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Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.", - "errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.", - "errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin.", - "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor", - "errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired", - "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
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opening price, max price, min price, closing price.", - "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.", - "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.", - "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded", - "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
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Corregiu l'enllaç o suprimiu-lo.", "menuAddComment": "Afegeix un comentari", "menuAddLink": "Afegeix un enllaç", "menuCancel": "Cancel·la", @@ -61,8 +62,7 @@ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Advertiment", "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Accions de copia, talla i enganxa ", "textDoNotShowAgain": "No ho mostris més", - "warnMergeLostData": "Només les dades de la cel·la superior esquerra romandran a la cel·la combinada.
Esteu segur que voleu continuar?", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it." + "warnMergeLostData": "Només les dades de la cel·la superior esquerra romandran a la cel·la combinada.
Esteu segur que voleu continuar?" }, "Controller": { "Main": { @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Ien", "txtNotUrl": "Aquest camp hauria de ser una URL amb el format \"http://www.exemple.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Ordena de major a menor", - "txtSortLow2High": "Ordena de menor a major" + "txtSortLow2High": "Ordena de menor a major", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Tria les opcions CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/cs.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json index 39bf23c36..2770b6964 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/de.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "Dieser Bereich soll eine URL im Format \"http://www.example.com\" sein.", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Absteigend sortieren", - "txtSortLow2High": "Aufsteigend sortieren" + "txtSortLow2High": "Aufsteigend sortieren", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "CSV-Optionen auswählen", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/el.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json index 7b796462e..94a264a36 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/es.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "Este campo debe ser una dirección URL en el formato \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Ordenar de mayor a menor", - "txtSortLow2High": "Ordenar de menor a mayor " + "txtSortLow2High": "Ordenar de menor a mayor ", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Elegir los parámetros de CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json index 56ed74096..a0c075986 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/fr.json @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ }, "ContextMenu": { "errorCopyCutPaste": "Actions de copie, de coupe et de collage du menu contextuel seront appliquées seulement dans le fichier actuel.", + "errorInvalidLink": "La référence du lien n'existe pas. Veuillez corriger le lien ou le supprimer.", "menuAddComment": "Ajouter un commentaire", "menuAddLink": "Ajouter un lien", "menuCancel": "Annuler", @@ -61,8 +62,7 @@ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement", "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Fonctions de Copier, Couper et Coller", "textDoNotShowAgain": "Ne plus afficher", - "warnMergeLostData": "Seulement les données de la cellule supérieure gauche seront conservées dans la cellule fusionnée.
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it." + "warnMergeLostData": "Seulement les données de la cellule supérieure gauche seront conservées dans la cellule fusionnée.
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?" }, "Controller": { "Main": { @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "Ce champ doit contenir une URL au format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Trier du plus élevé au plus bas", - "txtSortLow2High": "Trier le plus bas au plus élevé" + "txtSortLow2High": "Trier le plus bas au plus élevé", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choisir les options CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json index eab1187d1..dfdaa839a 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/gl.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Ien", "txtNotUrl": "Este campo debe ser unha URL no formato \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Ordenar de maior a menor", - "txtSortLow2High": "Ordenar de menor a maior " + "txtSortLow2High": "Ordenar de menor a maior ", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Elexir os parámetros de CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/hu.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - 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Corrija o link ou o exclua.", "menuAddComment": "Adicionar comentário", "menuAddLink": "Adicionar Link", "menuCancel": "Cancelar", @@ -61,8 +62,7 @@ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso", "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Copiar, Cortar e Colar", "textDoNotShowAgain": "Não volte a aparecer", - "warnMergeLostData": "Apenas os dados da célula superior esquerda permanecerá na célula mesclada.
Você tem certeza de que deseja continuar? ", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it." + "warnMergeLostData": "Apenas os dados da célula superior esquerda permanecerá na célula mesclada.
Você tem certeza de que deseja continuar? " }, "Controller": { "Main": { @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Iene", "txtNotUrl": "Este campo deve ser uma URL no formato \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Classificar do maior para o menor", - "txtSortLow2High": "Classificar do menor para o maior" + "txtSortLow2High": "Classificar do menor para o maior", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Escolher opções CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json index 20525956a..18986aa86 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ro.json @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ }, "ContextMenu": { "errorCopyCutPaste": "Operațiuni de copiere, decupare și lipire din meniul contextual se execută numai în fișierul curent.", + "errorInvalidLink": "Legătură de referință nu există. Corectați sau eliminați legătura.", "menuAddComment": "Adaugă comentariu", "menuAddLink": "Adăugare link", "menuCancel": "Anulează", @@ -61,8 +62,7 @@ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertisment", "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Comenzile de copiere, decupare și lipire", "textDoNotShowAgain": "Nu mai afișa", - "warnMergeLostData": "În celula îmbinată se afișează numai conținutul celulei din stânga sus.
Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it." + "warnMergeLostData": "În celula îmbinată se afișează numai conținutul celulei din stânga sus.
Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?" }, "Controller": { "Main": { @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "Câmpul trebuie să conțină adresa URL in format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sortare de la cea mai mare la cea mai mică valoare", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sortare de la cea mai mică la cea mai mare valoare" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sortare de la cea mai mică la cea mai mare valoare", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Alegerea opțiunilor CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json index bfa1082d0..498236bbd 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/ru.json @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ }, "ContextMenu": { "errorCopyCutPaste": "Операции копирования, вырезания и вставки с помощью контекстного меню будут выполняться только в текущем файле.", + "errorInvalidLink": "Ссылка указывает на несуществующую ячейку. Исправьте или удалите ссылку.", "menuAddComment": "Добавить комментарий", "menuAddLink": "Добавить ссылку", "menuCancel": "Отмена", @@ -61,8 +62,7 @@ "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Внимание", "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Операции копирования, вырезания и вставки", "textDoNotShowAgain": "Больше не показывать", - "warnMergeLostData": "В объединенной ячейке останутся только данные из левой верхней ячейки.
Вы действительно хотите продолжить?", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it." + "warnMergeLostData": "В объединенной ячейке останутся только данные из левой верхней ячейки.
Вы действительно хотите продолжить?" }, "Controller": { "Main": { @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Йена", "txtNotUrl": "Это поле должно быть URL-адресом в формате \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Сортировка по убыванию", - "txtSortLow2High": "Сортировка по возрастанию" + "txtSortLow2High": "Сортировка по возрастанию", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Выбрать параметры CSV", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sk.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/sl.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json index 9bb18a861..7d80333f0 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/tr.json @@ -2,180 +2,353 @@ "About": { "textAbout": "Hakkında", "textAddress": "Adres", - "textBack": "Back", - "textEmail": "Email", - "textPoweredBy": "Powered By", - "textTel": "Tel", + "textBack": "Geri", + "textEmail": "E-posta", + "textPoweredBy": "Tarafından", + "textTel": "Telefon", "textVersion": "Version" }, + "Common": { + "Collaboration": { + "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı", + "textAddComment": "Yorum Ekle", + "textAddReply": "Cevap ekle", + "textBack": "Geri", + "textCancel": "İptal", + "textCollaboration": "Ortak çalışma", + "textComments": "Yorumlar", + "textDeleteComment": "Yorumu sil", + "textDeleteReply": "Cevabı sil", + "textDone": "Bitti", + "textEdit": "Düzenle", + "textEditComment": "Yorumu düzenle", + "textEditReply": "Cevabı Düzenle", + "textMessageDeleteComment": "Yorumu silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", + "textMessageDeleteReply": "Bu cevabı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", + "textOk": "Tamam", + "textReopen": "Tekrar aç", + "textResolve": "Çöz", + "textEditUser": "Users who are editing the file:", + "textNoComments": "This document doesn't contain comments", + "textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.", + "textUsers": "Users" + }, + "ThemeColorPalette": { + "textCustomColors": "Özel Renkler", + "textStandartColors": "Standard Colors", + "textThemeColors": "Theme Colors" + } + }, + "ContextMenu": { + "errorCopyCutPaste": "Bağlam menüsünü kullanan kopyalama, kesme ve yapıştırma işlemleri yalnızca geçerli dosya içinde gerçekleştirilecektir.", + "menuAddComment": "Yorum Ekle", + "menuAddLink": "Bağlantı Ekle", + "menuCancel": "İptal", + "menuCell": "Hücre", + "menuDelete": "Sil", + "menuEdit": "Düzenle", + "menuHide": "Gizle", + "menuMerge": "Birleştir", + "menuMore": "Daha fazla", + "menuShow": "Göster", + "menuWrap": "Metni Kaydır", + "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı", + "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Kes, Kopyala ve Yapıştır Aksiyonları", + "textDoNotShowAgain": "Tekrar gösterme", + "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it.", + "menuFreezePanes": "Freeze Panes", + "menuOpenLink": "Open Link", + "menuUnfreezePanes": "Unfreeze Panes", + "menuUnmerge": "Unmerge", + "menuUnwrap": "Unwrap", + "menuViewComment": "View Comment", + "warnMergeLostData": "Only the data from the upper-left cell will remain in the merged cell.
Are you sure you want to continue?" + }, "Controller": { "Main": { + "criticalErrorTitle": "Hata", + "errorAccessDeny": "Haklarınız olmayan bir işlemi gerçekleştirmeye çalışıyorsunuz.
