diff --git a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/about.less b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/about.less
index 2866ec15d..b13fde99a 100644
--- a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/about.less
+++ b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/about.less
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
.content-block {
margin: 0 auto 15px;
- a {
- // color: @text-normal;
+ a {
+ color: @text-normal;
- }
.settings-about-logo {
display: flex;
diff --git a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
index 30d682c10..5ef03c1c6 100644
--- a/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
+++ b/apps/common/mobile/resources/less/common.less
@@ -154,10 +154,12 @@
.about {
.content-block {
margin: 0 auto 15px;
- a {
- color: @text-normal;
+ p:last-child a{
+ color: var(--brand-word);
+ text-decoration: underline;
- }
+ }
.content-block {
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js b/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
index 72e203bdc..163d6e0ab 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/app/controller/ApplicationController.js
@@ -1877,12 +1877,13 @@ define([
window.on_native_message = function (cmd, param) {
if (/theme:changed/.test(cmd)) {
- if ( !!Common.UI.Themes.setTheme )
+ if ( Common.UI.Themes && !!Common.UI.Themes.setTheme )
} else
if (/window:features/.test(cmd)) {
var obj = JSON.parse(param);
if ( obj.singlewindow !== undefined ) {
+ native.features.singlewindow = obj.singlewindow;
$("#title-doc-name")[obj.singlewindow ? 'hide' : 'show']();
@@ -1901,15 +1902,17 @@ define([
native.execCommand("uitheme:changed", JSON.stringify({name:name, type:theme.type}));
+ Common.Gateway.on('opendocument', function () {
+ api = DE.getController('ApplicationController').api;
+ $("#title-doc-name")[native.features.singlewindow ? 'hide' : 'show']();
+ var is_win_xp = window.RendererProcessVariable && window.RendererProcessVariable.os === 'winxp';
+ Common.UI.Themes.setAvailable(!is_win_xp);
+ });
- Common.Gateway.on('opendocument', function () {
- api = DE.getController('ApplicationController').api;
- var is_win_xp = window.RendererProcessVariable && window.RendererProcessVariable.os === 'winxp';
- Common.UI.Themes.setAvailable(!is_win_xp);
- });
return {
isActive: function () {
return !!native;
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
index e46ed25ca..e596da871 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/index.html.deploy
@@ -127,19 +127,12 @@
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
index fd0e710d3..13e691b38 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/forms/locale/en.json
@@ -147,12 +147,15 @@
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textClear": "Clear All Fields",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textCopy": "Copy",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textCut": "Cut",
+ "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textFitToPage": "Fit to Page",
+ "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textFitToWidth": "Fit to Width",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textNext": "Next Field",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textPaste": "Paste",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textPrintSel": "Print Selection",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textRedo": "Redo",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textSubmit": "Submit",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.textUndo": "Undo",
+ "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textZoom": "Zoom",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtDarkMode": "Dark mode",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Download",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Download as docx",
@@ -162,8 +165,5 @@
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtFullScreen": "Full Screen",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtPrint": "Print",
"DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtShare": "Share",
- "DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Interface theme",
- "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textZoom": "Zoom",
- "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textFitToPage": "Fit to Page",
- "DE.Views.ApplicationView.textFitToWidth": "Fit to Width"
+ "DE.Views.ApplicationView.txtTheme": "Interface theme"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
index 73bb712c6..9345674eb 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@ define([
// Common.NotificationCenter.on('menu:afterkeydown', _.bind(this.onAfterKeydownMenu, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('style:commitsave', _.bind(this.onSaveStyle, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('style:commitchange', _.bind(this.onUpdateStyle, this));
+ Common.NotificationCenter.on('toolbar:collapse', _.bind(function () {
+ this.toolbar.collapse();
+ }, this));
onLaunch: function() {
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/index.html.deploy b/apps/documenteditor/main/index.html.deploy
index 79cf76b64..c91525b3a 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/index.html.deploy
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/index.html.deploy
@@ -217,20 +217,11 @@
window.frameEditorId = params["frameEditorId"];
window.parentOrigin = params["parentOrigin"];
- if ( window.AscDesktopEditor ) {
- window.desktop = window.AscDesktopEditor;
- window.on_native_message = function (cmd, param) {
- !window.native_message_cmd && (window.native_message_cmd = []);
- window.native_message_cmd[cmd] = param;
- }
- window.desktop.execCommand('webapps:type', 'oform');
- window.desktop.execCommand('webapps:entry', '');
- }
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/index_loader.html.deploy b/apps/documenteditor/main/index_loader.html.deploy
index e2775e1fd..14ec083f8 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/index_loader.html.deploy
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/index_loader.html.deploy
@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ca.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ca.json
index 8aa443f1a..16415dee9 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ca.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ca.json
