/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; var TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 5; var TRACK_RECT_SIZE2 = 4; var TRACK_RECT_SIZE = 8; var TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE = 25; var TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2 = 25; var TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE = 10; var TRACK_WRAPPOINTS_SIZE = 6; var IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W = 21; var bIsUseImageRotateTrack = true; if (bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { window.g_track_rotate_marker = new Image(); window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete = false; window.g_track_rotate_marker.onload = function () { window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete = true; }; window.g_track_rotate_marker.src = ""; window.g_track_rotate_marker2 = new Image(); window.g_track_rotate_marker2.asc_complete = false; window.g_track_rotate_marker2.onload = function () { window.g_track_rotate_marker2.asc_complete = true; }; window.g_track_rotate_marker2.src = ""; TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2 = 18; } function COverlay() { this.m_oControl = null; this.m_oContext = null; this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; this.m_bIsShow = false; this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay = false; this.m_oHtmlPage = null; this.DashLineColor = "#000000"; this.ClearAll = false; this.IsRetina = false; } COverlay.prototype = { Clear: function () { if (null == this.m_oContext) { this.m_oContext = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.getContext("2d"); this.m_oContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.m_oContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.m_oContext.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.m_oContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; } this.SetBaseTransform(); this.m_oContext.beginPath(); if (this.max_x != -65535 && this.max_y != -65535) { if (this.ClearAll === true) { this.m_oContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.width, this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.height); this.ClearAll = false; } else { var _eps = 5; this.m_oContext.clearRect(this.min_x - _eps, this.min_y - _eps, this.max_x - this.min_x + 2 * _eps, this.max_y - this.min_y + 2 * _eps); } } this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; }, GetImageTrackRotationImage: function () { return this.IsRetina ? window.g_track_rotate_marker2 : window.g_track_rotate_marker; }, SetTransform: function (sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty) { this.SetBaseTransform(); this.m_oContext.setTransform(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty); }, SetBaseTransform: function () { if (this.IsRetina) { this.m_oContext.setTransform(2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); } else { this.m_oContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); } }, Show: function () { if (this.m_bIsShow) { return; } this.m_bIsShow = true; this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.style.display = "block"; }, UnShow: function () { if (!this.m_bIsShow) { return; } this.m_bIsShow = false; this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.style.display = "none"; }, VertLine: function (position, bIsSimpleAdd) { if (bIsSimpleAdd !== true) { this.Clear(); if (this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay || true) { if (!editor.WordControl.OnUpdateOverlay()) { editor.WordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); } } } if (this.min_x > position) { this.min_x = position; } if (this.max_x < position) { this.max_x = position; } this.min_y = 0; this.max_y = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.height; this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1; var x = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5; var y = 0; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = this.DashLineColor; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); while (y < this.max_y) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y++; y += 5; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); y = 1; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); while (y < this.max_y) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y++; y += 5; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); this.Show(); }, VertLine2: function (position) { if (this.min_x > position) { this.min_x = position; } if (this.max_x < position) { this.max_x = position; } var _old_global = this.m_oContext.globalAlpha; this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1; this.min_y = 0; this.max_y = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.height; this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1; var x = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5; var y = 0; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = this.DashLineColor; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); var dist = 1; while (y < this.max_y) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y += dist; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y += dist; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); this.m_oContext.beginPath(); this.Show(); this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = _old_global; }, HorLine: function (position, bIsSimpleAdd) { if (bIsSimpleAdd !== true) { this.Clear(); if (this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay || true) { if (!editor.WordControl.OnUpdateOverlay()) { editor.WordControl.EndUpdateOverlay(); } } } this.min_x = 0; this.max_x = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.width; if (this.min_y > position) { this.min_y = position; } if (this.max_y < position) { this.max_y = position; } this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1; var y = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5; var x = 0; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = this.DashLineColor; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); while (x < this.max_x) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x++; x += 5; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); x = 1; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); while (x < this.max_x) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x += 1; this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x++; x += 5; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); this.Show(); }, HorLine2: function (position) { if (this.min_y > position) { this.min_y = position; } if (this.max_y < position) { this.max_y = position; } var _old_global = this.m_oContext.globalAlpha; this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1; this.min_x = 0; this.max_x = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.width; this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1; var y = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5; var x = 0; this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = this.DashLineColor; this.m_oContext.beginPath(); var dist = 1; while (x < this.max_x) { this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x += dist; this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x += dist; } this.m_oContext.stroke(); this.m_oContext.beginPath(); this.Show(); this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = _old_global; }, CheckPoint1: function (x, y) { if (x < this.min_x) { this.min_x = x; } if (y < this.min_y) { this.min_y = y; } }, CheckPoint2: function (x, y) { if (x > this.max_x) { this.max_x = x; } if (y > this.max_y) { this.max_y = y; } }, CheckPoint: function (x, y) { if (x < this.min_x) { this.min_x = x; } if (y < this.min_y) { this.min_y = y; } if (x > this.max_x) { this.max_x = x; } if (y > this.max_y) { this.max_y = y; } }, AddRect2: function (x, y, r) { var _x = x - ((r / 2) >> 0); var _y = y - ((r / 2) >> 0); this.CheckPoint1(_x, _y); this.CheckPoint2(_x + r, _y + r); this.m_oContext.moveTo(_x, _y); this.m_oContext.rect(_x, _y, r, r); }, AddRect3: function (x, y, r, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2) { var _r = r / 2; var x1 = x + _r * (ex2 - ex1); var y1 = y + _r * (ey2 - ey1); var x2 = x + _r * (ex2 + ex1); var y2 = y + _r * (ey2 + ey1); var x3 = x + _r * (-ex2 + ex1); var y3 = y + _r * (-ey2 + ey1); var x4 = x + _r * (-ex2 - ex1); var y4 = y + _r * (-ey2 - ey1); this.CheckPoint(x1, y1); this.CheckPoint(x2, y2); this.CheckPoint(x3, y3); this.CheckPoint(x4, y4); var ctx = this.m_oContext; ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.closePath(); }, AddRect: function (x, y, w, h) { this.CheckPoint1(x, y); this.CheckPoint2(x + w, y + h); this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); this.m_oContext.rect(x, y, w, h); }, CheckRectT: function (x, y, w, h, trans, eps) { var x1 = trans.TransformPointX(x, y); var y1 = trans.TransformPointY(x, y); var x2 = trans.TransformPointX(x + w, y); var y2 = trans.TransformPointY(x + w, y); var x3 = trans.TransformPointX(x + w, y + h); var y3 = trans.TransformPointY(x + w, y + h); var x4 = trans.TransformPointX(x, y + h); var y4 = trans.TransformPointY(x, y + h); this.CheckPoint(x1, y1); this.CheckPoint(x2, y2); this.CheckPoint(x3, y3); this.CheckPoint(x4, y4); if (eps !== undefined) { this.min_x -= eps; this.min_y -= eps; this.max_x += eps; this.max_y += eps; } }, CheckRect: function (x, y, w, h) { this.CheckPoint1(x, y); this.CheckPoint2(x + w, y + h); }, AddEllipse: function (x, y, r) { this.CheckPoint1(x - r, y - r); this.CheckPoint2(x + r, y + r); this.m_oContext.moveTo(x + r, y); this.m_oContext.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); }, AddRoundRect: function (x, y, w, h, r) { if (w < (2 * r) || h < (2 * r)) { return this.AddRect(x, y, w, h); } this.CheckPoint1(x, y); this.CheckPoint2(x + w, y + h); var _ctx = this.m_oContext; _ctx.moveTo(x + r, y); _ctx.lineTo(x + w - r, y); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + r); _ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); _ctx.lineTo(x + r, y + h); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x, y + h - r); _ctx.lineTo(x, y + r); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + r, y); }, AddRoundRectCtx: function (ctx, x, y, w, h, r) { if (w < (2 * r) || h < (2 * r)) { return ctx.rect(x, y, w, h); } var _ctx = this.m_oContext; _ctx.moveTo(x + r, y); _ctx.lineTo(x + w - r, y); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + r); _ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); _ctx.lineTo(x + r, y + h); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x, y + h - r); _ctx.lineTo(x, y + r); _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + r, y); } }; function CBoundsController() { this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; this.Rects = []; } CBoundsController.prototype = { ClearNoAttack: function () { this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; if (0 != this.Rects.length) { this.Rects.splice(0, this.Rects.length); } }, CheckPageRects: function (rects, ctx) { var _bIsUpdate = false; if (rects.length != this.Rects.length) { _bIsUpdate = true; } else { for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { var _1 = this.Rects[i]; var _2 = rects[i]; if (_1.x != _2.x || _1.y != _2.y || _1.w != _2.w || _1.h != _2.h) { _bIsUpdate = true; } } } if (!_bIsUpdate) { return; } this.Clear(ctx); if (0 != this.Rects.length) { this.Rects.splice(0, this.Rects.length); } for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { var _r = rects[i]; this.CheckRect(_r.x, _r.y, _r.w, _r.h); this.Rects.push(_r); } }, Clear: function (ctx) { if (this.max_x != -65535 && this.max_y != -65535) { ctx.fillRect(this.min_x - 5, this.min_y - 5, this.max_x - this.min_x + 10, this.max_y - this.min_y + 10); } this.min_x = 65535; this.min_y = 65535; this.max_x = -65535; this.max_y = -65535; }, CheckPoint1: function (x, y) { if (x < this.min_x) { this.min_x = x; } if (y < this.min_y) { this.min_y = y; } }, CheckPoint2: function (x, y) { if (x > this.max_x) { this.max_x = x; } if (y > this.max_y) { this.max_y = y; } }, CheckPoint: function (x, y) { if (x < this.min_x) { this.min_x = x; } if (y < this.min_y) { this.min_y = y; } if (x > this.max_x) { this.max_x = x; } if (y > this.max_y) { this.max_y = y; } }, CheckRect: function (x, y, w, h) { this.CheckPoint1(x, y); this.CheckPoint2(x + w, y + h); }, fromBounds: function (_bounds) { this.min_x = _bounds.min_x; this.min_y = _bounds.min_y; this.max_x = _bounds.max_x; this.max_y = _bounds.max_y; } }; function CAutoshapeTrack() { this.m_oContext = null; this.m_oOverlay = null; this.Graphics = null; this.MaxEpsLine = 0; this.IsTrack = true; this.PageIndex = -1; this.CurrentPageInfo = null; } CAutoshapeTrack.prototype = { SetFont: function (font) {}, init: function (overlay, x, y, r, b, w_mm, h_mm) { this.m_oOverlay = overlay; this.m_oContext = this.m_oOverlay.m_oContext; this.Graphics = new CGraphics(); var _scale = this.m_oOverlay.IsRetina ? 