Lütfen yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.", + "errorProcessSaveResult": "Kaydetme başarısız.", + "errorServerVersion": "Editör versiyonu güncellendi. Sayfa yenilenerek değişiklikler uygulanacaktır.", + "leavePageText": "Bu belgede kaydedilmemiş değişiklikleriniz var. Otomatik kaydetmeyi beklemek için 'Bu Sayfada Kal' seçeneğini tıklayın. Kaydedilmemiş tüm değişiklikleri atmak için 'Bu Sayfadan Ayrıl'ı tıklayın.", + "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı", "SDK": { + "txtAccent": "Aksan", "txtAll": "(Tümü)", + "txtArt": "Metni buraya giriniz", "txtBlank": "(boşluk)", - "txtAccent": "Accent", - "txtArt": "Your text here", + "txtClearFilter": "Filtreyi Temizle (Alt+C)", + "txtColLbls": "Sütun Etiketleri", + "txtColumn": "Sütun", + "txtConfidential": "Gizli", + "txtDate": "Tarih", + "txtDays": "Günler", + "txtDiagramTitle": "Grafik başlığı", + "txtFile": "Dosya", + "txtGrandTotal": "Genel Toplam", + "txtGroup": "Grup", + "txtHours": "Saatler", + "txtMinutes": "Dakikalar", + "txtMonths": "Aylar", + "txtMultiSelect": "Çoklu Seçim (Alt+S)", + "txtOr": "%1 ya da %2", + "txtPages": "Sayfalar", + "txtPreparedBy": "Tarafından hazırlandı", + "txtPrintArea": "Alanı yazdır", + "txtQuarter": "Qtr", + "txtQuarters": "Çeyrek", + "txtRow": "Satır", + "txtRowLbls": "Satır Etiketleri", + "txtSeconds": "saniye", + "txtSeries": "Seriler", + "txtStyle_Bad": "Kötü", + "txtStyle_Calculation": "Hesaplama", + "txtStyle_Check_Cell": "Hücreyi Kontrol Et", + "txtStyle_Comma": "Virgül", + "txtStyle_Currency": "Para Birimi", + "txtStyle_Explanatory_Text": "Açıklayıcı Metin", + "txtStyle_Good": "İyi", + "txtStyle_Heading_1": "Başlık 1", + "txtStyle_Heading_2": "Başlık 2", + "txtStyle_Heading_3": "Başlık 3", + "txtStyle_Heading_4": "Başlık 4", + "txtStyle_Input": "Girdi", + "txtStyle_Linked_Cell": "Bağlı Hücre", + "txtStyle_Neutral": "Nötr", + "txtStyle_Normal": "Normal", + "txtStyle_Note": "Not", + "txtStyle_Percent": "Yüzde", + "txtStyle_Warning_Text": "Uyarı Metni", + "txtTab": "Sekme", + "txtTable": "Tablo", + "txtXAxis": "X Ekseni", + "txtYAxis": "Y Ekseni", + "txtYears": "yıl", "txtByField": "%1 of %2", - "txtClearFilter": "Clear Filter (Alt+C)", - "txtColLbls": "Column Labels", - "txtColumn": "Column", - "txtConfidential": "Confidential", - "txtDate": "Date", - "txtDays": "Days", - "txtDiagramTitle": "Chart Title", - "txtFile": "File", - "txtGrandTotal": "Grand Total", - "txtGroup": "Group", - "txtHours": "Hours", - "txtMinutes": "Minutes", - "txtMonths": "Months", - "txtMultiSelect": "Multi-Select (Alt+S)", - "txtOr": "%1 or %2", "txtPage": "Page", "txtPageOf": "Page %1 of %2", - "txtPages": "Pages", - "txtPreparedBy": "Prepared by", - "txtPrintArea": "Print_Area", - "txtQuarter": "Qtr", - "txtQuarters": "Quarters", - "txtRow": "Row", - "txtRowLbls": "Row Labels", - "txtSeconds": "Seconds", - "txtSeries": "Series", - "txtStyle_Bad": "Bad", - "txtStyle_Calculation": "Calculation", - "txtStyle_Check_Cell": "Check Cell", - "txtStyle_Comma": "Comma", - "txtStyle_Currency": "Currency", - "txtStyle_Explanatory_Text": "Explanatory Text", - "txtStyle_Good": "Good", - "txtStyle_Heading_1": "Heading 1", - "txtStyle_Heading_2": "Heading 2", - "txtStyle_Heading_3": "Heading 3", - "txtStyle_Heading_4": "Heading 4", - "txtStyle_Input": "Input", - "txtStyle_Linked_Cell": "Linked Cell", - "txtStyle_Neutral": "Neutral", - "txtStyle_Normal": "Normal", - "txtStyle_Note": "Note", "txtStyle_Output": "Output", - "txtStyle_Percent": "Percent", "txtStyle_Title": "Title", "txtStyle_Total": "Total", - "txtStyle_Warning_Text": "Warning Text", - "txtTab": "Tab", - "txtTable": "Table", "txtTime": "Time", - "txtValues": "Values", - "txtXAxis": "X Axis", - "txtYAxis": "Y Axis", - "txtYears": "Years" + "txtValues": "Values" }, - "criticalErrorTitle": "Error", - "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.", - "errorProcessSaveResult": "Saving is failed.", - "errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.", + "textAnonymous": "Anonim", + "textClose": "Kapat", + "textContactUs": "Satış departmanı ile iletişime geçin", + "textCustomLoader": "Üzgünüz, yükleyiciyi değiştirme hakkınız yok. Fiyat teklifi almak için lütfen satış departmanımızla iletişime geçin.", + "textGuest": "Misafir", + "textNo": "Hayır", + "textPaidFeature": "Ücretli Özellik", + "textRemember": "Seçimimi hatırla", + "textYes": "Evet", + "titleServerVersion": "Editör güncellendi", + "warnNoLicense": "%1 düzenleyiciye eşzamanlı bağlantı sınırına ulaştınız. Bu belge yalnızca görüntüleme için açılacaktır. Kişisel yükseltme koşulları için %1 satış ekibiyle iletişime geçin.", + "warnProcessRightsChange": "Dosyayı düzenleme izniniz yok.", "errorUpdateVersion": "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded.", - "leavePageText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.", - "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning", - "textAnonymous": "Anonymous", "textBuyNow": "Visit website", - "textClose": "Close", - "textContactUs": "Contact sales", - "textCustomLoader": "Sorry, you are not entitled to change the loader. Please, contact our sales department to get a quote.", - "textGuest": "Guest", "textHasMacros": "The file contains automatic macros.
