- }
+ }
const SearchViewWithObserver = observer(SearchView);
diff --git a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common-material.less b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common-material.less
index c90e681e7..41575f544 100644
--- a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common-material.less
+++ b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common-material.less
@@ -73,13 +73,8 @@
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 8px;
- .add-image {
- ul:before, :after{
- display: none;
- }
- }
- .inputs-list {
- ul:after {
+ .add-image, .inputs-list {
+ ul:after, :before{
display: none;
diff --git a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
index 5323a4238..82f9ecfcc 100644
--- a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
+++ b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
@@ -535,10 +535,10 @@
padding-top: 5px;
li.item-theme {
border: 0.5px solid #c8c7cc;
- padding: 2px;
+ padding: 1px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
- width: 106px;
- height: 56px;
+ width: 108px;
+ height: 52px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
background-position: center;
.item-content {
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
.functions-list {
- height: 175px;
+ max-height: 175px;
width: 360px;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
diff --git a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/search.less b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/search.less
index f322929d1..076b7d4a7 100644
--- a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/search.less
+++ b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/search.less
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
height: auto;
display: block;
line-height: normal;
+ &:before{
+ display: none;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js b/apps/documenteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
index 2de63310e..ef6c3e1c0 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
@@ -597,27 +597,12 @@ DE.ApplicationController = new(function(){
function onEditorPermissions(params) {
- if ( (params.asc_getLicenseType() === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success) && (typeof config.customization == 'object') &&
- config.customization && config.customization.logo ) {
- var logo = $('#header-logo');
- if (config.customization.logo.image || config.customization.logo.imageEmbedded) {
- logo.html('');
- logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
- config.customization.logo.imageEmbedded && console.log("Obsolete: The 'imageEmbedded' parameter of the 'customization.logo' section is deprecated. Please use 'image' parameter instead.");
- }
- if (config.customization.logo.url) {
- logo.attr('href', config.customization.logo.url);
- } else if (config.customization.logo.url!==undefined) {
- logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
- }
- }
var licType = params.asc_getLicenseType();
appOptions.canLicense = (licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success || licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.SuccessLimit);
appOptions.canFillForms = appOptions.canLicense && (permissions.fillForms===true) && (config.mode !== 'view');
appOptions.canSubmitForms = appOptions.canLicense && (typeof (config.customization) == 'object') && !!config.customization.submitForm;
+ appOptions.canBranding = params.asc_getCustomization();
+ appOptions.canBranding && setBranding(config.customization);
@@ -823,6 +808,24 @@ DE.ApplicationController = new(function(){
function onBeforeUnload () {
+ function setBranding(value) {
+ if ( value && value.logo) {
+ var logo = $('#header-logo');
+ if (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageEmbedded) {
+ logo.html('');
+ logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
+ value.logo.imageEmbedded && console.log("Obsolete: The 'imageEmbedded' parameter of the 'customization.logo' section is deprecated. Please use 'image' parameter instead.");
+ }
+ if (value.logo.url) {
+ logo.attr('href', value.logo.url);
+ } else if (value.logo.url!==undefined) {
+ logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Helpers
// -------------------------
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js b/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
index 06aa0aad6..92a54dfd8 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ define([
config.msg = this.errorForceSave;
+ case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.LoadingFontError:
+ config.msg = this.errorLoadingFont;
+ break;
config.msg = (typeof id == 'string') ? id : this.errorDefaultMessage.replace('%1', id);
@@ -431,22 +435,6 @@ define([
if ( this.onServerVersion(params.asc_getBuildVersion())) return;
- if ( (licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success) && (typeof this.appOptions.customization == 'object') &&
- this.appOptions.customization && this.appOptions.customization.logo ) {
- var logo = $('#header-logo');
- if (this.appOptions.customization.logo.image) {
- logo.html('');
- logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
- }
- if (this.appOptions.customization.logo.url) {
- logo.attr('href', this.appOptions.customization.logo.url);
- } else if (this.appOptions.customization.logo.url!==undefined) {
- logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
- }
- }
this.permissions.review = (this.permissions.review === undefined) ? (this.permissions.edit !== false) : this.permissions.review;
if (params.asc_getRights() !== Asc.c_oRights.Edit)
this.permissions.edit = this.permissions.review = false;
@@ -458,6 +446,9 @@ define([
this.appOptions.canFillForms = this.appOptions.canLicense && (this.permissions.fillForms===true) && (this.editorConfig.mode !== 'view');
+ this.appOptions.canBranding = params.asc_getCustomization();
+ this.appOptions.canBranding && this.setBranding(this.appOptions.customization);
this.appOptions.canDownload = this.permissions.download !== false;
this.appOptions.canPrint = (this.permissions.print !== false);
@@ -580,6 +571,23 @@ define([
+ setBranding: function (value) {
+ if ( value && value.logo) {
+ var logo = $('#header-logo');
+ if (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark) {
+ var image = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ? (value.logo.imageDark || value.logo.image) : (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark);
+ logo.html('');
+ logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
+ }
+ if (value.logo.url) {
+ logo.attr('href', value.logo.url);
+ } else if (value.logo.url!==undefined) {
+ logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
+ }
+ }
+ },
onLongActionBegin: function(type, id) {
var action = {id: id, type: type};
@@ -1072,6 +1080,13 @@ define([
_.each(this.view.mnuThemes.items, function(item){
item.setChecked(current===item.value, true);
+ if (this.appOptions.canBranding) {
+ var value = this.appOptions.customization;
+ if ( value && value.logo && (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark) && (value.logo.image !== value.logo.imageDark)) {
+ var image = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ? (value.logo.imageDark || value.logo.image) : (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark);
+ $('#header-logo img').attr('src', image);
+ }
+ }
createDelayedElements: function() {
@@ -1322,7 +1337,8 @@ define([
warnNoLicenseUsers: "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
textBuyNow: 'Visit website',
textNoLicenseTitle: 'License limit reached',
- textContactUs: 'Contact sales'
+ textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
+ errorLoadingFont: 'Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.'
}, DE.Controllers.ApplicationController));
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html
index 4fb826105..af57622d0 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@
var params = getUrlParams(),
lang = (params["lang"] || 'en').split(/[\-\_]/)[0],
- logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null;
+ logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null,
+ logoDark = params["headerlogodark"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogodark"]) : null;
window.frameEditorId = params["frameEditorId"];
window.parentOrigin = params["parentOrigin"];
@@ -201,12 +202,12 @@
} else {
var elem = document.querySelector('.loading-logo');
- if (elem && logo) {
+ if (elem && (logo || logoDark)) {
elem.style.backgroundImage= 'none';
elem.style.width = 'auto';
elem.style.height = 'auto';
var img = document.querySelector('.loading-logo img');
- img && img.setAttribute('src', logo);
+ img && img.setAttribute('src', /theme-dark/.test(document.body.className) ? logoDark || logo : logo || logoDark);
img.style.opacity = 1;
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
index ddfc2d652..1c6eb17af 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
@@ -170,17 +170,18 @@
var params = getUrlParams(),
lang = (params["lang"] || 'en').split(/[\-\_]/)[0],
- logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null;
+ logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null,
+ logoDark = params["headerlogodark"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogodark"]) : null;
window.frameEditorId = params["frameEditorId"];
window.parentOrigin = params["parentOrigin"];
var elem = document.querySelector('.loading-logo');
- if (elem && logo) {
+ if (elem && (logo || logoDark)) {
elem.style.backgroundImage= 'none';
elem.style.width = 'auto';
elem.style.height = 'auto';
var img = document.querySelector('.loading-logo img');
- img && img.setAttribute('src', logo);
+ img && img.setAttribute('src', /theme-dark/.test(document.body.className) ? logoDark || logo : logo || logoDark);
img.style.opacity = 1;
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ca.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ca.json
index 319f01d6f..19132bc82 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ca.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ca.json
@@ -1,44 +1,63 @@
- "common.view.modals.txtCopy": "Copiat al porta-retalls",
- "common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "Incrustar",
+ "common.view.modals.txtCopy": "Copia al porta-retalls",
+ "common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "Incrusta",
"common.view.modals.txtHeight": "Alçada",
- "common.view.modals.txtShare": "Compartir Enllaç",
+ "common.view.modals.txtShare": "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"common.view.modals.txtWidth": "Amplada",
- "DE.ApplicationController.convertationErrorText": "Conversió Fallida",
- "DE.ApplicationController.convertationTimeoutText": "Conversió fora de temps",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.convertationErrorText": "No s'ha pogut convertir",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.convertationTimeoutText": "S'ha superat el temps de conversió.",
"DE.ApplicationController.criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "Descàrrega fallida.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Descarregant document...",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Intenteu realitzar una acció per la qual no teniu drets. Poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del servidor de documents.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en la baixada",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "S'està baixant el document...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "No teniu permisos per realitzar aquesta acció. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador del servidor de documents.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Codi d'error:%1",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error durant el treball amb el document. Utilitzeu l'opció \"Desar com a ...\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer al disc dur del vostre ordinador.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error mentre es treballava amb el document. Utilitzeu l'opció \"Baixa-ho com a ...\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer al disc dur del vostre ordinador.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "El fitxer està protegit amb contrasenya i no es pot obrir.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer excedeix la limitació establerta per al vostre servidor. Podeu contactar amb l'administrador del Document Server per obtenir més detalls.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Error en enviar",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "La connexió a Internet s'ha restaurat i la versió del fitxer s'ha canviat. Abans de continuar treballant, heu de descarregar el fitxer o copiar-ne el contingut per assegurar-vos que no es perdi res i, després, tornar a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Ara no es pot accedir al fitxer.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avis",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer supera el límit establert pel vostre servidor. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador del servidor de documents per obtenir més informació.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer. Utilitzeu l'opció \"Baixa-ho com a\" per desar el fitxer al disc dur de l’ordinador o torneu-ho a provar més endavant.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "No s'han carregat els tipus de lletra. Contacteu amb l'administrador del Servidor de Documents.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat la versió de l'editor. Es tornarà a carregar la pàgina per aplicar els canvis.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "No s'ha pogut enviar.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió del fitxer. La pàgina es tornarà a carregar.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "S'ha restaurat la connexió a internet i la versió del fitxer ha canviat. Abans de continuar treballant, heu de baixar el fitxer o copiar-ne el contingut per assegurar-vos que no es perdi res i, després, torneu a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Ara mateix no es pot accedir al fitxer.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "La connexió és massa lenta, alguns dels components no s’han pogut carregar. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anònim",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Esborrar tots els camps",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visiteu el lloc web",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Feu clic per tancar el suggeriment.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contacteu amb vendes",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Ho tinc",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Convidat",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Carregant document",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Següent camp",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "S'està carregant el document",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "S'ha assolit el límit de llicència",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "de",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Ompli tots els camps requerits per enviar el formulari.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Enviar",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulari enviat amb èxit Faci clic per a tancar el consell",
- "DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Tancar",
- "DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Error Desconegut.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Emplena tots els camps necessaris per enviar el formulari.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "El formulari s'ha enviat amb èxit Cliqueu per tancar el consell",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat l'editor",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Tanca",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Buit)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Prem CTRL i clica a l'enllaç",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Error desconegut.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "El vostre navegador no és compatible.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Si us plau, esperi...",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "\nDescarregar",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Desar com a .docx",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Desar com a pdf",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Incrustar",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Obrir ubicació del fitxer",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Pantalla Completa",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimir",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Compartir"
+ "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Espereu...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies amb %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador per obtenir més informació.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La llicència ha caducat. No teniu accés a la funció d'edició de documents. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Cal renovar la llicència. Teniu accés limitat a la funció d'edició de documents. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador per obtenir accés complet",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador per a més informació.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies per als editors %1. Aquest document s'obrirà en mode de només lectura. Contacteu l'equip de vendes %1 per a les condicions personals de millora del servei.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb l'equip de vendes de %1 per obtenir les condicions de millora personals dels vostres serveis.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Esborra tots els camps",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Camp següent",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Envia",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Baixa",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Baixa-ho com a .docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Baixa-ho com a pdf",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Incrusta",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Obre la ubicació del fitxer",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Pantalla sencera",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimeix",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Comparteix",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Tema de la interfície"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/cs.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/cs.json
index 09c23bf7a..99604921e 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/cs.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/cs.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"common.view.modals.txtCopy": "Zkopírovat do schránky",
+ "common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "Vestavěný",
"common.view.modals.txtHeight": "Výška",
"common.view.modals.txtShare": "Odkaz pro sdílení",
"common.view.modals.txtWidth": "Šířka",
@@ -10,19 +11,34 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Stahování dokumentu…",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Pokoušíte se provést akci, na kterou nemáte oprávnění. Obraťte se na správce vámi využívaného dokumentového serveru.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Kód chyby: %1",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Při práci s dokumentem došlo k chybě. Použijte volbu 'Stáhnout jako…' pro uložení záložní kopie na harddisk Vašeho počítače. ",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Soubor je chráněn heslem a bez něj ho nelze otevřít.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Velikost souboru překračuje omezení nastavená na serveru, který využíváte. Ohledně podrobností se obraťte na správce dokumentového serveru.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Při ukládání souboru došlo k chybě. Prosím použijte 'Stáhnout jako' k uložení souboru na harddisk Vašeho počítače, nebo opakujte volbu později.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Styly nejsou načteny. Prosím kontaktujte Vašeho administrátora dokumentových serverů.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Potvrzení selhalo.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Připojení k Internetu bylo obnoveno a verze souboru byla změněna. Než budete moci pokračovat v práci, bude třeba si soubor stáhnout nebo si zkopírovat jeho obsah, abyste si zajistili, že se nic neztratí a až poté tuto stránku znovu načtěte.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Tento soubor nyní není přístupný.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Varování",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Připojení je příliš pomalé, některé součásti se nepodařilo načíst. Načtěte stránku znovu.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonymní",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Rozumím",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Host",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Načítání dokumentu",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "z",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Pro odeslání formuláře vyplňte všechna požadovaná pole.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulář úspěšně uložen. Klikněte pro zavření nápovědy.",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Zavřít",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Prázdné)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Stiskněte CTRL a klikněte na odkaz",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Neznámá chyba.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Vámi používaný webový prohlížeč není podporován.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Čekejte prosím…",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Stáhnout",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Stáhnout jako docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Stáhnout jako pdf",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Vestavěný",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Otevřít umístění souboru",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Na celou obrazovku",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Tisk",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Sdílet"
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/de.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/de.json
index 09023d4de..75e04d88f 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/de.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/de.json
