library fever_api; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; part 'feed.dart'; part 'item.dart'; part 'group.dart'; part 'feeds_group.dart'; part 'cache.dart'; part 'exceptions.dart'; part 'util.dart'; /// Basic implementation of the Fever API /// class FeverAPI { String? apiKey; String? apiUrl; /// We use a shared HTTP client for all requests final _httpClient = http.Client(); late final APICache cache; FeverAPI({ this.apiKey, this.apiUrl }) { cache = APICache(this); } static String generateApiKey(String username, String password) { var bytes = utf8.encode('$username:$password'); return md5.convert(bytes).toString(); } bool loggedIn() { return apiKey != null && apiUrl != null; } APIRequestBuilder request() { return APIRequestBuilder(this, _httpClient); } } class APIRequestBuilder { final FeverAPI api; final http.Client _httpClient; List args = []; APIRequestBuilder(this.api, this._httpClient); void _addArg(String arg) { if (!args.contains(arg)) args.add(arg); } Uri generateUrl() { return Uri.parse('${api.apiUrl}?api&${args.join('&')}'); } /// Include items in response APIRequestBuilder withItems() { _addArg('items'); return this; } /// Include feeds in response APIRequestBuilder withFeeds() { _addArg('feeds'); return this; } /// Include groups in response APIRequestBuilder withGroups() { _addArg('groups'); return this; } /// Executes the API request and returns the JSON data Future> fetch() async { if (api.apiKey == null || api.apiUrl == null) throw Exception('API Key or API URL not set'); final response = await, body: { 'api_key': api.apiKey }); final data = jsonDecode((response).body); if (data['auth'] == 0) throw UnauthenticatedException(data['auth']); return data; } /// Executes the API request and populates the local cache with the response data Future execute() async { final data = await fetch(); if (data.containsKey('groups')) { List groups = (data['groups'] as List) .map((json) => Group.fromJSON(api, json)) .toList(); for (var group in groups) { api.cache.groups.set(, group); } } if (data.containsKey('feeds')) { List feeds = (data['feeds'] as List) .map((json) => Feed.fromJSON(api, json)) .toList(); for (var feed in feeds) { api.cache.feeds.set(, feed); } } if (data.containsKey('items')) { List items = (data['items'] as List) .map((json) => Item.fromJSON(api, json)) .toList(); for (var item in items) { api.cache.items.set(, item); } } if (data.containsKey('feeds_groups')) { List feedsGroups = (data['feeds_groups'] as List) .map((json) => FeedsGroup.fromJSON(api, json)) .toList(); api.cache.feedsGroups.clear(); api.cache.feedsGroups.addAll(feedsGroups); } } }