Do you want to run macros?", - "textNo": "No", "textNoLicenseTitle": "License limit reached", - "textPaidFeature": "Paid feature", - "textRemember": "Remember my choice", - "textYes": "Yes", - "titleServerVersion": "Editor updated", "titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed", "warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.", "warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your admin.", "warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.
Please contact your administrator to get full access", "warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.", - "warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.", - "warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.", - "warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file." + "warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms." } }, + "Error": { + "convertationTimeoutText": "Değişim süresi aşıldı.", + "criticalErrorExtText": "Belge listesine geri dönmek için 'Tamam'a basın.", + "criticalErrorTitle": "Hata", + "downloadErrorText": "İndirme başarısız oldu.", + "errorAccessDeny": "Haklarınız olmayan bir işlemi gerçekleştirmeye çalışıyorsunuz.
Lütfen yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.", + "errorArgsRange": "Formülde bir hata var.
Yanlış bağımsız değişken aralığı.", + "errorBadImageUrl": "Resim URL'si yanlış", + "errorChangeArray": "Bir dizinin bir bölümünü değiştiremezsiniz.", + "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "Değiştirmeye çalıştığınız hücre veya grafik korumalı bir sayfada. Değişiklik yapmak için sayfanın korumasını kaldırın. Bir şifre girmeniz istenebilir.", + "errorConnectToServer": "Bu doküman kaydedilemiyor. Bağlantı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin veya yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.
'Tamam' düğmesini tıkladığınızda, belgeyi indirmeniz istenecektir.", + "errorCountArg": "Formülde bir hata var.
Geçersiz sayıda bağımsız değişken.", + "errorCountArgExceed": "Formülde bir hata var.
Maksimum bağımsız değişken sayısı aşıldı.", + "errorDatabaseConnection": "Dışsal hata.
Veritabanı bağlantı hatası. Lütfen destek ile iletişime geçin.", + "errorDataRange": "Yanlış veri aralığı.", + "errorDefaultMessage": "Hata kodu: %1", + "errorEditingDownloadas": "Belgeyle çalışma sırasında bir hata oluştu.
Dosya yedek kopyasını yerel olarak kaydetmek için 'İndir' seçeneğini kullanın.", + "errorFileRequest": "Harici hata.
Dosya İsteği. Lütfen desteğe başvurun.", + "errorFileVKey": "Harici hata.
Yanlış güvenlik anahtarı. Lütfen desteğe başvurun.", + "errorFillRange": "Seçilen hücre aralığı doldurulamıyor.
Birleştirilen tüm hücrelerin aynı boyutta olması gerekir.", + "errorFormulaName": "Formülde bir hata var.
Yanlış formül adı.", + "errorFormulaParsing": "Formül ayrıştırılırken dahili hata.", + "errorFrmlMaxLength": "Uzunluğu izin verilen karakter sayısını aştığı için bu formülü ekleyemezsiniz.
Lütfen düzenleyin ve tekrar deneyin.", + "errorFrmlMaxReference": "Bu formülü giremezsiniz çünkü çok fazla değeri,
hücre referansı ve/veya adı vardır.", + "errorInvalidRef": "Seçim için doğru bir ad veya geçerli bir referans girin.", + "errorKeyExpire": "Anahtar tanımlayıcının süresi doldu", + "errorLoadingFont": "Fontlar yüklenmedi.
Lütfen belge sunucu yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.", + "errorLockedCellPivot": "Pivot tablodaki veriyi değiştiremezsiniz.", + "errorMoveRange": "Birleştirilmiş hücrenin bir kısmı değiştirilemez", + "errorMultiCellFormula": "Tablolarda çok hücreli dizi formüllerine izin verilmez.", + "errorOperandExpected": "Girilen işlev sözdizimi doğru değil. Lütfen parantezlerden birini atlayıp atlamadığınızı kontrol edin - '(' veya ')'.", + "errorPasteMaxRange": "Kopyala ve yapıştır alanı eşleşmiyor. Lütfen aynı boyutta bir alan seçin veya kopyalanan hücreleri yapıştırmak için satırdaki ilk hücreyi tıklayın.", + "errorSessionAbsolute": "Belge düzenleme oturumunun süresi doldu. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin.", + "errorSessionIdle": "Belge uzun süredir düzenlenmemiştir. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin.", + "errorSessionToken": "Sunucuyla bağlantı kesildi. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin.", + "errorStockChart": "Yanlış satır sırası. Bir hisse senedi grafiği oluşturmak için tablodaki verileri aşağıdaki sırayla yerleştirin:
açılış fiyatı, maksimum fiyat, minimum fiyat, kapanış fiyatı.", + "errorUnexpectedGuid": "Harici hata.
Beklenmeyen Kılavuz. Lütfen desteğe başvurun.", + "errorViewerDisconnect": "Bağlantı kesildi. Dokümanı hala görebilirsiniz,
ancak Bağlantı tekrar sağlanıncaya kadar ve sayfa yüklenmeden, dosyayı indirmek veya çıktısını almak mümkün olmayacaktır. ", + "errorWrongBracketsCount": "Formülde bir hata.
Yanlış sayıda parantez.", + "errorWrongOperator": "Girilen formülde hata oluştu. Yanlış operatör kullanıldı.