@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnNext": "Camp següent",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnPrev": "Camp anterior",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnRadioBox": "Botó d'opció",
- "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Desa-ho com a formulari",
+ "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Desa-ho com a oformulari",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSubmit": "Envia",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnText": "Camp de text",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnView": "Mostra el formulari",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/da.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/da.json
index f048fd5d4..b98baf1ac 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/da.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/da.json
@@ -391,7 +391,8 @@
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtFinalCap": "Endelig",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtHistory": "Version historik",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtMarkup": "Alle ændringer {0}",
- "Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtMarkupCap": "Markup",
+ "Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtMarkupCap": "Markup og balloner",
+ "Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtMarkupSimple": "Alle ændringer {0} Ingen balloner",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtMarkupSimpleCap": "Kun opmærkning",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtNext": "Til næste ændring",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtOff": "Slukket for mig",
@@ -1721,7 +1722,7 @@
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strShowChanges": "Real tids samarbejdsændringer",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strSpellCheckMode": "Slå stavekontrolstilstand til ",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strStrict": "Striks",
- "DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strTheme": "Tema",
+ "DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strTheme": "Interface tema",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strUnit": "Måleenhed",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.strZoom": "Standard zoomværdi",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.text10Minutes": "Hvert 10. minut",
@@ -1733,12 +1734,13 @@
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textAutoSave": "Gem automatisk",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textCompatible": "Kompabilitet",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textDisabled": "deaktiveret",
- "DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textForceSave": "Gem til server",
+ "DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textForceSave": "Gemmer mellem versioner",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textMinute": "Hvert minut",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.textOldVersions": "Lav filerne kompatible med ældre MS Word-versionen, når de gemmes som DOCX",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtAll": "Se alle",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtAutoCorrect": "Autokorrektur valgmuligheder",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtCacheMode": "Standard cache tilstand",
+ "DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtChangesBalloons": "Vis ved klik i balloner",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtChangesTip": "Vis ved at svæve i værktøjstip",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtCm": "Centimeter",
"DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings.txtDarkMode": "Slå mørk tilstand dokument til",
@@ -1808,7 +1810,7 @@
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnNext": "Næste felt",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnPrev": "Foregående felt",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnRadioBox": "Radioknap",
- "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Gem som en formular",
+ "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Gem som oform",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSubmit": "Send",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnText": "Tekstfelt",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnView": "Vis formular",
@@ -1830,7 +1832,7 @@
"DE.Views.FormsTab.tipSaveForm": "Gem en fil som et udfyldbart OFORM-dokument",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.tipSubmit": "Send formular",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.tipTextField": "Indsæt tekstfelt",
- "DE.Views.FormsTab.tipViewForm": "Udfyld formulartilstand",
+ "DE.Views.FormsTab.tipViewForm": "Vis formularen",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.txtUntitled": "Unavngivet",
"DE.Views.HeaderFooterSettings.textBottomCenter": "Bund midt",
"DE.Views.HeaderFooterSettings.textBottomLeft": "Nederst venstre",
@@ -2263,7 +2265,7 @@
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strPattern": "Mønster",
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strShadow": "Vis skygge",
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strSize": "Størrelse",
- "DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strStroke": "Strøg",
+ "DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strStroke": "Linie",
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strTransparency": "Gennemsigtighed",
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.strType": "Type",
"DE.Views.ShapeSettings.textAdvanced": "Vis avancerede indstillinger",
@@ -2524,7 +2526,7 @@
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strColor": "Farve",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strFill": "Fyld",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strSize": "Størrelse",
- "DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strStroke": "Strøg",
+ "DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strStroke": "Linie",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strTransparency": "Gennemsigtighed",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.strType": "Type",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.textAngle": "Vinkel",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/el.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/el.json
