diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/de/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/de/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm index 676141e6e..2828b76d0 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/de/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm +++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/de/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
To skip all the identical words repeated in the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore all option.
If the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary using the Add to Dictionary button on the spell checking panel. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version.
The Dictionary Language which is used for spell-checking is displayed in the list below. You can change it, if necessary.
-Once you verify all the words in the worksheet, the Spellcheck has been complete message will appear on the spell-checking panel.
+Once you verify all the words in the worksheet, the Spellcheck has been completed message will appear on the spell-checking panel.
To close the spell-checking panel, click the Spell checking icon on the left sidebar.
To change the spell-checking settings, go to the spreadsheet editor advanced settings (File tab -> Advanced Settings...) and switch to the Spell checking tab. Here you can adjust the following parameters:
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/en/search/indexes.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/en/search/indexes.js index 63345ff18..ee8c897a8 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/en/search/indexes.js +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/en/search/indexes.js @@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@ var indexes = { "id": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", "title": "Advanced Settings of the Spreadsheet Editor", - "body": "The Spreadsheet Editor allows you to change its general advanced settings. To access them, open the File tab on the top toolbar and select the Advanced Settings... option. You can also click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select the Advanced settings option. The General advanced settings are: Commenting Display is used to turn on/off the live commenting option: Turn on display of the comments - if you disable this feature, the commented cells will be marked in the sheet only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Turn on display of the resolved comments - this feature is disabled by default to hide the resolved comments in the sheet. You can view such comments only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display the resolved comments in the sheet. Autosave is used in the online version to turn on/off automatic saving of changes made during the editing process. Autorecover - is used in the desktop version to turn on/off the option that allows you to automatically recover spreadsheets if the program closes unexpectedly. Reference Style is used to turn on/off the R1C1 reference style. By default, this option is disabled and the A1 reference style is used. When the A1 reference style is used, columns are designated by letters, and rows are designated by numbers. If you select the cell located in row 3 and column 2, its address displayed in the box to the left of the the formula bar looks like this: B3. If the R1C1 reference style is enabled, both rows and columns are designated by numbers. If you select the cell at the intersection of row 3 and column 2, its address will look like this: R3C2. Letter R indicates the row number and letter C indicates the column number. In case you refer to other cells using the R1C1 reference style, the reference to a target cell is formed based on the distance from an active cell. For example, when you select the cell in row 5 and column 1 and refer to the cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[-2]C[1]. The numbers in square brackets designate the position of the cell relative to the current cell position, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows up and 1 column to the right of the active cell. If you select the cell in row 1 and column 2 and refer to the same cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[2]C, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows down from the active cell and in the same column. Co-editing Mode is used to select how the changes made during the co-editing are displayed: By default, the Fast mode is selected, and the co-authors will see all the changes in real time as soon as they are made by others. If you prefer not to see the changes made by other users (so that they do not disturb you), select the Strict mode, and all the changes will be shown only after you click the Save icon, and you will be informed that there are changes by other users. Theme is used to change the color scheme of the editor’s interface. Light color scheme incorporates standard green, white, and light-gray colors with less contrast in UI elements suitable for working during daytime. Classic Light color scheme incorporates standard green, white, and light-gray colors. Dark color scheme incorporates black, dark-gray, and light-gray colors suitable for working during nighttime. Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value by selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. Font Hinting is used to specify how a font is displayed in the Spreadsheet Editor: Choose As Windows if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on Windows, i.e. using Windows font hinting. Choose As OS X if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on a Mac, i.e. without any font hinting at all. Choose Native to display the text with hinting embedded into the font files. Default cache mode - used to select the cache mode for the font characters. It’s not recommended to switch it without any reason. It can be helpful in some cases only, for example, when an issue with the enabled hardware acceleration in the Google Chrome browser occurs. The Spreadsheet Editor has two cache modes: In the first cache mode, each letter is cached as a separate picture. In the second cache mode, a picture of a certain size is selected where letters are placed dynamically and a mechanism of allocating/removing memory in this picture is also implemented. If there is not enough memory, a second picture is created, etc. The Default cache mode setting applies two above mentioned cache modes separately for different browsers: When the Default cache mode setting is enabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the second cache mode, other browsers use the first cache mode. When the Default cache mode setting is disabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the first cache mode, other browsers use the second