diff --git a/apps/common/main/lib/component/DataView.js b/apps/common/main/lib/component/DataView.js
index 380adb99e..859df45c4 100644
--- a/apps/common/main/lib/component/DataView.js
+++ b/apps/common/main/lib/component/DataView.js
@@ -476,12 +476,12 @@ define([
var me = this,
view_el = $(view.el),
tip = record.get('tip');
- if (tip) {
+ if (tip!==undefined && tip!==null) {
if (this.delayRenderTips)
view_el.one('mouseenter', function(){ // hide tooltip when mouse is over menu
view_el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
- title : tip,
+ title : record.get('tip'), // use actual tip, because it can be changed
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ define([
else {
view_el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
- title : tip,
+ title : record.get('tip'), // use actual tip, because it can be changed
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
diff --git a/apps/common/main/lib/view/ListSettingsDialog.js b/apps/common/main/lib/view/ListSettingsDialog.js
index 96afdac6a..4df5c4906 100644
--- a/apps/common/main/lib/view/ListSettingsDialog.js
+++ b/apps/common/main/lib/view/ListSettingsDialog.js
@@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ define([
], function () { 'use strict';
+ var _BulletTypes = {};
+ _BulletTypes.none = -1;
+ _BulletTypes.symbol = 0;
+ _BulletTypes.image = 2;
+ _BulletTypes.newSymbol = 1;
+ _BulletTypes.newImage = -2;
Common.Views.ListSettingsDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
options: {
type: 0, // 0 - markers, 1 - numbers
@@ -86,6 +93,15 @@ define([
| ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ ' | ',
+ '
@@ -106,7 +122,7 @@ define([
' | ',
' | ',
- '',
+ '
' | ',
@@ -123,6 +139,8 @@ define([
this.props = options.props;
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
this.color = '000000';
+ this.storage = !!options.storage;
+ this.api = options.api;
Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options);
@@ -179,7 +197,9 @@ define([
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
- '<%= item.displayValue %><% if (item.value === 0) { %><%=item.symbol%><% } %>',
+ '<%= item.displayValue %>',
+ '<% if (item.value === 0) { %><%=item.symbol%>',
+ '<% } else if (item.value === 2) { %><% } %>',
'<% }); %>'
@@ -201,22 +221,30 @@ define([
template : _.template(template.join('')),
itemsTemplate: _.template(itemsTemplate.join('')),
data : [
- { displayValue: this.txtNone, value: -1 },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "•", font: 'Arial' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "o", font: 'Courier New' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "§", font: 'Wingdings' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "v", font: 'Wingdings' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "Ø", font: 'Wingdings' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "ü", font: 'Wingdings' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "w", font: 'Wingdings' },
- { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: "–", font: 'Arial' },
- { displayValue: this.txtNewBullet, value: 1 }
+ { displayValue: this.txtNone, value: _BulletTypes.none },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "•", font: 'Arial' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "o", font: 'Courier New' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "§", font: 'Wingdings' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "v", font: 'Wingdings' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "Ø", font: 'Wingdings' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "ü", font: 'Wingdings' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "w", font: 'Wingdings' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: "–", font: 'Arial' },
+ { displayValue: this.txtNewBullet, value: _BulletTypes.newSymbol },
+ { displayValue: this.txtNewImage, value: _BulletTypes.newImage }
updateFormControl: function(record) {
var formcontrol = $(this.el).find('.form-control');
if (record) {
- if (record.get('value')==0)
+ if (record.get('value')===_BulletTypes.symbol)
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue') + '' + record.get('symbol') + '';
+ else if (record.get('value')===_BulletTypes.image) {
+ formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue') + '';
+ var bullet = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
+ bullet.asc_fillBulletImage(me.imageProps.id);
+ bullet.drawSquareImage('id-dlg-list-bullet-combo-preview');
+ } else if (record.get('value')===_BulletTypes.newImage)
+ formcontrol[0].innerHTML = me.txtImage;
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue');
} else
@@ -227,7 +255,9 @@ define([
this.bulletProps = {symbol: rec.get('symbol'), font: rec.get('font')};
this.cmbBulletFormat.on('selected', _.bind(function (combo, record) {
- if (record.value === 1) {
+ this.imageControls.toggleClass('hidden', !(record.value === _BulletTypes.image || record.value === _BulletTypes.newImage));
+ this.colorControls.toggleClass('hidden', record.value === _BulletTypes.image || record.value === _BulletTypes.newImage);
+ if (record.value === _BulletTypes.newSymbol) {
var me = this,
props = me.bulletProps,
handler = function(dlg, result, settings) {
@@ -242,10 +272,14 @@ define([
var store = combo.store;
- if (!store.findWhere({value: 0, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font}))
- store.add({ displayValue: me.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font }, {at: store.length-1});
+ if (!store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font})) {
+ var idx = store.indexOf(store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image}));
