* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
function CParagraphSearchElement(StartPos, EndPos, Type) {
this.StartPos = StartPos;
this.EndPos = EndPos;
this.Type = Type;
this.ResultStr = "";
function CDocumentSearch() {
this.Text = "";
this.MatchCase = false;
this.Id = 0;
this.Count = 0;
this.Elements = new Array();
this.CurId = -1;
this.Direction = true;
this.ClearOnRecalc = true;
this.Selection = false;
CDocumentSearch.prototype = {
Set: function (Text, Props) {
this.Text = Text;
this.MatchCase = Props.MatchCase;
Compare: function (Text, Props) {
if (this.Text === Text && this.MatchCase === Props.MatchCase) {
return true;
return false;
Clear: function () {
this.Text = "";
this.MatchCase = false;
for (var Id in this.Elements) {
var Paragraph = this.Elements[Id];
Paragraph.SearchResults = new Object();
this.Id = 0;
this.Count = 0;
this.Elements = new Object();
this.CurId = -1;
this.Direction = true;
Add: function (Paragraph) {
this.Elements[this.Id] = Paragraph;
return this.Id;
Select: function (Id) {
var Paragraph = this.Elements[Id];
if (undefined != Paragraph) {
var SearchElement = Paragraph.SearchResults[Id];
if (undefined != SearchElement) {
Paragraph.Selection.Use = true;
Paragraph.Selection.Start = false;
Paragraph.Selection.StartPos = SearchElement.StartPos;
Paragraph.Selection.EndPos = SearchElement.EndPos;
Paragraph.CurPos.ContentPos = SearchElement.StartPos;
this.CurId = Id;
Reset_Current: function () {
this.CurId = -1;
Replace: function (NewStr, Id) {
var Para = this.Elements[Id];
if (undefined != Para) {
var SearchElement = Para.SearchResults[Id];
if (undefined != SearchElement) {
var StartPos = SearchElement.StartPos;
var EndPos = SearchElement.EndPos;
for (var Pos = EndPos - 1; Pos >= StartPos; Pos--) {
var ItemType = Para.Content[Pos].Type;
if (para_TextPr != ItemType && para_CollaborativeChangesStart != ItemType && para_CollaborativeChangesEnd != ItemType && para_CommentStart != ItemType && para_CommentEnd != ItemType && para_HyperlinkStart != ItemType && para_HyperlinkEnd != ItemType) {
var Len = NewStr.length;
for (var Pos = 0; Pos < Len; Pos++) {
Para.Internal_Content_Add2(StartPos + Pos, new ParaText(NewStr[Pos]));
delete Para.SearchResults[Id];
var ParaCount = 0;
for (var TempId in Para.SearchResults) {
if (ParaCount <= 0) {
delete this.Elements[Id];
Replace_All: function (NewStr) {
var bSelect = true;
for (var Id in this.Elements) {
if (true === bSelect) {
bSelect = false;
this.Replace(NewStr, Id);
Set_Direction: function (bDirection) {
this.Direction = bDirection;
CDocument.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props) {
var StartTime = new Date().getTime();
if (true === this.SearchEngine.Compare(Str, Props)) {
return this.SearchEngine;
this.SearchEngine.Set(Str, Props);
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.Content[Index].Search(Str, Props, this.SearchEngine, search_Common);
this.HdrFtr.Search(Str, Props, this.SearchEngine);
return this.SearchEngine;
CDocument.prototype.Search_Select = function (Id) {
CDocument.prototype.Search_Replace = function (NewStr, bAll, Id) {
var bResult = false;
var CheckParagraphs = [];
if (true === bAll) {
for (var Id in this.SearchEngine.Elements) {
} else {
if (undefined !== this.SearchEngine.Elements[Id]) {
var AllCount = this.SearchEngine.Count;
if (false === this.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_None, {
Type: changestype_2_ElementsArray_and_Type,
Elements: CheckParagraphs,
CheckType: changestype_Paragraph_Content
})) {
if (true === bAll) {
} else {
this.SearchEngine.Replace(NewStr, Id);
this.SearchEngine.ClearOnRecalc = false;
this.SearchEngine.ClearOnRecalc = true;
bResult = true;
if (true === bAll) {
editor.sync_ReplaceAllCallback(AllCount, AllCount);
} else {
if (true === bAll) {
editor.sync_ReplaceAllCallback(0, AllCount);
return bResult;
CDocument.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext) {
if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type) {
var ParaDrawing = this.DrawingObjects.getMajorParaDrawing();
var Id = ParaDrawing.Search_GetId(bNext, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
ParaDrawing.GoTo_Text(true === bNext ? false : true);
if (docpostype_Content === this.CurPos.Type) {
var Id = null;
var Pos = this.CurPos.ContentPos;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && selectionflag_Common === this.Selection.Flag) {
Pos = (true === bNext ? Math.max(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos) : Math.min(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos));
var StartPos = Pos;
if (true === bNext) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
var Count = this.Content.length;
while (Pos < Count) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
Pos = 0;
while (Pos <= StartPos) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
return null;
} else {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
