diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/bg_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/bg_desc.json index e5a695d53..dbc5e7b52 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/bg_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/bg_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Връща числото, което представлява датата в кода за дата и час" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(начална_дата; крайна_дата; единица)", + "d": "Изчислява броя на дните, месеците или годините между две дати" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(дата_текст)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Връща началната позиция на един текстов низ в друг текстов низ. FIND различава малките и главните букви" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(намери_текст; в_текст; [начален_ном])", + "d": "Търся един текстов низ в друг текстов низ и връща номера на началната позиция на първия знак на първия текстов низ спрямо втория, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(число; [десетични]; [брой_запетаи])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Връща зададения брой знаци от началото на текстов низ" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; [брой_знаци])", + "d": "Връща първия знак или първите знаци в текстов низ, в зависимост от броя байтове, който зададете, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "LEN": { "a": "(текст)", "d": "Връща броя на знаците в текстов низ" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст)", + "d": "Връща броя байтове за знаци в текстов низ, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(текст)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Връща знаците от средата на текстов низ при зададени начална позиция и дължина" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; начален_ном; брой_знаци)", + "d": "Връща определен брой знаци от текстов низ, започвайки от зададена от вас позиция, на базата на зададен от вас брой байтове, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(текст; [десетичен_разделител]; [разделител_на_групи])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Замества част от текстов низ с друг текстов низ" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(стар_текст; начален_ном; брой_знаци; нов_текст)", + "d": "Замества част от текстов низ, на базата на броя байтове, които зададете, с различен текстов низ, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "REPT": { "a": "(текст; брой_пъти)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Връща зададения брой знаци от края на текстов низ" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; [брой_знаци])", + "d": "Връща последния знак или последните знаци в текстов низ в зависимост от броя байтове, който зададете, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(намери_текст; в_текст; [начален_ном])", "d": "Връща броя на знаците, с които определен знак или текстов низ е намерен първоначално при обхождане отляво надясно (без да се отчитат разликите между малки и главни букви)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(намери_текст; в_текст; [начален_ном])", + "d": "Търся един текстов низ в друг текстов низ и връща номера на началната позиция на първия текстов низ спрямо първия знак на втория текстов низ, може да се използва с езици, които използват набора знаци от по два байта (DBCS) - японски, китайски и корейски" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(текст; стар_текст; нов_текст; [срещане_ном])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Преобразува римска цифра в арабска" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(текст)", + "d": "За езици с набори от двубайтови знаци (DBCS), функцията променя знаците с пълна ширина (двубайтови) в знаци с половин ширина (еднобайтови)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Закръглява число нагоре до най-близкото цяло число или най-близкото кратно на \"значимост\"" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; [значимост])", + "d": "Връща число, което е закръглено нагоре до най-близкото цяло число или до най-близкото кратно на значимост" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(число; число_избрано)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Преобразува радиани в градуси" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; [значимост])", + "d": "Закръглява число нагоре до най-близкото кратно на значимост" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Закръглява число надолу до най-близкото кратно на \"значимост\"" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; [значимост])", + "d": "Връща число, което е закръглено надолу до най-близкото цяло число или до най-близкото кратно на значимост" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(число; [значимост]; [режим])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Закръглява число надолу до най-близкото цяло число" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(число; [значимост])", + "d": "Връща число, което е закръглено нагоре до най-близкото цяло число или до най-близкото кратно на значимост. Числото се закръглява нагоре, независимо от знака си. Ако обаче числото или значимост са нула, връща се нула." }, "LCM": { "a": "(число1; [число2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Търси в диапазон или масив и връща съответния елемент от втори диапазон или масив. По подразбиране се използва точно съвпадение" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(инфо_тип; [препратка])", + "d": "Връща информация за форматирането, местоположението или съдържанието на клетка" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(грешка_стойност)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ca_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ca_desc.json index 05b622783..c124a1203 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ca_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ca_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "d": "Returns the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Finds the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(número; [decimals]; [sense_comes])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Analyses the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [separador_decimal]; [separador_grup])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Replaces a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; número_de_vegades)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(text_cercat; dins_text; [núm_inicial])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Returns the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; text_original; text_nou; [núm_ocurrència])", @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ }, "ASC": { "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "d": "For Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(número)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(nombre; nombre_triat)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Rounds the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(número)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(nombre; [xifra_significativa]; [moda])", @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ }, "ISO.CEILING": { "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." }, "LCM": { "a": "(nombre1; [nombre2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(val_error)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/cs_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/cs_desc.json index 8b80521f7..296b2a2c9 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/cs_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/cs_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Vrátí číslo, které představuje datum v kódu pro datum a čas." }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(počáteční_datum; konncové_datum; jednotka)", + "d": "Vypočítá počet dnů, měsíců nebo roků mezi dvěma daty" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(datum)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Vrátí počáteční pozici jednoho textového řetězce v jiném textovém řetězci. Tato funkce rozlišuje malá a velká písmena." }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(co; kde; [start])", + "d": "Vyhledají jeden textový řetězec v druhém textovém řetězci a vrátí číslo počáteční pozice prvního textového řetězce od prvního znaku druhého textového řetězce, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(číslo; [desetiny]; [bez_čárky])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Vrátí zadaný počet znaků od počátku textového řetězce." }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [znaky])", + "d": "Vrátí první znak nebo znaky v textovém řetězci na základě zadaného počtu bajtů, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Vrátí počet znaků textového řetězce." }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Vrátí počet bajtů, které představují znaky v textovém řetězci, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Vrátí znaky z textového řetězce, je-li zadána počáteční pozice a počet znaků." }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; start; počet_znaků)", + "d": "Vrátí určitý počet znaků (na základě zadaného počtu bajtů) z textového řetězce od zadané pozice, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [oddělovač_desetin]; [oddělovač_skupin])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Nahradí část textového řetězce jiným textovým řetězcem." }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(starý; start; znaky; nový)", + "d": "Nahradí na základě zadaného počtu bajtů část textového řetězce jiným textovým řetězcem, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; počet)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Vrátí zadaný počet znaků od konce textového řetězce." }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [znaky])", + "d": "Vrátí zadaný počet bajtů od konce textového řetězce, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(co; kde; [start])", "d": "Vrátí číslo prvního nalezeného výskytu znaku nebo textového řetězce. Směr hledání je zleva doprava. Velká a malá písmena nejsou rozlišována." }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(co; kde; [start])", + "d": "Vyhledají jeden textový řetězec v rámci druhého textového řetězce a vrátí číslo počáteční pozice prvního textového řetězce od prvního znaku druhého textového řetězce, je určena pro jazyky používající dvoubajtovou znakovou sadu (DBCS) - japonština, čínština a korejština" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; starý; nový; [instance])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Převede římskou číslici na arabskou." }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "U jazyků využívajících dvoubajtové znakové sady (DBCS) změní znaky s plnou šířkou (dvoubajtové) na znaky s poloviční šířkou (jednobajtové)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(číslo)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrouhlí číslo nahoru na nejbližší celé číslo nebo na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty významnosti" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; [významnost])", + "d": "Vrátí číslo zaokrouhlené nahoru na nejbližší celé číslo nebo na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(počet; kombinace)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Převede radiány na stupně." }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; významnost)", + "d": "Zaokrouhlí číslo nahoru na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty významnosti" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(číslo)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrouhlí číslo dolů na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty významnosti." }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; [významnost])", + "d": "Vrátí číslo zaokrouhlené dolů na nejbližší celé číslo nebo na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(číslo; [významnost]; [režim])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrouhlí číslo dolů na nejbližší celé číslo." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(číslo; [významnost])", + "d": "Vrátí číslo zaokrouhlené nahoru na nejbližší celé číslo nebo na nejbližší násobek zadané hodnoty. Číslo bude zaokrouhleno nahoru bez ohledu na jeho znaménko. Pokud je však zadáno číslo nula nebo násobek nuly, bude vrácena nula." }, "LCM": { "a": "(číslo1; [číslo2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Vyhledá požadovanou hodnotu v oblasti nebo poli a vrátí odpovídající položku z jiné oblasti nebo pole. Ve výchozím nastavení se vyžaduje přesná shoda." }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(informace; [odkaz])", + "d": "Vrátí informace o formátování, umístění nebo obsahu buňky" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(chyba)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/da_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/da_desc.json index bdddae205..c67916d70 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/da_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/da_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Returnerer det tal, der repræsenterer datoen i dato- og klokkeslætskoden" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(startdato; slutdato; enhed)", + "d": "Beregner antallet af dage, måneder eller år mellem to datoer" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(datotekst)", @@ -396,28 +396,28 @@ "d": "Returnerer startpositionen for en tekststreng i en anden tekststreng. FIND skelner mellem store og små bogstaver" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_tekst; i_tekst; [start_ved])", + "d": "Finder én tekststreng inden i en anden tekststreng og returnerer nummeret på den første strengs startposition fra det første tegn i den anden tekststreng, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(tal; [decimaler]; [ingen_punktummer])", - "d": "afrunder et tal til det angivne antal decimaler og returnerer resultatet som tekst med eller uden kommaer" + "d": "Afrunder et tal til det angivne antal decimaler og returnerer resultatet som tekst med eller uden kommaer" }, "LEFT": { "a": "(tekst; [antal_tegn])", "d": "Returnerer det angivne antal tegn fra begyndelsen af en tekststreng" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [antal_tegn])", + "d": "Returnerer det eller de første tegn i en tekststreng baseret på det antal byte, du angiver, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "LEN": { "a": "(tekst)", "d": "Returnerer antallet af tegn i en tekststreng" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "Returnerer det antal byte, der bruges til at repræsentere tegnene i en tekststreng, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(tekst)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Returnerer tegnene fra midten af en tekststreng ved angivelse af startposition og længde" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; start_ved; antal_tegn)", + "d": "Returnerer et bestemt antal tegn fra en tekststreng fra og med den startposition, du angiver, og på basis af det antal byte, du angiver, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(tekst; [decimaltegn]; [gruppeseparator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Erstatter en del af en tekststreng med en anden tekststreng" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(gammel_tekst; start_ved; antal_tegn; ny_tekst)", + "d": "Erstatter en del af en tekststreng med en anden tekststreng baseret på det antal byte, du angiver, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "REPT": { "a": "(tekst; antal_gange)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Returnerer det angivne antal tegn fra slutningen af en tekststreng" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [antal_tegn])", + "d": "Returnerer det eller de sidste tegn i en tekststreng baseret på det antal bytes, du angiver, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_tekst; i_tekst; [start_ved])", "d": "Returnerer et tal, der repræsenterer placeringen af et tegn eller en tekststreng i en anden tekststreng, læst fra venstre mod højre (skelner ikke mellem store og små bogstaver)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_tekst; i_tekst; [start_ved])", + "d": "Finder én tekststreng inden i en anden tekststreng og returnerer nummeret på den første strengs startposition fra det første tegn i den anden tekststreng, er beregnet til brug sammen med sprog, der anvender dobbelt-byte tegnsæt (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(tekst; gammel_tekst; ny_tekst; [forekomst])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konverterer et romertal til arabisk" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "For dobbeltbytetegnsætsprog ændrer funktionen tegn i fuld bredde (dobbeltbyte) til tegn i halv bredde (enkeltbyte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(tal)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Runder et tal op til det nærmeste heltal eller til det nærmeste betydende multiplum" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; [betydning])", + "d": "Returnerer et tal, der rundes op til nærmeste heltal eller til nærmeste multiplum af signifikans" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(tal; tal_valgt)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konverterer radianer til grader" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; betydning)", + "d": "Runder et tal op til nærmeste multiplum af betydning" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(tal)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Runder et tal ned til det nærmeste multiplum af betydning" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; [betydning])", + "d": "Returnerer et tal, der rundes ned til nærmeste heltal eller til nærmeste multiplum af signifikans" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(tal; [betydning]; [tilstand])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Runder et tal ned til nærmeste heltal" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(tal; [betydning])", + "d": "Returnerer et tal, der rundes op til nærmeste heltal eller til nærmeste multiplum af signifikans. Uanset tallets fortegn, rundes tallet op. Men hvis tallet eller signifikansen er nul, returneres nul." }, "LCM": { "a": "(tal1; [tal2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "søger efter et match i et område eller en matrix og returnerer det tilsvarende element fra et andet område eller en anden matrix. Som standard bruges et nøjagtigt match" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(info; [reference])", + "d": "Returnerer oplysninger om formatering, placering eller indholdet af en celle" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(fejlværdi)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/de_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/de_desc.json index 1aa234f46..9e35b25f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/de_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/de_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "(Ausgangsdatum;Enddatum;Einheit)", - "d": "Datums- und Uhrzeitfunktion - zur Berechnung der Differenz zwischen zwei Datumsangaben (Start- und Enddatum), basierend auf der angegebenen Einheit" + "d": "Berechnet der Differenz zwischen zwei Datumsangaben (Start- und Enddatum), basierend auf der angegebenen Einheit" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(Datumstext)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "(Suchtext;Text;[Erstes_Zeichen])", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - sucht