diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
index c62edcc75..f6dcd9cef 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/controller/DocumentHolder.js
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ define([
- 'spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/AutoFilterDialog'
+ 'spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/AutoFilterDialog',
+ 'spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/SpecialPasteDialog'
], function () {
'use strict';
@@ -2327,6 +2328,7 @@ define([
setTimeout(function(){menu.hide();}, 100);
+ me._arrSpecialPaste[menuItem][2] = importText;
} else {
var mnu = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
caption: me._arrSpecialPaste[menuItem][0],
@@ -2342,6 +2344,7 @@ define([
setTimeout(function(){menu.hide();}, 100);
+ me._arrSpecialPaste[menuItem][2] = mnu;
var newgroup = false;
@@ -2362,6 +2365,29 @@ define([
menu.addItem(new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: '--' }));
+ if (menu.items.length>0 && specialPasteShowOptions.asc_getShowPasteSpecial()) {
+ menu.addItem(new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: '--' }));
+ var mnu = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
+ caption: me.textPasteSpecial,
+ value: 'special'
+ }).on('click', function(item, e) {
+ (new SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog({
+ props: pasteItems,
+ handler: function (result, settings) {
+ if (result == 'ok') {
+ if (me && me.api) {
+ me.api.asc_SpecialPaste(settings);
+ }
+ me._state.lastSpecPasteChecked && me._state.lastSpecPasteChecked.setChecked(false, true);
+ me._state.lastSpecPasteChecked = settings && me._arrSpecialPaste[settings.asc_getProps()] ? me._arrSpecialPaste[settings.asc_getProps()][2] : null;
+ me._state.lastSpecPasteChecked && me._state.lastSpecPasteChecked.setChecked(true, true);
+ }
+ }
+ })).show();
+ setTimeout(function(){menu.hide();}, 100);
+ });
+ menu.addItem(mnu);
+ }
if ( coord[0].asc_getX()<0 || coord[0].asc_getY()<0) {
@@ -3334,16 +3360,16 @@ define([
txtSorting: 'Sorting',
txtSortSelected: 'Sort selected',
txtPaste: 'Paste',
- txtPasteFormulas: 'Paste only formula',
- txtPasteFormulaNumFormat: 'Formula + number format',
- txtPasteKeepSourceFormat: 'Formula + all formatting',
- txtPasteBorders: 'Formula without borders',
- txtPasteColWidths: 'Formula + column width',
+ txtPasteFormulas: 'Formulas',
+ txtPasteFormulaNumFormat: 'Formulas & number formats',
+ txtPasteKeepSourceFormat: 'Formulas & formatting',
+ txtPasteBorders: 'All except borders',
+ txtPasteColWidths: 'Formulas & column widths',
txtPasteMerge: 'Merge conditional formatting',
txtPasteTranspose: 'Transpose',
- txtPasteValues: 'Paste only value',
- txtPasteValNumFormat: 'Value + number format',
- txtPasteValFormat: 'Value + all formatting',
+ txtPasteValues: 'Values',
+ txtPasteValNumFormat: 'Values & number formats',
+ txtPasteValFormat: 'Values & formatting',
txtPasteFormat: 'Paste only formatting',
txtPasteLink: 'Paste Link',
txtPastePicture: 'Picture',
@@ -3379,7 +3405,8 @@ define([
txtAll: '(All)',
txtBlanks: '(Blanks)',
txtColumn: 'Column',
- txtImportWizard: 'Text Import Wizard'
+ txtImportWizard: 'Text Import Wizard',
+ textPasteSpecial: 'Paste special'
}, SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/SpecialPasteDialog.js b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/SpecialPasteDialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..182869c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/app/view/SpecialPasteDialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ *
+ * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2020
+ *
+ * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
+ * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
+ * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
+ * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
+ * of any third-party rights.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
+ *
+ * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
+ * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
+ *
+ * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
+ * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
+ * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
+ *
+ * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
+ * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
+ * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
+ *
+ * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
+ * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
+ * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
+ * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
+ *
+ */
+ * SpecialPasteDialog.js
+ *
+ * Created by Julia Radzhabova on 27.02.2020
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+ 'common/main/lib/util/utils',
+ 'common/main/lib/component/RadioBox',
+ 'common/main/lib/component/CheckBox',
+ 'common/main/lib/view/AdvancedSettingsWindow'
+], function () { 'use strict';
+ SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog = Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.extend(_.extend({
+ options: {
+ contentWidth: 350,
+ height: 385
+ },
+ initialize : function(options) {
+ var me = this;
+ _.extend(this.options, {
+ title: this.textTitle,
+ template: [
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ // '
+ // '
+ // '
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ' | ',
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ ].join('')
+ }, options);
+ this.handler = options.handler;
+ this.props = options.props;
+ this._changedProps = null;
+ Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options);
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.render.call(this);
+ var me = this;
+ this.radioAll = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-all'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textAll,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.paste,
+ checked: true
+ });
+ this.radioAll.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioFormulas = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-formulas'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textFormulas,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.pasteOnlyFormula
+ });
+ this.radioFormulas.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioValues = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-values'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textValues,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.pasteOnlyValues
+ });
