diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
index a33c05493..656842d2a 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
@@ -1,626 +1,626 @@
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ຖານຂໍ້ມູນ ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດພາຍນອກ. ກະລຸນາ, ຕິດຕໍ່ການສະ ໜັບ ສະ ໜູນ.",
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ກ່ອນທີ່ທ່ານຈະດຳເນີນການຕໍ່ໄປ, ທ່ານຕ້ອງໄດ້ດາວໂຫຼດຟາຍ ຫຼື ສຳເນົາເນື້ອຫາ ເພື່ອປ້ອງການການສູນເສຍ, ແລະ ທຳການໂຫຼດໜ້າຄືນອີກຄັ້ງ.",
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Please, contact your admin.",
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When you click OK, you will be prompted to download the document.",
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Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
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"errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document.
Download document to save the file backup copy locally.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limit.
Please, contact your admin.",
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Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
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"errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
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Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
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Please, contact your administrator.",
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+ "Missing Operator": "ບໍ່ມີຕົວດຳເນີນການ",
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+ "No table of figures entries found": "ບໍ່ມີຕາຕະລາງລາຍການຕົວເລກ",
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+ "Same as Previous": "ແບບດຽວກັນກັບທີ່ຜ່ານມາ",
+ "Series": "ຊຸດ",
+ "Subtitle": "ຄໍາບັນຍາຍ",
+ "Syntax Error": "ຂໍ້້ຜິດພາດທາງໄວຍະກອນ",
+ "Table Index Cannot be Zero": "ດັດຊະນີຕາຕະລາງບໍ່ສາມາດເປັນສູນ",
+ "Table of Contents": "ຕາຕະລາງເນື້ອຫາ",
+ "table of figures": "ຕາຕະລາງຕົວເລກ",
+ "The Formula Not In Table": "ສູດບໍ່ຢູ່ໃນຕາຕະລາງ",
+ "Title": "ຫົວຂໍ້",
+ "TOC Heading": "ຫົວຂໍ້ TOC ",
+ "Unexpected End of Formula": "ການສິ້ນສຸດສູດທ້າຍທີ່ບໍ່ຄາດຄິດ",
+ "Y Axis": "ແກນ Y",
+ "Your text here": "ເນື້ອຫາຂອງທ່ານຢູ່ນີ້",
+ "Zero Divide": "ສູນແບ່ງ",
" -Section ": " -Section ",
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- "Diagram Title": "Chart Title",
- "endnote text": "Endnote Text",
- "Enter a date": "Enter a date",
"Error! Bookmark not defined": "Error! Bookmark not defined.",
"Error! Main Document Only": "Error! Main Document Only.",
"Error! No text of specified style in document": "Error! No text of specified style in document.",
"Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference": "Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.",
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- "Index Too Large": "Index Too Large",
"Intense Quote": "Intense Quote",
- "Is Not In Table": "Is Not In Table",
- "List Paragraph": "List Paragraph",
- "Missing Argument": "Missing Argument",
- "Missing Operator": "Missing Operator",
- "No Spacing": "No Spacing",
- "No table of contents entries found": "There are no headings in the document. Apply a heading style to the text so that it appears in the table of contents.",
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- "Quote": "Quote",
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- "Series": "Series",
- "Subtitle": "Subtitle",
- "Syntax Error": "Syntax Error",
- "Table Index Cannot be Zero": "Table Index Cannot be Zero",
- "Table of Contents": "Table of Contents",
- "table of figures": "Table of figures",
- "The Formula Not In Table": "The Formula Not In Table",
- "Title": "Title",
- "TOC Heading": "TOC Heading",
"Type equation here": "Type equation here",
"Undefined Bookmark": "Undefined Bookmark",
- "Unexpected End of Formula": "Unexpected End of Formula",
- "X Axis": "X Axis XAS",
- "Y Axis": "Y Axis",
- "Your text here": "Your text here",
- "Zero Divide": "Zero Divide"
+ "X Axis": "X Axis XAS"
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Please, contact your administrator.",
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Please contact your administrator to get full access",
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Please contact your administrator to get full access",
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Please, contact your admin.",
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When you click OK, you will be prompted to download the document.",
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Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
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Download document to save the file backup copy locally.",
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Please, contact your admin.",
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- "errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
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Kontaktujte svojho správcu.",
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+ "errorConnectToServer": "Tento dokument nie je možné uložiť. Skontrolujte nastavenia pripojenia alebo kontaktujte správcu.
Po kliknutí na tlačidlo OK sa zobrazí výzva na stiahnutie dokumentu.",
+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "Externá chyba.
Chyba spojenia databázy. Obráťte sa prosím na podporu.",
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Prevezmite dokument a uložte záložnú kópiu súboru lokálne.",
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Kontaktujte svojho správcu.",
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Kontaktujte prosím svojho administrátora Servera dokumentov.",
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+ "errorSessionAbsolute": "Platnosť relácie úpravy dokumentu vypršala. Prosím, načítajte stránku znova.",
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+ "errorSessionToken": "Spojenie so serverom bolo prerušené. Prosím, načítajte stránku znova.",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
- "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
- "errorUserDrop": "The file can't be accessed right now.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
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- "saveErrorText": "An error has occurred while saving the file",
- "scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
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Please contact your Document Server administrator."
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Predtým, než budete pokračovať v práci, potrebujete si stiahnuť súbor alebo kópiu jeho obsahu, aby sa nič nestratilo. Potom znovu načítajte stránku.",
+ "errorUserDrop": "K súboru momentálne nie je možné získať prístup.",
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ale nebudete si ho môcť stiahnuť ani vytlačiť, kým sa neobnoví pripojenie a stránka sa znova nenačíta.",
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Ak chcete získať úplný prístup, kontaktujte svojho správcu",
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"Toolbar": {
- "dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "dlgLeaveTitleText": "You leave the application",
- "leaveButtonText": "Leave this Page",
- "stayButtonText": "Stay on this page"
+ "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Máte neuložené zmeny. Kliknite na „Zostať na tejto stránke“ a počkajte na automatické uloženie. Kliknutím na „Opustiť túto stránku“ zahodíte všetky neuložené zmeny.",
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Opúšťate aplikáciu",
+ "leaveButtonText": "Opustiť túto stránku",
+ "stayButtonText": "Zostať na tejto stránke"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/ca.json b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
index 09e00fbab..16e3159fb 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"textEditComment": "Edita el comentari",
"textEditReply": "Edita la resposta",
"textEditUser": "Usuaris que editen el fitxer:",
- "textMessageDeleteComment": "Segur que vols suprimir aquest comentari?",
- "textMessageDeleteReply": "Segur que vols suprimir aquesta resposta?",
+ "textMessageDeleteComment": "Voleu suprimir aquest comentari?",
+ "textMessageDeleteReply": "Voleu suprimir aquesta resposta?",
"textNoComments": "Aquest document no conté comentaris",
"textOk": "D'acord",
"textReopen": "Torna a obrir",
@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@
"advDRMPassword": "Contrasenya",
"closeButtonText": "Tanca el fitxer",
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "errorAccessDeny": "No tens permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
- "errorOpensource": "Amb la versió gratuïta de la Comunitat, només pots obrir els documents en mode lectura. Per accedir als editors de web per a mòbils, cal una llicència comercial.",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "No teniu permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
+ "errorOpensource": "Amb la versió gratuïta de la Comunitat, només podeu obrir els documents en mode lectura. Per accedir als editors de web per a mòbils, cal una llicència comercial.",
"errorProcessSaveResult": "S'ha produït un error en desar.",
"errorServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat la versió de l'editor. Es tornarà a carregar la pàgina per aplicar els canvis.",
"errorUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió del fitxer. La pàgina es tornarà a carregar.",
- "leavePageText": "Tens canvis no desats en aquest document. Fes clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Fes clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
+ "leavePageText": "Teniu canvis no desats en aquest document. Feu clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Feu clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"SDK": {
"Chart": "Gràfic",
- "Click to add first slide": "Fes clic per afegir la primera diapositiva",
- "Click to add notes": "Fes clic per afegir notes",
+ "Click to add first slide": "Feu clic per afegir la primera diapositiva",
+ "Click to add notes": "Feu clic per afegir notes",
"ClipArt": "Galeria d'imatges",
"Date and time": "Data i hora",
"Diagram": "Diagrama",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"Table": "Taula",
"X Axis": "Eix X XAS",
"Y Axis": "Eix Y",
- "Your text here": "El teu text aquí"
+ "Your text here": "El vostre text aquí"
"textAnonymous": "Anònim",
- "textBuyNow": "Visita el lloc web",
+ "textBuyNow": "Visiteu el lloc web",
"textClose": "Tanca",
- "textContactUs": "Contacta amb vendes",
- "textCustomLoader": "No tens els permisos per canviar el carregador. Contacta amb el nostre departament de vendes per obtenir un pressupost.",
+ "textContactUs": "Contacteu amb vendes",
+ "textCustomLoader": "No teniu els permisos per canviar el carregador. Contacteu amb el nostre departament de vendes per obtenir un pressupost.",
"textGuest": "Convidat",
- "textHasMacros": "El fitxer conté macros automàtiques.
Les vols executar?",
+ "textHasMacros": "El fitxer conté macros automàtiques.
Les voleu executar?",
"textNo": "No",
"textNoLicenseTitle": "S'ha assolit el límit de llicència",
"textNoTextFound": "No s'ha trobat el text",
- "textOpenFile": "Introdueix una contrasenya per obrir el fitxer",
+ "textOpenFile": "Introduïu una contrasenya per obrir el fitxer",
"textPaidFeature": "Funció de pagament",
"textRemember": "Recorda la meva elecció",
"textReplaceSkipped": "S'ha realitzat la substitució. S'han omès {0} ocurrències.",
@@ -118,47 +118,47 @@
"titleServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat l'editor",
"titleUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "La contrasenya no és correcta",
- "txtProtected": "Un cop hagis introduït la contrasenya i obert el fitxer, es restablirà la contrasenya actual del fitxer",
- "warnLicenseExceeded": "Has arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacta amb el vostre administrador per a més informació.",
- "warnLicenseExp": "La teva llicència ha caducat. Actualitza-la i recarrega la pàgina.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La llicència ha caducat. No pots editar documents. Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Cal renovar la llicència. Tens accés limitat a la funció d'edició de documents.
Contacta amb el teu administrador per obtenir accés total",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Has arribat al límit d'usuari per a %1 editors. Contacta amb el teu administrador per a més informació.",
- "warnNoLicense": "Has arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacta amb l'equip de vendes %1 per a les condicions d'una actualització personal.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Has arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacta amb l'equip de vendes de %1 per obtenir les condicions de millora personals dels teus serveis.",
- "warnProcessRightsChange": "No tens permís per editar el fitxer."
+ "txtProtected": "Un cop hàgiu introduït la contrasenya i obert el fitxer, es restablirà la contrasenya actual del fitxer",
+ "warnLicenseExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacteu amb l'administrador per a més informació.",
+ "warnLicenseExp": "La llicència ha caducat. Actualitzeu-la i recarregueu la pàgina.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La llicència ha caducat. No podeu editar documents. Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Cal renovar la llicència. Teniu accés limitat a la funció d'edició de documents.
Contacteu amb l'administrador per obtenir accés total",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuari per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb l'administrador per a més informació.",
+ "warnNoLicense": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacteu amb l'equip de vendes %1 per a les condicions d'una actualització personal.",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb l'equip de vendes de %1 per obtenir les condicions de millora personals dels vostres serveis.",
+ "warnProcessRightsChange": "No teniu permís per editar el fitxer."
"Error": {
"convertationTimeoutText": "S'ha superat el temps de conversió.",
- "criticalErrorExtText": "Prem «D'acord» per tornar a la llista de documents.",
+ "criticalErrorExtText": "Premeu «D'acord» per tornar a la llista de documents.",
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
"downloadErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en la baixada",
- "errorAccessDeny": "No tens permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "No teniu permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "L'URL de la imatge no és correcta",
- "errorConnectToServer": "No es pot desar aquest document. Comprova la configuració de la vostra connexió o contacta amb el teu administrador.
Quan facis clic al botó «D'acord», et demanarà que baixis el document.",
- "errorDatabaseConnection": "Error extern.
Error de connexió amb la base de dades. Contacta amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
+ "errorConnectToServer": "No es pot desar aquest document. Comproveu la configuració de la vostra connexió o contacteu amb l'administrador.
Quan feu clic al botó «D'acord», us demanarà que baixeu el document.",
+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "Error extern.
Error de connexió amb la base de dades. Contacteu amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
"errorDataEncrypted": "S'han rebut canvis xifrats, que no es poden desxifrar.",
"errorDataRange": "L'interval de dades no és correcte.",
"errorDefaultMessage": "Codi d'error:%1",
- "errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error mentre es treballava amb el document.
Utilitza l'opció \"Descarregar\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer localment.",
+ "errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error mentre es treballava amb el document.
Utilitzeu l'opció \"Descarregar\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer localment.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "El fitxer està protegit amb contrasenya i no s'ha pogut obrir.",
- "errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer supera el límit del vostre servidor.
Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
+ "errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer supera el límit del vostre servidor.
Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Descriptor de claus desconegut",
"errorKeyExpire": "El descriptor de claus ha caducat",
- "errorLoadingFont": "No s'han carregat els tipus de lletra.
Contacta amb l'administrador del Servidor de Documents.",
- "errorSessionAbsolute": "La sessió d'edició del document ha caducat. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorSessionIdle": "Fa molt de temps que no s'edita el document. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorSessionToken": "S'ha interromput la connexió amb el servidor. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, posa les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
- "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "S'ha restaurat la connexió a Internet i s'ha canviat la versió del fitxer.