index 951ffda8f..691254cd1 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/el.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/el.json
@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnNext": "Επόμενο Πεδίο",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnPrev": "Προηγούμενο Πεδίο",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnRadioBox": "Κουμπί Επιλογής",
- "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Αποθήκευση ως Φόρμα",
+ "DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSaveForm": "Αποθήκευση ως oform",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnSubmit": "Υποβολή",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnText": "Πεδίο Κειμένου",
"DE.Views.FormsTab.capBtnView": "Προβολή Φόρμας",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ru.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ru.json
index c25e2172b..bb886b26e 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ru.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/ru.json
@@ -880,12 +880,12 @@
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "Вам было отказано в праве на редактирование этого файла.",
"DE.Controllers.Navigation.txtBeginning": "Начало документа",
"DE.Controllers.Navigation.txtGotoBeginning": "Перейти в начало документа",
+ "DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textDisconnect": "Соединение потеряно Пытаемся восстановить соединение. Проверьте параметры подключения.",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textHasChanges": "Отслежены новые изменения",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textSetTrackChanges": "Вы находитесь в режиме отслеживания изменений",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textTrackChanges": "Документ открыт при включенном режиме отслеживания изменений",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.tipReview": "Отслеживать изменения",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.zoomText": "Масштаб {0}%",
- "DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textDisconnect": "Соединение потеряно Пытаемся восстановить соединение. Проверьте параметры подключения.",
"DE.Controllers.Toolbar.confirmAddFontName": "Шрифт, который вы хотите сохранить, недоступен на этом устройстве. Стиль текста будет отображаться с помощью одного из системных шрифтов. Сохраненный шрифт будет использоваться, когда он станет доступен. Вы хотите продолжить?",
"DE.Controllers.Toolbar.dataUrl": "Вставьте URL-адрес данных",
"DE.Controllers.Toolbar.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Внимание",
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/Contents.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/Contents.json
index 62a0f8265..0c2cfe0b4 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/Contents.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/Contents.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{"src": "ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm", "name": "Insert tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/LayoutTab.htm", "name": "Layout tab" },
{ "src": "ProgramInterface/ReferencesTab.htm", "name": "References tab" },
+ {"src": "ProgramInterface/FormsTab.htm", "name": "Forms tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/ReviewTab.htm", "name": "Collaboration tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm", "name": "Plugins tab"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", "name": "Create a new document or open an existing one", "headername": "Basic operations"},
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertContentControls.htm", "name": "Insert content controls" },
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/CreateTableOfContents.htm", "name": "Create table of contents" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddTableofFigures.htm", "name": "Add and Format a Table of Figures" },
+ { "src": "UsageInstructions/CreateFillableForms.htm", "name": "Create fillable forms", "headername": "Fillable forms" },
+ { "src": "UsageInstructions/FillingOutForm.htm", "headername": "Filling Out a Form" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/UseMailMerge.htm", "name": "Use mail merge", "headername": "Mail Merge"},
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertEquation.htm", "name": "Insert equations", "headername": "Math equations" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", "name": "Collaborative document editing", "headername": "Document co-editing"},
@@ -67,7 +70,8 @@
{"src": "UsageInstructions/Wordpress.htm", "name": "Upload a document to Wordpress"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/WordCounter.htm", "name": "Count words"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/HTML.htm", "name": "Edit HTML"},
- {"src": "UsageInstructions/Typograf.htm", "name": "Correct typography"},
+ { "src": "UsageInstructions/Typograf.htm", "name": "Correct typography" },
+ {"src": "UsageInstructions/CommunicationPlugins.htm", "name": "Communicate while editing"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", "name": "View document information", "headername": "Tools and settings"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", "name": "Save/download/print your document" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", "name": "Advanced settings of Document Editor"},
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/About.htm b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/About.htm
index add7415bd..cfbb0f5fa 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/About.htm
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/About.htm
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
The Document Editor is an online application that allows you to view through
and edit documents directly in your browser.
Using the Document Editor, you can perform various editing operations like in any desktop editor,
- print the edited documents keeping all the formatting details or download them onto your computer hard disk drive of your computer as DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML, FB2, EPUB files.
+ print the edited documents keeping all the formatting details or download them onto your computer hard disk drive of your computer as DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML, FB2, EPUB, DOCXF and OFORM files.