@@ -14,25 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Fehler bei der Bearbeitung. Speichern Sie eine Kopie dieser Datei auf Ihrem Computer, indem Sie auf \"Herunterladen als...\" klicken.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Das Dokument ist kennwortgeschützt und kann nicht geöffnet werden.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Die Dateigröße überschreitet die für Ihren Server festgelegte Einschränkung. Weitere Informationen können Sie von Ihrem Document Server-Administrator erhalten.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Beim Speichern der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Verwenden Sie die Option \"Herunterladen als\", um die Datei auf Ihrer Computerfestplatte zu speichern oder versuchen Sie es später erneut.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Schriftarten nicht hochgeladen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Administratoren von Ihrem Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "Version des Editors wurde aktualisiert. Die Seite wird neu geladen, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Fehler beim Senden.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "Die Dateiversion wurde geändert. Die Seite wird neu geladen.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Die Internetverbindung wurde wiederhergestellt und die Dateiversion wurde geändert. Bevor Sie weiterarbeiten können, müssen Sie die Datei herunterladen oder den Inhalt kopieren, um sicherzustellen, dass nichts verloren geht, und diese Seite anschließend neu laden.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Der Zugriff auf diese Datei ist nicht möglich.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warnung",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Die Verbindung ist zu langsam, einige der Komponenten konnten nicht geladen werden. Bitte laden Sie die Seite erneut.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonym",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Alle Felder löschen",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Webseite besuchen",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Klicken Sie hier, um den Tipp zu schließen.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Verkaufsteam kontaktieren",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "OK",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Gast",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Dokument wird geladen...",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Nächstes Feld",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Lizenzlimit erreicht",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "von",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Füllen Sie alle erforderlichen Felder aus, um das Formular zu senden.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Senden",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Das Formular wurde erfolgreich abgesendet Klicken Sie hier, um den Tipp auszublenden",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor wurde aktualisiert",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Version wurde geändert",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Schließen",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Leer)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Drücken Sie STRG und klicken Sie auf den Link",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Unbekannter Fehler.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Ihr Webbrowser wird nicht unterstützt.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Bitte warten...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Sie haben das Limit für gleichzeitige Verbindungen in %1-Editoren erreicht. Dieses Dokument wird nur zum Anzeigen geöffnet. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Die Lizenz ist abgelaufen. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen sind nicht verfügbar. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihrem Administrator.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Die Lizenz soll aktualisiert werden. Die Bearbeitungsfunktionen sind eingeschränkt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihrem Administrator für vollen Zugriff",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Sie haben das Benutzerlimit für %1-Editoren erreicht. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Sie haben das Limit für gleichzeitige Verbindungen in %1-Editoren erreicht. Dieses Dokument wird nur zum Anzeigen geöffnet. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unser Verkaufsteam, um persönliche Upgrade-Bedingungen zu erhalten.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Sie haben das Benutzerlimit für %1-Editoren erreicht. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unser Verkaufsteam, um persönliche Upgrade-Bedingungen zu erhalten.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Alle Felder leeren",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Nächstes Feld",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Senden",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Herunterladen",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Als DOCX herunterladen",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Als PDF herunterladen",
@@ -40,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Dateispeicherort öffnen",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Vollbild-Modus",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Drucken",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Freigeben"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Freigeben",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Thema der Benutzeroberfläche"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/el.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/el.json
index 2a30fac8d..7cdd52341 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/el.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/el.json
@@ -14,22 +14,23 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την εργασία με το έγγραφο. Χρησιμοποιήστε την επιλογή «Λήψη ως...» για να αποθηκεύσετε το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας στον σκληρό δίσκο του υπολογιστή σας.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Το αρχείο προστατεύεται με συνθηματικό και δεν μπορεί να ανοίξει.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Το μέγεθος του αρχείου υπερβαίνει το όριο που έχει οριστεί για τον διακομιστή σας. Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του διακομιστή εγγράφων για λεπτομέρειες.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την αποθήκευση του αρχείου. Χρησιμοποιήστε την επιλογή «Λήψη ως» για να αποθηκεύσετε το αρχείο στον σκληρό δίσκο του υπολογιστή σας ή δοκιμάστε ξανά αργότερα.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Οι γραμματοσειρές δεν έχουν φορτωθεί. Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του Εξυπηρετητή Εγγράφων σας.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Η υποβολή απέτυχε.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Η σύνδεση στο Διαδίκτυο έχει αποκατασταθεί και η έκδοση του αρχείου έχει αλλάξει. Προτού συνεχίσετε να εργάζεστε, πρέπει να κατεβάσετε το αρχείο ή να αντιγράψετε το περιεχόμενό του για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι δεν έχει χαθεί τίποτα και, στη συνέχεια, φορτώστε ξανά αυτήν τη σελίδα.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο αρχείο αυτήν τη στιγμή.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Προειδοποίηση",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Η σύνδεση είναι πολύ αργή, δεν ήταν δυνατή η φόρτωση ορισμένων στοιχείων. Φορτώστε ξανά τη σελίδα.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Ανώνυμος",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Εκκαθάριση Όλων των Πεδίων",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Ελήφθη",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Επισκέπτης",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Φόρτωση εγγράφου",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Επόμενο Πεδίο",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "του",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Συμπληρώστε όλα τα απαιτούμενα πεδία για την αποστολή της φόρμας.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Υποβολή",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Η φόρμα υποβλήθηκε με επιτυχία Κάντε κλικ για να κλείσετε τη συμβουλή ",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Κλείσιμο",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Κενό)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Πατήστε Ctrl και κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Άγνωστο σφάλμα.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Ο περιηγητής σας δεν υποστηρίζεται.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Παρακαλούμε, περιμένετε...",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
index ad6982bcb..d911f1de6 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
@@ -14,39 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document. Use the 'Download as...' option to save the file backup copy to your computer hard drive.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and cannot be opened.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds the limitation set for your server. Please contact your Document Server administrator for details.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "An error occurred while saving the file. Please use the 'Download as' option to save the file to your computer hard drive or try again later.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Submit failed.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed. Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "An error occurred while saving the file. Please use the 'Download as' option to save the file to your computer hard drive or try again later.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please reload the page.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonymous",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Click to close the tip.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Got it",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Guest",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Loading document",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "of",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Fill all required fields to send form.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Form submitted successfully Click to close the tip",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor updated",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Close",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Empty)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Press Ctrl and click link",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Your browser is not supported.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Please, wait...",
- "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Empty)",
- "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Press Ctrl and click link",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Click to close the tip.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor updated",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have a limited access to document editing functionality. Please contact your administrator to get full access",
- "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please contact your administrator.",
"DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please contact your administrator.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have a limited access to document editing functionality. Please contact your administrator to get full access",
"DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
"DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Clear All Fields",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Next Field",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Submit",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Download",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Download as docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Download as pdf",
@@ -55,8 +59,5 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Full Screen",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Print",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Share",
- "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Submit",
- "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Clear All Fields",
- "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Next Field",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Interface theme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/es.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/es.json
index de92ca281..0a5ecbd5e 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/es.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/es.json
@@ -14,25 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Se produjo un error durante el trabajo con el documento. Use la opción 'Descargar como...' para guardar la copia de seguridad de este archivo en el disco duro de su ordenador.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "El archivo está protegido por una contraseña y no puede ser abierto.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "El tamaño del archivo excede el límite establecido para su servidor. Por favor póngase en contacto con el administrador del Servidor de Documentos para obtener más información.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Ha ocurrido un error al guardar el archivo. Por favor, use la opción \"Descargar como\" para guardar el archivo en el disco duro de su ordenador o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Las fuentes no están cargadas. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "La versión del editor ha sido actualizada. La página será recargada para aplicar los cambios.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Error al enviar.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "Se ha cambiado la versión del archivo. La página será actualizada.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "La conexión a Internet ha sido restaurada, y la versión del archivo ha sido cambiada. Antes de poder seguir trabajando, es necesario descargar el archivo o copiar su contenido para asegurarse de que no se pierda nada, y luego recargar esta página.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "No se puede acceder al archivo en este momento.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "La conexión a Internet es demasiado lenta, algunos de los componentes no se han podido cargar. Por favor, recargue la página.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anónimo",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Borrar todos los campos",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visitar sitio web",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Haga clic para cerrar el consejo.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contactar con el equipo de ventas",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Entiendo",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Invitado",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Cargando documento",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Campo siguiente",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Se ha alcanzado el límite de licencia",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "de",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Rellene todos los campos obligatorios para enviar el formulario.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Enviar",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulario enviado con éxito Haga clic para cerrar el consejo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor ha sido actualizado",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Versión se ha cambiado",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Cerrar",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Vacío)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Pulse CTRL y haga clic en el enlace",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Error desconocido.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Su navegador no es compatible.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Por favor, espere...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Usted ha alcanzado el límite de conexiones simultáneas con %1 editores. Este documento se abrirá sólo para su visualización. Por favor, contacte con su administrador para recibir más información.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Licencia expirada. No tiene acceso a la funcionalidad de edición de documentos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con su administrador.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "La licencia requiere ser renovada. Tiene un acceso limitado a la funcionalidad de edición de documentos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con su administrador para obtener un acceso completo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Usted ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios para los editores de %1. Por favor, contacte con su administrador para recibir más información.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Usted ha alcanzado el límite de conexiones simultáneas con %1 editores. Este documento se abrirá sólo para su visualización. Contacte con el equipo de ventas de %1 para conocer los términos de actualización personal.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Usted ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios para los editores de %1. Contacte con el equipo de ventas de %1 para conocer los términos de actualización personal.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Borrar todos los campos",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Campo siguiente",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Enviar",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Descargar",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Descargar como docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Descargar como pdf",
@@ -40,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Abrir ubicación del archivo",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Pantalla Completa",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimir",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Compartir"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Compartir",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Tema de interfaz"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/fr.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/fr.json
index c56b67a2f..4107e8f57 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/fr.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/fr.json
@@ -14,25 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du travail avec le document. Utilisez l'option 'Télécharger comme...' pour enregistrer une copie de sauvegarde du fichier sur le disque dur de votre ordinateur.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Le fichier est protégé par le mot de passe et ne peut pas être ouvert.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "La taille du fichier dépasse les limites établies sur votre serveur. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur de Document Server pour obtenir plus d'informations. ",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement du fichier. Veuillez utiliser l'option «Télécharger en tant que» pour enregistrer le fichier sur le disque dur de votre ordinateur ou réessayer plus tard.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Les polices ne sont pas téléchargées. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "La version de l'éditeur a été mise à jour. La page sera rechargée pour appliquer les modifications.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Échec de soumission",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "La version du fichier a été changée. La page sera rechargée.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "La connexion internet a été rétablie, la version du fichier est modifiée. Avant de continuer, téléchargez le fichier ou copiez le contenu pour vous assurer que tous les changements ont été enregistrés, et rechargez la page.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Impossible d'accéder au fichier.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "La connexion est trop lente, certains éléments ne peuvent pas être chargés. Veuillez recharger la page.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonyme",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Effacer tous les champs",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visiter le site web",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Cliquez pour fermer le conseil.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contacter l'équipe de ventes",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "C'est compris",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Invité",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Chargement du document",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Champ suivant",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "La limite de la licence est atteinte",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "de",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires avant d'envoyer le formulaire.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Soumettre ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Le formulaire a été soumis avec succès Cliquez ici pour fermer l'astuce",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "L'éditeur est mis à jour",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "La version a été modifiée",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Fermer",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Vide)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez sur le lien",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Erreur inconnue.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Votre navigateur n'est pas pris en charge.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Veuillez patienter...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal de connexions simultanées aux éditeurs %1. Ce document sera ouvert en mode lecture seule. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour en savoir davantage.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La licence est expirée. Vous n'avez plus d'accès aux outils d'édition. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "La licence doit être renouvelée. Vous avez un accès limité aux outils d'édition des documents. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour obtenir un accès complet.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal d’utilisateurs des éditeurs %1. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour en savoir davantage.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal de connexions simultanées aux éditeurs %1. Ce document sera ouvert en lecture seule. Veuillez contacter le service des ventes %1 pour connaître les conditions de mise à niveau personnelle.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal d’utilisateurs des éditeurs %1. Veuillez contacter l’équipe des ventes %1 pour connaître les conditions de mise à niveau personnelle.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Effacer tous les champs",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Champ suivant",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Soumettre ",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Télécharger",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Télécharger en tant que docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Télécharger en tant que pdf",
@@ -40,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Ouvrir l'emplacement du fichier",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Plein écran",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimer",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Partager"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Partager",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Thème d’interface"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/it.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/it.json
index b18e037e0..c4ec85300 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/it.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/it.json
@@ -14,21 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Si è verificato un errore durante il lavoro con il documento. Utilizzare l'opzione 'Scarica come ...' per salvare la copia di backup del file sul disco rigido del computer.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Il file è protetto da una password. Impossibile aprirlo.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "La dimensione del file supera la limitazione impostata per il tuo server. Per i dettagli, contatta l'amministratore del Document server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio del file. Utilizzare l'opzione 'Scarica come' per salvare il file sul disco rigido del computer o riprovare più tardi.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "I caratteri non sono caricati. Si prega di contattare il tuo amministratore di Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "La versione dell'editor è stata aggiornata. La pagina verrà ricaricata per applicare le modifiche.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Invio fallito.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "La versione del file è stata cambiata. La pagina verrà ricaricata.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "La connessione Internet è stata ripristinata e la versione del file è stata modificata. Prima di poter continuare a lavorare, è necessario scaricare il file o copiarne il contenuto per assicurarsi che non vada perso nulla, successivamente ricaricare questa pagina.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Impossibile accedere al file subito.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avviso",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "La connessione è troppo lenta, alcuni componenti non possono essere caricati. Si prega di ricaricare la pagina.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Cancella tutti i campi",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonimo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visita il sito web",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Clicca su per chiudere la notifica",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contatta il team di vendita",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Capito",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Ospite",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Caricamento del documento",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Campo successivo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "E' stato raggiunto il limite della licenza",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "di",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Invia",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Compila tutti i campi richiesti per inviare il modulo.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Modulo inviato con successo Fare click per chiudere la notifica",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "L'editor è stato aggiornato",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "La versione è stata cambiata",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Chiudi",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Vuoto)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Premi CTRL e clicca sul collegamento",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Errore sconosciuto.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Il tuo browser non è supportato.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Per favore, attendi...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Hai raggiunto il limite delle connessioni simultanee con gli editor %1. Questo documento verrà aperto solo per la visualizzazione. Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore per maggior informazioni.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Licenza è scaduta. Non hai accesso alle funzionalità di modifica dei documenti. Ti preghiamo di contattare l'amministratore.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "La licenza va rinnovata. Hai un accesso limitato alle funzionalità di modifica dei documenti. Ti preghiamo di contattare l'amministratore per ottenere l'accesso completo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Hai raggiunto il limite degli utenti per gli editor %1. Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore per maggior informazioni.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Hai raggiunto il limite delle connessioni simultanee con gli editor %1. Questo documento verrà aperto solo per la visualizzazione. Ti preghiamo di contattare il team di vendite di %1 per i termini di aggiornamento personali.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Hai raggiunto il limite degli utenti per gli editor %1. Ti preghiamo di contattare il team di vendite di %1 per i termini di aggiornamento personali.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Cancellare tutti i campi",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Campo successivo",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Invia",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Scarica",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Scarica come .docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Scarica come .pdf",