+ if (idx<0)
+ idx = store.indexOf(store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.newSymbol}));
+ store.add({ displayValue: me.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font }, {at: idx});
+ }
- combo.selectRecord(combo.store.findWhere({value: 0, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font}));
+ combo.selectRecord(combo.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: props.symbol, font: props.font}));
win = new Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog({
api: me.options.api,
@@ -258,7 +292,11 @@ define([
win.on('symbol:dblclick', handler);
- } else if (record.value == -1) {
+ } else if (record.value == _BulletTypes.newImage) { // new image
+ } else if (record.value == _BulletTypes.image) { // image
+ if (this._changedProps)
+ this._changedProps.asc_fillBulletImage(this.imageProps.id);
+ } else if (record.value == _BulletTypes.none) {
if (this._changedProps)
this._changedProps.asc_putListType(0, record.value);
} else {
@@ -271,7 +309,9 @@ define([
+ this.btnOk.setDisabled(record.value === _BulletTypes.newImage);
}, this));
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.on('show:after', _.bind(this.onBulletFormatOpen, this));
this.spnSize = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-list-size'),
@@ -314,7 +354,32 @@ define([
- me.numberingControls = $window.find('.numbering');
+ this.btnSelectImage = new Common.UI.Button({
+ parentEl: $('#id-dlg-list-image'),
+ cls: 'btn-text-menu-default',
+ caption: this.textSelect,
+ style: 'width: 100%;',
+ menu: new Common.UI.Menu({
+ style: 'min-width: 100px;',
+ maxHeight: 200,
+ additionalAlign: this.menuAddAlign,
+ items: [
+ {caption: this.textFromFile, value: 0},
+ {caption: this.textFromUrl, value: 1},
+ {caption: this.textFromStorage, value: 2}
+ ]
+ })
+ });
+ this.btnSelectImage.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onImageSelect, this));
+ this.btnSelectImage.menu.items[2].setVisible(this.storage);
+ this.btnOk = new Common.UI.Button({
+ el: $window.find('.primary')
+ });
+ me.numberingControls = $window.find('tr.numbering');
+ me.imageControls = $window.find('tr.image');
+ me.colorControls = $window.find('tr.color');
var el = $window.find('table tr:first() td:first()');
el.width(Math.max($window.find('.numbering .text').width(), el.width()));
@@ -323,12 +388,52 @@ define([
getFocusedComponents: function() {
- return [this.cmbNumFormat, this.cmbBulletFormat, this.spnSize, this.spnStart, this.btnColor];
+ return [this.cmbNumFormat, this.cmbBulletFormat, this.btnSelectImage, this.spnSize, this.spnStart, this.btnColor];
afterRender: function() {
+ var me = this;
+ var onApiImageLoaded = function(bullet) {
+ me.imageProps = {id: bullet.asc_getImageId(), redraw: true};
+ if (me._changedProps)
+ me._changedProps.asc_fillBulletImage(me.imageProps.id);
+ // add or update record for image to btnBulletFormat and select it
+ var store = me.cmbBulletFormat.store;
+ if (!store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image})) {
+ var idx = store.indexOf(store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.newSymbol}));
+ store.add({ displayValue: me.txtImage + ':', value: _BulletTypes.image }, {at: idx});
+ }
+ me.cmbBulletFormat.setData(store.models);
+ me.cmbBulletFormat.selectRecord(me.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image}));
+ me.btnOk.setDisabled(false);
+ };
+ this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onBulletImageLoaded', onApiImageLoaded);
+ var insertImageFromStorage = function(data) {
+ if (data && data._urls && data.c=='bullet') {
+ (new Asc.asc_CBullet()).asc_putImageUrl(data._urls[0], data.token);
+ }
+ };
+ Common.NotificationCenter.on('storage:image-insert', insertImageFromStorage);
+ this.on('close', function(obj){
+ me.api.asc_unregisterCallback('asc_onBulletImageLoaded', onApiImageLoaded);
+ Common.NotificationCenter.off('storage:image-insert', insertImageFromStorage);
+ });
+ },
+ onBulletFormatOpen: function(combo) {
+ var store = combo.store,
+ rec = store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image});
+ if (rec && this.imageProps.redraw) {
+ var bullet = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
+ bullet.asc_fillBulletImage(this.imageProps.id);
+ bullet.drawSquareImage('id-dlg-list-bullet-image-preview');
+ this.imageProps.redraw = false;
+ }
updateThemeColors: function() {
@@ -347,9 +452,14 @@ define([
ShowHideElem: function(value) {
+ var isImage = value==0 && (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()===_BulletTypes.image || this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()===_BulletTypes.newImage ||
+ (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()===undefined || this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()==='') && this.originalType === AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_BLIP);
this.numberingControls.toggleClass('hidden', value==0);
+ this.imageControls.toggleClass('hidden', !isImage);
+ this.colorControls.toggleClass('hidden', isImage);
+ this.btnOk.setDisabled(isImage && (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()===_BulletTypes.newImage));
var me = this;
if (value)
@@ -362,18 +472,28 @@ define([
_handleInput: function(state) {
if (this.options.handler)
+ if (state == 'ok' && this.btnOk.isDisabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
var type = this.btnBullet.pressed ? 0 : 1;
if (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_NONE) {
this._changedProps = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
- this._changedProps.asc_putColor(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor(this.color));
