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Feu clic a \"Deixar aquesta pàgina\" per descartar tots els canvis no desats.", "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Esteu sortint de l'aplicació", "leaveButtonText": "Surt d'aquesta pàgina", "stayButtonText": "Queda't en aquesta pàgina", - "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textOk": "D'acord", + "textSwitchedMobileView": "S'ha canviat a visualització mòbil", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "S'ha canviat a visualització estàndard" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/es.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/es.json index a6ecbe252..9399171d9 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/es.json +++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/es.json @@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ "textMargins": "Márgenes", "textMarginsH": "Márgenes superior e inferior son demasiado altos para una altura de página determinada ", "textMarginsW": "Los márgenes izquierdo y derecho son demasiado amplios para un ancho de página determinado", + "textMobileView": "Vista móvil", "textNavigation": "Navegación", "textNo": "No", "textNoCharacters": "Caracteres no imprimibles", @@ -669,16 +670,15 @@ "txtScheme6": "Concurrencia", "txtScheme7": "Equidad ", "txtScheme8": "Flujo", - "txtScheme9": "Fundición", - "textMobileView": "Mobile View" + "txtScheme9": "Fundición" }, "Toolbar": { "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Tiene cambios sin guardar. Haga clic en \"Permanecer en esta página\" para esperar a que se guarde automáticamente. Haga clic en \"Salir de esta página\" para descartar todos los cambios no guardados.", "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Usted abandona la aplicación", "leaveButtonText": "Salir de esta página", "stayButtonText": "Quedarse en esta página", - "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textOk": "Aceptar", + "textSwitchedMobileView": "Cambiado a vista móvil", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "Cambiado a vista estándar" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/eu.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/eu.json index 68c4780c1..0df3ecb4b 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/eu.json +++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/eu.json @@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ "textMargins": "Marjinak", "textMarginsH": "Goiko eta beheko marjinak altuegiak dira orriaren altuerarako", "textMarginsW": "Ezkerreko eta eskuineko marjinak zabalegiak dira erabilitako orriaren zabalerarako", + "textMobileView": "Mugikorreko ikuspegia", "textNavigation": "Nabigazioa", "textNo": "Ez", "textNoCharacters": "Inprimatzekoak ez diren karaktereak", @@ -669,16 +670,15 @@ "txtScheme6": "Zabaldegia", "txtScheme7": "Berdintza", "txtScheme8": "Fluxua", - "txtScheme9": "Sortzailea", - "textMobileView": "Mobile View" + "txtScheme9": "Sortzailea" }, "Toolbar": { "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Gorde gabeko aldaketak dituzu. Egin klik \"Jarraitu orri honetan\" gordetze-automatikoari itxaroteko. Egin klik \"Utzi orri hau\" gorde gabeko aldaketa guztiak baztertzeko.", "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Aplikazioa uzten duzu", "leaveButtonText": "Irten orritik", "stayButtonText": "Jarraitu orrian", - "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textOk": "Ados", + "textSwitchedMobileView": "Mugikorreko ikuspegira aldatu da", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "Ikuspegi estandarrera aldatu da" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json index ac885d2f5..d1416815d 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json +++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/ja.json @@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ "textMargins": "余白", "textMarginsH": "指定されたページの高さ対して、上下の余白が大きすぎます。", "textMarginsW": "右左の余白がこのページの幅に広すぎる。", + "textMobileView": "モバイルビュー", "textNavigation": "ナビゲーション", "textNo": "いいえ", "textNoCharacters": "印刷されない文字", @@ -669,8 +670,7 @@ "txtScheme6": "コンコース", "txtScheme7": "株主資本", "txtScheme8": "フロー", - "txtScheme9": "ファウンドリ", - "textMobileView": "Mobile View" + "txtScheme9": "ファウンドリ" }, "Toolbar": { "dlgLeaveMsgText": "保存されていない変更があります。自動保存を待つように「このページから移動しない」をクリックしてください。保存されていない変更を破棄ように「このページから移動する」をクリックしてください。", @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ "leaveButtonText": "このページから移動する", "stayButtonText": "このページから移動しない", "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textSwitchedMobileView": "モバイルビューに切り替えました", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "標準ビューに切り替えました" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/pt-pt.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/pt-pt.json index deafef049..110e72630 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/pt-pt.json +++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/pt-pt.json @@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ "textMargins": "Margens", "textMarginsH": "As margens superior e inferior são muito grandes para a altura indicada", "textMarginsW": "As margens direita e esquerda são muito grandes para a largura indicada", + "textMobileView": "Vista móvel", "textNavigation": "Navegação", "textNo": "Não", "textNoCharacters": "Caracteres não imprimíveis", @@ -669,16 +670,15 @@ "txtScheme6": "Concurso", "txtScheme7": "Equidade", "txtScheme8": "Fluxo", - "txtScheme9": "Fundição", - "textMobileView": "Mobile View" + "txtScheme9": "Fundição" }, "Toolbar": { "dlgLeaveMsgText": "Existem alterações não guardadas. Clique 'Ficar na página' para guardar automaticamente. Clique 'Sair da página' para rejeitar todas as alterações.", "dlgLeaveTitleText": "Saiu da aplicação", "leaveButtonText": "Sair da página", "stayButtonText": "Ficar na página", - "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textOk": "Aceitar", + "textSwitchedMobileView": "Alterado para vista móvel", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "Alterado para a vista predefinida" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json index 681f135e9..364fd662c 100644 --- a/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json +++ b/apps/documenteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json @@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ "textMargins": "边距", "textMarginsH": "顶部和底部边距对于给定的页面高度来说太高", "textMarginsW": "对给定的页面宽度来说,左右边距过高。", + "textMobileView": "移动视图", "textNavigation": "导航", "textNo": "否", "textNoCharacters": "非打印字符", @@ -669,16 +670,15 @@ "txtScheme6": "汇合", "txtScheme7": "公平", "txtScheme8": "流动", - "txtScheme9": "发现", - "textMobileView": "Mobile View" + "txtScheme9": "发现" }, "Toolbar": { "dlgLeaveMsgText": "你有未保存的修改。点击“留在该页”可等待自动保存完成。点击“离开该页”将丢弃全部未经保存的修改。", "dlgLeaveTitleText": "你退出应用程序", "leaveButtonText": "离开这个页面", "stayButtonText": "保持此页上", - "textOk": "OK", - "textSwitchedMobileView": "Switched to Mobile view", - "textSwitchedStandardView": "Switched to Standard view" + "textOk": "确定", + "textSwitchedMobileView": "切换到移动视图", + "textSwitchedStandardView": "切换到标准视图" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json index 3f57f834e..100ed603e 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/nl.json @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ "textShape": "Vorm", "textSheet": "Blad", "textSortAndFilter": "Sorteren en filteren", - "txtExpand": "Uitvouwen en sorteren", + "txtExpand": "Uitbreiden en sorteren", "txtExpandSort": "De gegevens naast de selectie worden niet gesorteerd. Wilt u de selectie uitbreiden en aangrenzende gegevens opnemen of wilt u doorgaan met sorteren van alleen de cellen die op dit moment zijn geselecteerd?", "txtLockSort": "Er is data gevonden naast uw huidige selectie, maar u heeft niet genoeg rechten om deze cellen aan te passen.\nWilt u doorgaan met de huidige selectie?", "txtNo": "Nee",