Abans de continuar treballant, descarrega el fitxer o copia el seu contingut per assegurar-te que no s'ha perdut res i torna a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
- "errorUserDrop": "Ara mateix no es pot accedir al fitxer.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "S'ha superat el nombre d’usuaris que permet el teu pla",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "S'ha perdut la connexió. Encara pots veure el document,
però no podràs baixar-lo fins que es restableixi la connexió i es torni a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "No s'han carregat els tipus de lletra.
Contacteu amb l'administrador del servidor de documents.",
+ "errorSessionAbsolute": "La sessió d'edició del document ha caducat. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorSessionIdle": "Fa molt de temps que no s'edita el document. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorSessionToken": "S'ha interromput la connexió amb el servidor. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, poseu les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
+ "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "S'ha restaurat la connexió a Internet i s'ha canviat la versió del fitxer.
Abans de continuar treballant, descarregueu el fitxer o copieu el seu contingut per assegurar-vos que no s'ha perdut res i torneu a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
+ "errorUserDrop": "No es pot accedir al fitxer.",
+ "errorUsersExceed": "S'ha superat el nombre d’usuaris que permet el vostre pla",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "S'ha perdut la connexió. Encara podeu veure el document,
però no el podreu baixar fins que es restableixi la connexió i es torni a carregar la pàgina.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"openErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer",
"saveErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer",
- "scriptLoadError": "La connexió és massa lenta, alguns dels components no s'han pogut carregar. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "scriptLoadError": "La connexió és massa lenta, alguns dels components no s'han pogut carregar. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
"splitDividerErrorText": "El nombre de files ha de ser un divisor de %1",
"splitMaxColsErrorText": "El nombre de columnes ha de ser inferior a %1",
"splitMaxRowsErrorText": "El nombre de files ha de ser inferior a %1",
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@
"txtEditingMode": "Estableix el mode d'edició ...",
"uploadImageTextText": "S'està carregant la imatge...",
"uploadImageTitleText": "S'està carregant la imatge",
- "waitText": "Espera..."
+ "waitText": "Espereu..."
"Toolbar": {
- "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Tens canvis no desats en aquest document. Fes clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Fes clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
- "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Estàs sortint de l'aplicació",
+ "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Teniu canvis no desats en aquest document. Feu clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Feu clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Esteu sortint de l'aplicació",
"leaveButtonText": "Surt d'aquesta pàgina",
"stayButtonText": "Queda't a aquesta pàgina"
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
"textPictureFromURL": "Imatge de l'URL",
"textPreviousSlide": "Diapositiva anterior",
"textPt": "pt",
- "textPush": "Empeny",
+ "textPush": "Inserció",
"textRemoveChart": "Suprimeix el gràfic",
"textRemoveImage": "Suprimeix la imatge",
"textRemoveLink": "Suprimeix l'enllaç",
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"textSmallCaps": "Versaletes",
"textSmoothly": "Suau",
"textSplit": "Divideix",
- "textStartOnClick": "Inicia fent clic",
+ "textStartOnClick": "Inicieu fent clic",
"textStrikethrough": "Ratllat",
"textStyle": "Estil",
"textStyleOptions": "Opcions d'estil",
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/es.json b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/es.json
index b8cfbba7c..59b77e9ec 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/es.json
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/es.json
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertencia",
- "textActualSize": "Tamaño actual",
+ "textActualSize": "Tamaño real",
"textAddCustomColor": "Agregar color personalizado",
"textAdditional": "Adicional",
"textAdditionalFormatting": "Formato adicional",
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/lo.json b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
index 7c3baf3e3..7b1c3d16c 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
@@ -1,479 +1,478 @@
"About": {
- "textAbout": "About",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textEmail": "Email",
- "textPoweredBy": "Powered By",
- "textTel": "Tel",
- "textVersion": "Version"
+ "textAbout": "ກ່ຽວກັບ",
+ "textAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textEmail": "ອີເມລ",
+ "textPoweredBy": "ສ້າງໂດຍ",
+ "textTel": "ໂທ",
+ "textVersion": "ລຸ້ນ"
"Common": {
"Collaboration": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "textAddReply": "Add Reply",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
- "textComments": "Comments",
- "textDeleteComment": "Delete Comment",
- "textDeleteReply": "Delete Reply",
- "textDone": "Done",
- "textEdit": "Edit",
- "textEditComment": "Edit Comment",
- "textEditReply": "Edit Reply",
- "textEditUser": "Users who are editing the file:",
- "textMessageDeleteComment": "Do you really want to delete this comment?",
- "textMessageDeleteReply": "Do you really want to delete this reply?",
- "textNoComments": "This document doesn't contain comments",
- "textReopen": "Reopen",
- "textResolve": "Resolve",
- "textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.",
- "textUsers": "Users",
- "textOk": "Ok"
- },
- "ThemeColorPalette": {
- "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors",
- "textStandartColors": "Standard Colors",
- "textThemeColors": "Theme Colors"
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textAddComment": "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ",
+ "textAddReply": "ເພີ່ມຄຳຕອບກັບ",
+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "textCollaboration": "ການຮ່ວມກັນ",
+ "textComments": "ຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textDeleteComment": "ລົບຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textDeleteReply": "ລົບການຕອບກັບ",
+ "textDone": "ສໍາເລັດ",
+ "textEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "textEditComment": "ແກ້ໄຂຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textEditReply": "ແກ້ໄຂການຕອບກັບ",
+ "textEditUser": "ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ກໍາລັງແກ້ໄຂເອກະສານ:",
+ "textMessageDeleteComment": "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບຄຳເຫັນນີ້ແທ້ບໍ",
+ "textMessageDeleteReply": "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບແທ້ບໍ?",
+ "textNoComments": "ເອກະສານບໍ່ມີຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textReopen": "ເປີດຄືນ",
+ "textResolve": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "textTryUndoRedo": "ໜ້າທີ່ ກັບຄືນ ຫຼື ທວນຄືນ ຖືກປິດໃຊ້ງານ ສຳລັບໂໝດການແກ້ໄຂຮ່ວມກັນດ່ວນ.",
+ "textUsers": "ຜຸ້ໃຊ້"
"HighlightColorPalette": {
- "textNoFill": "No Fill"
+ "textNoFill": "ບໍ່ມີການຕື່ມຂໍ້ມູນໃສ່"
+ },
+ "ThemeColorPalette": {
+ "textStandartColors": "ສີມາດຕະຖານ",
+ "textThemeColors": " ຮູບແບບສີ",
+ "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors"
"ContextMenu": {
- "errorCopyCutPaste": "Copy, cut and paste actions using the context menu will be performed within the current file only.",
- "menuAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "menuAddLink": "Add Link",
- "menuCancel": "Cancel",
- "menuDelete": "Delete",
- "menuDeleteTable": "Delete Table",
- "menuEdit": "Edit",
- "menuMerge": "Merge",
- "menuMore": "More",
- "menuOpenLink": "Open Link",
+ "errorCopyCutPaste": "ການກ໋ອບປີ້,ຕັດ ແລະ ວາງ ການດຳເນີນການໂດຍໃຊ້ເມນູ ຈະດຳເນີນການພາຍໃນຟາຍປັດຈຸບັນເທົ່ານັ້ນ",
+ "menuAddComment": "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ",
+ "menuAddLink": "ເພີ່ມລິ້ງ",
+ "menuCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "menuDelete": "ລົບ",
+ "menuDeleteTable": "ລົບຕາຕະລາງ",
+ "menuEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "menuMerge": "ປະສົມປະສານ",
+ "menuMore": "ຫຼາຍກວ່າ",
+ "menuOpenLink": "ເປີດລີ້ງ",
+ "menuViewComment": "ເບີ່ງຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textColumns": "ຖັນ",
+ "textCopyCutPasteActions": "ປະຕິບັດການ ສໍາເນົາ, ຕັດ ແລະ ວາງ",
+ "textRows": "ແຖວ",
"menuSplit": "Split",
- "menuViewComment": "View Comment",
- "textColumns": "Columns",
- "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Copy, Cut and Paste Actions",
- "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "textRows": "Rows"
+ "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again"
"Controller": {
"Main": {
- "advDRMOptions": "Protected File",
- "advDRMPassword": "Password",
- "closeButtonText": "Close File",
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
+ "advDRMOptions": "ຟຮາຍມີການປົກປ້ອງ",
+ "advDRMPassword": "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ",
+ "closeButtonText": "ປິດຟຮາຍເອກະສານ",
+ "criticalErrorTitle": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ",
+ "errorProcessSaveResult": "ບັນທຶກບຊ່ສຳເລັດ",
+ "errorServerVersion": "ສະບັບດັດແກ້ໄດ້ຖືກປັບປຸງແລ້ວ. ໜ້າເວັບຈະຖືກໂຫລດຄືນເພື່ອນຳໃຊ້ການປ່ຽນແປງ.",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "SDK": {
+ "Chart": "ແຜນຮູບວາດ",
+ "Click to add notes": "ກົດເພື່ອເພີ່ມບັນທຶກ",
+ "ClipArt": "ພາບຕັດຕໍ່",
+ "Date and time": "ວັນທີ ແລະ ເວລາ",
+ "Diagram": "ແຜ່ນພາບ",
+ "Diagram Title": "ໃສ່ຊື່ແຜນຮູບວາດ",
+ "Footer": "ສ່ວນທ້າຍ",
+ "Header": "ຫົວຂໍ້ເອກະສານ",
+ "Image": "ຮູບພາບ",
+ "Loading": "ກຳລັງໂຫລດ",
+ "Media": "ຊື່ມວນຊົນ",
+ "None": "ບໍ່ມີ",
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+ "Series": "ຊຸດ",
+ "Slide subtitle": "ຄຳອະທິບາຍພາບສະໄລ່",
+ "Slide text": "ເນື້ອຫາພາບສະໄລ",
+ "Slide title": "ຫົວຂໍ້ພາບສະໄລ",
+ "Table": "ຕາຕະລາງ",
+ "Your text here": "ເນື້ອຫາຂອງທ່ານຢູ່ນີ້",
+ "Click to add first slide": "Click to add first slide",
+ "Slide number": "Slide number",
+ "X Axis": "X Axis XAS",
+ "Y Axis": "Y Axis"
+ },
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+ "textBuyNow": "ເຂົ້າໄປຍັງເວັບໄຊ",
+ "textClose": "ປິດ",
+ "textContactUs": "ຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ຂາຍ",
+ "textGuest": " ແຂກ",
+ "textHasMacros": "ເອກະສານບັນຈຸ ມາກໂຄ
ແບບອັດຕະໂນມັດ, ທ່ານຍັງຕ້ອງການດໍາເນີນງານ ມາກໂຄ ບໍ ",
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+ "textReplaceSuccess": "ການຄົ້ນຫາໄດ້ສຳເລັດແລ້ວ. ສິ່ງທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້ປ່ຽນແທນແລ້ວ: {0}",
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+ "txtProtected": "ຖ້າເຈົ້ານໍາໃຊ້ລະຫັດເພື່ອເປີດເອກະສານ, ລະຫັດປັດຈະບັນຈະຖືກແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "ຈໍານວນ ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບຜູ້ແກ້ໄຂ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ທີມບໍລິຫານເພື່ອຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີ່ມ",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "ຈໍານວນການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບບັນນາທິການ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ ທີມຂາຍ %1 ສຳລັບຂໍ້ກຳນົດການຍົກລະດັບສິດ",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.",
"errorOpensource": "Using the free Community version, you can open documents for viewing only. To access mobile web editors, a commercial license is required.",
- "errorProcessSaveResult": "Saving failed.",
- "errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
"errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.",
"leavePageText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "SDK": {
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- "Click to add first slide": "Click to add first slide",
- "Click to add notes": "Click to add notes",
- "ClipArt": "Clip Art",
- "Date and time": "Date and time",
- "Diagram": "Diagram",
- "Diagram Title": "Chart Title",
- "Footer": "Footer",
- "Header": "Header",
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- "Slide title": "Slide title",
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- "X Axis": "X Axis XAS",
- "Y Axis": "Y Axis",
- "Your text here": "Your text here"
- },
- "textAnonymous": "Anonymous",
- "textBuyNow": "Visit website",
- "textClose": "Close",
- "textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"textCustomLoader": "Sorry, you are not entitled to change the loader. Please, contact our sales department to get a quote.",
- "textGuest": "Guest",
- "textHasMacros": "The file contains automatic macros.
Do you want to run macros?",
- "textNo": "No",
- "textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached",
"textOpenFile": "Enter a password to open the file",
- "textPaidFeature": "Paid feature",
"textRemember": "Remember my choice",
- "textYes": "Yes",
- "titleLicenseExp": "License expired",
- "titleServerVersion": "Editor updated",
"titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "Password is incorrect",
- "txtProtected": "Once you enter the password and open the file, the current password to the file will be reset",
"warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnLicenseExp": "Your license has expired. Please, update it and refresh the page.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your administrator.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "The license needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access",
"warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file.",
- "textReplaceSuccess": "The search has been done. Occurrences replaced: {0}",
- "textReplaceSkipped": "The replacement has been made. {0} occurrences were skipped.",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found"
+ "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file."
"Error": {
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+ "criticalErrorTitle": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ",
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+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດຈາກທາງນອກ
ຖານຂໍ້ມູນ ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດພາຍນອກ. ກະລຸນາ, ຕິດຕໍ່ການສະ ໜັບ ສະ ໜູນ.",
+ "errorDataEncrypted": "ໄດ້ຮັບການປ່ຽນແປງລະຫັດແລ້ວ, ບໍ່ສາມາດຖອດລະຫັດໄດ້.",
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+ "errorUserDrop": "ບໍ່ສາມາດເຂົ້າເຖິງເອກະສານໄດ້ໃນຂະນະນີ້.",
+ "errorUsersExceed": "ເກີນຈຳນວນຜູ້ຊົມໃຊ້ທີ່ແຜນການກຳນົດລາຄາອະນຸຍາດ",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
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+ "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "ບໍ່ມີຮູບພາບອັບໂຫລດ",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.",
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "downloadErrorText": "Download failed.",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please contact your admin.",
- "errorBadImageUrl": "Image url is incorrect",
"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
- "errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
- "errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.",
- "errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
- "errorDefaultMessage": "Error code: %1",
"errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document.
Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin.",
- "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
- "errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
- "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"saveErrorText": "An error has occurred while saving the file",
"scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
- "splitDividerErrorText": "The number of rows must be a divisor of %1",
- "splitMaxColsErrorText": "The number of columns must be less than %1",
- "splitMaxRowsErrorText": "The number of rows must be less than %1",
- "unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
- "uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
- "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator."
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB."
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+ "loadImageTextText": "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ...",
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+ "saveTextText": "ກໍາລັງບັນທຶກເອກະສານ...",
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"dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
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- "leaveButtonText": "Leave this page",
- "stayButtonText": "Stay on this Page"
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "You leave the application"
"View": {
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -8,6 +8,277 @@
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@@ -27,19 +298,19 @@
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@@ -107,9 +378,12 @@
"textHasMacros": "The file contains automatic macros.
Do you want to run macros?",
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"textOpenFile": "Enter a password to open the file",
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@@ -119,14 +393,11 @@
"warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
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"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your administrator.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "The license needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access",
"warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
"warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
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- "textReplaceSuccess": "The search has been done. Occurrences replaced: {0}",
- "textReplaceSkipped": "The replacement has been made. {0} occurrences were skipped.",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found"
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"Error": {
@@ -135,7 +406,7 @@
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
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"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please contact your admin.",
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"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
"errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
"errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.",
@@ -146,6 +417,7 @@
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
"errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
@@ -153,7 +425,7 @@
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
"errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
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@@ -164,8 +436,7 @@
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- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator."
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"LongActions": {
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@@ -203,277 +474,5 @@
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- "textDuration": "Duration",
- "textEditLink": "Edit Link",
- "textEffect": "Effect",
- "textEffects": "Effects",
- "textEmptyImgUrl": "You need to specify the image URL.",
- "textExternalLink": "External Link",
- "textFade": "Fade",
- "textFill": "Fill",
- "textFinalMessage": "The end of slide preview. Click to exit.",
- "textFind": "Find",
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- "textNone": "None",
- "textNoStyles": "No styles for this type of chart.",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found",
- "textNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"",
- "textNumbers": "Numbers",
- "textOpacity": "Opacity",
- "textOptions": "Options",
- "textPictureFromLibrary": "Picture from Library",
- "textPictureFromURL": "Picture from URL",
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- "textRemoveImage": "Remove Image",
- "textRemoveLink": "Remove Link",
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- "textReplaceImage": "Replace Image",
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- "textScreenTip": "Screen Tip",
- "textSearch": "Search",
- "textSec": "s",
- "textSelectObjectToEdit": "Select object to edit",
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- "textSlideInThisPresentation": "Slide in this Presentation",
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- "mniSlideWide": "Widescreen (16:9)",
- "textAbout": "About",
- "textAddress": "address:",
- "textApplication": "Application",
- "textApplicationSettings": "Application Settings",
- "textAuthor": "Author",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCaseSensitive": "Case Sensitive",
- "textCentimeter": "Centimeter",
- "textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
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- "textComment": "Comment",
- "textCreated": "Created",
- "textDisableAll": "Disable All",
- "textDisableAllMacrosWithNotification": "Disable all macros with notification",
- "textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Disable all macros without notification",
- "textDone": "Done",
- "textDownload": "Download",
- "textDownloadAs": "Download As...",
- "textEmail": "email:",
- "textEnableAll": "Enable All",
- "textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Enable all macros without notification",
- "textFind": "Find",
- "textFindAndReplace": "Find and Replace",
- "textFindAndReplaceAll": "Find and Replace All",
- "textHelp": "Help",
- "textHighlight": "Highlight Results",
- "textInch": "Inch",
- "textLastModified": "Last Modified",
- "textLastModifiedBy": "Last Modified By",
- "textLoading": "Loading...",
- "textLocation": "Location",
- "textMacrosSettings": "Macros Settings",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found",
- "textOwner": "Owner",
- "textPoint": "Point",
- "textPoweredBy": "Powered By",
- "textPresentationInfo": "Presentation Info",
- "textPresentationSettings": "Presentation Settings",
- "textPresentationTitle": "Presentation Title",
- "textPrint": "Print",
- "textReplace": "Replace",
- "textReplaceAll": "Replace All",
- "textSearch": "Search",
- "textSettings": "Settings",
- "textShowNotification": "Show Notification",
- "textSlideSize": "Slide Size",
- "textSpellcheck": "Spell Checking",
- "textSubject": "Subject",
- "textTel": "tel:",
- "textTitle": "Title",
- "textUnitOfMeasurement": "Unit Of Measurement",
- "textUploaded": "Uploaded",
- "textVersion": "Version",
- "txtScheme1": "Office",
- "txtScheme10": "Median",
- "txtScheme11": "Metro",
- "txtScheme12": "Module",
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- "txtScheme8": "Flow",
- "txtScheme9": "Foundry",
- "textDarkTheme": "Dark Theme"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/zh.json b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
index daa677149..e29a4746d 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
"textAlignBottom": "底部对齐",
"textAlignCenter": "居中对齐",
"textAlignLeft": "左对齐",
- "textAlignMiddle": "居中对齐",
+ "textAlignMiddle": "垂直居中",
"textAlignRight": "右对齐",
"textAlignTop": "顶端对齐",
"textAllCaps": "全部大写",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/az.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/az.json
index 775fafeb9..8f8b89f05 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/az.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/az.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtSorting": "Sıralama",
"txtSortSelected": "Seçilmiş sıralama",
"txtYes": "Bəli",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Xəbərdarlıq",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
index 628ff6163..4cb0f9155 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/be.json
@@ -313,7 +313,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Sorting",
"txtSortSelected": "Sort selected",
- "txtYes": "Yes"
+ "txtYes": "Yes",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"textAccounting": "Фінансавы",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/bg.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
index 5b8b771bc..ef26b0bc3 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ca.json
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"textEditComment": "Edita el comentari",
"textEditReply": "Edita la resposta",
"textEditUser": "Usuaris que editen el fitxer:",
- "textMessageDeleteComment": "Segur que vols suprimir aquest comentari?",
- "textMessageDeleteReply": "Segur que vols suprimir aquesta resposta?",
+ "textMessageDeleteComment": "Voleu suprimir aquest comentari?",
+ "textMessageDeleteReply": "Voleu suprimir aquesta resposta?",
"textNoComments": "Aquest document no conté comentaris",
"textOk": "D'acord",
"textReopen": "Torna a obrir",
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"ContextMenu": {
"errorCopyCutPaste": "Les accions copia, talla i enganxa que utilitzen el menú contextual només s'executaran en el fitxer actual.",
- "errorInvalidLink": "La referència d'enllaç no existeix. Corregeix l'enllaç o suprimeix-lo.",
+ "errorInvalidLink": "La referència d'enllaç no existeix. Corregiu l'enllaç o suprimiu-lo.",
"menuAddComment": "Afegeix un comentari",
"menuAddLink": "Afegeix un enllaç",
"menuCancel": "Cancel·la",
@@ -62,22 +62,22 @@
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"textCopyCutPasteActions": "Accions de copia, talla i enganxa ",
"textDoNotShowAgain": "No ho mostris més",
- "warnMergeLostData": "Només les dades de la cel·la superior esquerra romandran a la cel·la combinada.
Segur que vols continuar?"
+ "warnMergeLostData": "Només les dades de la cel·la superior esquerra romandran a la cel·la combinada.
Voleu continuar?"
"Controller": {
"Main": {
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "errorAccessDeny": "No tens permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "No teniu permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
"errorOpensource": "Mitjançant la versió gratuïta de la comunitat, només podeu obrir documents en mode lectura. Per accedir als editors de web per a mòbils, cal una llicència comercial.",
"errorProcessSaveResult": "No s'ha pogut desar.",
"errorServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat la versió de l'editor. Es tornarà a carregar la pàgina per aplicar els canvis.",
"errorUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió del fitxer. La pàgina es tornarà a carregar.",
- "leavePageText": "Tens canvis no desats en aquest document. Fes clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Fes clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
+ "leavePageText": "Teniu canvis no desats en aquest document. Feu clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Feu clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"SDK": {
"txtAccent": "Èmfasi",
"txtAll": "(Tots)",
- "txtArt": "El teu text aquí",
+ "txtArt": "El vostre text aquí",
"txtBlank": "(en blanc)",
"txtByField": "%1 de %2",
"txtClearFilter": "Suprimeix el filtre (Alt + C)",
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@
"txtYears": "Anys"
"textAnonymous": "Anònim",
- "textBuyNow": "Visita el lloc web",
+ "textBuyNow": "Visiteu el lloc web",
"textClose": "Tanca",
- "textContactUs": "Contacta amb vendes",
- "textCustomLoader": "No tens els permisos per canviar el carregador. Contacta amb el nostre departament de vendes per obtenir un pressupost.",
+ "textContactUs": "Contacteu amb vendes",
+ "textCustomLoader": "No teniu els permisos per canviar el carregador. Contacteu amb el nostre departament de vendes per obtenir un pressupost.",
"textGuest": "Convidat",
- "textHasMacros": "El fitxer conté macros automàtiques.
Les vols executar?",
+ "textHasMacros": "El fitxer conté macros automàtiques.
Les voleu executar?",
"textNo": "No",
"textNoChoices": "No hi ha opcions per omplir la cel·la.
Només es poden seleccionar valors de text de la columna per substituir-los.",
"textNoLicenseTitle": "S'ha assolit el límit de llicència",
@@ -154,83 +154,83 @@
"textYes": "Sí",
"titleServerVersion": "S'ha actualitzat l'editor",
"titleUpdateVersion": "S'ha canviat la versió",
- "warnLicenseExceeded": "Has arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacta amb el vostre administrador per a més informació.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La llicència ha caducat. No tens accés a la funció d'edició de documents. Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
- "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Cal renovar la llicència. Tens accés limitat a la funció d'edició de documents.
Contacta amb el teu administrador per obtenir accés total.",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Has arribat al límit d'usuari per a %1 editors. Contacta amb el teu administrador per a més informació.",
- "warnNoLicense": "Has arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacta amb l'equip de vendes %1 per a les condicions d'una actualització personal.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Has arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacta amb l'equip de vendes de %1 per obtenir les condicions de millora personals dels teus serveis.",
- "warnProcessRightsChange": "No tens permís per editar el fitxer."
+ "warnLicenseExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacteu amb l'administrador per a més informació.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La llicència ha caducat. No teniu accés a la funció d'edició de documents. Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
+ "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "Cal renovar la llicència. Teniu accés limitat a la funció d'edició de documents.
Contacteu amb l'administrador per obtenir accés total",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb el vostre administrador per a més informació.",
+ "warnNoLicense": "Heu arribat al límit de connexions simultànies a %1 editors. Aquest document només s'obrirà en mode lectura. Contacteu amb l'equip de vendes %1 per a les condicions d'una actualització personal.",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "Heu arribat al límit d'usuaris per a %1 editors. Contacteu amb l'equip de vendes de %1 per obtenir les condicions de millora personals dels vostres serveis.",
+ "warnProcessRightsChange": "No teniu permís per editar el fitxer."
"Error": {
"convertationTimeoutText": "S'ha superat el temps de conversió.",
- "criticalErrorExtText": "Prem «D'acord» per tornar a la llista de documents.",
+ "criticalErrorExtText": "Premeu «D'acord» per tornar a la llista de documents.",
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
"downloadErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en la baixada",
- "errorAccessDeny": "No tens permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacta amb el teu administrador.",
- "errorArgsRange": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
l'interval d'arguments no és correcte.",
- "errorAutoFilterChange": "Aquesta operació no està permesa, perquè intenta canviar les cel·les d'una taula del teu full de càlcul.",
- "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "Aquesta operació no pot fer per a les cel·les seleccionades, perquè no pots moure una part de la taula.
Selecciona un altre interval de dades perquè es desplaci tota la taula i torna-ho a provar.",
- "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer per a l'interval de cel·les seleccionat.
Selecciona un interval de dades uniforme dins o fora de la taula i torna-ho a provar.",
- "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer perquè l'àrea conté cel·les filtrades.
Mostra els elements filtrats i torna-ho a provar.",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "No teniu permís per realitzar aquesta acció.
Contacteu amb l'administrador.",
+ "errorArgsRange": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
L'interval d'arguments no és correcte.",
+ "errorAutoFilterChange": "Aquesta operació no està permesa, perquè intenta canviar les cel·les d'una taula del full de càlcul.",
+ "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer per a les cel·les seleccionades, perquè no podeu moure una part de la taula.
Seleccioneu un altre interval de dades perquè es desplaci tota la taula i torneu-ho a provar.",
+ "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer per a l'interval de cel·les seleccionat.
Seleccioneu un interval de dades uniforme dins o fora de la taula i torneu-ho a provar.",
+ "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer perquè l'àrea conté cel·les filtrades.
Mostreu els elements filtrats i torneu-ho a provar.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "L'URL de la imatge no és correcte",
- "errorCannotUseCommandProtectedSheet": "No podeu utilitzar aquesta ordre en un full protegit. Per utilitzar aquesta ordre, cal desprotegir el full.
