diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app.js index b34a9cd72..ef1a5665a 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app.js @@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ require([ 'Main', 'ViewTab', 'Search', + 'Print', 'Common.Controllers.Fonts', 'Common.Controllers.History' /** coauthoring begin **/ @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ require([ 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main', 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/ViewTab', 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Search', + 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Print', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/ParagraphSettings', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/ImageSettings', diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js index 3915b3fb0..58800f121 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ define([ if ( !this.leftMenu.panelHistory.isVisible() ) this.clickMenuFileItem(null, 'history'); }, this)); + Common.NotificationCenter.on('file:print', _.bind(this.clickToolbarPrint, this)); }, onLaunch: function() { @@ -764,7 +765,14 @@ define([ isCommentsVisible: function() { return this.leftMenu && this.leftMenu.panelComments && this.leftMenu.panelComments.isVisible(); }, - + + clickToolbarPrint: function () { + if (this.mode.canPreviewPrint) + this.leftMenu.showMenu('file:printpreview'); + else if (this.mode.canPrint) + this.clickMenuFileItem(null, 'print'); + }, + textNoTextFound : 'Text not found', newDocumentTitle : 'Unnamed document', requestEditRightsText : 'Requesting editing rights...', diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js index f86a51cbe..a967c5918 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js @@ -1165,6 +1165,7 @@ define([ console.log("Obsolete: The 'chat' parameter of the 'customization' section is deprecated. Please use 'chat' parameter in the permissions instead."); } this.appOptions.canPrint = (this.permissions.print !== false); + this.appOptions.canPreviewPrint = this.appOptions.canPrint && !Common.Utils.isMac; this.appOptions.canRename = this.editorConfig.canRename; this.appOptions.canForcesave = this.appOptions.isEdit && !this.appOptions.isOffline && (typeof (this.editorConfig.customization) == 'object' && !!this.editorConfig.customization.forcesave); this.appOptions.forcesave = this.appOptions.canForcesave; @@ -1297,6 +1298,9 @@ define([ toolbarController.setMode(this.appOptions); documentHolder.setMode(this.appOptions); + var printController = app.getController('Print'); + printController && this.api && printController.setApi(this.api).setMode(this.appOptions); + this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onSendThemeColors', _.bind(this.onSendThemeColors, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onDownloadUrl', _.bind(this.onDownloadUrl, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onDocumentModifiedChanged', _.bind(this.onDocumentModifiedChanged, this)); @@ -1922,6 +1926,7 @@ define([ Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set("pe-settings-unit", value); this.api.asc_SetDocumentUnits((value==Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits.inch) ? Asc.c_oAscDocumentUnits.Inch : ((value==Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits.pt) ? Asc.c_oAscDocumentUnits.Point : Asc.c_oAscDocumentUnits.Millimeter)); this.getApplication().getController('RightMenu').updateMetricUnit(); + this.getApplication().getController('Print').getView('PrintWithPreview').updateMetricUnit(); }, updateThemeColors: function() { @@ -2175,9 +2180,7 @@ define([ onPrint: function() { if (!this.appOptions.canPrint || Common.Utils.ModalWindow.isVisible()) return; - - if (this.api) - this.api.asc_Print(new Asc.asc_CDownloadOptions(null, Common.Utils.isChrome || Common.Utils.isOpera || Common.Utils.isGecko && Common.Utils.firefoxVersion>86)); // if isChrome or isOpera == true use asc_onPrintUrl event + Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('file:print'); Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('Print'); }, diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Print.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Print.