2 : 1; this.Graphics.init(this.m_oContext, _scale * (r - x), _scale * (b - y), w_mm, h_mm); this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx = _scale * x; this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty = _scale * y; this.Graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false); this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.5; }, SetIntegerGrid: function (b) {}, p_color: function (r, g, b, a) { this.Graphics.p_color(r, g, b, a); }, p_width: function (w) { this.Graphics.p_width(w); var xx1 = 0; var yy1 = 0; var xx2 = 1; var yy2 = 1; var xxx1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(xx1, yy1); var yyy1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(xx1, yy1); var xxx2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(xx2, yy2); var yyy2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(xx2, yy2); var _len2 = ((xxx2 - xxx1) * (xxx2 - xxx1) + (yyy2 - yyy1) * (yyy2 - yyy1)); var koef = Math.sqrt(_len2 / 2); var _EpsLine = (w * koef / 1000) >> 0; _EpsLine += 5; if (_EpsLine > this.MaxEpsLine) { this.MaxEpsLine = _EpsLine; } }, b_color1: function (r, g, b, a) { this.Graphics.b_color1(r, g, b, a); }, _s: function () { this.Graphics._s(); }, _e: function () { this.Graphics._e(); }, _z: function () { this.Graphics._z(); }, _m: function (x, y) { this.Graphics._m(x, y); var _x = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x, _y); }, _l: function (x, y) { this.Graphics._l(x, y); var _x = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x, _y); }, _c: function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { this.Graphics._c(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1, y1); var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1, y1); var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2, y2); var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2, y2); var _x3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x3, y3); var _y3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x3, y3); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); }, _c2: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.Graphics._c2(x1, y1, x2, y2); var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1, y1); var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1, y1); var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2, y2); var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2, y2); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); }, ds: function () { this.Graphics.ds(); }, df: function () { this.Graphics.df(); }, save: function () { this.Graphics.save(); }, restore: function () { this.Graphics.restore(); }, clip: function () { this.Graphics.clip(); }, reset: function () { this.Graphics.reset(); }, transform3: function (m) { this.Graphics.transform3(m); }, transform: function (sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty) { this.Graphics.transform(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty); }, drawImage: function (image, x, y, w, h, alpha, srcRect, nativeImage) { this.Graphics.drawImage(image, x, y, w, h, undefined, srcRect, nativeImage); var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y); var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y); var _x3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, (y + h)); var _y3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, (y + h)); var _x4 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, (y + h)); var _y4 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, (y + h)); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, CorrectOverlayBounds: function () { this.m_oOverlay.SetBaseTransform(); this.m_oOverlay.min_x -= this.MaxEpsLine; this.m_oOverlay.min_y -= this.MaxEpsLine; this.m_oOverlay.max_x += this.MaxEpsLine; this.m_oOverlay.max_y += this.MaxEpsLine; }, SetCurrentPage: function (nPageIndex) { if (nPageIndex == this.PageIndex) { return; } var oPage = this.m_oOverlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(nPageIndex); this.PageIndex = nPageIndex; var drawPage = oPage.drawingPage; this.Graphics = new CGraphics(); var _scale = this.m_oOverlay.IsRetina ? 2 : 1; this.Graphics.init(this.m_oContext, _scale * (drawPage.right - drawPage.left), _scale * (drawPage.bottom - drawPage.top), oPage.width_mm, oPage.height_mm); this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx = _scale * drawPage.left; this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty = _scale * drawPage.top; this.Graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false); this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.5; }, init2: function (overlay) { this.m_oOverlay = overlay; this.m_oContext = this.m_oOverlay.m_oContext; this.PageIndex = -1; }, SetClip: function (r) {}, RemoveClip: function () {}, SavePen: function () { this.Graphics.SavePen(); }, RestorePen: function () { this.Graphics.RestorePen(); }, SaveBrush: function () { this.Graphics.SaveBrush(); }, RestoreBrush: function () { this.Graphics.RestoreBrush(); }, SavePenBrush: function () { this.Graphics.SavePenBrush(); }, RestorePenBrush: function () { this.Graphics.RestorePenBrush(); }, SaveGrState: function () { this.Graphics.SaveGrState(); }, RestoreGrState: function () { this.Graphics.RestoreGrState(); }, StartClipPath: function () { this.Graphics.StartClipPath(); }, EndClipPath: function () { this.Graphics.EndClipPath(); }, DrawTrack: function (type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, isCanRotate, isNoMove) { if (true === isNoMove) { return; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; overlay.Show(); var bIsClever = false; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var r = left + width; var b = top + height; var dx1 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, top)); var dy1 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, top)); var dx2 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, top)); var dy2 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, top)); var dx3 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, b)); var dy3 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, b)); var dx4 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, b)); var dy4 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, b)); var x1 = dx1 >> 0; var y1 = dy1 >> 0; var x2 = dx2 >> 0; var y2 = dy2 >> 0; var x3 = dx3 >> 0; var y3 = dy3 >> 0; var x4 = dx4 >> 0; var y4 = dy4 >> 0; var _eps = 0.001; if (Math.abs(dx1 - dx3) < _eps && Math.abs(dx2 - dx4) < _eps && Math.abs(dy1 - dy2) < _eps && Math.abs(dy3 - dy4) < _eps && x1 < x2 && y1 < y3) { x3 = x1; x4 = x2; y2 = y1; y4 = y3; bIsClever = true; } var nIsCleverWithTransform = bIsClever; var nType = 0; if (!nIsCleverWithTransform && Math.abs(dx1 - dx3) < _eps && Math.abs(dx2 - dx4) < _eps && Math.abs(dy1 - dy2) < _eps && Math.abs(dy3 - dy4) < _eps) { x3 = x1; x4 = x2; y2 = y1; y4 = y3; nIsCleverWithTransform = true; nType = 1; } if (!nIsCleverWithTransform && Math.abs(dx1 - dx2) < _eps && Math.abs(dx3 - dx4) < _eps && Math.abs(dy1 - dy3) < _eps && Math.abs(dy2 - dy4) < _eps) { x2 = x1; x4 = x3; y3 = y1; y4 = y2; nIsCleverWithTransform = true; nType = 2; } var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var