És possible que se us demani que introduïu una contrasenya.",
- "errorChangeArray": "No pots canviar part d'una matriu.",
- "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "La cel·la o el gràfic que intentes canviar es troba en un full protegit. Per fer un canvi, desprotegeix el full. És possible que et demani que introdueixis una contrasenya.",
- "errorConnectToServer": "No es pot desar aquest document. Comprova la configuració de la vostra connexió o contacta amb el teu administrador.
Quan facis clic al botó «D'acord», et demanarà que baixis el document.",
- "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Aquesta ordre no es pot utilitzar amb diverses seleccions.
Selecciona un interval únic i torna-ho a provar.",
+ "errorCannotUseCommandProtectedSheet": "No podeu utilitzar aquesta ordre en un full protegit. Per utilitzar aquesta ordre, cal desprotegir el full.
És possible que us demani que introduïu una contrasenya.",
+ "errorChangeArray": "No podeu canviar part d'una matriu.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "La cel·la o el gràfic que intenteu canviar es troba en un full protegit. Per fer un canvi, desprotegiu el full. És possible que us demani que introduïu una contrasenya.",
+ "errorConnectToServer": "No es pot desar aquest document. Comproveu la configuració de la vostra connexió o contacteu amb l'administrador.
Quan feu clic al botó «D'acord», us demanarà que baixeu el document.",
+ "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "Aquesta ordre no es pot utilitzar amb diverses seleccions.
Seleccioneu un interval únic i torneu-ho a provar.",
"errorCountArg": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
El nombre d'arguments no és vàlid.",
"errorCountArgExceed": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
S'ha superat el nombre màxim d'arguments.",
"errorCreateDefName": "No es poden editar els intervals de nom existents i no se'n poden crear de nous
en aquest moment perquè algú els ha obert.",
- "errorDatabaseConnection": "Error extern.
Error de connexió amb la base de dades. Contacta amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "Error extern.
Error de connexió amb la base de dades. Contacteu amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
"errorDataEncrypted": "Els canvis xifrats que s'han rebut no es poden desxifrar.",
"errorDataRange": "L'interval de dades no és correcte.",
- "errorDataValidate": "El valor que has introduït no és vàlid.
Un usuari ha restringit els valors que es poden introduir en aquesta cel·la.",
+ "errorDataValidate": "El valor que heu introduït no és vàlid.
Un usuari ha restringit els valors que es poden introduir en aquesta cel·la.",
"errorDefaultMessage": "Codi d'error:%1",
- "errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error mentre es treballava amb el document.
Utilitza l'opció \"Descarregar\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer localment.",
+ "errorEditingDownloadas": "S'ha produït un error mentre es treballava amb el document.
Utilitzeu l'opció \"Descarregar\" per desar la còpia de seguretat del fitxer en un disc local.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "El fitxer està protegit amb contrasenya i no s'ha pogut obrir.",
- "errorFileRequest": "Error extern.
Sol·licitud de fitxer. Contacta amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
- "errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer supera el límit del teu servidor.
Contacta amb el teu administrador per a més detalls.",
- "errorFileVKey": "Error extern.
La clau de seguretat no és correcta. Contacta amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
+ "errorFileRequest": "Error extern.
Sol·licitud de fitxer. Contacteu amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
+ "errorFileSizeExceed": "La mida del fitxer supera el límit del vostre servidor.
Contacteu amb l'administrador per a més detalls.",
+ "errorFileVKey": "Error extern.
La clau de seguretat no és correcta. Contacteu amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
"errorFillRange": "No s'ha pogut omplir l'interval de cel·les seleccionat.
Totes les cel·les combinades han de tenir la mateixa mida.",
"errorFormulaName": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
El nom de la fórmula no és correcte.",
"errorFormulaParsing": "Error intern en analitzar la fórmula.",
- "errorFrmlMaxLength": "No pots afegir aquesta fórmula perquè la seva longitud supera el nombre de caràcters permesos.
Edita-la i torna-ho a provar.",
- "errorFrmlMaxReference": "No pots introduir aquesta fórmula perquè té massa valors,
referències de cel·les, i/o noms.",
- "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Els valors del text en les fórmules es limiten a 255 caràcters.
Usa la funció CONCATENA o l'operador de concatenació(&)",
- "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "La funció fa referència a un full que no existeix.
Comprova les dades i torna-ho a provar.",
- "errorInvalidRef": "Introdueix un nom correcte per a la selecció o una referència vàlida a la qual accedir.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxLength": "No podeu afegir aquesta fórmula perquè la seva longitud supera el nombre de caràcters permesos.
Editeu-la i torneu-ho a provar.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxReference": "No podeu introduir aquesta fórmula perquè té massa valors, referències de cel·les,
i/o noms.",
+ "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Els valors del text en les fórmules es limiten a 255 caràcters.
Useu la funció CONCATENA o l'operador de concatenació(&)",
+ "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "La funció fa referència a un full que no existeix.
Comproveu les dades i torneu-ho a provar.",
+ "errorInvalidRef": "Introduïu un nom correcte per a la selecció o una referència vàlida per anar-hi.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Descriptor de claus desconegut",
"errorKeyExpire": "El descriptor de claus ha caducat",
- "errorLoadingFont": "No s'han carregat els tipus de lletra.
Contacta amb l'administrador del Servidor de Documents.",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "No s'han carregat els tipus de lletra.
Contacteu amb l'administrador del servidor de documents.",
"errorLockedAll": "Aquesta operació no es pot fer perquè un altre usuari ha bloquejat el full.",
- "errorLockedCellPivot": "No pots canviar les dades d'una taula dinàmica",
+ "errorLockedCellPivot": "No podeu canviar les dades d'una taula dinàmica",
"errorLockedWorksheetRename": "En aquest moment no es pot canviar el nom del full de càlcul, perquè ja ho fa un altre usuari",
"errorMaxPoints": "El nombre màxim de punts de la sèrie per gràfic és de 4096.",
"errorMoveRange": "No es pot canviar una part d'una cel·la combinada",
"errorMultiCellFormula": "No es permeten fórmules de matriu de múltiples cel·les a les taules.",
"errorOpenWarning": "La longitud d'una de les fórmules del fitxer superava el nombre de caràcters permès i s'ha eliminat.",
- "errorOperandExpected": "La sintaxi de la funció introduïda no és correcta. Comprova si has omès algun dels parèntesis - '(' o ')'.",
- "errorPasteMaxRange": "L’àrea de copiar i enganxar no coincideixen. Selecciona una àrea de la mateixa mida o fes clic a la primera cel·la d'una fila per enganxar les cel·les copiades.",
+ "errorOperandExpected": "La sintaxi de la funció introduïda no és correcta. Comproveu si heu omès algun dels parèntesis - '(' o ')'.",
+ "errorPasteMaxRange": "L’àrea de copiar i enganxar no coincideixen. Seleccioneu una àrea de la mateixa mida o feu clic a la primera cel·la d'una fila per enganxar les cel·les copiades.",
"errorPrintMaxPagesCount": "No es poden imprimir més de 1500 pàgines alhora amb la versió actual del programa.
Aquesta restricció s'eliminarà en les pròximes versions.",
- "errorSessionAbsolute": "La sessió d'edició del document ha caducat. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorSessionIdle": "Fa molt de temps que no s'edita el document. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorSessionToken": "S'ha interromput la connexió amb el servidor. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, posa les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
- "errorUnexpectedGuid": "Error extern.
Guid inesperat. Contacta amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
- "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "S'ha restaurat la connexió a internet i la versió del fitxer ha canviat.
Abans de continuar treballant, has de baixar el fitxer o copiar-ne el contingut per assegurar-te que no es perdi res i, després, torna a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
- "errorUserDrop": "Ara no es pot accedir al fitxer.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "S'ha superat el nombre d’usuaris que permet el teu pla",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "S'ha perdut la connexió. Encara pots veure el document,
però no podràs baixar-lo fins que no es restableixi la connexió i es torni a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorSessionAbsolute": "La sessió d'edició del document ha caducat. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorSessionIdle": "Fa molt de temps que no s'edita el document. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorSessionToken": "S'ha interromput la connexió amb el servidor. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, poseu les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
+ "errorUnexpectedGuid": "Error extern.
Guid inesperat. Contacteu amb el servei d'assistència tècnica.",
+ "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "S'ha restaurat la connexió a internet i la versió del fitxer ha canviat.
Abans de continuar treballant, heu de baixar el fitxer o copiar-ne el contingut per assegurar-vos que no es perdi res i, després, torneu a carregar aquesta pàgina.",
+ "errorUserDrop": "No es pot accedir al fitxer.",
+ "errorUsersExceed": "S'ha superat el nombre d’usuaris que permet el vostre pla",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "S'ha perdut la connexió. Encara podeu veure el document,
però no el podreu baixar fins que es restableixi la connexió i es torni a carregar la pàgina.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "Hi ha un error en la fórmula.
El nombre de parèntesis no és correcte.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "S'ha produït un error en la fórmula introduïda. L'operador que s'utilitza no és correcte.
Corregeix l'error.",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "S'ha produït un error en la fórmula. L'operador que s'utilitza no és correcte.
Corregiu l'error.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"openErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "No es pot canviar una part d'una cel·la combinada",
"saveErrorText": "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer",
- "scriptLoadError": "La connexió és massa lenta, alguns dels components no s'han pogut carregar. Torna a carregar la pàgina.",
- "textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect": "La contrasenya que has introduït no és correcta.
Verifica que la tecla Bloq Maj està desactivada i assegura't que fas servir les majúscules correctes.",
+ "scriptLoadError": "La connexió és massa lenta, alguns dels components no s'han pogut carregar. Torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
+ "textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect": "La contrasenya que heu introduït no és correcta.
Verifiqueu que la tecla Bloq Maj està desactivada i assegureu-vos que feu servir les majúscules correctes.",
"unknownErrorText": "Error desconegut.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Format d'imatge desconegut.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No s'ha carregat cap imatge.",
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@
"advDRMPassword": "Contrasenya",
"applyChangesTextText": "S'estant carregant les dades...",
"applyChangesTitleText": "S'estan carregant les dades",
- "confirmMoveCellRange": "L'interval de cel·les de destinació pot contenir dades. Vols continuar amb l'operació?",
+ "confirmMoveCellRange": "L'interval de cel·les de destinació pot contenir dades. Voleu continuar amb l'operació?",
"confirmPutMergeRange": "Les dades d'origen contenen cel·les combinades.
La combinació es desfarà abans que s'enganxin a la taula.",
- "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Les fórmules de la fila de capçalera s'eliminaran i es convertiran en text estàtic.
Vols continuar?",
+ "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Les fórmules de la fila de capçalera s'eliminaran i es convertiran en text estàtic.
Voleu continuar?",
"downloadTextText": "S'està baixant el document...",
"downloadTitleText": "S'està baixant el document",
"loadFontsTextText": "S'estan carregant les dades...",
@@ -265,17 +265,17 @@
"saveTextText": "S'està desant el document...",
"saveTitleText": "S'està desant el document",
"textCancel": "Cancel·la",
- "textErrorWrongPassword": "La contrasenya que has introduït no és correcta.",
+ "textErrorWrongPassword": "La contrasenya que heu introduït no és correcta.",
"textLoadingDocument": "S'està carregant el document",
"textNo": "No",
"textOk": "D'acord",
"textUnlockRange": "Desbloca l'interval",
- "textUnlockRangeWarning": "Un interval que intentes canviar està protegit amb contrasenya.",
+ "textUnlockRangeWarning": "Un interval que intenteu canviar està protegit amb contrasenya.",
"textYes": "Sí",
"txtEditingMode": "Estableix el mode d'edició ...",
"uploadImageTextText": "S'està carregant la imatge...",
"uploadImageTitleText": "S'està carregant la imatge",
- "waitText": "Espera..."
+ "waitText": "Espereu..."
"Statusbar": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
@@ -291,26 +291,26 @@
"textHide": "Amaga",
"textMore": "Més",
"textMove": "Desplaça",
- "textMoveBefore": "Desplaceu abans del full",
- "textMoveToEnd": "Aneu al final",
+ "textMoveBefore": "Desplaça abans del full",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(Ves al final)",
"textOk": "D'acord",
"textRename": "Canvia el nom",
"textRenameSheet": "Canvia el nom del full",
"textSheet": "Full",
"textSheetName": "Nom del full",
"textUnhide": "Mostrar",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "El full de càlcul pot tenir dades. Vols continuar amb l'operació?"
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "El full de càlcul pot tenir dades. Voleu continuar amb l'operació?"
"Toolbar": {
- "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Tens canvis no desats en aquest document. Fes clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Fes clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
- "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Estàs sortint de l'aplicació",
+ "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Teniu canvis no desats en aquest document. Feu clic a \"Queda't en aquesta pàgina\" per esperar al desament automàtic. Feu clic a \"Deixa aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.",
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Esteu sortint de l'aplicació",
"leaveButtonText": "Surt d'aquesta pàgina",
"stayButtonText": "Queda't en aquesta Pàgina"
"View": {
"Add": {
"errorMaxRows": "ERROR! El nombre màxim de sèries de dades per gràfic és de 255.",
- "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, posa les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
+ "errorStockChart": "L'ordre de la fila no és correcte. Per construir un gràfic de valors, poseu les dades al full de càlcul en l'ordre següent:
preu d'obertura, preu màxim, preu mínim, preu de tancament.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"sCatDateAndTime": "Data i hora",
"sCatEngineering": "Enginyeria",
@@ -354,13 +354,18 @@
"textSheet": "Full",
"textSortAndFilter": "Ordena i filtra",
"txtExpand": "Amplia i ordena",
- "txtExpandSort": "No s'ordenaran les dades que hi ha al costat de la selecció. ¿Vols ampliar la selecció per incloure les dades adjacents o bé vols continuar i ordenar només les cel·les seleccionades?",
- "txtLockSort": "Les dades es troben al costat de la teva selecció, però no tens els permisos suficients per canviar aquestes cel·les.
