historyitem_TableRow_AddCell === Data.Type || historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell === Data.Type)) || (Class instanceof Paragraph && (historyitem_Paragraph_AddItem === Data.Type || historyitem_Paragraph_RemoveItem === Data.Type))) { var bAdd = ((Class instanceof CDocument && historyitem_Document_AddItem === Data.Type) || (Class instanceof CDocumentContent && historyitem_DocumentContent_AddItem === Data.Type) || (Class instanceof CTable && historyitem_Table_AddRow === Data.Type) || (Class instanceof CTableRow && historyitem_TableRow_AddCell === Data.Type) || (Class instanceof Paragraph && historyitem_Paragraph_AddItem === Data.Type)) ? true : false; var Count = 1; if ((Class instanceof Paragraph) || (Class instanceof CDocument && historyitem_Document_RemoveItem === Data.Type) || (Class instanceof CDocumentContent && historyitem_DocumentContent_RemoveItem === Data.Type)) { Count = Data.Items.length; } var ContentChanges = new CContentChangesElement((bAdd == true ? contentchanges_Add : contentchanges_Remove), Data.Pos, Count, Item); Class.Add_ContentChanges(ContentChanges); CollaborativeEditing.Add_NewDC(Class); } }, Internal_RecalcData_Clear: function () { this.RecalculateData = { Inline: { Pos: -1, PageNum: 0 }, Flow: new Array(), HdrFtr: new Array() }; }, RecalcData_Add: function (Data) { if ("undefined" === typeof(Data) || null === Data) { return; } switch (Data.Type) { case historyrecalctype_Flow: var bNew = true; for (var Index = 0; Index < this.RecalculateData.Flow.length; Index++) { if (this.RecalculateData.Flow[Index] === Data.Data) { bNew = false; break; } } if (true === bNew) { this.RecalculateData.Flow.push(Data.Data); } break; case historyrecalctype_HdrFtr: if (null === Data.Data) { break; } var bNew = true; for (var Index = 0; Index < this.RecalculateData.HdrFtr.length; Index++) { if (this.RecalculateData.HdrFtr[Index] === Data.Data) { bNew = false; break; } } if (true === bNew) { this.RecalculateData.HdrFtr.push(Data.Data); } break; case historyrecalctype_Inline: if (Data.Data.Pos < this.RecalculateData.Inline.Pos || this.RecalculateData.Inline.Pos < 0) { this.RecalculateData.Inline.Pos = Data.Data.Pos; this.RecalculateData.Inline.PageNum = Data.Data.PageNum; } break; } }, Check_UninonLastPoints: function () { if (this.Points.length < 2 || this.SavedIndex >= this.Points.length - 2) { return; } var Point1 = this.Points[this.Points.length - 2]; var Point2 = this.Points[this.Points.length - 1]; if (Point1.Items.length > 63) { return; } var PrevItem = null; var Class = null; for (var Index = 0; Index < Point1.Items.length; Index++) { var Item = Point1.Items[Index]; if (null === Class) { Class = Item.Class; } else { if (Class != Item.Class || "undefined" === typeof(Class.Check_HistoryUninon) || false === Class.Check_HistoryUninon(PrevItem.Data, Item.Data)) { return; } } PrevItem = Item; } for (var Index = 0; Index < Point2.Items.length; Index++) { var Item = Point2.Items[Index]; if (Class != Item.Class || "undefined" === typeof(Class.Check_HistoryUninon) || false === Class.Check_HistoryUninon(PrevItem.Data, Item.Data)) { return; } PrevItem = Item; } var NewPoint = { State: Point1.State, Items: Point1.Items.concat(Point2.Items), Time: Point1.Time, Additional: {} }; this.Points.splice(this.Points.length - 2, 2, NewPoint); if (this.Index >= this.Points.length) { this.Index = this.Points.length - 1; } }, TurnOff: function () { this.TurnOffHistory = true; }, TurnOn: function () { this.TurnOffHistory = false; }, Is_On: function () { return (false === this.TurnOffHistory ? true : false); }, Reset_SavedIndex: function () { this.SavedIndex = this.Index; }, Have_Changes: function () { if (this.Index != this.SavedIndex) { return true; } return false; }, Get_RecalcData: function () { if (this.Index >= 0) { var Point = this.Points[this.Index]; this.Internal_RecalcData_Clear(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Point.Items.length; Index++) { var Item = Point.Items[Index]; Item.Class.Refresh_RecalcData(Item.Data); } } return this.RecalculateData; }, Is_SimpleChanges: function () { if (this.Index >= 0 && this.Points[this.Index].Items.length > 0) { var Point = this.Points[this.Index]; var Class = Point.Items[0].Class; var Count = Point.Items.length; for (var Index = 1; Index < Count; Index++) { var Item = Point.Items[Index]; if (Class !== Item.Class) { return null; } } if (Class instanceof Paragraph) { return Class; } } return null; }, Set_Additional_ExtendDocumentToPos: function () { if (this.Index >= 0) { this.Points[this.Index].Additional.ExtendDocumentToPos = true; } }, Is_ExtendDocumentToPos: function () { if (undefined === this.Points[this.Index] || undefined === this.Points[this.Index].Additional || undefined === this.Points[this.Index].Additional.ExtendDocumentToPos) { return false; } return true; }, Clear_Additional: function () { if (this.Index >= 0) { this.Points[this.Index].Additional = new Object(); } if (true === editor.isMarkerFormat) { editor.sync_MarkerFormatCallback(false); } }, Get_EditingTime: function (dTime) { var Count = this.Points.length; var TimeLine = new Array(); for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { var PointTime = this.Points[Index].Time; TimeLine.push({ t0: PointTime - dTime, t1: PointTime }); } Count = TimeLine.length; for (var Index = 1; Index < Count; Index++) { var CurrEl = TimeLine[Index]; var PrevEl = TimeLine[Index - 1]; if (CurrEl.t0 <= PrevEl.t1) { PrevEl.t1 = CurrEl.t1; TimeLine.splice(Index, 1); Index--; Count--; } } Count = TimeLine.length; var OverallTime = 0; for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { OverallTime += TimeLine[Index].t1 - TimeLine[Index].t0; } return OverallTime; } }; var History = null;