eine Zeichenfolge (Suchtext) innerhalb einer anderen (Text) und gibt die Position der gesuchten Zeichenfolge ab dem ersten Zeichen der anderen Zeichenfolge an, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Sucht eine Zeichenfolge (Suchtext) innerhalb einer anderen (Text) und gibt die Position der gesuchten Zeichenfolge ab dem ersten Zeichen der anderen Zeichenfolge an, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(Zahl; [Dezimalstellen]; [Keine_Punkte])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "(Text;[Anzahl_Bytes])", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - gibt auf der Grundlage der Anzahl von Bytes, die Sie angeben, das oder die erste(n) Zeichen in einer Textzeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Gibt auf der Grundlage der Anzahl von Bytes, die Sie angeben, das oder die erste(n) Zeichen in einer Textzeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(Text)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "(Text)", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - gibt die Anzahl von Bytes zurück, die zum Darstellen der Zeichen in einer Zeichenfolge verwendet werden, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Gibt die Anzahl von Bytes zurück, die zum Darstellen der Zeichen in einer Zeichenfolge verwendet werden, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(Text)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "(Text;Erstes_Zeichen;Anzahl_Byte)", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - gibt auf der Grundlage der angegebenen Anzahl von Bytes eine bestimmte Anzahl von Zeichen einer Zeichenfolge ab der von Ihnen angegebenen Position zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Gibt auf der Grundlage der angegebenen Anzahl von Bytes eine bestimmte Anzahl von Zeichen einer Zeichenfolge ab der von Ihnen angegebenen Position zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(Text; [Dezimaltrennzeichen]; [Gruppentrennzeichen])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "(Alter_Text;Erstes_Zeichen;Anzahl_Bytes;Neuer_Text)", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - ersetzt eine Zeichenfolge, basierend auf der Anzahl der Zeichen und der angegebenen Startposition, durch eine neue Zeichengruppe, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Ersetzt eine Zeichenfolge, basierend auf der Anzahl der Zeichen und der angegebenen Startposition, durch eine neue Zeichengruppe, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(Text; Multiplikator)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "(Text;[Anzahl_Bytes])", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - gibt auf der Grundlage der angegebenen Anzahl von Bytes das bzw. die letzten Zeichen einer Zeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Gibt auf der Grundlage der angegebenen Anzahl von Bytes das bzw. die letzten Zeichen einer Zeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(Suchtext; Text; [Erstes_Zeichen])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "(Suchtext;Text;[Erstes_Zeichen])", - "d": "Text- und Datenfunktionen - gibt die Position der angegebenen Teilzeichenfolge in einer Zeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." + "d": "Gibt die Position der angegebenen Teilzeichenfolge in einer Zeichenfolge zurück, für Sprachen die den Double-Byte Zeichensatz (DBCS) verwenden, wie japanisch, chinesisch, koreanisch etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(Text; Alter_Text; Neuer_Text; [ntes_Auftreten])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konvertiert eine römische Zahl in eine arabische Zahl" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(Text)", + "d": "Für Sprachen mit einem Double-Byte-Zeichensatz (DBCS) werden in dieser Funktion Zeichen normaler Breite (Double-Byte-Zeichen) in Zeichen halber Breite (Single-Byte-Zeichen) umgewandelt" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(Zahl)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "(Zahl;[Schritt])", - "d": "Mathematische und trigonometrische Funktion - gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde" + "d": "Gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(n; k)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "(Zahl;Schritt)", - "d": "Mathematische und trigonometrische Funktion - rundet eine Zahl auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache des angegebenen Schritts" + "d": "Rundet eine Zahl auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache des angegebenen Schritts" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(Zahl)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "(Zahl;[Schritt])", - "d": "Mathematische und trigonometrische Funktion - gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde" + "d": "Gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(Zahl; [Schritt]; [Modus])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Rundet eine Zahl auf die nächstkleinere ganze Zahl ab" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "(Zahl;Schritt)", - "d": "Mathematische und trigonometrische Funktion - gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde. Die Zahl wird unabhängig von ihrem Vorzeichen aufgerundet. Ist „Zahl“ oder „Schritt“ gleich 0, wird 0 zurückgegeben." + "a": "(Zahl; Schritt)", + "d": "Gibt eine Zahl zurück, die auf die nächste Ganzzahl oder auf das kleinste Vielfache von „Schritt“ gerundet wurde. Die Zahl wird unabhängig von ihrem Vorzeichen aufgerundet. Ist „Zahl“ oder „Schritt“ gleich 0, wird 0 zurückgegeben." }, "LCM": { "a": "(Zahl1; [Zahl2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Informationsfunktion - werden Informationen zur Formatierung, zur Position oder zum Inhalt einer Zelle zurückgegeben" + "d": "Werden Informationen zur Formatierung, zur Position oder zum Inhalt einer Zelle zurückgegeben" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(Fehlerwert)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/el_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/el_desc.json index 540585443..5da3ea95e 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/el_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/el_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Αποδίδει τον αριθμό που αναπαριστά την ημερομηνία στον κώδικα ημερομηνίας-ώρας" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(ημερομηνία_έναρξης; ημερομηνία_λήξης; μονάδα)", + "d": "Υπολογίζει τον αριθμό των ημερών, των μηνών ή των ετών μεταξύ δύο ημερομηνιών" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(κείμενο_ημερομηνίας)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Επιστρέφει τη θέση έναρξης μιας ακολουθίας χαρακτήρων κειμένου μέσα σε μια άλλη ακολουθία χαρακτήρων κειμένου. Η παράμετρος FIND κάνει διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(εύρεση_κειμένου; εντός_κειμένου; [αριθμός_έναρξης])", + "d": "Εντοπίζουν μία συμβολοσειρά κειμένου εντός μιας δεύτερης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου και επιστρέφουν τον αριθμό της θέσης έναρξης της πρώτης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου από τον πρώτο χαρακτήρα της δεύτερης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου, προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(αριθμός; [δεκαδικά_ψηφία]; [χωρίς_τελείες])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Αποδίδει το καθορισμένο πλήθος χαρακτήρων από την αρχή μιας ακολουθίας χαρακτήρων κειμένου" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(κείμενο; [αριθμός_χαρακτήρων])", + "d": "Eπιστρέφει τον πρώτο χαρακτήρα ή τους χαρακτήρες μιας συμβολοσειράς κειμένου, με βάση τον αριθμό των byte που καθορίζετε, προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "LEN": { "a": "(κείμενο)", "d": "Αποδίδει το πλήθος των χαρακτήρων σε μια ακολουθία χαρακτήρων κειμένου" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(κείμενο)", + "d": "Eπιστρέφει το πλήθος των byte που χρησιμοποιούνται για την απεικόνιση των χαρακτήρων σε μια συμβολοσειρά κειμένου., προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(κείμενο)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Αποδίδει τους χαρακτήρες από το μέσο μιας ακολουθίας χαρακτήρων κειμένου, εφόσον καθοριστεί η αρχική θέση και το μήκος" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(κείμενο; αριθμός_έναρξης; αριθμός_χαρακτήρων)", + "d": "Eπιστρέφει έναν συγκεκριμένο αριθμό χαρακτήρων από μια συμβολοσειρά κειμένου, αρχίζοντας από μια καθορισμένη θέση, βάσει του αριθμού των byte που καθορίζετε., προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(κείμενο; [διαχωριστικό_δεκαδικών]; [διαχωριστικό_ομάδων])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Αντικαθιστά χαρακτήρες μέσα σε κείμενο" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(παλιό_κείμενο; αριθμός_έναρξης; αριθμός_χαρακτήρων; νέο_κείμενο)", + "d": "Aντικαθιστά μέρος μιας συμβολοσειράς κειμένου με άλλη συμβολοσειρά, βάσει του αριθμού των byte που καθορίζετε, προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "REPT": { "a": "(κείμενο; αριθμός_επαναλήψεων)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Αποδίδει το καθορισμένο πλήθος χαρακτήρων από το τέλος μιας ακολουθίας χαρακτήρων κειμένου" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(κείμενο; [αριθμός_χαρακτήρων])", + "d": "Αποδίδει τους τελευταίους χαρακτήρες μιας συμβολοσειράς κειμένου, με βάση τον αριθμό των byte που καθορίζετε, προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(εύρεση_κειμένου; εντός_κειμένου; [αριθμός_έναρξης])", "d": "Αποδίδει τον αριθμό του χαρακτήρα όπου εντοπίζεται για πρώτη φορά ένας χαρακτήρας ή συμβολοσειρά κειμένου, από αριστερά προς δεξιά (χωρίς διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(εύρεση_κειμένου; εντός_κειμένου; [αριθμός_έναρξης])", + "d": "Εντοπίζουν μία συμβολοσειρά κειμένου εντός μιας δεύτερης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου και επιστρέφουν τον αριθμό της θέσης έναρξης της πρώτης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου από τον πρώτο χαρακτήρα της δεύτερης συμβολοσειράς κειμένου, προορίζεται για χρήση με γλώσσες που χρησιμοποιούν σύνολα χαρακτήρων των δύο byte (DBCS) - Ιαπωνικά, Κινεζικά και Κορεατικά" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(κείμενο; παλιό_κείμενο; νέο_κείμενο; [αριθμός_παρουσίας])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Μετατρέπει ένα ρωμαϊκό νούμερο σε αραβικά ψηφία" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(κείμενο)", + "d": "Σε γλώσσες με σύνολα χαρακτήρων διπλού byte (Double-Byte Character Set - DBCS), μετατρέπει τους χαρακτήρες πλήρους πλάτους (δύο byte) σε χαρακτήρες μισού πλάτους (ενός byte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(αριθμός)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Στρογγυλοποιεί έναν αριθμό προς τα επάνω, στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο ή στο πλησιέστερο πολλαπλάσιο των σημαντικών ψηφίων" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(αριθμός; [σημαντικότητα])", + "d": "Επιστρέφει έναν αριθμό που είναι στρογγυλοποιημένος προς τα επάνω στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο ή στο πλησιέστερο σημαντικό πολλαπλάσιο" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(αριθμός; επιλεγμένος_αριθμός)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Μετατρέπει τα ακτίνια σε μοίρες" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(αριθμός; σημαντικότητα)", + "d": "Στρογγυλοποιεί έναν αριθμό προς τα πάνω, στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο ή στο πλησιέστερο σημαντικό πολλαπλάσιο" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(αριθμός)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Στρογγυλοποιεί έναν αριθμό προς τα κάτω, προς το πλησιέστερο σημαντικό πολλαπλάσιο" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(αριθμός; [σημαντικότητα] )", + "d": "Επιστρέφει έναν αριθμό που είναι στρογγυλοποιημένος προς τα κάτω στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο ή στο πλησιέστερο σημαντικό πολλαπλάσιο" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(αριθμός; [σημαντικότητα]; [τρόπος])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Στρογγυλοποιεί προς τα κάτω έναν αριθμό στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(αριθμός; [σημαντικότητα])", + "d": "Επιστρέφει έναν αριθμό που είναι στρογγυλοποιημένος προς τα επάνω στον πλησιέστερο ακέραιο ή στο πλησιέστερο σημαντικό πολλαπλάσιο. Ανεξάρτητα από το πρόσημο του αριθμού, ο αριθμός στρογγυλοποιείται προς τα επάνω. Εάν το όρισμα αριθμός ή το όρισμα σημαντικότητα είναι μηδέν, η συνάρτηση επιστρέφει την τιμή μηδέν." }, "LCM": { "a": "(αριθμός1; [αριθμός2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Κάνει αναζήτηση σε ένα εύρος ή έναν πίνακα για μια αντιστοίχιση και επιστρέφει το αντίστοιχο στοιχείο από ένα δεύτερο εύρος ή πίνακα. Από προεπιλογή, χρησιμοποιείται ακριβής αντιστοίχιση" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(τύπος_πληροφοριών; [αναφορά])", + "d": "Επιστρέφει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη μορφοποίηση, τη θέση ή τα περιεχόμενα ενός κελιού" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(τιμή_σφάλματος)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/en_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/en_desc.json index dfab91b1e..28268f328 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/en_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/en_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "d": "Returns the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Finds the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Analyses the specified string and returns the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Replaces a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Returns the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ }, "ASC": { "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "d": "For Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Rounds the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ }, "ISO.CEILING": { "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/es_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/es_desc.json index a1f817165..d6d6f2dbb 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/es_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/es_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "( fecha-inicio; fecha-final; unidad )", - "d": "Función de fecha y hora es utilizada para devolver la diferencia entre dos valores de fecha (fecha de inicio y fecha de fin), según el intervalo (unidad) especificado" + "d": "Devuelve la diferencia entre dos valores de fecha (fecha de inicio y fecha de fin), según el intervalo (unidad) especificado" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(texto_de_fecha)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "(cadena-1; cadena-2; [posición-inicio])", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para encontrar la subcadena especificada (cadena-1) dentro de una cadena (cadena-2) y está destinada a los idiomas del conjunto de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Encuentra la subcadena especificada (cadena-1) dentro de una cadena (cadena-2) y está destinada a los idiomas del conjunto de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(número; [decimales]; [no_separar_millares])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "(cadena; [número-caracteres])", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para extraer la subcadena de la cadena especificada a partir del carácter izquierdo y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Extrae la subcadena de la cadena especificada a partir del carácter izquierdo y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(texto)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "( cadena )", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para analizar la cadena especificada y devolver el número de caracteres que contiene y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Analiza la cadena especificada y devolver el número de caracteres que contiene y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(texto)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "(cadena; posición-empiece; número-caracteres)", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para extraer los caracteres de la cadena especificada a partir de cualquier posición y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Extrae los caracteres de la cadena especificada a partir de cualquier posición y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(texto; [separador_decimal]; [separador_grupo])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "(cadena-1; pos-inicio; número-caracteres; cadena-2)", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para reemplazar un conjunto de caracteres, basado en el número de caracteres y la posición inicial que especifique, por un nuevo conjunto de caracteres y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el conjunto de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Reemplaza un conjunto de caracteres, basado en el número de caracteres y la posición inicial que especifique, por un nuevo conjunto de caracteres y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el conjunto de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(texto; núm_de_veces)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "(cadena; [número-caracteres])", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para extraer una subcadena de una cadena a partir del carácter más a la derecha, basada en el número especificado de caracteres y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Extrae una subcadena de una cadena a partir del carácter más a la derecha, basada en el número especificado de caracteres y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(texto_buscado; dentro_del_texto; [núm_inicial])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "(cadena-1; cadena-2; [posición-inicio])", - "d": "Función de texto y datos utilizada para devolver la ubicación de la subcadena especificada en una cadena y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." + "d": "Devuelve la ubicación de la subcadena especificada en una cadena y está destinada a idiomas que utilizan el juego de caracteres de doble bit (DBCS) como el japonés, chino, coreano, etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(texto; texto_original; texto_nuevo; [núm_de_repeticiones])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Convierte un número romano en arábigo" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(texto)", + "d": "Para los idiomas que empleen juegos de caracteres de dos bytes (DBCS), convierte los caracteres de ancho completo (de dos bytes) en caracteres de ancho medio (de un byte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(número)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significado])", - "d": "Función de matemáticas y trigonometría utilizada para devolver un número que se redondea hacia arriba al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano." + "d": "Devuelve un número que se redondea hacia arriba al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano." }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(número; tamaño)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "( x; significado)", - "d": "Función de matemáticas y trigonometría utilizada para redondear el número hasta el múltiplo de significación más cercano" + "d": "Redondea el número hasta el múltiplo de significación más