+ this.radioValues.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioFormats = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-formats'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textFormats,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.pasteOnlyFormating
+ });
+ this.radioFormats.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioComments = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-comments'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textComments,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.comments
+ });
+ this.radioComments.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioColWidth = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-col-width'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textColWidth,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.columnWidth
+ });
+ this.radioColWidth.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioWBorders = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-without-borders'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textWBorders,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.formulaWithoutBorders
+ });
+ this.radioWBorders.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioFFormat = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-formula-formats'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textFFormat,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.formulaAllFormatting
+ });
+ this.radioFFormat.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioFWidth = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-formula-col-width'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textFWidth,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.formulaColumnWidth
+ });
+ this.radioFWidth.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioFNFormat = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-formula-num-format'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textFNFormat,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.formulaNumberFormat
+ });
+ this.radioFNFormat.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioVNFormat = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-value-num-format'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textVNFormat,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.valueNumberFormat
+ });
+ this.radioVNFormat.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioVFormat = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-value-formats'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste',
+ labelText: this.textVFormat,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.valueAllFormating
+ });
+ this.radioVFormat.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioPasteChange, this));
+ this.radioNone = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-none'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste-operation',
+ labelText: this.textNone,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.none,
+ checked: true
+ });
+ this.radioNone.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioOperationChange, this));
+ this.radioAdd = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-add'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste-operation',
+ labelText: this.textAdd,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.add
+ });
+ this.radioAdd.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioOperationChange, this));
+ this.radioMult = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-mult'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste-operation',
+ labelText: this.textMult,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.multiply
+ });
+ this.radioMult.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioOperationChange, this));
+ this.radioSub = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-sub'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste-operation',
+ labelText: this.textSub,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.subtract
+ });
+ this.radioSub.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioOperationChange, this));
+ this.radioDiv = new Common.UI.RadioBox({
+ el: $('#paste-radio-div'),
+ name: 'asc-radio-paste-operation',
+ labelText: this.textDiv,
+ value: Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.divide
+ });
+ this.radioDiv.on('change', _.bind(this.onRadioOperationChange, this));
+ this.chBlanks = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
+ el: $('#paste-checkbox-blanks'),
+ labelText: this.textBlanks
+ });
+ this.chTranspose = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
+ el: $('#paste-checkbox-transpose'),
+ labelText: this.textTranspose
+ });
+ this.afterRender();
+ },
+ afterRender: function() {
+ this._setDefaults(this.props);
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.show.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ _setDefaults: function (props) {
+ this._changedProps = new Asc.SpecialPasteProps();
+ this._changedProps.asc_setProps(Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.paste);
+ this._changedProps.asc_setOperation(Asc.c_oSpecialPasteOperation.none);
+ },
+ getSettings: function () {
+ if (this._changedProps) {
+ this._changedProps.asc_setTranspose(this.chTranspose.getValue()=='checked');
+ this._changedProps.asc_setSkipBlanks(this.chBlanks.getValue()=='checked');
+ }
+ return this._changedProps;
+ },
+ onDlgBtnClick: function(event) {
+ this._handleInput((typeof(event) == 'object') ? event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value : event);
+ },
+ onPrimary: function() {
+ this._handleInput('ok');
+ return false;
+ },
+ _handleInput: function(state) {
+ this.handler && this.handler.call(this, state, (state == 'ok') ? this.getSettings() : undefined);
+ this.close();
+ },
+ onRadioPasteChange: function(field, newValue, eOpts) {
+ if (newValue && this._changedProps) {
+ this._changedProps.asc_setProps(field.options.value);
+ var disable = field.options.value == Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.pasteOnlyFormating || field.options.value == Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.comments ||
+ field.options.value == Asc.c_oSpecialPasteProps.columnWidth;
+ this.radioNone.setDisabled(disable);
+ this.radioAdd.setDisabled(disable);
+ this.radioDiv.setDisabled(disable);
+ this.radioSub.setDisabled(disable);
+ this.radioMult.setDisabled(disable);
+ }
+ },
+ onRadioOperationChange: function(field, newValue, eOpts) {
+ if (newValue && this._changedProps) {