@@ -36,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Apri percorso file",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Schermo intero",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Stampa",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Condividi"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Condividi",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Tema dell'interfaccia"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ja.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ja.json
index 17e852b32..00ba726b4 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ja.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ja.json
@@ -11,20 +11,34 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "ドキュメントのダウンロード中...",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "利用権限がない操作をしようとしました。 Documentサーバー管理者に連絡してください。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "エラー コード: %1",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "ドキュメントの作業中にエラーが発生しました。 「名前を付けてダウンロード」オプションを使用して、ファイルのバックアップコピーをコンピュータに保存します。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "ドキュメントがパスワードで保護されているため開くことができません",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "ファイルサイズがサーバーで設定された制限を超過しています。 Documentサーバー管理者に詳細をお問い合わせください。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "文書の保存中にエラーが発生しました。コンピューターにファイルを保存するために、「...としてダウンロード」を使用し、または後で再お試しください。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "フォントがダウンロードされませんでした。文書サーバのアドミニストレータを連絡してください。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "送信に失敗しました。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "インターネット接続が復旧し、ファイルのバージョンが更新されています。 作業を継続する前に、ファイルをダウンロードするか内容をコピーして、変更が消えてしまわないようにしてからページを再読み込みしてください。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "今、ファイルにアクセスすることはできません。",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "接続が非常に遅いため、いくつかのコンポーネントはロードされませんでした。ページを再読み込みしてください。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "匿名",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "OK",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "ゲスト",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "ドキュメントを読み込んでいます",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "から",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "必須事項をすべて入力し、送信してください。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "フォームが正常に送信されました。 クリックしてヒントを閉じます。",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "閉じる",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(空)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "リンクをクリックしてCTRLを押してください",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "不明なエラー",
- "DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "お使いのブラウザがサポートされていません。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "お使いのブラウザはサポートされていません。",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "少々お待ちください...",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "ダウンロード",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "docxとして保存",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "PDFとして保存",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "埋め込み",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "ファイルを開く",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "全画面表示",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "印刷する",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "シェア"
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ko.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ko.json
index 4ba731456..441e9370e 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ko.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ko.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"common.view.modals.txtCopy": "클립보드로 복사",
- "common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "개체 삽입",
+ "common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "퍼가기",
"common.view.modals.txtHeight": "높이",
"common.view.modals.txtShare": "링크 공유",
"common.view.modals.txtWidth": "너비",
@@ -10,21 +10,54 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "다운로드 실패",
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "문서 다운로드 중...",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "권한이없는 작업을 수행하려고합니다. Document Server 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "오류 코드: %1",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "이 문서는 암호로 보호되어있어 열 수 없습니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "오류 코드 : % 1",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": " 문서 작업 중에 알수 없는 장애가 발생했습니다. \"다른 이름으로 다운로드...\"를 선택하여 파일을 현재 사용 중인 컴퓨터 하드 디스크에 저장하시기 바랍니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "이 문서는 암호로 보호되어 있어 열 수 없습니다.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "파일의 크기가 서버에서 정해진 범위를 초과 했습니다. 문서 서버 관리자에게 해당 내용에 대한 자세한 안내를 받아 보시기 바랍니다.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "인터넷 연결이 복구 되었으며 파일에 수정 사항이 발생되었습니다. 작업을 계속 하시기 전에 반드시 기존의 파일을 다운로드하거나 내용을 복사해서 작업 내용을 잃어 버리는 일이 없도록 한 후에 이 페이지를 새로 고침(reload) 해 주시기 바랍니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "파일을 저장하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. \"다른 이름으로 다운로드\" 옵션을 사용하여 파일을 컴퓨터의 하드 드라이브에 저장하거나 나중에 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "글꼴이 로드되지 않았습니다. 문서 관리 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "편집기 버전이 업데이트되었습니다. 페이지가 다시로드되어 변경 사항이 적용됩니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "전송실패",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "파일 버전이 변경되었습니다. 페이지가 다시로드됩니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "네트워크 연결이 복원되었으며 파일 버전이 변경되었습니다. 계속 작업하기 전에 데이터 손실을 방지하기 위해 파일을 다운로드하거나 내용을 복사한 다음 이 페이지를 새로 고쳐야 합니다.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "파일에 지금 액세스 할 수 없습니다.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "연결 속도가 느려, 일부 요소들이 로드되지 않았습니다. 페이지를 다시 새로 고침해주세요.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "익명",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "웹 사이트 방문",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "팁을 닫으려면 클릭합니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "영업 담당자에게 문의",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "취득",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "게스트",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "문서 로드 중",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE 연결 제한",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "의",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "양식을 보내려면 모든 필수 필드를 채우십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "양식이 성공적으로 전송되었습니다. 여기를 클릭하여 프롬프트를 닫으십시오",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "편집기가 업데이트되었습니다.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "버전이 변경되었습니다.",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "닫기",
- "DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "알 수없는 오류.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(없음)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "CTRL 키를 누른 상태에서 링크 클릭",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "알 수 없는 오류.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "사용중인 브라우저가 지원되지 않습니다.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "잠시만 기달려주세요...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "잠시만 기다려주세요...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "귀하의 시스템은 동시에 연결을 편집하는 %1명의 편집자에게 도달했습니다. 이 문서는 보기 모드에서만 열 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "라이센스가 만료되었습니다. 더 이상 파일을 수정할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "라이센스를 갱신해야합니다. 문서 편집 기능에 대한 액세스가 제한되어 있습니다. 전체 액세스 권한을 얻으려면 관리자에게 문의하십시오",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "편집자 사용자 한도인 %1명에 도달했습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "이 버전의 %1 편집자는 문서 서버에 대한 동시 연결에 특정 제한 사항이 있습니다. 더 많은 정보가 필요하면 현재 라이센스를 업그레이드하거나 상업용 라이센스를 구입하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "ONLYOFFICE 편집자의이 버전은 동시 사용자에게 일정한 제한이 있습니다. 더 필요한 것이 있으면 현재 라이센스를 업그레이드하거나 상용 라이센스를 구입하십시오.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "모든 필드 지우기",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "다음 필드",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "전송",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "다운로드 ",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "개체 삽입",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "docx 형식으로 다운로드",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "PDF형식으로 다운로드",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "퍼가기",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "파일 위치 열기",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "전체 화면",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "공유"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "인쇄",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "공유",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "인터페이스 테마"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/lo.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/lo.json
index d7975ae97..cf4dd0f71 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/lo.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/lo.json
@@ -19,11 +19,8 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "ບໍ່ສາມາດເຂົ້າເຖິງຟາຍໄດ້",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ອິນເຕີເນັດຊ້າເກີນໄປ, ບາງອົງປະກອບບໍ່ສາມາດໂຫຼດໄດ້. ກະລຸນາໂຫຼດໜ້ານີ້ຄືນໃໝ່",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "ລຶບລ້າງຟີລທັງໝົດ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "ກຳລັງໂຫຼດເອກະສານ",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "ຟີລທັດໄປ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "ຂອງ",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "ສົ່ງອອກ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": " ແບບຟອມທີ່ສົ່ງມາແລ້ວ",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": " ປິດ",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ບໍ່ຮູ້ສາເຫດ",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/nl.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/nl.json
index 424c279f0..8e7c05861 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/nl.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/nl.json
@@ -20,14 +20,11 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Waarschuwing",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "De verbinding is te langzaam, sommige componenten konden niet geladen worden. Laad de pagina opnieuw.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anoniem",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Wis Alle Velden",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "OK",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Gast",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Document wordt geladen",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Volgend veld ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "van",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Vul alle verplichte velden in om het formulier te verzenden.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Verzenden ",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulier succesvol ingediend Klik om de tip te sluiten",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Sluiten",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Onbekende fout.",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pl.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pl.json
index b7b983c42..2d0d2a800 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pl.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pl.json
@@ -9,22 +9,35 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.criticalErrorTitle": "Błąd",
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "Pobieranie nieudane.",
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Pobieranie dokumentu...",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Próbujesz wykonać działanie, na które nie masz uprawnień. Proszę skontaktować się z administratorem serwera dokumentów.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Próbujesz wykonać działanie, do którego nie masz uprawnień. Proszę skontaktować się ze swoim administratorem Serwera Dokumentów.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Kod błędu: %1",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Dokument jest chroniony hasłem i nie może być otwarty.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Rozmiar pliku przekracza dopuszczone limit dla twojego serwera. Prosimy o kontakt z administratorem twojego serwera w celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Połączenie z internetem zostało odzyskane, a wersja pliku uległa zmianie. Zanim będzie mógł kontynuować pracę, musisz pobrać plik albo skopiować jego zawartość, aby mieć pewność, że nic nie zostało utracone, a następnie odświeżyć stronę.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Wystąpił błąd podczas pracy z dokumentem. Użyj opcji \"Pobierz jako...\", aby zapisać kopię zapasową pliku na dysku twardym komputera.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Dokument jest chroniony hasłem i nie może zostać otwarty.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Rozmiar pliku przekracza dopuszczone limit ustawiony dla twojego serwera. Prosimy o kontakt z administratorem twojego serwera w celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisywania pliku. Użyj opcji \"Pobierz jako\", aby zapisać plik na dysku twardym komputera lub spróbuj poźniej zapisać plik ponownie.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Czcionki nie zostały załadowane. Skontaktuj się z administratorem Serwera Dokumentów.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Przesyłanie nie powiodło się.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Połączenie z internetem zostało odzyskane, a wersja pliku uległa zmianie. Zanim będziesz mógł kontynuować pracę, musisz pobrać plik albo skopiować jego zawartość, aby mieć pewność, że nic nie zostało utracone, a następnie odświeżyć stronę.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do tego pliku.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Ostrzeżenie",
- "DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Połączenie jest zbyt wolne, niektóre komponenty mogą być niezaładowane. Prosimy odświeżyć stronę.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Ładowanie dokumentu",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Połączenie jest zbyt wolne, niektóre komponenty mogą być niezaładowane. Proszę odświeżyć stronę.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonimowy użytkownik ",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Gość",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Wgrywanie dokumentu",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "z",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Wypełnij wszystkie wymagane pola, aby wysłać formularz.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formularz załączony poprawnie Kliknij aby zamknąć podpowiedź.",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Zamknij",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Pusty)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Naciśnij Ctrl i kliknij w link",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Nieznany błąd.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Twoja przeglądarka nie jest wspierana.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Proszę czekać...",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Pobierz",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Pobierz jako docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Pobierz jako pdf",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Osadź",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Otwórz miejsce lokalizacji pliku",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Pełny ekran",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Drukuj",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Udostępnij"
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pt.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pt.json
index ec784e55d..61cd3d56c 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pt.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/pt.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "common.view.modals.txtCopy": "Copiar para a área de transferência",
+ "common.view.modals.txtCopy": "Copiar para a área de trabalho",
"common.view.modals.txtEmbed": "Incorporar",
"common.view.modals.txtHeight": "Altura",
"common.view.modals.txtShare": "Compartilhar link",
@@ -7,38 +7,57 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.convertationErrorText": "Conversão falhou.",
"DE.ApplicationController.convertationTimeoutText": "Tempo limite de conversão excedido.",
"DE.ApplicationController.criticalErrorTitle": "Erro",
- "DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "Transferência falhou.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Transferindo documento...",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Você está tentando executar uma ação para a qual não tem direitos. Entre em contato com o administrador do Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.downloadErrorText": "Download falhou.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Baixando documento...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Você está tentando executar uma ação que você não tem direitos. Contate o administrador do Servidor de Documentos.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Código do erro: %1",
- "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Ocorreu um erro durante o trabalho com o documento. Utilizar a opção 'Download as...' para salvar a cópia de backup do arquivo no disco rígido do seu computador.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Ocorreu um erro. Use a opção 'Transferir como...' para gravar a cópia de backup em seu computador.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "O documento é protegido por senha e não pode ser aberto.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "O tamanho do arquivo excede o limite de seu servidor. Por favor, contate seu administrador de Servidor de Documentos para detalhes.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Ocorreu um erro na gravação. Favor utilizar a opção 'Baixar como' para gravar o arquivo em seu computador ou tente novamente mais tarde.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "As fontes não foram carregadas. Entre em contato com o administrador do Document Server.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "A versão do editor foi atualizada. A página será recarregada para aplicar as alterações.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Falha no envio.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "A versão do arquivo foi alterada. A página será recarregada.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "A conexão à internet foi restabelecida, e a versão do arquivo foi alterada. Antes de continuar seu trabalho, transfira o arquivo ou copie seu conteúdo para assegurar que nada seja perdido, e então, recarregue esta página.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "O arquivo não pode ser acessado agora.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "A conexão está muito lenta, e alguns dos componentes não puderam ser carregados. Por favor, recarregue a página.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anônimo",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Limpar todos os campos",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Visitar website",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Clique para fechar a dica.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Entre em contato com o departamento de vendas",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Entendi",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Convidado(a)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Convidado",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Carregando documento",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Próximo campo",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Limite de licença atingido",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "de",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios para enviar o formulário.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Enviar",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulário apresentado com sucesso>br>Click para fechar a ponta",
- "DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Fechar",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor atualizado",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Versão alterada",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Encerrar",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Vazio)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Pressione CTRL e clique no link",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Erro desconhecido.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Seu navegador não é suportado.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Aguarde...",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Transferir",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Por favor, aguarde...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Você atingiu o limite de conexões simultâneas para editores %1. Este documento será aberto apenas para visualização. Entre em contato com seu administrador para saber mais.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "A licença expirou. Você não tem acesso à funcionalidade de edição de documentos. Por favor, contate seu administrador.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "A licença precisa ser renovada. Você tem acesso limitado à funcionalidade de edição de documentos. Entre em contato com o administrador para obter acesso total.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Você atingiu o limite de usuários para editores %1. Entre em contato com seu administrador para saber mais.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Você atingiu o limite de conexões simultâneas para editores %1. Este documento será aberto apenas para visualização. Entre em contato com a equipe de vendas da %1 para obter os termos de atualização pessoais.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Você atingiu o limite de usuários para editores %1. Entre em contato com a equipe de vendas da %1 para obter os termos de atualização pessoais.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Limpar todos os campos",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Próximo campo",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Enviar",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Baixar",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Baixar como docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Baixar como pdf",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Incorporar",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Local do arquivo aberto",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Tela cheia",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimir",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Compartilhar"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Compartilhar",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Tema de interface"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ro.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ro.json