cache mode. Unit of Measurement is used to specify what units are used for measuring elements parameters such as width, height, spacing, margins etc. You can select the Centimeter, Point, or Inch option. Formula Language is used to select the language for displaying and entering formula names. Regional Settings is used to select the default display format for currency and date and time. Separator is used to specify the characters that you want to use as separators for decimals and thousands. The Use separators based on regional settings option is selected by default. If you want to use custom separators, uncheck this box and enter the necessary characters in the Decimal separator and Thousands separator fields below. Cut, copy and paste - used to show the Paste Options button when content is pasted. Check the box to enable this feature. Macros Settings - used to set macros display with a notification. Choose Disable all to disable all macros within the spreadsheet; Show notification to receive notifications about macros within the spreadsheet; Enable all to automatically run all macros within the spreadsheet. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button." + "body": "The Spreadsheet Editor allows you to change its general advanced settings. To access them, open the File tab on the top toolbar and select the Advanced Settings... option. You can also click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select the Advanced settings option. The General advanced settings are: Commenting Display is used to turn on/off the live commenting option: Turn on display of the comments - if you disable this feature, the commented cells will be marked in the sheet only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Turn on display of the resolved comments - this feature is disabled by default to hide the resolved comments in the sheet. You can view such comments only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display the resolved comments in the sheet. Autosave is used in the online version to turn on/off automatic saving of changes made during the editing process. Autorecover - is used in the desktop version to turn on/off the option that allows you to automatically recover spreadsheets if the program closes unexpectedly. Reference Style is used to turn on/off the R1C1 reference style. By default, this option is disabled and the A1 reference style is used. When the A1 reference style is used, columns are designated by letters, and rows are designated by numbers. If you select the cell located in row 3 and column 2, its address displayed in the box to the left of the the formula bar looks like this: B3. If the R1C1 reference style is enabled, both rows and columns are designated by numbers. If you select the cell at the intersection of row 3 and column 2, its address will look like this: R3C2. Letter R indicates the row number and letter C indicates the column number. In case you refer to other cells using the R1C1 reference style, the reference to a target cell is formed based on the distance from an active cell. For example, when you select the cell in row 5 and column 1 and refer to the cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[-2]C[1]. The numbers in square brackets designate the position of the cell relative to the current cell position, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows up and 1 column to the right of the active cell. If you select the cell in row 1 and column 2 and refer to the same cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[2]C, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows down from the active cell and in the same column. Co-editing Mode is used to select how the changes made during the co-editing are displayed: By default, the Fast mode is selected, and the co-authors will see all the changes in real time as soon as they are made by others. If you prefer not to see the changes made by other users (so that they do not disturb you), select the Strict mode, and all the changes will be shown only after you click the Save icon, and you will be informed that there are changes by other users. Interface theme is used to change the color scheme of the editor’s interface. Light color scheme incorporates standard green, white, and light-gray colors with less contrast in UI elements suitable for working during daytime. Classic Light color scheme incorporates standard green, white, and light-gray colors. Dark color scheme incorporates black, dark-gray, and light-gray colors suitable for working during nighttime. Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value by selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. Font Hinting is used to specify how a font is displayed in the Spreadsheet Editor: Choose As Windows if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on Windows, i.e. using Windows font hinting. Choose As OS X if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on a Mac, i.e. without any font hinting at all. Choose Native to display the text with hinting embedded into the font files. Default cache mode - used to select the cache mode for the font characters. It’s not recommended to switch it without any reason. It can be helpful in some cases only, for example, when an issue with the enabled hardware acceleration in the Google Chrome browser occurs. The Spreadsheet Editor has two cache modes: In the first cache mode, each letter is cached as a separate picture. In the second cache mode, a picture of a certain size is selected where letters are placed dynamically and a mechanism of allocating/removing memory in this picture is also implemented. If there is not enough memory, a second picture is created, etc. The Default cache mode setting applies two above mentioned cache modes separately for different browsers: When the Default cache mode setting is enabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the second cache mode, other browsers use the first cache mode. When the Default cache mode setting is disabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the first cache mode, other browsers use the second cache mode. Unit of Measurement is used to specify what units are used for measuring elements parameters such as width, height, spacing, margins etc. You can select the Centimeter, Point, or Inch option. Formula Language is used to select the language for displaying and entering formula names. Regional Settings is used to select the default display format for currency and date and time. Separator is used to specify the characters that you want to use as separators for decimals and thousands. The Use separators based on regional settings option is selected by default. If you want to use custom separators, uncheck this box and enter the necessary characters in the Decimal separator and Thousands separator fields below. Cut, copy and paste - used to show the Paste Options button when content is pasted. Check the box to enable this feature. Macros Settings - used to set macros display with a notification. Choose Disable all to disable all macros within the spreadsheet; Show notification to receive notifications about macros within the spreadsheet; Enable all to automatically run all macros within the spreadsheet. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button." }, { "id": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", @@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ var indexes = { "id": "HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm", "title": "Spell-checking", - "body": "The Spreadsheet Editor allows you to check the spelling of the text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the desktop version, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors. Click the Spell checking icon on the left sidebar to open the spell checking panel. The upper left cell that contains a misspelled text value will be automatically selected in the current worksheet. The first misspelled word will be displayed in the spell checking field, and the suggested similar words with correct spelling will appear in the field below. Use the Go to the next word button to navigate through misspelled words. Replace misspelled words To replace the currently selected misspelled word with the suggested one, choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly and use the Change option: click the Change button, or click the downward arrow next to the Change button and select the Change option. The current word will be replaced and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To quickly replace all the identical words repeated on the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Change button and select the Change all option. Ignore words To skip the current word: click the Ignore button, or click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore option. The current word will be skipped, and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To skip all the identical words repeated in the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore all option. If the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary using the Add to Dictionary button on the spell checking panel. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version. The Dictionary Language which is used for spell-checking is displayed in the list below. You can change it, if necessary. Once you verify all the words in the worksheet, the Spellcheck has been complete message will appear on the spell-checking panel. To close the spell-checking panel, click the Spell checking icon on the left sidebar. Change the spell check settings To change the spell-checking settings, go to the spreadsheet editor advanced settings (File tab -> Advanced Settings...) and switch to the Spell checking tab. Here you can adjust the following parameters: Dictionary language - select one of the available languages from the list. The Dictionary Language on the spell-checking panel will be changed correspondingly. Ignore words in UPPERCASE - check this option to ignore words written in capital letters, e.g. acronyms like SMB. Ignore words with numbers - check this option to ignore words containing numbers, e.g. acronyms like B2B. Proofing - used to automatically replace word or symbol typed in the Replace: box or chosen from the list by a new word or symbol displayed in the By: box. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button." + "body": "The Spreadsheet Editor allows you to check the spelling of the text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the desktop version, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors. Click the Spell checking icon on the left sidebar to open the spell checking panel. The upper left cell that contains a misspelled text value will be automatically selected in the current worksheet. The first misspelled word will be displayed in the spell checking field, and the suggested similar words with correct spelling will appear in the field below. Use the Go to the next word button to navigate through misspelled words. Replace misspelled words To replace the currently selected misspelled word with the suggested one, choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly and use the Change option: click the Change button, or click the downward arrow next to the Change button and select the Change option. The current word will be replaced and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To quickly replace all the identical words repeated on the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Change button and select the Change all option. Ignore words To skip the current word: click the Ignore button, or click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore option. The current word will be skipped, and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To skip all the identical words repeated in the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore all option. If the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary using the Add to Dictionary button on the spell checking panel. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version. The Dictionary Language which is used for spell-checking is displayed in the list below. You can change it, if necessary. Once you verify all the words in the worksheet, the Spellcheck has been completed message will appear on the spell-checking panel. To close the spell-checking panel, click the Spell checking icon on the left sidebar. Change the spell check settings To change the spell-checking settings, go to the spreadsheet editor advanced settings (File tab -> Advanced Settings...) and switch to the Spell checking tab. Here you can adjust the following parameters: Dictionary language - select one of the available languages from the list. The Dictionary Language on the spell-checking panel will be changed correspondingly. Ignore words in UPPERCASE - check this option to ignore words written in capital letters, e.g. acronyms like SMB. Ignore words with numbers - check this option to ignore words containing numbers, e.g. acronyms like B2B. Proofing - used to automatically replace word or symbol typed in the Replace: box or chosen from the list by a new word or symbol displayed in the By: box. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button." }, { "id": "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/fr/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/fr/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm index 6f829ef02..c2c51d4bf 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/fr/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/fr/HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@