Lütfen hatayı düzeltin.", + "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı", + "openErrorText": "Dosya açılırken bir hata oluştu.", + "pastInMergeAreaError": "Birleştirilmiş hücrenin bir kısmı değiştirilemez", + "saveErrorText": "Dosya açılırken bir hata oluştu.", + "scriptLoadError": "Bağlantı çok yavaş, bazı bileşenler yüklenemedi. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin.", + "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "Resim yüklenmedi.", + "errorAutoFilterChange": "The operation is not allowed as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet.", + "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table.
Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.", + "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.
Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.", + "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.
Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.", + "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections.
Select a single range and try again.", + "errorCreateDefName": "The existing named ranges cannot be edited and the new ones cannot be created
at the moment as some of them are being edited.", + "errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.", + "errorDataValidate": "The value you entered is not valid.
A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell.", + "errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.", + "errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin for details.", + "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Text values in formulas are limited to 255 characters.
Use the CONCATENATE function or concatenation operator (&)", + "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist.
Please, check the data and try again.", + "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor", + "errorLockedAll": "The operation could not be done as the sheet has been locked by another user.", + "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "The sheet cannot be renamed at the moment as it is being renamed by another user", + "errorMaxPoints": "The maximum number of points in series per chart is 4096.", + "errorOpenWarning": "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded
the allowed number of characters and it was removed.", + "errorPrintMaxPagesCount": "Unfortunately, it’s not possible to print more than 1500 pages at once in the current version of the program.
This restriction will be eliminated in upcoming releases.", + "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.", + "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.", + "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded", + "unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.", + "uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.", + "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB." + }, + "LongActions": { + "applyChangesTextText": "Veri yükleniyor...", + "applyChangesTitleText": "Veri yükleniyor", + "confirmMoveCellRange": "Hedef hücre aralığı veri içerebilir. Operasyona devam edilsin mi?", + "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Başlık satırındaki formüller kaldırılacak ve statik metne dönüştürülecek.
Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?", + "downloadTextText": "Belge indiriliyor...", + "downloadTitleText": "Belge indiriliyor", + "loadFontsTextText": "Veri yükleniyor...", + "loadFontsTitleText": "Veri yükleniyor", + "loadFontTextText": "Veri yükleniyor...", + "loadFontTitleText": "Veri yükleniyor", + "loadImagesTextText": "Resimler yükleniyor...", + "loadImagesTitleText": "Resimler yükleniyor", + "loadImageTextText": "Resim yükleniyor...", + "loadImageTitleText": "Resim yükleniyor", + "loadingDocumentTextText": "Belge yükleniyor...", + "loadingDocumentTitleText": "Belge yükleniyor", + "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Uyarı", + "printTextText": "Belge yazdırılıyor...", + "printTitleText": "Belge Yazdırılıyor", + "savePreparingText": "Kaydetmeye hazırlanıyor", + "savePreparingTitle": "Kaydetmeye hazırlanıyor. Lütfen bekleyin...", + "saveTextText": "Belge kaydediliyor...", + "saveTitleText": "Belge Kaydediliyor", + "textLoadingDocument": "Belge yükleniyor", + "textNo": "Hayır", + "textOk": "Tamam", + "textYes": "Evet", + "txtEditingMode": "Düzenleme modunu belirle...", + "waitText": "Lütfen bekleyin...", + "confirmPutMergeRange": "The source data contains merged cells.
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"Ayarlar", + "textSheet": "Sayfa", + "textShowNotification": "Bildirim Göster", + "textSpreadsheetFormats": "E-tablo Formatları", + "textSpreadsheetInfo": "İş Tablosu Bilgisi", + "textSpreadsheetSettings": "E-tablo Ayarları", + "textSubject": "Konu", + "textTel": "Telefon", + "textWorkbook": "Not defteri", + "txtColon": "Kolon", + "txtComma": "Virgül", + "txtDelimiter": "Sınırlayıcı", + "txtDownloadCsv": "CSV'yi indirin", + "txtIncorrectPwd": "Şifre yanlış", + "txtOk": "Tamam", + "txtProtected": "Şifreyi girip dosyayı açtığınızda, dosya şifresi sıfırlanacaktır.", + "txtScheme1": "Ofis", + "txtScheme10": "Medyan", + "txtScheme11": "Metro", + "txtScheme12": "Modül", + "txtScheme16": "Kağıt", + "txtScheme18": "Yöntem", + "txtScheme2": "Gri Ölçeği", + "txtScheme22": "Yeni Ofis", + "txtScheme3": "Apeks", + "txtScheme4": "Açı", + "txtScheme5": "Kentsel", + "txtScheme6": "Toplama", + "txtScheme9": "Döküm", + "txtSemicolon": "Noktalı virgül", + "txtSpace": "Boşluk", + "txtTab": "Sekme", + "warnDownloadAs": "Bu formatta kaydetmeye devam ederseniz, metin dışındaki tüm özellikler kaybolacak.
Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", "textEncoding": "Encoding", - "textExample": "Example", - "textFind": "Find", - "textFindAndReplace": "Find and Replace", - "textFindAndReplaceAll": "Find and Replace All", - "textFormat": "Format", - "textFormulaLanguage": "Formula Language", - "textFormulas": "Formulas", - "textHelp": "Help", - "textHideGridlines": "Hide Gridlines", - "textHideHeadings": "Hide Headings", - "textHighlightRes": "Highlight results", - "textInch": "Inch", "textLandscape": "Landscape", - "textLastModified": "Last Modified", - "textLastModifiedBy": "Last Modified By", - "textLeft": "Left", - "textLocation": "Location", - "textLookIn": "Look In", - "textMacrosSettings": "Macros Settings", - "textMargins": "Margins", "textMatchCase": "Match Case", - "textMatchCell": "Match Cell", - "textNoTextFound": "Text not found", - "textOk": "Ok", - "textOpenFile": "Enter a password to open the file", "textOrientation": "Orientation", "textOwner": "Owner", - "textPoint": "Point", - "textPortrait": "Portrait", - "textPoweredBy": "Powered By", - "textPrint": "Print", "textR1C1Style": "R1C1 Reference Style", "textRegionalSettings": "Regional Settings", - "textReplace": "Replace", - "textReplaceAll": "Replace All", - "textResolvedComments": "Resolved Comments", - "textRight": "Right", - "textSearch": "Search", - "textSearchBy": "Search", - "textSearchIn": "Search In", - "textSettings": "Settings", - "textSheet": "Sheet", - "textShowNotification": "Show Notification", - "textSpreadsheetFormats": "Spreadsheet Formats", - "textSpreadsheetInfo": "Spreadsheet Info", - "textSpreadsheetSettings": "Spreadsheet Settings", "textSpreadsheetTitle": "Spreadsheet Title", - "textSubject": "Subject", - "textTel": "Tel", "textTitle": "Title", "textTop": "Top", "textUnitOfMeasurement": "Unit Of Measurement", "textUploaded": "Uploaded", "textValues": "Values", "textVersion": "Version", - "textWorkbook": "Workbook", - "txtColon": "Colon", - "txtComma": "Comma", - "txtDelimiter": "Delimiter", - "txtDownloadCsv": "Download CSV", "txtEncoding": "Encoding", - "txtIncorrectPwd": "Password is incorrect", - "txtOk": "Ok", - "txtProtected": "Once you enter the password and open the file, the current password to the file will be reset", - "txtScheme1": "Office", - "txtScheme10": "Median", - "txtScheme11": "Metro", - "txtScheme12": "Module", "txtScheme13": "Opulent", "txtScheme14": "Oriel", "txtScheme15": "Origin", - "txtScheme16": "Paper", "txtScheme17": "Solstice", - "txtScheme18": "Technic", "txtScheme19": "Trek", - "txtScheme2": "Grayscale", "txtScheme20": "Urban", "txtScheme21": "Verve", - "txtScheme22": "New Office", - "txtScheme3": "Apex", - "txtScheme4": "Aspect", - "txtScheme5": "Civic", - "txtScheme6": "Concourse", "txtScheme7": "Equity", - "txtScheme8": "Flow", - "txtScheme9": "Foundry", - "txtSemicolon": "Semicolon", - "txtSpace": "Space", - "txtTab": "Tab", - "warnDownloadAs": "If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.
Are you sure you want to continue?" + "txtScheme8": "Flow" } - }, - "Common": { - "Collaboration": { - "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning", - "textAddComment": "Add Comment", - "textAddReply": "Add Reply", - "textBack": "Back", - "textCancel": "Cancel", - "textCollaboration": "Collaboration", - "textComments": "Comments", - "textDeleteComment": "Delete Comment", - "textDeleteReply": "Delete Reply", - "textDone": "Done", - "textEdit": "Edit", - "textEditComment": "Edit Comment", - "textEditReply": "Edit Reply", - "textEditUser": "Users who are editing the file:", - "textMessageDeleteComment": "Do you really want to delete this comment?", - "textMessageDeleteReply": "Do you really want to delete this reply?", - "textNoComments": "This document doesn't contain comments", - "textOk": "Ok", - "textReopen": "Reopen", - "textResolve": "Resolve", - "textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.", - "textUsers": "Users" - }, - "ThemeColorPalette": { - "textCustomColors": "Custom Colors", - "textStandartColors": "Standard Colors", - "textThemeColors": "Theme Colors" - } - }, - "ContextMenu": { - "errorCopyCutPaste": "Copy, cut, and paste actions using the context menu will be performed within the current file only.", - "errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it.", - "menuAddComment": "Add Comment", - "menuAddLink": "Add Link", - "menuCancel": "Cancel", - "menuCell": "Cell", - "menuDelete": "Delete", - "menuEdit": "Edit", - "menuFreezePanes": "Freeze Panes", - "menuHide": "Hide", - "menuMerge": "Merge", - "menuMore": "More", - "menuOpenLink": "Open Link", - "menuShow": "Show", - "menuUnfreezePanes": "Unfreeze Panes", - "menuUnmerge": "Unmerge", - "menuUnwrap": "Unwrap", - "menuViewComment": "View Comment", - "menuWrap": "Wrap", - "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning", - "textCopyCutPasteActions": "Copy, Cut and Paste Actions", - "textDoNotShowAgain": "Don't show again", - "warnMergeLostData": "Only the data from the upper-left cell will remain in the merged cell.
Are you sure you want to continue?" - }, - "Error": { - "convertationTimeoutText": "Conversion timeout exceeded.", - "criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.", - "criticalErrorTitle": "Error", - "downloadErrorText": "Download failed.", - "errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please, contact your admin.", - "errorArgsRange": "An error in the formula.