Vols continuar amb la selecció actual?",
+ "txtExpandSort": "No s'ordenaran les dades que hi ha al costat de la selecció. ¿Voleu ampliar la selecció per incloure les dades adjacents o bé voleu continuar i ordenar només les cel·les seleccionades?",
+ "txtLockSort": "Les dades es troben al costat de la vostra selecció, però no teniu els permisos suficients per canviar aquestes cel·les.
Voleu continuar amb la selecció actual?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtNotUrl": "Aquest camp hauria de ser un URL amb el format \"http://www.exemple.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Ordenació",
"txtSortSelected": "Ordena els objectes seleccionats",
- "txtYes": "Sí"
+ "txtYes": "Sí",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
@@ -417,7 +422,7 @@
"textEffects": "Efectes",
"textEmptyImgUrl": "Cal especificar l'URL de la imatge.",
"textEmptyItem": "{En blanc}",
- "textErrorMsg": "Com a mínim has de triar un valor",
+ "textErrorMsg": "Com a mínim heu de triar un valor",
"textErrorTitle": "Advertiment",
"textEuro": "Euro",
"textExternalLink": "Enllaç extern",
@@ -442,7 +447,7 @@
"textHyperlink": "Enllaç",
"textImage": "Imatge",
"textImageURL": "URL de la imatge ",
- "textIn": "A",
+ "textIn": "In",
"textInnerBottom": "Part inferior interna",
"textInnerTop": "Part superior interna",
"textInsideBorders": "Vores internes",
@@ -545,8 +550,8 @@
"txtSortLow2High": "Ordena de menor a major"
"Settings": {
- "advCSVOptions": "Tria les opcions CSV",
- "advDRMEnterPassword": "La teva contrasenya:",
+ "advCSVOptions": "Trieu les opcions CSV",
+ "advDRMEnterPassword": "La vostra contrasenya:",
"advDRMOptions": "El fitxer està protegit",
"advDRMPassword": "Contrasenya",
"closeButtonText": "Tanca el fitxer",
@@ -562,9 +567,9 @@
"textByRows": "Per files",
"textCancel": "Cancel·la",
"textCentimeter": "Centímetre",
- "textChooseCsvOptions": "Tria les opcions CSV",
- "textChooseDelimeter": "Tria separador",
- "textChooseEncoding": "Tria codificació",
+ "textChooseCsvOptions": "Trieu les opcions CSV",
+ "textChooseDelimeter": "Trieu separador",
+ "textChooseEncoding": "Tria la codificació",
"textCollaboration": "Col·laboració",
"textColorSchemes": "Combinacions de colors",
"textComment": "Comentari",
@@ -608,7 +613,7 @@
"textMatchCell": "Coincidir la cel·la",
"textNoTextFound": "No s'ha trobat el text",
"textOk": "D'acord",
- "textOpenFile": "Introdueix una contrasenya per obrir el fitxer",
+ "textOpenFile": "Introduïu una contrasenya per obrir el fitxer",
"textOrientation": "Orientació",
"textOwner": "Propietari",
"textPoint": "Punt",
@@ -639,7 +644,7 @@
"textUploaded": "S'ha carregat",
"textValues": "Valors",
"textVersion": "Versió",
- "textWorkbook": "Llibre de treball",
+ "textWorkbook": "Llibre de càlcul",
"txtColon": "Dos punts",
"txtComma": "Coma",
"txtDelimiter": "Delimitador",
@@ -647,7 +652,7 @@
"txtEncoding": "Codificació",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "La contrasenya no és correcta",
"txtOk": "D'acord",
- "txtProtected": "Un cop hagis introduït la contrasenya i obert el fitxer, es restablirà la contrasenya actual del fitxer",
+ "txtProtected": "Un cop hàgiu introduït la contrasenya i obert el fitxer, es restablirà la contrasenya actual del fitxer",
"txtScheme1": "Office",
"txtScheme10": "Mediana",
"txtScheme11": "Metro",
@@ -673,7 +678,7 @@
"txtSemicolon": "Punt i coma",
"txtSpace": "Espai",
"txtTab": "Pestanya",
- "warnDownloadAs": "Si continues i deses en aquest format, es perdran totes les característiques, excepte el text.
Vols continuar?"
+ "warnDownloadAs": "Si continueu i deseu en aquest format, es perdran totes les característiques, excepte el text.
Voleu continuar?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
index 84cdf1fea..6fc05d768 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Toto pole by mělo obsahovat adresu URL ve formátu \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Řazení",
"txtSortSelected": "Seřadit vybrané",
- "txtYes": "Ano"
+ "txtYes": "Ano",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Varování",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/da.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/da.json
index 52cdd0fa8..9672ab6a3 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/da.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/da.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtExpandSort": "The data next to the selection will not be sorted. Do you want to expand the selection to include the adjacent data or continue with sorting the currently selected cells only?",
"txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Sorting",
- "txtSortSelected": "Sort selected"
+ "txtSortSelected": "Sort selected",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"textAccounting": "Regnskab",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
index f11a5a938..2d75c4ae7 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Dieser Bereich soll eine URL im Format \"http://www.example.com\" sein.",
"txtSorting": "Sortierung",
"txtSortSelected": "Ausgewählte sortieren",
- "txtYes": "Ja"
+ "txtYes": "Ja",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warnung",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
index b60a43b57..c6036f1ff 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json
@@ -291,15 +291,15 @@
"textHide": "Απόκρυψη",
"textMore": "Περισσότερα",
"textMove": "Μετακίνηση",
+ "textMoveBefore": "Μετακίνηση πριν το φύλλο",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(Μετακίνηση στο τέλος)",
"textOk": "Εντάξει",
"textRename": "Μετονομασία",
"textRenameSheet": "Μετονομασία Φύλλου",
"textSheet": "Φύλλο",
"textSheetName": "Όνομα Φύλλου",
"textUnhide": "Αναίρεση απόκρυψης",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "Το φύλλο εργασίας ίσως περιέχει δεδομένα. Να συνεχιστεί η λειτουργία;",
- "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet",
- "textMoveToEnd": "(Move to end)"
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "Το φύλλο εργασίας ίσως περιέχει δεδομένα. Να συνεχιστεί η λειτουργία;"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "Έχετε μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές στο έγγραφο. Πατήστε 'Παραμονή στη Σελίδα' για να περιμένετε την αυτόματη αποθήκευση. Πατήστε 'Έξοδος από τη Σελίδα' για να απορρίψετε όλες τις μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές.",
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Αυτό το πεδίο πρέπει να είναι μια διεύθυνση URL με τη μορφή «http://www.example.com»",
"txtSorting": "Ταξινόμηση",
"txtSortSelected": "Ταξινόμηση επιλεγμένων",
- "txtYes": "Ναι"
+ "txtYes": "Ναι",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Προειδοποίηση",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
index 5ed3367de..783555484 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json
@@ -291,15 +291,15 @@
"textHide": "Ocultar",
"textMore": "Más",
"textMove": "Mover",
+ "textMoveBefore": "Mover antes de la hoja",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(Mover al final)",
"textOk": "OK",
"textRename": "Renombrar",
"textRenameSheet": "Renombrar hoja",
"textSheet": "Hoja",
"textSheetName": "Nombre de hoja",
"textUnhide": "Volver a mostrar",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "La hoja de cálculo puede tener datos. ¿Continuar con la operación?",
- "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet",
- "textMoveToEnd": "(Move to end)"
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "La hoja de cálculo puede tener datos. ¿Continuar con la operación?"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "Tiene cambios no guardados en este documento. Haga clic en \"Quedarse en esta página\" para esperar hasta que se guarden automáticamente. Haga clic en \"Salir de esta página\" para descartar todos los cambios no guardados.",
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Este campo debe ser una dirección URL en el formato \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Ordenación",
"txtSortSelected": "Ordenar los objetos seleccionados",
- "txtYes": "Sí"
+ "txtYes": "Sí",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertencia",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
index c5a860d04..b53562cc3 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Ce champ doit contenir une URL au format \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Tri",
"txtSortSelected": "Trier l'objet sélectionné ",
- "txtYes": "Oui"
+ "txtYes": "Oui",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json
index 05818029d..ca462e352 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Este campo debe ser unha URL no formato \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Ordenación",
"txtSortSelected": "Ordenar os obxectos seleccionados",
- "txtYes": "Si"
+ "txtYes": "Si",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
index e8f9aea49..59d5a8684 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Ennek a mezőnek URL formátumúnak kell lennie, pl.: „http://www.pelda.hu”",
"txtSorting": "Rendezés",
"txtSortSelected": "Kiválasztottak renezése",
- "txtYes": "Igen"
+ "txtYes": "Igen",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Figyelmeztetés",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
index 1821935e5..f2d570b0e 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/it.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Questo campo deve essere un URL nel formato \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Ordinamento",
"txtSortSelected": "Ordinare selezionato",
- "txtYes": "Sì"
+ "txtYes": "Sì",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avvertimento",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
index a7d738867..bea6e9000 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
"textHide": "隠す",
"textMore": "もっと",
"textMove": "移動",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(末尾へ移動)",
"textOk": "OK",
"textRename": "名前の変更",
"textRenameSheet": "このシートの名前を変更する",
@@ -298,8 +299,7 @@
"textSheetName": "シートの名",
"textUnhide": "表示する",
"textWarnDeleteSheet": "ワークシートはデータがあるそうです。操作を続けてもよろしいですか?",
- "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet",
- "textMoveToEnd": "(Move to end)"
+ "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "保存されていない変更があります。自動保存を待つように「このページから移動しない」をクリックしてください。保存されていない変更を破棄ように「このページから移動する」をクリックしてください。",
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "このフィールドは、「http://www.example.com」の形式のURLである必要があります。",
"txtSorting": "並べ替え中",
"txtSortSelected": "選択したを並べ替える",
- "txtYes": "Yes"
+ "txtYes": "Yes",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": " 警告",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
index afe5a7913..764932095 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ko.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtSorting": "정렬",
"txtSortSelected": "정렬 선택",
"txtYes": "확인",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "경고",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
index 92302679e..de3e78e5a 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lo.json
@@ -1,212 +1,222 @@
"About": {
- "textAbout": "About",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textEmail": "Email",
- "textPoweredBy": "Powered By",
- "textTel": "Tel",
- "textVersion": "Version"
+ "textAbout": "ກ່ຽວກັບ",
+ "textAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textEmail": "ອີເມລ",
+ "textPoweredBy": "ສ້າງໂດຍ",
+ "textTel": "ໂທ",
+ "textVersion": "ລຸ້ນ"
"Common": {
"Collaboration": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "textAddReply": "Add Reply",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
- "textComments": "Comments",
- "textDeleteComment": "Delete Comment",
- "textDeleteReply": "Delete Reply",
- "textDone": "Done",
- "textEdit": "Edit",
- "textEditComment": "Edit Comment",
- "textEditReply": "Edit Reply",
- "textEditUser": "Users who are editing the file:",
- "textMessageDeleteComment": "Do you really want to delete this comment?",
- "textMessageDeleteReply": "Do you really want to delete this reply?",
- "textNoComments": "This document doesn't contain comments",
- "textReopen": "Reopen",
- "textResolve": "Resolve",
- "textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.",
- "textUsers": "Users",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textAddComment": "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ",
+ "textAddReply": "ເພີ່ມຄຳຕອບກັບ",
+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "textCollaboration": "ຮ່ວມກັນ",
+ "textComments": "ຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textDeleteComment": "ລົບຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textDeleteReply": "ລົບການຕອບກັບ",
+ "textDone": "ສໍາເລັດ",
+ "textEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "textEditComment": "ແກ້ໄຂຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textEditReply": "ແກ້ໄຂການຕອບກັບ",
+ "textEditUser": "ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ກໍາລັງແກ້ໄຂເອກະສານ:",
+ "textMessageDeleteComment": "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບຄຳເຫັນນີ້ແທ້ບໍ",
+ "textMessageDeleteReply": "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບແທ້ບໍ?",
+ "textNoComments": "ເອກະສານບໍ່ມີຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textReopen": "ເປີດຄືນ",
+ "textResolve": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "textTryUndoRedo": "ໜ້າທີ່ ກັບຄືນ ຫຼື ທວນຄືນ ຖືກປິດໃຊ້ງານ ສຳລັບໂໝດການແກ້ໄຂຮ່ວມກັນດ່ວນ.",
+ "textUsers": "ຜຸ້ໃຊ້"
"ThemeColorPalette": {
- "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors",
- "textStandartColors": "Standard Colors",
- "textThemeColors": "Theme Colors"
+ "textStandartColors": "ສີມາດຕະຖານ",
+ "textThemeColors": " ຮູບແບບສີ",
+ "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors"
"ContextMenu": {
+ "errorInvalidLink": "ບໍ່ມີການອ້າງອີງຈຸດເຊື່ອມຕໍ່. ກະລຸນາແກ້ໄຂ ຫຼື ລົບຈຸດເຊື່ອມຕໍ່.",
+ "menuAddComment": "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ",
+ "menuAddLink": "ເພີ່ມລິ້ງ",
+ "menuCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "menuCell": "ແຊວ",
+ "menuDelete": "ລົບ",
+ "menuEdit": "ແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "menuFreezePanes": "ຕິກໃສ່ບໍລິເວນທີ່ຕ້ອງການໃຫ້ເຫັນແຈ້ງ",
+ "menuHide": "ເຊື່ອງໄວ້",
+ "menuMerge": "ປະສົມປະສານ",
+ "menuMore": "ຫຼາຍກວ່າ",
+ "menuOpenLink": "ເປີດລີ້ງ",
+ "menuShow": "ສະແດງ",
+ "menuUnfreezePanes": "ຍົກເລີກໝາຍຕາຕະລາງ",
+ "menuUnmerge": "ບໍ່ລວມເຂົ້າກັນ",
+ "menuUnwrap": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "menuViewComment": "ເບີ່ງຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "menuWrap": "ຫໍ່",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textCopyCutPasteActions": "ປະຕິບັດການ ສໍາເນົາ, ຕັດ ແລະ ວາງ",
+ "warnMergeLostData": "ສະເພາະຂໍ້ມູນຈາກເຊວດ້ານຊ້າຍເທິງທີ່ຈະຢູ່ໃນເຊວຮ່ວມ.
