const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { client } = require(".."); const prefix = process.env.BOT_PREFIX || '-'; module.exports.meta = { name: 'help', aliases: ['info'], staffOnly: false } /** * * @param {Discord.Message} message * @param {Array} args */ = async (message, args) => { let embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Obama bot') .setDescription(`Epic obama bot help`) addCmd(embed, 'obamium', 'Spawn obamium'); addCmd(embed, 'vbucks', 'Get free vbucks'); addCmd(embed, 'ping', 'Show the bot\'s ping'); addCmd(embed, 'coins', 'See how much karma/coins you have'); addCmd(embed, 'top', 'Karma leaderboard'); addCmd(embed, 'setcoins', '[Staff command] Manage a user\'s coins') embed.addField('\u200b', `This bot was made by \`${client.users.cache.get('284323826165350400')?.tag}\`.\nCheck out the source code [here]( "Click me!").`, false);; } /** * * @param {MessageEmbed} embed * @param {string} cmd * @param {string} text */ function addCmd(embed, cmd, text) { embed.addField(`${prefix}${cmd}`, text, true); }