bIsEllipceCorner = false; var _style_blue = "#939393"; var _style_green = "#84E036"; var _style_white = "#FFFFFF"; var _len_x = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); var _len_y = Math.sqrt((x1 - x3) * (x1 - x3) + (y1 - y3) * (y1 - y3)); if (_len_x < 1) { _len_x = 1; } if (_len_y < 1) { _len_y = 1; } var bIsRectsTrackX = (_len_x >= 30) ? true : false; var bIsRectsTrackY = (_len_y >= 30) ? true : false; var bIsRectsTrack = (bIsRectsTrackX || bIsRectsTrackY) ? true : false; if (nType == 2) { var _tmp = bIsRectsTrackX; bIsRectsTrackX = bIsRectsTrackY; bIsRectsTrackY = _tmp; } ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath(); var _oldGlobalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; switch (type) { case TYPE_TRACK_SHAPE: case TYPE_TRACK_GROUP: if (bIsClever) { overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; if (!isLine) { ctx.rect(x1 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, x4 - x1, y4 - y1); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0; if (!isLine && isCanRotate) { if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _xI = (xC + 0.5 - _w / 2) >> 0; var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1); overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, _xI, _yI, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1); ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); if (!isLine) { overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); if (!isLine) { overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrack && !isLine) { var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } else { var _x1 = x1; var _y1 = y1; var _x2 = x2; var _y2 = y2; var _x3 = x3; var _y3 = y3; var _x4 = x4; var _y4 = y4; if (nIsCleverWithTransform) { var _x1 = x1; if (x2 < _x1) { _x1 = x2; } if (x3 < _x1) { _x1 = x3; } if (x4 < _x1) { _x1 = x4; } var _x4 = x1; if (x2 > _x4) { _x4 = x2; } if (x3 > _x4) { _x4 = x3; } if (x4 > _x4) { _x4 = x4; } var _y1 = y1; if (y2 < _y1) { _y1 = y2; } if (y3 < _y1) { _y1 = y3; } if (y4 < _y1) { _y1 = y4; } var _y4 = y1; if (y2 > _y4) { _y4 = y2; } if (y3 > _y4) { _y4 = y3; } if (y4 > _y4) { _y4 = y4; } _x2 = _x4; _y2 = _y1; _x3 = _x1; _y3 = _y4; } ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; if (!isLine) { if (nIsCleverWithTransform) { ctx.rect(_x1 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, _x4 - _x1, _y4 - _y1); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } else { ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } } overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1); overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2); overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3); overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4); var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x; var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x; var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y; var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y; var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01; var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01; var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01; var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01; if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2) { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = 1; ey1 = 0; ex2 = 0; ey2 = 1; } else { ex2 = -ey1; ey2 = ex1; } } else { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = ey2; ey1 = -ex2; } } var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2; var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2; ctx.beginPath(); if (!isLine && isCanRotate) { if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2; if (nIsCleverWithTransform) { _xI >>= 0; _yI >>= 0; _w2 >>= 0; _w2 += 1; } var _matrix = matrix.CreateDublicate(); _matrix.tx = 0; _matrix.ty = 0; var _xx = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 1); var _yy = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 1); var _angle = Math.atan2(_xx, -_yy) - Math.PI; var _px = Math.cos(_angle); var _py = Math.sin(_angle); ctx.translate(_xI, _yI); ctx.transform(_px, _py, -_py, _px, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w); overlay.SetBaseTransform(); overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1); ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); } else { ctx.moveTo((xc1 >> 0) + 0.5, (yc1 >> 0) + 0.5); ctx.lineTo(((xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5, ((yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); if (!isLine) { overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); if (!isLine) { overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } } else { if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(_x1, _y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); if (!isLine) { overlay.AddEllipse(_x2, _y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(_x3, _y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } overlay.AddEllipse(_x4, _y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { if (!isLine) { overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x3 + 0.5, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x4 + 0.5, _y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } else { overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } } if (!isLine) { if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { if (bIsRectsTrack) { if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } } } else { var _xC = (((_x1 + _x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; var _yC = (((_y1 + _y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } break; case TYPE_TRACK_TEXT: case TYPE_TRACK_GROUP_PASSIVE: if (bIsClever) { overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, x1, y1, x4, y4, 8, 3, true); ctx.beginPath(); if (isCanRotate) { var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0; if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _xI = (xC + 0.5 - _w / 2) >> 0; var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1); overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, _xI, _yI, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1); ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrack) { var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } else { var _x1 = x1; var _y1 = y1; var _x2 = x2; var _y2 = y2; var _x3 = x3; var _y3 = y3; var _x4 = x4; var _y4 = y4; if (nIsCleverWithTransform) { var _x1 = x1; if (x2 < _x1) { _x1 = x2; } if (x3 < _x1) { _x1 = x3; } if (x4 < _x1) { _x1 = x4; } var _x4 = x1; if (x2 > _x4) { _x4 = x2; } if (x3 > _x4) { _x4 = x3; } if (x4 > _x4) { _x4 = x4; } var _y1 = y1; if (y2 < _y1) { _y1 = y2; } if (y3 < _y1) { _y1 = y3; } if (y4 < _y1) { _y1 = y4; } var _y4 = y1; if (y2 > _y4) { _y4 = y2; } if (y3 > _y4) { _y4 = y3; } if (y4 > _y4) { _y4 = y4; } _x2 = _x4; _y2 = _y1; _x3 = _x1; _y3 = _y4; } overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1); overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2); overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3); overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { this.