"errorCopyCutPaste": "Copy, cut, and paste actions using the context menu will be performed within the current file only.",
- "menuAddComment": "Add Comment",
- "menuAddLink": "Add Link",
- "menuCancel": "Cancel",
- "menuCell": "Cell",
- "menuDelete": "Delete",
- "menuEdit": "Edit",
- "menuFreezePanes": "Freeze Panes",
- "menuHide": "Hide",
- "menuMerge": "Merge",
- "menuMore": "More",
- "menuOpenLink": "Open Link",
- "menuShow": "Show",
- "menuUnfreezePanes": "Unfreeze Panes",
- "menuUnmerge": "Unmerge",
- "menuUnwrap": "Unwrap",
- "menuViewComment": "View Comment",
- "menuWrap": "Wrap",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Copy, Cut and Paste Actions",
- "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again",
- "warnMergeLostData": "The operation can destroy data in the selected cells. Continue?",
- "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it."
+ "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again"
"Controller": {
"Main": {
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.",
- "errorProcessSaveResult": "Saving is failed.",
- "errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
- "errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.",
- "leavePageText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
+ "criticalErrorTitle": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ",
+ "errorProcessSaveResult": "ບັນທຶກບໍ່ສໍາເລັດ",
+ "errorServerVersion": "ສະບັບດັດແກ້ໄດ້ຖືກປັບປຸງແລ້ວ. ໜ້າເວັບຈະຖືກໂຫລດຄືນເພື່ອນຳໃຊ້ການປ່ຽນແປງ.",
+ "errorUpdateVersion": "ເອກະສານໄດ້ຖືກປ່ຽນແລ້ວ. ໜ້າເວັບຈະຖືກໂຫລດ ໃໝ່.",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
"SDK": {
- "txtAccent": "Accent",
- "txtAll": "(All)",
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- "txtBlank": "(blank)",
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+ "txtArt": "ເນື້ອຫາຂອງທ່ານຢູ່ນີ້",
+ "txtBlank": "(ວ່າງ)",
+ "txtByField": "%1 ຈາກ %2",
+ "txtClearFilter": "ລົບລ້າງການຄັດກອງ (Alt+C)",
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- "textClose": "Close",
- "textContactUs": "Contact sales",
+ "textAnonymous": "ບໍ່ລະບຸຊື່",
+ "textBuyNow": "ເຂົ້າໄປຍັງເວັບໄຊ",
+ "textClose": "ປິດ",
+ "textContactUs": "ຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ຂາຍ",
+ "textGuest": " ແຂກ",
+ "textHasMacros": "ເອກະສານບັນຈຸ ມາກໂຄ
ແບບອັດຕະໂນມັດ, ທ່ານຍັງຕ້ອງການດໍາເນີນງານ ມາກໂຄ ບໍ ",
+ "textNo": "ບໍ່",
+ "textNoChoices": "ບໍ່ມີຕົວເລືອກໃຫ້ຕື່ມເຊວ.
+ "textNoLicenseTitle": "ຈໍານວນໃບອະນຸຍາດໄດ້ໃຊ້ຄົບແລ້ວ",
+ "textNoTextFound": "ບໍ່ພົບເນື້ອຫາ",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textPaidFeature": "ຄຸນສົມບັດທີ່ຈ່າຍ",
+ "textReplaceSkipped": "ການທົດແທນໄດ້ຖືກປະຕິບັດແລ້ວ. {0} ຖືກຂ້າມເຫດການທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້",
+ "textReplaceSuccess": "ການຄົ້ນຫາໄດ້ສຳເລັດແລ້ວ. ສິ່ງທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້ປ່ຽນແທນແລ້ວ: {0}",
+ "textYes": "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ",
+ "titleServerVersion": "ອັບເດດການແກ້ໄຂ",
+ "titleUpdateVersion": "ປ່ຽນແປງລຸ້ນ",
+ "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "ຈໍານວນ ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບຜູ້ແກ້ໄຂ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ ທີມບໍລິຫານເພື່ອຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີ່ມ",
+ "warnNoLicenseUsers": "ຈໍານວນ ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບບັນນາທິການ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ ທີມຂາຍ% 1 ສຳ ລັບຂໍ້ ກຳນົດການຍົກລະດັບສິດ",
+ "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.",
+ "errorOpensource": "Using the free Community version, you can open documents for viewing only. To access mobile web editors, a commercial license is required.",
+ "leavePageText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
"textCustomLoader": "Sorry, you are not entitled to change the loader. Please, contact our sales department to get a quote.",
- "textGuest": "Guest",
- "textHasMacros": "The file contains automatic macros.
Do you want to run macros?",
- "textNo": "No",
- "textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached",
- "textPaidFeature": "Paid feature",
"textRemember": "Remember my choice",
- "textYes": "Yes",
- "titleServerVersion": "Editor updated",
- "titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
"warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your admin.",
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access",
- "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
- "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file.",
- "textNoChoices": "There are no choices for filling the cell.
Only text values from the column can be selected for replacement.",
- "textOk": "Ok",
- "textReplaceSuccess": "The search has been done. Occurrences replaced: {0}",
- "textReplaceSkipped": "The replacement has been made. {0} occurrences were skipped.",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found",
- "errorOpensource": "Using the free Community version, you can open documents for viewing only. To access mobile web editors, a commercial license is required."
+ "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file."
"Error": {
- "convertationTimeoutText": "Conversion timeout exceeded.",
+ "convertationTimeoutText": "ໝົດເວລາການປ່ຽນແປງ.",
+ "criticalErrorTitle": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ",
+ "downloadErrorText": "ດາວໂຫຼດບໍ່ສຳເລັດ.",
+ "errorBadImageUrl": "URL ຮູບພາບບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
+ "errorChangeArray": "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນສ່ວນ ໜຶ່ງ ຂອງອາເລໄດ້.",
+ "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "ຄຳ ສັ່ງນີ້ບໍ່ສາມາດໃຊ້ກັບການເລືອກຫລາຍໆອັນໄດ້ -
ເລືອກຊ່ວງດຽວ ແລະ ລອງ ໃໝ່ ອີກຄັ້ງ",
+ "errorCreateDefName": "ຂອບເຂດທີ່ມີຊື່ບໍ່ສາມາດແກ້ໄຂໄດ້ ແລະ ລະບົບ ໃໝ່ ບໍ່ສາມາດສ້າງຂື້ນໄດ້ໃນເວລານີ້ເນື່ອງຈາກບາງສ່ວນກຳ ລັງຖືກດັດແກ້.",
+ "errorDatabaseConnection": "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດຈາກທາງນອກ
ຖານຂໍ້ມູນ ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດພາຍນອກ. ກະລຸນາ, ຕິດຕໍ່ການສະ ໜັບ ສະ ໜູນ.",
+ "errorDataEncrypted": "ໄດ້ຮັບການປ່ຽນແປງລະຫັດແລ້ວ, ບໍ່ສາມາດຖອດລະຫັດໄດ້.",
+ "errorDataRange": "ໄລຍະຂອງຂໍ້ມູນບໍ່ຖືກ",
+ "errorDataValidate": "ຄ່າທີ່ທ່ານປ້ອນບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ.
+ "errorDefaultMessage": "ລະຫັດຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ: %1",
+ "errorFillRange": "ບໍ່ສາມາດຕຶ່ມໃສ່ບ່ອນເຊວທີ່ເລືອໄວ້
+ "errorFrmlMaxReference": "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດໃສ່ສູດນີ້ເພາະມັນມີຄ່າ,
ເອກະສານອ້າງອີງຂອງເຊວ, ແລະ/ຫຼື ຊື່ຕ່າງໆຫລາຍເກີນໄປ.",
+ "errorInvalidRef": "ປ້ອນຊື່ໃຫ້ຖືກຕ້ອງສໍາລັບການເລືອກ ຫຼື ການອ້າງອີງທີ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ.",
+ "errorKeyEncrypt": "ບໍ່ຮູ້ຄຳອະທິບາຍຫຼັກ",
+ "errorKeyExpire": "ລະຫັດໝົດອາຍຸ",
+ "errorLockedAll": "ການປະຕິບັດງານບໍ່ສາມາດເຮັດໄດ້ຍ້ອນວ່າແຜ່ນໄດ້ຖືກລັອກໂດຍຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄົນອື່ນ.",
+ "errorLockedCellPivot": "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນແປງຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ຢູ່ໃນຕາຕະລາງພິວອດໄດ້.",
+ "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "ບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນຊື່ເອກະສານໄດ້ໃນເວລານີ້ຍ້ອນວ່າຖືກປ່ຽນຊື່ໂດຍຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄົນອື່ນ",
+ "errorMaxPoints": "ຈໍານວນສູງສຸດຕໍ່ຕາຕະລາງແມ່ນ 4096.",
+ "errorMultiCellFormula": "ບໍ່ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ມີສູດອາເລນຫຼາຍຫ້ອງໃນຕາຕະລາງເຊວ.",
+ "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ອິນເຕີເນັດຫາກໍຖືກກູ້ຄືນມາ, ແລະ ຟາຍເອກະສານໄດ້ມີການປ່ຽນແປງແລ້ວ.
ກ່ອນທີ່ທ່ານຈະດຳເນີນການຕໍ່ໄປ, ທ່ານຕ້ອງໄດ້ດາວໂຫຼດຟາຍ ຫຼື ສຳເນົາເນື້ອຫາ ເພື່ອປ້ອງການການສູນເສຍ, ແລະ ທຳການໂຫຼດໜ້າຄືນອີກຄັ້ງ.",
+ "errorUserDrop": "ບໍ່ສາມາດເຂົ້າເຖິງເອກະສານໄດ້ໃນຂະນະນີ້.",
+ "errorUsersExceed": "ເກີນຈຳນວນຜູ້ຊົມໃຊ້ທີ່ແຜນການກຳນົດລາຄາອະນຸຍາດ",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "unknownErrorText": "ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ບໍ່ຮູ້ສາເຫດ",
+ "uploadImageExtMessage": "ບໍ່ຮູ້ສາເຫດຂໍ້ຜິພາດຮູບແບບຂອງຮູບ",
+ "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "ບໍ່ມີຮູບພາບອັບໂຫລດ",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.",
- "criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
- "downloadErrorText": "Download failed.",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.",
"errorArgsRange": "An error in the formula.
Incorrect arguments range.",
"errorAutoFilterChange": "The operation is not allowed as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet.",
"errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table.
Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.
Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.",
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.
Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.",
- "errorBadImageUrl": "Image url is incorrect",
- "errorChangeArray": "You cannot change part of an array.",
+ "errorCannotUseCommandProtectedSheet": "You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To use this command, unprotect the sheet.
You might be requested to enter a password.",
+ "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
- "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections.
Select a single range and try again.",
"errorCountArg": "An error in the formula.
Invalid number of arguments.",
"errorCountArgExceed": "An error in the formula.
Maximum number of arguments exceeded.",
- "errorCreateDefName": "The existing named ranges cannot be edited and the new ones cannot be created
at the moment as some of them are being edited.",
- "errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
- "errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.",
- "errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
- "errorDataValidate": "The value you entered is not valid.
A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell.",
- "errorDefaultMessage": "Error code: %1",
"errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document.
Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
"errorFileRequest": "External error.
File Request. Please, contact support.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin for details.",
"errorFileVKey": "External error.
Incorrect security key. Please, contact support.",
- "errorFillRange": "Could not fill the selected range of cells.
All the merged cells need to be the same size.",
"errorFormulaName": "An error in the formula.
Incorrect formula name.",
"errorFormulaParsing": "Internal error while the formula parsing.",
"errorFrmlMaxLength": "You cannot add this formula as its length exceeds the allowed number of characters.
Please, edit it and try again.",
- "errorFrmlMaxReference": "You cannot enter this formula because it has too many values,
cell references, and/or names.",
"errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Text values in formulas are limited to 255 characters.
Use the CONCATENATE function or concatenation operator (&)",
"errorFrmlWrongReferences": "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist.
Please, check the data and try again.",
- "errorInvalidRef": "Enter a correct name for the selection or a valid reference to go to.",
- "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
- "errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired",
- "errorLockedAll": "The operation could not be done as the sheet has been locked by another user.",
- "errorLockedCellPivot": "You cannot change data inside a pivot table.",
- "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "The sheet cannot be renamed at the moment as it is being renamed by another user",
- "errorMaxPoints": "The maximum number of points in series per chart is 4096.",
+ "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
"errorMoveRange": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
- "errorMultiCellFormula": "Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in tables.",
"errorOpenWarning": "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded
the allowed number of characters and it was removed.",
"errorOperandExpected": "The entered function syntax is not correct. Please, check if you missed one of the parentheses - '(' or ')'.",
"errorPasteMaxRange": "The copy and paste area does not match. Please, select an area of the same size or click the first cell in a row to paste the copied cells.",
@@ -216,466 +226,459 @@
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
"errorUnexpectedGuid": "External error.