cercano" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(número)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significado])", - "d": "Función de matemáticas y trigonometría utilizada para devolver un número que se redondea hacia abajo al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano." + "d": "Devuelve un número que se redondea hacia abajo al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano." }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(número; [cifra_significativa]; [moda])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Redondea un número hasta el entero inferior más próximo" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( número; [significado])", - "d": "Función de matemáticas y trigonometría utilizada para devolver un número que se redondea hacia arriba al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano, independientemente del signo del número. Sin embargo, si el número o el significado es cero, se devuelve cero." + "a": "(número; [significado])", + "d": "Devuelve un número que se redondea hacia arriba al entero más cercano o al múltiplo de significación más cercano, independientemente del signo del número. Sin embargo, si el número o el significado es cero, se devuelve cero." }, "LCM": { "a": "(número1; [número2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Función de información utilizada para devolver información sobre el formato, la ubicación o el contenido de una celda" + "d": "Devuelve información sobre el formato, la ubicación o el contenido de una celda" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(valor_de_error)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fi_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fi_desc.json index cde4ad617..40234940a 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fi_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fi_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Palauttaa annetun päivämäärän järjestysnumeron päivämäärä-aika-koodissa" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(aloituspäivä; lopetuspäivä; yksikkö)", + "d": "Laskee kahden päivämäärän välillä olevien päivien, kuukausien tai vuosien määrän" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(päivämäärä_teksti)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Palauttaa kohdan, josta toisen merkkijonon sisällä oleva merkkijono alkaa. FIND-arvo ottaa huomioon kirjainkoon" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(etsittävä_teksti; tekstissä; [aloitusnro])", + "d": "Etsivät merkkijonon toisen merkkijonon sisältä ja palauttavat luvun, joka ilmaisee etsittävän merkkijonon ensimmäisen merkin sijainnin toisen merkkijonon sisällä, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(luku; [desimaalit]; [ei_erotinta])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Palauttaa määritetyn määrän merkkejä tekstimerkkijonon alusta lukien" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksti; [merkit_luku])", + "d": "Palauttaa merkkijonon ensimmäisen merkin tai ensimmäiset merkit määritetyn tavumäärän perusteella, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "LEN": { "a": "(teksti)", "d": "Palauttaa tekstimerkkijonon merkkien määrän" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksti)", + "d": "Palauttaa tekstimerkkijonossa olevien tavujen määrän, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(teksti)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Palauttaa tekstin keskeltä määritetyn määrän merkkejä aloittaen määrittämästäsi kohdasta" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksti; aloitusnro; merkit_luku)", + "d": "Poimii merkkijonosta määrittämääsi tavumäärään perustuvan määrän merkkejä alkaen määrittämästäsi paikasta, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(teksti; [desimaalierotin]; [ryhmäerotin])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Korvaa merkkejä tekstissä" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(vanha_teksti; aloitusnro; merkit_luku; uusi_teksti)", + "d": "Korvaa tekstimerkkijonon osan toisella tekstimerkkijonolla määritettyjen merkkien tavujen määrän perusteella, with a new set of characters, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "REPT": { "a": "(teksti; kerrat_luku)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Palauttaa määritetyn määrän merkkejä tekstimerkkijonon lopusta lukien" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksti; [merkit_luku])", + "d": "Palauttaa merkkijonon viimeisen merkin tai viimeiset merkit annetun merkkien tavumäärän perusteella, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(etsittävä_teksti; tekstissä; [aloitusnro])", "d": "Palauttaa sen merkin numeron, jossa etsittävä merkki tai merkkijono esiintyy ensimmäisen kerran. Merkkiä tai merkkijonoa etsitään vasemmalta oikealle, eikä kirjainkokoa oteta huomioon" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(etsittävä_teksti; tekstissä; [aloitusnro])", + "d": "Paikantavat yhden merkkijonon toisen merkkijonon sisältä ja ne palauttavat luvun, joka vastaa ensimmäisen merkkijonon aloituskohtaa toisen merkkijojon ensimmäisestä kirjaimesta laskettuna, käytetään, kun kirjoituskielen merkistön merkeissä on kaksi tavua (DBCS) - japani, kiina ja korea" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(teksti; vanha_teksti; uusi_teksti; [esiintymä_nro])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Muuntaa roomalaiset numerot arabialaisiksi numeroiksi" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(teksti)", + "d": "Funktio muuttaa DBCS (Double-byte character set) -merkit SBCS (Single-byte character set) -merkistön merkeiksi DBCS-merkistöä edellyttäviä kieliä käytettäessä" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(luku)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Pyöristää luvun ylöspäin seuraavaan kokonaislukuun tai seuraavaan tarkkuuden monikertaan" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(luku; [tarkkuus])", + "d": "Palauttaa luvun pyöristettynä lähimpään kokonaislukuun tai tarkkuuden kerrannaiseen" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(luku; valittu_luku)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Muuntaa radiaanit asteiksi" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(luku; tarkkuus)", + "d": "Pyöristää luvun ylöspäin lähimpään tarkkuuden kerrannaiseen" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(luku)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Pyöristää luvun alaspäin lähimpään tarkkuuden kerrannaiseen" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(luku; [tarkkuus])", + "d": "Palauttaa luvun pyöristettynä alaspäin lähimpään kokonaislukuun tai tarkkuuden kerrannaiseen" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(luku; [tarkkuus]; [tila])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Pyöristää luvun alaspäin lähimpään kokonaislukuun" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(luku; [tarkkuus])", + "d": "Palauttaa luvun pyöristettynä lähimpään kokonaislukuun tai tarkkuuden kerrannaiseen. Luvun etumerkistä huolimatta arvo pyöristetään aina ylöspäin. Jos luku tai tarkkuus on pariton kokonaisluku, sitä ei pyöristetä." }, "LCM": { "a": "(luku1; [luku2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Hakee vastaavaa aluetta tai matriisia ja palauttaa vastaavan kohteen toisesta alueesta tai matriisista. Oletusarvoisesti tarkkaa vastaavuutta käytetään" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(kuvaus_laji; [viittaus])", + "d": "Palauttaa tietoja solun muotoilusta, sijainnista ja sisällöstä" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(virhearvo)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fr_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fr_desc.json index 47c20f591..ccc08ed25 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fr_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/fr_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "(date_début; date_fin; unité)", - "d": "Fonction de date et d’heure utilisée pour renvoyer la différence entre deux dates (date_début et date_fin) sur la base d'un intervalle (unité) spécifié" + "d": "Renvoie la différence entre deux dates (date_début et date_fin) sur la base d'un intervalle (unité) spécifié" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_texte)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "(texte_cherché; texte; [no_départ])", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour trouver la sous-chaîne spécifiée (texte_cherché) dans une chaîne (texte) et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée (texte_cherché) dans une chaîne (texte) et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(nombre; [décimales]; [no_séparateur])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "(texte; [no_car])", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour extraire la sous-chaîne d’une chaîne spécifiée à partir du caractère de gauche et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Extrait la sous-chaîne d’une chaîne spécifiée à partir du caractère de gauche et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(texte)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "(texte)", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour analyser la chaîne spécifiée et renvoyer le nombre de caractères qu’elle contient et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Analyse la chaîne spécifiée et renvoyer le nombre de caractères qu’elle contient et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(texte)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "(texte; no_départ; no_car)", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour extraire les caractères d’une chaîne spécifiée à partir de n’importe quelle position et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Extrait les caractères d’une chaîne spécifiée à partir de n’importe quelle position et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(texte; [séparateur_décimal]; [séparateur_groupe])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "(ancien_texte; no_départ; no_car; nouveau_texte)", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour remplacer un jeu de caractères, en fonction du nombre de caractères et de la position de départ que vous spécifiez, avec un nouvel ensemble de caractères et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Remplace un jeu de caractères, en fonction du nombre de caractères et de la position de départ que vous spécifiez, avec un nouvel ensemble de caractères et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(texte; no_fois)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "(texte; [no_car])", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour extraire une sous-chaîne d'une chaîne à partir du caractère le plus à droite, en fonction du nombre de caractères spécifié et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Extrait une sous-chaîne d'une chaîne à partir du caractère le plus à droite, en fonction du nombre de caractères spécifié et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(texte_cherché; texte; [no_départ])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "(texte_cherché; texte; [no_départ])", - "d": "Fonction de texte et de données utilisée pour renvoyer l'emplacement de la sous-chaîne spécifiée dans une chaîne et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." + "d": "Renvoie l'emplacement de la sous-chaîne spécifiée dans une chaîne et destinée aux langues qui utilisent le jeu de caractères à deux octets (DBCS) comme le Japonais, le Chinois, le Coréen etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(texte; ancien_texte; nouveau_texte; [no_position])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Convertit un chiffre romain en un chiffre arabe" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(texte)", + "d": "En ce qui concerne les langues à jeu de caractères codés sur deux octets (DBCS, Double-byte Character Set), la fonction remplace les caractères à pleine chasse (codés sur deux octets) en caractères à demi-chasse (codés sur un octet)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(nombre)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "(x; [précision])", - "d": "Fonction mathématique et trigonométrique utilisée pour arrondir le nombre à l'excès à l'entier ou au multiple significatif le plus proche." + "d": "Arrondit le nombre à l'excès à l'entier ou au multiple significatif le plus proche." }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(nombre_éléments; nb_éléments_choisis)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "(x; précision)", - "d": "Fonction mathématique et trigonométrique utilisée pour arrondir le nombre au multiple le plus proche de l'argument de précision." + "d": "Arrondit le nombre au multiple le plus proche de l'argument de précision." }, "EVEN": { "a": "(nombre)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "(x; [précision])", - "d": "Fonction mathématique et trigonométrique utilisée pour arrondir le nombre par défaut à l'entier ou au multiple significatif le plus proche." + "d": "Arrondit le nombre par défaut à l'entier ou au multiple significatif le plus proche." }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(nombre; [précision]; [mode])", @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ }, "ISO.CEILING": { "a": "(nombre; [précision])", - "d": "Fonction mathématique et trigonométrique utilisée pour arrondir le nombre à l'excès à l'entier ou au multiple significatif le plus proche sans tenir compte du signe de ce nombre. Cependant, si le nombre ou la valeur significative est zéro, zéro est renvoyé." + "d": "Renvoie un nombre arrondi au nombre entier le plus proche ou au multiple le plus proche de l’argument précision en s’éloignant de zéro. Quel que soit son signe, ce nombre est arrondi à l’entier supérieur. Toutefois, si le nombre ou l’argument précision est égal à zéro, zéro est retourné." }, "LCM": { "a": "(nombre1; [nombre2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Fonction d’information utilisée pour renvoie des informations sur la mise en forme, l’emplacement ou le contenu d’une cellule" + "d": "Renvoie des informations sur la mise en forme, l’emplacement ou le contenu d’une cellule" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(valeur)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/hu_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/hu_desc.json index bf321ca5c..0b3f5d86e 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/hu_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/hu_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Eredménye a dátumot dátum- és időértékben megadó szám" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(kezdő_dátum; záró_dátum; egység)", + "d": "Két dátum közé eső napok, hónapok vagy évek számát számítja ki" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(dátum_szöveg)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Megkeres egy szövegrészt egy másikban, eredményül a talált szövegrész kezdőpozíciójának számát adja, a kis- és nagybetűket megkülönbözteti" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(keres_szöveg; szöveg; [kezdet])", + "d": "Egy karaktersorozatban egy másikat keres, és eredményül az első karakterlánc első karakterének helyét adja a második karakterlánc elejétől számítva, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(szám; [tizedesek]; [nincs_pont])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Egy szövegrész elejétől megadott számú karaktert ad eredményül" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szöveg; [hány_karakter])", + "d": "A szöveg első karaktereit adja vissza a megadott bájtszám alapján, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "LEN": { "a": "(szöveg)", "d": "Egy szöveg karakterekben mért hosszát adja eredményül." }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szöveg)", + "d": "A szöveg karaktereinek ábrázolására használt bájtok számát adja vissza, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(szöveg)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Eredményként megadott számú karaktert ad egy szövegből a megadott sorszámú karaktertől kezdődően" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szöveg; honnantól; hány_karakter)", + "d": "A karakterek által elfoglalt bájtok alapján megadott pozíciójú karaktertől kezdve adott számú karaktert ad vissza szövegből, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(szöveg; [tizedes_elv]; [ezres_elv])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Szövegdarab megadott részét eltérő szövegdarabbal cseréli ki." }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(régi_szöveg; honnantól; hány_karakter; új_szöveg)", + "d": "Egy adott bájtszám alapján a szöveg adott részét másik karaktersorozatra cseréli, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "REPT": { "a": "(szöveg; hányszor)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Egy szövegrész végétől megadott számú karaktert ad eredményül" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szöveg; [hány_karakter])", + "d": "Szöveg utolsó karaktereit adja vissza a megadott bájtszám alapján, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(keres_szöveg; szöveg; [kezdet])", "d": "Azt a karaktersorszámot adja meg, ahol egy adott karakter vagy szövegdarab először fordul elő balról jobbra haladva, a kis- és nagybetűket azonosnak tekintve." }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(keres_szöveg; szöveg; [kezdet])", + "d": "Egy szöveges karakterláncot keres egy második karakterláncban, és visszaadja az első karakterlánc kezdő pozíciójának számát a második karakterlánc első karakterében, kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet alkalmazó nyelvekhez készült - a japán, a kínai és a koreai" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(szöveg; régi_szöveg; új_szöveg; [melyiket])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Római számot arab számmá alakít át" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(szöveg)", + "d": "Ez a függvény a kétbájtos (DBCS) karakterkészletet használó nyelveknél egybájtos karakterekre cseréli a kétbájtos karaktereket" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(szám)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Egy számot a legközelebbi egészre vagy a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére kerekít fel." }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(szám; [pontosság])", + "d": "Egy számot a legközelebbi egészre vagy a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére kerekít" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(szám; hány_kiválasztott)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Radiánt fokká alakít át" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(szám; pontosság)", + "d": "Egy számot a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére kerekít fel" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(szám)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Egy számot lefelé kerekít, a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére." }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(szám; [pontosság])", + "d": "Egy számot a legközelebbi egészre vagy a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére lefelé kerekít" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(szám; [pontosság]; [mód])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Egy számot lefelé kerekít a legközelebbi egészre." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(szám; [pontosság])", + "d": "Egy számot a legközelebbi egészre vagy a pontosságként megadott érték legközelebb eső többszörösére kerekít. A szám előjelétől függetlenül a számot felfelé kerekíti. Ugyanakkor ha a szám vagy a pontosságként megadott érték nulla, a függvény nullát ad vissza." }, "LCM": { "a": "(szám1; [szám2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Egyezéseket keres valamely tartományban vagy tömbben, és egy második tartományból vagy tömbből adja vissza a megfelelő elemet. Alapértelmezés szerint pontos egyezést használ a program." }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(infótípus; [hivatkozás])", + "d": "Egy cella formázásáról, helyéről vagy tartalmáról ad információt" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(hibaérték)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/id_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/id_desc.json index 6b488423b..57ab504fb 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/id_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/id_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Mengembalikan angka yang mewakili tanggal dalam kode tanggal-waktu" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(start-date; end-date; unit)", + "d": "Menghitung jumlah hari, bulan, atau tahun di antara dua tanggal" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Menampilkan posisi awal satu string teks dalam string teks lain. FIND membedakan huruf besar dan kecil" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "Menemukan satu string teks ketika string teks kedua, dan mengembalikan nomor posisi mulai string teks pertama dari karakter pertama string teks kedua, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Menampilkan jumlah karakter tertentu dari awal string teks" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "Mengembalikan karakter pertama atau beberapa karakter dalam string teks, berdasarkan jumlah byte yang Anda tentukan, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Menampilkan jumlah karakter dalam string teks" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Mengembalikan jumlah byte yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan karakter dalam string teks, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Menampilkan karakter dari tengah string teks, memberikan posisi awal dan panjang" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; start_num; num_chars)", + "d": "Mengembalikan jumlah karakter tertentu dari sebuah string teks, dimulai dari posisi yang Anda tentukan, berdasarkan jumlah byte yang Anda tentukan, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Mengganti bagian dari string teks dengan string teks yang lain" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(old_text; start_num; num_chars; new_text)", + "d": "Menggantikan bagian dari string teks, berdasarkan jumlah byte yang Anda tentukan, dengan string teks berbeda, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Menampilkan jumlah karakter tertentu dari bagian akhir string teks" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "Menampilkan karakter terakhir atau karakter dalam string teks, berdasarkan jumlah byte yang Anda tentukan, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", "d": "Menampilkan jumlah dari karakter saat karakter atau string teks tertentu ditemukan pertama kali, membaca dari kiri ke kanan (huruf besar dan kecil tidak dibedakan)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "Menemukan satu string teks dalam string teks kedua, dan mengembalikan nomor posisi awal string teks pertama dari karakter pertama string teks kedua, ditujukan untuk penggunaan dengan bahasa yang menggunakan kumpulan karakter byte ganda (DBCS) - Jepang, Tionghoa, dan Korea" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Mengonversi angka Romawi ke angka Arab" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Untuk bahasa Perangkat karakter bit ganda (DBCS, Double-byte character set), fungsi tersebut mengubah karakter lebar penuh (bit ganda) menjadi lebar setengah (bit tunggal)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Membulatkan angka ke atas, ke bilangan bulat terdekat atau ke kelipatan signifikansi terdekat" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Mengembalikan angka yang dibulatkan ke atas ke bilangan bulat terdekat atau ke kelipatan signifikansi terdekat" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Mengonversi radian ke derajat" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; significance)", + "d": "Membulatkan angka ke atas, ke bilangan bulat terdekat atau ke multipel terdekat dari signifikansi" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Membulatkan angka ke bawah, mendekati multipel terdekat dari signifikansi" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Mengembalikan angka yang dibulatkan ke bawah ke bilangan bulat terdekat atau ke kelipatan signifikansi terdekat" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Membulatkan angka ke bawah ke bilangan bulat terdekat" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Mengembalikan angka yang dibulatkan ke atas ke bilangan bulat terdekat atau ke kelipatan signifikansi terdekat. Tanpa memperhatikan lambang angkanya, bilangan itu dibulatkan ke atas. Akan tetapi, jika angka signifikansinya nol, maka hasilnya nol." }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "Mengembalikan informasi tentang pemformatan, lokasi, atau konten sel" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/it_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/it_desc.json index 481ac7f49..02fa82b04 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/it_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/it_desc.json @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "(testo; [num_caratt])", - "d": " set (DBCS) per linguaggi come Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Restituisce l'ultimo o gli ultimi caratteri di una stringa di testo, in base al numero di byte specificati set (DBCS) per linguaggi come Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(testo; stringa; [inizio])", @@ -1316,8 +1316,8 @@ "d": "Converte un numero romano in arabo" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(testo)", + "d": "Nelle lingue che utilizzano set di caratteri a byte doppio (DBCS, Double-Byte Character Set), la funzione converte i caratteri latini a byte doppio (DB, Double-Byte) in caratteri a byte singolo (SB, Single-Byte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(num)", @@ -1436,8 +1436,8 @@ "d": "Arrotonda un numero per difetto all'intero più vicino." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( num; [peso] )", - "d": "Funzione matematica e trigonometrica utilizzata per restituire un numero arrotondato al numero intero più vicino o al multiplo più vicino di significato indipendentemente dal segno del numero. Tuttavia, se il numero o il significato è zero, viene restituito zero." + "a": "(num; [peso])", + "d": "Restituisce un numero arrotondato per eccesso all'intero più vicino o al multiplo più vicino a peso. Indipendentemente dal segno di num, il numero viene arrotondato per eccesso. Se tuttavia num o peso è zero, verrà restituito il valore zero." }, "LCM": { "a": "(num1; [num2]; ...)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ja_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ja_desc.json index 12cd0b332..2676afb03 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ja_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ja_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "日付/時刻コードで指定した日付を表す数値を返します。" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(開始日; 終了日; 単位)", + "d": "2 つの日付の間の日数、月数、または年数を計算します。" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(日付文字列)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "文字列が他の文字列内で最初に現れる位置を検索します。大文字と小文字は区別されます。" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(検索文字列; 対象; [開始位置])", + "d": "指定された文字列を他の文字列の中で検索し、その文字列が最初に現れる位置を左端から数え、その番号を返します。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(数値; [桁数]; [桁区切り])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "文字列の先頭から指定された数の文字を返します。" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(文字列; [文字数])", + "d": "関数は、文字列の先頭から指定されたバイト数の文字を返します。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "LEN": { "a": "(文字列)", "d": "文字列の長さ (文字数) を返します。半角と全角の区別なく、1 文字を 1 として処理します。" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(文字列)", + "d": "関数は、文字列のバイト数を返します。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(文字列)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "文字列の指定された位置から、指定された数の文字を返します。半角と全角の区別なく、1 文字を 1 として処理します。" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(文字列; 開始位置; 文字数)", + "d": "関数は、文字列の任意の位置から指定されたバイト数の文字を返します。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(文字列; [小数点記号]; [桁区切り記号])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "文字列中の指定した位置の文字列を置き換えた結果を返します。半角と全角の区別なく、1 文字を 1 として処理します。" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(文字列; 開始位置; 文字数; 置換文字列)", + "d": "関数は、文字列中の指定されたバイト数の文字を別の文字に置き換えます。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "REPT": { "a": "(文字列; 繰り返し回数)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "文字列の末尾から指定された文字数の文字を返します。" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(文字列; [バイト数])", + "d": "関数は、文字列の末尾 (右端) から指定されたバイト数の文字を返します。関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(検索文字列; 対象; [開始位置])", "d": "文字列が最初に現れる位置の文字番号を返します。大文字、小文字は区別されません。" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(検索文字列,対象,[開始位置])", + "d": "関数は、指定された文字列を他の文字列の中で検索し、その文字列が最初に現れる位置を左端から数え、その番号を返します。 関数は、2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) を使う言語での使用を前提としています。DBCS をサポートする言語には、日本語、中国語、および韓国語があります。" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(文字列; 検索文字列; 置換文字列; [置換対象])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "ローマ数字をアラビア数字に変換します。" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(文字列)", + "d": "2 バイト文字セット (DBCS) 言語の場合、全角 (2 バイト) 文字を半角 (1 バイト) 文字に変更します。" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(数値)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "数値を最も近い整数、または最も近い基準値の倍数に切り上げます。" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(数値; [基準値])", + "d": "最も近い整数に切り上げた値、または、指定された基準値の倍数のうち最も近い値を返します。" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(総数; 抜き取り数)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "ラジアンで表された角度を度に変更します。" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(数値; 基準値)", + "d": "指定された基準値の倍数のうち、最も近い値に数値を切り上げます。" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(数値)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "指定された基準値の倍数のうち、最も近い値に数値を切り捨てます。" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(数値; [基準値])", + "d": "最も近い整数、または最も近い基準値の倍数に切り捨てる数値を返します。" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(数値; [基準値]; [モード])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "切り捨てて整数にした数値を返します。" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(数値, [基準値])", + "d": "最も近い整数に切り上げた値、または、指定された基準値の倍数のうち最も近い値を返します。 数値は正負に関係なく切り上げられます。 ただし、数値または基準値が 0 の場合は 0 が返されます。" }, "LCM": { "a": "(数値1; [数値2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "範囲または配列で一致の検索を行い、2 つめの範囲または配列から対応する項目を返します。既定では、完全一致が使用されます" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(検査の種類; [対象範囲])", + "d": "セルの書式、位置、または内容に関する情報を返します。" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(エラー値)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ko_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ko_desc.json index e2641b309..3691c1e14 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ko_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ko_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "날짜-시간 코드에서 날짜를 나타내는 수를 구합니다." }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(start-date; end-date; unit)", + "d": "두 날짜 사이의 일, 월 또는 연도 수를 계산합니다." }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "지정한 텍스트를 다른 텍스트 내에서 찾아 해당 문자의 시작 위치를 나타냅니다. 대/소문자를 구분합니다." }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "는 두 번째 텍스트 문자열에서 지정된 텍스트 문자열을 검색하고, 두 번째 텍스트 문자열의 첫 문자를 기준으로 첫 번째 문자열이 시작하는 위치에 해당하는 숫자를 반환합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "텍스트 문자열의 시작 지점부터 지정한 수만큼의 문자를 반환합니다." }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "는 텍스트 문자열의 첫 번째 문자부터 시작하여 지정한 바이트 수만큼 문자를 반환합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "텍스트 문자열 내의 문자 개수를 구합니다." }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "는 텍스트 문자열의 문자를 나타내는 데 사용되는 바이트 수를 반환합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "문자열의 지정 위치에서 문자를 지정한 개수만큼 돌려줍니다." }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; start_num; num_chars)", + "d": "는 지정한 바이트 수에 따라 문자열의 지정한 위치로부터 지정한 개수의 문자를 표시합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "텍스트의 일부를 다른 텍스트로 바꿉니다." }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(old_text; start_num; num_chars; new_text)", + "d": "는 지정한 바이트 수에 따라 텍스트 문자열의 일부를 다른 텍스트 문자열로 바꿉니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "텍스트 문자열의 끝 지점부터 지정한 수만큼의 문자를 반환합니다." }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "는 지정한 바이트 수에 따라 텍스트 문자열의 마지막 문자부터 지정된 길이의 문자를 반환합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", "d": "왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 검색하여 지정한 문자 또는 텍스트 스트링이 처음 발견되는 곳에서의 문자 개수를 구합니다(대/소문자 구분 안 함)." }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "함수는 두 번째 텍스트 문자열에서 지정된 텍스트 문자열을 검색하고, 두 번째 텍스트 문자열의 첫 문자를 기준으로 몇 번째 위치에서 첫 번째 텍스트 문자열이 시작하는지 나타내는 값을 반환합니다. 는 DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합)를 사용하는 언어에 사용합니다. DBCS를 지원하는 언어로는 한국어, 일본어, 중국어." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "로마 숫자를 아라비아 숫자로 변환합니다." }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "DBCS(더블바이트 문자 집합) 언어의 경우 함수가 전자 문자(더블바이트)를 반자 문자(싱글바이트)로 변경합니다." }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "수를 가장 가까운 정수 또는 가장 가까운 significance의 배수가 되도록 올림합니다." }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "가장 가까운 정수 또는 significance의 배수로 올림된 수를 반환합니다. " }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "라디안 형태의 각도를 도 단위로 바꿉니다." }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; significance)", + "d": "수를 significance의 배수가 되도록 절대 값을 올림합니다." }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "수를 significance의 배수가 되도록 절대 값을 내림합니다." }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "가장 가까운 정수 또는 significance의 가장 가까운 배수로 내림된 숫자를 반환합니다." }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "소수점 아래를 버리고 가장 가까운 정수로 내림합니다." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "가장 가까운 정수 또는 significance의 배수로 올림된 수를 반환합니다. number의 부호와 상관없이 number를 올림합니다. number 또는 significance가 0이면 0이 반환됩니다." }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "는 셀의 서식이나 위치, 내용에 대한 정보를 반환합니다." }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lo_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lo_desc.json index f133b6d56..aec97acef 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lo_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lo_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "d": "Returns the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Finds the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Analyses the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Replaces a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "d": "Returns the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ }, "ASC": { "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "d": "For Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Rounds the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ }, "ISO.CEILING": { "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "d": "Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lv_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lv_desc.json index e11569c84..ef5be68a9 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lv_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/lv_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Atgriež skaitli, kas apzīmē datumu datuma/laika kodā" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(sākuma_datums; beigu_datums; mērvienība)", + "d": "Aprēķina dienu, mēnešu vai gadu skaitu starp diviem datumiem" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(datums_teksts)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Atgriež vienas teksta virknes sākuma pozīciju citā teksta virknē. Funkcija FIND ir reģistrjutīga" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(atrast_tekstu; tekstā; [sākuma_num])", + "d": "Atgriež vienu teksta virkni otrā teksta virknē un atgriež pirmās teksta virknes sākuma pozīcijas numuru no otrās teksta virknes pirmās rakstzīmes, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(skaitlis; [decimāldaļas]; [bez_komatiem])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Atgriež norādīto rakstzīmju skaitu no teksta virknes sākuma" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksts; [skaitļu_rakstz])", + "d": "Atgriež pirmo rakstzīmi vai rakstzīmes teksta virknē, pamatojoties uz norādīto baitu skaitu, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "LEN": { "a": "(teksts)", "d": "Atgriež rakstzīmju skaitu teksta virknē" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksts)", + "d": "Atgriež baitu skaitu, kas tiek izmantoti rakstzīmju attēlošanai teksta virknē, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(teksts)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Atgriež rakstzīmes no teksta virknes vidus, norādot sākuma pozīciju un garumu" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksts; sākuma_num; rakstzīmju_skaits)", + "d": "Atgriež noteiktas rakstzīmes no teksta virknes, sākot no norādītās vietas un pamatojoties uz norādīto baitu skaitu, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(teksts; [decimālzīme]; [grupu_atdalītājs])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Aizstāj daļu teksta virknes ar citu teksta virkni" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(vecais_teksts; sākuma_num; rakstzīmju_skaits; jaunais_teksts)", + "d": "Aizstāj teksta virknes daļu ar citu teksta virkni, pamatojoties uz norādīto baitu skaitu, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "REPT": { "a": "(teksts; skaitlis_reizes)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Atgriež norādīto rakstzīmju skaitu no teksta virknes beigām" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(teksts; [skaitļu_rakstz])", + "d": "Atgriež pēdējo rakstzīmi vai rakstzīmes teksta virknē, pamatojoties uz norādīto baitu skaitu, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(atrast_tekstu; tekstā; [sākuma_num])", "d": "Atgriež rakstzīmes numuru, pie kuras noteikta rakstzīme vai teksta virkne atrasta pirmo reizi, lasot virzienā no kreisās uz labo pusi (nav reģistrjutīgi)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(atrast_tekstu; tekstā; [sākuma_num])", + "d": "Atrod vienu teksta virkni otrā teksta virknē un atgriež pirmās teksta virknes sākuma atrašanās vietas numuru, skaitot no otrās teksta virknes pirmās rakstzīmes, ir paredzēta valodām, kuras izmanto dubultbaita rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) - japāņu, ķīniešu un korejiešu" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(teksts; vecais_teksts; jaunais_teksts; [gadījuma_numurs])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Pārvērš romiešu ciparu par arābu ciparu" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(teksts)", + "d": "Dubultbaitu rakstzīmju kopu (DBCS) valodām funkcija nomaina pilna platuma (dubultbaitu) rakstzīmes ar pusplatuma (vienbaita) rakstzīmēm" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(skaitlis)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Noapaļo skaitli uz augšu līdz tuvākajam veselajam