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f3938aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Print.js @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +/* + * + * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022 + * + * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) + * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with + * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect + * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement + * of any third-party rights. + * + * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied + * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For + * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html + * + * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha + * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. + * + * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions + * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under + * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. + * + * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product + * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to + * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. + * + * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as + * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the + * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License + * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode + * +*/ +define([ + 'core', + 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels' +], function () { + 'use strict'; + + PE.Controllers.Print = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend({ + views: [ + 'PrintWithPreview' + ], + + initialize: function() { + var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-print-settings-range"); + value = (value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : Asc.c_oAscPrintType.ActiveSheets; + + this.adjPrintParams = new Asc.asc_CAdjustPrint(); + this.adjPrintParams.asc_setPrintType(value); + + this._state = {}; + + this._navigationPreview = { + pageCount: false, + currentPage: 0, + currentPreviewPage: 0 + }; + + this._isPreviewVisible = false; + + this.addListeners({ + 'PrintWithPreview': { + 'show': _.bind(this.onShowMainSettingsPrint, this), + 'render:after': _.bind(this.onAfterRender, this) + } + }); + }, + + onLaunch: function() { + this.printSettings = this.createView('PrintWithPreview'); + }, + + onAfterRender: function(view) { + var me = this; + this.printSettings.menu.on('menu:hide', _.bind(this.onHidePrintMenu, this)); + this.printSettings.btnPrint.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnPrint, this, true)); + this.printSettings.btnPrintPdf.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnPrint, this, false)); + this.printSettings.btnPrevPage.on('click', _.bind(this.onChangePreviewPage, this, false)); + this.printSettings.btnNextPage.on('click', _.bind(this.onChangePreviewPage, this, true)); + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.on({ + 'keypress:after': _.bind(this.onKeypressPageNumber, this), + 'keyup:after': _.bind(this.onKeyupPageNumber, this) + }); + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.cmpEl.find('input').on('blur', _.bind(this.onBlurPageNumber, this)); + this.printSettings.cmbRange.on('selected', _.bind(this.comboRangeChange, this)); + this.printSettings.inputPages.on('changing', _.bind(this.inputPagesChanging, this)); + this.printSettings.inputPages.validation = function(value) { + if (!_.isEmpty(value) && /[0-9,\-]/.test(value)) { + var res = [], + arr = value.split(','); + for (var i=0; i1) // more than 1 symbol '-' + return me.txtPrintRangeInvalid; + if (!str) {// one number + var num = parseInt(item)-1; + (num>=0) && res.push(num); + } else { // range + var pages = item.split('-'), + start = (pages[0] ? parseInt(pages[0])-1 : 0), + end = (pages[1] ? parseInt(pages[1])-1 : me._navigationPreview.pageCount-1); + if (start>end) { + var num = start; + start = end; + end = num; + } + for (var j=start; j<=end; j++) { + (j>=0) && res.push(j); + } + } + } + if (res.length>0) { + // me.adjPrintParams.asc_setPages(res); + return true; + } + } + + return me.txtPrintRangeInvalid; + }; + + Common.NotificationCenter.on('window:resize', _.bind(function () { + if (this._isPreviewVisible) { + this.api.asc_drawPrintPreview(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage); + } + }, this)); + + var eventname = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'; + this.printSettings.