while (Pos >= 0) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
Pos = this.Content.length - 1;
while (Pos >= StartPos) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
return null;
} else {
if (docpostype_HdrFtr === this.CurPos.Type) {
return this.HdrFtr.Search_GetId(bNext);
return null;
CDocument.prototype.Search_Set_Selection = function (bSelection) {
var OldValue = this.SearchEngine.Selection;
if (OldValue === bSelection) {
this.SearchEngine.Selection = bSelection;
CDocument.prototype.Search_Get_Selection = function () {
return this.SearchEngine.Selection;
CDocumentContent.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.Content[Index].Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type);
CDocumentContent.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext, bCurrent) {
var Id = null;
if (true === bCurrent) {
if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type) {
var ParaDrawing = this.DrawingObjects.getMajorParaDrawing();
Id = ParaDrawing.Search_GetId(bNext, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
ParaDrawing.GoTo_Text(true === bNext ? false : true);
var Pos = this.CurPos.ContentPos;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && selectionflag_Common === this.Selection.Flag) {
Pos = (true === bNext ? Math.max(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos) : Math.min(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos));
if (true === bNext) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
var Count = this.Content.length;
while (Pos < Count) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
while (Pos >= 0) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
var Count = this.Content.length;
if (true === bNext) {
var Pos = 0;
while (Pos < Count) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
var Pos = Count - 1;
while (Pos >= 0) {
Id = this.Content[Pos].Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
return null;
CHeaderFooter.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type) {
this.Content.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type);
CHeaderFooter.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext, bCurrent) {
return this.Content.Search_GetId(bNext, bCurrent);
CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props, SearchEngine) {
var bHdr_first = false;
var bHdr_even = false;
if (this.Content[0].Header.First != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
bHdr_first = true;
if (this.Content[0].Header.Even != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
bHdr_even = true;
if (true === bHdr_even && true === bHdr_first) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) {
this.Content[0].Header.First.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_First);
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even) {
this.Content[0].Header.Even.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_Even);
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First);
} else {
if (true === bHdr_even) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Even) {
this.Content[0].Header.Even.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_Even);
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_Odd);
} else {
if (true === bHdr_first) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) {
this.Content[0].Header.First.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_First);
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_All_no_First);
} else {
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Header.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Header | search_HdrFtr_All);
var bFtr_first = false;
var bFtr_even = false;
if (this.Content[0].Footer.First != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
bFtr_first = true;
if (this.Content[0].Footer.Even != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
bFtr_even = true;
if (true === bFtr_even && true === bFtr_first) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) {
this.Content[0].Footer.First.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_First);
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_Even);
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First);
} else {
if (true === bFtr_even) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Even.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_Even);
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_Odd);
} else {
if (true === bFtr_first) {
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) {
this.Content[0].Footer.First.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_First);
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_All_no_First);
} else {
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
this.Content[0].Footer.Odd.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, search_Footer | search_HdrFtr_All);
CHeaderFooterController.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext) {
var HdrFtrs = new Array();