skaitlim vai līdz tuvākajam nozīmīgajam skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(skaitlis; [būtiskums])", + "d": "Atgriež skaitli, kas noapaļots līdz tuvākajam veselajam skaitlim vai tuvākajam būtiskajam skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(skaitlis; izvēlētais_skaitlis)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konvertē radiānus par grādiem" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(skaitlis; būtiskums)", + "d": "Noapaļo skaitli uz augšu līdz tuvākajam būtiskjama skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(skaitlis)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Noapaļo skaitli uz leju līdz tuvākajam būtiskajam skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(skaitlis; [būtiskums])", + "d": "Atgriež skaitli, kas noapaļots uz leju līdz tuvākajam veselajam skaitlim vai tuvākajam būtiskajam skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(skaitlis; [būtiskums]; [režīms])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Noapaļo skaitli līdz tuvākajam veselajam skaitlim" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(skaitlis; [būtiskums])", + "d": "Atgriež skaitli, kas noapaļots līdz tuvākajam veselajam skaitlim vai tuvākajam būtiskajam skaitlim, kas dalās bez atlikuma. Neatkarīgi no skaitļa zīmes, tas tiek noapaļots uz augšu. Taču ja skaitlis vai būtiskais skaitlis ir nulle, tiek atgriezta nulle." }, "LCM": { "a": "(skaitlis1; [skaitlis2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Meklē diapazonā vai masīvā atbilstību un atgriež atbilstošo vienumu no otra diapazona vai masīva. Pēc noklusējuma tiek izmantota precīza atbilstība" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(info_tips; [atsauce])", + "d": "Atgriež informāciju par šūnas formatējumu, atrašanās vietu vai saturu" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(kļūdas_vērt)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nb_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nb_desc.json index 2d3e4171c..39ab34eb7 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nb_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nb_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Returnerer tallet som svarer til datoen i koden for dato og tid" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(startdato; sluttdato; enhet)", + "d": "Beregner antall dager, måneder eller år mellom to datoer" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(dato_tekst)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Returnerer nummeret for posisjonen for det første tegnet i en tekststreng inne i en annen tekststreng. FINN skiller mellom store og små bokstaver" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(finn; innen_tekst; [startpos])", + "d": "Finner en tekststreng inni en annen tekststreng og returnerer nummeret som svarer til startposisjonen for den første tekststrengen, regnet fra det første tegnet i den andre tekststrengen, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(tall; [desimaler]; [ingen_tusenskille])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Returnerer det angitte antall tegn fra begynnelsen av en tekststreng" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [antall_tegn])", + "d": "Returnerer det første tegnet eller de første tegnene i en tekststreng, basert på antallet byte du angir, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "LEN": { "a": "(tekst)", "d": "Returnerer antall tegn i en tekststreng" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "Returnerer antallet byte som brukes til å representere tegnene i en tekststreng, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(tekst)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Returnerer tegnene fra midten av en tekststreng, hvis posisjonen for det første tegnet og lengden er oppgitt" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; startpos; antall_tegn)", + "d": "Returnerer et angitt antall tegn fra en tekststreng, regnet fra den posisjonen du angir og basert på antall tegn du angir, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(tekst; [desimalskilletegn]; [gruppeskilletegn])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Erstatter en del av en tekststreng med en annen tekststreng" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(gammel_tekst; startpos; antall_tegn; ny_tekst)", + "d": "Bytter ut en del av en tekststreng med en annen tekststreng. Hvilken del som byttes ut, er basert på antall byte du angir, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "REPT": { "a": "(tekst; antall_ganger)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Returnerer det angitte antall tegn fra slutten av en tekststreng" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [antall_tegn])", + "d": "Returnerer det siste tegnet eller de siste tegnene i en tekststreng, basert på antallet byte du angir, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(finn; innen_tekst; [startpos])", "d": "Returnerer tallet for tegnet hvor et bestemt tegn eller en tekststreng først blir funnet, lest fra venstre mot høyre (skiller ikke mellom små og store bokstaver)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(finn; innen_tekst; [startpos])", + "d": "Finner én tekststreng inni en annen tekststreng og returnerer tallet som svarer til startposisjonen for den første tekststrengen, regnet fra det første tegnet i den andre tekststrengen, er beregnet for språk som bruker dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) - japansk, kinesisk og koreansk" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(tekst; gammel_tekst; ny_tekst; [forekomst_nr])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konverterer et romertall til et arabisk tall" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "For språk med dobbeltbyte-tegnsett (DBCS) endrer funksjonen tegn med full bredde (dobbeltbyte) til tegn med halv bredde (enkeltbyte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(tall)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Runder av et tall oppover til nærmeste heltall eller til nærmeste signifikante multiplum av en faktor" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tall; [gjeldende_multiplum])", + "d": "Returnerer et tall som er avrundet opp til nærmeste heltall, eller til nærmeste gjeldende multiplum" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(antall; valgt_antall)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konverterer radianer til grader" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tall; gjeldende_multiplum)", + "d": "Runder av et tall oppover til nærmeste multiplum av en faktor" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(tall)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Runder av et tall nedover til nærmeste signifikante multiplum av en faktor" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tall; [gjeldende_multiplum])", + "d": "Returnerer et tall som er avrundet ned til nærmeste heltall eller til nærmeste multiplum av gjeldende_multiplum" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(tall; [gjeldende_multiplum]; [modus])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Runder av et tall nedover til nærmeste heltall" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(tall; [gjeldende_multiplum])", + "d": "Returnerer et tall som er avrundet opp til nærmeste heltall, eller til nærmeste gjeldende multiplum. Uansett tallets fortegn, blir tallet avrundet opp. Men hvis tallet eller gjeldende multiplum er null, returneres null." }, "LCM": { "a": "(tall1; [tall2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Søker i et område eller en matrise etter et treff og returnerer det tilsvarende elementet fra et annet område eller en annen matrise. Som standard brukes et eksakt treff" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(infotype; [ref])", + "d": "Returnerer informasjon om formatering, plassering eller innholdet til en celle" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(feilverdi)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nl_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nl_desc.json index 891b2c70b..785294898 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nl_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/nl_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Geeft het getal als resultaat dat de datum aangeeft in code voor de datum/tijd" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(begindatum; einddatum; eenheid)", + "d": "Berekent het aantal dagen, maanden of jaren tussen twee datums" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(datum_tekst)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Geeft als resultaat de beginpositie van een tekenreeks binnen een andere tekenreeks (er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen hoofdletters en kleine letters)" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(zoeken_tekst; in_tekst; [begin_getal])", + "d": "Wordt naar een tekenreeks binnen een andere tekenreeks gezocht en wordt als resultaat het nummer van de beginpositie van de eerste tekenreeks gegeven, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(getal; [decimalen]; [geen-punten])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Geeft als resultaat het aantal tekens vanaf het begin van een tekenreeks" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [aantal-tekens])", + "d": "Geeft het eerste teken of de eerste tekens in een tekenreeks als resultaat, op basis van het aantal bytes dat u opgeeft, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "LEN": { "a": "(tekst)", "d": "Geeft als resultaat het aantal tekens in een tekenreeks" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat het aantal bytes dat is gebruikt voor de tekens in een tekenreeks, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(tekst)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Geeft als resultaat het aantal tekens in het midden van een tekenreeks, beginnend op een opgegeven positie en met een opgegeven lengte" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; begin_getal; aantal-tekens)", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat een bepaald aantal tekens uit een tekenreeks, gerekend vanaf de opgegeven positie en op basis van het aantal opgegeven bytes, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(tekst; [decimaal_scheidingsteken]; [groep_scheidingsteken])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Vervangt een deel van een tekenreeks door een andere tekenreeks" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(oud_tekst; begin_getal; aantal-tekens; nieuw_tekst)", + "d": "Wordt een deel van een tekenreeks vervangen door een andere tekenreeks, op basis van het aantal bytes dat u opgeeft, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "REPT": { "a": "(tekst; aantal-malen)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Geeft als resultaat het opgegeven aantal tekens vanaf het einde van een tekenreeks" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [aantal-tekens])", + "d": "Geeft het laatste teken of de laatste tekens in een tekenreeks als resultaat, op basis van het aantal bytes dat u opgeeft, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(zoeken_tekst; in_tekst; [begin_getal])", "d": "Geeft als resultaat de positie van het teken, lezend van links naar rechts, waar een bepaald teken of een bepaalde tekenreeks de eerste keer wordt gevonden (zonder onderscheid tussen hoofdletters en kleine letters)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(zoeken_tekst; in_tekst; [begin_getal])", + "d": "Wordt naar een tekenreeks gezocht binnen een andere tekenreeks en wordt het nummer van de beginpositie van de eerste tekenreeks als resultaat gegeven, berekend vanaf het eerste teken van de tweede tekenreeks, is bedoeld voor talen met DBCS-tekenset (Double-Byte Character Set) - Japans, Chinees en Koreaans" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(tekst; oud_tekst; nieuw_tekst; [rang_getal])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Converteert een Romeins cijfer naar een Arabisch cijfer" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "Voor talen met DBCS-tekensets (Double Byte Character Set). Wijzigt de functie tekens met volledige breedte (dubbel-byte) in tekens met halve breedte (enkel-byte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(getal)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Rondt een getal naar boven af tot op het dichtstbijzijnde gehele getal of op het dichtstbijzijnde veelvoud van significantie" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(getal; [significantie])", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat een getal dat is afgerond naar boven op het dichtstbijzijnde gehele getal of het dichtstbijzijnde meervoud van de significantie" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(getal; aantal-gekozen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Converteert radialen naar graden" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(getal; significantie)", + "d": "Rondt een getal naar boven af op het dichtstbijzijnde significante veelvoud" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(getal)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Rondt een getal naar beneden af op het dichtstbijzijnde significante veelvoud" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(getal; [significantie])", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat een getal dat naar beneden is afgerond op het dichtstbijzijnde gehele getal of het dichtstbijzijnde significante veelvoud" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(getal; [significantie]; [modus])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Rondt een getal naar beneden af op het dichtstbijzijnde gehele getal" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(getal; significantie)", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat een getal dat is afgerond naar boven op het dichtstbijzijnde gehele getal of het dichtstbijzijnde meervoud van de significantie. Het getal wordt afgerond ongeacht het teken van het getal. Als het getal of de significantie echter nul is, is nul het resultaat." }, "LCM": { "a": "(complex_getal1; [complex_getal2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Zoekt in een bereik of matrix naar een overeenkomst en retourneert het bijbehorende item uit een tweede bereik of matrix. Standaard wordt een exacte overeenkomst gebruikt" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(infotype; [verwijzing])", + "d": "Geeft als resultaat informatie over de opmaak, locatie of inhoud van een cel" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(foutwaarde)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pl_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pl_desc.json index 4a34f5d9c..4de807c10 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pl_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pl_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Zwraca liczbę reprezentującą datę w kodzie data-godzina" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(data_początkowa; data_końcowa; jednostka)", + "d": "Oblicza liczbę dni, miesięcy lub lat między dwiema datami" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(data_tekst)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Zwraca pozycję początkową jednego ciągu tekstowego w drugim ciągu tekstowym. Funkcja ZNAJDŹ uwzględnia wielkość liter" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szukany_tekst; w_tekście; [liczba_początkowa])", + "d": "Lokalizują ciąg tekstowy wewnątrz innego ciągu tekstowego i zwracają pozycję początkową pierwszego ciągu, licząc od pierwszego znaku drugiego ciągu, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(liczba; [miejsca_dziesiętne]; [bez_przecinka])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Zwraca określoną liczbę znaków od początku ciągu tekstowego" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [liczba_znaków])", + "d": "Zwraca pierwsze znaki w ciągu tekstowym na podstawie określonej liczby znaków, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "LEN": { "a": "(tekst)", "d": "Zwraca liczbę znaków w ciągu znaków" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "Zwraca liczbę bajtów reprezentujących znaki w ciągu tekstowym, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(tekst)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Zwraca znaki ze środka ciągu tekstowego przy danej pozycji początkowej i długości" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; liczba_początkowa; liczba_znaków)", + "d": "Zwraca określoną liczbę znaków z ciągu tekstowego, począwszy od określonej pozycji, na podstawie podanej liczby bajtów, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(tekst; [separator_dziesiętny]; [separator_grup])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Zamienia część ciągu znaków innym ciągiem znaków" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(stary_tekst; liczba_początkowa; liczba_znaków; nowy_tekst)", + "d": "Zamienia część ciągu tekstowego na inny ciąg tekstowy z uwzględnieniem określonej liczby bajtów, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "REPT": { "a": "(tekst; ile_razy)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Zwraca określoną liczbę znaków od końca ciągu tekstowego" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(tekst; [liczba_znaków])", + "d": "Zwraca ostatnie znaki w ciągu tekstowym, na podstawie określonej liczby bajtów, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(szukany_tekst; obejmujący_tekst; [liczba_początkowa])", "d": "Zwraca numer znaku, w którym jeden ciąg znaków został znaleziony po raz pierwszy w drugim, począwszy od lewej strony (nie rozróżniając liter małych i dużych)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(szukany_tekst; obejmujący_tekst; [liczba_początkowa])", + "d": "Służy do odnajdywania jednego ciągu tekstowego wewnątrz innego ciągu tekstowego i zwracania pozycji początkowej szukanego tekstu liczonej od pierwszego znaku tekstu przeszukiwanego, do używania z językami o zestawach znaków dwubajtowych (DBCS) - japoński, chiński i koreański" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(tekst; stary_tekst; nowy_tekst; [wystapienie_liczba])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konwertuje liczbę rzymską na arabską." }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(tekst)", + "d": "W językach korzystających z dwubajtowego zestawu znaków (DBCS) funkcja zmienia znaki o pełnej szerokości (dwubajtowe) na znaki o połówkowej szerokości (jednobajtowe)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(liczba)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w górę do najbliższej liczby całkowitej lub najbliższej wielokrotności istotności." }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(liczba; [istotność])", + "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w górę do najbliższej wartości całkowitej lub wielokrotności podanej istotności" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(liczba; liczba_wybrana)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konwertuje radiany na stopnie" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(liczba; istotność)", + "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w górę do najbliższej wielokrotności podanej istotności" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(liczba)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w dół do najbliższej wielokrotności podanej istotności" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(liczba; [istotność])", + "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w