/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ #pragma once #include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/SystemUtility/File.h" #include "./BinReaderWriterDefines.h" namespace NSBinPptxRW { static _bstr_t g_bstr_nodeopen = L"<"; static _bstr_t g_bstr_nodeclose = L">"; static _bstr_t g_bstr_nodeopen_slash = L""; static _bstr_t g_bstr_node_space = L" "; static _bstr_t g_bstr_node_equal = L"="; static _bstr_t g_bstr_node_quote = L"\""; static _bstr_t g_bstr_boolean_true = L"true"; static _bstr_t g_bstr_boolean_false = L"false"; static _bstr_t g_bstr_boolean_true2 = L"1"; static _bstr_t g_bstr_boolean_false2 = L"0"; AVSINLINE static double FABS(double dVal) { return (dVal >= 0) ? dVal : -dVal; } AVSINLINE static int round(double dVal) { return (int)(dVal + 0.5); } class CStringWriter { private: wchar_t* m_pData; size_t m_lSize; wchar_t* m_pDataCur; size_t m_lSizeCur; public: CStringWriter() { m_pData = NULL; m_lSize = 0; m_pDataCur = m_pData; m_lSizeCur = m_lSize; } ~CStringWriter() { RELEASEMEM(m_pData); } __forceinline void AddSize(size_t nSize) { if (NULL == m_pData) { m_lSize = max(nSize, 1000); m_pData = (wchar_t*)malloc(m_lSize * sizeof(wchar_t)); m_lSizeCur = 0; m_pDataCur = m_pData; return; } if ((m_lSizeCur + nSize) > m_lSize) { while ((m_lSizeCur + nSize) > m_lSize) { m_lSize *= 2; } wchar_t* pRealloc = (wchar_t*)realloc(m_pData, m_lSize * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (NULL != pRealloc) { m_pData = pRealloc; m_pDataCur = m_pData + m_lSizeCur; } else { wchar_t* pMalloc = (wchar_t*)malloc(m_lSize * sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(pMalloc, m_pData, m_lSizeCur * sizeof(wchar_t)); free(m_pData); m_pData = pMalloc; m_pDataCur = m_pData + m_lSizeCur; } } } public: __forceinline void WriteString(wchar_t* pString, size_t& nLen) { AddSize(nLen); memcpy(m_pDataCur, pString, nLen << 1); m_pDataCur += nLen; m_lSizeCur += nLen; } __forceinline void WriteString(_bstr_t& bsString) { size_t nLen = bsString.length(); WriteString(bsString.GetBSTR(), nLen); } __forceinline void WriteString(const CString& sString) { size_t nLen = (size_t)sString.GetLength(); #ifdef _UNICODE CString* pString = const_cast(&sString); WriteString(pString->GetBuffer(), nLen); pString->ReleaseBuffer(); #else CStringW str = (CStringW)sString; WriteString(str.GetBuffer(), nLen); str.ReleaseBuffer(); #endif } __forceinline void WriteStringXML(const CString& strValue) { CString s = strValue; s.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&")); s.Replace(_T("'"), _T("'")); s.Replace(_T("<"), _T("<")); s.Replace(_T(">"), _T(">")); s.Replace(_T("\""), _T(""")); WriteString(s); } __forceinline size_t GetCurSize() { return m_lSizeCur; } __forceinline void Write(CStringWriter& oWriter) { WriteString(oWriter.m_pData, oWriter.m_lSizeCur); } __forceinline void WriteBefore(CStringWriter& oWriter) { size_t nNewS = oWriter.GetCurSize(); AddSize(nNewS); memmove(m_pData + nNewS, m_pData, m_lSizeCur << 1); memcpy(m_pData, oWriter.m_pData, nNewS << 1); m_pDataCur += nNewS; m_lSizeCur += nNewS; } inline void Clear() { RELEASEMEM(m_pData); m_pData = NULL; m_lSize = 0; m_pDataCur = m_pData; m_lSizeCur = 0; } inline void ClearNoAttack() { m_pDataCur = m_pData; m_lSizeCur = 0; } CString GetData() { CString str(m_pData, (int)m_lSizeCur); return str; } __forceinline void AddCharNoCheck(const WCHAR& wc) { *m_pDataCur++ = wc; ++m_lSizeCur; } __forceinline void AddIntNoCheck(int val) { if (0 == val) { *m_pDataCur++ = (WCHAR)'0'; ++m_lSizeCur; return; } if (val < 0) { val = -val; *m_pDataCur++ = (WCHAR)'-'; ++m_lSizeCur; } int len = 0; int oval = val; while (oval > 0) { oval /= 10; ++len; } oval = 1; while (val > 0) { m_pDataCur[len - oval] = (WCHAR)('0' + (val % 10)); ++oval; val /= 10; } m_pDataCur += len; m_lSizeCur += len; } __forceinline void AddStringNoCheck(const wchar_t* pData, const int& len) { memcpy(m_pDataCur, pData, len << 1); m_pDataCur += len; m_lSizeCur += len; } __forceinline void AddSpaceNoCheck() { *m_pDataCur = WCHAR(' '); ++m_pDataCur; ++m_lSizeCur; } }; class CXmlWriter { public: CStringWriter m_oWriter; public: BYTE m_lDocType; LONG m_lFlag; LONG m_lGroupIndex; LONG m_lObjectId; LONG m_lObjectIdVML; public: BOOL m_bIsUseOffice2007; CString m_strStyleMain; CString m_strAttributesMain; CString m_strNodes; IASCRenderer* m_pOOXToVMLRenderer; bool m_bIsTop; public: CXmlWriter() : m_oWriter() { m_lDocType = XMLWRITER_DOC_TYPE_PPTX; m_lFlag = 0; m_lGroupIndex = 0; m_lObjectId = 0; m_lObjectIdVML = 0; m_bIsUseOffice2007 = FALSE; m_strStyleMain = _T(""); m_strAttributesMain = _T(""); m_strNodes = _T(""); m_pOOXToVMLRenderer = NULL; m_bIsTop = false; } ~CXmlWriter() { RELEASEINTERFACE(m_pOOXToVMLRenderer); } AVSINLINE CString GetXmlString() { return m_oWriter.GetData(); } AVSINLINE void ClearNoAttack() { m_oWriter.ClearNoAttack(); } AVSINLINE int GetSize() { return (int)m_oWriter.GetCurSize(); } AVSINLINE void WriteString(const CString& strValue) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strValue); } AVSINLINE void WriteStringXML(CString strValue) { CString s = strValue; s.