diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
index 2be1b2a1c..983b1f656 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/app/controller/LeftMenu.js
@@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ define([
clickSaveAsFormat: function(menu, format) {
if (menu) {
- if (format == Asc.c_oAscFileType.TXT) {
+ if (format == Asc.c_oAscFileType.TXT || format == Asc.c_oAscFileType.RTF) {
closable: false,
title: this.notcriticalErrorTitle,
- msg: this.warnDownloadAs,
+ msg: (format == Asc.c_oAscFileType.TXT) ? this.warnDownloadAs : this.warnDownloadAsRTF,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel'],
callback: _.bind(function(btn){
if (btn == 'ok') {
@@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ define([
textLoadHistory : 'Loading versions history...',
notcriticalErrorTitle: 'Warning',
leavePageText: 'All unsaved changes in this document will be lost.
Click \'Cancel\' then \'Save\' to save them. Click \'OK\' to discard all the unsaved changes.',
- warnDownloadAs : 'If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?'
+ warnDownloadAs : 'If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?',
+ warnDownloadAsRTF : 'If you continue saving in this format some of the formatting might be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?'
}, DE.Controllers.LeftMenu || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
index 20b264024..18a38942d 100644
--- a/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/documenteditor/main/locale/en.json
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
"DE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textReplaceSkipped": "The replacement has been made. {0} occurrences were skipped.",
"DE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textReplaceSuccess": "The search has been done. Occurrences replaced: {0}",
"DE.Controllers.LeftMenu.warnDownloadAs": "If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?",
+ "DE.Controllers.LeftMenu.warnDownloadAsRTF": "If you continue saving in this format some of the formatting might be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?",
"DE.Controllers.Main.applyChangesTextText": "Loading the changes...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.applyChangesTitleText": "Loading the Changes",
"DE.Controllers.Main.convertationTimeoutText": "Conversion timeout exceeded.",