using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ASC.Api.DocumentConverter
/// Class service api conversion
public static class ServiceConverter
/// Static constructor
static ServiceConverter()
DocumentConverterUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["files.docservice.url.converter"] ?? "";
DocumentStorageUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""] ?? "";
Int32.TryParse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["files.docservice.timeout"], out ConvertTimeout);
ConvertTimeout = ConvertTimeout > 0 ? ConvertTimeout : 120000;
#region private fields
/// Timeout to request conversion
private static readonly int ConvertTimeout;
/// Url to the service of conversion
private static readonly string DocumentConverterUrl;
/// Url to the service of storage
private static readonly string DocumentStorageUrl;
/// The parameters for the query conversion
private const string ConvertParams = "?url={0}&outputtype={1}&filetype={2}&title={3}&key={4}&vkey={5}";
/// Number of tries request conversion
private const int MaxTry = 3;
#region public method
/// The method is to convert the file to the required format
/// Uri for the document to convert
/// Document extension
/// Extension to which to convert
/// Key for caching on service
/// Perform conversions asynchronously
/// Uri to the converted document
/// The percentage of completion of conversion
/// string convertedDocumentUri;
/// GetConvertedUri("", ".pdf", ".docx", "", false, out convertedDocumentUri);
public static int GetConvertedUri(string documentUri,
string fromExtension,
string toExtension,
string documentRevisionId,
bool isAsync,
out string convertedDocumentUri)
convertedDocumentUri = string.Empty;
var responceFromConvertService =
SendRequestToConvertService(documentUri, fromExtension, toExtension, documentRevisionId, isAsync)
var errorElement = responceFromConvertService.Element("Error");
if (errorElement != null)
var isEndConvert = Convert.ToBoolean(responceFromConvertService.Element("EndConvert").Value);
var percent = Convert.ToInt32(responceFromConvertService.Element("Percent").Value);
if (isEndConvert)
convertedDocumentUri = responceFromConvertService.Element("FileUrl").Value;
percent = 100;
percent = percent >= 100 ? 99 : percent;
return percent;
/// Placing the document in the storage service
/// Stream of document
/// Length of stream
/// Mime type
/// Key for caching on service, whose used in editor
/// Uri to document in the storage
public static string GetExternalUri(
Stream fileStream,
long contentLength,
string contentType,
string documentRevisionId)
var validateKey = GenerateValidateKey(documentRevisionId, false);
var urlDocumentService = DocumentStorageUrl + ConvertParams;
var urlTostorage = String.Format(urlDocumentService,
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlTostorage);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = contentType;
request.ContentLength = contentLength;
const int bufferSize = 2048;
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int readed;
while ((readed = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0)
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, readed);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
if (stream == null) throw new WebException("Could not get an answer");
var xDocumentResponse = XDocument.Load(new XmlTextReader(stream));
string externalUri;
GetResponseUri(xDocumentResponse, out externalUri);
return externalUri;
/// Translation key to a supported form.
/// Expected key
/// Supported key
public static string GenerateRevisionId(string expectedKey)
if (expectedKey.Length > 20) expectedKey = expectedKey.GetHashCode().ToString();
var key = Regex.Replace(expectedKey, "[^0-9-.a-zA-Z_=]", "_");
return key.Substring(0, Math.Min(key.Length, 20));
/// Generate validate key for editor by documentId
/// Key for caching on service, whose used in editor
/// Validation key
/// LFJ7 or ""
public static string GenerateValidateKey(string documentRevisionId)
return GenerateValidateKey(documentRevisionId, true);
#region private method
/// Generate validate key for editor by documentId
/// Key for caching on service, whose used in editor
/// Add host address to the key
/// Validation key
private static string GenerateValidateKey(string documentRevisionId, bool addHostForValidate)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentRevisionId)) return string.Empty;
documentRevisionId = GenerateRevisionId(documentRevisionId);
var keyId = GetKey();
var userCount = 0;
object primaryKey = null;
if (addHostForValidate)
string userIp = null;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
userIp = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIp))
primaryKey = new {expire = DateTime.UtcNow, key = documentRevisionId, key_id = keyId, user_count = userCount, ip = userIp};
if (primaryKey == null)
primaryKey = new {expire = DateTime.UtcNow, key = documentRevisionId, key_id = keyId, user_count = userCount};
return Signature.Create(primaryKey, GetSKey());
private static object GetKey()
return WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["files.docservice.tenantid"] ?? "OnlyOfficeAppsExample";
