# Change log ## 5.0.5 ### New Features #### DesktopEditors * Added two types of restrictions for editing a document - OnlySignatures and View ### Fixes #### All Editors * Fix red cross for images in some situations #### Spreadsheet Editors * Fix `a.Se is not a function` error while opening file (bug #36344) * Fix error with merge table colors * Fix merge cells after apply table template (bug #36405) #### Presentation Editor * Check buttons layout in reporter mode * Disable scroll to target in selectwheel (empty selection) * Fix applying image as background for several slides (bug #36399) * Fix mouse slide scroll without change zoom (bug #28096) #### Plugins * Fix calling plugins in non-tabbed interface [Docker-DocumentServer#84](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-DocumentServer/issues/84) * Fix crash on unknown ole-object resize * Yandex.Translate add progress bar #### x2t * Fix colors schemes for table cells (bug #36322) * Fix problem with image in footnote (bug #36380) #### Back-end * Fix calculate connections. exclude view users #### deb * Fix nodejs dependency (force NodeJS 6 LTS) #### Document Builder * Service key size reduced to 20 characters * Change HTTP error code from 403 to 402 in case of incorrect license ## 5.0.4 ### Fixes #### All Editors * Remove some unused code * Fix Polish language bug (altGr + x/c on firefox/edge) * Fix bug with images paths #### Document Editor * Fix bug with removing and adding items from listview (tab list) * Fix bug with creating several synchronize tips * Fix line end in thumbnails * Fix paste simple text to equations * Fix opening version history #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix JS error for some pivot table styles (bug #36290) * Check xfIndexNumber when merging styles to avoid errors with column styles * Fix conditional formatting while changing cell values (bug #36253) #### Presentation Editor * Don't disable prev-next buttons for slide demonstration * Fix presentation demonstration: start from beginning * Fix notes scroll * Fix insert text operation duration (bug 36208) * Fix browser zoom problem with reported pointer #### Back-end * Fix conversion task is lost when entering and leaving the editor quickly (endless opening) * Fix timeout error while first user do not performing save ## 5.0.3 ### New Features #### Distribution * `onlyoffice-documentserver-integration` renamed to `onlyoffice-documentserver-ie` * New distribution type for developers - `onlyoffice-documentserver-de` #### All Editors * Update limitations messages. * Added Sogou Pinyin input in Chrome * Support of fods, fodt, fodp formats #### Plugins * New plugins scheme (system & parallel working) #### Windows Version * Add 'Accept license' dialog in installation ### Fixes #### All Editors * Fix button outlines in Firefox * Fix `Developer Mode` message rotate in IE11 (bug #36076) #### Document Editor * Fix JS error while adding Text Art by Enter (bug #36134) * Fix cursor while rotating object (bug #36114) #### Presentation Editor * Fix reporter mode resize in IE * Fix bug with position of hyperlink tooltip and slide num tooltip * Fix slide resize bug * Fix search in text in placeholder (bug #36133) * Fix layout in reported mode * Fix js error in Tables_test.pptx (bug #17147) #### Embedded viewer * Fix `Error code -23` (bug #36122) #### Back-end * Fix view mode was determined without consideration of permissions.comment #### RPM * Fix using SELinux with custom ports #### Pluging * Bug with resize cursor in the plugins window * Fix JS error in running `PhotoEditor` (bug #36050) * Fix problems with scroll ## 5.0.2 ### No public release - SAAS-only version ### New Features #### Back-end * Add builder service #### Plugins * Ability to autostart plugins ### Fixes #### All Editors * Update translations #### Document Editor * Fix sending mail in mail-merge (bug #36007) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix loading table styles #### Presentation Editor * Fix bugs in Reporter mode * Fix moving slide (bug #36031) ## 5.0.1 ### No public release - SAAS-only version ### New Features #### Integration Example * Support OpenDocument Flat Document file type ### Fixes #### All Editors * Update translations and help files * Fix logo rebranding (bug #35860) * Fix logo click * Fix input text after copy comment (bug #35851) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix "Ctrl+L" hotkey problem (bug #35854) * Fix "Alt+H" hotkey in Firefox (bug #35857) * Fix "Ctrl+=" hotkey in Firefox (bug #35853) * Fix recalculating absolute formulas (bug #28388) * Fix replacing text in pivot tables (bug #35858) * Fix incorrect symbols after copy-paste in shape (bug #35913) * Fix soring in some