Unexpected Guid. Please, contact support.",
- "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
- "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
- "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
- "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
+ "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula.
Wrong number of brackets.",
- "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used.
Please correct the error.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
+ "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used.
Please correct the error.",
"openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file",
"pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell",
"saveErrorText": "An error has occurred while saving the file",
"scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
- "unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
- "uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
- "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
- "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB.",
- "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
- "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect": "The password you supplied is not correct.
Verify that the CAPS LOCK key is off and be sure to use the correct capitalization.",
- "errorCannotUseCommandProtectedSheet": "You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To use this command, unprotect the sheet.
You might be requested to enter a password."
+ "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB."
"LongActions": {
- "applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...",
- "applyChangesTitleText": "Loading Data",
+ "advDRMPassword": "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ",
+ "applyChangesTextText": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ...",
+ "applyChangesTitleText": "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "downloadTextText": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ...",
+ "downloadTitleText": "ດາວໂຫລດເອກະສານ",
+ "loadFontsTextText": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ...",
+ "loadFontsTitleText": "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "loadFontTextText": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ...",
+ "loadFontTitleText": "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "loadImagesTextText": "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ...",
+ "loadImagesTitleText": "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ",
+ "loadImageTextText": "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ...",
+ "loadImageTitleText": "ກໍາລັງໂລດຮູບພາບ",
+ "loadingDocumentTextText": "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ...",
+ "loadingDocumentTitleText": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "openTextText": "ກໍາລັງເປີດເອກະສານ...",
+ "openTitleText": "ກໍາລັງເປີດເອກະສານ",
+ "printTextText": "ກໍາລັງພິມເອກະສານ...",
+ "printTitleText": "ກໍາລັງພິມເອກະສານ",
+ "savePreparingText": "ກະກຽມບັນທືກ",
+ "savePreparingTitle": "ກຳລັງກະກຽມບັນທືກ, ກະລຸນາລໍຖ້າ...",
+ "saveTextText": "ກໍາລັງບັນທຶກເອກະສານ...",
+ "saveTitleText": "ບັນທືກເອກະສານ",
+ "textCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "textLoadingDocument": "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ",
+ "textNo": "ບໍ່",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textYes": "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ",
+ "txtEditingMode": "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຮູບແບບການແກ້ໄຂ...",
+ "uploadImageTextText": "ກໍາລັງອັບໂຫລດຮູບພາບ...",
+ "uploadImageTitleText": "ກໍາລັງອັບໂຫລດຮູບພາບ",
+ "waitText": "ກະລຸນາລໍຖ້າ...",
"confirmMoveCellRange": "The destination cells range can contain data. Continue the operation?",
"confirmPutMergeRange": "The source data contains merged cells.
They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.",
"confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Formulas in the header row will be removed and converted to static text.
Do you want to continue?",
- "downloadTextText": "Downloading document...",
- "downloadTitleText": "Downloading Document",
- "loadFontsTextText": "Loading data...",
- "loadFontsTitleText": "Loading Data",
- "loadFontTextText": "Loading data...",
- "loadFontTitleText": "Loading Data",
- "loadImagesTextText": "Loading images...",
- "loadImagesTitleText": "Loading Images",
- "loadImageTextText": "Loading image...",
- "loadImageTitleText": "Loading Image",
- "loadingDocumentTextText": "Loading document...",
- "loadingDocumentTitleText": "Loading document",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "openTextText": "Opening document...",
- "openTitleText": "Opening Document",
- "printTextText": "Printing document...",
- "printTitleText": "Printing Document",
- "savePreparingText": "Preparing to save",
- "savePreparingTitle": "Preparing to save. Please wait...",
- "saveTextText": "Saving document...",
- "saveTitleText": "Saving Document",
- "textLoadingDocument": "Loading document",
- "textNo": "No",
- "textOk": "Ok",
- "textYes": "Yes",
- "txtEditingMode": "Set editing mode...",
- "uploadImageTextText": "Uploading image...",
- "uploadImageTitleText": "Uploading Image",
- "waitText": "Please, wait...",
- "advDRMPassword": "Password",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
"textErrorWrongPassword": "The password you supplied is not correct.",
"textUnlockRange": "Unlock Range",
"textUnlockRangeWarning": "A range you are trying to change is password protected."
"Statusbar": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textDelete": "Delete",
- "textDuplicate": "Duplicate",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "textDelete": "ລົບ",
+ "textDuplicate": "ສຳເນົາ",
+ "textErrNotEmpty": "ຊື່ເເຜ່ນ ບໍ່ໃຫ້ປະວ່າງ",
+ "textErrorRemoveSheet": "ບໍ່ສາມາດລຶບແຜ່ນວຽກໄດ້",
+ "textHidden": "ເຊື່ອງ",
+ "textHide": "ເຊື່ອງໄວ້",
+ "textMore": "ຫຼາຍກວ່າ",
+ "textMove": "ຍ້າຍ",
+ "textMoveBefore": "ເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍກ່ອນແຜ່ນງານ",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(ເລື່ອນໄປຈົນສຸດ)",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textRename": "ປ່ຽນຊື່",
+ "textRenameSheet": "ປ້່ຽນຊື່ແຜ່ນຫຼັກ",
+ "textSheet": "ແຜ່ນງານ",
+ "textSheetName": "ຊື່ແຜ່ນເຈ້ຍ",
+ "textUnhide": "ເປີດເຜີຍ",
"textErrNameExists": "Worksheet with this name already exists.",
"textErrNameWrongChar": "A sheet name cannot contains characters: \\, /, *, ?, [, ], :",
- "textErrNotEmpty": "Sheet name must not be empty",
"textErrorLastSheet": "The workbook must have at least one visible worksheet.",
- "textErrorRemoveSheet": "Can't delete the worksheet.",
- "textHide": "Hide",
- "textMore": "More",
- "textRename": "Rename",
- "textRenameSheet": "Rename Sheet",
- "textSheet": "Sheet",
- "textSheetName": "Sheet Name",
- "textUnhide": "Unhide",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "The worksheet maybe has data. Proceed operation?",
- "textOk": "Ok",
- "textMove": "Move",
- "textMoveBack": "Move back",
- "textMoveForward": "Move forward",
- "textHidden": "Hidden",
- "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet",
- "textMoveToEnd": "(Move to end)"
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "The worksheet maybe has data. Proceed operation?"
"Toolbar": {
- "dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.",
- "dlgLeaveTitleText": "You leave the application",
- "leaveButtonText": "Leave this Page",
- "stayButtonText": "Stay on this Page"
+ "dlgLeaveTitleText": "ເຈົ້າອອກຈາກລະບົບ",
+ "leaveButtonText": "ອອກຈາກໜ້ານີ້",
+ "stayButtonText": "ຢູ່ໃນໜ້ານີ້",
+ "dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes."
"View": {
"Add": {
- "errorMaxRows": "ERROR! The maximum number of data series per chart is 255.",
+ "errorMaxRows": "ຜິດພາດ!, ຈຳນວນຊູດຂໍ້ມູນສູງສຸດຕໍ່ຜັງແມ່ນ 255",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "sCatDateAndTime": "ວັນທີ ແລະ ເວລາ",
+ "sCatEngineering": "ວິສະວະກຳ",
+ "sCatFinancial": "ການເງິນ",
+ "sCatInformation": "ຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "sCatLogical": "ມີເຫດຜົນ",
+ "sCatLookupAndReference": "ຄົ້ນຫາ ແລະ ອ້າງອີງ",
+ "sCatMathematic": "ແບບຈັບຄູ່ ແລະ ແບບບັງຄັບ",
+ "sCatStatistical": "ທາງສະຖິຕິ",
+ "sCatTextAndData": "ເນື້ອຫາ ແລະ ຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "textAddLink": "ເພີ່ມລິ້ງ",
+ "textAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textCancel": "ຍົກເລີກ",
+ "textChart": "ແຜນຮູບວາດ",
+ "textComment": "ຄໍາເຫັນ",
+ "textDisplay": "ສະແດງຜົນ",
+ "textExternalLink": "ລິງພາຍນອກ",
+ "textFilter": "ກັ່ນຕອງ",
+ "textFunction": "ໜ້າທີ່ ",
+ "textImage": "ຮູບພາບ",
+ "textImageURL": "URL ຮູບພາບ",
+ "textInsert": "ເພີ່ມ",
+ "textInsertImage": "ເພີ່ມຮູບພາບ",
+ "textInternalDataRange": "ຂໍ້ມູນພາຍໃນ",
+ "textInvalidRange": "ຜິດພາດ,ເຊວບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ",
+ "textLink": "ລີ້ງ",
+ "textOk": "ຕົກລົງ",
+ "textOther": "ອື່ນໆ",
+ "textPictureFromLibrary": "ຮູບພາບຈາກຫ້ອງສະໝຸດ",
+ "textPictureFromURL": "ຮູບພາບຈາກ URL",
+ "textRange": "ຊ່ວງ",
+ "textRequired": "ຕ້ອງການ",
+ "textScreenTip": "ຄຳແນະນຳໃນໜ້າຈໍ",
+ "textSelectedRange": "ຊ່ວງທີ່ເລືອກ",
+ "textShape": "ຮູບຮ່າງ",
+ "textSheet": "ແຜ່ນງານ",
+ "textSortAndFilter": "ລຽງລຳດັບ ແລະ ກອງ",
+ "txtExpand": "ຂະຫຍາຍ ແລະ ຈັດລຽງ",
+ "txtExpandSort": "ຂໍ້ມູນຖັດຈາກສີ່ງທີ່ເລືອກຈະບໍ່ຖືກຈັດລຽງລຳດັບ. ທ່ານຕ້ອງການຂະຫຍາຍສ່ວນທີ່ເລືອກເພື່ອກວມເອົາຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ຢູ່ຕິດກັນ ຫຼື ດຳເນີນການຈັດລຽງເຊລທີ່ເລືອກໃນປະຈຸບັນເທົ່ານັ້ນຫຼືບໍ່?",
+ "txtNo": "ບໍ່",
+ "txtNotUrl": "ຊ່ອງຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ຄວນຈະເປັນ URL ໃນຮູບແບບ \"http://www.example.com\"",
+ "txtSorting": "ການລຽງລຳດັບ",
+ "txtSortSelected": "ຈັດລຽງທີ່ເລືອກ",
+ "txtYes": "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "sCatDateAndTime": "Date and time",
- "sCatEngineering": "Engineering",
- "sCatFinancial": "Financial",
- "sCatInformation": "Information",
- "sCatLogical": "Logical",
- "sCatLookupAndReference": "Lookup and Reference",
- "sCatMathematic": "Math and trigonometry",
- "sCatStatistical": "Statistical",
- "sCatTextAndData": "Text and data",
- "textAddLink": "Add Link",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textChart": "Chart",
- "textComment": "Comment",
- "textDisplay": "Display",
"textEmptyImgUrl": "You need to specify the image URL.",
- "textExternalLink": "External Link",
- "textFilter": "Filter",
- "textFunction": "Function",
"textGroups": "CATEGORIES",
- "textImage": "Image",
- "textImageURL": "Image URL",
- "textInsert": "Insert",
- "textInsertImage": "Insert Image",
- "textInternalDataRange": "Internal Data Range",
- "textInvalidRange": "ERROR! Invalid cells range",
- "textLink": "Link",
"textLinkSettings": "Link Settings",
"textLinkType": "Link Type",
- "textOther": "Other",
- "textPictureFromLibrary": "Picture from library",
- "textPictureFromURL": "Picture from URL",
- "textRange": "Range",
- "textRequired": "Required",
- "textScreenTip": "Screen Tip",
- "textShape": "Shape",
- "textSheet": "Sheet",
- "textSortAndFilter": "Sort and Filter",
- "txtExpand": "Expand and sort",
- "txtExpandSort": "The data next to the selection will not be sorted. Do you want to expand the selection to include the adjacent data or continue with sorting the currently selected cells only?",
- "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"",
- "txtSorting": "Sorting",
- "txtSortSelected": "Sort selected",
- "textSelectedRange": "Selected Range",
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
- "txtNo": "No",
- "txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textAccounting": "Accounting",
- "textActualSize": "Actual Size",
- "textAddCustomColor": "Add Custom Color",
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- "textBillions": "Billions",
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- "textBottomBorder": "Bottom Border",
- "textBringToForeground": "Bring to Foreground",
- "textCell": "Cell",
- "textCellStyles": "Cell Styles",
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- "textChart": "Chart",
- "textChartTitle": "Chart Title",
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- "textDiagonalDownBorder": "Diagonal Down Border",
- "textDiagonalUpBorder": "Diagonal Up Border",
- "textDisplay": "Display",
- "textDisplayUnits": "Display Units",
- "textDollar": "Dollar",
- "textEditLink": "Edit Link",
- "textEffects": "Effects",
- "textEmptyImgUrl": "You need to specify the image URL.",
- "textEmptyItem": "{Blanks}",
- "textErrorMsg": "You must choose at least one value",
- "textErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textEuro": "Euro",