var CurPos = -1;
if (null != this.Content[0].Header.First) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.First) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
if (null != this.Content[0].Footer.First) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.First) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
if (null === Id && null != this.Content[0].Header.Even && this.Content[0].Header.First != this.Content[0].Header.Even) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.Even) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
if (null === Id && null != this.Content[0].Footer.Even && this.Content[0].Footer.First != this.Content[0].Footer.Even) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.Even) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
if (null === Id && null != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.First != this.Content[0].Header.Odd && this.Content[0].Header.First != this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Header.Odd) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
if (null === Id && null != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.First != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd && this.Content[0].Footer.First != this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
if (this.CurHdrFtr === this.Content[0].Footer.Odd) {
CurPos = HdrFtrs.length - 1;
var Count = HdrFtrs.length;
if (-1 != CurPos) {
var Id = this.CurHdrFtr.Search_GetId(bNext, true);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
if (true === bNext) {
for (var Index = CurPos + 1; Index < Count; Index++) {
Id = HdrFtrs[Index].Search_GetId(bNext, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
for (var Index = CurPos - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
Id = HdrFtrs[Index].Search_GetId(bNext, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
return null;
CTable.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Row.Get_Cell(CurCell).Content.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type);
CTable.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext, bCurrent) {
if (true === bCurrent) {
var Id = null;
var CurRow = 0;
var CurCell = 0;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = (true === bNext ? this.Selection.Data[this.Selection.Data.length - 1] : this.Selection.Data[0]);
CurRow = Pos.Row;
CurCell = Pos.CurCell;
} else {
Id = this.CurCell.Content.Search_GetId(bNext, true);
if (Id != null) {
return Id;
CurRow = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
CurCell = this.CurCell.Index;
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
if (true === bNext) {
for (var _CurRow = CurRow; _CurRow < Rows_Count; _CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[_CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var StartCell = (_CurRow === CurRow ? CurCell + 1 : 0);
for (var _CurCell = StartCell; _CurCell < Cells_Count; _CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(_CurCell);
Id = Cell.Content.Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
for (var _CurRow = CurRow; _CurRow >= 0; _CurRow--) {
var Row = this.Content[_CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var StartCell = (_CurRow === CurRow ? CurCell - 1 : Cells_Count - 1);
for (var _CurCell = StartCell; _CurCell >= 0; _CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(_CurCell);
Id = Cell.Content.Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
if (true === bNext) {
for (var _CurRow = 0; _CurRow < Rows_Count; _CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[_CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var _CurCell = 0; _CurCell < Cells_Count; _CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(_CurCell);
Id = Cell.Content.Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
} else {
for (var _CurRow = Rows_Count - 1; _CurRow >= 0; _CurRow--) {
var Row = this.Content[_CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var _CurCell = Cells_Count - 1; _CurCell >= 0; _CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(_CurCell);
Id = Cell.Content.Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != Id) {
return Id;
return Id;
Paragraph.prototype.Search = function (Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type) {
var bMatchCase = Props.MatchCase;
for (var Pos = 0; Pos < this.Content.length; Pos++) {
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if (para_Numbering === Item.Type || para_PresentationNumbering === Item.Type || para_TextPr === Item.Type || para_CommentStart === Item.Type || para_CommentEnd === Item.Type || para_CollaborativeChangesStart === Item.Type || para_CollaborativeChangesEnd === Item.Type || para_HyperlinkStart === Item.Type || para_HyperlinkEnd === Item.Type) {
if (para_Drawing === Item.Type) {
Item.Search(Str, Props, SearchEngine, Type);