+ if (type==0 && this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()===_BulletTypes.image && this.imageProps) {//image
+ this._changedProps.asc_fillBulletImage(this.imageProps.id);
+ } else {
+ this._changedProps.asc_putColor(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor(this.color));
+ }
if (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_NONE ||
- this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_CHAR && type==1 || this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_AUTONUM && type==0) { // changed list type
+ (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_CHAR || this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_BLIP) && type==1 ||
+ this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_AUTONUM && type==0) { // changed list type
if (type==0) {//markers
- if (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()==-1) {
+ if (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()==_BulletTypes.none) {
this._changedProps.asc_putListType(0, -1);
+ } else if (this.cmbBulletFormat.getValue()==_BulletTypes.image) {
} else {
@@ -432,16 +552,28 @@ define([
if (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_NONE) {
- this.cmbBulletFormat.setValue(-1);
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.setValue(_BulletTypes.none);
type = this.type;
} else if (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_CHAR) {
var symbol = bullet.asc_getSymbol();
if (symbol) {
this.bulletProps = {symbol: symbol, font: bullet.asc_getFont()};
- if (!this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: 0, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}))
- this.cmbBulletFormat.store.add({ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: 0, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font }, {at: this.cmbBulletFormat.store.length-1});
+ if (!this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}))
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.store.add({ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font }, {at: this.cmbBulletFormat.store.length-2});
- this.cmbBulletFormat.selectRecord(this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: 0, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}));
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.selectRecord(this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.symbol, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}));
+ } else
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.setValue('');
+ this._changedProps = bullet;
+ type = 0;
+ } else if (this.originalType == AscFormat.BULLET_TYPE_BULLET_BLIP) {
+ var id = bullet.asc_getImageId();
+ if (id) {
+ this.imageProps = {id: id, redraw: true};
+ if (!this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image}))
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.store.add({ displayValue: this.txtImage + ':', value: _BulletTypes.image}, {at: this.cmbBulletFormat.store.length-2});
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.setData(this.cmbBulletFormat.store.models);
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.selectRecord(this.cmbBulletFormat.store.findWhere({value: _BulletTypes.image}));
} else
this._changedProps = bullet;
@@ -458,7 +590,7 @@ define([
} else {// different bullet types
- this.cmbBulletFormat.setValue(-1);
+ this.cmbBulletFormat.setValue(_BulletTypes.none);
this._changedProps = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
type = this.type;
@@ -468,6 +600,26 @@ define([
+ onImageSelect: function(menu, item) {
+ if (item.value==1) {
+ var me = this;
+ (new Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog({
+ handler: function(result, value) {
+ if (result == 'ok') {
+ var checkUrl = value.replace(/ /g, '');
+ if (!_.isEmpty(checkUrl)) {
+ (new Asc.asc_CBullet()).asc_putImageUrl(checkUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })).show();
+ } else if (item.value==2) {
+ Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('storage:image-load', 'bullet');
+ } else {
+ (new Asc.asc_CBullet()).asc_showFileDialog();
+ }
+ },
txtTitle: 'List Settings',
txtSize: 'Size',
txtColor: 'Color',
@@ -478,6 +630,13 @@ define([
txtType: 'Type',
txtNone: 'None',
txtNewBullet: 'New bullet',
- txtSymbol: 'Symbol'
+ txtSymbol: 'Symbol',
+ txtNewImage: 'New image',
+ txtImage: 'Image',
+ txtImport: 'Import',
+ textSelect: 'Select From',
+ textFromUrl: 'From URL',
+ textFromFile: 'From File',
+ textFromStorage: 'From Storage'
}, Common.Views.ListSettingsDialog || {}))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/common/main/resources/less/combobox.less b/apps/common/main/resources/less/combobox.less
index d561e6ee7..4b8615ed6 100644
--- a/apps/common/main/resources/less/combobox.less
+++ b/apps/common/main/resources/less/combobox.less
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
-webkit-filter: @img-border-type-filter;
filter: @img-border-type-filter;
- canvas {
+ .font-item canvas {
-webkit-filter: @img-border-type-filter;
filter: @img-border-type-filter;
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
-webkit-filter: @img-border-type-filter-selected;
filter: @img-border-type-filter-selected;
- canvas {
+ .font-item canvas {
-webkit-filter: @img-border-type-filter-selected;
filter: @img-border-type-filter-selected;
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
index cdf03f8c8..a869ff4fb 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/controller/Toolbar.js
@@ -503,20 +503,63 @@ define([
+ updateBulletTip: function(view, title) {
+ if (view) {
+ var tip = $(view.el).data('bs.tooltip');
+ if (tip) {