private static string GetSKey()
return WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["files.docservice.key"] ?? "ONLYOFFICE";
/// Request for conversion to a service
/// Uri for the document to convert
/// Document extension
/// Extension to which to convert
/// Key for caching on service
/// Perform conversions asynchronously
/// Xml document request result of conversion
private static XDocument SendRequestToConvertService(string documentUri, string fromExtension, string toExtension, string documentRevisionId, bool isAsync)
fromExtension = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromExtension) ? Path.GetExtension(documentUri) : fromExtension;
var title = Path.GetFileName(documentUri);
title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : title;
documentRevisionId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentRevisionId)
? documentUri
: documentRevisionId;
documentRevisionId = GenerateRevisionId(documentRevisionId);
var validateKey = GenerateValidateKey(documentRevisionId, false);
var urlDocumentService = DocumentConverterUrl + ConvertParams;
var urlToConverter = String.Format(urlDocumentService,
if (isAsync)
urlToConverter += "&async=true";
var req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(urlToConverter);
req.Timeout = ConvertTimeout;
Stream stream = null;
var countTry = 0;
while (countTry < MaxTry)
stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
catch (WebException ex)
if (ex.Status != WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
throw new HttpException((int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Bad Request", ex);
if (countTry == MaxTry)
throw new WebException("Timeout", WebExceptionStatus.Timeout);
return XDocument.Load(new XmlTextReader(stream));
/// Generate an error code table
/// Error code
private static void ProcessConvertServiceResponceError(int errorCode)
var errorMessage = string.Empty;
const string errorMessageTemplate = "Error occurred in the ConvertService.ashx: {0}";
switch (errorCode)
case -8:
// public const int c_nErrorFileVKey = -8;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error document VKey");
case -7:
// public const int c_nErrorFileRequest = -7;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error document request");
case -6:
// public const int c_nErrorDatabase = -6;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error database");
case -5:
// public const int c_nErrorUnexpectedGuid = -5;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error unexpected guid");
case -4:
// public const int c_nErrorDownloadError = -4;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error download error");
case -3:
// public const int c_nErrorConvertationError = -3;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error convertation error");
case -2:
// public const int c_nErrorConvertationTimeout = -2;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error convertation timeout");
case -1:
// public const int c_nErrorUnknown = -1;
errorMessage = String.Format(errorMessageTemplate, "Error convertation unknown");
case 0:
// public const int c_nErrorNo = 0;
errorMessage = "ErrorCode = " + errorCode;
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
/// Processing document received from the editing service
/// The resulting xml from editing service
/// Uri to the converted document
/// The percentage of completion of conversion
private static int GetResponseUri(XDocument xDocumentResponse, out string responseUri)
var responceFromConvertService = xDocumentResponse.Root;
if (responceFromConvertService == null) throw new WebException("Invalid answer format");
var errorElement = responceFromConvertService.Element("Error");
if (errorElement != null) ProcessConvertServiceResponceError(Convert.ToInt32(errorElement.Value));
var endConvert = responceFromConvertService.Element("EndConvert");
if (endConvert == null) throw new WebException("Invalid answer format");
var isEndConvert = Convert.ToBoolean(endConvert.Value);
var resultPercent = 0;
responseUri = string.Empty;
if (isEndConvert)
var fileUrl = responceFromConvertService.Element("FileUrl");
if (fileUrl == null) throw new WebException("Invalid answer format");
responseUri = fileUrl.Value;
resultPercent = 100;
var percent = responceFromConvertService.Element("Percent");
if (percent != null)
resultPercent = Convert.ToInt32(percent.Value);
resultPercent = resultPercent >= 100 ? 99 : resultPercent;
return resultPercent;
/// Class to encode a string
internal static class Signature
/// Encoding string from object
/// Type of object
/// Object
/// Secret key for encoding
/// Encoding string
public static string Create(T obj, string secret)
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var str = serializer.Serialize(obj);
var payload = GetHashBase64(str + secret) + "?" + str;
return HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload));
/// String in base64 encoding
/// String fo encoding
/// Encoding string
private static string GetHashBase64(string str)
return Convert.ToBase64String(SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)));