/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ #pragma once namespace NSOfficePPT { enum SlideSizeType { OnScreen = 0, LetterSizedPaper = 1, A4Paper = 2, Size35mm = 3, Overhead = 4, Banner = 5, Custom = 6 }; enum StyleMask { None = 0, IsBold = 1 << 0, IsItalic = 1 << 1, IsUnderlined = 1 << 2, HasShadow = 1 << 4, HasAsianSmartQuotes = 1 << 5, HasHorizonNumRendering = 1 << 7, IsEmbossed = 1 << 9, ExtensionNibble = 0xF << 10 }; enum CharacterMask { _None = 0, StyleFlagsFieldPresent = 0xFFFF, TypefacePresent = 1 << 16, SizePresent = 1 << 17, ColorPresent = 1 << 18, PositionPresent = 1 << 19, FEOldTypefacePresent = 1 << 21, ANSITypefacePresent = 1 << 22, SymbolTypefacePresent = 1 << 23 }; enum PlaceholderEnum { __None = 0, MasterTitle = 1, MasterBody = 2, MasterCenteredTitle = 3, MasterSubtitle = 4, MasterNotesSlideImage = 5, MasterNotesBody = 6, MasterDate = 7, MasterSlideNumber = 8, MasterFooter = 9, MasterHeader = 10, NotesSlideImage = 11, NotesBody = 12, Title = 13, Body = 14, CenteredTitle = 15, Subtitle = 16, VerticalTextTitle = 17, VerticalTextBody = 18, Object = 19, Graph = 20, Table = 21, ClipArt = 22, OrganizationChart = 23, MediaClip = 24 }; enum ParagraphMask { ___None = 0, HasBullet = 1 << 0, BulletHasFont = 1 << 1, BulletHasColor = 1 << 2, BulletHasSize = 1 << 3, BulletFlagsFieldExists = HasBullet | BulletHasFont | BulletHasColor | BulletHasSize, BulletFont = 1 << 4, BulletColor = 1 << 5, BulletSize = 1 << 6, BulletChar = 1 << 7, LeftMargin = 1 << 8, Indent = 1 << 10, Align = 1 << 11, LineSpacing = 1 << 12, SpaceBefore = 1 << 13, SpaceAfter = 1 << 14, DefaultTabSize = 1 << 15, FontAlign = 1 << 16, CharWrap = 1 << 17, WordWrap = 1 << 18, Overflow = 1 << 19, WrapFlagsFieldExists = CharWrap | WordWrap | Overflow, TabStops = 1 << 20, TextDirection = 1 << 21, BulletBlip = 1 << 23, BulletScheme = 1 << 24, BulletHasScheme = 1 << 25 }; enum Instances { CollectionOfSlides = 0, CollectionOfMasterSlides = 1, CollectionOfNotesSlides = 2 }; enum SlideLayoutType { TitleSlide = 0, TitleAndBody = 1, TitleMaster = 2, MasterNotes = 4, NotesTitleAndBody = 5, Handout = 6, TitleOnly = 7, TwoColumnsAndTitle = 8, TwoRowsAndTitle = 9, TwoColumnsRightTwoRows = 10, TwoColumnsLeftTwoRows = 11, TwoRowsBottomTwoColumns = 12, TwoRowsTopTwoColumns = 13, FourObjects = 14, BigObject = 15, Blank = 16, VerticalTitleRightBodyLeft = 17, VerticalTitleRightBodyLeftTwoRows = 18 }; enum TextType { _Title = 0, _Body = 1, Notes = 2, Outline = 3, Other = 4, CenterBody = 5, CenterTitle = 6, HalfBody = 7, QuarterBody = 8, NoPresent = 0xFF }; enum ActionTable { NoAction = 0, MacroAction = 1, RunProgramAction = 2, JumpAction = 3, HyperlinkAction = 4, OLEAction = 5, MediaAction = 6, CustomShowAction = 7 }; enum JumpTable { NoJump = 0, NextSlide = 1, PreviousSlide = 2, FirstSlide = 3, LastSlide = 4, LastSlideViewed = 5, EndShow = 6, SlideId = 7 }; } namespace NSOfficeDrawing { enum ShapePath { shapeLines, shapeLinesClosed, shapeCurves, shapeCurvesClosed, shapeComplex }; enum WrapMode { wrapSquare, wrapByPoints, wrapNone, wrapTopBottom, wrapThrough }; enum BwMode { bwColor, bwAutomatic, bwGrayScale, bwLightGrayScale, bwInverseGray, bwGrayOutline, bwBlackTextLine, bwHighContrast, bwBlack, bwWhite, bwDontShow, bwNumModes }; enum AnchorMode { anchorTop, anchorMiddle, anchorBottom, anchorTopCentered, anchorMiddleCentered, anchorBottomCentered, anchorTopBaseline, anchorBottomBaseline, anchorTopCenteredBaseline, anchorBottomCenteredBaseline }; enum CdirMode { cdir0, cdir90, cdir180, cdir270 }; enum CxStyle { cxstyleStraight = 0, cxstyleBent, cxstyleCurved, cxstyleNone }; enum CXKMode { cxkNone = 0, cxkSegments = 1, cxkCustom = 2, cxkRect = 3 }; enum TxflMode { txflHorzN, txflTtoBA, txflBtoT, txflTtoBN, txflHorzA, txflVertN }; enum TxDirMode { txdirLTR, txdirRTL, txdirContext }; enum SpcotMode { spcotRightAngle = 1, spcotOneSegment = 2, spcotTwoSegment = 3, spcotThreeSegment = 4 }; enum SpcoaMode { spcoaAny, spcoa30, spcoa45, spcoa60, spcoa90, spcoa0 }; enum SpcodMode { spcodTop, spcodCenter, spcodBottom, spcodSpecified }; enum GeoTextAlign { alignTextStretch, alignTextCenter, alignTextLeft, alignTextRight, alignTextLetterJust, alignTextWordJust, alignTextInvalid }; enum BlipFlags { blipflagDefault = 0, blipflagComment = 0, blipflagFile, blipflagURL, blipflagType = 3, blipflagDontSave = 4, blipflagDoNotSave = 4, blipflagLinkToFile = 8 }; enum e3DRenderMode { FullRender, Wireframe, BoundingCube }; enum XFormType { xformAbsolute, xformShape, xformDrawing }; enum ShadowType { shadowOffset, shadowDouble, shadowRich, shadowShape, shadowDrawing, shadowEmbossOrEngrave }; enum DzType { dztypeMin = 0, dztypeDefault = 0, dztypeA = 1, dztypeV = 2, dztypeShape = 3, dztypeFixedAspect = 4, dztypeAFixed = 5, dztypeVFixed = 6, dztypeShapeFixed = 7, dztypeFixedAspectEnlarge = 8, dztypeAFixedBig = 9, dztypeVFixedBig = 10, dztypeShapeFixedBig = 11, dztypeMax = 11 }; enum FillType { fillSolid, fillPattern, fillTexture, fillPicture, fillShade, fillShadeCenter, fillShadeShape, fillShadeScale, fillShadeTitle, fillBackground }; enum ShadeType { shadeNone = 0, shadeGamma = 1, shadeSigma = 2, shadeBand = 4, shadeOneColor = 8, shadeParameterShift = 16, shadeParameterMask = 0xFFFF0000, shadeDefault = (shadeGamma | shadeSigma | (16384 << shadeParameterShift)) }; enum LinesStyle { lineSimple, lineDouble, lineThickThin, lineThinThick, lineTriple }; enum LineType { lineSolidType, linePattern, lineTexture, linePicture }; enum LineDashing { lineSolid, lineDashSys, lineDotSys, lineDashDotSys, lineDashDotDotSys, lineDotGEL, lineDashGEL, lineLongDashGEL, lineDashDotGEL, lineLongDashDotGEL, lineLongDashDotDotGEL }; enum LineEnd { lineNoEnd, lineArrowEnd, lineArrowStealthEnd, lineArrowDiamondEnd, lineArrowOvalEnd, lineArrowOpenEnd }; enum LineEndWidth { lineNarrowArrow, lineMediumWidthArrow, lineWideArrow }; enum LineEndLength { lineShortArrow, lineMediumLenArrow, lineLongArrow }; enum _LineJoin { lineJoinBevel, lineJoinMiter, lineJoinRound }; enum _LineCap { lineEndCapRound, lineEndCapSquare, lineEndCapFlat }; enum SGF { sgfSum, sgfProduct, sgfMid, sgfAbsolute, sgfMin, sgfMax, sgfIf, sgfMod, sgfATan2, sgfSin, sgfCos, sgfCosATan2, sgfSinATan2, sgfSqrt, sgfSumAngle, sgfEllipse, sgfTan }; enum SGVT { sgvtV = 0x2000, sgvtP1 = 0x4000, sgvtP2 = 0x8000 }; enum BlipUsage { blipUsageDefault, blipUsageTexture, blipUsageMax = 255 }; enum BlipType { blipERROR = 0, blipUNKNOWN, blipEMF, blipWMF, blipPICT, blipJPEG, blipPNG, blipDIB, blipTIFF = 17, blipCMYKJPEG = 18, blipFirstClient = 32, blipLastClient = 255 }; enum BlipSignature { biUNKNOWN = 0, biWMF = 0x216, biEMF = 0x3D4, biPICT = 0x542, biPNG = 0x6E0, biJFIF = 0x46A, biJPEG = biJFIF, biDIB = 0x7A8, biCMYKJPEG = 0x6E2, biTIFF = 0x6e4, biClient = 0x800, }; enum BlipFilter { filterAdaptive = 0, filterNone = 254, filterTest = 255 }; enum DGMNK { dgmnkMin = 0, dgmnkNode = dgmnkMin, dgmnkRoot, dgmnkAssistant, dgmnkCoWorker, dgmnkSubordinate, dgmnkAuxNode, dgmnkDefault, dgmnkMax, dgmnkLast = dgmnkMax - 1, dgmnkNil = 0xFFFF }; enum DGMLO { dgmloFirst = 0, dgmloMin = dgmloFirst, dgmloMinLessOne = dgmloMin - 1, dgmloOrgChartMin, dgmloOrgChartStd = 0, dgmloOrgChartBothHanging, dgmloOrgChartRightHanging, dgmloOrgChartLeftHanging, dgmloOrgChartMax, dgmloOrgChartLast = dgmloOrgChartMax - 1, dgmloCycleMin, dgmloCycleMinLessOne = dgmloCycleMin - 1, dgmloCycleStd, dgmloCycleMax, dgmloCycleLast = dgmloCycleMax - 1, dgmloRadialMin, dgmloRadialMinLessOne = dgmloRadialMin - 1, dgmloRadialStd, dgmloRadialMax, dgmloRadialLast = dgmloRadialMax - 1, dgmloStackedMin, dgmloStackedMinLessOne = dgmloStackedMin - 1, dgmloStackedStd, dgmloStackedMax, dgmloStackedLast = dgmloStackedMax - 1, dgmloVennMin, dgmloVennMinLessOne = dgmloVennMin - 1, dgmloVennStd, dgmloVennMax, dgmloVennLast = dgmloVennMax - 1, dgmloBullsEyeMin, dgmloBullsEyeMinLessOne = dgmloBullsEyeMin - 1, dgmloBullsEyeStd, dgmloBullsEyeMax, dgmloBullsEyeLast = dgmloBullsEyeMax - 1, dgmloMax, dgmloLast = dgmloMax - 1, dgmloNil = 0xFF }; enum ODGMT { dgmtMin = 0, dgmtCanvas = dgmtMin, dgmtFirstDiagramType = 1, dgmtOrgChart = dgmtFirstDiagramType, dgmtRadial = 2, dgmtCycle = 3, dgmtStacked = 4, dgmtVenn = 5, dgmtBullsEye = 6, dgmtMax, dgmtLast = dgmtMax - 1, dgmtNil = 0x0FFF }; enum DGMST { dgmstMin = 0, dgmstFirst = dgmstMin , dgmstOrgChartFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstOrgChart2, dgmstOrgChart3, dgmstOrgChart4, dgmstOrgChart5, dgmstOrgChart6, dgmstOrgChart7, dgmstOrgChart8, dgmstOrgChart9, dgmstOrgChart10, dgmstOrgChart11, dgmstOrgChart12, dgmstOrgChart13, dgmstOrgChart14, dgmstOrgChart15, dgmstOrgChart16, dgmstOrgChart17, dgmstOrgChartMax, dgmstOrgChartLast = dgmstOrgChartMax - 1, dgmstRadialFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstRadial2, dgmstRadial3, dgmstRadial4, dgmstRadial5, dgmstRadial6, dgmstRadial7, dgmstRadial8, dgmstRadial9, dgmstRadial10, dgmstRadialMax, dgmstRadialLast = dgmstRadialMax - 1, dgmstCycleFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstCycle2, dgmstCycle3, dgmstCycle4, dgmstCycle5, dgmstCycle6, dgmstCycle7, dgmstCycle8, dgmstCycle9, dgmstCycle10, dgmstCycle2First, dgmstCycle11 = dgmstCycle2First, dgmstCycle12, dgmstCycle13, dgmstCycle14, dgmstCycle15, dgmstCycle16, dgmstCycle17, dgmstCycle18, dgmstCycle19, dgmstCycle20, dgmstCycle21, dgmstCycleMax, dgmstCycleLast = dgmstCycleMax - 1, dgmstStackedFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstStacked2, dgmstStacked3, dgmstStacked4, dgmstStacked5, dgmstStacked6, dgmstStacked7, dgmstStacked8, dgmstStacked9, dgmstStacked10, dgmstStackedMax, dgmstStackedLast = dgmstStackedMax - 1, dgmstVennFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstVenn2, dgmstVenn3, dgmstVenn4, dgmstVenn5, dgmstVenn6, dgmstVenn7, dgmstVenn8, dgmstVenn9, dgmstVenn10, dgmstVennMax, dgmstVennLast = dgmstVennMax - 1, dgmstBullsEyeFirst = dgmstFirst, dgmstBullsEye2, dgmstBullsEye3, dgmstBullsEye4, dgmstBullsEye5, dgmstBullsEye6, dgmstBullsEye7, dgmstBullsEye8, dgmstBullsEye9, dgmstBullsEye10, dgmstBullsEyeMax, dgmstBullsEyeLast = dgmstBullsEyeMax - 1, dgmstNil = 0xFFFF }; enum SPT { sptMin = 0, sptNotPrimitive = sptMin, sptRectangle = 1, sptRoundRectangle = 2, sptEllipse = 3, sptDiamond = 4, sptIsocelesTriangle = 5, sptRightTriangle = 6, sptParallelogram = 7, sptTrapezoid = 8, sptHexagon = 9, sptOctagon = 10, sptPlus = 11, sptStar = 12, sptArrow = 13, sptThickArrow = 14, sptHomePlate = 15, sptCube = 16, sptBalloon = 17, sptSeal = 18, sptArc = 19, sptLine = 20, sptPlaque = 21, sptCan = 22, sptDonut = 23, sptTextSimple = 24, sptTextOctagon = 25, sptTextHexagon = 26, sptTextCurve = 27, sptTextWave = 28, sptTextRing = 29, sptTextOnCurve = 30, sptTextOnRing = 31, sptStraightConnector1 = 32, sptBentConnector2 = 33, sptBentConnector3 = 34, sptBentConnector4 = 35, sptBentConnector5 = 36, sptCurvedConnector2 = 37, sptCurvedConnector3 = 38, sptCurvedConnector4 = 39, sptCurvedConnector5 = 40, sptCallout1 = 41, sptCallout2 = 42, sptCallout3 = 43, sptAccentCallout1 = 44, sptAccentCallout2 = 45, sptAccentCallout3 = 46, sptBorderCallout1 = 47, sptBorderCallout2 = 48, sptBorderCallout3 = 49, sptAccentBorderCallout1 = 50, sptAccentBorderCallout2 = 51, sptAccentBorderCallout3 = 52, sptRibbon = 53, sptRibbon2 = 54, sptChevron = 55, sptPentagon = 56, sptNoSmoking = 57, sptSeal8 = 58, sptSeal16 = 59, sptSeal32 = 60, sptWedgeRectCallout = 61, sptWedgeRRectCallout = 62, sptWedgeEllipseCallout = 63, sptWave = 64, sptFoldedCorner = 65, sptLeftArrow = 66, sptDownArrow = 67, sptUpArrow = 68, sptLeftRightArrow = 69, sptUpDownArrow = 70, sptIrregularSeal1 = 71, sptIrregularSeal2 = 72, sptLightningBolt = 73, sptHeart = 74, sptPictureFrame = 75, sptQuadArrow = 76, sptLeftArrowCallout = 77, sptRightArrowCallout = 78, sptUpArrowCallout = 79, sptDownArrowCallout = 80, sptLeftRightArrowCallout = 81, sptUpDownArrowCallout = 82, sptQuadArrowCallout = 83, sptBevel = 84, sptLeftBracket = 85, sptRightBracket = 86, sptLeftBrace = 87, sptRightBrace = 88, sptLeftUpArrow = 89, sptBentUpArrow = 90, sptBentArrow = 91, sptSeal24 = 92, sptStripedRightArrow = 93, sptNotchedRightArrow = 94, sptBlockArc = 95, sptSmileyFace = 96, sptVerticalScroll = 97, sptHorizontalScroll = 98, sptCircularArrow = 99, sptNotchedCircularArrow = 100, sptUturnArrow = 101, sptCurvedRightArrow = 102, sptCurvedLeftArrow = 103, sptCurvedUpArrow = 104, sptCurvedDownArrow = 105, sptCloudCallout = 106, sptEllipseRibbon = 107, sptEllipseRibbon2 = 108, sptFlowChartProcess = 109, sptFlowChartDecision = 110, sptFlowChartInputOutput = 111, sptFlowChartPredefinedProcess = 112, sptFlowChartInternalStorage = 113, sptFlowChartDocument = 114, sptFlowChartMultidocument = 115, sptFlowChartTerminator = 116, sptFlowChartPreparation = 117, sptFlowChartManualInput = 118, sptFlowChartManualOperation = 119, sptFlowChartConnector = 120, sptFlowChartPunchedCard = 121, sptFlowChartPunchedTape = 122, sptFlowChartSummingJunction = 123, sptFlowChartOr = 124, sptFlowChartCollate = 125, sptFlowChartSort = 126, sptFlowChartExtract = 127, sptFlowChartMerge = 128, sptFlowChartOfflineStorage = 129, sptFlowChartOnlineStorage = 130, sptFlowChartMagneticTape = 131, sptFlowChartMagneticDisk = 132, sptFlowChartMagneticDrum = 133, sptFlowChartDisplay = 134, sptFlowChartDelay = 135, sptTextPlainText = 136, sptTextStop = 137, sptTextTriangle = 138, sptTextTriangleInverted = 139, sptTextChevron = 140, sptTextChevronInverted = 141, sptTextRingInside = 142, sptTextRingOutside = 143, sptTextArchUpCurve = 144, sptTextArchDownCurve = 145, sptTextCircleCurve = 146, sptTextButtonCurve = 147, sptTextArchUpPour = 148, sptTextArchDownPour = 149, sptTextCirclePour = 150, sptTextButtonPour = 151, sptTextCurveUp = 152, sptTextCurveDown = 153, sptTextCascadeUp = 154, sptTextCascadeDown = 155, sptTextWave1 = 156, sptTextWave2 = 157, sptTextWave3 = 158, sptTextWave4 = 159, sptTextInflate = 160, sptTextDeflate = 161, sptTextInflateBottom = 162, sptTextDeflateBottom = 163, sptTextInflateTop = 164, sptTextDeflateTop = 165, sptTextDeflateInflate = 166, sptTextDeflateInflateDeflate = 167, sptTextFadeRight = 168, sptTextFadeLeft = 169, sptTextFadeUp = 170, sptTextFadeDown = 171, sptTextSlantUp = 172, sptTextSlantDown = 173, sptTextCanUp = 174, sptTextCanDown = 175, sptFlowChartAlternateProcess = 176, sptFlowChartOffpageConnector = 177, sptCallout90 = 178, sptAccentCallout90 = 179, sptBorderCallout90 = 180, sptAccentBorderCallout90 = 181, sptLeftRightUpArrow = 182, sptSun = 183, sptMoon = 184, sptBracketPair = 185, sptBracePair = 186, sptSeal4 = 187, sptDoubleWave = 188, sptActionButtonBlank = 189, sptActionButtonHome = 190, sptActionButtonHelp = 191, sptActionButtonInformation = 192, sptActionButtonForwardNext = 193, sptActionButtonBackPrevious = 194, sptActionButtonEnd = 195, sptActionButtonBeginning = 196, sptActionButtonReturn = 197, sptActionButtonDocument = 198, sptActionButtonSound = 199, sptActionButtonMovie = 200, sptHostControl = 201, sptTextBox = 202, sptMax, sptNil = 0x0FFF }; enum PropertyId { left=0, top=1, right=2, bottom=3, rotation=4, gvPage=5, fChangePage=61, fFlipV=62, fFlipH=63, fLockAgainstUngrouping=118, fLockRotation=119, fLockAspectRatio=120, fLockPosition=121, fLockAgainstSelect=122, fLockCropping=123, fLockVertices=124, fLockText=125, fLockAdjustHandles=126, fLockAgainstGrouping=127, lTxid=128, dxTextLeft=129, dyTextTop=130, dxTextRight=131, dyTextBottom=132, WrapText=133, scaleText=134, anchorText=135, txflTextFlow=136, cdirFont=137, hspNext=138, txdir=139, ccol=140, dzColMargin=141, fSelectText=187, fAutoTextMargin=188, fRotateText=189, fFitShapeToText=190, fFitTextToShape=191, gtextUNICODE=192, gtextRTF=193, gtextAlign=194, gtextSize=195, gtextSpacing=196, gtextFont=197, gtextCSSFont=198, gtextFReverseRows=240, fGtext=241, gtextFVertical=242, gtextFKern=243, gtextFTight=244, gtextFStretch=245, gtextFShrinkFit=246, gtextFBestFit=247, gtextFNormalize=248, gtextFDxMeasure=249, gtextFBold=250, gtextFItalic=251, gtextFUnderline=252, gtextFShadow=253, gtextFSmallcaps