$previewBox.on(eventname, _.bind(this.onPreviewWheel, this)); + + this.fillPrintOptions(); + }, + + setMode: function (mode) { + this.mode = mode; + this.printSettings && this.printSettings.setMode(mode); + }, + + setApi: function(o) { + this.api = o; + this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCountPages', _.bind(this.onCountPages, this)); + this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCurrentPage', _.bind(this.onCurrentPage, this)); + + return this; + }, + + fillPrintOptions: function(props) { + // fill page numbers, copies, collated + var panel = this.printSettings; + panel.cmbRange.setValue(this.adjPrintParams.asc_getPrintType()); + panel.inputPages.setValue(''); // pages numbers + }, + + comboRangeChange: function(combo, record) { + if (record.value === -1) { + var me = this; + setTimeout(function(){ + me.printSettings.inputPages.focus(); + }, 50); + // this.adjPrintParams.asc_setPrintType(record.value) + } else { + this.printSettings.inputPages.setValue(''); + this.adjPrintParams.asc_setPrintType(record.value) + } + this.printSettings.inputPages.showError(); + }, + + onCountPages: function(count) { + this._navigationPreview.pageCount = count; + + if (this.printSettings.isVisible()) { + this.printSettings.$previewBox.toggleClass('hidden', !this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + this.printSettings.$previewEmpty.toggleClass('hidden', !!this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + } + if (!!this._navigationPreview.pageCount) { + if (this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage > count - 1) + this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage = Math.max(0, count - 1); + if (this.printSettings.isVisible()) { + this.api.asc_drawPrintPreview(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage); + this.updateNavigationButtons(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage, count); + } + } + }, + + onCurrentPage: function(number) { + this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage = number; + if (this.printSettings.isVisible()) { + this.api.asc_drawPrintPreview(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage); + this.updateNavigationButtons(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage, this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + } + }, + + onShowMainSettingsPrint: function() { + var me = this; + this.printSettings.$previewBox.removeClass('hidden'); + + var opts = new Asc.asc_CDownloadOptions(null, Common.Utils.isChrome || Common.Utils.isOpera || Common.Utils.isGecko && Common.Utils.firefoxVersion>86); + opts.asc_setAdvancedOptions(this.adjPrintParams); + this.api.asc_initPrintPreview('print-preview', opts); + + this.printSettings.$previewBox.toggleClass('hidden', !this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + this.printSettings.$previewEmpty.toggleClass('hidden', !!this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + if (!!this._navigationPreview.pageCount) { + this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage = this._navigationPreview.currentPage = this.api.getCurrentPage(); + this.api.asc_drawPrintPreview(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage); + this.updateNavigationButtons(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage, this._navigationPreview.pageCount); + this.SetDisabled(); + } + this._isPreviewVisible = true; + }, + + getPrintParams: function() { + return this.adjPrintParams; + }, + + onHidePrintMenu: function () { + if (this._isPreviewVisible) { + this.api.asc_closePrintPreview && this.api.asc_closePrintPreview(this._isPrint); + this._isPreviewVisible = false; + } + }, + + onChangePreviewPage: function (next) { + var index = this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage; + if (next) { + index++; + index = Math.min(index, this._navigationPreview.pageCount - 1); + } else { + index--; + index = Math.max(index, 0); + } + this.api.goToPage(index); + }, + + onKeypressPageNumber: function (input, e) { + if (e.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) { + var box = this.printSettings.$el.find('#print-number-page'), + edit = box.find('input[type=text]'), page = parseInt(edit.val()); + if (!page || page > this._navigationPreview.pageCount || page < 0) { + edit.select(); + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.setValue(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage + 1); + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.checkValidate(); + return false; + } + + box.focus(); // for IE + + this.api.goToPage(page-1); + this.api.asc_enableKeyEvents(true); + return false; + } + }, + + onKeyupPageNumber: function (input, e) { + if (e.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.ESC) { + var box = this.printSettings.