index 2916153cc..026f15cd9 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ro.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ro.json
@@ -14,25 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "S-a produs o eroare în timpul editării documentului. Pentru copierea de rezervă pe PC utilizați opțiunea Descărcare ca...",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Fișierul este protejat cu parolă și deaceea nu poate fi deschis.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Dimensiunea fișierului depășește limita permisă de serverul Dvs. Pentru detalii, contactați administratorul dumneavoastră de Server Documente.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "S-a produs o eroare în timpul salvării fișierului. Pentru copierea de rezervă pe PC utilizați opțiunea Descărcare ca... sau încercați din nou mai târziu.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Fonturile nu sunt încărcate. Contactați administratorul dvs de Server Documente.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "Editorul a fost actualizat. Pagina va fi reîmprospătată pentru a aplica această actualizare.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Remiterea eșuată.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "Versiunea fișierului s-a modificat. Pagina va fi reîmprospătată.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Conexiunea la Internet s-a restabilit și versiunea fișierului s-a schimbat. Înainte de a continua, fișierul trebuie descărcat sau conținutul fișierului copiat ca să vă asigurați că nimic nu e pierdut, apoi reîmprospătați această pagină.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Fișierul nu poate fi accesat deocamdată.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertisment",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Conexeunea e prea lentă și unele elemente nu se încarcă. Încercați să reîmprospătati pagina.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonim",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Goleşte toate câmpurile",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Vizitarea site-ul Web",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Faceţi clic pentru a închide sfatul.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Contactați Departamentul de Vânzări",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Am înțeles",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Invitat",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Încărcare document",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Câmpul următor",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Ați atins limita stabilită de licență",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "din",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Toate câmpurile din formular trebuie completate înainte de a-l trimite.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Remitere",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formularul a fost remis cu succes Faceţi clic pentru a închide sfatul",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editorul a fost actualizat",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Versiunea s-a modificat",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Închidere",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Gol)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Apăsați Ctrl și faceți clic pe linkul",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Eroare necunoscută.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Browserul nu este compatibil.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Vă rugăm să așteptați...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Ați atins numărul maxim de conexiuni simultane la %1 de editoare. Documentul este disponibil numai pentru vizualizare. Pentru detalii, contactați administratorul dvs.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Licența dvs. a expirat. Nu aveți acces la funcții de editare a documentului. Contactați administratorul dvs. de rețeea.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Licență urmează să fie reînnoită. Funcțiile de editare sunt cu acces limitat. Pentru a obține acces nelimitat, contactați administratorul dvs. de rețea.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori ai %1 editoare. Pentru detalii, contactați administratorul dvs.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Ați atins numărul maxim de conexiuni simultane la %1 de editoare. Documentul este disponibil numai pentru vizualizare. Contactați %1 Departamentul de Vânzări pentru acordarea condițiilor personale de licențiere.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori ai %1 editoare. Contactați Grup Vânzări %1 pentru acordarea condițiilor personale de licențiere.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Goleşte toate câmpurile",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Câmpul următor",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Remitere",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Descărcare",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Descărcare ca docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Descărcare ca pdf",
@@ -40,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Deschidere locația fișierului",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Ecran complet",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Imprimare",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Partajează"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Partajează",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Tema interfeței"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ru.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ru.json
index 29a785721..9d39a5d5d 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ru.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/ru.json
@@ -14,25 +14,43 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "В ходе работы с документом произошла ошибка. Используйте опцию 'Скачать как...', чтобы сохранить резервную копию файла на жесткий диск компьютера.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Файл защищен паролем и не может быть открыт.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Размер файла превышает ограничение, установленное для вашего сервера. Обратитесь к администратору Сервера документов для получения дополнительной информации.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "При сохранении файла произошла ошибка. Используйте опцию 'Скачать как', чтобы сохранить файл на жестком диске компьютера или повторите попытку позже.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Шрифты не загружены. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору Сервера документов.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "Версия редактора была обновлена. Страница будет перезагружена, чтобы применить изменения.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Не удалось отправить.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "Версия файла была изменена. Страница будет перезагружена.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Подключение к Интернету было восстановлено, и версия файла изменилась. Прежде чем продолжить работу, надо скачать файл или скопировать его содержимое, чтобы обеспечить сохранность данных, а затем перезагрузить страницу.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "В настоящий момент файл недоступен.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Внимание",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Слишком медленное подключение, некоторые компоненты не удалось загрузить. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу.",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Анонимный пользователь",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Очистить все поля",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Перейти на сайт",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Нажмите, чтобы закрыть подсказку.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Связаться с отделом продаж",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "ОК",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Гость",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Загрузка документа",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Следующее поле",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Лицензионное ограничение",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "из",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Заполните все обязательные поля для отправки формы.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Отправить",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Форма успешно отправлена Нажмите, чтобы закрыть подсказку",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Редактор обновлен",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Версия изменилась",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Закрыть",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Пусто)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Нажмите CTRL и щелкните по ссылке",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Неизвестная ошибка.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Ваш браузер не поддерживается.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Пожалуйста, подождите...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "Вы достигли лимита на одновременные подключения к редакторам %1. Этот документ будет открыт только на просмотр. Свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы узнать больше.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Истек срок действия лицензии. Нет доступа к функциональности редактирования документов. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Необходимо обновить лицензию. У вас ограниченный доступ к функциональности редактирования документов. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору, чтобы получить полный доступ",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Вы достигли лимита на количество пользователей редакторов %1. Свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы узнать больше.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "Вы достигли лимита на одновременные подключения к редакторам %1. Этот документ будет открыт на просмотр. Напишите в отдел продаж %1, чтобы обсудить индивидуальные условия лицензирования.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "Вы достигли лимита на количество пользователей редакторов %1. Напишите в отдел продаж %1, чтобы обсудить индивидуальные условия обновления.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Очистить все поля",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Следующее поле",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Отправить",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Скачать файл",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Скачать как docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Скачать как pdf",
@@ -40,5 +58,6 @@
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Открыть расположение файла",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Во весь экран",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Печать",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Поделиться"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Поделиться",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Тема интерфейса"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sk.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sk.json
index 7a3eebfc1..9e892db9c 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sk.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sk.json
@@ -11,21 +11,49 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Sťahovanie dokumentu...",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Pokúšate sa vykonať akciu, na ktorú nemáte práva. Prosím, kontaktujte svojho správcu dokumentového servera.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Kód chyby: %1",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Pri práci s dokumentom došlo k chybe. Použite voľbu \"Stiahnuť ako...\" a uložte si záložnú kópiu súboru na svoj počítač.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Dokument je chránený heslom a nie je možné ho otvoriť.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Veľkosť súboru prekračuje limity vášho servera. Kontaktujte prosím vášho správcu dokumentového servera o ďalšie podrobnosti.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "Pri ukladaní súboru sa vyskytla chyba. Ak chcete súbor uložiť na pevný disk počítača, použite možnosť 'Prevziať ako' alebo to skúste znova neskôr.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "Fonty sa nenahrali. Kontaktujte prosím svojho administrátora Servera dokumentov.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "Verzia editora bola aktualizovaná. Stránka sa opätovne načíta, aby sa vykonali zmeny.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Odoslanie sa nepodarilo.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "Verzia súboru bola zmenená. Stránka sa znova načíta.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internetové spojenie bolo obnovené a verzia súboru bola zmenená. Predtým, než budete pokračovať v práci, potrebujete si stiahnuť súbor alebo kópiu jeho obsahu, aby sa nič nestratilo. Potom znovu načítajte stránku.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "K súboru nie je možné práve teraz získať prístup.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Upozornenie",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Spojenie je príliš pomalé, niektoré komponenty nemožno nahrať. Obnovte prosím stránku.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonymný",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "Navštíviť webovú stránku",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "Kliknite na zatvorenie tipu.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "Kontaktujte predajcu",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Pochopil/a som",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Hosť",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Načítavanie dokumentu",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "Bol dosiahnutý limit licencie",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "z",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Vyplňte všetky požadované polia, aby ste formulár mohli odoslať.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Formulár bol úspešne predložený Kliknite, aby ste tip zatvorili",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "Editor bol aktualizovaný",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "Verzia bola zmenená",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Zatvoriť",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Prázdne)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Stlačte CTRL a kliknite na odkaz",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Neznáma chyba.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Váš prehliadač nie je podporovaný.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Prosím čakajte...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Licencia vypršala. K funkcii úprav dokumentu už nemáte prístup. Kontaktujte svojho administrátora, prosím.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Je potrebné obnoviť licenciu. K funkciám úprav dokumentov máte obmedzený prístup. Pre získanie úplného prístupu kontaktujte prosím svojho administrátora.",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "Vyčistiť všetky polia",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "Nasledujúce pole",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Odoslať",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Stiahnuť",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Stiahnuť ako docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Stiahnuť ako pdf",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Vložiť",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Otvoriť umiestnenie súboru",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Celá obrazovka",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Tlačiť",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Zdieľať"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Zdieľať",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Téma rozhrania"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sl.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sl.json
index 018e14331..428edaae4 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sl.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sl.json
@@ -19,11 +19,8 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Do datoteke v tem trenutku ni možno dostopati.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Opozorilo",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Povezava je počasna, nekatere komponente niso pravilno naložene.Prosimo osvežite stran.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Počisti vsa polja",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Nalaganje dokumenta",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Naslednje polje",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "od",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Pošlji",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Obrazec poslan uspešno Pritisnite tukaj za zaprtje obvestila",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Zapri",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Neznana napaka.",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sv.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sv.json
index 6516afa10..5ac1829b4 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sv.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/sv.json
@@ -11,20 +11,30 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.downloadTextText": "Laddar ner dokumentet...",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorAccessDeny": "Du försöker utföra en åtgärd som du inte har rättighet till. Vänligen kontakta din systemadministratör.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorDefaultMessage": "Felkod: %1",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "Ett fel har inträffat. Använd \"Ladda ned som...\" för att spara en säkerhetskopia på din dator.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "Dokumentet är lösenordsskyddat och kunde inte öppnas. ",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "Filstorleken överskrider gränsen för din server. Var snäll och kontakta administratören för dokumentservern för mer information.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "Gick ej att verkställa.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internetanslutningen har återställts och filversionen har ändrats. Innan du fortsätter arbeta, ladda ner filen eller kopiera innehållet för att försäkra dig om att inte förlora något, ladda sedan om denna sida.",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Filen kan inte nås för tillfället. ",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Varning",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Anslutningen är för långsam, vissa av komponenterna kunde inte laddas. Vänligen ladda om sidan.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "Anonym",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "Ok!",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "Gäst",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Laddar dokument",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "av",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "Fyll i alla fält för att skicka formulär.",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": " Formulär skickat Klicka för att stänga tipset",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Stäng",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Okänt fel.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Din webbläsare stöds ej.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Var snäll och vänta...",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Ladda ner",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Ladda ner som docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Ladda ner som pdf",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "Inbädda",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "Gå till filens plats",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Fullskärm",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Skriva ut",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Dela"
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/tr.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/tr.json
index 6cc48ad89..86cb7be7d 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/tr.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/tr.json
@@ -17,11 +17,8 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "Belgeye şu an erişilemiyor.",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "Bağlantı çok yavaş, bileşenlerin bazıları yüklenemedi. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin.",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "Tüm alanları temizle",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "Döküman yükleniyor",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "Sonraki alan",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "'in",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "Kaydet",
"DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "Form başarılı bir şekilde kaydedildi İpucunu kapatmak için tıklayın",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "Kapat",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Bilinmeyen hata.",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/zh.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/zh.json
index 24883a822..0145efc60 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/zh.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/zh.json
@@ -14,31 +14,50 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.errorEditingDownloadas": "在处理文档期间发生错误。 使用“下载为…”选项将文件备份复制到您的计算机硬盘中。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFilePassProtect": "该文档受密码保护,无法被打开。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorFileSizeExceed": "文件大小超出了为服务器设置的限制. 有关详细信息,请与文档服务器管理员联系。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorForceSave": "保存文件时发生错误。请使用“下载为”选项将文件保存到计算机硬盘中或稍后重试。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorLoadingFont": "字体未加载。 请联系文档服务器管理员。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorServerVersion": "编辑器版本已完成更新。为应用这些更改,该页将要刷新。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorSubmit": "提交失败",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersion": "文件版本发生改变。该页将要刷新。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "网络连接已恢复,文件版本已变更。 在继续工作之前,需要下载文件或复制其内容以避免丢失数据,然后刷新此页。",
"DE.ApplicationController.errorUserDrop": "该文件现在无法访问。",
"DE.ApplicationController.notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
"DE.ApplicationController.scriptLoadError": "连接速度过慢,部分组件无法被加载。请重新加载页面。",
"DE.ApplicationController.textAnonymous": "匿名",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textClear": "清除所有字段",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textBuyNow": "访问网站",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textCloseTip": "点按以关闭提示。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textContactUs": "联系销售",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGotIt": "知道了",
"DE.ApplicationController.textGuest": "访客",
"DE.ApplicationController.textLoadingDocument": "文件加载中…",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textNext": "下一域",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textNoLicenseTitle": "触碰到许可证数量限制。",
"DE.ApplicationController.textOf": "的",
"DE.ApplicationController.textRequired": "要发送表单,请填写所有必填项目。",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmit": "提交",
- "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "表单成功地被提交了 点击以关闭贴士",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.textSubmited": "表单提交成功 点击以关闭提示",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleServerVersion": "编辑器已更新",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.titleUpdateVersion": "版本已变化",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtClose": "关闭",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(空)",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "按CTRL并单击链接",
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "未知错误。",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "您的浏览器不受支持",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "请稍候...",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseExceeded": "与文档服务器的并发连接次数已超出限制,文档打开后将仅供查看。 请联系您的账户管理员了解详情。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "授权过期 您不具备文件编辑功能的授权 请联系管理员。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "授权需更新 您只有文件编辑功能的部分权限 请联系管理员以取得完整权限。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "你触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制。可联系管理员来了解更多信息。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicense": "该版本对文档服务器的并发连接有限制。 如果需要更多请考虑购买商业许可证。",