dół do najbliższej wartości całkowitej lub wielokrotności podanej istotności" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(liczba; [istotność]; [tryb])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w dół do najbliższej liczby całkowitej" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(liczba; [istotność])", + "d": "Zaokrągla liczbę w górę do najbliższej wartości całkowitej lub wielokrotności podanej istotności. Zaokrąglenie następuje w górę niezależnie od znaku liczby. Jeśli liczba lub istotność wynosi zero, jest zwracana wartość zero." }, "LCM": { "a": "(liczba1; [liczba2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Przeszukuje zakres lub tablicę pod kątem dopasowania i zwraca odpowiedni element z drugiego zakresu lub drugiej tablicy. Domyślnie jest używane dokładne dopasowanie" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(typ_info; [odwołanie])", + "d": "Zwraca informacje o formatowaniu, położeniu lub zawartości komórki" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(błąd_wartość)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pt_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pt_desc.json index dc7f373af..14d1ddc7f 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pt_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/pt_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Devolve o número que representa a data no código de data e hora" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(data_inicial; data_final; unidade)", + "d": "Calcula o número de dias, meses ou anos entre duas datas" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(texto_data)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Devolve a posição de partida de uma cadeia de texto dentro de outra. LOCALIZAR é sensível a maiúsculas e minúsculas" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto_a_localizar; no_texto; [núm_inicial])", + "d": "Localiza uma cadeia de texto dentro de uma segunda cadeia de texto e devolve o número da posição inicial da primeira cadeia de texto a partir do primeiro caráter da segunda cadeia de texto, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(núm; [decimais]; [sem_sep_milhar])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Devolve o número especificado de carateres do início de uma cadeia de texto" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto; [núm_caract])", + "d": "Devolve o primeiro caráter ou carateres numa cadeia de texto, com base no número de bytes que especificar, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "LEN": { "a": "(texto)", "d": "Devolve o número de carateres de uma cadeia de texto" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto)", + "d": "Devolve o número de bytes utilizado para representar os carateres numa cadeia de texto, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(texto)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Devolve um número específico de carateres de uma cadeia de texto, com início na posição especificada" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto; núm_inicial; núm_caract)", + "d": "Devolve um número específico de carateres de uma cadeia de texto, começando na posição que especificar, com base no número de bytes especificado, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(texto; [separador_decimal]; [separador_grupo])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Substitui parte de uma cadeia de texto por outra diferente" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto_antigo; núm_inicial; núm_caract; texto_novo)", + "d": "Substitui parte de uma cadeia de texto, com base no número de bytes que especificar, por uma cadeia de texto diferente, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "REPT": { "a": "(texto; núm_vezes)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Devolve o número especificado de carateres do fim de uma cadeia de texto" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto; [núm_caract])", + "d": "Devolve o último caráter ou carateres numa cadeia de texto, baseado no número de bytes especificados, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(texto_a_localizar; no_texto; [núm_inicial])", "d": "Devolve o número do caráter no qual é localizado pela primeira vez uma cadeia de texto específica, lida da esquerda para a direita (não distingue maiúsculas e minúsculas)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(texto_a_localizar; no_texto; [núm_inicial])", + "d": "Localiza uma cadeia de texto dentro de uma segunda cadeia de texto e devolve o número da posição de início da primeira cadeia de texto do primeiro caráter da segunda cadeia de texto, destina-se a ser utilizada com idiomas que utilizem o conjunto de carateres de byte duplo (DBCS, double-byte character set) - japonês, chinês e coreano" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(texto; texto_antigo; texto_novo; [núm_ocorrência])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Converte um número Romano em Arábico" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(texto)", + "d": "Em tipos de linguagem de conjuntos de carateres de bytes duplos (DBCS), a função altera os carateres de largura total (bytes duplos) para carateres de largura média (byte único)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(núm)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Arredonda um número por excesso para o número inteiro ou para o múltiplo significativo mais próximo" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(número; [significância])", + "d": "Devolve um número arredondado para o número inteiro mais próximo ou para o múltiplo de significância mais próximo" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(núm; núm_escolhido)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Converte radianos em graus" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(núm; significância)", + "d": "Arredonda um número por excesso para o múltiplo significativo mais próximo" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(núm)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Arredonda um número por defeito para o múltiplo significativo mais próximo" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(número; [significância])", + "d": "Devolve um número arredondado por defeito para o número inteiro mais próximo ou para o múltiplo de significância mais próximo" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(número; [significância]; [modo])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Arredonda um número por defeito até ao número inteiro mais próximo" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(número; [significância])", + "d": "Devolve um número arredondado para o número inteiro mais próximo ou para o múltiplo de significância mais próximo. Independentemente do sinal do número, o número é arredondado. Contudo, se o número ou a significância for zero, é devolvido zero." }, "LCM": { "a": "(núm1; [núm2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Procura uma correspondência num intervalo ou matriz e devolve o item correspondente de um segundo intervalo ou matriz. Por predefinição, é utilizada uma correspondência exata" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(tipo_info; [referência])", + "d": "Devolve informações sobre a formatação, localização ou conteúdo de uma célula" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(val_erro)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ro_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ro_desc.json index dce7c4fcd..bd944120b 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ro_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ro_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Returnează numărul care reprezintă data în cod dată-oră." }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(dată_început; dată_sfârșit; unitate)", + "d": "Calculează numărul de zile, luni sau ani dintre două date calendaristice" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(text_dată)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Returnează numărul poziției de început a unui șir text găsit în cadrul altui șir text. FIND diferențiază literele mari de literele mici" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text_de_căutat; în_text; [num_start])", + "d": "Găsesc un șir text într-un al doilea șir text, apoi returnează numărul poziției de început a primului șir text începând cu primul caracter al celui de-al doilea șir text, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(număr; [zecimale]; [nr_virgule])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Returnează numărul precizat de caractere de la începutul unui șir text" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [car_num])", + "d": "Returnează primul caracter sau primele caractere dintr-un șir text, în funcție de numărul de byți specificat, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Returnează numărul de caractere într-un șir text" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Returnează numărul de byți utilizați pentru reprezentarea caracterelor dintr-un șir text, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Returnează caracterele din mijlocul unui șir text fiind date poziția de început și lungimea" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; num_start; car_num)", + "d": "Returnează un anumit număr de caractere dintr-un șir de text, începând din poziția specificată, pe baza numărului de byți specificat, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [separator_zecimale]; [separator_grup])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Înlocuiește o parte a unui șir text cu un șir text diferit" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text_vechi; num_start; car_num; text_nou)", + "d": "Înlocuiește o parte dintr-un șir de text, pe baza numărului de byți specificat, cu un alt șir de text, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; număr_ori)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Returnează numărul precizat de caractere de la sfârșitul unui șir text" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [car_num])", + "d": "Întoarce ultimul caracter sau caractere dintr-un șir de text, pe baza unui număr de byți specificat, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(text_de_căutat; în_text; [num_start])", "d": "Returnează numărul caracterului de la care este găsit prima dată un caracter sau un șir text precizat, citind de la stânga la dreapta (nu se diferențiază literele mari și mici)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text_de_căutat; în_text; [num_start])", + "d": "Găsesc un șir text într-un al doilea șir text, apoi returnează numărul poziției de început a primului șir text începând cu primul caracter al celui de-al doilea șir text, are ca scop utilizarea cu limbi care întrebuințează setul de caractere dublu-octet (DBCS) - limba japoneză, limba chineză și limba coreeană" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; text_vechi; text_nou; [num_instanță])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Efectuează conversia unui număr roman în număr arab" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Pentru limbile cu set de caractere pe doi octeți (DBCS), funcția modifică caracterele cu lățime întreagă (doi octeți) în caractere cu lățime pe jumătate (un octet)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(număr)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Rotunjește prin adaos un număr, la cel mai apropiat întreg sau la cel mai apropiat multiplu de semnificație" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(număr; [semnificație])", + "d": "Returnează un număr care este rotunjit la cel mai apropiat întreg sau la cel mai apropiat multiplu semnificativ" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(număr; număr_ales)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Transformă radiani în grade" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(număr; semnificație)", + "d": "Rotunjește prin adaos un număr, la cel mai apropiat multiplu de argument de precizie" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(număr)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Rotunjește prin lipsă un număr, la cel mai apropiat multiplu de semnificație" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(număr; [semnificație])", + "d": "Returnează un număr care este rotunjit prin lipsă la cel mai apropiat întreg sau la cel mai apropiat multiplu al semnificației" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(număr; [semnificație]; [mod])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Rotunjește un număr prin lipsă la cel mai apropiat întreg" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(număr; [semnif])", + "d": "Returnează un număr care este rotunjit la cel mai apropiat întreg sau la cel mai apropiat multiplu semnificativ. Indiferent de semnul numărului, numărul este rotunjit. Însă, dacă numărul sau semnificația este zero, se returnează zero." }, "LCM": { "a": "(număr1; [număr2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Caută într-o zonă sau într-o matrice pentru o potrivire și returnează elementul corespunzător dintr-o a doua zonă sau matrice. În mod implicit, se utilizează o potrivire exactă" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(tip_info; [referință])", + "d": "Returnează informații despre formatare, locație și conținutul unei celule" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(val_er)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ru_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ru_desc.json index 7af867a1e..0f0962dd3 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ru_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/ru_desc.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ }, "DATEDIF": { "a": "(нач_дата;кон_дата;единица)", - "d": "Функция даты и времени, возвращает разницу между двумя датами (начальной и конечной) согласно заданному интервалу (единице)" + "d": "Возвращает разницу между двумя датами (начальной и конечной) согласно заданному интервалу (единице)" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(дата_как_текст)", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "FINDB": { "a": "(искомый_текст;просматриваемый_текст;[нач_позиция])", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, используется для поиска заданной подстроки (искомый_текст) внутри строки (просматриваемый_текст), предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Находит заданную подстроку (искомый_текст) внутри строки (просматриваемый_текст), предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "FIXED": { "a": "(число; [число_знаков]; [без_разделителей])", @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ }, "LEFTB": { "a": "(текст;[число_знаков])", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, извлекает подстроку из заданной строки, начиная с левого символа, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Извлекает подстроку из заданной строки, начиная с левого символа, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "LEN": { "a": "(текст)", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }, "LENB": { "a": "(текст)", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, анализирует заданную строку и возвращает количество символов, которые она содержит, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Анализирует заданную строку и возвращает количество символов, которые она содержит, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "LOWER": { "a": "(текст)", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ }, "MIDB": { "a": "(текст;начальная_позиция;число_знаков)", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, извлекает символы из заданной строки, начиная с любого места, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Извлекает символы из заданной строки, начиная с любого места, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(текст; [десятичный_разделитель]; [разделитель_разрядов])", @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ }, "REPLACEB": { "a": "(стар_текст;начальная_позиция;число_знаков;нов_текст)", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, заменяет ряд символов на новый, с учетом заданного количества символов и начальной позиции, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Заменяет ряд символов на новый, с учетом заданного количества символов и начальной позиции, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "REPT": { "a": "(текст; число_повторений)", @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ }, "RIGHTB": { "a": "(текст;[число_знаков])", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, извлекает подстроку из заданной строки, начиная с крайнего правого символа, согласно заданному количеству символов, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Извлекает подстроку из заданной строки, начиная с крайнего правого символа, согласно заданному количеству символов, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(искомый_текст; текст_для_поиска; [нач_позиция])", @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ }, "SEARCHB": { "a": "(искомый_текст;просматриваемый_текст;[начальная_позиция])", - "d": "Функция для работы с текстом и данными, возвращает местоположение заданной подстроки в строке, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." + "d": "Возвращает местоположение заданной подстроки в строке, предназначена для языков, использующих двухбайтовую кодировку (DBCS), таких как японский, китайский, корейский и т.