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&")); s.Replace(_T("'"), _T("'")); s.Replace(_T("<"), _T("<")); s.Replace(_T(">"), _T(">")); s.Replace(_T("\""), _T(""")); m_oWriter.WriteString(s); } AVSINLINE void WriteDouble(const double& val) { CString str = _T(""); str.Format(_T("%lf"), val); m_oWriter.WriteString(str); } AVSINLINE void WriteLONG(const long& val) { CString str = _T(""); str.Format(_T("%d"), val); m_oWriter.WriteString(str); } AVSINLINE void WriteINT(const int& val) { CString str = _T(""); str.Format(_T("%d"), val); m_oWriter.WriteString(str); } AVSINLINE void WriteDWORD(const DWORD& val) { CString str = _T(""); str.Format(_T("%u"), val); m_oWriter.WriteString(str); } AVSINLINE void WriteDWORD_hex(const DWORD& val) { CString str = _T(""); str.Format(_T("%x"), val); m_oWriter.WriteString(str); } AVSINLINE void WriteBool(const bool& val) { if (val) m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_boolean_true2); else m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_boolean_false2); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeCSS(const CString& strAttributeName, const CString& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.AddSize(15); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(':')); m_oWriter.WriteString(val); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(';')); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeCSS_int(const CString& strAttributeName, const int& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.AddSize(15); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(':')); m_oWriter.AddIntNoCheck(val); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(';')); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeCSS_double1(const CString& strAttributeName, const double& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.AddSize(15); CString s = _T(""); s.Format(_T("%.1lf"), val); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(':')); m_oWriter.WriteString(s); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(';')); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeCSS_int_pt(const CString& strAttributeName, const int& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.AddSize(15); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(':')); m_oWriter.AddIntNoCheck(val); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR('p')); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR('t')); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(';')); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeCSS_double1_pt(const CString& strAttributeName, const double& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.AddSize(20); CString s = _T(""); s.Format(_T("%.1lf"), val); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(':')); m_oWriter.WriteString(s); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR('p')); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR('t')); m_oWriter.AddCharNoCheck(WCHAR(';')); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const CString& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); m_oWriter.WriteString(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute2(const CString& strAttributeName, const CString& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); m_oWriter.WriteStringXML(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const double& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteDouble(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const int& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteINT(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const bool& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteBool(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const LONG& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteLONG(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strAttributeName, const DWORD& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteDWORD(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttributeDWORD_hex(const CString& strAttributeName, const DWORD& val) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_space); m_oWriter.WriteString(strAttributeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_equal); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); WriteDWORD_hex(val); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_node_quote); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeBegin(CString strNodeName, BOOL bAttributed = FALSE) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeopen); m_oWriter.WriteString(strNodeName); if (!bAttributed) m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeEnd(CString strNodeName, BOOL bEmptyNode = FALSE, BOOL bEndNode = TRUE) { if (bEmptyNode) { if (bEndNode) m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose_slash); else m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); } else { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeopen_slash); m_oWriter.WriteString(strNodeName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); } } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const CString& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteString(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const bool& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); if (val) WriteString(_T("1")); else WriteString(_T("0")); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const double& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteDouble(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const LONG& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteLONG(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const int& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteINT(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strNodeName, const DWORD& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteDWORD(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValueDWORD_hex(const CString& strNodeName, const DWORD& val) { WriteNodeBegin(strNodeName); WriteDWORD_hex(val); WriteNodeEnd(strNodeName); } BOOL SaveToFile(CString strFilePath, BOOL bEncodingToUTF8 = TRUE, BOOL bIsClearNoAttack = TRUE) { CString strData = m_oWriter.GetData(); if (!bEncodingToUTF8) { CFile oFile; oFile.CreateFile(strFilePath); oFile.WriteFile((void*)strData.GetBuffer(), strData.GetLength()); oFile.CloseFile(); } else { CDirectory::SaveToFile(strFilePath, strData); int nLength = strData.GetLength(); CStringA saStr; #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, strData.GetBuffer(), nLength + 1, saStr.GetBuffer(nLength*3 + 1), nLength*3, NULL, NULL); saStr.ReleaseBuffer(); #else wchar_t* pWStr = new wchar_t[nLength + 1]; if (!pWStr) return; pWStr[nLength] = 0; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strData, nLength, pWStr, nLength); int nLengthW = (int)wcslen(pWStr); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pWStr, nLengthW + 1, saStr.GetBuffer(nLengthW*3 + 1), nLengthW*3, NULL, NULL); saStr.ReleaseBuffer(); delete[] pWStr; #endif CFile oFile; oFile.CreateFile(strFilePath); CString strHead = _T(""); oFile.WriteStringUTF8(strHead); oFile.WriteFile((void*)saStr.GetBuffer(), saStr.GetLength()); oFile.CloseFile(); } if (bIsClearNoAttack) { m_oWriter.ClearNoAttack(); } return TRUE; } public: AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strName, const nullable_int& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strName, const nullable_double& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strName, const nullable_string& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute2(const CString& strName, const nullable_string& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute2(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strName, const nullable_bool& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute(strName, *value); } template AVSINLINE void WriteAttribute(const CString& strName, const nullable_limit& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteAttribute(strName, (*value).get()); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strName, const nullable_int& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteNodeValue(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strName, const nullable_double& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteNodeValue(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strName, const nullable_string& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteNodeValue(strName, *value); } AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strName, const nullable_bool& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteNodeValue(strName, *value); } template AVSINLINE void WriteNodeValue(const CString& strName, const nullable_limit& value) { if (value.IsInit()) WriteNodeValue(strName, (*value).get); } AVSINLINE void StartNode(const CString& name) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeopen); m_oWriter.WriteString(name); } AVSINLINE void StartAttributes() { } AVSINLINE void EndAttributes() { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); } AVSINLINE void EndNode(const CString& name) { m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeopen_slash); m_oWriter.WriteString(name); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); } template AVSINLINE void WriteArray(const CString& strName, const CAtlArray& arr) { size_t nCount = arr.GetCount(); if (0 != nCount) { StartNode(strName); m_oWriter.WriteString(g_bstr_nodeclose); for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) arr[i].toXmlWriter(this); EndNode(strName); } } template AVSINLINE void WriteArray2(const CAtlArray& arr) { size_t nCount = arr.GetCount(); if (0 != nCount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) arr[i].toXmlWriter(this); } } template AVSINLINE void Write(const nullable& val) { if (val.is_init()) val->toXmlWriter(this); } void ReplaceString(CString str1, CString str2) { CString sCur = m_oWriter.GetData(); sCur.Replace(str1, str2); ClearNoAttack(); WriteString(sCur); } }; }