+ tip.options.title = title;
+ tip.$tip.find('.tooltip-inner').text(title);
+ }
+ }
+ },
onApiBullets: function(v) {
- if (this._state.bullets.type != v.get_ListType() || this._state.bullets.subtype != v.get_ListSubType()) {
+ if (this._state.bullets.type !== v.get_ListType() || this._state.bullets.subtype !== v.get_ListSubType() || v.get_ListType()===0 && v.get_ListSubType()===0x1000) {
this._state.bullets.type = v.get_ListType();
this._state.bullets.subtype = v.get_ListSubType();
+ var rec = this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.store.at(8),
+ drawDefBullet = (rec.get('data').subtype===0x1000) && (this._state.bullets.type===1 || this._state.bullets.subtype!==0x1000);
switch(this._state.bullets.type) {
case 0:
+ var idx;
+ if (this._state.bullets.subtype!==0x1000)
+ idx = this._state.bullets.subtype;
+ else { // custom
+ var bullet = v.asc_getListCustom();
+ if (bullet) {
+ var type = bullet.asc_getType();
+ if (type == Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char) {
+ var symbol = bullet.asc_getChar();
+ if (symbol) {
+ rec.get('data').subtype = 0x1000;
+ rec.set('drawdata', {type: type, char: symbol, specialFont: bullet.asc_getSpecialFont()});
+ rec.set('tip', '');
+ this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems[8], '');
+ drawDefBullet = false;
+ idx = 8;
+ }
+ } else if (type == Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.image) {
+ var id = bullet.asc_getImageId();
+ if (id) {
+ rec.get('data').subtype = 0x1000;
+ rec.set('drawdata', {type: type, imageId: id});
+ rec.set('tip', '');
+ this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems[8], '');
+ drawDefBullet = false;
+ idx = 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (idx!==undefined) ? this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.selectByIndex(idx, true) :
+ this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.deselectAll(true);
this.toolbar.btnMarkers.toggle(true, true);
- if (this._state.bullets.subtype!==undefined)
- this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.selectByIndex(this._state.bullets.subtype, true);
- else
- this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.deselectAll(true);
+ this.toolbar.mnuNumbersPicker.deselectAll(true);
case 1:
var idx = 0;
@@ -545,8 +588,15 @@ define([
this.toolbar.btnNumbers.toggle(true, true);
this.toolbar.mnuNumbersPicker.selectByIndex(idx, true);
+ this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.deselectAll(true);
+ if (drawDefBullet) {
+ rec.get('data').subtype = 8;
+ rec.set('drawdata', this.toolbar._markersArr[8]);
+ rec.set('tip', this.toolbar.tipMarkersDash);
+ this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(this.toolbar.mnuMarkersPicker.dataViewItems[8], this.toolbar.tipMarkersDash);
+ }
@@ -1247,6 +1297,7 @@ define([
api: me.api,
props: props,
type: type,
+ storage: me.mode.canRequestInsertImage || me.mode.fileChoiceUrl && me.mode.fileChoiceUrl.indexOf("{documentType}")>-1,
interfaceLang: me.toolbar.mode.lang,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
@@ -1358,7 +1409,9 @@ define([
var store = picker.store;
var arr = [];
- arr.push(item.get('id'));
+ var data = item.get('drawdata');
+ data['divId'] = item.get('id');
+ arr.push(data);
if (this.api && this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBulletForMenu) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBulletForMenu(arr, type);
@@ -1381,11 +1434,31 @@ define([
if (btn) {
- btn.toggle(rawData.data.subtype > -1, true);
+ btn.toggle(rawData.data.subtype !== -1, true);
- if (this.api)
- this.api.put_ListType(rawData.data.type, rawData.data.subtype);
+ if (this.api){
+ if (rawData.data.type===0 && rawData.data.subtype===0x1000) {// custom bullet
+ var bullet = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
+ if (rawData.drawdata.type===Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char) {
+ bullet.asc_putSymbol(rawData.drawdata.char);
+ bullet.asc_putFont(rawData.drawdata.specialFont);
+ } else if (rawData.drawdata.type===Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.image)
+ bullet.asc_fillBulletImage(rawData.drawdata.imageId);
+ var selectedElements = this.api.getSelectedElements();
+ if (selectedElements && _.isArray(selectedElements)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i< selectedElements.length; i++) {
+ if (Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph == selectedElements[i].get_ObjectType()) {
+ var props = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectValue();
+ props.asc_putBullet(bullet);
+ this.api.paraApply(props);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ this.api.put_ListType(rawData.data.type, rawData.data.subtype);
+ }
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'List Type');
diff --git a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
index b3c0b48d6..42006a9c2 100644
--- a/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
+++ b/apps/presentationeditor/main/app/view/Toolbar.js
@@ -1458,6 +1458,17 @@ define([
// set dataviews
+ this._markersArr = [
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.text, text: 'None'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00B7), specialFont: 'Symbol'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: 'o', specialFont: 'Courier New'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00A7), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x0076), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00D8), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00FC), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00A8), specialFont: 'Symbol'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x2013), specialFont: 'Arial'}