- "textExternalLink": "External Link",
- "textFill": "Fill",
- "textFillColor": "Fill Color",
- "textFilterOptions": "Filter Options",
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- "textFonts": "Fonts",
- "textFormat": "Format",
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- "textFromLibrary": "Picture from Library",
- "textFromURL": "Picture from URL",
- "textGeneral": "General",
- "textGridlines": "Gridlines",
- "textHigh": "High",
- "textHorizontal": "Horizontal",
- "textHorizontalAxis": "Horizontal Axis",
- "textHorizontalText": "Horizontal Text",
+ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textAccounting": "ການບັນຊີ",
+ "textActualSize": "ຂະໜາດແທ້ຈິງ",
+ "textAddCustomColor": "ເພີ່ມສີທີ່ກຳນົດເອງ",
+ "textAddress": "ທີ່ຢູ່",
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+ "textAlignMiddle": "ຈັດຕຳແໜ່ງເຄິ່ງກາງ",
+ "textAlignRight": "ຈັດຕຳແໜ່ງຕິດຂວາ",
+ "textAlignTop": "ຈັດຕຳແໜ່ງດ້ານເທິງ",
+ "textAllBorders": "ຂອບທັງໝົດ",
+ "textAngleClockwise": "ມຸມຕາມເຂັມໂມງ",
+ "textAngleCounterclockwise": "ມຸມທວນເຂັມໂມງ",
+ "textAuto": "ອັດຕະໂນມັດ",
+ "textAutomatic": "ອັດຕະໂນມັດ",
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+ "textBack": "ກັບຄືນ",
+ "textBetweenTickMarks": "ລະຫ່ວາງເຄື່ອງໝາຍຖືກ",
+ "textBillions": "ຕື້",
+ "textBorder": "ຂອບເຂດ",
+ "textBorderStyle": "ຮູບແບບເສັ້ນຂອບ",
+ "textBottom": "ລຸ່ມສຸດ",
+ "textBottomBorder": "ເສັ້ນຂອບດ້ານລູ່ມ",
+ "textBringToForeground": "ເອົາໄປໄວ້ທາງໜ້າ",
+ "textCell": "ແຊວ",
+ "textCellStyles": "ລັກສະນະ ແຊວ",
+ "textCenter": "ທາງກາງ",
+ "textChart": "ແຜນຮູບວາດ",
+ "textChartTitle": "ໃສ່ຊື່ແຜນຮູບວາດ",
+ "textClearFilter": "ລົບລ້າງການຄັດກອງ",
+ "textColor": "ສີ",
+ "textCross": "ຂ້າມ",
+ "textCrossesValue": "ຂ້າມມູນຄ່າ",
+ "textCurrency": "ສະກຸນເງິນ",
+ "textCustomColor": "ປະເພດ ຂອງສີ",
+ "textDataLabels": "ປ້າຍຊື່ຂໍ້ມູນ",
+ "textDate": "ວັນທີ",
+ "textDefault": "ຊ່ວງທີ່ເລືອກ",
+ "textDeleteFilter": "ລົບຕົວຕອງ",
+ "textDesign": "ອອກແບບ",
+ "textDiagonalDownBorder": "ເສັ້ນຂອບຂວາງດ້ານລຸ່ມ",
+ "textDiagonalUpBorder": "ເສັ້ນຂອບຂວາງດ້ານເທຶງ",
+ "textDisplay": "ສະແດງຜົນ",
+ "textDisplayUnits": "ໜ່ວຍສະແດງຜົນ",
+ "textDollar": "ດອນລາ",
+ "textEditLink": "ແກ້ໄຂ ລີ້ງ",
+ "textEffects": "ຜົນ",
+ "textEmptyItem": "{ຊ່ອງວ່າງ}",
+ "textErrorMsg": "ທ່ານຕ້ອງເລືອກຢ່າງ ໜ້ອຍ ໜຶ່ງຄ່າ",
+ "textErrorTitle": "ເຕືອນ",
+ "textEuro": "ສະກຸນເງິນຢູໂຣ",
+ "textFill": "ຕື່ມ",
+ "textFillColor": "ຕື່ມສີ",
+ "textFilterOptions": "ທາງເລືອກການກັ່ນຕອງ",
+ "textFit": "ຄວາມກວ້າງພໍດີ",
+ "textFonts": "ຕົວອັກສອນ",
+ "textFormat": "ປະເພດ",
+ "textFraction": "ເສດສ່ວນ",
+ "textFromLibrary": "ຮູບພາບຈາກຫ້ອງສະໝຸດ",
+ "textFromURL": "ຮູບພາບຈາກ URL",
+ "textGeneral": "ທົ່ວໄປ",
+ "textGridlines": "ເສັ້ນຕາຕະລາງ",
+ "textHigh": "ສູງ",
+ "textHorizontal": "ແນວນອນ",
+ "textHorizontalAxis": "ແກນລວງນອນ",
"textHundredMil": "100 000 000",
- "textHundreds": "Hundreds",
+ "textHundreds": "ຈຳນວນໜື່ງຮ້ອຍ",
"textHundredThousands": "100 000",
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+ "txtSpace": "ຍະຫວ່າງ",
+ "txtTab": "ແທບ",
+ "warnDownloadAs": "ຖ້າທ່ານສືບຕໍ່ບັນທຶກໃນຮູບແບບນີ້ທຸກລັກສະນະ ຍົກເວັ້ນຂໍ້ຄວາມຈະຫາຍໄປ.
"advDRMEnterPassword": "Your password, please:",
- "advDRMOptions": "Protected File",
- "advDRMPassword": "Password",
- "closeButtonText": "Close File",
- "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
- "textAbout": "About",
- "textAddress": "Address",
- "textApplication": "Application",
- "textApplicationSettings": "Application Settings",
- "textAuthor": "Author",
- "textBack": "Back",
- "textBottom": "Bottom",
- "textByColumns": "By columns",
- "textByRows": "By rows",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textCentimeter": "Centimeter",
- "textCollaboration": "Collaboration",
- "textColorSchemes": "Color Schemes",
- "textComment": "Comment",
- "textCommentingDisplay": "Commenting Display",
- "textComments": "Comments",
- "textCreated": "Created",
- "textCustomSize": "Custom Size",
- "textDisableAll": "Disable All",
- "textDisableAllMacrosWithNotification": "Disable all macros with a notification",
- "textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Disable all macros without a notification",
- "textDone": "Done",
- "textDownload": "Download",
- "textDownloadAs": "Download As",
- "textEmail": "Email",
- "textEnableAll": "Enable All",
- "textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Enable all macros without a notification",
- "textFind": "Find",
- "textFindAndReplace": "Find and Replace",
- "textFindAndReplaceAll": "Find and Replace All",
- "textFormat": "Format",
- "textFormulaLanguage": "Formula Language",
- "textFormulas": "Formulas",
- "textHelp": "Help",
- "textHideGridlines": "Hide Gridlines",
- "textHideHeadings": "Hide Headings",
- "textHighlightRes": "Highlight results",
- "textInch": "Inch",
- "textLandscape": "Landscape",
- "textLastModified": "Last Modified",
- "textLastModifiedBy": "Last Modified By",
- "textLeft": "Left",
- "textLocation": "Location",
- "textLookIn": "Look In",
- "textMacrosSettings": "Macros Settings",
- "textMargins": "Margins",
- "textMatchCase": "Match Case",
- "textMatchCell": "Match Cell",
- "textNoTextFound": "Text not found",
- "textOpenFile": "Enter a password to open the file",
- "textOrientation": "Orientation",
- "textOwner": "Owner",
- "textPoint": "Point",
- "textPortrait": "Portrait",
- "textPoweredBy": "Powered By",
- "textPrint": "Print",
- "textR1C1Style": "R1C1 Reference Style",
- "textRegionalSettings": "Regional Settings",
- "textReplace": "Replace",
- "textReplaceAll": "Replace All",
- "textResolvedComments": "Resolved Comments",
- "textRight": "Right",
- "textSearch": "Search",
- "textSearchBy": "Search",
- "textSearchIn": "Search In",
- "textSettings": "Settings",
- "textSheet": "Sheet",
- "textShowNotification": "Show Notification",
- "textSpreadsheetFormats": "Spreadsheet Formats",
- "textSpreadsheetInfo": "Spreadsheet Info",
- "textSpreadsheetSettings": "Spreadsheet Settings",
- "textSpreadsheetTitle": "Spreadsheet Title",
- "textSubject": "Subject",
- "textTel": "Tel",
- "textTitle": "Title",
- "textTop": "Top",
- "textUnitOfMeasurement": "Unit Of Measurement",
- "textUploaded": "Uploaded",
- "textValues": "Values",
- "textVersion": "Version",
- "textWorkbook": "Workbook",
- "txtDelimiter": "Delimiter",
- "txtEncoding": "Encoding",
- "txtIncorrectPwd": "Password is incorrect",
- "txtProtected": "Once you enter the password and open the file, the current password to the file will be reset",
- "txtScheme1": "Office",
- "txtScheme10": "Median",
- "txtScheme11": "Metro",
- "txtScheme12": "Module",
- "txtScheme13": "Opulent",
- "txtScheme14": "Oriel",
- "txtScheme15": "Origin",
- "txtScheme16": "Paper",
- "txtScheme17": "Solstice",
- "txtScheme18": "Technic",
- "txtScheme19": "Trek",
- "txtScheme2": "Grayscale",
- "txtScheme20": "Urban",
- "txtScheme21": "Verve",
- "txtScheme22": "New Office",
- "txtScheme3": "Apex",
- "txtScheme4": "Aspect",
- "txtScheme5": "Civic",
- "txtScheme6": "Concourse",
- "txtScheme7": "Equity",
- "txtScheme8": "Flow",
- "txtScheme9": "Foundry",
- "txtSpace": "Space",
- "txtTab": "Tab",
- "warnDownloadAs": "If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?",
- "textOk": "Ok",
- "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choose CSV Options",
"textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter",
"textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding",
- "textDelimeter": "Delimiter",
- "textEncoding": "Encoding",
- "txtColon": "Colon",
- "txtComma": "Comma",
+ "textDarkTheme": "Dark Theme",
+ "textDownloadAs": "Download As",
+ "textFindAndReplaceAll": "Find and Replace All",
+ "textFormulas": "Formulas",
+ "textMacrosSettings": "Macros Settings",
+ "textOpenFile": "Enter a password to open the file",
+ "textValues": "Values",
"txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV",
- "txtOk": "Ok",
- "txtSemicolon": "Semicolon",
- "textExample": "Example",
- "textDarkTheme": "Dark Theme"
+ "txtIncorrectPwd": "Password is incorrect",
+ "txtScheme14": "Oriel",
+ "txtScheme19": "Trek",
+ "txtScheme21": "Verve",
+ "txtScheme22": "New Office",
+ "txtScheme5": "Civic"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/lv.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nb.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
index 07a11e956..6bcc6c647 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtSorting": "Sorteren",
"txtSortSelected": "Geselecteerde sorteren",
"txtYes": "Ja",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Waarschuwing",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pl.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
index 62822a8e4..2518ae8f6 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/pt.json
@@ -291,15 +291,15 @@
"textHide": "Ocultar",
"textMore": "Mais",
"textMove": "Mover",
+ "textMoveBefore": "Mover antes da folha",
+ "textMoveToEnd": "(Mover para o final)",
"textOk": "OK",
"textRename": "Renomear",
"textRenameSheet": "Renomear Folha",
"textSheet": "Folha",
"textSheetName": "Nome da folha",
"textUnhide": "Reexibir",
- "textWarnDeleteSheet": "A folha de trabalho talvez tenha dados. Proceder à operação?",
- "textMoveBefore": "Move before sheet",
- "textMoveToEnd": "(Move to end)"
+ "textWarnDeleteSheet": "A folha de trabalho talvez tenha dados. Proceder à operação?"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "Você tem alterações não salvas neste documento. Clique em 'Permanecer nesta página' para aguardar o salvamento automático. Clique em 'Sair desta página' para descartar todas as alterações não salvas.",
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Este campo deve ser uma URL no formato \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Classificação",
"txtSortSelected": "Classificar selecionado",
- "txtYes": "Sim"
+ "txtYes": "Sim",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
index 8c488620b..346e25ea3 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Câmpul trebuie să conțină adresa URL in format \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Sortare",
"txtSortSelected": "Sortarea selecției",
- "txtYes": "Da"
+ "txtYes": "Da",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertisment",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
index c49d387f6..18f978ab6 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Это поле должно быть URL-адресом в формате \"http://www.example.com\"",
"txtSorting": "Сортировка",
"txtSortSelected": "Сортировать выделенное",
- "txtYes": "Да"
+ "txtYes": "Да",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Внимание",
@@ -673,7 +678,7 @@
"txtSemicolon": "Точка с запятой",
"txtSpace": "Пробел",
"txtTab": "Табуляция",
- "warnDownloadAs": "Если вы продолжите сохранение в этот формат, весь функционал, кроме текста, будет потерян.
Вы действительно хотите продолжить?"
+ "warnDownloadAs": "Если Вы продолжите сохранение в этот формат, вcя функциональность, кроме текста, будет потеряна.
Вы действительно хотите продолжить?"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
index 26522f148..4d9e5b077 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "Bu alan, \"http://www.example.com\" biçiminde bir URL olmalıdır.",
"txtSorting": "Sıralama",
"txtSortSelected": "Seçili olanları sırala",
- "txtYes": "Evet"
+ "txtYes": "Evet",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
index 92302679e..875750acb 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json
@@ -362,7 +362,12 @@
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtYes": "Yes",
- "textOk": "Ok"
+ "textOk": "Ok",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
index aaa1d618d..f240e871d 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json
@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@
"txtNotUrl": "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL",
"txtSorting": "排序",
"txtSortSelected": "排序选定的",
- "txtYes": "是"
+ "txtYes": "是",
+ "textThisRowHint": "Choose only this row of the specified column",
+ "textAllTableHint": "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows",
+ "textDataTableHint": "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns",
+ "textHeadersTableHint": "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns",
+ "textTotalsTableHint": "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns"
"Edit": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
@@ -372,7 +377,7 @@
"textAlignBottom": "底部对齐",
"textAlignCenter": "居中对齐",
"textAlignLeft": "左对齐",
- "textAlignMiddle": "居中对齐",
+ "textAlignMiddle": "垂直居中",
"textAlignRight": "右对齐",
"textAlignTop": "顶端对齐",
"textAllBorders": "所有边框",