Incorrect arguments range.", - "errorAutoFilterChange": "The operation is not allowed as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet.", - "errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable": "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table.
Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again.", - "errorAutoFilterDataRange": "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.
Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again.", - "errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.
Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again.", - "errorBadImageUrl": "Image URL is incorrect", - "errorChangeArray": "You cannot change part of an array.", - "errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.", - "errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.
When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.", - "errorCopyMultiselectArea": "This command cannot be used with multiple selections.
Select a single range and try again.", - "errorCountArg": "An error in the formula.
Invalid number of arguments.", - "errorCountArgExceed": "An error in the formula.
Maximum number of arguments exceeded.", - "errorCreateDefName": "The existing named ranges cannot be edited and the new ones cannot be created
at the moment as some of them are being edited.", - "errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.
Database connection error. Please, contact support.", - "errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.", - "errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.", - "errorDataValidate": "The value you entered is not valid.
A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell.", - "errorDefaultMessage": "Error code: %1", - "errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document.
Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.", - "errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.", - "errorFileRequest": "External error.
File Request. Please, contact support.", - "errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.
Please, contact your admin for details.", - "errorFileVKey": "External error.
Incorrect security key. Please, contact support.", - "errorFillRange": "Could not fill the selected range of cells.
All the merged cells need to be the same size.", - "errorFormulaName": "An error in the formula.
Incorrect formula name.", - "errorFormulaParsing": "Internal error while the formula parsing.", - "errorFrmlMaxLength": "You cannot add this formula as its length exceeds the allowed number of characters.
Please, edit it and try again.", - "errorFrmlMaxReference": "You cannot enter this formula because it has too many values,
cell references, and/or names.", - "errorFrmlMaxTextLength": "Text values in formulas are limited to 255 characters.
Use the CONCATENATE function or concatenation operator (&)", - "errorFrmlWrongReferences": "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist.
Please, check the data and try again.", - "errorInvalidRef": "Enter a correct name for the selection or a valid reference to go to.", - "errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor", - "errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired", - "errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.
Please contact your Document Server administrator.", - "errorLockedAll": "The operation could not be done as the sheet has been locked by another user.", - "errorLockedCellPivot": "You cannot change data inside a pivot table.", - "errorLockedWorksheetRename": "The sheet cannot be renamed at the moment as it is being renamed by another user", - "errorMaxPoints": "The maximum number of points in series per chart is 4096.", - "errorMoveRange": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell", - "errorMultiCellFormula": "Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in tables.", - "errorOpenWarning": "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded
the allowed number of characters and it was removed.", - "errorOperandExpected": "The entered function syntax is not correct. Please, check if you missed one of the parentheses - '(' or ')'.", - "errorPasteMaxRange": "The copy and paste area does not match. Please, select an area of the same size or click the first cell in a row to paste the copied cells.", - "errorPrintMaxPagesCount": "Unfortunately, it’s not possible to print more than 1500 pages at once in the current version of the program.
This restriction will be eliminated in upcoming releases.", - "errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.", - "errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.", - "errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.", - "errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:
opening price, max price, min price, closing price.", - "errorUnexpectedGuid": "External error.
Unexpected Guid. Please, contact support.", - "errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.
Before you can continue working, you need to download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.", - "errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.", - "errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded", - "errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,
but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.", - "errorWrongBracketsCount": "An error in the formula.
Wrong number of brackets.", - "errorWrongOperator": "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used.
Please correct the error.", - "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning", - "openErrorText": "An error has occurred while opening the file", - "pastInMergeAreaError": "Cannot change a part of a merged cell", - "saveErrorText": "An error has occurred while saving the file", - "scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.", - "unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.", - "uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.", - "uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.", - "uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB." - }, - "LongActions": { - "applyChangesTextText": "Loading data...", - "applyChangesTitleText": "Loading Data", - "confirmMoveCellRange": "The destination cells range can contain data. Continue the operation?", - "confirmPutMergeRange": "The source data contains merged cells.
They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.", - "confirmReplaceFormulaInTable": "Formulas in the header row will be removed and converted to static text.