+ "DE.ApplicationController.warnNoLicenseUsers": "你触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制。可联系管理员来了解更多信息。",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textClear": "清除所有字段",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textNext": "下一填充框",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "提交",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "下载",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "导出成docx格式",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "导出成PDF格式",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "导出成docx",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "导出成PDF",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtEmbed": "嵌入",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFileLocation": "打开文件所在位置",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "全屏",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "打印",
- "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "共享"
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtShare": "共享",
+ "DE.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "界面主题"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
index 39f0d058d..0d7ea6770 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
@@ -325,7 +325,8 @@ define([
})).on('click', _on_btn_zoom.bind(me, 'up'));
me.header.btnOptions.menu.on('item:click', me.onOptionsItemClick.bind(this));
- if ( !Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ) {
+ var document = DE.getController('Main').document;
+ if ( !Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() || /^pdf|djvu|xps|oxps$/.test(document.fileType) ) {
@@ -370,13 +371,16 @@ define([
onThemeChanged: function (id) {
- var current_dark = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme();
- var menuItem = this.header.menuItemsDarkMode;
- menuItem.setVisible(current_dark);
- menuItem.$el.prev('.divider')[current_dark ? 'show' : 'hide']();
+ var document = DE.getController('Main').document;
+ if ( !/^pdf|djvu|xps|oxps$/.test(document.fileType) ) {
+ var current_dark = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme();
+ var menuItem = this.header.menuItemsDarkMode;
+ menuItem.setVisible(current_dark);
+ menuItem.$el.prev('.divider')[current_dark ? 'show' : 'hide']();
- menuItem.setChecked(current_dark);
- this.header.btnContentMode.setVisible(current_dark);
+ menuItem.setChecked(current_dark);
+ this.header.btnContentMode.setVisible(current_dark);
+ }
onContentThemeChangedToDark: function (isdark) {
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/view/BookmarksDialog.js b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/view/BookmarksDialog.js
index 1e3285f81..1d69c9716 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/view/BookmarksDialog.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/view/BookmarksDialog.js
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ define([
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/src/view/settings/Settings.jsx b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/src/view/settings/Settings.jsx
index 6a3704aea..744f34910 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/src/view/settings/Settings.jsx
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/src/view/settings/Settings.jsx
@@ -57,9 +57,12 @@ const routes = [
-const SettingsList = inject("storeAppOptions")(observer(props => {
+const SettingsList = inject("storeAppOptions", "storeToolbarSettings")(observer(props => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const _t = t('View.Settings', {returnObjects: true});
+ const storeToolbarSettings = props.storeToolbarSettings;
+ const disabledPreview = storeToolbarSettings.countPages <= 0;
const navbar =
{!props.inPopover && {_t.textDone}}
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ const SettingsList = inject("storeAppOptions")(observer(props => {
{!props.inPopover &&
@@ -141,7 +144,7 @@ const SettingsList = inject("storeAppOptions")(observer(props => {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
index 395f6afb5..33464baf1 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/embed/js/ApplicationController.js
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ SSE.ApplicationController = new(function(){
docConfig = {},
embedConfig = {},
permissions = {},
+ appOptions = {},
maxPages = 0,
created = false,
iframePrint = null;
@@ -351,23 +352,8 @@ SSE.ApplicationController = new(function(){
function onEditorPermissions(params) {
- if ( (params.asc_getLicenseType() === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success) && (typeof config.customization == 'object') &&
- config.customization && config.customization.logo ) {
- var logo = $('#header-logo');
- if (config.customization.logo.image || config.customization.logo.imageEmbedded) {
- logo.html('');
- logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
- config.customization.logo.imageEmbedded && console.log("Obsolete: The 'imageEmbedded' parameter of the 'customization.logo' section is deprecated. Please use 'image' parameter instead.");
- }
- if (config.customization.logo.url) {
- logo.attr('href', config.customization.logo.url);
- } else if (config.customization.logo.url!==undefined) {
- logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
- }
- }
+ appOptions.canBranding = params.asc_getCustomization();
+ appOptions.canBranding && setBranding(config.customization);
var $parent = labelDocName.parent();
var _left_width = $parent.position().left,
@@ -610,6 +596,24 @@ SSE.ApplicationController = new(function(){
function onBeforeUnload () {
+ function setBranding(value) {
+ if ( value && value.logo) {
+ var logo = $('#header-logo');
+ if (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageEmbedded) {
+ logo.html('');
+ logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'});
+ value.logo.imageEmbedded && console.log("Obsolete: The 'imageEmbedded' parameter of the 'customization.logo' section is deprecated. Please use 'image' parameter instead.");
+ }
+ if (value.logo.url) {
+ logo.attr('href', value.logo.url);
+ } else if (value.logo.url!==undefined) {
+ logo.removeAttr('href');logo.removeAttr('target');
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Helpers
// -------------------------
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
index ec0ca3b6e..bb426514a 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring end **/
onQuerySearch: function(d, w, opts) {
- if (opts.textsearch && opts.textsearch.length) {
+ // if (opts.textsearch && opts.textsearch.length) {
var options = this.dlgSearch.findOptions;
options.asc_setScanForward(d != 'back');
@@ -570,11 +570,11 @@ define([
- }
+ // }
onQueryReplace: function(w, opts) {
- if (!_.isEmpty(opts.textsearch)) {
+ // if (!_.isEmpty(opts.textsearch)) {
this.api.isReplaceAll = false;
var options = this.dlgSearch.findOptions;
@@ -588,11 +588,11 @@ define([
- }
+ // }
onQueryReplaceAll: function(w, opts) {
- if (!_.isEmpty(opts.textsearch)) {
+ // if (!_.isEmpty(opts.textsearch)) {
this.api.isReplaceAll = true;
var options = this.dlgSearch.findOptions;
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ define([
- }
+ // }
onSearchHighlight: function(w, highlight) {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
index 16dfa9b34..10f664432 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Viewport.js
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ define([
- menu.items[5].hide();
+ menu.items[6].hide();
if (!config.canViewComments) { // show advanced settings for editing and commenting mode
// mnuitemAdvSettings.hide();
// menu.items[9].hide();
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/FormatRulesEditDlg.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/FormatRulesEditDlg.js
index 4172db974..8d61decb8 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/FormatRulesEditDlg.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/FormatRulesEditDlg.js
@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ define([ 'text!spreadsheeteditor/main/app/template/FormatRulesEditDlg.template',
fontColor: preset[0],
fillColor: preset[1],
borderColor: preset[2],
- styleObj: {'background-color': preset[1] ? '#' + preset[1] : 'transparent', color: preset[0] ? '#' + preset[0] : 'transparent', border: preset[2] ? '1px solid #' + preset[2] : '', 'text-align': 'center' }
+ styleObj: {'background-color': preset[1] ? '#' + preset[1] : '#ffffff', color: preset[0] ? '#' + preset[0] : 'transparent', border: preset[2] ? '1px solid #' + preset[2] : '', 'text-align': 'center' }
caption: preset[0] ? Common.define.conditionalData.exampleText : '',
template: presetTemplate,
- styleStr: 'background-color: ' + (preset[1] ? '#' + preset[1] : 'transparent') + ';color:' + (preset[0] ? '#' + preset[0] : 'transparent') + ';' + (preset[2] ? 'border: 1px solid #' + preset[2] + ';' : '' + 'text-align: center;')
+ styleStr: 'background-color: ' + (preset[1] ? '#' + preset[1] : '#ffffff') + ';color:' + (preset[0] ? '#' + preset[0] : 'transparent') + ';' + (preset[2] ? 'border: 1px solid #' + preset[2] + ';' : '' + 'text-align: center;')
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Statusbar.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Statusbar.js
index b9038e94a..699080041 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Statusbar.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Statusbar.js
@@ -513,7 +513,8 @@ define([
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = _.extend({}, this.mode, mode);
// this.$el.find('.el-edit')[mode.isEdit?'show':'hide']();
- this.btnAddWorksheet.setVisible(this.mode.isEdit);
+ //this.btnAddWorksheet.setVisible(this.mode.isEdit);
+ $('#status-addtabs-box')[this.mode.isEdit ? 'show' : 'hide']();
this.btnAddWorksheet.setDisabled(this.mode.isDisconnected || this.api && (this.api.asc_isWorkbookLocked() || this.api.isCellEdited) || this.rangeSelectionMode!=Asc.c_oAscSelectionDialogType.None);
@@ -600,7 +601,11 @@ define([
this.btnAddWorksheet.setDisabled(me.mode.isDisconnected || me.api.asc_isWorkbookLocked() || me.api.asc_isProtectedWorkbook() || me.api.isCellEdited);
- this.tabbar.addDataHint(_.findIndex(items, function (item) { return item.sheetindex === sindex; }));
+ if (this.mode.isEdit) {
+ this.tabbar.addDataHint(_.findIndex(items, function (item) {
+ return item.sheetindex === sindex;
+ }));
+ }
$('#status-label-zoom').text(Common.Utils.String.format(this.zoomText, Math.floor((this.api.asc_getZoom() +.005)*100)));
@@ -687,7 +692,9 @@ define([
- this.tabbar.addDataHint(index);
+ if (this.mode.isEdit) {
+ this.tabbar.addDataHint(index);
+ }
this.fireEvent('sheet:changed', [this, tab.sheetindex]);
this.fireEvent('sheet:updateColors', [true]);
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
index 97c8f6dac..402e77cd1 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
@@ -917,10 +917,10 @@ define([
if (menu.cmpEl) {
var itemEl = $(cmp.cmpEl.find('.dataview.inner .style').get(0)).parent();
var itemMargin = /*parseInt($(itemEl.get(0)).parent().css('margin-right'))*/-1;
- Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio() > 1 && Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio() < 2 && (itemMargin = itemMargin + 1/Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio());
- var itemWidth = itemEl.is(':visible') ? parseInt(itemEl.css('width')) :
- (cmp.itemWidth + parseInt(itemEl.css('padding-left')) + parseInt(itemEl.css('padding-right')) +
- parseInt(itemEl.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(itemEl.css('border-right-width')));
+ Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio() > 1 && Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio() < 2 && (itemMargin = -1/Common.Utils.applicationPixelRatio());
+ var itemWidth = itemEl.is(':visible') ? parseFloat(itemEl.css('width')) :
+ (cmp.itemWidth + parseFloat(itemEl.css('padding-left')) + parseFloat(itemEl.css('padding-right')) +
+ parseFloat(itemEl.css('border-left-width')) + parseFloat(itemEl.css('border-right-width')));
var minCount = cmp.menuPicker.store.length >= minMenuColumn ? minMenuColumn : cmp.menuPicker.store.length,
columnCount = Math.min(cmp.menuPicker.store.length, Math.round($('.dataview', $(cmp.fieldPicker.el)).width() / (itemMargin + itemWidth) + 0.5));
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html
index 936febcb3..c0f50cf8d 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html
@@ -262,7 +262,8 @@
var params = getUrlParams(),
lang = (params["lang"] || 'en').split(/[\-\_]/)[0],
- logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null;
+ logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null,
+ logoDark = params["headerlogodark"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogodark"]) : null;
window.frameEditorId = params["frameEditorId"];
window.parentOrigin = params["parentOrigin"];
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@
} else {
var elem = document.querySelector('.loading-logo img');
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- logo && (elem.setAttribute('src', logo));
+ (logo || logoDark) && elem.setAttribute('src', /theme-dark/.test(document.body.className) ? logoDark || logo : logo || logoDark);
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diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html.deploy b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html.deploy
index 2e9d6fab0..609a47f39 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html.deploy
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html.deploy
@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@
var params = getUrlParams(),
lang = (params["lang"] || 'en').split(/[\-\_]/)[0],
- logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null;
+ logo = params["headerlogo"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogo"]) : null,
+ logoDark = params["headerlogodark"] ? encodeUrlParam(params["headerlogodark"]) : null;
window.frameEditorId = params["frameEditorId"];
window.parentOrigin = params["parentOrigin"];
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@
} else {
var elem = document.querySelector('.loading-logo img');
if (elem) {
- logo && (elem.setAttribute('src', logo));
+ (logo || logoDark) && elem.setAttribute('src', /theme-dark/.test(document.body.className) ? logoDark || logo : logo || logoDark);
elem.style.opacity = 1;
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
index ff16b3ba4..f6353a067 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"leavePageText": "Teniu canvis no desats en aquest document. Cliqueu a \"Mantingueu-vos en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Cliqueu a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"SDK": {
- "txtAccent": "Accent",
+ "txtAccent": "Èmfasi",
"txtAll": "(Tots)",
"txtArt": "El vostre text aquí",
"txtBlank": "(en blanc)",
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer perquè l'àrea conté cel·les filtrades. Mostreu els elements filtrats i torneu-ho a provar.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "L'URL de la imatge no és correcta",
"errorChangeArray": "No podeu canviar part d'una matriu.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "La cel·la o el gràfic que intenteu canviar es troba en un full protegit. Per fer un canvi, desprotegiu el full. És possible que se us demani que introduïu una contrasenya.",
"errorConnectToServer": "No es pot desar aquest document. Comproveu la configuració de la vostra connexió o contacteu amb el vostre administrador. Quan cliqueu el botó «D'acord», se us demanarà que baixeu el document.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Aquesta ordre no es pot utilitzar amb diverses seleccions. Seleccioneu un interval únic i torneu-ho a provar.",
"errorCountArg": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula. El nombre d'arguments no és vàlid.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "S'ha superat el nombre d’usuaris permès pel vostre pla",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "S'ha perdut la connexió. Encara podeu veure el document, , però no podreu baixar-lo fins que es restableixi la connexió i es torni a carregar la pàgina.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula. El nombre de parèntesis no és correcte.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "S'ha produït un error en la fórmula introduïda. L'operador que s'utilitza no és correcte. Corregiu l'error o useu el botó Esc per cancel·lar l'edició de la fórmula.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "S'ha produït un error en la fórmula introduïda. L'operador que s'utilitza no és correcte. Corregiu l'error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"openErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "No es pot canviar una part d'una cel·la combinada",
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
"textDelete": "Suprimeix",
"textDuplicate": "Duplica",
"textErrNameExists": "Ja existeix un full de càlcul amb aquest nom.",
- "textErrNameWrongChar": "El nom de full no pot contenir els caràcters: \\, /, *,?, [,],:",
+ "textErrNameWrongChar": "El nom del full no pot contenir els caràcters: \\, /, *,?, [,],:",
"textErrNotEmpty": "El nom del full no pot estar en blanc",
"textErrorLastSheet": "El llibre de treball ha de tenir com a mínim un full de càlcul visible.",
"textErrorRemoveSheet": "No es pot suprimir el full de càlcul.",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
index aee4dc4e4..527269033 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"textMessageDeleteComment": "Möchten Sie diesen Kommentar wirklich löschen?",
"textMessageDeleteReply": "Möchten Sie diese Antwort wirklich löschen?",
"textNoComments": "Dieses Dokument enthält keine Kommentare",
+ "textOk": "OK",
"textReopen": "Wiederöffnen",
"textResolve": "Lösen",
"textTryUndoRedo": "Die Optionen Rückgängig machen/Wiederholen sind für den Schnellmodus deaktiviert.",
- "textUsers": "Benutzer",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textUsers": "Benutzer"
"ThemeColorPalette": {
"textCustomColors": "Benutzerdefinierte Farben",
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Die nach dem Zahlungsplan erlaubte Anzahl der Benutzer ist überschritten",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Die Verbindung wurde abgebrochen. Das Dokument wird angezeigt, das Herunterladen wird aber nur verfügbar, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt ist.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Die Formel enthält einen Fehler. Falsche Anzahl von Klammern.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Die eingegebene Formel enthält einen Fehler. Falscher Operator wurde genutzt. Bitte korrigieren Sie den Fehler oder brechen Sie die Formel mit Esc ab.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Die eingegebene Formel enthält einen Fehler. Falscher Operator wurde genutzt. Bitte korrigieren Sie den Fehler.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warnung",
"openErrorText": "Beim Öffnen dieser Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Teil einer verbundenen Zelle kann nicht geändert werden",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"unknownErrorText": "Unbekannter Fehler.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unbekanntes Bildformat.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "Keine Bilder hochgeladen.",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "Die maximal zulässige Bildgröße von 25 MB ist überschritten."
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "Die maximal zulässige Bildgröße von 25 MB ist überschritten.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Daten werden geladen...",
@@ -335,12 +336,12 @@
"textSortAndFilter": "Sortieren und Filtern",
"txtExpand": "Erweitern und sortieren",
"txtExpandSort": "Die Daten neben der Auswahl werden nicht sortiert. Möchten Sie die Auswahl um die angrenzenden Daten erweitern oder nur mit der Sortierung der aktuell ausgewählten Zellen fortfahren?",
+ "txtLockSort": "Neben dem ausgewählten Bereich wurde Daten gefunden, aber Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diese Zelle zu verändern. Möchten Sie mit dem ausgewählten Bereich weiter arbeiten?",
+ "txtNo": "Nein",
"txtNotUrl": "Dieser Bereich soll eine URL im Format \"http://www.example.com\" sein.",
"txtSorting": "Sortierung",
"txtSortSelected": "Ausgewählte sortieren",
- "txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells. Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
- "txtNo": "No",
- "txtYes": "Yes"
+ "txtYes": "Ja"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warnung",
@@ -540,6 +541,9 @@
"textByRows": "Nach Zeilen",
"textCancel": "Abbrechen",
"textCentimeter": "Zentimeter",
+ "textChooseCsvOptions": "CSV-Optionen auswählen",
+ "textChooseDelimeter": "Trennzeichen auswählen",
+ "textChooseEncoding": "Codierung auswählen",
"textCollaboration": "Zusammenarbeit",
"textColorSchemes": "Farbschemata",
"textComment": "Kommentar",
@@ -547,6 +551,7 @@
"textComments": "Kommentare",
"textCreated": "Erstellt",
"textCustomSize": "Benutzerdefinierte Größe",
+ "textDelimeter": "Trennzeichen",
"textDisableAll": "Alle deaktivieren",
"textDisableAllMacrosWithNotification": "Alle Makros mit einer Benachrichtigung deaktivieren",
"textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Alle Makros ohne Benachrichtigung deaktivieren",
@@ -556,6 +561,7 @@
"textEmail": "E-Mail",
"textEnableAll": "Alle aktivieren",
"textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Alle Makros ohne Benachrichtigung aktivieren",
+ "textEncoding": "Codierung ",
"textExample": "Beispiel",
"textFind": "Suche",
"textFindAndReplace": "Suchen und ersetzen",
@@ -612,9 +618,13 @@
"textValues": "Werte",
"textVersion": "Version",
"textWorkbook": "Arbeitsmappe",
+ "txtColon": "Doppelpunkt",
+ "txtComma": "Komma",
"txtDelimiter": "Trennzeichen",
+ "txtDownloadCsv": "CSV herunterladen",
"txtEncoding": "Codierung ",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "Passwort ist falsch",
+ "txtOk": "OK",
"txtProtected": "Sobald Sie das Passwort eingegeben und die Datei geöffnet haben, wird das aktuelle Passwort für die Datei zurückgesetzt",
"txtScheme1": "Office",
"txtScheme10": "Median",
@@ -638,19 +648,10 @@
"txtScheme7": "Kapital",
"txtScheme8": "Fluss",
"txtScheme9": "Gießerei",
+ "txtSemicolon": "Semikolon",
"txtSpace": "Leerzeichen",
"txtTab": "Tab",
- "warnDownloadAs": "Wenn Sie mit dem Speichern in diesem Format fortsetzen, werden alle Objekte außer Text verloren gehen. Möchten Sie wirklich fortsetzen?",
- "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choose CSV Options",
- "textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter",
- "textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding",
- "textDelimeter": "Delimiter",
- "textEncoding": "Encoding",
- "txtColon": "Colon",
- "txtComma": "Comma",
- "txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV",
- "txtOk": "Ok",
- "txtSemicolon": "Semicolon"
+ "warnDownloadAs": "Wenn Sie mit dem Speichern in diesem Format fortsetzen, werden alle Objekte außer Text verloren gehen. Möchten Sie wirklich fortsetzen?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/en.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/en.json
index e29907491..dc5cd8f9b 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/en.json
@@ -167,8 +167,9 @@
"errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table. Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells. Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells. Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.",
- "errorBadImageUrl": "Image url is incorrect",
+ "errorBadImageUrl": "Image URL is incorrect",
"errorChangeArray": "You cannot change part of an array.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin. When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections. Select a single range and try again.",
"errorCountArg": "An error in the formula. Invalid number of arguments.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
index 865810fba..5ae9e883c 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Se superó la cantidad de usuarios permitidos por el plan de precios",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Se ha perdido la conexión. Todavía puede ver el documento, pero no podrá descargarlo ni imprimirlo hasta que se restablezca la conexión y se recargue la página.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Un error en la fórmula. Número de corchetes incorrecto.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Un error en la fórmula introducida. Se ha utilizado el operador incorrecto. Corrija el error o utilice el botón Esc para cancelar la edición de la fórmula.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Un error en la fórmula introducida. Se ha utilizado el operador incorrecto. Por favor, corrija el error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertencia",
"openErrorText": "Se ha producido un error al abrir el archivo ",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "No se puede modificar una parte de una celda combinada",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"unknownErrorText": "Error desconocido.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Formato de imagen desconocido.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No hay imágenes subidas.",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "La imagen es demasiado grande. El tamaño máximo es de 25 MB."