xlsx (bug #35904) * Fix table header sort (bug #35950) #### Presentation Editor * Fix slide preview mode controls (bug #35440) * Fix bugs with copy notes * Fix connector connection problem (bug #35867) * Fix connector problem with copy-paste (bug #35024) #### Plugins * Fix opening Symbols Table (bug #35875) * Fix hotkeys in Symbols Table (bug #35890) #### Convertation * Fix saving changes in html files #### Rpm * Fix working with enabled `SELinux` ##### Windows * Use 64-bit nodejs ## 5.0.0 ### No public release - SAAS-only version ### New features #### Spreadsheet Editor * Ability to open and save Pivot tables * 69 new formulas: `AGGREGATE`, `BESSELI`, `BESSELJ`, `BESSELK`, `BESSELY`, `BINOM.DIST.RANGE`, `BITAND`, `BITLSHIFT`, `BITRSHIFT`, `BITOR`, `BITXOR`, `CHITEST`, `CHISQ.TEST`, `COVARIANCE.P`, `COVARIANCE.S`, `DAVERAGE`, `DAYS`, `DCOUNT`, `DCOUNTA`, `DGET`, `DMAX`, `DPRODUCT`, `DSTDEV`, `DSUM`, `DVAR`, `ECMA.CEILING`, `ERFC.PRECISE`, `FORECAST.LINEAR`, `ISFORMULA`, `ISOWEEKNUM`, `MAXIFS`, `MINIFS`, `MINIFS`, `MODE.MULT`, `MODE.SNGL`, `NEGBINOM.DIST`, `NETWORKDAYS.INTL`, `NORM.DIST`, `NORM.INV`, `NORM.S.DIST`, `NORM.S.INV`, `QUARTILE.INC`, `QUARTILE.EXC`, `PERMUTATIONA`, `POISSON.DIST`, `PHI`, `RRI`, `SKEW.P`, `SHEET`, `SHEETS`, `STDEV.P`, `STDEV.S`, `SWITCH`, `T.TEST`, `TEXTJOIN`, `TRIMMEAN`, `TTEST`, `UNICODE`, `VAR.P`, `VAR.S`, `WEIBULL`, `WEIBULL.DIST`, `WORKDAY.INTL`, `Z.TEST`, `ZTEST` #### Presentation Editor * Ability to add, open and save presentation notes * Ability to open and save videos #### Back-end * DB optimization, faster opening big files * Ability to rebuild not-builded, forgotten files * Open files base64 -> typed array #### x2t * Read ooxml and xls files with marcos. * Support audio and video files in all document formats * Support pivot tables xls ### Fixes #### Document Editor * A lot of bugs fixed #### Spreadsheet Viewer * Fix not working keys in IE11 ([DocumentServer#107](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/107)) * Fix COUNTIF formula ignores TRUE and FALSE ([DocumentServer#151](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/151)) * Fix conditional formatting bugs #### x2t * Fix a lot of user files * Fix ods formulas ## 4.4.4 ### Windows-only release ### Fixes * Fix log folder creation in `silent` and `verysilent` setup mode ## 4.4.3 ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Fix opening some docx (bug #35307) * Fix chart legend blocking in coedit (bug #35492) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix change shape size by yellow markers (bug #35451) * Fix case sensitive VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP (bug #35528, [DocumentServer#140](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/140)) #### Presentation Editor * Fix comment reply duplication (bug #35408) * Fix bug with drag-and-drop chart into title ## 4.4.2 ### New features #### Spreadsheet Editor * Support some more new options in sparklines (bug #35296) ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Fix problem with setting tab several time (bug #34923) * Fix printing in Edge (bug #35323) * Fix help for moving shape by pixel (bug #34983) * Fix special paste in fast co-edit (bug #35310) * Fix duplicates in strict mode after special paste (bug #35312) * Fixed bug with moving cursor to the start of the document after removing content control. * Fix minor problems with co-edit in real time (bug #35398, #35399, #35400) * A lot of fixes in translations #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix box for `Show empty cells as` in Russian (bug #35299) * Fix sparkline type in setting window (bug #35296) * Hide not implemented formulas: `CUBEKPIMEMBER`, `CUBEMEMBER`, `CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY`, `CUBERANKEDMEMBER`, `CUBESET`, `CUBESETCOUNT`, `CUBEVALUE` (bug #35314) * Fix JS error in conditional formatting with formula and offset (duplicate variable) (bug #35334) * Fix JS error in SEARCH formula (bug #35340) * Fix freeze pane shadow not hiding (bug #35359) * Fix showing hidden objects * Fix VLOOKUP format cell * A lot of fixes in translations #### Presentation Editor * Fix changing presentation language if no shape selected (bug #35231) * Fix columns in placeholder (bug #35074) * Fix connector losing shape after moving shape in group (bug #35317) * Fix disconnecting connect after ungrouping (bug #35316) * Fix hidden markers for connector on chart and image (bug #35300) * Fix cell link after copy paste (bug #35362, [DocumentServer#122](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/122)) * A lot of fixes in translations #### Mobile Document Editor * Remove saving show-snaplines option #### Mobile Presentation Editor * Remove saving