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, 8, 3, true); } else { this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, _x1, _y1, _x4, _y4, 8, 3, true); } var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x; var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x; var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y; var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y; var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01; var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01; var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01; var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01; if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2) { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = 1; ey1 = 0; ex2 = 0; ey2 = 1; } else { ex2 = -ey1; ey2 = ex1; } } else { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = ey2; ey1 = -ex2; } } var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2; var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2; ctx.beginPath(); if (isCanRotate) { if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2; if (nIsCleverWithTransform) { _xI >>= 0; _yI >>= 0; _w2 >>= 0; _w2 += 1; } var _matrix = matrix.CreateDublicate(); _matrix.tx = 0; _matrix.ty = 0; var _xx = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 1); var _yy = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 1); var _angle = Math.atan2(_xx, -_yy) - Math.PI; var _px = Math.cos(_angle); var _py = Math.sin(_angle); ctx.translate(_xI, _yI); ctx.transform(_px, _py, -_py, _px, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w); overlay.SetBaseTransform(); overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1); ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); } else { ctx.moveTo((xc1 >> 0) + 0.5, (yc1 >> 0) + 0.5); ctx.lineTo(((xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5, ((yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } } else { if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x3 + 0.5, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x4 + 0.5, _y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } if (!nIsCleverWithTransform) { if (bIsRectsTrack) { if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } } } else { if (bIsRectsTrack) { var _xC = (((_x1 + _x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; var _yC = (((_y1 + _y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; if (bIsRectsTrackX) { overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrackY) { overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } } } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } break; case TYPE_TRACK_EMPTY_PH: if (bIsClever) { overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1); ctx.rect(x1 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, x4 - x1 + 1, y4 - y1); ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, x1, y1, x4, y4, 8, 3, true); ctx.beginPath(); var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0; if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _xI = (xC + 0.5 - _w / 2) >> 0; var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1); overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, _xI, _yI, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1); ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } if (bIsRectsTrack && false) { var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5; overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE); } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } else { overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1); overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2); overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3); overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.closePath(); overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1); overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2); overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3); overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_white; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; this.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, 8, 3, true); ctx.beginPath(); var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x; var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x; var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y; var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y; var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01; var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01; var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01; var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01; if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2) { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = 1; ey1 = 0; ex2 = 0; ey2 = 1; } else { ex2 = -ey1; ey2 = ex1; } } else { if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1) { ex1 = ey2; ey1 = -ex2; } } var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2; var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2; ctx.beginPath(); if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack) { ctx.beginPath(); overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE); ctx.fillStyle = _style_green; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } else { var _image_track_rotate = overlay.GetImageTrackRotationImage(); if (_image_track_rotate.asc_complete) { var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE; var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W; var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2; overlay.SetTransform(ex1, ey1, -ey1, ex1, _xI, _yI); ctx.drawImage(_image_track_rotate, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w); overlay.SetBaseTransform(); overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w); } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1); ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = _style_white; if (bIsEllipceCorner) { overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS); } else { overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } if (bIsRectsTrack) { overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2); } ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); } break; default: break; } ctx.globalAlpha = _oldGlobalAlpha; }, DrawTrackSelectShapes: function (x, y, w, h) { var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; overlay.Show(); this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var x1 = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0; var y1 = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0; var x2 = (xDst + dKoefX * (x + w)) >> 0; var y2 = (yDst + dKoefY * (y + h)) >> 0; if (x1 > x2) { var tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp; } if (y1 > y2) { var tmp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tmp; } overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; overlay.SetBaseTransform(); var globalAlphaOld = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(51,102,204,255)"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#9ADBFE"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeRect(x1 - 0.5, y1 - 0.5, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1); ctx.globalAlpha = globalAlphaOld; }, AddRect: function (ctx, x, y, r, b, bIsClever) { if (bIsClever) { ctx.rect(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, r - x + 1, b - y + 1); } else { ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.rect(x, y, r - x + 1, b - y + 1); } }, AddRectDashClever: function (ctx, x, y, r, b, w_dot, w_dist, bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative) { var _support_native_dash = (undefined !== ctx.setLineDash); var _x = x + 0.5; var _y = y + 0.5; var _r = r + 0.5; var _b = b + 0.5; if (_support_native_dash && bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative === true) { ctx.setLineDash([w_dot, w_dist]); ctx.moveTo(x, _y); ctx.lineTo(r - 1, _y); ctx.moveTo(_r, y); ctx.lineTo(_r, b - 1); ctx.moveTo(r + 1, _b); ctx.lineTo(x + 2, _b); ctx.moveTo(_x, b + 1); ctx.lineTo(_x, y + 2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.setLineDash([]); return; } for (var i = x; i < r; i += w_dist) { ctx.moveTo(i, _y); i += w_dot; if (i > (r - 1)) { i = r - 1; } ctx.lineTo(i, _y); } for (var i = y; i < b; i += w_dist) { ctx.moveTo(_r, i); i += w_dot; if (i > (b - 1)) { i = b - 1; } ctx.lineTo(_r, i); } for (var i = r + 1; i > (x + 1); i -= w_dist) { ctx.moveTo(i, _b); i -= w_dot; if (i < (x + 2)) { i = x + 2; } ctx.lineTo(i, _b); } for (var i = b + 1; i > (y + 1); i -= w_dist) { ctx.moveTo(_x, i); i -= w_dot; if (i < (y + 2)) { i = y + 2; } ctx.lineTo(_x, i); } if (bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative) { ctx.stroke(); } }, AddLineDash: function (ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w_dot, w_dist) { var len = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); if (len < 1) { len = 1; } var len_x1 = Math.abs(w_dot * (x2 - x1) / len); var len_y1 = Math.abs(w_dot * (y2 - y1) / len); var len_x2 = Math.abs(w_dist * (x2 - x1) / len); var len_y2 = Math.abs(w_dist * (y2 - y1) / len); if (len_x1 < 0.01 && len_y1 < 0.01) { return; } if (len_x2 < 0.01 && len_y2 < 0.01) { return; } if (x1 <= x2 && y1 <= y2) { for (var i = x1, j = y1; i <= x2 && j <= y2; i += len_x2, j += len_y2) { ctx.moveTo(i, j); i += len_x1; j += len_y1; if (i > x2) { i = x2; } if (j > y2) { j = y2; } ctx.lineTo(i, j); } } else { if (x1 <= x2 && y1 > y2) { for (var i = x1, j = y1; i <= x2 && j >= y2; i += len_x2, j -= len_y2) { ctx.moveTo(i, j); i += len_x1; j -= len_y1; if (i > x2) { i = x2; } if (j < y2) { j = y2; } ctx.lineTo(i, j); } } else { if (x1 > x2 && y1 <= y2) { for (var i = x1, j = y1; i >= x2 && j <= y2; i -= len_x2, j += len_y2) { ctx.moveTo(i, j); i -= len_x1; j += len_y1; if (i < x2) { i = x2; } if (j > y2) { j = y2; } ctx.lineTo(i, j); } } else { for (var i = x1, j = y1; i >= x2 && j >= y2; i -= len_x2, j -= len_y2) { ctx.moveTo(i, j); i -= len_x1; j -= len_y1; if (i < x2) { i = x2; } if (j < y2) { j = y2; } ctx.lineTo(i, j); } } } } }, AddRectDash: function (ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, w_dot, w_dist, bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative) { var _support_native_dash = (undefined !== ctx.setLineDash); if (_support_native_dash && bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative === true) { ctx.setLineDash([w_dot, w_dist]); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.lineTo(x4, y4); ctx.lineTo(x3, y3); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.setLineDash([]); return; } this.AddLineDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w_dot, w_dist); this.AddLineDash(ctx, x2, y2, x4, y4, w_dot, w_dist); this.AddLineDash(ctx, x4, y4, x3, y3, w_dot, w_dist); this.AddLineDash(ctx, x3, y3, x1, y1, w_dot, w_dist); if (bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative) { ctx.stroke(); } }, DrawAdjustment: function (matrix, x, y) { var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var cx = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(x, y))) >> 0; var cy = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(x, y))) >> 0; var _style_blue = "#4D7399"; var _style_yellow = "#FDF54A"; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var dist = TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE / 2; ctx.moveTo(cx - dist, cy); ctx.lineTo(cx, cy - dist); ctx.lineTo(cx + dist, cy); ctx.lineTo(cx, cy + dist); ctx.closePath(); overlay.CheckRect(cx - dist, cy - dist, TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE, TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE); ctx.fillStyle = _style_yellow; ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); }, DrawEditWrapPointsPolygon: function (points, matrix) { var _len = points.length; if (0 == _len) { return; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var _tr_points_x = new Array(_len); var _tr_points_y = new Array(_len); for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { _tr_points_x[i] = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0; _tr_points_y[i] = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0; } ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { if (0 == i) { ctx.moveTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } else { ctx.lineTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } overlay.CheckPoint(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { overlay.AddRect2(_tr_points_x[i] + 0.5, _tr_points_y[i] + 0.5, TRACK_WRAPPOINTS_SIZE); } ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); }, DrawEditWrapPointsTrackLines: function (points, matrix) { var _len = points.length; if (0 == _len) { return; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var _tr_points_x = new Array(_len); var _tr_points_y = new Array(_len); for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { _tr_points_x[i] = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0; _tr_points_y[i] = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0; } var globalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++) { if (0 == i) { ctx.moveTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } else { ctx.lineTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } overlay.CheckPoint(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]); } ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 1; i < _len; i++) { this.AddLineDash(ctx, _tr_points_x[i - 1], _tr_points_y[i - 1], _tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i], 4, 4); } ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.globalAlpha = globalAlpha; }, DrawInlineMoveCursor: function (x, y, h, matrix) { var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var bIsIdentMatr = true; if (matrix !