-- Variablen local HEIGHT = 27 local WIDTH = 6 local GROWTH_MAX = 7 local SEED_NAME = "actuallyadditions:item_rice_seed" -- if WIDTH % 2 ~= 0 then WIDTH = WIDTH + 1 end function refuel() if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 100 then turtle.select(1) local data = turtle.getItemDetail() if data then if data.count > 1 then turtle.refuel(1) else print("Awaiting refuel") sleep(5) refuel() -- RECURSION BABY end end end end print("Started. "..HEIGHT.."x"..WIDTH.." area; Growth level "..GROWTH_MAX..".") -- Pull fuel from attached top inventory if true then turtle.select(1) local data = turtle.getItemDetail() if data then local count = 64 - data.count if count > 0 then turtle.suckUp(count) end end end local turnLeft = false for i = 0, WIDTH - 1 do for j = 0, HEIGHT - 1 do refuel() turtle.forward() local success, data = turtle.inspectDown() if not success and data ~= "No block to inspect" then print("Failed to get block info: "..data) end if success and data.metadata >= GROWTH_MAX then turtle.digDown() end local item = turtle.getItemDetail(2) if item and item.name ~= SEED_NAME then print("Invalid item in slot 2") print("Wanted: "..SEED_NAME) print("Found: "..item.name) print("") sleep(15) elseif not item or item.count == 1 then print("Not enough crops left; Cannot plant") else turtle.select(2) turtle.placeDown() end end if i ~= WIDTH - 1 then if turnLeft then turtle.turnLeft() turtle.forward() turtle.turnLeft() else turtle.turnRight() turtle.forward() turtle.turnRight() end turnLeft = not turnLeft else turtle.turnRight() for j = 1, WIDTH - 1, 1 do refuel() turtle.forward() end turtle.turnRight() end end for i = 3, 16 do turtle.select(i) turtle.dropDown() end print("Done.")