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "La imagen es demasiado grande. El tamaño máximo es de 25 MB.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Cargando datos...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
index 556bb7008..a0e18678e 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"textMessageDeleteComment": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce commentaire?",
"textMessageDeleteReply": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette réponse?",
"textNoComments": "Il n'y a pas de commentaires dans ce document",
+ "textOk": "Ok",
"textReopen": "Rouvrir",
"textResolve": "Résoudre",
"textTryUndoRedo": "Les fonctions Annuler/Rétablir sont désactivées pour le mode de co-édition rapide.",
- "textUsers": "Utilisateurs",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textUsers": "Utilisateurs"
"ThemeColorPalette": {
"textCustomColors": "Couleurs personnalisées",
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "L'opération ne peut pas être effectuée car la zone contient des cellules filtrées. Veuillez supprimer les filtres et réessayez.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "L'URL de l'image est incorrecte",
"errorChangeArray": "Impossible de modifier une partie de matrice.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "La cellule ou le graphique que vous essayé de changer est sur une feuille protégée. Pour effectuer le changement, retirer al protection de la feuille. Un mot de passe pourrait vous être demandé.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Impossible d'enregistrer ce document. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres de connexion ou contactez l'administrateur. Lorsque vous cliquez sur le bouton 'OK', vous serez invité à télécharger le document.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Impossible d'exécuter cette commande sur des sélections multiples. Sélectionnez une seule plage et essayez à nouveau.",
"errorCountArg": "Il y a une erreur dans la formule : nombre d'arguments incorrecte.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Le nombre d'utilisateurs autorisés par le plan tarifaire a été dépassé",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "La connexion a été perdue. Vous pouvez toujours afficher le document, mais ne pouvez pas le télécharger jusqu'à ce que la connexion soit rétablie et que la page soit rafraichit.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Il y a une erreur dans la formule : Mauvais nombre de parenthèses.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Une erreur dans la formule. L'opérateur n'est pas valide. Corriger l'erreur ou presser Echap pour annuler l'édition de la formule.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Une erreur dans la formule entrée. Opérateur utilisé est incorrect. Veuillez corriger l'erreur.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement",
"openErrorText": "Une erreur s’est produite lors de l’ouverture du fichier",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Impossible de modifier une partie d'une cellule fusionnée",
@@ -335,12 +336,12 @@
"textSortAndFilter": "Trier et filtrer",
"txtExpand": "Développer et trier",
"txtExpandSort": "Les données situées à côté de la sélection ne seront pas triées. Souhaitez-vous développer la sélection pour inclure les données adjacentes ou souhaitez-vous continuer à trier iniquement les cellules sélectionnées ?",
+ "txtLockSort": "Des données se trouvent à côté de votre sélection, mais vous n'avez pas les autorisations suffisantes pour modifier ces cellules. Voulez-vous continuer avec la sélection actuelle ?",
+ "txtNo": "Non",
"txtNotUrl": "Ce champ doit contenir une URL au format \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Tri",
"txtSortSelected": "Trier l'objet sélectionné ",
- "txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells. Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
- "txtNo": "No",
- "txtYes": "Yes"
+ "txtYes": "Oui"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement",
@@ -540,6 +541,9 @@
"textByRows": "Par lignes",
"textCancel": "Annuler",
"textCentimeter": "Centimètre",
+ "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choisir les options CSV",
+ "textChooseDelimeter": "Choisir la délimitation",
+ "textChooseEncoding": "Choisir l'encodage",
"textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
"textColorSchemes": "Jeux de couleurs",
"textComment": "Commentaire",
@@ -547,6 +551,7 @@
"textComments": "Commentaires",
"textCreated": "Créé",
"textCustomSize": "Taille personnalisée",
+ "textDelimeter": "Délimiteur",
"textDisableAll": "Désactiver tout",
"textDisableAllMacrosWithNotification": "Désactiver toutes les macros avec notification",
"textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Désactiver toutes les macros sans notification",
@@ -556,6 +561,7 @@
"textEmail": "E-mail",
"textEnableAll": "Activer tout",
"textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Activer toutes les macros sans notification",
+ "textEncoding": "Encodage",
"textExample": "Exemple",
"textFind": "Recherche",
"textFindAndReplace": "Rechercher et remplacer",
@@ -612,9 +618,13 @@
"textValues": "Valeurs",
"textVersion": "Version",
"textWorkbook": "Classeur",
+ "txtColon": "Deux-points",
+ "txtComma": "Virgule",
"txtDelimiter": "Délimiteur",
+ "txtDownloadCsv": "Télécharger le CSV",
"txtEncoding": "Codage ",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "Mot de passe incorrect",
+ "txtOk": "Ok",
"txtProtected": "Une fois le mot de passe saisi et le ficher ouvert, le mot de passe actuel sera réinitialisé",
"txtScheme1": "Office",
"txtScheme10": "Médian",
@@ -638,19 +648,10 @@
"txtScheme7": "Capitaux",
"txtScheme8": "Flux",
"txtScheme9": "Fonderie",
+ "txtSemicolon": "Point-virgule",
"txtSpace": "Espace",
"txtTab": "Tabulation",
- "warnDownloadAs": "Si vous continuez à enregistrer dans ce format toutes les fonctions sauf le texte seront perdues. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer?",
- "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choose CSV Options",
- "textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter",
- "textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding",
- "textDelimeter": "Delimiter",
- "textEncoding": "Encoding",
- "txtColon": "Colon",
- "txtComma": "Comma",
- "txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV",
- "txtOk": "Ok",
- "txtSemicolon": "Semicolon"
+ "warnDownloadAs": "Si vous continuez à enregistrer dans ce format toutes les fonctions sauf le texte seront perdues. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
index 8f1605d71..2cde829d6 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
@@ -167,8 +167,9 @@
"errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table. Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells. Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells. Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.",
- "errorBadImageUrl": "Image url is incorrect",
+ "errorBadImageUrl": "Image URL is incorrect",
"errorChangeArray": "You cannot change part of an array.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin. When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections. Select a single range and try again.",
"errorCountArg": "An error in the formula. Invalid number of arguments.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
index 9c3673c1e..23f617a40 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "料金プランで許可されているユーザー数を超えました。",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "接続が失われました。あなたはまだ文書を見えるけど, 接続が復元されたしページが再読み込まれたまで文書をダウンロードと印刷できません。",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "数式でエラーがあります。 ブラケットの数が正しくありません。",
- "errorWrongOperator": "入力した数式にエラーがあります。間違った演算子が使用されています。 エラーを修正するか、Escキーを使用して数式の編集をキャンセルしてください。",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "入力した数式にエラーがあります。間違った演算子が使用されています。 エラーを修正する。",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": " 警告",
"openErrorText": "ファイルを開く際にエラーが発生しました。",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "結合したセルの一部は変更できません",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"unknownErrorText": "不明なエラー",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "不明なイメージ形式",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "アップロードしたイメージがない",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "イメージのサイズの上限が超えさせました。サイズの上限が25MB。"
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "イメージのサイズの上限が超えさせました。サイズの上限が25MB。",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "データを読み込んでいます...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
index be1f2ab84..9f8333e58 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
@@ -1,656 +1,657 @@
"About": {
- "textAbout": "About",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textEmail": "Email",
- "textPoweredBy": "Powered By",
- "textTel": "Tel",
- "textVersion": "Version"
+ "textAbout": "정보",
+ "textAddress": "주소",
+ "textBack": "뒤로",
+ "textEmail": "이메일",
+ "textPoweredBy": "기술 지원",
+ "textTel": "전화 번호",
+ "textVersion": "버전"
"Common": {
"Collaboration": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "textAddReply": "Add Reply",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "textAddComment": "코멘트 달기",
+ "textAddReply": "댓글 달기",
+ "textBack": "뒤로",
+ "textCancel": "취소",
+ "textCollaboration": "협업",
"textComments": "Comments",
- "textDeleteComment": "Delete Comment",
- "textDeleteReply": "Delete Reply",
- "textDone": "Done",
- "textEdit": "Edit",
- "textEditComment": "Edit Comment",
- "textEditReply": "Edit Reply",
- "textEditUser": "Users who are editing the file:",
- "textMessageDeleteComment": "Do you really want to delete this comment?",
- "textMessageDeleteReply": "Do you really want to delete this reply?",
- "textNoComments": "This document doesn't contain comments",
- "textReopen": "Reopen",
- "textResolve": "Resolve",
- "textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.",
- "textUsers": "Users",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textDeleteComment": "코멘트 삭제",
+ "textDeleteReply": "댓글 삭제",
+ "textDone": "완료",
+ "textEdit": "편집",
+ "textEditComment": "코멘트 편집",
+ "textEditReply": "댓글 편집",
+ "textEditUser": "파일을 편집 중인 사용자:",
+ "textMessageDeleteComment": "이 댓글을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
+ "textMessageDeleteReply": "이 댓글을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
+ "textNoComments": "이 문서에 달린 코멘트가 없습니다",
+ "textOk": "확인",
+ "textReopen": "다시 열기",
+ "textResolve": "해결",
+ "textTryUndoRedo": "빠른 공동 편집 모드에서 실행 취소 / 다시 실행 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "textUsers": "사용자"
"ThemeColorPalette": {
- "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors",
- "textStandartColors": "Standard Colors",
- "textThemeColors": "Theme Colors"
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+ "textStandartColors": "표준 색상",
+ "textThemeColors": "테마 색"
"ContextMenu": {
- "errorCopyCutPaste": "Copy, cut, and paste actions using the context menu will be performed within the current file only.",
- "menuAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "menuAddLink": "Add Link",
- "menuCancel": "Cancel",
- "menuCell": "Cell",
- "menuDelete": "Delete",
- "menuEdit": "Edit",
- "menuFreezePanes": "Freeze Panes",
- "menuHide": "Hide",
- "menuMerge": "Merge",
- "menuMore": "More",
- "menuOpenLink": "Open Link",
- "menuShow": "Show",
- "menuUnfreezePanes": "Unfreeze Panes",
- "menuUnmerge": "Unmerge",
- "menuUnwrap": "Unwrap",
- "menuViewComment": "View Comment",
- "menuWrap": "Wrap",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Copy, Cut and Paste Actions",
- "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "warnMergeLostData": "The operation can destroy data in the selected cells. Continue?"
+ "errorCopyCutPaste": "오른쪽 클릭 메뉴를 통해 수행된 복사, 잘라내기 및 붙여넣기 작업은 이 파일에서만 유효합니다.",
+ "menuAddComment": "코멘트 달기",
+ "menuAddLink": "링크 추가",
+ "menuCancel": "취소",
+ "menuCell": "셀",
+ "menuDelete": "삭제",
+ "menuEdit": "편집",
+ "menuFreezePanes": "틀고정",
+ "menuHide": "숨기기",
+ "menuMerge": "병합",
+ "menuMore": "자세히",
+ "menuOpenLink": "링크 열기",
+ "menuShow": "표시",
+ "menuUnfreezePanes": "틀고정 취소",
+ "menuUnmerge": "병합 해제",
+ "menuUnwrap": "펼치기",
+ "menuViewComment": "코멘트 보기",
+ "menuWrap": "줄 바꾸기",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "textCopyCutPasteActions": "작업 복사, 잘라 내기 및 붙여 넣기",
+ "textDoNotShowAgain": "다시 표시하지 않음",
+ "warnMergeLostData": "왼쪽 위 셀의 데이터 만 병합 된 셀에 남아 있습니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?"
"Controller": {
"Main": {
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for. Please, contact your admin.",
- "errorProcessSaveResult": "Saving is failed.",
- "errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
- "errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.",
- "leavePageText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
+ "criticalErrorTitle": "오류",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "권한이 없는 작업을 수행하려고 합니다. 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "errorProcessSaveResult": "저장이 실패했습니다.",
+ "errorServerVersion": "편집기 버전이 업데이트되었습니다. 페이지가 다시로드되어 변경 사항이 적용됩니다.",
+ "errorUpdateVersion": "파일 버전이 변경되었습니다. 페이지가 다시로드됩니다.",
+ "leavePageText": "이 문서에 저장되지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다. 자동 저장을 활성화하려면 \"이 페이지에서 나가기\"를 클릭하십시오. \"이 페이지에서 나가기\"를 클릭하면 저장되지 않은 모든 편집 내용이 삭제됩니다.",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
"SDK": {
- "txtAccent": "Accent",
- "txtAll": "(All)",
- "txtArt": "Your text here",
- "txtBlank": "(blank)",
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- "txtColumn": "Column",
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+ "txtAccent": "강조",
+ "txtAll": "(전체)",
+ "txtArt": "여기에 귀하의 텍스트를 입력하여 주십시오",
+ "txtBlank": "(빈칸)",
+ "txtByField": "%2의 %1",
+ "txtClearFilter": "필터 지우기 (Alt + C)",
+ "txtColLbls": "열 라벨",
+ "txtColumn": "열",
+ "txtConfidential": "비밀",
+ "txtDate": "날짜",
+ "txtDays": "일",
+ "txtDiagramTitle": "차트 제목",
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+ "txtGrandTotal": "총합계",
+ "txtGroup": "그룹",
+ "txtHours": "시간",
+ "txtMinutes": "분",
+ "txtMonths": "월",
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+ "txtOr": "1% 또는 2%",
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+ "txtPages": "페이지",
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+ "txtQuarters": "분기",
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+ "txtXAxis": "X 축",
+ "txtYAxis": "Y 축",
+ "txtYears": "년"
- "textAnonymous": "Anonymous",
- "textBuyNow": "Visit website",
- "textClose": "Close",
- "textContactUs": "Contact sales",
- "textCustomLoader": "Sorry, you are not entitled to change the loader. Please, contact our sales department to get a quote.",
- "textGuest": "Guest",
- "textHasMacros": "The file contains automatic macros. Do you want to run macros?",
- "textNo": "No",
- "textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached",
- "textPaidFeature": "Paid feature",
- "textRemember": "Remember my choice",
- "textYes": "Yes",
- "titleServerVersion": "Editor updated",
- "titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
- "warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your admin.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality. Please contact your administrator to get full access",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
- "warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file."
+ "textAnonymous": "익명",
+ "textBuyNow": "웹 사이트 방문",
+ "textClose": "닫기",
+ "textContactUs": "영업 담당자에게 문의",
+ "textCustomLoader": "죄송합니다. 로더를 수정할 권한이 없습니다. 견적을 받으려면 영업 부서에 문의하시기 바랍니다.",
+ "textGuest": "게스트",
+ "textHasMacros": "파일에 자동 매크로가 포함되어 있습니다. 매크로를 실행 하시겠습니까?",
+ "textNo": "아니오",
+ "textNoLicenseTitle": "라이센스 수를 제한했습니다.",
+ "textPaidFeature": "유료기능",
+ "textRemember": "선택사항을 저장",
+ "textYes": "확인",
+ "titleServerVersion": "편집기가 업데이트되었습니다",
+ "titleUpdateVersion": "버전이 변경되었습니다.",
+ "warnLicenseExceeded": "% 1 편집 연결 수 제한에 도달했습니다. 이 문서는 보기 모드에서 엽립니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 연락하십시오.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "라이센스가 만료되었습니다. 문서 편집 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "라이선스를 업데이트해야 합니다. 모든 문서 편집 기능을 사용할 수는 없습니다. 모든 기능을 사용하려면 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "편집자 사용자 한도인 %1명에 도달했습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "warnNoLicense": "% 1 편집 연결 수 제한에 도달했습니다. 이 문서는 보기 모드로 열립니다. 개인적인 업그레이드 사항은 % 1 영업팀에 연락하십시오.",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "ONLYOFFICE 편집자의이 버전은 동시 사용자에게 일정한 제한이 있습니다. 더 필요한 것이 있으면 현재 라이센스를 업그레이드하거나 상용 라이센스를 구입하십시오.",
+ "warnProcessRightsChange": "파일을 수정할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다."
"Error": {
- "convertationTimeoutText": "Conversion timeout exceeded.",
- "criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.",
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "downloadErrorText": "Download failed.",
- "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for. Please, contact your admin.",
- "errorArgsRange": "An error in the formula. Incorrect arguments range.",
- "errorAutoFilterChange": "The operation is not allowed as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet.",
- "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table. Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.",
- "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells. Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.",
- "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells. Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.",
- "errorBadImageUrl": "Image url is incorrect",
- "errorChangeArray": "You cannot change part of an array.",
- "errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin. When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
- "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections. Select a single range and try again.",
- "errorCountArg": "An error in the formula. Invalid number of arguments.",
- "errorCountArgExceed": "An error in the formula. Maximum number of arguments exceeded.",
- "errorCreateDefName": "The existing named ranges cannot be edited and the new ones cannot be created at the moment as some of them are being edited.",
- "errorDatabaseConnection": "External error. Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
- "errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.",
- "errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
- "errorDataValidate": "The value you entered is not valid. A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell.",
- "errorDefaultMessage": "Error code: %1",
- "errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document. Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.",
- "errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
- "errorFileRequest": "External error. File Request. Please, contact support.",
- "errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation. Please, contact your admin for details.",
- "errorFileVKey": "External error. Incorrect security key. Please, contact support.",
- "errorFillRange": "Could not fill the selected range of cells. All the merged cells need to be the same size.",
- "errorFormulaName": "An error in the formula. Incorrect formula name.",
- "errorFormulaParsing": "Internal error while the formula parsing.",
- "errorFrmlMaxLength": "You cannot add this formula as its length exceeds the allowed number of characters. Please, edit it and try again.",
- "errorFrmlMaxReference": "You cannot enter this formula because it has too many values, cell references, and/or names.",
- "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Text values in formulas are limited to 255 characters. Use the CONCATENATE function or concatenation operator (&)",
- "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist. Please, check the data and try again.",
- "errorInvalidRef": "Enter a correct name for the selection or a valid reference to go to.",
- "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
- "errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired",
- "errorLockedAll": "The operation could not be done as the sheet has been locked by another user.",
- "errorLockedCellPivot": "You cannot change data inside a pivot table.",
- "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "The sheet cannot be renamed at the moment as it is being renamed by another user",
- "errorMaxPoints": "The maximum number of points in series per chart is 4096.",
- "errorMoveRange": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
- "errorMultiCellFormula": "Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in tables.",
- "errorOpenWarning": "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded the allowed number of characters and it was removed.",
- "errorOperandExpected": "The entered function syntax is not correct. Please, check if you missed one of the parentheses - '(' or ')'.",
- "errorPasteMaxRange": "The copy and paste area does not match. Please, select an area of the same size or click the first cell in a row to paste the copied cells.",
- "errorPrintMaxPagesCount": "Unfortunately, it’s not possible to print more than 1500 pages at once in the current version of the program. This restriction will be eliminated in upcoming releases.",
- "errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
- "errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
- "errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