+ ];
var _conf = this.mnuMarkersPicker.conf;
this.mnuMarkersPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-toolbar-menu-markers'),
@@ -1467,15 +1478,15 @@ define([
allowScrollbar: false,
delayRenderTips: true,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: -1}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNone},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 1}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRound},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 2}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersHRound},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 3}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFSquare},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 4}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersStar},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 5}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersArrow},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 6}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersCheckmark},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 7}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRhombus},
- {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 8}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersDash}
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: -1},drawdata: this._markersArr[0], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNone},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 1}, drawdata: this._markersArr[1], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRound},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 2}, drawdata: this._markersArr[2], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersHRound},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 3}, drawdata: this._markersArr[3], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFSquare},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 4}, drawdata: this._markersArr[4], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersStar},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 5}, drawdata: this._markersArr[5], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersArrow},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 6}, drawdata: this._markersArr[6], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersCheckmark},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 7}, drawdata: this._markersArr[7], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRhombus},
+ {id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 0, subtype: 8}, drawdata: this._markersArr[8], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersDash}
itemTemplate: _.template('')
@@ -1491,14 +1502,14 @@ define([
allowScrollbar: false,
delayRenderTips: true,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: -1}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNone},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 4}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumCapitalLetters},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 5}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersParentheses},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 6}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersPoints},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 1}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersPoint},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 2}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersParentheses},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 3}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRoman},
- {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 7}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRomanSmall}
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: -1},drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.text, text: 'None'}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNone},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 4}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.UpperLetterDot_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumCapitalLetters},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 5}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerLetterBracket_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersParentheses},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 6}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerLetterDot_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersPoints},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 1}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.DecimalDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersPoint},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 2}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.DecimalBracket_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersParentheses},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 3}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.UpperRomanDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRoman},
+ {id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), data: {type: 1, subtype: 7}, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerRomanDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRomanSmall}
itemTemplate: _.template('')
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
index c78329dfd..5137cafa3 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ define([
view.menuParagraphVAlign.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(me.onParagraphVAlign, me));