To view the current software version and licensor details in the online version, click the icon on the left sidebar. To view the current software version and licensor details in the desktop version for Windows, select the About menu item on the left sidebar of the main program window. In the desktop version for Mac OS, open the ONLYOFFICE menu at the top of the screen and select the About ONLYOFFICE menu item.
Turn on display of the resolved comments - this feature is disabled by default so that the resolved comments were hidden in the document text. You can view such comments only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display resolved comments in the document text.
Track Changes Display is used to select an option for displaying changes:
Show by click in balloons displays the change in a balloon when you click the tracked change;
Show by hover in tooltips displays a tooltip when you hover the mouse pointer over the tracked change.
Spell Checking is used to turn on/off the spell checking option.
Proofing - used to automatically replace word or symbol typed in the Replace: box or chosen from the list by a new word or symbol displayed in the By: box.
Alternate Input is used to turn on/off hieroglyphs.
@@ -48,10 +53,12 @@
Light color scheme incorporates standard blue, white, and light-gray colors with less contrast in UI elements suitable for working during daytime.
Classic Light color scheme incorporates standard blue, white, and light-gray colors.
Dark color scheme incorporates black, dark-gray, and light-gray colors suitable for working during nighttime.
Dark color scheme incorporates black, dark-gray, and light-gray colors suitable for working during nighttime. The Turn on document dark mode is active by default when the editor is set to Dark interface theme. Check the Turn dark document mode box to enable it.
Note: Apart from the available Light, Classic Light, and Dark interface themes, ONLYOFFICE editors can now be customized with your own color theme. Please follow these instructions to learn how you can do that.
Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. You can also choose the Fit to Page or Fit to Width option.
Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 500%. You can also choose the Fit to Page or Fit to Width option.
Font Hinting is used to select the type a font is displayed in the Document Editor:
The text passage you commented will be highlighted in the document. To view the comment, just click within the passage. If you need to disable this feature, click the File tab at the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option and uncheck the Turn on display of the comments box. In this case the commented passages will be highlighted only if you click the icon.
You can manage the added comments using the icons in the comment balloon or on the Comments panel on the left:
sort the added comments by clicking the icon:
by date: Newest or Oldest. This is the sort order by default.
by author: Author from A to Z or Author from Z to A
+ by location: From top or From bottom. The usual sort order of comments by their location in a document is as follows (from top): comments to text, comments to footnotes, comments to endnotes, comments to headers/footers, comments to the entire document.
edit the currently selected comment by clicking the icon,
delete the currently selected comment by clicking the icon,
close the currently selected discussion by clicking the icon if the task or problem you stated in your comment was solved, after that the discussion you opened with your comment gets the resolved status. To open it again, click the icon. If you want to hide resolved comments, click the File tab on the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, uncheck the Turn on display of the resolved comments box and click Apply. In this case the resolved comments will be highlighted only if you click the icon,
if you want to manage comments in a bunch, open the Resolve drop-down menu on the Collaboration tab. Select one of the options for resolving comments: resolve current comments, resolve my comments or resolve all comments in the document.
if you want to manage comments in a bunch, open the Resolve drop-down menu on the Collaboration tab. Select one of the options for resolving comments: resolve current comments, resolve my comments or resolve all comments in the document.
Adding mentions
Note: Mentions can be added to comments to text and not to comments to the entire document.
When entering comments, you can use the mentions feature that allows you to attract somebody's attention to the comment and send a notification to the mentioned user via email and Talk.
To add a mention enter the "+" or "@" sign anywhere in the comment text - a list of the portal users will open. To simplify the search process, you can start typing a name in the comment field - the user list will change as you type. Select the necessary person from the list. If the file has not yet been shared with the mentioned user, the Sharing Settings window will open. Read only access type is selected by default. Change it if necessary and click OK.
The mentioned user will receive an email notification that he/she has been mentioned in a comment. If the file has been shared, the user will also receive a corresponding notification.
Note: this option is available in the paidonline version only starting from Document Server v. 5.5. To enable this feature in the desktop version, refer to this article.
If you need to compare and merge two documents, the Document Editor provides you with the document Compare feature. It allows displaying the differences between two documents and merge the documents by accepting the changes one by one or all at once.
After comparing and merging two documents, the result will be stored on the portal as a new version of the original file.
If you do not need to merge documents which are being compared, you can reject all the changes so that the original document remains unchanged.