== undefined && matrix != null) { if (matrix.IsIdentity2()) { x += matrix.tx; y += matrix.ty; } else { bIsIdentMatr = false; } } overlay.SetBaseTransform(); if (bIsIdentMatr) { var __x = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0; var __y = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0; var __h = (h * dKoefY) >> 0; overlay.CheckRect(__x, __y, 2, __h); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; for (var i = 0; i < __h; i += 2) { ctx.moveTo(__x, __y + i + 0.5); ctx.lineTo(__x + 2, __y + i + 0.5); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; for (var i = 1; i < __h; i += 2) { ctx.moveTo(__x, __y + i + 0.5); ctx.lineTo(__x + 2, __y + i + 0.5); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha; } else { var _x1 = matrix.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = matrix.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = matrix.TransformPointX(x, y + h); var _y2 = matrix.TransformPointY(x, y + h); _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _x1; _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _y1; _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _x2; _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _y2; overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1); ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; var _vec_len = Math.sqrt((_x2 - _x1) * (_x2 - _x1) + (_y2 - _y1) * (_y2 - _y1)); var _dx = (_x2 - _x1) / _vec_len; var _dy = (_y2 - _y1) / _vec_len; var __x = _x1; var __y = _y1; for (var i = 0; i < _vec_len; i += 2) { ctx.moveTo(__x, __y); __x += _dx; __y += _dy; ctx.lineTo(__x, __y); __x += _dx; __y += _dy; } ctx.stroke(); ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha; } }, drawFlowAnchor: function (x, y) { var _flow_anchor = this.m_oOverlay.IsRetina ? window.g_flow_anchor2 : window.g_flow_anchor; if (!_flow_anchor || !_flow_anchor.asc_complete || (!editor || !editor.ShowParaMarks)) { return; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var __x = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0; var __y = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0; __x -= 8; overlay.CheckRect(__x, __y, 13, 15); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; overlay.SetBaseTransform(); ctx.drawImage(_flow_anchor, __x, __y, 13, 15); ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha; }, DrawPresentationComment: function (type, x, y, w, h) { if (!window.g_comment_image || !window.g_comment_image.asc_complete) { return; } var overlay = this.m_oOverlay; this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex); var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage; var xDst = drPage.left; var yDst = drPage.top; var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left; var hDst = drPage.bottom - drPage.top; var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm; var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm; var __x = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0; var __y = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0; var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; overlay.SetBaseTransform(); var _index = 0; if ((type & 2) == 2) { _index = 2; } if ((type & 1) == 1) { _index += 1; } var _offset = g_comment_image_offsets[_index]; overlay.CheckRect(__x, __y, _offset[2], _offset[3]); this.m_oContext.drawImage(window.g_comment_image, _offset[0], _offset[1], _offset[2], _offset[3], __x, __y, _offset[2], _offset[3]); ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha; } }; function CSlideBoundsChecker() { this.map_bounds_shape = {}; this.map_bounds_shape["heart"] = true; this.IsSlideBoundsCheckerType = true; this.Bounds = new CBoundsController(); this.m_oCurFont = null; this.m_oTextPr = null; this.m_oCoordTransform = new CMatrixL(); this.m_oTransform = new CMatrixL(); this.m_oFullTransform = new CMatrixL(); this.IsNoSupportTextDraw = true; this.LineWidth = null; this.AutoCheckLineWidth = false; } CSlideBoundsChecker.prototype = { DrawLockParagraph: function () {}, GetIntegerGrid: function () { return false; }, drawCollaborativeChanges: function () {}, drawSearchResult: function (x, y, w, h) {}, IsShapeNeedBounds: function (preset) { if (preset === undefined || preset == null) { return true; } return (true === this.map_bounds_shape[preset]) ? false : true; }, init: function (width_px, height_px, width_mm, height_mm) { this.m_lHeightPix = height_px; this.m_lWidthPix = width_px; this.m_dWidthMM = width_mm; this.m_dHeightMM = height_mm; this.m_dDpiX = 25.4 * this.m_lWidthPix / this.m_dWidthMM; this.m_dDpiY = 25.4 * this.m_lHeightPix / this.m_dHeightMM; this.m_oCoordTransform.sx = this.m_dDpiX / 25.4; this.m_oCoordTransform.sy = this.m_dDpiY / 25.4; this.Bounds.ClearNoAttack(); }, SetCurrentPage: function () {}, EndDraw: function () {}, put_GlobalAlpha: function (enable, alpha) {}, Start_GlobalAlpha: function () {}, End_GlobalAlpha: function () {}, p_color: function (r, g, b, a) {}, p_width: function (w) {}, b_color1: function (r, g, b, a) {}, b_color2: function (r, g, b, a) {}, SetIntegerGrid: function () {}, transform: function (sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty) { this.m_oTransform.sx = sx; this.m_oTransform.shx = shx; this.m_oTransform.shy = shy; this.m_oTransform.sy = sy; this.m_oTransform.tx = tx; this.m_oTransform.ty = ty; this.CalculateFullTransform(); }, CalculateFullTransform: function () { this.m_oFullTransform.sx = this.m_oTransform.sx; this.m_oFullTransform.shx = this.m_oTransform.shx; this.m_oFullTransform.shy = this.m_oTransform.shy; this.m_oFullTransform.sy = this.m_oTransform.sy; this.m_oFullTransform.tx = this.m_oTransform.tx; this.m_oFullTransform.ty = this.m_oTransform.ty; global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(this.m_oFullTransform, this.m_oCoordTransform); }, _s: function () {}, _e: function () {}, _z: function () {}, _m: function (x, y) { var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x, _y); }, _l: function (x, y) { var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x, _y); }, _c: function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1, y1); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1, y1); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2, y2); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2, y2); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x3, y3); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x3, y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); }, _c2: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1, y1); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1, y1); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2, y2); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2, y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); }, ds: function () {}, df: function () {}, save: function () {}, restore: function () {}, clip: function () {}, reset: function () { this.m_oTransform.Reset(); this.CalculateFullTransform(); }, transform3: function (m) { this.m_oTransform = m.CreateDublicate(); this.CalculateFullTransform(); }, transform00: function (m) { this.m_oTransform = m.CreateDublicate(); this.m_oTransform.tx = 0; this.m_oTransform.ty = 0; this.CalculateFullTransform(); }, drawImage2: function (img, x, y, w, h) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y + h); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y + h); var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y + h); var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y + h); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, drawImage: function (img, x, y, w, h) { return this.drawImage2(img, x, y, w, h); }, font: function (font_id, font_size) { this.m_oFontManager.LoadFontFromFile(font_id, font_size, this.m_dDpiX, this.m_dDpiY); }, GetFont: function () { return this.m_oCurFont; }, SetFont: function (font) { this.m_oCurFont = font; }, SetTextPr: function (textPr) { this.m_oTextPr = textPr; }, SetFontSlot: function (slot, fontSizeKoef) {}, GetTextPr: function () { return this.m_oTextPr; }, FillText: function (x, y, text) { if (this.m_bIsBreak) { return; } var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1); }, FillTextCode: function (x, y, lUnicode) { if (this.m_bIsBreak) { return; } var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1); }, t: function (text, x, y) { if (this.m_bIsBreak) { return; } var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1); }, FillText2: function (x, y, text, cropX, cropW) { if (this.m_bIsBreak) { return; } var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1); }, t2: function (text, x, y, cropX, cropW) { if (this.m_bIsBreak) { return; } var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1); }, charspace: function (space) {}, DrawHeaderEdit: function (yPos) {}, DrawFooterEdit: function (yPos) {}, DrawEmptyTableLine: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {}, DrawSpellingLine: function (y0, x0, x1, w) {}, drawHorLine: function (align, y, x, r, penW) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y - penW); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y - penW); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y + penW); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y + penW); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(r, y - penW); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(r, y - penW); var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(r, y + penW); var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(r, y + penW); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, drawHorLine2: function (align, y, x, r, penW) { return this.drawHorLine(align, y, x, r, penW); }, drawVerLine: function (align, x, y, b, penW) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x - penW, y); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x - penW, y); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + penW, y); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + penW, y); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x - penW, b); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x - penW, b); var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + penW, b); var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + penW, b); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, drawHorLineExt: function (align, y, x, r, penW, leftMW, rightMW) { this.drawHorLine(align, y, x + leftMW, r + rightMW); }, rect: function (x, y, w, h) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y + h); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y + h); var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y + h); var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y + h); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, rect2: function (x, y, w, h) { var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y); var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y); var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y); var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y); var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x + w, y - h); var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x + w, y - h); var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y - h); var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y - h); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3); this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4); }, TableRect: function (x, y, w, h) { this.rect(x, y, w, h); }, AddClipRect: function (x, y, w, h) {}, RemoveClipRect: function () {}, SetClip: function (r) {}, RemoveClip: function () {}, SavePen: function () {}, RestorePen: function () {}, SaveBrush: function () {}, RestoreBrush: function () {}, SavePenBrush: function () {}, RestorePenBrush: function () {}, SaveGrState: function () {}, RestoreGrState: function () {}, StartClipPath: function () {}, EndClipPath: function () {}, CorrectBounds: function () { if (this.LineWidth != null) { var _correct = this.LineWidth / 2; this.Bounds.min_x -= _correct; this.Bounds.min_y -= _correct; this.Bounds.max_x += _correct; this.Bounds.max_y += _correct; } }, CorrectBounds2: function () { if (this.LineWidth != null) { var _correct = this.LineWidth * this.m_oCoordTransform.sx / 2; this.Bounds.min_x -= _correct; this.Bounds.min_y -= _correct; this.Bounds.max_x += _correct; this.Bounds.max_y += _correct; } }, CheckLineWidth: function (shape) { if (!shape) { return; } var _ln = shape.pen; if (_ln != null && _ln.Fill != null && _ln.Fill.fill != null) { this.LineWidth = (_ln.w == null) ? 12700 : parseInt(_ln.w); this.LineWidth /= 36000; } }, DrawLockObjectRect: function () {}, DrawPresentationComment: function (type, x, y, w, h) { this.rect(x, y, w, h); } };