show-snaplines option #### x2t ##### odt * Fix saving some files to odt (bug #35389) ##### txt * Fix empty txt on opening (bug #35396) ##### xls * Fix custom shape with connectors ##### ods * Fix margins * Fix convert named range with formulas ##### pptx * Fix audio wav files * Fix old standard ole ##### ppt * Fix previous users picture * Fix read picture stream #### Document Builder * Fix problems with printing and saving to `pdf` #### Desktop Editor * Fix showing 'Changes saved' message (bug #35358) ## 4.4.1 ### New features #### Document Editor * Special Paste * Rich text content support * Translates for Paragraph Styles * View mode with comments * Option to hide solved comments * Ability to specify custom columns #### Spreadsheet Editor * Formulas with conditional formatting * Ability to specify custom delimiter for CSV import\export * Added `ACOT`, `ACOTH`, `ARABIC`, `BASE`, `BETA.DIST`, `BETA.INV`, `BETADIST`, `BINOM.DIST`, `BINOM.INV`, `CEILING.MATH`, `CEILING.PRECISE`, `CHIDIST`, `CHIINV`, `CHISQ.DIST`, `CHISQ.DIST.RT`, `CHISQ.INV`, `CHISQ.INV.RT`, `COMBINA`, `CONCAT`, `CONFIDENCE.NORM`, `CONFIDENCE.T`, `COT`, `COTH`, `CSC`, `CSCH`, `DECIMAL`, `EXPON.DIST`, `F.DIST`, `F.DIST.RT`, `F.INV`, `F.INV.RT`, `FDIST`, `FINV`, `FLOOR.MATH`, `FLOOR.PRECISE`, `GAMMA`, `GAMMA.DIST`, `GAMMA.INV`, `GAMMA.PRECISE`, `GAMMADIST`, `GAMMAINV`, `GAUSS`, `IFNA`, `IMCOSH`, `IMCOT`, `IMCSC`, `IMCSCH`, `IMSEC`, `IMSECH`, `IMSINH `, `IMTAN`, `ISO.CEILING`, `LOGNORM.DIST`, `LOGNORM.INV`, `NUMBERVALUE`, `PERCENTILE.EXC`, `PERCENTILE.INC`, `PERCENTRANK.EXC`, `PERCENTRANK.INC`, `RANK`, `RANK.AVG`, `RANK.EQ`, `SEC`, `SECH`, `T.DIST`, `T.DIST.2T`, `T.DIST.RT`, `T.INV`, `T.INV.2T`, `TDIST`, `TINV`, `XOR` formulas * Exclude hidden rows from copy, autofill, formatting etc... * Update active cell color * Frozen pane now with shadow * Translates for cell styles * Search and replace by select * Option to hide solved comments * Abitity to specify bullets and numbering for text in shape. * Ability to specify columns for Text Areas * Ability to add the connectors for the shapes * Support `Shift+Delete`, `Ctrl+Insert` and `Shift+Insert` for Cut-Paste #### Presentation Editor * Ability to connect shapes via lines * Ability to specify columns for Text Areas * Ability to create bullet and number lists in the shapes * Spellcheker in Presentation Editor * Ability to download as ODP #### Plugins * New type for plugin window (without borders, shadows, buttons) #### x2t * Speedup for opening ooxml: windows 200%, linux 20% * Better converting from/to RTF * Better support of password protected ooxml, binary ms * Support of password protected ppt ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix duplicate text after carriage return [DocumentServer#109](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/109) ## 4.4.0 ### No public release ## 4.3.6 ### Fixes #### Rebranding * Fix problems with logos ## 4.3.5 ### New Features #### Document Editor * Add `showReviewChanges` option to config - auto-open review changes panel ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Disable version history for pdf/djvu/xps * Fix problem with DropCap fonts #### Spreadsheet Editor * Limit to 1000 cell styles [DocumentServer#113](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/113) * Fix adding spacing while copying from Excel * Fix chart axis position #### Back-end * Fix crash on windows 2008r2 ## 4.3.4 ### Fixes #### Editors * Fix open error if sdk loads before fonts [sdkjs#118](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/sdkjs/pull/118) * Fix showing shape without gradient angle (bug #34887) * Show correct limited functionality notification in IE 9, IE 10 #### Back-end * Fix using user data from JWT * Add logs for checkHealth of spellchecker ## 4.3.3 ### New features #### Document Editor * Kazakh language for spellchecker #### Docker * Ability to use PostgreSql storage as volume ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Aligning of Footnotes setting in Firefox (bug #34840) * Fix colors for shapes (bug #34785) * Fix problem with shapes in table ## 4.3.2 ### New features #### Plugins * New plugins - Photo Editor and Document Templates ### Fixes #### Editors * Minor updates to translations * Fix Plugins icons in @2x (bug #34681) #### Document Editor * Fix moving image to header of another page (bug #34637) * Fix removing shape if undo of grouping is performed (bug #34654) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix decreasing size of 3D chart (bug #34685) * Fix problem with pasting formula, while clicking `paste only value` * Fix tooltip position in @2x (bug #34678) * Fix problem with shrink to fit (bug #34758) #### Presentation Editor * Fix