Do you want to continue?", - "downloadTextText": "Downloading document...", - "downloadTitleText": "Downloading Document", - "loadFontsTextText": "Loading data...", - "loadFontsTitleText": "Loading Data", - "loadFontTextText": "Loading data...", - "loadFontTitleText": "Loading Data", - "loadImagesTextText": "Loading images...", - "loadImagesTitleText": "Loading Images", - "loadImageTextText": "Loading image...", - "loadImageTitleText": "Loading Image", - "loadingDocumentTextText": "Loading document...", - "loadingDocumentTitleText": "Loading document", - "notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning", - "openTextText": "Opening document...", - "openTitleText": "Opening Document", - "printTextText": "Printing document...", - "printTitleText": "Printing Document", - "savePreparingText": "Preparing to save", - "savePreparingTitle": "Preparing to save. Please wait...", - "saveTextText": "Saving document...", - "saveTitleText": "Saving Document", - "textLoadingDocument": "Loading document", - "textNo": "No", - "textOk": "Ok", - "textYes": "Yes", - "txtEditingMode": "Set editing mode...", - "uploadImageTextText": "Uploading image...", - "uploadImageTitleText": "Uploading Image", - "waitText": "Please, wait..." - }, - "Toolbar": { - "dlgLeaveMsgText": "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes.", - "dlgLeaveTitleText": "You leave the application", - "leaveButtonText": "Leave this Page", - "stayButtonText": "Stay on this Page" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/uk.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json index e17ecdee7..14fa7e8f4 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/vi.json @@ -522,7 +522,8 @@ "textYen": "Yen", "txtNotUrl": "This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", - "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" + "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic" }, "Settings": { "advCSVOptions": "Choose CSV options", diff --git a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json index ddba3dd72..76414e19e 100644 --- a/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json +++ b/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/locale/zh.json @@ -78,7 +78,15 @@ "txtAll": "(全部)", "txtArt": "你的文本在此", "txtBlank": "(空白)", + "txtByField": "%2的%1 ", + "txtClearFilter": "清除筛选器(Alt+C)", + "txtColLbls": "列标签", + "txtColumn": "列", + "txtConfidential": "保密", + "txtDate": "日期", + "txtDays": "天", "txtDiagramTitle": "图表标题", + "txtOr": "%1或%2", "txtSeries": "系列", "txtStyle_Bad": "差", "txtStyle_Calculation": "计算", @@ -103,13 +111,6 @@ "txtStyle_Warning_Text": "警告文本", "txtXAxis": "X轴", "txtYAxis": "Y轴", - "txtByField": "%1 of %2", - "txtClearFilter": "Clear Filter (Alt+C)", - "txtColLbls": "Column Labels", - "txtColumn": "Column", - "txtConfidential": "Confidential", - "txtDate": "Date", - "txtDays": "Days", "txtFile": "File", "txtGrandTotal": "Grand Total", "txtGroup": "Group", @@ -117,7 +118,6 @@ "txtMinutes": "Minutes", "txtMonths": "Months", "txtMultiSelect": "Multi-Select (Alt+S)", - "txtOr": "%1 or %2", "txtPage": "Page", "txtPageOf": "Page %1 of %2", "txtPages": "Pages", @@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ "textAddLink": "添加链接", "textAddress": "地址", "textBack": "返回", + "textCancel": "取消", "textChart": "图表", "textComment": "评论", "textDisplay": "展示", @@ -333,10 +334,9 @@ "textShape": "形状", "textSheet": "表格", "textSortAndFilter": "排序和过滤", + "txtExpand": "展开和排序", "txtNotUrl": "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL", - "textCancel": "Cancel", "textSelectedRange": "Selected Range", - "txtExpand": "Expand and sort", "txtExpandSort": "The data next to the selection will not be sorted. Do you want to expand the selection to include the adjacent data or continue with sorting the currently selected cells only?", "txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.
Do you wish to continue with the current selection?", "txtNo": "No", @@ -521,6 +521,7 @@ "textWrapText": "文字换行", "textYen": "日元", "txtNotUrl": "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL", + "textAutomatic": "Automatic", "txtSortHigh2Low": "Sort Highest to Lowest", "txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest" }, @@ -542,6 +543,9 @@ "textByRows": "按行", "textCancel": "取消", "textCentimeter": "厘米", + "textChooseCsvOptions": "选择CSV选项", + "textChooseDelimeter": "选择分隔符", + "textChooseEncoding": "选择编码", "textCollaboration": "协作", "textColorSchemes": "颜色方案", "textComment": "评论", @@ -549,6 +553,7 @@ "textComments": "评论", "textCreated": "已创建", "textCustomSize": "自定义大小", + "textDelimeter": "字段分隔符", "textDisableAll": "解除所有项目", "textDisableAllMacrosWithNotification": "解除所有带通知的宏", "textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "解除所有不带通知的宏", @@ -614,21 +619,22 @@ "textValues": "值", "textVersion": "版本", "textWorkbook": "工作簿", + "txtColon": "冒号", + "txtComma": "逗号", "txtDelimiter": "字段分隔符", "txtDownloadCsv": "下载CSV", "txtEncoding": "编码", "txtIncorrectPwd": "密码有误", "txtProtected": "在您输入密码和打开文件后,该文件的当前密码将被重置", + "txtScheme3": "顶点", + "txtScheme4": "纵横比", + "txtScheme5": "市镇", + "txtScheme6": "广场", + "txtScheme7": "权益", "txtSpace": "空格", "txtTab": "标签", "warnDownloadAs": "如果您继续以此格式保存,除文本之外的所有功能将丢失。
您确定要继续吗?", - "textChooseCsvOptions": "Choose CSV Options", - "textChooseDelimeter": "Choose Delimeter", - "textChooseEncoding": "Choose Encoding", - "textDelimeter": "Delimiter", "textOk": "Ok", - "txtColon": "Colon", - "txtComma": "Comma", "txtOk": "Ok", "txtScheme1": "Office", "txtScheme10": "Median", @@ -645,11 +651,6 @@ "txtScheme20": "Urban", "txtScheme21": "Verve", "txtScheme22": "New Office", - "txtScheme3": "Apex", - "txtScheme4": "Aspect", - "txtScheme5": "Civic", - "txtScheme6": "Concourse", - "txtScheme7": "Equity", "txtScheme8": "Flow", "txtScheme9": "Foundry", "txtSemicolon": "Semicolon"