=254, gtextFStrikethrough=255, cropFromTop=256, cropFromBottom=257, cropFromLeft=258, cropFromRight=259, Pib=260, pibName=261, pibFlags=262, pictureTransparent=263, pictureContrast=264, pictureBrightness=265, pictureGamma=266, pictureId=267, pictureDblCrMod=268, pictureFillCrMod=269, pictureLineCrMod=270, pibPrint=271, pibPrintName=272, pibPrintFlags=273, movie=274, pictureRecolor=282, picturePreserveGrays=313, fRewind=314, fLooping=315, pictureGray=317, pictureBiLevel=318, pictureActive=319, geoLeft=320, geoTop=321, geoRight=322, geoBottom=323, shapePath=324, pVertices=325, pSegmentInfo=326, adjustValue=327, adjust2Value=328, adjust3Value=329, adjust4Value=330, adjust5Value=331, adjust6Value=332, adjust7Value=333, adjust8Value=334, adjust9Value=335, adjust10Value=336, pConnectionSites=337, pConnectionSitesDir=338, xLimo=339, yLimo=340, pAdjustHandles=341, pGuides=342, pInscribe=343, cxk=344, pFragments=345, fColumnLineOK=377, fShadowOK=378, f3DOK=379, fLineOK=380, fGtextOK=381, fFillShadeShapeOK=382, fFillOK=383, fillType=384, fillColor=385, fillOpacity=386, fillBackColor=387, fillBackOpacity=388, fillCrMod=389, fillBlip=390, fillBlipName=391, fillBlipFlags=392, fillWidth=393, fillHeight=394, fillAngle=395, fillFocus=396, fillToLeft=397, fillToTop=398, fillToRight=399, fillToBottom=400, fillRectLeft=401, fillRectTop=402, fillRectRight=403, fillRectBottom=404, fillDztype=405, fillShadePreset=406, fillShadeColors=407, fillOriginX=408, fillOriginY=409, fillShapeOriginX=410, fillShapeOriginY=411, fillShadeType=412, fRecolorFillAsPicture=441, fUseShapeAnchor=442, fFilled=443, fHitTestFill=444, fillShape=445, fillUseRect=446, fNoFillHitTest=447, lineColor=448, lineOpacity=449, lineBackColor=450, lineCrMod=451, lineType=452, lineFillBlip=453, lineFillBlipName=454, lineFillBlipFlags=455, lineFillWidth=456, lineFillHeight=457, lineFillDztype=458, lineWidth=459, lineMiterLimit=460, lineStyle=461, lineDashing=462, lineDashStyle=463, lineStartArrowhead=464, lineEndArrowhead=465, lineStartArrowWidth=466, lineStartArrowLength=467, lineEndArrowWidth=468, lineEndArrowLength=469, lineJoinStyle=470, lineEndCapStyle=471, fInsetPen=505, fInsetPenOK=506, fArrowheadsOK=507, fLine=508, fHitTestLine=509, lineFillShape=510, fNoLineDrawDash=511, shadowType=512, shadowColor=513, shadowHighlight=514, shadowCrMod=515, shadowOpacity=516, shadowOffsetX=517, shadowOffsetY=518, shadowSecondOffsetX=519, shadowSecondOffsetY=520, shadowScaleXToX=521, shadowScaleYToX=522, shadowScaleXToY=523, shadowScaleYToY=524, shadowPerspectiveX=525, shadowPerspectiveY=526, shadowWeight=527, shadowOriginX=528, shadowOriginY=529, fShadow=574, fshadowObscured=575, perspectiveType=576, perspectiveOffsetX=577, perspectiveOffsetY=578, perspectiveScaleXToX=579, perspectiveScaleYToX=580, perspectiveScaleXToY=581, perspectiveScaleYToY=582, perspectivePerspectiveX=583, perspectivePerspectiveY=584, perspectiveWeight=585, perspectiveOriginX=586, perspectiveOriginY=587, fPerspective=639, c3DSpecularAmt=640, c3DDiffuseAmt=641, c3DShininess=642, c3DEdgeThickness=643, C3DExtrudeForward=644, c3DExtrudeBackward=645, c3DExtrudePlane=646, c3DExtrusionColor=647, c3DCrMod=648, f3D=700, fc3DMetallic=701, fc3DUseExtrusionColor=702, fc3DLightFace=703, c3DYRotationAngle=704, c3DXRotationAngle=705, c3DRotationAxisX=706, c3DRotationAxisY=707, c3DRotationAxisZ=708, c3DRotationAngle=709, c3DRotationCenterX=710, c3DRotationCenterY=711, c3DRotationCenterZ=712, c3DRenderMode=713, c3DTolerance=714, c3DXViewpoint=715, c3DYViewpoint=716, c3DZViewpoint=717, c3DOriginX=718, c3DOriginY=719, c3DSkewAngle=720, c3DSkewAmount=721, c3DAmbientIntensity=722, c3DKeyX=723, c3DKeyY=724, c3DKeyZ=725, c3DKeyIntensity=726, c3DFillX=727, c3DFillY=728, c3DFillZ=729, c3DFillIntensity=730, fc3DConstrainRotation=763, fc3DRotationCenterAuto=764, fc3DParallel=765, fc3DKeyHarsh=766, fc3DFillHarsh=767, hspMaster=769, cxstyle=771, bWMode=772, bWModePureBW=773, bWModeBW=774, idDiscussAnchor=775, dgmLayout=777, dgmNodeKind=778, dgmLayoutMRU=779, wzEquationXML=780, fPolicyLabel=822, 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TLTimeNodeRestartType { TLR_NoRestartType = 0, TLR_AlwaysRestart = 1, TLR_RestartWhenOff = 2, TLR_NeverRestart = 3, TLTimeNodeRestartType_MaxEnumIDs = 4 }; enum TLTimeNodeFillType { TLF_NoFillType = 0, TLF_FillRemove = 1, TLF_FillFreeze = 2, TLF_FillHold = 3, TLF_FillTransition = 4, TLTimeNodeFillType_MaxEnumIDs = 5 }; enum TLTimeNodeSyncType { TLS_NoSyncType = 0, TLS_CanSlipSyncType = 1, TLS_LockedSyncType = 2, TLTimeNodeSyncType_MaxEnumIDs = 3 }; const int fillProperty = (1 << 0); const int restartProperty = (1 << 1); const int syncBehaviorProperty = (1 << 2); const int groupingTypeProperty = (1 << 3); const int durationProperty = (1 << 4); enum TotEventType { totNone, totVisualElement, totTimeNode, totRuntimeNodeRef, TriggerObjectType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum TriggerEventType { tetNone = 0, tetOnBegin, tetOnEnd, tetBegin, tetEnd, tetOnClick, tetOnDoubleClick, tetOnMouseOver, tetOnMouseOut, tetOnNext, tetOnPrev, tetOnStopAudio, TriggerEventType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum RuntimeNodeReferenceType { rnrtWithFirstChild, rnrtWithLastChild, rnrtAllChildren, RuntimeNodeReferenceType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum Type { RepeatCount = 0, RepeatDur, Speed, Accelerate, Decelerate, AutoReverse, Type_MaxEnumIDs }; enum PropertyUsedFlag { PUF_NONE = 0, PUF_Additive = 1 << 0, PUF_Accumulate = 1 << 1, PUF_AttributeNames = 1 << 2, PUF_TransformType = 1 << 3, PUF_FromFormula = 1 << 4, PUF_ToFormula = 1 << 5, PUF_ByFormula = 1 << 6 }; enum Additive { BaseAdditive, SumAdditive, ReplaceAdditive, MultiplyAdditive, NoAdditive, Additive_MaxEnumIDs }; enum Accumulate { NoAccumulate, AlwaysAccumulate, Accumulate_MaxEnumIDs }; enum TransformType { PropertyTransformType, ImageTransformType, TransformType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum CalcMode { DiscreteMode, LinearMode, FormulaMode, CalcMode_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimatePropertyUsedFlag { APUF_NONE = 0, APUF_By = 1 << 0, APUF_From = 1 << 1, APUF_To = 1 << 2, APUF_CalcMode = 1 << 3, APUF_AnimationValues = 1 << 4, APUF_ValueType = 1 << 5 }; enum ValueType { StringType, NumberType, ColorType, ValueType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimateColorPropertyUsedFlag { ACPUF_NONE = 0, ACPUF_By = 1 << 0, ACPUF_From = 1 << 1, ACPUF_To = 1 << 2, ACPUF_ColorSpace = 1 << 3, ACPUF_Direction = 1 << 4 }; enum ColorModel { RGBColorModel = 0, HSLColorModel = 1, IndexColorModel = 2, ColorModel_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimateEffectPropertyUsedFlag { AEPUF_NONE = 0, AEPUF_Transition = 1 << 0, AEPUF_Type = 1 << 1, AEPUF_Progress = 1 << 2, AEPUF_RuntimeContext_Obsolete = 1 << 3 }; enum Transition { TransitionIn, TransitionOut, TransitionNone, Transition_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimateMotionPropertyUsedFlag { AMPUF_NONE = 0, AMPUF_By = 1 << 0, AMPUF_From = 1 << 1, AMPUF_To = 1 << 2, AMPUF_Origin = 1 << 3, AMPUF_Path = 1 << 4, AMPUF_Rotation = 1 << 5, AMPUF_EditRotation = 1 << 6, AMPUF_PointsTypes = 1 << 7 }; enum Origin { DefaultOrigin, ParentOrigin, LayoutOrigin, Origin_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimateRotationPropertyUsedFlag { ARPUF_NONE = 0, ARPUF_By = 1 << 0, ARPUF_From = 1 << 1, ARPUF_To = 1 << 2, ARPUF_Direction = 1 << 3 }; enum Direction { Clockwise, CounterClockwise, Direction_MaxEnumIDs }; enum AnimateScalePropertyUsedFlag { ASPUF_NONE = 0, ASPUF_By = 1 << 0, ASPUF_From = 1 << 1, ASPUF_To = 1 << 2, ASPUF_ZoomContents = 1 << 3 }; enum SetPropertyUsedFlag { SPUF_NONE = 0, SPUF_To = 1 << 0, SPUF_ValueType = 1 << 1 }; enum CommandPropertyUsedFlag { CPUF_NONE = 0, CPUF_Type = 1 << 0, CPUF_Command = 1 << 1 }; enum CommandType { EventType, CallType, OleVerbType, CommandType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum TLTimePropertyID { tpidUnknown = 0, tpidID = 1, tpidDisplay = 2, tpidMasterPos = 5, tpidSubNodeType = 6, tpidParagraphLevel = 7, tpidGraphLevel = 8, tpidEffectID = 9, tpidEffectDir = 10, tpidEffectType = 11, tpidAfterEffect = 13, tpidDiagramLevel = 14, tpidSlideCount = 15, tpidTimeFilter = 16, tpidEventFilter = 17, tpidHideWhenStopped = 18, tpidGroupID = 19, tpidPPTType = 20, tpidPlaceholderNode = 21, tpidMediaVolume = 22, tpidMediaMute = 23, tpidXMLUnknownAttribs = 24, tpidXMLAttribsUnknownValues = 25, tpidZoomToFullScreen = 26, tpidShowControls = 27, tpidDVDTitle = 28, tpidDVDStartTime = 29, tpidDVDEndTime = 30 }; enum IterationType { AllAtOnce, ByWord, ByLetter, IterationType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum IntervalType { Seconds, Percentage, IntervalType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum _Direction { Backwards, Forwards, _Direction_MaxEnumIDs }; enum PropertyUsed { DirectionProperty = 1 << 0, IterationTypeProperty = 1 << 1, IntervalProperty = 1 << 2, IntervalTypeProperty = 1 << 3, }; enum ConcurrencyType { Disabled, Enabled, ConcurrencyType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum NextActionType { NoNextActionType, Seek, NextActionType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum PreviousActionType { NoPreviousActionType, SkipTimed, PreviousActionType_MaxEnumIDs }; enum EnableNextType { End, Begin, EnableNextType_MaxEnumIDs }; const int SF_Concurrency = (1 << 0); const int SF_NextAction = (1 << 1); const int SF_PreviousAction = (1 << 2); const int SF_EnableNext = (1 << 3); enum _Type { None = -1, Bool = 0, Int = 1, Float = 2, String = 3, }; } }