view.menuParagraphDirection.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(me.onParagraphDirection, me));
view.menuParagraphBullets.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(me.onSelectBulletMenu, me));
- view.menuParagraphBullets.menu.on('render:after', _.bind(me.onBulletMenuShowAfter, me));
+ // view.menuParagraphBullets.menu.on('render:after', _.bind(me.onBulletMenuShowAfter, me));
view.menuParagraphBullets.menu.on('show:after', _.bind(me.onBulletMenuShowAfter, me));
view.menuAddHyperlinkShape.on('click', _.bind(me.onInsHyperlink, me));
view.menuEditHyperlinkShape.on('click', _.bind(me.onInsHyperlink, me));
@@ -918,6 +918,7 @@ define([
api: me.api,
props: props,
type: 0,
+ storage: me.permissions.canRequestInsertImage || me.permissions.fileChoiceUrl && me.permissions.fileChoiceUrl.indexOf("{documentType}")>-1,
interfaceLang: me.permissions.lang,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
@@ -949,7 +950,25 @@ define([
rawData = record;
- if (this.api)
+ if (rawData.type===0 && rawData.subtype===0x1000) {// custom bullet
+ var bullet = new Asc.asc_CBullet();
+ if (rawData.drawdata.type===Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char) {
+ bullet.asc_putSymbol(rawData.drawdata.char);
+ bullet.asc_putFont(rawData.drawdata.specialFont);
+ } else if (rawData.drawdata.type===Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.image)
+ bullet.asc_fillBulletImage(rawData.drawdata.imageId);
+ var props;
+ var selectedObjects = this.api.asc_getGraphicObjectProps();
+ for (var i = 0; i < selectedObjects.length; i++) {
+ if (selectedObjects[i].asc_getObjectType() == Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph) {
+ props = selectedObjects[i].asc_getObjectValue();
+ props.asc_putBullet(bullet);
+ this.api.asc_setGraphicObjectProps(props);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
this.api.asc_setListType(rawData.type, rawData.subtype);
if (e.type !== 'click')
@@ -2111,9 +2130,48 @@ define([
documentHolder.menuParagraphDirect270.setChecked(direct == Asc.c_oAscVertDrawingText.vert270);
documentHolder.menuParagraphBulletNone.setChecked(listtype.get_ListType() == -1);
- // documentHolder.mnuListSettings.setDisabled(listtype.get_ListType() == -1);
- var rec = documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.store.findWhere({ type: listtype.get_ListType(), subtype: listtype.get_ListSubType() });
+ var type = listtype.get_ListType(),
+ subtype = listtype.get_ListSubType(),
+ rec,
+ defrec = documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.store.at(7),
+ drawDefBullet = (defrec.get('subtype')===0x1000) && (type===1 || subtype!==0x1000);
+ if (type===1 || subtype!==0x1000) {
+ rec = documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.store.findWhere({ type: type, subtype: subtype });
+ } else {
+ var bullet = listtype.asc_getListCustom();
+ if (bullet) {
+ var bullettype = bullet.asc_getType();
+ if (bullettype === Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char) {
+ var symbol = bullet.asc_getChar();
+ if (symbol) {
+ rec = defrec;
+ rec.set('subtype', 0x1000);
+ rec.set('drawdata', {type: bullettype, char: symbol, specialFont: bullet.asc_getSpecialFont()});
+ rec.set('tip', '');
+ documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems[7], '');
+ drawDefBullet = false;
+ }
+ } else if (bullettype === Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.image) {
+ var id = bullet.asc_getImageId();
+ if (id) {
+ rec = defrec;
+ rec.set('subtype', 0x1000);
+ rec.set('drawdata', {type: bullettype, imageId: id});
+ rec.set('tip', '');
+ documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems[7], '');
+ drawDefBullet = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.selectRecord(rec, true);
+ if (drawDefBullet) {
+ defrec.set('subtype', 8);
+ defrec.set('drawdata', documentHolder._markersArr[7]);
+ defrec.set('tip', documentHolder.tipMarkersDash);
+ documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems && this.updateBulletTip(documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.dataViewItems[7], documentHolder.tipMarkersDash);
+ }
} else if (elType == Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph) {
documentHolder.pmiTextAdvanced.textInfo = selectedObjects[i].asc_getObjectValue();
isObjLocked = isObjLocked || documentHolder.pmiTextAdvanced.textInfo.asc_getLocked();
@@ -3764,6 +3822,7 @@ define([
outerMenu: {menu: view.menuParagraphBullets.menu, index: 0},
groups : view.paraBulletsPicker.groups,
store : view.paraBulletsPicker.store,
+ delayRenderTips: true,
itemTemplate: _.template('<% if (type==0) { %>' +
'' +
'<% } else if (type==1) { %>' +
@@ -3779,17 +3838,30 @@ define([
var store = this.documentHolder.paraBulletsPicker.store;
var arrNum = [], arrMarker = [];
- if (item.get('group')=='menu-list-bullet-group')
- arrMarker.push(item.get('id'));
+ var data = item.get('drawdata');
+ data['divId'] = item.get('id');
+ if (item.get('group')==='menu-list-bullet-group')
+ arrMarker.push(data);
- arrNum.push(item.get('id'));
+ arrNum.push(data);
if (this.api && this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBulletForMenu) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBulletForMenu(arrMarker, 0);
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBulletForMenu(arrNum, 1);
+ updateBulletTip: function(view, title) {
+ if (view) {
+ var tip = $(view.el).data('bs.tooltip');
+ if (tip) {
+ tip.options.title = title;
+ tip.$tip.find('.tooltip-inner').text(title);
+ }
+ }
+ },
onSignatureClick: function(item) {
var datavalue = item.cmpEl.attr('data-value');
switch (item.value) {
