/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; var c_oAscZoomType = { Current: 0, FitWidth: 1, FitPage: 2 }; var c_oAscCollaborativeMarksShowType = { All: 0, LastChanges: 1 }; var c_oAscAsyncActionType = { Information: 0, BlockInteraction: 1 }; var c_oAscHAnchor = { Margin: 0, Page: 1, Text: 2, PageInternal: 255 }; var c_oAscXAlign = { Center: 0, Inside: 1, Left: 2, Outside: 3, Right: 4 }; var c_oAscYAlign = { Bottom: 0, Center: 1, Inline: 2, Inside: 3, Outside: 4, Top: 5 }; var c_oAscVAnchor = { Margin: 0, Page: 1, Text: 2 }; var c_oAscAsyncAction = { Open: 0, Save: 1, LoadDocumentFonts: 2, LoadDocumentImages: 3, LoadFont: 4, LoadImage: 5, DownloadAs: 6, Print: 7, UploadImage: 8, LoadTheme: 9, ApplyChanges: 10 }; var c_oAscVertAlignJc = { Top: 0, Center: 1, Bottom: 2 }; var c_oAscFileType = { INNER: 129, PDF: 513, PPTX: 129, PPT: 130, ODP: 131 }; var c_oAscAlignType = { LEFT: 0, CENTER: 1, RIGHT: 2, JUSTIFY: 3, TOP: 4, MIDDLE: 5, BOTTOM: 6 }; var c_oAscWrapStyle = { Inline: 0, Flow: 1 }; var c_oAscError = { Level: { Critical: -1, NoCritical: 0 }, ID: { ServerSaveComplete: 3, ConvertationProgress: 2, DownloadProgress: 1, No: 0, Unknown: -1, ConvertationTimeout: -2, ConvertationError: -3, DownloadError: -4, UnexpectedGuid: -5, Database: -6, FileRequest: -7, FileVKey: -8, UplImageSize: -9, UplImageExt: -10, UplImageFileCount: -11, NoSupportClipdoard: -12, CoAuthoringDisconnect: -18, ConvertationPassword: -19, VKeyEncrypt: -20, KeyExpire: -21, UserCountExceed: -22, SplitCellMaxRows: -23, SplitCellMaxCols: -24, SplitCellRowsDivider: -25, UserDrop: -100 } }; var c_oAscTypeSelectElement = { Paragraph: 0, Table: 1, Image: 2, Header: 3, Hyperlink: 4, SpellCheck: 5, Shape: 6, Slide: 7, Chart: 8 }; var c_oAscContextMenuTypes = { Main: 0, Thumbnails: 1 }; var c_oAscTableBordersType = { LEFT: 0, TOP: 1, RIGHT: 2, BOTTOM: 3, VERTLINE: 4, HORIZONTLINE: 5, INSIDE: 6, OUTSIDE: 7, ALL: 8 }; var c_oAscChartType = { line: "Line", bar: "Bar", hbar: "HBar", area: "Area", pie: "Pie", scatter: "Scatter", stock: "Stock" }; var c_oAscChartSubType = { normal: "normal", stacked: "stacked", stackedPer: "stackedPer" }; var FONT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = (7 * 96 / 25.4) >> 0; var THEME_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 180; var THEME_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 135; var LAYOUT_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 180; var LAYOUT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 135; var c_oAscStyleImage = { Default: 0, Document: 1 }; var c_oAscLineDrawingRule = { Left: 0, Center: 1, Right: 2, Top: 0, Bottom: 2 }; var align_Right = 0; var align_Left = 1; var align_Center = 2; var align_Justify = 3; var vertalign_Baseline = 0; var vertalign_SuperScript = 1; var vertalign_SubScript = 2; var hdrftr_Header = 1; var hdrftr_Footer = 2; var hdrftr_Default = 1; var hdrftr_Even = 2; var hdrftr_First = 3; var c_oAscTableSelectionType = { Cell: 0, Row: 1, Column: 2, Table: 3 }; var linerule_AtLeast = 0; var linerule_Auto = 1; var linerule_Exact = 2; var shd_Clear = 0; var shd_Nil = 1; var c_oAscColor = { COLOR_TYPE_SRGB: 1, COLOR_TYPE_PRST: 2, COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME: 3 }; var c_oAscFill = { FILL_TYPE_BLIP: 1, FILL_TYPE_NOFILL: 2, FILL_TYPE_SOLID: 3, FILL_TYPE_PATT: 4, FILL_TYPE_GRAD: 5 }; var c_oAscFillGradType = { GRAD_LINEAR: 1, GRAD_PATH: 2 }; var c_oAscFillBlipType = { STRETCH: 1, TILE: 2 }; var c_oAscStrokeType = { STROKE_NONE: 0, STROKE_COLOR: 1 }; var c_oAscAlignShapeType = { ALIGN_LEFT: 0, ALIGN_RIGHT: 1, ALIGN_TOP: 2, ALIGN_BOTTOM: 3, ALIGN_CENTER: 4, ALIGN_MIDDLE: 5 }; var c_oAscVerticalTextAlign = { TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM: 0, TEXT_ALIGN_CTR: 1, TEXT_ALIGN_DIST: 2, TEXT_ALIGN_JUST: 3, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP: 4 }; var c_oAscLineJoinType = { Round: 1, Bevel: 2, Miter: 3 }; var c_oAscLineCapType = { Flat: 0, Round: 1, Square: 2 }; var c_oAscTableLayout = { AutoFit: 0, Fixed: 1 }; var c_oAscLineBeginType = { None: 0, Arrow: 1, Diamond: 2, Oval: 3, Stealth: 4, Triangle: 5 }; var c_oAscLineBeginSize = { small_small: 0, small_mid: 1, small_large: 2, mid_small: 3, mid_mid: 4, mid_large: 5, large_small: 6, large_mid: 7, large_large: 8 }; var c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes = { Common: 0, Hyperlink: 1, LockedObject: 2 }; var c_oAscSlideTransitionTypes = { None: 0, Fade: 1, Push: 2, Wipe: 3, Split: 4, UnCover: 5, Cover: 6, Clock: 7, Zoom: 8 }; var c_oAscSlideTransitionParams = { Fade_Smoothly: 0, Fade_Through_Black: 1, Param_Left: 0, Param_Top: 1, Param_Right: 2, Param_Bottom: 3, Param_TopLeft: 4, Param_TopRight: 5, Param_BottomLeft: 6, Param_BottomRight: 7, Split_VerticalIn: 8, Split_VerticalOut: 9, Split_HorizontalIn: 10, Split_HorizontalOut: 11, Clock_Clockwise: 0, Clock_Counterclockwise: 1, Clock_Wedge: 2, Zoom_In: 0, Zoom_Out: 1, Zoom_AndRotate: 2 }; var c_oAscLockTypeElemPresentation = { Object: 1, Slide: 2, Presentation: 3 }; var TABLE_STYLE_WIDTH_PIX = 70; var TABLE_STYLE_HEIGHT_PIX = 50;