- "errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order: opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
- "errorUnexpectedGuid": "External error. Unexpected Guid. Please, contact support.",
- "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed. Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
- "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
- "errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
- "pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
- "saveErrorText": "An error has occurred while saving the file",
- "scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
- "unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
- "uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
- "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "convertationTimeoutText": "변환 시간을 초과했습니다.",
+ "criticalErrorExtText": "문서 목록으로 돌아가려면 \"확인\" 버튼을 누르십시오.",
+ "criticalErrorTitle": "오류",
+ "downloadErrorText": "다운로드 실패",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "권한이 없는 작업을 수행하려고 합니다. 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "errorArgsRange": "공식에 오류가 있습니다. 파라미터 범위가 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "errorAutoFilterChange": "워크시트에서 표 셀을 이동하려고 하기 때문에 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "표의 일부를 이동할 수 없기 때문에 선택한 셀에 대해 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. 전체 표를 이동할 수 있도록 다른 데이터 범위를 선택하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "지정된 범위의 셀에 대해 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. 테이블 또는 테이블 외부의 균일한 데이터 범위를 선택하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. 그 이유는 선택한 영역에 숨겨진 셀이 있기 때문입니다. 숨겨진 요소를 다시 표시하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorBadImageUrl": "이미지 URL이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "errorChangeArray": "배열의 일부를 변경할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorConnectToServer": "저장하지 못했습니다. 네트워크 설정을 확인하거나 관리자에게 문의하세요. 이 문서는 \"확인\" 버튼을 누르면 다운로드할 수 있습니다.",
+ "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "이 명령은 여러 선택 항목과 함께 사용할 수 없습니다. 단일 범위를 선택하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorCountArg": "공식에 오류가 있습니다. 매개변수 수가 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "errorCountArgExceed": "공식에 오류가 있습니다. 최대 허용 매개변수 제한을 초과했습니다.",
+ "errorCreateDefName": "기존 명명 된 범위를 편집 할 수 없으며 일부는 편집 중임에 따라 현재 명명 된 범위를 만들 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "외부 오류입니다. 데이터베이스 연결 오류입니다. 지원팀에 문의하십시오.",
+ "errorDataEncrypted": "암호화 변경 사항이 수신되었으며 해독할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorDataRange": "잘못된 참조 대상 입니다.",
+ "errorDataValidate": "입력한 값이 잘못되었습니다. 사용자는 이 셀에 입력할 수 있는 제한 값이 있습니다.",
+ "errorDefaultMessage": "오류 코드 : % 1",
+ "errorEditingDownloadas": "이 문서를 처리하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 파일 백업을 로컬에 저장하려면 \"저장\" 옵션을 사용하십시오.",
+ "errorFilePassProtect": "파일이 암호로 보호되어 열 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorFileRequest": "외부 오류입니다. 파일 요청. 지원팀에 문의하세요.",
+ "errorFileSizeExceed": "파일 크기가 서버 제한을 초과했습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
+ "errorFileVKey": "외부 오류입니다. 보안 키가 잘못되었습니다. 지원팀에 문의하세요.",
+ "errorFillRange": "선택한 셀 범위를 채울 수 없습니다. 병합 된 모든 셀이 같은 크기 여야합니다.",
+ "errorFormulaName": "수식에 오류가 있습니다 잘못된 수식 이름.",
+ "errorFormulaParsing": "수식을 구문 분석하는 동안 내부 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxLength": "이 수식의 길이가 허용되는 문자 수 제한을 초과하므로 이 수식을 추가할 수 없습니다. 다시 수정하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxReference": "값, 셀 참조 및/또는 이름이 너무 많기 때문에 이 수식을 입력할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "수식에서 텍스트 값은 255자로 제한됩니다. 글루 함수(CONCATENATE)를 사용하거나 글루 연산자(&)를 사용하세요.",
+ "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "이 함수는 존재하지 않는 워크시트를 참조합니다. 데이터를 다시 확인하고 다시 시도하십시오.",
+ "errorInvalidRef": "선택 항목의 정확한 이름을 입력하거나 이동할 참조를 입력하십시오.",
+ "errorKeyEncrypt": "알수 없는 키 설명자",
+ "errorKeyExpire": "키가 만료됨",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "글꼴 불러오기에 실패하였습니다. 문서 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
+ "errorLockedAll": "다른 사용자가 시트를 잠근 상태에서 작업을 수행 할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorLockedCellPivot": "피벗 테이블에서 데이터를 변경할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "시트의 이름을 다른 사용자가 바꾸면 이름을 바꿀 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorMaxPoints": "차트당 시리즈내 포인트의 최대값은 4096임",
+ "errorMoveRange": "병합된 셀의 일부는 수정할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorMultiCellFormula": "다중 셀 배열 수식은 테이블에서 허용되지 않습니다.",
+ "errorOpenWarning": "파일에있는 수식 중 하나의 길이가 허용 된 문자 수를 초과하여 제거되었습니다.",
+ "errorOperandExpected": "입력한 함수 구문이 올바르지 않습니다. 반괄호, 즉 \"(\" 또는 \")\"가 누락되었는지 확인하십시오.",
+ "errorPasteMaxRange": "복사하여 붙여넣은 영역이 일치하지 않습니다. 같은 크기의 영역을 선택하십시오. 행의 첫 번째 셀을 클릭하여 복사한 셀을 붙여넣을 수도 있습니다.",
+ "errorPrintMaxPagesCount": "죄송합니다. 이 버전에서는 한 번에 1500페이지 이상을 인쇄할 수 없습니다. 나중 버전에서는 이 제한이 제거됩니다.",
+ "errorSessionAbsolute": "파일 편집 창이 만료되었습니다. 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
+ "errorSessionIdle": "이 문서는 한동안 수정되지 않았습니다. 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
+ "errorSessionToken": "서버에 대한 링크가 중단되었습니다. 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
+ "errorStockChart": "줄의 순서가 잘못되었습니다. 주식형 차트를 생성하려면 시가, 최고가, 최저가, 종가의 순서로 데이터를 테이블에 배치하십시오.",
+ "errorUnexpectedGuid": "외부 오류.",
+ "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "인터넷 연결이 복구 되었으며 파일에 수정 사항이 발생되었습니다. 작업을 계속 하시기 전에 반드시 기존의 파일을 다운로드하거나 내용을 복사해서 작업 내용을 잃어 버리는 일이 없도록 한 후에 이 페이지를 새로 고침(reload) 해 주시기 바랍니다.",
+ "errorUserDrop": "파일에 지금 액세스 할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorUsersExceed": "가격 책정 계획에서 허용 한 사용자 수가 초과되었습니다",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "네트워크 연결에 실패했습니다. 이 문서는 계속 볼 수 있지만 연결이 복원되고 페이지가 새로 고쳐질 때까지 이 문서를 다운로드하거나 인쇄할 수 없습니다.",
+ "errorWrongBracketsCount": "공식에 오류가 있습니다. 대괄호 수가 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "입력한 수식에 오류가 있습니다. 잘못된 연산자를 사용했습니다. 오류를 수정하십시오.",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "openErrorText": "파일을 여는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "pastInMergeAreaError": "병합된 셀의 일부는 수정할 수 없습니다.",
+ "saveErrorText": "파일을 저장하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "scriptLoadError": "인터넷 속도가 너무 느려 이 페이지의 일부 요소가 로드되지 않습니다. 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
+ "unknownErrorText": "알 수 없는 오류.",
+ "uploadImageExtMessage": "알수 없는 이미지 형식입니다.",
+ "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "이미지가 업로드되지 않았습니다.",
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "이미지 크기 제한을 초과했습니다.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
- "applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
- "applyChangesTitleText": "Loading Data",
- "confirmMoveCellRange": "The destination cells range can contain data. Continue the operation?",
- "confirmPutMergeRange": "The source data contains merged cells. They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.",
- "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Formulas in the header row will be removed and converted to static text. Do you want to continue?",
- "downloadTextText": "Downloading document...",
- "downloadTitleText": "Downloading Document",
- "loadFontsTextText": "Loading data...",
- "loadFontsTitleText": "Loading Data",
- "loadFontTextText": "Loading data...",
- "loadFontTitleText": "Loading Data",
- "loadImagesTextText": "Loading images...",
- "loadImagesTitleText": "Loading Images",
- "loadImageTextText": "Loading image...",
- "loadImageTitleText": "Loading Image",
- "loadingDocumentTextText": "Loading document...",
- "loadingDocumentTitleText": "Loading document",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "openTextText": "Opening document...",
- "openTitleText": "Opening Document",
- "printTextText": "Printing document...",
- "printTitleText": "Printing Document",
- "savePreparingText": "Preparing to save",
- "savePreparingTitle": "Preparing to save. Please wait...",
- "saveTextText": "Saving document...",
- "saveTitleText": "Saving Document",
- "textLoadingDocument": "Loading document",
- "textNo": "No",
- "textOk": "Ok",
- "textYes": "Yes",
- "txtEditingMode": "Set editing mode...",
- "uploadImageTextText": "Uploading image...",
- "uploadImageTitleText": "Uploading Image",
- "waitText": "Please, wait..."
+ "applyChangesTextText": "데이터로드 중 ...",
+ "applyChangesTitleText": "데이터로드 중",
+ "confirmMoveCellRange": "마지막 셀 범위에 데이터가 존재합니다. 작업을 계속 하시겠습니까?",
+ "confirmPutMergeRange": "원본 데이터에 병합된 셀이 있습니다. 이 셀은 이 테이블에 붙여넣기 전에 병합 해제됩니다.",
+ "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "머리글 행의 수식이 삭제되고 정적 텍스트로 변환됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?",
+ "downloadTextText": "문서 다운로드 중...",
+ "downloadTitleText": "문서 다운로드 중",
+ "loadFontsTextText": "데이터로드 중 ...",
+ "loadFontsTitleText": "데이터로드 중",
+ "loadFontTextText": "데이터로드 중 ...",
+ "loadFontTitleText": "데이터로드 중",
+ "loadImagesTextText": "이미지로드 중 ...",
+ "loadImagesTitleText": "이미지로드 중",
+ "loadImageTextText": "이미지로드 중 ...",
+ "loadImageTitleText": "이미지로드 중",
+ "loadingDocumentTextText": "문서로드 중 ...",
+ "loadingDocumentTitleText": "문서 로드 중",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "openTextText": "문서 열기 중 ...",
+ "openTitleText": "문서 열기",
+ "printTextText": "문서 인쇄 중 ...",
+ "printTitleText": "문서 인쇄 중",
+ "savePreparingText": "저장 준비 중",
+ "savePreparingTitle": "저장 준비 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오 ...",
+ "saveTextText": "문서 저장 중 ...",
+ "saveTitleText": "문서 저장 중",
+ "textLoadingDocument": "문서 로드 중",
+ "textNo": "아니오",
+ "textOk": "확인",
+ "textYes": "확인",
+ "txtEditingMode": "편집 모드 설정 ...",
+ "uploadImageTextText": "이미지 업로드 중 ...",
+ "uploadImageTitleText": "이미지 업로드 중",
+ "waitText": "잠시만 기다려주세요..."
"Statusbar": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textDelete": "Delete",
- "textDuplicate": "Duplicate",
- "textErrNameExists": "Worksheet with this name already exists.",
- "textErrNameWrongChar": "A sheet name cannot contains characters: \\, /, *, ?, [, ], :",
- "textErrNotEmpty": "Sheet name must not be empty",
- "textErrorLastSheet": "The workbook must have at least one visible worksheet.",
- "textErrorRemoveSheet": "Can't delete the worksheet.",
- "textHide": "Hide",
- "textMore": "More",
- "textRename": "Rename",
- "textRenameSheet": "Rename Sheet",
- "textSheet": "Sheet",
- "textSheetName": "Sheet Name",
- "textUnhide": "Unhide",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "The worksheet maybe has data. Proceed operation?",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "textCancel": "취소",
+ "textDelete": "삭제",
+ "textDuplicate": "복사",
+ "textErrNameExists": "같은 이름의 워크시트가 이미 있습니다.",
+ "textErrNameWrongChar": "시트 이름에는 \\, /, *,?, [,], 문자를 사용할 수 없습니다 :",
+ "textErrNotEmpty": "시트 이름은 비워둘 수 없습니다.",
+ "textErrorLastSheet": "통합 문서에는 표시되는 워크시트가 하나 이상 있어야 합니다.",
+ "textErrorRemoveSheet": "워크 시트를 삭제할 수 없습니다.",
+ "textHide": "숨기기",
+ "textMore": "자세히",
+ "textOk": "확인",
+ "textRename": "이름 바꾸기",
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+ "textSheet": "시트",
+ "textSheetName": "시트 이름",
+ "textUnhide": "숨기기 해제",
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "워크시트에 데이터가 포함될 수 있습니다. 진행 하시겠습니까?"
"Toolbar": {
- "dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "dlgLeaveTitleText": "You leave the application",
- "leaveButtonText": "Leave this Page",
- "stayButtonText": "Stay on this Page"
+ "dlgLeaveMsgText": "이 문서에 저장되지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다. 자동 저장을 활성화하려면 \"이 페이지에서 나가기\"를 클릭하십시오. \"이 페이지에서 나가기\"를 클릭하면 저장되지 않은 모든 편집 내용이 삭제됩니다.",
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "응용 프로그램을 종료합니다",
+ "leaveButtonText": "이 페이지에서 나가기",
+ "stayButtonText": "이 페이지에 보관"
"View": {
"Add": {
- "errorMaxRows": "ERROR! The maximum number of data series per chart is 255.",
- "errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order: opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "sCatDateAndTime": "Date and time",
- "sCatEngineering": "Engineering",
- "sCatFinancial": "Financial",
- "sCatInformation": "Information",
- "sCatLogical": "Logical",
- "sCatLookupAndReference": "Lookup and Reference",
- "sCatMathematic": "Math and trigonometry",
- "sCatStatistical": "Statistical",
- "sCatTextAndData": "Text and data",
- "textAddLink": "Add Link",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textChart": "Chart",
- "textComment": "Comment",
- "textDisplay": "Display",
- "textEmptyImgUrl": "You need to specify the image URL.",
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- "textImageURL": "Image URL",
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- "textInternalDataRange": "Internal Data Range",
- "textInvalidRange": "ERROR! Invalid cells range",
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- "textOther": "Other",
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- "textShape": "Shape",
- "textSheet": "Sheet",
- "textSortAndFilter": "Sort and Filter",
- "txtExpand": "Expand and sort",
- "txtExpandSort": "The data next to the selection will not be sorted. Do you want to expand the selection to include the adjacent data or continue with sorting the currently selected cells only?",
- "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"",
- "txtSorting": "Sorting",
- "txtSortSelected": "Sort selected",
- "textSelectedRange": "Selected Range",
- "txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells. Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
- "txtNo": "No",
- "txtYes": "Yes"
+ "errorMaxRows": "오류! 차트 당 최대 데이터 시리즈 수는 255입니다.",
+ "errorStockChart": "줄의 순서가 잘못되었습니다. 주식형 차트를 생성하려면 시가, 최고가, 최저가, 종가의 순서로 데이터를 테이블에 배치하십시오.",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
+ "sCatDateAndTime": "날짜 및 시간",
+ "sCatEngineering": "엔지니어링",
+ "sCatFinancial": "재무",
+ "sCatInformation": "정보",
+ "sCatLogical": "논리적",
+ "sCatLookupAndReference": "조회 및 참조",
+ "sCatMathematic": "수학 및 삼각법",
+ "sCatStatistical": "통계",
+ "sCatTextAndData": "텍스트 및 데이터",
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+ "textInvalidRange": "오류! 셀 범위가 잘못되었습니다.",
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+ "textPictureFromURL": "URL로 부터 그림 가져오기",
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+ "txtExpandSort": "선택 영역 옆의 데이터는 정렬되지 않습니다. 인접한 데이터를 포함하도록 선택 영역을 확장 하시겠습니까, 아니면 현재 선택된 셀만 정렬할까요?",
+ "txtLockSort": "선택의 범위 근처에 데이터가 존재 하지만이 셀을 변경하려면 충분한 권한이 없습니다. 선택의 범위를 계속 하시겠습니까?",
+ "txtNo": "아니오",
+ "txtNotUrl": "이 필드는 \"http://www.example.com\"형식의 URL이어야합니다.",
+ "txtSorting": "정렬",
+ "txtSortSelected": "정렬 선택",
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+ "txtSortLow2High": "오름차순 정렬"
"Settings": {
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- "warnDownloadAs": "If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?",
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- "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choose CSV Options",
- "textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter",
- "textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding",
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- "txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV",
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+ "textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "알림없이 모든 매크로를 비활성화",
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+ "textNoTextFound": "텍스트를 찾을 수 없습니다",
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+ "textOpenFile": "파일을 열려면 암호를 입력하십시오.",
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+ "textUploaded": "업로드 되었습니다",
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+ "txtColon": "콜론",
+ "txtComma": "쉼표",
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+ "txtEncoding": "인코딩",
+ "txtIncorrectPwd": "잘못된 비밀번호",
+ "txtOk": "확인",
+ "txtProtected": "암호를 입력하고 파일을 열면 파일의 현재 암호가 재설정됩니다.",
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+ "txtScheme19": "트레킹",
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+ "txtScheme4": "화면",
+ "txtScheme5": "시민",
+ "txtScheme6": "광장",
+ "txtScheme7": "같음",
+ "txtScheme8": "플로우",
+ "txtScheme9": "발견",
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+ "txtTab": "탭",
+ "warnDownloadAs": "이 형식으로 저장을 계속하면 텍스트를 제외한 모든 기능이 손실됩니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
index 6dbc74e15..df684f5a8 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Het onder het prijsplan toegestane aantal gebruikers is overschreden",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "De verbinding is verbroken. U kunt het document nog steeds bekijken, maar u zult het niet kunnen downloaden totdat de verbinding is hersteld en de pagina opnieuw is geladen.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Een fout in de formule. Verkeerd aantal haakjes.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Een fout in de ingevoerde formule. De verkeerde operator is gebruikt. Corrigeer de fout of gebruik de Esc-toets om het bewerken van de formule te annuleren.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Een fout in de ingevoerde formule. De verkeerde operator is gebruikt. Corrigeer de fout.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Waarschuwing",
"openErrorText": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het openen van het bestand",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Kan een deel van een samengevoegde cel niet wijzigen",
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Onbekende afbeeldingsindeling.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "Geen afbeeldingen geüpload.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "De afbeelding is te groot. De maximale grote is 25MB.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
"LongActions": {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
index a2b6c4364..c9f8808cc 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "A operação não pode ser realizada porque a área contém células filtradas. Por favor, desamarre os elementos filtrados e tente novamente.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "URL de imagem está incorreta",
"errorChangeArray": "Você não pode mudar parte de uma matriz.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "A célula ou gráfico que você está tentando alterar está em uma folha protegida. Para fazer uma alteração, desproteja a folha. Você pode ser solicitado a inserir a senha.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Não é possível salvar este documento. Verifique as configurações de conexão ou entre em contato com o administrador. Ao clicar no botão 'OK', você será solicitado a baixar o documento.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Este comando não pode ser usado com várias seleções. Selecione um intervalo único e tente novamente.",
"errorCountArg": "Um erro na fórmula. Número inválido de argumentos.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "O número de usuários permitidos pelo plano de preços foi excedido",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "A conexão foi perdida. Você ainda pode ver o documento, mas não poderá baixá-lo até que a conexão seja restaurada e a página recarregada.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Erro na fórmula. Número incorreto de colchetes.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Um erro na fórmula inserida. O operador errado é usado. Corrija o erro ou use o botão Esc para cancelar a edição da fórmula.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Um erro na fórmula inserida. O operador errado é usado. Corrija o erro.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
"openErrorText": "Ocorreu um erro ao abrir o arquivo",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Não é possível alterar uma parte de uma célula mesclada",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
index 5571a18fc..90b049ca2 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"txtStyle_Title": "Titlu",
"txtStyle_Total": "Total",
"txtStyle_Warning_Text": "Mesaj de avertisment",
- "txtTab": "Fila",
+ "txtTab": "Tabulator",
"txtTable": "Tabel",
"txtTime": "Oră",
"txtValues": "Valori",
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@
"warnLicenseExceeded": "Ați atins numărul maxim de conexiuni simultane la %1 de editoare. Documentul este disponibil numai pentru vizualizare. Contactați administratorul dvs pentru mai multe detalii.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Licența dvs. a expirat. Nu aveți acces la funcții de editare a documentului.Contactați administratorul dvs. de rețeea.",
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Licență urmează să fie reînnoită. Funcțiile de editare sunt cu acces limitat. Pentru a obține acces nelimitat, contactați administratorul dvs. de rețea.",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori al %1 editoare. Pentru detalii, contactați administratorul dvs.",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori ai %1 editoare. Pentru detalii, contactați administratorul dvs.",
"warnNoLicense": "Ați atins numărul maxim de conexiuni simultane la %1 de editoare. Documentul este disponibil numai pentru vizualizare. Contactați %1 Departamentul de Vânzări pentru acordarea condițiilor personale de actualizare.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori al %1 editoare. Contactați Grup Vânzări %1 pentru acordarea condițiilor personale de actualizare.",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Ați atins numărul maxim de utilizatori ai %1 editoare. Contactați Grup Vânzări %1 pentru acordarea condițiilor personale de licențiere.",
"warnProcessRightsChange": "Nu aveți permisiunea de editare pentru fișier."