д." }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(текст; стар_текст; нов_текст; [номер_вхождения])", @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ }, "ASC": { "a": "(текст)", - "d": "Текстовая функция, для языков с двухбайтовой кодировкой (DBCS) преобразует полноширинные (двухбайтовые) знаки в полуширинные (однобайтовые)" + "d": "Для языков с двухбайтовой кодировкой (DBCS) преобразует полноширинные (двухбайтовые) знаки в полуширинные (однобайтовые)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { "a": "(x;[точность])", - "d": "Математическая и тригонометрическая функция, округляет число вверх до ближайшего целого или до ближайшего кратного указанному значению" + "d": "Округляет число вверх до ближайшего целого или до ближайшего кратного указанному значению" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(число; число_выбранных)", @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ }, "ECMA.CEILING": { "a": "(x;точность)", - "d": "Математическая и тригонометрическая функция, используется, чтобы округлить число в большую сторону до ближайшего числа, кратного заданной значимости" + "d": "Округляет число в большую сторону до ближайшего числа, кратного заданной значимости" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { "a": "(x;[точность])", - "d": "Математическая и тригонометрическая функция, возвращает число, округленное с недостатком до ближайшего целого или до ближайшего кратного разрядности" + "d": "Возвращает число, округленное с недостатком до ближайшего целого или до ближайшего кратного разрядности" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(число; [точность]; [режим])", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Ищет совпадение в диапазоне или массиве и возвращает соответствующий элемент из второго диапазона или массива. По умолчанию используется точное соответствие" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Информационная функция, возвращает сведения о форматировании, расположении или содержимом ячейки" + "a": "(тип_сведений; [ссылка])", + "d": "Возвращает сведения о форматировании, расположении или содержимом ячейки" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(значение_ошибки)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sk_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sk_desc.json index 9724c7c35..2c1d8a066 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sk_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sk_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Vráti číslo, ktoré v kóde pre dátum a čas predstavuje dátum" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(počiatočný_dátum; koncový_dátum; jednotka)", + "d": "Vypočíta počet dní, mesiacov alebo rokov medzi dvomi dátumami" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(text_dátumu)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Vráti počiatočnú pozíciu textového reťazca v rámci iného textového reťazca. Táto funkcia rozlišuje malé a veľké písmená" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(nájsť_text; v_texte; [počiatočné_číslo])", + "d": "Vráti jeden textový reťazec vo vnútri druhého reťazca a vracajú počiatočnú pozíciu prvého reťazca od prvého znaku druhého reťazca, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(číslo; [desatinné_miesta]; [bez_čiarok])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Vráti zadaný počet znakov od začiatku textového reťazca" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [počet_znakov])", + "d": "Vráti prvý znak alebo prvé znaky v textovom reťazci, pričom ich počet je určený veľkosťou v bajtoch, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Vráti počet znakov textového reťazca" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Vráti počet bajtov použitých pre zobrazenie znakov v textovom reťazci, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Vráti znaky z textového reťazca, ak je zadaná počiatočná pozícia a dĺžka" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; počiatočná_pozícia; počet_znakov)", + "d": "Vráti časť textového reťazca od zadanej pozície a podľa zadaného počtu bajtov, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Nahradí časť textového reťazce iným textovým reťazcom" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(starý_text; počiatočné_číslo; počet_znakov; nový_text)", + "d": "Nahradí časť textového reťazca so zadaným počtom bajtov odlišným textovým reťazcom, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; počet_opakovaní)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Vráti zadaný počet znakov od konca textového reťazca" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [počet_znakov])", + "d": "Vráti znaky z konca textového reťazca, pričom dĺžka výsledku je zadaná v bajtoch, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(nájsť_text; v_texte; [pozícia_začiatku])", "d": "Vráti číslo prvého výskytu daného znaku alebo textového reťazca. Program hľadá zľava doprava a nerozlišuje veľké a malé písmená" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(nájsť_text; v_texte; [pozícia_začiatku])", + "d": "Vyhľadávajú jeden textový reťazec v rámci druhého textového reťazca a vrátia číslo počiatočnej pozície prvého textového reťazca od prvého znaku druhého textového reťazca, je určená pre jazyky, ktoré používajú dvojbajtovú tabuľku znakov (DBCS) - japončina, čínština a kórejčina" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; starý_text; nový_text; [číslo_inštancie])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konvertuje rímske číslice na arabské" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Pre jazyky s dvojbajtovými tabuľkami znakov (DBCS) sa menia znaky s plnou šírkou (dvojbajtové) na znaky s polovičnou šírkou (jednobajtové)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(číslo)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrúhli číslo nahor na najbližšie celé číslo alebo na najbližší násobok zadanej hodnoty" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; [významnosť])", + "d": "Vráti číslo zaokrúhlené na najbližšie celé číslo alebo na najbližší násobok zadanej hodnoty" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(počet; vybratý_počet)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konvertuje radiány na stupne" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; významnosť)", + "d": "Zaokrúhli číslo smerom nahor na najbližší násobok zadanej hodnoty" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(číslo)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrúhli číslo nadol na najbližší násobok zadanej hodnoty" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(číslo; [významnosť])", + "d": "Vráti číslo, ktoré je zaokrúhlené nadol na najbližšie celé číslo alebo na násobok zadanej hodnoty" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Zaokrúhli číslo nadol na najbližšie celé číslo" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(číslo; [významnosť])", + "d": "Vráti číslo zaokrúhlené na najbližšie celé číslo alebo na najbližší násobok zadanej hodnoty. Číslo sa bez ohľadu na znamienko zaokrúhli nahor. Ak je však dané číslo alebo násobok nula, vráti sa nula." }, "LCM": { "a": "(číslo1; [číslo2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "V danom rozsahu alebo poli hľadá zhodu a vráti zodpovedajúcu položku z druhého rozsahu alebo poľa. Predvolene sa použije presná zhoda" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(typ_informácií; [odkaz])", + "d": "Vráti informácie o formátovaní, umiestnení alebo obsahu bunky" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(hodnota_chyby)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sl_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sl_desc.json index d9593f35f..ce8780223 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sl_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sl_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Vrne število, ki predstavlja datum v kodi za datum in uro." }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(začetni_datum; končni_datum; enota)", + "d": "Izračuna število dni, mesecev ali let med dvema datumoma" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(besedilo_datuma)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Vrne začetni položaj besedilnega niza v drugem besedilnem nizu. FIND loči velike in male črke." }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(iskano_besedilo; v_besedilu; [začetni_znak])", + "d": "Je mogoče en besedilni niz poiskati z drugim in vrniti število začetnih mest prvega besedilnega niza iz prvega znaka drugega besedilnega niza, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(število; [decimalna_mesta]; [brez_vejic])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Vrne določeno število znakov od začetka besedilnega niza." }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(besedilo; [št_znakov])", + "d": "Vrne prvi znak ali znake v nizu besedila na osnovi navedenega števila bajtov, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "LEN": { "a": "(besedilo)", "d": "Vrne število znakov v besedilnem nizu." }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(besedilo)", + "d": "Vrne število bajtov, ki predstavljajo znake v besedilnem nizu, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(besedilo)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Vrne znake iz sredine besedilnega niza, če sta podana začetni položaj in dolžina." }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(besedilo; prvi_znak; št_znakov)", + "d": "Vrne določeno število znakov iz besedilnega niza z začetkom pri navedenem položaju in na osnovi navedenega števila bajtov, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(besedilo; [decimalno_ločilo]; [skupina_ločilo])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Zamenja del besedilnega niza z drugim besedilnim nizom." }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(staro_besedilo; mesto_znaka; št_znakov; novo_besedilo)", + "d": "Nadomesti del besedilnega niza z drugim besedilnim nizom glede na navedeno število bajtov, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "REPT": { "a": "(besedilo; št_ponovitev)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Vrne določeno število znakov od konca besedilnega niza." }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(besedilo; [št_znakov])", + "d": "Vrne zadnji znak ali znake v besedilnem nizu, in sicer na podlagi navedenega števila bajtov, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(iskano_besedilo; v_besedilu; [št_začetka])", "d": "Vrne številko znaka, kjer je prvič – gledano z leve proti desni - najden poseben znak ali besedilni niz (ne loči velikih in malih črk)." }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(iskano_besedilo; v_besedilu; [št_začetka])", + "d": "Je mogoče en besedilni niz poiskati z drugim in vrniti število začetnih mest prvega besedilnega niza iz prvega znaka drugega besedilnega niza, uporablja v jezikih z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) - japonščina, kitajščina in korejščina" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(besedilo; staro_besedilo; novo_besedilo; [št_primerka])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Pretvori rimsko številko v arabsko" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(besedilo)", + "d": "Za jezike z dvobajtnim naborom znakov (DBCS) spremeni funkcija znake polne širine (dvobajtne) v znake polovične (enobajtne) širine" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(število)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Zaokroži število na najbližje celo število ali večkratnik osnove navzgor" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(število; [pomembnost])", + "d": "Vrne število, ki je zaokroženo na najbližje celo število ali na najbližji mnogokratnik značilnega števila" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(število; izbrano_število)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Pretvori radiane v stopinje." }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(število; pomembnost)", + "d": "Zaokroži število navzgor, na najbližji mnogokratnik značilnega števila" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(število)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Zaokroži število navzdol do najbližjega mnogokratnika značilnega števila." }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(število; [pomembnost])", + "d": "Vrne število, ki je zaokroženo navzdol na najbližje celo število ali na najbližji večkratnik osnove" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(število; [osnova]; [način])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Število zaokroži navzdol do najbližjega celega števila." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(število; [pomembnost])", + "d": "Vrne število, ki je zaokroženo na najbližje celo število ali na najbližji mnogokratnik značilnega števila. Ne glede na znak števila, je število zaokroženo navzgor. Če je vrednost števila ali značilnega števila nič, je vrnjena vrednost nič." }, "LCM": { "a": "(število1; [število2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Poišče ujemanje v obsegu ali polju in vrne ustrezen element iz drugega obsega ali polja. Privzeto je uporabljeno natančno ujemanje" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(vrsta_informacij; [sklic])", + "d": "Vrne informacije o oblikovanju, mestu ali vsebini celice" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(vrednost_napake)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sv_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sv_desc.json index 11cabf739..0bff1c959 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sv_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/sv_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Returnerar numret som representerar datumet i datum-tidkoden" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(startdatum; stoppdatum; enhet)", + "d": "Beräknar antalet dagar, månader eller år mellan två datum" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(datumtext)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Returnerar startpositionen för en textsträng inom en annan textsträng. SÖK är skiftlägeskänsligt." }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(sök; inom_text; [startpos])", + "d": "Söker efter en textsträng i en annan textsträng och returnerar numret på startpositionen för den första strängen från det första tecknet i den andra textsträngen, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(tal; [decimaler]; [ej_komma])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Returnerar det angivna antalet tecken från början av en textsträng." }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [antal_tecken])", + "d": "Returnerar det första tecknet eller tecknen i en textsträng, baserat på antal angivna byte, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Returnerar antalet tecken i en textsträng." }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Returnerar antalet byte som används för att representera tecknen i en textsträng, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Returnerar tecknen från mitten av en textsträng med en startposition och längd som du anger." }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; startpos; antal_tecken)", + "d": "Returnerar ett angivet antal tecken ur en textsträng med början från en angiven position, baserat på antalet byte du anger, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimaltecken]; [tusentalsavgränsare])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Ersätter del av textsträng med en annan." }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(gammal_text; startpos; antal_tecken; ny_text)", + "d": "Ersätter en del av en textsträng, baserat på det antal tecken du anger, med en annan textsträng, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; antal_gånger)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Returnerar det angivna antalet tecken från slutet av en textsträng." }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [antal_tecken])", + "d": "Returnerar det eller de sista tecknen i en textsträng, baserat på det antal byte du anger, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(sök; inom; [startpos])", "d": "Returnerar antalet tecken vilka ett givet tecken eller textsträng söker efter först, läser från höger till vänster (ej skiftlägeskänslig)." }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(sök; inom; [startpos])", + "d": "Söker efter en textsträng i en annan textsträng och returnerar numret på startpositionen för den första strängen från det första tecknet i den andra textsträngen, är avsedd att användas med språk som använder DBCS-teckenuppsättningen (Double-Byte Character Set) - japanska, kinesiska och koreanska" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; gammal_text; ny_text; [antal_förekomster])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Konverterar romerska siffror till arabiska." }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "För språk med DBCS-teckenuppsättningar (teckenuppsättningar med dubbla byte) ändrar den gär funktionen tecken med hel bredd (två byte) till halvbreddstecken (en byte)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(tal)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Avrundar ett tal uppåt till närmaste heltal eller till närmaste signifikanta multipel." }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; [signifikans])", + "d": "Returnerar ett tal som har rundats upp till närmaste heltal eller närmaste signifikanta multipel" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(antal; valt_antal)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Konverterar radianer till grader." }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; signifikans)", + "d": "Avrundar ett tal uppåt, till närmaste signifikanta multipel" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(tal)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Avrundar ett tal nedåt, till närmaste signifikanta multipel." }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(tal; [signifikans])", + "d": "Returnerar ett tal som har rundats av nedåt till närmaste heltal eller närmaste signifikanta multipel" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(tal; [signifikans]; [typvärde])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Rundar av ett tal till närmaste heltal." }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(tal; [signifikans])", + "d": "Returnerar ett tal som har rundats upp till närmaste heltal eller närmaste signifikanta multipel. Oavsett talets tecken rundas talet uppåt. Om talet eller signifikansen är noll returneras dock noll." }, "LCM": { "a": "(tal1; [tal2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "söker efter ett intervall eller en matris för en matchning och returnerar motsvarande objekt från ett andra intervall eller en andra matris. Som standard används en exakt matchning" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(infotyp; [referens])", + "d": "Returnerar information om formatering, placering eller innehåll för en cell" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(felvärde)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/tr_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/tr_desc.json index aa03f5758..20535df5d 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/tr_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/tr_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Tarih-saat kodundaki tarihi gösteren sayıyı verir." }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(başlangıç_tarihi; bitiş_tarihi; birim)", + "d": "İki tarih arasındaki gün, ay veya yıl sayısını hesaplar" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(tarih_metni)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Bir metin dizesini diğer bir metin dizesi içinde bulur ve bulunan dizenin başlama konumu numarasını verir (büyük küçük harfe duyarlı)" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(bul_metin; metin_içinde; [başlangıç_sayısı])", + "d": "Bir metin dizesi içinde bir metin dizesi bulur ve ikinci metin dizesinin ilk karakterinden ilk metin dizesinin başlangıç konumuna ait sayıyı verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(sayı; [onluklar]; [virgül_yok])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Bir metin dizesinin ilk (en solundaki) belirtilen sayıdaki karakter ya da karakterlerini verir" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(metin; [sayı_karakterler])", + "d": "Belirteceğiniz bayt sayısına göre bir metin dizesindeki ilk karakteri veya karakterleri verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "LEN": { "a": "(metin)", "d": "Bir karakter dizesi içerisindeki karakter sayısını verir" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(metin)", + "d": "Bir metin dizesinde karakterleri temsil etmek üzere kullanılan bayt sayısını verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(metin)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Belirttiğiniz konumdan başlamak üzere metinden belirli sayıda karakter verir" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(metin; başlangıç_sayısı; sayı_karakterler)", + "d": "Bir metin dizesinden, belirttiğiniz yerden başlayarak, belirttiğiniz bayt sayısına göre belirli sayıda karakteri verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(metin; [ondalık_ayırıcı]; [grup_ayırıcı])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Metin dizesinin bir kısmını başka bir metin dizesiyle