if ((" " === Str[0] && para_Space === Item.Type) || (para_Text === Item.Type && ((true != bMatchCase && (Item.Value).toLowerCase() === Str[0].toLowerCase()) || (true === bMatchCase && Item.Value === Str[0])))) {
if (1 === Str.length) {
var Id = SearchEngine.Add(this);
this.SearchResults[Id] = new CParagraphSearchElement(Pos, Pos + 1, Type);
} else {
var bFind = true;
var Pos2 = Pos + 1;
for (var Index = 1; Index < Str.length; Index++) {
var _TempType = this.Content[Pos2].Type;
while (Pos2 < this.Content.length && (para_Numbering === _TempType || para_PresentationNumbering === _TempType || para_TextPr === _TempType || para_CommentStart === _TempType || para_CommentEnd === _TempType || para_CollaborativeChangesStart === _TempType || para_CollaborativeChangesEnd === _TempType || para_HyperlinkStart === _TempType || para_HyperlinkEnd === _TempType)) {
_TempType = this.Content[Pos2].Type;
if ((Pos2 >= this.Content.length) || (" " === Str[Index] && para_Space != this.Content[Pos2].Type) || (" " != Str[Index] && ((para_Text != this.Content[Pos2].Type) || (para_Text === this.Content[Pos2].Type && !((true != bMatchCase && (this.Content[Pos2].Value).toLowerCase() === Str[Index].toLowerCase()) || (true === bMatchCase && this.Content[Pos2].Value === Str[Index])))))) {
bFind = false;
if (true === bFind) {
var Id = SearchEngine.Add(this);
this.SearchResults[Id] = new CParagraphSearchElement(Pos, Pos2, Type);
var MaxShowValue = 100;
for (var FoundId in this.SearchResults) {
var StartPos = this.SearchResults[FoundId].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.SearchResults[FoundId].EndPos;
var ResultStr = new String();
var _Str = "";
for (var Pos = StartPos; Pos < EndPos; Pos++) {
Item = this.Content[Pos];
if (para_Text === Item.Type) {
_Str += Item.Value;
} else {
if (para_Space === Item.Type) {
_Str += " ";
if (_Str.length >= MaxShowValue) {
ResultStr = "";
for (var Index = 0; Index < MaxShowValue - 1; Index++) {
ResultStr += _Str[Index];
ResultStr += "...";
} else {
ResultStr = "" + _Str + "";
var Pos_before = StartPos - 1;
var Pos_after = EndPos;
var LeaveCount = MaxShowValue - _Str.length;
var bAfter = true;
while (LeaveCount > 0 && (Pos_before >= 0 || Pos_after < this.Content.length)) {
var TempPos = (true === bAfter ? Pos_after : Pos_before);
var Flag = 0;
while (((TempPos >= 0 && false === bAfter) || (TempPos < this.Content.length && true === bAfter)) && para_Text != this.Content[TempPos].Type && para_Space != this.Content[TempPos].Type) {
if (true === bAfter) {
if (TempPos >= this.Content.length) {
TempPos = Pos_before;
bAfter = false;
} else {
if (TempPos < 0) {
TempPos = Pos_after;
bAfter = true;
if (Flag >= 2) {
if (Flag >= 2 || !((TempPos >= 0 && false === bAfter) || (TempPos < this.Content.length && true === bAfter))) {
if (true === bAfter) {
ResultStr += (para_Space === this.Content[TempPos].Type ? " " : this.Content[TempPos].Value);
Pos_after = TempPos + 1;
if (Pos_before >= 0) {
bAfter = false;
if (Pos_after >= this.Content.length) {
bAfter = false;
} else {
ResultStr = (para_Space === this.Content[TempPos].Type ? " " : this.Content[TempPos].Value) + ResultStr;
Pos_before = TempPos - 1;
if (Pos_after < this.Content.length) {
bAfter = true;
if (Pos_before < 0) {
bAfter = true;
this.SearchResults[FoundId].ResultStr = ResultStr;
Paragraph.prototype.Search_GetId = function (bNext, bCurrent) {
var Pos = -1;
if (true === bCurrent) {
Pos = this.CurPos.ContentPos;
if (true == this.Selection.Use) {
Pos = (true === bNext ? Math.max(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos) : Math.min(this.Selection.StartPos, this.Selection.EndPos));
} else {
if (true === bNext) {
Pos = -1;
} else {
Pos = this.Content.length - 1;
var NearElementId = null;
var NearElementPos = -1;
if (true === bNext) {
for (var ElemId in this.SearchResults) {
var Element = this.SearchResults[ElemId];
if (Pos <= Element.StartPos && (-1 === NearElementPos || NearElementPos > Element.StartPos)) {
NearElementPos = Element.StartPos;
NearElementId = ElemId;
var StartPos = Math.max(Pos, 0);
var EndPos = Math.min((null === NearElementId ? this.Content.length - 1 : Element.StartPos), this.Content.length - 1);
for (var TempPos = StartPos; TempPos < EndPos; TempPos++) {
var Item = this.Content[TempPos];
if (para_Drawing === Item.Type) {
var TempElementId = Item.Search_GetId(true, false);
if (null != TempElementId) {
return TempElementId;
} else {
for (var ElemId in this.SearchResults) {
var Element = this.SearchResults[ElemId];
if (Pos >= Element.EndPos && (-1 === NearElementPos || NearElementPos < Element.EndPos)) {
NearElementPos = Element.EndPos;
NearElementId = ElemId;
var StartPos = Math.max((null === NearElementId ? 0 : Element.EndPos), 0);
var EndPos = Math.min(Pos, this.Content.length - 1);
for (var TempPos = EndPos - 1; TempPos >= StartPos; TempPos--) {
var Item = this.Content[TempPos];
if (para_Drawing === Item.Type) {
var TempElementId = Item.Search_GetId(false, false);
if (null != TempElementId) {
return TempElementId;
return NearElementId;