The keyboard shortcut list used for a faster and easier access to the features of the Document Editor using the keyboard.
Mac OS
Keyboard Shortcuts for Key Tips
Use keyboard shortcuts to gain immediate access to a certain document parameter and to configure it without using a mouse.
Press Alt key to turn on all key tips for the editor header, the top toolbar, the right and the left sidebars and the status bar.
+ Press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to use. The additional key tips may appear depending on the key you press. The first key tips hide when additional key tips appear.
For example, to access the Insert tab, press Alt to see all primary key tips.
Press letter I to access the Insert tab, and to see all the available shortcuts for this tab.
Then press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to configure.
Press Alt to hide all key tips, or press Escape to go back to the previous group of key tips.
The keyboard shortcut list used for a faster and easier access to the features of the Document Editor using the keyboard.
Mac OS
Working with Document
Open 'File' panel
⌥ Option+F
⌥ Option+F
Open the File panel panel to save, download, print the current document, view its info, create a new document or open an existing one, access the Document Editor Help Center or advanced settings.
@@ -37,18 +53,18 @@
^ Ctrl+F, ⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find and Replace dialog box to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited document.
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement field
^ Ctrl+H
Open the Find and Replace dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Repeat the last 'Find' action
⇧ Shift+F4
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement field
^ Ctrl+H
Open the Find and Replace dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Repeat the last 'Find' action
⇧ Shift+F4
⇧ Shift+F4, ⌘ Cmd+G, ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+F4
Repeat the previous Find performed before the key combination was pressed.
Open 'Comments' panel
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H
@@ -83,7 +99,7 @@
Download As...
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S, ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited document to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML.
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited document to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML, DOCXF, OFORM, HTML, FB2, EPUB.
Full screen
@@ -91,36 +107,36 @@
Switch to the full screen view to fit the Document Editor into your screen.
Help menu
Open the Document Editor Help menu.
Open existing file (Desktop Editors)
Help menu
Open the Document Editor Help menu.
Open existing file (Desktop Editors)
On the Open local file tab in the Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.
Close file (Desktop Editors)
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4
On the Open local file tab in the Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.
Close file (Desktop Editors)
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4
^ Ctrl+W, ⌘ Cmd+W
Close the current document window in the Desktop Editors.
Element contextual menu
⇧ Shift+F10
Close the current document window in the Desktop Editors.
Element contextual menu
⇧ Shift+F10
Open the selected element contextual menu.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter
^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current document to a default 100%.
⇧ Shift+F10
Open the selected element contextual menu.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter
^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current document to a default 100%.
@@ -196,52 +212,52 @@
^ Ctrl+-, ⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited document.
Move one character to the left
Move the cursor one character to the left.
Move one character to the right
Move the cursor one character to the right.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the left
^ Ctrl+←, ⌘ Cmd+←
Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the right
^ Ctrl+→, ⌘ Cmd+→
Move the cursor one word to the right.
Move one line up
Move the cursor one line up.
Move one line down
Move the cursor one line down.
Move one character to the left
Move the cursor one character to the left.
Move one character to the right
Move the cursor one character to the right.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the left
^ Ctrl+←, ⌘ Cmd+←
Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the right
^ Ctrl+→, ⌘ Cmd+→
Move the cursor one word to the right.
Move one line up
Move the cursor one line up.
Move one line down
Move the cursor one line down.
Navigate between controls in modal dialogues
↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
@@ -374,54 +390,54 @@
⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select one character to the right
⇧ Shift+→
⇧ Shift+→
Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left
⇧ Shift+←
⇧ Shift+←
Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a word
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+→
Select one character to the right
⇧ Shift+→
⇧ Shift+→
Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left
⇧ Shift+←
⇧ Shift+←
Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a word
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+→
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a word
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+←
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a word
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+←
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up
⇧ Shift+↑
⇧ Shift+↑
Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down
⇧ Shift+↓
⇧ Shift+↓
Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select the page up
⇧ Shift+Page Up
⇧ Shift+Page Up
Select the page part from the cursor position to the upper part of the screen.
Select the page down
⇧ Shift+Page Down
⇧ Shift+Page Down
Select the page part from the cursor position to the lower part of the screen.
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up
⇧ Shift+↑
⇧ Shift+↑
Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down
⇧ Shift+↓
⇧ Shift+↓
Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select the page up
⇧ Shift+Page Up
⇧ Shift+Page Up
Select the page part from the cursor position to the upper part of the screen.