$el.find('#print-number-page'); + box.focus(); // for IE + this.api.asc_enableKeyEvents(true); + return false; + } + }, + + onBlurPageNumber: function () { + if (this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.getValue() != this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage + 1) { + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.setValue(this._navigationPreview.currentPreviewPage + 1); + this.printSettings.txtNumberPage.checkValidate(); + } + }, + + onPreviewWheel: function (e) { + if (e.ctrlKey) { + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopImmediatePropagation(); + } + var forward = (e.deltaY || (e.detail && -e.detail) || e.wheelDelta) < 0; + this.onChangePreviewPage(forward); + }, + + updateNavigationButtons: function (page, count) { + this._navigationPreview.currentPage = page; + this.printSettings.updateCurrentPage(page); + this._navigationPreview.pageCount = count; + this.printSettings.updateCountOfPages(count); + this.disableNavButtons(); + }, + + disableNavButtons: function (force) { + if (force) { + this.printSettings.btnPrevPage.setDisabled(true); + this.printSettings.btnNextPage.setDisabled(true); + return; + } + var curPage = this._navigationPreview.currentPage, + pageCount = this._navigationPreview.pageCount; + this.printSettings.btnPrevPage.setDisabled(curPage < 1); + this.printSettings.btnNextPage.setDisabled(curPage > pageCount - 2); + }, + + onBtnPrint: function(print) { + if (this.printSettings.cmbRange.getValue()===-1 && this.printSettings.inputPages.checkValidate() !== true) { + this.printSettings.inputPages.focus(); + this.isInputFirstChange = true; + return; + } + if (this._navigationPreview.pageCount<1) + return; + + this._isPrint = print; + if ( print ) { + var opts = new Asc.asc_CDownloadOptions(null, Common.Utils.isChrome || Common.Utils.isOpera || Common.Utils.isGecko && Common.Utils.firefoxVersion>86); + opts.asc_setAdvancedOptions(this.adjPrintParams); + this.api.asc_Print(opts); + this._isPrint = false; + } else { + var opts = new Asc.asc_CDownloadOptions(Asc.c_oAscFileType.PDF); + opts.asc_setAdvancedOptions(this.adjPrintParams); + this.api.asc_DownloadAs(opts); + } + this.printSettings.menu.hide(); + }, + + inputPagesChanging: function (input, value) { + this.isInputFirstChange && this.printSettings.inputPages.showError(); + this.isInputFirstChange = false; + + if (value.length<1) + this.printSettings.cmbRange.setValue(Asc.c_oAscPrintType.EntireWorkbook); + else if (this.printSettings.cmbRange.getValue()!==-1) + this.printSettings.cmbRange.setValue(-1); + }, + + SetDisabled: function() { + if (this.printSettings.isVisible()) { + var disable = !this.mode.isEdit; + } + }, + + txtPrintRangeInvalid: 'Invalid print range' + }, PE.Controllers.Print || {})); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js index 917fb1299..121084f53 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js @@ -1061,9 +1061,7 @@ define([ }, onPrint: function(e) { - if (this.api) - this.api.asc_Print(new Asc.asc_CDownloadOptions(null, Common.Utils.isChrome || Common.Utils.isOpera || Common.Utils.isGecko && Common.Utils.firefoxVersion>86)); // if isChrome or isOpera == true use asc_onPrintUrl event - + Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('file:print', this.toolbar); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar); Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('Print'); diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/template/FileMenu.template b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/template/FileMenu.template index 3ad620221..ba1e7d69d 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/template/FileMenu.template +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/template/FileMenu.template @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
  • +
  • @@ -34,4 +35,5 @@
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenu.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenu.js index eda4f9afa..089618d55 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenu.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenu.js @@ -171,6 +171,17 @@ define([ dataHintTitle: 'P' }); + this.miPrintWithPreview = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ + el : $markup.elementById('#fm-btn-print-with-preview'), + action : 'printpreview', + caption : this.btnPrintCaption, + canFocused: false, + dataHint: 1, + dataHintDirection: 'left-top', + dataHintOffset: [2, 14], + dataHintTitle: 'P' + }); + this.miRename = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $markup.elementById('#fm-btn-rename'), action : 'rename', @@ -292,6 +303,7 @@ define([ this.miSaveCopyAs, this.miSaveAs, this.miPrint, + this.miPrintWithPreview, this.miRename, this.miProtect, this.miRecent, @@ -381,7 +393,8 @@ define([ this.miSaveAs[(this.mode.canDownload && this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline)?'show':'hide'](); this.miSave[this.mode.isEdit && Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar-file-save') ?'show':'hide'](); this.miEdit[!this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canEdit && this.mode.canRequestEditRights ?'show':'hide'](); - this.miPrint[this.mode.canPrint?'show':'hide'](); + this.miPrint[this.mode.canPrint && !this.mode.canPreviewPrint ?'show':'hide'](); + this.miPrintWithPreview[this.mode.canPreviewPrint?'show':'hide'](); this.miRename[(this.mode.canRename && !this.mode.isDesktopApp) ?'show':'hide'](); this.miProtect[this.mode.canProtect ?'show':'hide'](); separatorVisible = (this.mode.canDownload || this.mode.isEdit && Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar-file-save') || this.mode.canPrint || this.mode.canProtect || @@ -462,6 +475,12 @@ define([ this.panels['help'].setLangConfig(this.mode.lang); } + if (this.mode.canPreviewPrint) { + var printPanel = PE.getController('Print').getView('PrintWithPreview'); + printPanel.menu = this; + !this.panels['printpreview'] && (this.panels['printpreview'] = printPanel.render(this.$el.find('#panel-print'))); + } + if ( Common.Controllers.Desktop.isActive() ) { $('
  • ').insertAfter($('#fm-btn-recent', this.$el)); this.items.push( diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels.js index 662166101..f02b56ff3 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels.js @@ -1821,4 +1821,220 @@ define([ }, PE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ProtectDoc || {})); + PE.Views.PrintWithPreview = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ + el: '#panel-print', + menu: undefined, + + template: _.template([ + '
    ', + '
    ', + '', + '
    ', + '', + '', + '
    ' + ].join('')), + + initialize: function(options) { + Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this,arguments); + + this.menu = options.menu; + }, + + render: function(node) { + var me = this; + + var $markup = $(this.template({scope: this})); + + this.cmbRange = new Common.UI.ComboBox({ + el: $markup.findById('#print-combo-range'), + menuStyle: 'min-width: 248px;max-height: 280px;', + editable: false, + takeFocusOnClose: true, + cls: 'input-group-nr', + data: [ + { value: Asc.c_oAscPrintType.EntireWorkbook, displayValue: this.txtAllPages }, + { value: Asc.c_oAscPrintType.ActiveSheets, displayValue: this.txtCurrentPage }, + { value: -1, displayValue: this.txtCustomPages } + ], + dataHint: '2', + dataHintDirection: 'bottom', + dataHintOffset: 'big' + }); + + this.inputPages = new Common.UI.InputField({ + el: $markup.findById('#print-txt-pages'), + allowBlank: true, + validateOnChange: true, + validateOnBlur: false, + maskExp: /[0-9,\-]/, + dataHint: '2', + dataHintDirection: 'left', + dataHintOffset: 'small' + }); + + this.pnlSettings = $markup.find('.flex-settings').addBack().filter('.flex-settings'); + this.pnlTable = $(this.pnlSettings.find('table')[0]); + this.trApply = $markup.find('.fms-btn-apply'); + + this.btnPrint = new Common.UI.Button({ + el: $markup.findById('#print-btn-print') + }); + this.btnPrintPdf = new Common.UI.Button({ + el: $markup.findById('#print-btn-print-pdf') + }); + + this.btnPrevPage = new Common.UI.Button({ + parentEl: $markup.findById('#print-prev-page'), + cls: 'btn-prev-page', + iconCls: 'arrow', + dataHint: '2', + dataHintDirection: 'top' + }); + + this.btnNextPage = new Common.UI.Button({ + parentEl: $markup.findById('#print-next-page'), + cls: 'btn-next-page', + iconCls: 'arrow', + dataHint: '2', + dataHintDirection: 'top' + }); + + this.countOfPages = $markup.findById('#print-count-page'); + + this.txtNumberPage = new Common.UI.InputField({ + el: $markup.findById('#print-number-page'), + allowBlank: true, + validateOnChange: true, + style: 'width: 50px;', + maskExp: /[0-9]/, + validation: function(value) { + if (/(^[0-9]+$)/.test(value)) { + value = parseInt(value); + if (undefined !== value && value > 0 && value <= me.pageCount) + return true; + } + + return me.txtPageNumInvalid; + }, + dataHint: '2', + dataHintDirection: 'left', + dataHintOffset: 'small' + }); + + this.$el = $(node).html($markup); + this.$previewBox = $('#print-preview-box'); + this.$previewEmpty = $('#print-preview-empty'); + + if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { + this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ + el: this.pnlSettings, + suppressScrollX: true, + alwaysVisibleY: true + }); + } + + Common.NotificationCenter.on({ + 'window:resize': function() { + me.isVisible() && me.updateScroller(); + } + }); + + this.fireEvent('render:after', this); + + return this; + }, + + show: function() { + Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this,arguments); + this.updateScroller(); + this.fireEvent('show', this); + }, + + updateScroller: function() { + if (this.scroller) { + Common.UI.Menu.Manager.hideAll(); + var scrolled = this.