+ this._changedProps.asc_setOperation(field.options.value);
+ }
+ },
+ textTitle: 'Paste Special',
+ textAll: 'All',
+ textFormulas: 'Formulas',
+ textValues: 'Values',
+ textFormats: 'Formats',
+ textComments: 'Comments',
+ textColWidth: 'Column widths',
+ textWBorders: 'All except borders',
+ textFFormat: 'Formulas & formatting',
+ textFWidth: 'Formulas & column widths',
+ textFNFormat: 'Formulas & number formats',
+ textVNFormat: 'Values & number formats',
+ textVFormat: 'Values & formatting',
+ textNone: 'None',
+ textAdd: 'Add',
+ textMult: 'Multiply',
+ textDiv: 'Divide',
+ textSub: 'Subtract',
+ textBlanks: 'Skip blanks',
+ textTranspose: 'Transpose',
+ textOperation: 'Operation',
+ textPaste: 'Paste'
+ }, SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog || {}))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
index 5e92d56e4..a742d7ac7 100644
--- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
+++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/locale/en.json
@@ -347,22 +347,22 @@
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtOr": "or",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtOverbar": "Bar over text",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPaste": "Paste",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteBorders": "Formula without borders",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteColWidths": "Formula + column width",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteBorders": "All except borders",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteColWidths": "Formulas & column widths",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteDestFormat": "Destination formatting",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteFormat": "Paste only formatting",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteFormulaNumFormat": "Formula + number format",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteFormulas": "Paste only formula",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteKeepSourceFormat": "Formula + all formatting",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteFormulaNumFormat": "Formulas & number formats",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteFormulas": "Formulas",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteKeepSourceFormat": "Formulas & formatting",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteLink": "Paste link",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteLinkPicture": "Linked picture",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteMerge": "Merge conditional formatting",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPastePicture": "Picture",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteSourceFormat": "Source formatting",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteTranspose": "Transpose",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValFormat": "Value + all formatting",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValNumFormat": "Value + number format",
- "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValues": "Paste only value",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValFormat": "Values & formatting",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValNumFormat": "Values & number formats",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPasteValues": "Values",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtPercent": "percent",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtRedoExpansion": "Redo table autoexpansion",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtRemFractionBar": "Remove fraction bar",
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtUndoExpansion": "Undo table autoexpansion",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtUseTextImport": "Use text import wizard",
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtWidth": "Width",
+ "SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textPasteSpecial": "Paste special",
"SSE.Controllers.FormulaDialog.sCategoryAll": "All",
"SSE.Controllers.FormulaDialog.sCategoryCube": "Cube",
"SSE.Controllers.FormulaDialog.sCategoryDatabase": "Database",
@@ -2091,6 +2092,28 @@
"SSE.Views.SignatureSettings.txtRequestedSignatures": "This spreadsheet needs to be signed.",
"SSE.Views.SignatureSettings.txtSigned": "Valid signatures has been added to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is protected from editing.",
"SSE.Views.SignatureSettings.txtSignedInvalid": "Some of the digital signatures in spreadsheet are invalid or could not be verified. The spreadsheet is protected from editing.",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textTitle": "Paste Special",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textAll": "All",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textFormulas": "Formulas",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textValues": "Values",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textFormats": "Formats",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textComments": "Comments",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textColWidth": "Column widths",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textWBorders": "All except borders",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textFFormat": "Formulas & formatting",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textFWidth": "Formulas & column widths",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textFNFormat": "Formulas & number formats",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textVNFormat": "Values & number formats",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textVFormat": "Values & formatting",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textNone": "None",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textAdd": "Add",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textMult": "Multiply",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textDiv": "Divide",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textSub": "Subtract",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textBlanks": "Skip blanks",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textTranspose": "Transpose",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textOperation": "Operation",
+ "SSE.Views.SpecialPasteDialog.textPaste": "Paste",
"SSE.Views.Spellcheck.noSuggestions": "No spelling suggestions",
"SSE.Views.Spellcheck.textChange": "Change",
"SSE.Views.Spellcheck.textChangeAll": "Change All",