Select the page down
⇧ Shift+Page Down
⇧ Shift+Page Down
Select the page part from the cursor position to the lower part of the screen.
Text Styling
@@ -443,12 +459,12 @@
^ Ctrl+U, ⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with a line going below the letters.
^ Ctrl+5, ⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with a line going through the letters.
@@ -522,69 +538,69 @@
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)
Align left
Align left with the text lined up by the left side of the page, the right side remains unaligned. If your text is initially left-aligned
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)
Apply subscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)
Ctrl+⇧ Shift++
Apply subscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)
Ctrl+⇧ Shift++
Apply superscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Insert page break
Ctrl+↵ Enter
^ Ctrl+↵ Return
Insert a page break at the current cursor position.
Apply superscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Insert page break
Ctrl+↵ Enter
^ Ctrl+↵ Return
Insert a page break at the current cursor position.
Increase indent
^ Ctrl+M
Indent a paragraph from the left incrementally.
Decrease indent
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left incrementally.
Add page number
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P
Add the current page number at the current cursor position.
Decrease indent
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left incrementally.
Add page number
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P
Add the current page number at the current cursor position.
Nonprinting characters
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Num8
Show or hide the display of nonprinting characters.
Delete one character to the left
← Backspace
← Backspace
Delete one character to the left of the cursor.
Delete one character to the right
Delete one character to the right of the cursor.
Delete one character to the left
← Backspace
← Backspace
Delete one character to the left of the cursor.
Delete one character to the right
Delete one character to the right of the cursor.
Modifying Objects
@@ -606,90 +622,90 @@
⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)
Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Draw straight line or arrow
⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)
⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)
Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.
Draw straight line or arrow
⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)
⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)
Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.
Movement by one-pixel increments
Hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time.
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row
↹ Tab
↹ Tab
Go to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
Go to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next row
Go to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous row
Go to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph
↵ Enter
↵ Return
Start a new paragraph within a cell.
Add new row
↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.
↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.
Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Inserting special characters
Insert formula
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row
↹ Tab
↹ Tab
Go to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
Go to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next row
Go to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous row
Go to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph
↵ Enter
↵ Return
Start a new paragraph within a cell.
Add new row
↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.
↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.
Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Inserting special characters
Insert formula
Insert a formula at the current cursor position.
Insert an em dash
Insert an em dash ‘—’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert a non-breaking hyphen
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+_
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Hyphen
Insert a non-breaking hyphen ‘-’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert a formula at the current cursor position.
Insert an em dash
Insert an em dash ‘—’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert a non-breaking hyphen
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+_
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Hyphen
Insert a non-breaking hyphen ‘-’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert a no-break space
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
Insert a no-break space ‘o’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
Insert a no-break space ‘o’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Hide Status Bar - hides the bottommost bar where the Page Number Indicator and Zoom buttons are situated. To show the hidden Status Bar click this option once again.
Hide Rulers - hides rulers which are used to align text, graphics, tables, and other elements in a document, set up margins, tab stops, and paragraph indents. To show the hidden Rulers click this option once again.
+ Dark mode – enables or disables the dark mode if you have chosen the Dark interface theme. You can also turn on the dark mode using the Advanced Settings from the File tab menu.
The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object (e.g. image, chart, shape) or text passage and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again.
When the Commentsor Chat panel is opened, the width of the left sidebar is adjusted by simple drag-and-drop:
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@
To navigate through your document, use the following tools:
The Zoom buttons are situated in the right lower corner and are used to zoom in and out the current document.
- To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list (50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150% / 175% / 200%)
+ To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list (50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150% / 175% / 200% / 300% / 400% / 500%)
or use the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons.
Click the Fit to width icon to fit the document page width to the visible part of the working area.
To fit the whole document page to the visible part of the working area, click the Fit to page icon.
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm
index 6baf4daa6..17f3520a2 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/en/HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm
@@ -133,6 +133,20 @@
A format to create, edit and collaborate on a Form Template.
A format to fill out a Form. Form fields are fillable but users cannot change the formatting or parameters of the form elements.
Removing form fields
To remove a form field and leave all its contents, select it and click the Delete icon (make sure the field is not locked) or press the Delete key on the keyboard.