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "Operațiunea nu poate fi efectuată deoarece zonă conține celule filtrate. Reafișați elementele filtrate și încercați din nou.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "URL-ul imaginii incorectă",
"errorChangeArray": "Nu puteți modifica parte dintr-o matrice.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "Celula sau diagrama pe care încercați să schimbați este din foaia de calcul protejată. Dezactivați protejarea foii de calcul dacă doriți s-o schimați.Este posibil să fie necesară introducerea parolei.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Salvarea documentului nu este posibilă. Verificați configurarea conexeunii sau contactaţi administratorul dumneavoastră de reţea Când faceți clic pe OK, vi se va solicita să descărcați documentul.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Această comandă nu poate fi aplicată la selecții multiple Selectați o singură zonă și încercați din nou.",
"errorCountArg": "Eroare în formulă. Număr incorect de argumente.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Limita de utilizatori stipulată de planul tarifar a fost depășită",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Conexiunea a fost pierdută. Încă mai puteți vizualiza documentul, dar nu și să-l descărcați până când conexiunea se restabilește și pagina se reîmprospătează.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Eroare în formulă. Numărul de paranteze incorect.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Eroare în formulă. Operator necorespunzător. Corectați eroarea sau apăsați Esc pentru anularea editărilor formulei.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Eroare în formulă. Operator necorespunzător. Corectați eroarea.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertisment",
"openErrorText": "Eroare la deschiderea fișierului",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "O parte din celulă îmbinată nu poate fi modificată ",
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@
"txtScheme9": "Forjă",
"txtSemicolon": "Punct și virgulă",
"txtSpace": "Spațiu",
- "txtTab": "Fila",
+ "txtTab": "Tabulator",
"warnDownloadAs": "Dacă salvați în acest format de fișier, este posibil ca unele dintre caracteristici să se piardă, cu excepția textului. Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?"
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
index 9cfdf37b8..9641f0c5d 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "Операция не может быть произведена, так как область содержит отфильтрованные ячейки. Выведите на экран скрытые фильтром элементы и повторите попытку.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "Неправильный URL-адрес рисунка",
"errorChangeArray": "Нельзя изменить часть массива.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "Ячейка или диаграмма, которую вы пытаетесь изменить, находится на защищенном листе. Чтобы внести изменения, снимите защиту листа. Может потребоваться пароль.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Не удается сохранить документ. Проверьте параметры подключения или обратитесь к вашему администратору. Когда вы нажмете на кнопку 'OK', вам будет предложено скачать документ.",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Данная команда неприменима для несвязных диапазонов. Выберите один диапазон и повторите попытку.",
"errorCountArg": "Ошибка в формуле. Неверное количество аргументов.",
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "Превышено количество пользователей, разрешенных согласно тарифному плану",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Подключение прервано. Вы можете просматривать документ, но не сможете скачать или напечатать его до восстановления подключения и обновления страницы.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Ошибка в формуле. Неверное количество скобок.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "Ошибка во введенной формуле. Использован неправильный оператор. Исправьте ошибку или используйте клавишу Esc для отмены редактирования формулы.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "Ошибка во введенной формуле. Использован неправильный оператор. Пожалуйста, исправьте ошибку.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Внимание",
"openErrorText": "При открытии файла произошла ошибка",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Нельзя изменить часть объединенной ячейки",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
index be1f2ab84..9a557f4dd 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document, but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula. Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. The wrong operator is used. Correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used. Please correct the error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
index 9b399c081..035de4299 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
"SDK": {
"txtAccent": "强调",
+ "txtAll": "(全部)",
"txtArt": "你的文本在此",
+ "txtBlank": "(空白)",
"txtDiagramTitle": "图表标题",
"txtSeries": "系列",
"txtStyle_Bad": "差",
@@ -100,8 +102,6 @@
"txtStyle_Warning_Text": "警告文本",
"txtXAxis": "X轴",
"txtYAxis": "Y轴",
- "txtAll": "(All)",
- "txtBlank": "(blank)",
"txtByField": "%1 of %2",
"txtClearFilter": "Clear Filter (Alt+C)",
"txtColLbls": "Column Labels",
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "网络连接已恢复,文件版本已变更。 在继续工作之前,需要下载文件或复制其内容以避免丢失数据,然后刷新此页。",
"errorUserDrop": "该文件现在无法访问。",
"errorUsersExceed": "超过了定价计划允许的用户数",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "网络连接失败。你仍然可以查看这个文档, 但在连接恢复并刷新该页之前,你将不能下载这个文档。",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "网络连接失败。你仍然可以查看这个文档, 但在连接恢复并刷新该页之前,你将不能下载或打印这个文档。",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "公式中有错误。 括号数量不对。",
- "errorWrongOperator": "输入的公式中有错误。你使用了错误的运算符。 请修正错误,或按下 Esc 按钮取消公式编辑。",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "输入的公式中有错误。你使用了错误的运算符。 请修正错误。",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
"openErrorText": "打开文件时发生错误",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "不能修改合并后的单元格的一部分",
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
"uploadImageExtMessage": "未知图像格式。",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "没有图片上传",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "图片太大了。最大允许的大小是 25 MB.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded. Please contact your Document Server administrator."
"LongActions": {
@@ -556,6 +557,7 @@
"textEmail": "电子邮件",
"textEnableAll": "启动所有项目",
"textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "启动所有不带通知的宏",
+ "textEncoding": "编码",
"textExample": "列入",
"textFind": "查找",
"textFindAndReplace": "查找和替换",
@@ -612,6 +614,7 @@
"textVersion": "版本",
"textWorkbook": "工作簿",
"txtDelimiter": "字段分隔符",
+ "txtDownloadCsv": "下载CSV",
"txtEncoding": "编码",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "密码有误",
"txtProtected": "在您输入密码和打开文件后,该文件的当前密码将被重置",
@@ -622,11 +625,9 @@
"textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter",
"textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding",
"textDelimeter": "Delimiter",
- "textEncoding": "Encoding",
"textOk": "Ok",
"txtColon": "Colon",
"txtComma": "Comma",
- "txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV",
"txtOk": "Ok",
"txtScheme1": "Office",
"txtScheme10": "Median",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/CellEditor.jsx b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/CellEditor.jsx
index 9f41efbd5..f67658762 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/CellEditor.jsx
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/CellEditor.jsx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const CellEditor = props => {
}, []);
const [cellName, setCellName] = useState('');
- const [stateCoauth, setCoauthDisabled] = useState(null);
+ const [stateFunctions, setFunctionshDisabled] = useState(null);
const [stateFuncArr, setFuncArr] = useState('');
const onApiCellSelection = info => {
@@ -22,7 +22,17 @@ const CellEditor = props => {
const onApiSelectionChanged = info => {
- setCoauthDisabled(info.asc_getLocked() === true || info.asc_getLockedTable() === true || info.asc_getLockedPivotTable()===true);
+ let seltype = info.asc_getSelectionType(),
+ coauth_disable = info.asc_getLocked() === true || info.asc_getLockedTable() === true || info.asc_getLockedPivotTable()===true;
+ let is_chart_text = seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChartText,
+ is_chart = seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart,
+ is_shape_text = seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShapeText,
+ is_shape = seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShape,
+ is_image = seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeImage || seltype == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeSlicer,
+ is_mode_2 = is_shape_text || is_shape || is_chart_text || is_chart;
+ setFunctionshDisabled(is_image || is_mode_2 || coauth_disable);
const onFormulaCompleteMenu = funcArr => {
@@ -43,7 +53,7 @@ const CellEditor = props => {
return (
+@inject (stores => ({
isEdit: stores.storeAppOptions.isEdit,
canComments: stores.storeAppOptions.canComments,
canViewComments: stores.storeAppOptions.canViewComments,
canCoAuthoring: stores.storeAppOptions.canCoAuthoring,
users: stores.users,
isDisconnected: stores.users.isDisconnected,
- storeSheets: stores.sheets
+ storeSheets: stores.sheets,
+ wsProps: stores.storeWorksheets.wsProps,
+ wsLock: stores.storeWorksheets.wsLock
class ContextMenu extends ContextMenuController {
constructor(props) {
@@ -120,13 +122,24 @@ class ContextMenu extends ContextMenuController {
onMergeCells() {
const { t } = this.props;
- const _t = t("ContextMenu", { returnObjects: true });
const api = Common.EditorApi.get();
if (api.asc_mergeCellsDataLost(Asc.c_oAscMergeOptions.Merge)) {
setTimeout(() => {
- f7.dialog.confirm(_t.warnMergeLostData, _t.notcriticalErrorTitle, () => {
- api.asc_mergeCells(Asc.c_oAscMergeOptions.Merge);
- });
+ f7.dialog.create({
+ title: t('ContextMenu.notcriticalErrorTitle'),
+ text: t('ContextMenu.warnMergeLostData'),
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ text: t('ContextMenu.menuCancel')
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'OK',
+ onClick: () => {
+ api.asc_mergeCells(Asc.c_oAscMergeOptions.Merge);
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }).open();
}, 0);
} else {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Encoding.jsx b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Encoding.jsx
index d99271a38..9052a5bb9 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Encoding.jsx
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Encoding.jsx
@@ -38,12 +38,11 @@ class EncodingController extends Component {
this.mode = mode;
this.advOptions = advOptions;
this.formatOptions = formatOptions;
- this.pages = [];
- this.pagesName = [];
+ this.encodeData = [];
const recommendedSettings = this.advOptions.asc_getRecommendedSettings();
- this.initPages();
+ this.initEncodeData();
this.valueEncoding = recommendedSettings.asc_getCodePage();
this.valueDelimeter = recommendedSettings && recommendedSettings.asc_getDelimiter() ? recommendedSettings.asc_getDelimiter() : 4;
@@ -53,10 +52,13 @@ class EncodingController extends Component {
- initPages() {
+ initEncodeData() {
for (let page of this.advOptions.asc_getCodePages()) {
- this.pages.push(page.asc_getCodePage());
- this.pagesName.push(page.asc_getCodePageName());
+ this.encodeData.push({
+ value: page.asc_getCodePage(),
+ displayValue: page.asc_getCodePageName(),
+ lcid: page.asc_getLcid()
+ });
@@ -85,8 +87,7 @@ class EncodingController extends Component {
- pages={this.pages}
- pagesName={this.pagesName}
+ encodeData={this.encodeData}
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Error.jsx b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Error.jsx
index bc4927c27..8ef4faff2 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Error.jsx
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Error.jsx
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ const ErrorController = inject('storeAppOptions')(({storeAppOptions, LoadingDocu
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ChangeOnProtectedSheet:
- config.msg = _t.errorChangeOnProtectedSheet;
+ config.msg = t('Error.errorChangeOnProtectedSheet');
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.LoadingFontError:
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Main.jsx b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Main.jsx
index e025854b2..06e612b40 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Main.jsx
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Main.jsx
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
- "storeToolbarSettings"
+ "storeToolbarSettings",
+ "storeWorksheets"
class MainController extends Component {
constructor(props) {
@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ class MainController extends Component {
licenseType: false,
isDocModified: false
+ this.wsLockOptions = ['SelectLockedCells', 'SelectUnlockedCells', 'FormatCells', 'FormatColumns', 'FormatRows', 'InsertColumns', 'InsertRows', 'InsertHyperlinks', 'DeleteColumns',
+ 'DeleteRows', 'Sort', 'AutoFilter', 'PivotTables', 'Objects', 'Scenarios'];
this.defaultTitleText = __APP_TITLE_TEXT__;
@@ -397,7 +401,46 @@ class MainController extends Component {
+ storeFocusObjects.setFunctionsDisabled(state === Asc.c_oAscCellEditorState.editText);
+ this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeProtectWorksheet', this.onChangeProtectSheet.bind(this));
+ this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onActiveSheetChanged', this.onChangeProtectSheet.bind(this));
+ }
+ onChangeProtectSheet() {
+ const storeWorksheets = this.props.storeWorksheets;
+ let {wsLock, wsProps} = this.getWSProps(true);
+ storeWorksheets.setWsLock(wsLock);
+ storeWorksheets.setWsProps(wsProps);
+ }
+ getWSProps(update) {
+ const storeAppOptions = this.props.storeAppOptions;
+ let wsProtection = {};
+ if (!storeAppOptions.config || !storeAppOptions.isEdit && !storeAppOptions.isRestrictedEdit) return;
+ if (update) {
+ let wsLock = !!this.api.asc_isProtectedSheet();
+ let wsProps = {};
+ if (wsLock) {
+ let props = this.api.asc_getProtectedSheet();
+ props && this.wsLockOptions.forEach(function(item){
+ wsProps[item] = props['asc_get' + item] ? props['asc_get' + item]() : false;
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.wsLockOptions.forEach(function(item){
+ wsProps[item] = false;
+ });
+ }
+ wsProtection = {wsLock, wsProps};
+ }
+ return wsProtection;
_onLongActionEnd(type, id) {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Statusbar.jsx b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Statusbar.jsx
index 51d75b610..9455ee9e0 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Statusbar.jsx
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/src/controller/Statusbar.jsx
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ const StatusbarController = inject('sheets', 'storeFocusObjects', 'users')(obser
sheets.setWorksheetLocked(index, locked);
+ api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeProtectWorkbook', () => {
+ sheets.setProtectedWorkbook(api.asc_isProtectedWorkbook());
+ });
api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onSheetsChanged', onApiSheetsChanged);
api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onActiveSheetChanged', onApiActiveSheetChanged);
api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onHidePopMenu', onApiHideTabContextMenu);
@@ -123,6 +126,7 @@ const Statusbar = inject('sheets', 'storeAppOptions', 'users')(observer(props =>
const _t = t('Statusbar', {returnObjects: true});
const isEdit = storeAppOptions.isEdit;
const isDisconnected = users.isDisconnected;
+ const isProtectedWorkbook = sheets.isProtectedWorkbook;
useEffect(() => {
const on_main_view_click = e => {
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ const Statusbar = inject('sheets', 'storeAppOptions', 'users')(observer(props =>
if (index == api.asc_getActiveWorksheetIndex()) {
if (!opened) {
- if (isEdit && !isDisconnected && !model.locked) {
+ if (isEdit && !isDisconnected && !model.locked && !isProtectedWorkbook) {
f7.popover.open('#idx-tab-context-menu-popover', target);
@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ const Statusbar = inject('sheets', 'storeAppOptions', 'users')(observer(props =>
let current = api.asc_getWorksheetName(api.asc_getActiveWorksheetIndex());
- title: _t.textRenameSheet,
+ title: _t.textSheetName,
content: Device.ios ?
'' :