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/DocumentHolder.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/DocumentHolder.js
index 159f2d452..bcf77715e 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/DocumentHolder.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/DocumentHolder.js
@@ -966,25 +966,35 @@ define([
+ me._markersArr = [
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00B7), specialFont: 'Symbol'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: 'o', specialFont: 'Courier New'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00A7), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x0076), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00D8), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00FC), specialFont: 'Wingdings'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x00A8), specialFont: 'Symbol'},
+ {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.char, char: String.fromCharCode(0x2013), specialFont: 'Arial'}
+ ];
me.paraBulletsPicker = {
conf: {rec: null},
delayRenderTips: true,
store : new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 1, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRound},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 2, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersHRound},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 3, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFSquare},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 4, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersStar},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 5, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersArrow},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 6, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersCheckmark},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 7, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRhombus},
- {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 8, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersDash},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 4, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumCapitalLetters},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 5, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersParentheses},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 6, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersPoints},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 1, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersPoint},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 2, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersParentheses},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 3, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRoman},
- {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 7, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRomanSmall}
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 1, drawdata: me._markersArr[0], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRound},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 2, drawdata: me._markersArr[1], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersHRound},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 3, drawdata: me._markersArr[2], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFSquare},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 4, drawdata: me._markersArr[3], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersStar},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 5, drawdata: me._markersArr[4], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersArrow},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 6, drawdata: me._markersArr[5], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersCheckmark},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 7, drawdata: me._markersArr[6], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersFRhombus},
+ {group: 'menu-list-bullet-group', id: 'id-markers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 0, subtype: 8, drawdata: me._markersArr[7], skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipMarkersDash},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 4, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.UpperLetterDot_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumCapitalLetters},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 5, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerLetterBracket_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersParentheses},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 6, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerLetterDot_Left}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumLettersPoints},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 1, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.DecimalDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersPoint},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 2, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.DecimalBracket_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumNumbersParentheses},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 3, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.UpperRomanDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRoman},
+ {group: 'menu-list-number-group', id: 'id-numbers-' + Common.UI.getId(), type: 1, subtype: 7, drawdata: {type: Asc.asc_PreviewBulletType.number, numberingType: Asc.asc_oAscNumberingLevel.LowerRomanDot_Right}, skipRenderOnChange: true, tip: this.tipNumRomanSmall}
groups: new Common.UI.DataViewGroupStore([
{id: 'menu-list-bullet-group', caption: this.textBullets},