$el.height()< this.pnlTable.height(); + this.pnlSettings.css('overflow', scrolled ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); + this.scroller.update(); + } + }, + + setMode: function(mode) { + this.mode = mode; + }, + + setApi: function(api) { + + }, + + isVisible: function() { + return (this.$el || $(this.el)).is(":visible"); + }, + + setRange: function(value) { + this.cmbRange.setValue(value); + }, + + getRange: function() { + return this.cmbRange.getValue(); + }, + + updateCountOfPages: function (count) { + this.countOfPages.text( + Common.Utils.String.format(this.txtOf, count) + ); + this.pageCount = count; + }, + + updateCurrentPage: function (index) { + this.txtNumberPage.setValue(index + 1); + }, + + txtPrint: 'Print', + txtPrintPdf: 'Print to PDF', + txtPrintRange: 'Print range', + txtCurrentPage: 'Current slide', + txtAllPages: 'All slides', + txtCustomPages: 'Custom print', + txtPage: 'Slide', + txtOf: 'of {0}', + txtPageNumInvalid: 'Slide number invalid', + txtEmptyTable: 'There is nothing to print because the presentation is empty', + txtPages: 'Slides' + + }, PE.Views.PrintWithPreview || {})); }); diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app_dev.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app_dev.js index 8d7c9c55e..f22a6e1f0 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app_dev.js +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app_dev.js @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ require([ 'Main', 'ViewTab', 'Search', + 'Print', 'Common.Controllers.Fonts', 'Common.Controllers.History' /** coauthoring begin **/ @@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ require([ 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main', 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/ViewTab', 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Search', + 'presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Print', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/ParagraphSettings', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/ImageSettings', diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/less/leftmenu.less b/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/less/leftmenu.less index e852e3cc8..0bfa96c29 100644 --- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/less/leftmenu.less +++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/less/leftmenu.less @@ -519,6 +519,128 @@ } } } + + #panel-print { + padding: 0; + #print-preview-empty { + padding: 14px; + color: @text-tertiary-ie; + color: @text-tertiary; + + position: absolute; + left: 280px; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + + div { + text-align: center; + } + } + #id-print-settings { + position: absolute; + width:280px; + top: 0; + bottom: 0; + } + .print-settings { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + border-right: @scaled-one-px-value-ie solid @border-toolbar-ie; + border-right: @scaled-one-px-value solid @border-toolbar; + label.header { + font-weight: 700; + } + .footer { + .btn.primary { + margin-right: 8px; + } + } + .settings-container { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + padding: 12px 16px; + .padding-small { + padding-bottom: 8px; + } + .padding-large { + padding-bottom: 16px; + } + + #print-apply-all { + margin-top: 5px; + } + .link { + margin-top: 9px; + } + .footer { + margin-top: 24px; + } + } + } + #print-navigation { + height: 50px; + padding-left: 20px; + padding-top: 10px; + display: flex; + .btn-prev-page, .btn-next-page { + background-color: transparent; + padding: 0; + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + i.arrow { + display: inline-block; + width: 10px; + height: 10px; + + border: solid @scaled-one-px-value-ie @icon-normal-ie; + border: solid @scaled-one-px-value @icon-normal; + border-bottom: none; + border-right: none; + } + &.disabled { + opacity: @component-disabled-opacity; + } + + &:hover:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) { + background-color: @highlight-button-hover-ie; + background-color: @highlight-button-hover; + } + } + .btn-prev-page { + i { + transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(-1px, 3px); + } + } + .btn-next-page { + i { + transform: rotate(135deg) translate(4px, 0px); + } + } + .page-number { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + height: 20px; + margin-left: 10px; + label { + .font-weight-bold(); + } + #print-count-page, #print-number-page { + margin-left: 4px; + } + } + } + #print-preview { + height: calc(100% - 50px); + } + } } }