problem with removing comment (bug #34773) #### Mobile Web Editors * Fix problem with opening viewer in OpenSource version #### Back-end * Fix infinity loop while URI.parse (bug #34716) * Fix connection leak on healthCheck #### docx * Fix broken docx file with copied chart in shape (bug #34695) #### document-server-integration * Fix problem with `Go Back` button #### Windows Installation * Fix downloading binaries from sourceforge ## 4.3.1 ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix broken files if changing style of unsupported charts (bug #34650) * Fix stack error while copying a big array of formula data * Fix rendering 3d diagram in small area (bug #34632) * Fix change chart's range while applying preset ## 4.3.0 ### New Features #### Editors * Full support of high-dpi monitors * Ability to set alternative text for shapes #### Document Editor * Undo in Fast co-edit * Do not hide `All changes saved` in bottom toolbar * Adding and editing Footnotes * New languages for spellchecker (43 in total) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Support `AVERAGEIFS`, `COUNTIFS`, `SUMIFS` formulas * Formulas refactoring and improvements * Totally new Cell Format window with more options * Sort options window while sorting ranges * Added direction of sort on filter buttons * Added filter condition at statistical information * Added special paste feature * Added support of surface chart * New cell borders styles (11 in total) #### Presentation Editor * Undo in Fast co-edit #### Mobile Web Editors * Completely new mobile web editors #### Back-end * Ability to run documentserver on custom port * Ability to check and kick-out idled users * Ability to perform forced save (by timeout and by button) #### x2t * Optimization and speed-up * Better support of all formats, including (but not limited to): ##### DOC * Background page ##### XLS * Data validation * Decryptor ##### ODF * Global settings for documents * SVG refactor * Background page (image, pattern, gradient) * Convert smart art * Sheet/Workbook views * Support convert OLE objects (and other embedded) ##### RTF * Generate replacement text hyperlink if absent * Office digital signatures * Extended drawings * Custom shapes * Text in drawing shapes #### Plugins * A lot new plugins feature ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Fixed an issue with drag-n-drop a table inside a footnote (bug #33548) * Fixed an issue with crop of shape group (bug #33110) #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fixed an issue with absolute reference when inserting a new row (ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer#41) * Fixed an issue with onDocumentStateChange event (ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer#88) * Fixed an issue with formulas translation (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#23) * Fixed an issue with password-protected xlsx (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#24) * Fixed an issue with non-breaking space (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#26) * Fixed an issue with AVERAGEA formula with text format * Fixed an issue with broken workbook after list copy (bug #33588) * Fixed an issue with formula recalculation by F4 hotkey (bug #32901) * Fixed an issue with SUMIFS formula (bug #33602) * Fixed an issue with inserting image size (bug #33604) * Fixed an issue with zero values sparklines (bug #33612) * Fixed an issue with changing number format while changing regional format (bug #31395) * Fixed an issue with replacing formula delimiters (bug #33608) * Fixed an issue with cell size while drag'n'drop (bug #33607) * Fixed an issue with cursor size in @2x (bug #33606) * A whole lot more minor and big bugfixes ## 4.2.11 ### New features #### Editors * Add ability to hide `about` and left toolbar at all (only for licensed users) ### Fixes #### Back-end * Fix jwt token without 'permissions' field breaks downloadAs ## 4.2.10 ### Fixes #### Embedded viewers * Fix default position top for toolbar #### Licensing * Without license file chat and comments buttons are available. #### Back-end * Fix problem with jwt access tokens ## 4.2.9 ### New Features #### Spreadsheet Editor * Polish languages for formulas ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix wrong order of elements in equations (bug #34029) ## 4.2.8 ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix entering symbols with diacritical sign (bug #33908) * Fix horizontal scroll by trackpad (bug #27197) #### Plugins * Allow interface customization using plugins #### Back-end * Minor fixes for logging and status codes ## 4.2.7 ### Fixes ### All Editors * Do not perform save if there is no changes to save #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix assembling files with Ranges in rare cases #### Document Convert * Fix convert xlsx to csv #### Back-end * Fix compiling server, if `PRODUCT_VERSION` and `BUILD_NUMBER` variables are not defined ## 4.2.6 ### No public release ## 4.2.5 ### Fixes #### All Editors * Fix a rare problem with saving file with specific type of Chart #### Presentation Editor * Fix a problem with saving file with notes, copied from Document Editor * Fix a problem with saving file with chart, copied from Presentation Editor #### Back-end * Fix closing connection until connection is fully opened ## 4.2.4 ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Fix problem with losing changes while several users enter text at same time (bug #33726) * Fix bug with positioning of cursor after function InsertContent. #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix `Match` formula return value in some cases (bug #33735) #### Desktop Editor * Fix problems with copy-paste #### Back-end * Fix lost `Asana-Math` font in default installation, need for equations ## 4.2.3 ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix using formulas with references on other sheets #### Presentation Editor * Fix timeout error while printing some pptx files. #### Document Convert * Fix problem with convert to pdf converted only first page #### Licensing * Without license file chat and comments buttons are unavailable. Also edit customer information and logo image at header of editors is not supported. ## 4.2.2 ### Fixes #### Presentation Editor * Fix problem with opening password-protected presentations ## 4.2.1 ### Fixes #### Document Editor * Fix broken `Insert number of page` button * Fix problem with duplicate of last hieroglyph * Fix problem with changing chart type from 2D to 3D (bug #33284) #### Spreadsheet Editor * JS Error while adding chart in IE and Edge (bug #33597) * Fix problem with empty cell while changing sparklines (bug #33598) #### x2t * Improve compatibility with `doc` format ## 4.2.0 ### New Features #### All Editors * Ability to set dash type for shapes * Redesigned embedded viewers * Better support of HiDPI systems * Update bootstrap to 3.3.7 #### Document Editor * Ability to set `Fit to Page` and `Fit to Width` as default zoom value * Ability to open and edit Footnotes * Ability to insert number of pages in document * Redone Version History. Ability to hide minor features. #### Spreadsheet Editor * Add ability to insert Equations in Spreadsheet Editor * Ability to open and edit Sparklines * Add new formula `SUMIFS` * Ability to select data from drop-down menu in context menu * Add multiselect support * Add rotation of 3D Charts * Update and improve visual styles for all chart types * Bring back `Freeze Panes` in `View Settings` menu * New algorithm for calculating cell height #### Presentation Editor * Ability to set `Fit to Width` as default zoom value * Add ability to insert Equations in Presentation Editor #### Back-end * Update `nodejs` from 4.2.0 to current LTS release: 6.9.1 ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fixed issue [#63](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/63) #### x2t * Fixed issue [#55](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues/55) ## 4.1.8 ### Fixes #### License * Minor fix for better license compatibility with 'Hide Menu' functionality ## 4.1.7 ### Fixes #### Editors * Fix JS error on opening document in IE 9 and IE 10 ## 4.1.6 ### New features #### Editors * Add ability to hide menu bars in Editors via config ## 4.1.5 ### Fixes #### Editors * Fix copy-paste on macOS Sierra #### Plugins * Fix image load and OLE problems * Viewers do not show plugins any more ## 4.1.4 ### Fixes #### Back-end * ipfilter can use dns to lookup ## 4.1.3 ### New features #### Plugins * Sample plugins are enabled by default ## 4.1.2 ### New features #### Back-end * Use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL on back-end * Ability to filter users using ipfilter #### Editors * Whole-new code handling text input. Better support of languages using hieroglyphs * Whole-new copy-paste with better compatible with external sources ### Changes * Improvements in opening of all supported formats ### Fixes * A lot small bugfixes in all modules of product ## 4.0.3 ### Changes * Ability to use full-toolbar mode in editors with standard license.
Previously users of standard license are forced to use only compact toolbar. ## 4.0.2 ### Fixes #### Spreadsheet Editor * Fix losing comments on second or further worksheet (bug #32895) * Fix losing empty values of data with format different of General in autofilter (bug #32805) #### document-server-integration * Minor fixes