değiştirir" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(eski_metin; başlangıç_sayısı; sayı_karakterler; yeni_metin)", + "d": "Belirteceğiniz bayt sayısına göre, bir metin dizesinin bir kısmını farklı bir metin dizesi ile değiştirir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "REPT": { "a": "(metin; sayı_kere)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Bir metin dizesinin son (en sağdaki) belirtilen sayıdaki karakter ya da karakterlerini verir" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(metin; [sayı_karakterler])", + "d": "Belirteceğiniz bayt sayısına göre, bir metin dizesindeki son karakteri veya karakterleri verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(bul_metin; metin; [başlangıç_sayısı])", "d": "Özel bir karakter ya da metin dizesinin ilk geçtiği yerin karakter numarasını verir, soldan sağa okuma sırasında (büyük küçük harfe duyarlı değil)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(bul_metin; metin; [başlangıç_sayısı])", + "d": "Bir metin dizesi içinde bir metin dizesi bulur ve ikinci metin dizesinin ilk karakterinden ilk metin dizesinin başlangıç konumuna ait sayıyı verir, ise çift baytlık karakter kümesi (DBCS) kullanan dillerle kullanım için tasarlanmıştır - Japonca, Çince ve Korecedir" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(metin; eski_metin; yeni_metin; [yineleme_sayısı])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Bir Roma rakamını Arap rakamına dönüştürür" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(metin)", + "d": "Çift bayt karakter kümeli (DBCS) dillerde, işlev tam genişlikli (çift bayt) karakterleri yarı genişlikli (tek bayt) karakterlere dönüştürür" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(sayı)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Bir sayıyı, yukarı doğru en yakın tamsayı veya anlamlı sayı katına yuvarlar" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(sayı; [anlam])", + "d": "En yakın tam sayıya ya da en yakın katına yuvarlanmış sayıyı verir" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(sayı; sayı_seçilen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Radyanı dereceye çevirir" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(sayı; anlam)", + "d": "Bir sayıyı, yukarı doğru en yakın anlamlı sayı katına yuvarlar" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(sayı)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Bir sayıyı, anlamlı en yakın katına, aşağı doğru yuvarlar" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(sayı; [anlam])", + "d": "En yakın sayıya veya en yakın anlam katına aşağı yuvarlanmış bir sayı verir" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(sayı; [anlam]; [mod])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Bir sayıyı, sıfırdan ıraksayarak en yakın tam sayıya yuvarlar" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(sayı; [anlam])", + "d": "En yakın tam sayıya ya da en yakın katına yuvarlanmış sayıyı verir. Sayının işareti dikkate alınmadan sayı yuvarlanır. Ancak, sayı veya anlam sıfırsa, sıfır verilir." }, "LCM": { "a": "(sayı1; [sayı2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Eşleştirme bulmak için bir aralıkta veya dizide arama yapar ve ilgili öğeyi ikinci bir aralıkta ya da dizide döndürür. Varsayılan olarak tam eşleşme kullanılır" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(bilgi_türü; [başvuru])", + "d": "Hücrenin biçimlendirmesi, konumu ve içeriği hakkındaki bilgileri verir" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(hata_değer)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/uk_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/uk_desc.json index 1a0540f5c..ae4c4c0a7 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/uk_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/uk_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Повертає число, що відповідає коду дати-часу" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(дата_початку; дата_завершення; одиниця)", + "d": "Обчислює кількість днів, місяців або років між двома датами" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(дата_в_текстовому_форматі)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Повертає позицію початку шуканого текстового рядка в тексті перегляду, який його містить. Великі й малі букви розрізняються" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(шуканий_текст; текст_перегляду; [поч_позиція])", + "d": "Знаходить один рядок тексту у другому рядку тексту та повертає позицію початку першого рядка тексту від першого символу другого рядка тексту, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(число; [кількість_знаків]; [без_розділювачів])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Повертає задану кількість символів, вибрану з початку текстового рядка" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; [кількість_символів])", + "d": "Повертає перший символ або символи в текстовому рядку, залежно від заданої кількості байтів, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "LEN": { "a": "(текст)", "d": "Повертає кількість символів у текстовому рядку" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст)", + "d": "Повертає кількість байтів, використаних для відображення символів у текстовому рядку, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(текст)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Повертає задану кількість символів, вибрану з рядка тексту, починаючи з указаної позиції" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; поч_позиція; кількість_символів)", + "d": "Повертає задану кількість символів із рядка тексту, починаючи з указаної позиції, на основі заданої кількості байтів, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(текст; [десятковий_роздільник]; [груповий_роздільник])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Замінює частину текстового рядка на інший текст" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(старий_текст; поч_поз; кількість_символів; новий_текст)", + "d": "Замінює частину текстового рядка на інший текст, виходячи з кількості вказаних байтів, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "REPT": { "a": "(текст; кількість_повторів)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Повертає задану кількість символів, вибрану з кінця текстового рядка" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(текст; [кількість_символів])", + "d": "Повертає останній символ або символи в текстовому рядку, залежно від указаної кількості байтів, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(шуканий_текст; текст_перегляду; [поч_позиція])", "d": "Повертає позицію першого входження символу або рядка тексту (без урахування регістру), якщо читати зліва направо" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(шуканий_текст; текст_перегляду; [поч_позиція])", + "d": "Знаходить один текстовий рядок у межах другого рядка та повертає число стартової позиції першого текстового рядка з першого символу другого текстового рядка, передбачена для використання з мовами, що мають набір двобайтних символів (DBCS) - японська, китайська і корейська" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(текст; стар_текст; нов_текст; [номер_входження])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Перетворює римську цифру на арабську" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(текст)", + "d": "Для мов із двобайтними наборами символів (DBCS) ця функція перетворює двобайтні символи на однобайтні" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Округлює число до найближчого більшого за модулем цілого числа або кратного значенню точності" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; [точність])", + "d": "Повертає число, округлене до найближчого більшого цілого або до кратного значенню точності" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(число; кількість_вибраних)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Перетворює радіани на градуси" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; точність)", + "d": "Округлює число найближчого більшого кратного точності" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(число)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "Округлює число до найближчого меншого кратного точності" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(число; [точність])", + "d": "Повертає число, округлене до найближчого меншого цілого або до кратного значенню точності" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(число; [точність]; [модуль])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Округлює число до найближчого меншого цілого" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(число; [точність])", + "d": "Повертає число, округлене до найближчого більшого цілого або до кратного значенню точності. Число округлюється незалежно від його знака. Однак, якщо число – нуль або його значення точності дорівнює нулю, буде повернуто нуль." }, "LCM": { "a": "(число1; [число2]; ...)", @@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ "d": "Пошук збігів у масиві або діапазоні та повернення відповідного елемента з другого масиву або діапазону. За замовчуванням ведеться пошук точних збігів" }, "CELL": { - "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "a": "(тип_відомостей; [посилання])", + "d": "Повертає інформацію про форматування, розташування або вміст клітинки" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(значення_помилки)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/vi_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/vi_desc.json index fd5a7cf32..e2eaf4d16 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/vi_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/vi_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "Trả về số thể hiện ngày tháng theo mã ngày-giờ" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(start-date; end-date; unit)", + "d": "Tính toán số ngày, tháng hoặc năm giữa hai ngày" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "Trả về vị trí bắt đầu của một xâu văn bản nằm trong xâu văn bản khác. Hàm FIND có phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "Định vị một chuỗi văn bản nằm trong chuỗi văn bản thứ hai và trả về số của vị trí bắt đầu của chuỗi văn bản thứ nhất tính từ ký tự thứ nhất của chuỗi văn bản thứ hai, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "Trả về số ký tự xác định từ vị trí bắt đầu của xâu văn bản" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "Trả về một hoặc nhiều ký tự đầu tiên trong một chuỗi, dựa vào số byte mà bạn chỉ định, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "Trả về số lượng ký tự trong xâu văn bản" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Trả về số byte dùng để biểu thị các ký tự trong một chuỗi văn bản, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "Trả về các ký tự ở giữa xâu văn bản, với vị trí bắt đầu và độ dài chỉ định" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; start_num; num_chars)", + "d": "Trả về một số lượng ký tự cụ thể từ một chuỗi văn bản, bắt đầu từ vị trí do bạn chỉ định, dựa vào số lượng byte do bạn chỉ định, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "Thay thế một phần của xâu văn bản bằng xâu văn bản khác" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(old_text; start_num; num_chars; new_text)", + "d": "Thay thế một phần của chuỗi văn bản, dựa vào số byte do bạn chỉ định, bằng một chuỗi văn bản khác, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "Trả về số ký tự xác định từ vị trí cuối của xâu văn bản" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "Trả về một hoặc nhiều ký tự cuối cùng trong một chuỗi, dựa vào số byte mà bạn chỉ định, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", "d": "Trả về số ký tự tại vị trí xuất hiện đầu tiên của ký tự hoặc xâu văn bản cho trước, tính từ trái qua phải (không phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "Trả về một chuỗi văn bản bên trong chuỗi văn bản thứ hai và trả về số vị trí bắt đầu của chuỗi văn bản thứ nhất từ ký tự đầu tiên của chuỗi văn bản thứ hai, nhằm để dùng với những ngôn ngữ sử dụng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS) - Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Trung Quốc và Tiếng Hàn Quốc" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "Chuyển đổi chữ số La Mã sang chữ số Ả Rập" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "Đối với những ngôn ngữ dùng bộ ký tự byte kép (DBCS), hàm này giúp thay đổi các ký tự có độ rộng toàn phần (byte kép) thành các ký tự có độ rộng bán phần (byte đơn)" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "Làm tròn số lên tới số nguyên gần nhất hoặc lên bội số có nghĩa gần nhất" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Trả về một số được làm tròn lên tới số nguyên gần nhất hoặc tới bội số có nghĩa gần nhất" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "Chuyển đổi từ radian sang độ" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; significance)", + "d": "Làm tròn số lên, tới số nguyên hoặc bội gần nhất của số có nghĩa" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": " làm tròn number xuống bội số gần nhất của significance" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Trả về một số được làm tròn xuống tới số nguyên gần nhất hoặc tới bội số có nghĩa gần nhất" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "Làm tròn số xuống giá trị nguyên gần nhất" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "Trả về một số được làm tròn lên tới số nguyên gần nhất hoặc tới bội số có nghĩa gần nhất. Bất chấp dấu của số, số sẽ được làm tròn lên. Tuy nhiên, nếu đối số số hoặc đối số số có nghĩa là không, thì kết quả là không." }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "Trả về thông tin về định dạng, vị trí hay nội dung của một ô" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/zh_desc.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/zh_desc.json index 5fe93892f..cb020cb71 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/zh_desc.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/formula-lang/zh_desc.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "d": "返回在日期时间代码中代表日期的数字" }, "DATEDIF": { - "a": "( start-date; end-date; unit )", - "d": "Date and time function used to return the difference between two date values (start date and end date), based on the interval (unit) specified" + "a": "(start-date; end-date; unit)", + "d": "计算两个日期之间相隔的天数、月数或年数。" }, "DATEVALUE": { "a": "(date_text)", @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ "d": "返回一个字符串在另一个字符串中出现的起始位置(区分大小写)" }, "FINDB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to find the specified substring (string-1) within a string (string-2) and is intended for languages the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "用于在第二个文本串中定位第一个文本串,并返回第一个文本串的起始位置的值,该值从第二个文本串的第一个字符算起。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "FIXED": { "a": "(number; [decimals]; [no_commas])", @@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ "d": "从一个文本字符串的第一个字符开始返回指定个数的字符" }, "LEFTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the substring from the specified string starting from the left character and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "基于所指定的字节数返回文本字符串中的第一个或前几个字符。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "LEN": { "a": "(text)", "d": "返回文本字符串中的字符个数" }, "LENB": { - "a": "( string )", - "d": "Text and data function used to analyse the specified string and return the number of characters it contains and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text)", + "d": "返回文本字符串中用于代表字符的字节数。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "LOWER": { "a": "(text)", @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ "d": "从文本字符串中指定的起始位置起返回指定长度的字符" }, "MIDB": { - "a": "( string; start-pos; number-chars )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract the characters from the specified string starting from any position and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; start_num; num_chars)", + "d": "根据您指定的字节数,返回文本字符串中从指定位置开始的特定数目的字符。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "NUMBERVALUE": { "a": "(text; [decimal_separator]; [group_separator])", @@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ "d": "将一个字符串中的部分字符用另一个字符串替换" }, "REPLACEB": { - "a": "( string-1; start-pos; number-chars; string-2 )", - "d": "Text and data function used to replace a set of characters, based on the number of characters and the start position you specify, with a new set of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(old_text; start_num; num_chars; new_text)", + "d": "使用其他文本字符串并根据所指定的字节数替换某文本字符串中的部分文本。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "REPT": { "a": "(text; number_times)", @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ "d": "从一个文本字符串的最后一个字符开始返回指定个数的字符" }, "RIGHTB": { - "a": "( string; [number-chars] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to extract a substring from a string starting from the right-most character, based on the specified number of characters and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(text; [num_chars])", + "d": "根据所指定的字节数返回文本字符串中最后一个或多个字符。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "SEARCH": { "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", "d": "返回一个指定字符或文本字符串在字符串中第一次出现的位置,从左到右查找(忽略大小写)" }, "SEARCHB": { - "a": "( string-1; string-2; [start-pos] )", - "d": "Text and data function used to return the location of the specified substring in a string and is intended for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc." + "a": "(find_text; within_text; [start_num])", + "d": "函数可在第二个文本字符串中查找第一个文本字符串,并返回第一个文本字符串的起始位置的编号,该编号从第二个文本字符串的第一个字符算起。适用于使用双字节字符集 (DBCS) 的语言。支持 DBCS 的语言包括日语、中文、以及朝鲜语。" }, "SUBSTITUTE": { "a": "(text; old_text; new_text; [instance_num])", @@ -1348,8 +1348,8 @@ "d": "将罗马数字转换为阿拉伯数字" }, "ASC": { - "a": "( text )", - "d": "Text function for Double-byte character set (DBCS) languages, the function changes full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters" + "a": "(text)", + "d": "对于双字节字符集 (DBCS) 语言,该函数将全角(双字节)字符转换成半角(单字节)字符。" }, "ASIN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1384,8 +1384,8 @@ "d": "将数字向上舍入到最接近的整数或最接近的指定基数的倍数" }, "CEILING.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "返回一个数字,该数字向上舍入为最接近的整数或最接近的有效位的倍数。" }, "COMBIN": { "a": "(number; number_chosen)", @@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ "d": "将弧度转换成角度" }, "ECMA.CEILING": { - "a": "( x; significance )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; significance)", + "d": "将参数向上舍入为最接近的指定基数的倍数" }, "EVEN": { "a": "(number)", @@ -1452,8 +1452,8 @@ "d": "将参数向下舍入为最接近的指定基数的倍数" }, "FLOOR.PRECISE": { - "a": "( x; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance" + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "返回一个数字,该数字向下舍入为最接近的整数或最接近的 significance 的倍数。" }, "FLOOR.MATH": { "a": "(number; [significance]; [mode])", @@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ "d": "将数值向下取整为最接近的整数" }, "ISO.CEILING": { - "a": "( number; [significance] )", - "d": "Math and trigonometry function used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance regardless of the sign of the number. However, if the number or the significance is zero, zero is returned." + "a": "(number; [significance])", + "d": "返回一个数字,该数字向上舍入为最接近的整数或最接近的有效位的倍数。 无论该数字的符号如何,该数字都向上舍入。 但是,如果该数字或有效位为 0,则返回 0。" }, "LCM": { "a": "(number1; [number2]; ...)", @@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ }, "CELL": { "a": "(info_type; [reference])", - "d": "Information function used to return information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell" + "d": "返回有关单元格的格式、位置或内容的信息。" }, "ERROR.TYPE": { "a": "(error_val)",