diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
index 0911d7dd7..91fb81ddd 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ define([
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect:
- config.msg = this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect;
+ config.msg = (this.appOptions.isEdit) ? this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect : this.errorViewerDisconnect;
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ConvertationPassword:
@@ -1850,7 +1850,8 @@ define([
textBuyNow: 'Visit website',
textNoLicenseTitle: 'ONLYOFFICE open source version',
warnNoLicense: 'You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).
If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.',
- textContactUs: 'Contact sales'
+ textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
+ errorViewerDisconnect: 'Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.'
})(), DE.Controllers.Main || {}))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
index a19d05507..7816c68f0 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
"DE.Controllers.Main.downloadTextText": "Downloading document...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.downloadTitleText": "Downloading Document",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect": "Server connection lost. The document cannot be edited right now.",
+ "DE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorConnectToServer": "The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.
Find more information about connecting Document Server here",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please contact support in case the error persists.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
index 5245649aa..3c45a134a 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ define([
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect:
- config.msg = this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect;
+ config.msg = (this.appOptions.isEdit) ? this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect : this.errorViewerDisconnect;
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ConvertationPassword:
@@ -1602,7 +1602,8 @@ define([
textBuyNow: 'Visit website',
textNoLicenseTitle: 'ONLYOFFICE open source version',
warnNoLicense: 'You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).
If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.',
- textContactUs: 'Contact sales'
+ textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
+ errorViewerDisconnect: 'Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.'
})(), PE.Controllers.Main || {}))
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/locale/en.json b/apps/presentationeditor/main/locale/en.json
index 08505bbbe..5c20cae3e 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/locale/en.json
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.downloadTextText": "Downloading presentation...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.downloadTitleText": "Downloading Presentation",
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect": "Server connection lost. The document cannot be edited right now.",
+ "PE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorConnectToServer": "The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.
Find more information about connecting Document Server here",
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please contact support in case the error persists.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
index 78145893c..34fbe6468 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/Main.js
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ define([
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect:
- config.msg = this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect;
+ config.msg = (this.appOptions.isEdit) ? this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect : this.errorViewerDisconnect;
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ConvertationPassword:
@@ -1858,7 +1858,8 @@ define([
textNoLicenseTitle: 'ONLYOFFICE open source version',
warnNoLicense: 'You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).
If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.',
textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
- confirmPutMergeRange: 'The source data contains merged cells.
They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.'
+ confirmPutMergeRange: 'The source data contains merged cells.
They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.',
+ errorViewerDisconnect: 'Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.'
})(), SSE.Controllers.Main || {}))
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
index 8234fca38..e81fbccb1 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.
Please unhide the filtered elements and try again.",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorBadImageUrl": "Image URL is incorrect",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect": "Server connection lost. The document cannot be edited right now.",
+ "SSE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorConnectToServer": "The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.
Find more information about connecting Document Server here",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCountArg": "An error in the entered formula.
Incorrect number of arguments is used.",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCountArgExceed": "An error in the entered formula.
Number of arguments is exceeded.",