/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #ifndef _VIDEOFILEERRORDESCRIPTION_H_ #define _VIDEOFILEERRORDESCRIPTION_H_ #include #define AVS_ERROR_FIRST MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0300) #define AVS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0000) #define AVS_ERROR_BUSY (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0001) #define AVS_ERROR_MEMORY (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0002) #define AVS_ERROR_FILEACCESS (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0003) #define AVS_ERROR_FILEFORMAT (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0004) #define AVS_ERROR_VIDEOUNSUPPORTED (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0005) #define AVS_ERROR_AUDIOUNSUPPORTED (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0006) #define AVS_ERROR_INVALIDOPERATION (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0007) #define AVS_ERROR_INVALIDARGUMENT (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0008) #define AVS_ERROR_CONTROLNOTINSTALLED (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0009) #define AVS_ERROR_INDEXOUTOFRANGE (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000A) #define AVS_ERROR_FORMATNOTSUPPORT (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000B) #define AVS_ERROR_FILEFORMATIDENTICAL (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000C) #define AVS_ERROR_FRAMECONVERTING (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000D) #define AVS_ERROR_DATAUNSUPPORTED (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000E) #define AVS_ERROR_FILEOPENCANCEL (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x000E) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_CONTAINER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0101) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_VIDEODESC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0102) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_AUDIODESC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0103) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_AUDIOCODEC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0104) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_VIDEOCODEC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0105) #define AVS_ERROR_QT_DRM (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0106) #define AVS_ERROR_AVI_CONTAINER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0201) #define AVS_ERROR_ACM_AUDIOCODEC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0202) #define AVS_ERROR_ACM_VIDEOCODEC (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0203) #define AVS_ERROR_DVD_CONTENTPROTECT (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0301) #define AVS_ERROR_DVD_REGIONMISMATCH (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0302) #define AVS_ERROR_AUDIOOUTDRIVER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0401) #define AVS_ERROR_AUDIOINPDRIVER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0402) #define AVS_ERROR_AUDIOMIXERDRIVER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0403) #define AVS_ERROR_ASPIDRIVER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0404) #define AVS_ERROR_STREAM (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0405) #define AVS_ERROR_RM_CONTAINER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0501) #define AVS_ERROR_RM_DECODER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0502) #define AVS_ERROR_RM_ENCODER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0503) #define AVS_ERROR_BLURAY_CONTENTPROTECT (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0601) #define AVS_ERROR_BLURAY_REGIONMISMATCH (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0602) #define AVS_ERROR_NOVIDEODATA (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0901) #define AVS_ERROR_NOAUDIODATA (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x0902) #define AVS_REMAKER_ERROR_OPEN_SRC_FILE (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x1001) #define AVS_REMAKER_ERROR_CREATE_DST_FILE (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x1002) #define AVS_REMAKER_ERROR_NO_EQUAL_VIDEO (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x1003) #define AVS_REMAKER_ERROR_CONTAINER (AVS_ERROR_FIRST + 0x1004) const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorUnexpected = L"Unexpected error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorBusy = L"Busy error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorMemory = L"Memory error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorFileAccess= L"File access error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorFileFormat= L"File format error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorVideoUnsupported = L"Video format unsupported."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAudioUnsupported = L"Audio format unsupported."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorDataUnsupported = L"Data format unsupported."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorInvalidOperation = L"Invalid operation."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorInvalidArgument = L"Invalid argument."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorControlNotInstalled = L"Control not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorIndexOutOfRange = L"Index out of range."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorFormatNotSupport = L"Format not support."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAudioOutDriver = L"Output Driver error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAudioInpDriver = L"Input Driver error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAudioMixerDriver = L"Mixer Driver error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAspiDriver = L"Aspi Driver error."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorStream = L"The stream is closed or unavailable."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtContainer = L"QuickTime container not correct."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtVideoDesc = L"QuickTime video description not correct."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtAudioDesc = L"QuickTime audio description not correct."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtAudioCodec = L"QuickTime audio codec not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtVideoCodec = L"QuickTime video codec is not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorQtDrm = L"QuickTime File is protected."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAviContainer = L"AVI container not correct."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAcmAudioCodec = L"ACM audio codec is not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorAcmVideoCodec = L"ACM video codec is not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorRmContainer = L"RM container not correct."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorRmDecoder = L"RM decoder is not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorRmEncoder = L"RM encoder is not installed."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorDVDContentProtect = L"DVD content protected data."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorDVDRegionMismatch = L"DVD region mismatch"; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorBluRayContentProtect = L"BluRay content protected data."; const LPCOLESTR c_pszErrorBluRayRegionMismatch = L"BluRay region mismatch"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorFileFormatIdentical = L"File Format Not Indetical"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorFileOpenCancel = L"File Open is cancelled"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorFrameConverting = L"Frame Not Converting"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorRemakerOpenSrcFile = L"Cannot open source file"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorRemakerCreateDstFile = L"Cannot create destination file"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorRemakerNoEqualVideo = L"Video Format is not equal. Used key frames only"; const LPOLESTR c_pszErrorRemakerConteiner = L"Error file conteiner"; #define NOERROR 0 #define BUSY 1 #define MEMORY 2 #define FILEACCESS 3 #define FILEFORMAT 4 #define VIDEOUNSUPPORTED 5 #define AUDIOUNSUPPORTED 6 #define INVALIDOPERATION 7 #define INVALIDARGUMENT 8 #define CONTROLNOTINSTALLED 9 #define INDEXOUTOFRANGE 10 #define QT_CONTAINER 11 #define QT_VIDEODESC 12 #define QT_AUDIODESC 13 #define QT_AUDIOCODEC 14 #define QT_VIDEOCODEC 15 #define AVI_CONTAINER 16 #define ACM_AUDIOCODEC 17 #define ACM_VIDEOCODEC 18 #define DVD_CONTENTPROTECT 19 #define AUDIOOUTDRIVER 20 #define AUDIOINPDRIVER 21 #define AUDIOMIXERDRIVER 22 #define ASPIDRIVER 23 #define STREAM 24 #define RM_CONTAINER 25 #define RM_DECODER 26 #define RM_ENCODER 27 #define FORMATNOTSUPPORT 28 #define FRAMECONVERTING 29 #define QT_DRM 30 #define DATAUNSUPPORTED 31 #define DVD_REGIONMISMATCH 32 #define BLURAY_REGIONMISMATCH 33 #define BLURAY_CONTENTPROTECT 34 #define UNEXPECTED 40 #define FILEFORMATIDENTICAL 50 #define FILEOPENCANCEL 60 #define REMAKER_ERROR_OPEN_SRC_FILE 0x73 #define REMAKER_ERROR_CREATE_DST_FILE 0x74 #define REMAKER_ERROR_NO_EQUAL_VIDEO 0x75 #define REMAKER_ERROR_CONTAINER 0x77 #endif // #ifndef _VIDEOFILEERRORDESCRIPTION_H_ // For Borland compiler